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The sweep second hand inched ever so slowly. "I swear they must slow these clocks down after lunch", Carrie spoke under her breath. "Five... Four... Three... Two... One! Come on Kel we're out of here!" As she flipped the switch on her computer.
"Carrie, you are not supposed to do that. You're supposed to wait for it to shut down"
"I don't care Kel, you flip the switch and its on, you flip the switch and its off. Instant just like that. Besides I don't have the patients for that right now. Time to go and we have three days reprieve from this hell hole."
"Oh Carrie" Kelly shook her head and smiled, "Never the one to conform."
The two young women gather their things and headed for the door, anxious to start their long deserved weekend. Kelly and Carrie not only worked together, they were also roommates, and had been best friends for years. They worked as documentation specialist for Henderson Consulting. Lots of typing, not much else. The days were often long and grueling with frequent tight deadlines. Added to that the pay was nothing to write home about. So a three-day weekend was welcomed treat.
"Come on Kelly, hurry up we are going to miss the bus!"
"When are you going to buy me a car Carrie, so that we don't have to take the bus anymore?"
"As soon as I get a raise!"
"Like that is ever going to happen anytime soon. Face it, Carrie we're just slaves at this place. It's just not fair, you remember that Todd Guy? He started six months ago doing the same job that we're doing. And now I bet he's making twice what we are. I don't care what people say things are still not equal between men and women."
"Come on Kelly, here comes the bus RUN! Oh damn missed it again!" Carrie pouted,
"Now were are going to have to sit here for a whole hour for the next bus to come."
"Sorry Carrie."
"Oh its not your fault, just seems like we have been in quite a rut lately and I just want to get out of here."
Kelly sat on the bench watching Carrie pace back and forth. She worried that perhaps her friend was becoming a little depressed lately. Stuck in this dead end job, every day it seemed as if they were going nowhere. About the only excitement either of them had was watching ER on Thursday nights.
The pair had been waiting at the bus stop for nearly ten minutes when a car pulled up to the curb. The young woman driver rolled down the window. "Excuse me, I think I am lost. Could either of you tell me how I might get to 5791 Essence Road?"
"Sorry I have no idea. Do you know where Essence Road is Kel?"
"Yeah, Essence is over in the older part of town."
"Oh no, that sounds like it might be further away that I thought and I need to be there in twenty minutes." The young woman's look of concern suddenly turned to a disarming smile. "I don't suppose I could you to come with me so that you might help me find my way? I am going to a meeting of the Woman Fulfillment Society. You might enjoy meeting with us. We are working toward allowing all women the ability to fulfill her true destiny. Afterwards I could give you both a ride home. Did you have anything planned for this evening?"
"Ummm, those are pretty lofty goals," Kelly said sarcastically.
"Come on Kelly it sounds like it might be fun. Or we could just sit here for another hour waiting for that bus. And beside maybe they can help us get that raise and then YOU can by me a car," Carrie joked.
Kelly's impulse was to walk, no run away from this situation. Something told her to be careful. However the frustration of having missed the bus and nothing but another night of television allowed her to let down her defenses if just for a moment.
"Ok Carrie this time you win. Sure we'll join you, what the heck."
"Great! I think you will have a great time, and you are doing me a big favor. My name is Whisper by the way."
"Nice to meet you Whisper. I'm Carrie and this is Kelly."
"What an odd name," Kelly thought, "oh well, takes all kinds."
Kelly got into the front seat so that she could give directions. Carrie had to ride in the back. Kelly laughed a bit at that idea, as usually it was the other way around.
"Ok, you need to go down here a couple of blocks and make a left turn at the light."
"I am sure glad that I met up with you two, I do not think I could have ever found it, I always seem to get lost so easily."
"You're welcome, what are friends for?" Remarked Carrie, her thoughts anxious for some adventure.
Kelly thought to herself, "Carrie what are you saying we hardly know this person. If it weren't for me, Carrie would be in constant trouble.
Suddenly Kelly realized that Whisper was lighting a cigarette! "How rude she didn't even ask. " Kelly braced herself for the enviable outburst from Carrie; she hated smoking with a passion. The car began filling with the smoke from Whisper's cigarette, Kelly thought certainly she was going to gag. She tried to crack the window, however the button didn't work, apparently it was locked.
"Whisper do you mind if I open the window?"
Whisper either did not hear the question or she was ignoring Kelly. Kelly began to feel that bit of churning inside which told her something just did not seem right. "And why wasn't Carrie saying anything?" Apparently Carrie was a little preoccupied...
Carrie did not like the idea of sitting in the back, she never did. She always wanted to be the center of attention and never thought twice about speaking her mind. As she slid into the car her face showed her best pout. Immediately she noticed a strange looking disk lying on the seat beside her. Not bothering to ask she picked it up. It looked as if it were a game or something. Although it was disk shaped it felt comfortable in her hands, two buttons on either side sat naturally under her thumbprints. She pressed down on the buttons hoping to bring something to life. As she did she felt a strange sensation radiating up through her fingertips. Not really an electrical shock but it did kind of tingle. Actually it felt kind of good, then something odd happened, the surface of the disk came to life.
Flowing and swirling with what appeared to be abstract colors. However as Carrie looked a little closer she noticed that there was actually within the colors a swirling spinning spiral. The spiral rotated around the outside of the larger circle, which held the rainbow of dancing colors. "Ok, this is pretty but what else does it do?" Carrie started randomly pressing the buttons trying to get something else out of this strange contraption. Nothing different happened, just kept swirling, so she pressed the buttons a few more times. The third time she pressed the left button she felt the wonderful tingling feeling flowing up from her fingers into her arms and throughout her body. The same sensation she felt before only this time stronger. She pressed the left button again...nothing. Again, again, and again...nothing. Then she tried the right button strongly determined to find out how this thing worked. Suddenly she felt the sensation again, and wonderful quiver of pleasure flowed through her body. She continued to play with the buttons and soon discovered the disk seemed to rotate faster each time she felt the pleasure. She also noticed that if she pressed one of the buttons when the disk was in a certain position on the screen, she received her reward. At first it just appeared to be pure dumb luck, however the longer she played the game, the more natural it seem to be able to crack its code. Every time she pressed a button now Carries body vibrated with deep addictive pleasure. It felt so good, so controlling, and so wonderful, Carrie lost track of time, her surroundings, and the moving car. Now nothing else mattered now but the spiral.
Whisper drove the car slowly along the tree lined street and pulled into the drive of the old Victorian mansion. By the time the car settled to stop Kelly was anxious to get this all over with. Whisper had smoked the entire trip and Kelly wanted more than anything else to get some fresh air. Even though Kelly continued to provide directions it was almost as if Whisper was on autopilot. She barely said a single word, just sitting at the wheel smoking her cigarettes and carrying a look of contentment on her face. Kelly tried to open the door however the door wouldn't open; apparently someone had forgotten to take off the child locks, how embarrassing! Kelly looked up to see a group of women come out to great the new arrivals. It appeared obvious that one woman in particular seemed to be leading things. Kelly was struck by the woman's long vibrant read hair. All of the women wore silk robes; while the others wore green her robe was gold. The woman opened Kelly's door.
"You have done very well Whisper, I am pleased!"
"What is going on here?" Kelly protested.
"Please come in, its very cold outside. We can talk in the house."
Kelly thought briefly about simply running away, but the woman was right it was cold outside and she began to move with the others towards the large house. Two rather large double doors opened to reveal the rather plain and empty furnishings. Actually it appeared as though the house was empty of all except it inhabitants, although perhaps no one really lived there. Oh Kelly's head was starting to spin! Kelly was directed to follow the others as they knelt in a circle on the hard wooden floor. Kelly seemed to notice that many of the women in the green robes had that same contented smile on their faces. The gold woman stood in center directly in front of Kelly.
"Ok, now what the hell is going on here?"
"This is the Woman's Fulfillment Society. Here we learn to discover your true potential and discover complete happiness. My name is Eternity and this is my home, welcome."
"Ooookaaay... so how do you do that?"
"Its really quite simple. I keep all of my ladies in trance most of the time. Well actually all of the time but we are beyond paying attention to things as insignificant as time here.
Happiness, frustration, peace, turmoil, pleasure, pain all simply the reality your mind knows to be reality. My ladies have learned to experience the wonderful fulfillment of trance, completely changing their lives."
"Hmmm...ok, well that sounds wonderful, but no thanks! Carrie come on, we are leaving!"
Kelly looked around the room, for a few moments she had forgotten about Carrie.
"I think your friend may not be in full agreement about your leaving."
Just then Kelly's eyes met Carrie's. Kelly's heart stuttered as she read the blank blissful look in Carrie's eyes.
"You see your friend has begun to understand the pleasurable experience of trance.
Perhaps if you allowed yourself just a moment to let your mind free of all the worries and concerns which consume you."
"No! Snap your fingers or whatever it is that you do and bring Carrie out of it. I don't care what you are selling, we aren't buying."
"I am sorry you feel that way my dear. It does make it a little more painful to watch you struggle against your destiny, although I must admit that I do feel a bit of a thrill in the hunt." Eternity grinned with absolute confidence. "Perhaps a little rest will do you good, I must spend some time attending to your friend."
Eternity gave a slight wave of finger, almost immediately Kelly found herself surrounded by four of the 'green girls'. Gently but firmly she was taken by the shoulders and guided down a long hallway, a door opened and Kelly nudged into another empty room. Before she could turn around the door swiftly locked behind her. This room was no different than any she had seen up to now. Complete void and empty. Kelly did notice in the corner some sort of disk shaped gadget. She walked over and picked it up. Her curiosity quickly swept away with panic as the disk bounced on the hard cold floor.
"What am I doing here? I liked my old boring quiet life!" Tears slipping over her cheek.
Kelly thought she heard soft music playing in the room or did she? She didn't know, was this some sort of nightmare, and was this really happening? She tried not to listen to the music whether it was her imagination or not. Her defenses acutely aware of every sight, every sound, every smell. Kelly propped herself in the corner farthest from the door, continually scanning the room for the slightest movement. Then the lights turned off.
Kelly's eyes struggled to adjust. The bright light blinded her if only for a moment. Her head beginning to clear, then it hit her, she had fallen asleep. How long had she been asleep a few moments? Several hours? Perhaps even days? Kelly felt vulnerable. How much longer could she continue to struggle? Maybe it wouldn't be so bad after all to be in trance constantly, walking around with a blank grin on her face. "What am I thinking, I have to get Carrie and get us out of here.
Just then the door opened. Two of the 'green girls' stood in the doorway.
"Good morning. We have brought you something to eat." Offering Kelly a small cup of rice.
The void of hunger dwelt in Kelly's body. Without a thought she took the cup and emptied it's contents. It felt good to eat something. Somehow Kelly allowed herself to relax but only for a moment.
"Would you like a cigarette?"
"Uh? Oh no thank you, I don't smoke." Why anyone would ever want to smoke totally escaped Kelly. Apparently it did not escape the two 'green girls' as they both helped themselves to the cigarettes offered to Kelly.
Kelly watched as the two "green girls" smoked their cigarettes. The look of pleasure filled their faces each time their cigarettes touched their lips. Long streams of smoke exhaled, having produced its effects. Then the ritual was repeated again and again.
"It is time to meet Mistress." The 'green girls' announced as they guided Kelly down the hallway to the meeting room.
It appeared as though all of the others were already in place, kneeling on the floor in a perfect circle. Kelly was led to a place in the circle. Her mind swirled, perhaps if she simply went along for a while and look for the first opportunity to get out.
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Handjobs have always been the least desirable in porn. They are kind of boring if you ask most people. However, you’re just looking at them the wrong way. With their ball twiddling and cock tugging action, handjobs can be the best part of sex. Heck, sometimes they can be the ONLY part of sex you need in order to cum. This all depends on the girls you’re having a go with. If you look at many of these hot chicks in the handjob category on NudeVista.com, I’m pretty sure that most of them can make...
Handjob Porn SitesI feel my body clench every muscle in it all at once. It happened a couple of times, I think they were testing the button on the machine or something. Then it stopped. Then nothing but silence. I decided it was time I got out of there before things got already Stranger Than They had. I start twisting my body and trying to get through the door the rest of the way but my hips just won't fit. I guess I do have the ass like my mother said I would. This went on for what seemed like a minute or two...
Hi, friends, this is Shyam again, This is about a very unexpected but pleasant night I spent with my aunt Shaila (father’s sister) at the new house. I am from Pune basically. But I had to rush to Ahmedabad to visit my uncle who was ill and admitted to a Hospital near SG highway. It was a quick decision hence I could not pack properly. I boarded the Pune Ahmedabad Duronto and went straight to Hospital. I saw my aunt Shaila there in the lobby. She seemed very tired but as usual dressed...
IncestAuthor's preamble. This story is a product of my imagination. The characters herein are likewise imaginary and any similarity to real people is purely accidental. All sexually active characters are over the age of 18. The story contains aspects of brother-sister incest, lesbian sex and cream pie. If any of these aspects are not to your taste (excuse the pun, ) may I respectfully suggest you look to other stories on the site. It is not my wish to offend my readers. If these aspects are...
I am awakened to the alarm. It was a restless night of sleeping. I feel like a truck ran over me. I look over and the cat is sitting on the bed next to my head. "What?" I ask. She just looks at me with a smirk. That cat smirk like the know something. She jumps off the bed when I start to move. I make my way to the shower. The hot water feels so good on my body. I shampoo and shave. I take extra care shaving today remembering the note. I want my body to be clean. I walk out of the bathroom...
Hello friends mera naam Vicky hai aur mai Pune ka rehne wala hu.mai ek businessman hu mai baki ladko ki taraha tall nahi hu and I’m just 5.4 inch tall bt mai kafi good looking hu aur ladkiya n middle age women mujse kaafi attract hote hai even I’m a regular reader of ISS n so I decided to post my story so let’s start with story ye baat 4 mahine pehele ki hai mai aur mera ek dost Hamesha aisi ladki ya aurat ki talash main hote hai jo sex ke liye ready ho. So ek din muze mere dost ne kaha ki ek...
Bondage Valley has a funny name. Half of the equation makes it sound like a nice, relaxing place to take a vacation or even retire if you’ve managed to save anything by the time you’re old. Then again, you may end up tied up, gagged ad getting fucked in the mouth by a machine. Whether that’s your idea of a chill time or not probably depends on who you are and which side of the bondage you’re on. You know, maybe this would be a good place to spend a few sick days, after all…As you may have...
Fetish Porn SitesJennifer was really a sweet catch, and an older woman to boot. I had been working a Real Estate office for 2 years in sales, and she joined the company in May of 89′. I immediately liked Jennifer a lot, not only because she was older but had a very sweet and kind air about her. I was 27 at the time, and Jennifer was a bit older than me (closer to 40 I guessed). I have always enjoyed the company of older women since my mid twenties. The have their act together, know what they want, and are at...
“How’s he doin?” Susan asked. “He hasn’t left the apartment in 2 months except to see his grief counselor but that’s clearly not helping.” Nate said, exhaustedly. He sighed and looked down the hall to Zac’s room. “All he does is lie in bed. I have to tell him to shower and make him eat.” Nate shook his head in sadness, “I don’t know what else to do for him.” “There’s nothing more you can do. You’ve done more than enough. You’ve stayed strong through this and I know he appreciates...
Regret plagued Alexia's heart. She was jolted around in the horse-drawn steel cage she sat in. Passers-by gave her disdainful sneers and demeaning insults. There was a small rag covering her body, where once she wore elegant dresses and luxurious jewelry. She sighed deeply. Alexia was born of noble birth. At the age of fifteen, she was married off to a small lord of a nearby fiefdom. Though kind, her husband was more than ten years older and a bore in bed. Alexia, cooped up in the keep with no...
FantasyWhen she was selected to be the office manager at Lynwood and Beams, Brenda Powers, was only 31 years old, still she was the oldest girl in the office, most of the others being in their early to middle twenties. She also wasn't the most popular employee either. She had worked hard for the promotion but because of her close friendship with Jack Parker, the Managing Director of the firm, most of the girls felt that Brenda had 'slept her way to the top' and they were jealous of her. It wasn't...
Reader beware the following sex story’s contain in this book are of adult content and highly erotic contents scenes of graphic language and extreme sexual de***********ions these stories should only be read by Persons of 18 years and older, None of these stories can be copy and re-translated without express written permission from the Author. If you choose to read beyond this point all I can say is this YOU HAVE BEEN WARN! Introduction The following sex...
JANET (Tuesday 12/6) The next morning, I wasn't quite sure how Toro would be. When he saw me, though, his eyes lit up, and he simply glowed with happiness while my heart melted within me again. Just the touch of his fingertips was enough to flutter all over. Every time I saw him I fell deeper in love with the man inside him. Then at lunch, Bob and Natalie called us over to sit with the Inner Circle! Big Brother had talked about them a lot over the past couple years; how smart they were,...
She was lying partially under the cover, one arm thrown carelessly above her head, her eyes closed and a sensual, lazy smile on her face. I could see her semi-nude form looking so warm and inviting and could feel myself stirring once again. I finished dressing and walked over to her bed, kneeled at the bedside and put my arms around her. I took her in my arms and gave her a gentle kiss. "Thank you, Dee Dee, for a wonderful evening. You know that if you ever need anything from me, all...
Sam left the bedroom and walked down the stairs. Karen watched as he came into the kitchen. “Wow, you look very handsome,” she said. Sam was wearing a black tailored tuxedo that fit his athletic body like a glove. Sam looked at Karen saying, “There’s a new outfit for you in the bedroom.” Karen smiled and asked, “What’s the occasion?”Sam replied, “We have a formal party to attend and I want everyone to see what an amazing lady I have.”Karen slowly walked to Sam, she placed her hand on his chest....
HardcoreThe whole deal went sour, and had you put any thought into it, you would have known it almost from the beginning. Everyone knew it would happen at any day. Some expected it sooner, so you shouldn't have been so surprised and disgusted when it did go bad. Of course you got away with it that first day, and you thought all was well if you even bothered to put any thought into it at all. It wasn't until the third day when it started to go sour, but even then you didn't do anything about it....
I slowly walk to my master and mistress’s room and open their door quietly. I sigh as I gently crawl up onto the bed and start to pull down the sheets from them. Master moans slightly and I stop and see if he is awake or not. He isn’t. ‘Thank goodness,’ I say quietly as I take master’s cock in my hands and start to massage it gently. While I continue to slowly stroke his shaft and head, my other hand starts to fondle with his balls as he moans. Once he is half erect, I start to give him a blow...
Ok everyone. I’m gonna tell you all a story about me that (especially if you knew me and you were reading this story right now) you may or may not believe. I have been a straight guy all my life, trust me I love the way a good, wet pussy feels up against my smooth, hard, black dick. However, with that being said, over the course of the last 6 months especially, I have been asking myself would I ever suck another guy off...? Like Get him out of his pants and just work that dude harder than a...
Several years ago I discovered that my beautiful wife had been giving her pussy to a close buddy of mine. Tim always acted shy around my wife and I would have never guessed he would have the guts to screw my wife. Anyway he has been doing her at our house twice a week for right at two years. She came clean after I spied on her with a bunch of nanny cams. I told her I wanted to watch but she was afraid that if she told Tim he would stop coming over. So I had to find a way to watch my wife...
The next morning, Brad woke up to his work clothes neatly folded on the back of a nearby chair, joined by a pair of clean socks on the arm rest, and his shoes and keys in the seat. Next to the chair stood his smiling wife Kerri. ‘I got you all ready for work today, this is my way of apologizing for brushing you off last night. I wasn’t feeling well, baby, I’m sorry,’ she lied. Her purpose was to get him dressed and out of the house immediately. ‘That’s a nice way of apologizing, but I have...
In my final year at uni I was working in a community mental health home. It was a regular shift, once a week supporting a young man with day to day activities and a big change of pace from the forensic work I'd typically do. In simple terms I'd take the lad shopping and then take him to the gym. This consisted of, literally, two minutes on a treadmill and an ninety minutes between the sauna and jacuzzi. A tidy little arrangement.After a few weeks of working this way his gf and her support...
When David and Sarah returned to the living room, they found that all of the remaining guests had arrived. At the same time, Sarah noticed something else: All of the women were wearing white gowns, while the men were in strict black and white. Knowing Andy Taylor, Sally was certain it was not accidental. When they entered the room, Andy brought a handsome young couple over to meet them. "Sarah Duncan and David Wilson, I would like to introduce you to two of my most favorite people, Bobbie...