Cosmic Capacity
- 4 years ago
- 52
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One night I was surfing the web and found myself browsing the Yahoo personal ads. Some of the ads women had put up were simply hilarious, and the things they were apparently looking for in men were absurd. I laughed my ass off the entire night reading these ads. They all seemed the same, these women claiming they wanted a man who was loving, kind, honest, sincere, etc. I'd never read so much bullshit in my entire life. One thing they all had in common was that they wanted an honest man. Most guys lie; I know, cause I do. We need to lie to get pussy. Some of you women want us to jump through hoops just to get into your panties, or do a bunch of shit we don't want to do. We do these things reluctantly, just so we finally get some pussy. I can't even begin to describe the dumb, ridiculous shit I've done just to get my share of pussy.
I decided that night to dump the truth, and nothing but the truth, on these women. They wanted a man to be honest, and I could give them the truth. Fuck it, I thought, I've nothing better to do, and nothing to lose. So I started writing the brutal truth. The more I wrote the more ridiculous these ads seemed to me. Halfway through I started laughing, and couldn't stop. I guess I needed to vent something that night, cause I didn't hold back. This is my ad, exactly as I posted it
Hi, ladies! You always say in your ads that you're looking for an honest man. Well, you've found one, but you probably won't like what he has to say. I'm placing this ad response cause I'm looking to get laid, and that's it. Hey, at least that's honest. Why else would I do it? Think about it. We single men are lonely, and basically looking for something to do. Reading some of the ads, I've laughed out loud at stuff like "long walks in the park" or " I like to go hiking". What a load of crap! Half the women I've met, after two blocks they're complaining their feet hurt. My favorite is "I like to go horseback riding." That's the one that cracks me up the most. First, where the hell do you find a horse in New York City? Second, what makes you think it wants you on its back? And here's another one for you ladies. What makes you think I'd want to go to a God-damn Museum? All that tells me is that you are one boring ass female. Fuck that!!!!!!!!
Here's another good one. "I love sports." Puhleeze, ladies. The first thing you want to do on a Sunday during the football season is drag us around town making us do stuff we don't want to do? I speak for at least 50% of the men out there when I say: 1. We hate shopping. 2. We do not want to hang out with your family or your silly friends. I don't have time to do those boring ass things some of you ladies want a man to do. My job and my money come first. I work 6 days a week, and after a long day at work the last thing I want to hear is "Where are we going tonight?" The only reason men put up with your fantasies is - and let's be honest here - we want to get laid. I used to play that game - doing the shopping thing, walks in the park bullshit, those ridiculous, so-called-romantic things you make us do just to see if we will do them, and then, just maybe, you might give us some pussy. Wake up, ladies! It's a different world! The fantasy man you dreamt of, as a child no longer exists in 2001. Kind, caring, sincere, loyal, etc men are few and far between. And if you think you can find a guy like that on the web, well... good- fucking- luck. Most guys on-line are checking out porn sites, and wondering how to get laid.
So, do you hate me now? Are you pissed off that you've wasted your time reading this? Well, that's life, honey. If you want your pussy pounded into submission by a big black man, I'm the one, baby. And if reading this has made your pussy moist, drop a brotha an e-mail. You never know... if you live close enough to me, tonight could be your lucky night instead of being all alone. You might just find your pussy filled to capacity by a big black cock.
In closing, let me stress that I love all women - short, tall, fat, skinny, chunky - though my fetish is the older white woman. I love all races, and would like to experience women from all over the world before I die. So, ladies, here's the deal. If you're looking for someone to run around town, go here and there, do a lot of dumb boring shit like I mentioned above, I'm not the one. However, if you want to fool around and have sex, I'm your black knight. I have a very erotic mind and like to experiment with my ladies. I love role-playing games and shit like that. I'm not down with any gay stuff unless it's between women. I'm a voyeur and like to watch. When I'm bored I write erotic stories. My stories are posted worldwide. If you would like a trip into my mind, take the link below to my home page, where I post my stories. I write under the screen name Blackzilla99. If, after reading this, you hate me, that's ok. I understand. At least I was honest. If you want to tell me off, that's ok too. I respond to all e-mails. We can chat if you like, or whatever. Thanks for listening to the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
When I was done writing I felt great, like there was a load off my mind. Plus it helped kill some time before I was to go out that evening to meet a friend. I went back to the Yahoo personals site and filtered out the ads by women in the New York, Westchester, area. It was as usual, a variety of women looking for the same old shit. I still had an hour to kill, so I started to copy and paste this ad response to every one of these women who had claimed she wanted an honest man. Race, age or body type didn't matter. If they said they wanted honesty I gave it to them. After replying to about a hundred ads (fortunately I have DSL) I got bored. Also it was time for me to go out to pick up my friends.
As I was going out I wondered if anybody would write me back. I expected some juicy hate mail, but I didn't care. I guess it was the troublemaker in me. A part of me, though, felt bad. I knew that some of those women would be real pissed off with what they found in their e-mail mailboxes. But I also figured that some would get a laugh out of it.
Waking the next day around noon I fired up my pc and went into my mailbox. I was amazed to find about 30 email responses. As expected, many were from pissed-off women. About 20 basically told me to go fuck myself, while about 5 thanked me for at least being honest. One email got my attention. The subject line read " I like your style, we share a common bond... Let's party... Zilla." In the e-mail she said she lived in Scarsdale, which was the next town over. That alone got me excited. (Shit! it was five minutes away!) She said how funny she thought I was, and how I made complete sense. She said she'd just moved to NY from Florida, and how bored she was. She was white and had never been with a black man, though she'd always wanted to have sex with one. Her name was Terri, she was 27 years old, about 5' 5", weighed around 135 pounds and had short black hair. What most excited me was her saying that most of her weight was in her hips and ass. Just that one sentence got my dick hard. But the last sentence was the stopper. "My phone number, Mr. Blackzilla, is 555-5555. I don't play games either, so if you want to party call me... I dare you... lol..."
Was this woman fucking with me? I was excited, but doubtful. Twenty seconds of thought later I reached for my phone. While dialing I thought: She's got some nerve to dare me! The old saying ran through my head, " Momma didn't raise no punk." I love a challenge. If she wanted to play I would play with her. The phone rang three times before a very soft, sexy voice answered.
"Hi. Can I speak to Terri?" I used my manliest voice, trying to sound cool.
"Yes, this is she."
I heard a faint giggle. Fuck it, I thought. Let's see where this goes.
"Who's this?" said the voice.
I said: "Hi. This is Blackzilla. You sent me your number.
"Hi. How are you? I didn't really think you'd call."
"Well, in your email you dared me."
We chatted about half an hour. She had a pleasant voice, soft and sweet, and seemed really nice. She also had a great sense of humor, which I loved. We talked about sex and how much we both liked it. The more we talked the more I liked her. Then she said,
"So, Mr. Zilla, what are your plans for today."?
"Nothing much. Why, what are you doing?" I asked
"Well, I was hoping I might find some black guy to fill my pussy to capacity," she said, laughing.
I also laughed. It was funny to hear her quote my ad response. I said,
"Just give me an hour to shower and get ready, baby. I'll be there in a heart beat."
I said it as if it was a joke. Though I really wanted her I didn't know if I should take her seriously. She was silent for a while...
Then she said, " I wasn't kidding. Do you want to come over?"
I took about a tenth of a second to think of my reply. "Hell, yeah, I want to come over."
"Do you know where Garth Road is in Scarsdale? My address is 1574 Garth Rd, my apartment number is 4k," she said in her sweet voice.
I like a woman with a sweet voice. Then I thought, could I trust this girl? Is she serious or can she be playing a game with me? What if it's a fake address, or something weird like that?
I said, "Hey, Terri, I hope you're not playing games. If you are, then let me tell you, it won't be appreciated."
I spoke seriously, wanting her to know I wasn't playing around. I also wanted her to know who was in control.
She said, "Mr. Zilla, I know I sound kind of fast, but when you get to know me you'll find that I'm a straight shooter. I don't like playing games either. If you want to know the truth, I'm horny. I want a black cock, and you live close by. It's that simple."
I'd never heard a woman talk like that before, and I loved it. I'd often dreamt of having a woman talk like that to me. So many women fuck around, beating around the fucking bush. To hear one speak so plainly was refreshing, and also exciting. Terri sounded sincere, and her attitude to sex was a man's dream. I didn't need to hear any more. My last words before I hung up were
"I'll be there in one hour, baby. Get it warm for me."
"I'll be here, waiting. And, trust me, it's already warm."
I hung up the phone and took a deep breath. This was what I'd fantasized about for years. What had started as a joke was becoming real. There was no time to waste. I jumped in the shower, and while there I tried to imagine what she looked like. I didn't think she'd have lied when she knew I was coming over. I hoped she was cute. And I wanted her body to be as she'd described it. After my shower and a quick shave I made my way down the Bronx river parkway, heading toward Scarsdale. I knew where Garth Road was, cause a friend of mine used to live there.
I parked my car and made for the front of her building. I was a little nervous, but not too bad. There were a few white people in the lobby. It cracks me up the way white people look at a black man in their neighborhood. I always give them a big smile and a nice greeting, which puts most white people at ease, especially those not used to dealing with black people. I rang the buzzer for Terri's apartment and heard once more that sweet voice over the intercom.
"Who is it?"
The funny thing was that I hadn't told her my name. With other people in the lobby, I didn't feel like saying I was Blackzilla, so I just said, "Hi. It's me," as if I was an old friend. I rode the elevator to the fourth floor, and when I reached her door I just stood for a while, my palms sweating with excitement. At last I took a deep breath and pushed the buzzer. She must have been standing by the door because before I could draw my hand back it opened about 6 inches and she stuck her head out and gave me a big smile. She was so fucking cute. I said "Hi. How're you doing?", wondering why she only had the door open a crack. She looked me up and down. " Hi there, Mr. Zilla." Now, no one ever calls me that face-to-face, and it sounded weird coming from her. I just write under the name Blackzilla. No one in my everyday life knows my erotic story side; it's just something I do on the web for fun, and privately. I used my wits to break the ice, saying, "Well, can I come in? I hope there aren't a couple of big white guys behind the door waiting to beat me up or something." She giggled, and giving me a naughty smile she grabbed my left hand and said, "Come on in.
When I entered her apartment it became clear why Terri had been hiding behind the door. She had on just a black robe and sexy high-heeled shoes, which put 3 inches on her height. She looked absolutely stunning. Her short haircut was very sexy, and she looked like she just got out of the shower. I love the wet, fresh look white women have when they come from the shower. Most of all, I liked her smile, which was the kind that warms you up inside.
Still holding her hand, I stepped back, saying, "Damn!! Girl... you are ffffine." I raised her hand above her head and gestured for her to turn around. She blushed but did just that, continuing to giggle. It was time I took control of the situation. She had been the aggressor on the phone, but I intended to be in charge in the bedroom.
When she was facing me again I put an arm around her waist and pulled her to me. It was a bold move, but it felt right.My sudden action must have startled her, because her eyes grew wide. I gently kissed the top of her forehead, saying, "It's a real pleasure to meet you, Terri." She looked up, smiling. "It's my pleasure too." I felt her arms wrap around me. She was warm in my arms, and I felt the room temperature rising. We stared into each other's eyes for what seemed like forever, though it must have been just a few seconds. It was that tense moment just before the first kiss. I was nervous as hell but didn't hesitate, and when I bent to kiss her lips she was ready. She smiled and closed her eyes, and lifted her face. Terri's lips were wonderfully soft, and when they met mine the sensation was electric. She was a little tense to start with, but then she gave a little sigh and her whole body seemed to melt in my arms. Her lips parted and she thrust her little tongue into my mouth. She was a lovely, passionate kisser, soft and hard at the same time.
A part of me still couldn't believe I was in this woman's apartment. You see, shit like this just doesn't happen to me. I've always had to work hard for pussy. But there was nothing to analyze, no drama, no endless phone calls. No going out to dinner, then spending a fortune to impress the date. This woman was a wet dream, a fantasy delivered by way of the web. Though my tongue was buried in her mouth, and my hands were moving down her back, I wasn't yet sure she was for real. But when my hands reached her ass, and felt those fat, round, soft globes through her robe, all my doubts vanished. Terri was for real all right. "Mmmmmmm" I moaned as I started to explore her backside. Her robe was slippery against the flesh, and my hands easily glided over, under and between her cheeks.
She broke our kiss and I started to kiss her neck. She said "You like it, don't you, baby? I know black men like girls with big Asses do you like my ass, Mr. Zilla?" "Damn, baby, your ass feels so fucking good. Let me see it, baby. Take off that robe, now." She stepped back a couple of feet, and I saw that I-want-to-fuck look in her eyes. That incredible smile stayed on her face, and my dick started to swell with anticipation. I expected her to remove her robe slowly and seductively, but there was none of that. In fact, if I'd blinked I would have missed seeing the robe hit the floor. "GOD... DAMN!!!!!" I shouted when she stood before me wearing nothing but her black high heels. My cock was at full strength now; I don't think it had ever been so hard. I just drank her up, my gaze starting at the top of her head and slowly working its way down. My first stop was at her breasts. They weren't big, but not small either. They stood out proud, perfectly matching her frame. She had a nice round belly, and I like a girl with a little extra meat on her bones. She turned round and I had my first view of her lovely big, fleshy ass. Looking over her shoulder at me, smiling, and with her eyebrows raised, she whispered: "Do you like what you see?" My throat suddenly felt very dry, and I just croaked something and nodded my head. She turned towards me and now I gazed at my prize, that thing I had come to Scarsdale for. I had come for pussy, and here it was, clean-shaven except for a little strip of hair above the clit. It was gorgeous.
I stood and feasted my eyes on her white flesh. My cock was aching and prodded the front of my jeans, begging for freedom. Terri had noticed the bulge in my pants, and now she walked up and cupped both hands over my crotch and squeezed my cock. "Mmmmmm, that feels nice, Mr.Zilla. Why don't you sit down and let me take care of that thing for you?" I said nothing. I had expected to be in charge by now, but it seemed like she was. This woman was so fucking real she almost scared me. She wasn't into playing games. I found myself backing until I felt a chair behind me and sat down on it.
"Tell me," she said, "do you have any unfulfilled fantasies?" "What?" I replied taken somewhat by surprise by her question. "You must have," she said with a sexy smile, "everybody does." "So?" I said. Even her smile was getting my pants tight for she was something else. "Well, I have the power to make some of these fantasies come true," she said. "Yeah," I leered. "Oh yes," she smiled again. "I promise that if it's within my power, I will do anything you want...
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Gay MaleHi ladies, thank you for your beautiful replies and happy to hear that, your pussies went wet while reading my story. A small introduction before we move further, myself night rider (nightriderforubabes) from hyderabad, any unsatisfied lady from hyderabad want to have a satisfied secret relation can contact me at , I am just a mail away from you hotties. Guys please dont ask for my babes contact details or pics, I cant and I will not, so without any further late, lets jump into the story. After...
Hello, friends, your night rider is back with the new encounter, firstly let me thanks to all those readers who like my stories and send me their comments, I would also like to thank iss for creating a beautiful platform, to share experiences. For new readers, let me introduce myself, I am night rider (nightriderforubabes) from Hyderabad, a well decent guy working for a reputed company in a respectable position. Any unsatisfied or fun loving ladies wish to have a secret relationship can contact...
Hi, guys, this is my real story happened last month and still fucking my aunt whenever I had time. Myself Raj from hyderabad, I’m 22 years, 5’6 inch tall young stud having 6’7 inches dick enough to satisfy any women and I love fucking milf aunties or to satisfy women who are desperately in need of it. Here the heroine is my neighbor aunt who has 34-32-38 beautiful assets and pretty ass which make my rod always salute whenever I see her walking, from the back. Coming to the story now, I finished...
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Hi all iss readers. My name is Namita Ahuja. I am 38 years old happily married for last 12 years and mother of two children. My husband name is Rishi. I am a working woman and well satisfied with my life. My relation with my husband is great. I am still in love with him since marriage. This was all a little introduction of mine. Now let’s come to the actual story. Actually this is not a story but a real incident of my life. I am sharing this here only because iss is also a reason of happening...
Hi readers, I’m Sunny 24 years old, working in a software firm in Hyderabad. I am born and brought up in Delhi. I am here to share with you all my first sex experience with my girl friend sakshi name changed for obvious reasons. Sakshi is an year younger than me with figure stats as 34 26 36, I know any guy would die for such stats but frankly it did not make much impact on me initially. This incident happened after the final year of our college life. During college I was in deeply love with...
I was enjoying the breeze flowing through my hair and face, riding steadily at a speed of 75 kmph i was enjoying the scenery and my company i was on my Pulasar bike and on my way to Pen from Pune with my thoughts flying back somewhat 8-9 years when i first saw my Aunt in Law for the first time. It was then i really fell for her and always needed to have her at least once and how i used to find small chances of getting close to her and touching her innocently feeling her full body and enjoying...
Hi to all ISS readers, I am a regular reader of erotic stories and this is a real incident happened to me which am very much eager to share with you. My name is Rahul and I am 30 years old from Kolkata. I always have a desire to satisfy women in need of sex and physical satisfaction, but never had any chance to fulfill my desire till that day. So without wasting more time let me come to my real life experience. My story is about me and my neighbor in Kolkata. Her name is Tania. I used to call...
Hello friends!For the first time I am writing my true story here on Iss .Hope u would like it. My name is Rajeev. I am a 29 year old. My wife nisha is 28 with perfect body-protruded bums and boobs and shapely pussy inspite of 5 long years of fuc****. We have been married for four years and have tremendous love and respect for each other..Sex between us is still great and wild with both of us loving fantasy and role playing in Bed,some exhibitionism-open window while making her nude,do it in...
Guys, any 23-year-old man like me is likely to become a pervert if a young naughty maid worked in his house. The very first day when I saw my new Indian maid, I became convinced that my habit of masturbating was going to end pretty soon! Our new housemaid was the daughter of one of the maids who had worked previously for us. She was hired to keep our 3-bedroom-flat in neat and tidy condition. As she too was of my age, my mother took some precautions. My mother began to go out for the evening...
© 2002 The sweep second hand inched ever so slowly. "I swear they must slow these clocks down after lunch", Carrie spoke under her breath. "Five... Four... Three... Two... One! Come on Kel we're out of here!" As she flipped the switch on her computer. "Carrie, you are not supposed to do that. You're supposed to wait for it to shut down" "I don't care Kel, you flip the switch and its on, you flip the switch and its off. Instant just like that. Besides I don't have the patients...
Hi. I am Rocky. I stay in Bangalore and works for MNC. Coming to the queen of the story, I don’t want to mention her name, lets name her as Ramya. She is an average of 26 years old. We joined as fresher in same company at same time. As we joined at same time we became good friends. [email protected] Waiting for all your reactions. You can also chat with me on hangouts with same email. Privacy will be maintained. It’s a promise
FriendThere I was in Noumea in a lovely hotel that overlooked Anse Vata Beach, the main tourist strip in New Caledonia. A dick was being wedged into my bum. Now that I have your attention, I should backtrack a bit and explain how I came to have my bumhole impaled on a penis during only my second day in New Caledonia. I travelled to New Caledonia from Australia to do some marketing work for one of the tourism ventures over there. I had arrived late on the Saturday night to give myself the weekend to...
Hi readers, this is a true story when I was living India. I am now in Lagos, Nigeria for the past 3years. Any Indian gays or adventurous Indian aunties in Lagos who wish to have anonymous relation are free to contact me on Confidentiality is expected and will be provided. It so happened that I decided one night to search the Internet and find a site where I could find males in my living area who were either bi or gay. I am a bi male in my late 30’s who was looking to hook up for some fun with...
Gay MaleYou have been such a good girl. I decide it is my turn to pleasure you tonight, you are to just sit back and enjoy. I whisper into your ear, with a smile and toss of your short brown curls you run to the bedroom and jump on the bed. When I catch up you are sitting against the headboard, a tight white cotton top holding your full round breast tightly to your chest. You legs and bottom are bare, your knees are up waiting for me. The lights are off and a couple candles are lit on the table. I...
I believe it was around fall of 1986, and I was 22 years old. I was in a little town East of Manhattan, Kansas for the week. I had never really had any experience with another man, but knew I was always curious. I had played with myself and knew that felt good. Looking back I just left it at that, a curiosity.On Thursday evening, the week was wrapping up; I was on my own and decided to go to a bar for a drink. As I sat there having a cocktail chatting with the bartender and watching TV, I was...
Hello readers..This is my second story here..Thanks for all the responses and love for my first story.This story is little narrative and may be slow for sex. It was hot Delhi summer and i was taking cool ac air at Delhi metro station. Suddenly a middle aged man came and asked if i can help with something. I said yes. He then asked as he is new in the city need to know how to go to Gurgaon from karol bagh in metro. His office in Gurgaon so i told him about metro route and introduced each...
Gay MaleFILLING IN FOR AMANDA or LAB.TXT by Waldo Chapter 1 -- My lab Chapter 2 - Exploration9 Chapter 3 - Meeting other people Chapter 4 - Nick Chapter 5 - Introducing Renee Chapter 6 - The medical exam Chapter 7 - Behind locked doors Chapter 8 - Was it as good for you as .... Chapter 9 - The fight Chapter 10 - My mental condition Chapter 11 - Telling the girls Chapter 12 - The Gauntlet of questions Chapter 13 - The shower Chapter 14 - The Shopping Chapter 15 - The new me This...
My beautiful wife Amy is 25 years old. She is 5'5 with long dark hair, a tight body, long legs, and nice perky breast. She's the kind of girl that turns heads when walking down the street. But the thing that really sets Amy apart from all the other girls is her pussy. She has the hottest little pussy on the face of this planet. The first time we made love she wasn't on the pill and she told me to pull out when I came. Her pussy felt so good that I just couldn't do it. I came long and hard...
InterracialLiam tossed the empty bag in the garbage can, having filled the windshield wash buckets for the last time. He checked his phone, and saw that he only had five minutes left in his last day.He took his time walking back from the diesel fuel island, burning up one of those five minutes. Tomorrow, his evening would be free. He wasn’t entirely sure what he was going to do with it, truth to be told. He had plans for the weekend, but everyone would be busy on a Thursday night.There were only a few...
OccupationsMy name is Donna and I'm what you might call a more "mature" woman. I'm in my late 40's now, but I still enjoy a very active sex life with my husband, Tom. The problem is that I am more than my poor Tom can handle sometimes.You see, I love my husband but his seven-inch cock sometimes just isn't what I need. I love to be filled–really filled – and I need a massive cock to do the job! Tom's cock does a decent job usually, and I do orgasm with him, but there are times when a girl just needs to be...
MatureAlicia saw the flash of metal, as her high heels clicked briskly across the subway platform from the train toward the stairs. Though she was in a hurry to get to work, she HAD to pause and stoop down to pick it up. Crouched near the ground, she could now tell it was a quarter — and already her pussy was throbbing with the thought of what she was going to do with it. But just as Alicia’s fingers were about to close on the coin, another hand snatched it away from her. A hand in a tattered knit...
He saw her at the car park of the local superstore. A large blue shopping bag, thrown around her shoulder hid almost all her upper body from him. Wearing casual jeans, black top and pink lacy pumps, first she didn't seem anything extraordinary. Apart from her ass. Her ass was impeccable. No doubt, she spent a fair amount of time at the gym perfecting it. He watched her striding towards her car with long, airy steps, as if she was dancing on clouds. Her auburn ponytail swung rhythmically from...
BDSMCarl would describe himself as completely happy. His job was secure, partly because he liked it and partly because he was good at it.He and his wife Tammy were not rich, they were however comfortable. Most important was the fact that they both enjoyed being with each other, the sex life was just a bonus.Not one time did Tammy ever have a headache, or show any sign at all of being not in the mood, in fact, she quite often was the one to reach out and offer him encouragement.The results of that...
Liam tossed the empty bag in the garbage can, having filled the windshield wash buckets for the last time. He checked his phone, and saw that he only had five minutes left in his last day. He took his time walking back from the diesel fuel island, burning up one of those five minutes. Tomorrow, his evening would be free. He wasn’t entirely sure what he was going to do with it, truth to be told. He had plans for the weekend, but everyone would be busy on a Thursday night. There were only a few...
Filling in for Beth - part 7 A few days before the surgery I took a walk in my old clothes, in broad daylight, to see if it was even possible to go back. My old jeans were snug in all the wrong places, thighs and butt, and were so loose in the waist I had to wear a belt. My old boxers were surprisingly snug around the hips as well and that loose feeling in the crotch? How was I ever comfortable with that floppiness? There's no support. My polo shirt fit well enough going on but that...
‘This works for me.’ She forced a smile as she wriggled her hips back into her jeans before leaning down to tug on her boots. ‘Do you think your friend has anymore of the stuff you slipped in my drink?’ she asked pointedly. ‘I like the way they make me feel.’ She lied, having another purpose for the pills. ‘You knew?’ he asked with a slight stammer, feeling akin to a deer trapped in the head lights of a semi. ‘Yeah…’ she nodded ‘I’m not really blind… Or dumb you know Chasen.’ She said matter...
This is basically mad libs where you fill-in the words using the parts of speech as a guide. The variables are on the right under the "Customize" tab which allow you to fill in your own word. If you are writing a chapter and want to add a blank which is able to be filled-in, look at the variables on the right bottom area of the screen. You can write the code between the { } marks. If you want a new code, for example, a 3rd noun, you can always just write in the code in the story and someone...
It was the Friday before Christmas, and I was bored to tears. Every one of my friends had family festivities to attend, but I desperately needed to get away from mine. Don't get me wrong, their enthusiasm is great, but I knew that in another hour or so, the photo album would make its annual appearance, and the generous amounts of spirits would encourage the stories and tears to flow freely. I grabbed the gift I bought for my friend, tossed it in a gift bag with some tissue, and quickly made it...
MILFAfter the first few weeks and making some interesting connections, my work schedule took precedence over my sexual adventures. With almost no time for clandestine meetings, I suspended my ad in the personals. Work went into overdrive so even a long lunch for a quickie blowjob wasn’t feasible. The lie of working late that I’d told my wife was now the truth. Instead of sucking the cocks of strangers in their cars I was at my desk, alone, sometimes into the night. In a couple of weeks our project...
Gay MaleI am a carpenter and have always read the stories about the handy man getting laid all the time. I think I may have been in the right place once or twice but I guess I just missed the signals. So I imagined that you were seducing me while I tried to give you an estimate on some repair work. “I have some holes… …that need to be filled. Uh, in my roof I mean.” was what the voicemail said. I listened to it several times and thought, I think she is trying to give me a signal. I canceled another...
Filling in for Beth - Part 3 "Yeah! That's what I'm talking about," the cashier said loudly, waving my newly renewed driver's license at the older woman bagging the groceries then at me. "Morgan! That proves my point." "Ignore him," she said to me with a weary smile. Then, to the young man, "Just do your job, Evelyn." She said the name slowly, grinning. The kid might have blushed, it was hard to tell. He was maybe 22, tall and broad in the shoulders with a strong chin. No Tom...
Thank you everyone who has taken the time to write a review. I apologize for the slow pace. When I got on board this ride I was confident it might last four or five chapters at most and half of that was already written. Anyway, that's how it's coming out and it ain't getting any faster but I do have a plan and about half another chapter roughed out. Filling in for Beth - part 9 As a way of saying 'thank you', I treated Taylor to a coffee and pastry on her break at the grocery...
Sorry for the long delay. Writing can be a chore sometimes. While many parts of this chapter have been complete since the beginning it's taken a while to fill in the blanks and quite a bit had to be reworked. A story never really ends, and I could polish forever, but I'm going to call this the conclusion for Morgan's adventures for now, so I can work on some other stories. Thank you all for you're encouragement. Hope you enjoy. Filling in for Beth - part 10 "What have you...
Alicia saw the flash of metal, as her high heels clicked briskly across the subway platform from the train toward the stairs. Though she was in a hurry to get to work, she HAD to pause and stoop down to pick it up. Crouched near the ground, she could now tell it was a quarter -- and already her pussy was throbbing with the thought of what she was going to do with it. But just as Alicia's fingers were about to close on the coin, another hand snatched it away from her. A hand in a tattered knit...