Graduation Present
- 2 years ago
- 35
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Note: Thanks so much for all the support and feedback I have gotten with this story! Again, thanks to my wonderful editor, Amela, that puts up with my misuse of commas and fast-finger typos. The 3rd part to this story will be posted shortly so keep an eye out! I love hearing from my readers so feel free to comment or email!
The characters in this story are fictional and over the age of 18.
xo — KO
After the graduation of the senior class, the rest of the students finished out the school year with finals and then all would be gone for the summer. Jackson already had most of his things packed away and ready to go, he would be teaching several summer courses but he would not need to have much at school. The last couple days of the school year seemed to drag on and he was relieved when all the students had left for the year. He finally had a couple days to himself before he would begin the summer classes.
On the Monday night after school was out, Jackson ordered Thai and settled in for a night of Sports Center. He and Molly, his goofy Great Dane, stretched out on the large sofa in his living room and relaxed as they ate their take out and enjoyed the highlights. Jackson was just about to call it a night and get to bed when his cell phone rang. He had given his personal number out to several of his students assuring them that if they ever needed anything (like a sober ride home) he would help them out, no questions asked. He looked down at the phone and almost gasped in shock. The display read ‘Andie’. She had never called him on this number before. In fact, she had never called him at all. The only contact that Jackson ever had with Andie was at school.
Quickly, Jackson answered the phone, ‘This is Jackson,’
‘Ummm, Mr. Warren? Its Andie… you know, from school… I am sorry…’ Andie sounded nervous and scared.
‘What is it Andie, are you OK?’ Jackson asked, concerned about how she sounded.
He heard her sniffle and then she whispered, ‘I think I need some help. I got invited to this graduation party and I didn’t mean to drink too much, but I think there was more than fruit punch in that pitcher… I want to go home but I don’t know where Katie is. I want to go home.’ She began to cry.
‘Andie, I am coming, don’t worry. I will take you home Andie but I need you to tell me where you are so I can come get you.’
She gave him the directions to the party and he told her to wait outside for him and not to drink any more of the punch. Jackson threw on a pair of shorts and a tee and grabbed his car keys. On his way to the house, Jackson was struck with fear that something might happen to Andie, or worse that something had already happened to her and he was too late to help her. Driving much faster than he normally did, Jackson arrived at the house in 15 minutes and pulled up to the curb. He looked out the window and saw her. She was sitting on the front porch steps, wearing a light sundress and holding her clutch purse. Her hair was a little messier that normal, and one of the straps of the dress had fallen off her shoulder. Even a little disheveled, she looked fabulous.
Jackson opened the car door and climbed out. Andie looked up at him as he approached. She smiled shyly and began to stand. She wobbled slightly and Jackson had to reach out to steady her. His hand on her arm felt warm and sent a small shiver down her spine.
‘I am so sorry. Thank you for coming to get me, I didn’t know what to do…’ Andie apologized.
Jackson gave her arm a little squeeze, ‘Andie, it’s OK. Let’s just get you home.’ He began to lead her to the car and realized he was going to have to give her a little more support than just holding her by the arm. He put his arm around her waist and helped her to the car. She is so small and yet she fits just perfectly in my arms, Jackson thought. He quickly pushed his thoughts out of his head and replaced them with the urge to have a sit down with whoever had given Andie that punch. He knew she would not have had any if she knew there was alcohol in it.
He took a deep breath once he got her in the front seat of the car and closed the door. He loved having her in his arms, he was amazed at how small her waist was and so turned on by the way her hair smelled. He had felt himself harden when he looked at her sitting on the front steps. Having her in his arms did nothing to help the situation. He circled the car and pulled open the driver’s side door. Once in the car he looked at her again. She was sitting calmly in the passenger seat, looking around the car. His car was always clean but he had several CDs and a couple books on the floor of the passenger seat.
‘Andie, you are going to have to tell me where to go. I don’t know where you live.’ He tried to keep his voice even as he felt his chest tighten just from being confined in a small space with her.
She looked up at him with tears in her eyes, ‘I can’t go home.’
‘Why not Andie, what’s wrong?’ Jackson fought the urge to wipe the tear that escaped and was now rolling down her left cheek.
‘I can’t let her see me like this, I can’t be like her…’ She lowered her eyes. ‘Please don’t make me, you can just take me to a motel or something…’
‘Andie, I am not taking you to a motel, it’s not safe. Are you sure you don’t want to go home? I am sure it will be fine. Everyone makes mistakes.’
‘I don’t want to be like her, Mr. Warren. I don’t want to go home.’ Andie turned away to look out the window and a small sob caught in her thought.
‘Andie, don’t cry. I won’t make you go home. You will never be like her, you are so smart, funny and courageous… you aren’t anything like her Andie.’ Jackson reached over and put his hand on her knee, lightly rubbing his thumb over her thigh. ‘Let’s go,’ he said and pulled away from the curb.
When they pulled up in front of an apartment complex, Andie frowned. ‘Where are we?’
‘This is my apartment. I can’t take you to a motel, Andie. You can sleep in my room and I will sleep on the couch tonight. I promise you will be safe.’ Jackson hated the thought of her sleeping in his apartment and he hated the thought of her sleeping in his bed more. But, most of all, he hated that he would not be in bed with her. However, he knew he would never forgive himself if something happened to her tonight. Therefore, he would bring her in, get her some food and water to help sober her up and then get her to bed so she could sleep it off and go home in the morning.
When they got out of the car, she didn’t seem to need as much help but he put his arm around her anyways as he led her to the door of his apartment. They walked in to the small apartment to find Molly stretched out on the couch and the Thai food still in the take out boxes he had left in the kitchen.
‘Let’s get you something to eat and drink, it will make you feel better.’
‘Mr. Warren, I am so sorry. I didn’t know there was alcohol in that drink. I thought I would just have one beer so that I didn’t look like a dork at the party and then I just wanted punch for the rest of the night. I didn’t know…’
‘I know Andie, it’s okay. You will feel better once you eat something.’
They talked a little as she ate some of the take out and drank a large glass of water. She told him about the party and how she went because she was finally invited to something, even though she didn’t really want to go. She talked about her plans for school, she would be leaving at the end of the summer for an out of state college that she received a full ride scholarship for. He answered her questions about college and told her not to worry too much even though it was very different from high school.
Jackson almost had himself relaxed until she shyly asked to use the bathroom. He told her were it was and watched her stand up from the table and move down the hall way. He felt himself tighten all over again as he watched her hips sway
. She had no idea how sexy she was. Even though he knew, he couldn’t help but feel like she did it to him on purpose.
While she used the bathroom, he tidied up the kitchen and turned on the television for some back ground noise. He was unloading the dishwasher when she came back in to the kitchen. She looked a little more put together, her hair was a little straighter and her dress was smoothed out over her slender figure. Jackson couldn’t decide which look he liked more, pretty-perfect Andie or delicious-disheveled Andie. When she smiled he decided it didn’t matter what she looked like, so long as she smiled at him like that.
‘Is there… can I borrow… you know, instead of my dress…’
Jackson almost cursed out loud, first she was going to sleep in his bed, and she looked good enough to eat and had a killer smile, but now she wanted to wear his clothes. Jackson idly wondered if a man could die of temptation. ‘Sure Andie, let me go grab something for you.’ Glad his voice did not totally give him away, he went down the hall to get her a pair of his soccer shorts and a t-shirt. When he walked back in to the living room, he saw her cuddled up on the couch with Molly, scratching her behind the ears.
‘Molly will never let you leave if you do that, she will want you to stay forever.’ Jackson joked.
‘Maybe I will stay forever.’ Andie blushed as if she had not meant to say that out loud. Jackson cleared his throat, ignoring her comment and handed her the change of clothes.
She returned to the bathroom to change and came back in to the living room wearing his clothes. Jackson tried not to stare but she looked gorgeous in his shorts that hung low on her hips and the t-shirt that revealed her non-existent bra.
‘I think you had better get some rest Andie. Sleep well and let me know if you need anything.’
She thanked him again and walked down the hall to the bedroom. When she shut the door, he flopped down on the couch and sighed. Jackson didn’t think he would be getting much sleep tonight. In fact, he just about guaranteed that there would be no sleeping knowing that a sexy, smart, fabulous woman was in his bed.
Andie slipped in to Jackson’s bed and pulled the sheets up over her body. She took in the smell of him on the soft fabric. The sheets were cool and smelled faintly of his cologne but mostly they just smelled like him, masculine and a little salty.
How could I have been so stupid tonight, she wondered. Andie knew the party tonight was a bad idea, but Katie had talked her in to going, telling her that her brother thought she was cute. Flattered that Katie’s older brother would have even noticed her, Andie agreed. Less than an hour in to the night, she knew she had made a big mistake. Katie disappeared with some guy into one of the bedrooms and her brother Eric had tried to kiss her, tightly gripping the back of her neck until she violently pushed him away.
Scared and alone, she called Jackson. She almost hung up on the first ring, but he answered so quickly. She had no choice but to tell him she needed his help.
Not a day had gone by where she did not think of the kiss he had given her in his office that afternoon. She wanted him to kiss her again. Slowly, she climbed out of his large bed and walked quietly to the bedroom door.
A little after 2am, Jackson heard the bedroom door open. He figured she just needed to use the bathroom and remained quietly on the couch. When she walked in to the living room, he looked up at her. She was illuminated by the moon light and looked like a goddess. ‘Andie, are you alright?’
‘Yeah, I just can’t sleep. I didn’t mean to wake you.’
‘It’s alright Andie, I was awake. What’s wrong? Are you not comfortable? Do you need another blanket? I know it gets a little cool in that room.’
‘No, I am fine. I just was thinking… you have been so nice to me all night. You have always been nice to me. Always helping me with my classes and then helping with my college applications and writing me a recommendation letter. You are so wonderful, Mr. Warren.’ She plopped down on the couch beside him, ‘I don’t know what I would have done without you. You have always been there for me like, that day… in your office. I was so scared and upset and you made everything better. You made me feel safe and then, oh my god, you kissed me. I never thought you would kiss me, and I was embarrassed and I didn’t know what do to. You said you were sorry and it broke my heart to think that you were sorry for kissing me. All I have wanted from you since is another kiss…’ Andie was talking so fast that Jackson was having a hard time understanding everything that she was saying.
‘Andie, I shouldn’t have taken advantage of you like that. Besides, you are my student.’ Jackson tried to sit up and move away but he was stuck between her small body on the edge of the couch and Molly lying at his feet. All he was able to do was prop himself up slightly.
‘I was your student Mr. Warren. I am not anymore and I have been 18 since before you kissed me, I will be 19 in another month. I know that I shouldn’t think about you in that way. I tried to stop. I even went to that dumb party tonight with Katie and her older brother. He kissed me too, but not like you did. He grabbed my neck and hurt my lips, he wouldn’t let go…’
Andie felt the tears rise but refused to let them fall, she just sat there thinking about how wrong the night had gone. All she had wanted was to fit in at a party, and to try to forget about the kiss that had been in her dreams since the day in Mr. Warren’s office.
Jackson raised his hand and lightly began to stoke her back, ‘What did he do to you Andie? Are you okay? Do you need me to take you to the hospital?’ Jackson felt a pang of fear wondering if the boy had hurt her in some way, if he had done more than kiss her. He was overcome with relief when she shook her head.
Jackson sighed ‘Come here, sweetheart’ he pulled her into his arms and cradled her on his chest. Andie wrapped one arm around him and held on as she cried softly. Jackson smoothed her hair, ‘Andie, sweetie. Please don’t cry, everything is ok. You are safe here.’
Andie tilted her head up to look at him, her cheeks stained with her tears and her eyes a little red. Her mouth was just an inch or two away from his and Jackson could feel her breath on his face. She looked so sad and desperate and all he wanted was to see her smile again. He raised his mouth to hers and lightly brushed his lips across hers. He felt her relax in his arms and kissed her again. This time he urged her mouth open with a few strokes of his tongue and a nip on her lower lip. She opened her mouth and his tongue ran across her lips again before slowly stroking the inside of her mouth.
Andie moaned in to Jackson’s mouth as he deepened the kiss. She felt intoxicated by the kiss and she was pretty sure that it had nothing to do with what she had had to drink. She curled her other arm around his neck and kissed him back with passion. As his tongue darted in her mouth and teased her, she felt the familiar heat between her legs and a tingling at her nipples. She ached for him to touch her body, she pressed herself in to him needing to feel more contact.
Jackson pulled away and broke the kiss and was delighted at her small sigh of disappointment. ‘Andie, I don’t think we should be doing this. I only brought you here so that you would be safe. I don’t want to take advantage of the situation. I don’t want to hurt you.’
‘I know, Mr. Warren, you would never hurt me. You are so incredible, I just want to be with you.’ Andie assured him in a low throaty whisper. She lowered her mouth to his again, lightly kissing him as if to find out if he would pull away again. When he didn’t, and instead returned the kiss, she moaned in to his mouth.
Jackson slipped his hands under the loose tee she was wearing and his fingers glided across her soft skin. The feeling of her bare back under his h
ands was amazing, he never knew that touching someone’s back could be so erotic. He pulled her closer to him and continued the kiss. Their tongues slid across one another and Jackson tilted his head to deepen the kiss and was rewarded with Andie’s throaty sigh. His hands continued up and down her back, his fingers firmly pressing in to her skin without hurting her, just holding her close.
Andie was hot, very hot. All she wanted was for Jackson to relieve her of the borrowed clothes and help her put out the fire he had started deep inside her. She loved his kisses that flowed from leisurely and romantic to hot and passionate. His hands felt so incredible on her skin, holding her firmly to him without hurting her. She wanted those hands all over her body.
‘Andie, I think we need to stop. I can’t take advantage of you like this, you are too special to me.’ Jackson tried to convince himself as much as her as he broke the kiss. He truly wanted nothing more than to burry himself in her at that very moment.
‘Please.’ Andie whispered to him. Her body was shaking with the need for him, she didn’t think she would ever be whole again if he did not make love to her now.
With the one word and the look on her face, Jackson felt something inside of him crumble. He nudged her off of his chest, and slowly urged her to stand up. He got to his feet and reached for her hand, pulling it up to his mouth and placed a kiss on the palm of her hand. He then led her by the hand to his bedroom.
The covers on the bed were all tangled from Andie’s earlier attempt at falling asleep. Jackson groaned again at the thought of her in his bed and lightly squeezed her hand as he pulled her in to his room. He turned to face her as they stood by the bed. She smiled up at him as he took both of her hands in his and placed light kisses on her knuckles.
‘Andie, are you sure about this? I don’t want you to do something you do not want to do. You are so special to me, sweetheart.’ Jackson repeated. His greatest fear was that she would change her mind and run from the room. As much as he wanted to make love to her, he could wait as long as he had to, so long as she was his. His — the thought of Andie being his was a shock, but it just seemed so right. She couldn’t be anyone else’s. He decided she belonged here with him.
‘Jackson, I am sure. I want this so much.’ It was the first time she called him by his first name since he had picked her up from the party. It was like music to his ears, to hear her call him by his name and tell him that she wanted him as much as he wanted her.
Jackson slipped his hands from hers and reached for the hem of her borrowed shirt. He began pulling it up over her body and she slowly raised her arms so the shirt could slip up and off. Each inch of her body revealed by the absence of the shirt made Jackson’s heart clench. Her stomach was flat and tight, and flared just slightly at her hips. Her narrow rib cage led to the round curve of the underside of her breasts and Jackson stopped breathing.
Andie was glad when the shirt was lifted over her face, she knew she was blushing from Jackson’s intense gaze on her body. She smiled nervously at him as he pulled the shirt over her arms and off of her at last. She lowered her arms to her sides and waited for him take in the sight of her naked chest. She silently prayed that her body would not disappoint him. She knew she was a little late in developing a more womanly figure, but up until now she had thought she had developed nicely. Andie was unsure now, she would be heartbroken if Jackson was disappointed.
‘Oh, God. Andie.’ Jackson let out the breath he had been holding. She was incredible. Her breasts were high and firm on her small frame, and while they were not terribly large, they looked much bigger than he would have thought would be possible on such a small woman. He smiled down at her and lightly stroked up and down on her arms. ‘You are so beautiful and sexy.’
Standard warning and disclaimer: All characters are fictional. If you see yourself, buy a new mirror. Contains subjects some people may find offensive. If you are one of them, why are you reading this? Protect your kids. If you are worried about them reading this sort of material, please censor free speech and use a safe surfing program such as net nanny. Or better yet, teach them early and lovingly to understand and accept different lifestyles. Before they learn from bad...
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Moving was always painful and it seemed like all we did was ever moved. My mom was recently moved to a small town in Iowa. Everyone knew everyone or at least almost everyone. I had lost dozen of friends before until I had finally just stopped even trying to make new friends. I lost track of most of them anyway, and it didn't seem worth it anymore. Arriving in town, I looked out the window thinking about how nice all these houses looked. We had money. But even...
Moving was always painful and it seemed like all we did was ever moved. My mom was recently moved to a small town in Iowa. Everyone knew everyone or at least almost everyone. I had lost dozen of friends before until I had finally just stopped even trying to make new friends. I lost track of most of them anyway, and it didn't seem worth it anymore. Arriving in town, I looked out the window thinking about how nice all these houses looked. We had money. But even...
Lois Tillman found herself in a situation she wished she could have avoided. Several months earlier, before she and her husband Rod split up, she agreed to let Dennis Livingston, the teen-age son of a friend, stay at her house for a few weeks while his parents traveled in Europe. The young man didn’t want to go on the trip and her friend thought having the bookish, unathletic boy spend some time with Rod and Lois might be good for him. Dennis was stocky and soft-looking, and he wasn’t homely,...
Bobby couldn’t wait for the graduation ceremonies to end. Afterward, he and Paula were going to spend the weekend alone at a beach house her parents owned. He was surprised when both his parents and hers agreed to let them do that, but they had and, as soon as they could, he and Paula would be on their way. As the young man sat there, listening to the commencement speaker drone on, and his thoughts drifted to what happened between him and Mrs. Dennison a few days earlier. He’d been making...
I partied well into the night, relishing the end of high school. All night I couldn’t get Will’s note out of my mind. I had put it in my purse, not wanting to lose it. I had decided to phone him when I got home. I wasn’t sure what to expect, but if it was anything that made me feel as good as his fingers on my nipples had earlier, I was game. There was a party at one of my classmate’s houses after prom, but I didn’t want to go, I had something waiting for me at home. my date went with me,...
It was my high school graduation party. All of my family and friends were there and we were really enjoying ourselves. It was also one of the first times I had been allowed to drink, and I was really taking advantage of that. I mingled and socialized with my family friends, men and women who had watched me grow up from a young girl. There were a couple of my father's friends who kept inviting me back to chat more and give me more elongated hugs and congratulatory kisses on the cheek. I didn't...
Graduation By Julie O. It was the last day of school and I was busy in my classroom. I was entering the grades from the final into my computer. It was the end of my first year teaching US History & Econ at Eastview H.S. When I started I was ecstatic about getting hired here. It was a brand new school in an upscale suburb in Southern California, but after being here a year I was debating on whether or not it was a smart move working here. At the time I was in my early 40's and...
Graduation Day (and Beyond) - Part II By Janis Elizabeth School days It was the first day of school and Janet was excited about the prospects of wearing feminine apparel to class, although her choice of attire was limited. All freshman girls, either by gender or apparel, had to wear a blue uniform dress each day. The dress had short sleeves trimmed in white, a white Peter Pan collar, a fitted bodice and a full skirt that fell to just below the knees. A white cardigan sweater...
Graduation Day (and Beyond) - Part III By Janis Elizabeth First Date, First Kiss Janet looked through her closet searching for just the right outfit that would make the right first impression on Megan. Although they rode to school daily, and Megan helped her mom do Janet's and Elizabeth's hair, Janet still considered tonight her chance to make a good first impression. After looking at several skirt and blouse combinations, Janet looked at her dresses. She selected one in green...
After graduation Mrs. Haven invited all of us to her and her husbands house for a huge party. Everybody was drinking having a good time, and of course Mrs. Haven looked as hot as ever wearing tight shorts and a skimpy tank top she changed into. I couldn't help but stare at her, for an older woman she was stunning. She stood at 5-6” tall, large breast and descent body that made all the boys turn their heads. I think she noticed, because as the night went on and everyone got drunker she...
The Graduation Party!It was such a wild party! We had just passed the last exam with flying colors and were now fully fledged technicians and that called for a huge celebration.The school had arranged for buses to pick us up and drive us to a "secret" location, where the party was to be held. It turned out to be a large, old inn way outside the city, where we could throw the wildest party without bothering the neighbors, 'cause there weren't any."School is over" was the most played tune that...
There were 10 of us. Female teachers standing along the walls of the gym in our bras and panties. When I had reached my assigned spot, I was told to put my legs together. One of the guys took off his belt, coiled it around my ankles and buckled it, so that I could not move my feet. There we were. Ball-gagged, handcuffed and unable to move. Ready for inspection. And inspected we were! The students strolled back and forth giving us the elevator look. It was immensely embarrassing. But it was also...
BDSMgraduation from Fag School - Magna Cum Laude - Chapter 1 Eventually a fag knows and loves that he is a fag. Sometimes the fag follows a long transition from straight to bi, to shemales, to shemales and guys, and finally to just great guys with those beautiful great cocks. Then the happy fag should reflect on his fantastic erotic voyage and thank those who helped him to his all-dick destination. In my case, believe it or not, I mostly have a woman to thank in helping me become the finest fag I...
GayBelinda's Second Birthday Present! ? by; Belinda Brookes. It started two years ago at the age of 58. I thought that I was the classical closet heterosexual TV, but my life has taken on a new dimension and has continued to shock and surprise me. I had 'found' sissy chat rooms a couple of years earlier, in particular Mrs Silk's. I had established my email: [email protected] and I had advertised for pen pals, but made it clear that I would not go beyond that. But then I got an...
A man Bobby Draper didn’t know was about to do help the young man solve the problem of breaking things off with another of his adult lovers. The man, whose name was Lee Barnes, pulled into the parking lot of the hall where the Jamestown High School reunion banquet was being held. He had been divorced for a year, so he was attending the reunion alone. He hadn’t been back to his home town in years and hadn’t been to a reunion since he graduated from high school. As a result, he hadn’t seen most...
An original story by Starrynight. Enjoy: Audrey felt her eyes closing as she tiredly dragged herself up the stairs all the way to the third floor. She fumbled through her purse for the keys and unlocked the door. She put her purse down and yawned as she looked around her tiny two-bedroom apartment. It was 7 am and the stuffy little house was silent. Audrey quietly stepped over to her small bedroom and removed her jacket. She was wearing her nurse's uniform underneath, and although she was...
An original story by Starrynight.Enjoy:Audrey felt her eyes closing as she tiredly dragged herself up the stairs all the way to the third floor. She fumbled through her purse for the keys and unlocked the door. She put her purse down and yawned as she looked around her tiny two-bedroom apartment. It was 7 am and the stuffy little house was silent. Audrey quietly stepped over to her small bedroom and removed her jacket. She was wearing her nurse's uniform underneath, and although she was dead...
Walking along a dead hallway, your heart pounding, your palms tingling, your body expecting, is quite some feeling. I love the surging electricity that floods your mind. All the possibilities flying through you about what might lay beyond that door. Nothing else seems to hold more than a second of interest, nothing holds me like the thrill of what's to come.All around me they buzz on by, the workers, the overnighters, the dull business type drifters. Me I'm alive with all the possibilities,...
SpankingI called my husband Ray on his cell phone rings and told him to come to a hotel that is 30 minutes away. I gave him the room number and told him I have a present for him. I had left the curtain slightly open as I was getting ready for him to arrive. My dress is laid out neatly on the bed along with stockings and a pair of high heels. He knocked and his eyes almost popped out when I answered the door completely naked. I have spent the afternoon doing my hair and make-up. I had a manicure and...
Designware, a prominent graphic design and software company specializing in bringing magazines into the online computer craze, received a request for proposal from JET Magazine to offer the magazine online to all of its subscriber's. Designware was formed earlier when Tom Simmons purchased the two seemingly different companies and merged them into one. Miriam Smith started the small graphic design company shortly after graduation from the University of Alabama with a degree in fashion design....
My name is Christine. I am a stay at home housewife living a comfortable life with my husband, Tom. I met Tom at the University of Colorado in Boulder during my sophomore year of college. He invited me to coffee one day after class. We seemed to hit it off immediately. We began dating exclusively soon after our coffee date. We were married upon Tom's graduation in May, 1992, more than twenty three years ago. Upon graduation, Tom accepted a very good paying position with an energy company. The...
InterracialIt was finally my birthday, and I felt really excited. Mother said she was going to reward me with something special. She wouldn't say what it was, but said it was for all the hard work I did over the summer. We had a bumper crop that fetched a good price. The stores were full and we had a tidy sum to put into savings. Mother said there was more than enough left over to buy me a special present. I wondered what "special" meant and couldn't wait to find out. It was my fifteenth birthday....
“Our next speaker has been helping couples reinvigorate their sex lives for more than ten years. She has written two books on the subject and today she is going to share with us some of her most successful techniques. Please welcome Amanda Holbrook,” said a woman dressed professionally standing behind a podium on a stage in front of a few hundred people. The audience applauded as Amanda walked onto stage and took the other woman’s place behind the podium. Amanda was dressed more casually in...
Watersports“Jake, I can’t believe you went to all this trouble!” Tanya Nolan said as her son took his hands from her eyes. The 18-year old had led her into the family dining room with his hands covering her eyes, making sure she enjoyed the surprise.“Anything for you, Mom, especially at Christmas.” It was Christmas Eve, and the two of them were alone. Tanya’s husband, Warren, had left just a few days before on business, overseeing an important project for his company in China. He’d been home for close to...
Jack's Christmas Present(i****t - mother/son, mother/daughters, brother/sister, sisters, lesbian, oral, anal, first, teen, group (FFfm)) IntroChristmas time in the first few years since Virginia's divorce had been fairly difficult. Her husband had ran off with a younger woman leaving Virginia to raise their three c***dren. That had been in 1992. It was now 2002 and Virginia had managed to fully get over the absence of her other half. She barely thought about him now.When her husband had gone...
Unusually, it was Paul's idea to get another man involved and although he wasn't gay he did want to suck a big stiff cock. One of the real drivers though was the fantasy of seeing his wife with another man's cock buried into her arse or pussy. He really wanted to see another man using and maybe abusing his wife. They shared everything; their fantasies, their deep dark thoughts and they would constantly fantasise about fucking and sucking in as many different ways as possible. Paul had...
Good morning class. I am the school's co-owner and a shemale with a very large cock that we will use in a lesson in a few days. Today, I am going to bring some of my boyfriends over for your fag lessons. You will just love kissing them, dancing with them, slowly undressing them. Then you will get to suck their beautiful cocks and swallow their cum, load after load after load. For one special person in class, I will bring out his boyfriend for the day. That man will have a romantic encounter...
GayI respected my manager, even admired her. I was an aspiring engineer at the time – a bit unsure of myself – but yet had a passion for the subject. She recognized that, and appreciated my technical ability and my grasp of complex systems. She was a fabulous engineer herself, and in a few years she became a mentor for me.She was in her fifties at the time. I could tell she had looked like a supermodel in her twenties, but the years batter our bodies, not to mention having a few children that...
Office SexI pulled into the drive way of my house and parked the car. Now my house is a nice little town house that I had first purchased when I moved into the city for my teaching job. I usually don't need much space and was actually fine with the apartments and dorms I had lived in, but I had bought a bigger house because I knew that at some point in time I would want to start a family.And start one I did when I met my wife Diana and we started dating, well I should say when she grabbed me by the shirt...
IncestWhat a great day this is. Joe here, I'm 28, about 5'10" and, guess I need to include this, have about almost eight inches of dick. Oh, and I stay in pretty good shape.Today is my wedding day and I've finally caught the woman I want to spend my life with. Jill is around 5'5", nice B cup tits, a wonderfully shaped ass and very nice, strong legs.She was a wild one in her younger days but after we met things changed as things became more serious. Guess it was time for both of us to grow up.I'm...
This story contains explicit descriptions of sexual scenes and is meant for adults only. Stop reading now if you are below 18. This story takes place ten years after the events of Project Phoenix. It's not a direct continuation, but readers unfamiliar with Project Phoenix, may want to read it first to get a better grasp of what's going on. Finally, I'd like to thank for the encouraging comments on my first story. Thanks a lot gals & guys :) Nathan's Birthday Present By...