CynthiaChapter 1 free porn video

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Oh, God, I still get butterfly flutters inside just looking at her. Stunning, Cynthia walked in with a large man and joined a group at a nearby booth. He was big, but not beefy or obese. When Cynthia walked, everyone listened — with their eyes. We exchanged nods and then she gave me this beaming smile. The flutterers in my belly were now flapping madly. A campus queen — caught up in the swirl of dances and sorority events, but she was not quite a fit. Tall, shapely, smooth, wise, and bright as hell.

Tonight, she dressed to kill. Short tight black skirt, patterned silk blouse with full sleeves, cleavage, and her long brown hair wrapped her face in an ideal border. Her black three-inch sandals provided a sculptor's pedestal for her legs. I'm sure the runway model clothing designers would have thought her top heavy in that blouse, but she looked just right for me. Sat next to me in Geology lab before I went to Afghanistan — and she is still here, I thought. As my main sex fantasy object, she got me through many cold nights in the mountains, if you get my drift — doing elbow exercises and yearning for her.

It was Thursday, before spring break, as we partied at Louie's. Louie (his real name) served heavy cheap food — it kept us sober longer. The noisy crowd interfered with the band trying to play to everyone. Four or five sat in our booth, depending, but I didn't hear much of the conversation. I danced with one of the girls in our booth a few times, but I was still lost in my thoughts about how Cynthia had wrecked my life.

Since I had known her, she had elevated my tastes in women. I'd had important girl friends after I met her, but none of them quite met the "Cynthia Standard." No one equaled her charm, or her looks, and she was sharp, witty, and had an enthusiasm for life. I managed my share of hookups lasting a night or a few, but all of these invidious comparisons I made with other women diminished my chances for a serious relationship, of which I had only one.

All of that, and I had never had even a Cynthia date. Coffee many times after lab, but never a real date. We enjoyed the conversation and talked at length about many issues not related to Geology. We shared some musical tastes, liked film and the theater, and enjoyed the stimulation of the campus. Since I took pleasure in her company and her presence, I berated myself for never inviting her out. At least, if she'd refused, I would feel better. Now, I was older and I was determined to rectify my prior mistakes. I heard the waitress ask, "You okay? You look like you might have had a little too much."

"No. Not yet. I was thinking about somebody."

"You seemed to be in space. If you're okay, do you want another beer?"

"Yeah. That'd be good." I couldn't get my eyes off Cynthia and I think she might have caught me staring a couple of times. I'm not even sure when the waitress brought the beer. Even in combat, I don't think I was ever so unnerved.

Cynthia danced with the guys in her booth and seemed to pay particular attention to the one next to her. I suppose he was her date, but I didn't know him. The other guy, Bill Crawford, was someone I had known from a class and we'd talked and played cards now and then. Everyone seemed to be having a good time, although I saw Cynthia looking troubled a couple of times. My sharp memories of her in class and at the coffee bar paled beside the real person here tonight. Although I had faced tough situations in the military, I was not prepared to be this nervous.

Sometime later, I saw her return to her booth chatting with the other woman — I guessed coming together from the ladies room, and they sat alone. Her hair looked better and she had freshened her face. In my daydreams, I started out kissing her full pouty mouth and things got better and better. What's the game plan? Drinks give courage to the timid. No man immediately claimed her. Now's the time to move in. I quickly asked her to dance. She smiled and looked directly in my eyes. "I'd love to, Bradford. Where have you been?"

Charm school 101.

"In Afghanistan doing Boy Scout duty."

"My God, it's been more than a year. I wondered why I didn't see you after Geology."

"Well, Pete and I went on active duty for about fourteen months. I've been back only this term.

The band played slow dancing tunes. She had to remember you to wonder about you. OK, you've rehearsed this mission. Do you have the guts? I looked down and said, "Cynthia, you look gorgeous again tonight. Forgive my staring. I had the same problem in Geology and I thought of you many cold nights in the mountains."

Her smile seemed genuine. "Thought of me? Thank you, a girl likes to hear that. Geology made us work. I think being at your lab table helped get my A, and listening to you and Pete talk about the Navy kept me on edge. I have never known a hired killer before."

She did listen! Do it now.

Our eyes were locked on each other and I was about to sink right into them. I had to try it. So, keeping our eyes engaged, I moved my mouth slowly to hers and kissed her full, pouty red mouth. She put her hand on the back of my neck and held it for several seconds; she appeared dazed as she pulled back. Then, raised her eyebrow, grinned and put her head on my shoulder.

Did she really kiss back?

At the end of the first dance, I kept her hand. "Let's see what's playing next. Okay?" Say something nice. As we danced the third piece, I whispered, "Cynthia, I wanted to kiss you the first day I saw you in class. I hope you weren't offended."

She interlaced our fingers and squeezed, tossed her long brown hair, and looked at me warmly. "Not offended, Bradford, just delightfully shocked. Took you a while to get to it, though."

What did she say?

We continued dancing close and I thought I felt her hand rub up and down my back. At the end of the song, she looked at me with her head cocked. "I have to be getting back now. Blair will wonder."

I could swear that I saw a tear as she moved away and I returned her to her table.

Much later, as her party left, she walked by my booth and melted me with another smile as her eyes engaged mine like an infrared missile on a heat source. I could barely watch her well-formed ass twitch all the way out. I felt elated that she responded to the kiss and stayed close afterwards. Now, I was in deep trouble. My desire for her had just been squared by her last smile. I didn't know whether to stay and dance a few more times or go home and mope.

I stayed for another beer and danced with another potential, but I was too focused on Cynthia to enjoy it much. I excused myself and left for home. When I walked in, I saw the answering machine flashing. I didn't often give out my cell number so when people wanted me they could leave messages. Bill Crawford left an urgent message. He had been at Cynthia's table.

I'm in a bind here, Bradford, because of Blair, but Cynthia and I go back to third grade. She wants you to call her, 541-4515, repeat 541-4515. Please, protect me on this. Scout's Honor? I had to call you because she asked me, but Blair would never understand.

Everyone teased me about being an Eagle Scout until I became a SEAL. That's why she called me a 'hired killer.'


When I saw Bradford sitting in that booth, I felt uncomfortable and nervous. I was sitting with Blair, my husband of eight months, and feeling guilty. I did everything I knew how to get Bradford to take me out except ask him and he didn't. He showed interest and we had long personal conversations over coffee after class. My discomfort was caused simply by the effect that seeing him had on me. Other than a farewell hug at the end of the term, he'd never touched me and I always wanted him to.

I noticed that he looked at me several times and each time I caught him, it gave me a minor thrill. Actually, it made me feel like I was in middle school smiling at a boy across the room. I was under control until he asked me to dance. I didn't think my husband would get jealous over my dancing with a classmate that I hadn't seen for many months. When he took my hand to lead me to the floor, I felt a sense of joy that I had missed for such a long time. My marriage wasn't working for me, so I cherished Bradford's touch more than I should.

As we danced, I couldn't keep my eyes away from his, as the energy seemed to flow in both directions. Suddenly his face moved closer to me and I realized that he was going to kiss me. I barely had time to get my mouth open. While the kiss lingered, I put my hand around his neck and pulled him to me. This was not going to be a one-way kiss. When he pulled away, he made some kind of apology hoping that he hadn't offended me. I had to make a quick response to let him know that I welcomed the kiss, even if it took him years to get around to it. I floated through the rest of the dance. Savoring the intimacy we shared, I danced closer than before as I felt the thrill of warm moisture.

He returned me to the booth after I told him that my date might wonder. I did not tell him that I was married. Yes, your "date" would wonder — a lot. My God, I hoped Blair hadn't seen the kiss. Later, Blair went off to talk to some of his friends and left Bill Crawford and me sitting alone for just a few minutes. I'd known Crawford almost all my life. "Bill, would you call Bradford and tell him to call me? He was in my geology class and has been away in Afghanistan. I'd like to catch up with him." I grasped his hand and asked, "Just between us?"

He replied with a chuckle, "We've known each other far too long to start telling secrets." He squeezed my hand back and smiled. "I take it you enjoyed the dance — and the kiss."

I said tersely, "I've only wanted him to do that since the first day I met him. Now, the bastard kisses me after I'm married. Life would have been different if he'd only taken the hint in geology."

"My silence has one condition. I want to hear the juicy details of the — uhmm — conversation."

"You breathe a word and I'll tell your mother on you. Even as old as you are, you wouldn't want her to know the nasty particulars about your party at the cabin when they were out of town."

"My lips are sealed, just as yours should be until you work things out with Blair."

Crawford was right, of course. However, in my heart, I knew that, given the chance, I would ignore his advice.


Next morning, I counted the minutes until ten and my hand shook visibly as I punched in her number. I almost gasped when she picked up. "Cynthia? Bradford, and I..."

She sounded happy. "Bradford. You kissed me sweetly on the dance floor and then just abandoned me," in her best Scarlett O'Hara drawl.

"You had a date."

She sounded happy. "You're being too literal. That was yesterday."

I finally mumbled, "Today?"

"I need an hour," she replied.

"I will come for you in an hour."

"Not here. I have a silver Lexus and I will park in the West Mall by the theaters. Park beside me."

"I'm in a blue Ford pickup."

What is going on with her? She has always been aloof. What the hell? Hurry up. I had barely an hour to get presentable. I had to shave with my still shaking hands. OK, Boy Scout, better get this room shipshape, too.

I found her car easily in the parking lot and pulled in beside her. She quickly climbed up into the cab. "Take me away." Another stunning smile. She listened to the stereo. "That's Norah Jones." She looked out the rear window enough times that she could have just pulled a bank job. She finally must have convinced herself that the bad guys weren't following and I saw her shoulders relax.

As I drove to an obscure space at Boomer Lake, she started, "God, I almost got caught last night. Crawford saved my ass. He saw what you did and blocked Blair's view."

"Sorry. No, I'm not sorry. I loved every second of it." I unsnapped her seatbelt. "Can you sit over here?"

She moved effortlessly and held our second kiss much longer than the first. I whispered, "I really wanted that. You invaded my dreams all night."

She seemed almost giddy or anxious. Her voice didn't have the normal smooth inflections. "No one ever shocked me so pleasantly on the first dance. I certainly didn't expect that. I was bewildered. You danced through my mind, too."

"I had no idea that you would meet me. How long will I have you?"

She chattered, almost breathlessly. "I know. I am always involved. I did drop a hint or two in Geology and sat next to you on purpose, but I don't know what I would have done if you had come on to me, but I wanted you to. Every time we had those long conversations, I felt like I knew you. I guess I should have invited you to something, but I didn't think I should. I have to be back at four." After her nervous chatter, she took a deep breath.

I turned her shoulders so that she faced me. "How late we learn what's important. I thought we sat alphabetical. Oh, well. I don't want to miss a minute of you now."

She smiled and opened her wet red lips again. As our tongues explored, I held her tightly. Some girls like that. She touched my face and moved her hand through my short hair and around my ears, giving me shivers. She pulled me closer with surprisingly strong arms. She pulled her head away.

"Bradford, I don't know what I'm doing here, but I like it. This is so unlike my normal self."

"I like both of you. You're here because we're catching up."

"That's a good reason." She put her mouth back where it belonged and we tongue-wrestled as we clutched.

She pulled back again and still seemed slightly uncomfortable. I guess she had an issue, but I would wait for her to tell me if she chose. All the time she kept her hands on my face and neck in intimate caresses. She smiled, and said, "Hi, again. I'm glad you're back from the war. I didn't even know enough to worry about you."

"I didn't say anything since summer was beginning and I had no idea how long I would be gone. The government keeps changing its mind about how long the tours are." I decided to follow her lead and run my fingers over her face and neck mirroring what she was doing to me. I had learned that often women would do to you what they want done to them. She nuzzled her face into my hand and parted her lips slightly.

I resumed intimate kissing and muttering for at least a half-hour; I sensed her breathing becoming shallower and faster. The windows fogged. My fingers dared stroke a nipple through her blouse. She approved, "Ummmm."

That was right. I'm sure she could feel my advanced state of excitement poking her in the side. Her hips were moving slightly. "Ummm," again.

So far, she likes everything. Go for the skin. I unbuttoned her blouse, moved the bra, and pinched the bare nipple. I nibbled her ear and whispered, "Can we go to my house and look at some fossils?"

She looked at the clock. "Get serious, Bradford. Not today. My time is too tight. Besides that, a lady just can't go to your place on the first date," she teased, almost blushing in her Scarlett voice.

I continued on her nipple as our tongues explored. I knew she was getting there when her back stiffened. Then, a loud "Uhhhhh, uhhhhh, God, uhhhh," and hugged me tightly.

"Just divine. Bradford, you can never know how good that feels."

I pinched her nipple. "I know. I don't have nice ones like you do. Again?"


She came three or four times in that position. I wanted her savagely. Finally, she whispered, "I have to stop," then buttoned her blouse, and moved close to me.

In my advanced state of raw desire, I whined, "You really have to go now?"

"I must." She reached for my zipper. "May I?"

I nodded with my mouth agape. She struggled getting my erection out through my jeans and briefs, which caused only moderate pain. Her hands teased me as she moved them around. She squeezed the head and rotated her hand around lightly, then with more pressure. Perfect. She knew how to create powerful tension. No standard pumping up and down hurriedly; just teasing sensual touches. She licked her finger and rubbed it gently on my hot spot. She put her tongue in my mouth and kept the kiss. She knew that I couldn't last. Leaning back, she smiled at her triumph as I grabbed paper towels from the door pocket to catch the spurts from my massive orgasm.

She wiped her hands and carefully cleaned me before putting me away. "I couldn't leave you like that, Bradford. You restored my hope today." This time, Scarlett was not in her voice. Then, grinning Scarlett teased me with double entendre. "Why didn't you come with me here when we were in Geology?"

"You always had a man."

"Didn't bother you last night."

Even I finally got the message. Back at the mall I kissed her until she pushed me away and opened the door. "Will you call me, Cynthia?" She looked troubled, shook her head, and then slipped in her car and drove away.

What do I do now? It hasn't been twenty-four hours since I pulled that stunt on the dance floor. What kind of situation is she in? Do I keep my phone on all the time? What if I miss her call? Calm down. You're not in charge here. I had no inkling about what to do next.

After doing my email and some lousy work on a paper, I went to Louie's to hang out. A while became midnight. I danced a few times, but I didn't find what I wanted. I felt miserable. I could feel her hands on me and taste her luscious mouth. Happiness was not at home either. I couldn't concentrate on the computer game and lost badly. Stories on the Internet bored me. I went to bed. Bliss was not there, either, but I got myself off by seeing and feeling her naked breast and remembering her hands during the Friday matinee. I no longer had to imagine her every move. As I pondered our lake encounter, I believed that she would exceed the 'Cynthia Standard.' I wanted her badly, right now more than ever. We didn't even take the time to have our normal conversation. I missed that, too.

Although I slept fitfully, the phone brought me out. "Charles Bradford, are you alone?"

"Morning, Cynthia."

"I was pondering yesterday."

"I haven't thought about anything else."

She breathed heavily. "I'm glad, but it frightens me."

"I will come for you, or you can come here for breakfast."

"I was hoping for that. I can't go public with you right now. Give me an hour. I, uh, mapped your house from the University directory."

Same as Cynthia
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Claire had been ready to talk about a lot of issues she was associated with at the bank. It had never occurred to her that the subject of Chuck might come up. "Yes." she said shortly. "I believe you're dating coach Bondurant. Is that correct?" he asked. Claire felt heat beginning to build in her chest. "Yes sir, though I can't imagine why that would be any of your concern." she said. She immediately wished the heat in her chest hadn't been so obvious in her voice. "You're aware...

3 years ago
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A Fucking Bhabhi

By : Swamy D This is the story of a relation between a housewife and her brother in law. Her name is Swati Rampal is married to Sanjay Rampal who is working in mnc. Swati is housewife and her brother in law name is vikas rampal who is studying in 11th class, she lives in a joint family which includes her father in law and mother in law too. Swati is of bold and openminded nature of around 26 yrs it been around 1.5 years of her marriage still no kid. Vikas is a shy boy who knows nothing about...

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BurrChapter 52 Mrs Ford and Colleen

Orville came to work early on Monday so he could run with us. For a big man, he was light on his feet and comfortable running at the pace I set for Josh. I could tell that Orville thought I was being too rough on Josh. "Cromwell is a football school. We only practice two hours per day but the other twenty-two hours we eat, sleep and dream about football. First and foremost, Cromwell is a military school. Josh is going to get more crap thrown at him during his first two weeks than you can...

2 years ago
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Im a Believer

‘Please, enter and be welcome. My name is Nina, and I am to be your guide today.’ It didn’t sound threatening, especially coming from the lips of a slim blonde girl wearing a serene smile and not much else, but thoughts of Jonestown kept running through Malcolm’s head as he stepped into the church and closed the door. He’d have preferred to get the head of this weird…cult, church, tax dodge, whatever the ‘Way of the Living Divinity’ turned out to really be…down to the office for this interview,...

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PandoraChapter 2

Back at the “Bat Cave”. Yes, that’s how I had begun to think of Billy’s “Man Cave” factory building loft, we had time to go over the hard drives we had recovered from the “Evil Company”. Yes! I ... We ... Us ... were the good guys trying to save the world from the insidious plot of the evil villains working for the “Evil Company”, freeing one sex slave at a time, ha, ha. I might be a lot of things, but a tried and true certified Black Hat Hacker with Dark Web experience is not one of them...

3 years ago
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The Sexual Education BluesChapter 17 Tiffany and Chuck

"What are we going to do tonight?" asked Tiffany, pulling Chuck away from the hot tub by his hand. He didn't pull it away from her now. "I have no idea," he said weakly. "I'm very vulnerable right now." "I thought that was a woman's line," said Tiffany, smiling. "I know how a woman feels right now," he said. "Are you still trying to avoid making love to me?" she asked. "It's a good plan, Tiffany," he said. "I know it is. All my other relationships got messed up because...

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All Tied UP

All Tied UpEven though you texted me to let me know you are in the lobby, I am slightly startled by the knock on the door. I think the excitement of the pending evening has my nerves a little on edge. I cross the room to the door and peek out through the peep hole. You’re standing a little too close to the door for me to see your face but, oh yes, I’d recognize those sunglasses anywhere. I silently take a deep breath, think “Here we go” and open the door, standing behind it in case anyone else...

2 years ago
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When a stranger cums

This was my first time ever being with a man. It all started when I started working at the bank. Me and my wife called ourselves bi-curious she had been with a female but I had yet to be with a man. Anyway I had been working at the bank for about a month or so and I had noticed that the president was always looking for a reason to talk to me, to touch me, or come into the bathroom when I was in there. I ask one of the tellers was he straight or bi or gay. She said as far as she knew he was...

2 years ago
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Intrusive DelightsChapter 5 Discipline

When the Head of Protocol arrived in the square half an hour later, a stage had been set up in the middle, with tiered seating all round it. There were about a hundred men there, with more arriving by the minute. As they all settled down, a naked man was dragged into the square, put on the stage, and loosely chained to a post. The only woman was Princess Zubeydeh in a fresh abaya accompanied by six armed guards and chained to the Chief Eunuch. Kamal Qumsiyeh mounted the stage and read out...

3 years ago
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Right at Home 2

Ashley woke up and felt herself in a depressed mood. She knew it had to do with that fact that it was her 19 th birthday. Normally she would be happy and celebrating; but the last time she had really celebrated her birthday was when she turned 16. Even on that day she had spent it with Eric and her parents were nowhere to be found. Not that it was much of a surprise. Thinking of Eric reminded her that it was only a week ago that they first made love with each other. She couldn’t get it out of...

4 years ago
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Mi Vida Loca A Young Mans Sexual OdysseyChapter 68

“Foster Chevrolet. How may I help you?” Annette’s sweet voice answered. “You can bend over and let me fuck you with my naked cock again.” “JOSEY! How are you? Are you coming by to see me again?” “Not right away, but soon. I need another pickup, and I need it delivered to Sheriff Mona Glass’ Ranch. If you have one that’s got a radio and kinda sleek and sporty, I’d like to have that one. Tell your daddy I’ll be by and pay cash for it.” “I’ll take care of that for you, Josey. Please come by...

2 years ago
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The Last Man

The Last Man: This story was related to me by the main character, who shall be known as Roger Wilkinson. It was recorded by me in personal conversation with him over a period of six hours in four sessions, and when I set about writing it, I felt it best to put it in dialogue form because that was how he presented it to me. I offered the outline, drafts and now the finished product to him for his endorsation. He is satisfied that, if not literal, it is an accurate reflection of the past few...

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A new realization of control and submission

Samantha was about 5-7 tall, had light brown, confident eyes and medium brown straight hair grown generously to the middle of her back. She had fair, creamy white skin that contrasted with her darker hair and eyes. Her hair was kept styled and healthy. She was neat, organized and usually calm under pressure. She gave the impression she was a woman who would do well in business with her new clothes, kept hair and focused demeanor. She was not overweight but had some extra padding in her hips...

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So Michael, the guy I was dancing with in the last story, called me the day after we met in the club. He asked if I wanted to go to dinner and a movie. I said yes of course! He is not the sort of person I would ever say no to, and the date was organised. I decided to wear a dress that was sexy, without being too revealing to go for the: “You might get it, if you try hard enough,” look. We went to dinner at a really nice restaurant, one of the nicest I have ever been to, and saw a very funny...

Straight Sex
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Siennas Seduction Part II

It had been six weeks since Sienna’s near death experience at the top of the club’s stairs and the subsequent encounter with the enigmatic bouncer who had since haunted her thoughts, both waking and unconscious. In that time she’d ditched the wannabe player who’d nearly caused her demise, aced her end of year Anthropology exams and reconnected with her friends. What surprised her, though, was the effort it was proving to reconnect with her pre-Adam self. She’d avoided THAT Sydney nightclub in...

1 year ago
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Six Foot Wrong RomanceChapter 6

The next two days dragged out in excruciating drips. Andrew was heart broken that she wouldn’t be able to make it out anymore, but she considered herself lucky to have kept her car. On the other hand, being away from him meant he was sending her plenty of snaps so she wouldn’t miss out on summer. He was so sweet to her. It would have been great to sneak out without her phone, but lord knows if she did that and her mom called, she’d be in deep. As it stood, her mom called at random intervals...

2 years ago
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Late Night Arousal Dont Move

She was already asleep when he got home… she was always asleep by the time he got home – it was one of the drawbacks to working the same shift-based job: their schedules never aligned. They’d long since come up with a way to alleviate the sexual frustration that naturally accompanied only being home together long enough to sleep by developing a silent, clothing-based communication system. If she went to bed in desperate need of his cock deep inside her, she’d go to bed stark naked. If she was...

2 years ago
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Amys B And D Adventures

Let me tell you a little bit about me. When my great adventure began, I was young (age 25) and not very experienced. Oh, I had sex any number of times, in a number of different ways, but I never felt the wild excitement in actually doing those things that I imagined in advance. I had a million different, very kinky fantasies, things that I really wanted to do but was afraid to try, even if I had the opportunity to try) which I really didn't have. Mostly, my fantasies involved me as a sort of...

3 years ago
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Kumar Apartment Season 2 Part 9 Papa Ne Bigada Maa Bete Ka Khel

Hello friends, aap sabhi ko meri shubh kaamnaye. Mujhe aap apne mail se utsahit rakhe aur main apko apne kahaniyo se manoranjit. Pichle bar apne Rahul ke ghar dekha ki kaise maa bete porn movie ka sath mein maza lete hai. Fir kya hua janiye aaj ke episode mein. Jo bhi ye episode pehli baar pad rahe ho unse kahunga ki aap ise padhne se pehle Season 1 padhle. Isse apko saari kahaniyo ki jad se pata chale. Jo bhi mujhe mail mein messages aur apni sujhaaw dena chahte ho, ye raha mera mail id /...

1 year ago
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Sexiest Girl In The Office

Sexiest Girl In The Office I run a construction company. I have three very qualified foremen and they each have a crew that works for them. They are so good at their jobs that I hardly ever have to leave my air-conditioned and heated office any more. If you have done construction you know that I had sweated my ass off in the summer and froze my balls off in the winter. Believe me a climate-controlled office was the only way to go. Besides that way I could take my time to quote jobs and...

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The Ride of My Life

I sat in the back of the cab my head spinning. I didn't realize I had drank that much – I always get so angry and horny when I drink. I would beat her and fuck her – that's why you have a wife, there always there when you need a punching bag or wet hole. I noticed the man driving the cab was a big black nigger. The lazy bastard said nothing just drove in silence and smoked an obnoxious cigar. I asked if he could put it out while I was in the cab. All he did was open the window between the...

2 years ago
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With Strength and SteelChapter 14

I thought I was prepared for anything. Medieval torture chambers, evil dungeons, even a cave with stalactites hanging down like huge fangs. All of it had filtered through my mind like a screening of mankind's greatest horror stories or cheesy horror movies. I should have known better. We weren't dealing with a man. And women have long been known as the creators of the worst atrocities. With revulsion choking me, we walked into a room Elizabeth Bathory, the Blood Countess, would have felt...

1 year ago
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Good Medicine Junior YearChapter 54 Hustled

December 21, 1983, West Monroe, Ohio “I’m not sure that’s such a good idea,” I said. “Afraid you’ll lose?” Violet asked. No, I thought, I wasn’t afraid of losing at all. In fact, I was sure that win or lose, I’d win, from a certain perspective. “No, that’s not it...” I started. “Then let’s play!” “Are you sure?” She nodded, “I can’t think of a more fun way to celebrate my birthday!” I could, and I was sure that what I was thinking was exactly what she was thinking, and she was just...

4 years ago
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In The Eyes of His Father

IN THE EYES OF HIS FATHERKen, at 18had been raised to understand his Father's attitude towards the need for discipline for boys and in particular his need for it.  Sir Lawrence Hammond had always been strict, but his stern attitude increased with Ken's age and he knew it would just continue that way.  Mr. Hammond had no intention of letting up on his son and was always finding ways to increase the young boy’s shame and humiliation  along with the regularity of his now routine spankings.  Ken’s...

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The neighbourhood that I live in is a community like no other, we watch out for each other and it is reasonably safe. This particular day we’d had some trouble with k**s from other areas running up and down our cul de sac so we’d reported it to the council. It was a Friday morning when there was a knock on the door.There stood a mature man probably about 40, with a bit of a belly, wearing a shirt, no tie, and brown slacks, holding a clipboard. “Hi I’m from the Council I hear you’re having some...

1 year ago
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FamilyXXX Shay Sights Stepmom Shay Is Delighted On How Big He Is

Horny curious stepson Dan just had to go find his sexy milf stepmom Shay’s panties in the drawer just for one quick sniff. Dan had to hide in the closet when Shay got home and as she was undressing his phone went off and gave away his spot. Shay disciplined him as to not do this anymore. But the thought of his younger cock had her mouth drooling and when she pulled out his thick hard meat her holes could not wait to get stuffed! Shay was beyond delighted on how thick and hard her stepson...

4 years ago
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A Mothers MistakesChapter 15

Chris was silent as he pulled out of the parking lot of the doctor's office. He couldn't believe his mother had shared their secret so readily. On one hand he understood that she needed someone to confide in. However, on the other, it was taking an incredible risk. "I had to tell her Chris," Allison said. "I know. I guess it's a guy thing. We like to keep things to ourselves... work them out on our own. I guess it was for the best. "She can help. I probably shouldn't tell you this,...

2 years ago
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Call GirlsChapter 21

Janice looked around the apartment one last time. It was almost six o'clock and she was waiting for Bill, Ali and her new master. In the intervening few hours, using the Clifford money, Jan had not only prepared a magnificent dinner, she had redecorated the entire apartment. As instructed, she was nude except for the diamond ear studs Ali had given her that morning. She thought about the whips, which she had been oiling and which were now lying in the corner of the bedroom, and...

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Work friends nude house party Part 1

Hi, my names Matt, I'm in my early 20's about 155 lbs, standing 5'11, with a dirt blonde/ brown hair, blue/ grey eyes, slightly athletic build and about 7 inches long, uncut with trimmed pubic hair. This is my first ever erotic story, so please go easy on me but hopefully you'll enjoy. Story is completely fictional too. So I was invited to a nude house party by one of my work colleagues, Tina. She's a relatively attractive young woman probably around 5'6, brown hair and eyes, quite a slim and...

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Mary Felix Observes Georgina Spanking A Mature Woman

Prior to entering Georgina's employment, Mary has been invited to observe her new mistress at work in defence of the realm...So it was that at four o’clock the following day, Jimmy and I entered a cupboard on the landing and slipped down a passage to the window that looked out into Georgina’s boudoir. From her side the window was a mirror and, as she had explained, it was through this that the photographs were taken.It was a lovely room, smaller than the salon and richly decorated in autumnal...

3 years ago
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The Bar Exam

1. ONE "Open it," Sonja Jacobs said pointing to the envelope in her co-workers hand. "I know you passed; you have to have passed!" Steve Alain smiled at his co-worker's enthusiasm, wishing he shared it. Sonja was almost 15 years older than Steve but treated him like an equal, even though he was a lowly legal intern and she was a junior partner at the law firm of Fleischman and Baxter. Steve had worked there for four years, the entirety of his time in law school plus a year after...

2 years ago
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A Day at the Races

I don't know why he convinced me to come to the racetrack with him, but I was feeling generous and decided that watching all those horse muscles and sweat could be interesting for a change. Matt and I had been together for about three months. Before him was a string of lovers that kept me amused and satisfied after my husband divorced me. I was enjoying all of the attention I could receive of the male kind. The sun was shining, and we paid the extra money, well Matt paid, since he had the...

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My night in the woods

So I went, we had a decent enough time with free drinks, and around 10:30 my wife said she wanted to go home because she was tired. I drove her home and returned to the party. The evening went along well, and around midnight the party came to an end. Now, when I went to partys earlier by myself I was usually so drunk I slept in the car and only returned in the early morning hours. This time though, I hadn't drunk nearly as much and I got the idea to drive to the Antwerp left bank park...

2 years ago
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Jessica Part 7 Tying Tim Up

It had been a couple of weeks since Tim got home from his four week trip and he was getting ready to go again. He had a couple of projects that he needed to get done, and he needed some muscle to get them finished in time. Naturally he called me. We managed to get the work done with a minimum of beer drinking, but a lot of storytelling. Tim was very happy with what Jessica was doing with him, in bed and almost everywhere else in the house. It seemed she could hardly keep her clothes on...

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