Detective's Blues, Chapter Six free porn video

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Chapter Six I stared through the small window with shocked fascination at the surreal scene that unfolded before me. Jim Arlington was sitting on a stool with his hands cuffed behind his back and a sullen expression on his face as he was held in his seat by two of Rocco's muscle bound thugs. Rocco went through his wallet, emptied it out and held the driver's license up to Jim's bruised face. He nodded to a third hood who grabbed hold of him, shook him by his shirt collar and began to shout questions into his face. I winced as I watched them rough poor Jim up. The room in which I was locked must have been sound proof, because I couldn't hear a word they were saying. I watched as their lips moved, trying to guess the words, but I was no lip reader. It was impossible to tell. My heart hammered in my chest and I hoped that they wouldn't tell him that I was actually Bill Richmond. How would Jim react if he knew that I was actually a man trapped inside of Janet's curvy female body? I tried to calm myself down, and as I fingered the leather collar that had been put around my neck I reminded myself that having my lies exposed to Jim was the least of my worries at the moment. I was locked inside of this room and probably awaiting a far worse fate at the hands of Rocco Tortelli. I turned my head away as things began to get rough for Jim. Tears of self-pity and guilt clouded my eyes. It was my fault that Jim was in this situation. If I had handled things differently, they would never have found the wire I had been wearing, and Jim wouldn't be getting the beating of his life. The companion who shared the small room with me looked up with bleary eyes and smiled vacantly. He couldn't have been much over five-foot, in his fifties with a balding head and a considerable paunch. Rocco's henchmen had him hopped up to the eyeballs on who knows what, evidently to keep him calm and pliable. I suspected that his male form contained the mind of Charlotte Brasswell, a friend of Janet's and the owner of the house I was now confined in. I'd been looking for the people who'd been responsible for the theft of my male body, and I was starting to regret the fact that I had found them. Apparently finished with Jim, Rocco's goons lifted him from his chair and walked him towards where I watched from behind the locked door. They opened the door to the cell next to mine and threw him inside with his hands still cuffed behind him. I could feel the heavy weight of his body hitting the floor from inside of my cell. "Careful now, we don't want to bruise the merchandize!" said Charlie with a chuckle as she swung the door shut behind him. After she had carefully locked the door, Charlie turned towards me and opened my door. "Come on out, sweetie," she said with a smile. "We need to talk." Rocco turned to his men. "We won't be needing you any more, boys. Go back upstairs and take a break. Each and every one of you can expect a little something extra in your pay this week!" As his muscle bound thugs filed out of the door, Charlie took my hand in hers and led me over to one of the tables. "Sit down, Bill," she said as she pulled up a chair for me to sit on. "I told you her name is Janet! What part of that didn't you understand?" barked Rocco, his face contorted with anger. Charlie paled visibly, and she quickly corrected herself. "Sorry, I meant to say Janet. It can get so confusing, this name thing." Rocco had insisted on naming me Janet Richmond. It should have bothered me more than it did, but I guess that I'd grown used to being called her name over the past few days. "Rocco and I have decided that you could be useful to us, and we'll let you stay out of the cell if you cooperate." Rocco turned his intense dark eyes onto me. "That's right, Miss Richmond. And when we say cooperation, we mean total cooperation. We expect you to obey us and do whatever it is we need done. If you play along with us, we'll help you regain your lost manhood. But only if you're a good little girl while you're in Janet's body." "If you say that you can restore me to my proper body, then you must know how it was done!" I asked, excited that I was finally going to get some answers. "Well of course," said Charlie in a matter of fact tone. "It was done by it using the mind transfer device." "Mind transfer device?" I thought. "Is she joking? This is starting to sound like some weird science fiction story!" But Charlie wasn't smiling. And I knew from my rather bizarre experiences of the last few days that it was reality, not science fiction. "Don't look so surprised, Miss Richmond," said Charlie when she saw the doubtful expression on my face. "We're living in the twenty first century, after all. Now what is your answer? Are you in, or are you out?" "Talk about making a deal with the devil," I thought to myself. But what other choice did I have? They claimed they knew how to switch me back. I quickly decided to cooperate with them, seeing that it would be in my best interest to do so, but I almost regretted that decision when I noticed how Rocco was devouring my body with his eyes. He and Janet had been an item in the past, and from the way his eyes were wandering up and down my body I knew that he wanted to continue the affair. "I'll work for you. But in order to swap me back, we need to find my male body first, right?" I asked nervously, trying not to think about what Rocco would expect of me if I were to be a "good little girl" as he demanded. "Correct," replied Charlie. "Which is where you come in. You see, we need to find William Herndon. We have a very strong hunch that if we find your body, we'll find him as well." "But what does he have to do with the theft of my body? "Rocco and I just can't see Janet exchanging bodies with you so willingly. Why would she exchange her youthful twenty-year-old female body for a middle aged male body? It doesn't make sense. Unless..." "Unless what?" "Unless it wasn't Janet who swapped bodies with you. What if someone else was inside of Janet's body? What if they had orchestrated the swap?" My jaw dropped open. I'd never even considered that it could have been anyone else other than Janet who had swapped bodies with me. "But...who?" "Senator Herndon, of course," said Rocco with his mouth pressed into a frown. "The esteemed ex-senator stole a prototype of the memory transfer device that Charlie had been developing for me. And the last time that we saw Janet she was with the ex-senator. Even if Herndon was coaching her I still couldn't see Janet doing the things you say she's done. So my guess is, after he stole the prototype for the memory exchange device, he forcibly exchanged bodies with Janet, either killed or imprisoned her and then impersonated Janet until he was able to get to you. And you, of course, enabled him to get to Senator Fairfax." I was finally getting the answers that I wanted, but I was finding they were giving me a headache. It seemed as though the more I learned, the more new questions popped into my brain. I fired off the first one that came to mind. "You said Herndon stole a prototype of your device. Is this why you want him found?" "Yes. The prototype is compact and easily portable, unlike the original. It can be concealed in a small briefcase and used virtually anywhere there is an electrical outlet. Perfect for what I have planned." I could easily imagine how he intended to use the prototype, and the thought chilled me to the core. The potential for crime was unimaginable. I could see in my mind's eye how bankers, CEO's, even the President of the United States could be replaced with Rocco's hand picked men! Banks, companies, and personal fortunes would be stripped bare and the victims tossed aside when they were sucked dry. I asked another question. "That man in the cell. Why is he locked in there?" I asked. "And who is he?" Charlie leaned back against her chair. "That man used to be me," she replied with a broad smile as if she were proud of the fact. "That's my original body. We swapped about three months ago, and quite frankly I don't feel like switching back!" She laughed, and turned to Rocco. "Be a dear and get us some wine and three glasses, honey," she begged. "My throat is getting dry." Rocco nodded and smiled. "Sure thing sweet cheeks! Why don't you fill Janet in while I'm gone? I'm sure she has lots of questions." He got up and headed back upstairs. Charlie looked me over and said, "Yes, I'm sure you do have plenty of questions, seeing as how Herndon cold cocked you with the prototype and left you hanging out to dry! It must have been quite a shock to wake up in Janet's body, with no clue as to how you got there. My story isn't quite as dramatic, but I'm sure you'll find it interesting." She leaned back in her chair and crossed her long, tan legs. "The name given to me at birth was John Phillip Oakton, and like you, I was born a male. I slaved for the State University for twenty years in research and development, and had nothing to show for it. I was a joke to my peers, and my life was one unending chain of drudgery. But everything changed about three months ago when one of my laboratory assistants, a certain Charlotte Brasswell, found something unusual in the basement of a house that she had just bought from an old colleague of mine, one Steve Ramsey." "Charlotte was your lab assistant?" I interrupted. Charlotte was very wealthy young woman, and I had a hard time seeing her as anything other than a socialite. Her cupid bow lips curled into a smile. "Patience, Janet, or I'll never finish my story! But in answer to your question, yes, she was my lab assistant. Charlotte was a very privileged young woman whose father's wealth and influence bought her way into the university and later into my department. Looking back, I have to admit that I held a grudge against her, seeing as I had to strive and struggle for everything I'd ever wanted and she'd had it all served to her on a silver platter. I've known Steve Ramsey ever since we'd taken a few physics courses together at the University many years ago. Charlotte met Steve and his beautiful young wife through me, and when she'd learned that they were planning on moving to the West Coast, she convinced them to sell their mansion to her. Soon after buying the old Ramsey estate, she'd become consumed with repainting and remodeling the place. One evening, I received a call from her. During her remodeling binge, she'd discovered a piece of equipment left behind by Steve, and she had no idea what it was. Intrigued by her description of the device, I hurried over. I arrived to find that in her remodeling frenzy she'd knocked down a masonry wall in the basement behind which had been hidden a most fantastic machine. I was unsure at first what its intended use was, so Charlotte and I brought it back to my laboratory for study." Charlie stopped her narrative and raised her slim hand to point towards the two chairs on the other side of the room. What looked like a large metal box with buttons, dials and flashing red and green lights sat between the sturdy yet spartan wooden chairs. Cables ran from the top of the device to two bright metal "hats" that rested on the seats of the two chairs. "That is what she discovered, in case you were wondering. We attempted to get hold of Steve at his new place to tell him about it, but strangely enough his number had become disconnected, and all the letters we sent were returned unopened. My superiors displayed lukewarm interest in the device, and they grudgingly allowed me to work on my new project after hours. Charlotte and I invested a lot of time studying the circuitry inside of the machine in detail. I could tell from the very beginning that the machine was incredibly advanced for its time. When I tested the magneto-flux sensing enhancer circuit I found that the readings were off the chart! But to make a long story short, after a lot of research and a little luck we finally came to the realization that it was a memory transfer device. Charlotte was eager to test our find, so one night, with some trepidation, I agreed to try it out. It was very late, and everyone else in the building had gone home. Charlotte sat in one of the two chairs beside the machine, and I fitted the strange hat atop her head. "Are you sure you want to go through with this?" I asked her. "We really should try this on test subjects, not ourselves." But she just smiled. "You have the dial turned down to the lowest setting, professor! There shouldn't be any problems." So I donned my cap as well and sat on the chair next to her. I pushed the button, and bright light exploded in front of my eyes. I shook my head to clear my vision, and I felt my long, blonde hair touch the side of my face, which was rather strange seeing as I had been bald for the last ten years. I was somewhat confused and I turned to Charlie to ask her if she was all right. Instead of seeing Charlie, I saw myself looking back at me, somewhat befuddled and confused as well. "What happened?" asked Charlie in her now deep male voice. "I'm not sure, but it looks as if we have achieved a total memory replacement!" I replied in my now very feminine voice. "I never expected the machine to be so powerful!" I removed the electrodes from my head and rose to my feet. I almost lost my balance in the two-inch heels that Charlie had been wearing. Charlie had stood up as well, and she held my elbow to steady me. We looked at one another in amazement, somewhat at a loss for words. Charlie finally broke the silence. "We've really screwed things up, Professor. Let's change back before things get any worse." I could tell she was badly shaken, as was I. I looked up at the clock and saw that it half past twelve. The building would be locked up at one o'clock. We didn't have the time and I didn't think that I could muster the energy. Trying to comfort her, I said, "There, there, my dear. We can't attempt to reverse the effects until we're absolutely sure that we won't suffer any side effects. This is only a temporary situation, and in the morning after we've run a few tests we can switch back." "But what do we do for now?" she asked. "I can't go home looking like this!" As I watched Charlie wipe away the tears that began to fill what had once been my eyes, I realized she was right. I couldn't return home to my wife inside of Charlie's body. She'd never even let me in the door. My bride of twenty years was a very jealous and close-minded woman. Not only would she refuse to believe us, I'm sure she'd accuse me of having an affair. I thought for a moment and said, "My dear, I think that we'll both need to assume each others identities for the evening. It's my wife, you see... she'd never understand. Maybe I could stay at your house and you could take my place at home?" Charlie looked down at herself and then looked at me. "You're right professor," she said as she wiped the last of the tears from her eyes. "I wouldn't want to jeopardize your marriage. I'll do it, but only for one night. You're lucky, because my roommate, Janet, is out of town for the week. You'll have my place all to yourself." She gave me her purse, which contained her keys and her identification. I gave her my wallet and my keys as well. To prepare her for our little masquerade, I launched into a detailed description of my wife and her likes and dislikes. After I was sure she knew how to act around her, we removed our white lab coats and headed for our cars. I discovered to my chagrin that Charlie had been wearing a white blouse and a dark, knee length skirt under her lab coat. I found it was somewhat disconcerting to be wearing women's clothing, and the heels took some getting used to. So we separated for the night, with the intention of regrouping in the morning and correcting our little problem. I drove off in Charlie's Porsche while she headed back to my home in my Mercedes sedan. I arrived at the mansion, my mind numb from the night's events. I prayed that Charlie wouldn't do anything to tip my wife that something was wrong. My wife could be quite the shrew under the right circumstances. I fumbled for the correct key to open the front door, and once I was inside I flicked on the lights and bolted the door. I slowly wandered into the living room, my heels echoing in the dark house. I was dog- tired, but I knew I wouldn't be able to get to sleep without any help. So as I passed the bar I grabbed a glass, a bottle of vodka, some vermouth and a jar of olives. A nightcap would soon have me snoring away. I walked up the stairs and inspected the rooms until I found one that looked like it might be Charlie's. I set the bottles on her dresser and made myself a drink. I quickly gulped down half of it, the warmth from the alcohol spreading throughout my body. I brought the remainder into the bathroom with me. I flicked on the light and examined my reflection in the mirror over the sink. I was now a nineteen-year-old platinum blonde woman wearing a high necked white silk blouse and a black knee length wool skirt. I was very curious as to how my new body looked in the buff, especially since I had been undressing Charlie's body in my mind for months now. I took another sip of my drink and began to slowly unbutton the blouse. My inch long crimson fingernails made the task a little more difficult, but not impossible. I shrugged off the blouse to reveal the lacy white brassier cupping my large breasts. Next I reached behind me and slid down the zipper on the rear of the skirt. I eased it over my hips until it fell to the tile floor. I had to struggle for a moment to unsnap the fastener of my bra. I finally managed to pop the clasp and my breasts sprang free from their confinement. They were the round, firm breasts of a nineteen-year-old woman, with large areola and fat protruding nipples. I'd often fantasized about my young assistant's breasts, and now here I was wearing them. Upon inspection the bra revealed that I was now a thirty- six D. Wearing just her white cotton panties, I walked back into the bedroom. Feeling slightly buzzed from the drink, I looked at my glass. It was empty, so I went over and fixed myself another one. It felt good to have a few drinks when no one was around to complain. As I sipped my second drink, I gazed at myself in the full-length mirror on the back of the bedroom door. A beautiful young woman looked back at me. I turned away from the mirror and looked around the room. Charlie had a large dressing table with a make-up mirror on it. I sat in the chair and looked at my face. My blonde hair was reasonably neat, and the makeup that Charlie had applied earlier today highlighted my now deep blue eyes. I stared at my reflection for a moment and then with a smile, I picked up a tube of Charlie's bright red lipstick from the table and carefully applied it to my full lips. I pursed my lips in a kiss, and laughed at my so very pretty and feminine reflection. It was kind of fun to do the things that had always been taboo for a man to do. I took another sip from my drink and got up from the table. I opened the closet door and was amazed at the collection of feminine finery that stuffed the closet to overflowing. And these weren't the staid work clothes that she'd always worn to the laboratory. These were much more casual, and some were downright scanty. My breath caught in my throat when I saw the set of lingerie hanging by the door. I picked it up and ran my hands across the soft fabric. I didn't know why, but I had a sudden and strong urge to try it on. I quickly shed the cotton panties. I stood before the full-length mirror completely naked. Reaching down, I stepped into the panties and pulled them up my hips. The white panties were opaque, and in the mirror I could see just a hint of my blonde pubic hair through the fabric. I turned around and looked at the smooth, bare skin of my rear end. They were thong panties, and they completely disappeared between the cheeks of my round ass. They were a far cry from the white cotton men's underwear that I used to wear. I walked back to the bed and grabbed the garter belt. I wrapped it around my slim waist about halfway between my navel and the panties and snapped the fastener shut, the little clips dangling free. Sitting on the bed, I put my right foot into one of the white nylons and slowly rolled it up my leg until I could clip it onto the garter belt. Running my hand down my nylon-clad leg, I found that I loved the feel of the silky material. I quickly pulled on the other stocking and attached it to the garter belt as well. The lacy white bra matched the panties. I put it on, struggling a bit to fit my large breasts into the cups before I was able to hook the fastener on the front. I thought that it was a little tight, but I realized that it was meant to be tight as the bra pushed my breasts together, making my already impressive cleavage stand out even more. I walked over to the mirror and gasped at the image that reflected back. The bra was as see through as the panties. I could see my fat nipples were trying to poke through the material. I looked like one of the countless playboy centerfolds I'd seen over my fifty plus years. I'd never felt so...well, sexy. I went to make another drink. I stumbled once on the way to the bottles sitting on the dresser and giggled, realizing that I was definitely getting a little tipsy. The martinis were having a strange effect on me. Every single nerve in my body felt alive and sensitive to the touch. I mixed my drink and took a long swig. "You are one sexy bitch," said a deep voice. The voice startled me and I jumped with fright, spilling my drink on the carpeted floor. A tall broad shouldered man was standing in the doorway holding a spare key. He had bronze skin under black wavy hair and I had to admit that he was very handsome. Underneath the expensive suit he wore was what looked like a very well built body. "Playing a little dress up with Janet's clothes?" he asked with a lascivious grin on his face. "Janet's clothes?" I thought. "Oh god, am I in the wrong room?" I felt exposed wearing nothing but the virtually see through lingerie, so I looked around for something to cover myself up with. I grabbed a pillow off the bed and held it against my body, trying in vain to hide behind it. The man laughed and grabbed the pillow out of my hands, tossing it to the side. "Why so shy Charlie?" he asked. "It's not like your hiding anything I haven't seen before. Besides, you know what I want." I was in a state of shock. Charlie had said her roommate was out of town! Who could this be? I gulped and stood up straight. "Uh, yeah, sure," I said, trying to play along although I really had no idea what he was talking about. Standing before this large man practically naked had me feeling rather strange. My nipples had become rock hard and I could feel a hint of moisture between my thighs. "Good," said the man as he took off his blazer. "Cause we both know that it's ok with Janet, as long as we don't go all the way." He walked up to me and rested his large hands on my slim shoulders. He began pushing me down with increasing strength until I was forced to fall to my knees before him. I found myself staring right at his zipper. He reached down and unbuckled his belt, pulling it through the loops. "You take off the rest," he said. "This man wants me to take off his pants, but what on earth for?" I asked myself. So I just knelt there in a mild state of confusion until the man said, "Hurry up, take em' off!" His hands returned to my shoulders and his grip started to tighten. I swallowed nervously and reached out to unbutton his trousers. My hands were shaking as I grabbed the tab of his zipper and slowly pulled down, trying to avoid any contact with his crotch. With the flaps of his pants hanging wide open, I was able to yank them down around his ankles with one pull. He kicked off his shoes and stepped out of his bunched up trousers. Then he lifted his feet so I could pull off his socks. I looked up at his legs. They were hairy and very muscular. My eyes traveled up his body, and they opened wide when they got to his crotch. The man was wearing tight black briefs, which bulged out obscenely. I could see the outline of a very impressive looking penis and two large testicles under his underwear. For some reason that I couldn't fathom, it seemed to make me very happy deep inside. I looked away from his crotch in a state of confusion. The man was unbuttoning his shirt and I watched and wondered what was coming next. When he was finished he took it off, throwing it beside his pants. His chest was very hairy and he was covered with muscles. "Come on Charlie," he said impatiently, motioning towards his briefs. "Take the rest off." I don't know why, but I felt a thrill run through me at the thought of seeing his penis. I guess the booze was making me play along with this more then I should have. "I'll just take a peek and then tell him that I'm tired and I need to go to bed," I thought. "He seems like a reasonable fellow." So I reached up with both hands and grabbed the waistband of his briefs. The man's large penis moved inside as I pulled his underwear out and then yanked them down. The fattest penis I ever could have imagined jumped out of his shorts. It wasn't even fully erect, but it was definitely getting swollen as it hung at half-mast before my face. As I continued to stare at it, the thing grew until it stood straight out, pointing directly at my face. The stranger's penis was impossibly thick and the head was enormous. All thoughts of giving him my flimsy excuse vanished from my head as I gazed in wonder at his cock. My hand moved like it had a mind of its own and curled around the shaft of his penis. It was hot to the touch and super rigid. I wasn't sure why, but my mouth began to water. "What the fuck are you waiting for bitch? Suck my cock!" His shout startled me and I jumped, frightened by his harsh language as well as the realization of exactly what it was that he wanted me to do. I'd never even imagined performing such a disgusting sexual act. Did Charlie actually do this sort of thing? I was about to put a stop to this and tell him the truth when he roughly grabbed the back of my neck and pulled me forward into his crotch. His large penis slid along my cheek until my nose was buried in his pubic hair. My nostrils were filled with his scent, and my mind reeled. "Come on you little slut, kiss my cock." I felt a shiver travel up my spine. I'd had never been treated like this by anyone and it both frightened and excited me. And I found that I'd lost control of myself as I puckered my lips and kissed the base of his penis. It tasted so good that I kissed it again, and the man relaxed his grip as I began to slowly kiss my way up his penis. Deep in the back of mind I heard somebody faintly screaming no, but I found myself responding to this strange situation. I craved his cock, and it was starting to feel like Niagara Falls between my legs. The taste of his penis was delicious, and with my will rapidly ebbing away I decided to go through with it. It was too late to explain that I wasn't Charlie and doing it certainly wouldn't hurt her reputation any, I rationalized to myself. I slowly kissed my way up to the tip of his cock and I felt moisture on my lips when I kissed the slit on the tip. The thing was oozing precum. I kissed the tip again and held my lips on the head as I stared up at the man. He grinned down at me with a triumphant smirk on his face and said, "Now lick it." My tongue slipped out between my lips and flicked across the tip of his cock. His penis jerked and he groaned. I licked out again, this time circling the head of his penis. I moved my lips down his shaft, licking and touching every inch. He helped me by lifting it up so that I could lick down the underside of his shaft. "Lick my balls slut," said the man. I eyed his large balls. They hung heavy and low, filled with semen. I only hesitated for a split second before obeying him. I couldn't quite put my finger on it, but something was wrong here. It was like all my will to resist had disappeared. It was so much easier to just go along with his orders, so I held out my tongue and ran it over his hairy testicles. After I'd worshiped his balls for a few minutes, he whispered, "Enough, now suck it." I moved my mouth up the shaft and kissed the head again. My lips parted as I swallowed the fat head into my mouth. I felt the shaft pass slowly over my soft lips, and taste of the lipstick I had applied only a few minutes ago was quickly replaced by the taste of the man's organ. His hands moved into the long blonde hair that fell over my face, and he ran his fingers through it as he moved my head up and down his shaft. "Come on, you can do better then that! And watch those teeth!" I pushed another inch into my mouth. I felt the head poking at the back of my throat and I gagged. "What the hells wrong with you Charlie? You're the best cock sucker I know." I felt a twinge of jealousy when I heard that Charlie had been better than I was. I suppressed my gag reflex and swallowed again, this time taking more then half his penis into my mouth. The flared head rubbed along my palate and entered my throat as I swallowed even more of his large penis. I pushed down harder as I felt the head penetrating deep into my throat. My head fell forward until his pubic hair tickled my nose. "That's better slut, now suck that big cock." I began to bob my head along his penis. My speed increased as my throat grew accustomed to the large invader. The man groaned from time to time and he began bucking his hips. His penis seemed to grow even bigger in my throat. In a panic, I suddenly realized that I hadn't thought very far ahead. The man was about to orgasm! He was actually about to shoot his seed down my throat! The thought horrified me, and I reluctantly began to slide my mouth off of the man's penis. I wasn't fast enough, though. He grabbed the back of my head and held it still as he came directly into my mouth. The strength and amount of his ejaculate caught me off guard. First the head seemed to swell impossibly large and then it jerked as my mouth was filled with the man's semen. He held my head still and I was forced to swallow it to make room for his second load. I swallowed three mouthfuls of his cum before he finally released my head. However, instead of backing away, I held my lips over the tip and tried to suck out any remaining sperm. I continued to suck on the man's penis until he pulled it away from me. "That was your best yet," said the man as he pulled me to my feet. He began running his hands over my breasts, hips, and down my belly. "God you have a hot little body. I think I'm going to repay the favor." I was still in a daze from sucking a stranger's penis and finding that I enjoyed it, even enjoyed swallowing his semen. The man pulled me over towards Charlie's bed. His deft fingers quickly flicked off the bra I was wearing. He seemed fascinated with my breasts, twirling my nipples between his fingers and stroking them. I gasped out loud when he bent down and sucked one long nipple into his mouth, gently biting it between his teeth. My body was awash with sensations that I'd never felt before. The man put his hands back on my shoulders and pushed me down onto the bed. He knelt between my legs and started kissing my belly, slipping his tongue into my belly button. I sucked my tummy in at each kiss as he moved down under my navel. My breathing had increased and I found my legs parting even wider to give him better access. I had no idea what was going to happen, but I strongly suspected I would enjoy it. He kissed my vagina through the panties before he hooked them with his finger and pulled them to the side. I felt his breath on my vagina just before his tongue flickered out and licked up my labia. Pure sensual pleasure seemed to course through my body. My eyes opened wide in disbelief. "I had no idea," I muttered to myself. He started attacking my vagina. The man's tongue flicking across my clit was enough to quickly build the pressure inside of me to the bursting point. His relentless attack soon caused that pressure to explode, and I had my first female orgasm. I screamed as waves of pleasure coursed throughout my body. My eyes rolled up in my head and I almost passed out. The man was merciless. He didn't even let me recover from the first orgasm when he gave me another. The second orgasm caused me to scream and thrash my body as I humped my vagina into his face. This time I must have passed out. I awoke feeling exhausted but more alive then I had ever felt before. It was as if every nerve in my body was a live wire. I looked down my body, past my heaving breasts and down over my belly. The man's big penis was only inches away from me, pointing directly at my vagina. The idea of having it thrust up inside of me made me feel like swooning again. My panties were now missing and the man was kneeling between my legs, holding the base of his penis as he brought it up to my vagina. I moaned and stared at it in awe as he rubbed it against my labia. "You wouldn't tell Janet if I fucked you, would you?" he said, not waiting for my answer as he began to push the head of his penis into the folds of my vagina. I didn't have the will to resist. I was a man who was only borrowing Charlie's nubile female form, but I had to know what it felt like to have his big beautiful penis stuffed deep inside of me. I moaned as my vagina stretched wider and the lips closed over the head of his penis. "I knew that after weeks of sucking my cock, you'd let me fuck you sooner or later." He pumped forwards with his hips and half of his penis slid up inside of me. I gasped at the sensation of being penetrated. He laughed. "You love my cock, don't you?" "Yes, yes," I cried, "I love your big cock." Then I whimpered as he slowly pulled it out, leaving just an empty feeling inside of me. He held the head just on the entrance to my vagina. "Tell me what you want." "I want your cock inside me. Please put it in me," I begged. "What do you want me to do with it?" he asked. I grunted in frustration. I was thrusting my hips forward trying to get his cock in me again. My frustration brought the words he wanted to hear into my head. "I want you to fuck me. Fuck my pussy with your big cock. Fuck me like I've never been fucked before. "You got it bitch," he said. I gasped as I was suddenly mounted, his organ penetrating deep inside of me. I screamed with pleasure as his sudden thrust gave me a big orgasm. The man grabbed my nylon clad ankles and held them apart as he repeatedly slammed his cock into my vagina. He was smirking down at me, seemingly full of himself. He thought he was giving Janet's slutty girlfriend the fucking of her life and the way that my body was reacting seemed to only goad him on. I found that I loved the new sensations that coursed through my body as I had sex with this man. I was seduced by the feeling of my naked body under the stranger's, the feeling of a strong, dominant man thrusting hard between my legs, plunging deep inside and utterly ravishing me. His mighty cock brought me to orgasm after orgasm. Finally after what felt like hours of good hard fucking, I heard the man cry out, his manhood pulsing and throbbing inside of me. I felt his penis spasm and I came again as I recognized the feeling of his seed spurting deep inside of me. He pulled his enormous penis out and shot one last wad across my belly button. Then he rested his cock on my pubic hair as we caught our breath. I stared up adoringly at the man as he stood up and began to pull on his clothes. He had taken control of me so easily and used me any way that he'd wanted, and I'd loved it. The man returned my loving stare with a cocky grin as he pulled on his pants. "Remember, not a word to Janet!" he said. Just as the words left his mouth, a beautiful black woman opened the door to the bedroom and stepped into the room. She was about five foot six, dressed in a short, tight minidress with long legs, a curvy body and a face that would make a professional model turn green with envy. From the shocked expression on her face I suspected that the shit was about to hit the fan. "You bastard, Rocco!" she screamed, "You're cheating on me again! With my best friend, and in my own bed!" She walked up to the man and slapped him across the cheek, her eyes brimming with tears. "That's it, it's over between us!" She turned to me and said, "And you, Charlie! How could you?" She ran from the room, crying as she went. Rocco watched Janet leave, standing there in the middle of the room half dressed. He turned his head back to me, shrugged and smiled. "Oh well, you know what they say," he said as he took off what clothes he had put on. "A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush!" he laughed. He climbed back onto the bed, pulled the covers up over both of us and turned out the lights." "And that is how I came to meet Rocco and Janet," said Charlie as she leaned back in her chair and recrossed her legs. "It was a very rude awakening for me." She looked over her shoulder nervously, and then leaned in closer. "I'm not a cruel or mean person, and I want you to know that I never meant to steal Charlie's body," she said in a low voice. "It was all Rocco's doing. Once Charlie let Rocco know about the memory swapping device, he forced me to stay in her body and has kept her locked her up in the cell. She's been there ever since. I do like being a woman, but I don't like doing it at some else's expense." Numerous thoughts and observations danced around inside my head as I mulled over her story. She had given me so much information that it was going to take me a moment to process it all. But above all else, I thought about James. Where was he, and what was he doing right now? If only I could get to a phone! End of Chapter Six My thanks to Carol Collins and all of you who were nice enough to leave a comment in the comments section. I like a little feedback, and it's nice to know that my work is appreciated. :)

Same as Detective's Blues, Chapter Six Videos

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Detectives Blues Chapter Four

Detective's Blues Chapter Four By joeshmoe547 Thursday, July 1, 2002 I awoke between Jim and James as the morning sun filtered through the abandoned warehouse's dirty windows. I was snuggled against James' broad back, my breasts crushed between us, as I pressed close against him to ward off the early morning chill. I could feel Jim behind me, his hips curled tight against mine. My head ached slightly from the beer I had drunk last night as I sat up. Groggily, I thought...

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Detectives Blues

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The Babe Bike BluesChapter 5

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The Chaperone BluesChapter 4

Lori had looked in disbelief as her mother had gotten out of bed after kissing the Coach and then followed him into the bathroom. It was as though she had suddenly been transported to another dimension of reality. And that was added on top of the fact that their mother apparently knew her children were sexually active... with each other. Lori wanted to run away from the shame she felt, and yet, her mother's actions were so bizarre that she wanted to stay and watch what happened next. Caution...

4 years ago
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Dog Lovers DiaryChapter 5 Wedding Night Blues

June 9, 1971 Dear Diary: Do I ever have some hot news to write about!! No longer am I Miss Polly Oliver! It's Mrs. Harold Himmler from now on, or at least for the time being. And, even bigger news, Wally Baxter called from Los Angeles and said he may have something for me!!! Well, first things first. How'd I ever get hitched up with old Weird Harold? It wasn't easy, really. As you probably gathered, he and I had a pretty strange relationship. But that was only because I couldn't stand...

2 years ago
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Bible Camp BluesChapter 7

Anne-Marie then grabbed her father and led him to the bed, blowing kisses to my cousins as they pouted over not getting a longer turn with him. They changed their tune fast when Anne-Marie gestured for me to join her and spread her father's cheeks to lube him up good. She kissed me deeply on the mouth and guided my cock toward Marten's asshole to start fucking him for the next part of the deal. He reacted with delight, just as Nicole did while Melvin/Melissa ate her out. "Papa, are you...

3 years ago
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Sarah Carerra 206 Hospital Blues

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By AngelJedi (Released: September 6, 2010) Chapter 6 - Hospital Blues The constant hum of machinery and the intermittent beeping were the first things that I became aware of. The smell of antiseptic was next. I opened my eyes a moment later. A...

3 years ago
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Sunday Night Blues in the Middle Class

Sunday Night Blues in the Middle Class (Redux)        The people around us, whores, pimps, junkies and bums, stared in disbelief; but I was too high to care.  Time flowed past, slowly, like water; I looked down, into dark brown eyes, as my slave forced my hard cock into her throat.  My hand, wrapped in Jessica’s dark curls, pushed her even further and I moaned in pleasure.         It was late night in the worst part of town; my back was to an empty store front, the broken windows to either...

4 years ago
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Bobs Blues

Bob had the blues so bad he figured if he was able to look in the mirror he'd look like Grover, Harry, or Cookie -- the fuzzy and blue monsters from Sesame Street, which he was currently watching because the remote had stopped working and he couldn't get out of bed to change the channel. He knew the batteries in the remote were okay; he'd just put them in last week or maybe it had been the week before. With the day he had had yesterday, it was kind of hard to remember things. He was...

3 years ago
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The Last Wish BluesChapter 2

Bob was soaking in the whirlpool tub when Crystal opened the door and walked in like she belonged there. She went to the stero and pushed pause. Blue Oyster Cult suddenly went silent. “I told Rowdy I needed to see you as soon as you got back!” she said, almost stamping one foot. She had a clipboard in the crook of one arm. “I’m taking a bath, here, Crystal,” Bob commented dryly. “I can see that,” she said. “I’m not blind.” Crystal was twenty-five, the same age as Dannie, but the two women...

3 years ago
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The Last Wish BluesChapter 9

She acted like breakfast was fine, but didn’t eat a lot. She had better taste than accepting powdered eggs and bacon with so many preservatives in it that it would last a year on the shelf in a vacuum sealed foil pouch. He explained what their goal was for the day. It was inevitable that cattle drifted, while they were on a pasture, and when they were moved to another pasture, it was inevitable that a few would be left behind. Steers were no big deal, though they got a little wild sometimes,...

3 years ago
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The Babe Bike BluesChapter 6

Bob wasn't used to things being muddy or vague. Most of his adult life had been spent in an environment where things were pretty much black or white. Someone was the enemy ... or he wasn't. If he was the enemy, you killed him. If he wasn't, you watched him to make sure he wasn't. A task either needed doing or it didn't. Women were either candidates for bed games or they weren't. Jennifer was suddenly very vague indeed. She was blossoming, sexually. That much was clear. Even if it was...

1 year ago
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Uncle Bob BluesChapter 5

During the next week at school, I watched as Bob took up with Amy and spent every free moment with her. He was doing what he naturally does when he's interested in a girl. I thought it kind of odd that everyone in the entire school, including the teachers, were interested in the turn of events -- that is until George Nelson sat down at our table in third period Chemistry and asked which of the girls I had put my money on. George is a nice guy, not to mention cute in a James Dean sort of...

1 year ago
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Uncle Bob BluesChapter 6

I wasn't able to literally establish my "at arms-length" strategy on Saturday. From the time Amy and I got out of my truck, a remodeled '57 Chevy, her hands latched onto my arm like one of the clamps I use when helping Leldon in his wood-working shop. Not that I minded, that much. I would have to be a complete idiot to not appreciate having a pretty girl on my arm. I was just having trouble with the fact that as we strolled through the museum, she seemingly, somehow, kept getting closer...

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