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AMBER by sissy Property of Mistress Sam It started with unemployment, mine. My benefits were running out and I spent most of the day seeking work. Sunday morning I was scanning the 'HELP WANTED' ads, when under domestic an ad catch my eye. "Houseboy wanted. Must be clean, honest and hard working. Room, board and uniforms provided. Call XXX-XXXX for an interview." Being a submissive personality, it was a dream come true. I called the number at once. A sleepy voice answered, "Yes". "I'm sorry I am calling in regards to your ad. I'll call back later." "NO, we can talk now. Tell me about yourself." "I am a 25 year old white male with a BS in business. I'm 5 foot seven, 145 pounds, blue eyes and brown hair. Computer literate." "Why are you interested in this job. This position is very beneath you." "I was laid off six months ago due to the economy and my unemployment benefits are about used up. Your ad interests me and not only just the pay and benefits." "Interesting. I will interview you this afternoon at 3 PM at my home." And he then gave me the address. Five to three, saw me knocking on the door. A girl about my age, dressed in a maid's uniform answered the door. "Yes" "I'm here for an interview" "You're expected . Follow me please." She lead me down the hall to the den. Knocking on the open door, she announced me "Master Charles, the houseboy interviewee." "Enter" was the response. I entered the den. It was darkly lit and made darker by the dark wood paneling on the walls. As my eyes adjusted to the room, I saw my potential employer. He was 6'3" about 190 pounds, well built. Nota body builder build but very attractive. Medium length black hair framed his clean shaven face. He wordlessly measured me up visually. Then we talked for over an hour with me standing across the desk from him. We talked about many things, school, interests, hobbies, even girls and sex. He then made a comment about dipping the pen in the company ink not being allowed. "Do you want the position?" "Yes Sir" "You'll do, GIRL" When the maid entered she was instructed to show me my room and around the house. "You will find that I will call you boy, it is not an insult, just a fact of life. And you will call me Master Charles. Now off you go. When you're done come back here." Girl, I quickly found out her name was Jan, took me to my room which was on the third floor. The kitchen and public areas were on the ground floor. They were very conservatively, tastefully and expensively done. Up the ornate stairway to the second floor we went. There were five bedroom suites on this floor, the largest of which was Master Charles'. Each suite had it's own private bath with a large sunken tub, marble vanities and bidets. Each sitting room was light and airy with overstuffed chairs and sofas. And a large screen tv. The stairway to the third floor was at the rear of the house. This was the stairway the help had to use normally. On the first floor it was just off the kitchen. It was carpeted with indoor/outdoor carpet (Not for us, but to keep the noise down) and while not narrow was no where near as wide as the formal stairway. Entering the hallway, I saw a carpeted (for noise, not us) floor, white dead end walls and two doors on each side. My room was on the left side. My room was more of an efficiency apartment than a room. It had a private bath with a shower stall rather than a tub. A rather clean and efficient design. The room itself held a twin bed with painted steel head and foot boards, a night stand with lamp and phone and a desk and chair. Between the bathroom and closet was a built-in drawers. No tv or radio. Next to the door was an intercom panel with room lights. Jan then explained the rules: 1. Except for our day off we were to be available 24 hours a day. 2. No food or drink in rooms. 3. No radios or tv's. 4. Keep rooms clean. 5. Be discreet and quiet. 6. Be respectful. That finished, she led me back to Master Charles in the den. His only question was "Well" with arched eyebrows. "Yes Sir, I do want this job." "When can you start?" "I can start right now, however since this is a live-in situation I would like a week to close up my apartment and sell everything.." "Do you have a car?" "Yes Sir" "You will not need it here. So you better sell it." "Yes Sir." A week later, I had sold most everything and had moved into the room at Master Charles home and settled in. My duties were varied. I was responsible for washing and waxing Master Charles auto. His Mercedes sedan and his Porche. He seemed to want me to massage his neck, back and feet every evening. Since Jan was the cook as well as the maid, I served Master Charles his meals, got his papers, mixed his drinks, fetch and put his clothes away. Things were going along well for a couple months. One Wednesday night (Wednesday being my day off) I was sitting on my bed reading my new TV magazine (I was a closet tv at the time) when Master Charles entered my room and grabbed my magazine. With a slap he put me to the floor. "You little perverted faggot. No wonder you wanted this job. Girl told me about seeing your magazines. So you little pervert you want to be a girl." I just rolled up into a ball, cried and begged for forgiveness. "You look enough like a girl, you act and sound like a girl. As far as I am concerned you're a girl." With that he grabbed me by the hair, ripped off my shorts and threw me across the back of the desk chair. "GIRL" As Jan entered Master Charles tied me to the chair. With his belt he beat my ass until I was screaming. "Girl wax off this slut's body hair and thin out her eye brows. Also trim her hair into a more fem hairdo. When you're done call me. If it gives you any problems you can punish her or call me." With that Master Charles left. Jan untied me, pulled me onto my bed and then retied me to the bed. Now I knew why those head and foot boards were used for. she then started to pour hot wax over my body. Before she started to pull it off, Jan reached up under her skirt and pulled off her panties. "I don't want you to disturb Master Charles" as she stuffed her wet panties into my mouth ninety painful minutes later, she had finished. My eyebrows weren't much better. releasing me, Jan then tied me in the chair, where she styled my hair saying it wasn't really long enough to style properly, but it would come later. Before calling Master Charles, Jan painted my finger and toe nails bright whore red. Master Charles returned a few minutes after Jan called and spent several minutes looking me over. "Excellent, she'll do. Boy if you want to stay in my employ will sign this agreement. A slave agreement." It was a dream come almost true. I signed. "Girl will train you in the girly arts, your new duties, etc. You will learn quickly." Pulling a leather device from his pocket, Master Charles stuffed my cock and balls into a pouch and locked it. "This belongs to me now. It is for my pleasure NOT yours. Since boy no longer fits your new status you will now be called Slut. This is no longer your room. You are now assigned to the room connected to girl's. Until otherwise told, you will obey both me and girl. Tomorrow Girl, you will measure Slut for her new clothes. I'll tell you what to get tomorrow. Take this slut to her room and tie her to her bed. During her training you may use slut for your sexual pleasure. You may not reciprocate. Good night girls." With that he left. Jan led me across the hall to my new room. Except for a canopy bed, pastel paint colors and a bath tub, the room was no different from my old room. Jan tied me on my back spread eagle to the bed. Then kneeling over my face, she fingered herself until her breath got short, then she dropped her crotch to my mouth. "You know what to do." Once satisfied, she got off the bed and with a "Sleep tight." enter her room and went to bed. Something wet suddenly started to smother me. It was Jan giving me my wake-up call. I put my tongue to work until she again was satisfied. She led me to the bathroom where I took a scented bubble bath and cleaned up. I rubbed lotion over my body and put on the white hi-cut panties Jan handed me. Back in my room, Jan tied my limbs to the canopy posts. She measured me. Boy did she measure me. She measured everything. Then she left me there and went back into her room. A couple hours latter, she came back into my room, with her arms full of shopping bags. Coming behind me, girl put a corset around me and started lacing me up. the corset kept contracting until I started to take short rapid breathes. Jan released me and finished dressing me in stockings, heels, slip and a dress. During the rest of the day, I did Jan's job cleaning the bathrooms and oven, while she supervised. When Master Charles arrived home I reverted to my own duties, but as a housegirl. That night Jan and I returned to my room where I was instructed in the art of makeup. After a couple hours of face painting, Jan had me change into a pink nightie. But the corset was not removed, it wasn't even loosened. Finally, she attached cuffs to my wrists and ankles and tied me to the bed again. Before she left the room, I again performed the duties she expected of me. The next morning after the same wake-up call, Jan released me to clean up and prepare myself. Returning from the bathroom, girl tightened the corset then allowed me to put on the clothes she had laid out. We then went to the kitchen where we prepared and I served Master Charles his breakfast. Afterwards while I was cleaning up, Master Charles talked with girl. Soon he left for the day and girl and I ate our breakfast. While girl had cereal, coffee and juice, I was only allowed a slice of dry toast and juice. All the while she kept up her correction of my motions and actions to make me more lady-like. Upon finishing and cleaning up, Jan led me to the garage, where we got into a two year old american sedan. I was concerned about being seen, but she calmed me down with a touch of her hand upon my painted cheek. We arrived at a downtown medical building and girl led me to the elevator. It was obvious she had been here before. It was still early and few people were about. At the fifth floor, we got off and we entered an office. Despite the hour, the doctor was waiting for us. He directed us into an examination room. "Girl you're about due for your annual exam, so strip down. Slut stand there and observe what is about to happen to you. Yes, I know all about you and your status." When he finished with girl including a full pelvic exam, he had me strip and sit on the examination table. At the end of the exam, my feet were placed in the stirrups and locked in with tape. The doctor the took the leather pouch between my legs and squeezed it. Within a couple minutes my cock and balls swelled to painfully fill the pouch. "ahhh, ahhh please stop, pleaseeeeee" My right arm was grabbed and held down while the doctor took three large tubes of blood. I was then released from the table, but before I was allowed to dress the doctor took several photos of me and measured my body. Then I was bent over the table and received an injection in each ass cheek. At Jan's insistence, I quickly dressed and left the examination room. In the lobby, the receptionist had arrived and the waiting room was about half full of women. The doctor hands Jan a piece of paper and kisses her on the cheek. With a "See you in two weeks" Jan takes my hand and leads me out. Back in the car, Jan drives off. "We have a few more errands to run." Pulling up to a drugstore, she handcuffs my arms behind me. Slipping a jacket over my shoulders, she gets out and enters the drugstore. Upon returning, she drives to a leather shop, without removing the handcuffs. A tall man with a nametag that said 'DEAN' led us to a back room. After some quiet discussions with Jan, he orders me to strip. I comply after a small nod from girl. Jan removed the pouch. Dean then takes several measurements of my cock and balls, nose, ears and chest. Some more discussions with girl occur, followed by salve being rubbed in my nose, on my ear lobes, my cock and behind my balls. As I looked to Jan with a question on my lips, she reattached the handcuffs and stands behind me with her arms holding me securely. Dean then proceeds to pierce my nose with a large ring between the nostrils. This was followed by a substantial ring in each ear. He then does a Prince Albert piercing on my cock head and a guiche behind my balls. After finishing up, he gives girl and I some very explicit instructions on cleaning and caring for the piercing. Dressed (without the pouch, god it felt good), Dean then took more measurements, height, bust, hips, waist, wrists, ankles, etc. We left there and walked across the street to a small strip mall. At a photographer's, I had several photos taken with several different wigs. I did find out that the nose ring was removable. From the photographer's, we walked to a corset shop. There I was measured again. After that we walked a couple doors down to a shoe store cobbler, Damn, I thought these heels were bad on carpet, on a concrete sidewalk they were way beyond murder. At the shoe store, the cobbler waited on us himself. He measured my feet. Then having me stand on wooden wedges, he drew an outline of my feet on the wood with a pencil. Followed by having me stand on another set of wedges covered with modeling clay. He added additional clay under my arches. Soon we were on our way home. For lunch I had a salad, milk and three large pills. After lunch I cleaned and then prepared dinner. The next two weeks went much like this afternoon. Except I was becoming more and more fem in my looks, actions and outlook. The two weeks went quickly. Jan took me to my next doctor's appointment right after Master Charles left for the office. The doctor took more measurements, comparing them with the last appointment. He inspected the piercing. Before allowing me to dress, he had me bend over the examination table again and gave me a large injection in each ass cheek. After we left the doctor's, we made several stops where Jan picked up many packages. The leather shop, the corset shop, the cobbler, the photographer and the dressmaker's. Instead of the usual activities after dinner, Master Charles had Jan strip and present me to him in the den. While I knelt demurely before him, Master Charles outlined his plans for me. "Slut, it's time to tell you about my plans for you. First you need some background information to understand completely. I am the president and major stockholder of a major high tech corporation and defense contractor. I am also gay. As you can see there are some potential problems. Some people are starting to talk about my lack of female companions. When Girl told me about your interests, it looked like a solution to my problems. I did some checking on the lifestyle in general and you in particular. I know that you are like most tv's, straight, not gay. But now you are my slave, not my servant. And slaves are not heterosexual, or bisexual, or even homosexual. They are just sexual. Further more the pills you are now taking are hormones, so you are now a trans- sexual." Putting a small padlock through my Prince Albert ring, He pulled it back, locking it with the guiche ring. "You will always be pre-op. This equipment will always belong to me, under my control. The doctor has certified you drug and disease free. And that you are a good candidate for transformation. After your body has rounded out enough in a couple months the doctor will enhance your breasts, remove your adam's apple, remove a couple of ribs and do a few other enhancements to your body. At that point, to the outside world, you'll become my girlfriend, but we'll know the truth wouldn't we slut?" Master Charles turned me back over to Jan. She led me to my room, where she laced me into my new corset. Then I was put to bed. Except for doctor's visits every two weeks, the next several weeks slipped into a very standard pattern. On weekdays, I would wakeup (usually by having Jan's snatch pushed into my face), spend about an hour cleaning up and having a makeup and dressing lesson. Prepare and serve Master's breakfast. After he leaves, eat my dry toast and juice. Spend the morning cleaning various parts of the house, making Master's bed, doing dishes, etc. About noon eat my lunch of dry green salad and a glass of water. The afternoon is filled with more lessons and preparation for dinner. We serve Master dinner, when he finishes, I serve him coffee in the den, then help Jan clean up. Then we eat our dinner, mine being a small dry chef salad and a glass of milk. The rest of the evening was spent serving Master. On weekends, we served Master his breakfast a little later and the only cleaning we did was making beds and doing dishes. I spent more time serving Master and receiving training from Jan. Many times Master Charles would watch and comment. On weekdays I would do and remove my makeup two or three times a day. On weekends, I would do it almost hourly. When Master commented on it, Jan told him it needs to become second nature to me and that was the only way. The hormones were kicking in. Along with my diet, they slimmed me down but put more padding on my hips, ass and chest. My breasts started to grow. MY body hair stopped growing, except for my legs, which got lighter and finer. My hair grew faster, finer and thicker. Soon it covered the back of my neck. The hormones also caused me to experience dramatic mood swings. One night while serving Master I went from smiling and giggling to a crying jag instantly. I turned and ran to my room, where I buried my face into the pillow and cried my heart out. I never could figure out what I was crying about. Jan who saw it happen, followed me and tried to comfort me. Soon Master Charles was standing in the doorway. "What's going on Girl?" "Its a girl thing, Sir." "GIRL, there is NO such thing in this house. So tell me NOW." "Master Charles, Slut is experiencing reactions to the hormones. All girls experience mood swing due to hormone imbalances, but in Slut's case the hormone imbalance is causing wild swings because of the large amount of hormones in her system. As her body accepts the hormones the mood swings will moderate. You wanted her to be a girl, this is part of it." "OK, put her to bed." The mood swings slowly leveled out somewhat. Four months after the hormones were started, the doctor told Jan and I, that my breasts were as large as they were going to be and that I was now ready for surgery. It was scheduled in two weeks. Enter the hospital on Monday, surgery on Tuesday morning and home maybe on Friday. That evening, we told Master Charles the news. From his reactions, I was pretty sure that the doctor had already told him. Women's intuition?. After I had served Master Charles his coffee he had me kneel before him. "Slut until your operation I will feed you your dinner. It will be low fat, low cal and high protein. As for your operation, your breast will be augmented to 38C+, a rib on each side will be removed, your adam's apple will be shaved down. You will have a nose job to make your nose more petite. Your ears will be pinned back and your eyes will be worked on to make them more fem and expressive. Your lips will be injected with a permanent collagen to make them more kissable and your jaw line will be worked on. Some padding will also be added to your hips and ass. When the doc is finished, every straight male over puberty and most lesbians will drool over you." Master Charles the extracted his penis from his pants. Holding it in his left hand, he placed his right hand under my jaw and squeezed. As my mouth opened, he pulled my face toward his crotch until my lips had passed over the head of his maleness. With my tongue I felt it grow as Master kept pulling my head forward. He moved his right hand from my jaw to the back of my head in my hair. "I am going to teach you the more intimate of your womanly duties. Every night and all day on weekends. Since sperm is an excellent source of protein, this will be your dinner every night and all three meals on weekends. I will save your anal cherry until after the surgery." The rest of the evening was spent with me receiving Master Charles's instructions on how he liked to be serviced. In the next two weeks I became very familiar with Master's cock and balls. His likes and dislikes. How his cock pulsed and throbbed just before he shot liquid protein into my tummy. My mouth and throat became intimate with Master's sperm. It's taste, it's texture. I could feel it slide all the way down my throat to my tummy. On the weekends, I spent so much time on my knees sucking Master off, my knees got carpet burns. And I became so stiff that Master Charles had to lift me to my feet. A hot bath before bed would loosen me up. Finally it was time for the operation. Jan checked me into the hospital just after noon. Several tests were performed. At bedtime I was washed and given three pills. After I took them it was like turning out a light. I awoke in the recovery room. The only place I didn't hurt was my legs. My head throbbed, my chest was one big sore sport, even my feet and throat hurt. I looked around and saw Master Charles and the doctor talking. As I tried to sit up, I felt the restraints that held me to the bed. When I opened my mouth to talk, Master Charles put his finger to my lips with a "SHHHHHH. Don't talk. Nod if you understand." I nodded my head. "The doctor has completed your paperwork and you are now officially Amber. While you were on the table, I had your vocal cords shortened so your voice will be more feminine. Also I had an experimental type of surgery done on your feet. It is intended to reconstruct shattered feet. But in your case your feet were too big for a woman your size, so they were made smaller. You went from a size 10 1/2 to a size 6 shoe. Your tendons were shortened, so will always have to wear high heels. The doctor tells me that you will need to stay in bed for at least a week. He also tells me, he has you in a private room during that time cared for by a couple of cute lipstick lesbians, who are excited about taking care of a brand new girl. Bye bye for now, Amber." He left and I drifted off to a drug induced sleep. When I awoke again, I was in my hospital room. Both my nurses were there. They looked like the Barbi twins. For the next ten days I laid on that bed. The doctor came around twice a day. The nurses massaged me after every meal. I was lightly medicated to deaden the pain. Needless to say, the girls used my tongue for their pleasure. Jan visited me daily. Two days before my release, she brought Dean from the leather shop with her. In short order each of my new nipples were supporting a substantial gold ring. After Jan and Dean left the twins fawned all over me and my new additions. When the doctor was satisfied I had recovered enough, I was released. My nurses wheeled me to the car while Jan followed. They hugged and kissed me and left. As Jan drove us home, I cried over the lose of my two new friends. The only two I've had in a very long time. The next month was spent recovering from the surgery. Shopping for new clothes. And the bi weekly doctor's appointment. Of course, after the first week, I still serviced Master Charles. Jan taught me how to use my feminine wiles. How to act waton, slutty and sexy. One quiet Sunday afternoon, I was kneeling between Master's legs, with my plump red lips wrapped around his pussy spike. After I swallowed his load and licked him clean, Master Charles pulled my face up by my chin. Looking me in the eye, Master outlined the new changes in my life. "Slut, since you obviously do not meet the qualifications, you are no longer my houseboy. Don't worry you will not be thrown out onto the streets. Tomorrow you will start work as my secretary/receptionist. Since you can already type, it shouldn't be a problem. The secretarial pool does most of the heavy typing. Your duties will tend to be more personal. If you are not very good at your job, everyone will take one look at your body and know why you were hired and how you keep your job. At the office you will call me Sir. I am running an ad for a new houseboy, since you no longer hold that position. Tonight, as you are no longer a member of my household staff, you will move out of your room and into a room on the second floor. Not that you'll spend much time there. My staff and the houseboy will assume that you are my lover. But you will still obey Girl. Your room will be the one connected to mine. There is a door between them, so you can protect your maidenly modestly. Plan on sleeping with me every night. You are more dependent on me than before the operation. If I throw you out the best you can hope for is being a TS streetwalker. It's worst than being a female hooker or a male prostitute. After a short while it will be known that you are my live- in girlfriend and lover. You will attend many different functions with me. Some you will act very ladylike. Some you will be a slut whore. I'll tell you which. Now I have an interviewee coming in a few minutes, so you and Girl go move your clothing into your new room." And off I went. Jan and I spent the rest of the afternoon moving. For awhile she guided the interviewee around the house. While she was gone I explored the suite. From the hall one entered a small sitting room. This room had a sofa and chair, coffee table and a tv. It was done in pastels and was very feminine. The other door connected this room with the bedroom. It was done in the same style as the sitting room. Centered on the inside wall was a queen size canopy bed. Against the outside wall between two windows was a loveseat. On the common wall with Master Charles' room was a door. The other sidewall had a door. It led to the dressing room. This room had a large low vanity with a low wide bench. A large well lit professional mirror. To the left was a large walk-in closet with built in drawers. The door to the right was the bathroom. It was good sized, but full. There was not only a toilet and a large whirlpool bath with shower, but also a bidet. When Jan came back after showing Juan, the new houseboy, around. He would start in a week, living in my first room. That night Master allowed me to sleep in my bed. Monday morning I rode with Master to work. At the office, I was turned over to Mrs. Worthington, the office manager. She was a tall older lady, conservatively dressed. Very proper. And not accepting of imperfection or levity. Most of the morning was spent with her doing the required paperwork, job apps, W-4, etc. Being shown my duties. She also showed me around the building and introduced me to everyone. I could tell by how everyone looked at me, that they "JUST KNEW" how I got this job and my job performance would be judged on my back. After an early lunch I went to my desk in Master's office. It was a reasonably large room. My desk was in one corner facing the door. It was a medium sized, low wooden desk. On it was a computer monitor and keyboard, a multi line phone with intercom, a dictaphone and a set of "IN" & "OUT" trays. Behind the desk was a secretary's chair, low back and no arms and a credenza. Across from the desk were two leather couches and two leather chairs. The walls were done in light colored wood paneling and on them hung a couple of paintings. There were some letters to type on the dictaphone and a couple to retype in the "IN" box. When they were finished I buzzed Master to tell him that. He told me to wait. It was a quiet day, with no one coming into the office. On the computer I checked Master's schedule for the evening and the next day. I also saw a Thursday business trip. Just before 5 PM, Master summoned me into his office. The large office was paneled in dark wood, giving it that distinguished, old money look. Off to the left were two small leather couches and a coffee table. Across from the door was Master's desk. It was a massive wooden desk with a phone, computer monitor and keyboard, off on the left side and a blotter in the center. In front of the desk were two leather chairs. Behind it was a large leather executive chair. On the wall by the couches were framed photos and certificates. It was Master's vanilla 'I love me' wall. The wall behind the desk was done in shelves. The ones immediately behind the desk were open and contained trophies and nic- nacs. The rest were covered by doors. As I closed the door behind me, Master pointed to the floor beside him. I moved to the spot indicated, laid the completed letters on his desk for signature and waited. As he looked at me his eyes got smaller, colder and harder. A light went on in my head and I knelt down. "That's better slut. I will not punish you for that lapse, because I know you were protecting me. However from now on when we're alone and the door is closed you will kneel on that spot. " As he signed the letters, he continued. "I've had a good report from Mrs. Worthington on you. She said you're attentive, a quick learner and neat. She also said that you surprised her. She was expecting an airheaded bimbo. And you threw everyone else a curve with your good looks and quality work. Now about my schedule. You were told you were to keep it and keep it on track. The girl you replaced had difficulty doing it. What's my schedule for tomorrow?" "Sir you have nothing on your schedule for tonight. Tomorrow you have a 9 AM staff meeting and a 10:30 engineering meeting. Lunch with your lawyer for noon at Julio's. A one o'clock with Mrs Worthington. Two o'clock is open and a marketing meeting between 3 and 5. Do you want me to move Mrs Worthington to 2 PM since lunch could run late?" "Excellent thinking, slut." "Tomorrow evening you have a SAE dinner at 6:30 at the Regency, black tie. I'll call girl and see if your tux is back from the cleaners. That's it. Oh by the way, you have a business trip on Thursday. Have you made your arrangements, tickets, etc?" "Staff travel takes care of that." "Yes sir, do you want me to check on it?" "Slut you are persistent." "Sir, I do not want to end up in the secretarial pool or worse. And I am supposed to manage your schedule." "Very good. You're right you do manage my schedule. But you are not my social secretary." "Yes sir, I love you and want to do my best for you and make your life better and easier." "You'll do very well, slut. Let's go home." The next several months went quickly. I made several female friends at work. We had lunch together, window shopped and did girl talk. Master Charles allowed it saying it would round me out as a female. Several times Master took me to dinner parties. Vanilla very vanilla. There I was introduced as Amber, his live-in lover. I was always dressed to kill. Most of the men undressed me with their eyes and all the women would stare at me with daggers in their eyes. My outfits were always tight, brightly colored , showing a lot of breast and very sexy. With the small waist formed by my corset and no bra my movements always threatened to throw my boobs out of the dress. After the parties, the combination of my hormones and alcohol made me feel wanton and horny. The sex was better. Interestingly Master hadn't taken my "cherry". He was saving me for something. At this point it's frustrating. Once a month Master Charles meets with a group of local gay men who are into S&M. The first time I was taken there was my first month of working at the office. My dress was a red leather micro mini, camisole top and 5" black pumps. Around my neck was a collar and each ankle and wrist was encircled by cuffs. Each was made of stainless steel and required a special key to unlock. When we got there the other men, taking me at first appearance got very uncomfortable and made rude comments to Master. Giving me the impression I should leave. Master Charles ignored those comments, while I was fidgety and uncomfortable. Master's only response was to order me to strip. As I slowly stripped, the men's comments became more belligerent, pointed and louder. Dean from the leather shop walked in as I turned away from them and pulled my panties down. When I turned back around, Master and Dean laughed while the other's mouths dropped in shock. Once Master told my story, everyone was full of questions. The comments, after the questions were soothing to my bruised feelings. "She would almost make one want to go straight." "If you got to have a bitch, that's the way to go." They congratulated Master on his ingenuity on solving his problem. I spent the rest of the evening nude serving refreshments to the men. While they fondled my ass and cock. Re-enforcing my Master's pride in me, I managed not to cum. The comfort levels for both parties increased as the evening went on. As the evening came to a close, I dressed, very seductively, in front of the men. That night Master did one of the cruelest things he could have done. He had me sleep in my own bed and ordered me not to cum. From then on, I went to this meeting every month. Master had been invited to bring me anytime. In fact I was given my own membership to the group. There I would always strip and serve. While I was actively fondled, Master wouldn't allow anymore than that. When Master went on business trips, I stayed at the office to keep everything on track. It was usually quiet. At night I was allowed to sleep in my bed, but it got so I would sleep on the floor beside Master's bed because I missed him so. What is happening to me? Jan told him about that and Master would tease me about it when he got back. One trip I was not allowed to sleep in my bed. Big deal, you say, I'm not anyway. Well I wasn't allowed to sleep in Master's room. If I didn't sleep in Jan's room at her suffrage, I could only sleep on the floor at the foot of my bed. All it did was make me miss him more and more. When Master Charles got home, I wrapped myself around his legs and through my sobs begged him to make me his for ever and ever. What was happening to me? As Jan gave him his after work drink, Master patted me on my head. And with a "We'll see" sent me off to the den. Other than my sexual service, he ignored me that night. Finally he took me on a business trip. Master had a 9 day trip to the orient scheduled. Leave Friday afternoon and arrive back home Sunday night a week later. I didn't know was going until the trip pack arrived from the staff travel office. When I handed the pack to Master Charles, he opened it and handed me my tickets and my new passport. Needless to say, I was very excited. So excited in fact, that i didn't read the tickets. "Tonight you will pack. Girl will help you after she packs for me. We will leave from the office. You have many surprises in store for you.." That night Jan had me take a bath while she packed my luggage. A limo took us to work and would take us to the airport later. That day, I bounced around the office, I was so happy. Finally I was called into Master's office and told to calm down OR ELSE. I didn't like the sound of that OR ELSE. Finally Four o'clock rolled around and I followed Master into the limo. During the ride to the airport Master outlined our trip. "We'll spend tonight at the LA Hemsley. I have some friends meeting us there for a late night snack. I have a luncheon appointment and a couple of meetings during the afternoon. That evening we leave on JAL for Tokyo. We'll be there for two days. Then a day each in Seoul, South Korea, Bangkok, Thailand and Singapore. From Singapore we fly back top LA on Singapore Air. Arriving there early Saturday afternoon, I have a couple meetings, then dinner with another couple. Late Sunday morning we board American Airlines for the trip home. We are booked first class. I expect you to be very ladylike, but sexy. I may also have you flirt with men I designate." By then we arrived at the airport. As we got out, the driver had gotten the luggage out and had given it to the skycap. It was curbside checked as we checked-in at the first class counter. Our seat assignments were together with me sitting on the aisle. Soon we were aboard the airplane and on our way. After a not so bad airline first class meal, I shudder to think what the steerage passengers were being fed, and a romantic movie, I fell asleep with my head on Master's shoulder. During the movie, Master had me flirt with the businessman sitting across the aisle from me. While I watched the movie, I would move around causing my skirt hem to rise until the top of my stocking and garters showed. Then I would smooth my skirt down. I did it several times until I could see he was very flustered. Then I dropped a pen on the floor. I slowly bent over to pick it up, giving him full view of my boobs. Then I smiled at him and then laid my head on Master's shoulder. Master gave me a pat on the head. On arrival at LAX it was still early, we were met by another limo. The manager of the Hemsley was waiting for us, as the limo arrived at the hotel. Handing Master the keys and his messages, he wished us a good night as the Bell Captain loaded our bags on to a cart. In the suite, Master had me dress in a slut outfit. When I opened my suitcase, I found all I had was my sexy, slutty clothing. When I finished dressing and entered the living room. Master was just putting down the phone. "They'll be here in a few minutes." "Master, all I have is slut clothing." "I know, I told Girl what to pack. You'll see why. Now go to room XXXX and knock on the door. Obey who ever answers the door. Now go." As I opened the door Master had one more comment. "Oh, I'd be careful. Dressed like that with no ID hotel security will think you're a street walker doing a trick." When I knocked on the door, it was opened by a tall ruggedly hansom man. He was dressed in jeans, a white T shirt and a leather vest. Sitting on the sofa was an older distinguished lady dressed in a red leather outfit. She pointed to the floor at her feet. I knelt at her feet. Upon her command I stripped. The comments both of them gave boosted my pride of Master's vision. But their comments about keeping me, putting me to work on the street and keeping my earnings. That scared me. For the next two hours they used my mouth for their pleasure, switching off after each orgasm, driving me on by whipping my ass. Fondling my ass the man said "I would love to pop this cherry, but your owner said hands off." Finally I was allowed to dress. As I was leaving the man handed me a sealed envolope with 'Master Charles' written on it. As I left the room and hurried down the hall to the elevators, Master's parting comment was on my mind. Just as one of the doors opened, as man pushed me into it. The doors closed and the elevator started to move. The man reached over to the control panel and stopped the elevator. "Where do you think you're going, whore?" "To my room." showing him my key. We don't rent rooms to sluts like you. So where did you steal the key?" "I didn't steal it!" "When I arrest you the cops will believe me. .... Unless.." "Unless what?" Patting his crotch "You can convince me that you are telling the truth." He snaked the fingers of his right hand through my hair. Then using his grip, pushed me to my knees and pulling my face to his crotch. Even an airhead, bimbo blonde would know what was wanted. My hands unzipped his fly and pulled out his appendage. It started to swell from my handling. Soon it was time. It wasn't as large as Master's, but it was a mouthful. Within a couple of minutes, it had swelled a little more and the man started to moan and pump himself in and out of my mouth. Shortly after that I could feel his scum hit the back of my throat. Upon my finishing licking him clean, he put it away, zipped up and pulled me to my feet. "Normally at this point I would arrest you, but since you did such a good job blowing me I wouldn't. Let's see if you're telling the truth." The elevator started to move upward again. And very soon, we were standing at my room door. The man inserted the key, opening the door. Master was in the living room (it's a large suite, remember) chatting with two very attractive ladies. They turned toward the door. "Yes" "This slut said this was her room. And I was checking out her story. Sorry to bother you, sir." "Unfortunely, she is with me. You may leave her, Thank you." Handing me my key the man left. As he closed the door, I rushed to Master wrapping myself around him and said "Thank you" "Do you have something for me cunt?" His words were cutting and hurting to me. "Yes Master" was my only reply as I handed him the envolope. Opening it he showed me $200 in twenties. "They were pleased with your performance, slut. It was done for a reason. Now let me introduce my friends. This this Clarlene and Barvbra. Ladies this is Amber." They held out their hands in a manner which told me to kiss their hands. Just aboutthis time there was a knock on the door. Master opened the door on room service. The young man rolled the cart into the center of the room. Not only the lewr in his face, but also the growing buldge in his pants told us how turned on he was by the three bomb shells in the room. As the steward left, Master tipped him $20. I took the time it took Master to handle that chore, to check out the ladies. Charlene was about 5'7", 115 pounds, D cup, platium blonde. Barbra was a little shorter, about 5'5", 110 pounds, C cup, red head. They were very attractive and well dressed. Their behavior was high class finishing school quality. Men would say they were built like brick shithouses. When Master Charles got to the cart the 'fun' began. "Slut it's time to show the girls what you are about. Strip." Doing a bump and grind, I stripped until only my panties were left. Rubbing my ass against Charlene, I pulled my panties off. When they saw my front they were speechless. A few moments later their hands were all over me, especially my breasts and cock. "What do you think girls?" "He is unbelievable." "Amber is a girl, mentally and with one exception phyically. Alot of effort and training went into this slut. Lets sit while I tell you about her. Slut serve." For the next 45 minutes, Master Charles told Charlene and Barbra all about me. I spent the time serving the meal. The girls would carress me as I passed. "What do you think girls? Will she do?" "Absolutely. She'll be a surprise package." "Excellent, I was sure she would be. Slut there are some travel plans. You are not continuing on with me. This was planned. If you do not believe me, check your tickets. You're only ticketed to LA and back home. I am loaning you to these ladies. They are what is termed lipstick lesbians. They also have several different enterprises. You may work in a few of them. It goes without saying that you will obey them as you do me. They have been informed of my limits for you. It will be good training for you. After all you enjoyed playing with Girl. It's late. Good night ladies." Master and I slept in his bed while the girls slept in mine. Late the next morning, I packed my bags and left with Charlene and Barbra. But not before I wrapped myself around Master and cried on his chest. The girls pulled me off and led me away. In the parking garge, I was placed in the back seat of Charlene's BMW coupe. I cried most of the way. Finally we pulled into a long driveway in West Hollywood. At the apex of this driveway was a moderately large house. It belonged to the both of the ladies. I was led into the house, up the main stairway and into a bedroom. Barbra ordered me to unpack and put my clothing away. She watched as I did so, inspecting the clothes. At one point she had me set aside an outfit. Finally she left and I was allowed to clean up. After my shower, I threw myself on the bed and started crying. It didn't seem like long before I was pulled up, and with a hard smack, saw stars. It was Barbra. "Stop sniviling Slut and get dressed. Downstairs in 15 minutes." The outfit that had been set aside contained almost enough material to make two handkerchiefs. A very short black leather skirt and a sheer red bloose. Red seamed stockings and black 4" pumps. Underneth was a red and black corset, red bikini panties and a red uplifting bra. As I was finishing up my makeup, Charlene entered and had me slut up my makeup, as if it wasn't slutty enough. When I had finished, the three of us got into Barbra's pink caddy convertible. And off we went. It took about 20 minutes to drive from Beverly Hills to our distination in West Hollywood. We pulled up to the rear of a bar, got out and went inside. Inside I could see the disco lights and hear the loud disco music. It was a strip bar. The girls lead me into the office. There I had to sign several papers, without being allowed to read them. Charlene then told me my new duties. "Amber, this bar is one of our enterprises. Tonight you will work here until closing as a stripper. Your tips will be kept for your master. Any lack of diligence will be punished, immediately and publicly. We cater to lesbians, but there are some men in the audience. You will be protected by the two bouncers like any of the other girls. However, since this is a lesbian bar we do get away with alot more, so expect to get heavily fondled. Also the female patrons can purchase private dances. If you get selected expect to eat alot of pussy. Now go see Bambi at the bar and get your whore ass to work." At the bar, I found Bambi, a petite girl with long blonde hair. She was conservatively dressed and her nametag identified her as the manager. She hugged me, said everything would be alright and took me around, showed me my duties and introduced me to everyone. Gabby and Erica were the two bouncers. Although fem looking, they were bigger and meaner than many pro football players. Tami was the DJ. She told me she already knew what music to play for me. "Oh boy'. Helen and Bobbi were the bartenders. Bambi would help them out when it got busy. The dancers would wait tables when not dancing. That ment that at the end of the night we would really feel sore. Since I was the sixth one to check in, I was 6 in the dance queqe. I would dance two dances, then wait tables and do table dances until it was my turn to dance again. The only exception to this was private dances. It was still early so the bar was slow. Shortly before my turn to dance came, it started to pickup. My dance tunes were fast and erotic. Midway through my first dance I was down to mmy corset, panties and shoes. The corset seemed to turn everyone on. By the finish of the second dance, I was not only sweaty but also turned on. I strutted around the floor to collect a few my tips then put my blouse and skirt back on. The next 90 minutes were spent serving drinks. My next dance set was the same type of music. Half way through my second dance I started to hump the pole in the middle of the stage and pull on my nipple rings. I was just at the point of cumming and the music stopped. Tami had stopped the song early, preventing my for climaxing. Bitch. In frustration and exhaustion, I colapsed to my knees at the foot of the pole. There was a standing ovation from the audience. Two of the other dancers helped me from the stage and soon I had caught my breath. Bambi pushed me out to waitress without my blouse or skirt. As I waited on my tables, tips were being put into my panties, corset and stocking tops. My section was in the far corner. This was where the separatists dykes had staked their claim. By this time I was getting used to being fondled and didn't think of the ramifications. One of the larger women was fondling my crotch. When she found my secert. Grabbing it with her left hand she squeezed causing me to double over. And with a loud "What the fuck!" she hit me with a right cross. I hit the floor, rolled up into a ball and starting screaming and crying. About this time the bouncers got between the two of us. The commontion had stopped everything. Bambi came up and asked what the problem was. The dyke, who was named Regina (don't call her Gina) I later learned, said. "That's a male, a faggot sissy who dresses like a girl. What's it doing in our bar?" Charlene and Barbra walked up before Bambi could answer and said they would explain. By this point I was ignored by everyone. No one seemed to have any pitty on me. Charlene told everyone my story up to this point and what I was doing here. When Charlene had finished, many were fasinated with what Master Charles had done. Saying she wanted to fully inspect me, Regina took me into one of the private dance rooms. After I stripped completely, she had me turn around as she inspected me. As I faced her, Regina grabbed my hormone shrunken cock and balls with her right hand. Squeezeing then she watched my face with interest. Since I didn't show enough pain to satisfy her, she pinched my tits with her left hand. When she decided she had enough fun and now wanted pleasure, she stopped. I was pushed onto my back. Regina lowered her wet womanhood top my mouth and clamped herself tight to my mouth. As the lips touched my lips, I started to lick and suck. My breath got shorter and shorter, until Regina started to rock back and forth allowing small amounts of air into my lungs. As she climbed to her peak, her hands wrapped themselves in my hair and tried to pull my head into her pussy. Until she climaxed. During her climax, her thights clamped my head in a tight flesh and bone vise. Finishing her climax Regina rolled back onto my chest allowing me to glup air to fill my lungs. We dressed and returned to the main floor. Back with her friends Regina announced. "This bitch has the best mouth I ever had." Needless to say several other women wanted to try me out and I spent the next couple hours in the private dance rooms. I danced on stage once more and then spent the remaining time until closing, shuttling in and out of the private rooms. Finally 3AM and closing time rolled around. As the other dancers left, Bambi had me clean up the bar. Picking up glasses, wiping down the tables and bar, sweeping and moping the floor. When I finished, Bambi led me into the back office where Charlene was totaling the nights reciepts. With a wave of her hand Charlene told Bambi to play with me until she finished. Bambi led me out on to the stage where she threw me onto my back. She jumped onto my face after she ripped off her skirt and panties. I quickly put my tongue to work. Bambi rocked back and forth on my face, her fluid draining into my mouth. Bambi was very vocal, screaming as she hit climax after climax. Until she screamed her lungs out and colapsed. As I caught my breath, I became aware of someone clapping. Once Bambi got off of me, I saw it was Charlene. "Bravo. That was the best show on that stage yet. I may have you two repeat it for our customers. What do you think Bambi? Is that slut as good as advertised?" "She's has the best tongue I have ever had. She will make a great lesbian whore. If she were available I'd buy her." "You would have to get in line to buy her. Come on, Amber. Goodnight, Bambi." We went home and went to bed. I was exhausted. Master Charles and I almost never stayed up this late. About noon, Barbra shook me awake. I cleaned up and went back into the bedroom to dress. The laid out outfit was similar to the one I wore the day before, but was more conservative. "Bitch today you'll work in one of our other enterprises, the outcall service. It caters to women, mostly lesbians. It is a high class outcall service, so the women will be rich and powerful. I have several clients lined up for you. They know all about you." I rode with Barba to an office building downtown. In a 15th floor office, I was turned over to a 250 pound black man named Bubba. Bubba took me back to the elevator . In the basement parking garage, I was put in the back of a Lincoln limo. As he drove off, Bubba directed my attention to a folder on the seat. The folder contained information about my first client. Her likes, dislikes, what she wanted, etc. At another office building, Bubba let me out of the lime and instructed me to go to suite 3712. I entered the front door, walked to the elevator. At the 37th floor, I got out and enterd the designated office suite. At the receptionist's desk I announced that I had an appointment with Ms. Claybourne. I was directed into the Senior Vice President's office. My client pointed to the sofa as I entered and closed the door. I examined the lady as she walked over to me. She was in her mid to late 40's, 5'5", about 115 pounds, blonde hair and still had a very good figure. At 20 she must of had to beat men off with a baseball bat. She sat down next to me on the sofa. She unbuttoned my blouse, causing my breasts to pop free. After fondling them to make my nipples harder, she started to suck on them. A couple of minutes afterward, she pushed me to the floor and removed her slacks and panties. Her pussy was surounded by lots of thick, dark, fine hair. I put my head into a position it woundn't leave for the next 30 minutes. Soon she was rocking and humping and moaning. Finally she pushed my face away. "Strip. Barbra told me a fantastic story about you. From what I see here it can't be true. You are more feminine than even some of Barbra's girls." Her tone changed as I finally pulled my panties off. "Unbelieveable. I see it, but I still can't believe it. Except for that, everything about you is utterly female. Get dressed and give this envelope to Barbra. And this is for you." She gave me an envelope, a hundred dollar bill and a pat on the ass as I left. Back in the limo, Bubba pointed out another folder. My next client was another business woman. It was almost an identical repeat of my first client. Except she was the owner and president of her company. She wasn't nearly as beatitful as the first. She was older about 50 or so with some gray hair mixed in with her black hair. And then I was back in the limo on my way to my third client. Bubba drove past the garud at the main gate of a movie studio. On a back lot, Bubba stopped at a large RV and opened my door. I got out and slinked up to the RV door which had a large star on it. I could feel everyone's eyes on me. My knock was answered by a very well known actor. He was tall, dark and hansome and known as a lady killer. He told me he knew all about me and gave me a very public kiss, while we were on the steps. He led me inside and we got down to business. Or I should say I got down. The actor was gay and was very much in the closet. There were romours, but our little public display would quiet them down some. While I relieved some of his pressure, he talked. "I love what he has done. It would solve many of my problems. Unfortunely, I can't do what your master has done. Maybe I'll offer to buy you. would you like to be my live-in lover? Maybe I'll marry you. I'll even make you an actress." After swallowing a couple of loaads of his cum and some more talk, I left. The actor handed me two envelopes as well as a 100 dollar tip. On the steps he kissed me again. While he was doing that, I saw some camera flashes. The scandle sheets were at work. Bubba drove off the lot. It was just after 6PM. I was driven to a large house in Beverly Hills. The maid led me into the living room. It was a all girl dinner party and I was the entertainment. For the next three hours I ate every pussy and tit put in my face. My ass was whipped by everyone who had a desire. As I left I was handed another envelope and each of the 12 women pushed a 20 dollar bill down my corset. Soon we were at my next client. It was another Beverly Hills mansion. A upper class middle aged lady in a slit dress answered my ring. In the living room, we chatted for a few minutes while we sipped white wine. She then laid back on the sofa and spread her legs. I started to kiss her feet and worked my way up her legs. Soon my tongue was at her fur covered treasure trove. She started to purr and carress my head. Her tempo started to increase slowly at first and then faster and faster. Her climax was anticlimatic, ending with a whimper. After cleaning up, I was shown the door, handed an envelope and quickly turned over to Bubba. Another short limo ride was my last client for the night. This one was a Beverly Hills couple. Without any paliminaries, I was stripped and inspected. I knelt before the man and started to suck him off. The woman fondled and squeezed my cock and balls. When he finished, I serviced the woman while the man whipped my ass with a rubber cat of nine tails. I serviced them each twice more, with the same pattern. Finally I was allowed to dress. At the door, I again was turned over to Bubba along with an envelope. It was just after midnight and Bubba drove me home. In the den, I was turned over to Barbra along with 7 envelopes. She dismissed Bubba and held her hand out to me palm up. I dug into my corset and pulled out all my tips and handed them over. 540 dollars in tips and 6000 dollars in fees. A good day's work if I do say so myself. It was all put in a large envelope as well as the envelope address to Master Charles and placed in the wall safe. I cleaned up, ate a small salad and only in my corset and heels, I knelt before Barbra and paid homage to her center of power. Finally After her last girl had called in, Barbra took me to her bedroom. I spent that night wrapped in her arms. Just before 10AM, I was awakened by Barbra. In my room, I cleaned up and dressed as required. Charlene came for me. The additional accessories explained the plain drab dress I was wearing. I was now a domestic in one of their other enterprises, 'Rent a Maid'. This company was unique because it had two divisions. The standard operations that I was in and a special operation where the girls were dressed in satin uniforms and performed special services (sex) for the clients. Until 6PM, I cleaned 7 apartments and two houses. At 6PM I changed into a drab jumpsuit and flats and spent the nexst 6 hours cleaning offices. When I was done, I was taken home and cleaned up. In Charlene's office, I knelt before her in my corset and heels and spent the next two hours licking her slit. When she was ready, I was led to her room where we spent the night in each other's arms. During breakfast late the next morning, Barbra and Charlene told me more about their companies. "The enterprises you worked in yesterday also has a special department. The girls there do much more than windows. Since most of the clients are straight men, you were not put there. Another company runs a string of hookers and for the same reason, you weren't put there. If you had a choice, what company would you like to work in?" "I know that I'll work wherever you desire to put me. But if I had a choice I cannot decide between dancing at the club and doing lesbian outcalls. The hours are better and I'm allowed to eat more at the club. But the money is alot better on outcalls." "We have decided that you'll work tonight at the club. And alternate between there and outcall. Until Master Charles returns." And so it went until the night before Master returned. Late Friday afternoon, instead of doing outcall service, Charlene drove me to another dance club. By the looks of the outside, it was definately a titty bar. When we arrived there, Charlene led me into the back office. I as introduced to Bob, the owner. He looked me over, shaking his head in disbelief. "Charlene, you're bullshitting me. She's better looking than many of my girls. Prove it. Strip, bitch." I looked at Charlene, who nodded, and started to strip. Bob's disbelief became more evident until I got to my panties. When I pulled them off, Bob's jaw hit the floor. "A bitch with a dick. It's not much of one, but I would call it a dick. Charlene, this is unbelieveable. My customers will be upset if they find out it's a male dancer." "She's not male. Except for that little appendage she is phyically and mentally female. Even the separatists at my club accept her as a female. You will properly protect her and she is only allowed to do blowjobs." " I've got three of the best bouncers in town so she'll be protected. The vice cops watch me very close so there will be no sex here. However, once in awhile a good customer will see a girl who takes his fancy and will purchase some of her time from me. Slut, see Don at the Bar and do as he tells you." I quickly dressed and went to the bar. Don was a middle aged man with a pot belly. The top of his head was bald. The rest of his hair was starting to gray. He showed me around and introduced the bouncers and DJ. In the dressing room Don waited until the other dancer left. Then he grabbed a fistful of my hair, pushed me to my knees and pulled my face to his crotch. Unzipping his jeans, his love pole popped out, hitting me on the nose. It wasn't big but it wasn't microscopic either. Almost. Shoving it into my mouth, he started pumping away. It wasn't long before he fed me his version of a low fat, high protein snack. The clappingas I licked Don clean told me we weren't alone. "Bob, I told you she was a slut. I really should put her to work on Hollywood Blvd. She'd make a good streetwalker. Maybe after work, I will." "You know Charlene, I think she'll do alright here. You might consider putting her out to work the streets when she loses her enthuesam. Both of you get your asses to work." It was much like Charlene and Barbra's club. Except it was full of men. The men were more vocal and much more touchy feely than the women. Women then to respect other's space more. The men tended to put the tips in my panties, where the women tended toward putting them in my

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Out of the ClosetChapter 7

“Darling?” Liam pokes his head out from behind the shower curtain. “Yes?” he asks, looking past her, and into the hallway. “Don’t worry, you’re parents have already left,” she says, knowing precisely what he is looking for. “I wasn’t looking for them, Nayzu,” he lies. “Sure you were,” she says, flicking the tresses of white tipped hair back behind her ear. “Ever since we were almost caught...” “You,” he corrects. “Ever since you were...” “Whatever,” she counters. “I was wondering if you...

2 years ago
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The Teacher

One weekend that summer my parents went for a trip in their RV and left me in charge of the place. I'd been teaching English abroad and when I got home I was broke so I got a job at the corner store and worked on saving up some money to move back to the city. I couldn't wait to get back to the city, where I could be as ridiculous as possible, porn shops, bath houses, public washrooms, and all the wide varieties of men, married, old, young, two or three or more at a time, all of them just a...

3 years ago
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Shoe Store Salesman sells more than shoes

Story is in the 60’s before cell phones and PCs when small stores actually had sales people that serviced clients. This is a close to true story, well sort of the mature fuck is real. As part of his high school business class requirements, Jim had gotten a job at a local shoe store. The owner had gone out for the afternoon and left Jim to stock shelves as it had been a slow day. He was in the back when the bell rang telling him someone had entered the store and he went up front. He...

2 years ago
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Adam Vivian Naked In School Opening WeekPart 7 Sunday

When I woke up the next morning I found both myself and the bed pleasantly dry. Nevertheless, I wasn't taking any chances. I headed straight for the bathroom, then straight for the shower, then straight for the drain hole. Draining myself of excess semen took less than twenty seconds and after than, pissing was a breeze. When I left the bathroom, I found Mom standing naked in the hallway. "Adam, there you are," she said. "We have crepes and blintzes in the kitchen. Get 'em before they...

3 years ago
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Secret Society in School part 3

Introduction: Tommy drives around town with Dave for awhile, enjoying the weekend, until something good happens. Please, please, go back and read the first 2 parts. Theres a few times you have to read the first two to understand the concepts of the story. Do it. Go up and click on my username. Please. Now. Why are you still reading this? If you read the first two, thank you. Rate well. — I pressed the unlock button on my keys, and opened the door. I sat in my drivers seat, threw my bag in...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Layla Love She Loves Anal

Curvy blonde Layla Love spreads her wet pussy lips and exposes her tight butthole. She sucks pro stud Mark Wood’s stiff prick, covering it in shiny spit. Layla bounces on his cock, taking a deep pussy pounding. Next, she gasps while Mark’s meat pummels her sweet ass. He teases her sphincter, and it gapes expansively. Layla masturbates as Mark sodomizes her ass aggressively, moaning in orgasm on his pole’s girth. The anal reaming culminates in a raunchy, ass-to-mouth blowjob....

1 year ago
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Sashas Decision

My legs shook as I nervously waited in the Biology room near the window. My peach book bag was slung over my shoulder while I clung my textbook to my chest.“Are you waiting for someone?” I snapped my head up at Mr. Scott who was now standing in the doorway across from me. “Yes,” I said, snapping my head to look over my shoulder and out the window in an attempt to hide the blush that was creeping across my cheeks. I always got weak around Mr. Scott.“Might I ask whom?” I turned my head back to...

3 years ago
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Life Looks Up

Life Looks Up Amber glanced over in surprise to see Julie, her Asian next door neighbor,enter the restaurant. Since Amber came to LA a month ago, she had made it partof her routine to eat lunch at the all-you-can-eat buffet at the Bengal Tiger,an Indian restaurant located down the street from her apartment complex. Shehad seen Julie once or twice really pigging out in this restaurant, but afterwhat she had overheard in the hallway yesterday, she doubted she would eversee Julie step foot in the...

2 years ago
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Fucking Rashmi During Marriage Ceremony

I’m Rohan from Mumbai and I run a manufacturing business in a satellite industrial estate near Mumbai. I’m 25 wheatish complexion guys living with my parents. I have a close knit friend circle of some 7-8 guys who all are very happy living souls just like me. It all started when one of my best friends decided to walk down the aisle. Since it was first such occasion in my friend circle so as expected everyone including me, the groom and others were extremely excited and enthu about this...

1 year ago
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DontFuckMyDaughter Charlotte Cross Gets the plumber to clean her pipes

Charlotte had seen her dad’s buddy Dick from time to time. He was here at the house a few weeks ago fixing some plumbing problems. Dirty thoughts about Dick had been racing through her head ever since. Charlotte decided instead of waiting for an opportunity to knock, she was going to kick the door down. She knew Dick would head towards the other bathroom and when he peeked in, he was in for a show. His buddy’s young, vibrant, daughter, willing let him watch her undress. Dick tried to be a good...

1 year ago
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A lesson in respect

Its been about 6 months since we saw each other and I cant wait. I walk into the hotel room and you immediately greet me with a kiss. its pasionate and hot and I m already feeling a little excited. After you finish kissing me, without any warning, you slip my colar on. I try to kiss you again but instead you meet my mouth with the ball gag. I imediately start thinking this is gonna be good. Without warning, you tell me to strip. You go and sit on the couch. My pussy is already glistening with...

Erotic Fiction
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Die unbestechliche Staatsanwltin

Nora, die 32jährige, 1,65m große, wohlproportionierte Staatsanwältin hatte es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht den größten Drogendealer und Menschenhändler Hamburgs endlich in den Knast zu bringen. Und sie war sich sicher ihn diesmal zu bekommen. Es hatten sich schon einige Kolleginnen und Kollegen daran versucht, einige hatten einfach aufgegeben, andere waren korrupt und hatten sich abgesetzt, wieder andere waren einfach verschwunden. Verbissen hatte sie sich in die Arbeit gestürzt und hatte Beweise...

1 year ago
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The Scavenger Hunt

****This story has a bi-male component. If it’s not your thing, don’t read.**** He had been working long hours and hadn’t had a day off since, he couldn’t remember when. He finally had a day off and it was a Saturday to boot. He might be able to sleep late for a change and enjoy some lazy day sex with his wife. He was surprised when he woke up and it was much later than he thought he would sleep, but the house was quiet. He rolled over to where she normally slept and was greeted with an...

3 years ago
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AnimeCon Harem pt 01

Half the drawers on the dresser hung open and empty, the bed was stripped bare of its sheets, and the mattress sat askew atop the box-spring frame. The shelves beside the desk had been rummaged through, and what remained was cluttered in small piles here and there. In this disheveled, half-furnished room, a young man slumped in his computer chair with a vacant expression, chin resting on his knuckle.A break-in? That would’ve been messy. But a break-up can turn out to be so much messier. Brian...

4 years ago
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Naive Catholic Cousin

Mike was a medical undergraduate. One year, he spent his vacation with his family at his uncle's house in the countryside. The families hadn't seen each other for a couple of years. Being a strict Catholic, his uncle brought up his daughter, Joyce, as one too. His cousin Joyce was a natural beauty, sweet, curvaceous sixteen-year old. Mike couldn't help stealing lusty glances at her whenever he thought he could get away with it. He hoped to get his hands on her since he saw how she had grown up...

1 year ago
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Been a while

So it has been a while since I went looking for a new fuck buddy, years in fact... but felt the urge so started to look. Well with a cheeky grim and happy face it did not take me long to meet a nice slim 48 year old woman... boy she was fit as well. We met in a cafe to see if we hit it off, I guess we did because while neither of us could do more than have a coffee when I walked her to her car we kissed... she rubbed my semi hard cock through my trousers and said she would like to feel that...

2 years ago
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Getting Some Asian PussyChapter 17

Susie couldn't get enough sex with both Larry and Tom. She began to fuck both of them almost every single day. And with both Larry and Tom knowing that the other one was fucking her, it made the arrangements for Susie to get all the horny cock she wanted all that much easier. Susie has already made the decision to conceive a baby as soon as she could and she'd actually decided she wanted Tom to be the father, but then she felt that it didn't matter -- if it was Larry, her husband, or Tom,...

2 years ago
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should never have said it part 5

Introduction: Frank turns up at last The week following the party my head was spinning, here I was 42 years old working for a dead end company in a dead end job with a wife that had suddenly gone completely mad, she had been having an affair and had seen her lover off to his new job with a orgy, would not let me fuck her but gave me head, and go out of her way to humiliate me, she only seemed to get her kicks whilst I was watching her fuck other men, all of whom seemed blessed with large cocks,...

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Late night at the office part 3

Fictional story, part 3 of Late night at the office.Lunch time came, and Stacy came to drive me home. It was around 2 PM since I had talked her into taking lunch last. We went to her car, a modest little Honda, and she started driving. I suggested that we pick something up for lunch on the way, and she agreed. We stopped by a grocery store and grabbed some food before hitting the road with the food in the back of the car.After a few minutes of driving in relative silence, only broken by my...

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adult book store1

**********************************************Adult Book store******** One night i was feeling pretty horny so I put on a pair of sheer black pantyhose sweats and shoes and went to the adult store. Once i got there i got tokens then went into the back where the booths are. Once inside i took off my pants and sat there watching the films in my pantyhose, shirt and shoes as i stroked my cock, feeling xtra horny I opened the door. within minutes there were 2 guys in the doorway watching...

3 years ago
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Gabatrix the First PeaceChapter 10 Triumph and Disaster

“Everyone,” Kane called out. “I had to make an official meeting of the recent discovery made by Doctor Aline. This meeting is crucial. I needed to have Ambassador Ifra, myself, Captain William, and Commander Ramírez all available to discuss what has been found.” It had been an hour later. Kane had made an official emergency diplomatic meeting that required as many essential people nearby to be present. He felt nervous, but the information was so vital that it could determine all future...

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From Shaadi To Bed 8211 Season I Jaipur To Kanpur

Maine bhot si girls ko interest send kiye chahe age mein badi ho ya choti.. Almost sb ko.. Never married ho ya divorce ya widow.. Sbko jo mujhe dikhne mein achi lagi.. Finally ek lady shweta agarwal from kanpur ne mera interest accept kiya jo around 36 yrs ki thi n divorcee thi.. Unke 2 son the jo unke x hubby ke pass rehte the..Unka hi msg aaya tha meri profile pr bcoz wo paid member thi.. Humne email exchange kiye aur baat start ki.. Pehle to unhe yakin hi ni hua ke itni small age walaa unko...

4 years ago
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Always on GuardChapter 40

The house was quiet the following morning. The three lovers slept soundly, and as promised, Leyota coaxed another helping of seed into her woman's tunnel while Bralan bathed. "I will bring your child with me to Emertland," she whispered into Jorgarn's ear as she cuddled next to him. "This is supposed to be my egg time, right now. I have not had it in two months. When I return, I will be almost ready to birth your child. I wish I could stay and give Freeland its first infant but I fear...

3 years ago
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Conservative Yet Horny Lady In Train

Hi. This is Sourabh again with another hot story. This is also as usual a true story and about me and a married wife from Lucknow. So the story goes like this. I had to go to Mumbai for an official tour. I reached Bhopal station and boarded the train and had a side lower berth reserved for me in the 2nd AC coach. I adjusted my luggage and since I had no other work, I decided to sleep and thus lied down and closed my eyes. After a few min, I heard a soft voice “excuse me” and I opened my eyes to...

2 years ago
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The RescuedChapter 90 SM03Pi Day 29

Steve awoke slightly confused. He was spooning with Anna, her full breast in his hand, but there was another woman pressed against him from behind, her erect nipples making little dents in his back. He looked down, realized that the woman he was holding wasn't Anna, and finally woke enough to remember the night before. Mary had been torn about her sexuality ever since the rape; she'd had a very pleasant lesbian experience, but she was still both strongly attracted to Steve and dreadfully...

4 years ago
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First Black Cock Gay

This is a story that is one of many in which it is time for me to share. In a nutshell, my name is Dean, my mother had a thing for Dean Martin it seems, but I go by Dina. I am a 26 year old white pre-op transsexual that has no interest in switching my outside in, if you know what I mean. I was born to a single mother, never knowing who my father was. Considering the lifestyle of my mother, I doubt that she had any idea who he was either. I have always been effeminate in nature and as I grew up...

2 years ago
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5 dollar foot long

I normally eat lunch at a Subway Resturant near work. My schedule makes it to where I get a chance to eat well after lunch time. Usually the place isn't busy so it is a nice quiet place to sit and relax. The manager there, Jen, usually chats with me when I am in there.I went in one afternoon and placed my order. No one else was in the place except Jen, another worker and me. After I got my order I went and sat at a table. Jen came out and started cleaning the tables. I loved it when she bent...

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A New Way of LifeChapter 5

The next few days were busy. The village was unstable, loosing one leader to what they saw as magic, and the other severely injured. At least Frank was mending quickly. Between Leonore and my efforts we had repaired the damage and now it was up to his body to finish up. Healing can take a lot out of a body, and Frank was starving all the time. So I went hunting. This time as well as my girls, 4 of the men came with me. Again I furnished knives, telling them of the responsibility that came...

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Seeing Maisie in Japan

You can't believe that you see Maisie fucking Williams stand outside the spa you just tired to enter. She is with 2 of her friends which is quiet cute, but you have always had a thing for Maisie. Her petite frame, unconventional face, her bad ass role ass Arya in GOT and her otherwise down to earth approach in real life or at least what we see of her in real life. All of this is a lethal combination that make you crush so damn hard for her and also make you so damn hard thinking about her!

3 years ago
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A Mothers Needs

Brooke was a prim and proper forty-year-old woman to anyone that knew her. She was always the most organized, punctual, dressed up of all her family and friends. She was the seemingly perfect mother and housewife that had every aspect of her life in order, except that she didn’t.There was one aspect of her life that was empty and unfulfilled. Her sex life was beyond lacking. In fact, it was non-existent, and it drove her to high levels of sexual frustration. The only thing she could do about...

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Dark Desires

There is a dark side to us all, sexually I mean. I'm not sure I understand mine completely yet but I sense that it is there. It excites me, scares me a little. My fling with Neil and his flatmate Sally started me off on my adventures exploring my dark desires. I am a nurse and Neil a writer of sorts. We met at a conference I was attending for work; advances in stroke rehabilitation. I was giving a talk and Neil was in there to write up the meeting for some journal he was freelancing for. After...

Group Sex
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Wozu ein kleiner Penis gut ist Teil VI

Anmerkung: Wie immer ist es besser, die anderen Teile vorher zu lesen... Viel Spaß.Am nächsten Morgen wachte ich auf und Janine lag nackt neben mir. Auch ich war nackt. Von Lena keine Spur. Janine wachte kurz nach mir auf, sah mich und lächelte. Dann wurde sie knallrot. Ich sah sie an und sagte mit ruhiger Stimme „Du musst dich nicht für gestern schämen. Bereust du irgendwas, was du getan hast?“ Verlegen schüttelte sie den Kopf. „Dann ist alles gut. Um so schneller du dir eingestehst was dich...

2 years ago
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LYNETTE: ANOTHER UNEXPECTED SURPRISELynette, the late arrival at the celebration of Anna’s and Priscilla’s colorfully bruised bottoms, was one of the older girls; small, quiet, rather mousy looking in fact. She'd only been caned once, and that quite recently, but had been allowed to join the group because one of the other girls had persistently asked for it. Lynette was an odd girl, rarely speaking to any one (and hence regarded by most as quite harmless), but often turning up in unexpected...

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Shipwrecked on the Isle of the Amazons

Your name is Malexos, a simple Athenian captain sent to scout beyond the Pillars of Heracles for viable ports for Athenian goods, badly needed after the decade-long war with the Trojans. It is the mythic era of ancient Greece, a time of blood, wine, and bronze. You yourself are a veteran of the Trojan war and have the scars to prove it. You feel the gentle rocking of your ship, even beneath the free-swaying hammock that supports your muscled frame. Your hair is black and cropped short to your...

4 years ago
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Craig HillChapter 47

There was no leg-pulling at breakfast. Mark and Victoria set off at about half past nine in the horsebox with the dogs as well. They also took a picnic lunch as Mark wanted to go further afield and there were no suitable pubs. They parked the horsebox at Bouthwaite and rode up onto Kirkby Malzeard Moor. They covered about ten miles and hardly saw a soul. Horses, dogs and humans were hot, thirsty and tired. When they got back to Bouthwaite they walked down to the reservoir to let the animals...

2 years ago
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I needed a set of metric wrenches to change some parts on my foreign car and I knew Andy had some so I stepped across my yard to my best friend’s house to borrow them. I didn’t bother knocking, Andy and I had been best buds since we could toddle, we grew up, went to school and college together then after we married we bought homes side by side. I wasn’t expecting to encounter hot sex when I went into his house but when I stepped around the door I saw him standing with his back to me, his pants...

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Buckman Tales Trailer Park TrashChapter 6

“So, what gives ... wait, what’s going on here? Holly, what are you doing?” a blindfolded Luke Beaufort, also tied to his old bed, asked in growing fear as he felt someone drop down on his cock. No verbal response came, but the note had been from Holly, right? She wanted him to wear the blindfold and let her tie him up, which he did. Luke had no say in the matter, anyway, now, so it was moot. He simply worked his hips with his partner’s and enjoyed her to the hilt. She seemed familiar enough...

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Jenna again

I walked into a bar and when my eyes adjusted to the dark I saw a woman at the other end.It looked like Jenna from the pool.I hadn't seen or heard from her since the summer.I walked down to her and it was her.When I said Hi she looked up her eyes lit up and a big smile came across her face. "Hi Jaimie!" she said. I sat and she told me all her problems at home.I listened intently but in the back of my mind I was thinking "revenge sex." Finally she asked," can we go to your place?" That is what I...

2 years ago
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Car Talk

I got married shortly after I bought my New Yorker. I kept it for 7 years before selling it to my brother, who kept it for another 5 years. I bought a brand new ’79 Pontiac Grand Am, 4 door sedan. We were talking about kids and even thought I wanted something more befitting my male testosterone, like a Mustang or a Camaro, I settled for the Grand Am. Now, the ’79 Grand Am was nothing like the new Grand Am of today, totally redesigned and now known as G6. My Grand Am had a V8, a 301 with a 4...

4 years ago
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Living With My AuntEpisode 12

"Are you ready for this?" asked Jill when I arrived at Jill's house so that Kelly could bring us to her place in her car. "Yep, I think so," I answered. Jill was pulling a tee shirt over her nude body When Kelly walked in, the first thing she said was "Thanks for wearing loose fitting clothing. That way, there won't be as many indentations in your skin." I had put on a tee shirt and jogging shorts that morning, pursuant to Kelly's orders. The drive over to her place in Kelly's car...

1 year ago
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My journey to the wild side part four

Graham called me the following day to tell me that he would be home on Monday and I felt sad because I knew this would keep me from my lovers. I got further disappointment when Gary called me to tell me that his daughter and grandchild were visiting him for the weekend and that he would be away until Monday!I explained to Gary that my husband would be home on Monday and he eased my sadness by telling me to fuck Dave tonight and Sunday!I went into town and bought a sexy short black dress for my...

3 years ago
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Getting Caught

Getting Caught anet Stickney [email protected] I got caught and there was no way I could explain it away...none at all. I had on a complete outfit, my makeup done and my hair set in barrettes to match my jewelry. The hem of the dress was above my knees about three inches, showing a lot of nylon wrapped legs. The modestly cut neckline showed a hint of my cleavage and my earrings swung from my lobes like Christmas ornaments. I had the perfume in my hand, ready to spritz, when my...

2 years ago
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Anitas secret drawer

Anita’s secret drawer After having a few drinks at a local pub, I drove home late. I wondered to myself if Ana even cared that I was getting home so late. When I got home she was resting at bed. I didn’t blame her. After the fucking she had just received from that giant black cock, it would be hard for anyone to stay awake. I crept silently into the bedroom and inspected her body closely. There was no evidence that anything had occurred. She was dressed in a pair of cotton panties, and a tight...

3 years ago
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Bound By Fate

Walking along Glebe road, I hunched my shoulders up, readjusting the strap to the daybag I carried. Once again, the 'car' was dead. Sitting 3 blocks away at the local Exxon station. It could have been worse, I thought to myself. Trudging my way along, kicking up an occasional spray from the puddles along the way, I thought how it's only a mile from my house. The light rain continued to fall, but undaunted I walked on. The rain isn't too bad, unless it's really cold out, or you need to keep the...

2 years ago
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Fashion Man 3

AUTHOR’S NOTE AND DISCLAIMER: This story is a work of fiction containing adults in adult situations. The persons depicted do not exist nor have they existed to the author’s knowledge. This story is not to be read by, read to, or printed and given to any minor under the age of, oh let’s say 20. Situations may be portrayed which may be considered in bad taste, or downright illegal in some places and therefore should not be attempted unless you are a story character and not a real human being. ...

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An Offer He Shouldnt Refuse

“Thank you,” Blake told the waitress as breakfast was laid before him. Three fried eggs, four pancakes coated with Aunt Jemima Syrup accompanied by a mug of hot Earl Grey. He placed his bookmark to Chapter two’s beginning from The 48 Laws of Power to indulge in this freshly presented breakfast. Drained from early morning studying, replenishing all that was lost was the only way he was going to regain focus. To get back to what needed to be done. About halfway into breakfast, he looked up and...

3 years ago
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Equal SharesChapter 29

When Denise walked into The Firm's reception, she gave Elaine a peck on the cheek and went off to make coffee. It was still a good fifteen minutes before most of the staff would arrive, and before Denise would normally have started, herself. She brought the coffee through to Elaine, and soon the two were sipping coffee, just contemplating the events of the previous night, and what they would mean. Again. "You know Laney, when we were together I'd thought of a threesome, fantasized about...

1 year ago
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One Mans Fantasy Horny Weekend Part 5

Friday morning dawned bright and clear and in a few short hours David and Vera would arrive for the drive to the coast. Gwen busied herself selecting sexy outfits and I stayed out her way, wanting it to remain a surprise and took the opportunity to deposit a gift in the bottom of my hold-all for her birthday the following day. Once off the highway the roads were narrow, winding and very scenic. We turned into a driveway that twisted its way through a forest of pines for over a mile until we...


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