Red+Green=Amber? free porn video

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Red + Green = Amber? by The Night Watchman Steven was a man who harbored many secrets. The least embarassing being he was still a virgin in every sense of the word. On a trip to Amsterdam his ambition to rectify his virginity problem collides head-on with his deepest secret. * Standard rules apply- free to post on non pay sites with citation. Children and the easily offended click away now. Those picky about comma use prepare to cringe a bit. (its a weak spot for me sorry) Feedback most appreciated.... sorry for the long gap in writing Steven was an American student studying abroad in Europe, and like so many before him Amsterdam was a city that necessitated a visit. "Man, I can't believe I'm actually here!" exclaimed Steven as he walked out of the train station. Steven soaked in his surroundings; "So many things to see and do." "And of course people to see and do" he added in his mind while chuckling. It was Friday afternoon and Steven had a full slate of partying on the agenda. After checking into his hostel, Steven started getting ready for his first night. "Alright Steve, you know the plan. Step one: bar crawl; Step two: liquid courage; Step three: chat up a girl; Step four: lose your virginity. This is Amsterdam everyone is here thinking the same thing... you CAN do this." Steven was a far cry from the life of the party, at 5' 11" and 230lbs Steven had some lifetime weight issues and some severe self esteem issues. Brown hair, hazel eyes and glasses rounded out his profile gathering dust on eharmony. Despite this Steven left his room with confidence, positive things would go his way. Unfortunately this was Steven's first bar crawl and he was not properly prepared. "I can't believe this, we haven't even left the first bar, and everyone has already formed cliques. I made friends with a pair of girls who already have boyfriends; so what am I supposed to do now?" thought Steven trying not to let it get him down. "Maybe I can work my way into another group when we switch bars." Steven scrambling to salvage his evening quickly lost his composure and the little bit of confidence he had scraped together. "Half way through the night, and I haven't even managed to get past 'where you from?' I blew it again." At three A.M. Steven after deciding he got his "money's worth" in free drinks, gave up completely and started heading back to his hostel. "Maybe I'll have better luck tomorrow?" thought Steven as he tried to navigate to find his way home. "I think I may have overdone it a bit on the free shots... Where the hell am I?" Thoroughly lost, Steven was trying desperately to find a landmark, anything that would help point him in the right direction. As he wandered past houses and darkened shops he began to notice a neon glow down some of the side streets. "Hmm I wonder what that is? It can't be the red light district my hostel is nowhere near there." thought Steven. "Well, might as well have a look, these blank houses certainly are not helping me." As Steven approached the glow it quickly became clear where he was. "You have GOT to be kidding me! I'm supposed to be on the other side of town" lamented Steven, pushing him further down into an angry funk. "Well screw it, while I'm here might as well see what this is all about. Since at this rate, I'll be losing my virginity here tomorrow night anyway." Steven was a firm believer in being thorough; he started crisscrossing the red light district up and down each side street looking in every window. Women able to fit any man's definition of beauty occupied the vast number of windows. Window after window filled with Blondes, Brunettes, Redheads, and a few other colors of the rainbow; women of every nationality and colour all illuminated by the signature red glow. "Wow this is like the United Nations of sex." thought Steven as he progressed slowly down the main street. Finally reaching the far end of the district Steven was about to head back when a unique glow caught his eye. Down a small alley was another window; separate from the rest and unlike the others seemed to have a yellowish glow. "I thought they had rules about the lighting and stuff? I wonder what the deal is?" said Steven as he approached. As Steven stepped in front of the window he was struck dumb, hands down the most beautiful woman he had ever seen in person was standing just a few feet, and a glass door away. "Holy crap, what is SHE doing working in a hidden away window like this? She should be a super model or something!" said Steven, with his jaw still scraping the cobblestones in front of him. This woman was Steven's dream girl, 5'0", extremely petite but with full D cup breasts, sitting high on her chest in defiance of gravity. Long red hair down to her shoulder blades laid in stark contrast against her milky white skin. Some small very feminine tattoos dotted the landscape of her otherwise flawless body. Factor in the heavenly aura of the yellow light and she could have been Aphrodite herself. "Man she looks amazing. I wonder why all the girls don't use lighting like this?" thought Steven. So deep in thought was Steven he was oblivious to the woman gesturing for him to approach her. Finally he heard her "Hey, do you like what you see? Why don't you come a little closer?" Steven approached nervously, the growing smirk on her face showed she could clearly tell. "So, um, uh, why is your light yellow; when all the others are red?" asked Steven trying to buy himself some time to calm down. "Yellow?" responded the girl. (Steven noticed she almost sounding surprised) "Oh yes, you noticed my light is yellow well I'm afraid I can't tell you why out here. Trade Secret," she said with a wink. "But if you'd like to come inside we can discuss it among other things." As if a puppet on a string Steven responded to her gesturing finger; floating in through the doorway and up to her room. "Well let's get down to business shall we?" began the girl; "My rates are a little higher than the other girls but believe me it is well worth it for a man such as yourself". Intrigued by her sales pitch Steven let her continue; "The other girls charge ?50 for a blow job and ?150 for quick bland sex. I on the other hand will give you a blow job for free and if you are not completely satisfied you can leave, otherwise you stay I'll explain why my light was yellow while you recover then we will have sex anyway you want for ?250." Steven was flabbergasted. "A free blow job with the option for sex any way I want for ?250; and the only way to get an explanation about the yellow light is to stay?" asked Steven making sure he wasn't hallucinating. "That's right," was her quick response. "Well then you've got a deal!" said Steven poorly masking his raw enthusiasm. "So how does this work? I've never paid for sex before." asked Steven omitting the fact it was his first sexual encounter paid or otherwise. "Well drop your pants and underwear, then sit/ lay on the bed and I'll get started." explained the girl as calmly as if she had explained folding a t-shirt. Steven followed her instructions as quickly but coolly as he could manage. As she climbed up on the bed, her head next to his waist Steven could swear he saw a glimmer of mischief in her eye but he was in too deep to stop now. A few strokes and he was rock solid, she quickly slipped the condom over his cock and began to massage it gently with her mouth and tongue. "Well you are certainly not shy tonight are you" she asked before quickly enveloping his cock. Varying the speed and pattern of movement Steven quickly began to feel his muscles tensing up, but unlike when he masturbated though his whole body began to tense up, muscles constricting diverting all the blood in his body to his now engorged member. "This is amazing, absolutely amazing" thought Steven as any fleeting thoughts of leaving were banished from his mind. As she continued to massage him she began applying some sucking pressure, this multiplied Steven's euphoria tenfold, sensations he had never come close to experiencing flooded his brain. As the sucking intensified Steven's muscles tensed to extremes he didn't know were possible, and he began to feel a tugging sensation at the tips of his fingers and toes. He was teetering on the edge of orgasm yet he couldn't seem to finish. The tugging feeling just continued to increase; he began to feel a pulling sensation as if an invisible force was trying to lift him by his penis. With every movement she made the pulling and tugging intensified, till it felt like his fingers and toes were struggling to hold him down. "This is unbelievable. No wonder everyone always brags about blowjobs... I can't wait to see what sex is like," said Steven not realizing it was out loud. As if she had been waiting for those magic words she gave one last burst of intensity to her rhythm; and with a 'snap' feeling at his extremities Steven finally climaxed with a force unparalleled, he felt himself draining and draining as if his entire body was flowing out with his semen into the condom. When he finally caught his breath Steven felt off; though he wasn't sure what was wrong. "That was amazing!" exclaimed Steven, no longer trying to contain his contentment. "Well I'm glad you enjoyed yourself, I'm guessing you would like to stay then?" she inquired. "Yes, most definitely... um, wait I'm sorry I never caught your name," said Steven. "Oh yes, well I don't give it out right away on purpose, you see my name is Amber" she answered. "Oh that makes sense, that's why you use the yellow light it matches your name" said Chris; thinking he cracked the mystery. "Actually its the other way around," corrected Amber, "As promised allow me to explain, you see this is no ordinary window, it is magic." "Yeah right!" interrupted Chris. "It is and you will see soon enough, now let me finish" said Amber. "You see this window to 'normal' customers and passersby has red lighting just like all the others but when a man whose heart is green with envy of women like yourself passes by your green aura turns the lights yellow and I manifest in the form of your dream girl to present the deal you accepted." "What do you mean envies women, I don't envy women, I'm 100% man. So what are you supposed to be, some kind of curse or demon or something. To punish me for visiting a prostitute, or is this some elaborate prank. Pull one over on the tourist right?" Steven said defensively. "You can deny it all you want but the window never lies, and no, this is not a punishment this is an opportunity for you to deal with your envy once and for all" said Amber trying to calm him down. "You see you will very shortly transform into me, (your dream girl) and spend 24 hours working in the window. At the end of the 24hrs, you will have 2 options. A) Leave the money you earn and change back, or B) keep the money you earn as well as your new form and life. Don't worry about your inexperience, or an unwillingness to work until the 24hrs are up your body will be on autopilot, but the choice in the end will be freely yours to make." concluded Amber. "Are you finished? Good! This is madness! Magic isn't real, and even if it was I don't want to be a women let alone a prostitute." screamed Steven furious with his partner's, seemingly, cruel joke. "Well I'd hoped you would've been happier about this, but it doesn't matter the changes will begin momentarily, see you in the mirror, Am-ber" Amber stated with emphasis on her name before disappearing in a blink. "I don't know how she did that but it is time to go." Steven talking to himself rationalised. As Steven went to slide off the bed he noticed a problem; his legs weren't touching the floor as easily. "This is some elaborate hoax, there was probably a lift in the bed or something. Don't let her mess with you Steven." standing Steven pulled his pants on finding more evidence to the contrary. "Okay so they switched out your pants for these joke ones with extra long legs. You are NOT getting shorter." rationalised Steven, even as his rationale began to seem more like delusion. Steven slipped on his shoes and before he could even lace one up he realized that his toes were nowhere near the tip of the sneaker, it was like a child borrowing shoes from their parent. Steven tried to walk feeling them flop around on his feet. "This is ridiculous, how far they are willing to go for a prank" said Steven lamenting his terrible luck. As he reached for the doorknob he was smacked with undeniable proof; his skin which had been quite tan thanks to his Italian heritage was now losing its color. Starting at his finger tips, his skin turning pale and white like paint running down a wall, his fingernails lengthened to nearly an inch beyond the longest he had ever had them before. "Oh my god! This really is happening." exclaimed Steven finally accepting his situation. As he watched himself change in the mirror his short brown hair grew shaggy and took on a reddish hue before cascading down around his head and turning fiery. His hazel eyes shifted green then took on a vibrancy that was nearly hypnotic. "Okay Steven, the cat is out of the bag. No turning back now; I'll just wait out the 24hrs like Amber said; then change back. No harm, no foul. I mean, how tough could it be right? And you'll be on autopilot anyway" said Steven as his voice slid up to a high register, and took on a melodic tone. After the appearance of his new tattoos Steven could no longer stand to look at himself in the mirror. "Not that it really matters... all that is left are changes I won't need a mirror to notice," said Amber with a sigh. With that his weight began to redistribute, his arms and legs becoming extremely slender. His waist made a sharp contraction as his hips flared and butt bubbled outward. Likewise his chest ballooned forward into massive mounds on sensitive flesh begging to be massaged. The distraction on his chest was no match for the sensations coming from his crotch. Like the blowjob all over again Amber could feel suction on her penis and balls though this time it was coming from inside her body, as her vagina began to form and the sensitivity of her penis as it rapidly changed into a clitoris was enough to send Amber over the top for her first earth shattering orgasm as a woman. "Wow, that was even better than the blowjob" thought Amber. "No Steven you can't let yourself think like that. Resist, you are a man! Curiosity or not you! Are! A! Man!." A fitting last thought before being forced to watch as her body began to take charge. Despite her now generous curves most of his body mass was forced out through her skin like slime. As Amber's new programming took hold she quickly cleaned herself off and made her way down to the window to begin her shift.

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"And then it went 'Boom'!" Randy said. He laughed hysterically. I sat silently on the barstool knowing that most of the customers in the small nightclub were staring at us. I wished I could shrink away. I couldn't just go and sit somewhere else. I came with Randy. He invited me to this nightclub, so it was right to hang with him. He was my coworker and I appreciated that he was trying to be my friend, but I discovered he was a very different person than I first thought. It wasn't that I...

2 years ago
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Birthday Sex A True Tale

So, I am writing my second sex story on ISS. This is about my ex “Neha” name changed. Winters were approaching, and there was a famous international singer visiting Delhi, luckily a day before Neha’s birthday. Tickets were purchased, we were around 8 people for the concert, and a day before that concert, Neha was sending me pictures and asking me what to wear, she wanted to wear a dress about knee length, and I was against it (it was because it was dengue season, and Neha was really hot, I...

1 year ago
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Mom Gets Stoned Then Boned

Note : This story is completely fictional! I broke the wet, passionate french-kiss and looked deep into my mothers eyes. They were red and glassy from all the weed we had smoked. I took my moms left hand and placed it on the crotch of my pants directly over my semi erection. Her eyes widened a bit and she grinned. "maybe later you can show me how you used to suck dads cock". I said. She got a stunned look on her face for a second and then grinned even nastier. My cock came to full erection as...

3 years ago
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Treehouse Masters Teenage Love HutChapter 2

The team from Nelson Treehouse and Supply was making good time on the treehouse Paul and Paula Harris had commissioned for their daughter’s sweet sixteen. There was much use of pulleys, nail-guns, and human muscle with an occasional break for coffee or to talk to the Animal Planet production crew. Suddenly Paula came running up to the base of the tree. “Pete!” she cried out, “Pete, I’ve got bad news. I just got a notice from City Hall. You can’t build this design!” Pete was horrified. He...

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Wet Dreams

They lay there exploring. relishing in the rediscovery of their bodies… till they both explode with an earth shattering orgasm… I slowly wake up… just laying there… next to him… remembering just a few hours ago… how awesome it was… My eyes open… there he is laying next to me. our bodies close… his arm draped across me… He looks so peaceful. as I watch him. studying every line. memorizing his face… like I would forget…...

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Jon Snow Takes WesterosOr just its women

Chapter 1:Catelyn Tully/Stark It wouldn't be a lie to say that the inhabitants of Winterfell would ever know who pushed Bran down the tower and killed him. And though Catelyn Tully would forever have her suspicions, she would not voice them. Not with her husband dead and the realms in the hands of the tyrant Joffrey Lannister. She only thanked the old gods and the new that Ned had refused King Robert's betrothal arrangements and refused to take Sansa and Arya with him to the capital when...

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A House Divided

Sam handed Rebecca a glass of wine and smiled, his handsome face had a dreamy expression as he watched his wife drink. He could see she was tired but he was horny. Rebecca was always working late so he rarely got any time with her. He waited until she finished her glass and went in for a kiss, Rebecca pulled away however “not tonight honey, I’m too tired,” she told him firmly. “Come on, just a quickie? I don’t get you to myself much these days,” he replied. “…Fine, but no kissing.” He grinned...

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SCENARIO — Couple just gets back form a fancy dinner and evening on the town. Both are dressed appropriately and have now returned to the man’s home. Neither of them knows what to expect from the rest of the evening. The lights dimmed as the entered the room. Both of them knew what they wanted from this evening, but did not know how to offer it. The room was now barely lit. Silhouettes of the objects around them could be seen and only close up could you see detail in anything. That doesn’t...

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Casually Dominating Horny Cock In A Hot Affair

Hello, my lusty readers of raunchy tales! I know a scandalous affair gets your horny big cock hot and hard. But what I am about to share with you folks is a naughty hook up within a scandal. One evening, I decided to visit my college friend Nupur before returning home from work. Her house was nearby from my office and a probably planned visit turned into a surprise visit because I couldn’t reach her through her phone. After pressing the doorbell, I had to wait for about over a minute before...

1 year ago
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Strangeness at Fellows Part 1

Part I Denis Denis Robson was the floor manager of Fellows department store and ever since his promotion eighteen months ago, had been wrestling with a problem. The problem was that his responsibility was for the mens and ladies wear floor and every day he went to work, he was forced to walk through the ladies section, past the dresses, skirts and blouses that sparkled and shimmered in the carefully placed lights. He'd walk on past the shoes in pretty, bright shades, past the...

3 years ago
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Their Slave

Their Slave By Tiffany Scott 05' I was a single parent of a smart 15 yr old daughter. My wife had passed away four years earlier and because of the stress of adjusting to being a single parent and all of the changes that had to take place it took me two years before I started to date other women. My relationship with my daughter Wendy was very good and rarely did we find ourselves in conflict with each other. There was the usual "You just don't understand" that all...

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Three Sisters of Delta Gamma Ch 01

The following story is an original work of fiction. Any resemblance of these fictional characters to actual people is purely a coincidence and was not intended. All characters involved in any sexual activity are above the age of 18. The story takes place in Newark, Delaware, and the main characters are portrayed as students at the University of Delaware. All places and business mentioned really do exist and are described to the best of the author’s knowledge. The story is copyrighted by the...

4 years ago
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My Wife Tina Takes Care of Her Needs Part 2

My Wife Tina Takes Care of Her Needs Part #2 In part 2 Tina gets her third COCK that she needs and more The afternoon starts out with Tina calling Dave and John. John is the man Tina FUCKED on the hood of his car before work or where ever she can get it. When the evening was over Tina told me this story of her FUCKING John and FOUR of his friends. Because of me letting her FUCK so many COCK today she thought I would not mind if she already FUCKED a GANG of guys. She was getting FUCKED on the...

1 year ago
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Life and Times of a Horny Couple Chapter 3

Kristen and I, were really beginning to enjoy all of the new experiences we were having. Kristen continued to play on line and chat with many guys and couples. She chatted with one couple, Lacey and Brad, who were interested in meeting us for dinner and sexy conversation. We met them in an Applebee’s and enjoyed their company. We decided to meet them the following week at a cocktail lounge. The plan was for the girls to wear some sexy clothes. Kristen wore a white sheer blouse with a half bra...

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next morning not great but what happened

It was 10 after 8, I was just about to put something hard in my mouth when someone was knocking on the door, and in my head I had a few choice words. I had waked up about 30 minutes earlier stretched and rolled over to find this steel pole against me. Rick was still sort of sleeping but had this incredible hard on so I started to play with it rubbing it and pulled the sheets back to stare at it, just as I was about to put it in my mouth that is when someone was at the door. Putting on a knight...

2 years ago
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SoixanteTrois Airlines part 25

"Honestly, there were times I thought this day would never come," Sophie said as she fidgeted nervously in her smart blue pencil dress and matching designer heels. "And I definitely never pictured it being under these circumstances." "Well, regardless of the circumstances, you definitely deserve to feel proud," Amy advised her friend, who smiled in response. "Definitely," Hayley concurred. "Just a pity you can't take any of the credit for it..." Sophie nodded sadly as she gazed out...

1 year ago
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3 days at a cottage Chapter 1

Note : This story is completely fictional! It happened when I was 18. All our family went to the country every summer. They are mom, dad, my sister Natty and I. Our relatives sometimes came to our place and were there for some weeks. This summer we waited for our Aunt Galya's arrival. After a week of our staying at the cottage she arrived with my cousin Sveta. Natty and Sveta were 18 like me. They were good company and we spent time together. One day the parents came up to me and said, "Sonny,...

4 years ago
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Fuckin Jungle Part 1 Welcome to the Jungle

Introduction: A young woman gets lost in the jungle and loses her virginity to two chimpanzees! The jungle, an endless ocean of trees stretching out in all directions. Millions upon millions of different types of plants, trees, animals and insects work together to create an ecosystem unlike any other in the world. Somewhere deep in the middle of that ecosystem of African wildlife, a dozen jeeps remain stranded on a narrow road. With the tall trees creating a veritable roof high over them, the...

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Educated With A Garrison Of Paddle Swats

Educated With A Garrison Of Paddle SwatsThe private high school located in the rural hills had a reputation for providing a superior learning environment for the students with a stern handle of discipline.  The prestigious school was now celebrating its twentieth anniversary in 1971.  It was well known that there was a lack of fairness between the type of punishment given to misbehaving boys and girls.  While corporal punishment was administered using a wooden paddle at the private high school...

2 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 348

Landfall Space Academy – Selina and Diana's Mission Astonishing herself, Diana slept soundly for her allotted two hours. When Selina shook her awake, she smiled at her commander. "My cycle," Selina said. "We are still in warp. Breakout in approximately four hours as planned." "Yes, Commander," Diana returned, yawning, as she stretched and vacated the bunk. "I hope you rest as well as I did." "I did not sleep at all well last shift. Instead, I worried about this...

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Finally we meet

------------ You know who you are.... xxx ----------------We had spoken for well over a year. Flirting, teasing, enjoying the thrill of our forbidden and sexually charged exchanges.... All of the things that had stopped us from fulfilling our fantasy up until now had been removed... The distance, our partners, none of it stood in the way any more and we were finally able to see what would happen when all this built up sexual tension was allowed to flow free... To take it from fantasy to...

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Indian Summer Interlude

I was lucky and retired early. Although there was plenty to do, both at home and in a part time volunteer job I took on, I found that I was nowhere near as active, and had started to put on more weight that I wanted. Living in the Chilterns, I decided to see more of the local countryside and started to take walks out of the town and into the hills. This week, we have been blessed by a real Indian Summer, so as the footpaths would be dry, my walk this week was one that I had wanted to do for a...

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Trucker Tails Ch2 Suzys Lot Lizard Fantasy

Suzy and I kept in touch by email for the next month or so and finally I got another delivery to Albuquerque. I let Suzy know when I was going to be there and we made a date to meet at the same bar across from the truck stop. I violated several speed limits for a couple of days so I could get to Albuquerque ahead of schedule to have time enough for a nice evening with Suzy. I offered to get a motel room for us so we could be more comfortable but she said, “No, I really like your truck. And, I...

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Chapter 1: Crash-landing The pilot turned back and smirked at Paula and Noel. "How are you girls?" he asked. "It's getting boring," Paula replied and slumped into her seat. Noel hemmed, then took out a comb and brushed her curly brown hair. The little Cessna rocked slightly and tilted. The pilot studied the dials. The engine started to whir louder. "Problem?" Paula asked and looked fearfully at the vast expanse of water below them. "No, it's just turbulence," the pilot said....

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