- 4 years ago
- 29
- 0
It was after hours and the lights from one end of the office to the other were dimmed.
Stuart watched with unrestrained glee as Yvette slowly walked toward him through the dimness, each step a study in eroticism.
Yvette worked in the accounting department at his office. She was in her forties, but looked much younger. Her face had the typical moon-like qualities of most Asian women, but her deep dark eyes and wide mouth set her apart. She was dressed in a snow-white blouse with a filigree pattern sewn into it. It was buttoned to her neck and perfectly reflected the conservative attire her profession demanded. Her mini-skirt, a dark blue, seeming almost black, was a different story altogether.
It reached past her well-rounded bum, but extended only about six inches below that. Her bare legs were on full display from her thighs down to her feet. The high-heeled shoes she wore accentuated the motion of her hips when she walked. Stuart had often been beguiled by the sight of her walking away.
Now she was walking toward him. She unfastened one button from her blouse with each step, making her way across the room to the desk where he sat. By the time she reached the side of his chair, her shirt was completely undone; her silk chemise beneath it hid the curve of her breasts, but only barely.
Already he could see her nipples puckered into hardness as they poked against the light fabric. He thought he could make out the darker color beneath the camisole but he couldn't be sure.
As she reached his side, she reached for his hand. Ever so slowly she guided it to her left breast. She sighed and grinned as his hand closed over it. He swallowed hard and closed his eyes as he kneaded the soft flesh, reveling in the fullness while softly pinching the nipple through the silk.
She took two small steps forward, trapping his leg between hers. She was small enough that her upper thighs were now almost straddling his knee. Her mini-skirt folded up toward her pubis, the hemline pushing against the gusset of her panty as she slowly lowered herself to rest fully on his thigh.
Her hips slowly rocked forward and back against his leg as he continued fondling both of her tits. He was now using both hands and he hastily pushed her silk chemise up to her chin.
He was rocked back with shock when she swatted his hands away and then admonished him with a pointed finger.
"Unh-uh," she murmured softly with a shake of her head as the camisole dropped back to cover her breasts. It fell down to just below her breasts, leaving her tummy exposed.
Stuart dropped his hands to his side and she smiled broadly as she saw his acquiescence.
With agonizing slowness, she began undoing the buttons on his shirt. After what seemed like an eternity, she finally had it open and she pushed the sides outward to expose his stomach and chest.
She placed a fingertip softly against one of his nipples and traced a gentle circle around it. It hardened under her touch and she let out a soft giggle. She deftly leaned forward and ran her tongue over it, just once.
Stuart groaned at the intimate touch and then whined softly when she stopped.
Again Yvette grinned as she exerted her complete control over the situation.
She leaned forward against him then, her left thigh pushing hard against his groin, and her breasts, still covered by her chemise, thrust against his chest.
"Do you want to see me naked?" she whispered against his earlobe.
Stuart nodded. He couldn't speak; his throat felt far too tight.
"Do you want to make love to me?" she said with a soft giggle and then nipped his ear with her teeth.
"Oh God yes!" he stammered.
She giggled again and kissed his neck and then playfully ran her tongue up to his earlobe.
"Put your hand under my camisole," she said.
He carefully put his trembling hand against her belly and slowly moved it up to cup her tit. She sighed when he touched her nipple and pushed her thigh harder against his groin.
"Put your other hand in my panties," she whispered.
Stuart swallowed hard again and moved his other hand under her skirt. As he moved up to the waistband he realized she was soaking wet. The dampness had permeated her panty and the aroma wafted up to him when he slipped his fingers into her matted pubic hair.
She sighed and groaned as his fingers slipped between her labia. She moved her hips against his hand and drove the rhythm of his movement.
"Show me your cock!" she gasped as she ground against him.
He moved his hand from her breast and tried awkwardly to undo his slacks. Again she swatted his hand away, but this time it was not in a playful manner. She was all business as she determinedly opened his belt, snap and zipper.
Stuart yelped slightly when she roughly grasped his shaft and pulled it out into the open.
Brian saved the document to his online account and grinned in satisfaction at what he had just written. He wanted to take a little break before continuing the story.
He had been writing erotic short stories for ages now. He posted them to erotic websites for his own enjoyment. He certainly wasn't getting paid for them, although he read somewhere that some of the authors had managed to publish for money. He just didn't know how to "join the club" so to speak.
Even though he didn't get paid for them, he got enormous satisfaction from the comments people would sometimes leave after reading them. He also followed the ratings scores on his stories, privately simmering when they didn't at least get a 4.00; 4.50 and above usually made him smile.
His job was such that he could devote a few minutes some days to adding passages to his works from time to time. In addition to that, there were a few women in his workplace that he modeled his characters on, sometimes with very detailed descriptions of their appearance or mannerisms that would leave little doubt about whom he was writing if they knew them.
In particular, there were two or three women in his current workplace that he had written about. Of course, all of his writings were his own imaginings. He'd had many wonderful fantasies about the women there and he tried not to look at them differently after writing a juicy chapter where they were the star. It didn't always work out, but mostly, he hadn't outright offended anyone; at least until now.
The woman in the scene he had just written was based on one of the accountants in his office, a very curvy and eternally friendly Asian woman named Evelyn. After saving it, he was convinced he had closed the document before getting up to use the washroom.
He returned to see Evelyn sitting at his desk with her eyes glued to the computer monitor.
He creased his brow and frowned, wondering why she looked so engrossed in whatever she was looking at. She didn't seem to notice he was approaching until just before he rounded the corner of his cubicle. Without turning her head toward him, he saw her flip from one screen to an Excel sheet full of expense lists he was preparing for her.
She got up from his chair and gave him a strange look as she turned. She was flushed bright red and she wouldn't meet his eyes when she looked his way.
"How long 'til you get those expenses to me?" she said in a queer low voice. "I'll need them before month-end on Thursday."
"Should be tomorrow morning," he said, "maybe even end of day today."
"Okay, good," she said and brushed past him quickly as she left his cubicle.
She didn't look back at him, but he could tell something was bugging her. Even though he knew she was upset, he couldn't help but stare as she walked away, her curvy bum swinging back and forth with every footfall. Her tight mini-dress offered a very good view of those hips, and her high heels accentuated the motions of her hips considerably.
After a moment he turned toward his monitor. He used the shift-tab key combination to see what screen she had flipped from. He was horrified to see the steamy passage he had just finished writing. His description of Yvette, the Asian accountant who always wore figure-hugging mini-dresses and high heels to work was a dead giveaway and he knew with certainty he was caught.
He swallowed hard and looked up just in time to see her scowling at him before she disappeared into the next office space.
The rest of that day was a long one. The whole day he kept waiting to get the dreaded email or phone call summoning him to the general manager's office.
He did manage to get his expense reports to Evelyn. He went through them twice to make sure they were complete before he emailed the document to her. She did not respond or acknowledge getting them.
By the time quitting time came, his stomach was churning and he had what felt like a permanent migraine lodged behind his eyeballs.
With one last look toward the manager, who didn't seem to even notice him as he threw his coat on, he scurried out of the building to his car. After he closed the car door, he realized he was breathing heavily and felt like he was on the verge of a panic attack.
He barely remembered the drive home as his mind was clogged with images of getting fired, being publicly humiliated or both.
After a sleepless night, he went into work the next day, still expecting to be called into his boss's office. If the expression on Evelyn's face had been anything to go by, she was furious with him and was bound to report him.
'She's probably waiting to cool off a bit before she reports me,' he thought to himself.
The day went by without any urgent notices for him to appear before the boss. Still the term "Sword of Damocles" wound its way eternally through his head the whole day.
The next day he still hadn't gotten any hint that trouble was coming his way and he began to relax a little. By the end of the week, he was pretty sure he was in the clear.
Just before his departure on Friday afternoon, he took a trip to the washroom. As he turned the corner toward the men's room, he saw Evelyn falling in behind him on her way to the ladies' room directly opposite the men's.
He stopped dead in his tracks and looked her in the eye, searching for any hint of her state of mind. She returned his stare and brushed past him without saying anything. He sighed quietly and turned to go into the men's. He stopped when she spoke.
"Do you have a lot of spare time?" she said coldly with her almost flawless English, standing halfway in the opened door.
He cleared his throat before speaking but didn't get a chance.
"You must!" she said. "I know I don't have time to write like that at work."
Brian struggled to find something to say, but she closed the door and then he was alone.
The drive home that night was filled with so many thoughts he almost had at least two accidents.
Monday came and Evelyn continued with her aloof and frigid attitude. By now he regretted what he had written, not because of being caught, but because he had lost the easy camaraderie they had shared before this.
Until last week she was always friendly and smiling. He noticed now that she seemed to have lost that outgoing familiarity with everyone. She no longer wore the same pleasant smile that all in the office had gotten used to seeing on her, and she seemed to have withdrawn into herself.
Brian felt terrible. He wanted to say something to her but what could he say? "Sorry I wrote a sex story about you," didn't seem like it would improve her attitude toward him or his situation at work. In fact, it would probably make things much worse.
He went through his duties that day and the days that followed. He did not add any more passages to his story, not even from home. He was considering deleting the story, but he had already put several hours of writing into it and he was sure it wouldn't matter much to her even if he told her he did. Would she even believe him?
On Thursday he was in the office kitchen washing his hands. Evelyn came in as he pulled a paper towel down and she studied him momentarily with an expression he couldn't read. Then she went to the refrigerator.
'At least she's not scowling at me anymore,' he thought to himself.
He stood for a moment after tossing the towel in the bin, trying to gather up the courage, and more importantly the words, to say something to her.
"Are you still writing?" she asked with her back to him, bent over to retrieve her lunch from one of the lower shelves.
Brian tried studiously to avoid looking at her bum as she was bent over so he looked back at the paper towel dispenser instead.
"Not lately," he said as casually as he could muster.
She looked over her shoulder at him with one eyebrow raised. Brian turned to face her just in time to catch it. Her face gave nothing away.
'No wonder they say the Chinese are inscrutable!' he thought to himself. 'It's like trying to read a basilisk!'
"How come?" she asked as she placed her meal in the microwave.
"How come what?" he asked, having lost track of the conversation completely.
She snickered, seemingly without humor, and poured some fruit from a small container onto a plate.
"Why did you stop writing?" she said, enunciating the words slowly as if she were talking to a toddler.
Brian felt like a toddler at this very minute. Several responses flitted through his head, tumbling over each other in their haste.
"Um," was all he managed to get past his lips before he forcefully closed his mouth.
"Is it because of me?" she asked without looking his way as she prepared her noon meal.
"Um," he stammered.
"Did you stop because I was reading on your computer?" she said, her facial expression still impossible to interpret.
"Kind of," he said as a deep red blush rose to color his neck and face.
She straightened herself up and looked him in the eye.
"It was wrong, you know," she said flatly.
Brian looked at the floor and pursed his lips. He knew she was right and he was trying to say something, anything, to let her know that, but no words would come out.
"You shouldn't be using your time at work like that," she said in a scolding tone.
Brian waited for more. He was waiting for her to tell him what a violation it was, how thinking of her in the way the character in his story behaved was perverted and wicked. He waited, but she had stopped talking.
He looked at her again and saw that she didn't seem to be angry; at least not angry in the way that someone about to call Human Resources would look.
"You do know you're wasting company time, don't you?" she said just as the microwave announced her dinner was ready.
She pulled the meal out of the oven and carefully spooned the contents of the dish onto her plate.
"Is that the only reason you were upset with me?" he asked, his heart suddenly beating quickly. He felt that panic attack bubbling near the fringes of his consciousness and swallowed.
She sighed heavily and shifted from foot to foot for a moment.
"When I read that thing," she began as a pinkish blush began to form on her chest and neck, "I was, um, quite surprised to see it on your, um, computer at work!"
The flush of her skin contrasted sharply with the bone-colored button-down blouse she was wearing.
"I thought to myself that it was very inappropriate for the workplace," she said.
Her eyes were on the floor, on the table where her plate sat and on the wall over Brian's head, anywhere but on him.
She sighed again and seemed to be steeling herself to go on. Finally, she refocused on him.
"It was the wrong place to be doing that," she said, "although, I thought the writing was, um, pretty good."
Brian blinked in surprise. He blinked two or three times.
"What?" he said quietly.
"I sometimes, um, read some novels," she said with hesitation. "Novels that, um, I wouldn't, um, recommend for my daughter to read."
Brian leaned back against the door. He was sure he was about to begin laughing hysterically, not a laugh that you let out when something is funny, but a laugh you utter right after they shut the door to the padded room behind you.
"What?" he repeated ineptly.
She blushed even more fiercely and coughed.
"Your story was, um, well written," she said as her throat appeared to be closing down on her. "There were a lot of words in there that I wouldn't use, but, um, you seem to be good at, um, composition."
Brian looked at her as his confusion suddenly began to dissipate.
"Are you saying," he said carefully, "You liked it?"
She pressed her lips tightly together for a moment and shifted from foot to foot again.
"I thought it was," she paused for a second or two which felt like hours to Brian, "you have a talent for writing," she said and then expelled a large breath.
Brian was dumbfounded. He stood staring at her, trying to find the words to say; something he was having a lot of difficulty with these past few minutes.
"Hello!" Serena said as she entered the room.
Serena was the girl who worked with Evelyn. She too was Chinese but slightly younger and much skinnier than her.
"See you later," Evelyn said to Brian, and then squeezed past him through the door and returned to her desk.
Brian tried not to stare after her, instead nodding and smiling at Serena before going back to his own desk.
Working for the rest of that day was impossible. He was no longer worried about being reported for writing erotic stories at work. Instead, his mind was working overtime trying to work out his conversation with Evelyn.
'She said she liked it!' he thought. 'Did she like it because the writing was good, or did she like it because she thought it was hot?
'Or maybe,' the thought process continued, 'she liked it because she knew it was about her.'
Over and over these contemplations flitted back and forth all day. By quitting time, he realized he hadn't accomplished a single thing.
He went home and tried his best to forget about the events of the day. That night in his dreams he had the same conversation with Evelyn in the kitchen, only this time she was completely naked throughout. He kept trying to speak with her, but every time he opened his mouth he could do nothing but stammer as he was overwhelmed with the sight of her unclothed body.
Friday was the longest day he could remember in a long time.
He kept trying to get glimpses of Evelyn all day, but she seemed to be chained to her desk; she didn't come out once.
Still, her comments about his story continued to fill his mind as he tried to work. By the end of the day, he still hadn't accomplished much. He was becoming obsessed.
He was about to shut down his computer when a new email popped up on his screen.
Do you think I could read a copy of your story? Send it to my personal email.
There was a link to a Gmail account below the signature.
Brian studied the message and looked up in time to see Evelyn delivering a file to his boss's desk. She looked straight at him as she approached the desk and smiled.
He watched her with wide eyes as she turned to his boss, dropped off the file and walked away. As always, he couldn't help but stare at her hips. Her short skirt didn't do much to hide anything as her bum swayed from side to side. She turned and looked back over her shoulder at him and smiled more broadly as she saw him checking her out.
He watched the doorway long after she disappeared through it and then hastily opened his own personal email. He copied the link to her account into the send line and then dragged and dropped the Word document into it. He hit send before he could change his mind.
He then went home with visions of Evelyn dancing around his brain.
Saturday came and Brian woke up after a restless night's sleep. He sat up in bed and blinked tiredly.
His sleep had been fitful and he woke with a sense of foreboding.
'What if she takes that document and sends it to her boss?' he thought to himself. 'What if it was a trick to get her hands on the incriminating evidence?'
He came to the conclusion that he was thinking with his little head again and groaned in frustration at having been so easily taken in.
He made coffee and resolved to scan the help-wanted ads. He was sure his job was gone and it was only a matter of time until he was fired. He wondered if quitting before that could happen would be the right thing to do.
He frowned as he sipped at his coffee. He sat at the dining table and ran his gaze to the window. The sun was bright and hot. He went to the balcony and sat at the table out there. He leaned back with a loud sigh and stretched his arms upward.
His phone rang and he looked around for it. He realized it was inside so he scrambled to get to it before it went to voice mail. He hated voice mail!
"Hello," he said.
"Brian!" he heard a woman's voice say. "This is Evelyn."
The pit in his stomach, the hole that had opened up when this whole mess started, suddenly dropped to his feet. His heart rate increased and his hands started to shake.
'My God!' he thought, 'This is it! I am so dead!'
"Hi, Evelyn," he said as casually as he could, "I didn't know you had my phone number."
"It was in your email," she said, "part of the signature."
He hung his head and sighed. Why hadn't he removed that before sending?
"Listen," she said, "I just called to say thank you for sending me your story yesterday. I read it through and I, well, I liked it!"
Brian froze. He remembered her saying she enjoyed what she had read a couple of days ago, but he was still having trouble believing it.
"Really?" he asked in a squeaky voice.
"Yes," she said with a little laugh, "I thought it was good. I only read a small part of it at your desk, but your story is so well put together! I could almost see myself in it!"
"Yourself?" he asked with a surge of panic.
"Yes, the back story was so believable!" she said. "It was easy to imagine yourself being a part of the," she coughed a bit and cleared her throat, "well, being right there while it's all happening."
Brian paused for a moment, swallowed nervously and asked, "What did you think of Yvette? Did I get the female perspective right, do you think?"
There was a pause and he heard her clear her throat once more.
"She was," she said slowly, obviously trying to find the right words, "You wrote about her quite well. It was obviously written by a man, but you were pretty good at making her, um, convincing."
"Okay," he said, nodding to himself and beginning to feel less panicky now. "Well, um, I'm glad you enjoyed it. And, well, you know, it's good to know that I, uh, got the girl's, uh, reactions right."
"Oh, the reactions," she said. "Is that what you meant when you asked about the woman's perspective?"
"Um, yeah, I was worried I wouldn't get it right," he said, "you know, not being a girl and all."
"Oh, the reactions were pretty good," she said. "It was the situation that was a little, um, hard to, um; well, I can't see any woman doing what she did, at least not so easily."
"Oh," he said with a frown, "you mean a woman doesn't want to do what you, I mean, she did?"
"No, it's not that," she said, seemingly having missed his accidental slip. "I didn't say she didn't want to. I'm just saying she wouldn't have done it so quickly, so easily."
"Oh," he said slowly. "Are you saying she was, um, too, uh, easy?"
Evelyn chuckled and he could almost see her blush by the sound of her voice.
"I guess that's one way to put it," she said with a girlish giggle. "It was just, oh, how do I say this without insulting you?"
"I'm not insulted," he said, "Really! I'm just curious to know what I got wrong."
"It wasn't really wrong," she said, her voice going slightly higher in pitch as she spoke. "She was just, I don't know, rushing into things a little."
"You mean," he said as he tried to grasp her meaning, "there should be more foreplay?"
Evelyn giggled again and coughed uncomfortably.
"Oh my gosh," she tittered, "how did I get myself into this conversation?"
"Oh, I'm sorry, Evelyn," he said, "I didn't mean to embarrass you."
She kept giggling a bit and said, "I guess I asked for it, you know, telling you I enjoyed your book, and your book is definitely, um, stimulating."
"Stimulating?" he said more quickly than he intended. "So you did like it!"
Evelyn was now giggling almost uncontrollably. Brian decided he liked the sound.
"I should go now, Brian," she said, "I, um, I really should go."
He pictured her as she spoke, bright red from embarrassment and tittering like a schoolgirl.
"Thanks for the call, Evelyn," he said, "and I am sorry if I embarrassed you."
"That's okay," she said as she tried to stifle her laughing, "I brought it on myself, I think."
"Nonsense!" he said. "I stepped over the line and I shouldn't have done that."
"Talk to you later," she said and hung up.
As soon as Yvette hung up the phone she leaned back in her chair and spread her legs as wide she could. Her nightdress was pulled up around her waist and the front buttons undone to her navel to allow her easy access to her breasts.
All the way through the phone call she had been alternating between caressing her breast and tickling her clitoris. Now with both hands free, she plunged two fingers from one hand deep inside her while the other hand cupped her tit. She pinched the nipple gently and gasped as a shiver of delight surged through her.
She had kept herself on the edge of orgasm throughout the conversation. The sound of his voice on the phone played to her sense of arousal. Even talking about mundane things, she relished the effect he had on her just through speaking.
She cupped her breast and drove a third finger inside her. That pushed her over the edge and she cried out. Anyone hearing may have thought she was crying out in pain, but the delicious wave of pleasure that swept through her was anything but painful.
She lay back in the chair breathing heavily with her eyes closed and her hands still clutching her most intimate parts.
She didn't know it but there was someone who heard; someone who knew very well she was not in pain.
Her husband had returned home and followed the sound of her voice as she spoke on the phone. He was about to announce himself when he came around the corner and spied her in his home office.
She was curled up in his large leather office chair with the desk phone to her ear. She was not naked, but she might as well have been. She was wearing a white nightdress, the one he bought for her shortly after they married. It was mostly see-through and reached down just past her bum. It had buttons down the front that ended almost at the bottom. Those buttons were undone and the front of the garment was pulled wide open to expose her tits. She was not wearing panties.
It quickly came clear to him she was masturbating in his chair and he opened his mouth in awe at the sight.
He had never seen her masturbate before. He never even thought she did it, although whether she climaxed or not during sex with him had never concerned him.
Now he watched her with growing arousal. He could tell by listening to her half of the conversation it was about something to do with the computer system at work, nothing arousing about that assuredly! But she was becoming increasingly excited as she spoke and was caressing herself as the talk went on.
He pulled his cock from his slacks and began stroking it as he watched. By the time she hung up and began playing with herself in earnest, he was dripping pre-cum from his penis. When she cried out in orgasm, he came too. It shot at the doorframe and then dribbled over his hand onto the rug.
He quickly stuffed his cock back into his slacks and quietly went to the garage through the side door, announcing himself loudly as he once again came through the front door.
Evelyn re-read the passage after she hung up with Brian. This excerpt had been the one that came to her mind as she spoke with him. It was not one of her favorite sections, but the similarity of situations had driven these paragraphs to the fore as her conversation with Brian went on.
She hadn't realized before she placed the call how incredibly turned on she was from reading his story. Certainly she knew it had titillated her, and her intention was to call him and let him know how much she enjoyed it. Now she realized she had been much more than titillated.
Her panties were damp and her breasts were calling out to be touched. She was aching for release.
She went to the window to assure herself that her husband's car was gone and went to the den. She sat at the desk and called up Brian's story once more. She scrolled to one of the passages she found most arousing and began to read.
She stopped suddenly and reached up under her mini-skirt and shoved her panties to the floor. She pulled one foot out and placed it on the desk and sat back with a sigh.
Reading the story once more, she placed her hand between her thighs and gently nudged her labia. Very slowly she pushed the folds of skin back and forth and up and down. Her wetness began dribbling out of her and to the leather chair. She didn't care; she had done this before. The smell of her had permeated that chair enough times in the past that it was now part of its character.
Even before she got halfway through the passage in the story, her breath was quickening. She slipped a hand under her sweater and cupped her breast as she continued to manipulate her pussy. She let out a small gasp and put her head back. She placed herself in Yvette's shoes as the woman brazenly straddled Stuart in his office chair. She could almost feel it when Yvette lowered herself onto his pole.
Evelyn was now furiously flicking at her clitoris. Her hips were moving of their own accord and by the time Yvette was ripping her own blouse off and throwing it to the floor, Evelyn was cumming.
She lay back with a sigh of contentment and finished reading the passage on her computer just to remember how it finished; Stuart pushed Yvette to the floor and the two of them climaxed with him pounding into her for all he was worth.
She heard a car pull into the driveway and sat up with alarm. She pulled her panties back up and smoothed her skirt and sweater into place. Feeling the squishiness between her thighs, she decided to put on a fresh pair of underwear as her husband made his way inside.
By the time he was opening the front door, she was pulling a fresh pair of panties from her drawer and burying the wet ones deep into the laundry hamper.
He called out and she answered. She slipped the fresh underwear to her hips and then went downstairs to meet him.
It was past midnight on Saturday and Brian was lying in bed. He lay there with one hand on his cock as he fantasized about Evelyn. In his mind, he saw her masturbating furiously as she read his story. He was sure she wouldn't do that, but his fantasy life was much better than his real life.
He stroked himself gently as he pictured her leaning back in her desk chair at work, her legs spread and one hand pushing urgently against her mound. He could almost smell her arousal as he imagined her driving herself closer to orgasm. She continued to read from her computer with her eyes closed to slits, her chest heaving with desire and her breath coming in gasps. He imagined the contortions her face would make as she came and he was now dripping little droplets of cum as he was ready to explode.
The phone beside his bed began to ring and he furiously pulled his blankets up to his neck. After a brief panic, as if someone had walked in on him, he sat up and looked at his phone display.
It was from a number he didn't recognize and he sighed in frustration. He was about to deny the call when he had the sudden urge to raise some hell with whoever decided it was a good idea to make a phone call after midnight.
As soon as he answered, he heard soft music. He did a double-take and put the phone to his ear once more.
"Hello?" he said in almost a whisper.
He heard a soft gasp at the other end of the phone, a female gasp.
"Hello," he said, "who is this?"
A low moan came through to him and he realized that a woman on the other end of the line seemed to be close to having an orgasm. He shook himself with surprise when he realized he was receiving his first obscene telephone call.
"Hello?" he said once more.
"Oh, yes!" He heard a woman gasp softly. "I'm so close!"
Taken aback at being wakened from sleep, it took Brian a few minutes to regain his composure, but now he was beginning to wake up.
"Please talk to me!" the woman said. "Say something, anything!"
"What are you wearing?" he asked.
"Unh!" she let out a low moan. "I'm only wearing a shirt; a man's shirt."
Brian could feel himself getting aroused by the sound of her voice and began to stroke his cock slowly.
"Are you fingering yourself?" he asked.
"Yes!" the response was immediate and emphatic.
"Is your shirt unbuttoned?" he said.
"All but the last two," she said, "I feel so hot! I feel so excited!"
"Take a picture of yourself and send it to me," he said.
"No!" her answer was again immediate.
He took a picture of himself in the full-length mirror and said, "I'm sending you a picture."
The picture showed him from thighs to head, though the dimness of the room obscured his face. The silhouette of his erect cock showed clearly against the backdrop of the window. He hit send and it was gone.
He heard the girl moan out loud and sigh a few seconds later. "Oh God!" she cried.
"Now send me a picture!" Brian insisted.
"I'm gonna cum!" she whimpered.
"Take a picture," he said, "I want to see it!"
He heard the sounds of movement with small whimpers and gasps thrown in between. A picture of a woman, wearing a long sleeve button-down shirt appeared on his phone. Her left breast was in view; it was well-formed though not overly large. The nipple was a wine-colored red and stood out starkly against her pale skin. Her thighs were spread wide and he could see she had one hand pressed against her mound. The hand covered most of her mons but he could see a patch of jet black hair that looked to be neatly trimmed.
Her hair was cut into a shoulder-length bob and her face was turned slightly to the side. He couldn't make out her face because her hair was drawn forward and down to obscure her features. He could tell she was small but appeared to be very curvy with a rounded bum and nice bust. She was sitting down in the photo so it was impossible to say anything about her height, but her legs were shapely and he longed to run his hands over them. Hers was definitely a body to lust after.
Just then he heard her cry out, much louder this time than before. She was breathing heavily as if she had just been running and was whimpering in a soft voice.
"Oh God!" she whispered, "I came! I'm still cumming!"
Brian began to cum as soon as he heard her cry out. He could imagine her shuddering and shaking as she drove herself over the edge. The semen had plopped onto the floor and dribbled over his hand and was even now beginning to cool into a congealed mass.
"Me too," he said.
"You came with me?" she asked.
"Yes," he said.
"Is it all over your hand?" she whimpered.
"Yes," he replied.
"Mmm," she moaned, "I want to taste it!"
"I want to taste you too," he whispered. "I want to cum inside you!"
"Oh yes!" she moaned. "I would like that!"
"Someday soon," he said, "okay?"
"Yes!" she gasped. "We will!"
Then she hung up.
Brian stood at the side of his bed for a few minutes, breathing heavily. After a long time, he cleaned himself up.
As with all my stories these are truthful recollections of things past, except for the ones which are fantasies (lol) - you choose which you think they are! Names are real in the hope that the people involved will read about themselves and get in touch, (except where because of reasons that should be obvious, it could cause the person to be put in an embarrassing situation)If you enjoy them please give them the thumbs up; if you really like them please comment and if you REALLY like them mail...
Caught! By Jerri Lea When that feeling comes over me, I know I'm going to dress up and go as far as possible. Last night I went further than I had ever gone before. My wife works nights, so I have a fair idea of what time she'll get home, but it can vary an hour or more. The thought of getting caught adds to the spice. So last night I decided to push getting caught as far as possible. Knowing that there would be no way to explain a hairless body, I shaved everything. The feeling of...
Caught diapered This is a story from thanksgiving after visiting family in southern calif. I was driving north on hwy395 on my way to Reno NV. I'm diapered 24/7 after a fall in 84 when I injured my spinal cord I became incontant and must wear diapers. Since I must wear diapers I had decided to make the best of a bad thing and learn to enjoy them. I usually stop at a rest area between Bishop calif. And Big Pine calif. To change my wet diaper but this time I encountered a lady in her...
CaughtBy Ed Kilpatrick E-mail: [email protected] It was always my worst nightmare to get caught in self-bondage, especially while experimenting with cross-dressing. This short story explains how I got caught while enduring in one of my favourite pastimes.My experimentations into bondage cross-dressing grew over the years from a teenager into my twenties and now my thirties. This story takes me back to...
So there I was sitting in the computer chair, back to the door and watching a video of me and the girlfriend, of the time, going at it doggy style. I thought I would have the place to myself for a few hours. The GF was out of town on business and her younger sister was supposed to be at work for a few more hours, I didn’t hear her come in the house. She was staying with us on a summer break from college.It was when I heard a unusual noise from behind me I spun around to see Misty standing in...
“Just what the hell do you think you’re doing?” she blurted out. Here I was caught in the act, without anything close to an excuse. She stood in the doorway with that stone faced expression of hers that let me know I was in major trouble. There was no explaining away the facts that I was lying on the bed with a pair of dark pink nylon panties on, not only looking at pornography but writing it too! What was there to explain? How could I even begin to explain? I’m sure my six-inch hard-on pressed...
Now that my cousin and I were orally and anally involved, we were unstoppable. Two young teenage boys who have a way to get off daily and a partner who is more than willing to offer themselves up as a willing partner, the possibilities are endless. We were insatiable with our sex. We had sex anywhere and everywhere. We did it at night in bed, we did it in the bathroom/taking showers, we did it during the day and in themorning. We did it anythime we wanted it, or the other wanted it. We even...
Growing up in a strict household, I was the quintessential “good girl”. A bookish, straight A student, complete with nerdy glasses and no makeup, I cruised through school without so much as a date. It wasn’t until I was 18 that my body developed the womanly curves that I had craved for so many years.My best friend and closest confidant in those days was David. Our parents’ constant arguing had forged a deep bond between us. When I decided to go away for University, David decided to transfer...
C and I were just two feet apart, both naked and fully erect. I don’t know how we got to this point but I looked in his eyes and saw awareness. If this was a dream it was a consensual one.I slowly stroked my cock. C’s gaze dropped to my hand and tentatively reached out for me. Impatient I stopped stroking myself and grasped his approaching hand and guided it to my cock. At the instant of contact C gasped audibly."I’m not sure…" he said but his hand had a mind of its own and slowly slid up...
This is how I got caught masturbating and lost my virginity to my stepmom.I was still in High School but had just turned eighteen, and was still living with my dad and stepmom, Beverly. I was ashy kind in school and did not get many dates, this lead to lots of jacking off. I did not realize it at the time but not only had my dad married a transsexual, but Beverly liked to sleep around. I later found out my dad, liked it and enjoy hearing her tell about a how she seduced strait guys.So I was...
Hi I wont say my real name for obvious reasons but lets just call me Quailman. This story is about how I got caught jerking off by my girlfriend and she turned it into sex. Well, for starters Im a real pervert in the sense I love porn and am always thinking about sex with women I know or some chick I find attractive and so on. Although I have a girlfriend and love her dearly I still think about fucking other girls although I would never cheat on her. Anyway on a normal day I'd wake up watch...
Caught By Margaret Jeanette Toni Fergusson was on her way home. She had arrived at work and got one of her severe headaches. Dr. Hotchkiss, her boss, told her to go home and rest, and gave her some medication to take when she got home. He cautioned her that she shouldn't drive or do anything dangerous for six hours after taking the medication. She was almost home and glad, because her headache was so severe her eyesight was getting blurry. She pulled into the garage and parked next...
A New Life Chapter 1: The Beginning. Danny loved to wear his sister's clothes when his Mom, Marge and sister, Denise, were gone. He did this absolutely everyday. If he got five minutes alone at home; zap, he was in his sister's room trying on her clothes. His sister was nearly seven years younger than him. She was 8 years old, he was 15 going on 16. Daniel James Norton 'Danny' to all his friends was 5ft 7in tall and weighed around 130 to 135 lbs. He had brown hair and...
Let me start out by saying that I was very much in the closet about my dressing and the fun I have when I'm dressed when this happened. But more and more I kept fantasizing about one of my male friends. He's very good looking and keeps in shape by jogging every day. Several of the times we've gone out boating him and I ended up skinny dipping, so I've got to see his cock several times and have secretly wished I could get him to screw Kristy. He's been divorced for about 5 years and doesn't go...
This story follows on from 'Bouncy Rain' and will make more sense if you read that one first. (link below)Caught!I fumbled about looking for the TV remote and after searching the entire room, found it beneath the cushion I had originally been sitting on. When will I ever learn to look there first? Turning the TV off I noticed the bin was full and grabbed it to take outside. I had to check all the doors anyway and might as well save myself an extra trip. The sky was clear and the moon was almost...
VoyeurI woke up in the middle of the night with a belly-thumping hard on that was so powerful it actually hurt. You know the kind that is so insistant it stretches the skin of your dick tight and pulls you balls up into a painful knot. You feel like you are carrying around a fucking canine prick. I hadn't had one of those in a long time. And it just came on me, bam! No erotic dream or nothing. If Becky were still alive, she'd be down there in an instant sucking on the big fucking thing. She was the...
I had long suspected my wife of cheating on me. I had no definite proof, but I was certain I was right. She was a hot and oversexed lady that had recently seemed less interested in me fucking her. I knew when we married that she had many previous lovers. But that was okay with me because she was insatiable and would fuck my brains out. Her lack of interest in sex made me very suspicious that she had found new lovers.Feeling deprived, I turned to masturbating to internet porn. At first,...
CheatingI saw you walk through the doors. The night mist clung to my clothes as I followed you inside. I got a seat in the back where I could watch you move through the smoky haze of the bar. All night I followed your body as it played pool, ordered a drink, and all the various areas of the bar you walked through. I watched as your hips sauntered past me to some guy with too much alcohol. He pulled you onto his lap and thats where you stayed the rest of the night. I drank my beer as I watched you get...
It seemed to Ken that time had slowed down to a snails pace as he watched the events unfold before him. The door to his sister's bedroom seemed to take forever to open and for Connie to step inside. Connie's head was down as she placed something in her purse before it rose up. That act also seemed to take forever as did her eyes growing wide as she took in the scene in front of her.Ken could blame no one but himself as had been pushing his luck as of late, but never imagined that he would...
CrossdressingOh god, they are going to hear me! Still panting in panic.The sounds of rapidly stripped clothing, coupled with excited giggling help to mask my rasping breath.Shifting slightly, I try contorting myself to get a better view of my twin sister's room. The moans of ecstatic pleasure penetrating my hiding place are threatening to unleash my own badly restrained lust.I can’t believe I was nearly caught again. But her underwear collection was a joy, so much bigger then my own as she had managed to...
IncestSarah had been our babysitter while she was in high school. She was the sweetest young woman I had ever met and our kids loved her. After she went to college, we tried several more of the young girls in the neighborhood, but none lived up to Sarah. My wife and I have two kids, and although they are getting older, they still are not at the age to leave them alone. Usually, we only needed a babysitter on weekends that we had events for work. With my wife’s job, we would attend weekend retreats...
Group SexThe rough floor bit into her knees and the lamp heated unforgiving against her flesh. She could hear him breathing in the shadows, watching her, his eyes boring into her soul. She didn't dare try to seek him out, didn't dare move, even though her knees ached and her heart broke. She knelt perfectly still; waiting for the rest of the punishment he guaranteed would be granted to her this night. She'd always liked this room because pleasure was always gained here, but tonight, it held an ugliness...
BDSM“What the fuck is going on in here?”, asked a middle aged man standing naked at the entrance of the men’s shower. Based on the look on the man’s face the scene in front of him must have really shocked him.It was a late fall Sunday evening and an hour before my friend and I were the only two people swimming at our local rec center. Other than staff we hadn’t seen anyone else in the pool area the whole time we had been there. It was not unusual to find the place primarily empty at that time of...
We'd made love for a couple of hours. We watched a great porno (at least I thought it was) that had three guys in it: one very well hung black guy and two white guys who shouldn't be embarrassed about their equipment. There were two women, one an adorable blonde, and the other, a beautiful brunette. The blonde was definitely the hotter of the two. The premise of the movie was that the blonde was ready and willing to take anything the men offered while the brunette was shy and only wanted to...
I looked over at my wife and she was sound asleep. I got out of bed and went downstairs to the computer. I was obsessing on what it would be like to suck a guy's dick and get fucked up the ass. I searched for m/m sex galleries and ended up with a million choices. There I was, sitting in the dark looking at picture after picture of guys doing each other. I surfed with one hand while my other hand stroked my cock. I was totally turned on by what I was seeing and my mind was putting me in the...
This is NOT a true story. as much as I wish it wasOnce I had locked the bathroom door I made my way to my Cousin Lin's wash basket I was hooked on sniffing here panties. This was before thongs and g-strings came out and they were all either lacy or cotton panties which were still very small and sexy. I must of unloaded hundreds of times in her bathroom whilst sniffing her panties and chewing on her crusty gusset.I had just turned Eighteen and Lin was Twenty Eight, she had a slim body and medium...
Caught. What's a husband to do? How should he punish his wife for cheating? 'She's with him right now, sir. Do you want me to do anything?' 'Yes. Your job. We will put the plan we already discussed into action. We'll be attending the Company cocktail party tomorrow night at the Merriot. I've already booked a room for us and the one next door for your party. We'll be in room 1025, you're in 1023. Just pick up the room key under your own name. It's paid for. Is everything lined...
My name is Melissa. I am a 38 year old house wife and I live with my adoring husband and our dogs, Lucky, Chuck and Mopsy. The reason I am writing this is to tell about an event with my uncle John. I have had a crush on my uncle from the first day I met him. He is in his fifties, but looks ten years younger. Hard work has kept his body in excellent shape, with very little fat on him. We were always flirting with each other, but had never been inappropriate John married my mom's sister Joan...
My story take,s place in the summer 1996 I was 21 it was a hot Friday night, I am a average size man about 185 then , But anyway, Like I said was hot miserble hot , Me and some friends were supposed to swimming ,but our plans got canceled. Well I decided to walk to the near by store and get something to cold to drink, I walked in and bought a 12 pack of Busch light, and a soda for the walk home,. Any way the store was a truck stop there tucks comming and going all hours of the night or they...
I see all these girls with the first time or the first time they got caught dressing and it turns me on looking back and thinking of mine. Well I was young when I started getting into my moms and soon to be step sister’s clothes. My mother divorced my father when I was young but never really knew my dad do to the fact that he was always in the military and my mother was tired of moving place to place. She started dating a man, Rick, which had a daughter, Melissa that was several years...
This story follows on from ‘Bouncy Rain’ and will make more sense if you read that one first. (link below) Caught! I fumbled about looking for the TV remote and after searching the entire room, found it beneath the cushion I had originally been sitting on. When will I ever learn to look there first? Turning the TV off I noticed the bin was full and grabbed it to take outside. I had to check all the doors anyway and might as well save myself an extra trip. The sky was clear and the moon was...
Sara did not hear the door open downstairs. She was completely engrossed in her “alone time” as Mark entered the house undetected. She sat on the bed nude with her legs open, totally preoccupied and was working her fingers lightly on the outside of her pussy teasing her self. The wetness she felt excited her as the arousal intensified. Mark did not call out as if instinctively he knew what he would find. Her laptop was open and she was involved in a chat that had evolved into a mutual...
Barry had a problem. He'd had it since hitting puberty. For some reason he could not explain and was too embarrassed to discuss with a doctor, he often found himself in serious need to, uh, releasing some tension. He wasn't a perv, but even the slightest thing was enough to get him aroused, and the only way to make it go away was to stroke it out. Seeing an attractive woman at the mall. Seeing a hot woman in a television commercial. Anything was enough to cause him to get him locked and loaded,...
You come home early after a hard day at school and as you pull in the drive way you notice there are no other cars. This means your mom isn't home yet. You look around the house just to make sure and once the coast is clear you run upstairs and grab one of your mothers thongs out of the hamper. You take a big sniff at the crotch of the thong to see if you can smell your mothers sex. Smelling your mommies sweet sweet pussy gets you hard and you run in your room closing the door behind you. Once...
IncestCaughtYoung stupid and horny. Just after matriculation and first year at varsity, my friend Marc and I were at our peek horny stage in life where we battled to find times where we weren't rock hard and throbbing to cum. His parents were divorced but who ever his dad had land a MILF (Stacey) who was soon to be his stepmom. Stacey was in her 40s blonde tall, silicone tits sexy ass, cute face which I'd love to cover in my hot cum. She would be any varsity boys fantasy MILF FUCK, and to top it all...
I will set the scene. I was young, it was a saturday night, my mum had gone out clubbing with her friends and her partner (Jimmy, 50yr old male, very tall 6.3ft, big build and slightly chubby) came home drunk after being out with his friends.I was just playing around with wearing my mums clothes, lipstick and high heels. It was the early days of the internet, I would get off watching 5 10 second clips cut from a movie, usually cumshots and bukkake porn, Id often imagine myself in the position...
I didn't hear the garage door open so I barely had enough time to hide my hard-on and zip up my pants before the Marek's opened the door. What I didn't have time for was to stop the VCR. When they came in, they were greeted by the sounds of fucking coming from their widescreen TV and their "Debbie Does Dallas" video that I had found stashed behind all the other tapes.It was my senior year in high school and I hadn't watched the Marek's k**s in years, but they were desperate when they called me....
Caught!!!! =========================== When Beth walked into the room and I was standing there rubbing my cock with her panties, I thought I was dead. I thought my wife Tina had taken our son and his new bride to go get some food while I fixed a door in the closet. It had taken me two minutes. Then I had found the bag of dirty clothes and pulled out the silky red ones I had seen as I carried a load in earlier in the day. All morning I had thought about those panties; that and Beth’s...
My first summer up at college was very exciting. I was having fun hooking up with people I met online. My most embarrassing moment came shortly after I met another college student who happened to be from China. We met online in a m4m chatroom and exchanged a few pics. We got into a private chat and jerked off together chatting about what each of us would do to each other. He was a bottom,like me, but willing to top me if I would do the same. We agreed to meet in public at the library on campus...
Dan was in the Philippines on business - he had just come back from a long day working with the outsourcing contractor his firm had engaged with. Walking into the hotel he noticed a number of people milling about all dressed up - and they seemed to all be dressed in Cosplay outfits. Dan secretly had a bit of a Cosplay fetish - especially for sexy woman in Cosplay outfits that were maybe just a little bit too revealing.Following the crowd he arrived at the convention center in the Hotel he was...
The neighbor who moved into the apartment right next to mine pushedvirtually every button I have - Jessica had long blond hair, bright blueeyes, a gorgeous smile, small perky breasts, a nice, firm ass, and legsthat went on and on and on. To top it all off, her wardrobe was takenright out of my own fetish fantasies - she loved short skirts, tall boots,knee socks, and turtleneck sweaters. Once I even saw her wearing all ofthese items at the same time, and I almost creamed in my jeans. I...
CAUGHT I’d had the horn all day, and watching D pull on her satin panties, tight top and short skirt wasn’t helping any. She was off for a night out with the girls, with the promise that if I stayed up (literally!) until she came home, I would be more than satisfied! She gathered up the clothes she’d taken off and put them in the laundry basket, “how do I look ?” she asked “gorgeous” I replied, and boy was I right “couldn’t you be a bit late going out?” I asked. “Wait until I get home, there’s...
Well I suppose it was always going to happen. When you drive around the countryside of South Wales, park your van, open the side door and have sex. At some point somebody will catch you.It happened to us about 3 weeks ago. It was a typical Welsh Sunday in December - raining and blowing a gale. We decided to go for a drive thinking nobody else would be out in this kind of weather.We headed for a spot on a local mountain that we use quite often. It is only 3 miles fom home and so it would not be...
This occurred when I was younger. I loved to go downstairs in the evening when I know no one in my family would go down there to bother me as I would tell them I need to study and not be disturbed.I really enjoyed the time by myself as I have 4 brothers and a guy needs some only time to jerk off! I was really horny so I unzip my pants and had my cock wrapped in my fist giving it a good hand job. My younger brother walked into the basement through the basement door not knowing that I would be...
Caught by Satin Pantys I am out of town on business and I am ending what has been a long hectic stressful day. So one of my favorite ways of relaxing is spending money on things I like buying, and that is LINGERIE. So, I look up a local lingerie boutique and go and check out the merchandise. It just happens I am wearing a pair of coral satin hi-cut bikini panties from Victoria's Secret, a beige satin and lace camisole and thigh-hi stockings on under my suit today and I'm feeling...
This "drabble" is adapted from one of the "Teasers" I wrote a few years ago, little dramatic monologues telling whole stories in a way, predicaments implying beginnings and endings. Caught A drabble by Vickie Tern "Later tonight we're coming back here with men who'll make us feel glad we're women. So you'd better begin feeling glad right now, no more whining that it's all pretend, that you don't really mean it! Fix your hair and your lipstick, and take off those pantyhose...
I was in the garage with the neighbor boy when my dad walked in and caught us naked and playing with each other. He had his hand betwen my legs and I was stroking his cock which was quite hard. We liked to meet there in the garage and get naked and touch each other. We had ventured in oral sex and finger fucking a lot. I loved when he put his finger in me and we were going to put his cock in me that day but dad came home early.Dad sent him home and d**g me to my room. I was still naked when he...
CAUGHT! By Sissy Maid Sapphire I was returning home from work after a long, tedious week. I was walking up to the house hoping that my roommate Amy was out for the night. I was planning on a relaxing evening, lounging around in some of my favorite women's lingerie, sipping some wine, and reading through some of my favorite sexy TV magazines! The image of that was instantly shattered when I stepped into the house and saw that Amy was seated at the dining room table, reading...
My story take,s place in the summer 1996 I was 21 it was a hot Friday night, I am a average size man about 185 then , But anyway, Like I said was hot miserble hot , Me and some friends were supposed to swimming ,but our plans got canceled.Well I decided to walk to the near by store and get something to cold to drink, I walked in and bought a 12 pack of Busch light, and a soda for the walk home,. Any way the store was a truck stop there tucks comming and going all hours of the night or they...
Sara did not hear the door open downstairs. She was completely engrossed in her “alone time” as Mark entered the house undetected. She sat on the bed nude with her legs open, totally preoccupied and was working her fingers lightly on the outside of her pussy teasing her self. The wetness she felt excited her as the arousal intensified. Mark did not call out as if instinctively he knew what he would find. Her laptop was open and she was involved in a chat that had evolved into a mutual...
MasturbationI knew I shouldn't have been doing it. I knew it was wrong, but I just couldn't help myself. When I woke he was gone and the red, silk sheets felt so nice, so smooth all over my skin. I started running my hands over my breasts, just like you did last night, teasing and tugging at my nipples, pinching them a little now and again. My other hand started on my stomach and ever so slowly made its way down, first along my hips, then inside my thigh and finally to my lips, tracing the finger lazily...
Holly Brown, a young 32 year old school teacher, was preparing for the day andalso for after school. She taught business subjects to the ninth and tenthgrades and she always had the hots for the younger kids, but especially forthe young girls. Holly had always picked out one or two of the girls to hiton, and this year, she had picked out Allison Johnson, a young girl of 15 inthe ninth grade. Holly had planned a special after school detention for Allisonand hoped it didn't get her fired, but she...
When I was almost nineteen years old, one year out of high school, I spent my free time just having fun with friends. I worked a part-time job as I tried to figure out my life. My parents did not have money to send me to college like so many of the rich kids I went to high school with. Weekends were just times to hang with friends.I was as flat-chested as could be back then. I was five feet two inches and barely one hundred pounds. I was a cheerleader in high school. Always the one at the top...
TrueBeatriz did her best to not roll her eyes as her coworkers gossiped about the men in the office. She idly sipped her drink and nodded at the appropriate times. Office outings were painful but they assured that she fit in and that mattered in any workplace. When her lips found nothing but ice in her glass, she excused herself and made her way through the press of people. She caught the eye of the bartender, ordered her drink, and leaned against the bar while she waited. "May I buy you a...
Tonight I really wasn't in the mood to go out but then sitting at home for the evening wasn't appealing either so I forced myself to slip on a dress, light makeup, spritz of cologne and go to see a small theater showing of a light opera a co-worker had told me was very good. A small fender bender up ahead in traffic delayed my arrival. Making my way gingerly down the aisle in the near darkness to my seat counting off rows as I went finding the proper one, then looking down the length of it I...
What must be going through his head as he had watched his mother being fucked by his best friend. Groaning in shame and regret, she roughly pushed Sammy away. What would Timmy do, she wondered as the bed shook and shuddered as Sammy rolled away from her. Then she saw her son staring at the secret place down between her legs. Thank goodness there's not much light, she thought as she pressed her legs together trying to hide the offending wound from his prying eyes. "Mother," he gasped...
My live-in girlfriend, Katie, travels a lot for business. I don't really like it, but I know she has earned the position she's in, which takes her all over the country. Mostly I don't like it because I get left behind a lot. Oh sure, it's fun for the first couple of days. I can toss my dirty sock in the middle of the living room floor, eat greasy take out in front of the TV, and even meet my pals out to watch the game on the big screen down at the corner bar. But, at the end of the night, I...
As I came home from work, and called to my wife, she answered from the den. She was surfing on the net and checking her email. I entered the room and asked how things were going. OK she replied. I have a question for you however. I found some pictures on your computer, and am curious how they got there. I could feel my blood pressure beginning to heighten. Pictures, what do you mean? Damn. I was caught! I had many kinky pictures on my PC and many of them were of big juicy cocks and cumshots!...