A DREAM FRIEND Chapter Six free porn video

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I was besieged. Trapped inside my castle with a crazy warrior princess pounding my door down... I shook off my daydream and came back to reality and the threats of the very real crazy woman who thirsted for my blood.

"No thanks. I rather like it where I am."

"You can't stay in there forever you Bastard!"


"I can try!" Damn. A few more of those and my latch will break, I thought looking at the cracks in the door mantle. Leaning my shoulder into bracing my door more, I could hear Rose Ann's heavy breathing just on the other side. I was hoping she'd get exhausted before the latch broke.

"Rose Ann, I never meant you were lying. I swear it. I just said what I meant to say the wrong way," I said reasonably.

"Then why don't you come out so we can discuss it?" Her words sounded reasonable... Her tone dripped venom.

"Umm, no! Listen, I know you're a virgin..."


"Will you stop that and listen! I know you're a virgin," I began again quickly before Rose Ann could measure my door for another charge. The cracks around my latch were larger.

"I know you're a virgin," I repeated hoping she'd stop and pay heed. "What I meant was, and said in absolutely the worst possible way, are you sure that physically you're a virgin?"

"What the fuck are you talking about?" At least she sounded a little bit curious and not totally maniacally bloodthirsty.

"Physically! Physically, that... that thing...," For the life of me I couldn't pull the word I was searching for out of my memory. "That thing that girls are born with, you know, down there."

A long silence and then, "You mean my hymen?"

That's the word! "Yes! Yes, your hymen! I mean, you were a cheerleader for four years in high school. Some of those leg splits you did would tear me apart."

Silence on the other side of the door. I rushed to continue making my points, "And, and, I mean, I haven't been the only one to, uh, touch you down there. You told about some of your dates, you know, who grabbed you down there..."

More silence. "And you've probably touched yourself. I mean, doesn't everyone touch themselves?"

"Huh...," I felt my door sag a little as if Rose Ann were leaning against it. At least she wasn't trying to break it down. "Huh," Rose Ann repeated. "I've never thought about it. I guess it's possible..."

The pressure against my door eased and I heard footsteps, then the sound of a body sitting heavily on our sofa. Opening my door I stuck my head out and saw Rose Ann on the couch seemingly lost in thought. Figuring it was safe, I left the dubious safety of my room to enter our den. I was leery enough to remain standing out of arms reach however.

"I've had a GYN exam," Rose Ann mused as if I weren't there. "The Doctor never said anything and I just never thought to ask... I did get curious and tried to look when I was 13 or 14... But it's not something I can just look down and see. The mirror I used... Everything was just so small in the reflection... I probably didn't know what exactly I was looking for anyway... Huh..."

"None of your dates maybe used a finger..."

Rose Ann shook her head and leaned back into the couch, "No, most of them grabbed or rubbed me through my jeans. The few who I let inside my pants..." Rose Ann shrugged. "I always kept my panties on but I guess it's possible... I just assumed I'd feel pain if, you know..." Rose Ann shrugged again.

"So, you never used, you know... Something while you were, ah, touching yourself that might have, umm, damaged your hymen?"

"No," Rose Ann answered for the first time looking at me. "I never touched myself that many times. I mean, it always felt good but I couldn't seem to... Finish. Nothing like last night when you touched me."

Holy fuck... "Rose Ann, do you mean that last night was your first orgasm?"

Rose Ann's face flushed red from embarrassment. She looked away and nodded. Embarrassment didn't stop her from turning to face me a few seconds later, glaring at me with cold eyes, "If you make even one joke I'll hunt you down and..."

"Never! Not even a mention shall pass my lips," I swore quickly, erasing the silly grin off my face. I needed to get the hell out of here before a smile or a small muffled laugh set off Rose Ann's temper again.

"I need to hit the road. Got some walking to do and all that," I told Rose Ann while putting on my coat, muffler and gloves. Don't smile... Don't smile... Dear God, don't smile...

I was pushing our trailer's door open against the resistance of eight inches of snow when Rose Ann said, "Oh, and Daniel? Get me a box of tampons."


"Tampons. If I'm no longer intact, or won't be soon, then I can use tampons and save my pads to take home this Summer."

"C'mon, Rose Ann. Can't you wait until you can drive to get them?"

"Daniel, who's the expert on my menstrual cycle? You or me?"

Recognizing an argument I couldn't win and certainly didn't want to have, I nodded and began pushing on the door again. I had the door open enough to slip through when I had a thought. "Ah, Rose Ann? Do those come, you know, one size fits all?"

"Well, my mom uses..."

"NO! No, no, no, no, no," I interrupted. "I don't want to know anything about your mom's... Anything!"

"Just get the box that says for medium days."

"Medium. Right," I sighed as I slipped through the door and shut it. Damn, it was cold out here, well below freezing. There wasn't a cloud in sight but the sun did nothing to warm me. I was dr****g my muffler over my head to cover my ears when Rose Ann opened the door enough to stick her head out.

"And, Daniel?"

Dear God, what now... "Yes, Rose Ann?"

"Get the box with the plastic applicators instead of the cardboard."

"And will M'Lady require help using them, also?"

"Don't be gross, Daniel." Rose Ann shivered, "Brrr, it's cold out there."

"Perhaps because M'Lady is still wearing nothing but an apron?"

"Perhaps," Rose Ann laughed, imitating my British accent. Then glancing down she informed me, "Wow, my nipples are hard as rocks. Would you like to come back inside and see? Maybe warm them up?"

"You truly are evil, Rose Ann," I huffed, turning to step gingerly down the snow covered steps off our tiny patio deck. With visions of full, soft breasts with rock hard nipples running through my brain, I set off on my quest.

T-Minus 35 Hours

When the trailer came into sight I saw that Rose Ann hadn't been idle during my trek. Snow had been brushed off our cars. Our small deck was snow free and a path had been cleared to the cars.

Stamping my feet to remove as much snow and ice as I could from pant legs and shoes I stepped into our snug little trailer and waited for warmth to register on my frozen cheeks and ears. Luckily the store had been open and I hadn't had to slog another two miles to the next.

The smell of household cleansers and the sound of our tiny clothes washer/dryer unit going told me she'd been busy inside as well as out.

Appearing from the hallway as I stripped off my coat, Rose Ann smiled at my slow, frozen movements. "It's about time you got back."

"Yes. Well, I was having so much fun breaking trail through a foot of snow in below zero temperatures I wanted to make it last as long as possible," I replied dryly as I hung my coat up. Toeing off my shoes I pushed them to the side to let them begin drying.

Showing no appreciation for me freezing my ass off for five hours, Rose Ann asked, "What did you get me?"

Not answering, I looked into the kitchen, "Nothing bubbling on the stove?"

"God, Daniel," Rose Ann huffed in a long suffering tone. "I've been shoveling snow and cleaning all morning. The least you can do is cook. So, what did you get me?"

I carefully didn't mention that I hadn't been exactly idle this morning. Instead I reached into a bag and presented her with candy bars. "Chocolates for, M'Lady, and..." I reached in and presented her with two plastic flowers of indeterminate type. "Flowers. Plastic I'm afraid but they were all they had. I nicked them from a display."

"Ahh, candy bars and stolen plastic flowers. You are so romantic," Rose Ann coo'ed and pressed against me for a long kiss which did wonders to warm me up.

I sat on the couch to rest my tired legs and Rose Ann bounced her ass down on the cushion beside me. She was in a good mood as she tried to grab one of the bags, "What else did you get me?"

"Yes," I replied in my driest of voices. Pulling out the small box I handed it to her. "One box of tampons for medium days with plastic applicators. For all that's holy, Rose Ann, don't ask me again. Being the only store open, it was crowded and I swear one lady in the aisle asked if I needed bloody help!"

Rose Ann thought that was hilarious. "You men are so squeamish. Jeez, you'll spend an entire lifetime trying to get into a pussy but won't spend five minutes learning about a pussy and what we women have to do."

"Yes, well if it's all the same I'd like for you women to continue having your secrets."

"And the condoms? I hope you got a lot of them," Rose Ann asked with a giggle. 'What the bloody hell is so funny about condoms to Rose Ann,' I asked myself again.

"I believe so. I was about to buy two dozen then remembered we also have the weekend before classes begin. Five days, six counting New Year's Day so I got three dozen."

"Thirty-six of them? My, you must be counting on a lot of sex. I hope they'll be enough for you and your next girlfriend."

"What? Me and my next... Rose Ann, have you changed your mind about you and I?"

"No, I still want you to be my first. And we're gonna have sex. A lot of sex! We just won't need those," Rose Ann laughed and slung the bag down the hallway.

It finally dawned on me. "You're on the pill!"

"My God, Daniel! You might be British but you're certainly not Sherlock Holmes! They've been in plain sight every day we've been living together."

"Where? I've never seen them."

"In the medicine cabinet in the bathroom."

"Rose Ann, the medicine cabinet is so filled with your cosmetics I haven't looked in there more than a couple of times in the last two months."

"Well, it's not my fault you didn't look!"

"Well, it's certainly your fault I froze my balls off for almost five hours!"

"C'mon, Daniel. If our positions were reversed, tell me honestly that you wouldn't have done the same. Have milked it for every ounce of enjoyment," Rose Ann laughed, getting revenge by throwing my exact words back in my face.

"Maybe I should have taken pity on you," Rose Ann said by way of apology. "I've known you're an idiot when you never figured out my dresser's mirror."

"What about your mirror?"

With a long suffering sigh, Rose Ann asked, "What do you see in my mirror?"

I looked down the hallway where her mirror was in view and answered, "Part of your bedroom."

"Daniel, if you're looking straight into a mirror, what should you see?"

"My... reflection," I answered the truth finally dawning. "Rose Ann! Your mirror is angled..." I'd been enjoying the sights of Rose Ann's reflected naked body from time to time so much that I'd never given a thought of WHY I'd been seeing her naked body.

"By George, I think he's got it!"

"But I offered to move your dresser. I could have straightened it easily."

"I don't think so! Do you know how heavy that dresser is? How long it took me to angle it just so, so that if I stood in one place you could watch me dress?"

"Oh, my God! You've been playing me since day one you little tart!"

"Of course... Though I'm a little glad it's taken you so long to figure it out. Not that you ever did! I had to get drunk and spell it all out for you! I've been on the pill since visiting the campus health clinic the second day of class. By now I've been on the pill long enough that condoms won't be needed. For my first time I want to feel everything. That includes knowing how it feels to have a man come inside me. Not like those stupid fuck films where the guy pulls out and comes on the girl's stomach."

Curious, I left the couch to look in our medicine cabinet. At first I didn't see anything. Picking up a small, circular compact I opened it and saw a clear plastic piece with foil backing. Most of the small pills were missing. Stepping back into the hallway, "This? This is what you expected me to see and know you were on the pill," I huffed holding up the pink compact. Rose Ann just returned a shit-eating-grin.

Putting the compact back I went back to sit on the couch. "Ok, it was a good joke on me but I now reserve the right to needle you about your first orgasm."

"I think that's fair," Rose Ann replied, then leaned over to nibble my earlobe and added softly, "But only if you give me another."

I thought that was eminently fair and told Rose Ann so. Leaning to the side onto the couch I pushed back as far as I could to have room for her on the sofa beside me. Rose Ann settled herself beside me like a soft, sexy cat as we kissed. Raised up on an elbow I positioned the pillow we kept on the couch for cat naps under Rose Ann's head before running my right hand down her side to grasp a firm ass cheek through tight denim as we kissed.

Pulling Rose Ann higher so I could more easily reach her neck, I began alternating between kissing, sucking and running the tip of my tongue over the tender skin. Leaving her firm ass cheeks, I ran my hand up Rose Ann's side and brought my hand around to push her shirt up and over her tits.

Even with gravity flattening her breasts on her chest they made magnificent mounds. Grasping bare tit I pinched the nipple between thumb and forefinger hard enough to cause her to gasp before leaning over and trying to suck as much tit to the back of my mouth as I could. Rose Ann responded by snaking her arm behind my head to pull my mouth to hers for a kiss before pushing my face even more forcibly to her large mound of soft tit.

Continuing to mold her tit in my hand I stopped sucking on Rose Ann's nipple long enough to whisper in her ear, "You were right. Your nipples are hard as rocks." For awhile I entertained myself by paying attention with strong fingers and energetic sucking to one tit or the other.

Rose Ann wasn't entirely quiescent while I entertained myself with her tits. One hand was working my jean's zipper down a little at a time until there was room for her hand to slip through the opening. I could tell she'd had some practice. Rose Ann's pussy might be virginal but her hand wasn't. Giving Ol' Tommy Boy the best hand job she could in the small space provided. Deciding it was time to shift my attention elsewhere, I reluctantly released Rose Ann's tit and skimmed down her taught stomach to unbutton her shorts.

Realizing what I was doing, Rose Ann released Tommy Boy to use both hands to quickly run the zipper of her shorts down. Twisting to raise her ass up just enough to push her shorts and panties to her thighs. Bending her legs up and over her stomach, her clothes continued to journey past her knees, ending up at her ankles where she kicked them away. Her shirt disappeared like magic to end up with her panties somewhere on the floor. Her task finished, Rose Ann again snaked her arm around my neck to pull my mouth to hers before pushing her hand inside my jeans to work my cock. Throwing her right leg over mine, she opened her thighs to expose her pussy and without words granted me access to do whatever I might want.

I didn't make her wait long. Beginning a slow circular motion over her pussy lips at the top of her slit, I paid attention to Rose Ann's breathing and body tremors to find just the right spot and motion that effected her the most. In only a few minutes the back of Rose Ann's head was pressing into the pillow as neck muscles flexed and low, moans came from her open mouth.

I felt confident enough to press further into her slit to feather my fingertip against her slippery clit. As soon as I touched that hard, slippery nubbin her body jerked as Rose Ann inhaled a sharp, loud 'ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.' I used my arm and hand under her neck to grasp her shoulder to pull her strongly against me so she didn't roll off the couch.

Remembering how Rose Ann had reacted watching a woman having rough sex last night on the fuck tape, with her pussy in my grasp I wasted no time in handling it roughly. Keeping her squirming body firmly trapped against me, listening to her moans and gasps, I rubbed and pulled slick pussy lips over her clit.

Rose Ann's head began pressing harder into the pillow, raising her shoulders off the couch. I lowered my head to meet her rising tits for more hard sucking. Using only hard suction on her nipple I lifted her heavy tit up and over her chest until it would slip from my lips to quiver against her chest until I started all over again. Each time trying to suck harder to lift her tit higher... With my mouth hard on her nipple and my hand between her legs I could hear louder moans of, 'Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck, fuckfuckfuckfuck.'

Pushing two fingers between wet pussy lips I slowly moved them down her slit to her pussy hole. Careful not to penetrate her hole deeper than my fingernail, I began running my fingers around the outside of her cleft. I stopped my rough sucking of Rose Ann's tit so she could concentrate fully on what I was doing to her pussy.

Rimming her hole, my fingertips dipped inside, pulling and shaping the wet flesh of her hole first one way and then another. In less than a minute Rose Ann's body began shaking. Stomach muscles tensing, Rose Ann's body tried to bend forward. My hand holding her shoulder tightened to hold her down as she panted while my fingers continued to rim her wet cleft.

God, her pussy felt so small and tight even with only my fingertips scarcely pushed inside. I could feel her cunt muscles constricting, trying to clasp my fingers as they moved around her rim.

"You're wet," I told Rose Ann. Be damned, she was! She didn't answer, only moaned as I dipped the tips of my fingers in the cleft of her pussy a fraction of an inch more. After coating my fingertips liberally with watery syrup I pulled my fingers from her hole. Taking my hand away from between her legs caused Rose Ann to moan in disappointment as she tried to catch my hand to return it to between her legs.

I was wondering how Rose Ann would react as I brought my finger tips to her mouth. Painting her lips with sweet smelling cream only caused her to flick the tip of her tongue out to lick my fingers. I guessed she'd tasted herself on those occasions she'd touched herself.

Kissing her sweetened lips I returned to fingering her flowing pussy. Her pussy cleft never ran out of juice, fresh cream filling her hole in the time it took me to bring fingertips coated with pussy sap to her mouth or mine to be sucked clean before returning to get more.

"God, your pussy is tight," I whispered in Rose Ann's ear, my warm breath and words causing her to shudder. Keeping my fingertips just inside the dip of her hole, I began to move them around the rim a little more forcibly, stretching her hole a little with each circular passage. "I can't wait to feel how tight you'll feel with my cock inside you." Rose Ann's breath caught, no doubt wondering how my cock would feel to her sliding deep, filling, stretching her tight cunt.

Panting, "Don't wait! Oh, God, you don't need to wait... Fuck me now!", Rose Ann's hand not inside my jeans snapped downwards to press my fingers deeper into her pussy. Pulling away before my fingers went deep, I grasped her wrist and pulled her arm up so my other hand could trap her wrist and hold her.

When twisting her surprisingly strong wrist couldn't free her arm, Rose Ann's moans grew louder in frustration at her inability to reach between her legs to try and relieve the need between her pussy lips. Her body squirmed and flexed even more beside me. Thigh muscles quivered as her gasping breaths became one long repetition of, 'ohfuckohfuckohfuck,' in her want of relief.

Sucking hard on her nipples again, I moved my fingers from her pussy hole back to her clit. Flicking across her hard clit. Circling it. Pressing her pussy lips harshly down upon it...

Squirming to escape the hand trapping her wrist Rose Ann went through three or four repetitions of rising up to pant then relaxing somewhat against me to call out, 'fuckfuckfuck,' with increasing volume as her entire body spasmed. As quickly as her body began spasming Rose Ann went suddenly still, her body tensing... Then grew rigid as with a final loud shout of, 'OOOHHHSSSHHHIIITTTFFFUUUUUCCCKKKK', she came.

I held her as her body jerked and twitched under no conscious control through a long orgasm. I continued to frig her clit and bite on her nipples even as she came... If anything she came harder and longer. All too soon though she was trying to turn her hips to dislodge my hand from her pussy as she managed weak, gasping pleas of, 'no more oh god no more no more no more...'

Muscles that only moments before had been stretched tight and clenched loosened as I moved my hand away from Rose Ann's pussy to gently cup and massage tits and nipples that only moments before I'd been sucking on savagely. I waited as her face relaxed in beautiful satisfaction, the sex flush still on her cheeks and chest. Her ragged breaths grew deeper and more regular.

Raising the arm I'd released above her head, she stretched like a lazy, well satisfied cat. Finally, with a last shiver and soft exhaled, 'ooohhhfffuuuccckkk', she lay exhausted and motionless beside me. I thought she'd forgotten she'd been holding my cock all this time. If so, she remembered now, pulling her hand from my jeans while telling me slowly and decisively, "I... Want... MORE... Of... Those!" Blowing out a deep breath in a whoosh, she added, "If I'd known that's what an orgasm felt like I would have tried harder to give myself one."

I laughed at that admission and told Rose Ann, "Well, M'Lady. You now have me to do that for you. You can call upon my services where and when you need them."

"Then fuck me, my Loyal Servant."

"All but that until tomorrow night. But after tomorrow night," I added firmly. "I'm going to be inside you so often you'll think my cock has been grafted onto you."

Rose Ann laughed at that imagery. Rising to sit on the edge of the couch she gathered her clothes and stood up. "I'll hold you to that promise but for now I'd rather have something to eat." With a sly look she added, "After we eat I have another chore for you to do."

I have to admit I wasn't paying her words much attention. My attention was on the proof only a couple feet away from my face that Rose Ann's pussy was indeed a bottomless well of cream. I wanted nothing more than to bury my face between those pussy lips! Rose Ann couldn't see what gravity was doing but I certainly could! I thought of mentioning the long strand of pussy juice dangling from her pussy lips... But Rose Ann might be embarrassed and would wipe away any future strands and I wanted to see many more cummy pussies in the days ahead!

"You want me to go back to the store," I asked watching the strand lengthen. Wondering when it would break.

Other than denying that was what she wanted, Rose Ann wouldn't say more before walking away, the sway of her hips causing the strand to stick to her thigh. Entertainment over, I got up to change my clothes and to start dinner.

Chapter 7 coming...

"All you had to do was ask..."

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Prologue:In an earlier story, Dan Becomes Dawn, Dan had stopped in Denver, coming out as Dawn, a crossdresser, to former neighbors.  At a swinging party the next night, Dawn had met, and connected with, Patti. She accompanied Dawn to Steamboat Springs on a business trip for two nights.  Dawn worked three more days, then returned to the former neighbors’ home for a second weekend before returning to Florida. Meanwhile, Patti visited her daughter in Aspen, then returned to her parents’ farm in...

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Girlfriends Bestfriend

True story about my girlfriends bestfriendSince her mouth was at just the right height anyway, she immediately bent over and pulled my dripping cock right into her mouth. Her mouth was working wonders on my cock so I decided to test her sucking ability as a true slave. I reached out with my hands and pulled her entire head down onto my cock as I stuffed my foot up her cunt. Her gasp for breath was overwhelmed by her grunt from my foot fucking her cunt. Her cunt was taking my foot deeper and...

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Dream MasterChapter 34 Welcome to Your Nightmare

By the time I arrived the next night, the plan had changed. Apparently, his lordship had decided he wanted to play a little before getting down to serious work. Either that, or he had decided to fuck with me by making me hurt the people I had been protecting. "I have decided to begin with another subject," Hightower informed me when I arrived. "Bring Samantha Watkins here." "My Lord, I..." Pain lanced through me once more as he asked, "Are you questioning me?" "No, my lord!" I...

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Dream Weaver Book 3 of Wizard a Love StoryChapter 8 School and Football

The rest of the week was chaotic beyond belief and the Dream haunted Sean and Megan. The two boys who had been forced to pick the fight with AJ and Scott, had let everyone know what had happened. They had been in the thick of the whole episode, after all. Unfortunately, the boys also embellished what had happened just a bit. The Ford Bronco stopped in a parking space in the high school parking lot on the third day at school. AJ turned the key and the big engine rumbled to a stop. There was...

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Dream MasterChapter 8 Updates

Number one our to-do list for the night was finding out who it was that put my name in the paper and confirming Fox as the source. I had no doubt it was Fox, and I didn't need the reporter's identity to deal with him, but I was really tired of the press screwing up peoples' lives in the name of ratings. This 'speaking on condition of anonymity' bullshit needed to stop. I figured it was time they felt some of the suffering they caused, and this looked like a good place to start. After...

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How Are You Not Being NeglectedChapter 9 The total four chapters

We went to the bedroom and the bed was ready with pillows for the fireworks, what our ANR love would bring to us. I was no longer an ANR virgin so I was confident. Olga said, "If you want I could give you oral sex first, because my breast isn't yet full of milk and you'll be able to build up your own fluid." I told her, "I like that idea." "I gave you pineapple for lunch so your sperm will be very tasty for me. It's like what happens to my breast milk when I eat chili." My cock...

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Eternal Darkness Chapter Six

________________________________________________________________________________________________ Sidenote: I finished my rewriting of chapter six, and was going to post it. Per usual I checked into what my fans had said and noticed one talking about ED6 being called EA6. While I already knew this, the date I was using in the way back machine kept saying it did not have that page recorded. After some messing around I was able to find the date where ED6 was able to be accessed from. I apologize...

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Right from the Start Chapter Six

Right from the Start, Chapter Six - By: Beverly Taff Simon(Simone): The main character; Dorie Lou: The girl next Door; Mrs Benson: Dorie Lou's mother. Mary and Sandra: Simon's other classmates in school; Miss Webster: Their form teacher; Doctor Wendy: Simone's endocrinologist; Doctor Julie: Simone's psychiatrist. Chapter Six After Simone and Dorie Lou finished reminiscing in the garage Dorie Lou's mother called the pair for lunch. "Got anything planned for the...

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Sissy Farm Chapter TwentySix

Sissy Farm - Chapter Twenty Six - By: Beverly Taff List of Characters. Me, Michelle: A Natural transvestite sissy; Janice: My Younger sister; Aunty Bev: Janice and My mother's Sister; Mistress Janet: Headmistress of the young lady's academy; Doctor Shirley Williams: My endocrinologist; Miranda: A very effeminate Sissy sales assistant; Miss Stern: Miranda's mistress who owns the shop; Peregrine, AKA Uncle Penny: My transvestite uncle. (Aunty...

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Dreamscape I

Part 1 of a multi-parter. Dreamscape 1 By Diana Kimberly Heche No, this isn't right! None of this is. I stopped in mid bite, then chewed the pancakes more slowly, straining my senses to search for the qualities that I loved in them so well. Nothing. It was not that they were bland in the traditional sense, they were completely devoid of taste altogether. Impossible. I picked up the glass of orange juice and brought the pulpy liquid to my nose, inhaling vigorously for a...

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Jenny Becomes a Porn Star Chapter Six

Jenny Becomes A Porn Star Chapter Six After the morning alarm went off I got up and went into Steven’s room to wake him up and found him sleeping nude with his beautiful cock completely within my view. It took everything I had within me to leave him alone so he would still be enthusiastic during our shoot today. Then for the longest time after he had gotten out of bed he walked around the apartment with that meat of his swinging in my view till just before we left to go to work. My mind was...

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Detectives Blues Chapter Six

Chapter Six I stared through the small window with shocked fascination at the surreal scene that unfolded before me. Jim Arlington was sitting on a stool with his hands cuffed behind his back and a sullen expression on his face as he was held in his seat by two of Rocco's muscle bound thugs. Rocco went through his wallet, emptied it out and held the driver's license up to Jim's bruised face. He nodded to a third hood who grabbed hold of him, shook him by his shirt collar and began...

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Betrayed Chapter Six

Betrayed Chapter 06 By Cherysse St. Claire (c) Chapter Six: The Seven Levels of Hell Monday was the most vile, loathsome day of my life - for no earthly reason other than having to be me. The first thing I had to come to grips with was who 'me' was that particular morning. 'Lance' had to put in an appearance at the office. Back to the old routine, go out there and make the big bucks. F Troop back to normal, Sir! Simple, right? After the most mind-blowing weekend of my life - as...

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Dream MasterChapter 33 Crunch Time

Being confident was important, but Elliott Bastion was hands down the biggest threat I had faced – even counting the Sandman – and that said a lot. But the most the Sandman could do was kill me; Bastion could, maybe, turn me into something so dark it made Jamie on a bad day look like Phoebe in church. Nothing we had tried had been even remotely successful, and I still didn't know how I was going to handle someone I couldn't even look at in a dream. Trust me, over-confidence, wasn't a...

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Dream MasterChapter 5 The Waiting Game

I hate waiting. Christine was gone, headed back to a place called Conley to oversee the movers as they packed up her belongings for the trip west. Lizzy was flying down with Amber to keep her company on the drive back. When she told me they were both going, I couldn't help but think that it was going to be an interesting trip. I expected Lizzy would take advantage of the time to tell Christine the truth about our relationship. I was a little unsure of what her plans were for Amber, but I...

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My Brothers Bestfriend Chapter 4

"Are you kidding me?" i said angrily. "What, she's just a friend babe. chill out." lloyd said. "Well at least if you're cheating on me, don't have some bitch call my phone asking for you." i said. "Erica you really need to calm down because I'm not going to fight with you tonight. We have the whole house to ourselves for awhile. Why not enjoy it while we can? Besides, im on punishment, i can't use my phone so i have whoever i want to talk to call you. Why the fuck...

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My Brothers Bestfriend Chapter 3

"what, she's just a friend babe chill" lloyd said. " well at least if you're cheating on me, don't have some bitch call my cell phone asking for you." i said. " Erica you really need to chill out because I'm not going to fight with you tonight. We have the whole house to ourselves for awhile. Besides, im on punishment, i can't use my phone so i have whoever i want to talk to call you. Why the fuck would I cheat on you? i told you shes my close family friend so get off my back."...

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My Brothers Bestfriend Chapter 3

Introduction: Lloyd is officially my boyfriend! Are you kidding me? i said angrily. what, shes just a friend babe chill lloyd said. well at least if youre cheating on me, dont have some bitch call my cell phone asking for you. i said. Erica you really need to chill out because Im not going to fight with you tonight. We have the whole house to ourselves for awhile. Besides, im on punishment, i cant use my phone so i have whoever i want to talk to call you. Why the fuck would I cheat on you? i...

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Dream StateChapter 24

I had thought that our trip up and down the east coast had convinced June that she was really a member of our family. On the first night after we arrived back in Makena, though, June told me that she was a bit hesitant to sleep with Mary or Aimee. I told her that she should just talk to them and go at her own pace. There was no rush, I told her. The next morning, however, Aimee had her own solution. After breakfast was all cleaned up, Aimee turned to June and said, "June! Report to Sunrise,...

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Dream come true fucking college friend

This story is dedicated to all sexy girl who are looking for any arousing sex stories. Here is what happened to me one day. Thought not to say anybody, but couldn’t resist myself. I Sonu (changed) 22 years old on completion of my btech. Handsome and good looking. I was simple enough studious) to attract any girl. Story began when I started concentrating on girls during my last year leaving my study aside. Thought to enjoy my whole year being an engineering student. She was Rima (Changed) my...

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Dream MasterChapter 38 Group Therapy

Most of the time it was a basketball court – and a nice one at that. It took up one end of the warehouse and was used by the employees for recreation during lunch or on particularly slow days. In the season it was used by a local youth team coached by the building's owner, and hosted games almost every weekend. The league's championship game had been played there for the last three years – ever since he had installed the state of the art, collapsible bleachers along the back wall. Oddly...

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Dream StateChapter 2

I watched the clock across the room from my bed, and found that by really staring at it, time would appear to speed up. The clock hands circled twice. It should now be noon... June 19th. I went outside, and quickly investigated the newspaper. It was a different issue, and the date was indeed the 19th. I found that once I had "been" somewhere in my mind, I could instantly transport myself back there later. I was set to transport myself back to my room, when I noticed Lt. Cadley walking...

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Eternal Awakening Chapter Six

__________________________________________________________________________________ As always don't forget to rate and comment. And thanks to whoever commented on the last chapter that this was better than defiance. That made Mishikail insufferable and nearly impossible to deal with haha. No, but really, you made her whole year so far (even thought we're a couple of weeks into it). Chapter Six: Retribution and Engagement Over the course of the next four weeks things went...

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CHAPTER SIX: Several weeks later we awaken in the morning and are surprised by an early dumping of snow. Mitch assures me this is not a precursor to a hard, long winter. I have to admit, I am relieved. I am probably more of a warm-weather-girl, but I made the decision easily that Mitch was worth the effort of learning to live in and, hopefully, enjoy all the seasons. The overnight snow is only (he says, only) about six inches of new, fresh, snow; but to me it feels like so much more.I have to...

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Darrens Dilemma Chapter Six

Darren's Dilemma Chapter Six Darla Does Mother Proud By Suzie Q Haff I was awakened before dawn by Jana sliding in to my bed and cuddling up to me. I glanced at the clock on my stereo and it said 4:30 AM. She held me close but gently. She kissed my shoulder several times and drifted off to sleep. I fell asleep again listening to that woodpecker. Mom came in at eight AM and woke us. Alexis was in her robe shaking us: "Well what do we have here, sisters at arms?" Jana yawns: "I...

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Sissy Farm Chapter Six

The Sissy Farm - By: Beverly Taff. List of Characters. Me: Michelle, A Natural transvestite sissy; Janice: My Younger sister; Aunty Bev: Janice and My mother's Sister; Mistress Janet: Headmistress of the young lady's academy; Dr. Shirley Williams: My endocrinologist;. Miranda: A very effeminate Sissy sales assistant; Miss Stern: Miranda's mistress who owns the shop; Peregrine: My transvestite uncle. Sissy Farm - Chapter Six Undressing for...

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Dream MasterChapter 20 Breaking the Case

Special Agent in Charge Dominique Spencer is a different person when she lets her hair down, and dinner with her and Doreen was an interesting affair to say the least. Apparently the two had met on Spencer's first case in Vegas some twenty-five years before. Spencer had been transferred away a couple years later, but the two had kept in touch. Doreen became one of Spencer's experts of choice in matters involving insurance companies. They had had a bit of a falling out five years earlier...

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Dream to RealityChapter 5

Kate woke abruptly shouting "No!" She lay breathing heavily slowly gathering her faculties all too conscious of the perspiration on her body and the tell tale wet between her legs. Slowly her mind sorted fact from fantasy. Through eyes that refused to open fully she could see that she was in her own bed, her own bedroom, the curtains the Regency Stripe she had chosen herself. Damn, she thought, that bloody dream again. It had all been a dream. Then as recollection came to her she blushed,...

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AN INDECENT AGREEMENTA DEVIANT EBOOK MINI-NOVELLA BY THE MARQUIS FAÇADECHAPTER SIX Eddie awoke to the sound of shuffling feet across carpet. It wasn’t the sound itself that startled him…but amount of it. When he opened his eyes and sat up on his bed. What he saw took him by surprise. At the end of his bed stood two women. One was his mother and the other was Miss Hogan from down the street, a woman whom his mother was very good friends with, but her son annoyed the ever-loving shit out of...

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DIRTY LITTLE SECRETSBy The Marquis Facade CHAPTER SIX Angie awoke suddenly and sat up on the bed. Mark was already gone to work apparently, as she was alone in the single apartment bedroom. She tossed the sheets and blanket back and twisted to hang her legs off over the side, but she didn’t quite have the energy to get up yet, so she sat, unmoving for a while, rolling thoughts of previous events around in her mind. In the last twenty four hours, she’d discovered that her husband had a...

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Skipper Chapter Six

Skipper Chapter 6. Thursday dawned bright but chilly. October is always an unpredictable month. One can sometimes enjoy a late warm 'Indian Summer' but alternatively one can catch an early frost. This morning was frosty. I studied the sky through my hotel window as Sissy arrived with a tray of breakfasts. I protested at her unnecessary effort. "There's no need to have done that. I was just coming down." "Don't worry. You're the only resident here. It's midweek in...

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Water rushes in to meet her toes, wiggling things in the sand, petite and pretty. A wistful sigh escapes her as she turns her eyes to the horizon and wonders once more where he might be? What he might be doing? Her Dreamer. Does he think of her like she does him, she wonders. Does the night caress him with the softest brush of its lips, the darkness creep over his skin all shadows and longing and prickle his flesh with a kiss? She smiles as she closes her eyes and turns her face into the...

Love Stories
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Dream MasterChapter 45 Loose Ends Amber

Jamie I met Sandra Atkins in her office, just so she would have a familiar point of reference. "Why the disguise?" "This is the way people see me here. It's easier to be consistent, and I've been using it so long that – unless I'm specific – this is the way I appear." "I see," she said. "Well, thank you for coming; I wasn't sure you would." "There isn't much point in avoiding it at this point; you know too much, and you're used to getting your way – by whatever means...

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Dream StateChapter 14

You can encounter some real problems when you write a story about your life. For one thing, you never know how it will end, since the fact that I'm still alive means that the ending cannot be known. Another problem that I encountered is that I have to admit that sometimes, I am not the correct person to be telling portions of my own story. I was pleasantly surprised to recently discover that my beloved Aimee has always kept a diary. She never mentioned it to anybody, and I don't believe...

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Adventurous Session With Exgirlfriend And Bestfriend

Hi, ISS readers, I am Himanshu back again with another sex story which was unexpected and adventurous for me. But before that, I would like to thank all the readers who enjoyed the sex story. I got overwhelming responses for my previous group sex story. It was unexpected though. If in case you missed the sex story, can read the sex story at https://www.indiansexstories2.net/group/wonderful-session-with-my-ex-girlfriend-and-her-bestfriend/ If any girls/bhabhis from Bangalore want to have sex...

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Dream MasterChapter 1

It was shaping up to be a pretty good day and I had high hopes that my recent run of good Karma was continuing. The desert air was cool and dry on my skin, lapping up the perspiration as I passed the halfway point of my morning run; only five more miles and I could hit the pool for laps to cool me down and stretch me out. The temperature was already up several degrees from the brisk sixty-five degrees it had been when I left my apartment at 5:30. The sky was showing signs that dawn was not...

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Island Royale The Report Chapter Six

Introduction: Please read from the beginning…. Chapter Six ______________,,______________ Greg had warned me that Alexis was on a pretty tight schedule, and so the next morning, after having only fucked the cute little fourteen-year-old a couple of more times, I dismissed Anya from my quarters, showered, and arrived at Alexis apartment actually a pair of rooms much like the Guests quarters promptly at 10:00 a.m. Alexis greeted me pleasantly, dressed in a standard light blue robe,...

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Where Have All the Good Girls Gone Chapter Six

Chapter Six "So y'all haven't had eggs or bacon since you've been here?" Karen asked from across the breakfast table. "Most of the perishables," Jason began, "ran out soon after the electricity stopped working and we really haven't had the people power to generate a farm. But now with more of us we may be able to pull off raising some domesticated livestock and crops that is if we can find any." "Well I was raised on a farm and I can tell you it's a bit of work." Tim...

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Laid Bare Chapter Six

Laid Bare By Michele Nylons Chapter Six - Endgame Adele rolled into the now familiar visitor's parking space outside of the municipal building. It was nearly six pm and she was nearly five hours late, she and Celia were supposed to have filed their suit with the court clerk at one o'clock that afternoon. She had checked her phone whilst driving to Missionville and she had six missed calls and half a dozen texts from Celia asking her where she was. She was not composed enough to...

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Dream MasterChapter 35 Details details

Christine's surgery had gone smoothly, and she was back on her feet in no time. The doctor released her for school after only a few days, but certifying her safe to fly would take a while longer, and as a result, she was shut out of the simulators as well. It may seem like a silly thing, but the goal was to make the educational experience mirror the real world as closely as possible, and pilots had to be physically capable of handling all possible aspects of the job, including emergencies,...

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Dream Weaver Book 3 of Wizard a Love StoryChapter 15 Pursuit of Fear

A rule of life is, 'Nothing is ever as easy as you first think it will be'. That truism certainly applied to pursuing Megan, as Sean was soon to discover. The Council was eager to put their considerable resources at Sean's disposal to rescue Megan. Of course, a couple of things had to be explained to them before their eagerness manifested itself. Cory had to explain how the other Councils would respond to the results of the Americas Council's ineptness, if Megan wasn't rescued. BB...

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My Bestfriend

So here I am....my bestfriend Justin's cock lying on my bottom lip. His hand slowly stroking it as I await for his sperm. His moans fill the room and turn me on even more. My mouth opens as a bead starts to form on his slit on his head of his 7 inch cock. It's creamy white in color. I could hardly wait for Justin to cum in my mouth...I watched a lot of gay porn and saw videos of guys cumming in other guys mouths and it was hot! I came a lot just watching them and now I was about to get a hot...

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