Sissy Farm - Chapter Six free porn video

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The Sissy Farm - By: Beverly Taff. List of Characters. Me: Michelle, A Natural transvestite sissy; Janice: My Younger sister; Aunty Bev: Janice and My mother's Sister; Mistress Janet: Headmistress of the young lady's academy; Dr. Shirley Williams: My endocrinologist;. Miranda: A very effeminate Sissy sales assistant; Miss Stern: Miranda's mistress who owns the shop; Peregrine: My transvestite uncle. Sissy Farm - Chapter Six Undressing for bed proved to be a prolonged activity. First we had to strip down naked then complete our toilet and shower together before Aunty Bev produced a pair of new corsets. "These are your sleeping corsets my darlings. They're very much like your day corsets except that they have these little loops see. "What are they for?" asked Janice. "Eh, they are for securing busy little hands and preventing any naughtiness." At first, Janice and I could see nothing to cause alarm and we stepped into them without concern. As Aunty Bev laced us up, we realised that the sleeping corsets were a little tighter and a little longer than our regulation daywear. It was only after we were laced up for the night that we realised just how restrictive the night corsets were. The hems came right down to our knees so that walking was almost impossible. We both looked down at our exaggerated hourglass figures and sighed helplessly as we recognised the strong metal loops attached to various places. It was now obvious what the metal rings were for. Aunty Bev produced some pretty, jewelled, shiny bracelets, which she clipped around our wrists. Then she secured our hands to the rings down the sides of or thighs. Janice and I let out a nervous whimper as we tried to move our hands. We were helpless. I tried to move forward and discovered I was only able to take the tiniest mincing little steps. Janice also squeaked nervously as she almost lost her balance. "Careful darlings," cautioned Aunty Bev, "if you topple over in these little beauties, you wouldn't be able to get up." Never was a truer word spoken. We could not move our thighs at all. The only way to walk was by raising our toes and lowering them with each mincing step. Aunty Bev's eyes widened with satisfaction as she watched us swaying and bobbing. "You realise girls, you won't even be able to go up or down stairs with those on." "But what happens if we want to, - to, - you know, - go in the night?" whimpered Janice. "Come and see me. You'll find the loops on your corsets are at the same height as my bedroom doorknob so you'll be able to enter my room to alert me. Now into bed, both of you." "We both hobbled forward for it was obvious that we were now to share the same bed. I remembered to turn around and topple backwards onto the bed but Janice, -silly girl -, fell forward. As she lay rigid in her corset she realised she could not roll over onto her back. "Help me!" she cried. I was totally unable to extend a helping hand so Aunty Bev gently rolled her over onto her back as she arranged us side by side in the large double bed. Then she produced a little spreader bar and attached it to the lower rings at the hems of our corsets. "What are those for?" I asked. "Just to keep you properly positioned. No wriggling and cuddling until Doctor Shirley has seen to you." 'Seen to us,' I wondered, 'What did 'seeing to us' mean?' I turned my head to meet Janice's nervous gaze, for at least we could stretch our necks and kiss each other goodnight. As Aunty Bev tucked us in I realised we were virtual prisoners in our sleeping attire. Under the duvet Janice and I managed to entwine our fingers as we prepared for a worrisome night. Despite our tribulations, we managed to fall asleep. We awoke more or less simultaneously as our bladders alerted us. With considerable difficulty we minced cautiously to Aunty Beverly's door and declared our needs. Fortunately, Aunty Bev was not a monster and she attended to us promptly. After she released us from our night corsets we sighed with relief and set about our toilet. Firstly, of course after relieving ourselves, Aunty Bev had me relieve Janice of any tension she had in her little tickly bit. "It's just so that she won't get frustrated during the day darlings. It doesn't do for a young girl to get frustrated or tense," Janice lay back on our bed and I was made to kneel between her slender thighs and suck her little tickly as Aunty Bev supervised. "Does that feel nice Janice?" she asked my sister. "Mmm!" gasped Janice as her butt began to squirm and bounce. "Good, keep it up Michelle. This is one of the most important functions for a sissy. Servicing her mistress's every need." I gave a muffled acknowledgement as I busily sucked and titillated Janice's tickly with my tongue. Eventually, Janice started to gasp and squirm wantonly and then she gave a loud wail again, just like the previous morning. The wailing persisted for a couple of minutes until slowly, her demeanour calmed down and eventually she laid back alternately gasping and whimpering with satisfaction. I remained kneeling and awaiting instructions until Aunty Bev gently prised my face away from Janice's delicious secret place. She inspected Janice's cleft then declared. "She's still a bit wet down there. Lick it clean." I did as ordered and Janice giggled with delight. "Mmmm, no more tissues, I've got my own personal cleaner." Aunty Bev smiled indulgently as she ascertained that Janice was indeed clean. Then she stroked my back and whispered as she bent in close with me and pointed out Janice's sexual geometry. "One day, you'll have a little tickly. It won't be as small as Janice's it will be more like Miranda's. Just imagine what it will be like having your own companion sissy caring for you and kissing you and sucking like this." I wanted to ask about the 'here and now' but I was too afraid to ask. Instead I stood up obediently as Aunty Bev produced our corsets. "Now, go and make sure your bladder is completely empty," she ordered as she prepared my clothes. "We don't want you having any urgent calls whilst we're in London. After straining to make sure my bladder was empty, I returned and got dressed. Aunty Bev laced me up because Janice did not have sufficient strength to pull the laces tight. Finally I was fully dressed and Janice had recovered from my attentions. She also slipped into the loo for a second check and assured herself her bladder was completely empty. Aunty Bev left me to assist Janice in dressing and we arrived downstairs completely attired for our visit to the doctors. Aunty Bev turned and smiled. "Yes, you look just perfect. Now a light breakfast and we'll be off." We took the train to London and received many admiring stares from the other passengers. Aunty Bev received several compliments from approving matrons as we sat all prim and proper, quietly reading from our books. The truth was that we had to sit quietly. It was virtually impossible to wriggle about and squirm in our tight corsets. The journey across London in a Taxi proved relatively easy. London taxis are high, roomy things and being little girls, Janice and I did not have to bend down to get in. We arrived at Doctor Shirley's relaxed and contented. I had to admit again, Miss Stern had been right, I was getting used to the corset. It somehow seemed less tight and my short shallow breathing was become habitual. Nevertheless, I had to stop several times as we climbed three flights of stairs. Even Janice was a little breathless when we reached the top. Aunty Bev looked down indulgently as I gratefully settled into a hard upright chair to recover my composure. I could never have flopped down into one of the large, inviting armchairs for I might not have been able to get up. Janice also chose the other straight-backed upright chair for she was now alert to the same trap. There we sat like two prim and proper, straight-laced bookends until Doctor Shirley's nurse invited us in. We rose and minced delicately into her office as Aunty Bev followed and the nurse closed the door behind us. Doctor Shirley studied us and turned to Aunty Beverly. "Well, I'm impressed. Which one's the sissy? "Michelle is the sissy. She's got the shorter hair," replied Aunty Bev. "Oh! Very good! Well young ladies. I can see that you're fully corseted so I'll leave you for a few minutes to disrobe whilst I talk to your Aunty. Nurse Lesley will help you." Aunty Bev stepped into the inner office whilst Janice and I set to unbuttoning our frocks. As we steadily shed our frilly frocks followed by our lacy petticoats and finally our tight corsets the nurse stood silently supervising and nodding approvingly. Finally we stood in our all-in-one thigh-length silky bloomers and turned expectantly to the nurse. She recognised our unspoken question. "Yes young ladies, everything, the doctor needs to give you both a thorough examination." Without more ado, we both stripped totally nude and the nurse produced two knee length surgical gowns. We slipped into them and laced them loosely at the back. Almost immediately, the door opened again and Doctor Shirley invited us both in. "I'm treating you both as young adolescent girls but I'll do Janice first, up you get young lady." Janice clambered up onto a table with strange stirrups and the doctor instructed her to place her feet in the stirrups. This spread her legs wide and gave Aunty Bev and me a clear view of Janice's secret places. The Doctor turned to me. "Move in closer Michelle. This is mainly for your benefit. It's important that you learn how to serve any mistress properly. Janice is a fully formed girl so I'll be able to explain all the important functions that you'll most probably be required to perform once you are a sissy with a mistress. Now, come in closer. Don't be shy. If anybody should be shy it should be your sister Janice but she doesn't seem embarrassed does she." I looked up and was slightly surprised to see Janice smile and nod invitingly, so I moved right in as Doctor Shirley started to describe everything and explain their functions. Most of the stuff was simply descriptive. As Janice spread her legs, Doctor Shirley described her labia and the simple functions. Then she explained how stuff in that area would change, as Janice got older; what the secret opening between her labia was really for and what it would do when Janice was excited. I just gaped in rapt attention as I absorbed the information. Then she delicately produced a small metal spoon shaped sort of thing and gently depressed the dark wet area just behind Janice's 'man-in-the-boat'. I peered closely and recognised the tiny opening where Janice peed from. Doctor Shirley described it and it became plainly apparent why girls always had to wipe themselves after peeing. Finally, Doctor Shirley came to piece-de-resistance. "Now darling, I want you to understand that this little bud is the most important part of Janice's lady parts. I understand that you have become accustomed to helping Janice gain relief in this area." "I've only done it twice. Once yesterday morning and this morning," I confessed innocently. "Well, that's a good start. Aunty Beverly tells me you have only used your finger is that right." I nodded, not daring to reveal that I had already given Janice a pleasuring with my lips. It was best to feign ignorance as I wondered where this was going. "Well there is another way to please a lady in this area. Have you ever kissed Janice down there or sucked on her clitoris." "Her clitoris?" I repeated curiously. "Yes darling. This little bud is a woman's clitoris; it's the equivalent of your little pee-pee. Just as you like playing with your pee-pee so does Janice. When you're older you'll understand why." "When I'm older, why not now?" "Because neither you nor Janice's bodies are ready for that yet, in a couple of years your body will be able to have an orgasm. That's when playing with your clitties will bring real rewards. "Our clitties; but mine is a pee-pee. Boys have pee-pees." "Yes darling but sissies only have tiny pee-pees, so tiny that they're more like clitorises. That's why they call them boy-clitties." "Just like Miranda had in Miss Stern's shop," added Aunty Beverly. I nodded as Doctor Shirley gently lifted a tiny little hood that seemed to cover Janice's clitoris and revealed a tiny rounded bud that exactly resembled the bell end of my pee-pee except it was miniature version. Janet jerked and let of a whimper of delight. But Doctor Shirley ignored Janice's reactions and explained further. "This tiny little nubbin is the very core of Janice's being. It's even shaped like your pee-pee except that it's infinitely more sensitive. It's packed with special nerve endings that make it very sensitive. Now I'm going to explain how to give Janice the most wonderful experience of her life. First you must take the little nubbin between your lips then suck it as though it was your thumb, go on." I did as instructed and Janice immediately started to writhe and squirm as her whimpering increased to a steady wail of delight. "Oooh-oooh! Keep sucking like that! Don't stop!" I continued sucking for a couple of minutes until Doctor Shirley tapped me softly on the shoulder and whispered in my ear. "Stop sucking for a moment and have a look at her clitty." I did as instructed and was pleasantly surprised to see that Janice's nubbin had almost doubled in size. I turned to Doctor Shirley and remarked. "It's bigger and it's gone stiffer, just like my pee-pee." "Exactly darling, you see there's not that much difference between girls and boys after all. But you'll see it's already started to shrink again. Now resume sucking and start to flick it with your tongue." As soon as I had sucked it to make it bigger again, I flicked it with my tongue as Doctor Shirley had instructed. Janice let out a squeal of delight then started to shriek with ecstasy as her hips started to hump urgently. Doctor Shirley showed me how to gently embrace Janice's hips and press gently on her tummy to constrain her wild actions. Then Janice started to clutch frantically at the air as she started to drum her heels furiously on my shoulders. I wanted to protest, but Doctor Shirley gently restrained Janice's heels as she started to moan and wail as her head whipped from side to side. Then with a final penetrating scream, Janice arched her back and held it stiff for several minutes as her moans steadily increased in volume. Fortunately, Doctor Shirley's office was well sound proofed or somebody in the street might have made inquiries. Finally, Janice gave a deep shudder and she slumped back onto the table as her cries became steadily softer. Doctor Shirley then fingered the lips of Janice's lady parts and nodded knowingly as she smiled at me. "You're sister seems to have a condition know as precocious puberty. She's somewhat advanced for an eight-year-old girl." "What exactly does that mean?" interrupted Aunty Beverly. "Well her body is somewhat advanced for a young girl. She is already experiencing orgasms." "Is it serious?" "No. We can introduce hormone blockers if you want. That would prevent and instance of premature menarche, which sometimes accompanies such a condition. You understand, - menstruation and such like." "Will it harm her development in any way?" Not in the short term. For a couple of years it might help. Anyway, she's not that advanced, after all, it's not unusual for girls to start by aged ten these day, what with diet and what-have-you. "Well you decide what's best." "It's not that serious," continued Doctor Shirley, "Janice is eight after all and only a month shy of her ninth birthday." "So you are saying it's not necessary." "I don't think so. I'm quite sure Mistress Janet's Academy will be well up to speed on her care." "That's OK; they are only going to be weekly boarders. She'll be able to see you any Friday evening or Saturday morning." Doctor Shirley nodded as she turned to catch me licking Janice's soaking labia clean. "Who taught you that Michelle?" "Janice doctor, it saves her having to wipe every time." "Very good young lady, you're going to make some mistress the most perfect sissy. Has she finished lubricating?" "I think so," I replied as I failed to lick any more fluids from inside her labia. "Excellent. Well now it's your turn. Come on girls, change places. Janice can see what happens with you. Have you ever had an orgasm?" I wagged my head uncertainly. "I don't know." "Well take it from me young lady, you haven't. Once you've had an orgasm you'll know!" Aunty Bev, Janice and the nurse all giggled knowingly as I changed places with Janice and nervously spread my legs to place my feet in the stirrups. Naturally, Janice moved in for a close inspection as Doctor Shirley started to explain about my adolescent anatomy. These two little balls in this tiny sack are her testicles. If she was going to grow into a man these would stat to grow in a few years and the sack would get bigger and looser. At the moment though it's like a wrinkled little purse with a seam down the middle. That's where she changed into a little boy when she was inside your mummy's womb. All little babies start off as girls inside their mummies but hormones make half the babies start to change after a few weeks. The opening that little girls have got starts to close up in little boys and that seam is the join. It looks just like a poorly made repair to a torn purse doesn't it?" Janice giggled as she gently ran her finger along the seam right to the back of my scrotum. I wriggled and giggled for it tickled a bit. Doctor Shirley smiled indulgently as she continued. "That little bag is called her scrotum and as you can see, it's quite sensitive. That's because the two little balls inside are very sensitive and vulnerable. If you damage those, Michelle will never become a proper boy. They are also very sensitive, watch." She gave my scrotum and testicles a firm squeeze and I squealed with fright. "Ow-oow! That's sore!" I wailed. "Yes darling," agreed Doctor Shirley, "they are very sensitive. Often when male animals fight, they try to bite their opponent's testicles off so that they won't be a threat to their harem in the future. The old Arabian Sultans used to cut off the testicles of little boys so that they could work in the harems and look after all the pretty girls. These boys grew up to become eunuchs. They could not get their little pee-pees ever to be hard and they couldn't make it grow to put inside the Sultan's pretty girls. When a boy has these cut out, it's called castration." "Is that what you are going to do to Michelle?" asked Janice. "Oh good gracious no, Michelle's a perfectly delightful, natural little sissy as it is. She doesn't need to be castrated. That only happens at Mistress Janet's if the boy has to be severely punished and controlled. Usually, he has done something very seriously wrong to a girl or girls." I sighed inwardly. I wanted to keep my pee-pee because I got lovely sensations from it. Doctor Janice continued. "Sometimes we return the testicles back inside a sissy's tummy for cosmetic purposes. They still work and let a sissy get excited but she can't make babies, or at least it's very unlikely. Having the testicles surgically re-ascended makes a sissy's panties much neater and she can wear thongs if their mistresses prefer thongs. Their pee-pees are so small that there's nothing to fall out of the skimpiest panties. If you remember, Miranda is like that. Do you remember when she showed you her boy-clitty in the shop? There was no wrinkly bag begin her boy-clitty, her panties were smooth and neat. No unsightly bulges." Janice nodded agreement and commented. "It was nice and smooth and neat all the way back to her poo hole." "Did she have her poo-hole plug in?" "Yes," replied Janice, "it was a big pink one. What's that for?" "Oh you'll learn all about that at Mistress Janet's. It's to make sissies obedient and sweet if they've ever been naughty. Miranda was a bit of naughty boy when she first went to Mistress Janet's but now she's the sweetest sissy in your town. Do you like her?" Janice nodded and smiled, as did I for Doctor Shirley had directed the question at both of us. Janice asked again. "Will Michelle have a poo-hole plug?" "We don't know yet. It's usually reserved for naughty boys but sometimes a natural sissy finds out she likes them and takes to wearing one of her own volition. Shall we see if Michelle has any predilections in that direction?" Janice nodded eagerly and Doctor Shirley reached into a drawer below the table. I craned my neck but could not see what she was doing until I heard a soft buzzing sound. Then to my surprise I felt a smooth round thing being pressed against my bum hole. It was vibrating rapidly and I twitched as the smooth rounded end pressed inquisitively against my tight little ring. "Oo-ooh. What's that?" "It's called a vibrator. Ladies use them sometimes to please themselves and lots of sissies find them essential for their own delights. It's useful to find out early if a sissy likes to have their poo-hole tickled because it tells a lot about a sissy in later years. Do you like it?" asked Doctor Shirley as she pressed the vibrating knob a little harder against my bum. "It's nice like that, it tickles," I giggled and twitched responsively. "Would you like it to go inside you, like Miranda's butt plug was?" "I don't know. Does it hurt?" "Well I'll lubricate it first and then we'll see, shall we? It's called a vibrator by the way, because as you've already realised, it vibrates. Some ladies call them dildos." "I sucked my lip thoughtfully, for I had never ever put anything up my bum before. I had once seen Janice push a small round peg up her dingly- dell when she was pretending to have a pee-pee like me and she had said it didn't hurt. Mummy caught us playing and Janice was told off about it. Fortunately, daddy hadn't found out and mummy had explained that it was called something like 'penis-envy', though what that meant, I had no idea. I was only eight and Janice was six at the time. As I lay back with my legs wide apart, Doctor Shirley slipped on some rubber gloves then took some ointment from a tube and generously lubricated the pink plastic dildo. Next she took some more ointment and gently introduced it to my butt. I squeaked because the ointment was cold and tensed nervously. Doctor Shirley hesitated and smiled encouragement. "Try and relax, just pretend there's nothing there." This was easier said than done. My tight little rose hole simply did not want to be invaded. I started to cry nervously so Doctor Shirley stopped immediately. "Hmm, obviously you don't like it. It seems you are a heterosexual transvestite sissy, but we already knew that. You're going to make some mistress a very happy lady." "Can I be her mistress?" begged Janice. "I'm afraid not darling," replied Aunty Beverly. "You're Michelle's sister. Mistresses sometimes marry their sissies and keep them like a wife to do all the womanly things around the house. It's most unusual for a sister to keep a sibling for a sissy." "Oh it has been known, though it's unusual," interrupted Doctor Shirley, "usually the sissy has been castrated or sterilized. You understand incest and all that. Inbreeding and such like." Aunty Bev's eyes widened with curiosity and she studied her nieces thoughtfully as she replied to Doctor Shirley. "Well, we'll have to see about that, though they do get along very well. There's rarely a cross word between them and everybody knows how brothers and sisters can fight. These two little darlings are a sheer delight to have around the house. They're both ever so helpful with the domestic chores." By now, Doctor Shirley had replaced the dildo in the drawer and she gently took my little pee-pee in her fingers. The ointment felt cool and smooth on my pee-pee and I twitched responsively as I felt it begin to harden. "Hmm, that response is healthy," observed Doctor Shirley as she turned to my Aunty Bev while gently 'testing' the underside of my fraenum. "She's hard already. Do you like that Michelle?" I nodded vigorously and humped hopefully as the sensations increased. Doctor Shirley's eyes widened with mild curiosity. "Why, I do believe we might be able to, - stand back ladies, this could get interesting." So saying, Doctor Shirley started to accelerate her motions on my pee- pee and I started to feel the weirdest sensations building up inside it. I started to grunt in a most unladylike manner but was utterly unable to stop as a sort of pressure wave started to build up in my pee-pee. Then to my astonishment, I felt my pee-pee start to twitch and squirt with astonishing sensations that sent violent tickles of delight pulsating along my pee-pee. I let out a squeal of surprised ecstasy as I watched a series of white droplets squirting over my head, across the room and splashing against the door of Doctor Shirley's filing cabinet. "Ooh! Oooh! Oo-ooh! Aaah! Aaah! Aiyee! Oo-owooh!" I was even shocked myself by the most unladylike squeals and cries I was making but I could not stop myself. Something had taken hold of my whole body and there was no way I could stop it. I humped and squirted for several more seconds then the sensations subsided as quickly as they had arrived; completely uncontrolled and utterly unexpected. When they finished I sat there shocked and stunned with my jaw sagging stupidly as I struggled to recover my breath. Doctor Shirley's face was a picture! She stared at me for a moment then wagged her head with amazement. "Well! Would you look at that Miss Beverly! 'Like daughter, like son,' another precocious pubescent. Goodness me! It must run in the genes. Well we'd better get you cleaned up young lady. That was a spectacular display. Oh my, what are we to do with you?" By now I was recovering my composure and I was searching around for some tissues as I looked up beseechingly. "I'm sorry! I'll clean up the mess. Honest. I don't know what happened, I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Doctor Shirley took off her rubber gloves and reached out to comfort me as she inspected the odd couple of droplets that had splashed into my hair and onto my chest. Then she bent down and kissed me softly. "Oh never mind my beautiful little sissy, it comes to all little boys eventually. I should have been better prepared; after all I am a doctor!" She motioned to the nurse who was standing also with mouth agape, to get the tissues. Then she turned to me again. "That, my dear little Michelle, would you believe it my darling, was an orgasm; a little boy's orgasm. Did you like it?" I stared up tearfully and still apologetic about the mess but I had to confess that the sensation had been delightful. I just could not believe a body could experience such an overwhelming wave of sensation. In fact I was a little afraid of it all for I had lost all control. Doctor Shirley sensed my fears and she reassured me with a kiss as she gently took a tissue from the nurse and wiped the glistening silvery fluid from my short boyish hair. Fortunately I had taken my wig off when told to strip naked. She then handed me some tissues to wipe my chest and shoulders before taking a little spatula from it's wrapping and scraping up the splashes on her cabinet door. As she placed them on a small glass disc she turned to Janice and I. "Well, we can have a little biology lesson while we're here. Let's see if Michelle is fertile? Put your gowns on and we'll study this sample under my microscope." Full of curiosity Janice and I followed Doctor Shirley to a small anteroom where she had a microscope and several other scientific looking instruments arranged on a high bench by a large window. She took the sample, placed it into the microscope and studied it briefly. "Hmmm, it's a good sample. It looks healthy and there's excellent motility. D'you want to see." Janice and I were almost dancing in our eager excitement but of course, Janice, being the lady, was invited first. As Janice was hoisted up onto the high stool, Aunty Bev gently restrained my shoulder and whispered. "Always ladies first and sissies second." "Sorry Aunty Bev," I apologised. "I'm so excited." "I'm sure you are Petal but let's not forget ourselves." I tried to wait patiently but I found it almost impossible. Janice seemed to take forever as she asked a string of questions. I thought her last question was silly. "Is it dangerous?" she asked. All three adult ladies laughed with amusement as the doctor smiled and gently lifted her down to the floor. She explained to Janice. "It can be darling if you're ever careless and get it inside your vagina. But then again darling, if you ever want to be a mummy and have babies, this stuff is essential." Janice nodded and smiled coquettishly at me as Doctor Shirley invited me up to have a look. I could scarcely contain myself and clambered eagerly up onto the stool. The tiny tadpoles wriggling across the plate fascinated me and I had lots of extra questions. Janice had not asked nearly enough. Doctor Shirley answered each one patiently and after I had exhausted my questions she explained a bit further. "There are tens of thousands of those little gentlemen in your sample and every one of them has the chance to join with a lady's egg to make a baby." "Gosh! You mean I made all those and I didn't even know." "You did indeed darling. The body is a marvellous thing. However when you're older it won't matter. As a sissy you would need a lot of help to give a mistress a baby. That's if you're able to and if you're ever allowed to. Most mistresses wouldn't dream of allowing their sissy to give them a baby but there are some more caring mistresses who might. You'll learn all about that when you're older. Now have you any more questions?" I wagged my head and shrugged softly as Doctor Shirley helped me down off the stool. I could have easily done it myself but it felt nice to be a bit sissyish and accept her hands around my waist as she lowered me gently to the floor. I looked up and smiled as I demurely thanked her. Doctor Shirley smiled and bent down to kiss me on the forehead. "Why Michelle you're just a perfectly sweet, little, sissy doll! Now, go with your sister Janice and get dressed while I talk to your Mistress." I was about to say that Aunty Bev was our aunty not our mistress but promptly checked my tongue. (I was learning.) I remained silent and followed Janice with the nurse to get dressed again. In the Anteroom Doctor Shirley chatted with Aunty Bev. "Well of course Miss Halsey you're very lucky really. Michelle is such a compliant and willing little sissy you've almost got a blank canvas to paint any picture you want. Have you any particular preferences?" "Well it's a bit early yet; I mean she's only ten, - well nearly eleven, next week in fact." "Well it's never too early, in fact the earlier the better. The good news of course is that we can completely arrest her male puberty and control any development with hormones. That's the part I like the best. It's so much easier if you can catch them young. It's so much easier for the child also. Now Michelle's a very intelligent child. How do you feel about her taking up a profession in late life? -Law, or medicine or something? The trans-gendered community always needs sympathetic support in those fields." "We'll have to wait and see," declared Aunty Bev. "I think for the first two years we should just watch developments." "Well that's not really a good idea. I think we should at least start Michelle on some mild hormones. Even eleven-year-old girls start to develop breasts these days. Anyway, her sister Janice will certainly do so with her precocious puberty. In fact we could more or less progress them in parallel." "Mmm, that would be good. It would be much easier dressing them and stuff if they grow up together as twins." "Well I think that's the first strategy. I'll give them both some suitable shots and put them on a hormone regime. The good thing about Mistress Janet's academy is that they are well experienced in hormone treatments. They will readily dose your nieces with my prescriptions. Do you know, I've got about thirty young patients who are pupils attending that academy and they're all progressing well. One thing I can be sure of is that the treatments are adhered to rigidly." "Well I'm pleased to her that. What else is required, medically I mean?" "I can't think of much." At that my loud squeak from next alerted Aunty Bev to a final question. The nurse had just pulled my corset really tight and the force she had used had surprised me. The corset was the tightest I had ever had it. "That was Michelle having her corset laced. Will it harm her development?" "Well, provided she gets plenty of gentle exercise it won't do her much harm. The hormones will give her an hourglass shape anyway and I see there was plenty of room for development of her breasts. A small waist is not too serious for a sissy. Be careful with your niece though, she has to have room to carry babies when she's older. They make look like twins but Janice I'm afraid, will always have to have a slightly thicker waist. That's the nicest thing about sissies. They can be such panty- waists." "Panty waists?" asked Aunty Bev, a bit puzzled. Doctor Shirley smiled. "It's an American expression. The U.S. Marines sometimes use it to describe somebody who's a bit fussy or incapable of ever completing the course." Aunty Bev rolled the expression around her tongue. "Panty-waist, - yes that's a nice one. Michelle, my little panty-waist, and she will have a real panty waist by the time she's an adult." "By the time she's sixteen, nobody would ever recognise her for once having ever been a boy," smiled Doctor Shirley. "Now, how long are you in town?" "Well we're staying with my brother tonight. He's got a flat in Pimlico. Then he's taking his nieces to see some of the sites tomorrow and I anticipated returning home tomorrow evening or perhaps the day after." Doctor Shirley sat silent for a moment, trying to determine if Aunty Bev was of the same sexual persuasion, then she took the plunge. "Would you like to come and visit a club tonight?" "What sort of club?" replied Aunty Bev, recognising the undertones of the invitation. "Well, - it's a sort of alternative life-style club." "You mean a lesbian club," declared Aunty Bev boldly. Doctor Shirley relaxed. The subject was out in the open. "Well, not just Lesbian. There are other persuasions as well, transvestites, transsexuals. The difference is that the members are carefully vetted for their tolerance and liberality. You can be surprised how antagonistic some alternatively sexual people can be to other alternatives." Aunty Bev nodded sagely. "Yes, you're right. The truth is I'm bisexual but I'm sympathetic to my brother Peregrine, he's a transvestite. He suffered a lot in the village where we were raised and yet the woman who most objected to him when he came out turned out to be one of the biggest lesbians in the village. Talk about hypocrisy!" "Exactly," agreed Doctor Shirley, "well at this club things are different. Provided you respect everybody else's lifestyle, then it's an excellent night out." "Well I'll see what my brother says. He might be a bit afraid of being asked to baby-sit the girls. You know how tongues wag." "Oh the girls can come along. There's a special supervised cr?che for children, it's right next-door and there is no intercourse between the cr?che and the club. The whole set-up is very discreet and very private. Lots of alternative life-stylers have children so the families have to be catered for. Trannies, gays, sissies and lesbians are not necessarily paedophiles." Aunty Bev nodded. She knew she would love to go but first she would have to run it by her transvestite brother Peregrine. It would be very rude to have arranged to stay with her brother and his partner then spring such a visit to a club upon him. He would probably have made all sorts of special arrangements including dressing in male clothes to accommodate the concerns surrounding his nephew and niece. Peregrine, or Penny as she preferred to be known, hated dressing as a man. She ran her transvestite pub as the landlady and everybody recognised her as Penny. It was only on very rare occasions that she and her partner, the Viscount Weston dressed up as men to attend some function that involved them appearing to be normal. Penny did not know the exact circumstances surrounding her nephew Michael's sexuality so for the children's sakes she would be dressed as a man. Beverly could not wait to spring such a delightful surprise on her brother as presenting Michael as Michelle. Despite this, she was still obliged to accommodate any arrangements her brother Penny had made to put them up at her flat in Pimlico. End of Chapter Six - To Be Continued - Comments are appreciated !!

Same as Sissy Farm - Chapter Six Videos

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Sissy Farm Chapter Eleven

Sissy Farm - Chapter Eleven By: Beverly Taff List Of Characters. Me: Michelle - A Natural transvestite sissy. Janice: My Younger sister Aunty Bev: Janice and My mother's Sister. Mistress Janet: Headmistress of the young lady's academy Dr Shirley: My endocrinologist. Miranda: A very effeminate Sissy sales assistant. Miss Stern: Miranda's mistress who owns the shop. Peregrine: AKA. Uncle Penny. My transvestite uncle, (Aunty Bev's brother.) James: AKA. Auntie...

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Sissy Farm Chapter TwentyOne

Sissy Farm - Chapter Twenty One - By: Beverly Taff List of Characters. Me, Michelle: A Natural transvestite sissy; Janice: My Younger sister; Aunty Bev: Janice and My mother's Sister; Mistress Janet: Headmistress of the young lady's academy; Doctor Shirley Williams: My endocrinologist; Miranda: A very effeminate Sissy sales assistant; Miss Stern: Miranda's mistress who owns the shop; Peregrine, AKA. Uncle Penny: My transvestite uncle. (Aunty...

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Sissy Farm Chapter Fifteen

Sissy Farm - Chapter 15 By: Beverly Taff List of Characters: Me: Michelle - A Natural transvestite sissy; Janice: My Younger sister; Aunty Bev: Janice and My mother's Sister; Mistress Janet: Headmistress of the young lady's academy; Dr Shirley: My endocrinologist; Miranda: A very effeminate Sissy sales assistant; Miss Stern: Miranda's mistress who owns the shop; Peregrine: AKA. Uncle Penny. My transvestite uncle, (Aunty Bev's...

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Sissy Farm Chapter Thirteen

Sissy Farm - Chapter 13 By: Beverly Taff List of Characters. Me: Michelle - A Natural transvestite sissy; Janice: My Younger sister; Aunty Bev: Janice and My mother's Sister; Mistress Janet: Headmistress of the young lady's academy; Dr Shirley: My endocrinologist; Miranda: A very effeminate Sissy sales assistant; Miss Stern: Miranda's mistress who owns the shop; Peregrine: AKA. Uncle Penny. My transvestite uncle, (Aunty Bev's...

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Sissy Farm Chapter Eighteen

Sissy Farm - Chapter 18 - By: Beverly Taff List of Characters. Me: Michelle - A Natural transvestite sissy; Janice: My Younger sister; Aunty Bev: Janice and My mother's Sister; Mistress Janet: Headmistress of the young lady's academy; Dr Shirley: My endocrinologist; Miranda: A very effeminate Sissy sales assistant; Miss Stern: Miranda's mistress who owns the shop; Peregrine: AKA. Uncle Penny. My transvestite uncle, (Aunty Bev's...

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Sissy Farm Chapter Four

Sissy Farm - Chapter Four By: Beverly Taff List of Characters. Me: Michelle, a natural transvestite sissy; Janice: My Younger sister; Aunty Bev: Janice and My mother's Sister; Mistres Janet: Headmistress of the young lady's academy; Doctor Shirley Williams: My endocrinologist; Miranda: A very effeminate Sissy sales assistant; Miss Stern: Miranda's mistress who owns the shop; Peregrine: My transvestite uncle. Chapter Four When we arrived...

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Sissy Farm Chapter Seventeen

Sissy Farm ? Chapter 17 - By: Beverly Taff List of Characters. Me: Michelle - A Natural transvestite sissy; Janice: My Younger sister; Aunty Bev: Janice and My mother?s Sister; Mistress Janet: Headmistress of the young lady?s academy; Dr Shirley: My endocrinologist; Miranda: A very effeminate Sissy sales assistant; Miss Stern: Miranda?s mistress who owns the shop; Peregrine: AKA. Uncle Penny. My transvestite uncle, (Aunty Bev?s...

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Sissy Farm Chapter Ten

Sissy Farm - Chapter Ten By: Beverly Taff List Of Characters. Me: Michelle - A Natural transvestite sissy. Janice: My Younger sister Aunty Bev: Janice and My mother's Sister. Mistress Janet: Headmistress of the young lady's academy Dr Shirley: My endocrinologist. Miranda: A very effeminate Sissy sales assistant. Miss Stern: Miranda's mistress who owns the shop. Peregrine: AKA. Uncle Penny. My transvestite uncle, (Aunty Bev's brother.) James: AKA. Auntie...

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Sissy Farm Chapter TwentyTwo

Sissy Farm - Chapter Twenty One - By: Beverly Taff List of Characters. Me, Michelle: A Natural transvestite sissy; Janice: My Younger sister; Aunty Bev: Janice and My mother's Sister; Mistress Janet: Headmistress of the young lady's academy; Doctor Shirley Williams: My endocrinologist; Miranda: A very effeminate Sissy sales assistant; Miss Stern: Miranda's mistress who owns the shop; Peregrine, AKA. Uncle Penny: My transvestite uncle. (Aunty...

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Sissy Farm Chapter Twelve

Sissy Farm - Chapter Twelve By: Beverly Taff List Of Characters. Me: Michelle - A Natural transvestite sissy. Janice: My Younger sister Aunty Bev: Janice and My mother's Sister. Mistress Janet: Headmistress of the young lady's academy Dr Shirley: My endocrinologist. Miranda: A very effeminate Sissy sales assistant. Miss Stern: Miranda's mistress who owns the shop. Peregrine: AKA. Uncle Penny. My transvestite uncle, (Aunty Bev's brother.) James: AKA....

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Sissy Farm Chapter Nine

Sissy Farm - Chapter Nine By: Beverly Taff List Of Characters. Me: Michelle - A Natural transvestite sissy. Janice: My Younger sister Aunty Bev: Janice and My mother's Sister. Mistress Janet: Headmistress of the young lady's academy Dr Shirley: My endocrinologist. Miranda: A very effeminate Sissy sales assistant. Miss Stern: Miranda's mistress who owns the shop. Peregrine: AKA. Uncle Penny. My transvestite uncle. (Aunty Bev's brother.) James: AKA. Auntie...

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Sissy Farm Chapter TwentyNine

Sissy Farm - Chapter Twenty-Nine - By: Beverly Taff List of Characters. Me, Michelle: A Natural transvestite sissy; Janice: My Younger sister; Aunty Bev: Janice and My mother's Sister; Mistress Janet: Headmistress of the young lady's academy; Doctor Shirley Williams: My endocrinologist; Miranda: A very effeminate Sissy sales assistant; Miss Stern: Miranda's mistress who owns the shop; Peregrine, AKA. Uncle Penny: My transvestite uncle. (Aunty Bev's brother.); James,...

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Sissy Farm Chapter Eight

Sissy Farm - By: Beverly Taff List Of Characters. Me: Michelle - A Natural transvestite sissy. Janice: My Younger sister Aunty Bev: Janice and My mother's Sister. Mistress Janet: Headmistress of the young lady's academy Dr Shirley: My endocrinologist. Miranda: A very effeminate Sissy sales assistant. Miss Stern: Miranda's mistress who owns the shop. Peregrine: AKA. Uncle Penny. My transvestite uncle. (Aunty Bev's brother.) James: AKA. Auntie Jamie, ...

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Sissy Farm Chapter TwentyFour

Sissy Farm - Chapter Twenty Four - ByBeverly Taff List of Characters. Me, Michelle: A Natural transvestite sissy; Janice: My Younger sister; Aunty Bev: Janice and My mother's Sister; Mistress Janet: Headmistress of the young lady's academy; Doctor Shirley Williams: My endocrinologist; Miranda: A very effeminate Sissy sales assistant; Miss Stern: Miranda's mistress who owns the shop; Peregrine, AKA Uncle Penny: My transvestite uncle. (Aunty...

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Sissy Farm Chapter TwentyFive

Sissy Farm - Chapter Twenty Five - By: Beverly Taff List of Characters. Me, Michelle: A Natural transvestite sissy; Janice: My Younger sister; Aunty Bev: Janice and My mother's Sister; Mistress Janet: Headmistress of the young lady's academy; Doctor Shirley Williams: My endocrinologist; Miranda: A very effeminate Sissy sales assistant; Miss Stern: Miranda's mistress who owns the shop; Peregrine, AKA Uncle Penny: My transvestite uncle. (Aunty...

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Sissy Farm Chapter Seven

Sissy Farm - By: Beverly Taff List Of Characters. Me: Michelle, A Natural transvestite sissy; Janice: My Younger sister; Aunty Bev: Janice and My mother's Sister, Peregrine's Sister. Mistress Janet: Headmistress of the young lady's academy; Dr Shirley Williams: My endocrinologist; Miranda: A very effeminate Sissy sales ssistant. Miss Stern: Miranda's mistress who owns the shop. Peregrine; AKA...

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Sissy Farm Chapter Thirty

Sissy Farm - Chapter Thirty - By: Beverly Taff List of Characters. Me, Michelle: A Natural transvestite sissy; Janice: My Younger sister; Aunty Bev: Janice and My mother's Sister; Mistress Janet: Headmistress of the young lady's academy; Doctor Shirley Williams: My endocrinologist; Miranda: A very effeminate Sissy sales assistant; Miss Stern: Miranda's mistress who owns the shop; Peregrine, AKA. Uncle Penny: My transvestite uncle. (Aunty Bev's brother.); James, AKA....

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Sissy Farm Chapter Fourteen

Sissy Farm - Chapter Fourteen By: Beverly Taff List of Characters. Me: Michelle - A Natural transvestite sissy; Janice: My Younger sister; Aunty Bev: Janice and My mother's Sister; Mistress Janet: Headmistress of the young lady's academy; Dr Shirley: My endocrinologist; Miranda: A very effeminate Sissy sales assistant; Miss Stern: Miranda's mistress who owns the shop; Peregrine: AKA. Uncle Penny. My transvestite uncle, (Aunty...

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Sissy Farm Chapter Five

The Sissy Farm - Chapter Five - By: Beverly Taff List of Characters. Me: Michelle - A Natural transvestite sissy; Janice: My Younger sister; Aunty Bev: Janice and My mother's Siste;. Mistress Janet: Headmistress of the young lady's academy; Miss Stern: Miranda's mistress who owns the shop; Chapter Five We were allowed to indulge ourselves with some lovely pastries for lunch and Aunty Bev did not mind us each having a cup of coffee. "Why you two not only look...

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Sissy Farm Chapter TwentyEight

Sissy Farm - Chapter Twenty-Eight - By: Beverly Taff List of Characters. Me, Michelle: A Natural transvestite sissy; Janice: My Younger sister; Aunty Bev: Janice and My mother's Sister; Mistress Janet: Headmistress of the young lady's academy; Doctor Shirley Williams: My endocrinologist; Miranda: A very effeminate Sissy sales assistant; Miss Stern: Miranda's mistress who owns the shop; Peregrine, AKA. Uncle Penny: My transvestite uncle. (Aunty Bev's brother.); James,...

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Sissy Farm Chapter Three

Sissy Farm - Chapter Three - By: Beverly Taff List of Characters: Me: Michael, (Soon to be Michelle) A natural sissy; Aunty Beverly: My mother's sister. (Who adopted me aged 10.); Janice: My Younger Sister. Chapter Three By the time I had dried my nails and remedied my 'condition' I returned to find Janice sitting on Aunty Bev's bed while Aunty Bev was combing her hair. Janice was obviously enjoying the attention and I could not help but look enviously as the comb...

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Sissy Farm Chapter 23

The Sissy Farm. Chapter 23. List of Characters. Me. Michelle A Natural transvestite sissy. Janice My Younger sister Aunty Bev Janice and My mother's Sister. Mistress Janet Headmistress of the young lady's academy Doctor Shirley Williams My endocrinologist. Miranda A very effeminate Sissy sales assistant. Miss Stern Miranda's mistress who owns the shop. Peregrine AKA Uncle Penny My transvestite uncle. (Aunty Bev's brother.) James AKA Auntie Jamie...

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Sissy Farm Chapter Two

Sissy Farm - Chapter Two By: Beverly Taff List of Characters: Me: Michael, A natural sissy; Aunty Beverly: My mother's sister. (Who adopted me aged 10.); Janice: My Younger Sister. Chapter Two Now I had received another call for assistance from Aunty Bev. Since adopting me and training me how to lace up her corset, Aunty Bev oft-times called me across the landing if she had trouble tying off her corset. Usually I...

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Sissy Farm Chapter TwentySeven

The Sissy Farm. Chapter 27 List of Characters. Me, Michelle: A Natural transvestite sissy; Janice: My Younger sister; Aunty Bev: Janice and My mother's Sister; Mistress Janet: Headmistress of the young lady's academy; Doctor Shirley Williams: My endocrinologist; Miranda: A very effeminate Sissy sales assistant; Miss Stern: Miranda's mistress who owns the shop; Peregrine, AKA. Uncle Penny: My transvestite uncle. (Aunty Bev's brother.); James, AKA. Auntie...

4 years ago
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Sissy Farm Chapter One

The Sissy Farm - Chapter One - By: Beverly Taff List of Characters: Me: Michael, a natural sissy; Aunty Beverly: My mother's sister. (Who adopted me aged 10); Janice: My Younger Sister. Chapter One Unable to resist the delicious image, I twirled again in front of the mirror, then started to undress. As I slipped off the silky stockings, I stood up one last time to savour the pretty frillies. Suddenly I stopped as I heard my aunt's call...

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Sissy Farm 20

20 Sissy farm List of Characters. Me. Michelle A Natural transvestite sissy. Janice My Younger sister Aunty Bev Janice and My mother's Sister. Mistress Janet Headmistress of the young lady's academy Doctor Shirley Williams. My endocrinologist. Miranda. A very effeminate Sissy sales assistant. Miss Stern Miranda's mistress who owns the shop. Peregrine AKA Uncle Penny. My transvestite uncle. (Aunty Bev's brother.) James AKA Auntie Jamie Peregrine's...

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Sissy to Be Chapter Six

Sissy To Be, Chapter Six - By: Beverly Taff List of Characters: Me: Robert, now Rosie; Wendy: My twin sister; Angela: Our younger half-sister from mother's second boyfriend; Doris: My drippy mother who lets everybody walk all over her; Aunty Janet: My mother's pushy domineering sister; Harriet: Our friend from the next farm; Aunty Margaret: Harriet's Mother; Jessica: Harriet's older sister. Sissy To Be...

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Sissy Julian Chapter VI Growing Pains

Sissy Julian - Chapter VI, Growing Pains by: sissystevie Yes, 'tis I, back again. If I can remember how to post this thing on FM. I came across a partially completed additional chapter to this saga, which I abandoned for personal reasons eight years ago, and thought why not? Thus, spurred on by some of your wonderful comments, I completed the chapter and may well complete the saga. There are just too many wonderful kinky - and romantic - moment to come. If you want me to...

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Sissy Julian Chapter VII The Birth of Julia

Sissy Julian - Chapter VII, The Birth of Julia by: sissystevie Well, another, albeit short, but transitional chapter. My author grove is coming back. High time to get our little sissy into major petticoats. I think maybe we shall complete this saga. It's become fun again. Again, I do recommend a review of the prior six chapters to refresh your sissy senses, not to mention a few other urges. As always this is a purely fanciful, fantasy fictional work. No references are intended...

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Sissy Julian Chapter II Introductions

Julian's story continues with his first day at Lake Orenda, and quite an interesting day it proves to be! If lots of frilly sissy outfits, super swishy behavior and a little sex - not to mention dominant women - are your thing, please read on. If not, thanks for looking anyway. It is also a purely fanciful, fantasy fictional work. No references are intended to portray any actual persons, places or events whether past or present. This chapter is rated R as it contains sissy sex....

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Sissy Julian Chapter I Beginnings

Here we go again. Some boys simply are sissies. This is the story of one of them. It is not a story of discovery, although there is much of that, but rather a tale of a lovely boy's trip to self-realization, albeit a tad 'forced.' If lots of frilly sissy boy and girl outfits, super swishy behavior and a little sex, not to mention dominant women, are your thing, please read on. If not, thanks for looking anyway. It is also a purely fanciful, fictional fantasy work. No references...

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Sissy Julian Chapter IX Girlie Training

Sissy Julian - Chapter IX, Girlie Training by: sissystevie Calm before the storm as Julia learns womanly skills. But for whom? And as what? This is a transitional chapter that uncovers some of the mystery behind The Order and Miss Jane's recent activities. I included the section on The Order simply because it has been so long since it and many of the related characters were first presented in 'Dani's Story.' As always, this is a purely fanciful, fantasy fictional work....

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Sissy Julian Chapter V A Day at the Village

Julian spends a most interesting and eventful first day in Lake Orenda Village. So, if lots of frilly sissy outfits, super swishy behavior and a little kinky sex - not to mention dominant women - are your thing, please read on. If not, thanks for looking. It is also a purely fanciful, fantasy fictional work. No references are intended to portray any actual persons, situations, places or events whether past or present. This chapter is rated X just because of the sheer kink of it....

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Sissy Julian Chapter VIII Camping with Auntie

Sissy Julian - Chapter VIII, Camping with Auntie by: sissystevie Not exactly one's traditional camping experience! However, when were the ladies of the Order particularly traditional? With the birth of Julia, her inner sissy is unchained and the frillies fly. Will Julia be girlie enough to join Auntie Jane's kinky dinner parties? Again, I do recommend a review of the prior chapters to refresh your sissy senses, not to mention a few other urges. As always, this is a purely...

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Sissy Julian Chapter X Nights in Pink Satin

Sissy Julian - Chapter X, Nights in Pink Satin by: sissystevie A double chapter as the plot thickens. Julia becomes a chambermaid, Auntie Jane's daughter Dominica returns to lend a helping whip, Julia find a school that really sucks, more is leaned about the Order, and a really kinky dinner party. It's just a quiet few days on quaint old Lake Orenda! We are leading to a conclusion of Julian's saga with only three action-filled chapters left. As always, this is a purely fanciful,...

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Sissy Julian Chapter III Further Development

Just when Julian's Lake Orenda experience seemed perfect, even if he is not about to admit it, circumstances change. But then Julian and the twins were very naughty boys, and we all know what happens to naughty sissies. So, if lots of frilly sissy outfits, super swishy behavior and a little kinky sex - not to mention dominant women - are your thing, please read on. If not, thanks for looking. It is also a purely fanciful, fantasy fictional work. No references are intended to...

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Sissy Crissi Chapter 3 Leroys Turn

Chapter 3 - Leroy's Turn But Leroy had been left out for too long. Eager for his turn, I had no sooner finished pleasuring my Mistress when I felt his hands reach up under my skirt and start pawing my panty covered ass. Standing behind me, Leroy bent down and lightly held the back of my thighs in the palms of his large hands. He slowly slid his caress upward, off my stockings, across my garter straps, up to where he cupped my round bottom in his palms. He then placed his fingers...

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Sissy Julian Chapter IV A New Morning

Julian begins his new Lake Orenda regime as he is quite uniquely prepared for a day in the village. So, if lots of frilly sissy outfits, super swishy behavior and a little kinky sex - not to mention very dominant women - are your thing, please read on. If not, thanks for looking. It is also a purely fanciful, fantasy fictional work. No references are intended to portray any actual persons, situations, places or events whether past or present. This chapter is rated R. ...

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Sissy Crissi Chapter 2 Facing Erika

Chapter 2 - Facing Erika But my bliss would be short lived. I was abruptly wakened from my dreamlike state by a jarring shove into my shoulders that snapped my neck back and sent me reeling forward to the floor. I tried to reach out my arms and break my fall, but one hand was pinned between my pantied crotch and thighs. I reached out with the other and managed to get it in front of me, but it only tended to cause me to roll to the side, throwing my shoulder into the floor and toppling...

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Sissy Julian Chapter XII Amongst Other Things A Well Fitting Jock

Sissy Julian - Chapter XII, Amongst Other Things, A Well Fitting Jock by: sissystevie At last! Julia gets her Jock, but when will they come up for air? Well, the Countess has a betting line on just that, at least when she and Auntie Jane eventually come up for their own air! Flash: could Constance be in love with the Brittany Spaniel? Then, as a side dish, served hot, try Daphne and her new mentor, Dominica. Fred Gingerman's wedding parties start early with many, many bangs on Lake...

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The Farm Hand and the Farmers Daughter

George Ripley is on his way to a job interview, when he gets a flat tire on his 2001 Ford f-150 pickup truck. He pulls over to the shoulder of the road shuts down his engine, pulls his keys out of the trucks ignition, but before he gets outs of the vehicle to change the tire, he removes his gun belt that contains his CCW an S&W Model 10-14.38 caliber revolver and places it on the passenger seat. Then as quickly and as carefully as possible he changes the tire and goes to his destination....

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Sissy Emma is Turned Chapter 3

Sissy Emma is Turned Chapter 3 There in front of me stood my ex wife. This was the woman I had fought for years to get away from due to her vindictive and bullying ways. After years of trying I had finally left her and moved away, but things had deteriorated as we fought over my rights to see my children. She had used any means possible to ensure I would not be granted access. She was a big girl and now she stood in front of me looking like a vision of a bdsm fantasy. Her hair was...

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Sissy Clinic for Bois Chapter One My New Sissy Client

Sissy Clinic for Bois, Chapter One: My New Sissy Client Summary: A young woman meets with a rather unconventional psychotherapist who offers a unique form of treatment aimed exclusively as effeminate young men. "I appreciate you taking the time to meet with me," Jaiden Chapman told me as my assistant Susan served us both coffees. "Professor Greene at Texas Woman's University recommended you," she continued. "Professor Greene, Kristen, is my thesis adviser -- I'm working on my...

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Sissy discovers final chapter 6

Part 6 Final chapter of Sissy discovering sexual pleasure close to for now...*******************Over the next few days – Brad went over to Lisa’s place a few more times by himself, and always came home a bit tired. Sissy was fine with him having some fun, but she was now feeling a little left out of the picture. Besides she had not gotten off in a couple of days – her pussy was itching to cum again. Every night she would corner him and make him tell her all of the sexy things...

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Sissy Emma is Turned Chapter 4

Sissy Emma is Turned Chapter 4 I couldn't go outside dressed like this, could I? Here I was forced to dress like a slut in locked on heels, barely black stockings, mini skirt, frilly white blouse through which you could clearly see my black bra and 38d breast forms, and a heavily made up face. I would have looked like a reasonable vision of a woman, albeit a very slutty woman, other than the fact that my new Master and my ex-wife had failed to give me a wig. So to anyone seeing me,...

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Sissy Emma is Turned Chapter 7

Sissy Emma is Turned Chapter 7 Steve unlocked me from the cage and handed me over to Master. I went to wipe Steve's cum from my face, but was told to leave it. "So Sissy, that's 3 serious demerits you've earned for that little escape attempt. I warned you not to mess with me, but you just couldn't help yourself could you? "No, Master" I said sheepishly. "Right, well get yourself home and learn to follow orders, he said. "I want you to have an early night and watch the videos I...

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Sissy Julian Chapter XI Trap Shooting

Sissy Julian - Chapter XI, Trap Shooting by: sissystevie Julia plays the trap for W. Badford Milhous III's really bad day. Dominica rules, and Julia's Jock fitting is coming as the next and penultimate chapter. Caution: Heavy XXX BDSM at the end. As always, this is a purely fanciful, fantasy fictional work. No references are intended to portray any actual persons, situations, places or events whether past or present. Sissy Julian ...

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Sissy to Be Chapter Five

Sissy to Be - By: Beverly Taff List of Characters: Me: Robert, now called Rosie! Wendy: My twin sister. Angela: Our younger half sister by my mother's second boyfriend. Doris: My drippy overworked mom who lets everybody walk over her. Aunty Jane: My mother's pushy domineering sister. Harriet: Our friend from the next farm. Aunty Margaret: Harriet's Mother Jessica: Harriet's older sister. Chapter 5 The next week was taken up with getting...

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Sissy Emma is Turned Chapter 6

Sissy Emma is Turned Chapter 6 I went through into reception to see my ex-wife sitting there. She was a big lady, maybe one some people would call a BBW. Today she was dressed a little more conservatively than the last time I had seen her, but only just. She wore a very tight, low cut top which exposed her massive cleavage, a short skirt and when she crossed her legs, I caught a glimpse of her stocking tops. "Ah sissy," she said, "I'm here to check up on you." I hurried outside...

3 years ago
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Sissy Crissi Chapter 1 One Dreamy Night

Chapter 1 - One Dreamy Night Like most Friday nights, my roommate Erika would be gone tonight. She and her new boyfriend, Leroy, were taking off for a private weekend. Erika and I had met about two years prior, when we were introduced by a mutual friend. Being fresh off a divorce, I was in need of a place to stay, and Erika was in need of someone to help with expenses. The match was perfect, so with no complicating expectations, we moved in together. I did enjoy living with Erika....

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Sissy Dani CHAPTER 4

CHAPTER 4 "This should be the most exciting night of your life,` MistressJennifer told me. "We'll be celebrating Sissy Dani's first'birthday.'" It was true. A full year had gone by since Jenniferhad first used her secret hypnotic designs to implant within mymind the personality of Sissy Dani, a simpering, submissive malelesbian who craved being both beautiful and bound. In that year,she had also aided many of her dominant female friends tosuccessfully transform the men in their lives into...

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Sissy Boy chapter 1

I'm often asked where I get my ideas from. You might observe that my sister appears in some of my stories and it is she that created my submissiveness and the cross dressing 'illness' within me. Most of my stories come about from experiences, 'adventures' that occurred through my life by the foolish cross dressing need she instilled within me. Many of my stories are therefore based on those happenings. There is a cross over between fantasy and reality of course, whilst the framework is...

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Sissy Emma is Turned Chapter 5

Sissy Emma is Turned Chapter 5 After that, they let me go home. Everything had been removed, other than the cock cage, which they said should remain on throughout the week to ensure my mind was attuned to being a sissy. Once home, I showered myself completely and fell into a deep exhausted sleep. The following day, I went to work and tried to act as normal as I could, despite the fact that I was wearing stockings and panties underneath as instructed, not to mention having a...

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Sissy to Be Chapter Eight

Sissy to Be ? Chapter 8 ? By: Beverly Taff List of Characters. Me Robert, now called Rosie! Wendy My twin sister. Angela Our younger half sister by my mother?s second boyfriend. Doris My sad working mother who lets everybody walk all over her. Aunty Janet My mother?s pushy domineering sister. Harriet Our friend from the next farm. Aunty Margaret Harriet?s Mother Jessica Harriet?s older sister Charlie My New found clubbing friend Sally Charlie?s...

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The Story of Ann Chapter 2 My Life on the Farm

Introduction: My life on the farm living with grandma. The Story of Ann Chapter 2: My Life on the Farm I had been shipped off to be raised by my grandmother Mary at the age of sixteen. My mother had disowned me due to me having sex with her live in boy friend that I called Uncle Bill. Grandma Mary was an understanding person and while she told me it was wrong what I had done. She also explained that Uncle Bill had just used me for his own pleasure. I moved in with her on her farm which was...

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Sissy to Be Chapter Seven

Sissy to Be ? Chapter 7 ? By: Beverly Taff List of Characters Me Robert, now called Rosie! Wendy My twin sister. Angela Our younger half sister by my mother's second boyfriend. Doris My sad working mother who lets everybody walk all over her. Aunty Janet My mother's pushy domineering sister. Harriet Our friend from the next farm. Aunty Margaret Harriet's Mother Jessica Harriet's older sister Charlie My New found clubbing friend Sally Charlie's...

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Sissy Emma is Turned Chapter 3

There in front of me stood my ex wife. This was the woman I had fought for years to get away from due to her vindictive and bullying ways. After years of trying I had finally left her and moved away, but things had deteriorated as we fought over my rights to see my c***dren. She had used any means possible to ensure I would not be granted access.She was a big girl and now she stood in front of me looking like a vision of a bdsm fantasy. Her hair was tied back tightly in a pony tail and she had...

3 years ago
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Sissy Clinic for Bois Chapter One My New Sissy Client

“I appreciate you taking the time to meet with me,” Jaiden Chapman told me as my assistant Susan served us both coffees.  “Professor Greene at Texas Woman’s University recommended you,” she continued.  “Professor Greene, Kristen, is my thesis adviser — I’m working on my M. Ed. in curriculum design, and when I shared my story with her she was certain you would be able to help us.”I recognized the professor she was referring to immediately from working with her several years earlier when I...


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