La Corista Capitulo 9 free porn video

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La corista capitulo 9 Al siguiente d?a despu?s de salir del hospital Danny no tubo mucho tiempo para descansar ya su agenda estaba llena y tenia que segur asistiendo a eventos y entrevistas, debido a lo reciente de su operaci?n y para disimular la inflamaci?n de sus senos y caderas ahora la ropa que le daban era menos escotada, m?s holgada y los vestidos eran m?s largos pero dise?ados para lucir su nueva figura. Pasaron los d?as y a pesar de todo lo que le tomaba arreglarse a diario tener sus propios senos cintura y cadera le ahorraban tiempo al ya no tener que usar faja y rellenos para las caderas y pechos. Ahora por alg?n extra?a raz?n a Danny le encantaba mirarse en el espejo, sobre todo en la noche cuando pod?a hacerlo desnuda ya que ver lo bella que era le excitaba tanto que no resist?a la tentaci?n de darse placer acariciando sus senos y pezones. Despu?s de que pasaba el trance del autoerotismo sent?a culpa y remordimiento. - Esto no est? bien , soy un hombre y no deber?a de hacer esto...y mucho menos disfrutarlo- Pero al verse en el espejo solo ve?a a una mujer y con la pr?tesis de vagina que le hab?an pegado ya ni siquiera pod?a ver sus partes masculinas Pero al verse en el espejo solo ve?a a una mujer y con la pr?tesis de vagina que le hab?an pegado ya ni siquiera pod?a ver sus partes masculinas.Ahora todo en el era femenino, su voz , su piel suave, sus cabellos eran delgados y sedoso, su cara era mas redonda y sus rasgos se hab?an vuelto mas finos, con labios carnosos y pesta?as largas hab?a perdido todos sus rangos masculinos. Ademas con las clases diarias de como verse y ser mas femenina ahora sus movimientos e incluso sus gestos cada d?a eran mas los de una mujer. Al darse cuenta de esto trato de caminar y moverse como hombre pero su cuerpo no le respondi?, se sent?a torpe y desequilibrado con sus senos y anchas caderas, le era mas c?modo caminar meneando sus caderas dando pasos cortos con un pie adelante d... Al darse cuenta de esto trato de caminar y moverse como hombre pero su cuerpo no le respondi?, se sent?a torpe y desequilibrado con sus senos y anchas caderas, le era mas c?modo caminar meneando sus caderas dando pasos cortos con un pie adelante del otro -Al paso que voy creo que tendr? que contratar un caoch para aprender a moverme otra vez como hombre o me voy a ver muy afeminado cuando vuelva a la normalidad - Por su parte Julia que al ser gen?ricamente compatible con Danny ( hab?a sido la donadora de la grasa que hacia falta para los senos y caderas de su hermano) quedo mas delgada y tambi?n le hicieron una lipoescultura con la que estaba muy contenta ya que de la noche a la ma?ana paso de ser una mujer linda y simp?tica a tener una figura de super modelo. Los lunes eran casi siempre los d?as que tenia libre as? que los aprovechaba para estar todo el d?a en la cama -Danny vistete, tenemos que ir de compras!- Aunque casi era medio d?a Danny se levanto aun somnoliento -Pero si el refigerador esta lleno, no me digas que traes uno de tus antojos, recuerda que el doctor dijo que si no guardabas dieta ibas a volver a engor...a tu peso anterior - -Pues aunque no lo creas ya estaba bajando de peso antes de la lipo- y le saco la lengua a Danny- ahor como te iba diciendo tenemos que ir comprar "ropa"- -Pero si tu ya tienes mucha ropa Julia- -Si, pero ahora me queda "grande"-y se levanto la blusa para mostrar su nueva y esbelta figura -Ademas tu tambi?n necesitas ropa nueva -Toda la ropa que necesito me la proporciona la agencia, y cuando regresemos a casa puedo usar la ropa que ya no te queda- -Acomp??ame si!, porque yo no tengo una empresa que me de ropa bonita y de marca - -Toda es prestada, solo me regalan la ropa interior y las medias- -Hay no seas malita y vamos de compras!- -Hay Julia, tu no puedes estar encerrada ni un d?a! Esta bien, pero si alguien me reconoce dir? que tu eres la famosa y yo solo soy tu asistente- Cuando llegaron al centro comercial Dany comenz? a notar que mucha gente la miraba, as? que compro unos lentes sin graduaci?n , una agenda y se recogi? el cabello en una cola de caballo para parecer mas una secretaria o asistente. Aun as? varias personas se le acercaron diciendole "que se les hacia conocida, quiz?s de la tele, que si era alguien famosa?" a lo que Danny les repondia -La famosa es ella- se?alando a su hermana, yo soy su asistente y como siempre estoy a su lado algunas veces salgo en los v?deos que le toman- Aun as? varias personas se le acercaron diciendole "que se les hacia conocida, quiz?s de la tele, que si era alguien famosa?" a lo que Danny les repondia -La famosa es ella- se?alando a su hermana, yo soy su asistente y como siempre estoy a su la... -Es muy guapa pero quien es?-preguntaban todos -Ella es Yulia! modelo y cantante- y al escuchar eso toda la atenci?n se centraba en la hermana de Danny. Julia andaba muy tranquila de tienda en tienda cuando primero llego una se?ora a pedirle una foto, luego un se?or con su esposa, y de repente todo mundo se quer?a tomar la foto con Julia creyendo que era famosa. En un par de horas por todo el centro comercial corr?a el chisme de que la "Famosa modelo y cantante" Yulia andaba por ah? de compras.La situaci?n se empez? a salir tanto de control que se tuvieron que esconder en lo probadores de una tienda -Vamonos a casa Danny!- -Pero porque? aun es temprano y casi no haz comprado ropa- -Porque no he tenido tiempo!, la gente no deja de venir a tomarse fotos conmigo, creen que soy una tal Yulia!- -Deja les pido a las de la tienda si nos permiten salir por la puerta de servicio, para que ya nadie te acose- Camino a casa hasta el taxista se les quedaba mirando.-Usted es la famosa Yulia verdad? y usted su guapa asistente- -oh rayos!- Para la media tarde todo se salio de control, todo mundo quer?a saber mas de la misteriosa Yulia, que se hab?a hecho famosa porque todos subieron las fotos que se tomaron con ella a sus redes sociales. En las noticas salio el chofer del Taxi mostrando el edificio donde hab?a dejado a "Yulia" y como varios reporteros sab?an que varias la empresas de representaci?n art?stica eran due?as de varios departamentos pues este dato le dio mas credibilidad a la "fama de Yulia" Cuando Alex se entero de que Julia era Yulia salio lo mas rapido posible a verlas para arreglar este problema de que los reporteros estuvieran afuera del edificio ya que ah? muchas agencias "escond?an" a varias estrellas cuando se hac?an cirug?as est?ticas. AL final Alex se llevo a Julia a su casa para que los reporteros los siguieran y se alejaran del edificio. Danny se quedo solo y por fin iba a poder tener algo de paz, se sent?a un poco culpable por todo el alboroto que se hizo pero su hermana se merec?a eso por no haberla dejado descansar, ya Alex ver?a como arreglaba todo y de paso ver?a como le saca provecho a la situaci?n (como siempre). Despu?s de dormir un rato Danny se levanto el departamento se sent?a muy tranquilo sin Julia, en su aburrimiento se puso a checar las cosas que su hermana hab?a comprado -Pobre solo le di chance de comprar un vestido y algo de ropa interior y...lencer?a sexy-y se quedo mirando el juego ropa interior de encaje y babydoll rojo, tambi?n compro otro de color negro. En los meses que Danny se hab?a tenido que vestir de mujer jamas hab?a usado lencer?a, pero ahora tenia la figura para lucirlo -y porque no "experimentar"?- la sola idea de ver su cuerpo con ropa de encaje por alguna extra?a raz?n resultaba excitante as? que corri? a maquillarse y arreglar su pelo para verse lo mas sexy posible. Al verse en el espejo con el conjunto de lencer?a negro se sinti? sexy y elegante y poco a poco, comenz? a acariciar sus senos suavemente pues eso le excitaba. Luego de un rato tomo un peque?o descanso despu?s de " juguetear " pens?: "creo que deber?a parar, pero si Julia regresa jamas podre probarme su conjunto rojo" luego justo cuando se hab?a puesto el babydoll de encaje escucho que la puerta de la en... Luego de un rato tomo un peque?o descanso despu?s de " juguetear " pens?: "creo que deber?a parar, pero si Julia regresa jamas podre probarme su conjunto rojo" luego justo cuando se hab?a puesto el babydoll de encaje escucho que la puerta de la entrada del departamento se habr?a"Rayos debe de ser Julia, bueno que mas da que se enoje, ya disfrute usar su ropa " se fue a la sala para recibir a su hermana con su pose mas sexy y dijo-Y bien que tal me veo- Luego de un rato tomo un peque?o descanso despu?s de " juguetear " pens?: "creo que deber?a parar, pero si Julia regresa jamas podre probarme su conjunto rojo" luego justo cuando se hab?a puesto el babydoll de encaje escucho que la puerta de la en... -WOW! te ves hermosa Danny!- -ARTURO!- grito sorprendida y corri? a esconderse detr?s de una puerta -Sorpresa...- Danny se estaba muriendo de la verg?enza, pero jamas esperaba encontrarse con Arturo en la sala.-No es que que no me de gusto verte, pero que haces aqu??- -Todo fue idea de Julia, le dije que esta semana venia a Miami por trabajo y me pidi? que adelantara mi mando por paquetera una copia de la llave del departamento... para darte una sorpresa y salir festejar desde hoy tu cumples a?os (que es ma?ana).- -Y por eso insisti? tanto en que sali?ramos de compras?- -Si,ella te iba a llevar a comprar un vestido para esta noche, yo llegar?a mientras ustedes andaban de compras para colgar los adornos y sorprenderte...pero mi vuelo se retraso y ya vi en las noticias lo que paso con "Yulia"...mmm creo que hoy nada ha salido bien - -No te pongas as? , claro que me sorprendiste!.Aun es temprano, deja trato de localizar a Julia para poder ir a cenar y luego vamos a alg?n club nocturno - -Y...Carlos nos va a acompa?ar?- -No, hoy y ma?ana se va a presentar en Dallas Texas y creo que nos vamos a ver hasta el domingo o Lunes -Dijo Danny sin mucha preocupaci?n ni inter?s, lo cual se le hizo extra?o a Arturo. -Y supongo que te va a llevara alg?n lugar especial a Festejar?- Danny se dio cuenta de que se estaba saliendo de su papel de novia as? que respondi?-Esteee si, solo va a venir a festejarme para que pasemos una noche muy especial- -Si, ya me imagino-dijo Arturo pensando en lo sexy que se ve?a Danny con el babydoll rojo. "cielos se ha puesto tan hermosa " pens? mientras sent?a una mezcla celos, Amor, tristeza...y deseo. Danny por fin se comunico con Julia, y le dijo que los esperaba en un restaurante de moda donde Alex les consigui? una reservacion usando sus conexiones. Al llegar a la mesa se soprendieron al ver a Julia vestida como una estrella de cine rica y famosa -Que te paso hermana?- -Alex tuvo la brillante idea de aprovechar la repentina fama de "Yulia" as? que esta semana ya tengo varias entrevistas y en unos d?as voy a grabar un sencillo y si todo sale bien rere rica y famosa !... o siendo realistas solo tendr? mis 15 minutos de fama jajajajaa- La cena transcurri? entre platica y risas, Danny se sent?a muy feliz de que Arturo hubiera venido a verla...aunque de repente lo sent?a un poco raro, quiz?s por la forma en que aveces la ve?a y sonre?a cuando entrecruzaban miradas. -Y ahora a donde vamos hemanita?- -Alex me recomend? este bar a donde solo van "las estrellas como yo",as? que nadie nos va a molestar- La velada fue agradable, el ambiente del lugar era mas para escuchar m?sica, platicar con amigos y beber que para bailar. cuando salieron un chofer que mando Alex estaba esperando a "Yulia" -Lo siento Danny esta semana te vas a quedar sola, Alex no quiere que me acerque a nuestro departamento, para que no me busquen los reporteros. Ma?ana va a ir "mi asistente" para recoger algunas cosas. Me hablas cuando llegues a casa - -No te preocupes, yo me asegurare de que tu hermana llegue segura- Se fueron juntos en un Taxi y siguieron platicando muy alegres ( quiz?s por el alcohol) hasta que llegaron al departamento. -Buenas noches, solo recojo mi maleta y me voy al hotel- -Ya es muy noche, son casi las 4, y est?s muy borracho, mejor duerme un poco en el cuarto de Julia, ma?ana te puedes ir despu?s del desayuno- -Las 4?, Entonces ya es tu cumplea?os ...Muchas felicidades Danny, que cumplas muchos m?s!-y Arturo le di? un cari?oso abrazo que dur? un poco m?s de lo normal. -Mmmm que rico hueles...cielos lo dije o lo pence?- dijo Dany mientras miraba a Arturo -Solo lo pensaste, pero yo puedo leer tu mente-y sonri? -eres un embustero! a ver adivina qu? n?mero estoy pensando?- -te lo dir?, pero si adivino me das un beso- - ok...pero no le vas a atinar- - entonces cierra los ojos conc?ntrate y piensa en un n?mero entre el 8 y el 10..ya?- -ya!- -tu n?mero es el ....9!- - Es cierto!...un momento hiciste trampa! Jijiji,pero un trato es un trato- Danny le dio un peque?o beso en los labios...y de repente sinti? como una electricidad en su boca que despu?s recorri? su cuerpo de sus pechos hasta sus caderas. Se hizo un silencio mientras se acariciaron con la mirada -Quieres que adivine otro n?mero?- - Si...- Y continuaron bes?ndose apasionadamente como la ultima vez Y continuaron bes?ndose apasionadamente como la ultima vez. Danny sent?a las caricias y los besos por todo su cuerpo como una droga que lle llenaba de placer y le nublaba la raz?n. Sabia que deb?a detenerlo, pero quer?a seguir sintiendo sus fuertes manos acariciando sus senos. Despu?s la cargo en sus brazos y la llevo a la cama donde terminaron de desnudarse ante la tenue luz de una lampara continuando con las caricias y los besos que segu?an encendiendo la pasi?n.De repente Danny sinti? a Arturo dentro de su vagina haci?ndola gemir de placer y haci?ndola sentir mujer.....

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Prema Ki Chudai 3

Doston mujhe pata chal chuka hai ki apko meri adhi adhuri kahani bahut pasand aayi hai jismein ki kis tarah maine prema ko chudne ke liye raaji kiya aur woh pehle to ghabrayi , sharmayi, gussai par baad mein control mein aa gaayi aur phir shaam ko chudne ane ko keh gayi. main shaam nhone ka intezaar karta raha. aab apko age ki kahani deta hoon jisme prema janeman ki chudai hai.dopahar ko main market gaya aur sexy ladkiyon ke kapde liye phir khane peene kasaman liya aur pastries liya aur ghar...

2 years ago
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Niece My Daughters Surprise Continues

  As the morning light shimmered through the bedroom window, lying on my back, I gazed my eyes upon the two lovely beauties at my sides. My gorgeous sexy sister Amy on my left and my sweet young teenage daughter Lauren on my right were sleeping soundly. We spent almost all night making love in every possible way one could imagine. My cock began to harden as my mind chased sexy images from the night before through my head. It was an unbelievable incestuous adventure and almost like a...

3 years ago
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Getting Out Of The Rut Chapter 6

 Walking the tightropeWaiting for a clinic appointment gave us some breathing space. I guess we could have found somewhere we could walk in right away, but I preferred some privacy so we booked online. I said we'd take a cancellation if one came up.Thursday morning we went to a sex shop looking for things to keep us entertained until the clinic came through. It turned out to be an adventure which left both of us wondering why we'd never done it before."I see what you mean about a getting out...

3 years ago
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Mom fucking

Hi friends my name is kiran,iam father is died last my mom is widow.her name is latha,she is 45.she is white in color,long hair ,big boobs ,buttocks ,and……..she is so family is very poor family.we are trouble in after my father is died. I am study in mom is lived in my father working place because my own house is at that day mom is called come to home.iam going to my home mom introduce one person his name is kumaran.his age is tell to him his...

4 years ago
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Tell Laura Chapter 8

TommyFucking doorbell! I was going to rip it out of the door and shove it up the arse of the person on the other side, then march them to the end of…“Hi, Bev, how nice to see you again,” I said with a smile, as I opened the door.Her eyes flitted a little, looking behind me, “Oh shit! I saw your new furniture being delivered and it only just occurred there was a bed too and…”“And you should see it!” Laura said from behind me. “Tommy, stop being so rude and invite her in.”I just shrugged and...

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Mack and Me

 I am a 36yr old black crossdresser who only came out the closet about four years ago going to cd bars and clubs to dance and so forth but this is about a dream I had reasonly about a guy I’ve been chatting with online, now we never have met yet but I do know its just a matter of time anyway here is my dream.  I was out for a night of fun in one of my regular clubs dressed for the kill in a short red pleated skirt red top and four inch open toe shoes, I was having a drink with one of my regular...

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When Danny Met Judy

When Paul and Sue announced they were taking a holiday in the new year, I was as eager as they were for that week to come. We had a reciprocal arrangement, whereby the couple that remained at home would periodically look into the other's house, to water plants, remove the build-up of mail behind the front door and just generally check for anything untoward. I'd just dropped them off at the airport when on my journey home I received a text from Sue. "I think I might have left my hair...

4 years ago
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Chatting with Darkside

Chat Guest: Darkside On Saturday July,10 1999 4PM PST Moderated by Wendy-J Edited by Anne-Mal You can e-mail Darkside at: [email protected] We start after a missing few minutes... (*Wendy-J) Glad I waited a sec to do that! (Paul1954) God not again, I've only just sobered up after the last time!!! (Nostrumo) Oh no! They're starting again with an orgy! (*Wendy-J) We can wait or start any time DS. (SteveZ) I'm just hoping the system doesn't drop out on me like it...

3 years ago
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a family friend

Quietly I sneek the old mag that I found tucked away in my fathers sock draw one day ,into the toilet and with a huge hard on begin wanking furiously turning each page and mentaly fucking all the girls that graced each page,at first I didnt notice what the mag was called or what made its contents any different from the usual mags available they were pics I could wank over and had been doing about 4/5times aday since I discovered what wanking was only perhaps a month previously and now I was...

1 year ago
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Busty Adventures of Brittany Ch 06

Brittany had woken up from her quiet sleep around 10:30am from a phone call from James. He had asked her if she wanted to play football with him and the other guys yesterday. She agreed to play in a sleepy voice and hung up. She stays in bed for a few minutes only to hear a knock on her door."Come in," shouted an aggravated Brittany. Her parents, Michael and Cindy Clarkson walk in to surprise their baby girl. She was stun to see them when she had risen from her bed."Mom? Dad? What a surprise to...

4 years ago
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The Last Time Part Two

‘Iris,’ he said softly, ‘Turn around.’ At the sound of his voice Iris had taken an immediate step back. Ash was sure his life was going to crumble. He’d never felt so rejected. He never wanted to hear her say no. ‘Ash, what are you doing here?’ Iris softly whispered. She dropped her head to stare down between her feet and pulled her shirt closed. She was hiding herself – from him. He got the sudden urge to fall to his knees. She should never, ever have to feel like she had to hide from...

3 years ago
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Husband Ne Randi Banaya

Hello everyone.Mera naam neetu singh hai.Mai bachpan se hi thodi naughty rahi hun,main pehli baar apne physics teacher se chudi thi jab main 18 saal ki thi.Vo kahani baad mein.Jo main kahani aap sab ko batane jaa rahi hun vo mere shaadi ke baad ki hai Main pehle apne baare mein batati hun.Main bahat khule khayalat ki ladki hun.Chote kapde pehenne mein koi sharm nahi aati.Meri figure 38d-28-38.Bahat saare ladke meri moti gand aur bade boobs ke diwane the.Main 29 saal ki thi jab meri shaadi...

2 years ago
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Family Movie Day 2 Mom

‘Mom’, is a parallel companion to ‘Family Movie Day’ that can be read on its own. Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction, and all names, characters, places, and incidents either are the products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. No characters are under the age of 18. A note from the author: As always, comments, kudos and criticisms are welcome and...

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Brandi and Her Step Dad Freaky Friday

Introduction: The story of how this dirty little girl started a nasty affair with her step dad Brandi and Her Step-Dad: Freaky Friday It hadnt taken very long. Just three months after her new stepfather had moved in, and Brandi was having an illicit affair with him, and all right under her pretentious mothers nose. She would have never imagined such a thing possibe, For one, she had despised the intrusion Jason and his young daughter Stephanie had brought to her home. Her mother was a ...

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Chudai Ki Anokhi Rasam 8211 Part 1

Hello doston, kaise hai aap sabhi? Ummeed hai sabhi theek honge, aur jam ke chudai chal rahi hogi. Aap sab ne meri pichli kahani ki series “” ko kaafi pasand kiya, aur bahut saare logo ne mail karke bhi apna feedback diya. Uske liye aap sabhi ka dhanyawad. Aage bhi aise hi haunsla badhate rahiyega. Aaj main ek nayi kahani le kar aaya hu. Ummeed hai ye kahani bhi aap sab ko kaafi pasand aayegi. Aur apne bahumulya vichaar awashya share kare. To ab zyada time waste na karte hue story par aate...

2 years ago
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Having a Little Fun

John came home early from work on Friday night to surprise his daughter Janet. He had raised her by himself since her mother died two years ago in a multi car pile up on the interstate highway. In the two years since he had never dated. He didn’t think that it was right to bring another woman into the household, at least not until Janet was older. For now he was content to just watch his daughter grow up. It was only a few months ago, that he realized that his daughter was turning into a...

3 years ago
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I made one of those bold mid-life decisions a few months ago when Idecided to leave a company I spent 15 years at to start my own business. The idea of waking up, lounging in my house all day needing only a computer, fax machine and a cell phone to consider it a work day appealed to me. I took my client roster with me and in no time business was a success. One morning, sitting at the breakfast bar in my kitchen, scanning thefinance pages on my laptop. It was a lazy, warm day for me as I sat in...

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Welcoming Him Home in the Shower

Oh my God! Jim thought to himself, the last few weeks have been very grueling. It wasn’t just the 15-hour work days, it was also the non-stop traveling. Having just arrived home from yet another trip, Jim felt the grime of the day’s travel sticking to his body. On top of that, he had seen his wife Susan for only a few minutes here and there. Walking silently into his room, Susan was sound asleep and nestled under the sheets. Jim undressed as quietly as he could and slipped into the bathroom....

2 years ago
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Lifes What You Make It Robs Story Chapter Five

This novel is an experimental writing collaboration by TheGulfCoaster and runnergirl. The story has two perfect halves, a male and female side, which fit together as one. Runnergirl will reveal Emmy’s feelings and tell the tale through her perspective, whereas TheGulfCoaster writes from Robbie’s perspective. The two stories share mutual dialogue and action where the two characters intersect and thus this is unique venture. Only by reading Emmy’s and Robbie’s stories, will the reader get the...

4 years ago
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Ride With Mom Turns Horny

The summer of 2007, it was an urgent trip to Jaipur. I, aged 24, had to accompany my mom aged around 40. We are a small family – me, my mom and my younger s*s. Dad expired while I was 18.We had started from Delhi at 6:30 in the morning, halted at Haldiram’s for breakfast. When we had entered Haldiram’s I had noticed a family had come probably mom-dad-daughter and son-in-law. Since Mom and Daughter had acute resemblance. I was continuously staring at them. Specifically their butts and boobs. So...

3 years ago
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Labelled by the medical/psychiatric profession as the ultimate state of confusion – whereby a person is not clear whether one is male or female – nowadays the notion of androgyny is ridiculed rather than clinically dismissed as deviant. Subsumed under the label of the hermaphrodite it tends to be perceived as an idiosyncratic adoption of maniacs or new-age freaks. Retrieving the positive – and more ancient – meaning is not an easy task. Keep in focus that this is the same society with very...

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Virtual and Vice

Author's note: I'd like to take this chance to thank Mandy, Sarah, Charlotte, Melody, Pam, and Rachel, who - as of the time of this writing - have been kind enough to review "Transfusion," my first story for Fictionmania. Let's see if the second story measures up to the first! Comments and feedback are always, *always* appreciated, and if you'd like to get in touch with me I've put together an email address specifically for that purpose, at [email protected]. Without...

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One Shoe GumshoeChapter 4 Up in the Air

MID-MORNING on Thursday we arrived at the remote East Anglian railway halt, named after the airfield we were heading for, the bomber squadron base that missing pilot Bradford Gold had operated from for about five or six months the previous summer and autumn. The halt could barely be called a station, we had been warned by the station master at the nearest mainline station that the platform was only long enough for the first of the two-carriage rural train to alight. The terrain was flat for...

2 years ago
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Alice and Angela go Golfing 1 9

Author's note. First let me apologise, my in-experience led me to omit a chapter which caused confusion, secondly for not picking up on the comments that pointed this out. Sorry Sorry Sorry. I've decided to publish what's been written so far in one post with the original chapters to this time. I also took the time to correct some spelling Later chapters will be stand alone. Dianna Y Chapter -1- "Are you certain you've packed everything?" my wife called from...

3 years ago
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Serious RelationshipsChapter 4

Kaelee and Karen went to the living room window and watched her mom get in Jim's car and drive off. As soon as they were sure that they had left they leapt onto the sofa like the teenaged girls they were. "Did you get it?" Kaelee asked excitedly. "Yeah!" Karen told her as she dug in her school bag. "Found it in my brother's closet. He thought he was so cool hiding it there." She pulled out a videotape and handed it to her friend. On the cover was two women licking each other's...

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Reunion With Her Former Headmistress

Beverley Hudson-Phillips was a very striking fifty-two-year-old woman standing at more than six feet tall but very curvy in all the right places. She was married to William who was twenty years her senior but their marriage was loveless although he liked to display Beverley at social functions.During the almost thirty-year marriage Beverley had had a number of lovers but certainly more of them female rather than male.At the moment her thoughts were turning to her schooldays some thirty-five...

3 years ago
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A GetAway Weekend Part 2

The evening was delightful. Our friends had been waiting for our arrival and had everything prepared in advance. Although you offered to help in the kitchen you were instructed to sit down and relax. We were served cocktails as the conversations began. Dinner was served in their dining room with soft lights and wine. After dinner we moved into the family room for coffee and dessert. Around 10:00 our host saw you yawning and jumped up demanding that we get straight to bed because we were...

Love Stories
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QuestFiend of Possession

Author's Note: This is a quest-type story. Quest stories rely on the readers to choose what direction the story will take by telling the writer directly. This is most often done through multiple choice questions. Important details and Questions will be bolded with their options(if any) underneath. Voting continues until there's a clear consensus or I(the writer) am ready to write the next chapter. After which I will put *Voting Closed* in the comments and begin on the next chapter. Note that...

Mind Control
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My First Cock2

It was the school holidays and I had been visiting a relative and I was on my was home. I needed to pee and walked into the public loo…you know the sort, smelly and dirty. An old guy was already in there I stood at the urinal, desperate to unzip and get my cock out before I started to pee. Only just making it in time I sensed I was being watched. I glanced across at the only guy there and he was watching me as he stroked his semi hard cock. I couldn’t help but look at it and my 14 year old...

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African Desire

Whilst making love, my husband would often say something like, "Julie, baby, you are so hot. I wish I could see you take care of a young stud and see the look on his face as he tasted your sweet nectar." This little expression would make me, as well as my husband, rise to a higher state of arousal.He never really pushed the issue, so I was never sure if it was just a way of getting us hornier or if he had a fantasy of really seeing his wife being taken by an eager young stud. He knew that it...

4 years ago
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My Fault

My Fault By Donna Williams It had been a couple of weeks since I was able to indulge myself in my "French Maid" fantasy, but knowing I was free from having to work this weekend, I couldn't wait for 3 PM Friday, to head home and change. Once I arrived home I fixed a nice, hot, relaxing, bubble bath, stripped down and slid in. After ten minutes of soaking, I picked up my three bladed razor to ensure a smooth shave, and removed what little hair I had everywhere below the...

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Happy Birthday Ginger

It was Friday night at the Dangerous Curves strip club and the place was near capacity. I stood by the door, eyes constantly scanning the room for any potential trouble. But I was distracted this night. I was planning something for a coworker's birthday.Aah, speaking of coworkers... I thought to myself. There's the birthday girl now.... I looked toward the center stage where Ginger was beginning her dance. Her long, red hair flowed down her back as she moved, her hips undulating as her perfect...

Group Sex
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chapter one the newspaper

the train arrives at 4 this afternoon. so excited for the day, you hardly slept last night. delicious thoughts and images raced through your head: would he be as excited to see you as you are to see him? how much has he changed? will he be pleased with the outfit you've chosen? you try to think of what tasks he might ask you to perform that you would say "no" to. several jump to the front of your mind, but none you would deny. the more thought you give each one, the more excited you...

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Always Faithful Chapter TwentyThree

Chapter Twenty-Three - Laura with Dan, Plus Artsy Dan answered the telephone in the middle of the third ring: Hi Baby, I am just calling to confirm my travel plans . . . Yes, I am still on the red eye . . . I will see you Thursday morning before you go to work . . . I love you too, Baby. Save a kiss for me and maybe a little bit more. Bye bye. The red eye flight that carried Laura home from San Francisco left on time and benefited from a tail wind. Hers was the first plane to...


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