Twin Switch: Kelly And Mark - Chapters 1 - 4 free porn video

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Twin Switch: Kelly and Mark By Karen Singer Written 24 July - 8 August 2013 Two teenage twins, one boy and one girl Looking so much alike, from their toes to their curls But the spider of fate had them caught in its web And had other ideas for the lives that they led. Chapter 1 The spider of fate, is building its web The strands that it weaves are lives that are led. With each silken strand, that the spider decides, Our lives are then changed, and we must abide. And the result... Damn! Damn, damn, damn! Daaaam! Kelly laid in her bed without moving... without bothering to open her eyes yet... as if she was still asleep. She was still coming out of sleep, but she was mentally cursing herself. Damn! Her panties and the bed all under her stomach and legs was soaked! Again! She had wet the bed. Again! It had been almost a month now since the last time and she was really, really hoping she was past that all now. Damn! She was thirteen years old! How much longer was she going to have to put up with this? Nobody she knew wet the bed at thirteen! Nobody! She could hear her brother entering the Jack and Jill bathroom that separated their rooms. Her brother... her dorky twin brother. She could already hear his childish taunts calling her a baby and teasing her about something she had no control over. The jerk! She'd like to see how he would like peeing the bed like she did. Just once! Knowing it was useless, she opened her eyes, sat up, and pulled the covers back. The wet spot was just as big as they usually were. Ugh! She heard Mark leaving the bathroom and she went in... locking the door to his side so he wouldn't "accidentally" come in on her. Cleaning up after herself was an old chore now. When she was done, she hung her freshly rinsed panties and camisole over the towel rack to dry. Then she unlocked the door to Mark's side and went back to her room to throw a robe over herself and strip the sheets off the bed. Again! She was still stripping the sheets when her bathroom door suddenly opened and her stupid brother made and appearance. Grinning that same stupid teasing grin of his, he mockingly sang, "Kelly wet her be-ed. Kelly wet her be-ed!" "Grow up, jerk!" she responded angrily. "Maybe it's you who needs to grow up," Mark returned. "You're the one who wets her bed like a little baby!" Then he tauntingly sang, "Kelly is a baby. Kelly is a baby." With a laugh, he retreated back into the bathroom and closed the door again. "Jerk!" Kelly cursed softly at the closed door. Janice Robinson pulled four different cereal boxes out of the cupboard and set them on the counter across from the breakfast nook. There were four boxes because Kelly preferred one, Mark preferred another, and both she and her husband Bill preferred more grown-up cereals. Mark bounced into the kitchen first. "Kelly wet the bed again," he announced. No good morning. No hug or kiss. No polite niceness. Just an announcement about something that had happened all too many times over the years. "Again?" Janice asked... although she didn't need to. "Oh yeah!" Mark replied as he grabbed his favorite cereal along with a bowl and a spoon. Janice inwardly sighed, although it wasn't much of a sigh. It had been a long time now since Kelly had wet her bed. Well, a while anyway. She was really hoping that Kelly had finally outgrown that little problem. Her husband came in, minus his sport jacket, and grabbed his favorite cereal and a bowl. "Kelly wet the bed again," Mark told him. "Again?" "Oh yeah!" Mark replied. Janice grabbed her own cereal box and carried her things to the breakfast nook where she took her usual seat. She didn't know why Mark "insisted" on announcing things about his sister the way he did, but then for twins, she wasn't totally sure how much love was lost between the two. Actually, it was more like their entire lives had been spent in competition against each other. She knew they obviously loved each other, but that was about as far as it went. Kelly finally came in, dressed for school in a pair of jeans and a sweater. She came over and gave her mother a quick kiss and then did the same with her father. Only then did she grab her box of cereal from the counter. "Mark says you had another problem last night," Janice said kindly to her daughter. Kelly looked annoyingly over toward Mark. "You just can't wait to tell everyone, can you?" "Nope!" Mark replied with a big self-satisfied grin. "Jerk! You act just like a two-year-old. You can't leave anything alone!" "Why should I?" Mark taunted back. "And which one of us is really more like that two-year-old?" Then he laughed because his taunt was all too true. "Jerk!" Kelly muttered. "Okay kids, that's enough!" Janice told them, putting a stop to their incessant arguing. They stopped talking about it, but Janice could see the looks they gave each other as they continued to eat. Fifteen minutes later, the two kids grabbed their backpacks and headed out the door to wait for the school bus. Janice watched the two of them walking down the sidewalk together, then down the driveway to wait for the bus at the street. From the back they looked oddly much the same. They both had similar builds, although Kelly was a hair bigger than Mark. But then she had always heard that girls grew faster than boys at that age. Mark was just now catching up. Kelly had unfortunately gotten her boyish build from Janice... and perhaps so did Mark. Janice had thought a few times about getting a boob job, but had never done it. Bill always said he loved the way she looked and didn't want anything "fake" about her. She really did appreciate Bill's attitude, but sometimes a woman just wants to feel more like... a woman! But the similarities between her two children didn't stop with just their overall build. Their long honey blond hair made them look all too much the same as well... although she wasn't all that happy about Mark's hair being that length. Ever since one of his friends told him that he looked a lot like Axl Rose, the singer from the rock band Guns N Roses, Axl had become Mark's latest idol and consequently he tried to look like him as much as possible... including the long hair! She just wished Mark would try to keep it a little nicer, that's all. It usually looked a total mess! Thinking about their similarities, she also remembered how much their faces looked the same. Yes, Kelly's face was definitely now looking more feminine... as it should. But still, there was a delicateness in Mark's face still that made them look very much the same. If they hadn't been born a boy and a girl, you could almost imagine them being identical twins. But despite Mark's delicate face, he was all boy. Definitely all boy! Too much all boy! He was often rowdy and loud... and calling him mischievous would be an understatement! He enjoyed playing sports, but as much as he enjoyed playing them, he really wasn't all that good at any of them. But Bill always encouraged him in everything he did... as he should! Mark also seemed to have a flair for playing the guitar... maybe because of his current rock hero. But from everything that everyone told her, Mark was a very good guitar player. She just couldn't tell because all she heard was loud noise coming out of the amplifier in his room when he played. Yes, there was no doubt about it, despite his build and delicate features, Mark was definitely all boy! And so was Kelly! But that was where that little similarity ended! Kelly had always been a tomboy. And Janice guessed that she still was. Growing up, she had always preferred playing with Mark's cars and trucks over playing with any of the dolls she had. In fact, she rarely ever picked up a doll to play with it. And she had always hated wearing dresses - much to Janice's dismay. Her pretty daughter simply hated them... and she had always hated them. Kelly had never been into being - girly. Even now, when Janice figured she would be going out of her way to attract the boys more, she still hated wearing dresses. So much so, that Janice knew for a fact that Kelly didn't even own a skirt. And the only time she ever put on a dress was when she absolutely had to. But Kelly's femininity was starting to show itself in other little ways. She was now trying to experiment with makeup a little, and Janice was actually encouraging that as much as she could. Anything to bring out the girl in her daughter she considered to be a very good idea! Another little difference between Mark and Kelly, was that where Mark wasn't all that athletically gifted, Kelly was. She could outdo most of the boys on any playing field and at any game they played. She played hard, and she played to win. Sometimes, Janice thought, she played too hard. Currently, both her kids were playing in the community spring- summer baseball and softball leagues. Mark was playing on a boy's baseball team - where he was somewhat of a disappointment, and Kelly was playing on a girls' softball team - where she was somewhat of a star. Kelly played guitar too, but she wasn't as gifted in that area as Mark was. And fortunately, Kelly preferred to play an acoustic guitar over an electric one. Fortunately! Janice didn't know what she would do if she had to listen to two electric guitars in the house. She saw the bus stop in front of the house and her two twins climbing aboard. And then the bus carried them out of sight. That evening, Janice helped Kelly make up her bed again with the freshly laundered sheets. "It's been quite a while now since you wet your bed," Janice noted. "Yeah," Kelly sighed. "I was really hoping I was past all that now." "Me too," Janice agreed. "Still, it's been quite a while. I think things are definitely getting better as far as that's concerned." Kelly nodded. "Yeah. I guess so. I was just hoping it would never happen again." Janice hugged her daughter. "Don't give up. It is getting better." "Yeah, just too slowly. I was really hoping this time!" "Well, maybe it's all over with now. Forever!" "I certainly hope so. I get awfully tired of Mark's teasing. You have no idea what I'd like to do to him for that. Just once I'd like to see how he likes it!" Janice smiled. "I certainly understand why you feel that way." Kelly looked up at her mother. "I'd give anything to be Mark instead of me." Janice was shocked. "How can you say that? You've got everything you want!" Kelly shook her head. "It's not that. It's just... I don't know. Mark's a boy. He can do stuff and get away with stuff that I can't. And everyone expects me to be all into being girly and wearing dresses and stuff. And I hate dresses!" "I know!" Janice replied with more than a hint of frustration. "But it wouldn't hurt you to try to be a little more feminine... at least once in a while." "See?" Kelly replied. "Even you want me to be more girly." "It wouldn't hurt dear," Janice tried again. "Well I'm not exactly interested!" Kelly replied. "In case you hadn't noticed." "Oh, I've noticed all right. Believe me, I've noticed." "Yeah," Kelly sulked. "I know. Sorry Mom, but I'm just not a girly kind of girl." Janice hugged her daughter again. "It's all right dear," she said. "Just as long as you're happy." "But that's just it, I'm not happy!" "You're not?" "No! Like I said, I wish I was Mark instead. He can do all the really interesting things. While I'm always stuck on the sidelines. And besides, I've seen the way things can be sometimes. Despite all the things women can do now, they're still treated like second-class citizens. Men are still in charge of everything and they expect women to do whatever they tell them!" "That's more than a bit of an exaggeration!" Janice corrected. "It's not all that bad anymore." "Maybe not so much, but from everything I've read and everything I hear, it's still pretty much that way all too often. And besides, men still make more money than women." "Welcome to life, dear." "Yeah, well it isn't fair!" "Nobody said life was fair. We just have to do the best we can." "So I've noticed," Kelly replied as she pulled away from her mother. "Still, I really wish I was Mark... and let him be me instead. Let him see how things really are. Maybe then he wouldn't be such a pain!" Janice smiled and almost laughed. "Somehow, I don't think your brother would make a very good girl. He's got way too much boy in him." Kelly rolled her eyes. "That's for sure! But then I guess I don't make a very good a girl either, do I?" Janice was surprised by the statement. "But dear, you're a beautiful girl. It just wouldn't hurt you to express that a bit more." "See! That's what I'm talking about. I don't want to express that side of me. I'd rather be Mark!" "So you were just saying," Janice replied. "And we both agreed that Mark wouldn't make a very good replacement for you - fortunately!" "Oh, I don't know," Kelly replied. "He might look better in one of my dresses than I do." "Oh don't say that," Janice replied, knowing her daughter was only playing. "Why not say it?" Kelly asked. "We're both about the same size. In fact, he's a little smaller than I am. Despite the differences in our sex, we're really not built all that differently." "That's the fault of my genes, I'm afraid." "No matter! The point is, we don't look all that different. Heck, even his hair is as long as mine is." "Longer!" Janice replied with her usual hint of frustration over that issue. "See. I'll bet we could make him look just like me with no effort at all." The problem was, now that it had been said, Janice realized it was probably all too true. "But looking like you is not being you. You're just jealous because as a boy he can do things that you can't... or rather, things that you probably shouldn't be doing - because I know perfectly well some of the things you've done in the past that you don't think I know." Kelly's eyes went wide with worry. "You do? Like what?" Janice just smiled. "Things!" Kelly grunted in frustration. "It's all just... frustrating being a girl. I still wish I was Mark instead. Why couldn't we both have been born boys?" The following evening was one of those nights when both Kelly's softball schedule and Mark's baseball schedule had them both out at the community recreation area on the same night - playing at the same time. As usual, Janice sat in the stands and rooted for her talented daughter, while Bill sat in a different set of stands on an adjoining field and rooted for his son. Bill was mostly interested in the game during the four innings when Mark was playing right field. Unfortunately, both the times Mark got up to bat, he struck out. So disappointing. But Bill reminded himself that it was more important that Mark continue to try. Maybe he wasn't as good as the other kids, but at least he was out there making the effort! Still, just once, it would be nice to see his son do something other than strike out. Janice had to root for her daughter through the entire game. As the team's primary shortstop, Kelly never came off the field. And Janice particularly got to cheer when Kelly hit a home run in the last inning to win the game. Not the first time that had happened. It was impossible to feel anything but pride in her daughter's accomplishments. Even the other parents often talked about how good Kelly was. Pride! Now if only she would wear a dress once in a while! It was later in the evening, after both kids were in bed, when Janice got into bed with her husband and snuggled up to his warm body. "So Mark struck out again tonight?" she asked. "Twice," Bill replied with some frustration. "And Kelly hit another home run?" "Again," Janice confirmed. "Won the game with it." Bill nodded. "Just once I'd like to see Mark do something other than strike out! It's been weeks since he got a decent hit!" Janice hadn't planned on it, but Bills words stuck with her all night long... along with the odd conversation she and Kelly had the day before. Silliness! Three days later, the big fight occurred. Not between Kelly and Mark, but between the guys on the baseball team. It was again another evening where Kelly and Mark were both playing at the community ball fields, although this time Kelly's game had started earlier than Mark's. There had been no home runs for Kelly this time, but at least she got on base every time she hit. Her team lost that night. A huge frustration for her. When the game was over, Janice met her daughter behind the dugout and gave her a conciliatory hug. "You did great again," she told her. "But we lost! We should have won! If I had hit a home run tonight, maybe we would have won instead." "Maybe," Janice agreed, "and maybe not. It doesn't really matter. You played your best and that's all that counts." "Not to me!" Kelly replied. Janice shook her head. "Come on, let's go see how your brother is doing." Kelly shook her head. "You go ahead. I think I'll hang back with some of my friends." Janice nodded. "Okay," she agreed. "We'll meet you after the game." Janice headed off and found a seat in the stands next to her husband. Fortunately, Mark was still on the field. The game was close, but Mark's team was still two runs behind. And in the last inning, with two kids from the team on base, and one out already against them, Mark came up to bat. Bill stood up, not caring if he was blocking the view from anyone behind him or not. "Come on Mark," he urged. "Come on!" Over and over again he shouted encouragements to Mark, anything to give Mark the confidence to come up with a hit. But in the end, three strikes were recorded against him and Bill sat down somewhat dejectedly. Mark's team lost after one more batter struck out. "Well, we tried," Janice said, trying to console her husband. "Yeah. I just don't know what to do for Mark. I take him to the batting cages for practice... I do everything I can to help him. It just doesn't seem to matter." Janice hugged her husband while the two of them sat for a few more minutes - waiting for the stands to clear out more so they could get down easier. They should have left the stands immediately... if not earlier. Dejectedly, Mark picked up his glove and bat and started out of the dugout to go home. Not only had the team lost again, he had struck out every time up to bat again. It had been weeks since he'd had a hit! He had just gotten to behind the dugout and was beginning to look for his father, when he got shoved from behind - hard! "Hey fuck face!" an angry voice yelled at him. Mark turned around to see several of his of his teammates standing there glaring angrily at him. "Why don't you do everybody a big favor and just quit!" "What the hell?" Mark replied, still trying to comprehend the fact that he had just been pushed so hard. "We lost again... because of you!" one of the boy's declared angrily. "It wasn't just because of me!" Mark argued back. "Well you were a lot of it! You always are. So why don't you just quit and do us all a big favor!" "No!" For that response, one of the boys rushed him and pushed him hard again. "Quit!" the boy demanded. "Make me!" Mark replied angrily as he brought his fist around and tagged the other boy in the face as hard as he could. The minute Mark hit his teammate, the other boys all joined in the fight... all too enthusiastically. Kelly had seen the fight starting between Mark and the other boy and she had even heard the shouted accusations the other boy had made toward Mark. She had just been too far away to do anything about it... not that she would have wanted to. Mark could handle his own friends. But when the all-out fight started with Mark as the center of attention, she found herself wading furiously into the fray. She hit boys, she shoved boys, she kicked boys, she punched boys... and she got hit and shoved and kicked and punched in return. It was glorious! By the time the police and some parents pulled her out of there, she hurt in a few more places than was comfortable. But she knew it was nothing like what she had dished out to some of those guys. Mark was hurting far more than she was, but then the fight had been aimed directly at him. It was only lucky that all he came away with was some very bad bruising. Both kids had to sit in the car on the way home and listen to both parents berate them constantly for their behavior. Neither Mark nor Kelly cared. As far as either of them were concerned, their fighting was totally justified. The only difference was, that their father did mention once that he was glad that Kelly had thought enough of her brother to try to help him. As soon as they got home, both kids got sent to their rooms... with the added declaration that they were both grounded - probably for the rest of their lives! "What are we going to do with them?" Bill asked as he and Janice were getting ready for bed later that night. Janice shook her head. "I have no idea. But at least Kelly tried to help her brother." "Yeah," Bill admitted. "Although it looked to me like she was enjoying that fight a little too much!" "Knowing her, she probably was," Janice agreed. Bill got into bed, but he was still angry. "Just once I'd like to see Kelly try to be more like the other girls! Just once!" "You also want to see Mark get a hit once in a while too. But so far, he's gotten very few!" "Yeah. Unfortunately. But at least he tries." "But you'd still like to see it." "Well of course! Don't you? But at least he tries! And as far as I can see, Kelly doesn't even try to be like the other girls." "Kelly doesn't want to be a girl," Janice told him, totally shocked that the words had come out of her mouth. "She what?" Now that it had been said, Janice had little choice but to say it again. "Kelly doesn't really want to be a girl. She wants to be Mark. Or at least another boy." Bill grunted a small laugh. "Good luck with that! She better learn real quick that it's not going to happen." "She knows that!" Janice replied. "But that doesn't keep her from being frustrated over it." Bill shook his head. "Kids! What are we going to do with them?" "I have no idea," Janice replied. "I have no idea." But she had to wonder again about the things Kelly had said to her so recently... and about the things that Bill had wished for too. Silliness! Total silliness! The fight should have been over with. But it wasn't. Not because of the other boys on the team, but because of Mark. He resented very much the things the other kids had said to him. He resented their attitude toward him even more. He tried, damn it! He was out there doing the best he could! It wasn't his fault he couldn't get a hit every time! It wasn't his fault at all! Holding that grudge all too close, Mark carried it into school with him. And when lunchtime came, and he came across the boy who had started the fight in the first place, there was no holding that grudge back. He literally exploded at the boy, throwing punches and fighting as hard as he could. This time there were no other teammates around to help the boy. But this time, Kelly wasn't there to help Mark either. He soon became the victim instead of the perpetrator. And by the time the two boys were torn apart, Mark was bruised far worse than he had been before. Janice wasn't the least bit happy about having to leave work to go pick up Mark - because he had been fighting. In fact, she was extremely furious about it. But at least Mark was all right, and the school had said they were only suspending him for one week. A lucky break since they were getting so close to the end of the school year. Mark sat silently in the car next to her while she drove just as silently home. When they got there, not trusting her anger, she did her best to calmly send him to his room. Then she sat down with a cup of tea in the breakfast nook to wait for the rest of the family to come home. And while she waited, even though it made no sense, she again thought of those strange conversations she'd had recently. What if it was possible to switch the two twins around? No, it couldn't be done... and it shouldn't be done! Silliness! That's all it was, stupid silliness! But that didn't stop her from thinking about it. Kelly wanted to be Mark. Bill wanted Mark to be a better athlete. And Mark needed to be punished for the fight he had just caused. Silliness! When Bill finally came home from work, Mark got grounded not just for the rest of his life, but for his next lifetime too. Basically, Bill had no more idea what to do with him than Janice did. The next day was Saturday and everyone was home. Of course, both kids were grounded and forbidden from going out to see their friends. Bill was outside trying to fix the lawnmower so that Mark could cut the grass. While Mark waited, he was in his room with his guitar. Hoping for a bit of a break, Janice boiled some hot water and sat down at the breakfast nook with a cup of tea. She could hear Mark's electric guitar sounding from his bedroom. And no surprise, Kelly soon wandered into the kitchen - trying to get further away from the loud music emanating from Mark's bedroom. "I just boiled some water," Janice told Kelly. "Want to join me for a cup of tea?" Kelly considered it, then shrugged. "Why not?" A few minutes later, Janice was enjoying a very rare opportunity - a chance to sit down and enjoy being with her daughter. Except, she wasn't really enjoying it all that much. Those strange conversations and even stranger thoughts were still circling through her head. Finally, Janice got up the nerve to ask the really stupid question. "Kelly, remember when you told me you wished you were Mark?" "Yeah. Sorry Mom. I was just frustrated I guess. But that doesn't mean I don't still wish it." Janice nodded. "What if you could? Just hypothetically of course! But what if you could be him for a little while?" She wasn't prepared to see how much Kelly's face brightened at just the idea of it. "What do you mean, what if I could? I'd love it! I'd absolutely love it!" "You think so?" "I know so!" Kelly confirmed. Janice sighed. "It's just wishful thinking of course." "Yeah, but it's an awfully nice thing for me to think about!" Kelly replied. Janice just sighed. Silliness! And then the words came from her mouth... totally unthought about... totally unbidden. "How would we do it, I wonder?" "Do it?" Kelly asked. "Switch you two around." "You mean let me be Mark and him be..." "You!" Janice ended for her. "How would we do it?" "I don't know, Kelly admitted. But I know it could be done." "Maybe, maybe not," Janice replied. "But since this is all just in fun anyway, how would we actually do it? Of course, I guess you would each have to completely assume each other's lives. That alone would be nearly impossible." Kelly thought about it. "Oh, I don't know. I don't think I'd have much trouble at all pretending to be Mark. Except I don't think I can be such a total ass on the baseball field like he is." "Well, I guess you wouldn't have to be," Janice admitted. "Even your father complains that he'd like to see Mark do a bit better on the team." "And I can do a lot better than he can!" "Yes, but baseball isn't everything!" "No, it's not," Kelly admitted, "but I still have no doubt that I would be able to pick up right in his shoes - and nobody would ever know the difference. Except that maybe I'd be better at most everything than he is now!" Janice rolled her eyes. "Maybe," she admitted, although she was fairly certain that Kelly actually would be better at almost everything. She hated to admit it, but in some ways, her daughter would probably make a better boy than her son was. But Mark? No, Mark wouldn't make a very good girl at all! "And how about Mark?" she asked. "Mark couldn't be you in a million years!" Kelly had to think about that one. And with a heavy heart, she had to concede. But she did try to argue in her favor. "Maybe he doesn't have to be just like me. I don't have all that many really close girlfriends... except on the softball team. If we keep him away from most of them, most likely, nobody would ever notice." Janice knew that Kelly's statement was mostly true. She didn't have that many close friends... outside her softball team. "I guess we could pull him from any sports teams for a while." Even knowing that the conversation was all in fun, Kelly couldn't help but become more excited. "Not only that, but you always wanted me to be girlier. Why couldn't we have Mark be the girlier one instead? It would certainly serve him right! Let him wear those dresses in my closet instead of me!" Janice tried to picture Mark wearing one of Kelly's dresses. And that was a problem, because as similar as her two kids appeared sometimes, she could picture it. All too easily. She shook her head. "He can't act like you. Not only that, he would never want to even try to act like you." "Not like me, Mom. He'd just have to act like a girl." "But that's just it. He wouldn't know how to act like a girl at all. Not to mention he wouldn't want to do it." "We'd probably have to make him do it," Kelly replied. "Well, of course!" Janice said. "But that still doesn't mean he could carry it off." Kelly thought about that for a moment. "I'm sure he could if we taught him." Janice shook her head. "How? Like I said, he wouldn't exactly want to learn." Kelly couldn't help it. She giggled a bit. "I know. But I think making him learn might be fun... for me anyway. I'm fairly sure he wouldn't like it much at all." Janice rolled her eyes. "That much is certainly true." "And didn't I hear you and Daddy saying last night that you need some way to punish Mark for what he did?" "Both of you!" Janice reminded her daughter. "But I guess Mark mostly for what he did in school. I still don't know what I'm going to do with him all next week while I'm at work and he has to be home." She sighed as she finished her tea. "It doesn't matter anyway. It's just a weird little subject to discuss for a minute. We can't actually do it... and it probably wouldn't work anyway." "But I think it could work, Mom. I do! I really do!" Janice shook her head. "No dear, it's all just... silliness." But that conversation wouldn't leave Janice alone either. That one got piled right on top of all the other ones she'd had recently. And if anything, it seemed to have landed on top of the list. Silliness! But that silliness forced itself out of her mouth that night as she and Bill were getting ready for bed again. "Bill, what if we could switch Kelly and Mark?" "Huh? What are you talking about?" "Switch the two kids. Have Kelly be Mark and Mark be Kelly." Bill blinked a few times trying to come to grips with the oddball thing his wife had just said. "That's got to be the dumbest thing I ever heard? Why would you even think about such a thing in the first place?" "Oh, I don't know. Things that Kelly has said, things that you said." "Things that I said? I never said that we should consider doing anything like that." "Maybe not exactly, but you did say you wished that Mark would do better at baseball once in a while." "Sure. Of course. And I would like to see it. But what's that got to do with Kelly?" "If Kelly were out there instead of Mark, you know she'd do better than he does." Bill shook his head. "Maybe. But don't forget, that's a team with all boys. Kelly plays on a team with all girls. There's a big difference." "For God's sake, face it Bill. Kelly is a much better athlete than Mark ever was. At any sport!" Bill looked at his wife for a moment, then conceded. "Yeah, probably," he admitted. "But what the heck does that have to do with anything?" "What if Kelly was out there playing instead of Mark?" "But they don't allow girls on the team! That's what the softball league is for!" "No dummy, what if Kelly pretended to be Mark?" Bill looked at his wife like she was crazy. Of course, just then, he did think exactly that. "That's the dumbest thing I ever heard. Why?" Janice took a moment before she answered. "Look at it this way, yes you want Mark to do better on the field. But I think what you really want is for him to do better - so that all the other parents won't put him down like they do now. Face it Bill, you don't just want Mark to do better just for his sake, you'd also like to hear some of that praise for yourself too, so you can be known as the parent of the kid that hit the winning hit." "Maybe," Bill conceded. "Just maybe. But what does that have to do with anything?" "Bill, what if we really did switch the two kids. And I don't mean just for baseball and softball, that's just a little thing. But what if we did switch them around?" Bill looked at his wife. "Janice, you've lost it! You're crazy!" "Maybe," Janice admitted. "But what if we did?" "Why?" But Janice wasn't totally certain of all the whys involved. "I don't know. A lot of little things I guess. Kelly wants to be Mark. You want a hero for a son. And Mark needs a good punishment. I can't think of a worse punishment for him than to have to be Kelly for a while." Bill looked at his wife. "That's insane!" "Yeah, I know," Janice replied. She was somewhat surprised at how sad she felt about that. And there was no reason for it. The entire idea was insane. "It would never work anyway," Bill said. "Kelly could never pass herself off as Mark." Janice raised her eyebrows. "But what if she could?" Chapter 2 On Sunday morning, Kelly was overjoyed to wake up dry again. Maybe all the bedwetting really was behind her now. She certainly hoped so! She had spent an odd night all last night thinking about that weird conversation she and her mother had yesterday. Weird! But fun too! What if she could switch places with Mark? She would be in heaven of course. And Mark would probably be getting a taste of just what he deserved! The jerk! Oh what she'd like to do to him sometimes! Wearing just shorts and a t-shirt, she went out to have breakfast with everybody else. It was Sunday. Dad was cooking pancakes for the family. He cooked pancakes every Sunday. To him, it was special. Kelly didn't really think about it, but she guessed it was special for her too. During breakfast, she noticed both her father and mother giving her more than a few strange looks. She was almost tempted to ask them about it, but she refrained from doing so. But as soon as breakfast was over with, she heard her father say to her mother. "You going to handle it?" And she saw her mother nod. Something about that didn't give her a very good feeling. Before Kelly could leave the table, Janice set her hand on top of her daughter's hand. "Sit for a few minutes. I need to talk to you." "What did I do now?" Kelly asked. "You got in trouble last week, for one thing!" Janice replied. Kelly rolled her eyes and sat back in her chair, totally frustrated with life. When Bill and Mark had left the room, Janice came back to the breakfast nook with a fresh cup of coffee and sat down. "What are you going to do to me now?" Kelly asked. Janice raised her eyebrows. "Why... just what you wanted, dear." "Just what I wanted? And what's that?" "A chance to become Mark." Kelly stared, totally shocked, at her mother. She didn't really know what to think. "Say what?" "Isn't that what you said you really wanted?" "Heck yeah!" Kelly agreed. "But I thought..." "Yes, yes, I know. It was all in fun. And it was! But that was yesterday and this is today." Kelly was still trying to come to grips with things. "So... what's the deal? Mark and I are going to switch rooms or something?" "Not exactly. At least not just yet." She leaned over closer to her daughter. "Let's think of this as kind of a trial run. Do you really think you can pull off pretending to be your brother?" Kelly, still in shock, took a moment to answer. "Yeah. In fact, definitely yes! I don't think it would be all that hard at all!" Janice nodded. "Okay, then here's the deal. Mark has a baseball game on Tuesday night. If you can go out there, and nobody knows it's you instead of him, then - maybe - we'll consider some other things too. Maybe!" Kelly's shock grew! "You're serious, aren't you?" "Yeah, I am. Actually, we are. I had a long talk about it with your father last night." "So Daddy knows too?" "Let's just say that he thinks I'm totally crazy. And I can't exactly say that I'm not. I'm actually more inclined to agree with him on that point. But that being said, are you interested?" "Oh yeah I'm interested!" Then she thought about something. "But what about Mark?" "Mark is being grounded a bit more firmly than he'd like. And he's to know nothing about this at all! Got that? Nothing! This is between you and me and your father! And that's it! We just want to see if you can actually pull off convincing everyone that you're Mark." The grin on Kelly's face was from ear to ear. "I know I can do it!" Janice nodded. "Then maybe we better discuss some of the things that you'll have to think about. Like his voice and the way he talks. And then there's his mannerisms and..." Later that afternoon, Mark stared out his bedroom window at the backyard and fumed. He was seriously grounded. But he saw his stupid sister outside - playing catch with their father. And he noticed that this time they weren't throwing a softball like they usually did. This time they were throwing a regular baseball instead. He would love to be outside playing catch with Dad just then! Stupid Kelly. He hated being grounded! Kelly sat at her desk and talked into the microphone on her computer, trying her best to make her voice sound like Mark's. She thought she was doing pretty well with it. All she did was to lower her voice a little bit and that wasn't all that hard. But the situation ahead of her forced her to wonder, did she really sound like Mark? Knowing she needed a better way to find out, she grabbed her cell phone. Setting it up in advance, she left her room and headed out into the hallway where she stopped in front of Mark's room. But it was a moment before she knocked because she didn't yet have a plausible reason to want to see him. Still not knowing what she was going to say, she knocked on his closed door. "Yeah, come on in," Mark called. Kelly started her phone recording and opened his door. "What do you want?" Mark asked in a somewhat irritating tone of voice. Kelly bit her tongue to stop herself from answering in any way that would be nasty at all. "I came by to... find out just what Dad told you about being grounded. I mean, how bad?" Mark plopped himself backwards on the bed and stared up at the ceiling. "The worst! Not only can I not go anywhere, but no TV, no computer, no nothing! I can't even play my guitar till they say so." Kelly almost laughed. "God! So what do you do instead?" "Ugh! I can listen to my music at least. I spend most of my time doing that. I can do that, and I can read, and that's about it! How about you? Dad said you're being grounded too, but not as bad as me." "Yeah, that's for sure. I can't go anywhere either, and no TV, but I can pretty much do anything else." "Lucky! They could at least let me practice my guitar!" Kelly rolled her eyes a bit. "I think Mom just doesn't want the noise for a few days." "Noise? Hey, I've got to practice!" "But you don't have to practice so loud!" "Shit!" he exclaimed sulkingly. "What do you know?" Kelly let the remark pass. "How about next week?" she asked. "You're suspended from school." "Yeah, don't remind me. Dad says I'll probably have to stay here in the house by myself. But both he and Mom will be calling me all day long to check on me." "That's not so bad then. Maybe you can play your guitar then." Mark brightened a bit at that. "I'm hoping so!" Kelly had enough. Now it was time to get back to work. "Well, see you later." With that, she walked out and closed his door behind her. She went straight back to her room where she transferred the recording she had just made into her computer. Then it was back to work on trying to make herself sound more like her brother. She quickly discovered that what she had been doing before wasn't nearly good enough. Her brother's voice wasn't really as low as she thought it was. In fact, to make her voice sound more like his, all she really had to do was to talk a bit... huskier. Not to mention with more of a rude attitude. On Monday, Mark did stay home by himself. And after a long talk with his father, he was relieved to hear that he could do anything he wanted while he was home alone - as long as he stayed in the house! He wasn't to go out any of the doors for any reason at all. He watched TV for a while in the morning, then he played his guitar as loud as he could for several hours - only being interrupted all too often when he felt his phone vibrating in his pocket signaling a call from either his mother or his father. And then, after making a sandwich for himself for lunch, since the house was empty and he was totally alone, he sat down in front of his computer to look into his latest interest. Pornography. It took him no time at all to find the things he was the most interested in. And being unable to help himself, he started downloading many of the pictures he saw that he liked the most. He hid the pictures several layers deep in a special folder in his computer so nobody would find them - not that anyone had ever gone into his computer anyway, but he was being careful. No telling what Mom and Dad would do to him if they saw those pictures. Then, when he couldn't stand it anymore, he started going through all those pictures he had downloaded - while he masturbated. It seemed to be the ones with two naked women making love to each other that got to him the most. And before he knew it, he was orgasming stronger than ever into a couple of tissues in his hand. Spent, he closed the pictures on his computer, flushed the tissues down the toilet, and laid back on his bed to rest for a while. But some of those pictures were still burning their way through his brain. Being suspended from school and grounded like he was wasn't going to be nearly as bad as he thought. Was there any way he could make this punishment last even longer? It was a nice thought, but he knew better. But he was determined to enjoy his "punishment" as much as he could now. On Tuesday morning, Mark was not happy to find out that being grounded this time also meant that he wouldn't be allowed to play baseball. But after the way things had gone with his friends last time, maybe that was a good thing. Kelly, on the other hand, was going out to play with her team. Mark did find it odd though that Mom would be staying home with him while Dad took Kelly to the ball fields instead. But that was such a minor little thing that he thought almost nothing about it. He didn't notice that while he was having breakfast that morning, someone removed his baseball uniform along with his glove and his bat from his room. Some of his underwear went missing as well. But then he had no reason to notice his baseball stuff missing since he wouldn't be needing it. Kelly was beside herself with excitement all day long. She couldn't wait for school to end! And as soon as she got home, she went straight into the bathroom and took another shower - washing her hair carefully, but not with her shampoo or conditioner, only with a little of Mark's shampoo. And when she got out, she didn't brush it or comb it like she normally would. All she did was to rub the towel over it a bit and then pull her wet hair back in a low pony tail behind her head like Mark wore his when he played. It was all she could do to wait until after dinner when she could get dressed. Dinner for Kelly was frustrating - only because it was something she had to get through before she could try being Mark for the first time. But as soon as it ended, she disappeared into her room. The "cup" that all the boys were made to wear to protect their genitals was by far the most "odd" thing she had to come to grips with. But wearing it also gave her more of a boy's crotch, so she didn't mind. She pulled on Mark's brief style underpants and looked at herself in the mirror, preening back and forth as she watched the bizarre bulge from the cup that projected what she didn't have. After that, she grabbed one of the very tight tube tops that she had requested her mother buy for her. The tight material compressed her almost nonexistent breasts down to none at all. The tube top was a nuisance, but unfortunately, she felt like it was necessary. She didn't want to take a chance on anything possibly giving her away. After that, she quickly donned the rest of Mark's uniform. Then she had to wait. But while she waited, she looked at herself in the mirror and practiced again all the little things she had been practicing since Sunday. She had spent a lot of time lately staring at herself in the mirror - particularly at her face - trying to get her facial expressions to look just like Mark. And now, after countless hours of practicing, she was sure she could pass as Mark. She was sure of it! A small knock came at her door. "Kelly?" "Come on in, Mom." Janice entered her daughter's bedroom - and was more than a bit shocked to see Mark standing there in his baseball uniform. She closed the door and stared at her daughter. "Kelly?" she asked uncertainly. It wasn't until she saw the grin come into Kelly's face that she knew it was her daughter for sure. But when Kelly spoke, it was rather unnerving to hear her sound so much like her brother. "No Mom, not Kelly, Mark!" And then she giggled. If it wasn't for the giggling and the way she had smiled, Janice could have almost sworn she was looking at Mark. At least, at first glance. As she looked closer, there were definitely some things about her face that were without a doubt, Kelly. But she was forced to admit... "You look frighteningly like your brother!" She was rewarded to see Kelly's smile light up her face again. "So you really think you can pull this off?" "Yeah," Kelly replied - in Mark's voice. "I do." Janice was suddenly more convinced than ever. "Well, I have just one little suggestion for when you get out of here." "What's that?" "Don't smile... and for heaven's sake, don't giggle!" Kelly couldn't help it, her excitement was way too much and she giggled again. Janice ducked her head out the door to make sure that the door to Mark's room was still closed. "Ready?" her mother asked. Kelly grabbed her baseball equipment. "I can't wait to get out of here," Mark's voice said. Bill was more than astonished at how much Kelly looked like Mark. He had to look twice to see that it was really Kelly. And when Kelly spoke and sounded so much like her brother, it got downright creepy! For the first time he thought that maybe this crazy harebrained scheme of his wife's might just actually work. Maybe his daughter really could impersonate her brother. "Good luck!" Janice called from the doorway as she watched the two head out to the car. As they arrived at the ball fields, Bill told his daughter - pretending to be his son, "Look, I'm going to be sticking close to you today. I'll probably be as close to that dugout as I can. After what happened last week - not to mention you pretending to be your brother, I want to be there - just in case!" "Dad, I'll be fine!" Kelly insisted - again in Mark's voice. Bill looked over at his daughter. It was all too startling to hear that voice coming from her. And it was all too startling to see his son sitting next to him - and knowing it was really Kelly instead. "Just the same," he insisted, "I'm sticking as close as I can." Kelly's biggest fear wasn't being discovered that she wasn't Mark. Her biggest fear was how the other kids would treat her... or him... after the fight last time. Leaving her father behind, she walked boldly into the dugout and forced herself to meet the faces of Mark's teammates. There were more than a few glares she wasn't happy about, but she said nothing at all and just took a seat at the end of the bench where the other guys seemed to move away and avoid her. Even Mark's best friend Gary was avoiding her. All he seemed to do was to glare unhappily from further down the bench. But right now, Kelly figured that it was better if they all stayed as far away from her as possible. There was much less chance of her being discovered that way. This time, the coach sent "Mark" out to play right field at the beginning of the game. Right field had to be the most boring position on the field. Which was probably why Mark was made to play there. But she wasn't really Mark. And she had every intention of showing that she could play baseball as well as - or really better than the other boys on the team. During the very first inning, one of the batters hit a fast ground ball out past the second baseman and Kelly managed to field the smaller ball. But she also saw one of the kids already on base running from second base to third base, and the base coach was waving him on to run toward home. She knew she should have relayed the ball to someone in the infield to throw the rest of the way, but she was too much of a competitor for that and she heaved the thing with all her might at the catcher instead. Bill was proud to see the way Kelly fielded the ball, but when she should have thrown it to the second baseman, he was horrified to see her trying to throw the thing all the way to home plate instead. But as the boy running the bases rounded third base and was heading for home, he was astonished to see the baseball Kelly had thrown flying all the way from the outfield to home plate, where the catcher had to jump in the air to catch the thing before being able to tag the runner out! What a throw! And that was his daughter! And as the crowd in the stands cheered. So did he - with more intensity than he had ever cheered before. What a throw! It wasn't until the second inning when Kelly got to bat. Her only thought was that she wanted to hit a home run. As she took her place waiting for the pitch, she glared intensely at the pitcher. And then the first pitch was thrown... and the speed of that tiny little ball actually surprised and frightened her. "Strike one!" the umpire called. Kelly regrouped herself, more determined than ever. The pitcher threw again and she swung! And missed. That tiny ball was so much smaller than the softballs she was used to hitting, not to mention how much faster the thing had been thrown! "Strike two!" Kelly gritted her teeth with even more determination. The pitcher threw again, and she swung... and she felt the bat make contact with the ball, but it was heading down along the ground out between the shortstop and the third baseman. Dropping her bat, she ran as fast as she could for first base. And she just made it! Whew! A few minutes later after the next batter swung his bat, she was standing on second base... then eventually third base... then eventually she did what the real Mark had never done - her foot came in contact with home plate as she ran across it scoring a run. And she saw her Dad jumping up and down and cheering for her like she had never seen him do. She couldn't have felt more proud. She was so proud that she caught herself smiling again like Kelly would as she watched her father cheering for her. Quickly wiping that grin off her face, she tried instead to leer more like Mark would as she headed into the dugout - where she was strongly praised by everyone else. She couldn't help but notice the difference from the way she had entered the dugout earlier. She got another single, and then a double her third time at bat. And she was doing so well that the coach let her play for six innings instead of Mark's usual four. The team won that day and everyone was astonished at how much better Mark had played, but the real accomplishment for Kelly, was knowing that she had successfully pulled it off. She had successfully made everyone think she was really Mark - despite playing so much better than him. "You were great, honey!" her Dad proclaimed as they headed for the car. "Not only that Dad, but I'm pretty sure that nobody even suspected I wasn't Mark." Bill stopped walking for a moment and looked at his daughter. "Yeah," he agreed. "Yeah." But on the way home he couldn't wait to phone his wife and say the magic words - "Two singles and a double! And you should have seen the throw she made from right field all the way to home plate! Beautiful!" But Kelly picked up on something her father had made an error on. "Not 'she' Daddy. 'He.' I'm Mark tonight." Bill glance over at his daughter again as he drove. "Yeah." But he said nothing else about such a troubling thought. That night, Bill and Janice had another long late-night talk... and the following morning, Kelly wet the bed again. "See what a baby you are!" Mark taunted. "See! Admit it, you're nothing but a big baby!" Kelly was mad, but she did her best to hold her tongue this time and for once not argue back with him. It was difficult, but she did her best. "Maybe you should ask Mommy for a nice warm baby bottle with your breakfast this morning - baby! And oh, does the little baby need her pacifier when she goes to school today?" Mark was laughing and enjoying Kelly's embarrassment immensely. And for once she was just sitting there and taking it. But he could easily see by the look on her face that all his taunting was getting to her. Which only made him keep at it. Kelly did her best to stay silent and not argue. Keep it coming, jerk! Keep it coming. I swear, someday you'll get yours! I can promise you that! You'll definitely get yours! And if there's any way I can help it, you'll get yours sooner rather than later! It was a while before Mark's taunting finally petered out and she was able to finish getting dressed for school. After breakfast though, Janice followed her daughter back into her room to "help" with her bed. But she closed the door as soon as she got there. Kelly couldn't help but notice. "Kelly," Janice started. "Yeah, Mom? "Your father said you did really well last night. Nobody knew at all that you weren't Mark." Kelly smiled. "I told you I could do it." "Yes, and it seems you were right. But that was only once. Your father and I had another little discussion last night. And if you're interested you can try to do it again." "I can? When?" Janice paused before answering her impatient daughter. "There are two more games this week. One on Thursday and another on Friday. Plus your softball team has games tonight and Friday as well. That's an awful lot. You'll have to choose what you want to do. But we'll be better able to see then if your impersonation will hold up. " Kelly smirked more like Mark would do. "Bring it on," she said in Mark's voice. "Bring it on!" And then she added, "But what about Mark? Are you going to continue to keep him in the dark?" Janice pursed her lips as that troubling thought ran through her mind. "No! And that's going to be part of the problem. While we've seen that you can fool people into thinking you're Mark. Having Mark fool people into thinking that he's you is another matter. A much bigger problem." "I think I can help him, Mom. In fact, I'm already looking forward to it." Janice knew her daughter wanted to take over her brother's life pretty badly, so she had no doubt about that. "You've got to go to school now. We'll talk more tonight." Kelly nearly flew out the door in total ecstasy at the thought of trading places for real with her brother. She could do it! She had no doubt that with a little more work she could impersonate Mark so perfectly that even his own friends wouldn't know the difference - up close! But getting Mark to be her was another matter. But that bit of an uphill climb was something that she found was more interesting to her than she thought. That would be the part where she could finally start getting back at her jerk of a brother! To Kelly, it was a long, long day at school. Ugh! While Kelly was at school and his mother and father were working, Mark's pornography collection grew by twice its original size. He masturbated over those pictures in the morning and again in the afternoon. One thing was for sure, being left alone in the house once in a while was a very good thing for him! Even before dinner that night, Kelly tried to press her mother about what was going to happen, but her mother put her off. "Not till later dear. Later!" Kelly was stuck being frustrated with waiting to hear once again. But in the meantime, she dreamed of becoming Mark... and in the process, she dreamed of all the things she wanted to do to make the real Mark more miserable when he had to try to become her. It wasn't until much later, after Kelly and Janice had come back from her softball game, that her father gathered everyone in the family room to talk. Kelly and her mother entered the family room together just as her father was coming back up the hallway from Mark's room. Mark was just leaving his room. "Kelly," her father said, "why don't you sit over there on the couch?" When Mark came in, he was directed to sit next to Kelly. Janice sat in another chair across from her two twins while Bill remained standing. Everyone was seated. Everyone was looking up at him. But Bill didn't really know where to start. With his two twins sitting next to each other like they were, he was struck by how similar they really did look. Not exactly, but similar anyway. Not knowing exactly where to start, he turned to his son. "Mark, I have to tell you, you played the game of your life last night. Best game I've ever seen you play." Mark was confused. "But Dad... Oh, you mean because I didn't play," he replied disappointedly. "You didn't? I certainly saw you out on that field. And two singles and a double... not to mention that throw you made last night from right field all the way to home plate was really something. Great game Mark, great game." Mark was totally confused now. "But I didn't play last night. I didn't even leave my room!" Bill nodded. "Yeah, I know. Still it was the best I saw you play." "But how?" Bill nodded at Kelly. "She did it. She went out there and pretended to be you. She did it." Mark was not only shocked, he was outraged. "Kelly?" Bill nodded. "She impersonated you so well, even I was shocked." "But that's not fair! Not to mention it's not right. I hope you punish her good for fooling you like that!" Janice answered that one before her husband could. "She's not getting punished. We all knew about it before she even tried." Mark was even more outraged. "But... but... But why?" Bill's eyebrows went up as Mark asked that one. "And that's a very good question. And the truth is, I'm not totally sure why we did it. I guess there's kind of a mish-mash of negligible reasons all combined into one." He looked at his wife to confirm that one, but Janice merely nodded, so he continued. "But the bottom line is, that she went out there and did a great job, and everyone really thought she was you." "That's not right!" Mark complained. "It's not right!" Bill nodded. "Yeah, you're probably right. But for some of those mish- mash of reasons we're not all that sure about... we're going to let her do it again. All week in fact, while you sit here at home." Mark's jaw dropped. "You're going to let her keep pretending to be me so she can play baseball instead of me?" Bill nodded. "That's pretty much it." "But that's not all of it," Janice added from her seat. "Not by a long- shot I'm afraid." Bill nodded. "Yeah, I'm afraid that's not all of it at all." He rolled his eyes as he tried to think of how to tell his son. Then he threw his arms in the air and spoke to Janice. "You want to fill him in?" Janice wasn't all that happy to be stuck with the really bad chore, but she accepted it. After all, this was mostly her idea. She looked at her son. "Mark, here's the really bad news for you. All this week, Kelly will be pretending to be you while you stay here at home. But by next week, we expect you to go out to some of the games she's playing... just to watch... except that you're going to have to be her." Mark nearly hit the floor in shock. "You're going to have to fool everyone into thinking that you're really Kelly and not Mark." Mark was nearly speechless as he rose to his feet in protest. "That's crazy! I can't do that! No way! And I'm not going to do it! It's stupid! It's... I don't know what. But I'm not going to do it!" "Yes you will!" his father replied with a stern edge to his voice. "Yes you will! And what's more, you're going to do your very best to make everyone think you really are Kelly. Like it or not! Think of this as part of your punishment for that fight you started at school!" "Part of..." Mark started to say. But he was totally speechless. "I'm not going to do it!" he protested again. It was Janice who replied to that. "Then when we take you out there to root for Kelly, you're going to be one very, very embarrassed boy... dressed as a girl!" "You wouldn't!" Mark protested. His mother only nodded before replying. "Since we figured you would react this way, we're already planning on it." She turned to her daughter, "Don't you have a nice sundress somewhere that he can wear?" Kelly giggled uncontrollably. She didn't have anything like that in her closet... as far as she knew, but she replied. "I'm sure we can find him something." Mark was totally lost for words as he stood there looking back and forth between his mother and his father. Then finally, he turned toward Kelly who was smiling all too broadly from where she was still sitting on the couch. "And what about her?" "I suggest you two spend a lot of time together between now and then, and that you do everything you can to let her help you become... her." Kelly was truly in heaven. This was all going better than she thought. A short while later, she went from her bedroom, through the bathroom, and opened the door to Mark's room... something she never did without knocking first. She saw Mark look up at her from his desk, totally annoyed to see her. Good! "Ready for some lessons on how to be me?" Kelly asked, anxious to get started. "Get lost!" Mark replied. "I'm not doing it!" "You better," Kelly replied with a grin on her face. "Or you know how everyone will tease you once they see you in my clothes while I'm pretending to be you out on the field." "Not gonna happen!" Mark replied angrily. "Suit yourself," Kelly replied as she left him and went back to her room. Mark didn't sleep all that well that night. And the following morning, he made a big point of asking his mother before she left for work, "Mom, do I really have to try to pretend to be Kelly for one of those games?" "Yep!" his mother replied. "You really do." "But I can't!" He wasn't happy at all to see the devilish grin on his mother's face. "Like it or not, you're going to have to try," she

Same as Twin Switch: Kelly and Mark - Chapters 1 - 4 Videos

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Kelly Girl 22 Andies Halloween

Kelly Girl 22: Andie's Halloween By Wanda Cunningham The cabbie, Elise Fremont, looked in her mirror at Andie Mann in the back seat. Such a pretty girl, she thought, why did she mess up her looks with all those tattoos and piercings? Aloud she said, "I ain't never had anybody ask me to follow a cop car before." "Yeah? Well, it won't be hard will it, all that noise and light? I wonder where they're going?" "We'll find out. What's this all about, anyway?" "Um," Andie debated what...

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The Life and Times of Kelly Anderson Part 1

The Life and Times of Kelly Anderson Written by Kristine Roland Edited by Joni W Part 1 - This is the Sequel to Jason's Story. A few months have passed, and Kelly is celebrating Thanksgiving. Author's Note: My sincere thanks to Joni W for all her efforts! Chapter 1 It was Thanksgiving Day, a fine autumn morning in late November. Kelly Anderson woke up and lay in bed thinking about all that she had to be thankful for. Her leg was finally healed and out of the cast. She had...

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Rite Of Passage Kelly And Her Grandfather

Kristin prepared her daughter Kelly to continue their family's tradition. They had many chats about it. At eighteen, a daughter would join her father in bed for her first sexual experience.When the time came, Kelly happily gave her virginity to him. She joined the ranks of many women in the family before her. Afterward, she told her mother, "I want to do it again every night!" It awakened a high sexual drive in her.Unfortunately, Kelly's father wouldn't be able to do it so often. She also...

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TimAand Abbie 65 Mark And Brian Dine With Marks family

Mark has jumped over some of the highest hurdles bringing Brian into his world and entering Brian’s a bit too.  Letting people know his inclinations and choices eases Mark’s usual stress a lot.  The sessions with James are bringing out things from his past and his father.  In sessions that include Brian, they address issues they face together as they build a solid relationship.The next biggest mountain to conquer is introducing Brian to his mother, Patti, and his two older sisters Jessica and...

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Fucking the Band with Kelly

It was a Saturday night in April of 1995. Kelly and I had met Annie at our local nightclub and had a wild night with her last fall. Kelly was really over with dealing with the holidays and ‘itchy’ as she put it. She called Annie in January. Their plan had us meeting at the club in two weeks.As it turned out, it was insanely, bitterly cold that night. The girls had to dress for survival and the club was dead. We ate a pizza and all went back to our house. We enjoyed our hot tub and had a great...

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Twin Switch Chapters 3336

Twin Switch Chapter 33-36 By Cheryl Lynn This is a work of fiction featuring an evil step-mother who is determined to switch the sexual identities of her twin step-children. I highly recommend that you read all preceding chapters before reading this one. The basic plot to Chapter 33 was written by Trish Simpson who did a wonderful job. Thank you Trish. Chapters 34 plus had a lot of help from Troxis. This story may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use not expressly...

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Twin Switch

Twin Switch I tried to contact the author "SalonFetish" but was unable to do so. I am adding some chapters of my own and have done nothing to change the original three chapters. Should the author object to my additions then I will have them deleted. The standard disclaimers about confusing this story with real life apply and no use of this material is authorized for anything other than personal private use. I can be contacted at [email protected] for any comments or to...

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The Adventures of Kelly Anderson

The Adventures of Kelly Anderson By Kristine Roland This is a short bit of silliness in honor of my favorite author. My apologies in advance... Kristy -------------------------------- YOU don't know about me without you have read a book by the name of Jason's Story; but that ain't no matter. That book was made by Ms. Kristine Roland, and she told the truth, mainly. There was things which she stretched, but mainly she told the truth. That is nothing. I never seen anybody but...

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Andersonville 12 The Day Linda Anderson Came To Town

I slid the report into the proper file just as he walked into the room. Dennis Butz stood there wearing his three-piece suit, looking as handsome and charming as any man could. But I was not to be tamed by his charm. "Hello, Linda," he said with a friendly grin. "Judge Herns isn't in today," I replied back in a frosty tone. "I'm not here to see her." "My plane leaves in less then an hour Dennis, what do you want?" I slammed the file drawer shut and walked past him to my desk...

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Twin Switch chpt 1014

Twin Switch Chapter 10 Again this is a fictional story and should never be practiced in real life. Age brackets and plot of this story were developed by Salon Fetish. If you do not like severe female domination don't read! Please read the first two installments before proceeding with this one. I appreciate comments both good and bad as long as the commenter understands that this is fiction. I would never condone such actions in real life but the fantasies are different. Downloads...

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Twin Switch Chapter 32

Twin Switch Chapter 32 This is a work of fiction featuring female domination and mature subjects if such stories offend or you should not read do not do so. Explicit sex is depicted beginning with this chapter again you have been warned. This work is copy written by the author and permission for personal enjoyment downloads is authorized. Any other use of this material is strictly forbidden without my permission. I can be contacted at [email protected]. Twin Switch...

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Twin Switch Chapter 27

Twin Switch Chapter 27 By Cheryl Lynn This is a work of fiction based on an original idea of Salon Fetish. I have heard from her and she has graciously agreed to let me continue. It is recommended that you read the previous installments as they will provide important background information. This story features extreme female domination and if that offends you do not read. While there is no actual sex in these chapters' sexual activities may be described. Comments good or bad...

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Twin Switch Conclusion

Twin Switch Conclusion By Cheryl Lynn This is a work of fiction. Heavy forced gender change, humiliation and sex. If you do not enjoy this type of story DO NOT READ or place derogatory comments. Before reading this installment please read all preceding chapters. Approval is granted by the author to download this story for personal use only. Downloading or any other use of this story for financial gain is strictly prohibited without my permission. My thanks to Toxis for the great...

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Strip Club And Nude Beach Fucking With Kelly

It was late winter of 1989. Kelly and I were on vacation in Florida. We'd married after she graduated from college, and our vacations since then were pretty much just a long weekend here and there or some camping trips. This was our first “fly away” destination.A year ago, a close friend of Kelly’s at work had shared their experience visiting the famous nude beach in South Florida. Since then, Kelly was on a mission. She had been visiting the tanning beds for about six months and had an amazing...

Group Sex
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Kelly and Katie

Kelly and Katieby Denise CThere were two very different ideas of Kelly. To her friends and family, she just about perfect. Kelly was possibly the most beautiful girl on the entire campus of 20,000 students. Thick black hair flowed to her shoulders. Her body was perfect with not a bit of excess fat, a perfect ass, and B/C tits that seemed to defy gravity. Slightly olive skin gave her the appearance of being something exotic. Kelly had just finished her freshman year having rushed the most...

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Her Brother And His Friends Have Sex With Kelly

It was August of 1981. By the end of the week, Kelly would be packing up and heading back to Milwaukee to tackle her senior year of college. Not many weeks after her arrival she would begin interviewing for her post-graduation job, which she would begin just months later. And then spend decades as part of the working class. Something I had learned about Kelly is that one big way that she deals with anxiety is through her pussy.It happened the summer that she graduated from high school. Anxiety...

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The Story Of Kelly And Bill0

Kelly Awoke At 6 am And Got Up To Get The Day started, She Slipped Out Of Bed And Put On Her Robe And Went Into The Kitchen, She Put Some Biskets On The Cooking Pan, Started The Oven To Preheating And Went To Her Secret Hiding Place To Take Out Her Cigarettes and Lighter, Slipped Out The Back Door To Grab A Quick Smoke Before She Woke Bill Up To start There Day, She Had Taken Up Smoking In The Past Year To Lose Some Weight, She Had Planned On Quitting As Soon As The weight Was Off But Now She...

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The Story Of Kelly And Bill1

Kelly Awoke At 6 am And Got Up To Get The Day started, She Slipped Out Of Bed And Put On Her Robe And Went Into The Kitchen, She Put Some Biskets On The Cooking Pan, Started The Oven To Preheating And Went To Her Secret Hiding Place To Take Out Her Cigarettes and Lighter, Slipped Out The Back Door To Grab A Quick Smoke Before She Woke Bill Up To start There Day, She Had Taken Up Smoking In The Past Year To Lose Some Weight, She Had Planned On Quitting As Soon As The weight Was Off But Now She...

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The Story Of Kelly And Bill4

Kelly Awoke At 6 am And Got Up To Get The Day started, She Slipped Out Of Bed And Put On Her Robe And Went Into The Kitchen, She Put Some Biskets On The Cooking Pan, Started The Oven To Preheating And Went To Her Secret Hiding Place To Take Out Her Cigarettes and Lighter, Slipped Out The Back Door To Grab A Quick Smoke Before She Woke Bill Up To start There Day, She Had Taken Up Smoking In The Past Year To Lose Some Weight, She Had Planned On Quitting As Soon As The weight Was Off But Now...

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The Story Of Kelly And Bill3

Kelly Awoke At 6 am And Got Up To Get The Day started, She Slipped Out Of Bed And Put On Her Robe And Went Into The Kitchen, She Put Some Biskets On The Cooking Pan, Started The Oven To Preheating And Went To Her Secret Hiding Place To Take Out Her Cigarettes and Lighter, Slipped Out The Back Door To Grab A Quick Smoke Before She Woke Bill Up To start There Day, She Had Taken Up Smoking In The Past Year To Lose Some Weight, She Had Planned On Quitting As Soon As The weight Was Off But Now...

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The Story Of Kelly And Bill2

Kelly Awoke At 6 am And Got Up To Get The Day started, She Slipped Out Of Bed And Put On Her Robe And Went Into The Kitchen, She Put Some Biskets On The Cooking Pan, Started The Oven To Preheating And Went To Her Secret Hiding Place To Take Out Her Cigarettes and Lighter, Slipped Out The Back Door To Grab A Quick Smoke Before She Woke Bill Up To start There Day, She Had Taken Up Smoking In The Past Year To Lose Some Weight, She Had Planned On Quitting As Soon As The weight Was Off But Now...

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Flashing And Fucking At NASCAR With Kelly

It was June of 1994. Kelly and I had been talking about making a trip to a NASCAR race and we made it happen. We invited our good friend Patrick to join us for the weekend. Patrick and Yvonne had been a couple we started having sex with while still in high school. Patrick and Yvonne had split up a while ago but we were still close friends and he happily maintained his friend-with-benefits status with Kelly. Kelly and I were thirty-four. Patrick was a year younger than us.We arrived Friday...

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Karen And Kelly The Whole Story

Introduction: Love story, Matt finds his dream girl. Karen and Kelly (The Rest of the Story) I made some minor changes to Part I but the story is still the same. If you have already read part I, skip down about half way and start on part II Karen & Kelly I My name is Mathew, everybody calls me Matt. I live in a big city up north. Summer vacation is over and today is my first day of junior high school. In the big city, there is an elementary school in every neighborhood within walking...

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Kelly and Beckys weekend Part 3

Kelly and Becky were both wearing the babydolls they bought earlier. Edward and Marcus started to remove Kellys and Norris and I started removing Beckys. Once both were undressed, Edward looked at Kellys bare cunt and then at Beckys bare cunt and remarked “Holy shit! Nothing to catch the jizz as it leaks out! You are going to let me fill that sweet pussy aren’t you?” Little did he know that Kelly wouldn’t need hair to catch anything and Becky was just a small dribbler! (at least so far) Kelly...

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Kelly Story A Whateley Tale Part 6

Chapter 40 "Mom?" Kelly was startled to find Marie sitting on Kelly's bed as Kelly entered back into her bedroom from the bathroom she shared with her sister. "What are... is something wrong?" "No honey, nothing is wrong." Marie smiled over at the girl wrapped in the towel. Holding out a shopping bag toward Kelly. "I just wanted to give you this before you got dressed for school." "What's this?" Kelly looked at the shopping bag in Marie's hands. "New bras honey." "But, I...

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Kelly Story A Whateley Tale Part 4

Chapter 24 Ed and Sabella had sat to watch the evening news before going off to bed so they could get back to their daughter Helen, who was still in intensive care at the hospital. The doctors had told them that they should amputate the leg, but Sabella refused to listen. This was her daughter, her own flesh and blood they wanted to do that to. Her husband had been more practical telling the doctors to do what they must to save her life before dragging his wife out of the room. To...

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Kelly Lingerie

Kelly Lingerie I had just split up with a few of the boys I hang out with after school at the burger shop. They made their way down Main Street while I took a route to the more elaborate store fronts of the city. After walking 6 blocks I made my way down Rainbow Avenue and I could see the bright street light illuminating the storefront windows of Kelly Lingerie. This was the highlight of my week because I got to see all kinds of womanly items I would never see anywhere else except in...

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Gary and I Have A Threesome With Kelly

It was February of 1993. Back in 1976, when Kelly was sixteen years old, she was at a party at a friend’s house that turned into an orgy and she was fucked by a half-dozen men that all worked together at the Ford dealership. A couple of them were double her age and one’s name was Gary. Fast-forward sixteen years and we had moved a couple of states away. Needing her Mustang repaired, Kelly went to the local Ford dealer the previous October. Lo and behold, Gary was the service writer.Her car...

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Kelly Ripa Wants To Be On Top

Kelly Ripa is really pissed off. She has been co-host of the ABC morning show, “Live with Regis and Kelly”, for ten years now. She has poured her heart and soul into this television program. She has done everything she can think of to make the show a success and to make sure that Regis Philbin looks good on camera. And after all this, what does she have to show for all her efforts? She has nothing to show but heartache. Regis Philbin has recently announced, during one of the...

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Fun With Her Gal Pal And Fun With Kelly

It was a Saturday late in the summer of 1991. Kelly had made plans to spend the day with her good friend Becca. Our sexy fun with Becca began in 1988 at our ten-year reunion when she jacked me off at the post-reunion pool party and then fucked me after I drove her drunk ass home. It continued the following summer when I jacked off in front of Kelly’s whole group of friends. Since then Becca and her husband Don had been to our house a few times without much happening other than some flirting and...

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First College Cock With Kelly

It was September of 1978. Kelly had been away at college in Milwaukee for a total of three weeks and she was still getting her bearings. While she had been on a sexual tear the entire summer after high school graduation, she knew that was something that she had to work out before college so she could concentrate on her classes. So far, she had been doing just that, staying focused on classes and homework, with zero social life.Thankfully, Kelly and her roommate Tricia hit it off pretty well....

College Sex
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Kelly Woods The Young Secretary

Kelly Woods needed this job desperately. Her husband, Todd, becameanother victim of the worst economy since the Great Depression. With onlyher income now, the newly married couple barely made their rent and carpayments. If she lost her job too, eviction from their apartment andrepossession of their car threatened to leave them destitute. Fortunately,John Simpson, the owner of Franks and Simpson Marketing where she worked,was a kindly old gentleman who liked her. Although others...

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Princess Kelly

All characters in this story are fictional. If you would like to contact me and give me some much needed feedback, my name is bondsman in the bdsm library. Specific responses are VERY helpful, and I read and carefully consider all of them. Oh yeah? and drugs are bad for you.Part 1I’ve always considered Kelly to be a mean spirited bitch, but that never seemed to matter whenever she brazenly told me what to do.  For some reason I hadn’t at that time begun to understand, whatever whim it was she...

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New Friends Met Camping With Kelly

It was June of 1982. Kelly graduated from college a couple of weeks prior. We decided to take a week-long camping trip to celebrate. With the stress of school behind her, I could sense the devil in Kelly getting ready to uncork. We were both twenty-two. We had a small pickup truck with a cap over the bed for sleeping.Even as we were loading our gear into the truck, Kelly was a constant flirt; grabbing at my butt, shaking her tits at me, you name it. We loaded the truck Saturday afternoon. When...

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A Guy From Work and I Enjoy Greekfest with Kelly

It was the summer of 1996. Tom was a sales guy who had been calling on me for the past few months and our companies were now doing business together. Tom was born to sales. He was genuinely a nice guy who wasn’t pushy, very professional, always came through on promises. We had gone out for beers after work a couple of times and were becoming good friends.When Tom called and invited Kelly and me to join him and his girlfriend for dinner on Friday, it seemed like a natural and logical thing to...

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Bahamas Cruise With Kelly

It was November of 1993. Going on a cruise was something Kelly and I had talked about for some time. I wasn’t that interested but Kelly really wanted to go and have a romantic getaway for just us. “Happy wife, happy life.” How true.We had made the decision months ago to fly into Miami a day early, just to be safe. Weather in the upper Midwest can never be trusted. It turned out to be a brilliant move. We were sitting at O’Hare waiting for our flight and watching the news of the blizzard racing...

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Bahamas Cruise With Kelly

It was November of 1993. Going on a cruise was something Kelly and I had talked about for some time. I wasn’t that interested but Kelly really wanted to go and have a romantic getaway for just us. “Happy wife, happy life.” How true.We had made the decision months ago to fly into Miami a day early, just to be safe. Weather in the upper Midwest can never be trusted. It turned out to be a brilliant move. We were sitting at O’Hare waiting for our flight and watching the news of the blizzard racing...

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Twin Switch Chapter 18

Twin Switch Chapter 18 By Cheryl Lynn This is a work of fiction. It is recommended that you read the previous installments as they will provide important background information. This story features extreme female domination and if that offends you do not read. While there is no actual sex in these chapters' sexual activities may be detailed therefore the x rating. Comments good or bad pertaining to the direction of the plot and grammar are welcome as long as they are NOT...

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Twin Switch Chapter 2326

Twin Switch Chapter 23-26 By Cheryl Lynn This is a work of fiction based on an original idea of Salon_Fetish. I have heard from her and she has graciously agreed to let me continue. It is recommended that you read the previous installments as they will provide important background information. This story features extreme female domination and if that offends you do not read. While there is no actual sex in these chapters' sexual activities may be described. Comments good or...

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Kelly's Unclebykinkyangel©Kelly wrapped the robe around her body and then turned to give herself a thorough investigation on the full length mirror. The robe was made of a gauzy, almost see- through fabric and it contrasted wonderfully with her pale skin. Which made the robe even more special, was the deep V that dipped between her full, firm breasts and the hem, which hit her way above her mid-thigh, barely covering her round butt cheeks.Leaning forward, Kelly studied the way her breasts...

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The Bundys DrsquoArcysndash Kelly and Marcyrsquos ldquoGirl

It’s a Spring Saturday Night in Chicago. April means a renewal of many facets of life. Baseball season starts and so the Bundy men decided to go with Jefferson and some of the other guys in the neighborhood to see the North Siders play. Peggy was visiting her relatives in Wisconsin this weekend, leaving Kelly home. Normally, this would not be a problem as Kelly was always very popular… and she did have a date. However, the guy backed out with a call a few minutes before taking her out. Some...

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Cancun with Kelly

It was February of 1998. Six of us decided to make our first trip to Cancun. We arrived toward the end of the month on a Thursday at midday. Our hotel was in the “hotel zone”. Kelly and I had an adjoining room with Bob and Lisa. Yvonne and Daniel had a room on a different floor.This all got started at our New Year’s Eve party. There were five couples there. Tequila was playing a large role in the evening’s entertainment, which somehow led to Mexico and shortly thereafter a decision that we were...

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Mowing The Lawn With Kelly

It was the summer of 2001. Kelly had been miserable for months. Her work life had been slowly deteriorating for a couple of years. As it seems is always the case, a good boss had left and the new one was an idiot. I had finally convinced her that it was okay to resign without a new job lined up. She’d worked since she was a young teenager, we were doing fine, and I hated to see her so miserable.She spent that spring cleaning every nook and cranny she could find in the house. By the time summer...

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KELLY GARRETT The Summer of 78

The Summer of 78 1978 was going to be a hot summer for me not for the summer heat but a vacation trip to hawaii was going to one.That summer Kelly decided to take a vacation trip to Hawaii little to hold while getting off the plane Kelly had a Chance Encounter with a photographer at Honolulu International Airport.The man introduce himself as Mark Gallagher.Mark: Hi i am Mark Gallagher Kelly : Hello Mark i am Kelly GarrettMark : Nice to meet you Kelly At the Airport Mark and Kelly begin to...

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Part 2 A Wild Saturday With Kelly

It was the end of January 1989. I had been out of town the weekend a few weeks previous. Kelly had spent much of that weekend with our close friends Patrick and Yvonne. They had a wild sex-fueled Saturday, the stories of which no one shared with me. Kelly just left it as, of course, the three of them had sex. It would have been odd had they not (which was true), and that was that.Yvonne called Kelly early in the week and told her that Patrick had received all of his prints back from the photo...

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Kelly and Jason Part 6

They laid there for several minutes. Jason then asked if he should go home and Kelly said "Why? Are we done already? I don't know about you, but I'm just taking a break!" Jason said he would stay as long as it was okay. Kelly said "Then I want you to stay!" Kelly suggested that we go downstairs and grab something to drink and relax for a little bit and then come back upstairs. When Kelly climbed off the bed and stood up, just a little bit of cum leaked out. Instead of asking for a...

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An Acquaintance And I With Kelly

It was Labor Day weekend of 1993. Kelly was antsy. Kelly had a couple of wild fuck sessions with a wealthy guy (and his vintage car racing) buddies during that summer. But summer was ending too quickly. All summer long Kelly had been running around in tiny bikinis, short skirts, and dresses. She had an incredible tan, had lost a couple of pounds, was keeping everything down south shaved smooth as glass, and her twat was on fire.Earlier that day we had been to the beach where Kelly got to show...

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An Acquaintance And Me With Kelly

It was Labor Day weekend of 1993. Kelly was antsy. Kelly had a couple of wild fuck sessions with a wealthy guy (and his vintage car racing) buddies during that summer. But summer was ending too quickly. All summer long Kelly had been running around in tiny bikinis, short skirts, and dresses. She had an incredible tan, had lost a couple of pounds, was keeping everything down south shaved smooth as glass, and her twat was on fire.Earlier that day we had been to the beach where Kelly got to show...

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A Week In Spain With Kelly

It was June of 1990. Kelly had won a trip to Spain through her job. They got the trip by spending money with a media company. They had an internal contest and Kelly won the trip for two. She found out back in March that she won and had been feverishly planning and hitting the gym and tanning salon ever since.We arrived on a Sunday after an overnight flight to Brussels and then a short hop to Torremolinos on Spain’s Costa Del Sol. The first item on our printed agenda was to meet up at a cocktail...

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As A SixteenYearOld Six Men Had Their Way With Kelly

It was late August of 1976. Kelly and I, who were both sixteen at the time, had been to a wild party the week before at a townhouse rented by Don and Rod. Don was dating Lori, one of Kelly’s friends. Before the party had ended I had sex with Lori, while Don and Rod had both screwed the living daylights out of a very drunk and high Kelly.Two days after that party, under many protests, I had to go on a two-week family vacation. Since Kelly and I started screwing that May we had been humping at...

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Labor Day 79 With Kelly

It was Labor Day weekend of 1979. Kelly and I were nineteen and she would soon start her sophomore year of college. Patrick and Yvonne were our best friends in the world. Since we’d first swapped partners a couple of years prior we had become regular sex partners, especially Patrick and Kelly. Yvonne typically had to be “in the mood.” Kelly, however, was always ready for sex and loved nothing more than having two cocks willing to service her.Patrick’s family had a long history of spending the...

Group Sex
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bert and kelly

To say that Kelly was hot would convey the proper perspective on her being. With long, auburn hair, peachy complexion, blue eyes, nice figure she presented an imposing view to the eye of the occasional beholder. The outstanding quality of her professional work had to be the work of a near genius; yet, she had a flaw. . . a deep, dark secret! Since early childhood, Kelly had carried a deep seated fear of men. The mere touch of a man could bring an upset stomach or nervous tremors! It wasn’t...

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