TNWS01 The Girl With The Voice Of An AngelChapter 45: We Are Just Friends! free porn video

When Jessie Harper saw her mother through the throng of visitors and naked campers she rushed over and flung her arms around her neck and hugged her tight then she took a step back and said with a silly grin on her face, “Well, what do you think of our new choir uniforms?”
Mrs Glenda Harper scanned her only child’s nude body very carefully before replying with, “You look just wonderful and so do all the others, don’t they Bryce!”
The Reverend Bryce Unsworth was standing right beside Jessie’s mother when she asked him that question and replied immediately with, “Oh, just fine. You all look marvellous. We all had a pretty good idea about what to expect before we came out today. It also looks fairly clear to me that being naked around each other has not diminished anyone’s self respect or respect for others in anyway. In fact I would say it seems to have encouraged an even higher level of mutual respect and happiness which is what this is all about. We live in a society were open nudity is fast becoming the norm and this seemed like a good way to get you guys, and us, used to it - and I think it is working.”
Bryce Unsworth then did a completely unabashed scan of Jessie’s naked body. He let his eyes sweep up and down her legs and stomach and head and vaginal region and didn’t even bother to apologise for looking a bit longer than was necessary at the young girl’s gorgeous breasts. The he added, “Every one is more than happy to hear the ‘voice of an angel’ when you sing so I don’t see why we shouldn’t enjoy seeing the ‘body of an angel’ either. You sing beautifully and your body looks just as beautiful too as does that of all the other young people in the room. I think it is just so empowering to everyone here to be able to enjoy all the naked beauty of God’s creation without any feelings of embarrassment or guilt. I am certain this is probably the way it was all meant to be from the beginning. It might have taken a few generations to get here but now that it is I think it is wonderful.”
The Reverend Bryce Unsworth then looked at Jessie’s mother and said, “Now, if you will excuse me for just a moment, Glenda, I want to catch up with our choirmaster over there.”
Glenda Harper nodded at Bryce as he made his way over to the naked Sonika Jharm who, when she saw him coming, took in a big breath and puffed her lovely breasts up in pride at what the group had achieved that morning.
Glenda then turned back to her daughter and asked, “So how long did it take you all to get ... to get ... to take your clothes off in front of each other?”
Jessie gave that question a few moments thought before answering. She wasn’t sure how much she should say about the Tuesday afternoon session in the Communal Dormitory so all she said was, “Well, not too long I guess. Only a day, I suppose.”
After a brief pause she continued on with, “Well, actually, some of us had started exploring the Communal Dormitory over there which is only meant for naked campers. We decided we should be naked too while we were looking around but when we had finished exploring and had made our way back to the mess hall for dinner we discovered everyone else was naked too. Apparently Jock Ramsden and Marleen Greaves had peeked in at us through one of the windows and had seen a few of us taking off our clothes so they decided to do just the same thing. Only they didn’t come into the Communal Dormitory where we were. They just pranced on back to the others all naked and it all snowballed from there. I was with Sonika, Polly, Bjorn, Carrie, Troy and Clarissa and didn’t know anything about what had happened until we went back to the mess hall for dinner. We went back still in the nude and fully expected to be the only ones completely naked but that wasn’t so. While we were busy exploring the whole camp had become Camp Starkers in the real sense of the word! And everyone has stayed naked ever since and everyone is just loving it. All fifty us ... adults and teenagers ... have spread ourselves out through all three dormitories and we all use all the showers and the wash rooms and the toilets equally the same. It’s just great being all in the nude together. It just makes things so much easier, mom. You really oughta try it.”

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