Horreur indian porn

4 years ago
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Famille Vendue

Famille Vendue        By chabaLa vie r?elle et nos fantasmes constituent deux mondes distincts et qui doivent toujours le rester. Texte tr?s cru et histoire tr?s hard (violence / inceste). Merci de passer ? autre chose si vous n’?tes pas certain d’avoir envie de lire ce genre de r?cit. Commentaires bienvenus/comments welcome sur [email protected] 1 - La capture.Le monde d’Evelyne s’?tait effondr? il y a deux semaines. Deux semaines depuis leur enl?vement et le d?but de l’ignoble dressage. Et demain, on leur ...

3 years ago
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La dette de Julien envers Alex

Chapitre 1 - Julien et ses probl?mes financiers "Promis Monsieur Durand, je vous promet que je vais tout mettre en oeuvre pour r?gler ce d?couvert sur mon compte le plus rapidement possible. Je suis en train de n?gocier pour un nouveau job me permettant de doubler mon salaire et en finir avec ces petit probl?mes financiers... Laissez moi juste un peu de temps!" Le banquier regarda Julien un peu rassur? mais ce m?fiait un peu. Ce n'?tait pas la premi?re fois qu'il avait convoqu? Julien ? cause de son compt...

3 years ago
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Sylvie 1

Happy new year! Bonne et heureuse Ann?e 2008! I am sorry to write in French, but my English is too bad. Si quelqu'un aime ce r?cit et souhaite le traduire pour que d'autres personnes en profitent: libre ? vous! Merci ? toutes et ? tous pour vos r?actions si positives ? mes premiers r?cits. J'ai ?t? tr?s amus? par vos remarque concernant "Ma fille Manon", parce qu'en ?crivant cette histoire, je me suis pos? exactement les m?mes questions que vous: quels sont les sentiments de Manon? Je vais donc tr?s ce...

2 years ago
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Arnaud en voyage d Affaire Tokyo

Chapitre 1 - Arriv?e ? l'hotel Arnaud arriva ? l'hotel en fin de soir?e, ?puis? de sa journ?e. Il entra dans l'hotel puis se pr?senta devant le receptioniste. "Bonjour Monsieur. C'est un tr?s un grand honneur de vous accueillir dans cet hotel de Tokyo. Sachez que tout le personnel de l'hotel est la pour rendre votre s?jour au Japon le plus agr?able possible. Nous vous avons reserv? la chambre 47, j'esp?re que que vous l'appr?cierez. Bon s?jour ? Tokyo Monsieur.." "Tres bien mon brave. " dit Arnaud en regardant ...

3 years ago
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De haut en bas Part 4 Fin

Bonjour, Toute cette histoire est un pur travail de fiction. Toutes ressemblances avec certaines personnes ayant exist?es sont purement fortuites. Vous voulez nous faire un feedback : [email protected] ou [email protected] Vous voulez rejoindre la plus grande communaut? fran?aise de TG caption et TG story? Envoyez- nous un mail avec une histoire (minimum 2 pages) ou une TG caption ? [email protected] ou [email protected] avec les noms des transform?s : Arnaud et Alex. --- La propositi...

2 years ago
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La th rapie

La th?rapie Depuis toujours, Marc, 14 ans, n'avait connu que sa m?re Elise ?g?e de 39 ans. Elle l'?levait seule depuis la mort de son mari mais ne manquait pas d'argent. Elle avait toujours dit qu'elle n'aurait plus de compagnon, tellement affect?e par la perte du p?re de Marc, et basait tous les espoirs de r?ussite en son fils. H?las depuis plusieurs mois, celui-ci semblait renferm? et parlait de moins en moins. Lui qui, petit, ?tait si enjou?, sa gait? avait disparu petit ? petit avec la pubert? et il s'enfer...

3 years ago
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Histoire de Sandrine

Histoire de Sandrine (1)Par Perverpeper le 15/05/08F/f F+/f F/f+ F+/f+ teen enema exhibition WaterSport bestriality BDSM feet hair slavery scatology college hightSchool job slow reluctant humiliation blckmail torture nc HeavySynopsis?: Sandrine est une jeune lyc?enne. Quelques jours apr?s avoir f?t? ses 18 ans, alors que le baccalaur?at n’est plus qu’? quelques semaines, elle est enlev?e par une femme richissime qui l’initie aux peines et aux joies de la soumission.Adressez-vous plut?t aux passions qu’aux vert...

3 years ago
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Parler?! Raconter vite?! Dire ce qui m’est arrive parce que tout ? l’heure je sens qu’ils vont venir et que ce sera mon tour. La fin du chemin d’une pute.La rencontre C’?tait il y a ... Je ne sais m?me plus pr?cis?ment. J’ai perdu le lien, le sens m?me du temps qui est pass?. Dix ans?? Je dois avoir environ 36 ou 37 ans maintenant. Peut ?tre? J’?tais un jeune ing?nieur, un jeune cadre, r?cemment sorti d’?cole. J’ai trouv? un travail imm?diatement, tr?s correctement pay?, ? Lyon, dans le centre ville. Une grande entreprise intern...

2 years ago
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Omar French

Omar ? Premier jour de croisi?re Omar ? Le premier jour de croisi?reCruise Ship ? Day 1Coulybaca / Black Demon    *******************************************Cette histoire? se suffit en elle-m?me,Cependant elle est aussi la suite logique de :Omar - Viols lors de la croisi?re inaugurale (Cruise ship captives) ************************************************* Omar Shoron ne pouvait d?sirer meilleur poste que le sien, il ?tait ma?tre d'?quipage sur le navire de croisi?re "Isle of Pleasure".Il avait fait son c...

2 years ago
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Stories of Patriarchy French

HISTOIRES DU PATRIARCAT INTRODUCTION : UN MONDE NOUVEAU Dans un univers parallèle au nôtre, ou, qui sait, dans le nôtredans quelques années, le Patriarcat a été rétabli.Du moins, c'est ce qui est dit officiellement. Mais en fait, jamais, au coursde l'histoire connue, les femmes n'ont été maintenues dans uneposition aussi inférieure : non seulement le droit de vote leura été très vite retiré, puis peu à peu tousleurs autres droits, mais elles sont considérées toute leur viecomme des mineures...

3 years ago
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Pour H l ne

This is my first story. I hope that it will please many of you! I am sorry to write in French, but my English is too bad. Ceci est ma premi?re histoire. J'esp?re qu'elle plaira ? beaucoup d'entre vous! Si quelqu'un aime ce r?cit et souhaite le traduire pour que d'autres personnes en profitent: libre ? vous! Pour H?l?ne Avez-vous d?j? connu le coup de foudre? Je parle d'un amour si fort et inconditionnel qu'il vous pousse ? faire des choses compl?tement folles... Simplement pour voir un ...

1 year ago
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Emma Stein

Chapitre II  S?verine et Marion  Emma songeait ? ses  12 ans. Elle ?tait alors une curieuse petite beaut? blonde au regard transper?ant,?mince comme un jeune chat, le vice la rendait affolante et tout ceux qui la rencontraient ?taient fascin?s quelque soit leur ?ge ou leur sexe. Emma avait tr?s peu quitt? le manoir familial.  Gouvernantes et pr?ceptrices veillaient sur elle depuis sa naissance tandis que son p?re et sa m?re,  loin d’elle, menaient une vie dont elle entrevoyait de temps ? autre le mouvement et le luxe. S’?tai...

2 years ago
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Histoire d une poup e Partie 2

------------------------- M?MOIRES D'UNE POUP?E ------------------------- UNE ?TERNIT? DE PLASTIQUE Tant de vigueur sexuelle malgr? l'?ge Il me chargea sur la banquette arri?re de sa voiture et d?marra. Alors qu'il conduisait, il se mit ? me parler, jetant dans le r?troviseur des petits coups d'oeil amus?s dans ma direction. - Tu sais Lola, si tu es aussi bonne qu'ils l'affirment, je crois que je ne vais pas regretter mon achat. C'est que, ? toi je peux le dire, les femmes en g?n?ral me les br...

2 years ago
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De haut en bas Part 1

Bonjour, Toute cette histoire est un pur travail de fiction. Toutes ressemblances avec certaines personnes ayant exist?es sont purement fortuites. Vous voulez nous faire un feedback : [email protected] ou [email protected] Vous voulez rejoindre la plus grande communaut? fran?aise de TG caption et TG story ? Envoyez- nous un mail avec une histoire (minimum 2 pages) ou une TG caption ? [email protected] ou [email protected] avec les noms des transform?s : Arnaud et Alex. -- La transfo...

3 years ago
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Californie Partie 2 sur 3

Le vol dura des heures, et pourtant Maxime n'en pouvait plus d'excitation. Une heure environ avant d'arriver, il se rendit aux toilettes, et se changea pour prendre sa tenue habituelle - jean, baskets blanches, queue de cheval -. Il se sentait ? l'aise ainsi. C'?tait ainsi qu'il comptait vivre aux USA. Galvin lui avait dit que tout ?tait pr?t pour lui, et qu'il n'avait plus qu'? arriver. Son logement, son contrat de travail. Un v?hicule l'attendait ? l'a?roport et devait le conduire ? l'embarcad?re puis jusq...

3 years ago
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La verite sur les contes Les 3 petits cochons

La v?rit? sur les contes : les 3 petits cochonsIntroductionsIl etait une fois, dans un petit village occidental au moyen age, un jeune homme de bonne famille qui avait obtenu la charge d'assistant inquisiteur. Sa famille avait longuement oeuvr? pour obtenir cette nomination. Cela avait cout? assez cher mais avec la chasse aux h?r?tiques, il etait possible de rapidement se rembourser en prenant sa part sur les biens confisqu?s par l'?glise. Ce jeune homme brun, ? la chevelure non maitrisable, aux gros sourcils,a...

3 years ago
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Carefree Cove Ch 08

Life was normal in Carefree Cove on an August Wednesday. Amanda Albright had just taken a vacation with her great-grandmother Gracie, and on awakening was anxious to go back to the cove from the moment the sun peeked over the horizon. When her father, Thomas Albright, reported that their neighbor Michelle Hawkins was at her dock, Amanda was out of her clothes and running down the path to the water at full tilt. Michelle welcomed her warmly, they frolicked in the water while Tom stood above...

2 years ago
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La r eacute vision de la voiture

Nous avons mis notre voiture à réviser et allons la récupérer au garage. Le garagiste nous explique les travaux qu'il a effectuer. Je me penche sur le moteur pour mieux voir comment c'est fait et bien sûr le patron et ses employés en profitent pour mater mon décolleté et mon cul. Quand le patron nous annonce la note, elle est plutôt salée. Alain tente de négocier le tarif mais l'ancien ne lâche rien. Puis il dit à mon mari tout en relevant ma robe avec sa clef à molette :« Maintenant, votre...

3 years ago
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Liliane chapitre 3

Avant toute chose, désoler pour la longue période entre le chapitre 2 et 3. Ce chapitre n'est qu'un fantasme.chapitre 1: https://fr.xhamster.com/stories/liliane-chapitre-1-le-commencement-543564chapitre 2: https://fr.xhamster.com/stories/chapitre-2-la-face-cache-de-liliane-544413 Le soir Liliane et ma mère rentrèrent de leur journée shopping. J'étais très gênais mais en même temps excité je n'arrêtais pas de regarder Liliane d'avantage lorsqu'elle vidèrent leur sac d'emplette Ma mère partie...

2 years ago
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Ma fille Manon

I am sorry to write in French, but my English is too bad. J'ai ?t? tr?s agr?ablement surpris par les r?actions positives ? ma premi?re histoire (Pour H?l?ne). Merci ? tous! J'esp?re que ce nouveau r?cit vous plaira ?galement. J'appr?cierais de recevoir toutes vos critiques, positives ou n?gatives (add review). Elles me permettront de progresser. Si quelqu'un aime ce r?cit et souhaite le traduire pour que d'autres personnes en profitent: libre ? vous! Ma fille Manon. Je suis ...

2 years ago
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Les f minisatrices 5 Alexie

R?sum? de l'?pisode 4: Doria Nicole, en poursuivant sa f?minisation, d?couvre de nouveaux aspects de Doria, la m?re d'Agathe. Elle d?couvre les origines de ses go?ts ?tranges, mais aussi le fait que Doria fait partie d'une organisation importante de femmes dominatrices. Pendant les vacances, Nicole est troubl?e de d?couvrir qu'elle attire les gar?ons... Mais elle finit par se faire violer par l'un d'entre eux, et d?couvre ainsi certains aspects plus difficiles ? vivre de sa nouvelle f?minit?. Mais elle n'en e...

2 years ago
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La punition d Alex

Vous voulez discuter de l'histoire avec nous, parler de TG ?: [email protected] (Arnaud) ou [email protected] (Alex) La punition d'Alex Chapitre 1 "Mais c'est quoi ce bordel? Je rentre du boulot ?puis? et le repas n'est m?me pas pr?t? Depeche toi de me faire a bouffer pendant que je vais matter les infos en attendant Audrez..." "D?sol?e Alex, je rentre a peine et je suis compl?tement crev?e mais je m'y mets..." Alex ?tait un jeune homme de 26 ans. Intelligent, il avait r?ussi gr?ce a s...

4 years ago
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Bangkok aller simple

Bangkok, aller simple. J'attendais ce voyage avec impatience. Nous sommes dans l'avion pour la Tha?lande, avec ma petite amie Chlo?, sa tante St?phanie et sa m?re Sandrine. Je tiens la main de ma copine. Elle est moite. Je sais que Chlo? est morte de peur, m?me si elle ne le montre pas. Oh, elle n'a pas peur de l'avion, enfin, je ne crois pas. En r?alit? c'est le but de notre voyage qui l'angoisse. Chlo? va subir une op?ration de changement de sexe. Elle va devenir une v?ritable jeune femme. En effet, m...

2 years ago
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B atrice engagement

B?atrice : EngagementL'action se situe en suite directe du 3e chapitre de B?atrice : les d?butsChapitre 1 : Premiere rencontre, la demeureFinalement, ce n'est pas une partie de plaisir de conduire completement nue ! La p?dale d'acc?l?ration ?a va encore mais les deuxautres, elles sont dures ! D'un autre cot?, cela m'empeche de penser constamment ? ma peur de croiser quelqu'un et qu'il me voit ainsi, surtout une patrouille de gendarmerie, cela ne m'amuserait pas du tout ! Autre probl?me, c'est mon si?ge ! Si mon anu...

1 year ago
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B atrice les d buts

B?atrice : les d?butschapitre 1 : R?solutionsJe m'ennuie. Plus je reflechis et plus j'en arrive ? la meme conclusion, vraiment je m'ennuie.Et encore cela ne traduit pas ma pens?e brute, ce serait bien plus grossier.Je traine mon ennui partout ! en classe, bien que j'y aille de moins en moins ? cause du sport.C'est vrai que je me d?brouille pas trop mal au tennis et que j'obtiens quelques resultats qui fontque plusieurs personnes ont mis?s leurs espoirs sur moi. Drole d'id?e et droles de gens.Eux aussi m'ennuient ...

2 years ago
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Eric Erica en francais

Eric Erica (en francais)Eric, 18 ans depuis trois semaines, bon c?ur mais incurable r?veur et incorrigible romantique, ne faisait rien de sa vie. Rien de rien, incapable de se fixer ou de fixer son attention, archi largu? au lyc?e, non pas stupide mais jamais pr?sent, toujours r?fugi? dans son monde imaginaire. Eric ?tait diff?rent. Cette diff?rence, son p?re, ancien officier reconvertit dans l’industrie et sa m?re, une catholique bigote, tous deux issus d’une stricte bourgeoisie conservatrice, ne l’admettaient pas e...

2 years ago
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4 soeursopi g es

4 s?urs pi?g?es Ch 1 Decived Sisters 1 Coulybaca / MercySlayer ? ? *************************************** ? Droits d'auteur 2002 MercySlayer Vous pouvez poster librement cette histoire sur des sites non-commerciaux ou sur la partie gratuite de sites commerciaux. Vous ne devez pas d?naturer le texte ni omettre les informations concernant l'auteur. Je vous remercie d'accepter ces conditions. ? **************************************** ? ? Jeannette et ses trois s?urs pr?paraient leur vir?e ? Atlantic-City d...

3 years ago
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Bikini Office

Bikini Office ?Au travail! On ne vous paie pas pour regarder vos sites pornos favoris.? dit Amelia Norton ? deux de ses subordonn?s, Mike Smith et Luis Delgado. ?Mike, voici la liste de clients ? contacter d'ici ce soir. Luis, je veux votre rapport sur mon bureau d'ici 16h.? Amelia Norton est une des plus jeunes cadres de l'entreprise Baker&Orgov, et aussi une des plus belles. Cheveux blond platine qui descendent presque jusqu'aux cuisses, un tailleur chic qui met en valeur son corps...

3 years ago
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I Could Smell The Man On My Hands

I thought I'd washed thoroughly in the showers before leaving the gay sauna. But somehow the smell of the young man lingered on my hands. Musky and masculine, with just a hint of funk and condom rubber, the smell was unmistakably him and not me.  I cursed the soap gel dispensers at that sauna, which always seemed to be half-empty, and difficult to use.  A lot of guys there took their own toiletries, I'd noted.  It seemed a rather French thing to do, but I resolved to do the same in future. ...

Gay Male
1 year ago
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Laura s Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 261

Laura did feel like she was getting a little old. Though not yet thirty-that dreadful event would happen in about six weeks-she was aware that the slang some of her younger girlfriends used, especially the teenagers, was alien to her, and their musical tastes too. When the Victoria's Secret catalogs arrived in the mail, Stephanie Seymour was nowhere to be seen in them, and the girls that were there, though sexy and attractive, seemed somehow callow, denatured, and remote, as if shot through...

2 years ago
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Excerpts From My Inexperience The First Time I Bought a Vibrator

This story only available on Lush Stories. If you are reading it elsewhere, it has been stolen.There is a time in every lass's life when she imagines what a big, hard cock-pounding would be like. There is also a time when she can't get hold of a cock for love nor money. And what does she do, in such a situation? She buys a vibrator. Or a dildo. Or a banana. Or maybe, if she's ambitious, a cucumber. I'm sure some lasses consider purchasing a marrow, too, but in my opinion, that's stretching it a...

First Time
4 years ago
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Histoire d un fan de transformation partie 1

Cette histoire a ?t? faite avec l'aide de Xavier (dit Chlo?) Cyrille et Aur?lie (vous pouvez trouver ces histoire sur fictionmania). Vous voulez m'envoyer vos critiques, m'envoyer des captions, vous avez les m?mes go?ts que moi ou tout simplement vous voulez me transformer, envoyez moi un mail ? Chapitre 1 Par quoi commencer? Tellement de choses se sont d?j? pass?es. Assis nu sur cette chaise, mes pieds pendouillent. Tout est devenu si grand, si mena?ant. Tout semble m'?chapper maintenant. Si j'essa...

3 years ago
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Les tromperies de C dric

Les tromperies de C?dric par Aur?lie et Chlo? "- Tu veux que je t'aide C?dric?!? Mais comment oses-tu mater ce cul de cette petite pouffe juste devant mes yeux? Je commence ? en avoir marre de toi C?dric, s?rieux..." "- Allons ch?rie, je regardais ? peine... Et tu sais bien que je n'aime que toi!" C?dric tentait de s'excuser mais au fond de lui, il se foutait compl?tement des remarques de sa femme. Ce n'?tait pas ?a qu'il l'emp?cherait de mater le cul des petites jeunes ? peine majeures. C?dric et son ?pouse, Mar...

3 years ago
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Blog with success

Blog / success Y a-t-il un vrai homme, qui jouirait de transformer une ?me soeur encore englu?e dans une enveloppe masculine dans la femme de ses r?ves? Je serais vraiment partante, si un vrai amour et le contexte le permettent. Is there a true man who would enjoy to transform his soul mate still emprisoned in her male body in the woman of his dreams ? I am really ready to go all the way if there is true love and if the context makes it possible. Qui prend ma vie en main ? Jan ...

2 years ago
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L il de l ternit

Les mines sont la seule chose que vous connaissez, vous y êtes depuis toujours, vous êtes même incapable de vous souvenir de votre arrivée ou de ce qu'il y avait avant, tout a été volé. Volé par l'épuisement, les privations et les querelles. Chaque jour reste la même punition, vous avez peut-être pu dormir quelques heures avant qu'un garde ne vous réveille d'un coup de pied dans le ventre à moins que ce ne soit un autre esclave qui ne tente de vous subtiliser une de vos maigres possessions, un...

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Petites histoires horrifiques

Bonjour, et si on jouait à un jeu ? Un jeu de rôle où vous seriez le scénariste et le réalisateur d’un film de série B. Votre producteur ne vous a donné qu’une seule obligation : il faut que ce soit un film d’horreur comme ils plaisent tant à la jeunesse décérébrée de notre époque. Et il a également précisé qu’il comptait sur « l’érotisme » de votre scénario pour le rendre célèbre. Vous avez peu de moyens mais beaucoup d’imagination et surtout toute une bande de jeunes actrices innocentes qui...

1 year ago
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L infirmi egrave re

Souvent, les histoires parlent d'aventures sexuelles réussies, mais il ne faut pas oublier que pour beaucoup, il faut se taper pas mal de râteaux, pour connaître quelques succès. Dans la catégorie "humour", on pourrait en mettre quelques-uns, particulièrement carabinés.A propos d’aventures ou d’expériences, aussi catastrophiques que pittoresques, je me rappelle une anecdote, digne des bronzés ou d’un scénario du même genre. Bien des années après, autant que ça en fasse rigoler quelques un(e)s… ...

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Un secret de famille

Un secret de famille. Je m'appelle Michel, j'ai trente-deux ans. Je suis employ? dans un grand magasin. Aline, ma femme, travaille ? mi-temps au m?me endroit que moi, et nous ?levons nos deux enfants. La banalit? affligeante de ma vie m'a sans doute pouss? ? me passionner pour les secrets de famille de mes amis, au point de parfois ?tre tr?s indiscret. J'avais l'impression qu'ils avaient une vie ?tonnante en comparaison de la mienne. La seule "originalit?" de ma famille ?tait le fait que mon p?re soit beauco...

4 years ago
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Alexis devient Anne

Alexis devient Anne "Je sens qu'on va se plaire ici Alexis! Je suis vraiment contente de m'installer avec toi dans cet appartement et que l'on puisse enfin vivre ensemble, sans nos parents! " "Oui, c'est le d?but d'une nouvelle vie Jessica! " Alexis enla?a sa copine dans ses bras et l'embrassa langoureusement tout en lui touchant d?licatement les fesses. Sa copine, Jessica, de son c?t? caressait sa poitrine muscl?e, excit?e de ressentir contre elle le corps si viril de son petit ami. Comment p...

1 year ago
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Les grandes vacances d Arnaud

------------------------------------------------------------------------ Les grandes vacances d'Arnaud ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chapitre 1 : la rancune de Maria Dans l'avion qui volait en direction d'Alicante, en Espagne, Arnaud ?tait sur son ordinateur. Il r?digeait un rapport pour son patron. - Arnaud, tu ne peux pas d?compresser un peu? Je te rappelle que nous sommes en vacances! Alex pous...

4 years ago
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Trois petites histoires de TG

L'?trange voyage de Julie de Granlac Julien occupait un emploi aux archives, pour l'?t?. Il n'y avait pas beaucoup de travail, parce que qu'il n'y avait pas beaucoup de visiteurs et le jeune ?tudiant en histoire ?tait un peu d?moralis? par l'atmosph?re fig?e des lieux. ?a lui donnait l'impression que tous ces t?moignages du pass? ?taient venus mourir en s'?chouant dans ces rayonnages, o? ils n'int?ressaient plus personne. Enfin, presque plus personne. Lui, Julien, adorait fl?ner parmi tous ces tr?sors oubli?s. Sou...

3 years ago
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Hugo Chapitre 1 5 La pi ce au bout de l escalier

Chapitre 1 : La pi?ce au bout de l'escalier Samedi 1er Mars. Prologue. ?a n'?tait plus possible. ?Hugo, repose ceci imm?diatement, et calme toi.? Cela faisait presque 10 fois qu'elle devait r?p?ter cette phrase. ?Je ne veux pas ranger ma chambre! C'est HORS DE QUESTION! JE NE VEUX PLUS T'OBEIR! GROSSE PUTE!? Hugo avait 12 ans. Ses yeux verts lan?aient des ?tincelles, et ses jolies boucles n'en ?taient pas moins venimeuses. Il causait grand soucis malgr? son jeune ?ge. Col?rique, capricieux, agr...

2 years ago
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Hugo Chapitre 2 5 Une larme sur la joue

Chapitre 2 : Une larme sur la joue ********* Plus tard. Une fine brume couvrait la terre dans la nuit. Hector dormait. Emma dormait. Fran?oise dormait. Bref, tout le monde dormait. Mais pas Hugo. Il r?p?tait avec lenteur et pr?cision les gestes qu'il n'avait pourtant fait que deux fois. La corde. Le pic. La cave. La porte. La clef. Afin de v?rifier ses constatations pr?c?dentes sur son corps, il essaya de se mettre ? plat ventre et ...

3 years ago
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Hugo Chapitre 4 5 Face au Miroir

Chapitre 4: Face au miroir ********* Vendredi 6 f?vrier Hugo s'habilla, alla chercher son eau comme chaque matin, se lava, comme d'habitude, puis se pr?senta ? 10h comme pr?vu. Julia ?tait seule. Elle avait l'air tr?s excit?e de le voir. Il devait lui dire. - Aur?lia! Aur?lia! - Coucou, Julia! - Ohhhh, comme tu es bronz?e! Je suis trop contente de te voir! Alors raconte la Guadeloupe! C'?tait bien! - Oui, c'?tait super! Mais je dois te di...

2 years ago
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Le Journal de Thomas

Le Journal de Thomas. Cette histoire est racont?e principalement ? partir de l'extrait de deux journaux. Celui de Thomas, et de Nicolas. Journal de Thomas - 31 Ao?t Aujourd'hui, je suis arriv? en ville pour le rendez-vous avez l'agence. Ils avaient trouv? pour moi une location parfaite. Ni trop loin de la boulangerie, ni loin du bus qui m'am?nera au lyc?e pour les cours. Mais je devrais pr?ciser qu'il s'agissait d'une colocation. Et quelle colocation! Il s'agit d'une grosse et vieille maison, je...

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La femme du gouverneur

La femme du gouverneur Ch 1 Grand Prize – The Governor’s Wife! Coulybaca /Black Demon ? ? ? ? ? -???????? Quelle belle salope ! Grogna ? voix basse,  Cecil Benson, ? l'adresse de deux de ses hommes, connus en tant qu’agents de recouvrement charg?s de r?cup?rer le prix de ses services aupr?s de certains consommateurs qui r?clamaient sa protection. Ce commerce de la protection rapproch?e que dirigeait Cecil l'amenait ? fournir des gardes du corps arm?s pour les clients qui faisaient des affaires dans la banlieu...

1 year ago
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Accidental AttractionChapter 4

The next morning arrived, breakfast with it: fried egg. It was overcooked, cold and barely edible. The fat in the fried bread had congealed. After Daphne's cooking, Reg was appalled but he ate it, and the cold baked beans. "I've got to eat to live," he thought wryly. The dreaded bedpan came next but he was getting used to it. Just! There was no bed bath. After doctors' rounds an orderly appeared with a wheelchair and he was carefully and efficiently lifted into it. He was taken down to...

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British Becci 3

The drink must have made me pass out. The sleep was restful. Morning dawned. I stretched my body and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. The happenings of last night gradually filtered back into my mind. I tried to analyze everything that happened, or I had learned last night. Aunty Pam and Daddy were fucking each other. My father went to and held orgies at regular intervals. My father was involved in photographing pornography and I had fucked a guy in my father's house with everyone watching! Or...

1 year ago
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SisLovesMe Ella Knox Stepsisters Revenge

Ella Knox has been having a rough time living with her stepbro and his girlfriend. Stepbro was usually tolerable but the girlfriend was a total bitch. One day Ella decided to fuck with the girlfriend and wear one of her shirts. This lead to a heated argument and a glass of water getting thrown on Ella. It was time for revenge! Later that day stepbro wanted to fool around with his girl, but all she wanted to do was watch her show. This is when Ella came in and blew stepbro right there on the bed...

3 years ago
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Surrender by Griezz (M/f, cons) The anticipation was building within her as she moved through the brush,the coarse branches of dead trees scrapping at her bare skin. She still didnot know why he wanted her to walk naked through the woods. All she knew wasthat she had been in the middle of studying when he showed up at her apartmentand motioned for her to come with him. They had driven down the highway to the State Park; it was still early enoughin the season that they passed few people on the...

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Interracial game

I hated that Tom loved this game. OK, the lovemaking was usually great afterward. That part I liked a lot. And getting dressed up is always fun. And yes, I like the attention. (Everyone does, so long as it is respectful.) It was just the deception part that I hated. I know what it is like to be led on and I didn’t like doing it to others. Still, you do crazy things for love. I am sure that all of you have heard about this game. It normally goes something like this. The couple arrives to a...

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JLA From Batman to Call Girl

JLA: From Batman to Call Girl by BobH (c) 2010, 2014 With the aid of Kryptonian technology, Batman undergoes his most amazing transformation ever in order to track down the serial killer targeting the call girls of Gotham City. An LGBT Justice League of America tale. (First posted 06/02/10 - now rewritten) All characters herein are owned by DC Comics. ************************ 1. Alien Technology The Man of Steel watched thoughtfully as his friend paced the great...

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MomsFamilySecrets Audrey Madison Penelope Kay Sharing With My Stepmom

Nick Strokes is taking a shower when his stepmom Audrey Madison walks into the shower to join him. Nick’s surprise is palpable as Audrey drops the towel to show off her bit boobs and hairy pussy. Audrey insists on washing Nick’s hair, which just makes Nick pop a boner. Audrey offers to help her stepson out with a handie and some dirty talk as the warm water pours down around them. Later, Nick is hanging out with his girlfriend Penelope Kay when Audrey comes to hand Nick the phone so...

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A Velvet Touch

This is the twentieth story in my Legacy Universe, but like the others, it can be read on its own. A complete list of the Legacy stories will be provided at the end of the story as well as the order in which they were written. A Velvet Touch By Morpheus Images of a thick green fog filled my mind, as did other strange visions which seemed to come and go. However it was the green fog which kept coming back, which chased after me and then surrounded me. I remembered the fog...

2 years ago
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For A Friend

I welcome you both in. I'm naked, and I lead you both straight to the bedroom where I immediately begin to undress you while your hubby watches. I stack your clothes neatly on the ottoman, then undress your man too.Now I can adore your body. We kiss, my hands in your hair and my tongue probing your mouth. When we break for breath I notice your husband is slowly stroking his erection. I kiss your neck, the hollow of your throat and each shoulder before I fasten my mouth on your left breast...

1 year ago
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New Slave PlanetChapter 15

“Please, don’t make me do this with her, she’s just a girl, and besides I’m straight so this lesbian stuff is just too perverted for me,” Brianna pleaded. As she tried to avoid 15 year old Sue Carpenter’s insistent demands for a kiss, Brianna recalled how the masters seemed to like taking her two at once and sometimes three at a time. It was truly horrible to have a cock ravaging her pussy, another one reaming her ass while she tried to suck off a third one, but to have to make love to a...

2 years ago
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The sleepover part1

One night my girlfriend and I stayed at my gayfriend's house. We had a great dinner and a couple of drinks, that made us tipsy. My girlfriend let me know that the drinks had made her horny, so we said goodnight to my friend and went upstairs. Not even I had closed the door of the room or my girlfriend rips my jeans open and starts to suck my hard cock. While doing so, I start to undress her and touch her breasts and nipples. The nipple pinching makes my girlfriend even hornier, she pushes me on...

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The VaseChapter 13

When my mother returned from her trip to Minnesota, I discovered another item on the con list for moving to the country. With her dislike of the Amazon's rustic look and her clinging to cosmopolitan elitism, I should have guessed, but something in her past made me hope she liked the great outdoors. While Mother stayed in Hibbing, I read my grandmother's letters. I knew nothing of my mother's family before. Grandmother expressed herself simply with plain spoken sentiment rarely emotional....

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20 July 2008Chapter 9

“There is one more person who might arrive later on so, let’s get the fun started. As usual, it doesn’t matter if you’re married or single, man or woman. One of the purposes of our parties is to have some good, safe, sexy fun,” Karen began. “The progress of our fun will be like before. First, the women will take turns licking each other’s pussy. Then you men will line up and each woman is going to give your cock ten sucks. You fast shooters, please try not to cum,” she joked. “Next the...

1 year ago
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His Horn Blew at MidnightChapter 8

My journey back to AD833 had been for the most part an enjoyable romp with many young nubile females of willing attitudes. It was a fact, however, that I had not been successful in finding a female who was willing to sacrifice herself for me out of true love. It was a fitting outcome because I had spent my adult life in the twentieth century as a wanton slut using men for my personal pleasure and giving them nothing in return except my sexual favors which had no value to me at all. I most...

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I m Fucking His Sister

I’m Fucking His Sister I had been fucking my best friend’s younger sister for a few months when he asked, “Are you fucking my sister?” Of course I said, “Yes” after all he was my best friend. Jason said, “I want to watch.” I laughed and said, “I don’t think she would want you too. She gets pretty wild, she really likes sex, and she gets pretty verbal too.” Jason said, “She doesn’t need to know that I’m in the room with you and she doesn’t need to know that I’m watching...

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A Wife s Exciting Shopping Trip

One evening, Alice came home from a shopping trip at the mall. Dan was in the house when she came in, laden down with bags from numerous shops. Her arms were so full, she teetered a bit in her high heels, and as she bent over to plop all her purchases down, Dan got a good look at his wife’s beautiful huge ass in a tiny pair of shorts she was wearing. Dan grinned, absent-mindedly rubbed his cock through his pants and said, “Baby, it looks like I’m gonna have to take another job with all the...

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Tinder Tragedy 8211 Part 1 It 8217 s A Match With Neighbor Aunty

This story is about Rahul’s while searching for a girlfriend for himself. Rahul was a 26-year-old virgin guy who was sick of being single and using his hands every night. His parents were pressuring him to get married, and he finally decided to start searching for a girlfriend for himself. He created a profile on Tinder and started swiping right to all the women out there. He tried all he could by putting his best pictures, but he still got rejected. His friend suggested that he start looking...

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The Confessions of A Horny Young Single Mother 1

Cumming on Mother Being a single young mother in a tiny country isn't easy. Take me, you could to if you were here with me right now because there's something about hot, humid weather that makes me insatiably horny. If I need an excuse for what happened at the beginning of this long, hot summer, I could blame it on the heat of the night. I was between lovers and hadn't had any steady sex in months. I could blame that. Getting laid in my tiny country village is a real problem for me no matter...

3 years ago
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Phopho K Sath Fun

Hi,Hw ru?All….I hope k ap sab theek hoon ge aur apni life enjoy kar rahay hoon ge…Yey life bohut choti hai kuch nhi pata k kab khatam ho jayay !!!Isi liye life ko full enjoy krna chahiye…Yey story meri aur meri phopho pe base karti hai..Mera Naam Sam hai Aur LHR may rehta hoon.Meri age 18 hai Aur FSc Part-2 may hoon…Jesa k ap jante hain mai pehle B apne real experience ap logo k sath share kar chuka houn..yrh bhi ik real story hai aur ap logo ko yaqeeen krna hoga…Mai looking wise bohut cute...

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Young black university student get raped by a white male on her way home

Diaspora in Europe in by 10.00am the next day, and had very little time considering how little I had done. I had foolishly lost track of time writing up my essay that before I knew it, it was already 12.30pm. I would have to walk across the empty campus in the dark to get home. I wasn't too worried as I only lived across the campus, a 10 minute walk away. I left the Social Science department, outside was well lit but very dark. I wished my department was nearer to where the student bars...

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Secret Affairs

You have been married for about five years now, and all this time you've managed to keep a string of affairs going on the side. As far as you know, your spouse has been completely faithful to you and has no idea you've been having sex with anyone else. You love your spouse dearly, and you two still make love passionately at least once a week. However, you have needs and urges that just can't be fulfilled by only one partner. You don't know how to explain this without potentially hurting your...

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beach sex

Not long ago, I was on a massage therapy convention in Florida. My husband Allen had come along with me, having decided to take advantage of a few night's stay in a five-star hotel.While sitting in the hotel lobby, waiting for the next seminar, I noticed a nice looking man who smiled and walked straight toward me. He looked to be in his mid-fifties, nearly twice my age. He appeared to be almost six-foot tall and possessed a decent build. I felt a swoon coming on and thought to myself that alone...

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Blowjob For Daddy

100% fiction! "You had better stop now, honey. I don't think it would be appropriate for me to come in your mouth. Maybe you should finish me off with your hand." My beautiful 18yo daughter took her mouth off of my cock and smiled up at me. "Well, Dad, it wouldn't really be a blow job unless you came in my mouth, and it isn't like it would be my first time. I've sucked off at least ten guys." "Well, if you really want me to," I said. Knowing that I was close and ready to come at any time, she...

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Catching up with cuz Part 1 chpt 6

Still reliving the night before and what had happened between the three of us, but today would be different i had invited my 2 cousins from my dads side to the house before everything had happened. Becky had also invited her best friend JJ to the house as well. Last but not least Gwen invited her sister Lizzie down to the house as well. It seems marriage had not been nice to any of us except for Ann, the older of my two cousins that were coming. Joyce and Lizzie were divorced and JJ had never...

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Friends Watching Us Fuck With Kelly

It was the summer of 1976. School had been out for a couple of weeks and Kelly had her friends over for a sleepover. They had set up a big camping tent in the backyard and were planning to spend the night snacking, giggling and talking about boys.Kelly ran with a tight circle of friends: Yvonne, Becca, Donna, Debbie, and Linda. Yvonne and Becca couldn’t make that party as they had to work early the next day. Kelly was the first of the group to have a steady boyfriend and the first one that was...

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SS chapter 15

“Time to go,” Ethan bellowed, sticking his head in the playroom door. He had spent an hour picking out the perfect outfits for all three of his subs. For Tei, a simple halter mini dress in dark purple with banding about the waist. Lottie was wearing a hot pink mini skirt with a black tank and cardigan. Bree was to wear a black sleeveless dress with large dramatic red polka dots, one of her own dresses since they had not been able to shop for her yet, though he thought it was perfect on her....

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My Beatrice

Distance on the face of slow Time, the vacant-window stare swallowed by Eternity, the desert burning underfoot, all around, everywhere; the lizard, too hot to move; the birds molten against the fiery sky-- I see it all, and, like you, I want to die. But a long road, running straight to the horizon, promises mirages and daydreams, if we will but follow it, through this hellish wasteland. Come; I will follow where you lead, watching you bleed and frown, watching...

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The Danielle Love Fantasy Part Two

When we woke up from our nap, we were still locked in each other’s arms. The cum had dried and left both of us a sticky mess so we decided to go jump in the shower. Her apartment was small and only had one bathroom so I just made myself at home and followed her in. Besides, her now soft girlcock had me walking of the grand canyon if that’s where she wanted me to go. She asked if I’d like to join her for the shower and of course I said yes. I was instantly horny again, knowing that she’d have me...

2 years ago
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Just Do What Youre Told Part Two

Susan scurried across the van floor to the rear door as fast as she could. She knew she was to be punished and had no interest in making him any angrier then he already was. Once her feet hit the ground, Bill took her right arm and attached the cuff to the top of the open door. Someone else attached the left one to the other door. The doors were locked open and spreaded her arms out in a spread eagle position. The only light Susan could see was the bright glare of headlights. She was in a...

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The Extinguishing Sister

"I'm taking the car," Cindy said, picking up the keys off the kitchen counter, as her twin sister Vanessa was right next to her, looking into cupboards for food. "I just got called in to work. Someone got sick, and they asked me to fill in." "What?" Vanessa asked, slamming the cupboard. "You can't do that! I already claimed it! Mom and Dad said I could use it this afternoon." The 5'4", 22-year old, petite, curly haired, identical twin girls didn't care for each other, to say the...

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Spanish MILF in the red bikini

Living in Southern Spain for a lot of years was a voyeurs dream. Fuck me there was wall to wall pussy everywhere that looking at bikini clad, half naked girls and women was just an everyday thing. After years of this a good voyeur like myself wanted a bit more!The wife and I lived in an apartment on a typical coastal Spanish golf urbanisation. Every apartment was virtually the same and each one had a balcony, some like mine on the ground floor had gardens. There was a communal swimming pool in...

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Butch and Stacy 13

Butch and Stacy 13 "Hey, hi! Can I have your autograph?" "Would you sign this for me?" "Can you stand here beside me while my friend takes our picture?" For maybe three weeks, I had become the center of the school universe. Everybody had seen the video, and everybody had hated or feared or despised Lila (except her two minions, who had vanished into the woodwork) so it was Stacy celebrity time. Or Butch time; they called me that too, because of the video, see. We could not eat...

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Surviving 3Chapter 22 Irish eyes

As they sailed back towards Oban Gabrain shared news of his campaign in the south with Scott. From the outset things seemed to be different on this second foray to England's south coast. "I believe word must have spread Scott, they were warned of the tactics we used on that first campaign." "How so Gabrain, what was different?" "Far more of the Danish ships were manned and at sea, fewer at anchorages. That meant the sea-wolves had to battle large numbers of longships out on the open...

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Tenchi Muyo All Good Things Chapter 40 Fear This

In her room, Ayeka paused regarding herself in her full-length mirror. With the original destruction of Reyo, she had gone for the longest time unable to stand the sight of any artifacts, which they had managed to reclaim from the wreckage. So when Misaki's mirror had been recovered, seeing it broken covered in muck, only seemed to vigorously salt an open wound. She had no idea at the time it could be restored in such a fashion! She was a princess, not an artisan after all! So when Tenchi...

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16 June 2007Chapter 3

Karen was having her usual good time upstairs in the Hen House. It didn’t matter how many times she was fucked or swallowed cum, she enjoyed the experience of punishing herself. People continued taking pictures and videos of her performing at different tables. Tanya finally walked Karen back to the basement, where Thor fucked her again. “Karen will be coming back in a little while. I’m taking her for her first dog walk in public, and a gang bang she requested,” she explained. “That doesn’t...

1 year ago
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Learning through her eyes

She sat waiting patiently on the couch for him to return home from work. She had done little but think of him and it had been working her into a quiet frenzy, knowing she wouldn’t have to wait much longer to taste, touch, smell, hold, feel, know, have her man. As the sensations she imagined washed over her, she let her eyes drift close, let her head fall back and her hands slip over her ribs to her navel. Because she had been so anxiously waiting for his touch and his hands, it wasn’t hard to...

4 years ago
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An unexpected gift Part 1

It’s a special day – your birthday perhaps, I tell you a few days before that we’ll be going out ...”Somewhere nice, so wear something you feel really good in – something sexy might be good.” I suggest with a smile. To your surprise, for our ‘special evening’, I drive away from the city. You’d been sure we would be spending the evening in a hotel and started to wonder what the night held in store. For the past two days I’d been dropping hints about wanting this to be a memorable night,...

Wife Lovers
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The DefencemanChapter 43

Monday morning was the official start of my March break. I still got up early and was stretching at six and then moved on to my forms for martial arts before having a shower. I studied my calculus until it was time to go to my doctor's appointment. I drove to the hospital and found a spot to park before taking the elevator to the fifth floor to find Dr. Seidenberg's office. A very cute receptionist smiled as I approached the window in the waiting room. "It's nice to see you Mr. Stewart,...

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A Dinner Invitation

We had been friends for several years. Not close, intimate friends, but the social contact was regular enough, and, from what I could ascertain, the enjoyment of the contact was mutual. I have to admit that I had always had the hots for Natalie. Her pretty face was framed by a mass of curly, brown hair that cascaded down past her shoulders. Her lips were full and she always wore a bright red lipstick, which looked sexy as hell. Her breasts were fairly small, and the snug fitting clothes she...

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Friendly Wendy

If I’ve learned one thing, just one thing, in life it’s be kind to people when you’re on your way up because you never know if you might meet them again when you’re on your way back down! It’s a philosophy that has always stayed with me and I’ve applied in whatever walk of life or job I have been in and it has served me very well. Not for nothing am I known by many who I have met on life’s journey as ‘Friendly Wendy’. Indeed a lot of them will also remember me affectionately as ‘Bendy Wendy’....

4 years ago
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1964 The Dairy of DesireChapter 12 Harsh Realizations Turn Gold

[Very much alone and vulnerable, confused, frightened, utter chaos] Milking was over. I now had terrible doubts, totally forsaken. The son had left. I was to go to breakfast and I hoped to somehow get some clothes, plan my getaway, run away regardless but there was little relief from new fear. Did I really think they were going to give me my clothes back? I had been on the verge of liking being “Naked Guy”, even “livestock” accordingly, but now this. I was so betrayed. No wonder they...

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sweeter than candy

Natalie sat cross legged on her couchin her warm flannel pj's on a friday afternoon What was she doing you ask? She was sitting there grieving the loss of her ten year relationship with her common law husband Fred. While trying to decipher what went wrong, or how, even why. Ugh she gave him everything confusion amassed her twisting and contorting plopping herself back down after pacing. Natalie wants to kick his ass, thump wtf visions of their last night together oh his warm tongue slideing...

2 years ago
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Cheer Leading

Cheer Leading I was new to the cheer leading squad, and our team, a pro-ball team, demanded the best looking girls. I was surprised I made it, since I don’t consider myself that good looking. True, I’ve never had trouble finding guys, and my figure is pretty good, but not perfect. It took about three days to find out who the bitches were, and who the friendly girls were. Our costumes consisted of scanty wisps of nylon, and small shorts, our long dance leotards that hugged our bodies close....

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My neighbor Irene rescued me from my funk giving me my first lesbian experience

My boyfriend and I had purchased a two bedroom rancher in a rather upscale neighborhood and had been in it about eight months when I came home from work to find he had left me. There was just a short note that said he wasn’t ready to settle down into family life, sorry. Of course my life came crashing down on me, I had no inclination that he felt that way, he always seemed happy and I was totally devastated by this turn of events in my life. A couple of days later, I was sitting on my...

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And Baby Makes ThreeChapter 23

We took Patrick marketing. He acted as a 'baby magnet' for every female in every shop and appeared to soak up all the attention. But he was definitely good and didn't even complain until we were back home. I guess he was learning where he could let his (sparse) hair down. We had a quiet salad lunch, anticipating the meat glut at dinner. "I read Harry Heathcote," Weena said. "It was very interesting. Do you think Queensland was really like that?" "Yes. Though, as I recall, Trollope...

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That was before Ada asked me to work for her ‘exclusive agency’. “We have a wide ranging client list, males and females, and lots of constant work,” she told me as she auditioned me. “And we provide for some very kinky people with lots of sexual fetishes.” NOLENE AND HER FEMALE PARTNER. Ten-minutes after I arrived Nolene was sitting on a stool with me standing alongside, sucking my ten-inch erection as her younger partner licked her almost bald cunt lips. They were both very attractive...

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Isabella Part 1 Mom

"Oh, you're home late, Isabella." Her mother was standing in the small kitchen next to the entrance. There was a boiling pot on the stove and the smell of food cooking. "Dad called, so I stopped and talked to him for a bit," Isabella explained. "Isn't that sweet of him," her mom was completely understanding. "Hey kid," Stuart's gruff voice emanated from the couch in the living room, which made up the majority of the apartment space. Isabella made a face at her mom, silently...

2 years ago
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Runaway TrainChapter 7

We left my friends and headed back to the city a short time later. The crowd had picked up and it was impossible to stay hidden in plain sight for much longer. "So?" Liz asked when we were back on the highway. "So what?" I replied. "Do you think they'll do it?" she asked. I nodded as I thought about it. "It's too good a job to pass up," I said. "I want it to be more than a place they draw a paycheck," Liz said, shifting in the seat. "It was just a figure of speech," I...

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i hate people like this

[12:24:21] love life: Hi debbie mcclure, I'd like to add you as a contact.[12:24:43] *** debbie mcclure has shared contact details with love life. ***[12:24:48] love life: i'm a normal mature sexy and expert and smart mature boy 25 years old and i'm good with girls[12:25:00] love life: hello nice to meet you debbie[12:25:09] debbie mcclure: erm[12:25:10] debbie mcclure: hi[12:25:19] love life: how are you[12:26:13] love life: how old are you?[12:26:40] love life: by the way you look so sexy and...

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The Rask RebellionChapter 5 Plan of Attack

Korbaz awoke to the Crewmaster’s snoring, his scarred torso on display as he lay on the bed beside her, his lower body partially covered by the sheets. She immediately felt a pang of disappointment. When she had invited him to her quarters, she had wanted to fight, to get her juices flowing before a night of violent passion. Blood was an aphrodisiac to her people, lovemaking should be treated the same as warfare, the winners and losers decided through a savage bout. Instead, he had acquiesced...

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