Cruising Ch. 03 free porn video

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The curtains were open and the sun coming in the room woke me up at about seven. My fault. If my cabin was on the other side of the boat I could have had a tan while still in bed. I climbed out of bed and pulled the sun shades mostly down allowing a little light in. I went to the bathroom and unloaded my bladder before climbing into bed.

Becky was sleeping soundly. She is not the most pleasant person to sleep next to. I suspect that she has sleep apnea. She would sleep heavily on her back and then snort and startle herself back into breathing regularly. The thrashing around didn’t allow for a restful night’s sleep for me. However, couple hours ago I was awaked by my own orgasm as Becky sucked me off. Her only comment before going back to sleep was, ‘I wanted to do that.’

I wanted to get something to eat and we had appointments at the salon at ten but I had time to relax. I’m sure that Becky wanted to get cleaned up and changed before going to the spa. Back in bed I bumped Becky as I climbed under the covers by accident but her eyes shot open.

‘Hi.’ She said groggily.

‘Did you sleep ok?’ I asked.

‘Not great. Had wild dreams.’ She replied.

‘Listen. It’s a little after seven. I don’t know how much time you need to get ready but I was serious with my invitation to the spa.’

She still hadn’t moved at all other than her eyes and mouth to talk.

‘Seven, time to shower and dress. No point in putting on makeup. Get something to eat before the spa. We have at least an hour of fun time before I need to leave.’ She calculated.

‘If you are sure, I am game.’ I replied.

Becky kicked the sheets off her body, rolled onto her back, spread her legs and commanded, ‘Lick me.’

I ate her, she sucked me, we fucked through a variety of positions ending with both of us very happy. We adjourned to the bathroom and chatted as we washed up. She understood that I didn’t own her and I would (hopefully) be hooking up with other ladies on the ship but if she wanted a rematch that she could contact me. She seemed a little put off that I wasn’t going to dedicate my vacation to her but I think (hoped) she understood. I suggested that she try her long lost skills with other men onboard. She gave a slight chuckle at that one. After dressing, kissing and a long hug Becky left for her room. I showered, dressed in shorts and a casual shirt, tidied up the room of my things and braved the buffet lines for some food.

I’m not a real big breakfast eater but if I have to fight the herds to get a cup of coffee, so be it. From seven I went up to the ninth level to the grand buffet before going up to eleven to the spa and salon. I found the coffee station at one end and made myself a cup. I sat down at a table built for two and watched the grazing over the troughs. I was hoping that there would be a lull but there didn’t seem to be one. I decided to get up and get in line.

I’ll give the ship credit, their baked goods are better than average. I spotted a passenger with a mound of smoked salmon on their plate and I thought a nice salmon, bagel and cream cheese (a personal favorite of mine) might be nice. I waited for almost 15 minutes to pick up three items. Fucking unsupervised kids were running up and down the food lines grabbing things with their hands. I wanted to trip one so badly.

I went back to my seat and a blearily eyed couple had taken my table. I guess my empty cup wasn’t enough to hold the table for me. After pouring a fresh coffee I looked around for a seat. As tables opened up people literally ran to claim it. I was fortunate to pass by a table that an older couple was standing up from. I offered to take their dirty plates if I could sit down which they seemed grateful for. I sat down and realized that my seat was directly in front of one of the two entrances to the buffet and raised a foot up. Anyone walking into the room would see me first. So, my plan was to eat quickly and get out.

I kept my head down but I was getting looks from some of the ladies passing through. Some smiled, some poked their friend and gestured towards me. Three stopped by to introduce themselves and asked about getting together later. One just said ‘6366 whenever you’re ready’ and walked away. I gave my usual morning excuse saying, ‘I’m useless before coffee, find me later in the day when I am awake.’

Laurie saved the day. She came over and asked if she could join me. I wouldn’t consider it a cock block but more of a help at this point. We sat and I asked what happened to her last night.

‘You saw me talking to William, right. Well he told me that he has a 13 inch cock. A skinny little guy like him, I figured no way. So he told me to feel it through his pants at the club and it was big. He asked me if I wanted to join him in his room and I said yes but told him to leave first and I would meet him in a few minutes. His cabin is on the second floor so when I found his room he was there in just boxers. I sat on his bed and he took it out. It was big and thick. Biggest I’d ever seen in person. Anyway, I tried to give him head but he was too thick. I worked him as much as I could but he never gets like real rock hard. Then he asked if he could go down on me. You know I never turn that down so I undressed and lay on his twin size bed. He does a good job of eating me and then his roommate shows up. William jumps up and tells the roommate to get lost but the roommate isn’t feeling well. William asks if we could go to my room. So we dress and go up to my cabin. We undress and he goes right to eating my pussy. After like twenty minutes he asks if we can fuck. He takes out these magnum sized rubbers, climbs on tops and starts banging me. I admit that it took some doing getting him inside. The length wasn’t bad but the thickness was a problem for me at first. So once he’s in he starts pumping away and cums after about twenty minutes. He pulls out and goes right back to eating me out. Twenty minutes of that and he’s semi hard again. Climbs on top and pumps me for twenty minutes and cums. Pulls out and licks me some more. Same routine, twenty minutes of eating pussy and twenty minutes of fucking. It got boring real quick. You know l like some variety. No other positions, just missionary. I asked him to change things up and he said that he can’t get off any other way. Two and a half hours of me flat on my back not moving, just getting licked and fucked by a huge cock. I mean, I came a lot and the big dick was a new experience but it was just so mind numbingly tedious. I wanted to scream. He had four good orgasms in me but after that I told him I was tired and needed to go to sleep. I asked him to leave. I sat in the tub for like half an hour then got dressed and went out on the prowl for someone else that could stimulate my mind but came up empty so I went to the room and went to sleep. So, what happened to you?’

I explained the Becky saga leaving out personal items and Laurie began to criticize me explaining that women like Becky are going to latch on to me tighter than a tattoo. They are out of a bad relationship and the first guy that treats them decently that attach themselves to. I suspected that this was true so I would have to step carefully with Becky. We finished eating and headed to the spa.

Laurie and I arrived at the spa together. Ronnie and Bob were already there. I wondered about Becky but she arrived shortly. The attendants took Ronnie, Bob and Laurie back to get them started on manicures and pedicures and I stayed at the front desk to see what I could do for Becky.

‘I know its last minute but could you fit this lady in today?’ I asked the attendant.

‘We are booked solid but I might be able to squeeze you in. What service would you like?’ she asked.

‘The works. Everything. Nails, hair, skin, whatever you’ve got.’ I replied.

The attendant stared at me. ‘Impossible. Unless there is a no show we are booked solid. If there is a cancelation I could call y
ou in your room if you’d like.’

Becky pulled my shirt and I leaned down so she could whisper, ‘That’s all right. I appreciate that you tried.’

‘Can I also suggest a bikini wax?’ I whispered in her ear.

Becky’s eyes went wide. ‘I guess I need one.’

I leaned into the attendant and pointed at the appointment book tapping the page. ‘I believe I see an opening right there.’ As I did I opened my hand the $200 was left on the book.

The attendant looked quickly left and right then snatched the cash stashing it in a pocket. ‘I believe your right sir. I think we can fit this lady in. I’ll need your room key to place the charge on if you don’t mind.’

Becky started to reach for her card and I stopped her hand. I handed the attendant my card saying, ‘Everything goes on this card.’

The attendant took my card and swiped it while staring at the screen. Quickly her eyes went wide. I think it was when she saw what cabin I was in. ‘Yes sir! If you come with me miss we can get you started right away.’

Before Becky had a chance to speak she was led to the rear of the spa. I was brought to the mani/pedi chairs, prepped and my feet were placed in the water. Bob looked as uncomfortable as I felt. I think this might have been his first experience with having his nail professionally done. I hate having my feet touched but I try and tough it out. Ronnie was in heaven having her nails done and I know she had other services scheduled for later in the day. Laurie was all the way at the end with her eyes closed and ear buds in looking quite content.

On the far wall from the chairs we were in are flat screen TVs displaying all the wonderful services available on board but somehow forgetting the put the prices on them. It was something to watch while getting worked on. Laurie was obviously experienced at the salon and knew to bring her own music. She too had other things scheduled.

Once I was done I waived my good byes to my travel companions and headed out. I walked through the buffet area and was able to grab another cup of coffee to go. Back in my recently cleaned room I began organizing some things. Tomorrow we are in Grand Cayman and I wanted to get something ready for my time off the ship. As I was packing things there was a knock on my door. I opened it up and Sergio was in the hall.

‘May I come in please sir?’ He asked seriously.

I stepped aside and held the door for him. ‘Come on in, but I haven’t had a chance to mess up the bed yet.’

Once in I closed the door. Sergio was standing in the center of the room still very serious. ‘May I speak plainly?’

‘Of course, please relax around me.’ I replied.

‘Through an unusual series of events I have learned that two ladies are looking for exactly what you are looking for.’ Sergio said.

‘To sleep with a lot of women?’ I joked.

Even Sergio had to smile at that one. ‘No sir, male companionship. Someone who will not harm them, someone safe and clean.’

‘May I ask how you found these ladies?’ I asked.

‘Without going into specifics they approached a crew member, a woman, and asked what is the best way. The crew member mentioned it to me casually looking for advice. I spoke to the crew member privately and spoke with the ladies briefly. They would like to meet you and see how they feel about the situation.’

‘I understand. I assume they want to meet on neutral ground? Some place public where I cannot attack them.’ I said.

‘No, they want to meet you here.’ Sergio said.

That one caught me off guard. Putting some thought into this it did make some sense.

‘All right, when did they want to meet?’ I asked.

‘Immediately. However, at least initially I will be in the room as a chaperone. If everyone is comfortable I will leave.’ Sergio said.

‘That makes sense. Just remember, protection works both ways. If they are psycho’s I don’t want them staying here. And now they know where I live.’ I replied.

‘I met them to make that determination. If I felt that they were unstable I would not be presenting you with this information. I feel that they are both reasonable and sane ladies both looking for some fun.’ Sergio said.

‘Is this a package deal? Are they looking for a threesome?’ I asked.

‘I do not have that information. I merely vouched for your character that you were a decent man. That would be for you to discuss with the ladies.’

‘I guess you’re right. OK, set up the meeting. The sooner the better I guess.’ I said.

‘Very well. We will return shortly.’ Sergio said leaving the room.

I took the top off the coffee thinking about this. Could be good, could be bad. We will see. Taking the backpack to the desk I unpacked the laptop and started laying out the camera equipment I would and wouldn’t need for tomorrow. I planned on packing clothing and a bathing suit with my waterproof camera for tomorrow’s activities. I’ll have to ask Sergio about the towel situation.

In five minutes there was a knock at my door. I opened it to find Sergio standing in the hall with two big girls behind him.

‘May we come in?’ he asked.

‘Oh, sure. Please come in.’ I said stepping back and allowing everyone entrance. Once inside I closed the door. The ladies were looking around the room taking it all in. Sergio made introductions and then stood off to the side to keep an eye on things.

They were both kind of young for my tastes. 23, maybe 25 or so but I am not good at deciphering people’s ages. Diane was well filled out. Blonde, big boobs, thick waist, oversized butt and seemed to giggle the whole time. Donna was significantly taller than Diane. I think a couple of inches taller than I am. Being so tall her weight was distributed differently giving her a more voluptuous figure. Definitely well filled out in proportions I liked. Donna was the serious one. I sat in a chair and invited the ladies to sit.

‘Let’s cut to the chase. You know what we want, we know what you want. What are your thoughts?’ Donna said.

I was impressed with her already. ‘I do have a few questions and I’m sure you have a few for me too. Are you looking for a three some?’

Diane giggled and looked away from me. Donna answered, ‘Absolutely not. If that is a deal breaker just let us know and no more of our time will be wasted.’

‘No, not a deal breaker. I prefer one on one. But understand that it was presented to me as a package deal.’ I replied.

‘That is true. We are a team. If you do one of us you have to do us both. No backing out and we both expect a good long time with each of us.’ Diane said firmly.

‘Yah, a good long time.’ Donna giggled.

Instantly I recognized the accent, Donna was from either North or South Dakota. The pale skin, Blonde, Diane’s sized, everything seemed to point at a Nordic heritage and the accent placed Donna up in that area.

‘That is fine, I prefer to not be rushed. So I understand what all this is can you tell me how you two know each other? I asked.

Diane said, ‘We met in middle school. Been friends ever since. We get along very well but we are both straight. We have no interest in being with a woman or each other. Now, you are older than we expected, or at least I did. Are you married or what? Any history of mental illness? STD’s? Drug use?’

‘I prefer to think of myself as experienced, not old. I was married, divorced many years ago. No issues there. Was recently in a long term relationship for multiple years but that ended a few months ago. Never had an STD, always careful and get checked regularly. I was tested 10 days before the trip and can show you the paperwork that I am clean. No mental illness but my ex tends to drive me crazy once in a while (that caused Sergio to laugh out loud). Smoked a lot of weed when I was young in high school and college. Tried hash a couple of times and had a total of four Quaaludes in my life. Never tried cocaine, always afraid of it. Nothing
harder than a cocktail or a cigar in my life now. I’ll admit, maybe once or twice a year if someone offers me a joint I might smoke it. Oh, and I had a vasectomy over 20 years ago after the birth of my daughter so I have no little swimmers left but I still wear a condom. Now, how about the same questions for you?’

Donna chirped right up, ‘Not married, no kids, no boyfriend, no diseases, no drugs except I’ll smoke pot when I can find some and I tried ecstasy a couple of times and didn’t like it at all. Makes everything to weird and freaky.’

I turned to Diane and waited for her answer. ‘I was engaged for a while but that ended. Nobody in my life right now. No kids, never had an STD and don’t plan on starting now. I enjoy smoking weed, an occasional cigarette or cigar. Tried X, tripped twice, tried coke, sniffed heroin once.’

‘OK, I appreciate the forthrightness from both of you. It’s unusual that a lady will open up and be so honest with someone they just met. Now, what are you looking for sexually?

Donna giggled, ‘Everything!’

Diane rolled her eyes and looked at me. ‘Nothing out of the norm at first for me. Oral both ways, touching, kissing if you’re up to it, intercourse and possibly anal in the future.’

‘Me too, everything she said but I’m ready for anal anytime.’ Donna added.

‘Just a minute please. Sergio?’ I asked.

Sergio stepped over. ‘Yes sir?’

‘Ladies, I think we have taken up enough of Sergio’s time or would you feel more comfortable with him staying here?’ I asked.

‘He can go. Thanks Sergio.’ Donna giggled.

‘I am comfortable here. If he needs to leave I’m all right with it.’ Diane said after thinking for a moment.

‘Thank you very much Sergio. I appreciate the introduction.’ I said.

Sergio left the room and the three of us were alone.

‘I hope you don’t mind but I thought it might be better to not discuss private sexual details in front of him.’ I said. ‘I do apologize for bringing up the conversation first but honestly, I forgot he was in the room.’

‘I did too, but I am comfortable with you. One concern I have is your age. You could possibly be older than both of us combined. I wonder if you would be able to keep up with us.’ Diane said bluntly.

‘Yeah!’ Donna giggled.

‘The cheap answer is that I’ve had no complaints. The reality is that it takes two. Sometimes people don’t match up. I may not be young but I have stamina and endurance. I’m sure you’ve had your experiences with two pump chumps. That’s not me, I am on the other end of that scale.’ I said.

‘What’s a two pump chump?’ Donna asked.

‘A guy that once he’s inside, two pumps and he’s done.’ I explained.

Donna busted a gut laughing at that one.

‘I have a suggestion if you two would like to hear it. I think it might relieve any tension you two might have.’ I said.

Diane said, ‘I’d like to hear it.’

‘Here is what I offer. I’ll go down on each one of you, say for half an hour each. That’s all, nothing more. If you enjoy yourselves we’ll make arrangements to see each other again. If not, it was nice to meet you and I’ll see you around the boat.’

They both seemed stunned by the offer. Even Donna stopped giggling.

‘Seriously?’ Donna asked.

‘Sure, why not.’ I replied.

‘When would we do this? How would it work?’ Diane the serious one asked.

‘Well, how about now. You two could flip a coin or something to see who goes first. The other could leave and come back in 30 minutes or stay if you are more comfortable as mutual protection. It’s up to you.’ I said.

They both thought about to themselves for a moment.

Diane said, ‘Could you give us a minute to talk about this?’

‘Sure. I’ll go outside if you like to give you some privacy.’ I said standing up.

‘Wait, I gotta go pee. Can we talk in your bathroom?’ Donna said.

‘OK. Sure.’ I replied.

The girls stood and entered the bathroom. The last thing I heard was Donna’s exclamation of ‘oh my god’ before the bathroom door closed. I took the time to go back to sorting out my camera equipment. In a moment the women returned.

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The Unexpected Anniversary Gift

This is a work of fiction. Any similarity between the characters in this story and any actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. This story is copyright 2012 by Ayn Ryan. Permission is hereby given to share this story on the World Wide Web, provided that (a) no charge of any kind, including, but not limited to, subscription fees, is made in connection with access to the story, (b) the story is reprinted in its entirety, including this notice, and (c) proper credit...

1 year ago
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Ixi Porn! Do you like Indian babes? Scratch that. Do you watch Indian porn? Wait, I have got a better one. Given a chance, would you get on a plane to India to meet sexy Indian girls? Perhaps you can find a strip club that won’t cane you for being a foreigner when you get there.Or maybe you will find a shop that sells authentic Indian tapes. Well, they could sell it to you or pluck out your eyeballs because they believe Indian pornography is for Indians only! Your mileage may vary.As the old...

Indian Porn Sites
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AxemanChapter 20

Friday night, the gang all met in my condo for pizza and beer. Francis was an aficionado and brought along a sampling of two six-packs of private brews for us to partake in. I liked one dark one and disliked the pale ale. We chatted and discussed our finds. Only one group in ten dropped anything decent. Most of the breakout boss groups had a leader who held a reward of some type. Typically, a pouch of silver nuggets or a small gem valued in the hundreds of silver nuggets. Cait and Kate...

2 years ago
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Welcome Home part 1

This story involvestwo people who enjoy a DD/lg lifestyle. While she calls him Daddy, he is not her father but her Dom. This chapter will not include other BDSM references or activities so I am submitting it under a different category. Enjoy. I was sitting at the airport waiting for her to arrive from a week in California with her parents. My heart began racing as the voice over the speakers announced that her plane had arrived and the passengers were disembarking. Thanks to the increased...

2 years ago
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Trapping My FatherInLaw 8211 Erotic Bus Journey

Hi all, this is Sunitha. Hope you have read my earlier stories on trapping my father-in-law. For those who haven’t read, I am a married lady, with a kid. I am fair, neither fat nor thin. I have good curves at right regions. I have big boobs, typically south Indian type and nicely shaped back. I have seen people staring at my back and my cleavage and I personally don’t mind in giving them a good view. Out of all the affairs I have, the one with my father-in-law is special. We had sex of...

4 years ago
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Haunted by the Futa GhostChapter 7 Princess DoubleTeamed by the Futas

I savored my Ojo-sama’s breasts rubbing on mine as she lay atop me on the onsen’s edge. Our lips devoured each other. Her hips moved, rubbing her hot flesh against mine. The little pearls in our clams brushed, kissed, sparking pleasure through my body. She moved her hips, undulating like she wished she had a cock to fuck me for real. And I wished I had a cock to fuck her. The cicadas sang around us in the warm, summer evening. Their chirping cries celebrated our love. My tongue brushed...

4 years ago
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Tied to a Chair

This is a true story from a couple months ago with my girlfriend at the time. Her name was Linda (named changed to protect the not so innocent) and we had met at a house party in Europe when I was there for an exchange program. We hit it off and continued to see each other long distance over the next year. Eventually she ended up traveling and living with me at my place for a few months. Linda was incredibly sexual, had a petite body with fair skin and was naturally a light redhead. A couple...

2 years ago
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Nubile TreatChapter 2

The idea of sucking his mother's cunt had a distinct appeal for Ned Marshal. His prick was waiting to shoot another load, but he was willing to postpone it as long as he could do something as nice as eat his mother out. He slid down on the bed and started to kiss the inside of her thighs. Babs's legs, like the rest of her body, were just about perfect, not fat, just nice and soft and very, very kissable. He drew his tongue over the satiny skin, while his mother gave a gasp of delight. He...

3 years ago
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Gift of more education

Introduction: How more experiences with his mother can cause an 11 year old boys pantyhose fetish to develop. This isnt a story about hardcore sex but a mother and son discovering each other As the next few weeks progressed following the events in the lounge and bathroom, Carol was becoming happier about the prospect of anybody finding out what had happened. There was no way that Andy was ever going to forget what had happened and he was dying to tell someone about it, but he knew that this was...

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Taken By Sons Friends

I love being a mother. Even more, I love being a MILF. My son’s friends often make comments about how hot I am. And I try to be just as hot as I can for them.Just last week, Glenn, my 18 year old son had five friends of the same age over playing video games. They were in the family room at the rear of the house. I suppose they thought they had privacy, but I could easily overhear their conversation. All of Glenn’s friends were telling him how hot I was. Some of the comments were even lewd. I...

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Chesterbury Tales Pt 09

It is Winter 1966. When five couples find themselves stranded at a remote high class inn by extreme weather conditions, they amuse each other by relating stories of an erotic nature, as well as taking part in all kinds of private and group sexual activities. The Host had told of a birthday orgy involving a current top film star, the Theatre Company Manager of her oral exploits with a famous actor and the Director of how the ‘wife of Bath’, with her daughter, had seduced a whole management...

4 years ago
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Eine Busfahrt zur Uni

Lutz war unglaublich müde. Es war auch erst kurz nach 7 Uhr morgens. Die S-Bahn hatte Verspätung und nun musste er sich wieder in diesen total überfüllten Bus quetschen. Aber er wollte natürlich pünktlich in der Uni sein. Seine blonde mittellange Mähne war noch etwas zerzaust. Sein Rucksack hing lässig über der Schulter. Er trug heute die schwarze Lederjacke und Jeans. Insgesamt war er keine allzu auffällige Erscheinung, aber alles in allem konnten Frauen durch seinen Anblick durchaus schwach...

3 years ago
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Who Is Mercy Wild Chapter 4

WARNING: You must read Chapters 1 through 3 first, or this won't make any sense at all. If you are unsure how to find them, look under the authors' names search, find mine, and Chapters 1 through 3 of the story will be there for you. For those concerned about incomplete stories, please be assured that Dickens wrote serialised instalments of his greatest works. He did this in order to have more time to dress naughty and dance the can-can at pubs all over Western Europe. For...

4 years ago
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The Orb

THE ORB I was 14 when I found the orb, but it was not until I was 16 that I actually discovered what it could do. There were four of us that day. There was my friend Chad who was a jokester, his girlfriend Tiffany who was probably the most attractive girl in school even though she was a year younger than us, Amber who had been my best friend since kindergarten, and myself, Jack Parker. It was Saturday afternoon and we were sitting in my room. We weren't doing anything in particular,...

2 years ago
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Fuck WeedChapter 4 Hot Tub Tits

After showering and laying out in the shade Chase was finally joined by his wife. She walked slowly into the patio area in an obvious daze, still stoned out of her mind. She smiled sloppily when she saw Chase and lay down on the lounger next to him. Chase could see her eyes were dilated from the effects of the drug. "So how was your treatment?" Chase asked nonchalantly. "Hmm?" She answered before realizing what he had asked. "Oh, right, my massage. It was great, I mean, Kaci was quite...

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Losing My Virginity to My Mothers Best Friend Part 1

Growing up in the 1960s and early 1970s was an awakening for a young teen like myself, from the music, the war in Viet Nam, and the sexual revolution, “times were a changing.” We were a normal family in the suburbs before my parents divorced when I was twelve years old. It wasn’t long before my mother had met and then remarried to my stepdad who just happened to be much better off than we had been. So, of course, there was an allure for her. Let me explain a little about my mom, Mary Beth and...

2 years ago
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The Neighbours Daughter Part 3

Part 3Mandy’s parents came home the day after the events in their bedroom, so things were a bit quiet, however Mandy was still occupying the majority of my mind, even when I was fucking my wife I was imagining it was Mandy’s hairy young cunt that my cock was sliding in and out of. My wife has nice large breasts so it was easy to imagine they were Mandy’s when I was grabbing two large handfuls.As for Mandy’s mum, well I saw her a few times out walking the dog and it was impossible not to picture...

4 years ago
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My Horny And Sexy Didi 8211 Part 2

Hello friends, aap logo ko mera pyar bhara namaskar, mera last story “my sexy & horny didi”, bohut logo ko pasand aaya, bohot se mail aaya… Mere didi k baare mein bohut logo ne sexy aur dirty comments diye, jo mujhe bohot achha laga… Isi liye us story ka 2nd part aaj main likhne jaa raha hoon.. Jo log mera 1st part nhin padha unko main bata doo ki yeah story mere sexy didi k baare mein hai jo ki married hai, unko 1 bachha bhi hai aur unke saath do mardo ka affair chal raha hai… Pls mera 1st...

3 years ago
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Secret Lovers

He sat there, rocking in the rocking chair on his porch. He’d been thinking in the past that day and suddenly the memory had come back to him. It was 1986. Life was grand back in the day, he told himself, while a smile finally returned to his lips. He had to recall all of it seeing as it was a memory he wished he could have soon forgotten. At the time, he was 22. His new wife was barely 21. The wedding also was grand. Everything about that weekend when they’d gotten married was spectacular, he...

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A Sucker for Big Black Cocks

While making the final adjustments to her dress, my wife Joy, said with a big smile "I wouldn't miss this party for anything in the world! Jamal said he has a real big surprise for you tonight! And I know what it is" Joy teased. Jamal was one of several black men who along with my wife belonged to a social group for interracial harmony. Several of my wife's friends, other white women, also belonged to The Order of The African Spear. As Joy readied herself for the party she couldn't help showing...

2 years ago
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Betrayed Over Conception Ch 04

Engineer Mike Giles and wife have been unable to start a family and neither will undergo tests, fearful of being identified as the problem party. Gloria takes a lover leading Mike to suspect her motive is pregnancy. The tip off came from his wife’s sister Liz. He sneakily identifies this bastard before deciding how to deal with it. Then he learns that his girlfriend on his worksite 200 miles north is pregnant which answers the question about his alleged infertility problem. Mike now follows...

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Pfand XChapter 11

"Sir?" "What?" "The pickle factory situation has escalated." The man grabbed the blond's hair, and pulled her head away from his crotch. Ignoring her complaint about his rough treatment of her, he sat up. "What happened?" "They filed suit against the town council, and pushed for an emergency meeting. They won the suit. Our lawyer ended up looking like a fool. Their lawyer started spouting case law, and the city council folded. They gave permission to start...

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Mother in law gang banged at beach

When I got home I found Wendy sitting there dress torn covered in cum, I asked her what had happened and she told me Sam our son in law had d**gged her then used her. Of course I already new this as Sam and I had previously arranged it, I asked Wendy what she wanted to do explaining that our daughter would be hurt if she found out, Wendy agreed we would say nothing to our daughter and it probably won’t happen again, I told her don’t be so sure Sam has taken the spare key so he could come back...

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Becoming her Anal Slut

It was happening again, the cravings has started to appear a few weeks ago and were slowly building in to what I knew would soon be an unstoppable force. There was only one person I knew who could help me. The last time I called her I swore it would be the last time. Just like the time before that and before that and so on. I can't help it. Im a weak man. I picked up the phone and I called Jen."Hellll---o" the voice on the other end of the phone cooed. I sighed, "Hi Jen, this is Scott"."I know...

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My neighbour Sharon pt 1

"Oof" I grunted, as I took another big, heavy box off the trailer and started to walk it up the driveway. It was a beautiful clear day, and the sun was hot against my skin and at any other time I'd be loving it - but not today. Today was moving day. My partner and I had just decided to make the switch to a smaller rural town as she'd secured a new role with a local company. It was a move we were both looking forward to, given that we had spent the last few years together in the city in a...

3 years ago
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Thigh High Hose Part 1

I have been a computer consultant for many years.  So many that I seldom get to do any of the programming that I love, but spend most of my time designing computer landscapes.  While the pay is great, especially when I can get a gig on my own, the people I need to work with are most often in management and are acutely aware of sexual harassment issues.  Thus, unlike earlier in my career when fun banter was had by all, now things were practically sterile. Remember that I said most of my client’s...

Office Sex
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Media Planning

Introduction My name is Sir Graham Stoddart. I'm 40 years old, good looking (allegedly) and very very rich. Oh, and I'm a psychopath. Not, you understand a Jack the Ripper, or a Dexter, with an uncontrollable urge to kill. I'm a real psycho. I have absolutely NO empathy with people. I really don't care about other people. I don't understand their feelings, sympathy, love, pity or any other of the social attributes. As a result, from a very early age, I learned to act out, or mimic what I...

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Mothers Submission Chapter 7

He had fucked every hole she had, several times, with that huge dick of his. And then, yesterday, her friend Monica had discovered their relationship. She had been shocked at first, but it quickly turned into arousal. And then Monica had joined the Alicia and Alex in the living room, where Alex had given her the best orgasm she had ever had. Alicia could feel her pussy getting wet as she thought about yesterday and then she remembered her new rules. Well, one rule in particular. Alex had told...

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Neighbor comes over for Dinner

It had been a tough and long day. So many things that had to get done, and as usual, a few people were playing sick. I’m a retired Naval Officer. For just over twenty years, I was a specialist in warfare. I spent those twenty years in Japan. Upon retiring, I decided to return to the city where I was born, Jacksonville. Rather than buy a house, I decided that I would lease an apartment until I was reacquainted with the area. The apartment complex that I chose was rather small, only 150 units...

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Spizoo Karla Kush Squirting Blonde Up Close And Personal

Karla Kush is a beautiful, erotic, squirting slut who is truly one of the best in the XXX industry. This tiny spinner has been in the business for 6 years and isn’t slowing down. Get to see a unique side of this unique lady before she soaks Mike Mancini’s cock with her pussy juice. Enjoy seeing this beautiful blonde wearing pink seductive lingerie, making a striptease and showing her natural tits and her ass and pussy and fingering herself and begging for Mike Mancini cock, he appears right...

2 years ago
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The ProdigalThirteen

AFTER LUNCH, we went back to work. Gerhard seated us on opposite sides of a proofing table with direct, color balanced light. On the table he put a stack of my first Bacchanalia prints. I grinned as I remembered Melody, Bree, and Justin posing in and around a bathtub with Melody’s water jug pouring over Justin’s head and a glass of wine tipping off Bree’s tray. It had been fun staging that one when the three came into the studio. Kate had a stack of her prints in front of her. We worked on...

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A Sad Ending

This story is written from the son’s point of view.I was 18 when my life changed forever. My dad ran off with his young secretary and my mom was devastated. I had the invite to move to Las Vegas with him, but I saw how low my mom was and decided to stay (this could have possibly been the worst decision of my life). Things seemed to get better for the both of us; my mom was dating again and having fun. I had a new girlfriend that I could have fun with whenever I pleased. Life seemed to be...

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PornWorld Alisha Martinika Hot Blonde Alisha Martinika Receives A Seductive Gift Before Getting Ass Fucked

Stunning blonde Alisha Martinika walks into her lounge to discover she has been left a gift from her boyfriend, Leo of some sexy black lingerie, a jelly dildo and a pink rose. She immediately tries on her lingerie unaware that her boyfriend is watching from outside. As soon as she realises he is waiting for a show, this hottie walks towards the window and seductively dances for him before heading to the couch to fuck herself with the dildo! It doesn’t take long before Leo joins Alisha in...

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LivingWithAPornstar Joana Rios S02E03 The Adventures of Potro and Pony

Pony de Bilbao gets together with his friend Alberto to play the role of two crazy-as-fuck private detectives. Their first client is the super-hot Joana Rios, who lost a very expensive ring and is desperate for their help. Joana’s ass is able to contain, among other things, a cigarette lighter, a huge necklace, and a lemon. Will they be able to find the ring they’re looking for? Well, maybe they’ll have to fuck their horny client first and then, if they find the time, may...

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Somewhere in Time A Trip to WacoChapter 19

They could return to Dodge with the women, or they could go on to Waco. The women would have to decide, tonight sometime. It the morning the wagon train had to move on, one way or the other. Waite offered the women safety and shelter to travel to Waco. He also assured them they could return to Dodge if they wanted. The mood was quite subdued. Jim offered to take the first watch. He only had one wife and he could take care of her needs later. Jesse took second watch and that made Waite third...

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Hospital by shalimar I went to the hospital because I'm a diabetic and my toe had an infection. They admitted me to a double bed room and told me they would need to remove the toe. Charles, my roommate, was in for pain in the abdomen. Although he had been in the hospital for a week the doctors still didn't know its cause. "Maybe you're pregnant," I kidded. He gave me a chuckle before we talked on other subjects. Just before I had my operation the next day Chuck came back...

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