- 4 years ago
- 31
- 0
The curtains were open and the sun coming in the room woke me up at about seven. My fault. If my cabin was on the other side of the boat I could have had a tan while still in bed. I climbed out of bed and pulled the sun shades mostly down allowing a little light in. I went to the bathroom and unloaded my bladder before climbing into bed.
Becky was sleeping soundly. She is not the most pleasant person to sleep next to. I suspect that she has sleep apnea. She would sleep heavily on her back and then snort and startle herself back into breathing regularly. The thrashing around didn’t allow for a restful night’s sleep for me. However, couple hours ago I was awaked by my own orgasm as Becky sucked me off. Her only comment before going back to sleep was, ‘I wanted to do that.’
I wanted to get something to eat and we had appointments at the salon at ten but I had time to relax. I’m sure that Becky wanted to get cleaned up and changed before going to the spa. Back in bed I bumped Becky as I climbed under the covers by accident but her eyes shot open.
‘Hi.’ She said groggily.
‘Did you sleep ok?’ I asked.
‘Not great. Had wild dreams.’ She replied.
‘Listen. It’s a little after seven. I don’t know how much time you need to get ready but I was serious with my invitation to the spa.’
She still hadn’t moved at all other than her eyes and mouth to talk.
‘Seven, time to shower and dress. No point in putting on makeup. Get something to eat before the spa. We have at least an hour of fun time before I need to leave.’ She calculated.
‘If you are sure, I am game.’ I replied.
Becky kicked the sheets off her body, rolled onto her back, spread her legs and commanded, ‘Lick me.’
I ate her, she sucked me, we fucked through a variety of positions ending with both of us very happy. We adjourned to the bathroom and chatted as we washed up. She understood that I didn’t own her and I would (hopefully) be hooking up with other ladies on the ship but if she wanted a rematch that she could contact me. She seemed a little put off that I wasn’t going to dedicate my vacation to her but I think (hoped) she understood. I suggested that she try her long lost skills with other men onboard. She gave a slight chuckle at that one. After dressing, kissing and a long hug Becky left for her room. I showered, dressed in shorts and a casual shirt, tidied up the room of my things and braved the buffet lines for some food.
I’m not a real big breakfast eater but if I have to fight the herds to get a cup of coffee, so be it. From seven I went up to the ninth level to the grand buffet before going up to eleven to the spa and salon. I found the coffee station at one end and made myself a cup. I sat down at a table built for two and watched the grazing over the troughs. I was hoping that there would be a lull but there didn’t seem to be one. I decided to get up and get in line.
I’ll give the ship credit, their baked goods are better than average. I spotted a passenger with a mound of smoked salmon on their plate and I thought a nice salmon, bagel and cream cheese (a personal favorite of mine) might be nice. I waited for almost 15 minutes to pick up three items. Fucking unsupervised kids were running up and down the food lines grabbing things with their hands. I wanted to trip one so badly.
I went back to my seat and a blearily eyed couple had taken my table. I guess my empty cup wasn’t enough to hold the table for me. After pouring a fresh coffee I looked around for a seat. As tables opened up people literally ran to claim it. I was fortunate to pass by a table that an older couple was standing up from. I offered to take their dirty plates if I could sit down which they seemed grateful for. I sat down and realized that my seat was directly in front of one of the two entrances to the buffet and raised a foot up. Anyone walking into the room would see me first. So, my plan was to eat quickly and get out.
I kept my head down but I was getting looks from some of the ladies passing through. Some smiled, some poked their friend and gestured towards me. Three stopped by to introduce themselves and asked about getting together later. One just said ‘6366 whenever you’re ready’ and walked away. I gave my usual morning excuse saying, ‘I’m useless before coffee, find me later in the day when I am awake.’
Laurie saved the day. She came over and asked if she could join me. I wouldn’t consider it a cock block but more of a help at this point. We sat and I asked what happened to her last night.
‘You saw me talking to William, right. Well he told me that he has a 13 inch cock. A skinny little guy like him, I figured no way. So he told me to feel it through his pants at the club and it was big. He asked me if I wanted to join him in his room and I said yes but told him to leave first and I would meet him in a few minutes. His cabin is on the second floor so when I found his room he was there in just boxers. I sat on his bed and he took it out. It was big and thick. Biggest I’d ever seen in person. Anyway, I tried to give him head but he was too thick. I worked him as much as I could but he never gets like real rock hard. Then he asked if he could go down on me. You know I never turn that down so I undressed and lay on his twin size bed. He does a good job of eating me and then his roommate shows up. William jumps up and tells the roommate to get lost but the roommate isn’t feeling well. William asks if we could go to my room. So we dress and go up to my cabin. We undress and he goes right to eating my pussy. After like twenty minutes he asks if we can fuck. He takes out these magnum sized rubbers, climbs on tops and starts banging me. I admit that it took some doing getting him inside. The length wasn’t bad but the thickness was a problem for me at first. So once he’s in he starts pumping away and cums after about twenty minutes. He pulls out and goes right back to eating me out. Twenty minutes of that and he’s semi hard again. Climbs on top and pumps me for twenty minutes and cums. Pulls out and licks me some more. Same routine, twenty minutes of eating pussy and twenty minutes of fucking. It got boring real quick. You know l like some variety. No other positions, just missionary. I asked him to change things up and he said that he can’t get off any other way. Two and a half hours of me flat on my back not moving, just getting licked and fucked by a huge cock. I mean, I came a lot and the big dick was a new experience but it was just so mind numbingly tedious. I wanted to scream. He had four good orgasms in me but after that I told him I was tired and needed to go to sleep. I asked him to leave. I sat in the tub for like half an hour then got dressed and went out on the prowl for someone else that could stimulate my mind but came up empty so I went to the room and went to sleep. So, what happened to you?’
I explained the Becky saga leaving out personal items and Laurie began to criticize me explaining that women like Becky are going to latch on to me tighter than a tattoo. They are out of a bad relationship and the first guy that treats them decently that attach themselves to. I suspected that this was true so I would have to step carefully with Becky. We finished eating and headed to the spa.
Laurie and I arrived at the spa together. Ronnie and Bob were already there. I wondered about Becky but she arrived shortly. The attendants took Ronnie, Bob and Laurie back to get them started on manicures and pedicures and I stayed at the front desk to see what I could do for Becky.
‘I know its last minute but could you fit this lady in today?’ I asked the attendant.
‘We are booked solid but I might be able to squeeze you in. What service would you like?’ she asked.
‘The works. Everything. Nails, hair, skin, whatever you’ve got.’ I replied.
The attendant stared at me. ‘Impossible. Unless there is a no show we are booked solid. If there is a cancelation I could call y
ou in your room if you’d like.’
Becky pulled my shirt and I leaned down so she could whisper, ‘That’s all right. I appreciate that you tried.’
‘Can I also suggest a bikini wax?’ I whispered in her ear.
Becky’s eyes went wide. ‘I guess I need one.’
I leaned into the attendant and pointed at the appointment book tapping the page. ‘I believe I see an opening right there.’ As I did I opened my hand the $200 was left on the book.
The attendant looked quickly left and right then snatched the cash stashing it in a pocket. ‘I believe your right sir. I think we can fit this lady in. I’ll need your room key to place the charge on if you don’t mind.’
Becky started to reach for her card and I stopped her hand. I handed the attendant my card saying, ‘Everything goes on this card.’
The attendant took my card and swiped it while staring at the screen. Quickly her eyes went wide. I think it was when she saw what cabin I was in. ‘Yes sir! If you come with me miss we can get you started right away.’
Before Becky had a chance to speak she was led to the rear of the spa. I was brought to the mani/pedi chairs, prepped and my feet were placed in the water. Bob looked as uncomfortable as I felt. I think this might have been his first experience with having his nail professionally done. I hate having my feet touched but I try and tough it out. Ronnie was in heaven having her nails done and I know she had other services scheduled for later in the day. Laurie was all the way at the end with her eyes closed and ear buds in looking quite content.
On the far wall from the chairs we were in are flat screen TVs displaying all the wonderful services available on board but somehow forgetting the put the prices on them. It was something to watch while getting worked on. Laurie was obviously experienced at the salon and knew to bring her own music. She too had other things scheduled.
Once I was done I waived my good byes to my travel companions and headed out. I walked through the buffet area and was able to grab another cup of coffee to go. Back in my recently cleaned room I began organizing some things. Tomorrow we are in Grand Cayman and I wanted to get something ready for my time off the ship. As I was packing things there was a knock on my door. I opened it up and Sergio was in the hall.
‘May I come in please sir?’ He asked seriously.
I stepped aside and held the door for him. ‘Come on in, but I haven’t had a chance to mess up the bed yet.’
Once in I closed the door. Sergio was standing in the center of the room still very serious. ‘May I speak plainly?’
‘Of course, please relax around me.’ I replied.
‘Through an unusual series of events I have learned that two ladies are looking for exactly what you are looking for.’ Sergio said.
‘To sleep with a lot of women?’ I joked.
Even Sergio had to smile at that one. ‘No sir, male companionship. Someone who will not harm them, someone safe and clean.’
‘May I ask how you found these ladies?’ I asked.
‘Without going into specifics they approached a crew member, a woman, and asked what is the best way. The crew member mentioned it to me casually looking for advice. I spoke to the crew member privately and spoke with the ladies briefly. They would like to meet you and see how they feel about the situation.’
‘I understand. I assume they want to meet on neutral ground? Some place public where I cannot attack them.’ I said.
‘No, they want to meet you here.’ Sergio said.
That one caught me off guard. Putting some thought into this it did make some sense.
‘All right, when did they want to meet?’ I asked.
‘Immediately. However, at least initially I will be in the room as a chaperone. If everyone is comfortable I will leave.’ Sergio said.
‘That makes sense. Just remember, protection works both ways. If they are psycho’s I don’t want them staying here. And now they know where I live.’ I replied.
‘I met them to make that determination. If I felt that they were unstable I would not be presenting you with this information. I feel that they are both reasonable and sane ladies both looking for some fun.’ Sergio said.
‘Is this a package deal? Are they looking for a threesome?’ I asked.
‘I do not have that information. I merely vouched for your character that you were a decent man. That would be for you to discuss with the ladies.’
‘I guess you’re right. OK, set up the meeting. The sooner the better I guess.’ I said.
‘Very well. We will return shortly.’ Sergio said leaving the room.
I took the top off the coffee thinking about this. Could be good, could be bad. We will see. Taking the backpack to the desk I unpacked the laptop and started laying out the camera equipment I would and wouldn’t need for tomorrow. I planned on packing clothing and a bathing suit with my waterproof camera for tomorrow’s activities. I’ll have to ask Sergio about the towel situation.
In five minutes there was a knock at my door. I opened it to find Sergio standing in the hall with two big girls behind him.
‘May we come in?’ he asked.
‘Oh, sure. Please come in.’ I said stepping back and allowing everyone entrance. Once inside I closed the door. The ladies were looking around the room taking it all in. Sergio made introductions and then stood off to the side to keep an eye on things.
They were both kind of young for my tastes. 23, maybe 25 or so but I am not good at deciphering people’s ages. Diane was well filled out. Blonde, big boobs, thick waist, oversized butt and seemed to giggle the whole time. Donna was significantly taller than Diane. I think a couple of inches taller than I am. Being so tall her weight was distributed differently giving her a more voluptuous figure. Definitely well filled out in proportions I liked. Donna was the serious one. I sat in a chair and invited the ladies to sit.
‘Let’s cut to the chase. You know what we want, we know what you want. What are your thoughts?’ Donna said.
I was impressed with her already. ‘I do have a few questions and I’m sure you have a few for me too. Are you looking for a three some?’
Diane giggled and looked away from me. Donna answered, ‘Absolutely not. If that is a deal breaker just let us know and no more of our time will be wasted.’
‘No, not a deal breaker. I prefer one on one. But understand that it was presented to me as a package deal.’ I replied.
‘That is true. We are a team. If you do one of us you have to do us both. No backing out and we both expect a good long time with each of us.’ Diane said firmly.
‘Yah, a good long time.’ Donna giggled.
Instantly I recognized the accent, Donna was from either North or South Dakota. The pale skin, Blonde, Diane’s sized, everything seemed to point at a Nordic heritage and the accent placed Donna up in that area.
‘That is fine, I prefer to not be rushed. So I understand what all this is can you tell me how you two know each other? I asked.
Diane said, ‘We met in middle school. Been friends ever since. We get along very well but we are both straight. We have no interest in being with a woman or each other. Now, you are older than we expected, or at least I did. Are you married or what? Any history of mental illness? STD’s? Drug use?’
‘I prefer to think of myself as experienced, not old. I was married, divorced many years ago. No issues there. Was recently in a long term relationship for multiple years but that ended a few months ago. Never had an STD, always careful and get checked regularly. I was tested 10 days before the trip and can show you the paperwork that I am clean. No mental illness but my ex tends to drive me crazy once in a while (that caused Sergio to laugh out loud). Smoked a lot of weed when I was young in high school and college. Tried hash a couple of times and had a total of four Quaaludes in my life. Never tried cocaine, always afraid of it. Nothing
harder than a cocktail or a cigar in my life now. I’ll admit, maybe once or twice a year if someone offers me a joint I might smoke it. Oh, and I had a vasectomy over 20 years ago after the birth of my daughter so I have no little swimmers left but I still wear a condom. Now, how about the same questions for you?’
Donna chirped right up, ‘Not married, no kids, no boyfriend, no diseases, no drugs except I’ll smoke pot when I can find some and I tried ecstasy a couple of times and didn’t like it at all. Makes everything to weird and freaky.’
I turned to Diane and waited for her answer. ‘I was engaged for a while but that ended. Nobody in my life right now. No kids, never had an STD and don’t plan on starting now. I enjoy smoking weed, an occasional cigarette or cigar. Tried X, tripped twice, tried coke, sniffed heroin once.’
‘OK, I appreciate the forthrightness from both of you. It’s unusual that a lady will open up and be so honest with someone they just met. Now, what are you looking for sexually?
Donna giggled, ‘Everything!’
Diane rolled her eyes and looked at me. ‘Nothing out of the norm at first for me. Oral both ways, touching, kissing if you’re up to it, intercourse and possibly anal in the future.’
‘Me too, everything she said but I’m ready for anal anytime.’ Donna added.
‘Just a minute please. Sergio?’ I asked.
Sergio stepped over. ‘Yes sir?’
‘Ladies, I think we have taken up enough of Sergio’s time or would you feel more comfortable with him staying here?’ I asked.
‘He can go. Thanks Sergio.’ Donna giggled.
‘I am comfortable here. If he needs to leave I’m all right with it.’ Diane said after thinking for a moment.
‘Thank you very much Sergio. I appreciate the introduction.’ I said.
Sergio left the room and the three of us were alone.
‘I hope you don’t mind but I thought it might be better to not discuss private sexual details in front of him.’ I said. ‘I do apologize for bringing up the conversation first but honestly, I forgot he was in the room.’
‘I did too, but I am comfortable with you. One concern I have is your age. You could possibly be older than both of us combined. I wonder if you would be able to keep up with us.’ Diane said bluntly.
‘Yeah!’ Donna giggled.
‘The cheap answer is that I’ve had no complaints. The reality is that it takes two. Sometimes people don’t match up. I may not be young but I have stamina and endurance. I’m sure you’ve had your experiences with two pump chumps. That’s not me, I am on the other end of that scale.’ I said.
‘What’s a two pump chump?’ Donna asked.
‘A guy that once he’s inside, two pumps and he’s done.’ I explained.
Donna busted a gut laughing at that one.
‘I have a suggestion if you two would like to hear it. I think it might relieve any tension you two might have.’ I said.
Diane said, ‘I’d like to hear it.’
‘Here is what I offer. I’ll go down on each one of you, say for half an hour each. That’s all, nothing more. If you enjoy yourselves we’ll make arrangements to see each other again. If not, it was nice to meet you and I’ll see you around the boat.’
They both seemed stunned by the offer. Even Donna stopped giggling.
‘Seriously?’ Donna asked.
‘Sure, why not.’ I replied.
‘When would we do this? How would it work?’ Diane the serious one asked.
‘Well, how about now. You two could flip a coin or something to see who goes first. The other could leave and come back in 30 minutes or stay if you are more comfortable as mutual protection. It’s up to you.’ I said.
They both thought about to themselves for a moment.
Diane said, ‘Could you give us a minute to talk about this?’
‘Sure. I’ll go outside if you like to give you some privacy.’ I said standing up.
‘Wait, I gotta go pee. Can we talk in your bathroom?’ Donna said.
‘OK. Sure.’ I replied.
The girls stood and entered the bathroom. The last thing I heard was Donna’s exclamation of ‘oh my god’ before the bathroom door closed. I took the time to go back to sorting out my camera equipment. In a moment the women returned.
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It is kind of rare to get three girls as hot as Judy Jolie, Vanessa Sky, and Jesse Saint in the same room. It is even more rare that they strip off their clothes and play with each others tight bodies! Today, Jessie is planning to bake a cake with her cute friends, but as soon as they get to working in the kitchen, their sexual juices start flowing. They twerk their booties, covering their asses in flour as they flaunt their physiques. Then, our lucky stud shows up to offer them his thick...
xmoviesforyouI have posted sum stories, sum have appeared, sum r yet to, i hope webmaster wul. My stories r not made up, i am sharing sum special ones. My sex life is so active, i even dont recall all incidences.If u r reading me, u know i am addicted to anal, both male and female, i luv pussy too, i heard i m the best on gving oral, i m top and i hate incest. Truly i hate mother fkr, sistr fkr, daughter fkr, the rest r okay, like bhabi, aunty, cousin etc.When my sex life started i cant recall, when i was a...
IncestAuthor: XXXAuthor Sowmya was still feeling very horny. She had been shooting her first modeling assignment with the campaign team of the pleasurexx condoms. And the first half of the first day of her modeling experience had turned out better than what she had expected. But after that, she had been craving for more. Joe, her co-star had made her experience a wonderful orgasm. But then it was all ruined by Louise, the director, who left Sowmya craving for more when she announced the lunch...
Namaskar mazya rasrashit panavalelya chutwalino ani tatalelya bullyano mi yogu parat ekada tumchya sathi story lihit ahe mazya baddal thod sangaych zal tar. Mi yogu maz vay 25 varsh ahe disayla sexy mast handsome ahe. Aatach engineering sampavun mi mumbai madhe job karat ahe. Mi belgaum kolhapur pune shi related ahe. Mi mumbai pune goa surat ahmadabad la nehmi firat asto. Jar kona ladies aunty bhabhi kinva mulina mazya sobat sex kinva sex chat chi maza karaychi asalyas mala mail kara. Maza...
Hello readers, hope you enjoyed my previous stories “Rescue wife from her affair part one and two”. Those who are all not yet finished yet, go and read it. After fuck with maid rasaathi, I went to our room and have some hot drinks. Due to tired and drunken position I fell in bed. I woke up at evening 4o clock only. Some of my friends went. I ask my friends that when are they leaving? They told waiting for me only; they need to reach their home before 6. I ask them to go, don’t wait for me....
This story goes back about sixty years. Back then nobody was concerned with how old you were if you consented and they wanted to have sex with you.I tell this story in my mother-in-laws own words. When I was a young girl almost nobody had much money. Girls sixteen and some younger were placed out as hired girls. Most were town girls sent to farm familys. About the time I was eighteen my mother placed me with a farm family. A husband and wife with a pair of 18 year old twin boys.The boys were...
First TimeKatie had gone away by herself. She was fed up with her so-called boyfriend and had to take a week's holiday before September anyway or lose it.Finally, after an uncomfortable flight and a hot sticky taxi ride, she flopped down on her Air B&B bed and admired the stunning view of the sparkling sea.Katie's thoughts naturally turned to sex. She had been horny on the plane. Horny and hurt because her boyfriend had gone off with his mates on a stag weekend, and she knew what that could...
MasturbationAfter a snatched afternoon of intense love making, Ross asks me what fantasies I have. Although we have no secrets, I consider carefully which fantasy to tell him, if I plant the seed he will make it happen. "I'd love to get naked and fuck outside," I told him. "Really?" he answers, and without looking at his handsome face I knew I had him. Weeks later Ross is out "planning" some adventure trip with his friends, which involves more drinking than planning! I receive a text for me to collect him...
Oral SexI got up the next morning and my arm still hurt, I had a look and the flesh was now black and blue. A huge angry bruise wrapped around my arm where Lisa's vise-like grip had been. The area where she had punched me was especially tender. I put on my school uniform and got ready, wincing as I slipped my shirt on over the bruise. After breakfast I headed into school. Lisa met me at the gate with a kiss and we walked up to our classroom together. My worries gone for the time being, she seemed...
All of the usual disclaimers apply. Please don't read this if you're underage for your particular corner of the world. This is my first attempt at writing since high school, so please be gentle :-) I'd actually appreciate any and all feedback, good or brutal. I can't improve if y'all don't tell me what I'm doing wrong. Call me an aspiring writer of this venue. [email protected] From nice wife to dominant bitch By Lipstick My wife used to be so vanilla. Used to be. I...
“But am I still sexy?” she murmurs. As if to research the answer to that question, he breaks her gaze and scans her body from head to toe. Matted black hair, questioning blue eyes, parted full lips, long sinewy neck, velvet shoulders, sloping breasts, ridged ribs, pulsing tummy, … “My, my, my,” he murmurs, transfixed at first good sight of the blackest, widest and deepest patch of pubic hair he’s ever seen. “Oh my god,” he exclaims. She gasps, self conscious now, and moves her hand to barely...
FetishChapter Three Mistress “M's” Slave Training, of Maya as a sex slave! All three of these women are now in separate chambers and hanging upside down by their ankles,.. This has left them totally naked and helplessly swinging slowly back and forth! The next part will be getting them trained and ready. This is done by first letting them know who their boss is and who is in charge! Mistress “M” just loves to hang new arrivals up naked by their ankles, as this really...
I had to get this online as soon as I could as it was a total shock to me. I entered the office and walked quietly to where she was standing by the fax machine. Most of the staff had left for the day, but the boss was around and some drivers were still on the premises. I don't know why, but I patted Stacie's cute arse as she bent over the machine. You see Stacie and I have worked together for over four years but don't exactly see eye to eye. Stacie is the office manager and I am just a...
Quickie SexThis is Ajay, I am regular reader of this site. Here I am going to explain about the sexual exp me and my younger sister. Even though she is younger she is taller and powerful than me. She is archana aged 19 and I am ajay aged 22 She is 5.8 inches taller. But I am only 5.4. All our families are in Bangalore. But we both are in Chennai for studying. We both living in separate apartment. We are studying in college. Till 4months before we are normal bros and sister.She is very cute girl When we...
IncestThere is something about a woman, all bundled up in winter gear, which I find really attractive. It all begins with the big furry boots. Actually, most kinds of boots are a turn-on. Then you travel upward, following the lines of the shapely legs. Now move up to a micro fiber jacket; white would be a nice color. Large fluffy mittens, along with a big furry hat, and you have a woman that you might want to stop and marvel at. I think the biggest allure of all, is the knowledge of what is beneath...
Hi friends, aap sab ka swagat hai indian sex story ki is story me. Mera naam yashasvi hai or mai 18 saal ki hu. Mai ek sexy ladki hu. Jab mai chalti hu toh meri gand apne aap upar neeche hoti hai. Mohalle ke sabhi ladke mujhe ghoorte rehte hai. Ye kahani aaj se 3 saal purani hai jab me school me thi class 11 me. Meri ek best friend hai jiska naam stuti hai vo dikhne me mujhse bhi jyada hot hai. Ab mai seedhe sex story pe aati hu. Hamri 11 ki classes khatam hui or summer vacations chalu ho gayi...
Hi all, I am Stevan Raj, aged 36, married and presently in Bangalore. This is my first story and I enjoyed the fun involved in this story as it is real. I respect the privacy of women who reach me for stories or for a chat. I am not here to just keep hitting women for sex or to keep writing irrelevant fantasies. I just want to share the love or sex that I feel with a few women who don’t have that love or sex in their married / unmarried life. I only want to excavate the different hidden desires...
You would think that because school is out for the summer and I am only taking a few summer classes, I would have had this out sooner, but nope. Fooled ya, I am taking forever! Sorry about that, I am trying. I actually have been editing this chapter for like 2 weeks (that’s how lazy this summer is turning out to be). Thanks for reading though. I hope you enjoy. * Rhys cursed mentally. He had lost her name. While taking over her mind, he had been able to extract her name, and he remembered...
It started out innocent enough. He asked me where it hurt, and I told him shoulders and lower back from sitting at a desk all day. I laid face down on the table completely nude with just a sheet over my ass and legs. He was great with his hands and very strong. Massaging my sore muscles taking his time working his way down from my shoulders down my spine to the crack of my ass. He had the sheet halfway over my ass and he was massaging my hips and top of my ass still keeping me partially covered...
I repair computers, often "on site"--in people's homes. I got a call from a woman asking me to come to her house to fix her PC. She told me her name was Shandra. We made arrangements for me to show up there Saturday afternoon. I showed up at the appointed time and was surprised when I saw her--she was taller than I am (I'm 5'11", she had to be at least 6'2") and fairly stocky. She looked like she could kick my ass in a wrestling match, but had an unmistakable femininity.Her hair was dirty blond...
"Where did you and Jeff sneak off to last night," Sabrina said as they waited for the school bus the next morning. "I didn't see either of you out on the dance floor." She was a thin girl of medium height with natural strawberry blonde hair. She had practically grown up in the nudist resort her parents owned and operated. Some of the kids at school thought that made Sabrina a slut or something. A lot of the girls in school had learned otherwise. Devlin was the only one who knew that a...
After all she didn’t think they could come out of her pussy while she was wearing her panties. She didn’t want to infest her house with cockroaches. She smirked at this thought, after all she had them inside her pussy but didn’t want them in her house? That was somehow strange. Also having to hide her arousal from her parents would just add to it. Before she opened the front door, she halted for a moment, with one hand feeling her womb just above her pussy, she could feel the bulge of...
"I can't! I keep messing up my breathing!" Leslie was close to tears. This was her baby, her song. She had written it and she wanted to sing it, but somehow she never timed her breathing right to draw out the last line of the refrain. Add to that that the idol of her teenage years was sitting under the stage, and young Leslie Cramer wanted to stomp out of the barn. "Listen, Les, why don't we try a different tempo?" Janet suggested. "It won't sound right," Leslie answered a little...
Jamie told me he wanted to go see a movie, so we walked up to Union Station; it was 10 blocks away from the house. I cannot remember what the movie was, but I DO remember that each time Jamie took a drink of his extra large lemonade, he would hit my leg with his leg and smile. At first, I thought it was just a mistake, but after the 3rd time he bumped my thigh, I knew something was up in his horny-ass mind.The movie was over, and as we left, I suggested we stop and grab something to eat to take...
Mrs. Crane’s Fountain of Youth By Don Abdul ©2011 Part One: Shirley Gets Her Groove Back “Good morning pretty lady, did I wake you up?” Jamal Washington chirped happily as if he had just done her a huge favor. ‘Oh fuck!’ Mrs. Shirley Crane thought, so annoyed with herself for not imagining that it could be him at the door. He looked so painfully handsome and sexy that her first instinct was to grab his shirt and throw him on the floor and fuck him right there on the living room carpet of...
MatureHi ISS readers!!! Though i have been reading stories on this site for close to a decade, this is the first time trying to post my own experience. Bear with me and request to provide me with feedback to improve so that i can keep sharing my experiences in an interesting manner!!.. Little brief about me, For the purpose of reference – call me Sathish !!!.. I am 32 yrs old and work in an IT MNC domiciled in Chennai. I Love Sex and hardly i remember a day where i have spent with watching something...
recruits and had been allowed to shed her sailor uniform for a tight leather costume, lovingly made by the seamstress. Alice had remembered how Molly had handled the domination of young Martin and decided to give her more power and encourage the sadistic side of her nature. Now, another boy preceded her, his head continually turning to look at her, a bulge in his shorts from the revealing leather costume she wore. Molly enjoyed seeing his pain, as she enjoyed thinking of what...
It was around 5:30 in the evening and I was on the couch with my laptop on the coffee table, replaying a game of chess where mom had kicked my butt. She came into the den all aflutter over having a date with Mr. Sullivan, the new guy in finance. I think my mouth was hanging open. Mom never dates! Once I got over the shock, I became excited for her. What the hell? Mom is only thirty-nine. Why shouldn’t she date? I watched in fascination as she got out her laptop and dutifully entered’Dinner...
"Hey B, sorry I'm late." I walked inside and hung up my coat. "Here, I got ya some presents..." I handed her the three wrapped parcels. "Thanks Faith, yours is under the tree. You're staying with us tonight, ok?" Buffy looked amazing, her hair was shinning and the top she was wearing just looked... wow. "I-" "You're staying." No argument. "Faith!" Dawn came out of the living room. "Dawn, Happy Christmas!" I gave her a big hug. "I got you a present but you can't open it until tomorrow, ok?"...
Hi Friends. Mera naam minu hai. Meri age 45 hai. Meri shadi ke 24 yrs ho gaye hain. Kahte hain Naughty @ 40, bus wohi haal hai meri. Chudayi to kaafi hua meri chut ki, koi complain nahi hai uska. Per chudayi se mann nahi bhara. Mere Husband ek engineer hain. Unki age 48 ki hogi. Age bhale hi humdono ki jyada ho gayi ho. Per jab bhi hum sex karte hain aur by luck mere husband kaafi accha chodte hain. Lekin 19 yrs of marriage. Ladken imagine kare ki 19 saal tak ek hi chut chodne ko mile aur...
My wife is in her 30s, a mother of two she has enough curves to get a second look, great cleavage from heavy breasts now a little less pert than they were thanks to breast feeding, but still large and full, you might call them hangers. Large areolas house nipples that harden to the touch and remain sensitive, when I am going down on her she rubs and pinches them, and the areola creases as the nipple takes its skin as it hardens. They have slight veins and a great cleavage that wobbles as she...
Note: Please read part one first (Chapters 1 & 2). Otherwise, you will not fully understand what is going on in this segment. Chapter 3 On Tuesday, David made the call. It turns out that Aiden’s friend, Brian, indeed ran a full service operation. His play station location was about an hours drive away. David sensed it would be an awesome and grand event if he could just work out all the details. Brian had an open schedule all day this coming Thursday. The big hurdle now would be...
The tunnel deposited them in a large cavern next to a large three story stone building. Neither Sabina of Lily looked out into the cavern. They kept their eyes locked on Ethan who hung limply in Bernard's arms as they trudged along. They entered the building and found themselves in a comfortably decorate living room. There was a comfortable if worn looking couch a reclining chair and sturdy wooden coffee table in the center of the room. There were no...