Laid Bare - Chapter Five free porn video

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Laid Bare By Michele Nylons Chapter Five - Can We Fuck Her? "Can we fuck her?" the man that Adele knew only as Dale asked. "The boss didn't say we couldn't. He just said to keep her here until he tells us to release her and the kid. Way I see it, a little bit of sexual assault won't count for much on top of the kidnapping charge if we get caught," the man she knew only as Lyle responded. "Jesus but she's so attractive and sexy, you would never guess she's a tranny." Adele felt Dale touch her hair and cringed. "Never fucked a tranny before but there's no time like the present to start," Lyle chuckled. "She sure dresses sexy. She's got that haughty businesswoman thing going, the type that always look down their nose at me. I'm going to enjoy sticking my cock up her ass." Adele could sense the lust in Dale's voice. Adele Edwards wished that she hadn't worn her usual attire that day. She was wearing a charcoal business suit with a short skirt and long jacket that showed off her long, gossamer-sheathed legs; high heels, and heavy makeup. Her more conservative court attire was hanging in a suit-cover in the back of her BMW; she intended to change into it at their rented office in Missionville. "What about the girl? How old do you think she is? She's got budding titties and she's pretty," Dale asked his partner in crime, his intent obvious. Adele stiffened. She knew exactly how old the girl was. The girl was twelve and Adele was determined to do everything she could to keep these two potential child molesters away from her. "Forget the girl," Adele spoke up. "What?" she could feel Lyle's presence nearby. "Forget the girl and I'll give you two good ol' boys the time of your life. You touch the girl and I'll fight you so hard that someone is going to get badly hurt," Adele snarled. "Hey lady; being from around here that girl's probably had her cherry popped by her cousin or an uncle, maybe even her daddy or her brother broke her in," Dale snickered. "The time of our life eh? What the fuck does that mean?" Lyle interjected and glowered at Adele. "I'll be compliant, I'll even be enthusiastic. I'll suck you both dry and you can fuck me until your balls explode and I'll willingly do anything you want, just don't touch the girl," Adele replied. Adele was handcuffed and blindfolded and sitting in a hardback chair. She had no idea where she was, just that they had spent about an hour driving on bumpy gravel roads. She guessed that they were somewhere in the Appalachian Mountains. Adele had been on her way to the Silas County Courthouse in Missionville Kentucky when she was run off the road by the two good ol' boys who now held her captive. She was on her way to Missionville to file the suit against the Brindle Coal and Power Company having picked up Kimberly Peak at her mother's house. Adele had skidded to a stop and the two men she now knew as Kyle and Dale had gotten out of a rust-pitted twin-cab pickup, the tags obscured with mud, and pointed sawn-off shotguns at her and Kimberly and ordered them out of the car. The men were wearing dirty denim jeans and jackets and scuffed engineer boots. Their features were distorted by the nylons that they wore over their heads. Adele had just enough composure to put her phone on silent, start the voice recording function, and drop it in the inside pocket of her jacket before she got out of her car. It might record evidence she could use; if they got out of this alive of course. "Do everything they say Kimberly. Don't antagonise them," Adele had whispered. She recognised the pickup as the same truck that driven into the Bear Mountain Lookout car park the other day just after she and Wayne Sutter had finished fucking right out in the open. The men hadn't said much but they got their point across by motioning with their shotguns. Both women had been handcuffed and blindfolded once they were in the back of the pickup. Skerricks of conversation during their journey revealed the men's first names. Adele guessed by the way the men spoke and what they talked about that they were poorly educated Kentuckians and likely were or had been coal miners. They had both chain- smoked throughout the journey. From the creaking floorboards, squeaky doors and the sounds of birdlife Adele guessed they were in a cabin somewhere in the woods; a shotgun shack she thought mirthlessly. She was aware that the men had separated the two females; Kimberly was in another room and hopefully couldn't hear what was being said. Adele had every intention of keeping the men away from Kimberly, whatever the cost. She had been made to submit to sexual subjugation once before during in her college years at the hands of four young male students and she knew how to mislead her antagonists into thinking she was a willing participant. "Well let's get to it." Dale lifted Adele out of her chair. "No bitin', no kickin', no scratchin', you hear. If you misbehave I'm gonna bring that pretty young thing in here and make you watch me fuck her," he warned her. "Whatever you want, just leave the girl alone." Adele swallowed. Adele heard the jangle of keys and then her hands were pulled out in front of her and the cuffs were removed. "I'm just gonna sit here and watch you a while bro. If she tries anything I'll bop her up the side of her head with this," Lyle said. Adele heard him rack his shotgun. "Get down on your knees," Dale ordered. Adele rubbed her wrists to get the circulation flowing and dropped to the floor. The floorboards felt rough on her knees. She heard the ominous sounds of a man unzipping and lowering his pants. "Lean forward." Dale's breath was ragged. She did as she was told. She felt Dale's cock press on her lips and she obligingly opened her mouth. This was the price she would pay to protect Kimberly Peak. Dale put a hand on her head and pushed. She took him in her mouth and began to suck on his rancid flesh. His cock felt gnarly and tasted of piss and sweat. Adele worked on it, producing saliva around it to wash it clean, she gagged when she swallowed her spit but at least the foul taste was gone. "Goddamn the bitch sure knows what she's doing. Last time I got blown was on my wedding day," Dale lamented. Adele bought a hand up to Dale's crotch and caressed his scrotum as she worked her lips up and down his shaft and her tongue on his glans. "Careful Missy," Dale warned. Adele stroked his scrotum softly, indicating her intent was to please him, not hurt him. She was hoping to get him off quickly to get the ordeal over with. "Christ that's good," Dale sighed. Adele lapped at his cock, using her tongue expertly on his fraenulum then taking it into her mouth and worked the shaft with her lips. She stroked and gently squeezed his scrotum to intensify his pleasure. "Jesus Lyle I'm going to blow my load!" Dale whooped. He put his hands on Adele's head and held it still while he vigorously fucked her mouth. Adele let him, sucking on the proffered appendage and working his sac to encourage him to come. "You fucking-well better swallow what I'm about to give you, you bitch!" Dale wheezed. Adele's mouth filled with hot creamy semen. It was not as vile as she expected it to be and she swallowed it. She was ashamed that she actually found the throbbing penis ejaculating in her mouth arousing. Memories of her forced college gangbang returned sometimes as nightmares, but sometimes they invoked a nocturnal emission. Adele licked Dale's cock clean and he extracted it from her mouth. "Well thank you Missy, that was just fine... for a start. Are you up next Lyle?" she heard Dale buckle up his pants and walk away for her. "You bet I'm up, look at this." Lyle had dropped his pants and was sporting a huge erection. "Put the nylon back on your head I wanna take her blindfold off. She's too pretty not to look at," Lyle barked. Adele heard them both puffing as they each pulled stockings over their heads to disguise themselves. "Jeeze. I wish I'd thought of that, I would have liked to have looked in those pretty blue eyes while she was sucking me," Dale whined. "That's why I'm the brains of the outfit. Never mind Dale, she aint goin' nowhere for a while. We got plenty of time to keep doin' her. She promised us that we can fuck her till our balls explode," Lyle chuckled. "There we go my pretty." Adele was temporarily blinded when her blindfold was removed. She closed her eyes as the glare from the afternoon sun streaming in through the window dazzled her. Lyle put his hands under her armpits and pulled Adele to her feet. Adele squinted, taking in her surrounds through slitted eyelids. Bare warped floorboards, unpainted wooden walls, a glassless window with rags for curtains, a rickety table and two equally rickety chairs and a rudimentary kitchen. Just as she had guessed, it was a shack, likely a hunter's cabin. "Open those pretty eyes now Missy." Lyle was standing close to her, his pants around his ankles with his large erection standing out proud. Adele forced her eyes open and looked down so as not to be dazed by the bright light. "There, there, my pretty one, let's turn you a little so you ain't blinded." Lyle turned her so that her back was to the window. He lifted her chin and stared at her; his breathing was heavy. "I was right. I didn't get a good look at her before we blindfolded her but this lady is gorgeous." Lyle's face was very close. His features were distorted by the nylon he wore over his head, but unlike Dale who was white and flabby, Lyle was fit and tanned. Lyle took Adele's hand and guided it to his penis and she dutifully began to stroke it. It was a magnificent specimen of man-flesh; smooth silky skin along the shaft and a coral-pink head, it had both an impressive girth and length. Lyle watched Adele's long elegant fingers, her long nails painted bright- red, caress his cock. She squeezed a globule of pre-cum and rubbed into his flesh. Then he looked up into her face while she continued to masturbate him. "Oh fuck this!" he groaned and ripped the stocking off his head. Adele was surprised to find a handsome face with long sandy locks had been hidden under his mask. He pulled Adele into his arms and kissed her. She opened her lips for him so he could explore her mouth with his tongue while she continued to stroke his magnificent manhood. She couldn't deny that the heft of his cock in her hand was exciting. She slid her tongue into Lyle's mouth and was surprised when she found that his breath was sweet. Lyle broke the kiss and took her hand off his cock. "Take off your jacket. Unbutton your blouse," he ordered and began to take off his clothes. Adele did not like where this was going but she knew she had to do whatever the men wanted. Lyle's sawn-off shotgun was lying on the table but was out of her reach. Dale was sitting on one of the wooden chairs which he had propped against the wall, his shotgun at his feet. He had his cock out again and was trying to get it hard. She slipped out of her jacket and put it over the back of one of the chairs and then she unbuttoned her blouse and untucked it from the waistband of her tight skirt. Lyle pulled her back against his body. He was naked and she could feel his cock press into her belly. He kissed her again and directed her hand to his cock. Adele was disgusted with herself that she was excited to have the superb piece of flesh back in her hand. Instinctively she began to stroke it, gently squeezing it as she worked her fingers up and down the sleek shaft and over the bulbous head. She was getting hard inside her underwear. Adele and Celia had litigated and won a sensational sexual assault case where evidence was presented that proved that sexual arousal in the victim was possible during the assault under certain circumstances and stimuli. She knew that her response was spontaneous and unsolicited but that did not assuage her guilt. At least she could mitigate her shame and culpability by convincing herself that she was being tacitly compliant to save Kimberly Peak from a horrific fate. Lyle opened Adele's blouse and freed her breasts from the cups of her bra. They were firm and milky-white, her areola pink and her strawberry nipples already distended. Lyle was acutely aware of her state of arousal when he pressed Adele's arms to her side and lowered his face to her breasts. She gasped when he took a nipple into his mouth and suckled it. He expertly used his lips, tongue and teeth on them, alternating from one breast to the other. Scintillas of illicit pleasure propagated from her swollen teats and the tender skin surrounding them. Adele's became weak at the knees and Lyle held her up when she began to sway. "You like it don't you?" he took his face away from her breasts. Before she could answer Lyle kissed her again. She put her arms around him, just to keep on her feet not because she wanted to press her body against him, she lied to herself. Lyle smiled around the kiss then thrust his tongue into her mouth and slid his hand down her body to her legs. He delighted in the feel of her cool sleek translucent nylons, women around these parts tended not to wear them unless they were dressing for a special event or church. Adele froze as Lyle's hand moved up her thigh and under her skirt. He slipped it across the front her satin panties then across to her other thigh. "I thought you had a dick," he whispered in her ear. Adele just nodded. She did have a dick and it was uncomfortably erect, pressed backwards along her perineum wrapped in her scrotal sac and held in place by surgical tape. "Well where is it?" Lyle grinned. Adele just shook her head. "Never mind we will find out soon enough," he snickered. He put both of his hands under her skirt and hefted her buttocks, pulling her hard against his body. His cock thrust between her legs and Adele's instinctive repose was to slam them shut. Lyle rubbed his cock between her thighs and Adele felt it palpitate. He kissed her again and this time she couldn't stop a moan escaping her lips, she was still clinging to him as he kneaded her panty-clad buttocks and humped her silken thighs. She felt her pantyhose become damp as Lyle's pre-ejaculate began to flow. Lyle hefted Adele up onto the table. She sat there with her blouse opened and her breasts exposed, her skirt ridden up around her waist. She knew what was coming. "I haven't done this to your type before sister, I'll need some help." Lyle smiled down at her and damn if she didn't smile back at him. She pulled off her panties and tossed them on the floor. The last thing she wanted was to be taken painfully. She tore a small hole in her pantyhose exposing her sphincter. "You will need some lubricant or this is going to painful for us both," Adele said. "Dale, you pass me over that tin of Vaseline from the shelf yonder," Lyle croaked; his throat filled with lust. Dale stopped stroking his cock, got out of the chair and took down the litre tin of Vaseline off a shelf where there was also a container of gun oil, BBQ starter fluid, and household cleaning fluids. "This should do the trick," Dale said as he slammed it down on the table. "Just let me..." Adele put her hand inside her pantyhose and tore away the tape, freeing her penis. She pushed down on her diaphragm, allowing her testes to descent from her inguinal canals into her scrotum. "That's where you keep that thing hidden," Lyle chuckled as Adele adjusted her erection so that it lay flat against her stomach as Lyle lathered his cock with the viscous lubricant. "Jesus it's bigger than mine." Lyle stroked her member encased in the gusset of her sheer-to-the-waist pantyhose. "I don't wanna see it, it ain't natural," Dale whined. "Well don't look then but I'm going to fuck her either way." Lyle moved between Adele's open legs. "Just take it easy because..." Adele didn't get to finish her sentence because Lyle slammed his cock into her and she fell back, lying prone on the table. Adele screamed. Lyle's cock pierced her sphincter and filled her tight anus. Normally before having anal sex, Adele would void herself and douche. She had voided before she showered and dressed for today's journey so she hoped that she would be clean. If not; too bad for Lyle she thought. She wrapped her legs around Lyle's waist and held him. She needed time to accommodate his penis before he began to fuck her. Lyle lifted her torso up off the table so he could kiss her. Adele held onto him and kissed him passionately while she relaxed her anus. His glans was pressing on her prostate and his girth stretched her sphincter. Pleasure was replacing pain. "Ok. Fuck me," Adele gasped into his mouth. He did. With long slow strokes that Adele, god help her, found immensely pleasurable. She found herself awakening to forgotten carnal delights, images of being used by the boys in her college dorm filled her head and her cock began to leak a constant dribble of pre-cum. Adele rubbed her silken clad thighs and claves against Lyle's flesh, knowing he would find it pleasurable. His cock imprisoned in her tight channel was throbbing; he was close to climax after only a few thrusts. Try as he might he couldn't hold back his orgasm. Lyle pushed Adele down on the table and pressed down on her hips and began to fuck her earnestly and she lifted her buttocks up to meet his thrusts. When his issue flooded her back passage she came with him. A puddle of semen burst through the diaphanous fabric of her pantyhose as Lyle assaulted her anus. Her anal muscles convulsed, draining him, eliciting every drop of his spend. Adele and Lyle both panted and gasped as they climaxed. Dale was back in his seat furiously stroking his cock watching his partner fuck the beautiful transgendered woman. He and Lyle had shared girls before, sometime without the girl's consent. But watching the woman on the table, her long, nylon-sheathed legs wrapped around Lyle's flanks, her heels crossed over behind his back, her pretty face contorted with lust, rising to meet Lyle's thrusts was astoundingly erotic. "Hot damn!" Lyle cried. He lifted Adele up again and kissed her. "Well that was something. We gonna have a real party tonight!" he yelled, fully content. He pushed Adele back down on the table and extracted his penis from her anus. His semen dribbled from her sphincter as she lay there gasping. Lyle turned away from her, looking for something to wipe his cock with. "Get over here bitch!" Dale yelled. Adele felt exhausted but she had a duty to perform. Dale was naked; sitting in his chair his gnarled cock looked red and angry. She lifted herself off the table and ignoring the cramps in her legs she held her skirt up away from her semen soaked groin and walked over to him. She knew what he wanted and straddled him; lowering herself onto his stubby hard cock. "I don't wanna see that," Dale growled and pulled down Adele's skirt to cover her cock and cum-soaked pantyhose gusset. 'There goes an eight-hundred-dollar suit,' she thought incongruously, semen was a notorious stainer of clothing. Dale held her hips and Adele rode up and down on his cock for a minute or two before he forced her down in his lap and ejaculated deep inside her. He pushed her away immediately and Adele sprawled on the floor. Lyle came over and helped her to her feet. "You know you got more coming," he warned her. Adele nodded compliantly. "You good ole boys got anything to drink? Don't you hillbilly types keep a crock of moonshine handy?" she asked, adjusting her clothing as best she could. "We got a jug here Dale?" Lyle asked sarcastically. "Does the Pope shit in the woods? Is a bear a catholic?" Dale's crude sense of humour made both men laugh. "You mean a jug like the ones we fill from the still out back of this cabin? Dale yucked. Dale put on his dirty grey boxers and rummaged around in the rudimentary kitchen and eventually produced a stone jug. He lifted it and took a swig offering it to Lyle. "Fuck no! Ladies first." He smiled salaciously, offering the jug to Adele. She took a long pull and her mouth filled with burning liquor, which she held in her mouth and disgorged into Lyle's mouth when she sat in his lap and kissed him. "Hot damn! We gonna have some fun tonight," he hollered, lifting the jug to Adele's mouth again. Adele was hoping that by introducing alcohol into the equation it might curb the men's lust, or at least remove their ability to perform. But as the boys got drunker, amazingly they became more virile. They passed her back and forth using her mouth and her anus to satisfy what seemed to be unbridled lust. The best Adele could do was to limit her intake of alcohol and encourage the men to drink between bouts of sexual frenzy. In the room next door Kimberly Peak could hear everything through the paper-thin walls. She was blindfolded and tied to a wooden chair with her hands handcuffed in front of her. She sobbed through Adele's ordeal well aware that Adele was doing what she did to keep the men away from her. She squirmed and wriggled and after what seemed like an eternity she loosened her bonds. Kimberly was eventually able to free her arms and remove the cord tying her torso to the back of the chair. She ripped off her blindfold and gasped for breath and then went to work on the bonds tying her legs. It was awkward with her wrists cuffed but eventually she was free and able to stand. It took five full painful minutes for her circulation to return to normal and for her numbed limbs to function properly. She made her way to the door and put her ear to the bare wood and listened. She could hear Adele moaning, not with lust but with exhaustion. The men were hollering and whooping as Adele begged whoever was doing whatever to her to stop. "This bitch is about spent. I'm bringing out the girl. I reckon I got one more good fuck left in me and I want some of that sweet Kentucky schoolgirl poontang," she heard Dale cackle. Kimberly braced herself and when the door began to open outwards she pushed against it with all her might. Dale staggered drunkenly and went sprawling backward landing kitty-kilter on his ass. Kimberly staggered into the room and lunged for the shotgun lying on the table. She grasped it clumsily. Lyle had Adele bent over the table and was fucking her in the ass, bitching and whining because he was too drunk to come. He turned to Kimberly and grinned at her. "You're next poppet," he sneered. Kimberly unloaded the gun into his head and he was thrown across the room. "What the fuck!" Dale had scrambled to his feet and was staggering drunkenly toward the kitchen counter where the other gun lay. Kimberly froze. Smoke rose lazily from the barrel of the shotgun. She was so disassociated from the ordeal that she had witnessed that she was almost paralysed. Adele was weak from being used repeatedly by the two men and shocked by the sight of Lyle's corpse. At first she was impotent but then she realised the dire situation that they were in. She hefted herself up off the table and snatched the weapon from Kimberly's grasp. She unloaded the second barrel into Dale just as he turned on them with his shotgun poised. He went down screaming, discharging his weapon into the ceiling. Adele dropped the shotgun and strode over and snatched Dale's gun from his grasp. She kicked him in then goin and then put the shotgun to his head and emptied the remaining barrel. The shack smelled of sex, whisky, gunpowder, blood, and fear. Both women were anaesthetised by their actions, unable to move. Adele dropped the smoking gun and began to sob. She fell to her knees. She stank, her pantyhose were shredded and soaked in cum, her blouse splattered with semen, her anus burned, her breasts were bruised and bitten, and her hair was a bird's nest, crusted with sweat and dried cum. Her discarded pink panties lay accusingly on the bare wooden floor near the table. Adele recovered first and snatched up her panties and stepped into them and pulled down her skirt. She closed her blouse as best she could and made her way painfully over to Kimberly. Kimberly fell into Adele's arms a blubbering wreck. Adele let her cry but her analytical mind already knew that they needed to get away from this place as soon as possible. She kissed the top of Kimberly's head and released her. Snatching the handcuff keys off the counter she returned and released Kimberly from her restraints. "Listen to me," Adele whispered. "You need to be a big girl now and do exactly what I say ok?" she wanted to hug Kimberly but not in the disgusting clothes she was wearing. "I want you to wait outside. Go over to the pickup and wait for me ok?" Adele turned Kimberly away from the carnage. Kimberly silently obeyed and when she was outside the shack Adele picked through Lyle and Dale's clothes. She found the truck keys, their wallets, and in Lyle's jacket pocket she found a cell phone, his cigarettes and a lighter. She also found her handbag with her car keys inside. She bundled everything up and took it out to the truck and threw it in the front seat of the twin-cab. "What do we tell the Sheriff Sutter?" Kimberly said staring at the shack, her voice trancelike. "Can you keep a secret? A really, really, big secret?" Adele took Kimberly by the shoulders and turned her so they were eye to eye. "I sure can. I never want to think about what happened here ever again," Kimberly said. "I can't guarantee that, but if you can keep a secret I can too and we never have to speak about it... ever," Adele said. Adele didn't want to tell anyone what had happened to her in the decrepit shack and she definitely did not want Kimberly to be interrogated by Sheriff Sutter. It was horrific that a twelve-year-old girl had had to kill a man with a shotgun; she should be spared the pain of having to retell the story and everybody knowing what she had done. Adele also did not want anyone to know the indignities she had endured or of her enthusiastic participation in some of the acts she was made to perform. As an officer of the court, Adele's fingerprints were on file for elimination purposes and even though all the wood in the cabin was rough, there was no guarantee that she hadn't left a print somewhere. On the jug, and the shotgun for sure, and she had certainly left her DNA all over the place. She was ashamed that she ejaculated three times during her ordeal. There was only one surefire way to hide the fact that she and Kimberly had been in the shack. She picked up Lyle's menthol cigarettes and his Zippo lighter and put them in her jacket pocket and then took off her jacket and hung it over the porch rail. Adele went back to the truck and lugged a Jerry-can of gasoline out of the back of the pickup over to cabin. She poured gasoline over the bodies of Dale and Lyle, saturating them, and then she splashed the remainder around the cabin, tossing the empty Jerry-can into the corner. "Ok honey, move back behind the truck for me ok?" Adele called out and Kimberly complied. Adele put on her jacket and put a cigarette in her mouth and flicked Lyle's Zippo and lit her cigarette. She drew the smoke deep into her lungs and exhaled. She took one more drag and then tossed the cigarette into a pool of gasoline on the porch. She turned and ran towards the pickup, wishing she'd thought to take off her heels before she'd tossed the smoke. The cabin went up with a 'whoosh' just as she made it to the truck. She hauled herself around the other side and hugged Kimberly to her, holding her face against her chest, shielding her from the sight of the cabin in flames. They waited for the cabin to become fully ablaze and climbed into the truck. Adele was surprised but delighted to find a TomTom GPS navigator mounted on the dash. She fired up the engine and it came to life. She fiddled with the Tom Tom and found the last route and reversed it. Hopefully it would take her back to her abandoned BMW, provided no one had stolen it of course. As they got onto the dirt road there was a loud explosion and Adele saw the cabin blow shy-high in the rear vision mirror. The flames grew higher, a cloud of smoke billowing into the sky. ?Shit! They really did have a still out back of that cabin; either that or they were storing explosives. Either way there isn?t going to much left for anyone to find,? Adele said. They drove for two hours staying at the double-nickel speed limit but saw very little traffic as most of their journey was on rough backroads. They picked up the blacktop and fifteen minutes later the TomTom announced that they were at their destination. Adele saw the skid marks where she had swerved her car off the road. Adele and Kimberly had spent about fifteen minutes in the back of the pickup blindfolded and handcuffed before the two men had driven them away. The captors had used that time to hide Adele?s car. She found it driven into a small clearing off a dirt trail about half a mile from the main road. Lyle and Dale had planned their kidnapping well. There was a small mountain freshet running through the clearing. Adele opened her car and was grateful to find her court suit still hanging from the hook on the nearside rear passenger door and her small travel bag on the back seat. "Let's get cleaned up," she said hefting the bag onto the hood of her car. She gave Kimberly some wipes and took out a small toiletries bag out of the bag. She took off her soiled clothes and washed herself as best she could in the small stream. She changed into her more demure court suit, tossing her semen stained and soiled clothing into the plastic wrapping that the drycleaner had put over her court suit. She tossed the bag full of loathsome clothing into the trunk along with Lyle?s phone and lighter. Adele took a few minutes to put on her makeup. "Can you do me?" Kimberly asked. "Sure honey, but just a touch ok?" Adele conceded. Kimberly had just experienced the worst day of her life since her father died so Adele was not about to argue. Kimberly had a pretty face with high cheekbones, full lips and blue eyes, just like Adele's. She was going to be a stunning young woman, given the chance. Adele put a little finishing powder on her face, a smidgen of mascara on her eyelashes and some pale pink lipstick on Kimberly's lips. She took a few minutes to brush out her hair. She figured that making Kimberly look pretty might take her mind off the ordeal she had just suffered. "Let me see." Kimberly impatiently reached for the compact mirror. "Wow! I look beautiful." She admired her reflection in the small mirror. "You look beautiful without the makeup," Adele assured her. Kimberly screwed up her face and stuck out her tongue. As much as she wanted to be a woman, there was still a lot of little girl left in her. They wiped down the twin-cab truck as best they would with Adele?s wipes, hoping to remove their prints. "Ok partner. Let's get the fuck out of Dodge." Adele tried to make light of the situation as best she could. Adele carefully made a three-point turn and drove cautiously up the track back to the main road. Now was not the time to break an axle. Adele pointed her car towards Missionville and hit the gas. They drove on in silence for a while before Kimberly spoke. "It's not true what that man said you know," Kimberly said petulantly. "What's not true honey?" Adele ruffled Kimberly's strawberry blonde hair. Kimberly shook off Adele's hand. A girl about to enter her teens did not like to be treated like a kid. "What he said about my cousin or my uncle popping my cherry," Kimberly said. "One of my uncle's used to like me to sit in his lap while he tickled me but I eventually realised why and I socked him in the balls and he never did it again," she said matter of factly. Adele believed her too. Kimberly might look fragile but she was made of stern stuff. "What those men did to you... you know what they made you do..." Kimberly was having trouble broaching the subject. Adele remained silent hoping that Kimberly would leave it alone. "You did it to save me didn't you?" Kimberly whispered. Adele just stared at the road ahead and remained silent. "You sacrificed yourself for me otherwise they would have done those things to me." Kimberly choked back tears. Adele could tell that Kimberly was trying not to cry. She remained stoic and kept looking straight ahead; Kimberly was too young to know the truth. Kimberly undid her seatbelt and scooted over as close to Adele as she could get and snuggled up to her. "I love you Aunty Adele. When I grow up I want to be just like you; smart, beautiful and brave." She rubbed against Adele's side and Adele put an arm around her. "You can't be just like me though. I'm a little different to other women, but that's a conversation for another day." Adele tried not to sound too condescending. "I know. You're different but you?re special. That's another reason I love you," Kimberly said around a yawn. She was soon fast asleep snuggled up to Adele. "Aunty Adele indeed." Adele smiled to herself. Adele shook Kimberly awake on the outskirts of Missionville. "Put your seatbelt on honey. We do not need a traffic stop now," Adele said. "What do we tell Celia?" "We tell her nothing. I'll tell her what she needs to know," Adele said reassuringly. To be continued

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Laid Bare Chapter One

Laid Bare By Michele Nylons Chapter One - Shotgun! Author's Note: This is the sequel to my story 'Consent' and although the story stands on its own, a better understanding of the characters and their backstory is to be had if you read the prequel. As always I hope you like my little six chapter yarn and if you are inspired to leave feedback it is always appreciated. ???????? Michele Celia Bettany was standing in her walk-in robe deciding what to wear for the day. One side of...

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Laid Bare Chapter Six

Laid Bare By Michele Nylons Chapter Six - Endgame Adele rolled into the now familiar visitor's parking space outside of the municipal building. It was nearly six pm and she was nearly five hours late, she and Celia were supposed to have filed their suit with the court clerk at one o'clock that afternoon. She had checked her phone whilst driving to Missionville and she had six missed calls and half a dozen texts from Celia asking her where she was. She was not composed enough to...

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Laid Bare Chapter Two

Laid Bare By Michele Nylons Chapter Two - Happy Weather Celia got short shrift at the offices of Dewey, Howe and French, the law firm that had bought the class action against Brindle Coal and Power. She had made an appointment to see one of the Partners and was a little insulted when she was led to the firm's smallest conference room by a junior Associate only to be told that their entire work product on the case was sealed. "Grantham, Walker and Tate bought in the big guns...

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Futa Naked In School 01 Futas Naked Temptation Chapter 1 Ginny Bares It All

Chapter One: Ginny Bares All By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Ginny Reynolds's Week, Monday “They have to be announcing the start of the Program,” my futa-girlfriend, Samantha, said, her arm around my shoulder. “Try not to sound so excited,” I muttered, my stomach churning as the students of Joanna Rogers College flowed across the open grounds towards the gymnasium. “I bet you want to see one of those busty girls like Claire Nowell or Janice Simms I saw you drooling over.” “Ginny,...

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Waylaid Travller Chapter 3

Joni, quite a review, and true. The mistress is both caring and harsh, caring only for her own needs, I made her this way on purpose. I didn't visualise her as quite so evil as you saw her, but, you need not worry, she will get what she deserves. All my stories have happy endings. The bdsm world is all about conscent, I truly respect that and want to keep my fan base happy. I experiment to a degree, but if an idea doesn't work or is too unpopular, I rework things or cut it out in the next...

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Waylaid Traveller Chapter 4

WAYLAID TRAVELLER CHAPTER 4 Before I put in anything, I want to say that im surprised at the negativity against my captor, I don?t see her as any different than any other one my character has been taken by in other stories ive written. If the negativity continues, this will be the last chapter on this story that I?ll write. Here goes. My heart was pounding as I was driven home from the club. Sitting in the back, I traced my fingernails over my leather miniskirt and toned...

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Jacqui Space WaifChapter 20 Cabaret

Later Martha introduced her to some of the girls and pointed out some of the others. "The girls mostly have something they regard as their special skill," said Martha, "For instance, Gloria, the bottle blonde with the roots rapidly growing out, is famous, she says, for being a bad girl and always answering the clients back. Then they spank her for it and feel that they are the boss. She has only been here for a couple of months." "Why is she changing her hair colour?" asked Jacqui,...

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The Sisterhood of Athena Chapters Four and Five

Finally, here are the next two exciting chapters in my on-going saga. I want to thank reviewer 'anon' for his comment on 9/23/10 for inspiring me to finally get these chapters finished. I'd been just short of half done with these chapters for the better part of a year but between lack of initiative and wondering if anyone even cared if I kept going I'd just sort of let it fall through the cracks. I apologize to any readers that thought I'd given up on this series and just want to point...

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Waylaid Traveller Chapter 1

WAYLAID TRAVELLER CHAPTER 1 Travelling the United States on a shoestring is possible, believe it or not. It does limit your eating and accommodation options at times, but you'd be surprised who you meet and what you see. I was making the most of my long service leave from work by driving and flying around the US. I had driven from Miami a month ago, great city, full of style, Cubans, art deco. Orlando was Disneyland and universal studios, also good. After that, it was the open...

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Waylaid Traveller Chapter 2

WAYLAID TRAVELLER CHAPTER 2 The combination of sunlight streaming over my face and a familiar vibration from inside my pussy woke me up from my slumber. It was my third day as Bianca here, and I had learned more about being and pleasing women than I ever thought possible. As I stirred against Alicia, she wrapped her arm around me and had me squirm closer to her. Collared with my wrists cuffed behind me, I couldn't do much else as I was also naked and secured to the behead by a chain...

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Her Faux Blown FuseChapter 12 My Penis Bares the Truth

As we laid around on Sylvia’s bed, she, Maria and I, I told them more stories about the dairy. “It’s quite a long story yet only lasted about three months before the sisters transitioned. But what a time that was.” I told them about arriving and being left all alone to hike up the highway to a bunk house full of mentally challenged men. “I was scared so bad. I left my clothes on including my shoes all night long. And then they got up at 3:00 in the morning to go out and ‘call in the cows’....

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Himura BattousaiChapter 52 The Wolf Bares his Fangs

Saitou: The last time we fought must have been the battle of Tobafushimi. So, it has been about... ten years. Kaoru (thinking) Ten years... (aloud) Kenshin, you know Mr. Fujita? Kenshin: He's changed his name to Fujita Gorou. He was the captain of the Shinsengumi third unit, Saitou Hajime. Kaoru: The Shinsengumi... Yahiko: Then you're the one after Kenshin... Saitou: Ten years... it's only two words. But to live it is a long time. Kenshin:... Yes... Enough time for a man to go bad....

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How Are You Not Being NeglectedChapter 9 The total four chapters

We went to the bedroom and the bed was ready with pillows for the fireworks, what our ANR love would bring to us. I was no longer an ANR virgin so I was confident. Olga said, "If you want I could give you oral sex first, because my breast isn't yet full of milk and you'll be able to build up your own fluid." I told her, "I like that idea." "I gave you pineapple for lunch so your sperm will be very tasty for me. It's like what happens to my breast milk when I eat chili." My cock...

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Court Record Chapter Five

Introduction: The saga continutes IN PUBLIC Clem froze. He had never considered the complications of really going out in public with her. A shopping trip was one thing, but a public restaurant was a completely different situation. The town was small. He had lived here a long time. Even though he stayed to himself, a few people knew him. There was a strong chance they would be seen together by someone who knew him. If they went into town he would have to trust her and her acting ability. Once...

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Carstairs of ArabiaChapter 26 Si Vis Pacem Nolite Exacerbare Carstairs

It was about ten minutes to showtime. I’d be at the mosque in three minutes or so, although K-T would drop me off at the mall entrance and then proceed to another destination. We were making good time, because although some traffic kept moving, many cars just pulled to the side of the road wherever there was space near a mosque. Sometimes cars were abandoned in the middle of the road, blocking each other in. The police never made a fuss: after all, everyone was supposed to be praying. Men...

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Sissy Farm Chapter TwentyFive

Sissy Farm - Chapter Twenty Five - By: Beverly Taff List of Characters. Me, Michelle: A Natural transvestite sissy; Janice: My Younger sister; Aunty Bev: Janice and My mother's Sister; Mistress Janet: Headmistress of the young lady's academy; Doctor Shirley Williams: My endocrinologist; Miranda: A very effeminate Sissy sales assistant; Miss Stern: Miranda's mistress who owns the shop; Peregrine, AKA Uncle Penny: My transvestite uncle. (Aunty...

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The Dolls House Hotel Chapter Five

The Doll's House Hotel - Chapter Five By AmyAmy July 22nd, 2005 This story is a work of fiction. Any similarity between the characters portrayed here to real people living or deceased is entirely coincidental. The author retains all rights to this work, except in allowing that it may be archived and distributed for non-commercial purposes, providing all text remains intact, including this notice. This story deals with 'adult' themes of a highly sexual nature, including 'fetishism',...

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I Love Older Women Chapter Five

Chapter Five At six-forty-five, May’s phone beeped. It was a SMS from Mags. May sent her an SMS back. May said, “It is from Mags. She wants to know how I got on last night. I have asked if I can call her as I don’t want to write what I want to tell her. I told you this would happen.” Then May’s phoned beeped again. May read the message then signaled for me to follow her as Val was still fast asleep. We went to the lounge. May dialed Mags then put it on speaker phone. Mags asked how it went. May...

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Full Circle Chapter Five

Full Circle – Chapter Five Making love to Susan can be favorably compared to either a hurricane or a deep, slow moving river depending on many factors including her mood. Tonight her mood was a cross between that of a playful mature tigress in heat and a raccoon kit wanting to explore everywhere and getting its nose into everything. After discussing the possibility of her leaving Baltimore with her family she was much more at ease than she had been earlier when we had come home from...

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Darrens Dilemma Chapter Five

Darren's Dilemma Chapter Five Dad Comes Home By Suzie Q Haff Jana's alarm clock went off at seven thirty. She got up and cut it off getting back under the covers and snuggled up with me. A few minutes later she bit my ear waking me up. Then the phone rang and she picked it up off the dresser while I took those vinyl surgical gloves off. Jana: "Perkins.... Oh morning Dad! Uh, huh. Morning Mother. No she is getting her beauty rest." With that I sat up on the edge of the...

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DIRTY LITTLE SECRETSBy The Marquis Facade CHAPTER FIVE Angie sat on the toilet, her eyes locked on her stomach. It was uncomfortable to move, but she had to poke it one more time just to see. Her index finger made contact and her belly was hard. She was bloated beyond comprehension. How much as she eaten this time? This was the third day of her binge and Mark was acting as he wasn’t even aware of her eating. She did the bills and handled the money, so he probably didn’t have a clue as to...

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Martinas Story Chapter Five

Martina's Story, Chapter Five - By: Beverly Taff Myself: Martina: A sexually dysphoric child whose sexuality has not yet been ascertained but who chooses to present as a girl. Beverly: My adoptive 'aunt' who is a mature shemale and my most supportive adult friend. Chenille: My older half sister. Jennifer: Aunt Beverly's adopted daughter. Beatrice: Aunt Beverly's second adopted daughter and Jennifer's younger sister. Sian: My lesbian mother who is married to - Margaret:...

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Right from the Start Chapter Five

Right from the Start - Chapter Five - By: Beverly Taff Simon: The main character; Dorie Lou: The girl next Door; Mrs Benson: Dorie Lou's mother; Mary & Sandra: Simon's other classmates in school; Miss Webster: Their form teacher; Doctor Wendy: Simone's endocrinologist; Doctor Julie: Simone's psychiatrist. Chapter Five After Dorie Lou and Simone came home from the clinic, Dorie Lou introduced Simone to her friends Sandra and Mary as her cousin. She explained that...

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Scissor Sisters Chapter Five

Scissors Sisters - Chapter Five - By: Beverly Taff List of Characters. Me: Peter(Now Petra); Susan(Susie): My mother; Grandma: My granny; Aunty Pauline: My mother's twin sister; Charlotte: My younger sister(By one year); Persephone & Stephanie: My younger twin sisters(By 3 years); Emily & Judith: My twin cousins(2 days younger than I me); Janice: Grandma's live in maid. Chapter Five Monday arrived and with it my biggest fears. Judith...

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Sissy Farm Chapter Five

The Sissy Farm - Chapter Five - By: Beverly Taff List of Characters. Me: Michelle - A Natural transvestite sissy; Janice: My Younger sister; Aunty Bev: Janice and My mother's Siste;. Mistress Janet: Headmistress of the young lady's academy; Miss Stern: Miranda's mistress who owns the shop; Chapter Five We were allowed to indulge ourselves with some lovely pastries for lunch and Aunty Bev did not mind us each having a cup of coffee. "Why you two not only look...

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March of the Southern BellesChapter Five

"March of the Southern Belles--Chapter Five" by Heidi-Jo McGillicuddy Brunch was delightful, although I nibbled at my avocado and sprouts sandwich more out of distaste rather than any manifest desire to display appropriately dainty table manners. It was such a pleasure to eat in such exquisite surroundings--the sterling silverware absolutely gleamed, and I'd never eaten off of such beautiful china. Lisa giggled and pointed to the lipstick I'd left on the rim...

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An Ordinary Teenage Sex Life 2Chapter 21 Chapters End

JULY 2002, SUMMER CAMP Dawn, Adrienne, and I decided to skip this morning's hike. We were just too wiped out from the previous evening's post-dance orgy, me especially. And so it was that the two girls hung out in the main lounge at the lodge, chatting with each other while I reclined out on the deck, just resting my weary body. It was still quite cool in the morning, enough to require a sweater, so there wasn't anyone else outside with me. I enjoyed the solitude and the quiet sounds of...

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The interracial Sexual Surrogate Chapter five

This is a continuing story about a poor childless young black couple that desperately wants a child and the wife is unable to conceive. My wife a white woman is so good at having children, and we already have six! She has offered herself through a local service then finds out that the couple in need is black! Chapter five For Deanna naked blindfolded, and tied helplessly apart, could do nothing to stop the “Eight Ball” only being able to scream out the word no! The ball like a black...

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The interracial Sexual Surrogate Chapter five

Introduction: This is a continuing story about a poor childless young black couple that desperately wants a child and the wife is unable to conceive. My wife a white woman is so good at having children, and we already have six! She has offered herself through a local service then finds out that the couple in need is black! The Interracial Sexual Surrogate This is a continuing story about a poor childless young black couple that desperately wants a child and the wife is unable to conceive. My...

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Skipper Chapter Five

Skipper, Chapter Five - By: Beverly Taff I was surprised at the speed of developments. After a few phone calls I was advised that the girls Jennifer and Beatrice would be arriving on the following Tuesday. I talked long and hard with Mrs Bodkin about preparations but she assured me the girls were well clothed and only needed a warm room. I panicked a little but decided it might be best if I provided the barest essentials and then take the girls on a shopping spree to decorate their...

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20 Years Of Infidelity Chapter Five

((((( Another chapter re-written))))) 'Ah, shit!' I was thinking while trying to carry on an intelligent conversation with the travel agent. I had to really grit my teeth and even bite my hand at times not to moan and gasp while Jason knelt behind me to slowly ease his cock deeper inside my pussy. These last days before our trip were pretty hectic and didn't leave much time for us to fuck. At least not as much as we'd come to love. It wasn't as though we weren't finding times for quickies when...

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Detectives Blues Chapter Five

Chapter five I was sitting at the kitchen table reading some bad news in the Washington Post when I heard a car horn sounding out front. I set down the paper, gathered my purse and walked over to the foyer. Pulling the curtains to the side, I peeked out the window to see who was doing the honking. It was James and his brother Jim, come to pick me up. They had driven in separate vehicles. Jim was double parked in his beat up Chevrolet sedan with James behind him in a new Ford Explorer...

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Gillians Justice Chapter Five

Gillian's Justice By Michele Nylons Chapter Five - Porridge Annabelle Creighton and Brian McCaffey both gave their closing remarks to the jury. Annabelle summarised the case against Gillian. Gillian was found at the scene of the murder locked in her office with Lord Edward Beaumont's body on the floor, stabbed repeatedly in the back. She was covered in his blood and had his semen was inside her and on her underwear. The building was deserted apart from the accused and the...

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Stella Barey 3000 347000

Porn offers us something no woman ever could, perfection. Let me rephrase that. Porn offers you something you could never have otherwise. Perfection. Physically ideal bitches exist, but you won’t be fucking any of them anytime soon. Let me rephrase that. You will never be fucking any woman, perfect or otherwise.The Ideal BitchThere are many features a perfect woman has. Great tits, a firm ass, a beautiful face, and a tight pussy. Not many women fit those descriptions, but the ones that do are...

Twitter Porn Accounts
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Airport Surprise Chapter Five

Airport Surprise - Chapter FiveI spent the next six months in Europe, training and touring. I then had three training sessions in Florida. Once, in Jacksonville, I thought I saw Taylor. But the girl disappeared before I could make sure. Then back to headquarters in California. Two weeks of R&R in wine country. When I returned to my office there was a ticket and itinerary for my next session, Denver. I needed to be there tomorrow morning.My secretary said the course materials were already...

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Island Royale The Report Chapter Five

____________________________ The lobby was bustling with late afternoon activity as Greg and I parted company. A sizeable number of Guests had gathered over near the dance floor where two long banquet tables, draped with several white linen table cloths, had been set up closely together. Four young naked girls, each with her arms extended and her thighs spread wide, reclined on their backs amid an extensive assortment of raw vegetables, fresh fruit, sushi, boiled shrimp and other...

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Chapter eleven Going Bare Back for first time wLise

Midway point of my senior year High School.... (2002) When Stephanie didn’t return my call as she said she would it became very evident that no matter how bad things were with Barry and her then boyfriend. That she couldn’t bring herself to leave him. So I guess I was stuck with Lisa, Now don’t get me wrong here I loved the woman but she was like of crazy in some way but aren’t all women crazy in one way or another I mean during time that Lisa and I had been dating we had broken up at least...

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Claidia IncarnataPart III

Moons hurry to be born And race to their decay. - Horace, Odes. L’Accademia di Santa Cecilia di Agrigento… 11am. “Ah yes, here it is.” Claudia smiled as she read the polished brass plaque to the right of the heavy iron door. The door was nestled in an old arched stone doorway in a quiet side street off Agrigento’s Via Atena. The sheer scale of the doorway suggested to her that it had been the entrance to a grand house, little of which was visible from the street. She found...

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It’s a new age, and new technology has allowed us to venture into porn possibilities that have never been seen before. Specifically, we’re talking about VR and AR porn. Most of you have probably seen VR porn, and maybe you even tried it out yourselves with an actual VR device. But what about AR porn? Well, claims, at least in the title of the website that they have it here. Do they? And what do they actually have going on with this site? Let’s find out.The AR porn gimmick is a hoax...

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A Night at the Cabaret

A Night at the Cabaret Belladonna Peter smiled while he unrolled the black fishnet stockings up his freshly shaven legs. His manhood strained against the gaff holding it snuggly between his cheeks while he attached the stockings to his garters. Standing up, Peter bit the tip of his right thumb lightly as he looked at the outfit hanging behind his door that he was going to be wearing around his employees that evening. While Peter was aware the outfit was over the top, he knew...

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Eternal Awakening Chapter Five

As always please leave a comment and don't forget to rate. We hope you enjoy. Chapter Five: Placement and A Visitor in the Night Daiya helped Richard sit down gently on a wooden bench in the waiting room under the arena, the noise of the crowd buzzing over them as they began to leave in confusion. Richard couldn't blame them for being confused though. They had been told that he had won the duel but then he declined the win saying that it was Daiya who had won instead....

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College Teacher Chapter Five

I won’t say it was a relief to be back at the Manor but it was nice to once again cuddle up to Kit and have the pleasure of his loving of me. Thankfully, the M.P. had returned to London and the vicar, wife and daughter had gone too so that there was just the six of us for the next week at the dining table. We got to know Lady Elizabeth and Sir George a bit better and learned that the title was heredity and so Thomas would in later years take on that mantle. It was Monday morning that Thomas...

First Time
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Sexual Awakenings Chapter Five

Chapter Five: Intimate Confessions!For the past four days of magnificent pleasure I had discovered so far at home with this beautiful young woman called Julia, little did I realize that their was still so much more to come from this adventure.That fifth morning, I awoke just after nine and arose and headed to the shower. As the water got warmer, I undressed out of the boxers I wore to bed and slipped inside the cubicle, the entrance into the area was unsealed. As I began to wash my naked body...

First Time
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Hostess With The Mostest Chapter Five

Hostess With The Mostest By Michele Nylons Chapter Five - Cruella DeVille The slim genteel lady was dressed in a navy blue stewardesses uniform. Her form-fitting jacket had gold piping along the lapels and cuffs and a pair of gold wings clipped to her right breast. Her shapely legs were clad in gossamer black stockings and her feet shod in four-inch black patent leather high heels. She had perfectly coiffed black, shoulder- length hair. Her face was too angular to be called...

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The Collector Chapter Five

The Collector by Michele Nylons Chapter Five - Conspiracy The attractive, elegant women stood huddled in small groups; it was obvious to any observer that they were grieving and were comforting each other, bound by their loss and a common sense of purpose. Their nationalities varied but they were all beautiful, most under thirty but a few older; although they all wore black they all wore it stylishly, figure-hugging dresses, or skirt and jacket suits, expensive hosiery, plenty...

4 years ago
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Bare Paw RanchChapter 5

The sun was shining bright as DE and I drove from Kansas City. DE made me promise to stop every two hundred miles or so to have a break. Too make sure I kept my promise. DE decided to wear her Chief’s jersey, sandals and nothing else. Thinking about that naked pussy in the vehicle in front of me and wanting it helped keep me awake. As she led us to the first rest stop, I was very ready when I slipped in her front passenger seat and had her hug me. She straddled my lap and had her wet pussy...

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The Good The Bad and the Molly Chapter Five

She knew. Even the possibility of her knowing was just a branching path. Did she hate it? Did she like it? Did she want more? I couldn’t say for sure I knew that she knew, but some part of me just… knew. When Molly first began to stir, rustling around more than she usually did in her sleep, I could do nothing but freeze. I lost the ability to speak, breathe, or even think. “You awake?” she asked in a groggy voice. She couldn’t see my eyes. I turned slightly to meet her, feigning tired...

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Hot Doggie Chapter Five

Hot Doggie, Chapter Five - By: Beverly Taff List of characters. Sandra: Our Shemale heroine who becomes magically conjoined doggie style; Elizabeth: Sandra's limbless patient; Marjorie & Jennifer: (Marge & Jenny,), two other patients who lost their legs in a car accident. They also become magically conjoined and end up sharing the same torso whilst growing new legs. Octavia: The owner-manager of the care home where Sandra worked and the...

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Always Faithful Chapter Five

Chapter Five - Telling and Trouble Dan slept well, he was sexually drained. Laura did not sleep as well. In telling her story, in draining her husband, she knew she had concealed some important parts of the story. Laura knew she told the physical story accurately, completely. Dan could not call her liar about that. She withheld most of the emotional part. The most important emotional parts were still secrets gnawing at her. In the morning, at breakfast, she told Dan she wanted to talk more...

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Transvixen Transvestite Rick Band Chapter Five

Transvixen By Michele Nylons Chapter Five: Panti Pops Her Top Cherri had no intention of going to lunch. She read the contract on the bus on the way back to Debenhams and did some mental math. If Wendy was right about the band's success Michelle Murphy could set herself up in her own right. She could move out of home and live full time transgendered until she decided how far she intended to transition. It was early days but she knew she couldn't keep living a lie. Mike...

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8 Months Past...Dawdling in the hotel's hallway I felt as nervous as I had the first time I'd been sent to meet a client. Looking at my watch I saw more seconds I was being billed for tick past. Mustering my nerve I tapped on the door. The woman who answered looked to be in her mid-twenties and was very pretty. I would have expected nothing less from one of Marla's girls. I was wearing flats and she three-inch pumps. I was still taller by at least five inches. We were different in more ways...

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LAND OF NOD Chapter Five

{Readers, there is no actual sex happening in this short chapter but it is an intricate part to the story so please do not skip this chapter.}Chapter FivePresentation to the ‘Lord Master’ “Lord Master,” King Jake called out. “May it please you to be presented with your new slave Travis?” King Jake dropped to one knee and bowed his head towards the throne. “Lord Master,” Queen Tia called out. “May it please you to be presented with your new slave Lizzy?” She too dropped to one knee and bowed her...

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Laid Bare

I have no idea how she's going to explain this to her husband. The rope marks around her wrists and ankles would be difficult enough, but at least they'll fade in a day or two. What I'm about to do to her wriggling form will last weeks.With one limb tethered to each of the bedposts, she tests the bonds that snap taut and slacken as she responds to the barest brushes of my fingertips across her body. The nipples I skim are pink and erect. Biteable. They perch atop soft mounds that both sport...

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Honey BareChapter 2

"I will not!" She was standing in front of me, her feet spread and her hands on her hips again. But this time there wasn't hunger in her glance — her eyes were blazing. Angrily she said. "Explain what you meant by that last remark!" And so I did. Very quickly and without-demotion I told her that I intended to make it on my own. I didn't want her or any other woman to tell me how to do it. Of course, after that there were more words, many of them spoken heatedly and cruel. And that's...

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Honey BareChapter 5

As I stepped around the front fender of the car, I felt the quick surge of dizziness. The next moment I bounced against it, my hand gripping the rear view mirror. She was at my side, gripping my arm, holding me and steadying me. "Are you all right?" she asked. I caught the note of concern in her voice. Even with the frown on her face she was cute. I was honestly all right, the wave of dizziness having passed but I decided to fake it. "Oh, sure," I said. "I think I'll be able to make...

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Bare Paw RanchChapter 4

After taking care of my problem in the parking lot with DE, and to the cheers of the other three naked ladies watching, I was able to put my dick back in my pants and drive to the farm. Pulling into the driveway and walking around to DE’s door I opened it for her. I followed her to the house and opened the door for her. The other three beauties were right on my heels (ass) as I unlocked the door, wondering what all would happen in the next two weeks as I watched the fine bare bottoms enter...

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The Three Bares

To: Author:       Cyrus CoeFan E-mail address:     [email protected] title:     ?The Three Bares?                           (A fantasy)                     In three installmentsSuggested category:    S & M (Erotic flagallelation)                        A deliciously accelerating prurient voyage with two latent sadomasochists. They convert private fantasy to reality  uncontrollably exposing their zealously protected, unorthodox sensual lust when   it is...

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