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Twin Switch Conclusion By Cheryl Lynn This is a work of fiction. Heavy forced gender change, humiliation and sex. If you do not enjoy this type of story DO NOT READ or place derogatory comments. Before reading this installment please read all preceding chapters. Approval is granted by the author to download this story for personal use only. Downloading or any other use of this story for financial gain is strictly prohibited without my permission. My thanks to Toxis for the great suggestions. Comments are welcome at [email protected]. Twin Switch Chapter 37 Chris did not want to ever go back to see Brandon after Belinda took him for that first visit. Terri had different ideas about that and would not listen to Chris's counter arguments. It didn't matter what Chris said, Terri was adamant that he should keep dating Brandon. So for the past few weeks Chris had been with Brandon almost constantly. Each visit ended pretty much the same with Brandon taking neither wanted nor desired liberties. "Brandon is the perfect boy for you to date Chris. I like his style and he won't put up with your stubbornness. I think Belinda did you an immense favor by setting you two up. I doubt that I could have picked out a better boy for you to go out with. So what if he slaps you around a bit. You probably deserved it. It's not like he was hitting you with his fists or anything. If you are extra nice and do what he tells you then he probably won't have to slap you around" Terri said when he complained after his most recent date. Chris in desperation told Terri that Brandon wanted him to become more Goth looking and had planned things to do to him that he did not want done. Terri smiled in mock concern and replied, "Why darling, if your boyfriend wants you to do something really special just for him, I don't have any problem with it. I think it is just lovely that he has taken such an interest in you. A girl your age should be willing to experiment with different styles and looks. So you should at least try your best to make him happy." Now it was done and today he had his first day of school. Chris was sitting at his vanity spraying his spiked hair with hair spray to ensure that the spikes would stay put. He hated his hair but Brandon demanded that he get it cut and dyed a hideous violet-purple. Putting down the spray can he examined his reflected image. His face was coated in a layer of white foundation. His brows highly arched and penciled in a deep black. Deep black liquid eyeliner and mascara darkened his eyes. Plume blending into lavender eye shadow covered the lids. His lips were coated thickly in a deep reddish- purple lipstick. He was dressed in black nylon lingerie including lacy garter belt. For a top he was wearing a black leather bustier that left his belly button exposed, white short sleeved lace cover-up, black leather straight skirt with a hem three inches above the knee, black nylons and mid-calf high black leather platform stripper boots that laced up the front. Then there were the piercings. A stainless steel barbell had been inserted through his tongue. Five new holes were punched into each ear with the top most piercing a golden clasp, the lower four small silver hoops and the bottom most piercing was a small gold hoop from which eight thin chains dangled with small golden skulls at their tips. Chrissie's navel had been pierced as well. A stainless steel bar had been inserted horizontally just above the navel and a quarter inch ball attached at each end. From each end of the bar, a chromed chain hung down securing the main piece of jewelry. The navel jewelry was a large ugly chromed and pink rhinestone filled capital letter "B". It completely covered his navel and then some. Chris had absolutely refused to get that piercing when he saw what Brandon wanted. Brandon was so furious he dragged Chris out of the shop and back over to his car. It was parked around the corner behind the shop and away from prying eyes. There he forced Chris over the trunk and began spanking him furiously while shouting, "You're mine and I want the fucking world to know it. So you are going to get that piercing and be damn happy about it or I will beat you silly." Chris was incapable of resisting. The hormones, diet and lack of exercise had rendered him as weak as any girl by now. Tearfully he finally agreed to the piercing. He was given enough time to repair the damage to his eye makeup, then hand-in-hand they went back into the shop. "Damn, I hate the way I look. It was bad enough when I looked like a pretty girl but now I look like something out of the "Rocky Horror Show." I'm a friggin freak! If I don't do what Brandon says he'll slap me silly and I don't have the strength to stop him. Terri certainly won't help me and Belinda and the girls think we make a great couple. Chrissie is my only hope but I haven't had much of a chance to talk to her since she's with Laurie most of the time. Even when she's home, Terri makes sure that I'm doing something to keep us apart. Oh, what am I going to do?" Chris lamented. Ooo Chris was blushing the entire time he stood in the registrar's office waiting to get his class schedule. He knew that everyone was staring at him and making rude commentary behind his back. He didn't blame them but he wished that they would be a little more discrete in their comments. When he made it to the front of the line, he was handed his schedule by an elderly teacher. By the look on her face, she was obviously displeased at the sight of him. "Young lady while this school does not have a strict dress code, I would highly recommend that you reconsider your clothing choices. You were pre-enrolled. All your classes and school rules are in the packet. Also, you cannot make any changes to your schedule until next semester. If you wish to change any course at that time your grades will have to justify any change. Now move along," the teacher told her. Chris rushed as fast as he could out of the office in his high heels. He found an empty bench and sat down opening the packet. To his horror, he found himself regulated to the Remedial General Education classes. "OMG! This can't be happening. I will never get into college with this course schedule. Damn that Terri! I bet this was all her friggin doing. Crap! These classes are for the lowest performing students. The teachers are about to retire and don't give a rat's ass. No one bothers with books and the students are all losers and dimwits. Why couldn't Terri be happy with just fucking me over? Now she wants me to be a dimwit to boot," he thought as tears began to flow. Chris' musings were interrupted as Brandon sat down heavily beside him. When Chris looked up to see who it was, he was met with Brandon's lips pressing against his. While giving Chris a deep French kiss, Brandon reached around Chris' rounded ass and clasped it tightly. He was messaging Chris' ass as they kissed when Belinda and her friends walked past. As they passed the kissing couple, Belinda couldn't help but say, "Get a room you guys." Belinda bent her head slightly and pressed her finger tips to her lips trying to stifle the giggles. She was not wholly successful neither were the other girls. Once out of ear shot, Belinda said, "OMG can you believe that! The way she was dressed for the first day of school and acting like a total slut with that shit hole Brandon?" "She obviously has no friggin shame," Doris stated. "What a slut!" Ann confirmed. "I can't believe that anyone would go out with Brandon much less touch him. He's such a scum bag," Eleanor added as they continued down the hall. "Did you see how she was hanging all over him? She has no pride what- so-ever. I mean, it was like, you know, she wanted him to do her right there in the hall. How friggin gross! No telling what she is going to catch from that slime ball. Well girls, at least when this gets around, none of our boyfriends will want to get anywhere near her. She is contaminated goods from now on. Like who would want sloppy seconds from Brandon's throw-a-ways," Belinda stated then broke out in giggles. After the girls had turned the corner in the hallway, Chris managed to shove Brandon away. "Brandon! Please stop. Please stop doing that here at school. You are embarrassing me," Chris said. "I made you look totally hot and I can't keep my hands off you. Your Step-mother even told me she'd like to see us married. Look that makes you my bitch. If I want to fucking kiss you, I'm going to kiss you and you're going to damn well like it or else. Now give me your schedule so I can see if we have any classes together," Brandon told her. Not wanting to get him any madder, Chris handed over his class schedule. Brandon looked at it then with a broad smile said, "Oh great, they put you with the retards." "It wasn't my idea. Terri must have done that to me and don't call them retards. That's just not nice. Most of them have learning disabilities that's all," Chris replied. "Yeah, yeah whatever, at least you're not in any advanced courses. I don't need you to be filling your pretty little head with that kind of stuff anyway. The only thing you need to keep in that skull of yours is pleasing me," he said just as the first bell rang. Ooo That afternoon Chrissie was working up a sweat doing her bench press routine at the gym. As she lowered the barbells for the final time, Laurie walked up beside the bench. "Hey fella, you looking for a hot date? Maybe come back to my place and check out my etchings," she greeted with a big smile. "Oh hi Laurie, I didn't expect to see you here," he said surprised as he got off the bench. Laurie walked up to her, grabbed the ends of the towel hanging around Chrissie's neck, pulled her head forward and gave her a deep passionate French kiss. Chrissie grabbed Laurie around the waist and pushed her away. "Look babe I'm sweating like a pig. It's not that I don't love your kisses but I stink. Let me go get cleaned up and I'll meet you out front in say fifteen minutes or so," Chrissie told her. "Okay muscleman, just don't keep me waiting too long," she replied as she turned to leave. Chrissie watched as she walked sexily out of the room. She was wearing a tan colored mini-skirt, dark brown spiked heeled pumps and yellow silk blouse that made her look down right hot. As she bent down to pick up her gym bag, Jack came over and punched her in the arm. "Hot damn, Chris you have the hottest babe. I think I'm really jealous of you. Hell, if I thought I could take you, I might go after her myself. So you two have a hot date tonight?" Jack said half jokingly. Chrissie managed to say, "It's none of your business Jack. Come on I have to clean up." As Chrissie heads to the dressing room, the other guys in the gym start whistling and shouting cat calls at his retreating back. She was blushing as she entered the locker room. "I'd never thought that I would like another girl but I have to admit Laurie is some kinda hot," she thought. "Hey Chris you cutting your routine short today?" Jerry asked walking over. "Huh, yeah, Laurie is outside waiting for me. Has something cooked up but I don't know what it is," Chrissie replied. It didn't seem to faze her that Jerry was standing right beside her wearing nothing but a jock strap. As she was showering Chrissie mused, "I can't believe that I just stood there feeling nothing. Before that bitch started fucking with me and Chris I would have either lusted after that hunk or fainted dead on the spot in embarrassment. Maybe it's the steroids screwing with me or it could be that I am really a lesbian at heart. Laurie sure is gorgeous and I do love her deeply." Dressed in a pair of loose fitting blue jeans and black muscle shirt Chrissie met Laurie out front. As she approached, Chrissie decided to give her a show and went into her muscleman pose. It made Laurie laugh and they kissed as they met. When the kiss broke, Chrissie asked, "Well what do you have planned for us? Oh by the way, did I already tell you just how hot you look?" "No as a matter of fact but I'll let it pass this time. We are going shopping. I want to get you some nicer jeans. Those old things you have been wearing look too punkish for my taste," she informed him. In short order Chrissie found herself in the men's department at the local mall. Laurie placed a pair of jeans in her arms and told Chris to go and try them on. Chrissie took the jeans and without a second thought entered the men's changing room. The new jeans felt familiar as she put them on. "Gosh, these feel like my old girl's jeans nice and tight," she thought as she buttoned them closed. Chrissie examined her image and realized that the jeans fit her very tightly in the crotch and butt which drew attention to both areas. She was about to exit the changing room when Laurie stepped in. "Oh yes, I like," she almost squealed. "Come here, I need to make a slight adjustment then you can wear them home," she ordered. Chrissie did as she was told and stood in front of Laurie. Laurie reached out, unbuttoned and unzipped the jeans. Brazenly she reached inside Chrissie's boxer shorts and began inflating her artificial penis to full erection. With a satisfied smile on her face Laurie refastened the jeans and patted Chrissie's now bulging crotch. "You know how men can't keep their eyes off a woman's breasts when her nipples are hard, don't you? Well, we girls like to do a little staring when a macho man is sporting a hard on too. All the women in the mall will be looking at that package you're toting. They will know it's because you're with me. It's a total compliment to me you know. Now come along, we still have things to do," Laurie told him. Chrissie was horribly embarrassed but had no choice but to follow Laurie around the mall. As they leave the changing room, Chrissie reached down to her crotch trying to make the bulge more comfortable. "Just like a man. Can't keep your hands off your little man can you? Chris baby, stop fiddling with that thing and put a big smile on your face. Remember you're with me and you are very happy about that," Laurie said with a giggle. Laurie kept stopping at various store windows once they left the store. Standing before one window Laurie whispered, "Chris, look around but don't make it too obvious. Just check out all the girls that are scooping you out. Come on I want to check out that shoe store across the hall." As Chrissie does as she was told, she was surprised at just how many women were glancing down at her crotch. Some of them smiled when they caught Chrissie catching them staring. Others blushed and some looked like they wouldn't mind checking out his package on a more personal level. Leaving the shoe store after a short look around, Chrissie said softly, "You were right about other girls staring. Please, Laurie you have to let me soften this thing up. I am so embarrassed by it all." "But baby, I thought all men craved the attentions of women. Especially if they thought they could get into their panties," Laurie told him. Just as Laurie finished talking, three young girls walked nearby. A stunning red head raised her hand up to her mouth and said, "Oh, check that out," as she then pointed to Chrissie. As a red faced Chrissie and Laurie turned to them, they rushed off in a fit of giggles. "Oh alright, I'll take care of that problem for you," Laurie said as she took her hand and lead her into the nearest large discount shop. Going into the Misses Section, she pulled Chrissie between two racks filled with dresses. Turning to face her, Laurie reached down between Chrissie's legs. She pulled the zip down, letting the erect penis out of its confines. Taking a firm hold, she began pumping it fast and furiously until Chrissie had a shuddering yet powerful climax. Pressing the relief valve, the erection quickly disappeared and Laurie zips her back up. They never noticed the small black dome above their heads. "Is my baby all better now," Laurie asks with a giggly grin. "Gosh Laurie that was embarrassing, what if someone saw? It was real good though. I'm going to be soaked by the time we get home. Can we get out of here now," Chrissie replied. As they were walking to the exit a security guard walked past them. As they were side by side, the guard said softly, "Great show you two," and continued on his way. Chrissie and Laurie looked at each other; mouths open in shock and then broke out in laughter. All in all, they agreed it had indeed been an adventurous afternoon. As they were lying in bed that evening, Laurie was tracing the outline of Chrissie tattoo with her finger nail. "You know sweetie, I really like your tattoo. It makes you look all studdly and macho. You know, just like those football players on television," she told him. She let her finger nail trace across Chrissie's chest and then twirled it in concentric circles around her nipples. "I'm really impressed how muscular and manly your chest is. The nipples are a bigger and puffier than they should be but then again, they wouldn't be so sensitive. I like that too but I think you like it even better," she said softly. "Stop fooling around Laurie," she started to say when Laurie planted a deep kiss on her lips as she slid her body over Chrissie's. "Who says I'm fooling around," she grinned as she slid down Chrissie's ridged pole. Chapter 38 Days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months with Chrissie getting more buffed and manly and Chris becoming more Goth and submissive slave to Brandon. With no one coming to Chris' aid, he was forced to become more submissive and subject to Brandon's whims. Chris positively hated bending to his demands but acknowledged that physically there was nothing he could do to stop Brandon. The one time he tried to fight back, Brandon easily pulled Chris over his knee and spanked his upturned butt until it was a bright red. What really got to Chris was how easily he was over powered. Brandon certainly wasn't a he-man or all that athletic. That realization seriously damaged what little remained of his male ego. For his part Brandon thoroughly enjoyed his power over Chrissie. He'd heard the rumors going around school about the two of them and that only a real slut would dare to hang with him. He also noticed the looks Chrissie received from many of the guys when their girlfriends weren't around. Those looks made him jealous but at the same time filled him with pride. "Those fucks would cut their left nut off if they could get a girl to do whatever they demanded whenever they wanted like I do. I think its time to make my doll a bit sluttier. I don't want her getting crazy ideas in her head or confidence. If she looks like a slut and thinks that she is a slut then she will be a slut. Those guys will only think about her only if they catch her on a street corner, even then, will only want a blow job. They'd be too afraid of catching something from her. Think I will talk to Terri about what I have in mind and see if she agrees," he thought with a smirk. That Friday night when Brandon came to pick up Chris for their date, he brought his ideas up for Terri's consideration. "Yeah, I would like to get Chrissie a nice Christmas present. Like, I was thinking, like, maybe a tramp stamp tattooed on her back. You know, something real special from me," he told her. "Brandon a tramp stamp, as you put it, sounds like something only a slut would have done to her body. I guess you'd like her to have suck me lips as well to make the picture complete," she replied. "Err...I guess you could call it that. I didn't mean no disrespect, like, you know, I just thought it would look really cool on her. Yeah, like you said, too bad she don't have big lips. I'd like that but she's my gal in any case," Brandon replied afraid that he may have gone too far. "Don't get me wrong Brandon, if you want her to have a tattoo on her back and she agrees, I don't have a problem. Besides, you have given me a good idea for an early gift as well. Look, Christmas is still some time off and the holidays are no time to be in misery. A large tattoo like that will probably be quite painful. Why don't you surprise her and get it done this weekend. Monday is a Teacher Conference Day so that way she'll have Sunday and Monday to get over the worst of it. It will make your holiday time together so much better," she told him. Saturday morning Chris found himself bent over the padded table in the tattoo parlor. Tears were flowing down his cheeks as the needle buzzed painfully along his backside. The tattoo artist was etching multicolored and elaborate floral swirls across his hips and up the spine. As the artist is finishing up, the letter B in a German italic style emerged from the swirls crowned in a lattice of red roses in the saddle of his back. All-in-all Brandon was more than happy with it while Chris stared at its reflected image in horror. "Oh damn, I'm branded for life now. There is no way I can get all that ink removed. Maybe the friggin B can get covered but all those flowers, leaves and stalks will mark me as a flaming faggot for the rest of my life. There is no way out for me now," Chris thought as he looked at the image. The longer he looked at it, the remains of his male ego dissolved away into almost nothing. Later that afternoon Chris' back and hips were in burning pain. Terri examined the new tattoo and heartily approved of it. "Why Chrissie, I think it is just one of the most beautiful works of art I have ever seen on a body. Now I personally would not think of putting something so permanent on my body but it just screams out Chrissie. What better way for a girl to say how much she loves her man than to have his initial tattooed like that? I have to give you credit my dear. When I said a young girl like you should experiment, I didn't think you would go this far but I really like it. When you are feeling better I expect you to thank Brandon appropriately. This is a very expensive Christmas gift that he gave you." Hearing what Terri said, Chris started crying even harder than before. "I, I, I di..didn't wa...want this," he sobbed. "Doesn't matter, you made your man very happy. Let me find you something to dull the pain Chrissie. You just lay there on your stomach while I get you some pain pills," Terri said. Chris took the offered pills cheerfully without asking what they were. Anything to dull the burning ache would be good. Soon after taking them he was unconscious. When he awoke Sunday afternoon, he felt out of sorts. His eyes were gritty and his lashes stuck to his cheeks. There was a dull buzzing in his stuffy head and his lips felt funny. He managed to get out of bed and into the bathroom. After he washed his face and drank some water out of the tap, he felt better but one look in the mirror and he became nauseous. "What has that bitch done to me now!" he exclaimed as he looked into the mirror. At that moment a smiling Terri walked into the bathroom. "Oh, I see you discovered my little Christmas present. I think Jane did a wonderful job. Don't you?" she said. " lips. What have you done?" Chris managed to reply. "I decided since you were already in some pain and out like a light, I would have Jane come over and give you my present. I think she did a very good job inserting silicon pads into your lips to fill them out nicely. She used dissolving sutures, so in six or seven days they will just go away. Jane said you could kiss in three days but suggested that you wait until the sutures dissolve before trying anything else. They have an appealing bee stung look to them, don't they? I've always thought your thin lips a distraction to your beautiful face. So aren't you happy that I had them filled out for you? In any case, Merry Christmas darling," she said as she turned away from him. "Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you Kim is coming over next week. I told her all about your early Christmas presents and she wants to give you something as well. Don't know what it some new makeup. Just make sure you are here next Sunday afternoon," she stated as she moved out the door. "OMG she's given me friggin cocksucker lips. How can I go anywhere looking like this? I can never be a man again with lips like this," Chris moaned after she left the room. Ooo As Chris was going through his problems, Chrissie was having some of her own. Laurie had decided that tight jeans and tight fitting shirts were to be his normal wear. Gone were her bulky jeans and loose shirts. Laurie was insisting that Chris should increase her caloric intake including extra protein and energy shakes. "Chris baby, I want you to bulk up more. Eating more and taking those shakes will help you do that. I also got you some Rogain. I want you to use it on your face at least twice a day. I think you would look really handsome in a nicely trimmed full beard and mustache. Oh baby, don't get me wrong, I think you are great just as you are...but with my help you will be positively gorgeous," she informed her when she questioned the changes. As Chris was getting his tattoo, Chrissie was in the bathroom actually shaving her face. She had religiously applied the ointment and now results were showing themselves. The growth was more like what a fourteen year old boy would have, hair growing on the upper lip, chin and heavy fuzz on cheeks and beside the ears. Not enough hair to grow a beard but enough stragglers to need a weekly shave. "Shaving will stimulate the growth and should be done at least weekly," Laurie said once the hairs became noticeable. The first few times that Chrissie shaved, Laurie made light of the little bits of tissue stuck to his upper lip and chin. "Oh baby what a big man you are growing into. I can't wait to run my fingers through your beard and feel it nuzzling my crotch. It even scratches some now when you do that but it will soften soon enough. I can't wait for that to happen. You have no idea how that sets me off," she told him. One evening while they were cuddling on the sofa at her place, Laurie said, "Chris did you know that your sister got a tramp stamp? Kim told me about it yesterday at the salon. Said she couldn't believe how attached Chrissie had become to that Brandon boy. So I wouldn't be surprised at the end of the term that you just might get invited to be the best man at their wedding. At least that is what Kim thinks." "Wha....what...get way, Chrissie wouldn't do something like that. He's...I mean she's not that...way...No I'm sure of it. wouldn't't do that," Chrissie replied in shock. "Well I don't know about the marriage part for sure but Kim gave a detailed description of the tat. It's an elaborate floral design that intertwines in intricate swirls of red, pink, yellow and lavender roses with bright green leaves and black vines with thorns. They start at each hip with a full bloomed red rose. The stalks filled with flowers, leaves and thorns travel horizontally to the base of the spine then spiral up, separating into a heart shape with a cursive capital letter B in black ink at its center. At the top "V" part of the heart, over the B, is a bouquet of red, pink, yellow and lavender colored roses according to Kim. I don't think her imagination is good enough to describe it in that kind of detail. I bet its pretty but I'm not that kind of girl. If you ask me, if I had a big B tattooed into my back, I would have to be damn serious, head-over-heels in love with him. That is what Kim thought too," she told him. "Damn! I never would have thought that she'd go that far out. We haven't had a chance to talk in a long time. Our schedules at school are totally opposite. When I have lunch she has already had hers and we don't have the same classes. After school I'm at the gym and she's doing something else. So I never see her at school and when I am at the house, she is always off somewhere doing something so we don't see each other there either. After what you have told me, I am going to make it a point to sit down and have a real conversation with her," Chrissie stated. "Well, if you haven't talked, you should try but right now I need a little of your attention. Suddenly all this talk about Chrissie and Kim has made you forget why you are here in the first place. Now give me some sugar sweetie then we can move on to better things," Laurie said teasingly. Ooo Around one on Sunday Kim came over to see Chris' tramp stamp. When Terri let her in they embraced in a tight hug and kissed deeply. "Oh Kim darling it has been too long. I've really missed your tender touch. Now before anything else tell me that you will spend the rest of the day here with me," she said as the kiss broke. Grinning ear-to-ear Kim gave Terri a quick peck on the cheek and released her embrace. "Why Terri you naughty girl, of course I plan on spending today with you. I've missed you too but I just have to see that tat. I have a present for her as well and want to give it to her so we can have more time together," she replied. Chris was wearing an extra large black t-shirt and a pair of black leather short shorts when the two women arrived. Blushing beet red Chris pulled up the back of the tee so Kim could have a good long look. "Oh my! Just look at that detailing. That was one good tattoo artist. I don't think I have ever seen anything like it before. It is so feminine yet with Brandon initial so Goth as well. mean Chrissie I just love your tat. Now come over and sit down on your vanity chair. I have my own early Christmas present to give you. After seeing that tat, my gift will seem dim. I hope you like it though," Kim enthused. Sitting with his back to the mirror, Kim reached into the satchel she had brought in with her and removed her piercing gun. Before Chris could protest, Kim inserted the lower part of the gun into her mouth, moved it just above the corner of her upper right lip and fires a stud into it. When Chris turns around he can see a fairly large rhinestone stud beauty mark glistening in the reflected light. As tears start to flow he hears Terri's enthusiastic voice say, "Oh Chrissie you are absolutely perfect now." Repacking the piercing gun, Kim then grabs Terri around the waist. As they turn to leave, Kim giggling loudly says, "Terri I never would have believed that my little present would bring such tears of joy. Come we have some catching up to do." Staring into the mirror Chris can't believe his eyes. Slowly he brings his hand up to his cheek and lightly touches the shimmering stone. "I can't believe they have done all this to me. Just when I think Terri can't do any worse she exceeds my expectations. Now this friggin stud, I can't fight her any more. I'm too tired and drained. She's made into a horrid reflection of my sister. She's given me real breasts, has me on hormones, made me Brandon's bitch. All that I have left to give are my genitals and she'll probably want them soon. This is if I still have them. I haven't seen them since she had Jane put this damn prosthetic vagina on me. With the hormones and being tucked up all inside of me, no telling what I have left down there. I haven't anybody...." Chris stopped thinking and cupping his face with his hands broke down and cried his eyes out. Ooo Monday at school Chris did his best to ignore the snide comments. Terri made him wear a mid-riff black t-shirt under his heavy winter over-coat and a pair of skin tight low-rider black jeans. Instead of his normal white foundation, Chris had use a more natural tone at Terri's instance. Lipstick and eye shadow were in a deep plumb color. The ensemble was designed to insure that his new tat and beauty mark would be clearly seen. To make matters worse Brandon was all over him during lunch break. If there was any doubt in his mind that everyone in school considered him a complete slut, it was gone by the time classes were over. Belinda and her friends were no help. As far as Chris could tell by that afternoon he had absolutely no friends left. None of his fellow classmates would associate with him, not even the girls. That was especially disheartening to him as the girls in Remedial Education weren't considered modest or prim in anybodies mind. He was an outcast with only Brandon for company. Chris was waiting for Terri just inside the front entrance to pick him up after school as Belinda and her friends walked up. "OMG! Chrissie what an awesome tat, what does the B stand for?" Belinda asked in feign surprise. "You know very well what it stands for. I didn't want it but they made me," Chris replied briskly as he turned to face them. He kicked himself for not putting on the coat before they arrived. "What happened to your lips? They're so big, like, you know cocksucker lips. I bet what's his name made you get them, huh?" Carol said in surprise. "Well I guess you and Brandon will be getting married when we graduate this spring then. Cause if you guys break up, the only boys you can date will have to have a name that starts with a B," Judy piped up laughing. "Kind of limits the dating pool, now doesn't it? But with those lips I don't know. You must be a real slut so it won't matter who you sleep with," Carol added with a giggle. "Why did you get such a large stud put in over your lip? That's not supposed to be a beauty mark, is it? I can see on the ears or even the nostril but that's just gross," Tammy chimed in. "Come on you guys. I thought you were my friends. Terri made me get all this done. Why can't you believe me?" Chris plead. "Friends? What ever gave you that idea? If you were seen with us then everyone would think we were sluts too," Belinda said with a sneer. As the girls walked away, tears started flowing down Chris' cheeks. "Now I know that I don't have any friends. No sense in telling Terri about all this. It would only make her happy. Got to dry my eyes before she gets here or she'll know I'm upset and I don't want to give her the pleasure. Yeah, put on a happy face and make like nothing is wrong. That ought to piss her off," Chris thought. Ooo The holidays had arrived. Chris and Chrissie had three weeks off from school. Chrissie was looking forward to spending most of that time with Laurie while Chris was dreading having to spend any time with Brandon. Christmas day Chris was kept busy in the kitchen helping cook the meal while Chrissie and Laurie sat in the living room. After the meal which was a miserable event for Chris as Brandon was hanging all over him in his usual demanding piggish way. When it came time for presents, Chris was afraid of what he might be getting. The first present was from Brandon. It was wrapped in black paper and when he opened it, his jaw dropped. It was a large framed picture of the tattoo on his back. "Yeah baby ain't it great? I thought since you can't easily see it, I'd get the picture I took at the tattoo parlor enlarged and framed. Don't you dig it? So how about giving me a great big kiss to show your appreciation?" Brandon said. Before Chris could react, Brandon pulled him into his arms and puller their bodies together. As Brandon's tongue dove into Chris' throat, Chris could see everyone looking at him. After they broke their kiss, Chris blushed furiously. His next gift was a pretty feminine gold ankle bracelet from Chrissie. He smiled and thanked her for the pretty bracelet from across the room. From Terri he received a pair of low cut black pvc shorts, a matching black vest with lots of chrome studs and a black studded dog collar. When Chris looked over at her questionably, she replied that the clerk at the specialty store said it was the latest in Goth wear. Kim's gift was a pair of clear plastic go-go platform boots with a six inch spiked heel and one inch soles. When Chris looked her way, she responded, "I heard that Brandon got you a part time job at that strip joint he likes to go to. I just thought that you might need them. I can't wait to see you dance in them and hope you like them." Chris quickly looked at Brandon who was smiling from ear to ear. "Yeah baby, I was going to tell you but I guess Kim done went and spoiled my surprise. I can't wait to see you perform. All the guys will be as jealous as all hell when they find out that such a hot babe is all mine," he said. "Oh that is wonderful news Brandon. I bet Chrissie can't wait to get up on that stage and do her stuff. I think she'll have to do a lot of practicing though before she' ready for that step. When does she start?" Terri stated. "New Year's eve, at the Tall in the Saddle Club over on Twenty-Third Street. Then she'll be working Friday and Saturday from seven till around one or two in the morning. With that bod we're gonna be rich," he replied. "How could you do that without asking me first?" Chris asked angrily. "Don't worry baby, I knew you'd do it for me. You are going to go through with this, now aren't you?" Brandon demanded. "Oh yes, I really think she would be very good at it," piped up Kim. "I think it is a very good idea as well. It will give you a sense of accomplishment and besides the money should come in handy. Brandon has told me about your wedding plans and I can't think of a better husband for you Chrissie," Terri said. "Wedding? What wedding? I don't know anything about getting married," Chris replied in shocked confusion. "Yeah, that's another surprise I was saving for later this afternoon but since the cat is out of the bag," Brandon stated while reaching into his pocket. "Give me your hand baby," he said as he put the ring on his finger. It was a wide chromed band with a three carat cubic zirconium stone set in it. As everyone gathered around the engaged couple, Chris had a chance to whisper in Chrissie's ear, "Help me out of this Chrissie. Please we have to talk. I'm desperate." "Not here. I can't see you until after the first. Laurie and I are going to the Islands for the holidays," Chrissie replied. Chapter 38 The sound of gently rolling surf and the sun's glare off the white sand made for a very relaxing day. Chrissie and Laurie were lounging in two chairs, cold beers periodically touching their lips. "Laurie I am really concerned about Chris. He said he was desperate and needed to talk to me. It has got to be about that Brandon dude. Did you get a load of that so called engagement ring? I don't think I have ever seen anything so gaudy. If someone cared enough to ask someone to marry them, you would think that they would give a decent ring," Chrissie said. "Look baby we're on vacation. I know you are worried and to a degree so am I but let's just relax while we're here. You will have plenty of time to talk when we get back," she replied lazily. "Yeah, I guess you are right. How bad can things get before we get back anyway. Besides, speaking of rings, what do you think about this one?" Chrissie said as she rolled to her side facing Laurie. When Laurie looked down, the beer she had been holding fell to the sand. "Oh darling! Is that what I think it is," she screeched as she reached for the dark blue box. "Laurie will you marry me. You mean everything to me," Chrissie said as he slid the diamond ring onto her finger. "Oh of course baby, you have made me the happiest girl in the world," Laurie gushed as she almost fell out of her chair reaching her arms around Chrissie's neck. Both chairs collapsed as they met in a deep passionate kiss. "We can get married here on the island. They won't dig too deep into our backgrounds. You passport will pass a cursory examination so there should be no problems," Laurie said after they settled back into the chairs. "Are you sure about that Laurie? I know it got me on the plane and through local customs but...." Chrissie began but was hushed by Laurie. "No buts baby. We are getting married tomorrow while we have this magnificent vista to enjoy on our honeymoon. Come on, let's get changed so we can get all the arrangements made before you change your mind," she exuberantly stated. The wedding was simple. Laurie was wearing a white light weight cotton tunic dress, holding a bouquet of orchids and birds-of-paradise flowers. Chrissie was dressed in navy slacks and a white polo shirt. The local judge soon pronounced them man and wife and the party began. Chris woke with a crushing headache from drinking too much rum and cola. As she rose from the bed, holding the side of her head with one hand bent over and kissed her new wife on the cheek. "Damn, I shouldn't have bent over like that. Now I think I am going to be sick," she thought as she rushed to the bathroom. While Chrissie was taking a shower, Laurie stepped in with her. She reached out her hand and started pumping up Chrissie's dick. They didn't leave the cabana until mid-afternoon. Ooo Meanwhile back home, Terri had installed a bronze stripper pole in the den the day after Christmas. As Terri was sitting in her recliner sipping her favorite white wine, Chris was humping the pole to a loud disco beat. He was wearing a pair of silver sequined string bikini bottoms, the big "B" navel jewelry had the chains lengthened so the "B" would smack into his groin with every hump, two matching pasties with neon pink tassels and his clear plastic stripper boots. He had been dancing and working with the pole for an hour and was exhausted. Across from the pole, the television could be easily seen and the stripper video was hopefully coming to an end. "I don't know if I can keep this up much longer. My feet and calf's are killing me and this damn belly ring is really starting to hurt," he groaned as he swung his hips to the music. Just when he thought he could go no further, the video began showing the final credits. He managed to stagger over to the couch across from Terri where he proceeded to wipe the sweat from his glistening body. "Terri I really don't want to do this. Please tell me that I don't. I feel like a complete slut dancing and dressed like this. I'm not a slut no matter what I look like. You did this to me and you should be satisfied by now. You have completely ruined me as a man, so I can't be anything other than a freak. That should be more than enough for you. Please just let me go. Give me my inheritance and I promise I won't ever bother you again," Chris begged. "Chrissie, Chrissie how can you say that. Your boyfriend, Brandon, asked you to do all that to yourself and you agreed. All I did was point you in the right direction based on what I knew about the person you truly are. You were always meant to be a girl. I just helped you become the real you, that's all. As far as you being a slut dear, all I have to say is just look in the mirror. As far as your inheritance goes, you will get that when you turn twenty-one and not a moment sooner," Terri replied. "How can you say that? I never wanted to be a girl, much less go out with Brandon! I hate him and you encouraged him to do this to me," Chris said as he started crying. "Chrissie, I am not the one, who on your very first date, let Brandon have his way with you. You let him do that all by your lonesome self. Weren't you the one coming home with sperm leaking out of your bottom and vagina? So don't go around telling me it's my fucking fault. I didn't tell you to do any of that. I just thought it was a good idea for you to go out with some of your girl friends. You needed to learn how to bond with other girls your own age, so I agreed to let you go to that concert. Besides, who better for you to be with than Brandon? I can't think of any other boy who would take to someone like you. I don't think you can either. So how is this all my fault? I don't want to hear anymore about it. Now get you ass back on that pole and practice. You are going to need it when you make your appearance at the club," Terri scolded. Chris had his face in the towel crying harder and harder as Terri scolded him. "It's not true. I never wanted to be a girl. She did this to me no matter what she says. All I want is my inheritance and she'll never see me again," he thought as he tried to get his emotions under control. "Go on, get up there and pay attention to the video. This time I want to see you stretch that leg all the way up the pole. I don't want to be embarrassed when you first go on stage," Terri ordered. New Year's Eve had arrived. Chris was back stage waiting for his cue, Terri was standing beside him. Chris' hair had been re-dyed into bright lavender with neon pink tips. He was using an entire can of hairspray to make sure the spikes didn't wilt under the heat of the lights or his exertions. His finger nails were lengthened into bright pink acrylic talons and he wore thick makeup. The pearl frosted pink lipstick made his lips look even larger and his eyes were blended in lavender going into pink and frosted silver. He reeked in a heavy floral perfume and the smell was almost over powering. His only undergarments were the pink sequined string bikini, matching pasties with lavender tassels and sheer white thigh-high stockings with a pink satin bow attached at each front welt. His outer wear consisted of white cotton men's styled shirt tied off just below his breasts with a tin badge pinned over the left pocket, pair of navy pvc short-shorts, imitation policeman's service belt and plastic pistol and clear plastic go-go boots. He was cued on stage by the loud blaring of "YMCA." The large room was packed to capacity. It was filled with smoke and the smells of stale beer. The shouts of the men sitting and standing all around the stage could be heard over the din of the music. Chris knowing he had no choice, strutted onto the stage and began his practiced routine. By the time of his second set, Chris was down to just his undergarments. Somehow he managed to extend his leg all the way up the pole which made the crowd go crazy. As he pulled his leg down he went into the finale, he strutted to the middle of the stage and planting his feet wide apart, crouching slightly to better expose his genitals, began twirling his tassels and humping the air. The large B belly jewelry flopped into the air and banged back into his crotch with each hum. Chris didn't have to look at the audience to know that their eyes where focused their. He tried his best not to look anyone in the eye and tried not to think about their reaction. The music ended and Chris had to parade around the edge of the stage and let the men stuff dollar bills into his bikini and stocking tops. He had never been so embarrassed and felt something die deep within. Between sets Chris was required to serve drinks to the customers. He was allowed to wear his bra and a light pink nylon cover-up for clothing. If he hadn't been wearing so much makeup, his embarrassment would have shown brightly. As he bent to place drinks on the tables, his ass was pinched, patted and slapped more times than he could count. He soon learned to keep a big smile frozen on his face as customer after customer slid their tips into his bra or panties. More than one managed to let his hand linger longer than necessary on Chris' flesh. He had to do two more sets before the club closed. With the last set he stumbled back into the small dressing room and collapsed into a chair. Terri walked over and removed the bills stuffing his bikini. "Chrissie you did surprisingly well for a first timer. You have made almost a thousand dollars in tips alone. I even found some business cards mixed in with the money. I'm sure Brandon will be thrilled to hear that. He's waiting for us over at the bar. Come on and get presentable so we can get out of here. Just put your denim mini and pink tube top on. You can carry your overcoat over your arm until we leave," Terri said. When they got to the bar Brandon reached out grabbing Chris' hand and pulled him into a tight embrace. With their bodies pressed tightly together, Brandon gave him a deep French kiss. "Wee babe! You were fantastic tonight. I saw how those guys were gawking and grabbing your ass all night long. How much did we make tonight anyway?" Brandon asked. "She did very well Brandon, here I have it in my purse. It's almost a thousand dollars," Terri said as she handed a wad of money over to him. "Geeze babe... didn't I tell you we were going to make a friggin fortune," Brandon gushed as he stuffed the money into his jeans pocket. "Hey...That's my money," Chris protested. "What? No babe this is yours. It's you waitress pay. The tips go to me after I give the house their cut. Just remember who got you this gig. Now don't give me any shit or I'll have to give you a reminder of who you are talking to," Brandon stated menacingly. "That's no," Chris started to say when he was interrupted by Terri. "Chrissie! It's late and I'm tired. You put on a good show but I agree with Brandon. He should be rewarded for his efforts in getting you this job. Now I am going home. I am sure Brandon has some New Years plans for the both of you. Oh, Brandon you will see that my precious daughter gets home safely, now won't you?" She said as she turned to leave. Chris looked down at the pay check and saw that it was for $48.00 less withholdings. "Fuck that is less than minimum wages. Hell, they even put the tips in my gross pay amount. He expects me to give him the bulk of my earnings and then pay the friggin taxes on them too," he thought dejectedly. "Come on bitch, put your coat on and let's get out of here. Seeing you on stage and all those other hot bodies has me hornier than I have ever been. We have some serious partying to do back at my place," Brandon said as he pulled on Chris' arm. Ooo The Friday after Chrissie and Laurie returned from their honeymoon, the guys at the gym treated Chrissie to a belated bachelor party. She tried to refuse but they wouldn't let her out of it. "Look dude, you owe us this. Sneaking out and getting married behind our backs is one thing but you can't cheat us out of giving you a proper bachelor party. I've already talked to Laurie and she said you could go. So you don't have any excuses," Jerry told her. "Alright you guys, you've made your point. So where are you taking me?" Chrissie laughed. "That strip joint in the seedier part of town. You've heard of the "Tall in the Saddle" haven't you? It's got a reputation for letting the guys cop more than a few feels if you know what I mean. I've heard that for a hundred bucks and a bottle of champagne you can get to use one of the private rooms," Danny said. "Why would anyone pay a hundred bucks and buy champagne to use a private room?" Chrissie asked naively. "Dude you are so out there. I can't believe you went and got yourself married before you had a chance to experience life in the fast lane," Robert piped up. "Chris my man, you just slip the girl of your choice a fifty for a blow job or another hundred for a ride. Why do you think they call it Tall in the Saddle? It's a whore house disguised as a strip joint. It's expensive, that's why we haven't been there with you before. Tonight everything is on us," Jerry added. "Whoa just a minute, I'm married now. I don't think Laurie would approve of me doing this if she knew," Chrissie said afraid of what might happen. "What if these idiots decide to get me into one of those rooms with some chick? I'll be discovered and all hell will break loose or at the least Laurie will find out and break my neck," she thought. Despite all of her misgivings Chrissie found herself at the strip club. Inside was like any strip club. A long bar filling one side, tables and chairs scattered all around the floor with a number of secluded alcoves reserved for the VIP's, DJ's set-up and a horseshoe shaped raised platform with the obligatory brass pole. The place was about half full and they easily found a table just to the side of the stage. A fine looking red head wearing nothing but a thin robe, an iridescent green bikini and stripper shoes in white patent leather quickly took their order. She didn't lose her smile as Robert took the opportunity to rub her on her nicely rounded ass. After they had finished a couple of pitchers, the lights dimmed and the stage lit up. The first two dancers didn't do much for Chrissie but she applauded and tossed a few bills on the stage just like the other guys. However the third dancer got her full attention. It was Chrissie. It wasn't until her set that Chrissie remember what had happened at Terri's Christmas party. "Shit! I should have made the time to talk to Chris. I can't believe he is doing this because he wants too," she thought. Jerry was sitting beside Chris and couldn't help but notice his buddy's reaction to the third dancer when she came on stage. "Damn! I think we have a winner here. His jaw must have dropped three inches when she came out and I've heard of bug eyed expressions but this tops everything. He's really got to have a hard on for this one. I'm sure the guys will chip in for a room and a bj. Hell, I just might put in the extra for him to get laid," Jerry thought. When the next girl came on stage, Jerry made the excuse that he had to go the bathroom. On the way he stopped to have a conversation with one of the bouncers and money swapped hands. Later after shooting some tequilas and more beer, the guys including Chrissie were feeling little pain. With the second set finishing up, Jerry grabbed Chris by the arm and pulled her up. "Come on Chris, we have a little surprise for you. You're going into the room and I don't want to hear any flack about it. I saw how you looked at that girl. The champagne is already in there and the girl shortly. Now get your ass in there and don't you dare come out until she is finished with you. It's all paid for, so don't waste our hard earned money," Jerry said as he pusher her through the private door. "What the fuck? I don't want to be in here much less meet some girl. What girl was he talking about anyway?" Chris thought as she entered the room. About the time he poured the first cup of champagne, the door opened and in stepped Chris much to her surprise. The look of fright on Chris' faced was replaced with a big smile. "Oh Chrissie it's you! I was afraid of what I would find in here. You have got to help me...." Chris said as he rushed into the arms of Chrissie tears flooding his vision. An hour was allotted to the room and they talked the entire time. They drank some of the champagne for appearances sake. Chris wiped off his lipstick and smudged his makeup to make it look like something happened. When the bouncer knocked on the door telling them their time was up, they departed as if what was expected had happened. Saturday morning Chrissie barged into the house. When Terri appeared wanting to know what she was doing there, Chrissie grabbed her by the arm and twisted it cruelly behind her back. "Where the hell is my brother?" she demanded. "She's not here. She's with Brandon where she belongs. Now let me go. You're hurting me," Terri said with a grimace. "You fucking bitch! I'm not through with you. You have a lot to answer for and believe me you are going to pay for it through the teeth. What you did to me was one thing. At least I found true love but what you have done to Chris is unforgivable," Chrissie hissed. As he released Terri's arm her fist smashed into Terri's mouth sending blood and broken teeth into the air. Chrissie was still furious as she drove over to Brandon's apartment. She took the stairs two at a time and didn't bother to wait for the door to open. Chrissie kicked the door in, paused long enough to figure out where they were before moving to the bedroom. She found Brandon and Chris naked in bed. It was apparent that Brandon was just dismounting from Chris' rear as she entered the room. With a roar, Chrissie literally threw Brandon across the room. His body smashed into the dresser and fell to the floor with a thump. "Chris get dressed you're coming with me. Pack whatever you need and don't worry about this scum bag. I'll be talking to him in the living room. Now go on, get cleaned up and pack," she ordered. As Chris moved to do Chrissie's bidding, Brandon was being dragged out of the room. "It's over. It's finally over," Chris said through his tears of joy. In the living room Chrissie was none too gentle with Brandon. By the time Chris came out with two suite cases and a travel bag, there was just a little blood where a few piercings had been forcefully removed. "Come on Chris, we're taking this piece of shit down to the police station. It seems he and Terri were pretty close friends and he is more than willing to talk all about it. Aren't you ass hole?" Chrissie said as she planted a booted foot into his side. The investigators were at first skeptical when Chris and Chrissie told their story but once they were stripped searched, the proof shown before startled eyes. Apparently a lady officer was assigned to Chris and a male officer to Chrissie even though each had asked for the opposite to check out their story. The exam plus Brandon's verification led to an arrest warrant for Terri, Kim and Jane. Additionally, vice was called in on the case. Chris' descriptions of what he was forced to do while at the Tall in the Saddle and Brandon's own statements resulted in additional warrants. Like all cases, this one took many months to get to trail and a few more before sentencing was handed down. Terri got twenty to thirty at hard labor without a chance for parole, Brandon because of his testimony only received ten, Kim received five, and Jane received 25 and the loss of her nursing license. During this time both twins were sent to therapy. They were both permanently changed to the point were surgery or medical options were not really available. Chrissie was the easier of the two to adapt to the situation. He had Laurie to thank for that but Chris had a more difficult time adjusting. He had two choices: He could either be a sexless male or a very good looking transsexual. In time, with the support of Chrissie and Laurie, he opted for SRS. Fortunately the fortune controlled by Terri was now all theirs. With the money, they were able to obtain the best of medical and physiological help available. As we leave this story, they are mostly happy with their lives but they were switched forever. The End

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Twin Sister Delights Chapter 6 Twins Wanton Mother

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Six: Twins' Wanton Mother By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! I wiggled my finger in my twin sister's asshole as I stared through the slats of the closet door. Kimiko trembled beside me, feeling the tension as we waited to see what our mother would do. Would she suck Clint's cock soaked in my pussy juices? She wouldn't know it was my cream on him. That Clint had just fucked my cunt. His jizz ran out of me,...

2 years ago
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Twin Sister Delights Chapter 4 Twin Sisters Anal Delight

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Four: Twin Sisters' Anal Delight By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! “Come on, onee-chan,” a voice called as I walked with my friend through the streets of Tokyo. “Get up.” The laughter around me abruptly ended as my eyes opened. The dream faded away. I wasn't in Tokyo but staring at my naked twin sister kneeling over me on our futon. I blinked, sleep falling away from me. My eyes felt so heavy. I let out a...

2 years ago
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Twin sisters come home from bad dates angry and horny to discover each other

“Total deviant freak!” Michelle flung her car keys across the living room so hard they left a dent in the drywall. Only then did she realize there was someone else in the room: her identical twin sister Anna. “Sorry,” Michelle mumbled as she dropped her purse on the carpet. “Something the matter?” Anna asked. “You bet it is.” Michelle kicked off her pumps and sank into the warm cushions of the overstuffed couch. “That Richard you set me up...

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Twin Sister DelightChapter 2 Popping the Twinsrsquo Cherries

Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! My rump stung from Lee’s slap. I shivered, unable to believe this had just happened. My body buzzed from the orgasm the naughty, American teenager had given me while my twin sister, Kimiko, whimpered and shivered before me, my face pressed into her silky bush, her tangy, incestuous juices smeared across my lips and cheeks. I had just eaten my twin sister’s pussy and ... enjoyed it. She’d ordered me to eat her pussy, and ... I’d done it. I’d...

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Twin Swap

Twin Swap -- Chapter 1 -- Graduation It was Daniel's high school graduation. Sitting in the hot sun on the bleachers, the 18 year old's senior's feet ached from the 5-inch silver pump heels he was wearing. Pantyhose covered his toned shaved legs that were neatly crossed at his knee. Underneath his black graduation gown, was a white lace halter dress. His silk white strapless 34A cup bra struggled to contain his boobs that seemed to grow by the day, and his penis was securely...

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Twin Sister Delights Chapter 5 Twins Wicked Evening

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Five: Twins' Wicked Evening By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! “This is going to be an amazing dinner,” my twin sister said as we walked up the street with our mom to Clint's house. “Minako thinks so, too,” I answered, the pair of us speaking our native Japanese. Kimiko gave me a naughty grin, a smile spreading across her delicate lips, the corners of her mouth spreading wide. She gripped my hand,...

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Twin Love affair Chap 2 deflowering my twin sister

The moment I heard those words rolled off her lips. I didn’t waste a single second. Our lips were locked in a deep passionate incestuous French kiss, I was lost in this incestuous bliss, I couldn’t believe that this was actually happening. For years I had fantasized about this moment, but I had to make sure she was sure. I would hate myself if later on down the road, she would come to regret sleeping with me, especially if she end up pregnant by me. So, I gently broke our kiss and lifted up...

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Denial The Conclusion

DENIAL -- CONCLUSIONI found the story Denial by Conquered extremely interesting even though there was no conclusion.  That’s one thing I find annoying about stories online.  I usually just move on to another story, but something about this one grabbed me.  I tried to contact the author without success so I decided to write my own conclusion.  It’s based initially on events built into the original story.  After that it is a figment of my own twisted...

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Twin Sister DelightChapter 3 Twin Sistersrsquo Incestuous Secret

Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! I trembled atop my twin sister, Kimiko, my body buzzing from my orgasm, Clint’s cum leaking out of my pussy and coating my bush. I stared at the new person who entered Clint’s basement, my stomach roiling at being caught having sex. Incestuous sex. How had my life gotten to this point? My twin sister, Kimiko, desired it. It was all so overwhelming. My entire world was turned upside down by the revelation that my twin sister, older than me by...

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Twin Sister DelightChapter 6 Twinsrsquo Wanton Mother

Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! I wiggled my finger in my twin sister’s asshole as I stared through the slats of the closet door. Kimiko trembled beside me, feeling the tension as we waited to see what our mother would do. Would she suck Clint’s cock soaked in my pussy juices? She wouldn’t know it was my cream on him. That Clint had just fucked my cunt. His jizz ran out of me, leaking down my thighs as I hid naked. This was the moment that my twin sister’s desires finally were...

4 years ago
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Twin sister Caught Me

(i did not write this)I guess I didn't hear the door open. I was too busy. Too busy jerking off to a porn movie on pay per view. The next thing I did hear was my twin sister, Lacy gasping."My god, Larry. What in the world are you doing?"Her timing was lousy. Or maybe it wasn't. Depends on how you look at the situation. I had reached the point of no return. My cock had begun spouting a gigantic load of cum. I couldn't have stopped if I'd wanted to. The first load hit me square between the...

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Twin Japanese Nieces Pt1

Introduction: Reposted by poipular demad and numerous e-mails Twin Japanese Nieces Pt1 Hello readers and fans. I know it has been quite a while since my last post and I am sorry, but in my own defense I have been around the world a few times and Ive been very busy. I will report that I did get to see my brother-in-law Hirito while on a return trip to Japan. He is still a little pissed at me, but our seeing each other was at least cordial. He is now a father of 11 year old twin girls. His girls...

1 year ago
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Twin girls double trouble

I worked at a drive in theater for several summers. One summer I had three girl friends at the same time and was having sex with them up to six times a day. This story is not about the three girls or the amount of sex I had with them and what happened when they found out about each other, that is another story. This story is about what happened one night at the drive in theater.In the entrance booth I was working with another guy about my age and we were just talking as it was slow, when this...

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Twin Sister DelightChapter 4 Twin Sistersrsquo Anal Delight

Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! “Come on, onee-chan,” a voice called as I walked with my friend through the streets of Tokyo. “Get up.” The laughter around me abruptly ended as my eyes opened. The dream faded away. I wasn’t in Tokyo but staring at my naked twin sister kneeling over me on our futon. I blinked, sleep falling away from me. My eyes felt so heavy. I let out a mewling sound, wanting to go back to sleep. I wiggled my hips. There was something in my butt. Thick. A...

1 year ago
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Twin Japanese Nieces Pt6

Introduction: Hot Dog Twin Japanese Nieces Pt6 Kayko and I made love for the next hour while the girls swam laps in the pool. It was more like leg exercise because they were hanging on to kick boards and just kicking with their legs. In any case it didnt matter because I was inside my wife again and loving every minute of it. We switched positions many times on our king size bed, rolling around and enjoying every sensation we experienced. Her on top riding like a cow girl, me on top either...

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Twin Girlfriends

When I was 25 I was working for a catering company that mostly catered for movie productions and the like. We had big trucks and huge industrial-sized outdoor grills that we would set up at movie and TV lots and at on-location sets. We served great food but it was mostly basic fare. We ran a glorified chuck wagon, as opposed to upscale gourmet-type caterers. We catered the production of this one movie--it was a stupid bikini flick, one of those low-brow summer B movies. After production...

4 years ago
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Oh The Webs We Weave Conclusion

Oh The Webs We Weave; Conclusion By Cheryl Lynn This is a work of fiction. To understand this final installment please read the previous two chapters. Any resemblance to any person, place or thing is purely accidental. Copy write held in author's name and no replication or reproduction is allowed except for personal pleasure. Pay site or other republication for payment is strictly forbidden without author's consent. [email protected] Oh The Webs We Weave;...

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Vanessas Secret Part 3 the conclusion

Vanessa's Secret Chapter Three Conclusion By Jason Morgan Vanessa plans for her freedom and some revenge against her her family. This is the final conclusion of this tale as she plans for her future with Michael and his powerful family while making plans to take down her own family who sold her into slavery. But, will she really be free? Part 3 Vanessa slept alone and felt safe all night for the first time in many long years. It was such a foreign feeling that she didn't really...

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Collection Blonde The Office Intern Conclusion

When I first decided to tell the story of ‘The Office Intern’, I had hoped the truth would have provided some freedom from the misery which ensued after Lisa started her senior year of high school. Admittedly, recalling that summer, with all the hope and possibilities we believed existed, was a sort of panacea. Reminding me of a magical time when two people existed just to love each other. But it also reopened doors I’d believed had been sealed for decades. Ultimately, I realized that the...

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Twin Pain Sluts 2

STORY OF THE TWIN PAIN SLUTS Chapter II The beauty Parlor This story is about a twin boy and girl that are hired to be "play toys" for a Sadistic mistress named Mistress Ann. Don't let the title stop you from reading it since it is about a wild and adventurous "family" that are into exhibitionism, sexual adventures, wild parties, and a touch of B&D! That Saturday morning, Sindy woke Ann up, and told her that...

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Twin AngelsChapter 5

We were running low on medical supplies and medicine, so daddy brought “Wings” into Manila Bay and sailed toward the Manila Yacht Club’s marina. We docked, and Sammie and I put a red flag on the door to our room to remind us that we were in port, and we needed to wear clothes if we went up to the pilothouse or out on deck. Dad and mom got dressed to go into town. They took a taxi to Bambang Street, which has nothing but medical supply stores on both sides of the street for about four or five...

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Twin Daughters For DogsChapter 3

The very next afternoon found the twins back in the anteroom of the kennel building. They had selected a beautiful beagle to fuck. At this very moment, the aroused beagle, Leroy, was sitting on his haunches next to the teenaged girls. Saliva was dripping from his lolling tongue as he watched Dee and Kim writhing against each other on an old mattress they had discovered in a shed next to the kennel. The beagle's hardening prick quivered and dripped with pre- cum, protruding several inches...

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Twin Daughters For DogsChapter 2

The Dixon's dog kennels had a good-sized room in the front which was partitioned off from the actual kennels in the back where the dogs stayed. In this front area, there were a counter, a couple of wooden benches, the cash register, several plaques, photos and awards. At that moment, the floor in this room was strewn with the teenagers' discarded clothes. Kim was on one of the benches, which was wide enough to support her as she lay there on her back. Sitting directly on Kim's flushed...

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Twin Brides

Based on a true story... Foreword: Twin brides. This is an innocent title of an amazing story. What does it mean? It can mean a lot of things. It can mean that there are two sisters who decide to get married on the same day. The question is: who are they marrying? Two happy grooms? Or -- gasp! -- each other? It seems that weddings can elicit the strangest reactions: the groom faints, the bride laughs as if she were mad, the guests sweat like there is no tomorrow, the bride slips...

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Twin Girls 2

Twin Girls 2 By Laurie Ann B The sun streaming through my bedroom window awakened me. As I turned to throw the cover off I was reminded of yesterdays events as the silky pink nightie wrapped me in its folds. I can't say that it didn't feel nice cause it really did give me goose bumps. It was going to be a warm spring day and as I looked out my window I couldn't spy a cloud in the sky. A breeze blew through the open window and caused the loosely fit gown to wrap me in a silky caress. I...

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Twin Twinks at the Hotel

Twin Twinks at the HotelTwin brothers Liam and Sean had spent a few days down the country on an adventure holiday with their parents. Lots of fun and frolics had been had by all but now it was the morning of going home day.Like all twins, the boys were inseparable and did everything together. They had shared a double bed up until a couple of years ago. Back home they still shared a room but now each had his own single bed to do in whatever he pleased. But for the holiday they were back sleeping...

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Twin Sister DelightChapter 5 Twinsrsquo Wicked Evening

Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! “This is going to be an amazing dinner,” my twin sister said as we walked up the street with our mom to Clint’s house. “Minako thinks so, too,” I answered, the pair of us speaking our native Japanese. Kimiko gave me a naughty grin, a smile spreading across her delicate lips, the corners of her mouth spreading wide. She gripped my hand, squeezing it. We both wore dresses, mine sleeveless and blue, the skirt falling down to a few inches above my...

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Twin Brothers together

As twins Kale and Jeremy grew up doing everything together, from baseball, school, and sex. The boys had spent their whole lives in a small town with nothing to do, so they spent their time together. And like any twins they were inseparable. Both the boys, being identical twins, were 14, 54 and skinny, semi long blond hair, gorgeous blueish grey eyes, and they were beautiful. They were the must haves of any girl in school. But as summer came around they spent their time messing around the...

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Twin to The Rescue

My Twin to the Rescue Ken Brown was an average man. When you looked at him, you saw a man that stood about 5'8" tall and was about 165 lbs. He had auburn hair that, although was a bit longer than what you would expect for a business man, was still neat, and clean. He worked as a bank loan officer and was expected to wear a suit to work every day ("You have to present a professional appearance if you want people to take you seriously," his supervisor often said). On his days off,...

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Twin Japanese Nieces Pt5

Introduction: Marks helps out Twin Japanese Nieces Pt5 After Mark had inspected all of the girls I felt it was important that I have a little man to man talk with him. He had done the job exactly as I had asked him, but he needed to know some things about respect and courtesy that definitely applied to this situation. We walked into his room and I closed the door, this was going to be the first really major talk I had with him so a little privacy was in order. I had already talked to him...

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Twin brother and sister fill little brother in

A note: I am aware this story exists in this site however the person who posted it wasn't me. I've reported it. Twin Brother and Sister Let Little Brother InBy: Antaeus When I was at the wild and crazy age of s*******n, I thought of myself as anything but wild and crazy. But honestly I didn’t have time, what with an over achieving brother and sister. My older siblings were twins just a single year older than me. The two of them had graduated a full year early and in my family, you just don’t...

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Twin troubles

Twin troubles CBA [The present] 'Arg that's so uncomfortable!' Jayson thought as he once again had the desire to pick the thong out of his ass again. He just wasn't used to it anymore, it had been years since he had worn women's clothing for an entire day. But then he saw the woman he was waiting for, the undeclared love of his life Cindy MacLean. He waved when they made eye contact and a smiling Cindy waved back and started making her way towards him. "Hey, Jayson you look...

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Twin Japanese Nieces Pt4

Introduction: A plan for Mark Twin Japanese Nieces Pt4 Upon the invitation to join us for a swim my son just stood there for a minute looking at all of us, in turn, with a stunned look on his face. I not 100% sure of what he was thinking but it only took a few seconds before he stuck his hands in his pockets. I guess the sight of 4 naked women was more than he could handle, and he had to try and hide the boner he was getting that was plainly evident in the front of his pants. No, he replied...

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Twin Brothers2

Brad and Barry seemed to be two brothers who were normal in all appearances. They did all the things that twins would normally do together. They shared their clothes as they were the exact same size. They played together all during their childhood and got along pretty well at most times. Not to say that they didn't have the usual childish arguments. But all in all they seemed to be your ordinary young boys. They even shared the same bedroom like brothers of a close or same age would do. But...

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Twin Loving

Elizabeth and Eliza Watts were identical twins aged twenty 28 with tall slender figures, long blonde hair, blue eyes and firm busty bosoms.  One evening while they were alone in the two bedroomed flat they shared together, Elizabeth had an idea to make the evening fun and exciting. She dashed up the stairs and clonked about in one of the bedrooms; she then returned a few minutes later.Eliza had been leaning back against the sofa with a bored expression on her face until she saw her twin bring...

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Twin Swithch Chapter 15

Twin Switch Chapter 15 By Cheryl Lynn This is a work of fiction. It is recommended that you read the previous installments as they will provide important background information. This story features extreme female domination and if that offends you do not read. While there is no actual sex in these chapters' sexual activities may be described. Comments good or bad pertaining to the direction of the plot and grammar are welcome as long as they are NOT directed to the nature of this...

1 year ago
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Twin Sister Fucked By My Friends

Hi all I’m regular reader of IIS if u find any mistakes please forgive me this is my first story I’m posting in IIS which happened very recently 2days back. Let me Introduce myself I’m Swaroop from Bangalore me and my sister Swetha are twin babies we never had any secrets in between us. Let me describe her she has a stats of 36 28 36 she maintains her body in a nice manner. It was her engagement 2days back then after the function is been completed I heard her conversation with one of her friend...

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Twin SisterinLaw

I was minding my own business. It was a Saturday afternoon and Shari, my wife of about ten years, had taken off to go shopping at the mall. I finished up on some work-related stuff on the computer and decided to take a swim in our backyard pool.Since we live on the end of a cul-de-sac, there is not a back-yard neighbor who can see into our pool area, which I liked, since Shari and I often spent hours out by the pool, simply enjoying the sunshine and the quiet solitude of our pool and...

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Twin Farmgirl CousinsChapter 4

Nick was up the ladder, working the paintbrush, when a hand groped up between his thighs and copped a quick feel of his cock. "Hiya," Betsy said, halfway up the ladder. Nick was wearing cutoff jeans and she was playing with the hair on his legs, but her eyes were staring at the bulge of his crotch. "You got something for me, Nick?" Nick flushed. He motioned with his head toward the upstairs window. He already knew--he'd made it his business to find out-- that it was his uncle's...

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I originally wrote this story for another site that will remain nameless here. Although you cannot read what came before I think I have given enough information to enable any reader to make sense of the story. There’s enough in what I’ve written to make what I believe is a good stand-alone story. >>>>>> I rarely read cuckold stories. There’s something about them that makes me extremely uncomfortable, especially when the male is a totally accepting wimp, but I did find “A Willing...

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A Rock and A Hard Place 3 Conclusion

Hello Everyone. I’d like to start out by apologizing for taking so long to write the epic conclusion of this love triangle of a story. In my defense it took me this long to get the full story from all of the characters and for enough action to transpire, but I digress. I hope you enjoy it and leave comments and ratings! This story is 100% true. I know each character personally. A Rock and A Hard Place 3 (Conclusion) April 8th, 2013....

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by Oediplex 8==3~ Part 6: Harry's mom arrives with a story to tell The memories, of the last things she remembered, replayed in her head, like a flashback in a 'B' movie. “I love you, Mandy!” cried her son, Jack. The first time he had called her by her first name, when they had made love. “Oh, yess! I love you too, Jack. I love you too, lover!” She said. And then they once more drifted off. Their dreams were lovely, as they cuddled together, on Jack's bed. They...

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Diary of Billy Bob Chapter 10 Conclusion

This is the diary of Billy Bob McTavish, a teen boy, about he and his young girl cousin growing up, having a family and a wide variety of sexual adventures, some quite bizarre. It has ten chapters: (1) Becoming a Man, (2) Marriage, (3) House Guest, (4) Satisfying Our Guest, (5) Helping a Psychologist, (6) More Sex Therapy, (7) Mutual Therapy, (8) Our Daughter, (9) Our Daughter is 13, (10) Conclusion Billy Bob Chapter 10 (Conclusion) The girls were tired of just having sex with each other and...

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The Job Interview Rule 3 Conclusion

Wash The Sins Away:Gina Fellows woke that Monday morning. Up-to-date with her rent, able to purchase a few new outfits with the spare cash she had left over, she had a fresh outlook on her life. Things were looking up.Rising from bed, dressed in pink boxers and tight tank top, Gina strolled into the bathroom, where the sound of falling water echoed from inside. She slipped out of her nightwear and stepped into the cubicle. The warm water hit her naked body, wetting her hair, slipping around...

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