La Corista Capitulo 9 free porn video

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La corista capitulo 9 Al siguiente d?a despu?s de salir del hospital Danny no tubo mucho tiempo para descansar ya su agenda estaba llena y tenia que segur asistiendo a eventos y entrevistas, debido a lo reciente de su operaci?n y para disimular la inflamaci?n de sus senos y caderas ahora la ropa que le daban era menos escotada, m?s holgada y los vestidos eran m?s largos pero dise?ados para lucir su nueva figura. Pasaron los d?as y a pesar de todo lo que le tomaba arreglarse a diario tener sus propios senos cintura y cadera le ahorraban tiempo al ya no tener que usar faja y rellenos para las caderas y pechos. Ahora por alg?n extra?a raz?n a Danny le encantaba mirarse en el espejo, sobre todo en la noche cuando pod?a hacerlo desnuda ya que ver lo bella que era le excitaba tanto que no resist?a la tentaci?n de darse placer acariciando sus senos y pezones. Despu?s de que pasaba el trance del autoerotismo sent?a culpa y remordimiento. - Esto no est? bien , soy un hombre y no deber?a de hacer esto...y mucho menos disfrutarlo- Pero al verse en el espejo solo ve?a a una mujer y con la pr?tesis de vagina que le hab?an pegado ya ni siquiera pod?a ver sus partes masculinas Pero al verse en el espejo solo ve?a a una mujer y con la pr?tesis de vagina que le hab?an pegado ya ni siquiera pod?a ver sus partes masculinas.Ahora todo en el era femenino, su voz , su piel suave, sus cabellos eran delgados y sedoso, su cara era mas redonda y sus rasgos se hab?an vuelto mas finos, con labios carnosos y pesta?as largas hab?a perdido todos sus rangos masculinos. Ademas con las clases diarias de como verse y ser mas femenina ahora sus movimientos e incluso sus gestos cada d?a eran mas los de una mujer. Al darse cuenta de esto trato de caminar y moverse como hombre pero su cuerpo no le respondi?, se sent?a torpe y desequilibrado con sus senos y anchas caderas, le era mas c?modo caminar meneando sus caderas dando pasos cortos con un pie adelante d... Al darse cuenta de esto trato de caminar y moverse como hombre pero su cuerpo no le respondi?, se sent?a torpe y desequilibrado con sus senos y anchas caderas, le era mas c?modo caminar meneando sus caderas dando pasos cortos con un pie adelante del otro -Al paso que voy creo que tendr? que contratar un caoch para aprender a moverme otra vez como hombre o me voy a ver muy afeminado cuando vuelva a la normalidad - Por su parte Julia que al ser gen?ricamente compatible con Danny ( hab?a sido la donadora de la grasa que hacia falta para los senos y caderas de su hermano) quedo mas delgada y tambi?n le hicieron una lipoescultura con la que estaba muy contenta ya que de la noche a la ma?ana paso de ser una mujer linda y simp?tica a tener una figura de super modelo. Los lunes eran casi siempre los d?as que tenia libre as? que los aprovechaba para estar todo el d?a en la cama -Danny vistete, tenemos que ir de compras!- Aunque casi era medio d?a Danny se levanto aun somnoliento -Pero si el refigerador esta lleno, no me digas que traes uno de tus antojos, recuerda que el doctor dijo que si no guardabas dieta ibas a volver a engor...a tu peso anterior - -Pues aunque no lo creas ya estaba bajando de peso antes de la lipo- y le saco la lengua a Danny- ahor como te iba diciendo tenemos que ir comprar "ropa"- -Pero si tu ya tienes mucha ropa Julia- -Si, pero ahora me queda "grande"-y se levanto la blusa para mostrar su nueva y esbelta figura -Ademas tu tambi?n necesitas ropa nueva -Toda la ropa que necesito me la proporciona la agencia, y cuando regresemos a casa puedo usar la ropa que ya no te queda- -Acomp??ame si!, porque yo no tengo una empresa que me de ropa bonita y de marca - -Toda es prestada, solo me regalan la ropa interior y las medias- -Hay no seas malita y vamos de compras!- -Hay Julia, tu no puedes estar encerrada ni un d?a! Esta bien, pero si alguien me reconoce dir? que tu eres la famosa y yo solo soy tu asistente- Cuando llegaron al centro comercial Dany comenz? a notar que mucha gente la miraba, as? que compro unos lentes sin graduaci?n , una agenda y se recogi? el cabello en una cola de caballo para parecer mas una secretaria o asistente. Aun as? varias personas se le acercaron diciendole "que se les hacia conocida, quiz?s de la tele, que si era alguien famosa?" a lo que Danny les repondia -La famosa es ella- se?alando a su hermana, yo soy su asistente y como siempre estoy a su lado algunas veces salgo en los v?deos que le toman- Aun as? varias personas se le acercaron diciendole "que se les hacia conocida, quiz?s de la tele, que si era alguien famosa?" a lo que Danny les repondia -La famosa es ella- se?alando a su hermana, yo soy su asistente y como siempre estoy a su la... -Es muy guapa pero quien es?-preguntaban todos -Ella es Yulia! modelo y cantante- y al escuchar eso toda la atenci?n se centraba en la hermana de Danny. Julia andaba muy tranquila de tienda en tienda cuando primero llego una se?ora a pedirle una foto, luego un se?or con su esposa, y de repente todo mundo se quer?a tomar la foto con Julia creyendo que era famosa. En un par de horas por todo el centro comercial corr?a el chisme de que la "Famosa modelo y cantante" Yulia andaba por ah? de compras.La situaci?n se empez? a salir tanto de control que se tuvieron que esconder en lo probadores de una tienda -Vamonos a casa Danny!- -Pero porque? aun es temprano y casi no haz comprado ropa- -Porque no he tenido tiempo!, la gente no deja de venir a tomarse fotos conmigo, creen que soy una tal Yulia!- -Deja les pido a las de la tienda si nos permiten salir por la puerta de servicio, para que ya nadie te acose- Camino a casa hasta el taxista se les quedaba mirando.-Usted es la famosa Yulia verdad? y usted su guapa asistente- -oh rayos!- Para la media tarde todo se salio de control, todo mundo quer?a saber mas de la misteriosa Yulia, que se hab?a hecho famosa porque todos subieron las fotos que se tomaron con ella a sus redes sociales. En las noticas salio el chofer del Taxi mostrando el edificio donde hab?a dejado a "Yulia" y como varios reporteros sab?an que varias la empresas de representaci?n art?stica eran due?as de varios departamentos pues este dato le dio mas credibilidad a la "fama de Yulia" Cuando Alex se entero de que Julia era Yulia salio lo mas rapido posible a verlas para arreglar este problema de que los reporteros estuvieran afuera del edificio ya que ah? muchas agencias "escond?an" a varias estrellas cuando se hac?an cirug?as est?ticas. AL final Alex se llevo a Julia a su casa para que los reporteros los siguieran y se alejaran del edificio. Danny se quedo solo y por fin iba a poder tener algo de paz, se sent?a un poco culpable por todo el alboroto que se hizo pero su hermana se merec?a eso por no haberla dejado descansar, ya Alex ver?a como arreglaba todo y de paso ver?a como le saca provecho a la situaci?n (como siempre). Despu?s de dormir un rato Danny se levanto el departamento se sent?a muy tranquilo sin Julia, en su aburrimiento se puso a checar las cosas que su hermana hab?a comprado -Pobre solo le di chance de comprar un vestido y algo de ropa interior y...lencer?a sexy-y se quedo mirando el juego ropa interior de encaje y babydoll rojo, tambi?n compro otro de color negro. En los meses que Danny se hab?a tenido que vestir de mujer jamas hab?a usado lencer?a, pero ahora tenia la figura para lucirlo -y porque no "experimentar"?- la sola idea de ver su cuerpo con ropa de encaje por alguna extra?a raz?n resultaba excitante as? que corri? a maquillarse y arreglar su pelo para verse lo mas sexy posible. Al verse en el espejo con el conjunto de lencer?a negro se sinti? sexy y elegante y poco a poco, comenz? a acariciar sus senos suavemente pues eso le excitaba. Luego de un rato tomo un peque?o descanso despu?s de " juguetear " pens?: "creo que deber?a parar, pero si Julia regresa jamas podre probarme su conjunto rojo" luego justo cuando se hab?a puesto el babydoll de encaje escucho que la puerta de la en... Luego de un rato tomo un peque?o descanso despu?s de " juguetear " pens?: "creo que deber?a parar, pero si Julia regresa jamas podre probarme su conjunto rojo" luego justo cuando se hab?a puesto el babydoll de encaje escucho que la puerta de la entrada del departamento se habr?a"Rayos debe de ser Julia, bueno que mas da que se enoje, ya disfrute usar su ropa " se fue a la sala para recibir a su hermana con su pose mas sexy y dijo-Y bien que tal me veo- Luego de un rato tomo un peque?o descanso despu?s de " juguetear " pens?: "creo que deber?a parar, pero si Julia regresa jamas podre probarme su conjunto rojo" luego justo cuando se hab?a puesto el babydoll de encaje escucho que la puerta de la en... -WOW! te ves hermosa Danny!- -ARTURO!- grito sorprendida y corri? a esconderse detr?s de una puerta -Sorpresa...- Danny se estaba muriendo de la verg?enza, pero jamas esperaba encontrarse con Arturo en la sala.-No es que que no me de gusto verte, pero que haces aqu??- -Todo fue idea de Julia, le dije que esta semana venia a Miami por trabajo y me pidi? que adelantara mi mando por paquetera una copia de la llave del departamento... para darte una sorpresa y salir festejar desde hoy tu cumples a?os (que es ma?ana).- -Y por eso insisti? tanto en que sali?ramos de compras?- -Si,ella te iba a llevar a comprar un vestido para esta noche, yo llegar?a mientras ustedes andaban de compras para colgar los adornos y sorprenderte...pero mi vuelo se retraso y ya vi en las noticias lo que paso con "Yulia"...mmm creo que hoy nada ha salido bien - -No te pongas as? , claro que me sorprendiste!.Aun es temprano, deja trato de localizar a Julia para poder ir a cenar y luego vamos a alg?n club nocturno - -Y...Carlos nos va a acompa?ar?- -No, hoy y ma?ana se va a presentar en Dallas Texas y creo que nos vamos a ver hasta el domingo o Lunes -Dijo Danny sin mucha preocupaci?n ni inter?s, lo cual se le hizo extra?o a Arturo. -Y supongo que te va a llevara alg?n lugar especial a Festejar?- Danny se dio cuenta de que se estaba saliendo de su papel de novia as? que respondi?-Esteee si, solo va a venir a festejarme para que pasemos una noche muy especial- -Si, ya me imagino-dijo Arturo pensando en lo sexy que se ve?a Danny con el babydoll rojo. "cielos se ha puesto tan hermosa " pens? mientras sent?a una mezcla celos, Amor, tristeza...y deseo. Danny por fin se comunico con Julia, y le dijo que los esperaba en un restaurante de moda donde Alex les consigui? una reservacion usando sus conexiones. Al llegar a la mesa se soprendieron al ver a Julia vestida como una estrella de cine rica y famosa -Que te paso hermana?- -Alex tuvo la brillante idea de aprovechar la repentina fama de "Yulia" as? que esta semana ya tengo varias entrevistas y en unos d?as voy a grabar un sencillo y si todo sale bien rere rica y famosa !... o siendo realistas solo tendr? mis 15 minutos de fama jajajajaa- La cena transcurri? entre platica y risas, Danny se sent?a muy feliz de que Arturo hubiera venido a verla...aunque de repente lo sent?a un poco raro, quiz?s por la forma en que aveces la ve?a y sonre?a cuando entrecruzaban miradas. -Y ahora a donde vamos hemanita?- -Alex me recomend? este bar a donde solo van "las estrellas como yo",as? que nadie nos va a molestar- La velada fue agradable, el ambiente del lugar era mas para escuchar m?sica, platicar con amigos y beber que para bailar. cuando salieron un chofer que mando Alex estaba esperando a "Yulia" -Lo siento Danny esta semana te vas a quedar sola, Alex no quiere que me acerque a nuestro departamento, para que no me busquen los reporteros. Ma?ana va a ir "mi asistente" para recoger algunas cosas. Me hablas cuando llegues a casa - -No te preocupes, yo me asegurare de que tu hermana llegue segura- Se fueron juntos en un Taxi y siguieron platicando muy alegres ( quiz?s por el alcohol) hasta que llegaron al departamento. -Buenas noches, solo recojo mi maleta y me voy al hotel- -Ya es muy noche, son casi las 4, y est?s muy borracho, mejor duerme un poco en el cuarto de Julia, ma?ana te puedes ir despu?s del desayuno- -Las 4?, Entonces ya es tu cumplea?os ...Muchas felicidades Danny, que cumplas muchos m?s!-y Arturo le di? un cari?oso abrazo que dur? un poco m?s de lo normal. -Mmmm que rico hueles...cielos lo dije o lo pence?- dijo Dany mientras miraba a Arturo -Solo lo pensaste, pero yo puedo leer tu mente-y sonri? -eres un embustero! a ver adivina qu? n?mero estoy pensando?- -te lo dir?, pero si adivino me das un beso- - ok...pero no le vas a atinar- - entonces cierra los ojos conc?ntrate y piensa en un n?mero entre el 8 y el 10..ya?- -ya!- -tu n?mero es el ....9!- - Es cierto!...un momento hiciste trampa! Jijiji,pero un trato es un trato- Danny le dio un peque?o beso en los labios...y de repente sinti? como una electricidad en su boca que despu?s recorri? su cuerpo de sus pechos hasta sus caderas. Se hizo un silencio mientras se acariciaron con la mirada -Quieres que adivine otro n?mero?- - Si...- Y continuaron bes?ndose apasionadamente como la ultima vez Y continuaron bes?ndose apasionadamente como la ultima vez. Danny sent?a las caricias y los besos por todo su cuerpo como una droga que lle llenaba de placer y le nublaba la raz?n. Sabia que deb?a detenerlo, pero quer?a seguir sintiendo sus fuertes manos acariciando sus senos. Despu?s la cargo en sus brazos y la llevo a la cama donde terminaron de desnudarse ante la tenue luz de una lampara continuando con las caricias y los besos que segu?an encendiendo la pasi?n.De repente Danny sinti? a Arturo dentro de su vagina haci?ndola gemir de placer y haci?ndola sentir mujer.....

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by Vanessa Evans Part 01 Hi, my name is Emily and this is what I did when I went on holiday on my own. I’m 22 years old, slim 30A 23 29, with shoulder length strawberry blonde hair, 5 feet nothing tall. I’ve been told that I have a cute little bubbly butt. I’m an engineer who shares an apartment with 2 others, both men. I was engaged to a really nice guy (not 1 of my apartmentmates). The problem was that he started to get all possessive and prudish when I started buying clothes for the...

4 years ago
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The day my girlfriend done me

It all started in one Saturday's evening. We were alone at my girl's home for the weekend, watching some tv together, and she got up to get something at her room. I followed her. As she entered the room I immediately groped her from behind, and started caressing her, rubbing my dick against her butt and lightly pinching her nipples. I knew she liked that kind of "attacking", she usually let me do that and play the "shy but excited girl" role, but not this day. She turned to me...

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The Black Rooster Resort Ch04

Down by the eastern wing of the hotel, a large doorway marked the entrance to the Ferris Hall."Here we are," Henrietta said as she looked out over the assembly hall.A runway had been raised in the middle of the room. Beside it, several workers looked up at the voluptuous woman who was inspecting their work. The woman, Deborah Mckinney, wore a snug red dress that accentuated her curvy and thick body. Her enormous breasts poured out of the rounded chest area of her dress.Deborah was the owner of...

1 year ago
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Erotic Sex In Pent House Part 2

This is continuation of my previous session. For those who don’t know me , I am casey 19 yrs old(at the time of this incident) from hyderabad of 6.1 inch tall with an average body and average looks and to be frank my dick size is of 6.And the heroine of this story is nisha(name changed) 18 yrs old,short girl with big assets ,don’t know the exact figures of her body but she had huge boobs in which your head fits.Any women especially aunties can contact me for a secret relationship or friendship...

2 years ago
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The Destroyers Book 1 A New BeginningChapter 29 Saving a life Slavers

Ken caught the young mother before she could fall to the floor. He looked over at Molly. "Get in there and do what you can to help her." Molly looked in the window and her heart started to break at the sight of the little girl. Tubes running in and out of her, an oxygen mask over her face to help her breath. "Yes, Sir!" Molly went into the room and set her bag down on the bed. Nurse Gretchen Hilliard looked down at the little girl suffering from the cancer. Turning to get her pen,...

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Dorothy Does OzChapter 4 The Marvelous Toy

The Tin Man smiled sadly. "Just beat on my chest, here." Dorothy banged on the metal. "So?" "It's empty. The tinsmith didn't give me a heart." "So what does that mean?" Dorothy asked. "It means that I have sex for pleasure, not for love." "That's typical," Dorothy sighed, shrugging. "But then, I do, too." "Then you've come to the right place," the Tin Man grinned. "Take a look at this!" He opened the small door in his groin, and out slid a shiny tube, studded with...

1 year ago
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Carmellas Hard Fuck

To make matters worse she had just bumped into somebody's car at the venue as she was leaving. She wouldn't normally just drive off, but the damage looked very superficial, a little scraped paint, and she didn't have the time to find the owner and swap information, not today. It was only as she was on the highway did she realize that she could have just left a note with her contact info, but Carmella had other things on her mind. She knew she would get back to the hotel in time, but she...

4 years ago
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Shadows Gather

It's been too long since you've remembered a taste of your true power. As madness nearly consumes you while you remain trapped in this pathetic golden urn, as a mere ball of shadow and consciousness. Ah yes, you remember it quite well... Back when you had the entire human race beneath your feet, they served with such zeal and conviction. They loved their master, their king, no - their God. Empires would rise and fall at your desire, those who would wish certain victory would come to your...

2 years ago
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Desmond and the French Connection Part 1

Monday MorningThe easy bits were done. With my law degree tucked away in my back pocket, I'd breezed through the licensing process and earned my call to the bar. Then came the last and hardest part - finding a job. I had just started networking when my phone rang. Hope soared. 'Hello?''Is that Desmond Brady?''It is.' 'It's Michael Gallagher from Gagne Nadeau & Tremblay. We met a few years ago, at the Osgoode job fare.''I remember. You're from Montreal as I recall. How are you?'...

Office Sex
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A South Indian butt story of sexy old lady

This real life experience happened to me three years ago. At that time I had just started working in a shoe-making factory in Tamilnadu, as an accountant. I was twenty-four and had no experience in matters of sex, whatsoever. I mean, I used to think about having sex and I used to masturbate. But I had never had any real experience with a woman. For one thing, I was shy. Another, I abhorred the very thought of having sex with a prostitute. But sexual desire in me was there in plenty. I was...

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Cheating TogetherChapter 4

Jill took the glass, put it to her lips and took a long drink of her Margarita. "Thanks, Kyle." It only took fifteen minutes for Jill's dress to dry. She got up, went back to the patio and sat next to Amber. Kyle went over to the grill with the rest of the men and watched Paul turn the ribs. Molly and Cindy were in the house, fixing the salads and other things that were to be served with the ribs. "Everything okay with you and Kyle, Jill?" Amber asked. "Yes, everything is great. I...

3 years ago
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Discovering Mommy

By: Rjdas Hi ISS readers this is the story of finding my own mom as a slut on the last January. I had a fantasy over my 37 years mom due to her gorgeous body that she maintained. Moreover her extremely fair skin and sexy outlook compelled me to masturbate as soon as I reached 18. My father is a businessman of 61 years of age. He married mom when she was still teenager. I was born when she was 19. I was used to stay at boarding school. For the last two years I have been doing my graduation and...

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My name is Rick and this is chapter 2 of my story. If you haven’t read Chapter 1 I suggest you do so, as this will explain how I got to this point.Yesterday morning I was a normal, horny 15 year old teenager, and spent most of my “private-time” beating my meat over internet porn. However my life changed for the better at breakfast, when my Mom nervously told me she wanted to become my cum-bucket, and was willing to let me fuck her any way and any time I wanted! For the first time I got to fuck...

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Celinas Abduction

Chapter 1 ?Celina,,,Celina!? the voice of her boss shocking the young executive out of her day dream. ?Huh?? Celina looked up and found Sam staring at her over her desk quizzingly. ?Were you listening to me at all?? he asked clearly doubting that she had in fact paid an ounce if any bit of attention to a word he had been saying. ?Yes of course I was. I...was just thinking over what you were saying? she lied. ?Good. Then i want that report on my desk first thing in the morning? he shook his...

1 year ago
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A WellLived Life Book 4 BethanyChapter 26 Confrontations and Connections

September 1980, Milford, Ohio When I arrived home after my date with Joyce, Stephanie came to sit in my room and talk. “Hey, Squirt!” I said. “Hey, Big Brother,” she said, seeming a bit down. “What’s wrong?” “Oh, a few things. The most important one is that I’m worried about Bethany. I talked to her today, and she’s really fixated on the idea that you two are going to be married and live happily ever after. I know she’s told you that she’s OK with all the other girls, but I don’t think...

2 years ago
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Problem Solved

I really wasn’t thinking about anything….just kind of rolling along… so it took a few seconds for her to register on my radar. Sneaking up toward 60 my eye sight isn’t what it once was but even at a distance I could tell that a very shapely woman was standing by the side of the road….and she was not happy! As I approached I let my truck slow and focused on the woman in the dark shorts and top….long dark hair, legs from here to heaven, with a gorgeous dark olive complexion. Her face was...

3 years ago
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Didi Ki Chudai Dekhi

Hi friends mera naam Vicky hai.mere ghar mai 4 log rahte hai mai mere papa meri mummy aur meri didi.meri didi ka naam priya hai vo dekhne me bahut sundar hai meri didi ka fig bahut acha hai .mai aur meri didi hamesha se hi sath me rahe hai mere school ke sare ladke meri didi ko gandi nazar se dekhte the hamare school me ladkiyo ke liye jo dress tha vo skirt aur top tha.didi jub stairs se upar jati thi toh unke class ke ladke niche se unki skirt me jhakte the ek bar maine unhe bat karte suna ki...

2 years ago
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Lena my little fucktoy PART 3

As we arrived in my hotel room, we made her undress (yes, simple as that…Carl said “undress” and she threw her remaining clothes on the floor) and stand in front of us just in heels.“Show him your handbag” Carl said, and Lena emptied the content of said acessory on the large bed and returned to stand erect with her hands lifted high behind her neck. I started sampling the content on the bed…“Hm..a buttplug” I said with a grin….”C´mon, whore, make it wet!”….she jumped at it and began to lick and...

2 years ago
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A Tale Of Two Fathers Days

Part 1: It all started on another typical Sunday, the Cena family would be putting on another brunch celebration this week. However, what was atypical is that the Cena family would be joined for once by their son John Cena and his girlfriend Nikki Bella. They would be joining the rest of the Cena clan in order to celebrate Father’s Day. In fact, this was the first time in many years that John had even considered taking off a date to celebrate a holiday with his family. In typical fashion, the...

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I thought my sister was a lesbian

Growing up with my older sister was interesting to say the least,even with her girlfriends around was interesting. My sister Janet was a year and a half older than I so my parents had no problems leaving me with her from time to time.By the time I turned 15 Janet was there just to appease my parents when they would go away for the weekend.I didn’t mind when they went away because that would be the time Janet would entertain her then girl friends. Now Janet ,my sister, was a pretty girl...

2 years ago
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Little SisterChapter 6 Riding the Beast

The next year at Yale should have been hell. I wanted to finish graduate school with the spring class. This required a heavy class load, on top of my dissertation. Fifteen grad hours is a lot. I took eighteen in the fall, then twenty-one in the spring. Fortunately, I arrived with a new draft of the thesis. This time, my adviser was a full Professor, Dr. Gupta. He used almost as much red ink as Madalyne. On the last page, he gave me a wink. Dr. Gupta had specific ideas. As part of his process...

4 years ago
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The ride

Authors Note: This story I have taken time to write for peoples enjoyment. I would love comments, both good and constructive&hellip,. I would really like for those who wish to insult, to keep their opinions to themselves. Please over look grammar, and spelling errors Disclaimer: This is a true story. I lived this but I added things that were not true to make it a more filling story. If you think you know what parts are true or really want to know, send me a private massage and I might tell...

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Grace Loves Her Daddy Part 5 Las Vegas

It’s a late Friday evening in August as I lie back in bed, naked under the covers sipping bourbon on ice while listening to the occasional traffic through the open window in my bedroom. While time has passed since I last wrote, very little has changed between Grace and I except that we’ve grown closer together, indifferent to the views of society. Our relationship is not conventional but we’re both doubtless that it works and the happiness is transparent on our faces. With Grace’s encouragement...

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Tricks and Treats for the Welcome Wagon

I step off the curb and look appraisingly at my house, trying to gauge the reaction that will come from the street. It’s the afternoon of October 31, and I have just put the finishing touches on my “haunted house.” The windows are boarded up, caution tape accents the front porch, a cemetery nestles against the right corner of the house, outdoor speakers blast frightening sounds into the night, a fog machine emits a spooky mist, and strobe lights complete the surreal effect. Suddenly, I feel a...

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Fresher Day Looks Took Me To Bedroom 8211 Part I

Hello everyone I am Venky. I am from Hyderabad. About me I am 6ft height and well built and I am pursuing my from a prominent college in our city. This is an incident which happened in my life; in which I had sex with my senior which I dint except to happen only. Her name is Aparna; she is my senior. And to tell about her; she is 5’8 and white complexion and has a stats of 36-30-36. Very hot stats which can make any guy go weak in their knees. I used to travel in the college so I was...

4 years ago
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wife shows herself to workmen

We used to go out on ‘flashing sessions’ as we called them over a period of many years, but haven’t done it lately, as we seem to have cooled off to how we used to be. A sign of age we presumed. Until this week! We had the use of a friends caravan at a lovely but quiet beauty spot not too far away from our home. As has happened before when this has occurred it seems to make the both of us ‘fruity’ shall we say? One early afternoon we were both sitting on the decking at the front of the caravan...

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Maggie The Marathon Runner

Bob Duncan is 46 years old. He is 6'2" tall. His weight fluctuates at around 190#. He is a 'Business Lawyer' by trade. He loves his daily workouts to keep himself fit. His passions are, living the high life, his wife of 22 years, and his only child Maggie. She is also the apple of his eye. Jacki Duncan is 44 years old, and had been a flight attendant, when she had met her future husband, Bob, on an overseas flight, to Japan. After a whirlwind romance when she was 21, they ended up married...

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Patti by: Princess Panty Boy Part 1: The Mall I'll start my story when I just turned 18, but I look a lot younger. I was always small and kind of skinny for my age. My mom always kept telling me how cute I was and to get my hair cut. I wouldn't. Saying all the cool guys had long hair, so I let it grow and grow. I was 18 now so no one was going to tell me what to do, I laughed to myself. I have two little brothers and a little sister. I'm the oldest even though my brother who...

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Antons TroublesChapter 6

Anton emerged from his room about nine the next morning. Rhonda, Eric and Ken were sitting at the kitchen table having coffee and blueberry muffins and speculating on whether he would wake up better or worse off than when he crashed. Would he feel the relief of unburdening his tortured soul, or would he retreat further into his safe place? They looked around anxiously when they heard his door open. He shuffled into the kitchen, his boxers, T-shirt, and shaggy hair damp and sticking to his...

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Driving out to Vermont and finding the lake

Introduction: We are getting ready to head to Vermont. We are leaving early in the morning and it is still dark outside and it should remain that way for about an hour before the sun starts to rise. We are both wearing jeans and I am wearing a t-shirt while my wife is wearing a tank-top and a sweatshirt. I have on a pair of boxers and my wife is wearing simple white panties and a black bra. I finish putting our bags into the care and then go around to the other side to give our son a kiss...

1 year ago
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VIP Encore Performance

The violist giving a concert was a rare treat for many of the university music graduates of this year, most notably I. Although not a viola player myself, as an avid violinist and classical music nerd, this opportunity was not going to be missed. After the concert went through Telemann’s Viola Concerto, Mozart’s “Sinfonia Concertante for Violin & Viola”, ending on Bruch’s “Romance for Viola & Orchestra”, not only did the counter-tenor like timbre of the larger fiddle leave me spell bound on the...

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Unwilling Tutor

Unwilling Tutor Unwilling TutorSynopsisWhen Kathy's father finds his daughter is a whore and is failing all her exams, he gives her to an ungainly tall genius boy to tutor her for the summer.  Unwilling Tutorby obohobo WarningThe text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for adults only. MF NC Spank RomIf you are underage or offended by such material or, if viewing this file is illegal in your locality, then leave, close or delete this file-story now. This is a...

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The BDSM Monthly Social Part Three

The Monthly BDSM Club Social -Part ThreeKathy crawled following Susy through the big houseand out the french doors onto the patio. Robert andthe others from their group were sitting around a tabletalking. There were other tables, with other guests thatKathy had never seen before. Suzy led Kathy over to thetable that Robert was seated at, crawling past several other tables where other members were seated, some ofwhich touched her tits and ass as she crawled by. She heard a few remarks, "Later...

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