Laid Bare - Chapter Six free porn video

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Laid Bare By Michele Nylons Chapter Six - Endgame Adele rolled into the now familiar visitor's parking space outside of the municipal building. It was nearly six pm and she was nearly five hours late, she and Celia were supposed to have filed their suit with the court clerk at one o'clock that afternoon. She had checked her phone whilst driving to Missionville and she had six missed calls and half a dozen texts from Celia asking her where she was. She was not composed enough to answer any of them, besides, she did not want to wake up Kimberly who had been sleeping in the passenger seat resting her head against Adele's shoulder. Celia was stalking the outside of the building; walking up and down the long veranda looking furious. She had a thick file under one arm and her handbag over her shoulder; she was smoking like a train engine, a plume of smoke trailing behind her as she walked briskly up and down. She had her demure court-clothes on: a plain black suit with a knee length skirt, low heeled pumps, plain black hosiery and she had turned down the volume on her makeup except for her signature blood-red lipstick. Celia was about to unload on Adele who skittered up the stone steps with Kimberly in tow but she realised something was wrong. Adele looked befuddled and Adele never looked befuddled. She was moving gingerly, wincing when she made sudden movements. Kimberly looked wan and withdrawn. Celia gave Adele a 'what the fuck?' look and Adele returned a 'don't you dare ask' look and Celia kept her mouth closed. "I have a continuance, we have until six pm to lodge the claim or we have to come back next week," Celia tossed her cigarette butt into a cluster of Goldenrod that had been cultivated in the flowerbed. "The sheriff could likely fine you for tossing your butt at the state flower," Adele tried to lighten the mood. "Well he'd have to fine me at least a dozen times then because I smoked at least that many cigarettes waiting for you. Besides I thought the sheriff was your friend?" Celia did not conceal her anger well. Dumpy Darleen Wright, the law clerk, was wearing the same rumpled suit and she looked anxiously at the wall clock when Adele, Celia and Kimberly burst through her door. She was about to tell Adele that she was too late but the 'don't fuck with me' look on Adele's face made her change her mind. She thought there was something different about Adele today; she did not have the grace and elegance that she presented herself with the first time they had met. Darleen took the thick legal brief and gave Adele a signed receipt. They all signed a document that stipulated that Kimberly Peak, daughter and sole beneficiary of her mother Tammy Peak, was present and had witnessed and agreed to the case being filed, stipulating that the law firm of Edwards and Bettany was acting on her behalf and on behalf of her mother. "I won't get to review the file and give it to the judge until Monday but I've stipulated that the case was filed at five fifty seven today," Darleen said officiously. Adele just nodded and opened the door so that Celia and Kimberly could file out ahead of her. "Good luck," Darleen whispered giving Adele a wry smile. Adele smiled back. She knew now that she had at least one ally in the Silas County court. The three women stood outside on the veranda and took a minute to breathe. "I knew better than to ask why you were late when you arrived but honey I'm going to need to hear from you when we get to the motel," Celia breathed. "You bet. I'll take Kimberly home and see you there soon ok?" Adele leaned in and kissed Celia on the lips, momentarily forgetting where she was. A County functionary was leaving the building for the day and witnessed the act. "Fucking lesbos!" he hissed under his breath as he walked past. "Hey mister Skimmings," Kimberly called out and the man turned around. "Hey Kimberly," the skinny balding man in the ratty suit smiled at her in greeting. Kimberly raced up to him and kicked him in the shins. "Hey!" Adele and Celia called out in unison and pulled Kimberly away from the man who was now hopping on one leg, holding his barked shin. "You shouldn't have done that," Adele said purposely, holding Kimberly by the arm. Kimberly nodded and then gave Adele a hug, which she returned. "The kid's got spunk," Celia said out the side of her mouth as they walked back to the visitor's parking spaces. "You have no idea," Adele replied. Adele and Kimberly spoke frankly on the way to Kimberly's house, once again swearing never to tell a soul what had happened that day at the shack. Adele told Kimberly that until the case was settled she was not to leave the property on her own just in case there were other bad men out there. "What about school?" Kimberly asked, secretly hoping for a pass. "We'll get someone to drop you off and pick you up after ok?" Adele replied. Adele was dreading facing Celia, they had their secrets, their Thursday night furloughs were a prime example, and Adele had kept her college gang rape a secret until Celia coaxed it out of her. But this was monumental, not only the sustained sexual assault but the murders. By the time she got to her chalet Adele was really sore, her muscles were aching and the scratches and bruises she had sustained gave off a dull throb. Adele couldn't help but playing little vignettes of the ordeal over and over in her head: being spit-roasted kneeling on a chair while Dale fucked her and she suckled Lyle, she had orgasmed when Dale came inside her. It was involuntary but it was breathtaking all the same. Then... sitting in Lyle's lap while he kissed her and slowly fucked her, his hands caressing her ripped-nylons; he had invoked another orgasm from Adele when he finally ejaculated inside her. Adele knew that there was something in her makeup that made her relish forced or dangerous sex. Her psychiatrist had told her that it was related to what had happened to her in college, after which she went through a period of insatiable promiscuity. That was why she used the services of men like Roy or had dalliances with guys like Wayne Sutter; but it did not in any way diminish her love and devotion for Celia. Celia had taken the cabin next to Adele's. She had no intention of sleeping in it but in this backwater it was best to pretend to adhere to their outdated ideas of morality even though she and Adele were married. "What happened honey; you look like hell and you're limping," Celia had been waiting for Adele and her concern evident. "Can you let me take a long hot shower first and then I'll tell you," Adele kissed Celia on the cheek. Adele went into the bathroom and sat on the stool and slowly undressed then she looked at herself in the mirror. Her face wasn't too bad, her lips were puffy from being zealously kissed, her shoulders were a little bruised from being held down, her nipples were tender and her breasts were bruised and her left breast had a bite mark. Her thighs were also bruised, she couldn't see her ass but she knew it would be red from being spanked and squeezed. She brushed her teeth, rinsed with mouthwash and then turned off the lights while she ran the water to get it as hot as she could bear it and then she climbed into the shower. Celia came into the bathroom naked. Despite the gloom her alabaster skin accentuated her berry red nipples, the surrounding dark areola and her blood-red lips. She climbed into the shower and Adele pulled her close and kissed her softly. Celia returned the kiss and slid her tongue into Adele's mouth which tasted like toothpaste and mouthwash. She took a handful of liquid bodywash and smeared it over Adele's breasts; despite the pain her nipples hardened. Adele pressed her bruised lips against Celia's and drove her tongue into her sweet mouth as she reached up and caressed Celia's breasts, fingering her nipples into tumescence. They used the bodywash liberally on each other, exploring each other's bodies with their fingertips. Adele winced when Celia's fingers drifted across the bite mark on her breast and again when she softly squeezed Adele's buttocks. Celia snatched her hand away but Adele placed it back. "It hurts; but it hurts nice," she smiled at Celia and lowered her head and kissed her again. Celia was well aware of Adele's predilection to coalesce pain and pleasure and Celia squeezed Adele's buttocks until she hissed. She felt Adele's rock-hard cock pressing against her belly. Celia took another gobbet of bodywash and began to slowly and softly stroke Adele's penis. Adele was amazed that she could become aroused gain after what had happened to her in the cabin but she knew that her love and desire for Celia had a lot to do with it. Adele purred as Celia stroked her erection and cupped her scrotum, gently squeezing it. Adele slipped her fingers inside Celia and opened her pink inner lips and circled her clitoris with a fingertip. Celia shuddered. Adele drove two fingers inside Celia's slick vagina whist still gently massaging her clitoris and Celia began to mew. She drove her fingers deeper inside Celia working on her G-spot forcing Celia up on her toes. Celia squeezed Adele's throbbing phallus and made her moan with desire, she took her hand away from Adele's scrotum and slid a finger inside Adele's anus. "Oh god!" Adele cried. Celia slipped another slippery finger inside Adele and worked a fingertip hard against Adele's prostate while she stroked and squeezed Adele quivering cock, expressing her spend which spattered on Celia's belly. The spray of semen quickly became a dribble, Adele's semen reserves were exhausted by her previous orgasms. Adele massaged Celia's G-spot and flicked her fingertip on her clitoris and then she felt Celia's vagina begin to contract around her fingers and Celia began to shake uncontrollably. Adele held Celia against her and kissed her while Celia rode the rollercoaster of her orgasm, she moaned as she felt an immense release and Adele felt Celia's cunt become saturated. Celia peaked, shuddering and groaning against Adele's soft slippery skin. They held onto each other for what seemed like an eternity. "I love you," Adele whispered. "I love you too," Celia replied. "You're not going to tell me what happened to you today are you?" Celia breathed, her body still pressed against Adele. "If you make me I'll have to," Adele replied. "How can I make you?" Celia asked. "Just tell that I have to tell you. I love you so much that I will do anything you ask; you know that don't you?" Adele kissed the top of Celia's head. "It's awful isn't it?" Celia pressed her face against Adele's chest. Adele just nodded. "Will you get over it?" Celia's voice was muffled against Adele's soft flesh. "Yes. Eventually," Adele replied. "Then you decide. I won't ask again," Celia sighed. ***** Adele slept in; her body needed rest to recover. Celia had gone to the offices in town and left Adele a short note, sealed with a kiss. Adele showered, put on a robe, made coffee and sat down on the couch and studied the lighter and the mobile phone she had taken off Lyle's body. The lighter was a slightly battered plain silver Zippo with no monogram or insignia. Adele tried to open the phone but it was password protected. She tried the most obvious PIN codes: 1-2-3-4-5-6, 'password', 'lyle', then 'Lyle' but then she gave up. She rang Michelle DeLong. "Hey I got a rush job for IT Guy," Adele spoke into her phone. "You mean Steven Baker," Michelle replied. "No the other IT Guy who has a mad crush on you," Adele replied sarcastically. "Hey don't get snappy," Michelle replied, a little pissed off with Adele's attitude. "It just so happens that IT Guy is heading to your new office and the research team are about one hour out of Missionville ready to go to work at the Peak's property," Michelle said smugly. "Sorry Michelle; you know Celia and I both love you," Adele apologised. "I love you guys too," Michelle replied. "Hey by the way, you didn't get around to fucking Peter Duffy again did you because I was just wondering..." Adele started to tease her but Michelle interjected. "Sorry I'm losing you, you're breaking up, going into a tunnel or something," Michelle laughed and hung up the phone. Adele called Michelle again the next day; this time serious as a heart attack. "Tell Duffy to get his ass down to Missionville tomorrow for a private one on one with me at my office. Don't take no for an answer. He can call me for the details, he has my number," Adele said curtly and hung up. ***** "So here we are, the lawyer, the lobbyist and the sheriff," Adele began. She put her cell phone on the table and then put the phone she had taken from Lyle's body beside it. "I'm going to play something I recorded on my phone a little while back," Adele looked at both men. Peter Duffy had a line of sweat on his upper lip; Wayne Sutter sat stoic and confident. "Can we fuck her?" a male voice said. "The boss didn't say we couldn't. He just said to keep her here until he tells us to release her and the kid," another man replied. "I'm going to fast forward to another set point," Adele said. "Lean forward," the man's breathing sounded ragged. A minute or two later the same man said: "Goddamn the bitch sure knows what she's doing. Last time I got blown was on my wedding day." Adele fast forwarded the recording to the next set point. "Take off your jacket. Unbutton your blouse," a man said gruffly. "Jesus Adele! Were they talking to you?" Peter interjected; he was sweating profusely now. Adele didn't answer. She played the last part of the recording that she wanted both men to hear. "This bitch is about spent. I'm bringing out the girl. I reckon I got one more good fuck left in me and I want some of that sweet Kentucky schoolgirl poontang," "You recognise those voices?" Adele asked. Peter Duffy shook his head vigorously and Wayne grunted a negative response. "This is the phone I took from one of the men in the recording. I had my IT technician unlock it," Adele said. "I'm hitting last number redial," Adele said grimly. There was silence for a few seconds and then Sheriff Wayne Sutter's phone began to vibrate. Wayne Sutter went pale. He snatched out his phone and stopped it ringing then stared blankly at the table. "I recognised the number when IT Guy unlocked phone. Then I started digging," Adele looked at Wayne Sutter with unconcealed hatred. "You don't have a transgendered brother in Louisville but your brother-in- law is on the board of the Bear Mountain Colliery and has a substantial amount of shares in Brindle Coal and Power," Adele said through gritted teeth. "You claim to be neutral with regard to mountaintop removal mining, but you're really just another mole that Brindle has buried in the Silas County administration; a powerful ally for them too, given your position. "You slashed my tire the evening you came to my cabin and ingratiated yourself with me so you could get close to me." "You were supposed to meet Lyle and Dale at the car park that day on Bear Mountain. It was just a coincidence that I was there too so you did what had to, to make it look like you were there to see me and then shooed off your two henchmen. It was too early to abduct me and besides you needed Kimberly or Tammy to be abducted along with me to ensure the law suit didn't get filed by my partner." "I don't know what was going to happen to Kimberly and I after those boys had finished with us in that cabin. I'd like to think that you were just following orders from Brindle to keep us from filing our suit but it's just as likely that we would have disappeared forever," Adele said bitterly. "Adele. Look I..." Wayne Sutter began to reply but Adele cut him off. "I don't want to hear what you have to say. There is nothing you can say," Adele was furious and could barely contain herself. "So here is what you are going to do," she continued. "You're going to ensure that the State Troopers investigating the fire at that remote cabin put Dale and Lyle's demise down to death by misadventure. I don't know how you're going to do that, nor do I want to know." "You're going to dispose of Lyle's truck. You'll find it abandoned in a small clearing off a dirt trail about half a mile from the main road south of the where the cabin used to be. You're resourceful, you'll find it. "Once the investigation is closed you are going to resign as deputy sheriff for Silas County. After that I couldn't care less what you do you asshole but if you go anywhere near the Peak family I will be telling my story in court," Adele said bitterly. "That wasn't supposed to happen, those boys were just supposed to keep you from filing your suit; to delay you," Wayne was crying now. "Delay for how long Wayne? It was only going to end up one of two ways. Those boys were going to do things to us that we were so ashamed of that we would never tell anyone and then withdraw our law suit. Or we were going to just disappear. Either way they were waiting on your orders," Adele snapped at him. "Those Brindle assholes... they..." Wayne began but Adele cut him off. "Get out of here Deputy Sutter. I never want to see you again," Adele pointed at the door. After Wayne Sutter slunk out of the room, Adele turned to Peter Duffy. "Did I just witness you admit that you and Kimberly Peak were kidnapped by two men by order of Deputy Sheriff Sutter? That you were sexually assaulted and Kimberly was likely to be assaulted next and then possibly disposed of or at least blackmailed and threatened not to lodge your suit?" Peter was incredulous. "I never admitted to anything. I played you an edited version of some audio I had recorded a while ago and I made a few summations about the integrity of Deputy Sheriff," Adele said without elaborating further. "What you needed to hear was the link between Brindle Coal and Power and the Deputy Sheriff of Silas County who ordered me and my plaintiff to be abducted," Adele replied. "The last thing I want to do is stand in court and tell a jury what happened to me in a shotgun shack in the Appalachian Mountains, but I'll do it if I have to. You know that I have done something similar in the past to win a case, how far do you think I am prepared to go this time?" Adele continued. "So here is what is going to happen. You're going to take this settlement offer to your bosses at Brindle Coal and Power and they are going to accept it along with my conditional NDA. There will be no haggling." "Brindle will pay the full amount into the nominated account without stipulation by the end of next week. They will not be getting the Peak property either, that's off the table," Adele handed over a sealed file. Peter opened it and studied the summary page. "That's quite a sum of money Adele," Peter studied the document. "I have quite a story to tell if they don't pay it," Adele smiled back mirthlessly. "Given what I've heard; I will be strongly advising... no, I will direct Brindle to settle without delay and stipulate to your conditions," Peter put the file in his briefcase and rose from the table. He got to the door and paused. "What did happen to the two men who abducted you?" Peter looked back at Adele. "Those good ol' boys forgot to tend their moonshine still and apparently it exploded. At least that's the story the State Troopers are likely to release to the media," Adele said. "Of course if Brindle doesn't settle or reneges on any of the stipulations you have in that file, the world will hear a different story," Adele said bitterly. When Peter left and closed the door behind him, Adele put her arms on the table, rested her head on them, and began to sob. ***** Adele and Celia went to Tammy Peak's funeral the following year. Kimberly held herself together for the whole of the service and the graveside interment. She cried in Adele's arms later when they were alone at the Peak house. Kimberly was close to becoming a young woman Adele thought. Her budding breasts were a little bigger and you could make out her curves in the simple black dress she was wearing, the hem a little high on her thighs than decorum would dictate for a funeral. Her long coltish legs were sheathed in expensive black pantyhose and the black low-heeled pumps she wore were not cheap. Adele was just happy that Kimberly finally had the money that she needed. "So what now Kimberly? Where are you going to stay?" Adele asked. "My aunt Bea has offered to take me in until I'm old enough to set out on my own," Kimberly dried her eyes with a tissue, her mascara had run. "I think she is only doing it because I've got money now. She and mom hated each other and she's never liked me. I wish I could live with you and Aunt Celia," Kimberly forced a smile. "I'm sorry but that's not possible but your Aunt Bea won't be able to touch your money," Adele changed the subject. "As you know, at your mother's request, we have set up a fund to be administered by my law firm to be used for philanthropic purposes to help families genuinely affected by the mining of Bear Mountain. The rest goes into a trust fund, also administered by us, to ensure you are looked after," Adel reminded Kimberly that her money was safe. "Your mother was smart Kimberly. There's a clause in the trust that says that if you do not attend college and graduate, you won't get the bulk of the trust until you turn thirty," Adele said. "The colleges around here suck," Kimberly suddenly reverted to the girl she was. "I'll talk to Child Welfare and see if we can't get you into a better college somewhere else, but someone has to become your legal guardian in the meantime, otherwise it's a foster home," Adele explained. "Looks like I'm stuck with Aunt Bea," Kimberly replied. "Look honey, just take some time to grieve and then concentrate on graduating high school with good grades and let Celia and I deal with the legalities," Adele took Kimberly in her arms again and hugged her. ****** Adele and Celia sipped coffee in their favourite coffee shop, talking about cases, fashion, cases, gossip, and cases. It was real lawyer talk. "Hey what's the difference between a lawyer and a prostitute?" Celia suddenly asked. "A prostitute stops screwing you when you're dead," Adele answered and Celia screwed up her face and stuck out her tongue. "You know all my lawyer jokes," Celia whined. "Yes darling but you keep telling them to me anyway," Adele reached across and took Celia's hand. Celia looked down at their hands, their fingers entwined; both were wearing wedding bands on the third fingers of their left hand. Then Celia saw the time on Adele's Rolex. "Shit we gotta go!" Celia yelped. "Jesus!" Adele yipped when she looked at her watch. They both struggled to get out the booth quickly, giving the three male layers sitting across from them a nice panty-flash. Adel dropped a twenty on the table and they were heels and asses out the door. Celia had parked her Jaguar, black of course, right outside the coffee shop and the three lawyers followed them with their eyes through the plate glass window and were rewarded with another panty-flash as they struggled to get in into the car. "Why do you have to have this British birdcage," Adele whined struggling to put on her seatbelt. "Because it exudes class and style and represents a nation that once ruled an empire," Celia said smugly, making the engine roar. "A nation that lost an empire and the company that makes these cars," Adele replied priggishly. "You don't even drive American, you drive a German import. They lost the war you know," Celia sniped back. "Don't mention the war," Adele did her best John Cleese impersonation. "Hey what is a BMW owner's most ardent wish?" Celia asked as she rocketed off the curb and into the traffic to an angry cacophony of car horns. "A bigger penis," Adele hung on as Celia weaved in and out the traffic. "I already have one and I'd like to get home alive so I can use it," Adele sniped. Celia drove like she did everything else in her life... at a furious pace but with accuracy and accomplishment. "There... we made it... nearly," Celia looked at her watch ignoring the stern glance she got from the mom volunteering as the parking warden at the school's drop off and pickup bay. They both got out of the car and were delighted to see Kimberly come running down the steps of the school with her strawberry blonde hair flying behind her. She'd had it styled the same as Adele's. Celia noticed that the hem of Kimberly's skirt, which she was allowed to wear just above her knee, was now mid-thigh. "God, she looks like you," Celia commented. "But with your temperament," Adele reached for Celia's hand. Kimberly flew into their arms and hugged them both tight. "Hi mom; hi mom." she kissed them both on the cheek. It never failed to amaze and delight Adele and Celia that at sixteen their daughter was not too embarrassed to openly show affection to both her mothers. She was also not ashamed that she had two moms, and every girl in the school knew that to make a comment about either of her mothers, especially Adele, would mean incurring Kimberly's wrath. One particularly wicked girl who had made a snide comment about Adele being a trans-woman got taken out rather viciously by Kimberly during a lacrosse game requiring the bully to have three teeth capped. Adele and Celia kissed their daughter and led her to the Jag, listening to her twitter on enthusiastically about her day. "Did both my moms have a good day?" she asked as she settled into the back seat and buckled her seatbelt. The parking warden looked over at Celia and gave her an angry stare. Parents were not supposed to get out their cars, they were supposed to just wait for their kids to clamber aboard and leave. Celia gave the volunteer mom a 'don't fuck with me' grin and the warden retreated. "What happened to your skirt?" Celia asked as they drove away, looking at Kimberly in the rear-view mirror. Kimberly blushed and began to tug at her skirt, pulling the hem down. "Let me guess. There's a boy you like," Adele teased her. "Does he know about the scissors I keep in my bag?" Celia chimed in. Kimberly had been allowed out on her first proper date when she turned fifteen. Rumour has it that when the boy came to pick Kimberly up, Celia took him aside and pulled a pair of black-handled sewing shears out of her handbag and showed them to the boy. It's extrapolated that Celia told the boy she would use those very same shears to cut off the boy's penis if he put it anywhere near her daughter during the date. Celia refuses to confirm or deny the rumour. "Well there may be. See this new boy Tommy Bingham, he's so dreamy, well anyway Tommy..." Kimberly prattled on. Celia turned to Adele and gave her a 'here we go again' look. "So whose temperament does she have?" Celia turned her eyes back to road. Adele turned in her seat so she could look at her adopted daughter; her heart swelled with love. To this day neither Adele nor Kimberly has told a soul about what happened to Adele in that hunting shack in the Appalachian Mountain forest and they have never discussed it. It remains their secret. The End Finally: I hope you liked my story. After I finished writing Consent I knew that I wasn't done with Adele and Celia, and who knows, maybe they will turn up again. I apologise again for any errors in fact, misspellings and typos, I own them all. I wish to thank my research team of Google and Netflix and to those who criticise the plausibility of the plotlines, please remember that it is fiction after all. Please feel free to comment and tell me what you think. PS Coming up next we are revisiting our Cop Town Girl, Penelope Bishop.

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Martina's Story - By: Beverly Taff Chapter Six Myself: Martina, A sexually dysphoric child whose sexuality has not yet been ascertained but who chooses to present as a girl. Beverly: My adoptive 'aunt' who is a mature shemale and my most supportive adult friend. Chenille: My older half sister. Jennifer: Aunt Beverly's adopted daughter. Beatrice: Aunt Beverly's second adopted daughter...

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Full Circle Chapter Six

To those cowards that give me a negative vote yet lack the courage to say who you are or even leave a comment I say Fuck You and that’s the last you’ll hear from me on the subject. To my fans enjoy as this is a very long story with a couple of twists – THX Fix’m Full Circle – Chapter Six I turned the Suburban right and then swung it to the left and we had arrived at the Hilton. The look on the doorman’s face and that of the parking valet were absolutely, without a doubt,...

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Sissy to Be Chapter Six

Sissy To Be, Chapter Six - By: Beverly Taff List of Characters: Me: Robert, now Rosie; Wendy: My twin sister; Angela: Our younger half-sister from mother's second boyfriend; Doris: My drippy mother who lets everybody walk all over her; Aunty Janet: My mother's pushy domineering sister; Harriet: Our friend from the next farm; Aunty Margaret: Harriet's Mother; Jessica: Harriet's older sister. Sissy To Be...

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Dawn Visits Kansas Chapters One Six

Prologue:In an earlier story, Dan Becomes Dawn, Dan had stopped in Denver, coming out as Dawn, a crossdresser, to former neighbors.  At a swinging party the next night, Dawn had met, and connected with, Patti. She accompanied Dawn to Steamboat Springs on a business trip for two nights.  Dawn worked three more days, then returned to the former neighbors’ home for a second weekend before returning to Florida. Meanwhile, Patti visited her daughter in Aspen, then returned to her parents’ farm in...

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Her Faux Blown FuseChapter 12 My Penis Bares the Truth

As we laid around on Sylvia’s bed, she, Maria and I, I told them more stories about the dairy. “It’s quite a long story yet only lasted about three months before the sisters transitioned. But what a time that was.” I told them about arriving and being left all alone to hike up the highway to a bunk house full of mentally challenged men. “I was scared so bad. I left my clothes on including my shoes all night long. And then they got up at 3:00 in the morning to go out and ‘call in the cows’....

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Himura BattousaiChapter 52 The Wolf Bares his Fangs

Saitou: The last time we fought must have been the battle of Tobafushimi. So, it has been about... ten years. Kaoru (thinking) Ten years... (aloud) Kenshin, you know Mr. Fujita? Kenshin: He's changed his name to Fujita Gorou. He was the captain of the Shinsengumi third unit, Saitou Hajime. Kaoru: The Shinsengumi... Yahiko: Then you're the one after Kenshin... Saitou: Ten years... it's only two words. But to live it is a long time. Kenshin:... Yes... Enough time for a man to go bad....

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How Are You Not Being NeglectedChapter 9 The total four chapters

We went to the bedroom and the bed was ready with pillows for the fireworks, what our ANR love would bring to us. I was no longer an ANR virgin so I was confident. Olga said, "If you want I could give you oral sex first, because my breast isn't yet full of milk and you'll be able to build up your own fluid." I told her, "I like that idea." "I gave you pineapple for lunch so your sperm will be very tasty for me. It's like what happens to my breast milk when I eat chili." My cock...

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Eternal Darkness Chapter Six

________________________________________________________________________________________________ Sidenote: I finished my rewriting of chapter six, and was going to post it. Per usual I checked into what my fans had said and noticed one talking about ED6 being called EA6. While I already knew this, the date I was using in the way back machine kept saying it did not have that page recorded. After some messing around I was able to find the date where ED6 was able to be accessed from. I apologize...

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Right from the Start Chapter Six

Right from the Start, Chapter Six - By: Beverly Taff Simon(Simone): The main character; Dorie Lou: The girl next Door; Mrs Benson: Dorie Lou's mother. Mary and Sandra: Simon's other classmates in school; Miss Webster: Their form teacher; Doctor Wendy: Simone's endocrinologist; Doctor Julie: Simone's psychiatrist. Chapter Six After Simone and Dorie Lou finished reminiscing in the garage Dorie Lou's mother called the pair for lunch. "Got anything planned for the...

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Sissy Farm Chapter TwentySix

Sissy Farm - Chapter Twenty Six - By: Beverly Taff List of Characters. Me, Michelle: A Natural transvestite sissy; Janice: My Younger sister; Aunty Bev: Janice and My mother's Sister; Mistress Janet: Headmistress of the young lady's academy; Doctor Shirley Williams: My endocrinologist; Miranda: A very effeminate Sissy sales assistant; Miss Stern: Miranda's mistress who owns the shop; Peregrine, AKA Uncle Penny: My transvestite uncle. (Aunty...

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Jenny Becomes a Porn Star Chapter Six

Jenny Becomes A Porn Star Chapter Six After the morning alarm went off I got up and went into Steven’s room to wake him up and found him sleeping nude with his beautiful cock completely within my view. It took everything I had within me to leave him alone so he would still be enthusiastic during our shoot today. Then for the longest time after he had gotten out of bed he walked around the apartment with that meat of his swinging in my view till just before we left to go to work. My mind was...

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Detectives Blues Chapter Six

Chapter Six I stared through the small window with shocked fascination at the surreal scene that unfolded before me. Jim Arlington was sitting on a stool with his hands cuffed behind his back and a sullen expression on his face as he was held in his seat by two of Rocco's muscle bound thugs. Rocco went through his wallet, emptied it out and held the driver's license up to Jim's bruised face. He nodded to a third hood who grabbed hold of him, shook him by his shirt collar and began...

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Betrayed Chapter Six

Betrayed Chapter 06 By Cherysse St. Claire (c) Chapter Six: The Seven Levels of Hell Monday was the most vile, loathsome day of my life - for no earthly reason other than having to be me. The first thing I had to come to grips with was who 'me' was that particular morning. 'Lance' had to put in an appearance at the office. Back to the old routine, go out there and make the big bucks. F Troop back to normal, Sir! Simple, right? After the most mind-blowing weekend of my life - as...

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Eternal Awakening Chapter Six

__________________________________________________________________________________ As always don't forget to rate and comment. And thanks to whoever commented on the last chapter that this was better than defiance. That made Mishikail insufferable and nearly impossible to deal with haha. No, but really, you made her whole year so far (even thought we're a couple of weeks into it). Chapter Six: Retribution and Engagement Over the course of the next four weeks things went...

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CHAPTER SIX: Several weeks later we awaken in the morning and are surprised by an early dumping of snow. Mitch assures me this is not a precursor to a hard, long winter. I have to admit, I am relieved. I am probably more of a warm-weather-girl, but I made the decision easily that Mitch was worth the effort of learning to live in and, hopefully, enjoy all the seasons. The overnight snow is only (he says, only) about six inches of new, fresh, snow; but to me it feels like so much more.I have to...

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Darrens Dilemma Chapter Six

Darren's Dilemma Chapter Six Darla Does Mother Proud By Suzie Q Haff I was awakened before dawn by Jana sliding in to my bed and cuddling up to me. I glanced at the clock on my stereo and it said 4:30 AM. She held me close but gently. She kissed my shoulder several times and drifted off to sleep. I fell asleep again listening to that woodpecker. Mom came in at eight AM and woke us. Alexis was in her robe shaking us: "Well what do we have here, sisters at arms?" Jana yawns: "I...

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Sissy Farm Chapter Six

The Sissy Farm - By: Beverly Taff. List of Characters. Me: Michelle, A Natural transvestite sissy; Janice: My Younger sister; Aunty Bev: Janice and My mother's Sister; Mistress Janet: Headmistress of the young lady's academy; Dr. Shirley Williams: My endocrinologist;. Miranda: A very effeminate Sissy sales assistant; Miss Stern: Miranda's mistress who owns the shop; Peregrine: My transvestite uncle. Sissy Farm - Chapter Six Undressing for...

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AN INDECENT AGREEMENTA DEVIANT EBOOK MINI-NOVELLA BY THE MARQUIS FAÇADECHAPTER SIX Eddie awoke to the sound of shuffling feet across carpet. It wasn’t the sound itself that startled him…but amount of it. When he opened his eyes and sat up on his bed. What he saw took him by surprise. At the end of his bed stood two women. One was his mother and the other was Miss Hogan from down the street, a woman whom his mother was very good friends with, but her son annoyed the ever-loving shit out of...

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DIRTY LITTLE SECRETSBy The Marquis Facade CHAPTER SIX Angie awoke suddenly and sat up on the bed. Mark was already gone to work apparently, as she was alone in the single apartment bedroom. She tossed the sheets and blanket back and twisted to hang her legs off over the side, but she didn’t quite have the energy to get up yet, so she sat, unmoving for a while, rolling thoughts of previous events around in her mind. In the last twenty four hours, she’d discovered that her husband had a...

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Skipper Chapter Six

Skipper Chapter 6. Thursday dawned bright but chilly. October is always an unpredictable month. One can sometimes enjoy a late warm 'Indian Summer' but alternatively one can catch an early frost. This morning was frosty. I studied the sky through my hotel window as Sissy arrived with a tray of breakfasts. I protested at her unnecessary effort. "There's no need to have done that. I was just coming down." "Don't worry. You're the only resident here. It's midweek in...

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Island Royale The Report Chapter Six

Introduction: Please read from the beginning…. Chapter Six ______________,,______________ Greg had warned me that Alexis was on a pretty tight schedule, and so the next morning, after having only fucked the cute little fourteen-year-old a couple of more times, I dismissed Anya from my quarters, showered, and arrived at Alexis apartment actually a pair of rooms much like the Guests quarters promptly at 10:00 a.m. Alexis greeted me pleasantly, dressed in a standard light blue robe,...

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Where Have All the Good Girls Gone Chapter Six

Chapter Six "So y'all haven't had eggs or bacon since you've been here?" Karen asked from across the breakfast table. "Most of the perishables," Jason began, "ran out soon after the electricity stopped working and we really haven't had the people power to generate a farm. But now with more of us we may be able to pull off raising some domesticated livestock and crops that is if we can find any." "Well I was raised on a farm and I can tell you it's a bit of work." Tim...

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Carstairs of ArabiaChapter 26 Si Vis Pacem Nolite Exacerbare Carstairs

It was about ten minutes to showtime. I’d be at the mosque in three minutes or so, although K-T would drop me off at the mall entrance and then proceed to another destination. We were making good time, because although some traffic kept moving, many cars just pulled to the side of the road wherever there was space near a mosque. Sometimes cars were abandoned in the middle of the road, blocking each other in. The police never made a fuss: after all, everyone was supposed to be praying. Men...

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They All Wore Pearls Chapter Six

Six weeks later they went to the Chateaux for the weekend. May, Claire, Debbie and Jean. Jean was only going for the weekend as on Monday she was flying back to Glasgow. Jack along with May, Claire, Debbie and Ruth were going to Antwerp to visit Ruth’s uncle Moshe. Jack and Ruth had got married two weeks earlier in a simple ceremony in the Local Registry Office. They had stayed in Glasgow for it and gone to the French restaurant for the wedding meal, then gone back to Ruth’s penthouse...

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College Teacher Chapter Six

College Teacher. Chapter Six. I was awake before him but let him sleep until he woke up himself and I gave him a sweet smile and kissed him good morning. ‘You’re not ashamed of we did last night are you?’ but I put a finger to his lips to stop him from answering that wrong question. ‘For I am certainly not, for I enjoyed what we did. You needed the release from the pressures you’re always under and I was here to help you in that. It was my fault for I wanted you to have me and so don’t think...

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College Teacher Chapter Six

College Teacher. Chapter Six. I was awake before him but let him sleep until he woke up himself and I gave him a sweet smile and kissed him good morning. ‘You’re not ashamed of we did last night are you?’ but I put a finger to his lips to stop him from answering that wrong question. ‘For I am certainly not, for I enjoyed what we did. You needed the release from the pressures you’re always under and I was here to help you in that. It was my fault for I wanted you to have me and so don’t think...

First Time
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Hostess With The Mostest Chapter Six

Hostess With The Mostest By Michele Nylons Chapter Six - The Stew Zoo "Welcome to the Stew Zoo," said Marjorie Deakin. She was dressed in a navy blue stewardesses uniform. Her form-fitting jacket had silver piping along the lapels and cuffs and a pair of silver wings clipped to her right breast. Her legs were clad in sheer black stockings and her feet shod in four-inch black patent leather high heels. Her hair was blonde, but dark roots were visible and she wore heavy...

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The Collector Chapter Six

The Collector by Michele Nylons Chapter Six - Sisters of the Web Dubai - One Year Before Lord Tilsbury's Funeral Charlotte sat in the comfortable wing-backed lounge chair her legs demurely crossed at the ankles. She was wearing a dark green business suit, the jacket was open and her pert breasts strained at the tight white silk blouse, the skirt was so tight that without the kick pleat that effectively split the skirt to her thigh, she wouldn't have been able to sit at...

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The Game Chapter Six

The Game by Michele Nylons Chapter Six - End Game March 2008 A well known online resource defines 'dogging' as: the British English slang term for engaging in sexual acts in a public or semi-public place or watching others doing so. There may be more than two participants; both group sex and gang banging can be included. As observation is encouraged, voyeurism and exhibitionism are closely associated with dogging. David had not heard from the Quizmaster for over three months...

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The Flaming Girls Chapter Six

The Flaming Girls By Michele Nylons Chapter Six - Like A Stone In Your Shoe Samantha and Charlie went shopping and spent a tidy amount of Robin's money on an evening gown and shoes. They had become close friends working together in the salon and although technically Samantha was Charlie's employer, they were more like companions and confidants. Robin told Samantha everything about herself and Samantha was astute enough not to appear sorry for Charlie, knowing that Charlie hated...

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Walk A Crooked Milf Chapter Six

Chapter Six - I Have a Proposal for You Delores Cashmore stood by her husband's gravesite and dabbed at her crocodile tears with her handkerchief. Jeremy Cashmore had treated her badly and left her poor and she was glad to see him gone. She didn't know how she was going to survive but survive she would. She was a housewife who had no skills whatsoever but she decided then and there that she would no longer live her life doing menial work for men; she would be her own...

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Sent To Miss Storeys Office At Lunchtime Miss Downeys Story Chapter Six

Eighteen-year-old sixth former, Nicole Rannigan fidgeted with her hands, then her hair and finally her black school shoes as she waited on the blue padded chairs which lined the wall facing the offices of the Head Mistress, Deputy Head Mistresses and Heads of Year at St. Katherine’s Girls’ School. Nicole was in serious trouble this time and she knew it. During her six and a half years at the school she had been in this position on many occasions but this time it was really serious.She thought...

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Dan Becomes Dawn Chapters Three Six

Chapter Three: Coming Out! I felt much more confident, to the point of euphoria, as I drove to meet Andrew and Marie. Just having the seat belt bisect my bosom was a thrill.I found the correct address, parked in the driveway, took a deep breath, retrieved my purse and the bottle of vodka, went up the steps to the front door.Seconds after I rang the doorbell, Andrew answered. "Good evening, Dawn. You look fantastic. Please come in.""Thank you, Andrew. I am just a little nervous." I handed him...

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I Love Older Women Chapter Six

Jack woke up at six forty. Su was awake and looking very happy. Jack quietly got up and out of the bed and signaled her to follow him. They got into the lounge then Jack said, “Good Morning,” then they kissed. Soon they were on the rug and both were taking time with the foreplay. Jack was hard. Su was wet. Jack got her into position and went into her doggy style which allowed him to play with her clit as he rode her. After twenty five minutes Jack came. Su had cum several times. Then they lay...

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Right from the Start Chapter Sixteen

Right from the Start: Chapter Sixteen - By: Beverly Taff Simon: The main character; Dorie Lou: The girl next Door who has now married Simone; Mrs Jane Benson: Dorie Lou's mother; Sandra: Simone & Dorie Lou's lesbian friends; Mary: The 'bi' while her spouse Sandra is lesbian; Toni and Paula: Their Italian lesbian friends; Mrs Webster: Their old form Teacher Doctor Wendy: Simone's Endocrinologist Doctor Julie: Simone's Psychiatrist. Sophia & Alicia: Mary and...

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An Ordinary Teenage Sex Life 2Chapter 21 Chapters End

JULY 2002, SUMMER CAMP Dawn, Adrienne, and I decided to skip this morning's hike. We were just too wiped out from the previous evening's post-dance orgy, me especially. And so it was that the two girls hung out in the main lounge at the lodge, chatting with each other while I reclined out on the deck, just resting my weary body. It was still quite cool in the morning, enough to require a sweater, so there wasn't anyone else outside with me. I enjoyed the solitude and the quiet sounds of...

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Vickys Retribution Chapter Six

Mrs Brown walked up the pathway to the house. She checked the house number and it was correct. Number six, which ironically was her lucky number. Mrs Brown taught in a sixth form college for girls where she had been form teacher and on detention day had given six of the best with her range of canes to so many of the students. Hence her liking for the number six which for her had such a nice ring to it.Today though number six wasn't so great. She reminded herself that she was here because two...

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The Neighbors Chapter Six

Chapter Six A quick lay with Jan and sue . Falling asleep in each others arms was truly wonderful . Jan had awoken early about six am She just finished her shower after sue . They were both headed to the back bedroom when April met them coming out . April left the door opened I over heard them talking about them being horny . Good morning Shh he is still asleep in there did you wear him out last night Yes . The sex was great I loved every minute of it we could tell by the...

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A ghostly HauntingChapter Six

Chapter Six by Simon Fear Mrs. Logan and her daughter Ashley slumped on the fold out bed/couch after Mr. Logan had brought them home. They were very tired as they had not gotten much sleep. As soon as they had lain down they had fallen asleep so Mr. Logan decided to look around the house himself. Every light was on as the officer that night had not turned them off. He first started in the kitchen and looked around. Mrs. Logan’s towel was laying right in the middle of the floor where...

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My cousin Chris Chapter Six

Introduction: Hey XNXXers! Sorry for the wait. To make up for it, heres a chapter longer than the rest. Hopefully. A couple months later.First day of school. I opened my eyes and stretched.I looked at the alarm clock. 7a.m. Okay, time to get up.Senior year! I thought.I sat up and shook Ryans shoulder violently. Get up! Ots the first day of senior year! Get started on breakfast and Ill go wake the guys up. I said, running out into the hall.I grabbed the megaphone and turned it on.I silently...

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Jackpot Chapter Six

Disclaimers & Warnings: This tale includes, elements of BDSM, and a healthy sprinkling of verbal humiliation. Readers who are offended or triggered by such material are advised to proceed with caution or bail out now. © SheriffBart 2020. All rights reserved.Feedback is welcome. Enjoy!~~~~~ Chapter Six: Trisha Philled ~~~~~It had only been a day, but I was still concerned about Trisha. After I got home from my cuddle date with June, I settled into my home office, reclined in my big leather...

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Deep Crotch Mother Chapter FIVE SIX

Edna Savage had red hair ... on her cunt as well as on her head. And she had aspirit to match.She was twenty-nine years old, slender with enticing curves, and had a sexy face.When she became Thaddeus Folk’s housekeeper, there were those in Centervillewho started to talk. But the appeal of Pastor Polk and of his oddly satisfying religion,which interpreted as the will of the Lord just about anything that a body wanted to do,was such that the gossips found they were talking only to themselves....

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Becoming Brandee Chapter Six

Becoming Brandee Chapter 6: I don't think many people have any idea just how hard it is to become a bimbo. These last four weeks have been a lot of fun but sometimes it has even been painful. While the laser hair removal sessions are a "snap" (Giggle) I made a joke...the, proceedture?, that's not it...anyhow, the machine that removes my hair feels like someone "snapped" me with a rubber band. See right there? That was the joke. I know, not too funny but I just...

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Maid for the Job Chapter Six

Maid for the Job Chapter Six I woke feeling excited about the new day, and had grown so accustomed to my situation that I didn't even think about the oddity of what I was doing as I stepped into the corset and tightened it around my waist. The various actions of sliding stockings up my legs and clipping them on to suspender belts, clipping a bra behind my back and applying mascara and lipstick seemed to come naturally. Actions that were so obviously feminine and a scant two weeks...

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The Creature chapter twentysix

CHAPTER TWENTY-SIX I woke up when a bright light was shined in my eyes. I looked around. Roger had been the one shining the light in my eyes, but Mom and Randy were both in the room as well. I could see that it was still dark outside. I felt a little bit weird. I couldn't be sure of it, but it felt like I was laying on my other side, not the one I thought I'd fallen asleep on. I was still curled in a ball, but I seemed to be facing the window instead of away from it, as I thought I'd been...

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In Nockton Vale Man Wanted Chapter Six

Chapter Six Sisters 1 This time when I woke up there was a "bloody hell" moment. In fact there was a "what the fuck?" moment. I opened my eyes, rolled onto my back and gave out a long sigh, then I sat up, running my hand through my hair. The minute - the second I felt that short man's cut my eyes bugged out and I let out a shriek as the memory came back to me of what I'd done. I sprang off the bed and ran to the mirror, gaping in denial at what I was seeing. I...

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Maid To Order Chapter Six

Maid to Order - Chapter Six By Michele Nylons Michele and Bill talked late in the night stopping whenever their lust for each other overtook their need to converse. Arrangements were made, compromises reached and finally a mutually beneficial arrangement was entered into. "Ok Bill let's call it a night and tomorrow we give our plan a try," Michele said yawning as she stood. Her maid's uniform was quite dishevelled, her makeup smooched and her stockings laddered from their...

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Theres Something About Sarah Chapter Six

There's Something About Sarah By Michele Nylons Chapter Six - Tina Tina drove me back to the Holiday Inn and we kicked off our shoes, put up our feet on my bed and lit cigarettes. I had poured us both a tumbler of Jack. We sat upright with our backs against the cheap headboard. "That wasn't so bad," Tina said. "Sloane looks fat," I replied. "Ouch! Bitch!" Tina laughed. "'You're the celebrity around here Sarah. Everyone loves you Sarah. Come to the bar tonight Sarah....

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