Babykins free porn video

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"Babykins" Constance Vanderworth, the matriarch of the Vanderworth clan paced the large living room while her nephew Lawrence stood quietly by. She studied one of the stories on the front page of the local newspaper concerning him. It wasn't the top story mind you but nonetheless, it was front page. "Millionaire Playboy Totals New Ferrari In Downtown Police Chase." It gave all the details, all the details about the women, the clubs, the nightlife, the reckless attitude and the story that led up to the accident then continued on by giving a written chronicle of poor Lawrence, billionaire heir, nephew to the Constance Vanderworth family that had followed his exploits since he was a child. "I am so glad your parents aren't alive to see what you've become Lawrence. You're a disappointment to say the least!" Constance said as she put the paper on the table. "What is it Lawrence? How can it be that a privileged young man like you, who had everything he could ever want or even imagine could turn out to be so absolutely worthless, hummm?" she queried. "I...I don't know, I don't know what I want. I guess I just don't fit in," Lawrence returned meekly brushing the shock of blonde hair away from his eyes as he stood there meekly. "You don't fit in?" Constance pondered. "Your cousins Reginald and Hawthorne have done quite well, they fit in. They've lived a privileged life as well, but they still had to work hard. Hawthorne has taken over much of the company and has overseen its growth, and Reginald has become a very successful corporate attorney for us. And then there's Lawrence," she said looking on with disappointment wondering what to do with her errant nephew. He tried to apologize again as he had done dozens of times before but this time Constance had had enough of Lawrence's playboy ways. "I've decided that you need to learn some humility and some manners and with luck you'll come around and finally become a productive member of this family and not be a constant embarrassment to all of us. And since I don't trust you out of my sight you'll stay here on the estate grounds and start by being given a modicum of responsibility by becoming a member of the full time staff." "You mean a butler?" Lawrence said with a surprised smile. "You must be joking. I won't do it!" he said, his anger building. "I'm entitled to half of a three billion dollar fortune left to me and there's nothing you can do about it dear Auntie!" he said. "Oh but there is!" she said with a smile as she poured herself a cup of tea from an expensive silver service. "You may have entitlements but due to a writer in your late fathers will I have a measure of control and determination over your future. You're not twenty one yet but even then I am still executrix of the estate. You see my brother wanted to see his corporate structure, his legacy continue on and he knew with you at the helm of half of that empire it wouldn't be long until you'd squandered away not only your share of the money but the families reputation as well. You'll stay on for a time as a servant and when I am satisfied you have indeed changed for the better you may rejoin the family once again." She pushed a small button on the table. "How long will that take?" Lawrence chided at his latest punishment waiting for an answer. "Months or years, it makes little difference to me Lawrence," Aunt Constance said then continued. "Judith will take you to your new quarters in the servant's wing?" she said as the middle aged lady, head of the servant staff entered the room then led a reluctant and angry Lawrence away to the servant quarters. Things didn't go well afterwards. Lawrence appeared the next morning in a proper butler's uniform starched collar shined shoes and all then proceeded to serve the morning meal then go about his other duties of cleaning and straightening around the large estate under Judith's watchful eye. This lasted only a week though until Lawrence could stand no more. "Where do you think you are going Lawrence?" his aunt said as she watched him cross the living room in his casual street attire, keys for the Bentley dangling in his hand. "I'm getting out of here. I'll be back for my things later," he said with authority as he continued towards the large front alcove. "I don't think I made myself clear," Constance said. "You can leave of course but the cars in the garage are off limits now! You could walk to the bus stop down the road I suppose but then again that costs money doesn't it?" she said looking on. Lawrence pulled out his billfold brimming with gold and platinum credit cards and breathed a sigh of relief to see several 100 dollar bills tucked neatly inside the folds of the expensive leather wallet. "I've got about $2000 dollars, that should do for a start," he said as he continued. "And then what?" Constance queried. "I'll take the bus to the car dealer and get another car! I can go anywhere do anything with my credit," he continued. "That used to be true but I am sorry to say that all your credit through the family has been frozen, that is until I am satisfied that you have become a responsible adult. Your credit cards, your line of credit, and all of your borrowing capabilities have been nullified Lawrence. I've notified all the banks and lending institutions we deal with that you are no longer to have any signatory authority. You are still free to leave and you still have your $2000 dollars of course but that won't last long," Constance smiled as the noose tightened. "I'll get a job then!" Lawrence said still determined to avoid the humiliation of having to be a butler for the Vanderworth family. "And what kind of job would that be dear? Hummm?" Constance said in a melodic tone waiting for an answer. "You never bothered to finish college, you never applied yourself to anything constructive except to your hedonistic lifestyle and your playboy ways. I don't know of any jobs in that field. And being so small and slightly built you'd never last long at any construction or manual labor job. Look at your hands, you've been counting money all your life. But before you leave know this. Every time you leave and then return the punishment will grow, and, we've made other arrangements as well. As you know, we're a powerful family Lawrence, our corporate structure has quite a reach. You might find getting a job, any job for that matter to be quite a chore now!" she finished. "I'll get a job and then you'll be hearing from my lawyer!" he said as he left through the front door slamming it behind him. "You'll be back," Constance said to herself with a smile as she watched Lawrence walk down the long tree lined drive and towards the heavy iron gate at the front of the tree lined property. Lawrence had little luck at the Porsche dealer, all his high limit credit cards had been either frozen or cancelled outright! Several phone calls to his meager list of friends didn't solve anything either, in fact they all sounded distant now and had little sympathy for him. He then realized that Constance must have been busy, by contacting his friends telling them not to interfere or help in any way. After another bus ride Lawrence soon realized he was on his own. He was turned away from the fancy hotels, the restaurants and even found himself barred from his favorite watering holes. He finally stood inside at the door of a run down apartment peeling off three, one hundred dollar bills as his new landlord dressed in a T-shirt looked on chewing his stub of a cigar scratching the frazzled whiskers at his chin and raising an eyebrow at the sight of the crisp new notes. Lawrence handed them to the grizzled man who crumpled them tightly in his grasp. "Trash pickup is in the back, Tuesday's only. No pets and no loud parties!" Then motioning with his thumb as he chewed his cigar studied Lawrence. "Bathroom's down the hall, bring your own towels." The squeaking door swung shut with a thud as the man shuffled off down the hallway while Lawrence moved through his dingy furnished apartment. The dusty odor of mildew and a trace of spoiled food filled the air as Lawrence moved through the room. He could hear the traffic noise on the street and see the flashing neon of the downtown area. He moved the tattered shade out of the way to open the window and after fighting to get the window up was only met by louder noise and the smell of bus fumes. He took a seat at the creaky kitchen table then noticed the tattered mismatched chairs. He then wondered what he would do once the money ran out! He finally got a job washing dishes but at that low rate of pay it wasn't enough to get by on and Lawrence knew it wouldn't be long until the rent, the food and the bus fares emptied his reserves. But it didn't matter because a week after he got the job Constance learned where Lawrence was. After a short phone conversation with the manager Lawrence was soon out of a job! "Well, well Lawrence dear, so nice to see you've come to your senses!" Aunt Constance beamed as the servant held the door and Lawrence entered. "Alright, I've learned my lesson, back to being a servant. I'll go to my room," he said as he wearily began moving towards the butler's quarters. "Wrong way dear!" Constance said with a smile as she then led Lawrence to the Maids wing and to his new room where Judith was already waiting. "Are you out of your FUCKING MIND!?" Lawrence gasped as Judith took the dress from the closet then held up the women's black satin maid's uniform with a gleaming swish. This one wasn't the standard knee length black frock the other maids wore for work, this one was made of shiny black satin complete with frilly petticoats, cap and apron. And instead of the comfortable black oxfords that went with the standard outfit he noticed the several pairs of black patent leather pumps lining the closet floor in the closet of the feminine room. He also noticed they all had a six inch heel! "I know it isn't our standard ladies uniform it's much more showy isn't it?" Constance giggled as she took in Lawrence's amazement and shock then watched that shock turn to anger. "I did mention that if you failed to cooperate that your punishments would increase didn't I?" she said. "Before your last tirade you could have stayed on here as a butler and learned to become a proper gentleman but now I am afraid you'll be spending that time working as a proper maid now." "I don't think so," he protested. "You've always been on the small side haven't you dear, barely five feet tall and hardly 100 pounds dripping wet?" Constance quizzed Lawrence who had to stand there and take it now, until he could figure a better way out of this problem. "Such a small and fragile boy, and just the slightest bit effeminate don't you agree?" she said to a smiling Judith. "Yes from the beginning. A small boy who became a small and fragile little man. Isn't that right Lawrence?" she continued. "I felt the maid's outfit a suitable punishment. You wouldn't remember Judith because it was before you came to be in my employ here but years ago I discovered that dear Lawrence had a penchant for ladies lingerie and dresses. I caught him in my room one afternoon playing dress up in my things! It was quite a shock. I thought it might have been an experimental phase with him back then it was strange to say the least, but now I'm not so sure. But that doesn't matter because Lawrence's exploits have gone far beyond that now haven't they dear?" Constance said as Judith, still holding the satin maid's outfit up smiled and stifled a giggle as Lawrence's shame began to show on his face. "You'll see to the upstairs and then spend your days dusting. Judith, see to it that Lawrence is properly dressed, made up and instructed would you?" Constance said as a serving maid brought in a tray of food for Lawrence and set it aside on a table. "He must be hungry, allow him to eat then get him cleaned up. I want him properly dressed and then busy working in the morning," she finished, and with that she turned and left the room. Judith hung the dress back up and left the room for her further duties while Lawrence took notice of the piping hot supper on the serving tray. It didn't take him long to quickly begin eating his fill. The snickers and smiles from members of the other staff soon faded due in part to Constance's orders and in their getting used to Lawrence's daily presence as he minced about the large house dressed properly now as a French maid! They all knew about Lawrence's punishment that was now designed to break him and to force him into some resemblance of an upscale gentleman and wondered how long it would take or if the process Constance laid out would even work. The time passed and Lawrence found himself droning through his days, doing his time. He wanted to leave, wanted to walk right out once again but as the thoughts of that miserable scruffy landlord and the miserable apartment returned to his mind he continued on and did as he was told. "You really must keep your seams straight dear," Constance said as she approached Lawrence who was busy dusting a few days later. She saw to it, then adjusted his lace trimmed cap, checked his abundant makeup and his gloss red lips then adjusted his white, lace trimmed satin apron and finished by retying it into a sturdy but large and feminine bow at the back. She finished by fluffing his white nylon petticoats and smoothing his gleaming black satin skirt. By now Lawrence had learned to curtsey all to his aunts satisfaction. As he left with his ever present feather duster she continued to watch as he minced and wiggled on his high stiletto heels as he continued straightening and dusting. Satisfied with her progress, she returned to her business in her large sitting room of looking over reports and the company business. The days and weeks passed. Then one month then another and another. Finally Lawrence confronted his aunt. "I've had enough! When does this end? I've done what you asked!" he questioned angrily falling out of the feminine character Judith had seen to. "My, my! Such an angry little niece aren't we?" Constance said as she put her papers down, took off her glasses then looked to Lawrence who stood nearby the large table in the sunlit sitting room. "Niece!? I'm your nephew, your nephew Lawrence, remember!?" he said angrily as he tossed the feather duster aside then pulled off his frilly maid's cap causing several hair pins to "ping" as they arced through the air falling to the floor. He then undid the white satin apron with a swish and tossed it aside on a nearby chair. "You are coming along nicely Lawrence dear, but you need so much more conditioning. You need to show me a much better attitude before you will be allowed back into the butler's wing. And then in another six months maybe a year we can talk about you going back to college and getting your life back in order," Constance said. The thought of another strict routine with college and then a tightly structured job and career didn't sit well for this billionaire playboy. He wanted to do as he pleased and live the easy life he had grown accustomed to. She watched as his anger began to build. "You're pushing my patience Lawrence, don't make me add still more time to your sentence here with us," she cautioned. Lawrence would have none of it. He kicked off the stiletto heels and struggled to find the zipper at the back of the black satin maid's uniform. "I don't feel w...well," he said as he struggled. "I...I'm not doing this anymore and I'm not wearing this shit anymore either!" he said as the satin gleamed and the chiffon petticoats of the dress swished and swirled until finally he had the front of the dress down around his waist. He then struggled with the tight padded white satin brassiere and finally tore it away in anger to reveal a change. Constance smiled with satisfaction at seeing her nephew this way, and now fully under her control. "What have you done to me!" Lawrence screamed as she noticed the slight jiggle of his slightly budding new breasts and how his areolae and nipples were already enlarging and turning a darker shade of pink! "I thought you might not be able to become a proper gentleman, to fit into polite society, so I added a safeguard Lawrence dear," she said as Lawrence's shook his head quizzically not knowing what to make of things now. "Since you returned I've had you on a mild dosage of female hormones to quiet you down dear," she said, "to make you more compliant. But I see it hasn't worked the way I had planned," she said with a hint of disappointment in her voice. "But there is still one more plan," she said turning towards the door and nodding as Judith then entered the room. Judith was larger and heavier built than Lawrence was and with his maid's dress still around his waist it didn't take her long to seat him in a sturdy chair near Constance's large desk. Lawrence was caught off guard as she took the sturdy fleece lined cuffs from a bag she had with her and quickly began by strapping Lawrence's wrists and ankles to the chair then finished by cinching a lined leather belt around his waist tightly until he couldn't move. "You're a failure as a Vanderworth and you're a failure as a man Lawrence. A limp wristed trust fund baby, a sissy who never had to work a day in his life and has caused far more trouble than he was ever worth. I've thought about it for a long time and have come to one conclusion. You're a baby Lawrence, nothing more than a baby! You don't do anything, you're not productive and on and on it goes doesn't it? Well, I've decided that since you are a baby, we'll just continue on as if you really were one! You won't have to work anymore, you'll be looked after constantly and for the rest of your life you'll be pampered and cared for and enjoy all the leisure you could ever imagine!" Lawrence felt a bit of relief, that he'd won the battle with his aunt Constance and that he'd finally get back to the way he was living before. "Alright, I'm a baby, I admit it. So let me go, let me go now huh?" he questioned as he struggled in his chair. But things turned for the worse when he noticed Judith approach. He noticed her dousing a large wad of cotton with chloroform. She moved quickly behind Lawrence and cupped his chin tilting his neck back. He then "Mmmfffdddd" in wide eyed surprise as she clamped the chloroformed cotton over his nose and mouth! "Now just relax and breathe normally Lawrence dear, it won't take long," Constance said as she watched him struggle and strain at the straps refusing to breathe until finally she heard him gasp and then cough as he began to breathe in the sickly smelling potion. "You'll be out for quiet some time but when you awake and finally come to your senses I can assure you darling that you'll be well cared for, you'll never want or have to worry about anything ever again," Constance said with satisfaction as she watched Lawrence's struggles weaken and then watched his eyes become glassy and then flutter as Judith, head of the maid's staff continued to hold the fluffy cotton tightly over his face. And then as Judith took the chloroform away and set it aside Constance watched as the nurse unstrapped the sleeping Lawrence then easily lifted his small frame from the chair and carried him away! As the months passed it was mostly a dreamless state, punctuated by strange voices and the occasional bright light that would come and go and the feeling of being touched and prodded and then wheeled to and fro and then driven around from place to place. Sometimes Lawrence would enter an almost light sleep phase where he would imagine getting free of his aunt Constance then taking his share of the estate and moving away to live a life of his choosing but then the darkness would return again and that floating sensation, that dreamless state would once again close in. But finally Lawrence was once again back home secure within the gated confines of the sprawling Vanderworth estate. Lawrence heard a faint gurgle and then a slight giggling sound as his eyes began to focus. He felt hands upon him once again but this time it was different. There was a woman standing over him, smiling, talking baby talk as she went over him with a warm damp wash cloth. The woman continued on then dried him with a towel then after lifting him onto a large changing table she began applying a liberal amount of baby powder to his hairless naked form! Consciousness returned gradually until Lawrence realized this time he was finally awake! He blinked then stared wide eyed around the room watching as the woman searched through the dressers and the closets brimming with dresses gathering clothing until she approached with what looked like a pink baby's outfit complete with a bonnet all done up in satin frills and bows! He tried to move, tried to get up and to leave but could only thrash and twitch! He tried moving his hands but could only weakly flail his arms. He gasped and tried to speak at the sensation of not being able to move on his own then noticed only a high pitched girlish babble that sounded like the chatter of a baby! The room he now recognized as the large corner room of the house that used to be a small library had now been done over into a large babies room! He noticed the large custom built crib, the large changing table and the oversized baby stroller. He noticed the childlike paintings on the walls and the wind up mobile that floated over the bed and chimed a nursery rhyme as it moved round and round. He searched his thoughts then remembered that his aunt had said she was converting the room. It was quite apparent now that she had done just that! He struggled to turn and managed to roll over onto his stomach but found he was now so weak he could barely hold his head up! "Now now baby dear," the woman cooed as she quickly flipped him back over then began rubbing a baby wipe over his crotch. He twitched and flailed like a baby as the woman worked then looked down to see her working the baby wipe over his new, and quite hairless vagina! He gasped and twitched again wide eyed, trying to form words from a now quite toothless mouth as it contorted trying to form words but still only a babyish babble came out! He was quickly powdered and fitted into a diaper and then pink plastic pants. The woman quickly continued with ruffled white satin panties with lavish lace trim and pink satin bows at the front of each leg and at the little waist! She then put lace trimmed ankle socks onto his feet that were pointed like those of a ballerina. Constance had seen to this as part of Lawrence's treatment by keeping his feet tightly bound and immobile during his transformation to ensure his feet would always look pretty and dainty and that he would now be forever incapable of walking. It didn't matter though. The series of injections to Lawrence's spine atrophied and diminished the nerves in his spinal column leaving him permanently with the coordination and limited strength of an infant. The voice was a bit tougher to manage but with most of his vocal cords removed and the remainder tightened into a very high register all he could do now was coo and babble in a curious baby girl's voice! His mind began to spin as the pink satin booties were affixed to his pointed toes and secured up around his ankles in big pink satin bows. He was then fitted into a white nylon chemise of sorts and then fitted into a frilly, beribboned pink satin dress which securely zipped and buttoned up the back. The lady tied the bow securely then after combing his wispy blonde hair and putting a pink satin ribbon on the top she put the matching pink satin bonnet over his head and secured the sash into a pretty bow under his chin. She then lifted the now "babified" Lawrence in her arms and moved to a large reclining chair where she sat and cradled him in her lap. He then watched in horror as she unbuttoned the front of her dress and after slipping down the strap and lacy cup of her white nylon slip she unhooked the top of one of the brassiere cups to expose a large and pendulous breast. She was wearing a nursing bra! He realized as he then noticed a droplet of milk already forming on the erecting nipple! Lawrence became rigid. He struggled and twisted as the lady held him across her lap trying to steer her engorged nipple to his mouth but he resisted. "Come now baby Kimberly," she said as she tried further rocking in the chair holding him tight trying to comfort him but it was no use. She finally re-hooked her brassiere, put her slip back into place, then buttoned her dress. She then laid Lawrence in his large crib and wound the musical mobile. "I sure hope you start feeding soon sweetie," she said as she tucked Lawrence into bed. He watched with wild eyes as she dimmed the lights then left the room closing the large white door behind her! "I'm sorry mum, but the baby won't feed. It's been a week and we ladies are getting a bit worried," the kind lady said as her and four others stood in Constance's sitting room office. She began handing out the sizable weekly checks to each of the ladies comforting them. "She's just coming around, but don't worry, when she gets hungry, she'll eat. I'll accompany you in the morning for the first feeding, it'll be fine you'll see," she said with a smile ushering the ladies out of the room thanking them for their time for the previous week. Lawrence struggled in his crib, he pulled at the sturdy white plastic covered rails at the side of the crib but couldn't pull himself up. He tried further but could only flail his arms, he could hear the swish of the pink satin sheets as he struggled to kick his legs but could do little more. He gasped, tried to yell out for help but once again the "goo, goo" babble returned ending his efforts to try and speak! He was forced to lay in the crib and stare at the baby like pictures on the wall and watch as the mobile slowly twirled above him quietly chiming a nursery rhyme! The next morning Lawrence heard the large white door to his room open wide and saw the woman from the night before enter followed by his aunt Constance. He noticed the word "Nursery" on the outside of the door then looked out into the familiar hallway to see he was indeed back at the mansion and in the upstairs room that used to be the small library. He heard the ladies talking like nothing was out of the ordinary as they entered. The woman returned to the crib, lowered the side then gathered the now twitching Lawrence. She then moved him to the large rocking chair and cradled him in her lap once again. She unbuttoned her dress as before then loosened the cup of her slip but before she could unhook her nursing bra Constance stopped her then motioned Judith into the room. This time she had another contraption, a funnel and a rubber tube arrangement! She also carried a large bottle of a milky liquid! Constance then smiled and spelled things out. "How are you today my dear baby Kimberly? Hummm?" she cooed at him as if she was really talking to a baby. "I know it's been awhile but there was so much to do you must realize? But you must not put up a fuss now, you must eat!" she cautioned. "I told you that you were going to be cared for and looked after from now and on but you really are too thin, you should see yourself Kimberly dear," Constance said. "You were always small as a man, barely a hundred pounds if I remember correctly, but now at a mere 65 pounds you are simply too thin. Let's try and get you back up to 70 or 75, that would be so much nicer and then you'd look like a pretty bouncing baby just like I planned. When you are offered the breast you must take it, otherwise, I'm afraid we'll have to force feed you Kimberly! And that wouldn't be nearly as pleasant," Constance said as she gave Lawrence, now Kimberly the time to choose. She motioned for the lady to unhook her nursing brassiere as they looked on. Lawrence twitched and struggled as the large milk filled pendulous globe swung free, the nipple growing erect in the cool room air as the familiar drop of milk began forming at the tip. The woman cradled his head and steered his toothless, contorted mouth until it was over her breast and he took the nipple between his lips then felt it enter his mouth! "Start feeding Kimberly," Constance warned as they all waited until finally Lawrence had no choice but to start sucking. He felt the warm milk flow and then begin to fill his mouth as the woman held his head to her large swollen breast. He began swallowing as he suckled then continued on. Constance motioned for Judith, still looking on, holding the feeding tube to leave then looked on as the lady continued to feed Lawrence. The lady began to rock, finally feeling relief at being able to rid herself of her large supply of milk that was now flowing into Lawrence's mouth and down his throat all to Constance's satisfaction. "Make sure she gets her fill, we need to get her weight up now," Constance mentioned then watched as baby Kimberly finished the first breast and was soon moved over and started on the second breast. Finally Constance put a towel over the ladies shoulder as she lifted the now bloated and flailing Kimberly up and put her over her shoulder. She began patting her back to burp her and Kimberly twitched and cried out just like a baby until the burp came and the gas was gone. "I'll check her diaper after her nap," Constance said as she took Kimberly from the lady who then fixed her dress and went to clean herself up. Constance placed her new 'niece' Kimberly, her back in her crib and looked down with a smile as she giggled. "Now that wasn't so hard now was it sissy girl?" She giggled. "You just mind us now, well you don't really have any choice now do you?" She giggled yet again as she pulled the covers up around the flailing Kimberly and tucked her in for her morning nap. Kimberly could only gasp and whimper like a baby as Constance went down the roster of procedures. Lawrence had been given female hormones but they were halted soon after his little breasts began to form. But he was then castrated and a vagina was created which included a clitorise and the ability to lubricate! Laser treatments had totally removed all traces of body hair and his eyebrows had been plucked into babyish wisps just like the hair on his head had been tailored into a woman's hairline but then shortened and thinned to the point that Lawrence actually looked like a baby now with just enough hair to comb and curl and put pretty ribbons in! Of course all his teeth had been removed and his vocal chords adjusted along with the work on his spine to always ensure that he would only retain the movements and gestures of an infant! It was as complete a job as Constance could arrange. "I think you'll be coming right along," she said as she continued. "With my resources it was little trouble to find several attractive lactating women willing to play wet nurse to you. They'll be feeding you several times each day from now and on. They are larger framed women but need to be to lift you easily and their larger bust size should ensure you more than enough milk! We'll get you on baby food in a few weeks but with all your teeth gone now I'm afraid you won't be having anything solid anymore so I would try and forget about the steak dinners and the like," she giggled again knowing she was firmly in control as she took off her bonnet then fussed with the pink satin bow in her hair. She then stroked Kimberly's cheek then noticed a tear trickling down her now pretty face as she gasped at what had happened and began to cry. Constance simply took a large pacifier from the dresser and inserted it into Kimberly's mouth. She then tied the pink satin ribbon around her head to hold it tightly in place so she couldn't spit it out. "You're safe at home now darling, where you'll live out the rest of your life being taken care of and catered to just like you wanted, although not quite the way you wanted," she giggled. "I'm sure you'll fall into line. Otherwise it would be such a shame for you to be left here in this pretty babies room by yourself for years on end now wouldn't it? Imagine listening to this pretty mobile for years to come as it chimes away and looking at all those childish pictures on the walls knowing the only contact you'll have is with the ladies who care for you. Imagine them reading you only baby stories and nursery rhymes for decades to come. With your mind as sharp and as intact as it ever was but with no television, no books, no contact with the outside world only the ladies that feed you, bathe you and dress you it could be quite maddening I imagine!" she said smiling as she looked on at the bulging terror filled eyes and the girlish baby whimpers as Kimberly fought against the pacifier plug! "You'll soon come along won't you darling? And in time, I can take you out in your stroller now and then and we'll have a lovely walk through the gardens on the grounds. You'll soon see that cooperation has its rewards too Kimberly. I might allow one of the ladies to massage your little nipples or even your little clitorise! You'll find that very exciting and very pleasurable as you come to know your new body. Yes, we'll have a fine time Kimberly," she said. "You fall into line as a proper little baby girl from now and on and we'll have all sorts of fun and enjoyment. Otherwise I'm afraid you could find yourself not leaving this room for many, many years. Isn't that right baby Kimberly? Hummm?" Constance said with a cooing smile as she wiped Kimberly's tear away as the baby stared glassy eyed at the turning mobile above the crib and she twitched and kicked weakly under the satin sheets blubbering like a baby girl as her dear aunt Constance looked on with a satisfied contented smile. "You're no longer a problem are you Lawrence. You're baby Kimberly now and no problem at all! Take your nap now darling babykins, I'll be back to check in on you later," she said as she smoothed the covers, wound the chiming mobile then dimmed the lights and left the room closing the door behind her. Kimberly heard the sturdy deadbolt as the door locked then listened as the mobile turned churning out that same nursery rhyme song that now echoed through the room. She laid in the crib smelling the floral scent of all the baby powders and potions and looked upon the feminine stuffed toys and the feminine nursery furniture placed around the room and she noticed those childish pictures on the wall yet again! Kimberly tried to cry out but the tightly affixed pacifier kept her quiet. She tried to struggle yet again but could still only twitch in her crib and stare at the ceiling and the twirling mobile in wide eyed terror at what had happened.

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Once again we fade in on our dark bed set ... Just that ugly rusty old iron bed, and the tired old mattress. No sheets, no pillows. Cheap and tacky. A single spotlight illuminates the set from above, casting a harsh light that makes things look even cheaper. We hear the fast clicking of heels on concrete – and whip the camera around quickly so we can see this week’s guest approaching. She’s short and thin – young and dark-skinned. Her red bikini briefs and bra are almost invisible against...

2 years ago
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How i made a young black males 2 dream

We met a young black married male on line about a year ago now. After speaking to him several time’s on line and getting to know him some. On Saturday evening we decided to invite him to our home to meet him in person. When he arrived that night and i got my first chance to see him in person,i must say i was impressed. A good looking young man, with a fantastic body. As we sat in the living room talking my eye’s kept on his crotch, even with his cloth’s on i knew he was big as thier was a very...

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Priestly PromiscuityChapter 25 Sarahs Seduction

"Well? If you're sure? If you're sure you really want me to?" her horny uncle said as if reluctant. "I'll show you but you mustn't ever let another guy do this until you're a lot older and you're sure you can trust him. Or you really love him. I'm going to get on top of you, Sarah. I have to lie on top of you to show you." The big, young juvenile looked up, trustingly, as the young man knelt over her, kneeing her legs apart. For the first time, she saw what she'd been holding in...

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The Newtons

Part Two CHRISTIANA I’m glad that Paul has come out into the open and been frank and honest in not only our relationship but of others he’s had. Now that we’ve come to accept the facts I can also be as honest as he has been. I must admit that the failure of our marriage was as much my fault as his. I will not cover the ground that he has already trodden, but only to say that our first few years were happy ones. I blame the circumstances that caused us to drift apart. He was so tired on the...

4 years ago
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UnfaithfulChapter 3

So began the ten-year roller-coaster of my one and only affair. I just couldn't get enough of Rebecca. Her cherubic body was perfect in every way. She wasn't a beauty queen, but she had curves and mounds in all the correct places. That soft, plump, white body was just right for every type of imaginable sex act. Those perfect breasts so kissable and suckable, her vagina so big and juicy. It looked and smelled so wonderful. And her bush was so thick yet soft. Having my face buried in her...

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Miriams Slave 2

Dear Reader: This story is an unauthorized sequel to "How I Became Miriam's Slave" by Cactus Juggler. Please read it first at: I sent him a copy of my story a couple of times last year but he never responded. The coach's whistle blew and I knew I was the one who screwed up again. "Where's your head at today, Carol," she yelled. "That's the third time you've blown this routine. Remember we have a game...

1 year ago
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You’ve got one guess who’s On Screens here in my personal masturbation chamber at PornDude headquarters. If you guessed it’s sexy, beautiful, naked ladies, well, I guess this ain’t your first time visiting the site. I do think of myself as something of a Renaissance man when it comes to masturbatory material, as I like to shake my dick at a little of this and a little of that, but it all kind of boils down to the same thing, doesn’t it? Sure, it comes in a million different flavors, but at the...

Free Cam Girl Video Sites
4 years ago
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A willing slave

“Not even if I was a dyke, come on this needs to stop. This is getting pathetic.” Here I was again begging Kelly to give me a chance. Anne, Liz, and Stephanie had all left and we were the last two of the friend group at the bar and as soon as everyone else had left I just couldn’t stop asking her out. It seemed like every time I had her alone I would confess my feelings, or I guess restate them as she’d known for quite some time and had repeatedly stated her non-interest, usually in an...

2 years ago
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Raghav Fucks My Mom Hardcore Style

My name is Anand. This incident happened on April 12th, 2010 when my dad decided to take me and my mom to Raipur to visit my grandma from mom’s side. We were staying in Mumbai at that time. My dad took a break from his work and grandma was eager to see us again. When we reached Raipur, dad drove about 17 kilometers then he stopped on what looked like a quiet suburban avenue that had several houses. We reached grandma’s home and she was very happy to see us. At the corner of my eyes, I noticed a...

1 year ago
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Family Liza Rowe I Want My Stepdads Big Black Cock

Liza or as her stepdad nicknamed her “Jo Jo”, finds her stepdad so sexy and even though she keeps flirting with him, he keeps resisting her attempts. Liza finally found her opportunity when her stepdad Sean fell asleep on the couch, so she started to play with herself while she fantasied about him. Her orgasm woke him up so she figured he wouldn’t be able to resist her now! He told her that her behavior is out of hand but Liza took matters in her own hands as she showed him...

3 years ago
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my new life with Lee and Emily chapter 5

Still startled by Lee catching me fingering Em then leaving, I kissed Em and then told her that we should clear the roof . “What”she said “are you kidding I want you,what are you doing teasing me”?. I zipped my jacket up “if Lee wouldn’t have come by I would have had you on the bed licking that sweet pussy”I said .”Foreplay my dear, do you like it so far,I know I do “I said helping her zip her jacket up .Reaching the top I pinched her chin and gave her a kiss,”you should wear a scarf your...

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Ellie Mothers Third Daughter

Ellie, Mothers Real Third Daughter I had three sisters growing up, Gail the oldest just beginning high school, Donna just a year younger than Gail was in her last year of junior high. And I was in my last year of grade school. Sue was a year behind me in fifth grade and knew about my fantasies of being just like my sisters. That was almost a year ago when Sue and I began Dressing up. Of course being divorced my mother was a working Mom with very little time to spend with her...

3 years ago
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is it right or wrong

questionis it right or wrong for a man to put on his wifes thongs when he is demanded to also is it wrong to wear them to go through a drive throu and is it wrong for her to wear her lingeria just to run doen and get something from a drive throu

1 year ago
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The sweet blonde girl

It was a cold March evening one Saturday a couple years ago. I was in an Irish bar with a few friends and it was the early hours of the morning. That time of day where after a few too many beers and who knows where you might end up. I looked across the bar and saw a brunette girl in a black dress. She had an attractive figure without being particularly skinny. Her (I’d guess) C-cup boobs held firmly by her figure hugging knee length dress. Having got the courage to walk over I complemented her...

2 years ago
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My new roommate from Iraq

I live in a rather large apartment and from time to time I rent out the guest room. A friend asked me if I hade a room left for a friend of his. A very nice Young guy from Iraq. I said yes but only if he has a job and can pay his rent.So, yesterday evening i was out with some friends for dinner and this guy should come by so we could go home together. And pretty late when i had to many beers he finally showed up with a friend who drove him and we Went home. He´s very cute, 25 years old, slender...

4 years ago
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ScourgeChapter 13

With the base compromised, the rebels are forced to move what remains of their equipment and themselves to another location. After the battle and the release of the chemical agent, what was left of the Scourge, quickly retreated. It doesn’t mean the human’s enemy is gone for good, but temporarily stopped. Because the fungal invader would be back meant they had to leave. “How bad is it?” Gunnar asks as he approaches Kate leaving the general’s side a few hours after the battle. Kate looks at...

2 years ago
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Who Needs Innocence

Her eyes burned through my soul.  Who is she? I wondered.  The coffee shop was fairly busy, but for some reason, my gaze was locked onto the beautiful, blonde college student who stared back in challenge.  I was caught like a deer in the headlights, as though an oncoming semi-truck was about to plow through me.  Little did I know just how accurate that omen would turn out to be.I composed myself and turned to the counter. Luca, the owner of this gem of a café, was busy finishing an order, so I...

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A Rainy Day

I went into the convience store to buy lottery tickets. As I waited a big beautiful Black woman walked in and was looking for coffee. She had on a tight shirt and mini skirt, which had green leotards underneath. I love fucking black women so i began to watch her as my dick started to grow. I purchased my tickets and glanced around the store. She was pouring coffee and I gave her a smile. She smled back and then turned around. I went outside to my car and waited for her to exit. It...

3 years ago
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Ahead of the GameChapter 8

Jeff watched the harbor fade in the distance as the powerful engines carried them away. Diana walked up beside him as he mused on the events facing him. She was about to speak when the sound of a blasting horn from a nearby freighter frightened her. With a startled yelp, she suddenly leapt into his arms. Jeff noticed a difference in the feel of her against him. He could feel her left breast pressing against him, but he noticed she didn't have a right breast. Different reasons for this ran...

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The HoldupChapter 2

Abbot Balfour was still studying the sheen of the sheer tan pantyhose encasing the well-formed thighs of the pretty stewardess when she reached for the intercom microphone. This caused her skirt to open wider and Abbot's cock flinched as he took in an eyeful of the young woman's pristine white nylon panties which she wore over her pantyhose. "Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for flying Southern States Airlines; we have made good time and will be landing forty-five minutes ahead of schedule...

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Christy came home one afternoon after little cheerleader and her daddy was all dressed up.Where you going daddy” Christy asked“Out with a friend”, her dad replied.“Is it anyone I know”“Just a friend from work”“Well then is it ok if I spend the night with Staci? We are going to go over some cheerleading routines”.“Sure” said daddy. With that, Christy ran across the room and jumped in daddy’s arms, wrapped her legs tightly around him and gave him a big hug. God his little girl felt good he...

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The Houseguest

The Houseguest By Tyjord Based on an original drawing by Augustine?Hey, sis.? ?Cody,? the dark-haired girl shouted upon opening the front door. She grabbed the young man standing outside and pulled him to her. The embrace lasted a full minute before the two separated, the woman’s hands remaining on the boy’s shoulders. ?God, let me look at you. It’s been so long.? She looked him up and down, taking in every inch of the brother she hadn’t seen in almost a year. ?Too long,? he answered,...

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My Friend Ted

My gay relationships started three years ago.Then i was in the 9th grade.I had always participated regularly in the soccer matches.So i had thin but athletic muscular body. i had blue eyes,short curly hair and cheeks with dimples which attraccted many gals. Even i had had some girlfriends,but this wasn't enough.I always felt awkward with them;i needed something more.I felt the need of a boy partner in my life.It seemed like i had found someone i wanted.It was Ted. Ted was boy of...

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The Mob Book 2Chapter 6 The Battle for Callisto

“Welcome back, Jason. I’m sure we will all be fascinated to hear of your adventures, but you need to excuse us while we deal with the current battle,” said Andrea. Linda came over and gave him a kiss. “You look rather fit, and I think you have grown a bit,” commented Linda. “I think we will need to inspect your Warhammer to check if it is still operational once this little lark is over,” Linda said as she gently grabbed the front of his trousers, triggering hooting and cheering. “Arrival is...

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Revenge of the Nerd Ch 62

‘You’re doing it,’ Sandy said. ‘Oops.’ I was lapsing into my Katherine Hepburn voice again. It was getting easier as the evening progressed. I used to handle these things effortlessly. I was playing a role and it was just another acting gig. Collect information from the other participants which I could use when appropriate. Tonight I was in a leading role and I hadn’t taken the time to prepare for it. The shower was being given by a gaggle of women somehow associated with my father or...

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Marathon Suck

One day when driving in my car in the UK I stopped off at toilets to have a pee. I went up to the urinal and when I finished and was leaving, a man entering nodded to me to look towards the cubicles which were up a narrow passageway from the urinals. I looked up and there was a group of men with their cocks in their hands and all were wanking. Some were wanking their own cocks and some were wanking others' cocks. I was amazed that I hadn't noticed this when I came in. It stopped me in my...

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first time interracial party mmmmmmmm

This is a 100% true story about my girl friends first gangbang. The events of this evening are still fresh and accurate. I don’t clam to be a skilled writer or master of the pen. Bear with me on this encounter, and enjoy the events of the evening. Last Friday evening we attended an IR party in our town. We arrived a little after 9:00 and were making small talk at the bar area. I was chatting with some people and after about ten minutes, noticed my girl friend, Miss M, wasn’t with me anymore. I...

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Is Lesbian sex a sin immoral pleasure

From Culture to Civilization The following narration is about two friends who have been sticking together from their high school days onwards. Jayanthi and Srilatha both belong to the same district popularly known as the rice bowl of India, (Tanjore). Passed out from the government higher secondary school of Kumbakonam, they together proceeded to take up BE computer science at AVC Mayavaram passed out with flying colours. Their education took them to far off land where everything was alien to...

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Oh What A Night

Even though it's been many years, I can still close my eyes and see the events of that night like I'm watching a movie. Let me start at the beginning. I was 17 and my friend Desmond's Mom needed to go out of town for a weekend. For some strange reason she agreed to let me stay over, while she was gone. In order to prevent us from throwing a huge party she also left his older, bitchy sister, Leslie in charge. What that really meant was that Leslie's 6'4"...225 pound boyfriend Brent, would be in...

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HardtimesChapter 4

The day the party to celebrate Junior’s birth was held, turned out to be a blustery fall day. Orange, red, and yellow leaves dropped from the trees to be carried by the wind. The rustle of dry leaves rubbing against other leaves provided a background noise easily recognizable as the sound of fall. People wore windbreakers, sweaters, or jackets trying to keep warm in the face of the chilly wind, but their efforts failed. It was too cool for a light jacket, too windy for a sweater, and not cold...

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La corista capitulo 9

La corista capitulo 9 Al siguiente d?a despu?s de salir del hospital Danny no tubo mucho tiempo para descansar ya su agenda estaba llena y tenia que segur asistiendo a eventos y entrevistas, debido a lo reciente de su operaci?n y para disimular la inflamaci?n de sus senos y caderas ahora la ropa que le daban era menos escotada, m?s holgada y los vestidos eran m?s largos pero dise?ados para lucir su nueva figura. Pasaron los d?as y a pesar de todo lo que le tomaba arreglarse a diario tener sus propios s...

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CFNM With Trinity

If you remember Trinity from the beach stories, she and I have been sort of email friends. She said she wanted to keep in touch and maybe do something again some day. Well, it's mostly been just chit chat emails, how are you, what you been doing, that sort of stuff. She knows I'm off on Mondays and Tuesdays and I got an email from her over the weekend. She wanted to know if I could help her and two friends move into an apartment they are going to share when they start school this fall. It...

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My second time at the steam bath

It was a couple months since my first visit to the steam bath. Since I drove past the building five days a week it wasn't like I had to go out of my way. It was just that I had conflicted thoughts. The thought of anonymous sex always got me hard yet at the same time I considered myself heterosexual but leaning toward bisexual. Enough about mind games and back to my story.So a couple of months passed and it was now early Spring. Feeling a bit horny one afternoon after my final class, I was...

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House of GlassChapter 7

After the board meeting there was the usual dinner. With most of the board members being from out of town, spouses and/or significant others were not invited. I promised Kara that Tim and I would come home as soon as it was over. It was a little after nine when we got there. As we entered the kitchen from the garage I called out, "Kara,..." "In the living room, Dirk." I looked across the courtyard into the living room. Kara, unexpectedly, was not alone. With Tim following I went to...

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Power Shower

It was Tuesday evening and I had just got back from a very long day at work. As usual when I should have been working hard I had let my mind wonder and was texting away to all my friends on Facebook, which is fast becoming an addiction. I have been on for a matter of days and have become obsessed and a bit of a minx.The conversations I have been having have been getting a little hot under the collar with some, which prompted me to get more daring so I asked my new best friends to vote on what I...

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drunken neighbor

I’ll admit it, I’m a horn dog. If she wears a skirt and over 18 years old, I’m interested in separating her from her underwear. My personal likes will take a back seat if it means getting fucked. But like all of us there are things that I like better than others.The first time I saw my neighbor was from the window of my bedroom. I lived in an upper apartment and she was moving into the one across the hall from me. All I could see was that she had short curly hair and sounded like a bitch!...

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A Halloween Adventure

One year on college I went to a Halloween dance. It took place in one of the male residence dorms.I was a "friend" date, running interference for a female friend of mine who had a boyfriend but wanted to go out. I was not in costume. I stood by her side, chatting her up when she was not dance with her female friends. That was, until, Batgirl caught my eye.She was shorter than me, Jet black hair, shoulder length. Straight. The dance was dark, I couldn't see much else. I watched her dance, she...

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Tempest of LiesChapter 15

Jothan scrambled onto the boulder as a wave broke around it, surging into foam before pausing and retreating into the sea. He shook the bits of wet sand and water from his bare feet for a more secure foothold. He squinted as he peered into the sky, the wind prickling his skin as he waited for the sun to re-emerge from behind a small cloud. Jothan lowered his eyes and looked out across the indigo ocean. He sensed the wards rather than saw them, as the slim crystals which held the enchantment...

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Have FaithChapter 16

The days progressed and Faith experienced a new mistress each day. Her mother owned her for the next day. True to form, Faith was embarrassed throughout most of the day. It started in the morning when she was commanded to make love to Jill. She thought she would die of humiliation as her tongue fluttered between her own mother’s slick petals. This was not right. After she completed that task, Jill had her kneel on an ottoman as she sat in a chair facing it. She then instructed her daughter...

3 years ago
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Two Makeovers

Although I particularly like comments on how wonderful my writing is, I can accept constructive criticism as well. If you want to tell me how great I am, make suggestions for story ideas, or just BS about something contact me at: [email protected] Two Makeovers by Amy Brett I found that I really didn't know what to do. The situation was so totally alien. I had spoken softly to Barbara for a scant moment after she had admitted me to the basement room of the...

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The Story of Becoming a Pet

Thursday, April 4th....turns out I get turned on by more than I thought. Just a regular day at my friends house. We'll just call her Llama. And our friend, who we'll call Ms Lamb, was there. These two girls, they enjoy teasing me. Mainly sexually. I was actually legitamately tired that day. Hell, most of the time I was there, I was just laying on the bed trying to rest my eyes. Eventually I just rolled over on the floor. A little after that, Llama started rubbing my dick through my pants with...

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The Liberation Of Ruth Part One Breaking The Rules

For thirty-four years, Ruth had been a good Catholic girl, but of late, she had been feeling that life had passed her by, and she felt unfulfilled. She was not a virgin; she had been involved in a relationship when she was younger. That relationship had been quite toxic and had ended badly. It had driven her into a celibate lifestyle, deciding it just was not worth it, but that was now grating on her. She knew that she wanted and needed sex in her life. The vibrator she had was just not really...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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XXX Survivor A Real Reality Show of Sex

"John, you have chosen to compete on an all new reality game show. There, you can go through lifetimes of experiences and millions of dollars!". This was typed on a piece of mail that you have just received. You were a single guy, good-looking, and really needing a break like this. You thought about it. Before you knew it, you were on a plane going to the destination of this game show and there were nine other people on the plane, but they were scattered very sparsely throughout and you were...

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Moms Laptop Part 4

I stood in my bedroom doorway and watched my son, Toby, masturbate. He noticed me and a slight smile crossed his lips. He’d stroke for maybe ten seconds, then he’d move my laptop’s mouse and go back to stroking.He looked good. Toby was standing up, completely naked, but his hair was combed and his posture was straight. His hips moved back and forth slightly. I couldn’t see what he was looking at, the laptop was turned away from me, which made me curious. He might be watching just about...

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Building UtopiaChapter 9

Roger and his new group of colonists made it back to Birmingham in mid June. He was extremely anxious to see what progress was made on the tasks he left his men to work on when he departed. He had assigned the blacksmith and his helpers the task of beginning a mining operation for the metals they would need as well as the coal to smelt them with. They were going to set up the smelting operation near the deposits of metal. Other men in the group were assigned construction tasks and to the...

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Tony Part II No More Leniency

A quick shout out to all the positive remarks many of you passed on both in the comments page and via direct message for my first story. I thank you all for the support as I use it to build my confidence in writing short stories - something that I am completely new and foreign to.  Again, this is only my second story (ever!) and I gladly welcome any constructive forms of criticism. This is far from perfect but I hope you enjoy it. Thank You.  I was a popular guy in school, nobody dared to mess...

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Julies Journal First Night

Oh journal I was awoken at 3am by the feeling of someone being inside my room. I slowly woke up and could hear their breathing. Scared I just stayed still feigning sleep as their footsteps slowly came over to the bed. Part of me hoped it was Gina but I didn’t think so. Have you ever been so scared you stayed absolutely still and yet so excited at the same time? So many times I had masturbated while thinking about being forced to have sex and every time I came so hard. No I didn’t mean hurt...

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Sorority Tutor part 3

Sorority Tutor, part 3, by Linda_C School took on a different tone for Jake. He still got teased, but a lot less than expected. Most guys wouldn't talk to him, mainly they just looked uncomfortable and didn't understand what was happening, or want to understand. Some of his friends, who usually turned and looked at him with a double take, didn't tease him. But they didn't hang around him as much anymore. Sure, a couple did, and even accepted his changes, but Jake could tell it wasn't...

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Sexual adventure with a stranger

Hi all, I’m Ritika, 20 years old. I often come to this site to get excited and fantasize about a sexual adventure. I often ended up fingering while reading these stories. I’m a student and at the last leg of my graduation. I also work part-time for a food delivery company and make extra money for my expenses. I look attractive with fair skin, 5.6ft height, and 50 kg weight. I measure 32-28-32. I keep my cunt clean and hygienic. I had my life’s first crush on my classmate I dated for almost two...

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MrLuckyPOV Jade Kush Petite Busty Jade Kush Gets Sexually Devilish

Jade Kush is a rare type of woman. She has a tiny, petite frame but carries around incredible, large, soft, 100% natural breasts. This Asian beauty is soft spoken and un assuming…until she spreads her legs. When she see’s a cock the devil inside her comes out. She loves to suck, stroke and spit all over the dick before using her wet pussy to drain out as much cum as she can. Her round, smooth ass bounces back as she takes in from behind and her tits shake as she gets pounded deep. But one round...

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Morrigans Adventures

It was a warm summer night in Tokyo. The young woman was wandering down the street when she heard the voice calling her name. Turning to the darkened alleyway, she asked in a Scottish accent, "Who is it? Is someone there?" Emerging from the shadows came a hideous polyp-like thing that seemed mostly tentacles. It slithered towards the woman, flailing its limbs. "A tentacle monster, are ye?" asked the woman, who was more amused than frightened. "Well, I'll give ye something to play with!" With...

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The Humiliation of LindaChapter 7

Just before we reached the elevators he stopped and exclaimed, "Damn! I forgot my camera bag!" He handed me his keys and asked me to go and get it while he got the elevator. I turned back to his door and as I did I saw four young black men approaching from the other direction. They looked like real hoodlums. I had to wonder what they were doing in this upscale apartment building. But I didn't feel threatened with Nathan waiting nearby. I reached Nathan's door just before they did. As I...

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Play It Again SamChapter 7 You played it for her you can play it for me

An hour later we were all sitting around the dining room table quietly sipping wine and snacking on cheese and crackers from a large platter that Pat and Maria had fixed for us when I broke the silence. "So you two really and truly aren't mad at me?" I asked hopefully looking from Dana to Candy and then back to Dana. Dana smiled then she slowly and deliberately put a thin sliver of cheese to her mouth. Her full, red lips toyed with the milky white offering, the tip of her tongue...

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Changing Lanes

Changing   Lanes Chapter one               I’d had it. Another relationship had gone sour. Damn greedy, selfish bitches anyway. Well, tonight I would just get drunk & hang out with the guys. No pussy for me. I was swearing off for awhile. I figured I’d go celibate and get my mind right.             I walked into a few bars downtown. I finally found one with no bar-fly, flirty women. Yes, I felt at ease here. I struck up a conversation with two...

Gay Male
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Is This It

I'll begin my story by stipulating that I'm the biggest whiner of all time. You'll figure that out quickly as I go along but the reason I'm writing this all down is because there isn't anyone else I can tell and I'm hoping that it will somehow make me feel better by putting it down on paper. I just turned 43 the other day but somehow I feel much older than that. It's not that I've had more life experiences than others my age. Hell, I'd guess I've had fewer than most. It's that I...

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