Exploited, Dennis free porn video

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Dennis Taylor calmly applied his eyeliner and bright red lipstick, the transformation was nearly complete. There were five of the biggest black cocks in the porn industry waiting for his alter-ego Denise in the next room. As he finished getting ready, he thought back to how it all began.
It all began five years ago at a party at his buddy Jim's house. As everyone sat around drinking the cheap beer that normally served as refreshment at junior high school parties Jim had pulled him aside. Every guy there had come hoping to score with a girl, but as usually happens, the three girls who came, did so with their boyfriends. Jim led him to his bedroom and closed the door behind him. "Wanna do some lines", he asked and pulled out a small baggie of white powder.
Dennis had smoked some pot before but had never tried coke. Nevertheless, he agreed and was immediately hooked on the rush of the d**g coursing through his young body. It made him feel so alive while squashing his normally crushing inhibitions. He even managed to talk to Wendy Miller that night and if the cops hadn't come while he was beating up Todd, her boyfriend, might have even scored.
It was a few months later that he discovered that cocaine could be smoked, he never went back to snorting it again. There was nothing like the rush he got after a good hit of crack, he was addicted. Now some people may say that cocaine isn't addictive, and physically they may be right but mentally, Dennis was hooked. He quickly decimated the savings account that he's set up for a car and was soon even stealing from his parents to support his habit, which was until the day he decided to cheat Tyron, his dealer. He'd printed a few twenties and stuck them in between a couple of real ones in the hopes that Tyrone wouldn't notice. He did and was understandably pissed.
Later that afternoon, the big black guy found the skinny little white k** riding his bike into the hood, about to pull the same trick. He pulled his old Cadillac in front of the boy and stepped out with a 9mm already drawn. "Git in the motherfuckin' car", he hissed, and almost ready to piss himself, Dennis did. The further Tyrone drove them into the black section of town the more afraid the boy became. In this part of Florida neighborhoods were still very much segregated. He watched sullenly as they passed through litter strewn streets lined with boarded up buildings. He noted the people who walked those streets, all of them black and destitute. It was a far cry from the fine trimmed lawns and pink flamingos where he lived with his sister and white middle class parents.
Tyrone pulled the shiny black Cadillac into the driveway between two buildings which looked like they would have been condemned in any other part of town. He parked the big old car and told his passenger, "Come with me motherfucker", in no uncertain terms. He led the petite young white boy up the stairs to a door on the second floor and then inside his dingy apartment. Once inside he locked the deadbolt and hurried Dennis to a bedroom in the back of the depressing abode. From a second bedroom, loud rap music was blaring, Dennis wasn't familiar with the song but each time the singer mentioned killing white people it made him cringe. "Sit down in that chair bitch", the dark-skinned d**g dealer ordered pointing to a rusty metal folding chair in the corner beside the unmade bed. "Don't fuckin' move from that spot while I gets me a beer and figure out what to do with your thieving ass."
Dennis was scared, he knew that he was in deep shit with the big black gangster. At best, he figured to walk out of the apartment beaten and bloodied, at worst, he was leaving in a bag. Surely Tyrone wouldn’t kill him over $60, would he? He sat in the cold metal chair as he was told and watched as the angry black man left the room. He fidgeted in the chair, taking in the dismal surroundings when he noticed a small white pebble on the dirty carpet a couple of feet away. One thing that feigning crackheads will always notice is small white pebbles, they look like hits of crack. As scared as he was, the addict took over and he leaned forward as fa as he could go to collect the potential crumb, he could almost reach it. He stretched further, just lifting his bony ass from the hard metal and success, he had the small morsel between his reaching fingers.
It was at that very moment that Tyrone’s brother Jamal peeked into the room. At first all he noticed was the skinny white boy reaching for something on the carpet and he wrote it off as crackheads being crackheads. It was when he noticed the black lacy thong that had rode up above the small white boy’s jeans that he exclaimed, “What in the actual fuck!”
Tyrone heard his brother from the kitchen and hurried back with his beer. Jamal had never been happy with him dealing d**gs and really hated when he brought customers home. What kind of fucking trouble had the little motherfucker caused him this time. “Whatup J”, he asked his older brother as he reached the doorway to his room.
“I came to see you and this cracka was searching your carpet for crumbs.”
“There ain’t nothing in here”, Tyrone explained. He turned to Dennis and yelled, “What the fuck did you find!” Sheepishly the boy handed him the small pebble. “You dumb motherfucker”, he laughed, “This shit came off the damned ceiling.”
Dennis looked up at the old popcorn ceiling and knew that he was right.
“But that ain’t it”, Jamal explained, “Y’all gotta see this.” He grabbed Dennis by the shoulder and yanked him from the chair. “Take your motherfuckin’ pants off!”
Dennis knew at that point that his other secret was out, or about to be. While he considered himself straight, he had always been fascinated by his sisters’ panties, in fact, lately he had taken to wearing them when he jacked off. He had done so that morning and had chosen to leave them on when he went to score some more crack, after all, who would know that he was wearing his sister’s dirty underwear while he was ripping off the niggers down in brown town. Of course, he hadn’t planned on being caught.
“Take ‘em off white boy”, Jamal ordered him again.
Dennis knew better than to refuse and steeling himself for the humiliation he unbuttoned his jeans and pushed them down off his hips. As gravity took over and his pants fell to the dirty carpet his sister’s lacy black thong, his personal favorite, was exposed. He felt the stares of the two black thugs like a physical thing and strangely it aroused him as much as it scared him.
“Gawd damn”, Tyrone gasped as he took in the sight of the young white boy standing there in his black panties. “Yer a damned sissyboy.” Jamal grabbed his crotch and asked his brother if he’d ever had a sissy, he hadn’t. “I ain’t no fuckin’ queer.”
“Man, that don’t make you queer, unless you let them fuck you”, the older brother explained. He then turned to Dennis who was becoming very afraid of where this was going, “Take off your shirt faggot!”
Dennis began to protest that he wasn’t gay and promptly earned a slap to the face that nearly knocked him off his feet. Reeling from the blow he pulled off his t-shirt revealing the matching black camisole that he had on underneath. He cringed when Jamal whistled approvingly. This was getting bad quickly.
“I bet you suck a mean cock”, Jamal stated as he unzipped his fly, “Don’t you sissyboy?”
“I-I-I never sucked a dick before”, Dennis stuttered, “I’m not gay.”
Sensing where his brother was going with this, Tyrone began to fish his own cock from his jeans, “You gonna stand there dressed like a bitch and tell me you don’t like dick?” He began to stroke his rather hefty cock, pointing it at the boy. “Git down on yer knees bitch!”
“But, I’m not gay”, Dennis cried.
“Now bitch”, Jamal ordered. “If you treat me and T right, we might even give you a present”, he smiled and pulled a small bag of white pebbles from his pocket.
Dennis spotted the bag of crack and his resistance was crushed. He dropped to his knees and the dingy carpet and watched in fear as Jamal approached. The black cock that hung from his opened zipper was the biggest that he’d ever seen, and it wasn’t even hard. Fearfully he opened his mouth wide and let the tall black man push his semi-flaccid prick into his virgin mouth. Surprisingly, it didn’t taste bad, really it didn’t have much of a taste at all, as he closed his lips around it and began to suck on it softly. As he slid his lips around the man’s cock it continued to swell and grow firmer in his mouth. There was no way that he could take the whole nine inches of Jamal’s prick, so he began to use his hand as an extension of his mouth and stroked the beefy black prick in time with his head as it bobbed up and down.
“T, you gotta try this”, he groaned as he pulled his cock from the white sissy’s mouth. He watched as his little brother moved in for his turn with the young crackhead’s mouth. Much to his chagrin, Tyrone was even more endowed than he was, by a couple of inches. He watched as the young white boy sucked about a third of his brother’s impressive cock into his mouth, damn it was fucking hot. As the boy began to give his little bro a blowjob, he tore his eyes away and nearly ran back to his room. He found the small tube of lube in the nightstand drawer and shoved it into his pocket. He returned to find his brother still feeding the white sissy his huge cock. “T, lay down on the bed.”
Tyrone pulled his dick free from the boy’s warm wet mouth and laid down on his bed. He waited as his brother loaded a stem with a hit of crack and handed the girly boy a lighter. As Dennis took two long pulls of the d**g into his lungs, Tyrone stroked his huge cock.
Dennis was surprised by the offered d**g and greedily took two hits from the small glass tube. Feeling the d**g coursing through his system he allowed himself to be guided up onto the bed. Jamal positioned him on his knees near the edge of the unmade mattress before dropping his face down onto Tyrone’s big dick. Maybe sucking cock wasn’t so bad he thought as he pumped the big black shaft into his mouth. He was so focused on pleasuring Tyrone that his brain didn’t register that Jamal had pulled the lacy black thong to the side and was now rubbing something greasy around his asshole. That was, until the first finger pushed inside of him. There was no doubt in his d**g addled brain what was coming next, so he braced himself.
Jamal saw the boy jump a little as he pushed his greasy finger into his ass and smiled. The sissy’s panty clad ass was so tight around his finger he couldn’t wait to get his cock inside of it. He squirted a little of the thick lubricant onto his shaft and spread it over his bulbous knob. He lined his throbbing member up with the boy’s glistening pink asshole and pushed. Slowly he began to push passed the boys ring and into his incredibly tight virgin asshole.
Instinctively, Dennis tried to get away from Jamal’s intruding prick. Unfortunately, with Tyrone holding his head on his dick and his brother holding his hips, there was no place to go. It felt like Jamal was shoving his fist into his guts as his asshole stretched to accommodate the big black cock and He groaned around the sizable piece of meat that filled his mouth. Inch by inch he felt his asshole being filled until finally, just when he thought he couldn’t take anymore, Jamal’s big hairy sack pressed against his own.
Tyrone lay back in disbelief, the skinny white sissy was sucking his cock while his older brother fucked his ass. Every time Jamal pushed it in the bitch would groan, which vibrated across the head of his cock. As good as the sissy’s mouth felt he knew that he was definitely going to have to try that ass out though! In the meantime, he guided the boys head up and down on his shaft, making him gag now and then.
Dennis was struggling with the idea that he was being used by the two big black d**g dealers as if he were a girl. His mind screamed that he wasn’t gay, but his body was beginning to enjoy it. His small cock was harder than he’d ever remembered and as Jamal began to fuck him harder, he could feel his balls begin to tighten. Suddenly his body clenched up and he shot his load into the panties that he’d stolen from his sister.
Jamal could feel the boy start to cum and chuckled, the little sissy was enjoying having that big cock in his ass. He was enjoying it too, the sight of his thick veiny shaft sliding in and out of the crackers pale white ass was incredible and the thong and camisole created the illusion that it was a white girl that he was fucking. He was beginning to feel his own orgasm approaching so he pulled out of the bitch and urged his brother to trade places.
Tyrone got up off the bed and took his place behind the boy’s upturned ass. He lined up his thick cock with the gaping asshole in front of him and pushed it in. Even after being pounded by his brother, the k**’s shitter was still tight around his shaft as he went straight to fucking the bitch.
Dennis felt Tyrone’s cock push into his colon and groaned again just as Jamal knelt in front of him on the bed. Without giving it any thought, he opened his mouth and went down on the big cock. It tasted of ass and maybe a little shit which made him gag at first. After a few minutes of being spit-roasted by the brothers he felt Jamal’s prick seem to swell even more in his mouth. The black guy grabbed the sides of his face and held him in place as he sawed that cock into his throat. Suddenly the cock twitched against his tongue and the first jet of salty cum shot filled his mouth. He had no choice but to swallow as it kept shooting across his tongue. It didn’t taste as bad as he’d always thought it would and for the first time, he began to think that just might be gay after all.
Seeing his brother filling the boy’s mouth with cum was all Tyrone needed to be pushed over the edge. With a final trust deep into the ass before him he unloaded his own cum deep into Dennis’s guts. “Oh, fuck yeah”, he growled as his cock unloaded in the tight asshole.
The taste of Jamal’s cum was still fresh on his tongue when he felt the cock in his ass begin to jerk and the warm wetness of Tyrone’s load flooded his tortured hole. The sensations cause him to shoot a second load into his sister’s thong. He was humiliated that being fucked by these two men had made him cum twice without anyone touching his cock. He could feel the slimy cum oozing down his taint when Tyrone pulled out of him. He got up off the bed and asked if he could use the bathroom. Inside the small dirty bathroom, he pulled off the cum filled thong and tried to clean up his two loads of cum while farting out the one left by Tyrone. Somewhat cleaned up he went back to the bedroom and retook his place on the cold metal folding chair. True to their word the brothers gave him the stem and a few small rocks of crack. He payed little attention to the brothers as he addled his brain with the d**gs, barely registering that the two dealers were each on their phones.
Jamal smirked as the k**s fired up another rock, let the cracker get high, he had plans for the little white sissy. When his sister answered he told her what was going on and asked for a favor. Takisha laughed at his suggestion and promised to be right over. Tyrone was busy making a couple of calls of his own, setting up the afternoon’s entertainment.
About twenty minutes later Tanisha walked into the apartment with a small bag of supplies. She checked out their guest and laughed, “He’s cute, but he’ll be cuter when I’m done.” She let him take one more hit from the stem before dragging the young white k** into the bathroom. She sat him on the toilet seat and began to line up a few bottles of makeup. It took twenty minutes or so but when she was done, and the curly black-haired wig was in place she was sure that her brothers would be happy.
Dennis looked into the dingy mirror and didn’t recognize the face looking back at him. The girl in the mirror was very pretty with somewhat slutty makeup and long black curly hair. The strange black girl also gave him a new set of red lacy panties and a matching bra which felt great against his skin. He had to admit that he looked hot as a girl, yet still he struggled over the thought of being gay. Still he let himself be led back into Tyrone’s room.
Tyrone looked at the little sissy and whistled. “Ya know that yer my bitch now”, he simply stated, “I’m gonna pimp out yer little boi pussy and we gonna make some money.”
Over the next few hours three more black men came by to use Dennis as a whore and as long as they kept filling his crackpipe, he was okay with it. That night he slept in Tyrone’s bed that night and from then on. Each day he lived the life of a crossdressing prostitute, servicing any man who payed Tyrone.
It was almost a year later that one of his clients suggested filming Denise in action for a dark web sex site. The videos earned them more money that hooking did and so he became a porn star on a couple of sites that specialized in u******e sissies. They earned enough to start Dennis on hormone therapy and shortly thereafter he began to develop breasts and a young girl’s figure, which only increased his demand. Eventually there was no more Dennis, just a pretty young brunette named Denise who just happed to have a small cock.
That is how she wound up here in this brightly lit warehouse. Today was her eighteenth birthday and Tyrone had set up her first legal gangbang shoot. That morning she and Tyrone signed the paperwork to make the former d**g dealer and pimp Dennis’s agent. There really wasn’t much of a transition from pimp to agent, it’s really the same thing when you look at it.
“Damn baby girl, you lookin’ fine”, Tyrone praised the young crossdresser as he poked his head into the small office that served as a dressing room. “You ready for this shit?”
Denise took one last look into the mirror and gulped down the glass of wine that she’d been sipping on. She did look good and she knew it. She got up from the plush office chair and straightened her black miniskirt. “Let’s do it.”
Tyrone led her out to the warehouse floor where several cameras and lights had been set up around a mattress in the middle of the concrete floor. As she strutted out to the mattress, five towering black men entered from another doorway. Even though they were all wearing underwear Denise could tell that they were packing some serious meat and she smiled.
The director, an older white guy introduced all of them and laid out what he wanted them to do. His instructions were fairly simple, start with Denise sucking all their cocks for a while then start fucking. In the end they were to shoot their loads all over Denise’s diminutive tits. He told Denise to kneel on the mattress and to take off her top, which she did. He then instructed the men to stand behind her and remove their shorts. “Okay folks”, he announced when they were in the right positions, “Action!”
The muscular black men moved to surround the skinny pale k** with their huge cocks hanging limply inches from her face. Her eyes lit up when she finally saw them and greedily she took the first one into her mouth while stroking two more with her petite hands. Every minute or so the director would tell the guys to switch places and a new cock would push into her throat. It didn’t take long for her to have them all hard and she cooed at the impressive cocks surrounding her, and they were impressive, the smallest being about ten inches long.
She rose up onto her knees and leaned forward with her panty clad ass in the air and one of the guys began to play with it. His hands covered the whole cheek as he peeled off her panties and spread her asshole open. She felt the guys tongue dancing around her hole and moaned around the thick cock that was pumping into her throat. She was really starting to enjoy having her ass eaten when he stopped tonguing her and another guy took his place behind her. He placed his hand on her hip and rubbed his huge knob against her hole. She could feel her tight hole begin to stretch as he pushed against her.
Malik Johnson had almost turned this job down, he wasn’t into little white boys, he got into porn for the pussy. As he watched his big black trouser snake push into the boy’s pale white ass, he was glad that he let his agent talk him into it. He’d been with women that couldn’t take him in their cunts, yet here was this skinny white boy actually pushing his tight ass back to take more of it. The sissy’s ass seemed to milk his cock as he pumped his huge shaft in and out of it and it didn’t take long before he could feel his cum beginning to build so reluctantly he pulled out. As he backed away to let the next guy take his turn, Malik was amazed at the gaping hole of the little bitch.
One by one they took turns fucking the pretty crossdresser in every possible position for the next tow hours. If they weren’t buried in her amazing ass, they were fucking her throat or being jacked off by her tiny hands. Finally, it was time to wrap things up and at the director’s command Denise laid back on the mattress while the guys stood over her stroking their mighty cocks until they began to cum. Each of them in turn sprayed their thick white cum onto her developing titties while Denise furiously fisted her own small dick and added to the growing pool of jizz.
With a camera zooming in for a closeup, Denise ran her finger the copious puddle of goo and scooped some up and licked his finger clean and smiled seductively. “Wrap”, the director shouted with a grin. He knew that this film was going to be big once the editors were done with it. He adjusted his own hard prick and complimented the six sweaty stars. Denise just smiled and wondered when her next shoot would be, maybe Tyrone could line up ten guys for her next time.

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Exploitation Queen

I own you, my pussy controls your mind. All you want is my pussy. There is nothing but my pussy that matters to you. You will do anything for it, and I will use you as my toy and give nothing back. There is no way out for you, you cant resist, you won't do other then I say, because you do anything for my pussy. All you think about is my pussy. First I put you in chastity and hide the key, I will then put a strapon among your face and ride it till I come. Then I will make you do all work for...

4 years ago
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Exploiting My Advantages 1

She was sitting right across from me. Only a dusty glass coffee table separated us, rooted in an old brown shag carpet. The air was scented with wisps of her clove smoke, simultaneously sweet and pungent. She was slightly hunched forward, revealing the perfect cleavage of her CCC breasts. She was 45. She looked 35. And my cock loved it. But more than just her appearance, it appeared my cock loved her desperation. And her misery. At the time, I did not understand it. But I had no choice, but...

2 years ago
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Exploits with Rebecca Carwash

*Author’s note: This series of stories is intertwined only in the way that they feature the same girl. You don’t have to read previous stories in order to enjoy this one. In fact, on occasion the back story behind the characters may change to fix the details of the stories. I do recommend reading them all though because each one will give you a better feel for the personas of the characters. Thanks* There she stood. The sun bounced off her long straight blonde hair, magnifying its color to a...

4 years ago
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Exploits in Leeto A Tail Gone Wrong Part One

Part OneVvvrrrooommm.“Attention, passengers and crew,” a man’s voice called out over the transmission console.No, no, no, Charlotte Miller thought wildly as she held the vibrator against her clit with her left hand and her right hand slid up her body to grab onto her right breast. Her nipples were very responsive, and they instantly hardened at her touches. She was so close to finishing. Not yet!Vvvrrrooommm.“We will be docking at the Leeto spaceport in approximately two hours,” the cold and...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Exploits With a Trucker

We had talked on and off for a couple of months via Lush but I honestly did not think it would go any further than that. Then the day came that he messaged me and told me he was going to be in the area and he was wondering if I would like to meet up. My first thought was hell yeah! But I had to curb my enthusiasm and tell him that I would have to talk to my husband and make sure that all was good on my end before agreeing. He seemed patient with that and after talking to my husband, I messaged...

2 years ago
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Exploits part 2

It was a warm summer morning and my phone rang. The voice said "hello I've been given your number by a friend of mine. I hope you can help me?"My wife's car has broken down and she has left it stranded. I can't get anyone to help. Could you sort it for me?I hadn't got a lot on so I agreed to have a look. He gave me the address and I drove over to the house. When I got there it was obvious which car it was. The car was completely abandoned in the middle of the road outside the house. I pulled...

1 year ago
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Exploits of first time on a nudist beach

We just went to the Maspalomas nude beach today for the first time. My wife didn't hesitate much getting nude although she felt it was a little bit weird. We were there for about 2 hours. The weather was kind of windy and cold today so we had to leave early. Sand was starting to whirl up. We were lying down pretty close to the ocean with legs towards the ocean. Lots of clothed people walk past close to the ocean and I could see many males discreetly look at my wife as they walked by. She did...

2 years ago
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Exploiting Innocent Neighbour And Her Mother Part4

Hello guys, thanks again for the love and support which you gave to the last part of my story. A special thanks for all those who showered me with their lovely feedback and support through their e-mails and comments. The much generated hype and curiosity in you compelled me to write this part too although earlier I wished not to share this incident with you as this incident being too personal to me. Never mind, here is the story and yeah one more thing, all those readers who are reading this...

3 years ago
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Exploiting Innocent Neighbour And Her Mother Part 8211 3

Hey guys! Thanks a lot for your love and support which you gave to the first two parts of my indian sex story through your likes, e-mails and comments. I know I’m quite a bit late to bring the next installment of my series but trust me it was because of a reason which you will find soon. For all those who haven’t read the previous parts of this story, no worries guys, you may read it now. So here’s the story. As you already know that I was really taken aback by what Khushi said to me. Her words...

1 year ago
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Exploiting Innocent Neighbour And Her Mother Part 8211 2

Hey guys, thank you for the love and support which you gave to my last story. This story is a continuation of the same story so I suggest before reading this please read the first part of this story. I gave a hard push and I was inside her completely, Khushi was crying like hell, that was not just normal moans, she was literally screaming and one could easily make out she was in real pain. To my surprise, her mother entered the room by listening to her voice. She was very much upset to see her...

3 years ago
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Exploiting Innocent Neighbor And Her Mother

Hey, I am Kabir(name changed) and this is my first sex story on this site. I hail from a city called Jabalpur. I am 18 and currently pursuing my 12th. Next week is my birthday but I think I have already received my present 10 days ago. I come from a small city and that too from a middle-class family so it is quite obvious that I was pushed into studies since my childhood. I didn’t have much time nor money to waste on my looks, so I am very sorry to say that I am not as smart as you may think...

2 years ago
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Exploiting Erotic Juiciness From MILF Maid 8211 Part 1

Hello, I am Nikhil (name changed). I am from Kolkata. The following incident happened with me in real life and I am really very excited to share my experience with you all! The story began when I was 19. We only have three members in my family, me, mom and dad. Dad always focused on his office work and my mom was a lawyer. So, during the daytime, all three of us were out of home. It was the time of summer break. My parents had to leave for work and I enjoyed that time the most. The late teenage...

1 year ago
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Exploits of Jay

Chapter 1 Jay was a ten year old who lived in one of our larger cities, he was a happy boy usually, took life as it came, with little or no complaints. His one drawback, if one could call it that, was the fact that he was so pretty, not handsome, pretty, like girl pretty if you know what I mean. Jay lived with his dad and mom in a four room apartment small enough that there were few secrets in the house hold. When his folks had sex, he heard every word, every little sigh or groan and the...

1 year ago
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Hey s*s! Remember me?"Tisha Roberts stood at the door in complete shock looking at the person in front of her, the latest KaySlay CD whispering its aural presence in the background. She scanned the person in front of her, trying to figure out what was going on. The woman in front of her was wearing a black leather catsuit that stopped just below her ass. Combined with a pair of thigh length black leather platform boots, the girl's athletic, almost flat-out muscular legs seemed to stretch...

1 year ago
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CherryPimps Savannah Bond Soaking Wet Cherry

Gorgeous Cherry of the Month Savannah Bond is enjoying showing off her curves as she waits to slip into the bubbling hot tub. She’s running her hands all over her curves with a drink in hand, and soon she’ll forget about the drink entirely. This curvaceous blonde tease prefers to grab her big, beautiful ass and her luscious tits, slipping her bikini off bit by bit. She begins to get her body wetter as she goes, spanking that beautiful booty for us as she goes. When she whips out her...

3 years ago
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Lockdown Vll

Holding her robe closed Megan asked what was so funny. We're the only ones here, Savannah said. Hanging her head laughing to herself Megan dropped her arms, letting her robe fall open. Come on, Savannah said. We only have a couple of hours. Coming to the dining table Megan seen the bowl Savannah carried. Beside it was scissors comb and a razor. Taking Megan's hands Savannah pulled her to her. Reaching into her robe Savannah hugged her tightly and said don't worry, you'll love how it feels....

2 years ago
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my mum and her pakistani boyfriend

my mum is 49yrs old , 5'3 , blonde hair , blue eyes , slim and smokes her name is ann and recently she has been dating a pakistani , one night he stayed over and i was going to the toilet i heard them having sex , now my mum is a good lady and has not had sex since my dad and that was 8 years ago , so anyway as i went to the toilet i heard them "oh ann you vagina is so tight mmmm" "yes pump me chand ejaculate in that condom baby mmmm" and so on , i got so turned on all i could do is whip out my...

1 year ago
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Beth Pony girl 3 Sunday

Its early morning and as usual Joe (the blacksmith) opens my stable and delivers me food and water, the door is locked again. Yesterday while I did enjoyed some of the activities I was also very disappointed in the way one of my best friends treated me, having my boobs stabbed and her continual humiliation was not part of my fantasy. However at other times I was fully engrossed in the erotic turn on, the continual arousal of my slit, the urges deep within my groin as I reminisce I feel it...

2 years ago
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Meeting Dani Part 1

This is my first story and if you all enjoy it I'll continue it! It's actually based on a dream I had recently and thought I'd share it. Look forward to what you all think and any suggestions! Thanks!! MEETING DANI By SashaySasha We were in our writing class and the Professor was wrapping up telling us about our final assignment. I noticed Devin glancing over at me. We made eye contact briefly and he turned away. Devin and I were class partners, helping each other with our papers...

2 years ago
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Please Spank Me Ive Been Good

‘Master, may I ask you something?’ she asked one morning as we sat eating breakfast. ‘What is it, pet?’ I asked as I sat My fork down. Whenever My girl starts a sentence with, ‘May I ask you something?’ it’s cause for My complete attention. ‘Well, Master today is Friday… and if we don’t have anything planned for this weekend…’ she said faltering. ‘What is it you want to ask, pet. Be quick about it – I have to get to work,’ I said. ‘I’m sorry Master. I was just wondering if you would spank...

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Simple Pleasure

You've been laying on the soft silk sheets of the bed for a few minutes now. You haven't seen anything for a half hour. I've already taken the liberty of having you take your clothes off so the silk caresses your skin, and a cold breeze from a vent tickles your skin. You lay on your stomach, wondering what I'm up to. Suddenly, you feel a tickle on your thigh. You go to swat it away, only to find my head in place between your legs. And my moist lips, working their way upwards, towards your...

3 years ago
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Doctor BrandleChapter 11

Doctor Steven Brandle had become content with his life working as a GP in Lake Lancer. He felt more satisfaction in helping people working as a GP than he ever did when he was doing cosmetic surgery. The pace of life was slower here which had him more relaxed than he remembered being in a long time. While there were things he missed because of not being in LA, they really weren’t that important and he was learning to live without them. A prime example he thought of this satisfaction he felt...

1 year ago
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ShopLyfter Carolina Sweets Case No 8459254

December 7th 4:47pm – Case #8459254 – Theft – Suspect was caught in jewelry aisle trying to steal merchandise. Initially it was overlooked, but described by associate as blatant disrespect for store policies. LP officer detained suspect to find out she was store owners daughter. Suspect threatened LP officer with being fired. LP officer stood his ground and was stern with suspect. Instead of getting the police involved, LP officer saw it in his best interests to leave this...

2 years ago
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The Affectionate Watch DogChapter 8

Lucy noticed immediately that Kate's big flashy Buick was gone from the driveway, grateful that at least she would not have to face her mother in her present state of mind. She had ceased crying finally, perhaps from the diverting tensions of driving home, though her chest occasionally heaved uncontrollably and she had to gasp for breath to force down the lump in her throat. It was still too soon to think clearly, Lucy's one coherent thought being the instinctive instinct to get home and...

1 year ago
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PurgatoryX Chloe Creamy Trim and a Shave Vol 2 E3

This habitually horny barber (Creamy Chloe), knows how to provide exceptional customer service, even when it involves 2 big-cock clients at a time (Rowan Rails, Matt Luscious). Chloe simply loves gagging on huge cocks until they’re covered with saliva. It isn’t long before Rowan and Matt take turns spit-roasting this seductive slut. Spread wide in her chair, Matt pounds her until he drops his load deep inside her love-hole. An undeterred Rowan goes in for sloppy seconds until he gives Chloe...

3 years ago
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Elizabeths story Chapter 7 Gary takes my virginity

Chapter 7 Elizabeth’s story – Gary takes my virginity Friday: As I had promised Gary last night (Thursday night), I took steps to get contraception for our planned big event; the capture of my virginity by my stepbrother. Although I still had serious reservations about doing this, I was committed to keeping my promise and giving myself to Gary as soon as it was ‘safe’. Midday on Friday I skipped my study hall, lunch and poli-sci class and went to the local planned parenthood clinic to get...

4 years ago
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Jenns CoverupChapter 14 Jenny Accepts her lot in life

When Omar's climax was over, and he began pulling up his clothes, Joe was shocked and outraged with the ease and lack of resistance that Jenny showed in sucking his cock. What was there about this woman he had shared a bed with for the last fourteen years that he didn't know? A lot had happened since Joe had left after the terrorist attack. Jenny had been saddled with making a living; raising her daughter; and finally the blackmail from her employer. She was now a beaten woman, humiliated...

2 years ago
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Tender Cumming

My wife Deborah returned home from work on the Monday around 7.15pm. She normally gets home just after 5pm but had just started the final 2 weeks of completing a tender for the company she works for. Deborah was working on the tender with a guy from Bristol who was working with her in the final stages. As with any company they always want as much out of you as possible, so Deborah could only be spared for the tender work from 3pm to 7pm. As Deborah and I sat for dinner I asked how the tender...

3 years ago
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The Girl in the Flower Print Dress

THE GIRL FROM OLONGAPOHospital man Second Class ?Doc? Sagan sat in the Cherry Bar sipping his third San Magoo.  Three bar hogs tried jumping into his whites, and he chased them away.  He wanted to sit alone, smoke his cigarettes, drink his beer, and drift into dreams of another time, another place.  He could not afford dreams in Nam.  Dreams got you killed.  One moment of inattention and you died.  One moment thinking of Sally at the drive-in, and you checked out.  Here, in the Cherry Bar, in...

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My name is Mark and I have a secret, or had a secret. My wife knows all about it.SO HERE YOU ARE.I guess you could say it started the winter after my 14th birthday and it was all so innocent at first. Dad and Mum split up when I was 5. I was an only c***d because mum had problems during my birth and could not have any more k**s.As I said, it started the winter after I turned 14. We experienced particularly harsh freezing weather and the bedrooms in the house were particularly cold. So it was...

3 years ago
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Act Naturally

I opened my eyes and stretched my limbs. For some reason, I felt more refreshed than I had in years. A good night's sleep can do wonders for a body.I heard a noise emanating from the master bathroom and turned my head to the left to learn its source. An attractive woman stepped briefly into my view before entering the shower. I had to admire her lovely, nicely rounded ass and her very ample but relatively firm tits. She was one sexy woman!A couple questions immediately came to mind. Who the...

1 year ago
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MomPOV Trudy Freaky hairstylist MILF does first porn

– 44 yrs old – Has been a hair dresser for 10+ years – Tried stripping and escorting, figured she should try porn too – She is a single mother of two, just dumped her BF – Loves younger men as she feels they are coachable – Recently fucked a 19 year old virgin guy – She likes to be in control when having sex – Gets wet during the day from dirty thoughts then she masturbates – loves porn, has a big collection of girl/girl, Boy/girl, asian VHS tapes – She is into a little BDSM fetish stuff,...


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