- 2 years ago
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I met Sandra Atkins in her office, just so she would have a familiar point of reference.
"Why the disguise?"
"This is the way people see me here. It's easier to be consistent, and I've been using it so long that – unless I'm specific – this is the way I appear."
"I see," she said. "Well, thank you for coming; I wasn't sure you would."
"There isn't much point in avoiding it at this point; you know too much, and you're used to getting your way – by whatever means necessary – and I didn't want you to do anything that I might have to make you regret."
"Is that a threat?" She asked.
"No," I said, changing one of the straight-backed chairs in front of her desk to a large beanbag and flopping in it. "I try not to make threats; they attract attention, even in dreams. Your subconscious wants to pick at it and see if it's real; it causes problems."
Now her desk was too high, so I changed the beanbag into Jimmy's mom's old rocker-recliner – with a different cover on it, of course, no point in taking chances.
"You're going to try and catch me, aren't you?"
That seemed to take her off guard. I don't think she expected me to be so direct.
"I'm afraid I'm going to have to," she said. "You're too dangerous."
"You mean I'm too dangerous to risk someone else catching me first," I accused.
"That too," she admitted.
"Yeah, that's what I was afraid of. I almost walked away from Samantha and the others rather than risk it."
"Well, if it's any consolation, I'm glad you didn't."
I rolled my eyes, "Duh! You get your man – finally – and now you've got me to chase in his place. What do they call that ... job security?"
She shook her head. "Wallace said you were young – late teens, but under twenty. I had my doubts, but now I'm not so sure."
I don't think she actually expected me to answer, but I did anyway, "Younger, much younger."
Around a year old by one way of looking at it, but I certainly wasn't going to tell her that ... I also didn't want to give her time to ask; time to change the subject.
"You can't find me, Sandra; there are no links to follow. I learned that lesson once; I won't risk it again. David is your only link, and he doesn't know who I am. Both Hampton and Rodriguez think it's him, and they'll do everything they can to protect him, and what they can't do, I can. Henslith already learned that lesson. We did a better job of hiding his family this time, but she still knows where he is. One of these days she may try again, or she may have decided that it's not worth it."
"I'm not going to ask," she said. "Not right now, anyway. Why David?"
"What do you mean?"
"I mean, why did you pick David?"
"It was an accident. When I first learned I could do this, it was all really random; I'd meet someone, and the next thing you know, I was in their dreams. One of my old baby-sitters had a crush on him ... God, she used to go on and on about him. I would bounce in and out of her nighttime fantasies, and she'd be making out with him and stuff. Then, one night I found myself in his dream. Turns out he was seriously into the spy thing – in his dreams, anyway. Kind of a James Bond meets Jason Bourne kind of guy. He's really good, and he hides it really really well; you'd never know it to look at him. Even his parents don't realize ... And don't bother asking; she's dead – car accident – and no, I didn't have anything to do with it, but again, there is no traceable link to me.
"I decided to play along with one of his ... you know 'missions'. It was fun, and I wanted to do it again. He was the first one I could go to on purpose. One night when I showed up, he just stopped and started talking to me. Nothing fancy, he just told me I needed to be more careful. You can imagine how surprised I was that he realized I was an actual person and not just another character in his fantasy, but then, I guess if you went to that much effort to craft a scenario, you would know all the players. We talked; he taught me a lot. He was the one who warned me about people like you, and what would happen if you found out about me."
"Does he know how old you are?"
"He knows I'm young. He knows that I knew Shannon, but not how I knew her. We were there for each other when she died, but that was later. Anyway, one night I found myself in a strange place, seeing things that I knew I couldn't know; people I knew I'd never met. And it was weird; like I was looking out through someone else's eyes. It didn't last long, just images of a girl in different places. I told him about it the next night, and the next time it happened we tried something new: as soon as it started, I kind of pulled him to me so he could watch with me. As soon as he realized what was happening, he told me to leave – that this was something I shouldn't see. I didn't know if it was even possible to leave him there – it was all so new then, and I'd only just brought him over – but he insisted, so I left. We'd never tried it before, but it worked, and he got to stay for the whole thing. It must have been pretty awful; I could see that it really hurt him to watch it, but he knew it was important, so he stuck it out. That was our first real meeting with the Sandman, and what we were seeing was images of him killing Diane McKenzie. Well, you know, not just killing her; there was all the other stuff too, that's why he didn't want me to see. Considering what it did to him, I'm glad he made me go away. Jimmy – that's David's real name, and the first really big mistake we made was in not changing it – got Rebecca involved. That was tricky, let me tell you: we had to convince her that the crime was real, while at the same time not ending up as the prime suspects ourselves. It wasn't easy. She was a fed, and Jimmy didn't want her to know about me, so he became the person she was used to dealing with. Then something happened one night – unrelated but still bad – and they actually ended up meeting for real. They'd been working together long enough by then that she trusted him, so it wasn't a big deal, and it proved to her – once and for all – that he was too young to be the killer. The rest you know: with my help, they eventually got Kurtz, and David got the credit.
"What we didn't count on was Henslith turning out to be the Black Queen. Apparently while she and Hampton were on a stakeout in Palm Springs, Henslith did something – we think it was a combination of drugs and hypnosis of some kind – and found out the truth, or at least, she found out about that Jimmy was Rebecca's mysterious source. The next thing we know, someone is trying to kidnap him. The first one wasn't so bad, Jimmy spotted him and took him down, but they killed him at the hospital before Rod could question him; we knew then that they'd keep trying. When they grabbed Britney, we decided it would be better if we lived to fight another day, preferably on our own terms. We caught a break on a drug thing at his school, and that gave Rod a provable case to attach moving them all to. He'd met Jimmy during the time when Angela disappeared, and again after they caught the first guy. There still wasn't much Rod could do without risking drawing more attention, – he had to stay under the radar – but he could handle moving them and getting them new IDs.
It still sucked, though; I screwed up, and they all paid the price. Jimmy was cool about it, though; it was his idea to split them up; it was safer for them, and it freed him up to try and help Sam and the others. We'd stumbled onto Bastion's operation while investigating Amanda Watkins for Rebecca. He came up with David as a cover..."
"Is that why you pay him so well?"
"I ruined his life," I said, looking away. "My mistake put his friends and family at risk. I promised him I would do everything I could to protect them after that. It hasn't been easy – Henslith is really good."
"Where did you get the money?" she asked.
I did my best to look embarrassed and said, "I stole it."
She started to react, her head just beginning to shake back and forth.
"It's not like that," I said. "Rebecca and her 'new partner' – this was before we figured out who she really was – were looking for a way to shake up the Sandman and get him to do something, so they could get another shot at him. They figured the easiest way would be to disrupt his finances. In one of his dreams, I found a scene of him opening an account at a bank in Europe. I got the access codes and passwords, and then had David use the information to clean out the account, figuring that would get a reaction. Anyway, once it was transferred, he went to see how much it was and about wet himself. He was worried that we had gone too far, and that Kurtz would go crazy, so he went straight to Rod and told him what he had done. You know the rest of the story, right?"
"I know enough," she confirmed, "how much?"
"A little over six million," I said.
"Wha... ? Six million? Good God, no wonder everyone was so worried. That was right before Henslith disappeared, wasn't it?"
"Yes. She knew something was up when Rod insisted on protection for both of them. We think she took advantage of the situation to stage her disappearance. Rod had been looking for a way for David – Jimmy actually, he didn't become David until later – to turn the money in, but it's hard to hand over that kind of cash and remain anonymous. He was still working on it when someone grabbed Britney, and everyone had to go away, so Rod told him to keep it, figuring Jimmy would need it to hide and start a new life. Turned out he was right. Anyway – in spite of everything that had happened – Jimmy liked working with me; he didn't blame me for what had happened; said it was a lesson we had learned and next time we had to be more careful. There was still Sam and the girls to deal with, so ... as long as the people in his life are protected and taken care of...
"I give him help when I can – like finding that missing painting – and I keep his people safe. He likes helping people, particularly people he feels are getting screwed; it was his idea to use some of the money to help people like Angela – and later Tanya – who got caught up in things they couldn't control. We figured we knew how the Sandman made it, so if we could use it to help people, it sort of helped make up for it. I think he can be a benefit to you in many ways."
That seemed to catch her off guard.
"You mean besides leading me to you?"
"I'm not worried about that," I said, rolling my eyes. "I already told you, Sandra, he can't lead you to me, but I promise not to be too upset if you try, as long as you're doing your part to keep him – and those he cares about – safe. And, if he's working for you and needs my help ... I'll do what I can. As for how he can help you, he has some interesting ideas; talk to him."
I guess I couldn't blame her for being curious.
"So what would have happened if I'd gone after David or something to get you to come to me?"
"I'd rather not go there," I said seriously. "I know what you want, Sandra: Bastion told you what I could do; you believe him, but you want me to prove it. Like being here now – in your dream – isn't proof enough. Okay, how about this... ?"
Just like that, we were sitting by the pool: she in a lounge chair, wearing a bathing suit and a big floppy straw hat to keep the sun off of her face; me in the water, looking up at her. The scene changed again, and we were in the basement room she had taken Rebecca to when she brought her in to ask her about Bastion – only this time it was her in the chair and Rebecca doing the questioning. Behind Rebecca the door opened, and that ball thing Darth Vader had used on Princess Leah came floating into the room. Then we were back in her office.
"Is that enough proof?"
"So you really can control dreams; not just enter them," she said. Her voice was neutral; she had gotten the confirmation she had expected, nothing more. I could see almost see the wheels turning as she decided where to go next. "You don't strike me as the torture type."
"I'm not, but I won't let people be hurt again because of me." I pause just long enough to be sure I had her attention. "It doesn't have to be torture, Sandra."
"No? What then?"
The scene flickered, and for a split microsecond she was back in the conference room sandwiched between Bastion and the guard. It lasted only long enough for her to recognize where she was. Maybe it was my imagination, but she looked like she had lost a little color when we got back.
"You could relive that, every night, over and over, only each night it could get just a little bit worse, last just a little bit longer – Ask Rebecca about a cop from San Diego named Mikkelson ... I'm not afraid of you, Sandra, because you can't reach me. I understand that you're afraid of me – and that that little demonstration didn't help – and why you're afraid. I just don't want innocent people getting hurt because you feel like you have to catch me. I know what I did was wrong, but it was the only way to stop him; you know it was, because you couldn't even touch him on the stuff you did know about. Given what you know now – especially about what Bastion was capable of – could you ever have stopped him?"
"That doesn't make it right," she said, not really answering the question, but acknowledging my point nonetheless.
"Tell that to Sam and the others," I retorted. "They feel safe, some of them for the first time in their lives! They're with people that they know love them and will protect them. I know it wasn't right, and believe me, if there had been another way ... but there wasn't. I'm sorry it was necessary, but I'd do it again tomorrow. Only next time I'd make sure he died before he had a chance to talk to you."
"Why did you let him live?" she asked.
"It was Jimmy's idea," I said. "I thought we should have let him die along with the rest of the board, but Jimmy wanted to give the system a chance. He said that it would be better for the victims if they could see him face justice. I don't argue with him about things like that. Jimmy's amazing when it comes to understanding people. You know Rebecca's boyfriend, Mr. Shelby?"
"Fiancé," she corrected me. She hadn't meant to interrupt, it was just one of those things people do in a conversation when someone gets something wrong. If she only knew...
"Whatever," I said, "Jimmy talks to him about stuff, like what the girls are going through, and Mr. Shelby is constantly amazed at his insights. He says knowing Bastion died in jail won't be quite as good for them, but it's something anyway. Still, if we had to do it again..."
"You see," Sandra said, and this time she was interrupting. "That's what worries me. You could do it again, and no one would know. That makes you dangerous, very dangerous."
"I know," I said, looking away as if I was embarrassed, "but stopping me isn't really what you want. What you want is to control me, study me ... use me. Otherwise you wouldn't be doing this..."
The scene changed again, and she was lying in the bed at the special facility where she was spending the night – in a very special bed – being watched over by the same young man who had been with her the night before.
Only now it was me in the lab coat, talking to her as I checked over the last of the wiring. She was obviously surprised at her surroundings.
"Dreams are funny things, Sandra, and you can have more than one at a time. All I did was encourage a little one about getting ready for bed, and you did the rest. I'm not your enemy, Sandra, and – as I'm sure you have already figured out – David is not the only person I have helping me; he's just the only one I'm helping – or who knows it's me they're helping. It's a very complicated story, but before he died, Rene Kurtz thanked David for stopping him. That was wrong, too, but it was better for everyone that it happened the way it did. Even Rene didn't believe we could hold him long enough to see a courtroom. Care to argue the point?"
Yah ... didn't think so. I was surprised that she hadn't pushed for more on exactly how Bastion came to be holding the gun that slaughtered the board members.
"He's not coming."
I recognized David Malcolm's voice, but I was momentarily thrown by what he had said. I almost asked him what he was talking about, but managed to stop myself. Obviously she hadn't told him about our little meeting the night before. Apparently she was serious about keeping secrets from him. There were so many questions I had wanted to ask her – and him now – but it was too soon to push. The last thing I wanted to do was scare either of them away.
"Really," she said. "I'm disappointed."
"I'm sure," he said. "Apparently, exposing himself to your lab friends was just a little more risk than he was willing to take. So where does that leave us?"
"My lab friends?"
"Come on Miss Atkins, you don't really expect me to believe you weren't planning to be buried under a mountain of sensors trying to find a way to spot him when he showed up? After all that's happened – all that you now know he's capable of – tell me your first priority in life isn't tracking him down? You can't seriously expect him to just hand you a chance to see if you can spot him in someone's dream."
"Well, when you put it that way ... And of course I'm going to try and find him; he presents too great a risk."
"I guess that depends on your point of view. He knows what would happen if you caught him; he's not going to let that happen, and he certainly isn't going to help you track him down."
"I could haul you and your friends in for questioning," I suggested.
"You wouldn't get any answers," he said. "He's just a voice on the phone most of the time. You know the rest, and I don't talk about it – even on a secure line. The girls don't know anything about him at all. They know the drug story was just a cover, but that's it. My family doesn't even know the truth; All they know is that I got reward money for some of the things I did, and that I used it to set myself up in business. It's not the life they envisioned for me, but they're proud of me – especially about how I used some of the money to help Angela get her life back. They'd like to see me, but I told them that I didn't want to risk anything happening again. After that last attempt, they don't question anything anymore.
"If Henslith hadn't gotten to Rebecca, this wouldn't be necessary, but there's nothing we can do about that now. I could change my name and move again, but that's expensive, and I'm just getting established here. I don't know what her game is – based on what I do know, my guess is she wants the same thing you do – and I'm betting she hasn't given up. If she wanted me dead, it would be different, but that's not the case, and it's a lot harder to kidnap someone in a crowded public place. She's tried hiring the job and it hasn't worked, so if she does try again, I'm guessing it will be in person. What is the reward for someone like her?
"It almost sounds like you are looking forward to her trying again. I'd question your sanity – wanting someone like her to find you – except that you're right. You just better hope she doesn't change her mind about her goals."
"He said you asked about working with me before you knew about any of this. Now he figures you'll want to just to maintain access and hope that somehow I'll lead you to him. I'm okay with doing the occasional odd job for you, but we play by my rules. I don't know you, but I know what you represent and, to some extent, how you work. Your first priority is maintaining your invisibility, everything else – everyone else – is secondary; I learned that when you wouldn't help with Phoebe. I represent an opportunity for you to work in front of the curtain for a change – without risking exposure – a chance you probably don't get very often. And, obviously, I bring a unique set of resources with me, but again, we play by my rules or we don't play. As you've probably noticed, I don't like it when innocent people get hurt. I understand that it's dangerous playing in the big leagues, and that sometimes bystanders get hurt. The difference is that I don't look the other way when it happens. Do you know he's providing counseling for the girls?"
"What do you mean?"
"I mean that he's arranged for them to have access to therapists, at night, when they're sleeping. It's not a perfect solution, but when you're trying to keep the world from knowing the truth about what happened to them ... Can you imagine trying to go through high school if everyone knew that your own parents had been raping you and passing you around like a party favor for years?"
STUCK IN AMBER (complete) Copyright P326R1, 2019 CHAPTER 1: HOW IT STARTED My wife Emily and I have an extremely beautiful friend named Amber. She works as a waitress at a restaurant we frequent. One evening, we're having dinner when a crazy guy walks in with a gun and just starts shooting up the place! He's yelling a bunch of stuff that no one can hear over the deafening pop of what looks like a 9mm. I have no idea what this guy's problem is, but he seems intent on...
We were sitting at the table idling time after eating an early afternoon lunch. The day was cloudy, gray and wet, a typical spring day in Seattle. It was a Saturday and my wife's best friend and I were keeping each other company while we waited for my wife to come home from a conference in San Antonio. Amber was clinking the plates together, putting them in a pile on a corner of the table when my cell chirped, it was Chloe, my wife. “My connection in Denver has been canceled, the damn...
My employee Jimmy came to me and said. “Unless you do something about Amber I am going to leave”. “What is wrong Jimmy” I asked? “She is a bitch; I will not take her attitude any more”. Jimmy is a 6ft tall black man who has been working for me for about six years. And while Jimmy is important to me and my company, He was not worth more then Amber. “Jimmy I will talk to her and ask her to adjust her attitude” I said. I was going to have to discipline her hard this time. “Please allow me...
Introduction: Spin-off from Picture perfect Bill and Amber Amber could tell something was wrong the minute Bill walked through the door. He flopped down in his comfy easy chair and looked at Amber, his wife of nine years. Bill, whats wrong? she asked. He had a blank stare in his eyes. Gary and Judy are getting divorced, he said. A combination of shock and guilt washed over Amber. What? No thats not possible. I know, it doesnt seem like it could happen, but Gary caught her in a motel...
Amber could tell something was wrong the minute Bill walked through the door. He flopped down in his comfy easy chair and looked at Amber, his wife of nine years. “Bill, what’s wrong?” she asked. He had a blank stare in his eyes. “Gary and Judy are getting divorced,” he said. A combination of shock and guilt washed over Amber. “What? No that’s not possible.” “I know, it doesn’t seem like it could happen, but Gary caught her in a motel room fucking another guy, I just...
Amber Brkich is the 22-year-old administrative assistant from Pennsylvania. She was one of the most attractive women to compete in this second Survivor challenge. Her weight had dropped to 100 pounds since being dumped in the Australian Outback, but this didn't hurt her figure in the least. In fact, it made her even more attractive, with her light-brown hair cascading over her slender shoulders. She had gotten into the Survivor game in hopes of winning the grand prize of one million...
Amber breathed out and then sucked in as much air as she could. The sensation from the cyber skin vibrator tapping at her anus was slowly driving her mad with pleasure. Her girlfriend of five years, Marie knelt behind her caressing her ass cheeks and pussy. Amber felt the toy slide in an inch, and she gasped as it stretched her a bit more than what was comfortable. It was bigger than the previous one and Marie had promised to be gentle with her. She always was and Amber loved her for it. Her...
Lesbian“Oh, oh, slowly Marie, slowly.” “I’m sorry, it’s just that you look so fucking sexy.” Amber knew she did, and she was proud of it. Ever since she was in her late teens and had finally grown into a woman, people had always commented on her hourglass figure, piercing blue eyes and her raven black hair. Not that she was a bitch about it, but she knew she was hot like shit and enjoyed the attention. Marie was also a very attractive woman. Being five years older than Amber made her thirty and she...
What the hell was she thinking? Amber had done it she had agreed to go on a weekend trip with a man she hardly even knew; she hadn’t even met the man in person. They met six months ago online and after the first few conversations they had been intimate with one another. She still didn’t know if she should be ashamed of herself or just be accepting of her behavior. Her thoughts ran through her mind making her even more nervous than she already was. Mitchell was going to be there...
First TimeAmy is my twin sister. We were born less than an hour apart. By all accounts we were a “surprise” to our parents and older siblings. Charlie, the oldest, turned 33 last month. Meg and Liz (also twins) turned 28 in April, and the closest to us, Amber, will be 25 this fall. Amber just finished college at State and moved back in after graduation. She was taking the summer off to relax before starting the job hunt for a career. Our parents are very laid back and thought this was a grand idea....
Amber was very skilled graphic designer. And most of my clients were calling for Amber to handle their designs personally. I soon changed the dress code for the shop allowing the ladies in the design room to wear casual clothes on Fridays. Amber normally would wear jeans and tee shirts on Fridays. The jeans held her heart shaped ass as if she was liquid and poured herself into them. I was very happy with the way things were going with the print shop. The guys never missed a Friday and my...
So I was laying in bed, naked, smoking a fat doobie when I heard Angie's key in the front door lock. She walked in carefully, to avoid the squeaking floorboards and headed to my room. I threw the sheet over my nakedness -- just in case it wasn't my girl. But it was. And she had company. Looking at the girl I knew, right away, that this had to be Amber. Both girls wore heavy coats that covered them from neck to knee. Both girls looked at each other conspiratorily and giggled. Then both flopped...
Three weeks had passed since Matt and I had enjoyed each other along with Boss the dog. Since then Matt and I had spent more and more time together it seemed. We had only once since that fateful Saturday sucked each other off. It wasn’t because we didn’t want too. It was the last day of school for the term, Matt and I had Math’s, worst luck as it always dragged. We were sitting together. I was busy drawing, Matt was busy looking at Amber, she lived across the road from him. Sometimes, she...
Introduction: My second story. It follows the first one, Hide-n-peep A play date with Amber (Hide-n-peep sequel) A few hot summer days went by since the hide-and-seek game. I couldnt stop thinking about what I saw from the tree I was hiding in. I jacked off to the mental image a couple of times since then. The weekend was coming up and my parents were going out of town for the night on Friday. They asked Jasons parents if I could stay at their house while they were gone. This was going to be...
A few hot summer days went by since the hide-and-seek game. I couldn’t stop thinking about what I saw from the tree I was hiding in. I jacked off to the mental image a couple of times since then. The weekend was coming up and my parents were going out of town for the night on Friday. They asked Jason’s parents if I could stay at their house while they were gone. This was going to be fun. Playing Playstation and staying up all night with my best friend. Around 4:00 on Friday afternoon, I was...
I knelt down next to Mama in the bath and ran a scrunchie across her shoulders. Her head was back against the little purple pillow, one of those that suctions onto the side of the tub. I bought it for her from Wal-Mart. She had a scented towel across her eyes and her breaths came in slow and rhythmic succession so I knew she was asleep. I moved the scrunchie across the front of her chest and watched the water and soap flow down over the vast expanse of soft flesh. I dipped the little plastic...
First TimeI woke early and made my coffee and was certainly looking forward to the day ahead, the sun was shining and it promised to be a hot day hopefully in more ways than one. There was no sign of my neighbours this morning so I decided to forego my morning wank and save myself for my visitors.I took a shower and put on my silky boxers as I felt they would be the coolest to wear and was sitting outside having a smoke when I got a text from Mike saying they were on their way, I had everything ready.The...
"And Dickie the Explorer makes it to the top of the hill, and does his victory dance." Eric said playfully. She giggled again, her tummy shuddering as her little vagina got all squishy in anticipation of the special games that daddy played with her when mommy wasn't home. Dickie the Explorer was one of Amber's favorite new games, and it made her feel so hot, and excited when daddy would "explore" her naked little body with his big, hard thingy. She loved how warm, and hard it was, but...
After graduating from high school and breaking up with my girlfriend Trudy, I decided to work at fixing cars instead of going to college. I had been working part time at a local garage and now went full time. The garage owner liked my work and gave me permission to work after hours to earn more money. I would often start around 8am and work till 8pm-9pm before closing up. The extra money was good and I saved as much of it as I could with the goal of owning my own garage, which I now do. One...
There she goes jogging past my house again! Her name is Amber Lynn and shes my neighbor's k** very young and very beautiful! I see her every morning as I go out to get my morning paper off the lawn she comes bouncing by all radiant exuding the kind of healthy glow of the young! When she was little I used to call her Ann Boleyn after Henry the 8th's wife the one who lost her head and she would get so mad saying I'm not Ann Boleyn I'm Amber Lynn then I would say yeah that what I said Ann...
Here I am again. Sunday night and I’m bored out of my brains. The few friends I have are always too damn busy to pay much attention to me, but then again I guess I don’t really mind – I’ve always been a quiet sort of person who doesn’t socialise much and is quite happy to stay home and do my own thing. I guess this was my comfort zone. The only place where I could really be myself and relax. Going to pubs, nightclubs and wild parties was not really my thing, even though I would go every now and...
“Remove your clothes.” The words were not said unkindly, but there was no doubt it was an order. Eyes filled with lust and trepidation, I looked at the woman whom I had just met this night and nodded biting my lip.We had met in a bar not long ago. I had been out with friends when she approached me while I was taking a break from dancing. As I sipped my drink, she walked up to the table. “Hello there pretty girl,” she said, making me turn my head as the woman looked at me. I felt like I was...
LesbianThe first time I saw Amber, I got an instant hard on. Her green eyes and straight midnight black hair was as striking as her long bare legs. I following her with my eyes as she roamed my store. I own a high end clothing boutique which it is a hot spot for young, scantly clad rich girls. At 6 ' 3” I am a hansom 39 year guy in excellent shape. I have been in this business for 18 years and I don't mind when the snobby bitches talk down to me because I know there are video cameras constantly...
Erotic187 AMBER It was raining the drops running down the window as Amber sat waiting. She perversely, was looking forward to his visit, yes, she knew that her next week she would spend in her bed alone, covered in welts, sore and bruised, perhaps even cut, but she knew her lover and pimp would not only be pleased with her, he would be financially a lot better off. She had been here before, her beloved T had a flair for finding men who would pay for her a lot of money to mistreat her, his star...
These are not "stories." They are the truth. I shall be posting more soon on another site, with pictures AND PROOF. if you want to read more please leave a comment or mail me. The "lady" in question can be found in my pictures; MILF prints, sltty mom and mature MILF are all her....and i have loads more.. Picture if you can Monica Belluchies cousin. But with better eyes, smile and more generous curves and wrap her in fun and smarts and a sense of suppressed mirth with a terrific sense of humor....
Red + Green = Amber? by The Night Watchman Steven was a man who harbored many secrets. The least embarassing being he was still a virgin in every sense of the word. On a trip to Amsterdam his ambition to rectify his virginity problem collides head-on with his deepest secret. * Standard rules apply- free to post on non pay sites with citation. Children and the easily offended click away now. Those picky about comma use prepare to cringe a bit. (its a weak spot for me sorry) Feedback...
Continuation of this story:'s been almost a week since Amber and I shared a night of boundary crossing exposed masturbation and I'm happy to inform you things have been going great! My sister spent the next few days working hard while I stayed home trying to be productive but during the evenings the mood in the house had changed completely. The sexual tension between us was palpable but not in a bad way, it was fun and...
Amber reluctantly got to her knees in the pine needles. It was another one of their "dates". The cuffs holding her hands together behind her back hurt. She looked forward and watched as he unzipped and pulled out his penis. The rumor at school about his size was true. He had a big cock. Amber should know, she had been forced to suck it for him at least a dozen times now. "You know what to do, Amber" he said pointing it at her face. Amber leaned forward and took it into her mouth. It would...
It's two o'clock in the afternoon and you walk in to see me sitting on the sofa cooling down after a workout. As usual after doing weights I'm hot and horny and you notice the big tent in the middle of my gym shorts. You come over, kneel on the sofa next to me and run your hand up the inside of my thigh and up inside my shorts. You start stroking my balls with your fingertips but the doorbell goes so you go to answer it.Amber is standing there wearing a tight little dress and says she wants my...
I always felt like it was weird when people said “ we’re too close as friends to have sex “. That was the best sex. Knowing each other beforehand brought such a fun, pure element to me. You know you’re in good hands with me and I feel like I’m in good hands with you. There’s already an existing chemistry whether you realize it or not.I was in the middle of watching tv, and making sure my makeup looked good when my phone went off. A text notification from my best friend Amber. I smiled as soon...
Amber and I met in the 10th grade. I was the shy one in school and I think my shyness seemed like a challenge to her because from day one she was trying to drag it out of me. Amber was very outgoing and very attractive. She was tall with long brown hair that fell past her shoulders and shone in the light. She had beautiful brown eyes that I learned to read like a book and most of the time those eyes told me that she was up to something. Her body was perfect, slender and toned, like the body of...
LesbianAMBER by sissy Property of Mistress Sam It started with unemployment, mine. My benefits were running out and I spent most of the day seeking work. Sunday morning I was scanning the 'HELP WANTED' ads, when under domestic an ad catch my eye. "Houseboy wanted. Must be clean, honest and hard working. Room, board and uniforms provided. Call XXX-XXXX for an interview." Being a submissive personality, it was a dream come true. I called the...
When I first met Amber she was a man. Back in college David was a good friend of mine, he was always full of jokes and his eyes sparkled with secrets. But I often wondered at the insecurity that his jokes were meant to cover. David’s Asian features were rather feminine and accentuated by his long raven hair that flowed around his soft features. One day David sat down to have a talk with me. He took my hand gently in his, and a look of insecurity and even fear came about his features. “Christa,”...
FetishAmber was standing by the sink washing the dishes from dinner. I had finished work late, which meant she had eaten alone and my dinner would be in the fridge for me. She was wearing dark blue skinny jeans and a light pink, long sleeved blouse. Her dark hair was wavy and pushed over her left shoulder. I could just about see the tiny strand over white gold on her neck, which made me smile every time I saw it. It was the locket I had bought her for our first anniversary. She hadn’t heard me come...
Amber was standing by the sink washing the dishes from dinner. I had finished work late, which meant she had eaten alone and my dinner would be in the fridge for me. She was wearing dark blue skinny jeans and a light pink, long sleeved blouse. Her dark hair was wavy and pushed over her left shoulder. I could just about see the tiny strand over white gold on her neck, which made me smile every time I saw it. It was the locket I had bought her for our first anniversary. She hadn’t heard me come...
Straight SexI had been sitting on the sofa reading when I heard the doorbell ring and when I answered it, I saw Amber standing before me looking rather downcast. As she came in we headed for the sofa and after sitting down, she told me that her best friend had made a pass at her and she felt very uncomfortable about it. Our talk got around to how her friend ran her hand over Amber's leg and then back and slowly around her waist until she tried to move her hand up towards Amber's tits. I had to admit...
Chapter 1: To Pennsylvania Amber and I had been corresponding for several weeks. We’d both gotten to the point where we both felt the other person wasn’t totally crazy, just sexually kinky and of a like mind. Through our writings we had talked about our likes and dislikes, expectations and aspirations. On paper we seemed to be looking for the same thing. Pictures had been exchanged and she was as advertised; a very attractive young lady. Long blond hair, blue eyes, five foot two,...
I knelt down next to Mama in the bath and ran a scrunchie across her shoulders. Her head was back against the little purple pillow, one of those that suctions onto the side of the tub. I bought it for her from Wal-Mart. She had a scented towel across her eyes and her breaths came in slow and rhythmic succession so I knew she was asleep. I moved the scrunchie across the front of her chest and watched the water and soap flow down over the vast expanse of soft flesh. I dipped the little plastic...
It was late at night. I couldn't sleep, as usual, and the only thing open, near me, was the 7-11. I was jonesing for a chocolate chip cookie! 3/ $1. Still the best deal on cookies in town. I jumped into my little green Geo, and drove down to the convenience store to satiate my desires for cookies... and the new night clerk, Amber! Amber was a lovely, 18 year old girl I'd known for years. I'd watched her grow up, next door to us. She was 5 feet of pure, untouched sexuality. I'd been trying...
Notes: Thanks to b0b for beta-reading this! Thursday, January 16th The door to the janitor's closet banged open; Kyle froze. His girlfriend stood in the doorway and sudden guilt twisted his stomach. "Christy, I can explain!" Can I though? His girlfriend had a shocked look on her pretty face, and her pouty lips creased tight. Kyle sat upon the step ladder, his cock engulfed in Chyna's pillowy tits as his latest load of cum oozed out of the dusky-skinned girl's cunt. Chyna never...
Since running wasn't an option, I went straight to the pool when I woke up, leaving a note for May informing her of where I had gone and that I would be back soon. Soon turned out to be only about forty-five minutes. You would think running a minimum of five miles a day would mean more, but swimming uses a lot more muscles, in ways mine were not accustomed to, and it didn't take long before I was feeling every stroke. Then there was the added distraction of listening to Boris scream. That...
I didn't know her very well and only had one class with her the previous school year. What I did know about her was that she was the school party animal and apparently Christy was a nun compared to Amber and her sexual conquests. I asked around and found out she had a boyfriend but cheated on him frequently because he wasn't very "big" and wasn't getting the job done. She was pretty but looked like a burnout. Her hair was blonde and long, her skin was pale, and she was very skinny....
it was a hot after noon, and i was in the hot tub at the indoor pool downtown looking for chicks to fuck.(i do this every weekend)and i saw a girl, about 14 with a bathing suite that was too small for her. she saw me and came over. "hi im Amber" she said "hi. Jeffry" i said. then she sat across of me, then i saw her hand rubbing her inner thy. she ask me "how old are you?" "13" i said "you?" "im 13 turning 14 tomorrow" "oh sweet". it was 3 minuets when i gave her a single to come with me, and...
You've got to know where to look. Sometimes, it finds you. In that case, be ready. In the meantime, I have written about numerous girls with numerous fantasies in a single yellow book. These are their stories. This is about an old friend from the past. Her name was Amber. She was one of my first female friends and my first real crush. We met in seventh grade. There was something about her that was different just by looking at her. We became friends. Eighth grade came. I asked my friend to...
"Okay, I'm going." I grabbed my stuff and moved from my seat to the front of the class. "How long do I have to stay there?" I asked. "As long as I want you to." That could be days I thought. It was the worst seat in the entire class. The seat was uneven and wobbly, the table was worse. It was dreaded by those who got on the teacher's bad side. It was even more dreaded by those who hadn't done any wrong. Like me. After I reluctantly moved myself to the front. She...
What the hell was she thinking? Amber had done it she had agreed to go on a weekend trip with a man she hardly even knew, she hadn’t even met the man in person. They met six months ago online and after the first few conversations they had been intimate with one another. She still didn’t know if she should be ashamed of herself or just be accepting of her behavior. Her thoughts ran through her mind making her even more nervous than she already was. Mitchell was going to be there any...
Amber and I met in the 10th grade. I was the shy one in school and I think my shyness seemed like a challenge to her because from day one she was trying to drag it out of me. Amber was very outgoing and very attractive. She was tall with long brown hair that fell past her shoulders and shone in the light. She had beautiful brown eyes that I learned to read like a book and most of the time those eyes told me that she was up to something. Her body was perfect, slender and toned, like the body...
So, that's my weekends at the moment. Giggle. And Monday to Friday? The office? How's this looking now? Well, things went downhill fast for Roger after the night I blew him off. The next day in the office I turned up for work wearing the necklace he'd given me. It was like a trophy. Also a way of reminding him how I'd humiliated him in the club. I wore a really REALLY low-cut top, instead of the usual blouse, and I dispensed with a bra. He came in looking sheepish but when he saw his...
Tying up some loose ends Bigdad298 I am not homophobic, nor am I offended by its implication! I am very situated in my sexuality. I have been married for over fifteen years to wonderfull women. At least I had assumed she was! It all started one evening when my wife and I were getting our groove on if you know what I mean. We have played all kinds of sex games and I am more than willing to play more if it means I'm getting laid! We have played within the realms of BDSM,...
Chapter 4 - Loose Ends "What is the status" said the mildly eastern European voice on the other end of the encrypted satellite phone. The NSA was too good at intercepting all communications, so Kristina needed to be extra careful. "We were able to get the two subjects out of the lab.," she paused not wanting to use names or pronouns just in case, "was becoming uncooperative. The medical team sedated, and we were able to extricate from building later that...
I looked at the camera. Seven months old, Devin stood on my right thigh, and his brother Quin stood on my left with my arms supporting them. Sky sat cross-legged across on my lap and leant against me. Kim was at my right shoulder with his right arm around Sarah. Beside him was Lindell her arm around him and Bonny. Raina fussed and finally said she had a lovely picture. Sky scrambled down to run to her big sister and see the results. Sarah bent and kissed me and claimed Devin while Bonny...
Bret found Dave cooking omelets on Sunday morning. He was laughing as he approached the cooking area Dave normally used for his morning service to his fellow Circle members. He said with a smile, “What did you do to my wife?” Dave smiled, “Good morning. I assume she’s all right?” “Oh, she’s better than all right. I don’t know that I’ve ever had a more affectionate wife, certainly not first thing in the morning. Moreover, all she could talk about is how much she is in love with you. She’s...
With the Time Machine Bandit, Clemson, now 'incarcerated'. Alex and the crew of Meridian 12 must now find their Egyptian passengers a new home. What other surprises are in store from the Empress of Time and Space? And is this the last time we'll see Andromeda, Regina and the crew of Atlantis? Copyright 2014: R.G. Beyer Episode 10 "Loose Ends" "Alex? Where did you come from? Is mother all right? Did your...
A MindBomb Story: Loose Ends By Zapper A special thanks to BobH for letting me play in his Universe - Zapper PART ONE ++++++ Chapter 1 "A friendship renewed" ++++++ It was a pleasant fall day in Ann Arbor, Michigan as Trevor walked through the Diag headed toward South State Street and Ashley's bar. Trevor had graduated from the University of Michigan a couple of years ago with a degree in Computer Engineering and was now working as a...
Dreamscape Conclusion By Diana Kimberly Heche Part 5: Dream Walker Fear, confusion and fraud. These were the three words, which had dominated my existence since I died in a car accident. Through cosmic happenstance, I emerged from a coma in the body of Lucy Maya. My second chance at life, so to speak, was not one of wonderment at the miracle of being given another crack at life, as one would expect. Quite the opposite. I tip toed through this life fearful more people...
Amber and me were confident almost from the very beginning. We were totally at ease with each other. We trusted each other completely. We shared our most intimate thoughts and feelings. We discussed every thing including sex. She told me about her boyfriends and what she enjoyed having them do to her. She spent hours telling me all about the things that excited a girl as well as the things that turned a girl off. Of course, it never occurred to me at the time that she might have...
Amber and me, well we have always been very special to each other. Our relationship has always been a special one. She enjoyed being with me from the very beginning and I with her. How many guys can say that about a sister who’s eleven years his senior? How many can say that their big sister enjoyed having him hang out with her? Didn’t get mad at him and send him away when he said or did something stupid? Not many, I suspect. We were always close and I didn’t think that we could become any...
IncestOne of the reasons my engagement to Lars went smoothly was that he got along with both my brothers. This was no small feat. Sean liked having him as a business contact for Germany. Richards Enterprises deals more with personal property than industrial equipment, but both need to know the regulatory landscape. Lars relationship with George was pure geek to geek. Over time, Lars taught George to seek advice on presentation, meaning Sheila. It does not hurt my pride to say that Lars and George...