TNWS01 The Girl With The Voice Of An AngelChapter 52: The Secret free porn video

“It’s a shame they’ve cancelled the Teen Beauty Pageant” mumbled Jamahl Sable. “I was looking forward to seeing all those pretty girls on stage all dressed up then all ‘UN-dressed up’.”
“What about the boys? It wasn’t just for girls you know!” replied Shona Grig giving Jamahl a stiff glare.
“Now, come on you two. Don’t start your bickering again. And you know what he means, Shona. The pageant was originally just for teenage girls. They just added the boys in to keep it all PC ... which is only just right and proper ... but it really is only the pretty girls that everyone wanted to see ... whether we like it or not!”
Everyone around the table looked at Riona Parkes as she spoke then back to Shona to see how she would respond.
Shona looked at the other six one by one then looked at Jamahl again and said, “Well, I just reckon you like lookin’ at girls’ titties but don’t want to admit it. Ever since we saw that topless woman walking about the mall all those months back I’ve noticed you peeking at our titties any chance you get. And lookie here ... what do we have? ... but our own topless chick with her own bare titties for you to oggle!”
All eyes then swung over from Shona’s face to Tammy Maple’s body ... Tammy Maple’s body with its naked bust. Tammy was sitting quietly picking at a fruit salad and yoghurt dessert she had purchased and really wasn’t taking part in the conversation. She wasn’t saying very much and was only half listening until she found herself blushing from all the attention suddenly being focused her way.
What the others saw when they looked Tammy’s way was a pretty young girl dressed in a lovely blue skirt with matching blue sneakers and nothing else. She was sitting topless at the table with her brother and five of their friends in the food court of the Redsands Supermall. Those friends were Riona Parkes, her boyfriend Jamahl Sable, Shona Grig, Kate Terrence and Jessie Harper, and this was their regular Saturday afternoon teen hangout down at the Mall.
Tammy Maple’s chest heaved up as she took in a quick nervous breath from all the eyes now focused her way. This action pushed her naked breasts out even more and accentuated to perfection their youthful puffiness.
Jessie Harper chimed in at this point with, “Now come on guys let’s not embarrass Tammy. I think she is very brave in coming here topless for the first time. We all know her and Chris have been Clothing Optional Nudists for a few months now so we shouldn’t be acting like it’s a big deal or anything. I’m sure most of us have seen naked and semi-naked people around town now. It’s not as if it’s that big a surprise any more. And if Jamahl likes looking at our titties and other girls’ titties ... then so what! We should be proud of our girly bits. It’s not like the olden days when even bare ankles were thought to be obscene if shown in public.”
It went rather silent around the table at that point until Chris looked at Jamahl and asked, “Do you really like looking at my sister’s boobs?”
Jamahl gave Chris a bit of a sheepish grin but had to admit his guilt and said, “Yer ... I guess so. They are kind of cute the way they look all puffy and pointy and stuff.”
Jamahl then looked at Tammy’s bare breasts then at Tammy’s face and added, “I think you are very brave too and I think it is great what you are doing and I really do think you look great all topless and stuff.”
Tammy gave Jamahl a big grin as she spooned down some more yoghurt and fruit salad. She also took in an even deeper breath and puffed out her pretty, young breasts even further into the space just in front of them.
At that point Riona butted in with, “Hey, boy ... don’t you go worrying about that young filly with the titties. I got titties as well and maybe I need to become a Nudist too so you won’t forget that. I got other bits too you might be interested in if you treat me right.”
Riona Parkes then pulled her young boyfriend in close to her side and kissed him on the cheek as she added, “ ... and there’s more of that too if you don’t go looking too much at other girls’ boobies.”
The girl then waggled her chest at Jamahl making her own young breasts under her blouse bounce around a little bit. Jamahl looked at Riona’s swinging bust then smiled at his girlfriend and said, “OK, you win but I still reckon it’s shame they cancelled the Teen Beauty Pageant. All five of you girls could have won it hands down I reckon ... with or without the naked bit at the end!”
“So why did they cancel it?” asked Jessie. “Does anyone know what happened?”
The others all shook their heads in silence until Chris added, “I don’t know for sure but I heard my dad saying it was some kind of funding issue. The National Trust For Lifestyle Nudism wanted to increase the prize money for the winners but the financial backers didn’t feel the same way. They had some sort of a falling out after that I think ... or so I heard my dad tell someone on the phone. But it is a shame. I was thinking of entering just for fun and so was Tammy. Now that we are Clothing Optional Nudists we don’t mind any of this nudie stuff any more. It would have been fun to strut my pecker around the stage in front of a thousand people or so.”
Jamahl laughed at Chris then said, “Nah ... nobody would be looking at your pecker with Tammy about. They’d be crying out for those great looking titties every chance they got.”
Riona gave her boyfriend a playful, but rather hard, slap on the shoulder as she chided him again with, “Now you stop worrying about that there girl’s titties ... you hear me.”

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