- 2 years ago
- 26
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Read the first part in order to follow on this one and comments are welcome
The following morning he woke up with a slight headache and alone in bed. At first he didn’t know where he was, and then everything about the last few days came flooding back. He had to get his bearings, so he put on a robe and stepped out on the patio. It was a beautiful day and for the fist time since he got there, he relaxed, he leaned on the railing and listened to the birds sing.
He tried to digest about his life up to that point and still couldn’t comprehend how lucky he was. The back yard was beautiful, the pool looked inviting but decided to go take a dip later. For the moment he wanted to enjoy life before he woke up from what he still thought was a dream. Unbeknown to him, the girls had brought up breakfast and decided not to disturb his thoughts instead decided to ‘listen in’.
He looks so much like his dad, thought Lori. This brought him back to reality because he hadn’t heard the patio door open. ‘Breakfast is ready master, we hope you slept well,’ said Emily with he patented smile. They looked beautiful and the morning sun highlighted this even more.
‘So what’s the plan for today?’ he asked.
‘Well we have a surprise for you this morning then the rest is up to you,’ replied Lori with a cheeky smile.
‘I know there’re a lot of questions that need answering, but …,’ at this point the door bell rang and Emily left to get it.
‘Don’t worry we have all the time for your questions,’ Lori reassured him. Emily came back and with a smile on her face took his hand and led him down stairs. When they got to the front door, she asked him to close his eyes and cautiously led him down the front steps. He tried to figure out her thoughts, but for some reason he couldn’t even pick up on her feelings. Then she stretched his arms out and placed them on something metallic.
‘You may open your eyes now master,’ Emily said. He couldn’t believe it, in front of him was a brand new sleek black Jaguar XK, then someone pressed a button and the top came down. He still had yet to move because he couldn’t believe this was his. The girls approached him and kissed him on either cheek.
‘Now you can drive like a true master,’ they both said in unison.
‘Why a Jaguar?’ he asked a bit confused after recovering from shock.
‘Because it’s the family crest, we thought you had noticed the mural on the bedroom ceiling.’
‘I guess you will have to give me another tour,’ he suggested with a laugh. ‘I’m sorry, what’s wrong with me, thank you this means a lot to me,’ he hugged them both. ‘What happened to my old car?’
‘We had it fixed and will be donated to a local charity,’ replied Emily. ‘Why don’t you take it for a spin?’
‘I think I’ll do just that.’ With that he got in, checked out the interior which had everything including a navigation system, started is listed to the low hum of the engine and then took off still in his bath robe. He came back an hour later all hyped up then sat down to finish his breakfast. Afterwards he decided to go do some shopping for Lori because he wanted to spice up her wardrobe, not that she didn’t have sexy clothes, but he wanted her to be a bit more risqué.
Fortunately for him he knew where to go and since he knew her size it wasn’t hard for him to get clothes for her. He also decided to get some for Emily, not like she needed any but with women they never seem to have enough clothes or shoes. By the time he was done, he couldn’t believe how much stuff he had bought. When he got home, the girls were in the back sun tanning in the nude, he stood there admiring their oiled up shiny bodies.
He didn’t have to announce his presence because they already knew he was there as soon as he entered the front door. By now such behavior didn’t surprise him anymore and he actually liked it because it meant no one could sneak up on you without being detected.
‘Ok time to check out what I got you, and if you don’t like anything you can always exchange it.’ The first thing they did was clean out Lori’s clothes from the closet and she modeled the new ones that would replace the old ones. She looked beautiful and enjoyed modeling for them, most of the new stuff was short skirts and an assortment of tight tops. Even her business suits were slightly risqué in that the blouses were almost see through and since she wouldn’t be wearing any bra, the nipples would be almost visible although not scandalous.
After what seemed like hours of playing around they sat down for lunch. Now it was his turn to find out more about his new, or old, family.
‘This morning you were able to block your thoughts from me, how’d you do that?’
‘It’s kind of hard to explain because its something you learn as time goes by, don’t worry we’ll teach you,’ Lori answered.
‘The other night you mentioned something about me breeding you and marriage, how does that work exactly?’
‘I guess we should start from the top. When you are ready to get married we’ll help you choose a wife because for obvious reasons she will have to share our secret and the fact that someone can read your mind doesn’t go down well with most. So we have to be absolutely sure it remains among us.’
‘I guess I never thought it would be a burden. So how did my mother take it?’
‘Your mum surprisingly didn’t have a problem with it and actually thought it was cool because she hated keeping secrets so for her that was one aspect she didn’t have to worry about.’
‘What about my dad, she couldn’t read his mind wasn’t it a bit one sided?’
‘She was okay with it because she trusted him, although she sometimes wished she had the gift.’
‘Ok, so what about this breeding thing?’
‘You will have to select a suitor so that we can produce children to serve yours. I know that sounds weird but despite what you think we are okay with it. With Emily I went to a sperm bank and selected a donor from I think it was 200 profiles. Personally I like that because I don’t have to sleep with anybody and it minimizes jealousy issues.’
‘I’ll have to think about that, because it just doesn’t sound right. What if I decide to marry one of you or both?’ Up to this point the exchange had been serious but when he suggested this, Lori was taken by surprise because even though she had anticipated each question, this one blindsided her. Then he felt it, it was a warm feeling like one gets when in the presence of a loved one.
‘That hasn’t happened in almost two centuries.’
‘But its still an option right, I mean the only thing I guess would be that we’d have to find a slave, as you put it to serve us.’ Again she was stumped. When he turned to Emily, he saw that she had tears running down her face. ‘What’s wrong?’
‘I’m sorry it’s just that I had suggested to Lori that you might end up choosing us but that’s your decision.’
‘So what happened when one of my ancestors married one of yours?’
‘It created quite a bit of uproar but he stuck to his decision and married her. As for a new slave, we have relatives, some distant cousins, in Europe and I guess we would have to invite them over and choose one or two.’
‘Enough about family for now, I’m kind of curious about the house, why is it so big? I mean it’s just the three of us and even if there are kids, I don’t believe they will occupy all the rooms.’
‘Every now and then we host parties for people who share our lifestyle and some of them are from out of town so they spend a few nights here and get to use the play room down stairs.’
‘You mean there are more of us?’
‘You’ll be amazed at how many people are into this including some of our neighbors. We’ll be hosting a party in a few months, don’t worry you’ll love it nothing crazy just masters showing off their slaves. Speaking of which, you’ll have to put your mark on us.’
‘What do you mean?’
‘It’s kind of like bra
nding except we get a tattoo or a collar. But you may choose something different.’
‘That I’ll definitely have to think about because you have beautiful flawless skin, I’d hate to see something spoil that. But I have a feeling that you already know that, you both seem to know a lot about me even though we’ve only known each other for a short time.’
‘Actually it goes both ways, you know a lot about us too it’s just that you still don’t know how to use that part of your gift. Here’s a test, look into my eyes and tell me what you see.’ He did and at first he didn’t know what to do but admire those beautiful brown eyes. Then he just felt it, it was like looking into someone’s soul, he could see her hopes and fears, her likes and dislikes, it was like reading a book and this time it scared him. He quickly looked away, then looked back at her and saw the concern in her eyes.
‘I’m sorry if I scared you.’
‘No it’s just that I didn’t expect to see so much. Is it always like this?’
‘Not really, when you learn how to control it you’ll know what to look for.’
‘I can’t wait.’ With that they all laughed and the mood lightened quite a bit. The weekend ended too quickly for him but he got to know them better. He still had yet to fuck them, but for some reason he wanted it to be special because as far as he was concerned, he didn’t regard them as mere pleasure toys but companions and they knew it. One thing they enjoyed was the nightly blowjobs which for the moment satisfied him.
The following days he did some research about their lifestyle and some of what he read scared the shit out of him. So he continued researching and then he came across a site that offered uniforms or outfits, kind of like French maid stuff, for slaves and submissives so he browsed a bit and found an outfit that he believed would be perfect for his girls. In the mean time they had been helping him focus his gift and slowly he found himself being able to separate thoughts and feelings without too much trouble.
Frank also found himself falling more and more in love with his girls and the feeling was reciprocated by the constant kissing and playful teasing. When the outfits arrived they were ecstatic because they were expecting something different, like a French maid uniform. He decided to get a Persian style belly dancer outfit with a head piece. It pretty much consisted of a short loin cloth and a thin strip that barely covered their boobs and the head piece was a beautifully decorated scarf like cloth that covered the lower half of the face.
They immediately changed into the outfits and when they immerged they took his breath away. To show their appreciation they did a belly dance around him which gave him a stiff hard on. They had beautiful bodies but those outfits really brought out their attributes, since the material was almost see through one could barely make out their nipples and pussy.
That night they had a lot of fun and he decided it was time he made love to them. After dinner the girls seemed a bit excited and he figured they knew what was coming and true to his hunch when he entered the bedroom, they had lit scented candles and spread flower petals around the room. Lori took his hand and led him to the bathroom for their nightly bath, this time it felt special and at this point it didn’t bother him that not a word was spoken.
All one had to do was look at the other and know what they wanted. After the bath they dried each other and applied scented oils on each other. The mood was relaxed and contrary to what he’d expected none of the girls was nervous which helped him relax. From the way things progressed, he figured they had planned this and Emily would go first. They started by giving him their trademark blowjob which no matter how much he tried, he couldn’t last more than five minutes.
Then Emily lay down on the bed with Lori next to her, he didn’t have to be prompted so he decided to eat her out which he did expertly and before he knew it she was cumming like crazy and with such force that his face was covered with her juices. Then he kissed his way up to her mouth where she tasted herself and smiled. He reached down and guided his dick to her soft entrance and slowly pushed in. The feeling was intense more than he had expected and when he came to her hymen he stopped and looked into her eyes.
What he saw was love and trust so in one quick movement he shoved forward breaking through which caused her to let of a scream and Lori was slowly caressing her hair and whispering soothingly to her. After a while he started pumping slowly and proceeded to pick up speed. The feeling he first felt after entering her intensified as he continued fucking her, and after a while he felt himself transported by it to some pleasure zone.
They both closed their eyes and let the pleasure take over. He saw the both of them floating in the clouds then he felt himself getting close and before he could say anything he had the most powerful orgasm he’d ever had to date. He didn’t know how long he was in this state because when he opened his eyes Lori was looking down on him smiling.
‘That was amazing, I’ve never felt like this,’ he said after regaining his composure.
‘Now it’s my turn,’ Lori said while mounting his already hardening dick. This surprised him because he didn’t think he could recover after the previous episode. She gently lowered herself and he could feel her pussy muscles massage his dick as it snaked its way through her canal. She was as tight as Emily and he felt the sensation starting to come back.
He reached up and started caressing with her left nipple while pinching and pulling the right one. This caused her pussy muscles to spasm and clump down on his dick. Slowly they picked up the pace and their pounding grew intense. Slowly he started to loose himself and this time instead of fighting the pleasure sensation, he let it take him.
When her first orgasm hit, it was like her pussy muscles were chocking his dick because for a few moments he couldn’t move and her body shook like crazy then he felt something wet on his crotch. He picked up the pace as he felt his orgasm approach, he closed his eyes and again he saw them floating through the clouds then his orgasm hit and he saw stars.
When he regained his senses, both women were smiling down on him, ‘I don’t think I can take too much of that,’ he said.
‘Don’t worry you’ll get used to it,’ replied Emily.
‘What was that anyway, I felt you, I mean literally felt you I can’t explain it, it was like I was inside you feeling your soul?’
‘You see when we make love we both share feelings and what I feel is what you feel and vice versa. Now we are one, here touch my face.’ He caressed Lori’s face and all of a sudden he was overcome with a wave of euphoria which caused him to withdraw his hand.
‘What was that?’
‘Now you don’t only have to scan our thoughts, you can share them by touch when we made love our souls or spirits merged so to speak and that’s what makes what we have special.’
‘I hope I get used to this because you two are going to kill me pretty soon,’ he added with a laugh. They made love till the wee hours of the morning and when they finally went to sleep, he didn’t believe that he had any cum left in his balls. He and Emily called in sick and since Lori was the boss she just rescheduled her appointments and distributed them to her associates. The rest of the day was spent fucking, eating and sleeping and not necessarily in that order.
As time went by, he got used to the sensations and he also rented an apartment a block from work so they would meet at lunch for a quickie. He still had to make a decision about their future, and even though they knew this, they never pushed or asked so he decided to make an announcement on Emily’s nineteenth birthday. This was going to be hard because keeping a secret from them at this point was virtually impossible, so he came up with a plan and hoped it w
as going to work.
To be continued…
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I entered the doctors office with anticipation. The doctor was very handsome and smiled as I came in. "So, Katie, you're here for your immunizations and it says here you're frightened of injections?" "Yes doctor, I'm terrified""Well, no need to worry, I'll be very gentle. Why don't you put down your bag and sit on the table while I prepare your shots."I nervously headed towards the examining table, my heart was racing at the thought of him sticking needles in me and I was very tense.I watched...
As for the rest of the Houston trip, well the next few days became something of a blur! Allison had reserved the penthouse suite of one of the most expensive hotels in Houston, and had left clear and specific instructions that she wanted enough king-sized beds piled together to allow at least twenty people to fuck. Yes, she used the word fuck to the hotel manager very explicitly and repeatly. This was going to be a rock star level bacchanalian orgy of epic proportions, with groaning trays of...
Becky looked up from her work as Mr. Barringer and the woman walked into her office. Becky was surprised. Mr. Barringer rarely came into her office; she usually reported to the senior partner's office not the other way around. The woman was someone new to her. She was older than Becky, probably about twenty-nine, but younger than any of the other women in the office. She was small, about 5'2", with a good figure and good taste in clothing. "Becky, this is Katherine Martin, our new...
Remember your first crush? Boy, I sure do. Little Nancy Evans. Sat across from me in grade school. She had a fabulous blond pony tail that she would swish as she walked around school. Well, we were just k**s and I never came within a hundred miles of even letting her know I secretly "Liked" her. I still wonder whatever became of her from time to time.Many years later, I was a sophomore in College and had met a great girl in Music Appreciation 101. Her name was Suzanne. Dark eyed and mysterious,...
Another true story of me and my wife Emma...As I walk into the bedroom I know my wife Emma is naked under the covers. I take off my clothes, the anticipation building and I get into bed and lie down beside her.I start to feel her tits and nipples, soft in my hands. I move my mouth to each, licking and sucking them. My left hand moves further down, over her soft belly. Then I feel her strap on cock against my finger tips. I move my hand around it, up and down slowly. I turn my face to her and...
Hi, I am Rahul 28 year old Pyaar se log mujhe log Raj kahte hain woh raj nhai jo dil churata hai like d.d.l.g but I am a big fucker .agar aap mein se koi ladki ,aunti ,Sister apni chudai kar satisfy hona chahti hain to please aaj hi apni chut saaf kar mujhe mail karein yakinan aapko laude ka sukh milega .isliye aaj hi mujh se contact karein mera Email: Lund ka size : tight karne ke baad 8″ inch, suck karna padega To tayyar ho jao laude aur chut ki takkar ke liye baat un dino ki hai jab mere...
I next catch you on Fab Swingers one Friday afternoon and we agree to have a chat on the phone. I tell you I have written a new story written just for you. You say you would love to hear it but not just yet. I wonder why you are not eager to hear me read it to you but carry on chatting to you. You ask me if I have any other stories I have not read to you. I look through my stories and find one that you have not heard. As I read the story to you I can hear you shallow breathing. You...
I’m so addicted to you and from time to time I really feel guilty about it. Since I’ve met you I tend to neglect previously important things. Then I take my frustration out on you because, at the end of the day, it is your fault.I used to be in control. I used to be self-disciplined or in your words ‘cold’, but these days you are playing me like a marionette doll and you pull my strings with perverse enjoyment.When we met, I told you I can only see you once or twice a week but you wanted more,...
FemdomBy: PABLO DIABLO Copyright 2018 Chapter 1 We finished breakfast rather quickly, keeping an eye on the time since we had to meet the Realtor. Jill was the first one finished, she was famished since the food at the hospital was not good at all, she said. Fred joined us at breakfast. He was pleasant, but he didn’t really participate that much into the conversation going on around the table. Fred quietly pointed to his watch reminding us of our time to head to the Realtor. As we all piled...
Early afternoon, they packed up the comforters and returned to the van. Dan laid a towel on the seat so that any leaking doggy cum from Lisa’s pussy wouldn’t stain the seat fabric. “How was your walk in the park? Were Sarg and Major a good fuck for you?” Karen asked revealing she knew the reason for their visit to the park. “I may have to get us a family dog with a nice big cock or come here for them to fuck me,” she smiled. “Lisa, you’re always welcomed to enjoy Sarg and Major and always...
Introduction: Three men enter my live. How will each of them hurt me? The Story of Ann Chapter 4: How to Hate Men without Really Trying Rick came over for dinner that Sunday night and he made a good impression on both grandma and on Frank. He was polite and kind even helping grandma with the dishes. Rick also found out that I had a child. He seemed not to be concerned about it. He even picked Michelle up and held her. Michelle just stared at him then looked to me as she held out her arms and...
"COME OUT YOU COWARD AND FIGHT LIKE A MAN!!!"I was besieged. Trapped inside my castle with a crazy warrior princess pounding my door down... I shook off my daydream and came back to reality and the threats of the very real crazy woman who thirsted for my blood."No thanks. I rather like it where I am.""You can't stay in there forever you Bastard!"CRASH!"I can try!" Damn. A few more of those and my latch will break, I thought looking at the cracks in the door mantle. Leaning my shoulder into...
Here another educational blog from me on what edging is, what it meansand how it started ! (And how it started for me) Well for all of us that don't know right away what it means: It really is in the word already, it means being on the edge of an orgasm and pulling yourself back, or being pulled back and repeating this process over and over again with the goal of having a gigantic orgasm that nearly makes you pass out!! (I have been there a couple of times where I almost lost consciousness due...
Chapter 4 - The Basement The party meandered on until 10.30, when people started to make their "goodbyes" and I found some people who were leaving, I had not met during the evening. Some of Cindy's friends, Sylvia and her partner,the owners of a model agency; Martha, who had a catering business and had provided all the evening's food; Jesse, another boutique owner and a few more. I greeted some of them as they left and said I was sure Cindy would tell me more about them...
In his mind he was picturing his mother undressing, slowly and seductively, when all of a sudden his thoughts were pierced by a shout from downstairs. “Jason? Are you up there honey?” “Uh yes Mom” Jason quickly replied, with a slight edge of guilt in his voice. “I’m just up in my room reading.” “I’m just going for a shower” his Mom called. “If the phone rings, could you pick it up? I’m expecting a call from the hospital”. “Sure thing” said Jason. Jason lay back on his bed and...
I walked into the bar. More of a club, I guess, but real relaxed. I walked right to the bar, I had a rough day. I was only here because my car got totaled,I needed a drink,and this was the only bar in walking distance. A deep voiced bartender with a beard asked me, "What to drink?" "Something heavy..." Out of the corner of my eye I saw a woman. A strikingly beautiful woman.
After we walked in, I told Mistress that mom had left some money in case she wasn't home when we got back, they told me we could order pizza, or go out for burgers. She said, "I think pizza would be good, then when they get here, you can answer the door naked. Won't that be fun?" She called a pizza place ordering what she wanted, and said we had about 30 minutes before it arrived. I checked the answer machine to see if there were any messages, there was one. It was mom saying, "Hi...
Introduction: Just a casual dinner and some fun in sun… or bedroom… whereever. As he walked home he grabbed his shirt and a nice pair of pants. He slipped into his orange polo and tucked his shirt into his pants. Going for his dressed up-style just like she likes. Put his white Nike hat on and went up stairs. She sat in his sweater and in her tight jeans it was a cool autumn day out but he didnt care. He grabbed her by the arm and took her down to the garage and told her to get into the car....
Semi-organized chaos would best describe the kitchen for the next 5 or 10 minutes. Excitement was everywhere and everyone was raving over the new game as Lissa quietly made her way around the room. She listened carefully to the many different conversations from the different players. She also noted that Grinder seemed to have completely forgotten the intimate encounter from just a few minutes before. Lissa just smiled ever so slightly as she made her way back around to David. ** I was...
Welcome to Wife Watchers 2by Thomas WallerThomas spent a confusing Saturday afternoon. He and Helen went walking along Norbert’s Creek. They worked in the yard, clearing up debris from Thursday’s storm, and they had lunch at the Golden Griddle: a typical Saturday with typical Saturday activities. Except that Michael was coming to the house that evening to fuck his Helen. Thomas watched Helen bending to pick up a bundle of grass and leaves and was struck by the beautiful curve of his wife’s...
She sat reading her book in the corner of the library, surrounded by thick blankets that she had found at the back. Underneath was a shotgun, knife and a hammer, all for protection from the monsters outside. Silently she flipped the page and took a small bite out of the bread. She looked up when a shuffling sound went past her window. She held her breath and waited for it to pass. Its moaning soon grew quiet and disappeared down the hall taking the smell with it. Hannah was seventeen when a...
Monster SexOh, God, I still get butterfly flutters inside just looking at her. Stunning, Cynthia walked in with a large man and joined a group at a nearby booth. He was big, but not beefy or obese. When Cynthia walked, everyone listened — with their eyes. We exchanged nods and then she gave me this beaming smile. The flutterers in my belly were now flapping madly. A campus queen — caught up in the swirl of dances and sorority events, but she was not quite a fit. Tall, shapely, smooth, wise, and bright...
A Report On Subject Purple Following your requests I hereby submit a report on the Male subject codenamed 'Purple'. I must protest at the short amount of time I was given to examine the subject. Male is a healthy 40 year old Caucasian, no discernable scars, marks or deformities, a perfect specimen of a human male. A brain scan showed a high level of activity, more than would be expected under his current condition — stage 3 sedation — It was noticed that several of the female examiners...