SmokeSCREEN: BookTWO free porn video

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* * *

silence swimming in a pool of dreams / beneath its depths the forgotten streams / above the city of the evening star / behind its walls, the grand bazaar / as she walks through its endless ways / cursing those who mistrust her ways / please my friend no matter what she sees / tell my lover come back to me

* * *

* * *

The power runs on sunlight. That’s what I’m thinking as I wake.

Early morning rays stab through the chinks in the single blocked window. Tiny bits of dust dance about in them, wandering aimlessly, randomly through the air.

The chaos of it.

I slip out of bed and find my boots. I wonder if the others are up, before I become conscious of what woke me – a thumping bass reverberates through the house from the garage.

but ya’ll can see me now cos you don’t see with your eye

you percieve with your mind

For a second, I can’t think of what it could be. It doesn’t sound natural – but as I listen, there is a method to the madness and I’m able to go back, far back in my mind to music my older brother listened to.

that’s the inner

so i’mma’ stick around with Russ and be a men-tor

It’s a song – a band called Gorillaz, I think. My brother listened to this CD every Goddamn day.

bust a few rhymes so mother fuckers

rememeber where the thought is

I slip out of the bedroom and glance up the hall – the other doors are closed, but I can hear Lisa stirring in the next room. ‘Where the fuck is that coming from!’ I yell down the stairs before coming to the top of the landing.

i brought all this

so you could survive when law is lawless

‘Hel-lo? Where is everyone? Who’s on guard!’

Something’s wrong. I pound down the stairs just in time to see Cypress and Sophie opening the door to the garage.

feelings, sensations that you thought were dead

no squealing, remember

‘It’s the stereo in the car,’ Cypress grins up at me. For a second, I can think of nothing better to do than stare at them, oblivious.

(that it’s all in your head)

‘Sorry Michelle,’ Sophie finally says, pulling her toque down. ‘We’ll turn it off.

I sit down on the second stair and look up at Cypress – he’s not moving. ‘Is that what you want?’ he asks. His hair is in his eyes – for a second, they seem a little too blue, and I can’t help but smile back.

i ain’t happy, i’m feelin’ glad

i got sunshine, in a bag

I don’t know how he does that to me.

i’m useless, but not for long

the future is comin’ on

‘Does it go any louder?’ I ask. Sophie grins – Cypress just lights a smoke.

it’s comin’ on

it’s comin’ on

it’s comin’ on

* * *

Hair whips across my face, and I try to keep it out of my eyes. I pull my knees to my chest and put my feet on the dashboard of the car, looking over to Lisa in the driver’s seat. Streaming around the perimiter highway, we decided to take our time making it back to the Tower.

Our heads nod in unison to the music, and I look over my shoulder at the others.

Crow and Cat sit at opposite ends of the back seat, both staring out windows while Cypress shows Sophie how to use his discman in the very back of the wagon. Where he found batteries I’ll never know.

‘Who came up with the idea of using the car stereo anyway?’ Lisa says.

‘I had the CDs – it was Sophie’s idea to stick ’em in the car,’ Cypress calls up. Lisa gins.

‘Who’s good at electronics?’ she asks. ‘We have to be able to find a working stereo somewhere, right? For like, the floor.’

‘The mall!’ Sophie chirps. Lisa and I exchange a glance.

‘No one’s going into the mall to look for a stereo,’ I say. Lisa just shrugs.

‘It’s been pretty stable lately,’ she says. ‘I didn’t even hear anything falling last time it rained.’

‘That’s ’cause you couldn’t hear shit over the rain – the whole east side collapsed,’ I tell her, turning around in my seat and regarding Crow – she’s still just staring out her window. I reach out and gently prod her in the ear.

On reflex, she smacks my hand away before turning to look. Her expression is blank – she’s just waiting to see what I want.

‘What’s the deal?’ I whisper, pointing my eyes for a second towards Cypress in the back. She takes a breath as if she’s about to speak, then thinks better of it and shrugs, turning back to the window silently. I look over at Cat, who’s still intentionally avoiding any sort of contact with Crow.

‘Who’s got smokes?’ I ask. A pack of DuMaurs nails me in the forehead, and I pick it up off the floor of the car to see Sophie holding a hand to her mouth.

Sophie’s a bit of a smartass, but she knows better to intentionally cross Lisa or I – it was an accident, and I light one before chucking them back. I think I hit Cypress, but I’m not sure.

Someone said ouch.

I turn around again and kick off my boots and socks, resting my feet out the window to be caressed by the wind as the car rips down the highway. I’m tired – but you’re always sort of tired after a floor meeting.

‘We should do it again,’ Lisa says on cue, looking away from the road for a moment.

Lisa and I have always had an uneasy, albiet somewhat symbiotic relationship. As the Alphas for the thirteenth floor we lead the others together, and I don’t outrank her any more than she does me.

This causes problems at times, but between the two of us we usually make the right choice. At the very least, we’re one of the few floors that hasn’t lost a member to the boys or the dogs yet.

‘What?’ I say.

‘Another floor meeting,’ Lisa says. Crow perks up.

‘Tonight?’ she asks behind me. Even Cat’s looked away from her window.

I’ve been worried about Cat lately – ever since the night Cypress set her free, she’s been acting strangely. She does her duty and shoots when she should, but I can tell her mind is elsewhere.

‘We just had one,’ I say, turning back to the road and my cigarette.

‘Yeah, but Cypress missed half of it,’ Sophie says. ‘We should totally have one tonight. He’s probably never even smoked – have you?’

‘No, Crow smoked him up,’ Lisa says.

‘Well yeah, like two hoots,’ Crow shouts over the wind. ‘He needs to get initiated if he’s staying.’

Now there is a pause. We’re all waiting for Cypress to re-confirm his loyalties, but no words of comfort come from the back of the wagon.

I turn around again, the cigarette hanging softly from my lips and pull off my sunglasses. Cypress is telling Sophie a joke. Or something – she laughs at least.

I look from Cat to Crow, and I get the impression they’re both wondering the same thing. Not so much about whether or not he’s staying, but what will happen now that he is.

When we were all convinced he’d be gone in a day or two, it seemed alright that each and every one of us wanted to steal him away and learn his secrets. Tell him ours.

He’s easy to talk to – what can I say?

But now that he’s permanent, we are all faced with the question of what to do with him. Or, perhaps, which of us has the right to know him.

When Cat watched Crow take the room we’d reserved for Cypress, she had the expression of a woman who’d just been shot through the throat. Desperate to cry out, but choking on her own furies.

Like all of us, Cat has no more claim to Cypress than he does to her – but one will feel what one will feel, I suppose.

I decide to take her aside tonight and have a chat with her – she’s becoming too distant from the rest of the floor.

Crow, on the other hand, is more positive and active than I’ve ever seen. Usually, she silently does her job and lets a sarcastic comment or two slip
, but I expect she’s been behaving for his benefit. She carries herself differently. Usually she moves patiently, smoothly, with conviction. I’ve always considered her the most feline, but lately she’s been proving her namesake. She is quick, alert, restless even. As if she’s waiting for some unknown event.

Perhaps I’ll have a chat with her as well.

‘Maybe a floor meeting is a good idea,’ Lisa suddenly says. I whip around to look at her, and I can tell we’re on the same page. Different as we are, we temper each other well, but always with the well-being of Floor Thirteen in mind.

‘You going to take Crow aside?’ she says now, softer. I nod.

‘Why don’t you take Anze and Sophie? I’ll take Cat,’ I say.

‘And maybe you and me should have a chat too,’ she says, glancing to me suddenly. She wants to know where I stand on Cypress.

‘Do we need to?’ I ask. She raises her eyebrow.

‘I dunno – do we?’

‘I don’t think so – where are you at?’

She looks back to the road.

‘I’m just drivin’,’ she says. ‘You?’

‘I’m nowhere – I’m here. I’m smoking.’ She nods.

‘Alright,’ she says. ‘Hey guys! Floor meeting tonight – we’re breakin’ in the fresh meat.’

Sophie claps – Crow silently smiles.

Cat just stares out her window.

I smoke my smoke. It’ll be a long day.

* * *

We arrive at the Tower just before noon. I hang out the passenger window and wave up to the sentries to open the gates. A Ceta dashes into the tower, and soon comes out with Phoebe in tow.

She does a double-take when she sees us, then decides on a course of action and strides forward with a scowl on her face.

‘I told you to be back yesterday morning!’ she shouts. The others pile out of the car and stand behind Lisa and I.

‘Fuck you – you sent us down there to die anyway,’ Lisa snaps back. This is where Lisa and I differ.

Phoebe narrows her eyes at Lisa before turning to me. ‘Where’d you find a working car – and what the fuck happened to your leg?’

‘A long story,’ I say. ‘Best told behind closed doors – let’s head inside.’

* * *

Lisa, Phoebe and I are in the security office just off the main lobby. The others we sent up to thirteen to set up a room for Cypress, while Lisa and I lay out the story of the past two days – with a few embellishments regading the amount of time spent at the safehouse. Phoebe takes her time, leaning back in her chair and closing her eyes before speaking.

‘…why did you offer to let him escape?’ she asks finally, still not looking at us. Lisa and I exchange a quick glance, and she says,

‘To test him – see if he would. He chose to stay – I think we can trust him.’

‘Unless he’s staying simply to gain information about us before heading back to Westwood,’ Phoebe points out. I shake my head.

‘Cypress is an ally and an asset,’ I say firmly. ‘We’re stronger with him here, and he’s stronger with us.’

‘Why are you so sure of that?’ Phoebe scowls at me.

‘If he wanted to get back to Westwood, he could have taken the wagon there and then,’ Lisa says. ‘He saved my life – he thought quick on his feet, and we all made it back. What I’d like to know is what do you plan to do about the old ones?’

‘Why should we do anything? They haven’t made any moves against us,’ Phoebe says, pulling a string. A bell sounds outside, and Denise, Phoebe’s Ceta, leans in the door. ‘Food,’ Phoebe says. Denise silently nods and closes the door.

‘They will,’ Lisa says. ‘They captured us with some intent – I’m sure of that.’

‘Well, you conveniently escaped before you were able to find out what that was – a pity, really.’

‘If Cypress hadn’t risked breaking his neck on that roof, I’d be dead right now, or something,’ Lisa spits, narrowing her eyes.

‘What do you mean ‘or something’?’ Denise knocks once and leans back in the room, throwing an apple over my head. It smacks into Phoebe’s palm and she takes a bite, telling Denise to bring some beer as well.

‘One or three?’ Denise asks. Phoebe considers a moment before asking,

‘So… you survived a feral dog attack, and capture by a platoon of well-armed old ones… did you happen to find a scooter over the course of all this?’

Lisa and I had completely forgotten about it.

‘A skateboard,’ I say. Phoebe considers, then glances to Denise.

‘Bring two – they can share one,’ she says, waving the Ceta away. Once the door closes, she levels her eyes on us again. ‘Insane heroics aside, he can’t run around with the rest of us freely – he’s a plague waiting to happen.’

There is a pause – Lisa and I discussed this briefly in the car – whether or not to tell Phoebe. She may simply kill Cypress to hide the truth – I doubt she’d do away with the whole Thirteenth Floor.

‘Phoebe… there is no disease,’ Lisa says. ‘They lied to us.’

Phoebe just stares.

‘Did he put the whammy on you two? What the fuck are you talking about.’

‘We touched him. We all did,’ I say, ‘two days ago. We’re fine.’ Phoebe’s expression does a breakdance from blank, to anger, to confusion – all with a slack jaw.

‘How… how did he make himself immune? How did he get rid of the disease?’

‘Phoebes,’ Lisa says ‘There never was a disease.’ Our esteemed leader just shakes her head.

‘What about Ainsley? And Jocelyn? They both came into contact with boys and died within a day.’

‘Yes, when Jackie was leading,’ I say.

‘So what? So…’

I look to my boots – I sure wish I had that beer right now.

‘Do you remember when Ashley came back, saying a boy had spit on her? You kept her quarantined for a week, but she didn’t die.’


‘When Jossy came back, saying a boy had breathed on her, she died that night. Jackie was leading us then.’

‘So what?’ Lisa and I just stare at her. Slowly, slowly, her expression skips around again from confusion, to consideration, and finally back to anger. ‘How dare you accuse Jackie? Who the fuck are you?’

‘Phoebe – this is the deal,’ Lisa says. ‘We touched him – we’re alive. After you sent us all on a suicide mission, he risked his ass to help us. And now he wants to stay. This is the deal.’

Now Phoebe pauses. Even she cannot find a chink in the mail, through which to deliver a fatal stab.

‘Floor Thirteen… what am I going to do with you?’

A knock comes at the door, and Phoebe calls for Denise to come in. She holds a tray with two open bottles of beer, which she sets on the desk before quickly excusing herself. Lisa takes a swig of one of them before handing it to me.

Phoebe chugs a third of hers, then reflects before saying,

‘You will tell no one that you’ve touched him and instruct the rest of Thirteen to do the same. If you’re all still alive by week’s end… then we’ll have some things to consider, won’t we?’

Lisa grins widely as I hand the beer back, but the sparkle in Phoebe’s eye suggests she’s not done.

‘Perhaps he’s not lethal to the touch, but I refuse to believe some slow-witted male is an asset to the Glass Tower as anything but an interpeter for the notes Jackie left behind. I’m not satisfied that his abilities are half what you say. How could he have done all this without weapons?’

‘He’s good with his staff,’ Lisa says. It’s a half-truth, but it will do if ever tested.

‘Fine. Then we’ll give Claire a couple machetes and see who can kill the other first – winner gets to stay. If he can beat Claire, I’ll be impressed.’

‘That’s barbaric,’ I say. Phoebe just smiles.

‘That’s entertainment.’

* * *

* * *

i can see you lie back in a satin dress / in a room where you do what you don’t confess // sundown / sundown / sundown // sometimes / I think it’s a shame / when i g
et feelin’ better / when i’m feelin’ no pain // sundown / you better take care / if I found you been creepin’ round my back stair

* * *

* * *

Lisa and I stroll around the courtyard – despite her apparent distaste for humanity, Phoebe did give Floor Thirteen the rest of the day off. Crow sits at the far end of the courtyard by the garden, regailing a small crowd with the adventures of the past few days. I don’t know where Cypress is – I think I saw Sophie dragging him off somewhere when we came out of the security room.

‘So what do you think?’ Lisa asks.

‘I don’t know what to think – Claire’s a head taller than he is. He may be quick, but he’s pretty wiry and Claire’s all muscle.’

‘I’m not worried about that,’ she says. ‘He can handle himself.’

‘We’re talking about Claire.’

‘Oh fine, let’s talk about Claire. Claire has maybe a five-foot reach with a good knife – Cypress has at least seven with his blade and he’s faster. She’ll be dead before she knows she’s been cut.’

I sit on a bench and let my face fall into my hands.

‘We can’t afford to loose either of them – why would Phoebe insist on this?’

Lisa sits beside me and lights two cigarettes, offering me one.

‘Because if Cypress isn’t around, Phoebe gets to keep the status quo.’

I look over my shoulder at the tower and scan quickly for him – he’s not around.

‘Maybe change isn’t so bad,’ I say, looking back to her. ‘Who knows how long we’ve been at war for no reason?’

‘Whoah, whoah – this war stopped being about a disease when Katie was killed.’

It’s true. Ten years ago, a group of boys found an Alpha of ours named Katie wandering alone – they beat her to death and left her where she fell. She was the first casualty of the war – the first of us to bark as a signal. To this day, before we’re sent into risky situations against the boys, Phoebe reminds us it’s for Katie.

Maybe Lisa’s right. One way or another, she keeps talking.

‘Just because Cypress is different doesn’t mean the war is over. Find me another man who’s going to let us touch him to prove there’s no danger.’

She may play the devil’s advocate, but in the Glass Tower the devil often has good points.

‘Where are the strays?’

Lisa and I both turn around – it’s Saku. She stands, hips permanently askew with attitude, thumbs tucked into her belt.

”Strays’?’ I ask.

‘Y’know – Anze and your pet boy.’

Lisa looks to me.

‘A shame Phoebe didn’t pit him against Saku,’ she says.


‘What?’ Saku says.

‘If you want to hear a word or two about our pet boy, why don’t you wander over to Crow and see what she has to say,’ I tell her, motioning towards the garden. Saku huffs, but curiosity gets the better of her, and she casually wanders in a roundabout way towads Crow regardless.

Lisa and I turn back to look at the courtyard – people coming and going – one girl’s coming in with a cut on her forehead – looks like a bullet grazed her.

‘We’re even more popular than before,’ Lisa smirks. ‘Sometimes I wonder if it would have been best for the floor not to get so involved in… ‘strays’, as Saku would say.’

‘It’s affecting the floor,’ I say. She knows what I’m talking about. ‘It could be affecting everyone – I don’t know. Maybe we should have that chat.’

Lisa takes a deep breath, crossing her legs and creasing her brow. ‘Yeah, maybe,’ she says, but shakes her head. ‘I don’t understand it. He does something to us. Well, he does something to me, I don’t know about you.’

‘No, he does it to me too. It’s his eyes.’

‘Mm – for me it’s his lips. I don’t know what it is about them, they’re just so…’

‘Appealing,’ I finish. Lisa nods, flashing her brilliant smile at me. For a moment, we’re smiling until we both freeze. She lets her face drop into her hands and groants.

‘What the fuck is wrong with us?’ she demands. ‘This isn’t normal.’

‘You and I need to be strong for the floor,’ I say, fumbling to find another smoke for myself, now. ‘That’s all there is to it. We do our jobs, and that’s it. He’s just another… he’s just another one of us now – we got to keep the floor stable.’

‘Just another one of the girls,’ Lisa nods, trying to manage a smile. She wrings her hands together and searches her jacket for more smokes as a hush falls over the courtyard. Cypress and Sophie stand just inside the gates, looking out over the paused scene.

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She was always coming to work in tight trousers, clinging closely to her firm rounded arse. And no bra; she never wore a bra, although her loose shirts and jumpers often concealed the fact. Her face was impish, fun-loving; always cheerful and enjoying life, her long dark hair swinging across it. Every time I saw her, my excitement was aroused; I really fancied her. It was a hot summer's day when I met her going through the front door of the building one morning. Her thin trousers clung more...

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Stag Cuckolds Adventure

You are Robin Wren, a great looking college sophomore, and you are once again stroking your large cock to cuckold porn; currently and seemingly perpetually girlfriend lacking. That isn't completely true, you aren't perpetually lacking a girlfriend. Yesterday, you had a girlfriend, Penny . She wasn't even your first girlfriend this semester. There was also Nancy and last semester there was Tracy, Kristin,Leslie, and Jane. You don't seem to have any trouble getting a girlfriend. Your great looks,...

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Still Friends

©Copyright 2003 I'd been lying there a while, in that weird state between sleep and wakefulness. It was morning, the sun was out. Diane wasn't around. It really was the first time Diane had left me alone in her apartment. Things were going well between us and I'd begun to spend more and more time at her place, and the thought crossed my mind that with her casual acceptance of my presence even while she was away, we'd reached yet another milestone. Feeling lazy and having nothing...

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The Wedding

Dread it, run from it, but all your friends from high school and college getting married before you is probably gonna happen all the same. You’ve been to three in the past year and now, in the middle of a brutally hot August, you’re set to go to another. This one might actually be fun, you think, it is two of your best friends from high school getting hitched. The worst part of it all, is that you have to be part of the wedding party. You love Jeff and Alex. Them getting together sophomore year...

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CuckHunter Selena Lust Big Tits Latina Selena Lust Wants Cuckold Experiment

Selena Lust has been looking at cuckold porn recently online and the thought of doing it herself while her husband watches has turned her on so much. So she brings it up with her husband and surprisingly he’s totally in for it. He even knows a good neighbor with a big dick that would be perfect for the fun. Selena gets so wet feeling that big black cock deep inside her while her husband caresses her hair and makes sure she’s comfortable. This will definitely be a hang out session...

4 years ago
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Tonys AdventuresChapter 7 Visit to Aunt Ada

The grass was hot, and the blanket tickled his bottom as he sat down, but he hardly noticed it. She stood in front of him at arm's length, looking down at his erect penis, then she knelt in front of him with her hands behind his head. Staring into his eyes. Tony ran his hands slowly up and down the soft skin of her waist, and then pulled her towards him, to kiss her breast. He kissed the soft skin around her erect nipples, and then began gently sucking. She pulled his head to her breast, and...

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Bittersweet Surrender Part 1

Day 1 12:16 P.M Cameron pushed deeper into Kristen’s taut asshole. He loved bringing her to his home for a quick romp every time the opportunity arose. Fucking his personal assistants was something that he had done for most of his career as a lawyer. He changed them every year because he loved the variety. Some have been known to stick around for two years, and that’s only because they were actually good at their job. This time he got a red head, and damn she was fucking hot. He knew she was...

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Susan the pornstar chapter 20

Chapter 1 Susan & Kiki were both collared , leashed, wearing nose & nipple rings along with their standard spiked heels , the company filmed them in the waiting room (sitting on the sofa )as both ladies waited & used their hubands as footstools as they waited for MIstress Rose to bring them out to set. Upon her arrival Rose grabbed the whores by their leashes & brought them to their first scene. Two 19 year old guys now facefucked them roughly calling them , bitches, whores sluts ...

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Carnal Crimes Part One Back Road Cop by Millie Dynamite a cuckold story

A Cuckold Story Millie Dynamite © Copyright 2021 by Millie Dynamite This is a work of fiction and not intended to promote any lifestyle. This is merely a representation of the fantasy of the cuckold lifestyle. The names, characters, places, and incidents are drawn from the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any similarity to any person, living or dead, is merely coincidental and unintentional. This story contains some sex and violence, and racial stereotypes. If you have an issue...

4 years ago
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The Consultation

The Consultation A short, short story by Caleb Jones That morning... "Yahhhhhh! What happened to me? I'm a woman! I'd better go to the emergency ward and see a Doctor!" Later that afternoon... "I don't know, Doctor, she came in here claiming to be a man and demanding tests to find out if being a woman could have any side effects. She actually thinks there might be other people who woke up as the opposite gender! She is a VERY troubled young woman!" "Don't worry,...

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My Mom

I pushed forward slowly. Then pulled back a little hoping not to wake her. Her breathing, her smell, the feel of her pussy around my cock pushed me to the point of no return. Should I pull out? No, I pushed deeper as my cock started to pump my seed deep into her womb. When I had drained my balls I pulled my cock from her wonderful cunt, carefully. Some of my juice trickled down her ass crack. I went and got a warm wash cloth and cleaned her cunt, trying to hide what I had just done. She was...

1 year ago
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Naughty in my hotel room

I was trying to make a sexy show for the hotel room service guy by displaying part of my seminude assets, expecting to enjoy seducing him and maybe rewarded with a look at his hardening cock under his pants before he leaves my hotel room, but the outcome was way beyond my expectations, read my story, enjoy it and find out all the details about it. [email protected]

Sex With Stranger
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Shes PregnantChapter 2

"She's pregnant!" Deja vu. "As the man told me, 'The holes still work.' Is it a problem?" I asked. "Yeah. No. Maybe. Do they care?" Darla eyed Manny. He's kind of sinewy and not real tall. "No, we don't care." "Meet Darla -- And Luz. Luz is..." "Fuckin' BEAUTIFUL!" Manny husked. "I was gonna say Filipino, but she's that, too." "How long?" Manny asked. "Oh, I dunno. Sunday morning?" I winked at Darla. "No shit? Jeezus! What limits?" "Don't make her give...

3 years ago
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Office Encounter

An Encounter With CarolI was a computer tech in a small office. One afternoon, I was working in the computer room when there was a knock on the door. With the door closed, the computer room was completely private, but that also meant that I could not see who it was. I opened the door, and saw Carol standing there. She was a customer support rep and we had often argued in the past about what her computer was capable of. Despite our differences though, she was sexy as hell, especially dressed the...

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Learning about girls Rewrite

Introduction: Im a young virgin (boy) and naturally am curious about the female body. I have a sister to help with that… (I thank you for your constructive feedback on the original version of this story. I thought that, as seen as you loved the story but I had not written it very well, I would rewrite it based off the other and work on your feedback) I stand in the hallway staring at the into my sisters room. My heart pounds in my chest as I work up the courage to reach out and grab the...

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Paris Match The Soundtrack

Paris Match The SoundtrackTrack 1 Paris Match (Style Council)My flight touched down shortly after seven in the evening. I grappled with my small suitcase and the emotions of both fear and excitement. I was anxious to clear the chaos of airport customs and head for the business district of Paris. It had been over twenty years since my last visit to the French capital and I had forgotten how rude people really were. Without much help from the natives I managed to find the correct train and...

1 year ago
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BangBus Sidra Sage SemiPro Anal Star

On this week’s update, we pick up Sidra Sage, a fledgling tennis player. We’re interested in her grip and swing technique. She got tiny perfect tits; we had to see them. She flashed us those perky tits for a couple of hundreds. We convince her to take a quick ride on the bus. She takes off all her clothes to reveal her slim body. Tyler’s boner is out of control; it pops right out of his pants. We’re all afraid of an eye injury. But Sidra is a pro; She clams down the dick...

3 years ago
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Old Money

I'm lucky enough to come from a family that was rich with old money. My father still works in the city but my mother just works for charitable causes. Just after my seventeenth birthday my favourite great Aunt died. I was very sad, for I can remember spending many a hot sunny day at her beach cottage. "Letter for you," my mum said, handing over the envelope. It was from my Aunt's solicitors, inviting me to the reading of the will. "Looks like she left you something," my dad said when I...

2 years ago
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The Magician Ch 04

I left Pat with the nice warm feeling of a job well done. When I got back to the office I showered and cleaned up and became David. Dori looked up at me with a big smile. She got up and walked to me with a smile an hugged and kissed me, she whispered, ‘David I need you tonight. Please don’t be late coming home tonight.’ ‘I need you too dearest, I’ll be early, I promise!’ When I walked in the door at home I smelled what had to be my favorite meal. Fajitas! I was right, we had a great meal and...

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Eurotica 14 First day of the holiday

One of many tales I wrote - with many more to come if I get feedback!Eurotica 14: First day of the holiday Lorna was sitting back on her plastic chair and looking up, there was barely a cloud to be seen in the sky and a distant jet plane broke the blue void.She was sat on the top balcony of the holiday apartment, the sun was high in the midday sky and the heat was entering every pore.She was a redhead and her pale skin could suffer in that climate, it was for the best not to overdo it on the...

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The SisterhoodChapter 76

When they had withdrawn, the Pope said, "Lord, it is my understanding that you will be handling the coronation personally. Is that correct?" "It is," the Voice replied quietly. Then He chuckled and added, "There have been rehearsals in progress Up Here for weeks." Then he outlined what was in store. When he concluded, the Pope slowly shook his head and said, "I cannot tell You how honored I feel. Just think! I will be present when the Multitudes of the Heavenly Host sing...

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The resort Fourth day conclusion

Fourth day (conclusion) I had a hard time last night, but eventually I fell asleep, because I woke up with the buzz at my door. It was Sara, who unlocked the door. She explained to me I should have my breakfast first and then I would return to my room and wait for her. She was unusually serious, and this increased my stress level. I did as she asked and, after breakfast I returned to my room, anxiously waiting to see what was this "fate" business. She returned about half an hour...

3 years ago
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The business end of a Business Trip

Em was a girl at work who was rather reserved. She was blonde and about 25 and not very experienced in sex, but had a body that I could tell was very sexy. I would normally not care about this, except she and I had to take a business trip together. She was in the room next to me – invited me over one evening and after we had a few drinks, she started telling me about her stupid ex. She even started in telling me how he wanted to have sex, and when he did, never got her to climax. That seemed...

2 years ago
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Young Girl Sex ClubChapter 10

"What are you doing here? I didn't send for you," Evangeline asked as the tall waiter in the too-small uniform came into her room carrying a pitcher of ice water. She was face down on the bed, her words muffled by the pillow into which she had been crying. "Perhaps some mistake," Wikiwiki suggested meekly, setting the pitcher and glass on her bedside stand and viewing with appreciation the delightful, feminine shape so barely concealed by a lacy nightgown and negligee. Through the filmy...

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Saving Alfie A Fans Sequel to the InCase Original

To all Alfie fans, this sequel begins during the ending of chapter 15. I am making this because while I am waiting for the last pages to be published, I realized that I want more Alfie. The story connects to me on a personal level, so while I’ve been waiting my mind has exploded with possibilities as to how it could end. To those of you who have never read Alfie, it is a surprisingly sweet story for a NSFW web comic. I do advise you take the time to read the original work from the original...

1 year ago
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Lost in Translation

Chapter 1: The Eye Opener I am Ronald Garde 28 years old and I’m an architect. I live a simple life: not much glamour and leisure, just your average Joe. Well I’m a bit “stocky” well imagine the big guys that bully you through high school, imagine them growing up… well that is what I look like. Big chested, broad arms, thick legs and a hairy body: that is the features of a certain persons in a gay community, a Bear: that is who I am. When I’m growing up I get beat up a lot. Honestly I kinda...

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Ellie She was waiting on the landing as I came out of the bathroom, a finger to her lips to indicate silence, her other hand on her partially open bedroom door handle. She smiled and raised her eyebrows in a silent question but my flushed cheeks must have given her the answer before I smiled back and nodded.My lips framed a silent “Thank you” but she shook her head as her smile widened. “OK?” her lips moved but no sound was forthcoming and I nodded. “Wonderful” I mouthed back. She looked...

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Taking the Road TogetherChapter 23 Wedded Bliss

"What's she got up her sleeve this month," Darren wondered as he played with the envelope she gave him when he walked out the door this morning. Things had been a little weird around the house for the last two weeks. Cassie seemed to be over almost every day when he got home from work. Something was definitely up. Ever since the big blow up two weeks ago, Stephanie had been the model wife. Dinner was always ready when he got home. After the kids were in bed, she would curl up next to him...

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forced Submission

Okay I would like to give a little bit of background information for this. This girl told me she was lesbian, but was curious about being submissive to a man. She asked me to write a story about it. I had been drinking when I wrote so not best short story, but it will do. On the bright side, the girl that wanted the story enjoy it. Let's see if you guys do also. We would be at my house, you would be wearing something sexy not thinking anything about it. You would be getting me turned on...

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The nice widow gives up her tight ass

Barbara came from across the street again on Monday evening, as soon as she saw me coming back from my office…I had fucked this old sexy widow on the previous days and she knew my lovely wife would be still away from home for some time yet.This third time she entered my house after me and quietly she undressed in the living room. I told her I would take a relaxing warm shower and later we would see what we could do together. Barbara just smiled and purred like a kitten.When I came back, I found...

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Mindcontrol Panties 01 Incestuous Awakening

In a certain mall, in a clothing store frequented by the local high school girls, a figure wandered. Nondescript. The type of person no one would ever look at twice. The figure drifted through the store, browsing the shelves, glancing at the wares. Trendy clothing. Flashy and bright, full of pastel colors. The figure paused at one display with a selection of panties covered in salacious slogans printed across the rear, designed to hug the firm, toned rump of a girl budding into her sexuality....

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The trip home

As I got of my taxi cab, I was dreading the flight back hometo California. Not so much because I was headed home, but instead, because of how long the 6 hour flight from Boston was going to be. I quickly make it through baggage check and approach the seating area to wait for my flight when out of the corner of my eye, I notice you standing there behind the counter. You seem to be about 5 feet, 7 inches with dark, wavy brunette hair dropping just past your shoulders. Your size D breasts make...

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TripinChapter 33

I woke up to see the note written in marker on the palm of my hand. 'Read file this is your life on the computer.' So of course being totally lost in space, I opened the laptop and began to read. Actually I carried the laptop into the bathroom and read it on the toilet. I had always been able to speed read. The file was scary, but also represented a lot of work. I was able to skip over a lot of things, since I just didn't care at that moment who my grandmother had been. I looked at the...

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Sweet Little Katie Part Six

Katie was enjoying a hot, steamy shower, thinking about the wonderful afternoon she had spent with Ken yesterday in their secluded glade. She loved to linger in the shower, caressing her body. She circled her areolas with her fingers, then tweaked her erect nipples, remembering the sensation of Ken’s lips on her breasts. She touched her pussy and gently rubbed her clit, thinking about the pleasure Ken had given her. She moaned as she came, recalling the feel of his cock moving in and out of her...

2 years ago
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Blood RoseChapter 7

1590 Very few things in the world had the power to frighten Electra. Her master's wrath happened to be one of them. And even that was usually only enough to make her take a step back and bow her head. Right now she shrunk down to the floor, positively cowering. Dracula's shadow aura was practically causing the whole keep to tremble with his rage. "Dost thou dare presume to insult my intelligence, Electra?" "No milord," Electra responded weakly. "I spoke only truth to you." "Then...

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DP Fantasy

Taking It for the Teambydpingjessie©Straining her neck, Abby gasped for breath amid the thick hot air that surrounded us as she was wedged between two male bodies. Above her, her fiancé was planted in her ass, his balls pressed against her taint as he ground against her. Abby held herself up on her hands and knees while I lay beneath her, squeezing her boobs and sliding my body up, sinking my erection deep into her pussy as sweat leaked out all over me and mixed with the perspiration that was...

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Shoplyfter Alice Merchesi Case No 8911699

Case #8911699 – February 26th, 10:23 AM. Suspect is a dirty blonde adolescent female. She uses the alias Cindy Cumdumpster before identifying herself as Alice Merchesi. She physically resists being detained and refuses to identify her male accomplice in the suspected theft. Using a metal detector, the Officer scans her for stolen items. Ultimately, the suspect agrees to a compromise with the Officer to avoid law enforcement involvement. The rest of this case is classified. Evidence logged on...

3 years ago
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Bhabhi Ki Chudai

Mera naam Rajesh hai. Main iss ka regular reader hun maine bahut stories padhi hai but kabhi apni story submit karne ke baare mein nahi socha tha. Ajj soch rahan tha ki main apni story aap sab ko sunau. Main punjab ke ek chote se sehar se hun ji ki hoshiarpur district mein hai. Aur meri umar 23 saal hai. Ajj kal main australia mein hun pechle 2 saal se. Yeh 2 saal pehle ki baat hai mera australia ka visa aa gya tha aur main bahut kush tha.main apne doston ke sath isi kushi ki baje se baut...

1 year ago
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Revenge of the Nerd Ch 47

In the weeks leading up to going back to school I saw Jeff on weekends and a few nights a week. I went out to dinner with Jen a number of times, but she was limited by seeing Rich ever more often. I was going to have to spend more time with him to see what drew them to each other. Jeff and I established a new routine by going bowling Sunday mornings. There were no leagues and many potential customers were in church so lanes were available at a discount, though that was irrelevant to us. Jeff...

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The Wife Next Door Part III

The Wife Next Door: Part III Pim and I had sex at least once a day while her daughter was away at summer camp. Pim would make excursions to the mall and visit Victoria’s Secret and other lingerie shops with Henk’s money and buy outfits to drive me wild. With her exotic Asian looks and petite frame I particularly liked a yellow baby doll and panty set with stockings that really complimented her beautiful skin tone. Pim bought outfits in every color of the rainbow and enjoyed the reaction on my...

1 year ago
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MrPov Allie Addison Two Daddies

Allie Addison’s a petite, barely-legal cum slut who can’t get enough. Mr. POV can’t get enough of her, either. For the first time ever, he shot a “BBG” — boy-boy-girl. Or, in other words, a 2 on 1. A tag team session. Mr. POV and his golf partner, stuffing dick into Allie’s eager mouth or her wet, tiny cunt. Allie starts this by cumming on her favorite toy while remembering the last time she entertained two men at the same time…but then, it was...


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