La Corista Capitulo 9 free porn video

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La corista capitulo 9 Al siguiente d?a despu?s de salir del hospital Danny no tubo mucho tiempo para descansar ya su agenda estaba llena y tenia que segur asistiendo a eventos y entrevistas, debido a lo reciente de su operaci?n y para disimular la inflamaci?n de sus senos y caderas ahora la ropa que le daban era menos escotada, m?s holgada y los vestidos eran m?s largos pero dise?ados para lucir su nueva figura. Pasaron los d?as y a pesar de todo lo que le tomaba arreglarse a diario tener sus propios senos cintura y cadera le ahorraban tiempo al ya no tener que usar faja y rellenos para las caderas y pechos. Ahora por alg?n extra?a raz?n a Danny le encantaba mirarse en el espejo, sobre todo en la noche cuando pod?a hacerlo desnuda ya que ver lo bella que era le excitaba tanto que no resist?a la tentaci?n de darse placer acariciando sus senos y pezones. Despu?s de que pasaba el trance del autoerotismo sent?a culpa y remordimiento. - Esto no est? bien , soy un hombre y no deber?a de hacer esto...y mucho menos disfrutarlo- Pero al verse en el espejo solo ve?a a una mujer y con la pr?tesis de vagina que le hab?an pegado ya ni siquiera pod?a ver sus partes masculinas Pero al verse en el espejo solo ve?a a una mujer y con la pr?tesis de vagina que le hab?an pegado ya ni siquiera pod?a ver sus partes masculinas.Ahora todo en el era femenino, su voz , su piel suave, sus cabellos eran delgados y sedoso, su cara era mas redonda y sus rasgos se hab?an vuelto mas finos, con labios carnosos y pesta?as largas hab?a perdido todos sus rangos masculinos. Ademas con las clases diarias de como verse y ser mas femenina ahora sus movimientos e incluso sus gestos cada d?a eran mas los de una mujer. Al darse cuenta de esto trato de caminar y moverse como hombre pero su cuerpo no le respondi?, se sent?a torpe y desequilibrado con sus senos y anchas caderas, le era mas c?modo caminar meneando sus caderas dando pasos cortos con un pie adelante d... Al darse cuenta de esto trato de caminar y moverse como hombre pero su cuerpo no le respondi?, se sent?a torpe y desequilibrado con sus senos y anchas caderas, le era mas c?modo caminar meneando sus caderas dando pasos cortos con un pie adelante del otro -Al paso que voy creo que tendr? que contratar un caoch para aprender a moverme otra vez como hombre o me voy a ver muy afeminado cuando vuelva a la normalidad - Por su parte Julia que al ser gen?ricamente compatible con Danny ( hab?a sido la donadora de la grasa que hacia falta para los senos y caderas de su hermano) quedo mas delgada y tambi?n le hicieron una lipoescultura con la que estaba muy contenta ya que de la noche a la ma?ana paso de ser una mujer linda y simp?tica a tener una figura de super modelo. Los lunes eran casi siempre los d?as que tenia libre as? que los aprovechaba para estar todo el d?a en la cama -Danny vistete, tenemos que ir de compras!- Aunque casi era medio d?a Danny se levanto aun somnoliento -Pero si el refigerador esta lleno, no me digas que traes uno de tus antojos, recuerda que el doctor dijo que si no guardabas dieta ibas a volver a engor...a tu peso anterior - -Pues aunque no lo creas ya estaba bajando de peso antes de la lipo- y le saco la lengua a Danny- ahor como te iba diciendo tenemos que ir comprar "ropa"- -Pero si tu ya tienes mucha ropa Julia- -Si, pero ahora me queda "grande"-y se levanto la blusa para mostrar su nueva y esbelta figura -Ademas tu tambi?n necesitas ropa nueva -Toda la ropa que necesito me la proporciona la agencia, y cuando regresemos a casa puedo usar la ropa que ya no te queda- -Acomp??ame si!, porque yo no tengo una empresa que me de ropa bonita y de marca - -Toda es prestada, solo me regalan la ropa interior y las medias- -Hay no seas malita y vamos de compras!- -Hay Julia, tu no puedes estar encerrada ni un d?a! Esta bien, pero si alguien me reconoce dir? que tu eres la famosa y yo solo soy tu asistente- Cuando llegaron al centro comercial Dany comenz? a notar que mucha gente la miraba, as? que compro unos lentes sin graduaci?n , una agenda y se recogi? el cabello en una cola de caballo para parecer mas una secretaria o asistente. Aun as? varias personas se le acercaron diciendole "que se les hacia conocida, quiz?s de la tele, que si era alguien famosa?" a lo que Danny les repondia -La famosa es ella- se?alando a su hermana, yo soy su asistente y como siempre estoy a su lado algunas veces salgo en los v?deos que le toman- Aun as? varias personas se le acercaron diciendole "que se les hacia conocida, quiz?s de la tele, que si era alguien famosa?" a lo que Danny les repondia -La famosa es ella- se?alando a su hermana, yo soy su asistente y como siempre estoy a su la... -Es muy guapa pero quien es?-preguntaban todos -Ella es Yulia! modelo y cantante- y al escuchar eso toda la atenci?n se centraba en la hermana de Danny. Julia andaba muy tranquila de tienda en tienda cuando primero llego una se?ora a pedirle una foto, luego un se?or con su esposa, y de repente todo mundo se quer?a tomar la foto con Julia creyendo que era famosa. En un par de horas por todo el centro comercial corr?a el chisme de que la "Famosa modelo y cantante" Yulia andaba por ah? de compras.La situaci?n se empez? a salir tanto de control que se tuvieron que esconder en lo probadores de una tienda -Vamonos a casa Danny!- -Pero porque? aun es temprano y casi no haz comprado ropa- -Porque no he tenido tiempo!, la gente no deja de venir a tomarse fotos conmigo, creen que soy una tal Yulia!- -Deja les pido a las de la tienda si nos permiten salir por la puerta de servicio, para que ya nadie te acose- Camino a casa hasta el taxista se les quedaba mirando.-Usted es la famosa Yulia verdad? y usted su guapa asistente- -oh rayos!- Para la media tarde todo se salio de control, todo mundo quer?a saber mas de la misteriosa Yulia, que se hab?a hecho famosa porque todos subieron las fotos que se tomaron con ella a sus redes sociales. En las noticas salio el chofer del Taxi mostrando el edificio donde hab?a dejado a "Yulia" y como varios reporteros sab?an que varias la empresas de representaci?n art?stica eran due?as de varios departamentos pues este dato le dio mas credibilidad a la "fama de Yulia" Cuando Alex se entero de que Julia era Yulia salio lo mas rapido posible a verlas para arreglar este problema de que los reporteros estuvieran afuera del edificio ya que ah? muchas agencias "escond?an" a varias estrellas cuando se hac?an cirug?as est?ticas. AL final Alex se llevo a Julia a su casa para que los reporteros los siguieran y se alejaran del edificio. Danny se quedo solo y por fin iba a poder tener algo de paz, se sent?a un poco culpable por todo el alboroto que se hizo pero su hermana se merec?a eso por no haberla dejado descansar, ya Alex ver?a como arreglaba todo y de paso ver?a como le saca provecho a la situaci?n (como siempre). Despu?s de dormir un rato Danny se levanto el departamento se sent?a muy tranquilo sin Julia, en su aburrimiento se puso a checar las cosas que su hermana hab?a comprado -Pobre solo le di chance de comprar un vestido y algo de ropa interior y...lencer?a sexy-y se quedo mirando el juego ropa interior de encaje y babydoll rojo, tambi?n compro otro de color negro. En los meses que Danny se hab?a tenido que vestir de mujer jamas hab?a usado lencer?a, pero ahora tenia la figura para lucirlo -y porque no "experimentar"?- la sola idea de ver su cuerpo con ropa de encaje por alguna extra?a raz?n resultaba excitante as? que corri? a maquillarse y arreglar su pelo para verse lo mas sexy posible. Al verse en el espejo con el conjunto de lencer?a negro se sinti? sexy y elegante y poco a poco, comenz? a acariciar sus senos suavemente pues eso le excitaba. Luego de un rato tomo un peque?o descanso despu?s de " juguetear " pens?: "creo que deber?a parar, pero si Julia regresa jamas podre probarme su conjunto rojo" luego justo cuando se hab?a puesto el babydoll de encaje escucho que la puerta de la en... Luego de un rato tomo un peque?o descanso despu?s de " juguetear " pens?: "creo que deber?a parar, pero si Julia regresa jamas podre probarme su conjunto rojo" luego justo cuando se hab?a puesto el babydoll de encaje escucho que la puerta de la entrada del departamento se habr?a"Rayos debe de ser Julia, bueno que mas da que se enoje, ya disfrute usar su ropa " se fue a la sala para recibir a su hermana con su pose mas sexy y dijo-Y bien que tal me veo- Luego de un rato tomo un peque?o descanso despu?s de " juguetear " pens?: "creo que deber?a parar, pero si Julia regresa jamas podre probarme su conjunto rojo" luego justo cuando se hab?a puesto el babydoll de encaje escucho que la puerta de la en... -WOW! te ves hermosa Danny!- -ARTURO!- grito sorprendida y corri? a esconderse detr?s de una puerta -Sorpresa...- Danny se estaba muriendo de la verg?enza, pero jamas esperaba encontrarse con Arturo en la sala.-No es que que no me de gusto verte, pero que haces aqu??- -Todo fue idea de Julia, le dije que esta semana venia a Miami por trabajo y me pidi? que adelantara mi mando por paquetera una copia de la llave del departamento... para darte una sorpresa y salir festejar desde hoy tu cumples a?os (que es ma?ana).- -Y por eso insisti? tanto en que sali?ramos de compras?- -Si,ella te iba a llevar a comprar un vestido para esta noche, yo llegar?a mientras ustedes andaban de compras para colgar los adornos y sorprenderte...pero mi vuelo se retraso y ya vi en las noticias lo que paso con "Yulia"...mmm creo que hoy nada ha salido bien - -No te pongas as? , claro que me sorprendiste!.Aun es temprano, deja trato de localizar a Julia para poder ir a cenar y luego vamos a alg?n club nocturno - -Y...Carlos nos va a acompa?ar?- -No, hoy y ma?ana se va a presentar en Dallas Texas y creo que nos vamos a ver hasta el domingo o Lunes -Dijo Danny sin mucha preocupaci?n ni inter?s, lo cual se le hizo extra?o a Arturo. -Y supongo que te va a llevara alg?n lugar especial a Festejar?- Danny se dio cuenta de que se estaba saliendo de su papel de novia as? que respondi?-Esteee si, solo va a venir a festejarme para que pasemos una noche muy especial- -Si, ya me imagino-dijo Arturo pensando en lo sexy que se ve?a Danny con el babydoll rojo. "cielos se ha puesto tan hermosa " pens? mientras sent?a una mezcla celos, Amor, tristeza...y deseo. Danny por fin se comunico con Julia, y le dijo que los esperaba en un restaurante de moda donde Alex les consigui? una reservacion usando sus conexiones. Al llegar a la mesa se soprendieron al ver a Julia vestida como una estrella de cine rica y famosa -Que te paso hermana?- -Alex tuvo la brillante idea de aprovechar la repentina fama de "Yulia" as? que esta semana ya tengo varias entrevistas y en unos d?as voy a grabar un sencillo y si todo sale bien rere rica y famosa !... o siendo realistas solo tendr? mis 15 minutos de fama jajajajaa- La cena transcurri? entre platica y risas, Danny se sent?a muy feliz de que Arturo hubiera venido a verla...aunque de repente lo sent?a un poco raro, quiz?s por la forma en que aveces la ve?a y sonre?a cuando entrecruzaban miradas. -Y ahora a donde vamos hemanita?- -Alex me recomend? este bar a donde solo van "las estrellas como yo",as? que nadie nos va a molestar- La velada fue agradable, el ambiente del lugar era mas para escuchar m?sica, platicar con amigos y beber que para bailar. cuando salieron un chofer que mando Alex estaba esperando a "Yulia" -Lo siento Danny esta semana te vas a quedar sola, Alex no quiere que me acerque a nuestro departamento, para que no me busquen los reporteros. Ma?ana va a ir "mi asistente" para recoger algunas cosas. Me hablas cuando llegues a casa - -No te preocupes, yo me asegurare de que tu hermana llegue segura- Se fueron juntos en un Taxi y siguieron platicando muy alegres ( quiz?s por el alcohol) hasta que llegaron al departamento. -Buenas noches, solo recojo mi maleta y me voy al hotel- -Ya es muy noche, son casi las 4, y est?s muy borracho, mejor duerme un poco en el cuarto de Julia, ma?ana te puedes ir despu?s del desayuno- -Las 4?, Entonces ya es tu cumplea?os ...Muchas felicidades Danny, que cumplas muchos m?s!-y Arturo le di? un cari?oso abrazo que dur? un poco m?s de lo normal. -Mmmm que rico hueles...cielos lo dije o lo pence?- dijo Dany mientras miraba a Arturo -Solo lo pensaste, pero yo puedo leer tu mente-y sonri? -eres un embustero! a ver adivina qu? n?mero estoy pensando?- -te lo dir?, pero si adivino me das un beso- - ok...pero no le vas a atinar- - entonces cierra los ojos conc?ntrate y piensa en un n?mero entre el 8 y el 10..ya?- -ya!- -tu n?mero es el ....9!- - Es cierto!...un momento hiciste trampa! Jijiji,pero un trato es un trato- Danny le dio un peque?o beso en los labios...y de repente sinti? como una electricidad en su boca que despu?s recorri? su cuerpo de sus pechos hasta sus caderas. Se hizo un silencio mientras se acariciaron con la mirada -Quieres que adivine otro n?mero?- - Si...- Y continuaron bes?ndose apasionadamente como la ultima vez Y continuaron bes?ndose apasionadamente como la ultima vez. Danny sent?a las caricias y los besos por todo su cuerpo como una droga que lle llenaba de placer y le nublaba la raz?n. Sabia que deb?a detenerlo, pero quer?a seguir sintiendo sus fuertes manos acariciando sus senos. Despu?s la cargo en sus brazos y la llevo a la cama donde terminaron de desnudarse ante la tenue luz de una lampara continuando con las caricias y los besos que segu?an encendiendo la pasi?n.De repente Danny sinti? a Arturo dentro de su vagina haci?ndola gemir de placer y haci?ndola sentir mujer.....

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“Your Daddy loves you very much, Chloe. You know this.” “Y-yes, Daddy. Of course I know that.” You’re just home from another long day of your final year at school. You’d barely had a chance to put down your bag when your Daddy had called you into the sitting room. The excitement you’d felt at hearing his voice was tempered with anxiety at the harshness of his tone. Is he mad at you? Did he hear about your maths exam? Standing there in front of him, you smooth the short skirt of your sundress...

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xHamster Cartoon

Have you ever wondered what the best porn tube website for cartoon porn is? Well, some people think that cartoon porn tube sites are the best for this kind of stuff. However, one thing that many people don’t take into consideration is that maybe the biggest porn tube sites out there have the biggest collections of other categories, including cartoon porn! Well, I’m here to unveil that this is exactly the case. With porn sites like, you can always count on countless cartoon pornos...

Cartoon Porn Sites
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Married Reader Of ISS Invites Writer For Sex

Hello dear readers, this is Shravan back with a new story of how a woman who had contacted me to provide feedback to one of my previous stories, turned to have a great intimate session in bed. Friends, this story began in October, when Ms. Poonam, a married woman, mother of two, who was not satisfied sexually, had pinged out to provide a “Like” for one of my stories posted in this forum a few months ago. I had acknowledged the same with a, “Thank You”. After a couple of days, she began pinging...

4 years ago
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Taking Chance In Kuala Lumpur

Hello ISS readers, I am a 29 year old single guy from Dhaka, Bangladesh. The story I am going to tell you is a real incident that happened to me recently during a stopover in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. You can mail me at with all your comments.I love travelling and I have been to Australia, Canada, India, Malaysia, Qatar, Singapore, Thailand, USA and UK. So on a recent trip from Australia and I was staying in KL for a couple of days. Since I was travelling by myself I wanted to meet a girl and do...

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I was feeling very restless, it was a few weeks after our mutual jilling session. I was hornier than ever i couldn't get the image of my mom masturbating furiously next to me, while i wildly humped my pillow right next to her, out of my mind. Not that i wanted to forget that image, but i was a sex addict, normally five times a day girl, my pussy was hotter than a Forrest fire, and i was bringing my burning center of ten times a day every time i simply fucking love to masturbate, even when i had...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 374

I guess the night before put me in the mood for a stroll down memory lane. I say that because as I walked down the jungle path toward the boat landing my mind was split. Half was keeping a sharp eye out for stranglers from action the night before, and the other half was concentrated on my much earlier years. I bet everyone does the same kind of thing now and then. Well maybe not the soldiers running around the jungle seeking revenge part, but the split thoughts part. Some of those memories...

4 years ago
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Divide and Conquer

I slowly woke up in a hospital ward--again. I'd lost count how many times I'd been knocked out for tests. I was just glad that I woke up again. Being in the military I could easily see someone making a decision to cut their losses, have the doc make a mistake with the anaesthetic and burn the evidence. We were nine guys that survived the operation. They stuck us in the deepest, darkest isolation lab that the Navy had to offer. We were all infectious. Umm, not really infectious. Anything...

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Holly Takes Them All Part 1

Holly was always a slutty girl. As a teenager she always had multiple boyfriends (and a couple of girlfriends) but they could never keep her fully satisfied. You would never think to look at her that she was quite the little sex addict. Behind her beautiful blue eyes, golden hair, petite frame and innocent looking face was a sexual beast prowling for the next thrill. Here lately, thrills were few and far between. Now a single mother in her early 30s, life didn’t seem to hold much excitement....

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Politicos wife

A few months I encountered a young woman pushing her baby in a stroller. After three or four meetings, we stopped to chat. We introduced ourselves–she was Melissa and her baby was Joanie. Melissa appeared to be about 30 years old and was in fairly good shape. She was about 5'5, and weighed probably 135 pounds. She told me she was walking to try to lose the weight she had gained during her pregnancy. Her hair and eyes were dark brown, and she had a rather attractive face. For...

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He caught me fucking his sister

My GF's 16 year old son had come to stay for the week. He lives with his father who had to go out of town on business. He had gone to the mall with some buddies one afternoon. I was home with his sister Maria and was feeling very horny. I went to her room and asked her if she wanted to fuck. She said yes but she had plans to go out soon so it would have to be a quicky. We got undressed and I laid her back on the bed and slid my cock into her. I was pumping her pussy hard and fast, lost in the...

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Iron Pumping Cocktease

Copyright (c) 2013 Member of XHamster.comALL CHARACTERS APPEARING IN THIS WORK ARE FICITIOUS. ANY RESEMBLANCE TO REAL PERSONS, LIVING OR DEAD, IS PURELY COINCIDENTAL. Without being horny, it would be impossible to be confident. Using your head, you would think, there are all these other guys that are taller, bigger, even better hung, with tattoos and that swagger that the cuties wouldn't even be able to see you. But all that swagger has nothin' on a guy who's different, someone who seems...

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Red and VictorChapter 7

Shit, I was awake so I decided to just go ahead and get up. Somehow I got out from between Shelly and Sarah without disturbin 'em. I went to the can and shook hands with shorty, drug on some drawers and jeans, pulled on a T-shirt and stumbled to the kitchen lookin for coffee. Damnit I was the first one up so I had to make it. The mexes were comin here to help the gals load the stuff that was here but they wouldn't arrive til round ten so I guess everybody else had sense enough to sleep in....

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 433 SingleMinded Marks Initial Introductions

Friday, July 25, 2008 I became a god at midday, and by dinnertime even the never-before-contacted, single-minded Marks had been connected to my network. One second they were living a so-so life, the next second they're told they're a God of the Universe who'll soon be linked with over a trillion other god-minds and they'll have astonishing abilities. It took them a few hours to get used to it - the other minds helped - and to have their links increased all the way to them being full...

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Hi my name is Tim Carter and my wife is called Cathy. Part of my job entails entertaining clients and potential new clients and sometimes their wives, husbands or girlfriends come along too. On such occasions Cathy my wife of five years will often come with me. She is excellent company and very good with the clients and their partners and just happens to look great too. Cathy loves socialising and thoroughly enjoys these nights out, especially if it entails eating out in one of the top...

4 years ago
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Moments Second Chances

Once in a while there are moments that occur in one’s life that seem to stand out more so than any of the rest. Sometimes those moments are bad, and sometimes they are good, but one thing about them that no one can ever dispute is – once you have them, things will never be the same. ‘Thank you, Ma’am. God bless you and good evening.’ ‘You are welcome. Enjoy. God bless you.’ The serving line continued on eternally. Sarah Rose Appleton lifted her glove-covered hand and wiped the sweat off her...

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My Summer Job aka my best friends mom

This summer, I had gotten my first “job”. I put quotes because it was just taking care of my friend’s cat while he and his family was away. It was my first day on the job, and I had just gotten into the house. I turned on the lights and walked into the kitchen, calling to the cat. I got out a can of cat food and opened it up. I put half of it into the food dish and laid it out for the cat. I then filled up her water dish. After that, I was done. (it was an easy job). Because...

4 years ago
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Squealin Snitch Bitch

No reason needed for a bitch to get fucked in Colefax. [s]he probably deserved it anyway, either because of "her" crime on the outside (stupidity in getting caught, arrested, charged, convicted, and sentenced), because some bitch on the outs had it in for "her" and revenge-dialed the cops. Or, because [s]he fucked up and pissed Somebody off in here. Or, [s]he just got punked and turned out anyway because [s]he either sent out the vibes that [s]he liked it. Or [s]he looked pretty and...

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Funhouse MirrorsChapter 7

Cassie’s warm wet mouth rode up and down his cock. He suffered to breathe. He frowned despite the skill she had developed. His hips rose and fell out of his chair. He chased her. He had been having a hard enough time checking Cassie’s work before he had shut her up. He shuffled the papers and finally gave up. “If only you sucked dick like you solved mysteries.” He brushed her hair out of her eyes. She was smiling brightly around his cock. Her throat hummed with joy. 7 She had been hot when...

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SeeHimFuck Arietta Adams See A Polyamorous King Fuck

Slim well-hung stud Mr Blvck Rose makes his See H?️M Fuck debut this week, and we paired HIM up with curvy redhead Arietta Adams for today’s interracial update. After director Scott Trainor helps us get to know HIM a little bit, Mr Blvck Rose stands and strips naked with some assistance from Arietta, who then lubes HIM up and ensures that big uncut gift is ready for action. She sniffs and licks each of his hairy armpits before allowing HIM to sit so she can suckle, slobber & worship...

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Its All Her Fault Gay

It was all her fault. Really it was, I swear. I mean why else would I have ended up at the pornshop sucking cock and getting fucked through a gloryhole? It was her fault. Can't you see that?? Ok, maybe I better start from the beginning.I was on a business trip to Wheeling a few years back. Yea, Wheeling. Nail City. And about as exciting as a sack of nails. I was looking for some fun so I went to the strip club on the island in the middle of town. Well, somebody had complained and they had...

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Pados Mein Rehne Waali Aunty Ke Sath Sex Kiya

Hello dost mera naam vanraj sharma hai ,mein bhopal ka rehne waala hu. Yeh story mere or meri pados mein rehne waali aunty ke bich ki hai. Mein dikhne mein fair hu,mere lund ka itna hai ki kisi bhi female ko shant ker de .Meri aunty dikhne mein ek dum maal hai figure se thodi moti hai but unke boobs or unki gaand dekh ker koi bhi unhe chodne ke sapne dekhne lagtha hai. Yahi hua mere sath bhi. Unke lambhe ghaane baal or unka saari pahne ke andaaz se tho koi bhi bach nhi paaya hai .Humari colony...

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“That’s it, I think I’m finished!” Eunice squealed to herself as she held up the makeshift doll in her hands, admiring her work.It was a few weeks ago when Eunice came home to find the book wrapped in brown paper sitting on her doorstep. Thin hemp rope tied the package together with a little-folded note attached. ‘What lengths would you go for the one you want most?’She knew it had to be fate, some cosmic twist the universe gave her. A chance to finally be one with her obsession. Eunice never...

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Massaging My Best Mates Sister

Note: Story Is Fictional ... Cas And I Are Both Actually 19, Just Had A Bit Of Fun Typing it Up Like This First I shall fill you in on the details. I'm Dan, 19, 6 foot even, average build, brown hair and blue eyes, and have just completed a twelve month massage course at tafe. The course was nothin special, just a part time interest of mine to support my preferred profession, laziness. I gotta admit that I thought knowing how to deliver a nice massage would help with the females, and to an...

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Christmas Trip with the Cousins Ch 02

This story is the second part of my story but can be enjoyed as a standalone story. The story involves mind control and incestuous acts with cousins. If you do not like this type of story then this may not be for you. All characters in this story are fictitious and over 18 years old. ***** It has been fun hanging with my six female cousins so far today. While it is always fun to hang with my cousins, things have taken an unexpected turn, thanks to the subliminal messages imbedded in the new...

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EvilAngel Bella Rolland Anal Heartbreakers

Elegant and thicc Bella Rolland plays with her pussy and licks a clear anal toy. She wraps her fingers around Mark Wood’s dick alluringly to give him a blowjob. He fucks her cunt doggie-style, making Bella squeal in pleasure. Mark pokes her tight sphincter, filling her butthole with hard meat. Bella masturbates her sensitive clit while his thick prick works inside her asshole! Her eyes roll back in her head as she sits on his big dong, and her bunghole gapes. Bella gives him a raunchy rim...

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Halloween A Pussycats Tail

"The Literotica Annual Halloween Story Contest is on!" I smiled wistfully as I read the announcement on my computer screen. I loved erotic stories almost as much as I loved writing, but I unfortunately lacked the talent to combine my two interests together. While it was easy enough for me to write about things that I had personally experienced, when the time came to make something up, my mind would inevitably run into a blank, unscalable wall. A sparse and unexciting sexual history...

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A Visit From Meister Hans

Synopsis: Meister Hans, a cruel bisexual sadist and former mentor of Mistress Lisa, visits the mansion to drop off two of Lisa's apprentices who had been training with him for a week. He also brings a present. After dinner, a new torture toy is demonstrated and one of Rick's fantasies is brought to life. As a reward for his entertainment and training services, Lisa lets Hans abuse her sub Elisa. Updated 2012-02-28.----A visit from Meister Hans. ----Chapter One----Lisa and Rick were going over...

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Mistress T dominates black men

Mistress T brings a new toyWarning Racial Dominations- White girl dominating black man, with racial slursNote this is a fanfic from a clip I saw, not affiliated with anything…just a wild way do I suggest the woman acts this wayMistress T walked downstairs to her basement. She was wearing tight leather pants that seemed to hugged to her tight ass. She wore heals with the toes showing. Her toes nails were painted pink with flowers on it. A smell of Jasmine perfume, peach shampoo, and...

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Give Me Your Love

It had been a long, hard week, all I wanted was to relax and unwind and I was looking forward to spending the weekend with my wife, Greta, and my nineteen year old daughter Amanda. I was feeling every one of my forty-one years as I walked in the door just after seven that Friday evening, calling out to Greta I hung up my coat and sighed, it took me a moment to realise that there had been no reply. Puzzled I headed for the kitchen only to find it deserted, a quick check of the house told me that...

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my first granny

She was 71 at the time, but she easily looked 60. She had short, grey hair nicely styled. She kept her body fit enough. I flew to her town to go to a graduation party for the daughter of my best friend. When I got there, his mother-in-law, Krista, was there helping decorate the house. We exchanged pleasantries and spoke a few times throughout the day. I had the feeling she was eyeballing me just the same as I was her. "I'm making some cookies in the kitchen and I sure could use some company"...

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Shedding My Inhibitions Part II

Time Out Baths were the most fun in Boulder, even if it was the trashier of the coed nude hot tub places.  The place that was a little more upscale was located on Spruce Street, and I cannot remember the name.  This place was cleaner, had facilities segregated by gender, but still fun!They had a men’s locker room and a women’s locker room.  Hot tubs were either rented for your private party or you could soak in the tubs that were segregated by gender.  However, they had two saunas.  There was a...

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Help Part 6

Introduction: A heart warming tale of a young boy who finds himself in a lot of trouble and needs a hero to cum and save him! Welcome to part 6 of Help!. This continues from Parts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, which I recommend reading before reading this if you havent already done so. Remember to let me know what you think after you have read it. Enjoy… *** WARNING: This story contains descriptions of a sexual nature between two homosexual males. If this offends you or if you are legally not permitted...

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