Exploiting My Advantages 1 free porn video

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She was sitting right across from me. Only a dusty glass coffee table separated us, rooted in an old brown shag carpet. The air was scented with wisps of her clove smoke, simultaneously sweet and pungent. She was slightly hunched forward, revealing the perfect cleavage of her CCC breasts. She was 45. She looked 35. And my cock loved it.

But more than just her appearance, it appeared my cock loved her desperation. And her misery. At the time, I did not understand it. But I had no choice, but to go with it.

"I just cant make ends meet. And I will NOT be homeless!"

I didn't know who she was trying to convince, me or herself. I found I didn't care. "What's the mortgage on this place? $1,500 a month?" I looked at the cracking drywall, unsure why anyone would be so attached to such a shitty, small place.

"It's $2,200." Sheepishly, she formed the words.

"But the rent for the room is only $800"

"I've been using my savings for the rest.  I've basically run out, which is why I can't offer you a real lease.  In about 9 months, the bank will foreclose.  I'm already behind, but while they're getting their check they won't foreclose yet.  And I don't have anywhere to go, and no place will rent to me because I don't have an income.."

Now, a little about myself. At the time, I was 28. I had been a member of the bar since I was 24. $2,200 a month didn't seem like more than I could afford, not that anyone would spend anywhere near that to own this place.  But the despair which had laced her recitation of the number gave me an edge I had never seen in myself before, one that I didn't know I had. The logical thing to do was to just walk away.  But I found that I didn't want to.  I decided to see where this could go.

"I mean, I am definitely looking for a place to stay, but I don't know why I would want to live in a place being foreclosed on, even if it would buy you a few more months"

Seeing the first tear well up was almost more than I could bear in that moment.  I briefly wondered how a person's life could bring them to such a juncture.  From our email exchange I already knew that she had been a mortgage broker, and was left devastated by the 2008 crash.  But I wondered where her family could be, and how someone reaches their 40's with no one to care for, and no one to care for them.  Not on this day, but I would later find out that her husband left her after she cheated.  There was a part of me that really felt bad.  But that part was in the small minority.

"Then why you might as well leave."  The edge was sharper, the desperation thicker in her voice.

A seemingly small decision, I had no idea how it would change my life.  "No, I need a place fast."  Dropping the check on the coffee table, and I got up to leave, but felt a familiar pressure building in my balls, "I'll see you soon."


When I first moved in, it was like any other place.  We mostly tried to not get in each other's way, and quickly established a routine.  I went to work all day, and the gym afterwards.  When I came home, I took a long shower in the hall bathroom, and then retired to my room.  She was usually in the living room, a drink of tequila on her coffee table, and wisps of clove smoke above her head.  She dressed plainly, in jeans and a t-shirt, but after a few drinks she would change into her robe and night gown.  She seemed to be an alcoholic, steadily drinking from whenever she woke up.  By the wee hours of the morning her speech was always slurred and her gait was wobbly.  I remember wondering if there was sexual tension, or if it was just my own wishful thinking.  So I always played it cool.  I never let on how badly I wanted to fuck her, but I did.


About two months in, I had a shit day at work.  14 hour days get old fast.

Getting home late, I knew she would be drunk.  More annoyed than anything else, I was hoping I wouldn't have to see anyone or interact with anyone.

Walking in, I could already tell she was already tipsy.  "Hi ****!"  She was so excited to see me that I almost felt bad mumbling something incoherent and heading for the shower.  She had no interaction with anyone except me, and her invalid dad in hospice care 500 miles away.  And she only spoke to him about once a month.  Still, I didn't have the patience for conversation, and headed off to the bathroom.

The hot water felt amazing washing over my body.  My hand immediately dropped to my swelling chubby.  But just as I was starting to hit my stroke, my blackberry went off.  14 hr day, and now I can't even rub one out in peace.  To say I was frustrated would be an understatement.

A wet hand reaching for my blackberry, I skimmed the email; a new apartment complex I had applied to finally had an opening.  I was approved, and could move in at the end of the month.  That was....4 days away?  Not much on advance notice, eh?

Going back to my relaxation, I began to imagine her perfect milf lips on cock, her perfect milf tits hanging as she slurped.  I almost came from the thought alone.  Then inspiration struck.


She was chatting away, as only the lonely and buzzed can do.  From everything to nothing, she just kept yapping.  I wasn't listening anymore, as she hand been gently stroking my arm throughout her soliloquy.  I was thinking about my situation.

The way I saw it, she needed me.  I didn't need her.  I could move out in mere days, and she would be foreclosed on.  Even if I didn't move out for the 9 months it was going to take the bank to foreclose, it was looking like she was going to be homeless then.  So...I decided to test my theory.  I just cut her off mid sentence.

"I'll be able to move out in a week or so."

She stopped mid syllable and looked as if I slapped her.  I could see the fight against tears start a moment later.  I won't describe the indignant cavalier responses melting into increasingly desperate and angry phrases.  Then came the crying.  Perfect.

"You don't have to be homeless"

She stopped at that to look up.  I knelt down gently, and picked her up, legs over one arm, and back cradled by the other.  Walking her back to her bedroom, she must have made a choice.  I could see terror, but she didn't stop me.  My raging erection straining against my shorts, the walk down the carpeted hallway seemed to take forever, and I was drinking it in.

Laying her down on the bed, face down, I reached under her to unbutton her jeans.  They were snug around her rounded ass, but they gave and came off.  I flipped her over long enough to pull her shirt over her head.  And then remove her bra, her perfectly shaped CCC cups were now exposed to me, small alabaster hills, with the hints of veins; pink silver dollar sized areolas, each capped with pencil erase.  She was too perfect, crying and naked.

Looking into her tearing eyes was almost more than I could stand.  I wanted to go slow, and relish every moment, but I had a point to make.  Besides, I reveled in the idea of knowing that this would become her daily life.  I just needed her to know it too.

My raging erection, restrained only by boxers, was rubbing the soft inside of her thigh.  I whispered in her ear, almost panting the words in my lust; "This time, we won't worry about restraints, or anything fancy.  This time is just about your submission to me.  While I live here, I own you.  The rules will come later, but right now it's enough for you to simply know you're owned. I'll always make sure the mortgage is paid, and you have enough money for food, and your Tequila.  You won't ever have to do any real work, but you will understand that you exist for my pleasure."

I waited for her to say something, positioning my cock at the head of her perfect little snatch, short trimmed brown hair teasing my precum down my shaft.  Only a slight rasp in her inhale met me.  I grabbed her neck.  "Say I own you, cum slut"

"You own me."

She screamed as I tried to plunge all of the way in.  She was soaked, but I only made it halfway, before repositioning for the next thrust.  Feeling her lips squeeze down my shaft, gripping the soft skin on my taint was almost too much.  My mouth found her pink nipple, and I squeezed it against my top teeth with my tongue.

 After a dozen thrusts, my body convulsed and my world exploded, as I spasmed my relief deeply into her.  It was only then that I noticed she had squirted all over the comforter.  The full implications of our mixing cum didn't immediately sink in, as I lay on top of her, drifting into sleep.


Waking up the next morning, I was still naked and surprised to find myself still in her bed.  She lay next to me, still fast asleep.  Her chestnut hair framing her squaring head.  Her torso lay above the covers, her perfect pink nipples erect in the morning chill.

Not knowing why I was being stealthy, I slowly extricated myself from her huge California king.  The 70s esque brown shag muffled my steps.

Finding my jeans, and sliding them on, I knew what I had to do.  An adult toy store was no more than 10 mins away, and even that seemed too far.  Walking the aisles, I wasn't sure exactly what I was looking for, until I found them:  a simple collar and a set of bed restraints.  The collar had two chains, each ending in a nipple clamp.  I couldn't wait to see them around her nipples.  The restraints were simple, but effective; heavy cords meant to run under the bed, with each end terminating in a nylon cuff.  They wouldn't cut off circulation, but they weren't for show.  There was no getting out of them.

Stopping only once more, at a local supermarket, I headed home.

When I got home about an hour later, she was clothed in jeans and a t-shirt, hair freshly washed, sitting in her chair.   The bag in my hand was a nonde*********** black plastic shopping bag.  I made eye contact with her, but I purposefully didn't speak to her.  She stared back, watching me head for her room, not uttering a sound.

It took me long enough to set up the restraint system that I assume she must have known what I was doing.  I laid out the collar on the bed, my cock raging against my jeans.  I walked past her again, still in silence, out the front door and headed for the trunk of my car.  Grabbing the groceries, I headed back inside.  Once in, I locked the door behind me.  It's audible click caused my mouth to begin to water, and caused my cock a sense of vertigo.

Making sure her eyes were fixed on me, I restocked her bar with two large bottles of Tequila silver, her favorite.  In the refrigerator went all manner of food, some of her favorites (she had mentioned these in previous Tequila fueled monologues).  We officially had fuel for the weekend.

Once done, I walked to the big picture window directly in front of her, and closed the shades.  Turning around, the sight of her was mesmerizing.  She really was this desperate.  This was going to work.  Without a word, I unceremoniously pulled on my belt, and my already baggy jeans fell to the floor.  I wasn't wearing boxers.

I bent over slightly, braking eye contact only to gawk at cleavage.  Without looking up, I gently gripped her throat, and pulled until she stood.  Once she was on her feet, I pulled her close, my cock flattened against her midriff.

I whispered in her ear as I picked her up "today we have to discuss the rules."

It was only a few short steps to the bedroom, and I placed her on the bed, face up this time.  I never broke eye contact while undressing her, and I started to ad lib.  In hindsight, it occurs to me that for someone who ***********s his words thoroughly, it was surprising that I didn't really have a plan.  I had a blank check, and I knew it.  I was speaking from the cock.

"I'm going to just take over the mortgage payment.  You've got 9 years left, and I don't know if I'll want to do this that long, but for now, just give me the bills.  In return, I get a slave.  A beautiful MILF slave."

She nodded.  And even that slight exercise of free will was enough to set me off.

"I don't think you understand me."  Grabbing her by the hair, I flipped her over.  Closing the cuffs around her hands, my cock between her shoulder blades, she moaned slightly, her tiny torso being crushed under my weight.  Then, backing up, I separated her ass cheeks, so her pussy was gaping ever so slightly.  That perfect pink hole that I was about to destroy.  This time I did notice the moisture, dripping from her perfect lips.

I plunged my cock in as hard as I could, my pelvis pile driving down. Now, I'm not porn star big, but I have been blessed.  Especially in width.  And my 28 yr old frame hadnt lost all of the muscle tacked on over 4 years of collegiate rugby.  Even though I had a baby face, I also had broad shoulders and wide thighs. I was nothing if not strong.  Her scream turned my dick into something that could cut diamond.

As I began to jackhammer, I couldn't get over how wet she was.  Her first gushing orgasm came on the 4th or 5th stroke, and by the 30th, she was screaming incoherently.  I thrusted as hard as I could, ramming my cock into her drenched cunt, my pelvis driving into her prone ass cheeks, sending ripples from every hammer blow.  She was pure grace, and I was fucking her silly.

Eventually, she began to whimper, soreness overriding pleasure.  I pounded harder, driven to fury by her pain.  I was drinking in every delicious syllable, and when she began to plead it was too much.  "Please, oh God, please no.  Please no more.  Oh God, no"

I pushed forward as far as I could, and grabbed her hips pulling them backward.  So deeply inside of her that my balls were being pushed backwards by her labia, I finally came inside her.  Laying on top of her back, my cock soaking in her, I caught my breath.

I pulled out with a slurp, and spun her around.  Freeing the cuffs from the cables but leaving them tied to each other, I pulled her to the floor, kneeling.  I sat with my legs hanging off the bed, one on each side of her.

"Suck me hard again"

Without a word, she slowly licked the mixed cum off of my shaft, and took my head in her mouth.  Reaching for my balls with her cuffed hands, she gently but firmly pushed them back, making all of the skin taught.  My head swelling, she slowly worked it over with her tongue, the slightest vacuum in her mouth.  Unbelievably it was only minutes until I was emptying my balls again, this time into her stomach.  Each pulse soaked her tongue and the back of her throat with my now watery cum.

Spent, and floating on endorphins, I wanted to drift off to sleep.  But there was a point to make.  Without a word I stood, now towering over her.  Reaching for her collar, I gently guided her to her feet.  She was crying, and an ocean ran down her legs.  Laying her on the bed, I restrained her spread eagle, this time face up.  I lay on top of her, gently tonguing at her nipples and the underside of her perfect breasts.  Sliding the collar around her neck, I started talking to my captive, savoring the feel of her naked body under mine. "It doesn't have to be so bad. You wont have to work.  Its not like you have any friends.  I cant make you happy, but you'll be taken care of, as long as you remember one thing.  I own you like I bought you.  Because I am, I'm doing just that.  Buying you. You wont ever tell me no, to anything."

She was breathing heavy, and nodded her submission again.

Just laying on her, I could feel my cock begin to fill with blood.  I whispered gently in her ear some of the things which were floating through my mind.  "I'm putting your clothes in storage.  You'll be wearing your collar and your robe when I get home, and nothing else."  Slipping into her, with felt like being coated in warm, wet silk.  Feeling as if we were permanently joined at the pelvis, I began to slowly move in and out as I spoke.

"If you want or need anything, you ask me."  At the end of every sentence, I pushed a little harder inside her.  "The only thing you need to worry about is keeping my balls completely empty.  The arrangement ends when I don't think you're worth the few thousand a month that you're going to cost me."

I could feel her beginning to tighten around me, shallow moans mixing with her panting.  For some reason I was almost irked at the fact that she so clearly enjoyed this; young and still unaware of the beauty of a true submissive, I wanted to feel like I was extracting a price from her.  But the sheer ecstasy my conquest left me beyond the petty.  This was by far the greatest thing that had ever happened in my life.  What I didn't yet understand was that the same was true for her.

Her contractions pushed me over the edge yet again; the sweet ache of satiation radiating out from my glans as what few remaining drops of cum I had rocketed into her soaked cunt.


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Exploited College Girls Alex

During the summer of 2012, I had been out of college for seven years. I had a girlfriend and we had been going out for about 7 months. I came home from my awful job to find one of the neighbors and my girlfriend in bed together. We broke up that night and I was in a complete state of disarray. I didn't know what to do with my life because I had no girlfriend and my job sucked. The only thing I knew was that I sure missed college at this point. Thats when I decided I would "go back" to college...

1 year ago
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Exploited By Elder Sister Soniya Part III

Hello friends, thanks for your responses for both my stories posted previously. Continuing with the adventure of incest, this incident changed four lives on the night of “Raksha Bandhan those who are reading my experiences for the 1st time, this is Rahul, born with so called “Platinum-Spoon” living in Bangalore. Now at the age of 23, I live the best of lives in Bangalore- Good Food, good wine and hot chicks almost every night. One of the Bangalore’s party and sex animal, of-course “No Strings...

1 year ago
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Exploits of Jay

Chapter 1 Jay was a ten year old who lived in one of our larger cities, he was a happy boy usually, took life as it came, with little or no complaints. His one drawback, if one could call it that, was the fact that he was so pretty, not handsome, pretty, like girl pretty if you know what I mean. Jay lived with his dad and mom in a four room apartment small enough that there were few secrets in the house hold. When his folks had sex, he heard every word, every little sigh or groan and the...

3 years ago
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Uncle Devon Takes Advantage

When Kristina was only twelve, my sister teased, "It seems as though your little niece has a crush on her handsome Uncle Dev." From then forward, whenever I was around the youngster and no one was paying attention, I purposely encouraged that 'puppy love' she held for me. She tried not to be obvious in her flirting, but it was pretty obvious how much she liked me, although I must say that my niece did manage not to show her feelings when others were around. Of course her mom knew, but...

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My Story Turning It to My Advantage

My Story: Turning It to My Advantage Part I I came back from my trip to take care of my mother in Los Angeles three days early. I parked in the driveway and took my bag in the house. I went in the bedroom and changed into my bathing suit and started to go out back to the pool. When I got to the double doors leading out I stopped in my tracks. My husband was sitting in one of the deck chairs and our pool boy, Adolfo, was on his knees in front of George giving him a...

2 years ago
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Naughty Nieces Take Advantage

Naughty Nieces Take Advantage(Sequel to “Younger Niece Blackmails Uncle) By billy69boyI awoke the morning after my grocery store romp with Mary, feeling warm kisses being planted on my neck and chest by my wife, Barbara. When I opened my eyes, she had a wide grin on her face. She hugged me, actually squeezed me: “you were quite the Wild One last night,” she said, “what got into you?” I shrugged, and returned her embrace. “I don’t know, maybe food shopping gets me horny,” I replied, not...

1 year ago
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Taking advantage

“I still desire you,” Ginger sang along to the song. Something in the way my sister was looking me in the eye and then staring at my crotch as she sang troubled me. “What does that mean?” “Come on. Don’t pretend you deny feeling the same way about me. Ever since that night of your senior prom, when I had to put you to bed and we ended up rassling until you blew a load all over my tits, haven’t you wanted to redo it, but sober? Or sort of sober anyhow.” Ginger rose up across the table, looking...

2 years ago
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Taking Advantage

All Rights Reserved "Taking Advantage" by tcs1963 Tommy lay there butt ass naked in a strange house on the sofa, between two very large men who were also naked, with their hard cocks sticking straight up into the air. Men he had just met in the bar that night. All of them stroking and playing together. Blake and Charlie were bringing Tommy's little body ever closer to cumming hard. Blake was slowly squeezing and stroking his boy-size six-inch cock while massaging his balls with the...

2 years ago
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Alice Her boss takes full advantage

“Hi Alice, Paul here” “Hi Paul, what’s up?” “Well Alice, I’m back in work tomorrow and I’d like you to dress how you did the other times. Remember like we discussed?” “Yes yes I remember Paul” “Good. I might need you to stay late tomorrow as well Alice, that won’t be a problem will it?” “No Paul of course not” “See you tomorrow then Alice” “Bye” I heard the conversation clearly as I made Alice put it on loud speaker. He wanted her to stay late alright; Paul couldn’t...

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Taking advantage

As I got closer I discovered that what I had noticed only as a slight movement from a distance, was in fact a young girl, no more than 16 years old, sitting on a fallen log. She was slumped forward and held an open can of beer in her hand, her long curly blonde hair obscured her face as I approached, but she jerked her head up to look at me when she heard me approaching as I got closer. She was obviously very drunk, and had been crying, but despite this she was still outstandingly beautiful,...

3 years ago
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My Cousin Took Advantage

Hey guys! My name is Simran and this is my second story on ISS. I am a 1990 born girl and I am pretty crazy for sex. I mean going a week without sex is really a challenge for me. Describing me now I am 5’8” tall and d cups boobs with a figure 36 24 34. Now coming to the story, the story is of the time when I was studying in college in Delhi University. We had a three days straight holidays but my home was far enough that going there was a waste. So I decided to pay my cousin in Noida a visit....

1 year ago
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Hometown Advantage

?You?ve got to be kidding Hometown AdvantageBy Tcheser ?You?ve got to be kidding?? Rick asked in disbelief when Gail finally told him the secret she had promised to tell earlier. He couldn?t believe what she had just told him about the gorgeous blonde woman they had all been eyeing that evening. The woman they had all wanted to fuck or at least dance with, but hadn?t had the courage to speak to. So flabbergasted was he that he nearly upset the little table they and his pals, Joe and...

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Becky Part 1 Broken Hearts and Broken BonesChapter 6 Unfair Advantage

I couldn’t sleep on Thursday night. Every time I drifted off into a dream, Becky Finklestein would show up and make it a nightmare. Sometimes she was Wonder Woman, flexing her pecs in that red and gold halter top. Sometimes she was Supergirl, with every impossibly cut muscle visible under her blue tights as bullets bounced off her harmlessly. Once she was the Hulk, but with orange freckles instead of green skin. And bigger. Her eyes burned with anger as her muscles exploded out of her purple...

1 year ago
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Taking Advantage

It was nine o’clock in the evening and Sean sat in front of his computer. He smiled to himself as he logged onto his favourite website and waited. He watched as friends seemed to log in and out, but he was waiting for one in particular: Monica.Sean was a horny, perverted man of thirty-five who loved nothing more than chatting with his cute-as-a-button friend who was only twenty years old. There was a sound and he looked to see that she had come online. It was especially naughty for him to chat...

1 year ago
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Social Worker Takes Advantage

You know it’s wrong. How do you stop it? Why should you stop it? Is there some primal need in you so desperate to explore the dark but oh so sweet side, taste the forbidden fruit, just once, only once, you promise yourself, knowing damn well you’ll break that promise……Summer. She begged you to take her away from her ‘useless as fuck family’ (her words), she followed you out of the house and got in the passenger seat of your van before you knew she was there. You were at breaking point with the...

2 years ago
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Holiday spying and taking advantage

I went on holiday years ago with a girl I lived with at university, she was going out with a mate of mine and I was going out with a mate of hers so no risk of anything happening. After an OK flight the transfer seemed to go on forever in the old taxi on 3rd world roads. Needless to say we were relieved to finally arrive at the hotel until checking in to find they had lost our booking and were fully occupied. After much discussion, showing e- mails and general frustration we were upgraded to...

3 years ago
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My Cousin Took Advantage

Hey guys! My name is Simran. I am a 1990 born girl and I am pretty crazy for sex. I mean going a week without sex is really a challenge for me. Describing me now I am 5’8” tall and d cups boobs with a figure 36 24 34.Now coming to the story, the story is of the time when I was studying in college in Delhi University. We had a three days straight holidays but my home was far enough that going there was a waste. So I decided to pay my cousin in Noida a visit. So Friday evening I took a bus to...

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taking advantage

Being the boss is no fun except when you are a woman and all your employees are men.I was single and not getting much so when one of the guys approached me anf said he had wet dream involving me i was wet at the thought. There he was in bed with his wife dreaming if me!I couldnt believe what i was hearing. He was younger than me by 10 years and good looking too.Seemed there must be a mistake, some sort of joke.After he left i thought of what he said, my juices were flowing, i needed to relieve...

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Julies Mom takes advantage

I was a lucky guy in high school. I had a really hot girlfriend who was almost as horny as I was all the time. Her Mom was single, having been divorced about 5 years ago. She worked as a nurse and was always working extra shifts and odd hours to make more money. Usually I would bring Julie home from school, we would fuck, nap, fuck, do our homework, fuck and then her Mom would get home around 8 or 9. I had a decent relationship with Julie's Mom, whose name was Stacy. She seemed to think I was...

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Episode 22 8211 Kiran8217s Loss Anita8217s Advantage

Anita’s dream had finally come true. Not only she got rid of Kiran, she also succeeded in winning over Reddy’s attention too. Last day she had pretended a muscle pull at his gym and had invited him over, at her flat, for a personal massage session. Reddy didn’t mind either. He was initially disturbed with Kiran’s sudden disappearance, but promptly switched his attention towards Anita to make out most of what was available. And so finally, Anita was with her dream lover. They started casually...

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Bath Tub Advantage

Hi all, I have been regular reader of ISS since long and I wanted share my first introduction to sex. I have always been concerned that those people who would read it might recognize me and have been afraid. But today I am taking that risk sharing it. First I will tell something about me, I am Darshan staying in Ahmadabad, married and 28 yrs old. This story is when I was a teenager and have started getting erection. I was yet to get my public hair and had not even seen nude pictures of any...

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Jenna and the Home Field Advantage

I was at a football game watching party the other night. It was at a house in town, but I didn’t really didn’t know the host. I was visiting PA from out of state and was invited at the last minute by one of the regulars. There were five of us and the host’s wife. Her name was Jenna. She was a smokin’ hot chick with shoulder length hair and a very tight body. She was fired up about the game and wearing a team jersey and very short blue jean cutoffs, that really showed off her fantastic legs. She...

2 years ago
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African Officials And How They Take Advantage

Several friends and acquaintances told us of affairs with government officials usually at the urging of their husbands to help them obtain permits, like renewal of work permits, exchange control licenses, even driving licenses for teenagers. Work permits were particularly difficult to obtain since it involved several departments. First, a certificate was needed proving that the expatriate was training an African understudy. This involved the Ministry of Education. Next, it had to be shown...

1 year ago
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Mums Friend takes advantage

It was during the summer and we had a family BBQ including a few of my parents friends, As the afternoon drew on, one of my parents friends asked if she could borrow me for a bit to do a little gardening for her. She was no model but she was in good shape, loved her running, quite pretty and had a big pair of breasts. So we jump in the car for the very short ride to hers, chatting the usual rubbish. When we got to hers, she quickly directed me to the garden and the huge sack she had ready for...

Erotic Fiction
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The Case of the Missing WomanChapter 7 The Aftermath

Percy awoke to the smell of ammonium carbonate (Smelling salts). It made him turn his head and that movement hurt. One of the EMT's started cautioning him to lie still while they checked him out. Percy's awareness slowly returned as he laid there. First he remembered running into the tree, and falling, and then he remembered the reason why he was running in the dark. Percy spotted a State Trooper hovering around him and asked, "The women?" The Trooper just shook his head "No". "We...

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Scratching an itch

I really couldn't understand how I could go from a video booth feeder to a full blown cocksucker. Couldn't believe how much pleasure I got from the feel of a hard cock in my mouth, the smell of a mans musk, and the texture and taste of his cum. It always seemed like I was riding some electrical charge that kept me always on edge. No, it didn't take long to figure out the best times to be in position to get as much cock as I could handle. Saturdays noonish the Second Avenue bookstore would...

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