Ma Fille Manon free porn video

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I am sorry to write in French, but my English is too bad. J'ai ?t? tr?s agr?ablement surpris par les r?actions positives ? ma premi?re histoire (Pour H?l?ne). Merci ? tous! J'esp?re que ce nouveau r?cit vous plaira ?galement. J'appr?cierais de recevoir toutes vos critiques, positives ou n?gatives (add review). Elles me permettront de progresser. Si quelqu'un aime ce r?cit et souhaite le traduire pour que d'autres personnes en profitent: libre ? vous! Ma fille Manon. Je suis en train de coiffer les magnifiques cheveux blonds de ma fille Manon. Elle est nerveuse. C'est la rentr?e des classes. Elle a dix-sept ans. Elle est tr?s jolie, tr?s f?minine. Je suis vraiment fi?re d'elle... Et si heureuse de partager ces moments privil?gi?s avec elle. Elle retouche une derni?re fois son maquillage discret. Nos regards se croisent dans le miroir. Elle me sourit, mais j'ai l'impression de lire de la tristesse dans ses superbes yeux. Est elle malheureuse? Est ce qu'elle m'en veut? Je ne sais pas. A chaque fois que j'ai essay? d'en parler avec elle, elle m'a simplement dit: "Je t'aime, maman". Je me pose souvent des questions. Par moments, je me dis que je suis une maman horrible, que j'ai fait tout ?a par pur ?go?sme... J'aimerais ?tre absolument s?re que Manon est heureuse. Pourquoi tant d'interrogations? Pourquoi tant de scrupules? Pour une raison simple: il y a encore un an, Manon n'?tait pas ma fille, mais mon fils Jean! .............................................. Pour expliquer tout cela, je crois qu'il faut revenir en arri?re, ? ma propre adolescence. Je suis la fille unique d'un couple provincial tr?s ais?. Je n'ai jamais manqu? de rien. J'ai suivi ma scolarit? dans les meilleures ?coles priv?es. Je ne sais pas si c'est par go?t du risque, ou par envie d'?chapper ? ce cocon familial, mais tr?s jeune j'ai commenc? ? m'int?resser ? la sexualit?. Je crois que j'ai tout exp?riment?: gar?ons, filles, gadgets de toutes sortes, et m?me un peu de domination et soumission. J'ai vite constat? que je pr?f?re la douceur f?minine. J'aime les femmes, mais aussi les gar?ons pas trop virils. A dix neuf ans, j'ai eu une aventure avec un gar?on gentil et d?licat. Je m'amusais ? le maquiller, ? lui faire porter mes petites culottes... Il s'est assez vite lass? de ces jeux et m'a quitt?e sans laisser d'adresse... Malheureusement, au moment de notre s?paration, nous ignorions tous les deux que j'?tais enceinte. Mes parents, un peu choqu?s au d?but, m'ont totalement soutenue, ce qui m'a permis de finir mes ?tudes et finalement d'obtenir un bon emploi et une ind?pendance dont je suis aujourd'hui tr?s fi?re. Gr?ce au soutien de mes parents, j'ai d?cid? de garder le b?b?, en esp?rant que ce serait une fille. Lorsque j'ai su que ce serait un gar?on, je crois que j'ai ?t? un peu d??ue. Mais d?s sa naissance, je l'ai aim?... J'ai toujours aim? mon enfant. Les premi?res ann?es, j'?tais encore ?tudiante et nous habitions chez mes parents. Ma m?re s'est beaucoup occup? de Jean. Je n'avais que peu de temps pour lui, donc, pour compenser, quand on ?tait ensemble, je lui donnais toute la tendresse dont j'?tais capable. Je crois que j'?tais tr?s (trop?) protectrice et que ?a a contribu? ? la douceur et ? la docilit? de son caract?re. Quand Jean a eu sept ans, j'ai trouv? un emploi bien r?mun?r? ? Paris. Nous avons donc quitt? mes parents, et nous ne les revoyions que rarement, pendant des cong?s. Pendant des ann?es, mis ? part quelques rencontres furtives, Jean et moi sommes rest?s seuls. Je consacrais tout mon temps libre ? lui. Je l'aidais ? faire ses devoirs, nous jouions ensemble... Mais je l'ai d'abord toujours trait? en gar?on... Il a toujours eu les cheveux longs. En hiver, je lui faisait porter des collants sous ses v?tements de gar?on. Mais tout cela n'a rien d'exceptionnel. Un matin, je me maquillais, je vis dans la glace que Jean me regardait. Il avait neuf ans. Je le fis s'approcher, et je lui mis du rouge ? l?vres. Je lui ai montr? un miroir. Il rougissait adorablement, alors j'ai ajout? de l'ombre ? paupi?re et du rouge sur les joues. On aurait dit une poup?e! Mais j'?tais tr?s troubl?e... J'?tais tellement troubl?e que j'ai eu l'impression soudaine de faire quelque chose de mal. Je lui ai donc tr?s vite d?barbouill? le visage. Un ?t? quand Jean avait douze ans, une relation de travail m'avait pr?t? une maison pour les vacances. C'?tait une jolie maison dans le sud avec une petite piscine, assez isol?e. Jean occupait une chambre qui ?tait celle d'une fille de son ?ge. La chambre ?tait tr?s f?minine et je pensais que jean r?lerait un peu, mais il n'a rien dit. Il m'a aid? ? ranger les affaires et ? faire un peu de place pour les siennes. J'?tais tr?s troubl?e de le voir au milieu des frous-frous et des dentelles et j'ai eu brusquement envie de le voir en fille. En riant pour cacher mon trouble je lui ai propos? d'essayer une robe, Jean a rougit, a baiss? la t?te, mais a dit oui. Sentant que je pouvais aller plus loin je lui ai impos? une petite culotte et une brassi?re. Il n'a fait aucun probl?me pour s'habiller en fille et, ? voir sa r?action physique et son trouble, il a particuli?rement appr?ci? les dessous. J'ajoutai deux barrettes dans les cheveux et on aurait vraiment dit une fille, c'?tait g?nial. Il ?tait rougissant et souriant en m?me temps. Je lui ai montr? le miroir, en lui disant qu'elle ?tait adorable et j'ai inconsciemment utilis? le mot "elle". J'ai aid? pour la robe, une petite robe d'?t? bleue et blanche, boutonn?e devant. Elle ne faisait pas d?guis?e c'?tait tr?s troublant. Elle a pass? le reste de la journ?e dans cette tenue. Je lui ai dit qu'il lui fallait un pr?nom f?minin. J'ai donc commenc? ? l'appeler Manon. Je lui ai demand? si elle se sentait bien, elle a secou? la t?te pour dire oui. J'?tais aux anges, je lui ai fait un gros c?lin. J'ai ador? ce moment. Apr?s cette journ?e, Manon a pass? le reste du s?jour en fille. Par la suite, c'est devenu une habitude entre nous. Parfois, le week- end, ou pendant des cong?s. Jean redevenait Manon. A No?l ou aux anniversaires, je lui offrais souvent des cadeaux f?minins. Souvent, je me disais que c'?tait mal de travestir ainsi mon enfant, mais j'?tais si d?licieusement troubl?e ? chaque fois que je voyais Jean en fille... Et tout ?a ne semblait pas lui d?plaire! Nous sortions souvent, comme m?re et fille, pour faire du shopping. Cependant, pendant plusieurs ann?es, tout cela est rest? un jeu bien innocent. Les choses ont nettement ?volu? il y a un peu plus d'un an au printemps. Un samedi soir, j'ai emmen? Jean (ou plut?t Manon) en bo?te de nuit. Pour ne pas prendre le risque de rencontrer des hommes dragueurs et brutaux, nous sommes, comme toujours, all?s dans une bo?te gay. Au cours de la soir?e, j'ai dans? avec une jeune femme qui m'a imm?diatement subjugu?e. Elle m'a d?licatement dragu?e, m'a embrass?e... Et nous avons pass? la nuit ensemble. Elle s'appelait Susan. Elle ?tait am?ricaine. Elle ?tait en France pour quelques semaines pour son travail. Je crois que j'?tais tomb?e un peu amoureuse d'elle. Le lendemain matin, me sentant en confiance, je parlais ? Susan de Jean. Je lui avouais que ma fille, avec qui elle avait fait connaissance la veille, ?tait en r?alit? mon fils. Elle ne fut pas choqu?e, au contraire! Elle se montra tr?s enthousiaste! Je lui proposais alors d'habiter chez moi pour la suite de son s?jour ? Paris. Elle accepta avec bonne humeur et m'embrassa. D'abord, Jean fut un peu sous le choc quand il sut que Susan connaissait notre doux secret. Mais il se d?tendit pendant le petit d?jeuner. Susan lui posait ?norm?ment de questions sur nos jeux de d?guisement. Il r?pondait en rougissant. Je crois qu'il ?tait tr?s troubl? qu'une autre personne soit au courant... Et je crois que Susan l'avait subjugu? lui aussi. D?s ce premier jour, Susan ?tait comme un membre de la famille. Nous passions tout notre temps libre ensemble. Susan dormait avec moi, nous nous aimions... Mais dans la journ?e, elle adorait se consacrer ? Jean. La plupart du temps, il restait en gar?on... Mais parfois, encourag? par Susan, il devenait Manon. Quand mon travail m'obligeais ? les laisser seuls tou(te)s les deux, Susan emmenait souvent Manon faire du shopping. Un soir, en rentrant, Manon me montra ses derniers achats: un tailleur, jupe droite courte, et des escarpins ? talons aiguille de cinq centim?tres. Je fus un peu choqu?e de la voir ainsi. C'?tait la premi?re fois que mon enfant portait des v?tements de femme adulte... Et des talons! Jusque l?, je ne lui avais fait porter que des affaires d'adolescente. Je ne dis rien: j'?tais sous le choc, et en m?me temps, j'?tais ?mue et fi?re. Mon fils ?tait une si jolie femme! Au moment d'aller nous coucher, je le rejoignis dans sa chambre. J'ouvrais doucement sa porte, et je restais fascin?e par le spectacle que je voyais. Manon ne m'avait pas entendue. Elle se regardait dans la grande glace de son armoire en se d?shabillant doucement. Quand elle fit tomber la jupe, je fus effar?e de voir qu'elle portait de la lingerie en dentelle: culotte, soutien-gorge, porte-jarretelles et bas! On ?tait loin des dessous en coton que je lui faisais porter d'habitude! Je l'observais en silence pendant un long moment. Elle ne m'avait toujours pas remarqu?e. Elle semblait prendre beaucoup de plaisir ? se regarder dans la glace... Et ? se caresser sur tout le corps. J'?tais paralys?e en observant cette sc?ne. Je r?alisais soudain que mon petit gar?on avait bien grandi. Je ne sais pas combien de temps je restais l?. Finalement, Elle d?grafa son soutien-gorge, et deux petits faux seins en tomb?rent... Ce qui eu pour effet imm?diat de me lib?rer de ma paralysie. Je refermai la porte en silence et retournai dans ma chambre. Je ne sais pas pourquoi, j'?clatai en sanglots dans les bras de Susan... Mais ses caresses eurent t?t fait de me remettre de ce choc. Le lendemain j'en discutais avec Jean: "Mon c?ur, je me demande parfois... Est ce que tu aimes t'habiller en fille? Je veux dire, tu ne fais pas ?a seulement pour me faire plaisir?" "Non, non, maman, j'ai toujours aim? me d?guiser... C'est, comment dire... Excitant!" Me r?pondit il sans pouvoir s'emp?cher de rougir. Je poursuivis: "As tu envie de devenir une fille?" Jean me regarda un moment en silence, comme surpris par ma question, puis r?pondit en rougissant: "Non, je ne crois pas... C'est juste que j'aime bien, de temps en temps... Changer... Je ne sais pas comment expliquer... Est ce que c'est mal?" "Mais non mon c?ur, c'est juste que... Il faut rester prudent. Les gens ne comprendraient pas... " Et je le pris dans mes bras: "Je t'aime tellement, mon c?ur!" M?me si Susan semblait prendre un plaisir pervers ? ces jeux, je laissais faire. Il me semblait que Jean aimait ?a, et j'avais l'impression d'avoir enfin une fille! Cette id?e me rendait tr?s heureuse. De plus, les rapports entre Susan et "Manon" ne se limitaient pas ? ces jeux de travestissement. Susan aidait ?norm?ment Jean ? faire ses devoirs. Gr?ce ? elle, il a ?norm?ment progress? dans l'apprentissage de la langue anglaise. C'est d'ailleurs bizarrement ses progr?s en Anglais qui ont fait scell?s le destin f?minin de mon enfant. Un soir, Susan, qui devait repartir en Californie quelques semaines plus tard, me proposa: "Je pourrais emmener Jean avec moi pour quelques temps. Il pourrait faire de gros progr?s en Anglais." Jean ajouta: "Oh oui, s'il te plais maman, j'ai tellement envie de visiter les Etats-Unis!" "Oui, c'est une id?e" R?pondis je, "Mais ce n'est pas si simple! On ne peut pas interrompre ta scolarit? comme ?a!" Susan insista: "Il pourrait venir pour toute une ann?e scolaire! Je l'inscrirais dans une ?cole am?ricaine... Il apprendra l'Anglais... Et quand il reviendra, il pourra reprendre ses ?tudes exactement o? il s'est arr?t?!... Ce sera une sorte d'ann?e sabbatique!" "Toute une ann?e!? Je ne sais pas si..." "Oh oui maman, s'il te plais... et puis tu viendras nous rejoindre pendant tes cong?s!" "Bon, je vais y r?fl?chir..." "Oh, merci maman!" Me dit Jean en m'embrassant. En riant, j'ajoutais que je n'avais pas encore dit oui. Jean ?tait tellement enthousiaste... Et je repensais ? un projet que j'avais depuis longtemps. Une formation professionnelle que j'aurais voulu suivre, mais qui demandait beaucoup d'investissement. Si je n'avais plus ? m'occuper de Jean, j'aurais le temps de suivre ce stage ... Et de monter en grade dans mon entreprise. Finalement, apr?s quelques jours de r?flexion, j'annon?ais ? Susan et Jean mon accord. Je dis ? mon fils: "Tu vas tellement me manquer, mon c?ur! Il faudra absolument m'?crire tous les jours!" "Bien s?r maman, avec Internet, ce sera facile!" Quelques jours plus tard, Susan et moi ?tions enlac?es sur mon lit. Elle me demanda: "Tu aurais pr?f?r? avoir une fille, n'est ce pas?" "Oui... J'aurais ador? ?a!... Mais je suis tr?s heureuse avec Jean, c'est un gar?on si gentil... J'ai beaucoup de chance!" "Bien s?r... Mais, je crois que Jean aime bien ?tre une fille aussi..." "O? veux tu en venir?" "Je me disais... Pendant qu'il sera en Californie avec moi, il pourrait ?tre en fille... Toute la journ?e! Personne ne le conna?t l? bas... " J'?tais assez choqu?e par son id?e, mais en m?me temps tr?s excit?e... J'essayais d'argumenter: "Jean n'acceptera jamais! Il n'osera jamais... Tu as vu toi m?me qu'il faut parfois insister pendant des heures pour qu'il accepte d'oser sortir en fille!" "Il suffirait de ne pas lui laisser le choix!" R?pondit elle avec une sourire ?nigmatique. Elle m'exposa longuement son plan... Je l'?coutais sans rien dire, ? la fois choqu?e et tr?s excit?e... Et je finis par accepter son id?e. Si j'avais su jusqu'o? elle voulait aller, je n'aurais jamais donn? mon accord. Les jours pass?rent tr?s vite, puis vint le moment de leur d?part. Je les accompagnais ? l'a?roport. Apr?s un clin d'?il complice ? Susan, je les quittai quelques minutes pour m'occuper de l'enregistrement de leurs bagages... Mais je ramenai discr?tement la valise de Jean ? ma voiture: elle ne ferait jamais ce voyage, et cela passerait ais?ment pour une erreur de la compagnie a?rienne. Je les rejoignis tr?s vite pour leur faire mes adieux. Je serrais longuement mon fils dans mes bras, j'embrassais Susan... Et ils s'?loign?rent. Je n'allais plus les revoir avant des mois! D?s le lendemain, je commen?ais ? m'investir dans mon projet professionnel et ? entrer dans une routine qui allait durer presque un an. Le soir, je rentrais tard, je me pr?cipitais sur mon ordinateur pour lire les nouveaux mails et les derni?res nouvelles de mon enfant: .............................................. Mail de Jean: Ch?re maman, Nous sommes bien arriv?s en Californie. Il fait tr?s beau! Tout est immense ici! L'appartement de Susan est magnifique. Je vais dormir dans sa chambre d'amis. C'est une jolie chambre, mais on voit bien que Susan n'a que des femmes pour amies. La chambre est toute rose avec des meubles blancs. Mais ?a ne me d?range pas trop. Je pense que je vais m'habituer. Et puis, c'est juste pour dormir. Par contre, on a eu un probl?me ? l'a?roport. Ils ont perdu ma valise. Ils disent m?me qu'elle n'a pas ?t? enregistr?e. J'esp?re qu'ils la retrouveront bient?t, je n'ai rien ? me mettre ? part les v?tements que je porte. Sinon, tout est g?nial, ici. Bisous Mail de Susan: Ma ch?rie, Tout se passe comme pr?vu. Apr?s la "perte" de la valise, j'ai propos? ? Jean de dormir dans une de mes chemises de nuit. Et ce matin, je lui ai pr?t? un de mes shorts et un tee-shirt. J'ai rang? les affaires qu'il portait en lui expliquant que c'?tait trop chaud pour la Californie. Ca n'a pas eu l'air de le d?ranger beaucoup. Notre plan fonctionne tr?s bien! Je vais maintenant m'occuper de son inscription aux cours. Je t'embrasse. Mail de Jean: Maman ch?rie, Je suis bien emb?t?. Susan m'a inscrit pour des cours dans un coll?ge. Elle m'a fait signer des papiers pour cette inscription. En relisant ces papiers plus tard, j'ai remarqu? que sur la cat?gorie "gender", il ?tait inscrit "female". J'ai bien s?r montr? ?a ? Susan. Elle a rit en m'expliquant que Jean est un pr?nom f?minin ici. Ca se prononce diff?remment en anglais, et que c'est pour ?a qu'il y a eu une erreur. Elle m'a demand? si cette erreur me g?nait. Elle m'a dit que si j'?tait inscrit comme "female", je n'aurais plus qu'? suivre mes cours en fille. Je ne sais pas quoi faire. Bien s?r ce serait amusant de me faire passer pour une fille, mais ?a veut dire que je devrais rester comme ?a tout le temps! C'est vrai que, comme ?a, je n'aurais plus ? m'inqui?ter pour ma valise perdue. Maman, qu'est ce que je dois faire? Mes cours commencent lundi prochain. Bisous Mail de Jean: Maman ch?rie, Je viens de rentrer de mon premier cours. Ca s'est bien pass?, mais j'avais tr?s peur que quelqu'un voit que je suis un gar?on. Pour passer pour une vraie fille, Susan a insist? pour que mon look soit le plus f?minin possible. Elle m'a emmen? dans un salon de coiffure. Elle m'a fait faire une coiffure blond d?color?. Elle m'a ensuite emmen? chez une esth?ticienne, et la j'ai eu droit ? tout: ?pilation ? la cire (?a fait mal, surtout le maillot), manucure, p?dicure (j'ai maintenant les ongles vernis en rouge vif), maquillage. Je me suis m?me fait ?piler les sourcils. Ils sont si fins, maintenant! M?me si je le voulais, je ne pourrais plus passer pour un gar?on avant qu'ils ne repoussent. Je me suis m?me fait percer les oreilles! Susan veut que je sois le plus sexy possible, pour que personne ne puisse imaginer que je suis un gar?on. Je suis toujours en minijupe et talons tr?s hauts (c'est difficile de marcher avec ces sandales et ?a fait mal aux pieds). La seule chose qui n'est pas sexy, c'est le tee- shirt que je porte. Mais je ne peux pas porter quelque chose de trop d?collet?. On verrait tout de suite que mes petits seins sont faux. Je te laisse, Susan veut m'emmener faire du shopping. Bisous Mail de Susan: Ma ch?rie, Jean s'adapte merveilleusement ? sa nouvelle vie. Elle aurait d? na?tre fille. Il faut la voir perch?e sur ses talons. Elle les ma?trise plus facilement que moi! Et sa d?marche est si ?l?gante! Tu peux ?tre fi?re de ta fille! Je t'embrasse. Mail de Jean: Maman ch?rie, C'est marrant d'?tre une fille, mais j'aimerais parfois porter autre chose que des jupes. Mais Susan dit que mes formes sont trop masculines, et qu'on les verrait sous un pantalon. La jupe me permet plus facilement de les cacher. Le temps s'est un peu rafra?chit, je porte donc tous les jours des collants ou des bas. Bisous Mail de Susan: Ma ch?rie, J'ai remarqu? depuis quelques jours que la voix de Jean commence ? changer. Sa pubert? aura ?t? tardive, mais elle a fini par arriver! Ce n'est pas vraiment le bon moment. Pour que sa voix ne la trahisse pas, j'ai commenc? ? lui donner des m?dicaments pour retarder les effets de la pubert?. Rassures toi, il n'y a aucun risque, une amie m?decin m'a expliqu? que tout rentrera dans l'ordre d?s qu'on arr?tera le traitement. Je t'embrasse. Mail de Jean: Ch?re maman, Tu me manques, j'esp?re que tu pourras venir nous rejoindre pour No?l. Bisous. .............................................. J'avais effectivement quelques jours de cong? et je pris l'avion pour les rejoindre. A l'a?roport, je faillis ne pas reconna?tre Jean! Il ou plut?t elle ?tait si f?minine: Sa chevelure de bimbo californienne, son tailleur blanc avec minijupe , ses jambes si longues et fusel?es perch?es sur des bottines blanches ? talons aiguilles! Je suis rest?e sous le choc pendant un long moment... Mais quand elle est venue se blottir dans mes bras, j'ai imm?diatement reconnu mon enfant. Et le soir m?me, les caresses de Susan m'ont ? nouveau fait oublier mes doutes... C'?tait presque comme si je les avais quitt?es la veille. Je restais tr?s ?tonn?e par l'apparence de Jean. On aurait dit une vraie jeune femme ?panouie. Mais cette jeune femme ? l'apparence adulte venait souvent se blottir dans mes bras. Elle ?tait tr?s c?line, comme l'avait toujours ?t? mon petit gar?on. Un moment o? nous ?tions seules je lui demandai: "Mon c?ur, est ce que tu es heureuse? (dans la tenue qui ?tait la sienne, je ne pouvais lui parler qu'au f?minin)" "Oui, maman. J'aime beaucoup les Etats-Unis, et Susan est g?niale!" "Oui, mais je voulais dire... Tes v?tements, ta coiffure..." "Oui, c'est vrai que par moments, je regrette un peu ma vie de gar?on... Mais j'ai aussi la chance de conna?tre quelque chose d'unique... Aucun autre gar?on ne conna?t jamais ?a!" "C'est vrai, ou alors, il ne s'en venterait pas!" Nous ?clat?mes de rire. Jean continua: "Apr?s tout, ce n'est que pour un an. Ca va passer vite, et je retrouverais ensuite ma vie normale" Je la serrais longuement dans mes bras. Nous avons f?t? No?l ensemble. Susan offrit une nouvelle paire de boucles d'oreilles ? Jean. Elles s'embrass?rent sur la bouche! Je compris ? ce moment qu'elles m'avaient cach? quelque chose, que leur complicit? avait ?volu?... Mais cette id?e me fit sourire. Apr?s tout, mon enfant avait largement l'?ge de d?couvrir certaines choses, et Susan ?tait sans doute la meilleure des initiatrices. Mes quelques jours avec elles ont pass? si vite! Je repris l'avion, non sans avoir fait promettre ? Jean de continuer ? m'?crire tous les jours. J'?tais un peu d?prim?e ? l'id?e de reprendre la routine du travail... Mais je pensai ? ce que Jean avait dit: "Apr?s tout, ce n'est que pour un an. Ca va passer vite." Pendant les mois qui suivirent, je re?u r?guli?rement des mails de Jean ou de Susan. Elles continuaient ? me raconter leurs aventures: les s?ances de shopping, les nouvelles coiffures, les sorties entre filles... Ca me manquait de ne pas pouvoir partager ces moments avec elles. Au mois de mai, je pus enfin reprendre quelques jours de cong?s. Je pris tr?s vite un billet d'avion. J'allais enfin revoir mon enfant! Arriv?e ? l'a?roport, je fus accueillie par Susan. Nous nous embrass?mes longuement. Nous sommes ensuite rentr?s chez elle pour attendre Jean qui ?tait en cours. Quand elle est arriv?e, j'eu beaucoup de mal ? reconna?tre mon fils. Sa coiffure et son maquillage la faisait ressembler ? la jeune chanteuse canadienne Avril Lavigne. Elle ?tait perch?e sur des sandales tr?s fines ? talons d?mesur?ment hauts. Ses jambes bronz?es semblaient interminables. Elle portait une minijupe blanche et un top rose tr?s court qui laissait voir le piercing qui ornait son nombril. Elle avait vraiment l'air d'une jeune fille...D'un geste elle repoussa sa longue chevelure blonde en arri?re pour d?couvrir sa poitrine, et l?, horreur! Son d?collet? montrait la base de seins, de vrais seins! J'?tais soudain en ?tat de choc! "Mais... Mais, que c'est il pass?, pourquoi... Que..." En venant par derri?re me poser ses mains sur mes ?paules, Susan r?pondit: "Tu vois? Elle est si f?minine, si jolie. Elle est faite pour ?tre une fille. Tu avais raison!" "Mais, ?a?!" Dis je en pointant du doigt la poitrine de mon enfant. "Oh, ma ch?rie, quelques prise d'hormones et le tour est jou?. C'est si facile d'obtenir toutes sortes de m?dicaments ici aux Etats-Unis." Je ne me contr?lais plus. Je me suis brusquement retourn?e et j'ai donn? une grande claque ? Susan! Puis, me retournant vers Jean: "Toi! Pr?pares vite ta valise! On rentre en France!" Jean essaya de bredouiller quelque chose, mais je ne l'?coutai pas: "TOUT DE SUITE!" Hurlais je. Tr?s vite nous sommes ressorties de l'appartement de Susan. J'eu simplement un dernier regard pour elle en sortant. Elle avait un peu de sang au coin de la l?vre. Je l'entendis dire avec une voix faible: "J'ai fait tout ?a pour toi..." Dans les boutiques de l'a?roport, j'ai vite achet? un pantalon et un pull de gar?on. Dans les toilettes, j'ai fait mettre ces v?tements ? Jean puis j'ai fait de mon mieux pour le d?maquiller. Je lui ai coiff? ses cheveux avec une queue de cheval maintenue par une casquette. Il fallait le faire ressembler le plus possible ? la photo de son passeport. Nous avons r?ussi ? prendre le premier avion pour rentrer chez nous. Pendant tout le voyage, Jean et moi n'avons pas ?chang? un seul mot. A peine arriv?s, nous avons tout juste pris le temps de nous doucher et de nous changer, puis j'ai emmen? Jean chez mon m?decin. Apr?s des analyses qui m'ont paru interminables, le docteur m'a expliqu? que le corps de Jean ?tait satur? d'hormones f?minines, qu'il ne serait jamais un homme... Le choix ?tait simple: Jean pouvait se faire op?rer pour se faire enlever les seins, prendre des hormones masculines pour obtenir une apparence d'homme... ou bien continuer ce qui avait ?t? fait, peut ?tre jusqu'? l'op?ration de changement de sexe. Apr?s quelques jours de froid et de silence entre nous, Jean osa enfin me parler: "Maman?" Dit il avec la voix qu'il prenait quand il ?tait petit et qu'il voulait m'avouer une b?tise. Il n'eu pas besoin d'en dire plus. Ma col?re tomba d'un seul coup. Je fondis en larmes et le pris dans mes bras. Nous sommes rest?s tr?s longtemps dans les bras l'un de l'autre. Nous avons longuement parl?, et nous avons finalement d?cid? que Jean continuerait ? vivre en fille. Avec l'aide du m?decin, j'ai pu l'inscrire dans un lyc?e sous l'identit? de Manon, de sexe f?minin. Pour un changement d'identit? d?finitif, il faudra attendre encore longtemps en raison des lenteurs de l'administration... Mais Manon, ma fille, va retrouver tr?s vite une vie normale de lyc?enne de son ?ge. J'ai essay? de rappeler Susan plusieurs fois depuis, je lui ai envoy? plusieurs mails. Je ne lui en veux pas de ce qu'elle a fait... J'aimerais pouvoir en parler avec elle... Elle n'a jamais r?pondu. .............................................. Manon est pr?te pour sa rentr?e. Elle a tout d'une jeune fille sage. Un tailleur pantalon, des talons plats, les cheveux nou?s et un maquillage discret. Elle sort de l'appartement en me faisant un dernier sourire: "A ce soir maman ch?rie... Je t'aime!" Elle sourit, mais son regard est si triste. Est elle malheureuse? M'en veut elle? J'ai peur de ne jamais le savoir... Je me sens coupable... Petit Pierre

Same as Ma fille Manon Videos

4 years ago
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Nuit Coquine by Manonlez

Time ago, one year or so, I met one of the most (if not the most) sweet, kind, polite and sensitive woman on this site. She writes stories. In French. I wanted to congratulate her for her first year on this site, staying yet (at least to me) as sweet, kind, polite and sensitive as when I met her in spite of being treated as ‘viande’ (as she says) by some users ‘so called persons’. I like her stories and I think it’s a shame that they can be read only by people who understand French while...

2 years ago
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Unfulfilled Fantasies

"Tell me," she said, "do you have any unfulfilled fantasies?" "What?" I replied taken somewhat by surprise by her question. "You must have," she said with a sexy smile, "everybody does." "So?" I said. Even her smile was getting my pants tight for she was something else. "Well, I have the power to make some of these fantasies come true," she said. "Yeah," I leered. "Oh yes," she smiled again. "I promise that if it's within my power, I will do anything you want...

4 years ago
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Fulfilled My Desire Of Having Sex With Aunty After 15 Years

Hi stories readers! I am follower of this site from last 2 years and now I am narrating my story which was fulfilled after my 15 years. I am 27 with 5.8 height; fit personality and from Hyderabad. Heroine of this story is my aunty who is my mom’s 4th sister. This is my first story so please bear with me for slow narration, sorry for any mistakes and correct me if I am wrong. Any women and friends can reach me on my mail lovingdynu(at) for improvements or for any physical help. I like...

3 years ago
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“O come on, Hun! Why not?” Scott begged his girlfriend. He had been working her for almost an hour now, rubbing her tits out and licking her crotch and everything else that goes into good fore-play, and all he wanted in return was one little fantasy fulfilled. He’d always had the strongest desire to shit all over a girl, but Angela wouldn’t let him try it no matter what he tried.“I said ‘No, Scott! Now stop asking me, that’s disgusting! Just hurry up and do me, I was so close to an orgasm…” She...

2 years ago
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Fulfilled By Gingerfred Man Chapter One ? The Letter I was sitting at my desk at work and trembling as I read the letter for the third time. "Dear Mr. Harris: An anonymous benefactor has arranged for an all-expenses-paid, two-week vacation for you at ?Fulfillment?, our t-girl fantasy spa in the Mediterranean island country of Gingerfredonia. Your dream experience will begin on July 24. A general description of optional activities is enclosed. No need to make your...

4 years ago
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Fulfilled Wish Of An Innocent Virgin Girl 8211 Part 1

Hi guys, this is Rixia again with an another story which I would like to share all my Is readers. I am Rixia currently staying in chennai working in an IT field. I am fair 5.4 in height and a cock size of 7 inch. I am  an open minded person and like to meet new friends and hangout with them. You can mail me This is a story of how I made satisfaction for an innocent girl who is willing to experience sex in her life. Our relationship started with her friend request from Facebook. I accepted...

2 years ago
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Fulfilled The Weird Fantasy Of My Reader By Making Her Pregnant

Hi I am Praveen 26 years of age, Bangalore, before starting with the new episode I want to thank u readers for Ur valuable comments and suggestions, For New readers who don’t know me, search for my saagas with the tag name missed fun in the stories list. (Journey of a Corporate Guy Part 1 and Part2). This story is about my fan/reader with whom I made her pregnant on her request. My Story “Journey of a Corporate Guy part 2” got me very huge fans/ readers. People from all over the world started...

3 years ago
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Unfulfilled life0

Their sex life was so bad Tanya was considering getting something to help Chris with sexual performance. When they have sex Chris and last for about 5 or 10 minutes which isn't long. Sometimes when Chris asked her about her sex life she would lie and say that he makes her so happy knowing he's not pleasing her. She could never tell her husband that his dick could never do anything for her. At dinner time they would sit down and eat and she would have to pretend like she was happy. Not...

3 years ago
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This match had been planned since she was 10, but she'd known this day was going to happen her whole life, practically. She just hadn't known who until her mother and Jerasen's had made the match at the Mute. She hadn't gone; it was an affair for adults, and not a word was spoken in the three days the meeting had gone on for. Mother had returned with a self satisfied smile on her face and a folder tucked under her arm. Jerasen was from one of the oldest families known to have...

2 years ago
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Fulfilled Fantasy

I see you looking at me…from across the lobby. You’re staring at me as if I were a piece of meat you long for. And I like it. I see you undressing me with your eyes. I can almost feel it, right now. So many people here, what would I do given the chance? I often wondered, would I give in to the desires? While others sit and consume their lunch, I imagine you bending me over, sliding your hand up my back. Dare I? As I stand here, wanting you more with every passing moment. So I take a deep,...

3 years ago
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Fulfilled Dreams Part One

I must introduce myself better. My name is Chris, and I am an 18 year old student. I live in a small town in England, and live the simple life. All I want in life is to have money and to be happy. I never do anything wrong, and have been on the straight and narrow all my life. However, sometimes I do feel like I want to break free of this reputation and let my hair down a bit. When I was at Knappers last year for the summer holidays I had had a girlfriend. We had never done much, we stayed...

2 years ago
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Fulfilled Ch 04

She was angry and frustrated at the same time because as far as she was concerned, Frank and the girls were her family now. And the sad part was that she had received more love and attention in the last few months than she ever did from her parents. That’s when it finally hit them that they didn’t know much about her family. Her first reaction was to call and tell them off, but the girls would have none of it. They were able to convince her to meet them and hear what they had to say, she owed...

4 years ago
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Fulfilled Ch 02

Read the first part in order to follow on this one and comments are welcome The following morning he woke up with a slight headache and alone in bed. At first he didn’t know where he was, and then everything about the last few days came flooding back. He had to get his bearings, so he put on a robe and stepped out on the patio. It was a beautiful day and for the fist time since he got there, he relaxed, he leaned on the railing and listened to the birds sing. He tried to digest about his life...

4 years ago
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This is a work of fiction and contains elements of D/S and incest so if you have reservations about that read no further otherwise enjoy. Frank Davis was an ambitious outgoing 22 year old. Graduating at the top of his class and with honors, he had a bright future ahead of him. But despite all this there was a huge hole in his life. He had been orphaned at age two after a terrible car accident to which he had a scar running down the length of his back as a reminder, then raised by his aunt...

3 years ago
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Fulfilled Ch 03

As the day approached, he found it hard to distract her, but fortunately they had shown him how to ‘mask’ his thoughts. He was nervous and because even though he loved them dearly and they him, he still occasionally found himself thinking that it was all a dream and one day he was going to wake up and all would be gone. But when they met for lunch that would all go away and the girls would show him what he really had. During this time, Jackie started withdrawing from him, her morning greetings...

5 years ago
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Fulfilled Dreams Part Two Passions Collide

Several hours had passed and I was still flustered from mine and Claires encounter in the cubicle. I felt so unusual, one the one hand I wanted to blabber it all to Mike and James due to pure excitement (and to gloat also), but on the other hand I knew that it would be fatal for our jobs if we did, especially as the scenario isnt favourable. I knew Claire had a family, and I didnt want her to lose her job by either being sacked or being driven out. I continued to work as if nothing had...

4 years ago
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Fulfilled Dreams Part One

Introduction: Stick with this story, this is only the start of a much more exciting story… I hate where I work. In fact to say I hate it is an understatement. When I think about all the jobs I could be in, I get sad and angry at my present situation. I work in a dusty warehouse called Knappers, where I pick orders for local shops, day in, day out, 2pm until 10pm. I have to admit though, I am only working there for the summer holidays, the rest of the year I am at University. Being a student is...

3 years ago
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Fulfilled My Dream To Visit Rajeswari Theatre

Hope you all read my previous stories including my real life gay incident in a bus. This is another story that fulfills my gay dream. About me. I am slim, athletic and little short. Have a beige skin tone and a 6-inch uncut cock I always wanted to go to the Rajeswari theatre after reading many stories in ISS. I got a perfect chance to go there. My friend had to write the RRB exam and he got allotted in Bangalore for the exam. He said he gotta go alone. So I thought this was my chance. I said to...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Fulfilled Aunty8217s Threesome Wish 8211 Part 8211 2

Hi ladies, thank you for your beautiful replies and happy to hear that, your pussies went wet while reading my story. A small introduction before we move further, myself night rider (nightriderforubabes) from hyderabad, any unsatisfied lady from hyderabad want to have a satisfied secret relation can contact me at , I am just a mail away from you hotties. Guys please dont ask for my babes contact details or pics, I cant and I will not, so without any further late, lets jump into the story. After...

3 years ago
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Fulfilled Aunty8217s Threesome Wish

Hello, friends, your night rider is back with the new encounter, firstly let me thanks to all those readers who like my stories and send me their comments, I would also like to thank iss for creating a beautiful platform, to share experiences. For new readers, let me introduce myself, I am night rider (nightriderforubabes) from Hyderabad, a well decent guy working for a reputed company in a respectable position. Any unsatisfied or fun loving ladies wish to have a secret relationship can contact...

3 years ago
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Fulfilled My Desire To Have Sex With My Neighbor Aunt

Hi, guys, this is my real story happened last month and still fucking my aunt whenever I had time. Myself Raj from hyderabad, I’m 22 years, 5’6 inch tall young stud having 6’7 inches dick enough to satisfy any women and I love fucking milf aunties or to satisfy women who are desperately in need of it. Here the heroine is my neighbor aunt who has 34-32-38 beautiful assets and pretty ass which make my rod always salute whenever I see her walking, from the back. Coming to the story now, I finished...

2 years ago
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Fulfilled My Maid8217s Sexual Needs

Hi this is Rahul Raj from Delhi again back with my new story that I promised u all. I am an average guy 5’7 height 6″ dick fair color and 20 years of age. U can contact me on my mail id As I told u in previous story that our maid Radhika is very hot and her husband left her many years ago she lives alone with her daughter. Her ass is best part of her body; her boobs are also of perfect size, she always made me feel horny. Her age is about 34 but she looks like 26 with toned body and tight...

2 years ago
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Fulfilled Fantasies By Male Prostitute

Hi all iss readers. My name is Namita Ahuja. I am 38 years old happily married for last 12 years and mother of two children. My husband name is Rishi. I am a working woman and well satisfied with my life. My relation with my husband is great. I am still in love with him since marriage. This was all a little introduction of mine. Now let’s come to the actual story. Actually this is not a story but a real incident of my life. I am sharing this here only because iss is also a reason of happening...

2 years ago
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Fulfilled My Fantasy With My ExGirlfriend At Her Home

Hi readers, I’m Sunny 24 years old, working in a software firm in Hyderabad. I am born and brought up in Delhi. I am here to share with you all my first sex experience with my girl friend sakshi name changed for obvious reasons. Sakshi is an year younger than me with figure stats as 34 26 36, I know any guy would die for such stats but frankly it did not make much impact on me initially. This incident happened after the final year of our college life. During college I was in deeply love with...

4 years ago
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Fulfilled desire

I was enjoying the breeze flowing through my hair and face, riding steadily at a speed of 75 kmph i was enjoying the scenery and my company i was on my Pulasar bike and on my way to Pen from Pune with my thoughts flying back somewhat 8-9 years when i first saw my Aunt in Law for the first time. It was then i really fell for her and always needed to have her at least once and how i used to find small chances of getting close to her and touching her innocently feeling her full body and enjoying...

4 years ago
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Fulfilled my neighbor desire

Hi to all ISS readers, I am a regular reader of erotic stories and this is a real incident happened to me which am very much eager to share with you. My name is Rahul and I am 30 years old from Kolkata. I always have a desire to satisfy women in need of sex and physical satisfaction, but never had any chance to fulfill my desire till that day. So without wasting more time let me come to my real life experience. My story is about me and my neighbor in Kolkata. Her name is Tania. I used to call...

3 years ago
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Fulfilled my wifes desire

Hello friends!For the first time I am writing my true story here on Iss .Hope u would like it. My name is Rajeev. I am a 29 year old. My wife nisha is 28 with perfect body-protruded bums and boobs and shapely pussy inspite of 5 long years of fuc****. We have been married for four years and have tremendous love and respect for each other..Sex between us is still great and wild with both of us loving fantasy and role playing in Bed,some exhibitionism-open window while making her nude,do it in...

3 years ago
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Fulfilled My Fantasy Of Fucking My Sexy Housemaid

Guys, any 23-year-old man like me is likely to become a pervert if a young naughty maid worked in his house. The very first day when I saw my new Indian maid, I became convinced that my habit of masturbating was going to end pretty soon! Our new housemaid was the daughter of one of the maids who had worked previously for us. She was hired to keep our 3-bedroom-flat in neat and tidy condition. As she too was of my age, my mother took some precautions. My mother began to go out for the evening...

3 years ago
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© 2002 The sweep second hand inched ever so slowly. "I swear they must slow these clocks down after lunch", Carrie spoke under her breath. "Five... Four... Three... Two... One! Come on Kel we're out of here!" As she flipped the switch on her computer. "Carrie, you are not supposed to do that. You're supposed to wait for it to shut down" "I don't care Kel, you flip the switch and its on, you flip the switch and its off. Instant just like that. Besides I don't have the patients...

1 year ago
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Fulfilled my friend wish to get baby

Hi. I am Rocky. I stay in Bangalore and works for MNC. Coming to the queen of the story, I don’t want to mention her name, lets name her as Ramya. She is an average of 26 years old. We joined as fresher in same company at same time. As we joined at same time we became good friends. [email protected] Waiting for all your reactions. You can also chat with me on hangouts with same email. Privacy will be maintained. It’s a promise

4 years ago
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Filled my pussy with 68243 of hot dog dick

Thanksgiving. I had been busy in the kitchen all morning, getting everything ready. Lisa had been in a foul temper all week, and I hoped that a good dinner would help to improve her mood. Since last Friday, I have been on her bad side when I made the mistake of laughing at her when she got splashed by a passing bus on our walk home from classes. “You will pay for that!” she said in a even, cold tone that left chills racing up and down my spine. I followed her home, silent and...

4 years ago
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Filled by an Enema

In my early years, from aged 17 or so I got really involved with a very nice young lady who at the time was only 15 and after a few weeks of very heavy petting for both of us ie; fingering, sucking & licking each other etc etc I reached around her and rubbed her puckered and very hairy tiny little rosebud and she screamed, went rigid and fainted.I thought I had hurt her in some way but when she came too she asked me 'What happened?' and I said 'I touched your rosebud you screamed, went...

2 years ago
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Filled Up

You have been such a good girl. I decide it is my turn to pleasure you tonight, you are to just sit back and enjoy. I whisper into your ear, with a smile and toss of your short brown curls you run to the bedroom and jump on the bed. When I catch up you are sitting against the headboard, a tight white cotton top holding your full round breast tightly to your chest. You legs and bottom are bare, your knees are up waiting for me. The lights are off and a couple candles are lit on the table. I...

3 years ago
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Filled in every hole by four black strangers

My girlfriend Jennifer and I were out of town for the weekend, and wanted to see some sights. I get very horny when we go out and she dresses like a naughty little cock teaser: a mini skirt, thin white blouse with no bra so her pert nipples stick out, fishnets with a garter, spike heels and no panties, so afterward when she’s hot and wet from teasing guys rock hard with her perfect little body. Of course I have easy access to her pussy without the hassle of panties. We stopped at one club...

2 years ago
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Filled To Capacity

One night I was surfing the web and found myself browsing the Yahoo personal ads. Some of the ads women had put up were simply hilarious, and the things they were apparently looking for in men were absurd. I laughed my ass off the entire night reading these ads. They all seemed the same, these women claiming they wanted a man who was loving, kind, honest, sincere, etc. I'd never read so much bullshit in my entire life. One thing they all had in common was that they wanted an honest man. Most...

4 years ago
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Filled Desires

Laura, a voluptuous young brunette, age 23, is finally ready to let herself be with another woman. However, she wants it at a hotel - away from home, somewhere neutral. The arrangements were made for her, as she could never have done them on her own. The lady who will meet Laura at the hotel has one stipulation, though: she would like to have the young brunette dressed in a particular fashion. Laura is to be dressed in a black satin bustier, black satin garter belt, light black hose, and...

3 years ago
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Filled in Noumea

There I was in Noumea in a lovely hotel that overlooked Anse Vata Beach, the main tourist strip in New Caledonia. A dick was being wedged into my bum. Now that I have your attention, I should backtrack a bit and explain how I came to have my bumhole impaled on a penis during only my second day in New Caledonia. I travelled to New Caledonia from Australia to do some marketing work for one of the tourism ventures over there. I had arrived late on the Saturday night to give myself the weekend to...

3 years ago
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Filled Up My Bottom

Hi readers, this is a true story when I was living India. I am now in Lagos, Nigeria for the past 3years. Any Indian gays or adventurous Indian aunties in Lagos who wish to have anonymous relation are free to contact me on Confidentiality is expected and will be provided. It so happened that I decided one night to search the Internet and find a site where I could find males in my living area who were either bi or gay. I am a bi male in my late 30’s who was looking to hook up for some fun with...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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Filled Up

You have been such a good girl. I decide it is my turn to pleasure you tonight, you are to just sit back and enjoy. I whisper into your ear, with a smile and toss of your short brown curls you run to the bedroom and jump on the bed. When I catch up you are sitting against the headboard, a tight white cotton top holding your full round breast tightly to your chest. You legs and bottom are bare, your knees are up waiting for me. The lights are off and a couple candles are lit on the table. I...

2 years ago
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Filled with cum

I believe it was around fall of 1986, and I was 22 years old. I was in a little town East of Manhattan, Kansas for the week. I had never really had any experience with another man, but knew I was always curious. I had played with myself and knew that felt good. Looking back I just left it at that, a curiosity.On Thursday evening, the week was wrapping up; I was on my own and decided to go to a bar for a drink. As I sat there having a cocktail chatting with the bartender and watching TV, I was...

4 years ago
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Filled In For His Wife

Hello readers..This is my second story here..Thanks for all the responses and love for my first story.This story is little narrative and may be slow for sex. It was hot Delhi summer and i was taking cool ac air at Delhi metro station. Suddenly a middle aged man came and asked if i can help with something. I said yes. He then asked as he is new in the city need to know how to go to Gurgaon from karol bagh in metro. His office in Gurgaon so i told him about metro route and introduced each...

Gay Male
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Filling in for Amanda

FILLING IN FOR AMANDA or LAB.TXT by Waldo Chapter 1 -- My lab Chapter 2 - Exploration9 Chapter 3 - Meeting other people Chapter 4 - Nick Chapter 5 - Introducing Renee Chapter 6 - The medical exam Chapter 7 - Behind locked doors Chapter 8 - Was it as good for you as .... Chapter 9 - The fight Chapter 10 - My mental condition Chapter 11 - Telling the girls Chapter 12 - The Gauntlet of questions Chapter 13 - The shower Chapter 14 - The Shopping Chapter 15 - The new me This...

1 year ago
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Filling up the Wife

My beautiful wife Amy is 25 years old. She is 5'5 with long dark hair, a tight body, long legs, and nice perky breast. She's the kind of girl that turns heads when walking down the street. But the thing that really sets Amy apart from all the other girls is her pussy. She has the hottest little pussy on the face of this planet. The first time we made love she wasn't on the pill and she told me to pull out when I came. Her pussy felt so good that I just couldn't do it. I came long and hard...

2 years ago
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Fill Er Up

Liam tossed the empty bag in the garbage can, having filled the windshield wash buckets for the last time.  He checked his phone, and saw that he only had five minutes left in his last day.He took his time walking back from the diesel fuel island, burning up one of those five minutes.  Tomorrow, his evening would be free.  He wasn’t entirely sure what he was going to do with it, truth to be told.  He had plans for the weekend, but everyone would be busy on a Thursday night.There were only a few...

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Filling In Filling Her

My name is Donna and I'm what you might call a more "mature" woman. I'm in my late 40's now, but I still enjoy a very active sex life with my husband, Tom. The problem is that I am more than my poor Tom can handle sometimes.You see, I love my husband but his seven-inch cock sometimes just isn't what I need. I love to be filled–really filled – and I need a massive cock to do the job! Tom's cock does a decent job usually, and I do orgasm with him, but there are times when a girl just needs to be...

4 years ago
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Fill Me

Alicia saw the flash of metal, as her high heels clicked briskly across the subway platform from the train toward the stairs. Though she was in a hurry to get to work, she HAD to pause and stoop down to pick it up. Crouched near the ground, she could now tell it was a quarter — and already her pussy was throbbing with the thought of what she was going to do with it. But just as Alicia’s fingers were about to close on the coin, another hand snatched it away from her. A hand in a tattered knit...

2 years ago
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Fill me up

He saw her at the car park of the local superstore. A large blue shopping bag, thrown around her shoulder hid almost all her upper body from him. Wearing casual jeans, black top and pink lacy pumps, first she didn't seem anything extraordinary. Apart from her ass. Her ass was impeccable. No doubt, she spent a fair amount of time at the gym perfecting it. He watched her striding towards her car with long, airy steps, as if she was dancing on clouds. Her auburn ponytail swung rhythmically from...

3 years ago
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Carl would describe himself as completely happy. His job was secure, partly because he liked it and partly because he was good at it.He and his wife Tammy were not rich, they were however comfortable. Most important was the fact that they both enjoyed being with each other, the sex life was just a bonus.Not one time did Tammy ever have a headache, or show any sign at all of being not in the mood, in fact, she quite often was the one to reach out and offer him encouragement.The results of that...

4 years ago
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Fill Er Up

Liam tossed the empty bag in the garbage can, having filled the windshield wash buckets for the last time. He checked his phone, and saw that he only had five minutes left in his last day. He took his time walking back from the diesel fuel island, burning up one of those five minutes. Tomorrow, his evening would be free. He wasn’t entirely sure what he was going to do with it, truth to be told. He had plans for the weekend, but everyone would be busy on a Thursday night. There were only a few...

2 years ago
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Filling in for Beth Part 7

Filling in for Beth - part 7 A few days before the surgery I took a walk in my old clothes, in broad daylight, to see if it was even possible to go back. My old jeans were snug in all the wrong places, thighs and butt, and were so loose in the waist I had to wear a belt. My old boxers were surprisingly snug around the hips as well and that loose feeling in the crotch? How was I ever comfortable with that floppiness? There's no support. My polo shirt fit well enough going on but that...

3 years ago
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Filling the Void Ch 02

‘This works for me.’ She forced a smile as she wriggled her hips back into her jeans before leaning down to tug on her boots. ‘Do you think your friend has anymore of the stuff you slipped in my drink?’ she asked pointedly. ‘I like the way they make me feel.’ She lied, having another purpose for the pills. ‘You knew?’ he asked with a slight stammer, feeling akin to a deer trapped in the head lights of a semi. ‘Yeah…’ she nodded ‘I’m not really blind… Or dumb you know Chasen.’ She said matter...

4 years ago
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Fill in the Words

This is basically mad libs where you fill-in the words using the parts of speech as a guide. The variables are on the right under the "Customize" tab which allow you to fill in your own word. If you are writing a chapter and want to add a blank which is able to be filled-in, look at the variables on the right bottom area of the screen. You can write the code between the { } marks. If you want a new code, for example, a 3rd noun, you can always just write in the code in the story and someone...

4 years ago
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Filling Mrs Claus with Holiday Spirit

It was the Friday before Christmas, and I was bored to tears. Every one of my friends had family festivities to attend, but I desperately needed to get away from mine. Don't get me wrong, their enthusiasm is great, but I knew that in another hour or so, the photo album would make its annual appearance, and the generous amounts of spirits would encourage the stories and tears to flow freely. I grabbed the gift I bought for my friend, tossed it in a gift bag with some tissue, and quickly made it...

4 years ago
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Filling in the Gaps Part Three

After the first few weeks and making some interesting connections, my work schedule took precedence over my sexual adventures. With almost no time for clandestine meetings, I suspended my ad in the personals. Work went into overdrive so even a long lunch for a quickie blowjob wasn’t feasible. The lie of working late that I’d told my wife was now the truth. Instead of sucking the cocks of strangers in their cars I was at my desk, alone, sometimes into the night. In a couple of weeks our project...

Gay Male
4 years ago
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Filling the holes uh in the roof

I am a carpenter and have always read the stories about the handy man getting laid all the time. I think I may have been in the right place once or twice but I guess I just missed the signals. So I imagined that you were seducing me while I tried to give you an estimate on some repair work. “I have some holes… …that need to be filled. Uh, in my roof I mean.” was what the voicemail said. I listened to it several times and thought, I think she is trying to give me a signal. I canceled another...

2 years ago
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Filling in for Beth Part 3

Filling in for Beth - Part 3 "Yeah! That's what I'm talking about," the cashier said loudly, waving my newly renewed driver's license at the older woman bagging the groceries then at me. "Morgan! That proves my point." "Ignore him," she said to me with a weary smile. Then, to the young man, "Just do your job, Evelyn." She said the name slowly, grinning. The kid might have blushed, it was hard to tell. He was maybe 22, tall and broad in the shoulders with a strong chin. No Tom...

2 years ago
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Filling in for Beth Part 9

Thank you everyone who has taken the time to write a review. I apologize for the slow pace. When I got on board this ride I was confident it might last four or five chapters at most and half of that was already written. Anyway, that's how it's coming out and it ain't getting any faster but I do have a plan and about half another chapter roughed out. Filling in for Beth - part 9 As a way of saying 'thank you', I treated Taylor to a coffee and pastry on her break at the grocery...

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