Graduation free porn video

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Graduation The morning of June 20th was sunny, with the searing heat of a summer solstice that burned the desert earth a gleaming red and created shimmering air waves on the horizon. The brightness of the Sun was almost blinding, and the hot air made it hard to breathe. Any sweat that could be procured from my glands had completely evaporated, leaving my skin feeling dry and my lips chapped. Yet in spite of the harsh conditions, life still flourished here in the serenely beautiful desert, as evident by the tall saguaro cacti splatted among rolling hills. I just loved the outdoors. I loved breathing in the fresh air. I loved looking at the native flora and fauna. I especially loved gazing at the horizons wondering if anyone was out there. Of course, there wasn't, since the hot weather was lethal for humans, but it was fun to imagine that there was some city out there, like Atlantis, filled with other people, that not only was surviving, but thriving. It was a way of escaping from the tedium of my own ordinary life. Sighing, and wiping my forehead with the heel of my palm, I went back inside the Vault. As much as I wanted to, I couldn't go stay outside for long. It was just too hot. Instead I would have to stay in this wretched underground bunker, with its claustrophobic stone walls and shoddy LED lighting, breathing in air that had been recycled countless times by the same couple thousand residents over and over. I hated living here, but the Vault was all I knew; I had been born here, and I would probably die here. I walked towards the cafeteria, which turned into a sprint when I noticed on my watch that it was already 9:50 AM. Today was my high school graduation, and I would get in very big trouble if I missed it. Last time I was late to class I was hit with a stun baton right on the ass and I couldn't sit right for almost a week. When I entered the cafeteria, I noticed that the tables were stacked away against the walls and foldable metal chairs were lined up into rows. A small stage had been set up, and the Warden was getting ready to speak on the podium. All of the dads were gathered in the backside of the assembly, surveying me and my fellow graduates, speaking cryptically between each other as if they were all in some sort of cult. They all had grim expressions on their faces although they were trying their best not to show it. When my own father saw me, he waved at me with a encouraging grin on his face. I took a seat next to my childhood friend, Peter, and said, "Hey, Peter, did I miss anything?" Peter was 5 foot 6, a full six inches shorter than me, and also one of the shortest boys in our class. He wore a pair of spectacles for his impaired vision. Where I was lean he tended to be fatter, and especially in the belly region. "No, you're just in time Steven," Peter replied. "I see your dad's giving you a hard time again." "Yeah," I chuckled, "he can be a bit of a joker." I scanned my eyes across the back of the room. "Where's your dad? I don't think I see him," I asked. "He's the fat one in the red shirt, with the grim look on his face." He pointed and then sighed. "I guess I inherited his genes." He patted his round belly with meaty fingers. I gave him a sympathetic look. "He's always telling me I need to lose weight, but it's so hard you know?" he continued. "You're fine just the way you are," I smiled. "Thanks, but it doesn't change how fat I am. You know how many times I was bullied by Tyler in high school just for that? I mean, it has to be at least a dozen times by now... And if you weren't to protect me, it would have been a lot more. Some times I wonder what my mother looked like. Was she as fat and ugly as my father?" "I'm sure she looked just fine." "I mean you're a handsome guy. I'm sure your mother was a complete hottie." "I'd like to think so," I chuckled. "I haven't seen her in my life." "Do you want to?" "I don't see why I would even care. My dad raised me by himself and besides, she's just a woman. Everyone knows women are just for breeding," I said. "Don't you think that's just a bit discriminatory?" he replied. "My father says it's always been this way," I shrugged. "Yeah, but are females inherently lower class citizens than males?" "Of course," I responded emphatically, "they're weak and emotional creatures. Men on the other hand are strong and have the ability to make rational decisions." "Do you really believe that or is that just your father again?" he asked, adjusting his glasses. "My father," I admitted with a frown. "Where are all these questions coming from?" "Well, I've been thinking. Why is that there are no girls in the Vault? And by girls I mean GIRL as in not an adult." "Maybe they're hiding cause they can't stand to look at you," I joked. "Ha ha very funny," he said sarcastically. "But seriously, have you actually SEEN a GIRL in person? And I'm not talking about in books either." "There was that one time in the cafeteria," I pointed out. "Ha! I don't think that was actually a girl. I mean did you see 'her' body? It was all hairy and bulky, and I swore I saw a bulge in those pants. I've seen the pictures in my biology textbook, and real girls don't look like that. Chances are it was just Isaac, you know the guy with really long hair?" "Well, what to do you know? You've never actual met one either. It's not like you're some sort of expert," I replied indignantly. "I know that girls don't have penises!" Peter laughed. "It wasn't a penis... it was just underwear." "Yeah, penis-shaped underwear. Just because he was wearing girly clothing doesn't mean he was actually a girl!" he laughed even harder. "Okay, so he wasn't a girl," I shrugged. "What of it?" "Our graduating class has thirty people. Right?" I nodded. "If the sex ratio between male and female is 50/50, than statistically speaking, you'd think that out of our entire class, there'd be at least one girl. I mean you'd be more likely to get struck by lighting or win the lottery." "I've always figured all the girls go to a girl's only school somewhere else in the Vault." "If that were true, don't you think we would have noticed? Don't you think we would have seen at least ONE girl outside of class? Look, all I'm trying to tell you is that there's something else going on than what they're saying, and I don't like it." "Careful, you don't want to start peddling conspiracy theories, saying these things will get you in trouble with the Warden," I warned. "And who am I to question the Warden." Peter rolled his eyes. We were shaken from our conversation by the loud beating of the Warden's gavel. Suddenly the room became deathly silent, except for the gurgling sound of the Warden slowly sipping a glass of water. He was a tall man, of unknown age, but judging by the whiteness of his hair, and the fact that no one still alive knew his real name, he had to be at least seventy years old. His weathered face reflected a cold authority that no one dared to challenge. Standing next to him were two armed men, dressed to the nine in black tuxedos and dark sunglasses. "Good morning everyone. I would first like to congratulate all the students for successfully graduating from high school. You will all be receiving degrees to certify your legal adulthood. Please give yourselves a round of applause," he exclaimed. A unenthusiastic, reserved clap came from the audience. "Now, adult life is about many different things; working, of course, but it's also about finding out who you are, becoming a valued member of society and also to have fun. That means having a job. Going to work. I know it sounds foreboding, but being an adult will have advantages as well. As a legal adult, you will now be able to go to the Farm, to have sex, to make love, and hopefully, to reproduce. A sustainable population is necessary for our society to continue to exist and prosper." He continued on with a story we had heard many times in history class, "A long time ago humans used to cover the entire globe. There were billions and billions of people living on the surface, in cities, towns, farms, and all over the place. But we were too greedy. We burned so much coal and oil that our air became polluted with our own hubris. The Earth began to grow warm due to the greenhouse effect until it was too hot to survive. That is why humans built the Vaults, so humanity could continue to survive." "With that being said, I bring you this." He signaled for two men to come out from the corner. They were carrying a huge lottery machine filled with ping pong balls, with small text labels written on each of them. I couldn't read them from far away, but assumedly it had to do with the 'jobs' he was talking about from before. I felt a shiver go down my spine. As if to confirm my fears, the Warden explained, "Each of you will be given a ping pong ball randomly. There will be a job position written on each ball. This will be your role in the Vault for there rest of your life. Once your job is determined, we will inject you with a serum to get your body prepared for your new occupation." "A serum?" David asked from across the room. "Yes, if your new role is a bodyguard, you will be injected with a serum to become a stronger. If your new role is a doctor, you will be injected with a serum to make you smarter." "Is this really the best way of assigning work?" Peter rose his hand in the air. "Wouldn't it make sense to give us jobs that - you know - we want to do? That way everyone is doing work they are happiest to be doing." There was a chatter of agreement from amongst us. The Warden snorted, "You kids and your crazy ideas. Breaking decades of tradition. Nothing's good ever comes of listening to y'all. Next thing you know, you'll be saying we should let people own their own houses and run their own businesses. Before you know it you got huge conglomerates that are too big too fail, ruining everything in our lives, and causing this mess in the first place." Peter stared at the Warden with a confused expression on his face. The Warden continued, "Look, if we did it your way, Mr Jennings, do you think Isaac there would appreciate being a janitor while you become a doctor? Do you think that's fair? No, of course not. All men should be equal and the only way to ensure that is to use chance. Chance is fair. It is not biased and it is not colored by greed or ambition." "But don't you think-" Peter didn't look very convinced. The old man interrupted "You know this is the 42nd time I've stood in front of this podium? 42 years. I've been doing graduation ceremonies for 42 years. And you know what? We've done the lottery every year. And so has every Warden before me up to the Founders. I don't plan on changing that now, not ever." "I was only just suggesting perhaps we can do things differently," Peter protested. "You're beginning to get on my nerves, Mr Jennings," the Warden warned. He looked back at the two armed bodyguards standing closely behind him. Their stun batons were activated giving off a threatening whirring sound. "Sorry, I'll be quiet," Peter sat back down, defeated. "Now, that you all know about the lottery machine, there is something you must all understand. Under penalty of death, you can't tell anyone still in school about this process, not even a hint. Doing so, would destroy the stability of our society in this Vault. Is that understood?" he asked, making clear the threat of the two armed bodyguards behind him. We all nodded obediently. "Good. Now without further ado. Let's get started. Any volunteers?" There was much trepidation among us. It took guts to walk up there knowing that your entire body could potentially be changed, into something completely unknown and random. Tyler, the tall boy also known as the school bully, slowly rose his hand. He had a smug grin on his face. "I ain't scared of no serum," he declared confidently. "Okay, Mr. Dunleavy. Please come up to the stage," the Warden exclaimed. Tyler walked up in front of everyone. Despite the outward confidence he was displaying, I had feeling he was actually pretty damn scared. This became more obvious when the Warden slid the lever on the machine, and the ping pong balls began bouncing around the glass. After an excruciating minute, the ping pong balls settled, and one of the balls fell down the chute and into Tyler's hand. "Librarian," the Warden announced. He grabbed a serum from behind the podium. Tyler's eyes widened in fear, as he suddenly understood the gravity of the situation. "No! You can't do this to me! This isn't right!" Tyler shouted. He tried to get away shoving through the two officers with his big linebacker body. At first it looked like he might escape, but then one of the guards hit him with a stun baton. His body toppled over on to the ground like a limp log. The two body guards held him in place and forced his arm out until it was fully extended. Before Tyler could struggle any more, the Warden shoved the needle directly into his inner elbow. We all stared with rapt attention at Tyler's restrained body. Nothing happened at first, but then all at once, his skin began to rumble. He grabbed at his arms, which were shrinking even as he touched them. The muscles went from very strong, to somewhat strong, to not strong at all, until there was nothing left but thin scrawny limbs, not worthy even of a prepubescent boy. This was occurring everywhere - not just his arms. The abs he had fought so hard working for were but a distant memory, and he was becoming painfully thin, and short. Before I knew it, he was 5'2 and only 100 pounds. Then, I noticed his hair. His blonde locks darkened and twisted with badly cared for split ends. His chin became round, even as his nose began to shrink, and his lips expand. His new face was boyish, and very ugly, with jagged uncared for teeth and a slightly crooked nose. He was squinting almost as if he was having trouble seeing. If I were to guess, he probably needed glasses now. The new Tyler took one look at his small new body and began to start crying. The whole room was silent. We had just witnessed something that would have seemed impossible just one hour ago. One minute Tyler had been a strong powerful and tall man, the next he's a mousy pipsqueak boy. I would have thought I was dreaming, if I didn't already know this was all real, and that it would happen to me soon. I felt a lump of dread fall down into to my stomach. Tyler was an asshole, but he didn't deserve this. "Please take Mr. Dunleavy to the library for his new assignment," the Warden waved over an armed guard from the corner. I watched as he was carried away through the back door and then gone. There were no more volunteers after that. In fact, a dozen more armed guards entered the room and locked the doors behind them. The threat was clear: if any one of us tried to leave we would be punished. The Warden looked over us, almost like a hawk looking over its prey. He glanced over to John, a geeky kid, who was almost the exact opposite of Tyler. Where Tyler was strong, John was smart. In fact, John was one of the smartest kids in our class, besides Peter of course. "Mr. Warhol, how about you?" the Warden grinned wickedly. "No don't take me! Please! HELP ME DAD!" John cried out desperately to no avail. John's father looked on with helpless anguish as he watched his son get pulled onto the stage forcefully by two officers. I watched as another ping pong ball was chosen. This time it was "Enforcer". I couldn't help but notice that the sadistic look of joy on the Warden's face as he stabbed the needle into John's arm. John let out a scream of near panic even before his body began to change. His clothes grew tighter on him and began to tear at the seams as his body swelled larger. His hair became blonder even as he grew taller. In mere seconds it was obvious that his transformation was nearly the exact opposite of what Tyler had just undergone as he became more and more masculine. The new John would have fit right in Tyler's club of jocks. In fact he now stood at 6'6, even taller and more muscular than Tyler had originally been. His new face was handsome and chiseled, with a square jaw and a straight nose. John looked down at himself with confusion, not really knowing what to think of his new body. It was clear that he was very uncomfortable with his new size, since when he tried to walk, he stumbled face first onto the ground. "Please take Mr. Warhol to the police station for his new assignment," the Warden commanded. Peter nudged with his elbow. He whispered, "This is insane." It was a perfect summation of the situation. My terror grew with each passing minute as I watched each of my fellow students go up and get completely transformed. Isaac was assigned into a plumber. Lawrence was assigned into a electrician. Benjamin a farmer. Zachary a garbage collector. On and on it went until I heard Peter stand up in a fit of frustration. "This isn't right! You can't just change people against their will," Peter exclaimed. "I refuse to participate in this farce." He tried to dash towards the door but he was stopped by two baton-wielding officers who were guarding the door. "I'm afraid you have no choice Mr. Jennings. This is for the good of the whole Vault," the Warden sneered. "Since you've been so disruptive today, why don't you go next?" "NO! LET GO OF ME YOU FUCKERS!" Peter scratched and screamed as he was practically dragged onto the stage. "Tsk, Tsk. Such foul language... You've always been way too rebellious for your own good. Luckily we now have the technology to remedy that," he sneered as he slid the lever of the lottery machine. There were still twenty or so ping pong balls in the machine. I could see the dread on my best friend's face as the bouncing finally came to a stop, and one of the balls ejected out of the chute. The Warden looked at the words on the ping pong ball and grinned wickedly. "Ahh, Farm Girl. A suitable role for useless fat-ass like yourself." "What the hell's a Farm Girl? That's not an occupation!" Peter shouted. "Au contraire, your new role is vital to the continuation and survival of humanity. Have you ever noticed that there aren't any female children around? There's a reason for that. A long time ago, when the Earth began to get too hot, scientists developed a chemical that would break up the carbon dioxide in the air. It turns out this new compound messes with the sex of human zygotes so that only males are ever born. They thought they were going to save the world, but instead they made it worse. So in order to fix their mistake, they developed a serum to change adult men into fertile women; the very same serum I'm holding now," he lifted up a syringe with a pinkish substance inside. He took a moment to pause. Then he said, "A Farm Girl's job is to make babies." "WHAT!" Peter exclaimed struggling even harder, but he stood no chance. The officers were much stronger than my fat friend. "NO! WAIT! STOP! I don't want to be a girl! PLEASE! Anything but that!" he protested loudly. The Warden ignored his complaints and injected the solution into him with the syringe. For a moment, there was nothing. Peter was grinning smugly thinking that the serum had failed, but then suddenly he doubled up in pain. His skin began to ripple as he fell to all fours like a dog and groaned helplessly. "Oh God!" Peter's facial features changed dramatically from hard and malformed to soft and symmetrical. His nose seemed to remold first. It became smaller; and the tip upturned. Changes then began radiating outwards from his transformed nose. The shape of his eyes altered into an large almond shape, while the eyebrows above them noticeably thinned. The hair atop his head was swiftly growing longer and longer. With each new inch grown, it became thicker and fuller, darkening to a rich luminous brunette. His bodily hair was rapidly thinning. Blotchy ruddy skin was smoothed and lightened while his muscle tone improved. His body was shrinking within his clothes, his sleeves and trousers seeming to lengthen as he lost inch after inch. His hands and feet became smaller even as his nails lengthened into manicured white tips. For a moment his shirt pooled around his contracting waist, then suddenly it began to rise as something began to lift it at the front. I heard him moan as his chest heaved and pulsed, swelling until two soft round tits popped out of his shrinking chest. His trousers began to rip as his ass inflated rapidly until it was sticking temptingly into the air, revealing two completely hairless shapely legs. At the same time, his penis had begun steadily shrinking. Within mere moments, his testicles had been sucked up into his body, reshaped, and reformed. In doing so they'd gained a new functionality. The few remnants of his penis soon transformed into a slitted mound. By the time it was over, his hair now reached to his lower back in a glamorous dark rivulet. Gone was the fat geeky boy I had known my whole life and where he stood was one of the sexiest women I had ever had the pleasure to stare at. It was like a wet dream come to life. "Holy shit," Peter squealed, with a now clear complexion and very beautiful female face, his sexy new voice filled with horror as he realized how his body had changed. He grabbed at his crotch and felt the empty space where his former pride had once rested. "No fucking way..." I could only imagine the sheer terror he was feeling at that moment. "I bet that you're wondering what you look like now," the Warden smirked, "You are now a gorgeous 5 foot 6 brunette woman with very large breasts - for breast feeding!" The Warden reached out and grabbed Peter, surprising him as he put his hand on Peter's new mammaries. Peter moaned involuntarily in response, which made the Warden cackle even harder. At first, Peter tried to struggle, to pull away. However he quickly discovered that he was far weaker than before, and even less able to resist. I could see tears flow down Peter's blushing cheeks. "Your new body has several new ... features. Your tongue is longer than normal - for oral stimulation. Semen will be one of the most delicious things that you've ever tasted. Your vagina is extra tight, so as to better extract cum when having sex. You're also going to horny all the time. That means you'll want to fuck any man you see, isn't that right Penelope?" the Warden taunted. Peter ... or rather Penelope ... couldn't stop sobbing. She was covering her lovely face with her petite hands in shame. I just wanted to hold her in my arms and comfort her. I hope she wouldn't be treated too poorly now that she was a woman, although deep down I knew that couldn't possibly be true, with the way society was structured in the Vault. "Seeing that you now have this exceptionally pleasing female form, I'm sure you'll have no trouble finding a man willing to impregnate you," he continued taunting. "I would do it myself if I still had the stamina." He placed his old hairy fingers down her pants and presumably over her newly formed labia. Penelope gasped in response to the touch and instinctively tried to recoil away but there was no where to go. The Warden looked at the fearful expression on her face and laughed maniacally. He was clearly enjoying this, way too much in my opinion. "Please take Ms. Jennings to the Farm for her new assignment," the Warden commanded. "No! NO! Let me go! CHANGE ME BACK!" she cried helplessly. I watched as Penelope was taken away by a uniformed officer. The somber room had turned deathly silent; at that moment, you could probably hear a pin drop onto the ground. "Mr. Davidson, please step up to the stage," the Warden pointed at me. Sweat began to drip from my furrowed brow. After what I had seen with Peter, I was absolutely terrified. I definitely didn't want to be changed into a girl, a girl of whom had no rights whatsoever in the Vault. There was an growing ache in my stomach that made me want to throw up. I reluctantly walked up to the stairs, trying to forget the nightmare- inducing transformation I had just witnessed. Each step felt like a slow tightening of a noose that would choke and kill me when I reached the Warden. I looked back at my father. He had a compassionate look on his face, but from his frown I knew there was nothing he could do to save me. The Warden pulled the lever on the lottery machine. That minute felt like the longest minute of my life. I could hardly contain my anticipation. My heart was beating even faster than a hummingbird if that was even possible. It was just so unfair - that my entire life would be decided by something as completely random as a ping pong ball. Finally, the bouncing stopped and a ball popped out. I waited, breath bated, and stared in horror noticing that the ball had two four letter words on it. Oh god, it was happening again! Please no! There was just no way it could happen twice in a row, could there? Maybe it was some other occupation. The Warden picked up the ball with one hand, and read it. Then he turned to me with a smug grin. I felt like my heart was going to explode out of my chest. "Well, well, what do we have here..." he cackled showing me the ball. On the face of the ping pong ball were the words "Farm Girl".

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My husband Christian and I married at a very early age. We were both 19 years old. He used to go out and party with his friends while I stayed home most of the time. My husband and I are both mixed race. His father is polish and his mother is from Spain. I am mixed background too, a very light brown girl I guess you could say, or high yellow some would say. Well my husband and I, we had that in common. We got along great, but sex got really boring at times. He was the only man I had ever...

3 years ago
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Witch Tales

“Horror stories show that the control we believe we have is merely an illusion.”-Clive Barker*Herb looked at the house and whistled as he got out of the car. “Are you sure this woman’s not a real witch?” he said. “Who else would live here?”Herb’s wife shushed him. The old iron gate around the property’s dying lawn creaked when he pushed on it, and a winding path of broken stones led up to the tall, dark house with Gothic turrets and staring windows. You’d basically have to be a witch to move...

1 year ago
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My Brothers KeeperChapter 3

Danny had gotten himself into another bar fight. This time it had been a biker over at Ziggy's who hadn't known enough not to tell my brother, right to his face, that he had been one of the many men, over the years, who had put the horns on Danny. It was one thing to know that the woman you'd married was a cheating slut, and Danny had certainly been made aware of that fact often enough through the years. It was quite another to have to endure some retarded ass hole's lewd comments while...

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WildOnCam Angela White Kenna James Sexy Hot Angela White Has Fun With Kenna James

Decembers gorgeous Cherry Angela White loves to be on cam and is excited to be with the adorable and sexy Kenna James. These naughty girls show off their feet and tits as they strip from their lingerie while making each other laugh. You may want a little more sexy but today you get to see the raw and beautiful personalities of two smoking hot porn stars. Angela delves into every part of Kennas pussy making sure you know how to please your own lady showing you first hand how she makes Kenna cum...

1 year ago
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Sex Lies and PCRChapter 3 A man named Theo

For the next week, I buried myself in work. I tried to minimize my contact with Max but it was not to be. I succeeded with a series of experiments which one could pretty much describe as verification of Max's pet working hypothesis. We scheduled a repeat of these experiments in the next week to be extra sure. I already knew that Max was the most cautious when he liked results. It is so easy to accept findings that fit your preconceptions and you sometimes overlook errors in the experimental...

2 years ago
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Kimmies Emergence

Kimmie's Emergence My wife and I live in a large condo building in Philadelphia's midtown area. With about 300 apartments you get to know few of the other residents. We knew most of the people on our floor, including those who live in the two adjoining apartments. Both units were owned by good looking, single men in their 40's. To one side was Seth, who a college psychology teacher. While we knew the basics of his life from elevator conversations we didn't know if he was seeing...

4 years ago
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Summer Advantage With My Cousin 8211 Part 3

Hello to all readers, this is Zak Again welcoming you to my third story. About me, I am 24 and stay in Vashi, Navi Mumbai, India. I am an engineer by profession working in a leading MNC. Do comment your views on my story. I would definitely love to have healthy sex chat or casual flirting with people out there. Mutual consent sex is what I am looking forward. If anyone interested can reply me on This is in continuation to my sex story – Summer advantage with my cousin Part 2. For new readers,...

2 years ago
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Sleepless Sleep Over

As the ladies arrive there are tons of different groups having different conversations amongst themselves. But as you pour the ladies a glass of your favorite mixed drink you notice that it knocks the edge off and everyone begins to mingle and gossip. You start to feel better about yourself hearing all of the drama that some of the ladies are going through. Between the husbands who can no longer get it up and the forewarnings about what ladies to keep at a distance you realize that this is...

1 year ago
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The Consequences

The Consequences by anyport I blame my father for all my problems. He gave me some fatherly advice when I was young, and I've always heeded it, the advice? 'No matter how much you're in debt, always pay your gambling debts immediately.' Innocent enough advice, you may think, and under normal circumstances, very sound. Unfortunately, it has become so ingrained in me, that I would never, under any circumstance, avoid payment of a gambling debt. As you'll learn, this became my...

3 years ago
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My Wife8217s Audition for TV Serial Part 2

The moment his fingers touched Gauhar’s pussy, she came to her senses and immediately realized that she was not wearing a panty and she looked up at us and saw that Rohit, director and Javed were all looking at her mound. She understood that she was giving a free show of her mound to everyone in the room. As if in an involuntary reaction, she immediately closed in her thighs to prevent people seeing her mound. But she had forgotten about the 14 year old boy’s hands that were on her pussy and...

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My Annoying Little BrotherChapter 3

“Nickles?” Kelly said with a curious look on her face. “He used to call you ‘Nickles’?” “Yeah,” I replied. “When we were young. He couldn’t quite pronounce ‘Nicole’. So he called me Nickles. Even after he could say it right, he called me that for a long time.” “And he called you that?” “Yes, when we were in his bed. I asked him to. I don’t know why.” “You asked him to do that, while you were...” “Mm-hm. I had my hand on his slippery dick and I was getting ready to make him cum a second...

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Girls Night In Ch 03

‘I’ll be back soon ladies,’ Lori said before whispering to Ashley, ‘Remember this is my house Ash, don’t let them get too crazy. I really don’t want to explain to Mark why there’s another guy’s cum on our furniture.’ ‘Ladies, Lori wants me to let you all know that she does not want John’s cum on her furniture,’ Ashley laughed, ‘Do you think we can manage to keep from spilling it while she is off playing hostess?’ ‘Do you mind if his cum is in me,’ Terry joked. Apparently Lori didn’t want to...

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Sex with Sunitha SIL in the bus 8211 I hotel

Continued from Getting out of the bus, we began to look for a hotel. All the hotels near the bus stand were quite seedy looking and Sunitha began to look decidedly uncomfortable. I was worried that she may change her mind. At that point, all I could think of was getting her into bed and fucking her. I suggested we go to a 5-star hotel on M. G. Road. “Won’t it be expensive?” she asked me. I agree it would be, but I also pointed out to her that it would be safer too. She thought it over and...

2 years ago
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The game allowed you to dress in your own clothes or use the over 22 million Halloween costume combinations in the database. The game was set in Halloween, and whether you wanted to go to a costume ball, trick or treat, visit a haunted house, fight legends like Jason, Freddy or Michael Myers or just stake vampires and get turned into a werewolf you get to choose. Because of the violent nature of the game, it was a for mature audiences only. That kept the kids from running amok and ruining the...

3 years ago
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Pure Imagination Pt 03

Chapter 3: The Candy Man Can Charlie Bucket woke up once again in his large bedroom. Turning his head, he saw a naked woman on the other side of the bed. Noticing he was naked as well, he concluded that they must have had sex the previous night, though he couldn’t remember it at all. The woman opened her eyes. ‘Good morning!’ ‘Oh, hello.’ Charlie said in reply. ‘Last night was one of the best nights of my life. We should definitely do it again.’ This girl was about to get disappointed....

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Demigod of WarChapter 11

Day 8: They camped in the storeroom over night. Watching the stairs with a fire at their back made the time more bearable. They each took slightly longer shifts, so Hal could have a short one last. His fire-warmed, dry armor felt like heaven when he got up. “Thank you all.” He told them when they got up in the morning. He scouted up the stairs to the next level while they packed up. He found another storage floor at the top of the flight. This one was bigger, wider, with pantries and meat...

2 years ago
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Forever and Ever

Jackie looked at the clock as she lay there in bed holding her pillow tightly against her bosom. She felt so broken hearted, depressed and alone. As she lay their thinking back to the events that had led her to this point in her life, she cried hysterically. The room blurred as her mind floated off to a far away place as the details went through her mind. It all started when she met him via the internet on that fateful day, October 11,2001. At that time in her life she was still married....

4 years ago
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Trapped by three

I found myself trapped in the weight room by three of the varsity football squads biggest players. I wasn't bothering no one nor looking for sex, I just wanted to see if any of the track team was in the shower. I was transfixed by the sight of those three brutes, they were no shorted than six feet five and their chest and shoulders were as wide as I could stretch my arms, their cocks were semi hard and each one was as thick around as my wrist and their cock head as big as my fist. Once they...

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Easily turned

I was 27 yrs old and had been married for about six months. We both worked and I was an office manager, my wife worked in retail.One very wet day as the office was closing one of my male co-workers asked me if I could drop him home as we lived in the same general direction. I said sure and he suggested we grab beer in a bar next door to miss the traffic rush, which we did.Afterwards we got in my SUV and were sharing a joke and he put his hand on my thigh to emphasize the punch line. We were...

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Surrender Ch 4

The drive into town is a beautiful bouquet of fall colors in the trees along the road. As you ride with the window down, the wind blowing through your hair, you can’t remember the last time you took the time to notice nature’s wondrous splendor and enjoyed yourself like this. You love to drive his car, the quick 5-speed that handles like a sports car. Of course you could concentrate better on the road if his hands where not driving you crazy. It seems you can never drive without his hands...

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Docs Complex 09 Escape

Doc's Complex 09 - Escape by Lee Most Copyright 2012 by Lee Most -------------------------------------------------------------- Synopsis: Chapter 9 of the FMNaNoWriMo challenge novel "Doc's Complex." Doc wants everyone to be a buxom, beautiful, intelligent, sexy woman, so what do you think he did to a mindless idiot who raped and killed one of his Girls? This chapter can be read as a stand-alone short story. Categories and key words describe only this chapter. I'm concentrating on...

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The Swedish Holiday TripChapter 5

After a few hours, something woke me up, a noise, a push and a shove, it felt like. I thought I was dreaming, and continued to sleep. I was dreaming that someone was giving me a blow job, I was hard. I turned my self on my back to give my cock some space and opened my eyes for a moment, and then realized I wasn’t dreaming, I had looked straight into the eyes of Tuva, big smile on her face, looking into my big wide open surprised eyes. “I hope you don’t mind”, she whispered, “I just had to...

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The Landlord

The Landlord I had recently graduated and moved to a new city for a Job. Initially, for few days the accommodation was provided by the company. After that I had to search for a new place for rent. Most of my colleagues were planning to stay together on room sharing basis but I wanted a private place. You see, I had a special hobby or you could say a peculiar habit, I was able to really enjoy myself sexually only when I was dressed as woman. Being from a sikh family meant I got to...

1 year ago
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Sweet memories Of Pune

Hey guys this is SANDY here, its been quiet long time that i haven’t wrote story to ISS, i am hailing from PUNE in maharashtra, as i told in ma previous stories that i am a well built average guy with 6ft height and wheatish complexion and i am studying, sorry i can’t reveal my college name for my safety, my family is staying in karnataka and i am here for the sake of my studies. The days were rolling on itself and i was leading my life happily over there, in my college there was a...

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mommy lil boy

I was caught by my beautifull stepmom wearing her panty in secret It was late night . taking the cute panty she left in the laundry room,going to watch porn in my roomi was terrified when my room door openedtrying desperately to close my screen, a cute sissy boy mouth around a bbc she never let me a chance''now i know why my panty disapear''''stop dont close it, you like cock my little boy?you like wearing my panty little cock sucker?''''please please dont tell my dad please'''''oh you are so...

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Chachi Ki Pyaas Bhujai

Hello everyone..My name is Yash. I am 23 yr old.I am 6ft hot guy. Isliye ladkia jaldi impress ho jati hai. I live in chandigarh. Yeh mri phli khani hai isliye agr kuch glt typ ho jaye toh sorry Friends. Jyada bor na krte hue apni khani par aata hu. Yeh khani meri chachi neha (name change) ki hai. Neha 32 sal ki hai.Aur dikhne mai bht sexy aur hot hai bilkul karishma kapoor jaise. Chachi dikhne mai 22 sal ki lgti hai.Chachi koh dkh kaiyo ka lund khada ho jata hai. Mera jb se lund khana hna shuru...

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Blonde MILF

well I just turned 19 and moved into a new neighborhood. since I was I knew I decided to greet a couple new neighbors. I met alot of nice people and loved the neighborhood but there was this one MILF that caught my eye. when I went to her door she was wearing a spaghetti strap shirt with her 38 DD tits popping out. she was wearing a mini skirt too . I said " hello" and she told me to come in. we shook hands and talked for a little bit then I left . a couple weeks later she cam walking over to...

Cheating Wifes
3 years ago
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The JOMB ClubChapter 4

Opal (continued): I nodded and a grin spread out over his face as he asked, "You really came in my room for that? To do that?" "You want me to, right?" "Oh, yes, I'd love it." "Well, you need to get your underpants off so I can, okay?" He slid them right down and there it was. The first one I'd ever seen. I reached over and touched it and it jumped. It was longer than I'd thought it might be and the end was smooth and round and really soft-feeling. "I like you touching it,"...

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Strict Aunt spanking fantasy

Initially, Jerry was not happy with his wife joining the local amateur theater group. However, the first time that he saw her made up to be the mature school teacher, he knew he had to do a fantasy scene with her done up like that. Since they had previously done scenes, to spice up the sex life in their marriage, he knew that the issue would not be getting her onboard, but rather, what scene would be really hot? After milling it around in his head for awhile, he made some notes and approached...

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Wasted Years

Harumi and I had been married for twelve years. We had met and married in Japan in the early 90’s, then moved the States the following year. We had our only child, a boy named Andy, 9-months later. Ironically, we conceived him the night we arrived in America. It was 2005, and we were living just north of Raleigh, North Carolina. Harumi was a stay-at-home mother, and I worked for a small technology startup in Research Triangle Park, designing video streaming technology. In the early years of...

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The Girl I Never Met Though I Wish I Had Part 1

DISCLAIMER - Aside from my attending Job Corps in the Mid 1980s, the following story is FICTION based on an Erotic Dream I had last night. In other words - IT DID NOT HAPPEN & IS #NOT BASED ON REAL LIFE EVENTS during my stay in the Job Corps programI also posted it in my Pornhub Feed. As such, IT IS NOT STOLEN !!! ANY reports to the contrary are FALSE & UNTRUE !!!That out of the way, it all goes like this.....==============I had this VERY erotic dream last nightI dreamed of my days...

1 year ago
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FamilySwap Aiden Ashley Hime Marie Would You Do It For A Swap Snack

What would happen if four families each contributed one member to create a new family? In this episode of Family Swap, the whole gang has been invited to a costume party. They brainstorm about what they can do for a family getup and decide on an old cartoon. Hime Marie wants to be the crime fighting puppy and she thinks her swap brother, Kyle Mason, will look great as her scruffy handler. That leaves the preppy chick for swap mom Aiden Ashley and the preppy guy for swap dad Mike Mancini. While...

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The One That Got Away

Something’s different: the bed is harder, the pillows lumpier. In place of my soft cotton duvet, woollen blankets scratch my skin and there’s warmth on my face. Even before I open my eyes, I’m aware of bright light and frown against the glare. I try to recall if I’d forgotten to draw my blackout blind or left the light on when I went to bed.I stretch, rub my eyes. Blinking, I focus on yellow sunflower wallpaper. The prominent flowers match the painted furniture, yellow gloss gleaming in the...

First Time
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William Redman CarterChapter 46

Head in William's lap, Lucy was busy reading a math book. His hand was busy stroking her arm in an absent minded manner while he was reading his book. Lucy put her book down and said, "She's got a crush on you." Frowning at the sudden introduction of a new topic, William asked, "Who? What?" "I said she has a crush on you." "Oh, that's nice," William said wondering who had the crush on him. He turned the page and continued reading. "You don't know who I'm talking about, do...

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Jan had huge tits at a young age. She learned that the males loved big tits and she could use them for most anything she wanted. She grew up with her dad sucking her moms huge tits. He would lift the moms shirt and suck on her nipples anytime he felt like it. Her mom used her tits to get what she wanted from her dad. Jan did not realize how much her father hated the way her mom used her body for sex at her terms. When Jan was in high school her mom told her "Your dad knows the only way to my...

4 years ago
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The AcademyChapter 31

Judith: Clearly, I don't get it. I listened as Jack told Frieda to offer the bartender a blowjob, and you'd have thought she was getting a popsicle or something. Peanuts from the bar, maybe. There wasn't any uproar over it; she didn't get upset that he would just hand her off to some old bald guy on a whim; he'd merely given her something to do and she was off to do it, just like that... The jukebox started up and one of the two guys Jack had talked to wandered over. "Can I borrow one...

4 years ago
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Repo Auto CenterChapter 4 Adventure Begins

[Hotel street today courtesy of Google Earth. I would be lost, totally] In my new home I’d suddenly suffered about two weeks of epic new allergies but got over that, antibodies assumed. I tried out a new product pill called Contact, one of the very first TV advertised remedies for hay fever. It may have had a positive placebo effect or not but I lived to see another day, by far the worst hay fever attack ever. But I should not complain. The air was so filled with beautiful flower aroma....

1 year ago
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Take Your Daughter to Work Day Version BravoChapter 3

"I heard, Honey. I'm sorry this happened," said Bob. "Your mom can get a little high strung sometimes." "You're being charitable, Daddy," said Judith. "You always are. Why is it that you, who don't even go to church any more, are more forgiving than my mother, who probably goes to mass three times a week?" "I love you," said Bob. He realized how that might sound, and added, "And your mother loves you too. She just worries about you in different ways than I do." He immediately...

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My slut girlfriend

This story is based on actual conversations I had with a girlfriend some years ago. Ohh yeah, that was great baby! Wow!Ohhh you're such a good fucker! You've got such a big dick! It feels sooo good!Oh, I love fucking you, you are a great fuck! You turn me on so much and you are the best fuck I have ever had! If someone asked me what's my favorite thing to do, I'd say it's fucking my sexy girlfriend!Ooohh yeaahhh, and my favorite thing to do is fucking my sexy boyfriend, and sucking his dick!...

3 years ago
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Small Penis Humiliation Part 1

I am a mid thirties man, married and now very happy.For years I lived life and had girlfriends, sex was great I had loads of it!From "normal" sex to fetishes with Bondage, Feathers, Spanking and more besides I had the luck to try all of this to some degree depending upon the girl I was with.And then I met my wife, we were happy and our sex was varied with light elements of all of the above. Then my wife had an issue with her spine that has since made sex almost non existent. For years now, I...

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welcome to texas

i have been thinking about posting a couple experience i had.i picked up a young guy hitchiking in texas,he was hispanic,very sexy and couldn't speak a word of english,i gave him a beer we smoked a joint,i tried to talk to him and was getting so horny i was a bit uncomfortable finally i got up the courage to show him some porn pics ,he got aroused i pulled over at a roadside park,even tho he couldn't speak a word i could tell he had never had anything like that happen in his life ! i had him on...

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Well me and wife decided to book a hotel to turkey on the net some relaxation and fun. Now my wife is tall blonde great body with lovely ass . Now she has not had many lovers before me and we married eaand I was delighted as she was so hot . She is pretty shy in bed and does not believe she is fit anyway we got to turkey a little resort weather was hot on our first night we had a few drinks I mentioned as we were mid sex about her having sex with someone else as I have done in the past she got...

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dog sitting x

This happened yesterday ( 20/6/2020 ) my wifes friend went on holiday and asked if we/me would look after her ( bichon frise ) a small white fluffy dog ! so she dropped her off later in the day i asked my wife were is the food bowl ? dont know ! shit shes forgot it so when I take her for a walk I will pop in and pick it up! as i was driving I thought ummmmmmm ive got some suspenders,stockings,thong,high heels and my big Gcup tittys and a new very long brown wig xI went in put the dog in the...

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