TNWS01 The Girl With The Voice Of An AngelChapter 105: Behind The Prop Box free porn video

After the Teen Beauty Pageant finalists had done their spin on the catwalk dressed in their historical textile costumes they then had to change into swimming costumes for the swimsuit section of the Pageant. They would also have to start answering some more questions posed at them by the MCs. How they answered those questions would help determine their prospects of winning anything as much as their costumes and deportment would. By this time Jessie Harper and the rest of the choir were all back stage with many watching from the wings as the show progressed. Most of those from the choir had changed back into their normal attire with only a handful, Jessie included, deciding to stay completely naked and enjoy the show like that.
During all of this Jessie was still completely unaware of what was happening with Carrie Pearson around the other side of the world and this was just as well as it would have completely robbed the young girl of the pleasure of the moment. Seeing that final group of thirty participants compete for those coveted titles was quite a tense moment but also a lot of fun and quite spectacular in its own right. Seeing, Bjorn, Jock, Clarissa and Shona performing amongst that group made it even more nerve racking than seeing all the others go on but it was still just as much fun if not more so for the shear fact that just one of them might actually win something.
As the naked Jessie Harper watched quietly from the wings she kept two sets of fingers crossed behind her back. She also prayed silently to herself that her friends would do well and hopefully win something that could be contributed, as promised, to Carrie Pearson’s trust fund. Jessie was just so keen to help her friend in any way she could and getting some money over to Carrie in Germany was going to be a priority very, very soon as the Pearson’s own personal reserves were quickly drying up. At this stage Jessie had absolutely no way of knowing that within just a few days she would be jetting off to Germany herself to see Carrie in person. Right now, however, all Jessie knew was that she was in the Redsands Festival Hall, in Georgia, in the United States of America and watching the final show down of the Teen Beauty Pageant - a show that had seemed so long in the making but was now almost over.
Despite all the thoughts and anxieties competing for attention in Jessie Harper’s mind she was still able to stay focused in the moment and clap and cheer on with all sincerity each Pageant participant as they passed by her from back stage to the main stage. She got even more enthusiastic when it was someone she knew. Jessie saw several friends from school prance on out in the latest fashionable swimwear costumes as well as quite a few from church including Clarissa Stark, Jock Ramsden, Marleen Greaves and Bjorn Erikson. She gave one really loud hoot and wolf whistle when Bjorn passed by and even gave him a good hard slap on the butt through his very tight fitting swimming attire. That attire was very good at accentuating Bjorn’s cute butt cheeks as they swung along with each step he made and also at giving a rather pronounced swell to his forward facing ‘package’ that stuck out proud and strong from between his legs.
“Hey! Watch it, babe!” chided back Bjorn as he heard and felt the slap of that hand against his rear end. “Just watch it, young girl, or I might just have to punish you rather severely for interfering with the merchandise! It’s ‘look with your eyes not your hands’ young lady!”
Jessie just laughed and responded with, “Oh, don’t you worry, young man, I will be doing a lot more than just looking with my eyes and hands later on and I hope you will have to punish me good and hard for my indiscretion ... good and hard, you hear!”

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