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Boys Janet Stickney [email protected] Boys will be boys. That's what the rhyme says, but it's not true. Boys can be very pretty girls, if you give them half a chance. I'm one of those boys that became a girl, and I do not regret it in any way. My name is Janet Grant, I'm 21 now, but maybe some history is in order for you to see how it all happened. Back when this started I was Jeff, a typical teenager, a bit skinny, with acne and stringy hair. Mom had suggested that I try one of her lotions on my face to help me clear up the acne, and I agreed to try it. It did make my skin softer and reduced some of the acne a little. For the Spring dance my friend Bruce, joker that he is, and like me, also without a date, told me that he had a way for us to attend. Since you could not go stag to the dance, I had no idea what he had in mind. "One of us goes as the girl! That way we can both get in!" Bruce is six foot tall, about as big as a small car, and wore his hair in a brush cut. It was obvious that it was not going to be him wearing the dress. I'm 5'7" and weigh 130. No contest, slam dunk on the one who would have to be the girl. Me. "You want me to dress up as a girl and be your date!?" "Ya, well, we could get in that way." He was crazy! Off the log, crazy! "I don't think you're my type Bruce." Just then my sister and mom walked by and heard me say it. Both of their heads turned to look at us when I said that. "Jeffery! Whatever made you say something like that?" I explained it to them, and as they giggled and walked in the house, Bruce went home and I went in. In passing, mom asked me if I had considered what Bruce had suggested. "Of course not! I can imagine what I would look like! A cross between a drag queen and a clown!" "I'll bet not Jeff. I'll bet that Amanda and I can turn you into a ravaging beauty and not one person would ever know." "Ya, right." "Why don't you at least let us try? I know that you wanted to go to the dance, and this might be a way for that to happen." Mom didn't sound crazy, hysterical, or even strident. All she did was say it, and leave the decision it to me. "I don't even want to think about it mom. If I was discovered dressed as a girl I might as well shoot myself!" "Try it and see." As much as I tried, I could not get that suggestion out of my mind! Yes, then no. Back and forth. It took me until after dinner to finally say that I would try it. "But Amanda gets to pick the clothes mom; she's more my age and knows what to wear." "Okay, but you have to at least try to work with us on this. Okay?" "Okay mom." I made the decision, now I would have to live with it. Oh well. Mom went out for a while, returning with a grin on her face. In the morning, after dad had gone to work, mom told me to go to my room and strip. I was covered from the eyebrows down in a foul smelling cream, then, after a wait, I showered it off, watching all of my hair swirl down the drain. I shaved as close as I could, washed my hair, then stepped back into my bedroom in a towel. Amanda was gone, but a big pile of clothes was on the bed and mom was waiting. "Put these on" she said as she handed me the panties. Once I had them on, she took me to her bedroom, then, while I sat at the vanity, she started putting rollers in my hair, then makeup on my face. As the foundation went on, my acne scars disappeared. Powder, which I brushed of a moment later made my face softer and all one color. She handed me the eyeshadow applicator, and under her direction, a soft green line was drawn across each eyelid. Then a plum highlight with black eyeliner on the upper lid, and using a black pencil, I did the same under each eye. I could see in the mirror that my face was changing into that of a young girl! A soft rose blusher was put on my cheeks, then we went back to my room. "This will make your waist a bit smaller Jeffrey, let me help you." The waist nipper pulled my waist down to 23 inches, then I put the bra on and we stuffed it with socks, Pantyhose slid up my legs, then a padded pantybrief. "Your sister used this when she was younger because she had no ass at all!" That made me giggle as I pulled it on. The dress was slipped over my head and zipped up, making me very aware that from mid thigh down I had a lot of leg showing. It had short puffy sleeves, round neck, and fit me perfectly! "Now the shoes." I stepped into the short black heels, surprised that they fit me! "These are mine. Amanda's are to small for you." I walked a few steps in them, and found them easy to walk in. "Wait here until I call you." I went into her bedroom and saw that she had covered all of the mirrors! I sat at her vanity as she took the rollers out and brushed out my hair, spraying it with hairspray until it was quite stiff. "You can put your own lipstick on, but use this mirror." I was handed a very small mirror and traced on the red lipstick, making a cupids bow mouth. Mom spritzed me with perfume, clipped on some earrings and necklace, then gave me a thin gold watch. "Now you can look" she said, then she uncovered the mirrors. As I stood there looking at my reflection, I went into shock. The person standing there not only looked like a girl, she was foxy! "I think that we have succeeded in making a girl out of you! Now all you need is a name." I looked at mom, then back at myself again. "Janet?" The name just popped out, and from that moment on that what Mom called me. I heard the doorbell ring, and mom took my hand and we walked out of the room. I started to pull away, but she merely looked at me and I caved in, following her to the familyroom. Bruce jerked to his feet the minute he saw me. "Bruce, this is Janet." He stared at me, his mouth open. "Close your mouth Bruce. It's not polite to stare at people." "Damn! You look fantastic!" "You kids get out of here now. Amanda has to go to work and I have a few errands to do." As she said that, Amanda handed me a purse. "I put your wallet, lipstick and stuff in there for you Janet. See you later!" Amanda left, and even though I did not want to leave the house, Unconsciously, Bruce took my hand and out we left. "I can't get over just how good you look? Janet! I hope this means that we are going to the Spring dance." It was over and I knew it. I had seen myself and knew that I could do it without discovery, so I nodded my head yes. "But you are paying for everything Bruce. Dinner, the limo, dance tickets, the works, or I don't go!" "You bet! The way you look makes half the girls in school look like hags!" As we walked along I was aware that my dress was swaying back and forth, and I found it easier to hold my arms bent at the elbow. It helped keep the purse on my shoulder. "We have all day. Want to hit the mall?" It was my worse fear, and instantly said no. "If you're going to the dance you might as well. If someone is going to figure out who you are, now is better than later." He was right, so with my heart beating hard, off we went to hit the mall. We walked inside and saw a bunch of kids from school, but none of the girls even gave me a second look. The boys, they stared, which was unnerving at best. "They know a fox when they see one Janet. Relax." I saw a lingerie shop up ahead and yanked him inside just to get out of the flow of traffic, and was assaulted by a salesgirl. "Just looking thanks." I picked up a few things and seemed to be browsing, then we left the store. I opened my purse, and right on top was a note. "Here is some money. Buy two bras, size 34 B, any color except black. A dozen panties, size 5, but get cotton and make them assorted colors. You also need to get a makeup kit of your own." Mom I held up three twenties, and let Bruce read the note. "Looks like you have some shopping to do Janet!" "Might as well get it done then Bruce." We went into a department store, and I selected the bras, one peach and one white, found the panties and paid for them. In the cosmetic area, I bought a makeup kit the woman said was my 'colors', leaving me with a single twenty left over. On the way out of the store a dress caught my attention, so I checked the size, saw it would fit me, and began to look around some more. I added a pleated tan skirt, and paid for both of them. "You're really getting into this Janet, you must like it a lot more than you let on." He was right. After my initial fear dissolved, I did relax, and simply enjoyed the way I looked and the way the clothes felt. Those pantyhose I had on made me feel so sexy as they rubbed together when I walked. Bruce and I had some lunch, and walked back to my house. Then he went on home; but not before he asked me to a show that night! Mom and Amanda were home and eagerly looked in the bags I had to see what I had bought. "Look! She bought herself a dress and a skirt! And these bras! Lace trimmed, demicup, front hook, with push up pads!" Amanda was looking at me as if I had turned into her sister overnight! Maybe I had. "Don't tease her Amanda, she's new at this, and I did not specify what to buy; but they are pretty bras none the less." "How did Bruce treat you today Janet?" "Okay mom, like I was a girl I guess." "I knew he would. Men are just like little boys around someone they like. You look like a girl, therefore he treated you like one. That wasn't so bad was it?" "He asked me to the show tonight." Amanda grabbed my arm and told mom she was taking me to her room. "We're going to try out that new makeup and you can wear your new skirt tonight with one of those sexy bras and a blouse of mine!" Amanda had me wash off the old makeup, then, with me doing everything under her direction, I redid my face, and I have to admit that I did look more natural, even better than before. The peach colored bra was wrapped around me and as I hooked it in front, I saw my own flesh being pushed into the cups of the bra! "Use these Janet." I slid the foam pads under my own skin, and all at once I had boobs of my own! They were small, but I seemed to fill the cups nicely, and had a modest cleavage that I would have strained hard to see on any girl! The blouse was dark brown, short sleeved, made of a soft satin like fabric. It felt wonderful. I pulled the skirt on, fastened it up, and saw that it was just as short as the dress had been. She gave me a pair of mom's brown flats, and after I redid my lipstick she said I was ready. "Bruce will hit on you for sure Janet!" "God I hope not! He knows I'm a boy just like him!" "True, but he is a male first, and males tend to be easily led by females they like. If he asked you out, he likes you. It's simple." I looked at Amanda and wondered why she had flipped out. Thinking I would do anything with Bruce! Not a chance. I was in the kitchen with mom when dad walked in. He looked at me briefly, must have thought I was Amanda, then his brain registered that I wasn't. He choked a bit as mom introduced me to him. "This is Janet Lynn." He looked at me carefully, shook his head, and went into read the paper. "This ought to be good when Bruce comes over to pick me up mom. Dad will freak out." "You let me take care of dad." After dinner I touched up my lipstick using the mirror in the familyroom just to see what dad would say, but all he did was watch me. When Bruce showed up he was all shaved, wearing clean clothes and aftershave, dad almost had a fit when he took my hand and we left the house. After the show, we walked home. I never noticed how the trees seemed to make and arbor over the street, or the way the light filtered through. We were halfway home when Bruce stopped, muttered "the hell with it", and kissed me, right on the lips! Stunned, I did not pull away quick enough, and he kissed me again, this time longer, and I felt his tongue as it pushed against my lips. Involuntarily I opened my mouth and he pushed ahead while pulling me closer to him. He was really turned on, which I could tell by the lump pushing hard against my leg. He broke away and we stood looking at each other. "I couldn't help it Janet. You're so foxy I was turned on all night!" I was also turned on, but did not want to admit that it happened when he kissed me. "That's okay Bruce." I kissed him on the cheek and he walked me home, kissing me at the door, with the porch light on and my parents inside. I went in and straight to my room to change. I was down to my panties and the bra when mom came in. "Wear this tonight Janet." She handed me a nightgown. "Is he a good kisser?" Her question caught me off guard and I said "yes" before I realized it. "He really likes you Janet, and kissing a boy isn't so bad. Just don't let it go any farther." I started to say something like "not a chance", but she left, closing the door behind herself. I washed off all of the makeup, and the next day I was myself again. The dance was two weeks away, the date falling after our usual week off. Mom told me that for that entire week I was to become Janet every day, all of the time, and that on the day of the dance I had an appointment at her salon. Bruce did not come over that day, and I spent time searching the Internet for various things to make males more feminine, and I found exactly what I wanted. I asked mom to look at it, and she told me to order one, which I did. I wore a skirt and blouse every day, doing my chores, shopping with mom and so on every day. The item I ordered came two days after I ordered it. I tried it on, trimming here and there until it fit me perfectly. On Friday, The eve of the dance, I changed, wearing panties, the padded pantybrief, and a bra, did my makeup and pulled my hair into a ponytail, slipped on some of Amanda's jeans and a pink shell top. Then mom and I went shopping. The first place we went I was fitted for breastforms, which were attached to my chest with adhesive. Now at least, I felt like a female. We found a dress, bought the shoes and jewelry, and went home. In the morning I attached my latex vagina with the same glue that was used on my boobs, and after I dressed in what I wore the night before, I went to the salon. I had discovered something about myself, and now I was going to take the next step. I was going to seduce Bruce that night. I knew that I would never go back to my old self, no matter what. The girl doing may hair wanted to dye it auburn and add curl, so I said yes. My nails were done with acrylic extensions and painted a plum color, my makeup done by an expert. I also had them thin my eyebrows some. The minute I stepped into the house mom knew what I had done to myself. "Janet!" "Like it?" "Do you know how long it will take for that perm to grow out?" "When it does I'll have it done again mom, don't worry." Then I went to my room to change, leaving her stunned at what I had said to her. Amanda had given me a corselet of hers to wear, and after I pulled on the white satin panties I wrapped it around myself and tightened the laces as far as I could. The hose went on easily and I fastened them to the garter tabs and pulled them tight. I 'fluffed' my boobs, and pulled the dress over my head, zipping it up and feeling the material close around me. The white dress had a sweetheart neckline that showed an impressive cleavage, more than usual for a girl my age, but I was on a mission, and smiled at my reflection in the mirror. I stepped into the red heels and secured the ankle strap, then slipped the earrings into the holes in my ears and made the necklace pendant sit between my breasts. I added perfume, redid my lipstick, and made sure I had everything in my purse. I was ready just as the doorbell rang. I waited until mom called me, and then I carefully negotiated the stairs. Bruce looked very handsome in his tuxedo, and by the look on his face he was once again in love with me. After a few pictures, he and I left for the dance. Nobody knew me, or recognized me all evening. Bruce was once head over heels about me, which I confirmed as we drove away from the dance, by putting my hand right on his member. He was driving at the time and almost ran off the road, but I moved closer to him and never moved my hand. He drove to the park, and once we were stopped, he pulled me to him and kissed me. His hand found my breast and I started to stroke him. He moved to make it more comfortable, my hand found it, and he gasped in pleasure. He was kissing me, fondling me, when I squeezed him, and he filled my hand. He took me home after that, both of us realizing that we had crossed the imaginary line society put up. In the morning Amanda came in and closed the door. I was in my panties and a smile. "You had sex last night didn't you?" "Of course I did, after a fashion I guess. You and mom both knew before I left the house that I was going to seduce Bruce, and I did. He was quite surprised last night." Amanda sat on the bed as I slipped on my jeans and a shell top with no bra. "Can I assume that Jeff is gone forever?" "No Amanda, you can't assume it. It's a fact. Janet is here to stay." "What about school? Dad? The rest of the family?" "They'll have to get used to the new me I guess. I'm not going to be trapped in a male body any more!" Dad had a fit when he found out, the rest of the family only a bit less angry, but at school, I was accepted by most all of the kids and graduated right on time. Bruce? He never could manage to totally accept me as a girl, and we parted ways soon after the dance. But I had plenty of choices, so I ignored him. Now I'm 21, and I have my own boobs and hips now. My surgery is scheduled for later this month, and I already have my man picked out to take my virginity. He's one of the boys. (end)

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We got married when Komal was 25. At age of 33, she was complete women with a well fucked chut. We tried all possible poses and added spice to our sex life by making love in new and strange places. I also got a vibrating dildo from Germany which I used to put into her chut. It excited me to see that lund shaped dildo fuck my wife’s wet pussy. I used to imagine that another man is fucking her. When we stayed in Delhi last year, we had a house with a garden. Our gardener was also our chowkidar...

2 years ago
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The CoachChapter 9

Ted quickly came to the realization that making preparations to relocate was a really big pain in the ass. There were a multitude of things he needed to do in relocating. Giving his notice at school saying that he wouldn’t be coming back in the fall resulted in a number of the people wishing him well and saying a few nice things about knowing him. Some of the players on the team seemed disappointed that he was leaving. Ted squashed any ideas a few fellow teachers had of having a going away...

3 years ago
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Eight Plus Nine

Authors Note: This story follows on directly from an earlier one called Off the Bench, so if you have not read that one you should do so before tackling Eight Plus Nine. Like its predecessor this story makes many references to the grand sport of rugby, which although widely played is not known like soccer, so some explanations may be necessary, but skip this part if you are versed in the game. First the title; in rugby, unlike soccer, North American football and hockey there is a...

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Knee Surgery

Twisting her armpit length auburn hair into a rope she piled it on top of her head and secured it with a few pins. Arms above her head caused the hospital gown to rub tantalizingly over her sensitive breasts, sending darts of pleasure through her abdomen that splashed when they hit their ultimate target between her legs. Chelsey marveled at the silky fullness of her tresses. Though she could not see it from her current place in the hospital bed the image of her dark auburn locks drifted through...

1 year ago
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PureTaboo Hazel Moore Making Up For Lost Time

Suzie (Hazel Moore) is relaxing in her room when her parent, Alice (Jamie Michelle), comes into the room to talk to her. Alice explains that she will be going on a work retreat for two weeks, so she would like Suzie to stay with Kevin (John Strong), Alice’s ex-husband and Suzie’s stepfather. Suzie is very understanding but also a bit nervous since she hasn’t seen her stepfather in a while, and wonders if he’s going to be okay with having her around. Alice assures her...

2 years ago
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Breeding Beauty chp4 Auction her off

Ding! "bring the bitch friday night to the club down the street from you, I want to see her awake and dancing" I was knee deep into this with no way out.... I set up a date and told her there was a band playing at the local club that looked cool. She was totally into it and loved the idea. she hadn't been dancing in a long time. When friday came I teased her about wearing something sexy.... When she came down stairs in a short red dress with super high heels on I was...

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The mom who sneaks behind the door

Hi im james and im 20 years old my mom is in her 50s with a larg rack big booty thin tight abbs and long smooth legs blue eyes and long hair aways weres pantie hoes and skirts and coresets and long red hair.any way I was on my way home from school at night i got home mom was a sleep i was on my lap top looking up porn watching this black chick lick a nother chicks ass hole i turnd all the lights off and started rubing my cock.but as the black chick licked the other chick ass she moand so load...

1 year ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 2

Jeff got up at four thirty for his run. As he stepped out the back door, the first of the construction crew was arriving. Seeing Jeff, Henson walked over. "We should be done by three or four tomorrow, even if I have to help with the molding," he said while they shook hands. "Look," Jeff said, "if you get close, you'll still get your bonus. I don't want anything done half-assed. Take enough time to do it right." Henson' face flushed. "I don't do anything 'half-assed'. And I sure...

3 years ago
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Seduction of my bhabhi

Hi my name is Shashi, and I am from Surat. I want to narrate you a true story which occurred 3 months ago. I am 24 yrs unmarried staying with my parents, elder brother and my bhabhi. My elder brother who is 33 yrs old got married to a 28 yrs old girl from Ahmadabad 1 yrs back. My elder brother is working as a Marketing Manager and has to travel a lot in Gujarat state. My Bhabhi is a housewife, and I am working in a pvt firm as a coordinator. My Parents are above 65 yrs of age. My bhabhi is very...

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SweetSweetSallyMae Alina Ali Sally Mae The Revenge of the Twin Dragons Part 3

Isiah (Isiah Maxwell) is busy fixing himself some dinner when he realizes that he’s not alone. ‘Well, well, well… if it isn’t my favorite assassin,’ he says with a devilish grin as Bella (Alina Ali) appears behind him. Isiah knows why Bella’s here. She’s working for Gabriel, the boss of the Blackground Family, and she’s looking for Sally Mae (Ana Foxxx). Too bad for Bella, Sally’s already long gone… but Bella doesn’t have to find...

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Robert JenkinsChapter 17

Dr. Kournikova, my New York doctor, said on the phone, "Dr. Sharapova is here. She has developed something that she thinks could help you. If you're interested, she could see you here?" I asked, "When would you like me to come? I'm very interested." "Could you come now? We need to have some tests done before we see you. We can both see you during lunch." I said, "I'm on my way." I took a taxi to the Columbia Medical School part of the Presbyterian complex. I was immediately...

1 year ago
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Forced lessons of love

Fearful lessons of ‘love’ Hi friends I am Jash here. Hope you like my first story. Anticipating replies from you . My first love encounter came when I was just 18 years old. I still remember those golden days of my life. We were staying in Poona. I was pursuing my college studies. Jaya was a strong, dominating and rich lady in our locality and above this all she was known to all for her single stay in her two storied house as her husband was a sailor. She was a good friend of my mother. As her...

3 years ago
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The Days After My Wedding Part 3

The Days After My Wedding (part 3) by Britney Hoglund I went inside after reading the letter. It was 11:00 and Jeff was still sleeping. I took the letter into our computer room where I copied it. Then I returned it to Jeffs flight bag. I put the copy in my purse before sitting on the couch to reflect. I still was in shock and didnt know what to think. A million unanswered questions swirling through me. I couldnt believe Jeff would cheat on me. I always thought he was so in love with me and...

4 years ago
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AmlieChapter 3 Not a Lady

[Undated entry] Somewhere in the Caribbean “I WIN!” Amélie sat on the small native boy, not any larger than she was. It was hard to tell which one was white and which one was black. The mud from the tidal flat was dark and sticky and covered them from top to bottom. The boy smiled, his teeth white in the middle of black. “Yes, Emmie!” Neither one was five years old, but at that age it didn’t matter. When they were old enough for school, which for Amélie meant old enough to sit in a small...

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PE Teacherrsquos Physical Part 1

Keith Wilson was 47, married with 2 sons at University, and the PE Teacher at the local school and it was time for a full physical examination. He went about my normal day and headed for the gym about 4:30pm to meet the Doctor. The local doctor was Mike Hardy, a married man in his late thirties with short cropped brown hair and a beard, who had come home to join his father's medical practice after he had finished medical school and working in a city hospital.He was waiting outside the gym main...

2 years ago
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A Stressful Time at Work

Number 14 of a series of individual stories. A Stressful time at Work - by SONIA (email [email protected] Please send comments, favourite pictures etc.!!!) Chapter 1 - The Meeting My wife Sally Anne and I had had many adventures with me wearing panties or fully dressed as a woman. Most of the times I dressed up there was an underlying aim of sex and being in daring and sexy situations. Sometimes, however, dressing in panties was a way of doing something that enabled me...

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BackroomCastingCouch Sabrina 12282020

Sabrina is a 19 year old waitress who isn’t a fan of the 9-5 grind, waiting tables and slangin’ food. Coincidentally that’s how we found her. Cam was out looking for some grub and Sabrina happened to be his waitress. She wasn’t having the greatest day, and he wondered if she needed a career change. He told her how we get girls good money in the adult industry for good ol’ fashion suckin’ and fuckin’…So here she is. She’s a pretty little...

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Juggling Daddies Laundry Day P2

Juggling Daddies- Laundry Day P2So after part 1 when I had two surprise Daddy visits, I felt I deserved to sleep in for awhile. I did manage to get DaddyRick's thick cock rock hard in his sleep. It eventually woke him up when I was slurping hard on all fours with my thickwhite booty shaking. I spend alot of time on pelvis control, and daily work on my slutty arch. A good sissy needs a fewtricks and moves up her slutty sleeve. He just moaned when he came to, stretched out his whole big alpha...

3 years ago
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Farm Family Chapter 3

Chapter Three*******The pastor had recently come to the church from some Baptist community down South and his presence was like a breath of fresh air to the staid citizens of this small Kansas county. The ladies of the town viewed him with much interest and found his style of preaching to be most inspiring; the men, well, they were farmers and mostly took a less passionate interest and weren't too concerned about who it was spreading the good word just as long as they were being encouraged to...

2 years ago
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Varna The Grojan War Book TwoChapter 26 Wilderness

"Well, ladies, that proved easier than I thought." The man smiled and glanced at Nora's deecrets. Varna could see out of the corner of her eye the female had sat down next to her. She had known them long enough to realize that the way the deecret was swishing her tail, the end moving from side to side in short flicking movements, that she was not happy. Varna chose her target as Nora spoke. "And you are?" "Oh, a distant cousin, my dear, Motasa Rmaxis at your service." He bowed his...

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The Sinners CanonChapter 10

“So you see, honey ... we’re both free to kick back and enjoy things much more, especially for you since you’ve been intimate with Lilith. How does it feel ... being drained by a succubus? I want to be one, I know that much. I don’t know how to become one for sure, but I’d love to be one at last. It’s been a secret fantasy of mine for years, ever since I watched ‘Lost Girl,’ though I doubt that it works like that. I’ve missed our wild, wanton love affair, Jack. “Herb here means well, but he...

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Robbing the Cradle

He's the daughter's boyfriend, and that should make him off limits. He's of legal age, but still, I would feel as if I were robbing the cradle. We've had some pretty intense sexual conversations. Every time we do, you can slice the sexual tension like a hot knife going through melted butter. To even think of him in a sexual way is taboo. But I cant help it.I finally was given the small opportunity to touch him the other day. To be near his young body. He needed a shave, complaining that he...

4 years ago
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The Devils PactChapter 43 The Hidden Place

Xiu and I were lying in Their rumpled bed, Divine Mark's passion cooling inside me and Divine Mary's passion covering Xiu's face, when He proclaimed the First Commandment of the Theocracy: "You shall not make Pacts with Demons." I wrote furiously on a notepad, then She gave the Second Commandment: "You shall place no Gods before us, for they are false." –The Gospel of April 41:51-52 Friday, November 8th, 2013 – Mark Glassner – Tacoma, WA The door to the Matmown clanged shut. It was...

1 year ago
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A night on the town

They had met at a bar not much different than this one. She saw him across the room and instantly there was an attraction towards him. She starred for a long time watching every move he made. He was mesmerizing. She had been let go from her company because of downsizing, which created a considerable problem for her financially and emotionally. She had just moved to this place and did not know how she was going to make a living with so few jobs out there at this time of year.She saw him and knew...

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New Harry Potter Adventures Chapter 7 part 1 of 2 Harrys Recovery

Chapter 7 part 1 Hermione began to shake Harry as she tried to wake him from his exhaustion. ‘What? No it can’t be Ron,’ said Hermione hysterically as she shook Harry’s arm vigorously. ‘It was Ron,’ replied Harry as with a groan he sat up on the beach and felt sand-grains fall from his hair. ‘You must have been mistaken Harry,’ said Hermione shakily, her eyes wide in a manic shock. ‘It was Ron,’ repeated Harry weakly. ‘But..,’ ‘Hermione,’ said Harry more forcefully, cutting Hermione...

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Railroad Robledo Mountain 4Chapter 7

In one way I was right. It was an interesting few weeks. In another way, I was wrong. It was not just a few weeks; it was fifteen weeks. It started shortly after breakfast that first morning. As soon as Steve, the Judge, and Hiram finished bringing me up to date on their activities, I asked Juan, Jorge, George, Heinrich, and Giuseppe to join us in the den. I had the territorial map spread out on the desk, watching as Steve finished up tracing all the new land purchases he’d made, when the...

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My Friend Davids Mum Pt 3 the appetiser

After our first explosive encounter Helen said: “Now we can take our time and enjoy the rest of the day. Consider that a taster of the gourmet meal to come...OK?”"OK, yes OK" I said.We lay still for just a few minutes."You are not going to fall asleep now, are you?" Said HelenAs my breathing subsided and a slight throbbing returned to my cock I said"Oh no I am ready for anything now!""I thought it wouldn't take you long to recover" She saidWith that she ran a nail the length of my cock and it...

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BusherChapter 10 Dave

Emily had been a sweetheart, all evening long. She and Ms. Washington really hit it off, after a few early awkward moments, when Ms. W seemed to be waiting for Emily to treat her like hired help, or something. I wasn't worried about anything like that, but I was nevertheless pleasantly surprised at how at ease Emily was, around all us common people. I guess they raise them right, down in Horse Country. I guess Ms. Washington and I were both a lot more class-conscious than Emily was. Anyway,...

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New God

‘What happened?’ I instinctively ask myself as I slowly regain consciousness. ‘Everything’s dark. Where am I and how did I get here? I remember playing Minecraft with my online friends and then...... And then what!? Why can’t I remember!?’ I begin to panic. [CALM YOURSELF MY SON] An omnipresent voice spread throughout the void. “Who’s there!?” I shout. [IT IS I, GOD. AND YOU MUST LISTEN CAREFULLY FOR WE DO NO HAVE MUCH TIME] “.......” I was speechless. How are you suppose to react if your...

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Talking To Strangers

Paul smiled at the irony of it all.   For so many years his parents had warned him away from talking to strangers, and now he wanted nothing more than to talk to a stranger.   More than that, he ached to talk to her.He had seen her every night, sitting in the same chair by the fireplace at the hotel.   Every night he came down for dinner, she was there, reading a book.   Every night when he stopped into the bar after dinner, she was still in her seat, still reading the book.   He...

Straight Sex
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Something Old Something New Something Borrowed Something Blue Pt3

Having evidently managed to drag myself off the bathroom tiles in the early hours, I awoke in bed the following morning with the sun beating hard against the window, head thumping and Lisa nowhere to be seen. Immediately my sadistic brain began to reassemble the previous night's tawdry antics like some horrifically complex jigsaw, prompting me to burrow deep in the covers to hide my shame. Half an hour elapsed before gingerly I rose and only then because it was too gorgeous a day to waste...

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Widow neighbor

Hi ISS reader here is one more posting of sexual encounters till date i hope u will like this story do comment. My wife and i moved to a new, upscale neighborhood out in the suburbs. We have been married for over twenty years and are in our mid forties, but have never had children. We both work; my wife as a legal secretary and i am a realtor. Our new home is on a quiet cul de sac and there are no children close to our home, thank goodness. We have been here about six months, and have met a few...

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Auctioned. My world collapsed when on that fateful Friday afternoon where all twenty of my fellow colleagues and myself were assembled in the showroom to be told that we were all being made redundant. The cheque for two week’s severance pay wouldn’t last me long, for I’d only not long ago signed a rental lease on the flat, where I was at present now residing. I saw the stricken looks on the other's faces and knew that I had the same expression. I only caught a few words of our manager as he...

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