La Corista Capitulo 9 free porn video

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La corista capitulo 9 Al siguiente d?a despu?s de salir del hospital Danny no tubo mucho tiempo para descansar ya su agenda estaba llena y tenia que segur asistiendo a eventos y entrevistas, debido a lo reciente de su operaci?n y para disimular la inflamaci?n de sus senos y caderas ahora la ropa que le daban era menos escotada, m?s holgada y los vestidos eran m?s largos pero dise?ados para lucir su nueva figura. Pasaron los d?as y a pesar de todo lo que le tomaba arreglarse a diario tener sus propios senos cintura y cadera le ahorraban tiempo al ya no tener que usar faja y rellenos para las caderas y pechos. Ahora por alg?n extra?a raz?n a Danny le encantaba mirarse en el espejo, sobre todo en la noche cuando pod?a hacerlo desnuda ya que ver lo bella que era le excitaba tanto que no resist?a la tentaci?n de darse placer acariciando sus senos y pezones. Despu?s de que pasaba el trance del autoerotismo sent?a culpa y remordimiento. - Esto no est? bien , soy un hombre y no deber?a de hacer esto...y mucho menos disfrutarlo- Pero al verse en el espejo solo ve?a a una mujer y con la pr?tesis de vagina que le hab?an pegado ya ni siquiera pod?a ver sus partes masculinas Pero al verse en el espejo solo ve?a a una mujer y con la pr?tesis de vagina que le hab?an pegado ya ni siquiera pod?a ver sus partes masculinas.Ahora todo en el era femenino, su voz , su piel suave, sus cabellos eran delgados y sedoso, su cara era mas redonda y sus rasgos se hab?an vuelto mas finos, con labios carnosos y pesta?as largas hab?a perdido todos sus rangos masculinos. Ademas con las clases diarias de como verse y ser mas femenina ahora sus movimientos e incluso sus gestos cada d?a eran mas los de una mujer. Al darse cuenta de esto trato de caminar y moverse como hombre pero su cuerpo no le respondi?, se sent?a torpe y desequilibrado con sus senos y anchas caderas, le era mas c?modo caminar meneando sus caderas dando pasos cortos con un pie adelante d... Al darse cuenta de esto trato de caminar y moverse como hombre pero su cuerpo no le respondi?, se sent?a torpe y desequilibrado con sus senos y anchas caderas, le era mas c?modo caminar meneando sus caderas dando pasos cortos con un pie adelante del otro -Al paso que voy creo que tendr? que contratar un caoch para aprender a moverme otra vez como hombre o me voy a ver muy afeminado cuando vuelva a la normalidad - Por su parte Julia que al ser gen?ricamente compatible con Danny ( hab?a sido la donadora de la grasa que hacia falta para los senos y caderas de su hermano) quedo mas delgada y tambi?n le hicieron una lipoescultura con la que estaba muy contenta ya que de la noche a la ma?ana paso de ser una mujer linda y simp?tica a tener una figura de super modelo. Los lunes eran casi siempre los d?as que tenia libre as? que los aprovechaba para estar todo el d?a en la cama -Danny vistete, tenemos que ir de compras!- Aunque casi era medio d?a Danny se levanto aun somnoliento -Pero si el refigerador esta lleno, no me digas que traes uno de tus antojos, recuerda que el doctor dijo que si no guardabas dieta ibas a volver a engor...a tu peso anterior - -Pues aunque no lo creas ya estaba bajando de peso antes de la lipo- y le saco la lengua a Danny- ahor como te iba diciendo tenemos que ir comprar "ropa"- -Pero si tu ya tienes mucha ropa Julia- -Si, pero ahora me queda "grande"-y se levanto la blusa para mostrar su nueva y esbelta figura -Ademas tu tambi?n necesitas ropa nueva -Toda la ropa que necesito me la proporciona la agencia, y cuando regresemos a casa puedo usar la ropa que ya no te queda- -Acomp??ame si!, porque yo no tengo una empresa que me de ropa bonita y de marca - -Toda es prestada, solo me regalan la ropa interior y las medias- -Hay no seas malita y vamos de compras!- -Hay Julia, tu no puedes estar encerrada ni un d?a! Esta bien, pero si alguien me reconoce dir? que tu eres la famosa y yo solo soy tu asistente- Cuando llegaron al centro comercial Dany comenz? a notar que mucha gente la miraba, as? que compro unos lentes sin graduaci?n , una agenda y se recogi? el cabello en una cola de caballo para parecer mas una secretaria o asistente. Aun as? varias personas se le acercaron diciendole "que se les hacia conocida, quiz?s de la tele, que si era alguien famosa?" a lo que Danny les repondia -La famosa es ella- se?alando a su hermana, yo soy su asistente y como siempre estoy a su lado algunas veces salgo en los v?deos que le toman- Aun as? varias personas se le acercaron diciendole "que se les hacia conocida, quiz?s de la tele, que si era alguien famosa?" a lo que Danny les repondia -La famosa es ella- se?alando a su hermana, yo soy su asistente y como siempre estoy a su la... -Es muy guapa pero quien es?-preguntaban todos -Ella es Yulia! modelo y cantante- y al escuchar eso toda la atenci?n se centraba en la hermana de Danny. Julia andaba muy tranquila de tienda en tienda cuando primero llego una se?ora a pedirle una foto, luego un se?or con su esposa, y de repente todo mundo se quer?a tomar la foto con Julia creyendo que era famosa. En un par de horas por todo el centro comercial corr?a el chisme de que la "Famosa modelo y cantante" Yulia andaba por ah? de compras.La situaci?n se empez? a salir tanto de control que se tuvieron que esconder en lo probadores de una tienda -Vamonos a casa Danny!- -Pero porque? aun es temprano y casi no haz comprado ropa- -Porque no he tenido tiempo!, la gente no deja de venir a tomarse fotos conmigo, creen que soy una tal Yulia!- -Deja les pido a las de la tienda si nos permiten salir por la puerta de servicio, para que ya nadie te acose- Camino a casa hasta el taxista se les quedaba mirando.-Usted es la famosa Yulia verdad? y usted su guapa asistente- -oh rayos!- Para la media tarde todo se salio de control, todo mundo quer?a saber mas de la misteriosa Yulia, que se hab?a hecho famosa porque todos subieron las fotos que se tomaron con ella a sus redes sociales. En las noticas salio el chofer del Taxi mostrando el edificio donde hab?a dejado a "Yulia" y como varios reporteros sab?an que varias la empresas de representaci?n art?stica eran due?as de varios departamentos pues este dato le dio mas credibilidad a la "fama de Yulia" Cuando Alex se entero de que Julia era Yulia salio lo mas rapido posible a verlas para arreglar este problema de que los reporteros estuvieran afuera del edificio ya que ah? muchas agencias "escond?an" a varias estrellas cuando se hac?an cirug?as est?ticas. AL final Alex se llevo a Julia a su casa para que los reporteros los siguieran y se alejaran del edificio. Danny se quedo solo y por fin iba a poder tener algo de paz, se sent?a un poco culpable por todo el alboroto que se hizo pero su hermana se merec?a eso por no haberla dejado descansar, ya Alex ver?a como arreglaba todo y de paso ver?a como le saca provecho a la situaci?n (como siempre). Despu?s de dormir un rato Danny se levanto el departamento se sent?a muy tranquilo sin Julia, en su aburrimiento se puso a checar las cosas que su hermana hab?a comprado -Pobre solo le di chance de comprar un vestido y algo de ropa interior y...lencer?a sexy-y se quedo mirando el juego ropa interior de encaje y babydoll rojo, tambi?n compro otro de color negro. En los meses que Danny se hab?a tenido que vestir de mujer jamas hab?a usado lencer?a, pero ahora tenia la figura para lucirlo -y porque no "experimentar"?- la sola idea de ver su cuerpo con ropa de encaje por alguna extra?a raz?n resultaba excitante as? que corri? a maquillarse y arreglar su pelo para verse lo mas sexy posible. Al verse en el espejo con el conjunto de lencer?a negro se sinti? sexy y elegante y poco a poco, comenz? a acariciar sus senos suavemente pues eso le excitaba. Luego de un rato tomo un peque?o descanso despu?s de " juguetear " pens?: "creo que deber?a parar, pero si Julia regresa jamas podre probarme su conjunto rojo" luego justo cuando se hab?a puesto el babydoll de encaje escucho que la puerta de la en... Luego de un rato tomo un peque?o descanso despu?s de " juguetear " pens?: "creo que deber?a parar, pero si Julia regresa jamas podre probarme su conjunto rojo" luego justo cuando se hab?a puesto el babydoll de encaje escucho que la puerta de la entrada del departamento se habr?a"Rayos debe de ser Julia, bueno que mas da que se enoje, ya disfrute usar su ropa " se fue a la sala para recibir a su hermana con su pose mas sexy y dijo-Y bien que tal me veo- Luego de un rato tomo un peque?o descanso despu?s de " juguetear " pens?: "creo que deber?a parar, pero si Julia regresa jamas podre probarme su conjunto rojo" luego justo cuando se hab?a puesto el babydoll de encaje escucho que la puerta de la en... -WOW! te ves hermosa Danny!- -ARTURO!- grito sorprendida y corri? a esconderse detr?s de una puerta -Sorpresa...- Danny se estaba muriendo de la verg?enza, pero jamas esperaba encontrarse con Arturo en la sala.-No es que que no me de gusto verte, pero que haces aqu??- -Todo fue idea de Julia, le dije que esta semana venia a Miami por trabajo y me pidi? que adelantara mi mando por paquetera una copia de la llave del departamento... para darte una sorpresa y salir festejar desde hoy tu cumples a?os (que es ma?ana).- -Y por eso insisti? tanto en que sali?ramos de compras?- -Si,ella te iba a llevar a comprar un vestido para esta noche, yo llegar?a mientras ustedes andaban de compras para colgar los adornos y sorprenderte...pero mi vuelo se retraso y ya vi en las noticias lo que paso con "Yulia"...mmm creo que hoy nada ha salido bien - -No te pongas as? , claro que me sorprendiste!.Aun es temprano, deja trato de localizar a Julia para poder ir a cenar y luego vamos a alg?n club nocturno - -Y...Carlos nos va a acompa?ar?- -No, hoy y ma?ana se va a presentar en Dallas Texas y creo que nos vamos a ver hasta el domingo o Lunes -Dijo Danny sin mucha preocupaci?n ni inter?s, lo cual se le hizo extra?o a Arturo. -Y supongo que te va a llevara alg?n lugar especial a Festejar?- Danny se dio cuenta de que se estaba saliendo de su papel de novia as? que respondi?-Esteee si, solo va a venir a festejarme para que pasemos una noche muy especial- -Si, ya me imagino-dijo Arturo pensando en lo sexy que se ve?a Danny con el babydoll rojo. "cielos se ha puesto tan hermosa " pens? mientras sent?a una mezcla celos, Amor, tristeza...y deseo. Danny por fin se comunico con Julia, y le dijo que los esperaba en un restaurante de moda donde Alex les consigui? una reservacion usando sus conexiones. Al llegar a la mesa se soprendieron al ver a Julia vestida como una estrella de cine rica y famosa -Que te paso hermana?- -Alex tuvo la brillante idea de aprovechar la repentina fama de "Yulia" as? que esta semana ya tengo varias entrevistas y en unos d?as voy a grabar un sencillo y si todo sale bien rere rica y famosa !... o siendo realistas solo tendr? mis 15 minutos de fama jajajajaa- La cena transcurri? entre platica y risas, Danny se sent?a muy feliz de que Arturo hubiera venido a verla...aunque de repente lo sent?a un poco raro, quiz?s por la forma en que aveces la ve?a y sonre?a cuando entrecruzaban miradas. -Y ahora a donde vamos hemanita?- -Alex me recomend? este bar a donde solo van "las estrellas como yo",as? que nadie nos va a molestar- La velada fue agradable, el ambiente del lugar era mas para escuchar m?sica, platicar con amigos y beber que para bailar. cuando salieron un chofer que mando Alex estaba esperando a "Yulia" -Lo siento Danny esta semana te vas a quedar sola, Alex no quiere que me acerque a nuestro departamento, para que no me busquen los reporteros. Ma?ana va a ir "mi asistente" para recoger algunas cosas. Me hablas cuando llegues a casa - -No te preocupes, yo me asegurare de que tu hermana llegue segura- Se fueron juntos en un Taxi y siguieron platicando muy alegres ( quiz?s por el alcohol) hasta que llegaron al departamento. -Buenas noches, solo recojo mi maleta y me voy al hotel- -Ya es muy noche, son casi las 4, y est?s muy borracho, mejor duerme un poco en el cuarto de Julia, ma?ana te puedes ir despu?s del desayuno- -Las 4?, Entonces ya es tu cumplea?os ...Muchas felicidades Danny, que cumplas muchos m?s!-y Arturo le di? un cari?oso abrazo que dur? un poco m?s de lo normal. -Mmmm que rico hueles...cielos lo dije o lo pence?- dijo Dany mientras miraba a Arturo -Solo lo pensaste, pero yo puedo leer tu mente-y sonri? -eres un embustero! a ver adivina qu? n?mero estoy pensando?- -te lo dir?, pero si adivino me das un beso- - ok...pero no le vas a atinar- - entonces cierra los ojos conc?ntrate y piensa en un n?mero entre el 8 y el 10..ya?- -ya!- -tu n?mero es el ....9!- - Es cierto!...un momento hiciste trampa! Jijiji,pero un trato es un trato- Danny le dio un peque?o beso en los labios...y de repente sinti? como una electricidad en su boca que despu?s recorri? su cuerpo de sus pechos hasta sus caderas. Se hizo un silencio mientras se acariciaron con la mirada -Quieres que adivine otro n?mero?- - Si...- Y continuaron bes?ndose apasionadamente como la ultima vez Y continuaron bes?ndose apasionadamente como la ultima vez. Danny sent?a las caricias y los besos por todo su cuerpo como una droga que lle llenaba de placer y le nublaba la raz?n. Sabia que deb?a detenerlo, pero quer?a seguir sintiendo sus fuertes manos acariciando sus senos. Despu?s la cargo en sus brazos y la llevo a la cama donde terminaron de desnudarse ante la tenue luz de una lampara continuando con las caricias y los besos que segu?an encendiendo la pasi?n.De repente Danny sinti? a Arturo dentro de su vagina haci?ndola gemir de placer y haci?ndola sentir mujer.....

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One for the Road

Copyright© 1999-2003 There was an old man with a beard Who said, "It is just what I feared! Two owls and a hen, Four larks and a wren Have all built their nests in my beard!" "One for the road honey?" I spun about and laid a passionate love-filled kiss upon my wife's lips. When we broke apart I looked down into her eyes and felt a burst of love and desire, and wished I didn't have to depart on such a strict schedule. "I wish I could..." Her lips silenced my own. "When...

2 years ago
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First time as a couple

I should start by saying that this is not fantasy, it is simply what happened. Before this happened I had had many adventures as a single. I guess you could say there was a time I was attractive as a sexual partner for couples and was hit on quite a bit by bi or gay men. I had few experiences with men because I was hung up, but when I had been drinking and inhibitions fell, well, let's say I enjoy getting my cock sucked and a mouth is a mouth. I didn't reciprocate, though. Most of my...

3 years ago
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The Case of the Reluctant InformerChapter 3

Last night, Sandra had tossed and turned in bed with images of the DA's sexy secretary, Sophie, bending over and slowly licking her aroused nipples. Once, she awoke to find herself stroking her own nipples in her sleep. They were hard as rocks and her pajama bottoms were quite damp between her legs. She had to smile at her own foolishness. Just because that woman had a fantastic ass was no reason to dwell on it in her sleep. Then, she thought of the DA himself, Mr. Alex Cord, and his legs...

3 years ago
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A New Old Watch 9th in the STOPWATCH SeriesChapter 48

Of course, the King's Knight had already sailed. Julia stayed ... she left the cameras. After all, it was Andrea who was supposed to be taking the photos for National Geographic. The girls from the boat had been transferred by helicopter to a secret government hospital in Ann Arbor. It must be admitted that the Coast Guard thought they got them all. So, the Knight was long gone ... well, about four hours ... when the barge sunk. Middle Bass Island is where they were headed so David could...

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Prem Paradise Season 2 Episode 11 Orgy In The Air

RECAP: Since we have finished ten episodes of season two, here is a quick recap to help you keep up. The new season of Prem Paradise began with the introduction of new characters and an update on the existing ones. The owner of Prem Paradise, Mrs. Nair lived alone in her penthouse having successfully controlled herself from having affairs after the fiasco some time back. Gautam and Kiran Chatterjee were the only other returning characters. They are a married couple who had decided to mend their...

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On The Beach

My boyfriend and I were holidaying in Normandy, France, and were visiting the beach for the day. A beautiful piece of coast line, it was a wonder it was so sparsely populated. To the north stretched a long line of dunes, tufted with a patchwork of tall, sea-strong grasses and other coastal flora. To the south, tall cliffs steeped down to a formation of slanting rocks that jutted and reached around the curve of the bay, making home to all manner of aquatic life in the many rock pools and...

4 years ago
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Juicy Pussy Of Friend8217s Aunty

Hi this is Krishna again hope you liked my first story seduced and tasted by maid and here I’m goining to narrate a true incident happend just a few days ago. I have a friend named Mani he had an aunt named Kavitha she is women of 5 feet heigh with asses 32 28 36. her hip is like a coke botle her but are protuded a bit extra she is an appartment. My house near by her and whenever I go to my upstair I used to smile at her and she too after reading incest stories I madly want to fuck her and but...

3 years ago
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Bruce and Laurie Part 2

Introduction: 2nd part to 1st story Bruce and Laurie Part 2 Note from The Author: All feedback wanted anyone who is willing to give their point of view or just comments welcome. Thanks, Jack Story codes: m/g cons inc mast voy Written by Jack Solstice Bruce and Laurie Part 2 Chapter 3 Showering Together Poor Laurie did not know what to think, her brother had licked her buggy and it felt so good. She knew it was wrong, and she should not have let him do it, but she thought, If he were to ask...

4 years ago
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Queens RegulationsChapter 6

Flight Lieutenant Sue Miles was dragged along the corridor of the prisoner holding centre. Her pussy still ached with it's recent fucking. The butt plug the major had secured in her ass, made her feel as if he were still in her. They reached a secure door, Sgt Bishop unlocked it and they ushered her inside. The room was cold and clinical, brick walls white washed, hard tan linoleum covered the floor. There was a plastic chair an unscreened shower cubicle. A low bare bed and a sink. light...

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After the Energists Mikes and Tempes NIS WeekChapter 15 Dance The Night Away

NIS Day 5 – Halloween Dance - Medway High School 7:29pm, Friday, November 2, 1979 Lynette and Brick timed their short opening to Danger Zone perfectly. Eda, Sammy and I easily joined in with our instruments as Brad quickly had the stage curtains opened to kick off Medway’s Friday night Halloween Dance. I loved the looks of surprise on the few faces I could see near the front of the stage when they heard the hard driving opening of this song for the first time at one of our performances. I...

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Train Your Man to Eat Pussy

A lot of women love have their pussy licked as much as or even more than having a cock fill their cunt. And if you have a man who loves to go downtown every chance he can get, great! But what do you do if your man either won't do it, won't do it right or long enough or if he treats pussylicking as something obligatory and a mere prelude to sticking his cock up your twat? Well, don't just complain. As a guy who LOVES to give head, here's some advice about what you can do to get your man to adore...

4 years ago
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Quarantine Pristine 2

Quarantine Pristine By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Meyers Chapter Two Owen was exhausted after a restless night's sleep as his stomach acted up and his mother constantly came in to check on him and remedy any accidents that might have occurred. He gave her no grief as she did whatever she had to under his nightgown at various times during the night, as he been woken but fallen right back to sleep a couple of times. When finally Sabrina shook him awake him in the morning and he...

3 years ago
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Parking Schwanzwald

The last couple of days had been a blast. The conference had had a great line-up, but especially the after-parties had been great. I’d met a lot of new folks and many old friends, some of who I’d never met offline before. But today it was time to head back home.I left Nuremberg around three in the afternoon and hoped to cross the border at around nine and then be home at ten. It soon became clear that this was not going to happen though. Between Würzburg and Frankfurt I ran into a traffic jam....

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Sex with Mallu

Let me first tell you all about myself. Iam a 36 year old man, married with two kids, 6 ft tall, athletic body with very attractive personality with fair skin etc. My good looks had made me very lucky in love since my college days, any lady who saw me would always turn her head to take a second look right from my teenage till now and iam pretty aware of my strengths too. I used to chat on yahoo a lot in my bachelor days and made many steady friends too with few of whom i share very good...

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Amelia and GregChapter 3

Much later that night, I was awakened by Amelia crying. She was still pressed up against me and was soft and warm in addition to smelling very nice from the soap that she had used earlier. I couldn’t imagine what the problem was, but it had to be serious, as she was overflowing like a stopped up sink. I turned on the Magic Powered lamp on the nightstand to its lowest setting, so I could see her and try to determine what the problem was. “What’s wrong?” I asked quietly. “I need to be loved!”...

3 years ago
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Kimberly Nicole Part 3

Kimberly Nicole Part 3: Kim Finds Herself Amanda and Beth Ann had followed Kim to a BD/SM club and watched her being trusted up in front of an audience. Beth Ann was shocked to see Kim with a vagina and not a penis as she had at the hotel with Jeff. And, Amanda had to tell Beth Ann the full story of Ted and Kim. It turns out, that Kim was also trying, even though in the wrong way, to find herself like Amanda was. During a talk, after Kim returned from the BD/SM club, Amanda told Kim,...

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Sexual Delights with Bruce and Rachel

... I took my panties and wiped off his cock, his body, my face, and boobs, and I used it on Rachel too. This little boy was a cum machine. I had gotten a lot of it on my face and in my mouth, but there was plenty on him, on me, and some on Rachel."" I had an idea about him."" Bruce, eat my panties now. Eat them with the cum all over.........." "He didn't hesitate. It was strange to watch him with my gloppy underwear in his mouth, sucking and chewing, and then with Rachel's too, his face all...

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Manaivi Bassai Oothal

Vanakam enathu peyar Bena, naan oru nadunilai kudumbathil piranthavan ennaku panakara aadambaramaana vaazhkai kedaithathe illai. Enathu thanthai iranthu vittar athanal engalin vettil varumaaname illamal poonathu, annalum engalin kudumbathil entha vitha prachanaiyum illai. Naan porumaiyaga ammavidam soneen naan veru oruvaridam udal uravu vaithu thaan sambathiginren endru sonnen. Naan oru thaniyaar niruvanathil vellai seithu kondu irukireen, antha niruvanthin boss ennai oru thangaiyai pol...

2 years ago
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Her first erotic encounter

‘What if your roommate comes back?’ I asked. ‘I don’t care’ She purred back at me, whispering in my ear. After saying that, I grew bolder, and ran my hands down her smooth sides, waist, and backside. I let them wander farther down, and just tugged a bit at the hem of her dress. She answered by slowly licking my ear again. ‘It’s okay.’ I ran my hands up her creamy thighs again, and felt incredible warmth. And lacy underwear. I ran my fingers along the tops of her thighs, and she shuddered and...

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Pavitra Incest Saga1

Sujata’s fingers were moving with lightning speed between her thighs, in her love hole and her eyes were glued to the Laptop screen. She was not watching a steamy porn movie but was reading an i****t story, Mom seducing and getting fucked by her son. She read many Mom son stories but nothing excited and drove her up the wall like the one she was reading, Vanaja’s insatiable i****t. The story was so near to her feelings towards her son, Rohit and the deion of fucking scene so graphic that she...

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My Chat Friend Kavitha With Her First Time

Thanks to all about my previous story (how I fucked my girlfriend Rupa part 1 & 2) after publishing that story I got lots of replies from by males and females, in that I got just a hi mail from by the name called Kavitha, I replied back with my personal Whatsapp no and I didn’t care much, after few days I got a Whatsapp message from her, some unknown message, then I started to replay back, first two days she fooled me after that she told she likes my story and we started our chat casually...

2 years ago
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Rubys New Life Part 4

“What’s this?” I leaned over the table to see the pages. “Your marriage prospects. I’m making a list of all of their common desires and modifications. Easier to get started on alterations if we know what all of them are looking for.” “Can I read them?” “Of course. Have a seat.” He gestured toward my chair. I took off my shorts and lowered myself onto the dildo to start reading. Grandpa sat back and watched me. “Go ahead and make your own yes and no pile. I’m...

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Sex With Mature Neighborhood Aunty

I am Rohan from Mumbai and this is true story. It is from the old times when I was studying in the college. I was in the college in Science stream and was always busy in studies from morning till evening doing practical’s in the college Laboratories. During those days one Senior Lady teacher of Science came on transfer from Kota to our city in the north of Mumbai. Since my mother was principle in girls college and so she came here on transfer and stayed few days in girls hostel and then shifted...

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My Bhabhi Introduces To The World Of Sex

Hello ISS readers, I have been a huge fan of this page reading all the stories from 4 years today I wanted to pen my own experience which happened with my bhabhi who introduced me to the world of sex Let’s come to introductions I am Sid from Hyderabad doing my b-tech 4th year in one of the reputed colleges in Hyderabad. I am 6 foot tall fair in colour as looks doesn’t really matter for me and guys this is a bit lengthy story so please bare with me because true stories take a lots of time and I...

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Dreams do come true

I slid my cock into her slowly, enjoying how the head of my cock spread the inner hole of her moist love pit. Her pussy lips closed around me, grabbing hold of my shaft as it inched inside her. I started to pump finding a perfect rhythm as Iris and I joined as one. “Oh you feel so good! Wow you wrap yourself around me. It’s so tight in there. So tight.” I said as I worked inside her. Being the national marketing manager of Prestige Inc. had its perks. 5 star hotel rooms, unlimited credit and a...

3 years ago
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Astrology Part 5

Astrology - Part 5 I was standing in front of my darling Raj, and I was staring at his eyes and could see lots of love in his eyes for me. He came slowly towards me, undressed me and started sucking my boobs in a violent manner. I got aroused and tore down Raj's pants. I could see his penis standing erect, oh God! How much I had longed to hold this and suck this and at last Raj's masculinity was in my hand and I with utmost pleasure started to suck it. I could hear Raj moaning in the...

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A Weekend Job

Your name is John and you've recently been accepted into grad school for school psychology. It's quite an adjustment after being out of college for two years, but you're glad you finally made it. On top of that, you were awarded an assistanceship to make money, but you're still struggling to make ends meet. The professor you work with, Dr. Gammond, tells you about a group that meets on weekends and runs programs for children. He informs you that the group has been struggling to find and keep...

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Fucked My friend8217s Aunty

Hello friends, this is prem again. Thnq for ur response & comments to my previous stories. For those who don’t know me. Let me introduce my self, my name is prem & I am from hyderabad. I am 24 years guy & completed my b.Tech. Recently joined a male escort in hyderabad, I can reach to all over andhra pradesh & telangana. Any girls ladies & aunties from hyderabad & telangana who r interested in secret relation & sex chat can contact me. My mail id privacy maintained. Please leave ur comments n...

2 years ago
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2 best friend

Our mom were friends since her new position at the insurance companyits was a normal sunday all pf us eating dinnermiss Rebecca a bit older son was always nice with mehis best friend was always with him , like he was his brother . his mom working night so he was kinda living with them most of the time i knew them for the last 4 yearswe would eat dinner and go down playing playstation must of the nightour moms were out for the whole weekendwe all got home from school and roll some good weed...

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For A Friend

I welcome you both in. I'm naked, and I lead you both straight to the bedroom where I immediately begin to undress you while your hubby watches. I stack your clothes neatly on the ottoman, then undress your man too.Now I can adore your body. We kiss, my hands in your hair and my tongue probing your mouth. When we break for breath I notice your husband is slowly stroking his erection. I kiss your neck, the hollow of your throat and each shoulder before I fasten my mouth on your left breast...

4 years ago
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SullyChapter 11

We were completely sated for the moment and I decided to continue with the story. Turns out that after Sully returned from a brief four-night honeymoon we met in Lynch's Tavern for a couple beers. That's right. The same place we met earlier tonight. It was a different kinda place then. It was just a bar, no frills. Nowadays it's more of a meeting place for the boomers. Back then it was beer and a shot type hangout. Anyway, he was totally preoccupied with the new Ice Cream Parlor he was...

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Patriot Games v20 Chapter 9 Jack Confronts Rose on the Issue of Infidelity

Chapter 9 - Jack confronts Rose on the issue of infidelity "Infidelity in a woman is a masculine trait." "Mike and his friends were smoking cigars all day. They even talked me into sucking on Mike's...." "Go on Rose, you sucked on Mike's what?" Rose stood there naked with fury in her eyes she slapped Jack so hard his vision blurred, "Bitch, watch your potty mouth! Don't be an ass Jack. His cigar of course! "By the end of the day I reeked of the smoke. I took a shower,...

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Novel Idea

My name is Penelope. Some say I have that sexy girl-next-door thing going for me, though I don’t really see it. I guess you can be the judge of that. My auburn hair falls a few inches below my lightly-tanned shoulders. My eyes are a dark chocolate color with hazel flecked within each iris. There are a handful of freckles tossed lightly around my nose and cheekbones. My height is average, as is my weight. My breasts are nothing special; they fill the smaller side of a C-cup. As you can tell, my...

Straight Sex
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Renting an Elf

You can't believe your eyes--there she is, your dream girl, Kelsey, posting about her services as a Christmas elf for children's parties. Although the effect of the whole outfit is a little bit dorky, there's no denying that you're feeling...well, a little aroused. That little green sweater that she's got on hugs her hot little frame ever-so-nicely, and her gorgeous tits just *beg* to be squeezed through that soft fabric. Her shapely thighs look eminently lickable, too, in those little...

3 years ago
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Daniel Gary and I

(This story is true, just the names, places and times are changed to keep from exposing the participants other then me from embarrassment.) I knelt before Daniel as he stood over me glaring down with a wicked smile on his lips...his words were like a knife as he spoke '...undo my zipper and kiss my dick like it's made of sugar and honey. My be you'll even get to suck some of it's honey out before and after I fuck you, now get busy...' Even tho tears were forming in my eyes my heart skipped with...

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