Sissy Farm - Chapter Sixteen free porn video

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Sissy Farm - Chapter 16 By: Beverly Taff List of Characters. Me: Michelle - A Natural transvestite sissy; Janice: My Younger sister; Aunty Bev: Janice and My mother's Sister; Mistress Janet: Headmistress of the young lady's academy; Dr Shirley: My endocrinologist; Miranda: A very effeminate Sissy sales assistant; Miss Stern: Miranda's mistress who owns the shop; Peregrine: AKA. Uncle Penny. My transvestite uncle, (Aunty Bev's brother); James: AKA. Auntie Jamie, Peregrine's Partner; Victoria: An older RG friend of mine; Jemima: Victoria's sissy brother; Portia: Victoria's mummy; Julia: My dining companion & mentor at Mistress Janet's Academy; Sophia & Angelica: Victoria and Jemima's friends; Delilah & Nancy: My ex Attackers; Davinia: Sissified Gypsy boy once called David; John and Simone: Davinia's older gypsy brother and sister. Sissy Farm - Chapter 16 - A New Term September found our group filling two minibuses as we returned to Mistress Janet's Academy for young Ladies. Nancy, Delilah and I were particularly excited for this was the year we entered middle school and were finally inducted into the sissy herd. I could almost feel my nipples tingling with anticipation as Auntie's Beverly and Jamie drove us schoolwards. In the front minibus, Victoria, Jemima, Angelica and Sophia sat with Auntie Jamie and most of the luggage whilst we younger ones shared the second minibus with Aunty Beverly. Janice and we three sissies chattered away gaily whilst in the back, David the young Gypsy boy sat silent and pale. Occasionally we glanced back at him but he seemed particularly subdued as he struggled to accustom his body to the rigours of his corset. David, or Davinia as we called her now, had not even started hormones yet. There had not been time to have her seen to by Auntie Bev's doctor. The school doctor had yet to examine her and determine the correct dosages. As a consequence, Davinia was still a boy and he desperately wanted to rebel against his feminisation but his tight corset utterly prevented any violent struggles that might invoke breathlessness. We now considered him as a girl and referred to him as she or her. Poor Davinia had several times struggled furiously against her corseting but had quickly run short of breath as the tight bodice utterly constrained her breathing. After several feinting attacks and fits of the vapours, poor Davinia had reluctantly been forced to suffer her constrained condition even though she hated it. Consequently she sat silent and fearful in the back and utterly unable to escape from the minibus. "Are you alright in the back darling?" asked Auntie Bev. "My corset's hurting. It's too tight," whimpered Davinia as though this might somehow persuade Auntie Bev to stop the minibus and slacken her corset laces. We all giggled at Davinia's complaint then resumed chattering and giggling as we anticipated returning to school. Just before lunch we arrived at the school and gaily tumbled out of the minibuses as we renewed old acquaintances. Eventually one of the Mistresses turned up, studied Davinia and spoke to Auntie Bev. "Is this the new girl?" Auntie Bev spoke briefly to explain the circumstances and Davinia was led away. We smiled as Davinia struggled to keep up with the mistress as her knee-length corset forced her to take delicate little effeminate steps while her heels clicked noisily on the tiled floor of the long corridor. We watched until she disappeared through a door at the far end of the corridor then we turned to our tasks of carrying our luggage up to our rooms. Poor Nancy and Delilah still had to endure a dormitory with four other girls and they glanced enviously at our 2 bed roomed study. Fortunately though, they now shared the same landing for they had been moved down from the junior landing on the upper floor. Normally our tight corsets would not now have caused us to run out of breath for we had become accustomed to taking shallow little effeminate breaths, but the additional task of hauling our luggage up the stares had taken much extra effort. As we all stood panting on the landing struggling to recover our breaths, Nancy peered enviously into our study and sighed breathlessly. "Why do you two get to keep this room?" "It's because we are brother and sister," replied Janice. "Yes but usually only senior girls usually get to have single rooms or share a double. All the younger sissies get dormitories until they are assigned a mistress for training," added Delilah. "But we are the only brother and sister twins in the school," lied Janice who was actually younger than me but the same size. In fact in the last school year, my sister Janice had actually grown slightly more than me but that was because as a girl and trainee mistress, she had a slightly larger waist. I still had slightly larger breasts than her and I knew Janice was ever so envious of my generous endowments. My breasts heaved noticeably as we all stood gasping for air after struggling with several cases of luggage. After recovering from our exertions, we stored our luggage in our room then helped Nancy and Delilah store theirs in their dormitory which was now on the same landing. They had moved down from the first-year dormitory one floor above. Fortunately we had arrived early back at school so Nancy and Delilah got to bag the best cubicles closest to the door that opened onto our landing. It would be an easy matter for them to slip into our room whenever we invited them. After unpacking our clothes and storing them properly in our lockers and cupboards, the lunch bell rang and we minced contentedly down to the refectory. I felt secure and confident again to be properly corseted and subject to the well understood rigours and disciplines of the academy. I had grown to like the disciplinary boundaries for they let me know where I stood. In the dining hall we met up again with Julia and she made us welcome. For that first meal we were allowed to sit where we chose, dining arrangements were only sorted out after the whole school had returned and the new juniors were allotted to their mentors and dining places. This year as new middle schoolers, Nancy, Delilah and I would be table monitors and required to serve the other pupils. It would be the year when we would learn domestic tasks while our bodies started to produce milk. After remaking Julia's acquaintance in the dining hall, I joined my sissy friends and we stood in the queue as the third year sissies prepared the food for us to distribute. Soon I was mincing between the tables serving out the food for the other pupils to select their preferences. Finally when all the food had been served out in tureens, vegetable bowls and large hot plates, we settled at a preferred table as the dining hall fell silent. Mistress Janet tapped loudly on a glass and made a few announcements. After these were finished, we were made to say our prayers then we served ourselves from the bowls and tureens. After lunch we had the afternoon to organise our preferred academic subjects in addition to our compulsory sissy lessons. In most sissies' cases, these academic subjects were determined by their parents or carers but occasionally, (and I was one of the lucky ones because Auntie Bev was very kind,) we were allowed to choose our preferences. Nancy and Delilah were allowed no choice for their carers were technically the lawyers and their options were left to the school. Nancy and Delilah were to be bimboised. Apart from the standard sissy domestic chores that all sissies were compelled to study, nearly all Nancy and Delilah's other lessons related to making themselves pretty and obedient. In truth this was probably the best for them. Their intellects had virtually stopped developing and they could now only read short simple sentences whilst numbers had become a total mystery. As adult sissies they would always need a mistress to help them manage their simple sissified lives. Conversely, they would find all domestic tasks and caring duties a breeze. Nancy and Delilah followed Janice and I around the main hall as we chose our academic subject then we accompanied the bimboised pair as they simpered inanely whilst giggling ineffectually as they were signed up for make up, laundry cares and household cleaning studies. 'Poor dears,' I thought, 'theirs would forever be a life of service and duty to their mistresses.' The only extra sissy lesson I added to my curriculum was of course 'hair dressing' and the mistress responsible for these lessons smiled and hugged me as I signed up. "I'm so pleased for you Michelle," she remarked, "you're just a natural with hair and you've got a perfect flair for it." "Thank you Mistress Davies," I replied respectfully. "Is Janice going to study fashion and design?" she asked. Janice nodded and smiled as Mistress Davies nodded towards Mistress Le'Tromp's table and called happily. "One for you Miss Le'Tromp." "Oh Goody! I see you've got your hoped for prize," she replied. "Oh yes. Best prize of the whole year," grinned Mistress Davies who was well aware of my natural tonsorial skills. After happily choosing our classes, we skipped outside into the September sun and met with Aunties Bev and Jamie. Sophia and Victoria were also there making their farewells but of Angelica and Jemima there was nothing to be seen. When Janice asked Auntie Bev explained. "Why they've gone to be milked darling. They've chosen the second dairy option and have to be milked three times daily." Nancy, Delilah and I fell silent. We were all wondering what strange delights must be involved in sissy milking that made sissies choose to do it three times a day. Even dairy cows only needed milking twice daily. Auntie Bev sensed our curiosity and smiled indulgently. "Once you've joined the herd darling you'll get to understand. Lot's of sissies choose the second options. Now have you any other questions, Auntie Jamie and I have to get on." We all exchanged glances then wagged our heads and kissed our aunties goodbye before we joined with Sophia and Victoria and minced back to the school hall. There would be a general assembly before dinner then the evening would be our own. School proper only started the next morning. That evening we minced up to our study early and invited Nancy and Delilah for a chat. In truth we were curious about being turned into members of the sissy herd and we chatted long into the night. Eventually we were told off by Sophia who ordered us to bed as she took up her first prefectural duties for the whole dorm. "You're up early in the morning because you've got your first sissy herd lecture. You'd better get used to early morning rises." Reluctantly, Nancy and Delilah minced off to their dormitory whilst Janice and I slipped into our bed. Naturally we investigated each other's breasts and nipples as we giggled and whispered ideas about producing milk. As ever, our corseting prevented any access to more intimate parts. The next morning, Victoria roused the middle school sissies at six o'clock. Janice and I slipped from our study and joined them in the showers. As we showered naked in the communal stall Janice and I could not help but feel the curious stares of the other sissies as their eyes kept flitting enviously to our genitalia. Janice of course as a girl destined to be my mistress, was endowed of the normal arrangements of a girl but my atrophied boy clitty was nothing more than a one inch appendage that resembled nothing more than a baby's organ. It would never grow to a man's cock and would forever be a reminder that I was never to be sufficiently endowed to please my mistress by the normally accepted penetrative mores of heterosexuality. Even when erected, it was little more than a rigid little one-and-a-half inch stiffy that could do little more than titillate a woman's clitoris and perhaps probe curiously at the portals of her secret places. Total penetration was forever to be denied me. However, my little fleshy protuberance was a very sensitive trigger. Hormones and feminisation from my early years had turned my 'boy clitty' into an organ every bit as sensitive as a girl's clitty. My clitty had just as many nerve endings and receptors as Janice's proper girl clitty. Consequently I was a very responsive and horny sissy. Despite my clitty being a modest, infantile organ it was still a thing of envy for the other sissies. By the time Miss Janet's sissies had reached middle school their male characteristics had all but disappeared. Where once there might have been a boy's penis with all the promise of adult male vigour, there was now only a tiny, shiny, pinkish, purple nubbin located at the base of their soft rounded tummies and totally devoid of hair. However, despite these nubbins being only about a quarter of an inch high and a quarter of an inch diameter, they were every bit as sensitive and erotic as a girl's clitty. A sissy's nubbin was tantamount to a car's starter button. With no pubic hair to cover their nubbins, sissies had no way of disguising their starter buttons and they would always be available for use by their mistresses if their mistresses so chose. It only took a few tender caresses on the nubbin and a sissy was soon reduced to a simpering, horny, servile slave. We were to learn why sissies had no pubic hair in later Sissy Farm lessons. Like the other sissies, I was also totally devoid of hair and, strangely, so was Janice. Her vaginal lips were plainly visible and resembled nothing less than the peachy, delicate petals of some strange elongated tropical flower whilst her clitty lay nestled inside the petals like some obvious stamen or pistil inviting attention. In the showers the tension was hanging like thick incense as we assisted our partners and luxuriated in the hot soapy suds. Fortunately we had plenty of time for Victoria had roused us early and she also joined us amidst the suds and hot sprays. "Right everybody. Waist belts off. As middle schoolers, you're allowed to shower with your belts off. Everybody line up to be unlocked." This was our first surprise as middle schoolers and we eagerly presented ourselves to be unlocked from our torturous belts. There were sighs of relief but Victoria soon brought us back to reality as we fingered our own and our partner's waists. "Don't worry darlings; you'll have to put them back on again after your shower. Make the most of it." As we savoured the brief respite, Victoria explained more about the sissy farm to us as we eagerly soaped our partners. "Once you come into milk, your breasts will demand to be released in the early hours of each morning. By five o'clock your needs will propel you from your beds but the dairy does not open until six. That early hour is a wonderful time to indulge in other needs before you can find relief for your swollen breasts. The showers with their hot sprays and steamy secrecy will enable you to indulge in any other reliefs you might need. However, you will find that the dairy best serves those needs and today's first lesson will explain. Now all of you hurry up and get ready for class. You will be starting your lactation medications this morning so the doctor will want to check every one of you." Finally, Victoria turned to Janice and smiled indulgently, "Are you sure you want to join the sissy herd?" Janice nodded and smiled as she demonstrated her affection for me and kissed me softly on the lips. Victoria's eyes narrowed. "Are you only doing it for Michelle? If you are, just remember that you'll be a milker until your menopause." Janice shrugged and smiled. "I can still be her mistress. Having milk doesn't affect my being a mistress." Victoria nodded agreement. "Indeed not darling, but just remember, once you start lactating, you'll always be a slave to your breasts. Twice a day you'll have to be milked. Three times a day sometimes if the pills prove too powerful. Their effects can be unpredictable for girls. Just look at Julia, she's totally in thrall to her breasts." "But she chose to be a supermilker and she likes it," I added. Julia had made it abundantly clear to me that she enjoyed being milked. "True," replied Victoria, "but she'll always be in thrall to her milk. It takes a certain special kind of sissy to be that dedicated, especially as she hasn't been bimboised." "Well I want to share the same pleasures as Michelle," replied Janice and that was her final answer. "Well, good luck," finished Victoria, "I must confess, the other girls who have chosen to join the herd have always said they enjoy it. I suppose it's some sort of suckling complex." With these final words, Victoria left us savouring our total nudity for a full thirty minutes before she switched off the showers to a chorus of groans and sighs from us all. The steam started to dissipate out of the extractor fans and we all stood pink and shiny as we reluctantly took our towels and gently patted each other dry. As sissies, we had all long ago been forced to avoid towelling ourselves down vigorously. Our nipples and nubbins were far too sensitive to withstand such invasive and stimulating activity. Finally, Victoria checked us all out and made sure our waist trimmer belts were replaced and refastened down to the regulatory sixteen inches and then locked. Janice was the last to be checked and Victoria smiled as she checked out Janice's eighteen inches. "You be careful not to make your waist too small darling. Babies and stuff, you understand." Janice smiled and nodded, "I'm still young. But I'll never let my waist exceed twenty inches unless I'm pregnant." "Good girl. Now off you go and get dressed, the juniors will be here soon." We returned to our study and savoured the extra time to indulge in brushing each other's hair then dressing ready for the day. By six thirty we were dressed and ready as Victoria lined the whole middle class up and led us to the dairy farm block. It was here we would also have our lectures and medical checks as well as our milking sessions. The older sissies were already queued up and fidgeting with their breasts as they waited impatiently for the doors to open. I saw Julia at the head of the queue and smiled as I waved. She waved back just as the locks slid back with a loud click and Julia almost fell through the door accompanied by Jane her supermilker partner. Victoria turned to me and smiled. "Julia and Jane always get to be first in the queue. They're supermilkers and their needs are greatest." I nodded knowingly for Julia had already described her condition to me. Then as the queue filed into the milking hall, we followed curiously. This was our first introduction to the milking hall and we stared with eyes wide open. Each couple of sissies were freeing their breasts from the nursing cups of their corset bras then attaching a pair of double headed teats to their nipples as they faced each other. Once they were ready, they switched on the vacuum pump and milk quickly started to splash into the transparent bell shaped cups that sucked hungrily at their nipples. Within seconds each sissy was smiling and gasping as their nipples were gradually sucked further into the teats until they mashed against each other and their milk spurted against each other's nipples. It was obvious that all the sissies were enjoying the sensations for they were sighing and squirming and embracing each other as their nipples were mashed harder and harder against each other inside the transparent teats. Beside them there was a meter that recorded their combined milk delivery and occasionally the sissies would glance at the dial and tap it hopefully. "What are they doing that for?" asked Nancy. Victoria turned and explained. "If they produce more than two litres of milk then they can put on their partner panties." "Partner panties?" wondered Delilah as the whole of our class listened attentively. "Yes," continued Victoria, "If they jointly produce more than two litres they earn a privilege. Their corset crotches are unfastened and they can attach a little vacuum head to their nubbins. They step into a pair of combined 'partner panties to hold them close together. Then they can lie down and have their nubbins sucked until they enjoy a shared sissygasm. Their nipples and sissy clitties are being stimulated at the same time. That's their reward for being such good milkers." Even as Victoria spoke, a little bell tinkled and we all turned to see that Julia and Jane had already achieved their two litre target. As both sissies leaned back and 'presented' their crotches for attention, a senior girl 'dairy-maid' stepped from a small office and reached up under Julia and Jane's corsets where she unclipped loosened their corsets, freed the front fasteners of their corsets then unfastened their crotch poppers. The corsets slipped free and the sissies were virtually naked. Julia and Jane were now free to mash their sissy clitties against each other as their bared tummies kissed. Next, the senior girl 'dairy-maid' slipped a pair of high-waisted spandex 'partner panties' up the sissy's legs and both sissies were firmly squeezed together. These spandex panties were a strange arrangement wherein they had four legs but only one torso. The legs stretched down to just above the knees whilst the single high waisted torso stretched up to their bra line and clamped their tummies together in most intimate and sensual embrace. Once the sissies were conjoined in their 'partner panties there was no way they could separate their lower bodies. To tell the truth it was obvious that they did not want to. Julia and Jane were clamped together in one of the most passionate embraces that any of us middle schoolers had ever seen. The senior girl 'diary-maid' then introduced a small double headed teat through a tiny aperture in the crotch of the panties then attached it jointly to both sissies' tiny nubbins. As the vacuum was introduced into this lower suction cup, the tiny teat clamped itself to both sissies' clitties and they let out a simultaneous squeak of delight as their bright little purple nubbins were sucked into the teat and quickly mashed against each other just like their nipples. Julia and Jane were now connected at their three most sensitive points, their nipples and their sissy clitties. Their sensitive nubbins were sucked together inside the lower suction cup. So this was the big secret of the sissy farm! Provided Mistress Janet's sissies produced enough milk, they enjoyed one of the best orgasms a human being could experience and they got to enjoy it at least twice a day. As we watched, Julia and Jane were now squealing and moaning uncontrollably as their sissified bodies overwhelmed all inhibitions. Victoria and the other senior 'dairy-maid' smiled benignly as the Julia and Jane squirmed and humped oblivious to all else. We middle schoolers simply watched enthralled by the display until we were distracted from our contemplations by a second bell. Another pair of sissies had reached their two litre target. As the senior dairy-maid attended to this second pair another bell rang and another girl appeared from the control room to attend the third couple's needs. Victoria then turned and explained further. "These three couples are the best milkers in the herd so they invariably get to enjoy a sissygasm almost every time they are milked. Except that Julia and Jane don't get relieved during their extra noontime milking. We have learned that if they sissygasm during the day they tend to become sleepy and inattentive to their lessons. It's much better if they are frustrated during the noontime milking then the suspense of waiting for their evening sissygasm keeps them alert and responsive. They have lots of academic lessons to attend to because they have not been bimboised." "Julia and Jane are quite an exceptional couple and triple milking is a very unusual novelty for academic sissies. We have not yet worked out how they will manage at university. They will need considerable help and support in combining their dairy duties with their academic studies." We middle schoolers nodded intently as we watched the sissies writhing and gasping ecstatically as their attached milking machines rhythmically sucked away. Eventually most of the herd set off their two litre bells and were helped into their partner pants to indulge themselves by way of sissygasm rewards. Indeed, we watchers were beginning to feel some strange urges ourselves for the whole scene was now one huge orgy of carnal indulgence and several of the 'dairymaids' were also beginning to address each other's needs. Thus we had learned that 'milking sessions' were little more than the sissy equivalent of an orgy. It was no wonder that the dairy block was separated from the school for the noise of satiated lust was beginning to resemble a barnyard. Sissies squealed and cried in animal lust. After witnessing this scene, we newly inducted sissy herd members could hardly wait to become milkers. Already I could feel warm squidgy waves of lust rippling inside my tummy and I could not resist squeezing my knees together in a furtive attempt to allay what was obviously the onset of my very own sissygasm. Janice, who was holding my hand, also sensed my arousal and she squeezed my hand eagerly as she smiled at me and intimated her own condition. Victoria had already recognised the tension building amongst us onlookers and she smiled with delicious mischieviousness as she interrupted our indulgences. "Well darlings, that's enough of that for one day. We must leave these dear creatures to complete their duties while we visit Doctor Evans. Her medications will soon enable you to join in these delights." We sissies all groaned as one as Victoria herded us out of the milking hall and led us to Doctor Evans' clinic. As we filed in Doctor Evans ordered us all to sit as she explained the lactation programme. "Now my darling sissies," she began with a sweet becoming smile, "the whole principle of Mistress Janet's philosophy is that a lady should never have to demean herself by indulging in demeaning tasks or degrading work. Quite naturally, hard heavy dirty work is the proper sphere of strong men because their powerful bodies are better equipped for such tasks. We ladies are quite prepared to leave those areas free for men to dominate. In the academic sphere we ladies will concede that men can be the intellectual equals of women and here such tasks and rewards should be shared equally by each according to his or her ability. It is in those grey areas where women find themselves reduced to menial degrading tasks that Mistress Janet finds offense; such jobs as cleaning, serving, domestic bondage and bowing to the assumed superiority of others. Mistress Janet, and indeed all the other staff at this academy, find such assumptions offensive and we believe that a lady should be allowed to enjoy all the privileges of a gentleman. To this end it is quite right that if a lady chooses to, she should be allowed to have a partner or companion who is the junior partner in any relationship and subservient to that lady's will. Such a partner would be always readily available to provide support and comfort to a lady as well as providing for familial or domestic duties. In short she may choose to have a sissy for a companion." "Naturally such a sissy would also be obedient to her whims and considerate of her bodily needs but of course totally unable to oppress or overwhelm her and utterly incapable of forcing his attentions upon her. All ladies find the idea of sexual threat abhorrent yet the idea of sexual attention and satisfaction is always attractive. Mistress Janet and the academy have concluded that such a life style can only be achieved for a lady if she is the mistress in the relationship and enjoys clear control over her partner." "In return for total loyalty, obedience and servility, her sissy partner receives security, assurance and stability from her mistress. The relationship works well and so far, the academy has had very few failures. You will have noticed during the summer, pre school old-pupil reunions that the sissies and their mistresses are very contented and secure." I shifted on my seat and squeezed Janice's hand as Doctor Evans continued. She explained the various principles and mechanisms whereby a sissy's contentment could be assured. Bimboisation was a favoured device for those who had been 'bad sissies' and continued to be rebellious. By this process drugs and hormones were administered to reduce the sissy's intellect whilst enhancing her feminine awareness. It was quite amusing to watch a recalcitrant sissy in her first year screaming and struggling to resist the corsets whilst at the same time her food was secretly laced with drugs and hormones. By the end of her first year, the poor sissy was a soft skinned, curvy, effeminate, obedient little bimbo who would find it almost impossible to understand even the most basic of academic studies whilst her sissified mind kept drifting to the pretty shade of her lipstick or the state of her nails or the style of her hair. Additionally such bimboised sissies became particularly tactile and they could not resist touching and fondling their companions hair and faces whilst of course being utterly incapable of touching more intimate places because of their severe corseting. Such delicious little creatures would become the perfect partners for ambitious ladies who had little time for the drudgery of domestic life but who still wanted to enjoy the delights of motherhood and parenting coupled with their high flying careers. Thus it was explained at that first lesson given by Doctor Evans. We intelligent sissies listened with keen attentiveness as we pondered the promised delights of lactation and nurturing children whilst the bimboised sissies hardly understood a word as they sat trying to understand the long words like 'lactation' and 'hormones'. Inevitable their simplified minds kept drifting back to the shade of their nail varnish or the appearance of their hair as they tried to peek at their reflections in the glass doors of the lecture theatre. The poor bimboised little dears would never understand the processes involved but they would certainly grow to become addicted to the delights promised to the herd. Alternatively, Janice and I both felt the crotches of our corsets becoming damp as we anticipated the forthcoming delights. I also noticed the other intelligent sissies twitching and squirming in their seats. Finally the lecture was over but Doctor Evans nodded to Janice and me as she released the class. We stayed back as she studied some notes. "So Janice, you're a proper girl I see." Janice nodded and smiled, "Yes doctor." "And yet you still wish to join the sissy herd." Janice crimsoned slightly for her reasons to join the herd were somewhat licentious. Her nipples were already extremely sensitive and she secretly had a suckling complex. She stood with her head bent slightly trying to fix her non-committal gaze upon the floor but Doctor Evans had anticipated her reactions. "There's no shame to it darling. Several girls have joined and you will soon get to learn of them when you go out into the big wide world. The only thing is that it limit's your freedom to travel. You always have to be within six hours of a milking machine or milking parlour. Are you prepared for that?" Janice nodded self-consciously then added, "I can always carry my portable milking machine around with me. It's not that big." "Well indeed it isn't darling, but when you go through customs at airports, it's always a palaver when you try to explain its function. It shows up on the X-ray machine as a rather complex device and always alerts suspicion. Are you prepared for that?" "So long as Michelle and I are together, I'll cope." "Well, so long as you are alert to the complications. I can tell you there are no medical side effects that we know of except that you'll always need to be milked at least twice a day. So long as you are prepared for that, I will start you on the course, just remember, it's permanent until you reach your menopause." Doctor Evans turned to me and smiled, "You're a very lucky sissy. It's very rare for a mistress to share this activity with her sissy. It means you'll be milking partners for life." I smiled and swallowed nervously as the doctor amended her notes and nodded her head to release us. We skipped across the quadrangle just as the sissy herd was coming out of the dairy hall and we met Julia and Jane. They smiled at us and we made our way to our allotted breakfast tables. I was pleased to find Sophia as an upper sixth form senior was on my table. As head girl she did not have to supervise us second form middle schoolers as we served out the food. That year, as a middle school sissy, it was my turn to be on the serving teams. To my despair, I was taken with all the other serving sissies to a special room and fitted with a butt plug. I was forced to lie on my back with my legs parted like all the other sissies with my corset hem unfastened and the tight crotch poppers undone. Then a senior girl gently worked the butt plug into my sissy hole. Finally my corset was securely fastened up again so that there was no way for me to reach under the hem and somehow remove the plug. Already I was feeling the tip of the plug nosing intimately against my prostate gland and I could not help feeling somehow excited inside like I had never been excited before. I squirmed responsively gave a mewl of pleasure and but there was no way I could gain relief from the invasion. The butt plug was securely embedded in my butt and there it would remain. As I smiled wanly, the girl who had invaded my most intimate sissy part then picked up a small device and fingered some buttons on the front of the controller. I gave a squeak of pleasure and quickly realised that the butt plug was a radio controlled device and the senior girl who held it also held me to account. The girl gave a knowing smile and deftly fingered the controller to cause the butt plug to vibrate furiously and cause me to squeal with surprised delight. "Ooh! Ooohh! That's nice. Oooh-ooh!!" I squealed as the butt plug increased its tempo. I now realised that my prostate gland had somehow become immensely sensitive and responsive and I was to learn later about the effects of the dairy herd hormones. I sagged with relief when the girl turned the butt plug off and she smiled softly at me. "Oh! Why did you stop?" I gasped. "You mustn't get too much too soon," smiled the girl, "You must become accustomed to things gradually. Besides, I don't want to ruin you for other pleasures. Doctor Evans has told me you're a rather special sissy and I have to treat you carefully." I wondered why she referred to me as 'a rather special sissy' and sighed wistfully as the butt plug fell silent and calm inside me. It had been such a delightful sensation and already I missed it. We started to chat and I learned that my controller was a rather kind girl who found little pleasure in tormenting her serving sissy. Her name was Peggy and she was a well liked by all the pupils. It was nice to have such a kind girl in charge of my butt plug and I was to be eternally thankful in later years at the school. Nevertheless, even Peggy was keen to partake in the initiation rites. The first day back was always a time of merriment and amusement at the expense of the serving sissies. For we sissies serving the food that first morning, it was a strangely frightening yet exciting experience as malicious senior girls tested out their control of their sissies and caused them to degenerate into simpering, gasping, nervous wrecks as the butt plugs sent paroxysms of delight vibrating through their sissified prostate glands to cause them to have sissygasms even as they tried to serve the food. The chaos persisted for nearly half an hour as sissy after sissy finally capitulated to the demands of their butt plugs and eventually slumped to the floor gasping and whimpering hysterically with nervous exhaustion. Eventually, amid much hilarity and chaos Mistress Janet brought the hall to order. We poor sissies had spilled food all over the hall in our desperate attempts to serve at the tables whilst our sissified bodies responded to the licentious agitations in our butts. It was almost impossible to resist this stimulation of our prostate glands, for the drugs we were given had modified our prostate glands into irresistible trigger buttons. No sissy could resist for long any sensations in her prostate. Indeed, if their future mistresses wished it, a young sissy could be treated with special drugs whilst still attending the school and then they would quickly become totally addicted to any sort of invasion of their sissy holes. For the rest of their sissified lives they would always seek to be penetrated up their butt holes and have their prostate glands stimulated by some means or another. Sometimes even to the exclusion of all other forms of stimulation. Such sissies of course were eternally destined to serve as little more than pleasure dolls for any properly endowed males or dominatrix females. However it was not a totally catastrophic existence for as long as such sissies had active libidos, they would always strive to be pleasured by penetration of their butts even though they were members of the sissy herd and would also enjoy partner-panty, sissy sex. I however was not destined for such a life but I did have my prostate sissified and I would not be uncomfortable with anal penetration even though I would always prefer sissy clit stimulation. If Janice decided she might want to take the male part and penetrate me I would always be responsive and happy. As we sissies now lay gasping and groaning with satiated exhaustion on the floor Mistress Janet took charge again. "Now, now, ladies!" challenged Mistress Janet, as she rapped her gavel hard upon the block, "That's quite enough for one morning. I'm quite sure every one of you knows which sissy you control by now. Now kindly behave like well brought up young ladies. The mark of a good mistress is to control her sissy without recourse to excess! The serving sissies can clean up the mess after we have breakfasted." Reluctantly the senior girls put aside their zappers and the school settled down to breakfast as we sissies finally found relief and completed our waitressing duties. Finally after breakfast, we sissies were required to go down on our knees and scrub the floor. Even then there was little respite for us sissies. The senior girls had each slotted our butt plug controllers into the central control board and the supervising mistress could now choose to excite any sissy she wanted. As we beavered away earnestly scrubbing the floor the mistress set the control board onto a rotating control cycle so that each sissy in turn received an unexpected buzz up the bum as she struggled to concentrate on her cleaning duties. For each of us sissies it felt as if we were being taken 'doggy fashion' as our butt plug suddenly went off in our butts as we kneeled down and tried to concentrate on cleaning. Fortunately the mistress was much more circumspect about such games and she sent just enough action into the butt plug to tease and titillate each sissy in turn. Nevertheless by the end of the cleaning session each sissy had got the message, namely - 'concentrate on your sissy duties or suffer the consequences' -. ventually the dining hall was cleaned to the mistress's satisfaction and we were dispatched to join the girls. I eagerly joined up again with Janice in the middle school common room and she questioned me about it as we prepared for classes. "Is it up your butt now?" she giggled. I nodded self consciously and she smiled as she reached her hand around my shoulder and gently stroked my nipple through the soft bra cup. As I twitched salaciously she asked. "Who's got your butt plug controller?" "It's plugged into the main control panel in the annex to the dining hall. They are all locked in there but the mistresses have remote connections so that they can operate any butt plug from anywhere in the school. If a sissy is naughty, the mistress only has to dial up the sissy's connection and punish her." "Punish her!" giggled Janice disbelievingly, "I thought it was a nice sensation." "It is nice," I confessed, "- in small doses- but if it goes on too long, it's frightening. A sissy just can't resist you see." Janice smiled enigmatically and I shivered nervously. I knew she was already destined to be my mistress and thus control my butt plug. 'Would I always be that much in thrall to her', I wondered. 'The idea seemed delicious yet frightening at the same time. Oh gosh, life for a sissy could be so confusing!' I felt a strange thrill of pleasure-fear flutter through my soft rounded tummy then I squirmed sensuously inside my tight corset. Janice smiled as she noticed my reaction. "Don't worry darling. I won't be too cruel." Her remark did little reassure me and we minced down the corridor together into our English class. We had a new English mistress called Mistress Jackson for that class and she had a reputation for strictness. Woe betide any sissy or indeed a real girl who faltered or failed to achieve at least a 'C' grade. Fortunately the bimboised sissies were rostered to another class. All the pupils called her 'Stonewall Jackson', because she was reputed to have a heart of stone and no excuse would work if any pupil, whether sissy or girl, failed to complete the work. She meted out punishments with a cold implacable certainty without fear or favour to any. The only thing that could be said in her favour was that she had no favourites. Girl or sissy, it mattered not to Mistress Jackson. If you failed to get a 'C' grade, you copped a punishment. That very first lesson a sissy called Veronica, whose parents were reputed to be powerful figures on the school governing council, fell foul of Mistress Jackson whilst reading a particularly lurid passage from what was tantamount to a pornographic novel. She stalled and tittered at a particularly lurid passage and Mistress Jackson pounced. Firstly, Mistress Jackson demanded to know what was so funny and when Veronica failed to give a satisfactory explanation Mistress Jackson opened her desk and studied the class register. Then she tapped a number into her 'controller' and the next moment, Veronica was gasping and mewling licentiously on the floor. Her butt plug had been activated and Veronica, whose sissified prostate gland had a level one sensitivity, was reduced to a humping, writhing, wanton slut right there on the classroom floor. She was left squirming and writhing in the throes of a prolonged and powerful sissygasm desperately struggling to suppress her tormented squeals of ecstasy while the rest of the class struggled to concentrate on the lesson. It was a salutary lesson for all of us and we left the class a very subdued, thoughtful group. Poor veronica had to be almost carried to her next class after Mistress Jackson had switched off Veronica's butt plug at the end of the lesson. Throughout the next maths lesson, poor Veronica's sissy clitty continued to leach sissy juice into the crotch of her panties and she spent a very uncomfortable morning before she could return to the dormitory during the lunch break and have her sticky panties changed. This invariably required the assistance of a partner to help her loosen the stays and bows of her corset and the message was once again reinforced. A sissy was always in thrall to a friend, partner or mistress when it came to undressing for her personal needs. In the evening during prep she still hadn't properly recovered properly, and we other sissies all gathered around sympathetically as she bewailed her tormented ordeal. Later that evening we were herded into Doctor Evan's clinic and administered our first lactation pill. These were huge things that almost resembled golf balls but each one of us was forced to swallow it whole. The process would continue throughout the whole year as we were irreversibly converted to virtual cattle in terms of milk production. Once the course of medication was finished we were forever destined to be virtual milk cows until we reached the female equivalent of the menopause. That night Janice and I hugged each other tight and were grateful that it was neither of us that had been punished. We still hadn't learned how girls were punished and Janice and I whispered long into the evening as we wondered what happened to girls. A few days later we were to find out. A very bossy and domineering girl called Belinda fell foul of Mistress Jackson and she was sent to see Doctor Evans. Belinda had always been a bit of a rebel as well as being a bossy girl. She was missing from all the classes for several days and when she returned she was still unsure of what had been done to her. "I was unconscious for all the time," she reported. "I don't know what they've done to me but I'm sure it's something to do with my clitty. Doctor Evans warned me not to fall foul of the mistresses." What ever had been done to her seemed at first to have no effect. Belinda soon fell back into her domineering bullying ways and one evening she was caught beating a first-year sissy. This was strict no- no. Dominion over junior pupils was strictly the prerogative of the mistresses and senior girls. Belinda had overstepped the mark and was to be punished in front of the whole school during the next morning's assembly. Once the whole school had been assembled, Belinda was presented on the stage and made to face the whole assembly. She was wearing a white outfit but it was obvious that she was tightly corseted. She was also wearing a tight fitting, frilly, full length Edwardian 'hobble dress' and she looked very unsure of her balance. Mistress 'Stonewall' Jackson then read out the details of the previous offence but Belinda seemed unperturbed at that point until Mistress Janet then produced a zapper from the dais and displayed it to the whole school before addressing us all. "Now ladies and sissies," she began, "be quite assured that wayward young ladies have also to be trained and corrected when they cross the bounds of fair play and decency. Ladies who take it upon themselves to step outside the bounds of discipline set by the school will be punished severely. This academy has set rules to be followed and those rules are by and large fairly kind and generous towards young ladies. The main function of the academy is to provide a high standard of education for any that deserve it whilst training all its pupils to accept the choices that have been made for them by their parents. This school rarely exceeds the wishes of the parents or indeed the authorities who have sent offenders here to be corrected." "Occasionally however, a female pupil steps way outside the generous bounds of the school code and that young lady must be brought to book. Belinda has proven to be such a pupil. She seems to persistently refuse to accept that discipline is strictly the prerogative of the senior girls who are de-facto prefects and the mistresses." "Miss Belinda has been caught several times bullying the little first year sissies and everybody knows that by the end of their first year such sissies are totally unable to defend themselves by putting up any physical or mental resistance to a girl. Because such little sissies are so vulnerable, it is important for them to have the protection of the older girls whose wisdom and tolerance is geared to help the little sissies grow into sweet, obedient, submissive lifetime companions and servants of their mistresses. It will not do for a sissy to think that she is at the beck and call of every miscreant, irresponsible woman. Sissies who graduate from this academy are weak, delicate, dependant little creatures that will always need the support and guidance of a good mistress. It will not do for such a sissy to be terrified by excessive force and violence during her most vulnerable, impressionable years. Firmness and controlled force within responsible parameters is the only way to go with young sissies." "Now Miss Belinda has demonstrated that she cannot operate within these tried and tested boundaries so she must be shown that it will not do for a trainee mistress to exceed her authority. Miss Belinda will now be punished in a very special way to bring her back into the fold." With these words, Mistress Janet switched on the zapper within full view of the whole school and poor Belinda let out a squeal of surprise. "Oo-ooh! Ooh-ooh-oooh-oh. Stoppit! I, - I, -! Oh my cli, - my clitty! It, - it's tingling! Oh! Ooooh! What are you doing? My clitty!! Oh! Ooooh! Aaah!" With a squeal of demented pleasure, Belinda tried to bend down to reach her tormented secret place but of course her stiff corset and hobble skirt prevented any hope of her ever reaching that most vital of locations in every woman. As she struggled to address the uninvited invasion of her senses she lost her balance on the stage and fell over. Unable to get up unaided, she continued to writhe like a skewered caterpillar. On the floor she continued squealing and squirming in total abandonment as whatever delightful torment the zapper was causing quickly brought Belinda to a frenzied orgasm. Finally she let out a wail of despair and her eyes glazed over as her body convulsed uncontrollably. Belinda's fists beat a feeble tattoo on the stage floor as Mistress Janet finally made an elaborate display of switching the zapper off. Belinda's convulsions subsided and she let out a despairing moan as her body finally found relief. Mistress Janet looked down with contempt at the dishevelled heap of lace and frills before placing the zapper on the top of the dais and turning to the school. "If you are wondering what has happened then I will tell you all. Miss Belinda has had a special device surgically inserted into her clitoris. If she ever transgresses any school rules from this day forward until she leaves the school she will be punished if caught. Furthermore, if any four sissies corroborate any charges laid against her she will be thus punished unless she can bring a like number of sissies to speak for her. The zapper remains strictly within the control of the mistresses. It is hoped that Miss Belinda will eventually learn to control her cruel urges. That is all. School dismissed." With a flourish, Mistress Janet zapped Belinda one last time and the girl convulsed fearfully as she let out another demented squeal. "No! Noo-ooh. Please!" A low fearful murmur spread around the assembly. The lesson had been a good one and we sissies minced out in silent respectful lines as we made our way to our classes. Belinda was helped to her feet by two senior girls and led away to Mistress Janet's office. Forever after that day, Belinda was a perfect model of a sweet, affectionate, caring girl who could almost have been mistaken for a sissy. Indeed, because of her vulnerable condition she soon developed an affinity with her sissy contemporaries and it was very rare to see her separated from the sissies except when forced to accept her role as a trainee mistress. Nevertheless, Belinda remained a simpering squealing gushing little girl who found it hard to give commands or take control of a sissy. We sissies often wondered what sort of sissy would ever manage to take up in a successful relationship of mistress and sissy with such a simpering, giggling and obviously indecisive mistress. Still it was not a question that would interest me. I was already destined to become Janice's sissy companion. Dear readers: I am off to Brighton in Southern England (The Gay Capital of Southern England,) for a few days so I won't be writing much. Chapters 17 and further on shall be forthcoming in about a month or so. Sorry it takes so long, Beverly Taff.

Same as Sissy Farm - Chapter Sixteen Videos

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Sissy Farm Chapter Fifteen

Sissy Farm - Chapter 15 By: Beverly Taff List of Characters: Me: Michelle - A Natural transvestite sissy; Janice: My Younger sister; Aunty Bev: Janice and My mother's Sister; Mistress Janet: Headmistress of the young lady's academy; Dr Shirley: My endocrinologist; Miranda: A very effeminate Sissy sales assistant; Miss Stern: Miranda's mistress who owns the shop; Peregrine: AKA. Uncle Penny. My transvestite uncle, (Aunty Bev's...

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Sissy Farm Chapter Thirteen

Sissy Farm - Chapter 13 By: Beverly Taff List of Characters. Me: Michelle - A Natural transvestite sissy; Janice: My Younger sister; Aunty Bev: Janice and My mother's Sister; Mistress Janet: Headmistress of the young lady's academy; Dr Shirley: My endocrinologist; Miranda: A very effeminate Sissy sales assistant; Miss Stern: Miranda's mistress who owns the shop; Peregrine: AKA. Uncle Penny. My transvestite uncle, (Aunty Bev's...

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Sissy Farm Chapter Eighteen

Sissy Farm - Chapter 18 - By: Beverly Taff List of Characters. Me: Michelle - A Natural transvestite sissy; Janice: My Younger sister; Aunty Bev: Janice and My mother's Sister; Mistress Janet: Headmistress of the young lady's academy; Dr Shirley: My endocrinologist; Miranda: A very effeminate Sissy sales assistant; Miss Stern: Miranda's mistress who owns the shop; Peregrine: AKA. Uncle Penny. My transvestite uncle, (Aunty Bev's...

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Sissy Farm Chapter Four

Sissy Farm - Chapter Four By: Beverly Taff List of Characters. Me: Michelle, a natural transvestite sissy; Janice: My Younger sister; Aunty Bev: Janice and My mother's Sister; Mistres Janet: Headmistress of the young lady's academy; Doctor Shirley Williams: My endocrinologist; Miranda: A very effeminate Sissy sales assistant; Miss Stern: Miranda's mistress who owns the shop; Peregrine: My transvestite uncle. Chapter Four When we arrived...

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Sissy Farm Chapter Seventeen

Sissy Farm ? Chapter 17 - By: Beverly Taff List of Characters. Me: Michelle - A Natural transvestite sissy; Janice: My Younger sister; Aunty Bev: Janice and My mother?s Sister; Mistress Janet: Headmistress of the young lady?s academy; Dr Shirley: My endocrinologist; Miranda: A very effeminate Sissy sales assistant; Miss Stern: Miranda?s mistress who owns the shop; Peregrine: AKA. Uncle Penny. My transvestite uncle, (Aunty Bev?s...

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Sissy Farm Chapter Ten

Sissy Farm - Chapter Ten By: Beverly Taff List Of Characters. Me: Michelle - A Natural transvestite sissy. Janice: My Younger sister Aunty Bev: Janice and My mother's Sister. Mistress Janet: Headmistress of the young lady's academy Dr Shirley: My endocrinologist. Miranda: A very effeminate Sissy sales assistant. Miss Stern: Miranda's mistress who owns the shop. Peregrine: AKA. Uncle Penny. My transvestite uncle, (Aunty Bev's brother.) James: AKA. Auntie...

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Sissy Farm Chapter TwentyTwo

Sissy Farm - Chapter Twenty One - By: Beverly Taff List of Characters. Me, Michelle: A Natural transvestite sissy; Janice: My Younger sister; Aunty Bev: Janice and My mother's Sister; Mistress Janet: Headmistress of the young lady's academy; Doctor Shirley Williams: My endocrinologist; Miranda: A very effeminate Sissy sales assistant; Miss Stern: Miranda's mistress who owns the shop; Peregrine, AKA. Uncle Penny: My transvestite uncle. (Aunty...

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Sissy Farm Chapter Twelve

Sissy Farm - Chapter Twelve By: Beverly Taff List Of Characters. Me: Michelle - A Natural transvestite sissy. Janice: My Younger sister Aunty Bev: Janice and My mother's Sister. Mistress Janet: Headmistress of the young lady's academy Dr Shirley: My endocrinologist. Miranda: A very effeminate Sissy sales assistant. Miss Stern: Miranda's mistress who owns the shop. Peregrine: AKA. Uncle Penny. My transvestite uncle, (Aunty Bev's brother.) James: AKA....

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Sissy Farm Chapter Nine

Sissy Farm - Chapter Nine By: Beverly Taff List Of Characters. Me: Michelle - A Natural transvestite sissy. Janice: My Younger sister Aunty Bev: Janice and My mother's Sister. Mistress Janet: Headmistress of the young lady's academy Dr Shirley: My endocrinologist. Miranda: A very effeminate Sissy sales assistant. Miss Stern: Miranda's mistress who owns the shop. Peregrine: AKA. Uncle Penny. My transvestite uncle. (Aunty Bev's brother.) James: AKA. Auntie...

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Sissy Farm Chapter TwentyNine

Sissy Farm - Chapter Twenty-Nine - By: Beverly Taff List of Characters. Me, Michelle: A Natural transvestite sissy; Janice: My Younger sister; Aunty Bev: Janice and My mother's Sister; Mistress Janet: Headmistress of the young lady's academy; Doctor Shirley Williams: My endocrinologist; Miranda: A very effeminate Sissy sales assistant; Miss Stern: Miranda's mistress who owns the shop; Peregrine, AKA. Uncle Penny: My transvestite uncle. (Aunty Bev's brother.); James,...

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Sissy Farm Chapter Eight

Sissy Farm - By: Beverly Taff List Of Characters. Me: Michelle - A Natural transvestite sissy. Janice: My Younger sister Aunty Bev: Janice and My mother's Sister. Mistress Janet: Headmistress of the young lady's academy Dr Shirley: My endocrinologist. Miranda: A very effeminate Sissy sales assistant. Miss Stern: Miranda's mistress who owns the shop. Peregrine: AKA. Uncle Penny. My transvestite uncle. (Aunty Bev's brother.) James: AKA. Auntie Jamie, ...

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Sissy Farm Chapter TwentyFour

Sissy Farm - Chapter Twenty Four - ByBeverly Taff List of Characters. Me, Michelle: A Natural transvestite sissy; Janice: My Younger sister; Aunty Bev: Janice and My mother's Sister; Mistress Janet: Headmistress of the young lady's academy; Doctor Shirley Williams: My endocrinologist; Miranda: A very effeminate Sissy sales assistant; Miss Stern: Miranda's mistress who owns the shop; Peregrine, AKA Uncle Penny: My transvestite uncle. (Aunty...

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Sissy Farm Chapter TwentyFive

Sissy Farm - Chapter Twenty Five - By: Beverly Taff List of Characters. Me, Michelle: A Natural transvestite sissy; Janice: My Younger sister; Aunty Bev: Janice and My mother's Sister; Mistress Janet: Headmistress of the young lady's academy; Doctor Shirley Williams: My endocrinologist; Miranda: A very effeminate Sissy sales assistant; Miss Stern: Miranda's mistress who owns the shop; Peregrine, AKA Uncle Penny: My transvestite uncle. (Aunty...

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Sissy Farm Chapter Six

The Sissy Farm - By: Beverly Taff. List of Characters. Me: Michelle, A Natural transvestite sissy; Janice: My Younger sister; Aunty Bev: Janice and My mother's Sister; Mistress Janet: Headmistress of the young lady's academy; Dr. Shirley Williams: My endocrinologist;. Miranda: A very effeminate Sissy sales assistant; Miss Stern: Miranda's mistress who owns the shop; Peregrine: My transvestite uncle. Sissy Farm - Chapter Six Undressing for...

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Sissy Farm Chapter Seven

Sissy Farm - By: Beverly Taff List Of Characters. Me: Michelle, A Natural transvestite sissy; Janice: My Younger sister; Aunty Bev: Janice and My mother's Sister, Peregrine's Sister. Mistress Janet: Headmistress of the young lady's academy; Dr Shirley Williams: My endocrinologist; Miranda: A very effeminate Sissy sales ssistant. Miss Stern: Miranda's mistress who owns the shop. Peregrine; AKA...

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Sissy Farm Chapter Thirty

Sissy Farm - Chapter Thirty - By: Beverly Taff List of Characters. Me, Michelle: A Natural transvestite sissy; Janice: My Younger sister; Aunty Bev: Janice and My mother's Sister; Mistress Janet: Headmistress of the young lady's academy; Doctor Shirley Williams: My endocrinologist; Miranda: A very effeminate Sissy sales assistant; Miss Stern: Miranda's mistress who owns the shop; Peregrine, AKA. Uncle Penny: My transvestite uncle. (Aunty Bev's brother.); James, AKA....

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Sissy Farm Chapter TwentySix

Sissy Farm - Chapter Twenty Six - By: Beverly Taff List of Characters. Me, Michelle: A Natural transvestite sissy; Janice: My Younger sister; Aunty Bev: Janice and My mother's Sister; Mistress Janet: Headmistress of the young lady's academy; Doctor Shirley Williams: My endocrinologist; Miranda: A very effeminate Sissy sales assistant; Miss Stern: Miranda's mistress who owns the shop; Peregrine, AKA Uncle Penny: My transvestite uncle. (Aunty...

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Sissy Farm Chapter Fourteen

Sissy Farm - Chapter Fourteen By: Beverly Taff List of Characters. Me: Michelle - A Natural transvestite sissy; Janice: My Younger sister; Aunty Bev: Janice and My mother's Sister; Mistress Janet: Headmistress of the young lady's academy; Dr Shirley: My endocrinologist; Miranda: A very effeminate Sissy sales assistant; Miss Stern: Miranda's mistress who owns the shop; Peregrine: AKA. Uncle Penny. My transvestite uncle, (Aunty...

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Sissy Farm Chapter Five

The Sissy Farm - Chapter Five - By: Beverly Taff List of Characters. Me: Michelle - A Natural transvestite sissy; Janice: My Younger sister; Aunty Bev: Janice and My mother's Siste;. Mistress Janet: Headmistress of the young lady's academy; Miss Stern: Miranda's mistress who owns the shop; Chapter Five We were allowed to indulge ourselves with some lovely pastries for lunch and Aunty Bev did not mind us each having a cup of coffee. "Why you two not only look...

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Sissy Farm Chapter TwentyEight

Sissy Farm - Chapter Twenty-Eight - By: Beverly Taff List of Characters. Me, Michelle: A Natural transvestite sissy; Janice: My Younger sister; Aunty Bev: Janice and My mother's Sister; Mistress Janet: Headmistress of the young lady's academy; Doctor Shirley Williams: My endocrinologist; Miranda: A very effeminate Sissy sales assistant; Miss Stern: Miranda's mistress who owns the shop; Peregrine, AKA. Uncle Penny: My transvestite uncle. (Aunty Bev's brother.); James,...

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Sissy Farm Chapter Three

Sissy Farm - Chapter Three - By: Beverly Taff List of Characters: Me: Michael, (Soon to be Michelle) A natural sissy; Aunty Beverly: My mother's sister. (Who adopted me aged 10.); Janice: My Younger Sister. Chapter Three By the time I had dried my nails and remedied my 'condition' I returned to find Janice sitting on Aunty Bev's bed while Aunty Bev was combing her hair. Janice was obviously enjoying the attention and I could not help but look enviously as the comb...

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Sissy Farm Chapter 23

The Sissy Farm. Chapter 23. List of Characters. Me. Michelle A Natural transvestite sissy. Janice My Younger sister Aunty Bev Janice and My mother's Sister. Mistress Janet Headmistress of the young lady's academy Doctor Shirley Williams My endocrinologist. Miranda A very effeminate Sissy sales assistant. Miss Stern Miranda's mistress who owns the shop. Peregrine AKA Uncle Penny My transvestite uncle. (Aunty Bev's brother.) James AKA Auntie Jamie...

2 years ago
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Sissy Farm Chapter Two

Sissy Farm - Chapter Two By: Beverly Taff List of Characters: Me: Michael, A natural sissy; Aunty Beverly: My mother's sister. (Who adopted me aged 10.); Janice: My Younger Sister. Chapter Two Now I had received another call for assistance from Aunty Bev. Since adopting me and training me how to lace up her corset, Aunty Bev oft-times called me across the landing if she had trouble tying off her corset. Usually I...

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Sissy Farm Chapter TwentySeven

The Sissy Farm. Chapter 27 List of Characters. Me, Michelle: A Natural transvestite sissy; Janice: My Younger sister; Aunty Bev: Janice and My mother's Sister; Mistress Janet: Headmistress of the young lady's academy; Doctor Shirley Williams: My endocrinologist; Miranda: A very effeminate Sissy sales assistant; Miss Stern: Miranda's mistress who owns the shop; Peregrine, AKA. Uncle Penny: My transvestite uncle. (Aunty Bev's brother.); James, AKA. Auntie...

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Sissy Farm Chapter One

The Sissy Farm - Chapter One - By: Beverly Taff List of Characters: Me: Michael, a natural sissy; Aunty Beverly: My mother's sister. (Who adopted me aged 10); Janice: My Younger Sister. Chapter One Unable to resist the delicious image, I twirled again in front of the mirror, then started to undress. As I slipped off the silky stockings, I stood up one last time to savour the pretty frillies. Suddenly I stopped as I heard my aunt's call...

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Sissy Farm 20

20 Sissy farm List of Characters. Me. Michelle A Natural transvestite sissy. Janice My Younger sister Aunty Bev Janice and My mother's Sister. Mistress Janet Headmistress of the young lady's academy Doctor Shirley Williams. My endocrinologist. Miranda. A very effeminate Sissy sales assistant. Miss Stern Miranda's mistress who owns the shop. Peregrine AKA Uncle Penny. My transvestite uncle. (Aunty Bev's brother.) James AKA Auntie Jamie Peregrine's...

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Sissy Julian Chapter VI Growing Pains

Sissy Julian - Chapter VI, Growing Pains by: sissystevie Yes, 'tis I, back again. If I can remember how to post this thing on FM. I came across a partially completed additional chapter to this saga, which I abandoned for personal reasons eight years ago, and thought why not? Thus, spurred on by some of your wonderful comments, I completed the chapter and may well complete the saga. There are just too many wonderful kinky - and romantic - moment to come. If you want me to...

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Sissy Julian Chapter VII The Birth of Julia

Sissy Julian - Chapter VII, The Birth of Julia by: sissystevie Well, another, albeit short, but transitional chapter. My author grove is coming back. High time to get our little sissy into major petticoats. I think maybe we shall complete this saga. It's become fun again. Again, I do recommend a review of the prior six chapters to refresh your sissy senses, not to mention a few other urges. As always this is a purely fanciful, fantasy fictional work. No references are intended...

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Sissy Julian Chapter II Introductions

Julian's story continues with his first day at Lake Orenda, and quite an interesting day it proves to be! If lots of frilly sissy outfits, super swishy behavior and a little sex - not to mention dominant women - are your thing, please read on. If not, thanks for looking anyway. It is also a purely fanciful, fantasy fictional work. No references are intended to portray any actual persons, places or events whether past or present. This chapter is rated R as it contains sissy sex....

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Sissy Julian Chapter I Beginnings

Here we go again. Some boys simply are sissies. This is the story of one of them. It is not a story of discovery, although there is much of that, but rather a tale of a lovely boy's trip to self-realization, albeit a tad 'forced.' If lots of frilly sissy boy and girl outfits, super swishy behavior and a little sex, not to mention dominant women, are your thing, please read on. If not, thanks for looking anyway. It is also a purely fanciful, fictional fantasy work. No references...

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Sissy Julian Chapter IX Girlie Training

Sissy Julian - Chapter IX, Girlie Training by: sissystevie Calm before the storm as Julia learns womanly skills. But for whom? And as what? This is a transitional chapter that uncovers some of the mystery behind The Order and Miss Jane's recent activities. I included the section on The Order simply because it has been so long since it and many of the related characters were first presented in 'Dani's Story.' As always, this is a purely fanciful, fantasy fictional work....

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Sissy Julian Chapter V A Day at the Village

Julian spends a most interesting and eventful first day in Lake Orenda Village. So, if lots of frilly sissy outfits, super swishy behavior and a little kinky sex - not to mention dominant women - are your thing, please read on. If not, thanks for looking. It is also a purely fanciful, fantasy fictional work. No references are intended to portray any actual persons, situations, places or events whether past or present. This chapter is rated X just because of the sheer kink of it....

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Sissy Julian Chapter VIII Camping with Auntie

Sissy Julian - Chapter VIII, Camping with Auntie by: sissystevie Not exactly one's traditional camping experience! However, when were the ladies of the Order particularly traditional? With the birth of Julia, her inner sissy is unchained and the frillies fly. Will Julia be girlie enough to join Auntie Jane's kinky dinner parties? Again, I do recommend a review of the prior chapters to refresh your sissy senses, not to mention a few other urges. As always, this is a purely...

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Sissy Julian Chapter X Nights in Pink Satin

Sissy Julian - Chapter X, Nights in Pink Satin by: sissystevie A double chapter as the plot thickens. Julia becomes a chambermaid, Auntie Jane's daughter Dominica returns to lend a helping whip, Julia find a school that really sucks, more is leaned about the Order, and a really kinky dinner party. It's just a quiet few days on quaint old Lake Orenda! We are leading to a conclusion of Julian's saga with only three action-filled chapters left. As always, this is a purely fanciful,...

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Sissy Julian Chapter III Further Development

Just when Julian's Lake Orenda experience seemed perfect, even if he is not about to admit it, circumstances change. But then Julian and the twins were very naughty boys, and we all know what happens to naughty sissies. So, if lots of frilly sissy outfits, super swishy behavior and a little kinky sex - not to mention dominant women - are your thing, please read on. If not, thanks for looking. It is also a purely fanciful, fantasy fictional work. No references are intended to...

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Sissy Crissi Chapter 3 Leroys Turn

Chapter 3 - Leroy's Turn But Leroy had been left out for too long. Eager for his turn, I had no sooner finished pleasuring my Mistress when I felt his hands reach up under my skirt and start pawing my panty covered ass. Standing behind me, Leroy bent down and lightly held the back of my thighs in the palms of his large hands. He slowly slid his caress upward, off my stockings, across my garter straps, up to where he cupped my round bottom in his palms. He then placed his fingers...

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Sissy Julian Chapter IV A New Morning

Julian begins his new Lake Orenda regime as he is quite uniquely prepared for a day in the village. So, if lots of frilly sissy outfits, super swishy behavior and a little kinky sex - not to mention very dominant women - are your thing, please read on. If not, thanks for looking. It is also a purely fanciful, fantasy fictional work. No references are intended to portray any actual persons, situations, places or events whether past or present. This chapter is rated R. ...

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Sissy Crissi Chapter 2 Facing Erika

Chapter 2 - Facing Erika But my bliss would be short lived. I was abruptly wakened from my dreamlike state by a jarring shove into my shoulders that snapped my neck back and sent me reeling forward to the floor. I tried to reach out my arms and break my fall, but one hand was pinned between my pantied crotch and thighs. I reached out with the other and managed to get it in front of me, but it only tended to cause me to roll to the side, throwing my shoulder into the floor and toppling...

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Sissy Julian Chapter XII Amongst Other Things A Well Fitting Jock

Sissy Julian - Chapter XII, Amongst Other Things, A Well Fitting Jock by: sissystevie At last! Julia gets her Jock, but when will they come up for air? Well, the Countess has a betting line on just that, at least when she and Auntie Jane eventually come up for their own air! Flash: could Constance be in love with the Brittany Spaniel? Then, as a side dish, served hot, try Daphne and her new mentor, Dominica. Fred Gingerman's wedding parties start early with many, many bangs on Lake...

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The Farm Hand and the Farmers Daughter

George Ripley is on his way to a job interview, when he gets a flat tire on his 2001 Ford f-150 pickup truck. He pulls over to the shoulder of the road shuts down his engine, pulls his keys out of the trucks ignition, but before he gets outs of the vehicle to change the tire, he removes his gun belt that contains his CCW an S&W Model 10-14.38 caliber revolver and places it on the passenger seat. Then as quickly and as carefully as possible he changes the tire and goes to his destination....

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Sissy Emma is Turned Chapter 3

Sissy Emma is Turned Chapter 3 There in front of me stood my ex wife. This was the woman I had fought for years to get away from due to her vindictive and bullying ways. After years of trying I had finally left her and moved away, but things had deteriorated as we fought over my rights to see my children. She had used any means possible to ensure I would not be granted access. She was a big girl and now she stood in front of me looking like a vision of a bdsm fantasy. Her hair was...

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Sissy Clinic for Bois Chapter One My New Sissy Client

Sissy Clinic for Bois, Chapter One: My New Sissy Client Summary: A young woman meets with a rather unconventional psychotherapist who offers a unique form of treatment aimed exclusively as effeminate young men. "I appreciate you taking the time to meet with me," Jaiden Chapman told me as my assistant Susan served us both coffees. "Professor Greene at Texas Woman's University recommended you," she continued. "Professor Greene, Kristen, is my thesis adviser -- I'm working on my...

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Sissy discovers final chapter 6

Part 6 Final chapter of Sissy discovering sexual pleasure close to for now...*******************Over the next few days – Brad went over to Lisa’s place a few more times by himself, and always came home a bit tired. Sissy was fine with him having some fun, but she was now feeling a little left out of the picture. Besides she had not gotten off in a couple of days – her pussy was itching to cum again. Every night she would corner him and make him tell her all of the sexy things...

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Sissy Emma is Turned Chapter 4

Sissy Emma is Turned Chapter 4 I couldn't go outside dressed like this, could I? Here I was forced to dress like a slut in locked on heels, barely black stockings, mini skirt, frilly white blouse through which you could clearly see my black bra and 38d breast forms, and a heavily made up face. I would have looked like a reasonable vision of a woman, albeit a very slutty woman, other than the fact that my new Master and my ex-wife had failed to give me a wig. So to anyone seeing me,...

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Sissy Emma is Turned Chapter 7

Sissy Emma is Turned Chapter 7 Steve unlocked me from the cage and handed me over to Master. I went to wipe Steve's cum from my face, but was told to leave it. "So Sissy, that's 3 serious demerits you've earned for that little escape attempt. I warned you not to mess with me, but you just couldn't help yourself could you? "No, Master" I said sheepishly. "Right, well get yourself home and learn to follow orders, he said. "I want you to have an early night and watch the videos I...

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Sissy to Be Chapter Six

Sissy To Be, Chapter Six - By: Beverly Taff List of Characters: Me: Robert, now Rosie; Wendy: My twin sister; Angela: Our younger half-sister from mother's second boyfriend; Doris: My drippy mother who lets everybody walk all over her; Aunty Janet: My mother's pushy domineering sister; Harriet: Our friend from the next farm; Aunty Margaret: Harriet's Mother; Jessica: Harriet's older sister. Sissy To Be...

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Sissy Julian Chapter XI Trap Shooting

Sissy Julian - Chapter XI, Trap Shooting by: sissystevie Julia plays the trap for W. Badford Milhous III's really bad day. Dominica rules, and Julia's Jock fitting is coming as the next and penultimate chapter. Caution: Heavy XXX BDSM at the end. As always, this is a purely fanciful, fantasy fictional work. No references are intended to portray any actual persons, situations, places or events whether past or present. Sissy Julian ...

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Sissy to Be Chapter Five

Sissy to Be - By: Beverly Taff List of Characters: Me: Robert, now called Rosie! Wendy: My twin sister. Angela: Our younger half sister by my mother's second boyfriend. Doris: My drippy overworked mom who lets everybody walk over her. Aunty Jane: My mother's pushy domineering sister. Harriet: Our friend from the next farm. Aunty Margaret: Harriet's Mother Jessica: Harriet's older sister. Chapter 5 The next week was taken up with getting...

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Sissy Emma is Turned Chapter 6

Sissy Emma is Turned Chapter 6 I went through into reception to see my ex-wife sitting there. She was a big lady, maybe one some people would call a BBW. Today she was dressed a little more conservatively than the last time I had seen her, but only just. She wore a very tight, low cut top which exposed her massive cleavage, a short skirt and when she crossed her legs, I caught a glimpse of her stocking tops. "Ah sissy," she said, "I'm here to check up on you." I hurried outside...

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Sissy Crissi Chapter 1 One Dreamy Night

Chapter 1 - One Dreamy Night Like most Friday nights, my roommate Erika would be gone tonight. She and her new boyfriend, Leroy, were taking off for a private weekend. Erika and I had met about two years prior, when we were introduced by a mutual friend. Being fresh off a divorce, I was in need of a place to stay, and Erika was in need of someone to help with expenses. The match was perfect, so with no complicating expectations, we moved in together. I did enjoy living with Erika....

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Sissy Dani CHAPTER 4

CHAPTER 4 "This should be the most exciting night of your life,` MistressJennifer told me. "We'll be celebrating Sissy Dani's first'birthday.'" It was true. A full year had gone by since Jenniferhad first used her secret hypnotic designs to implant within mymind the personality of Sissy Dani, a simpering, submissive malelesbian who craved being both beautiful and bound. In that year,she had also aided many of her dominant female friends tosuccessfully transform the men in their lives into...

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Sissy Boy chapter 1

I'm often asked where I get my ideas from. You might observe that my sister appears in some of my stories and it is she that created my submissiveness and the cross dressing 'illness' within me. Most of my stories come about from experiences, 'adventures' that occurred through my life by the foolish cross dressing need she instilled within me. Many of my stories are therefore based on those happenings. There is a cross over between fantasy and reality of course, whilst the framework is...

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Sissy Emma is Turned Chapter 5

Sissy Emma is Turned Chapter 5 After that, they let me go home. Everything had been removed, other than the cock cage, which they said should remain on throughout the week to ensure my mind was attuned to being a sissy. Once home, I showered myself completely and fell into a deep exhausted sleep. The following day, I went to work and tried to act as normal as I could, despite the fact that I was wearing stockings and panties underneath as instructed, not to mention having a...

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Sissy to Be Chapter Eight

Sissy to Be ? Chapter 8 ? By: Beverly Taff List of Characters. Me Robert, now called Rosie! Wendy My twin sister. Angela Our younger half sister by my mother?s second boyfriend. Doris My sad working mother who lets everybody walk all over her. Aunty Janet My mother?s pushy domineering sister. Harriet Our friend from the next farm. Aunty Margaret Harriet?s Mother Jessica Harriet?s older sister Charlie My New found clubbing friend Sally Charlie?s...

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The Story of Ann Chapter 2 My Life on the Farm

Introduction: My life on the farm living with grandma. The Story of Ann Chapter 2: My Life on the Farm I had been shipped off to be raised by my grandmother Mary at the age of sixteen. My mother had disowned me due to me having sex with her live in boy friend that I called Uncle Bill. Grandma Mary was an understanding person and while she told me it was wrong what I had done. She also explained that Uncle Bill had just used me for his own pleasure. I moved in with her on her farm which was...

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Sissy to Be Chapter Seven

Sissy to Be ? Chapter 7 ? By: Beverly Taff List of Characters Me Robert, now called Rosie! Wendy My twin sister. Angela Our younger half sister by my mother's second boyfriend. Doris My sad working mother who lets everybody walk all over her. Aunty Janet My mother's pushy domineering sister. Harriet Our friend from the next farm. Aunty Margaret Harriet's Mother Jessica Harriet's older sister Charlie My New found clubbing friend Sally Charlie's...

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Sissy Emma is Turned Chapter 3

There in front of me stood my ex wife. This was the woman I had fought for years to get away from due to her vindictive and bullying ways. After years of trying I had finally left her and moved away, but things had deteriorated as we fought over my rights to see my c***dren. She had used any means possible to ensure I would not be granted access.She was a big girl and now she stood in front of me looking like a vision of a bdsm fantasy. Her hair was tied back tightly in a pony tail and she had...

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Sissy Clinic for Bois Chapter One My New Sissy Client

“I appreciate you taking the time to meet with me,” Jaiden Chapman told me as my assistant Susan served us both coffees.  “Professor Greene at Texas Woman’s University recommended you,” she continued.  “Professor Greene, Kristen, is my thesis adviser — I’m working on my M. Ed. in curriculum design, and when I shared my story with her she was certain you would be able to help us.”I recognized the professor she was referring to immediately from working with her several years earlier when I...


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