Huntress Ch. 06 free porn video

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You would think that because school is out for the summer and I am only taking a few summer classes, I would have had this out sooner, but nope. Fooled ya, I am taking forever! Sorry about that, I am trying. I actually have been editing this chapter for like 2 weeks (that’s how lazy this summer is turning out to be). Thanks for reading though. I hope you enjoy.


Rhys cursed mentally. He had lost her name. While taking over her mind, he had been able to extract her name, and he remembered that it was a beautiful name, unusual and beautiful, but for the life of him, he had lost it upon his exit. Every time he tried to recall the way his mouth moved or the way his lips had formed the name, it slipped away from him. The blockage felt magical and the memory gap was most likely thanks to a spell that had been cast over her, a security measure, because one’s name was everything. It was tricky, something that would protect her against most psychics that tried to enter her thoughts and use them. It had not even occurred to him that he’d lost her name until just moments before.

She had also managed to shut her thoughts away from him. He had no way in, not able to catch on to any of them, like he had minutes earlier. The only thing he was picking up was her emotions, and he was only catching glimpses of that. Rhys was convinced that he had caught her while she was frazzled when they met in the club, when her guard was down. He had been able to grab at her thoughts and force his way in. Now. Nothing.

‘Perhaps it is Emily,’ Rhys murmured to himself while he sat on his couch, waiting for his guest to finish changing in his bathroom. ‘Or Angela. Perhaps even Angel.’ He shook his head at the last name. He was not sure that someone like her could be called that. She was everything but. She butchered his people, ate like an orphaned child, and cursed like a sailor.

She was most certainly anything but an Angel.

And yet you couldn’t take your eyes off of her.

It was true. He hadn’t been able to. As those greenish-brown eyes had watched him intensely, he too had watched her. Analyzing her every facial expression and every bit of her body language. She reminded him of something beautiful but deadly like a black widow.

The air that surrounded her demanded attention and respect. She had fought hard for both in her life. He could tell. Not just in the way she carried herself, but also in the way that she was always quick to fire back, quick to defend herself and especially in the way she was quick to drop her emotions.

And yet her scent had changed so quickly when he told her that she had urinated on herself. She had been humiliated, momentarily, yes, but embarrassed nonetheless.

Instinct had told him to comfort her in the way he would a normal human woman, tell her that she had no reason to be worried. He had wanted to tell her that he had not smelled it when he scooped her up. He wanted to ask her if she went to the beach and spent hours, days, months in the water and in the sand because her scent had been intoxicating, made him yearn for a life that he could no longer have.

But despite the urge, he had not said any of it. Instead he had watched the expressions in her eyes change from hard and resentful to almost vulnerable. It was beautiful and disturbing.

When he had gone to fetch her clothes, the look on her face as he had turned, to see her mouth so stuffed with pasta had made him want to laugh out loud. It had been so unexpected that he had stared. She did not slurp the pasta up like most Americans did. Instead she used her teeth to cut the noodles and let it fall from her mouth back on to the plate, almost delicately. Another surprise he had not expected from a huntress.

‘A French name would be appropriate,’ he told himself. He had told her his name but she had not seemed to care, and while he could easily just go into her thoughts and find out for himself, he preferred for her to give it to him willingly. As a sign of trust.

Rhys glanced at a small, yellowed picture that seemed watch him from the coffee table.

Black and white eyes stared back at him intently, not smiling or telling anything. ‘What do you think her name is, Eli?’ he asked the picture. The photo did not answer, of course, and Rhys chuckled to himself, laughing away the familiar loneliness that had long since become a good friend. Of course Eli hadn’t answered. It almost saddened him how much he really had expected to hear the young man’s voice.

‘You know, I’ve heard of humans who talk to themselves, but never vamps.’

She approached the back of the couch, butcher knife still in hand. Rhys stood up politely and looked her up and down. The sizes he had chosen fit her perfectly. The jeans were snug in all the right places but not overbearingly so. The shirt was a long sleeved v-neck and dipped low enough to show just the beginnings of the curves of her breasts. When she adjusted her stance a tease of skin showed where her jeans and shirt were supposed to meet. He had managed to not throw away the stilettos that she had been wearing the night before, and she’d put them on, lengthening the lines of her legs. The jeans that she wore seemed to tighten at the knee all the way down to the calf and then barely meet at the top of the heels. Skinny jeans, the humans called them. She looked tall, despite the fact that he knew she wasn’t, and the tightness in the jeans showed off the slight curve of her hips.

She’s breathtaking. He thought to himself, unable to contain the thought. It slipped passed his defenses and the words were so loud within him that for a second he could have sworn he said them out loud. He watched as she placed a hand on her hips and switched the weight of her stance from the right to the left. She raised one eyebrow, waiting for a response. She wanted a fight, wanted him to retort back. She was an adorable little warrior.

‘V-neck, huh?’ The blonde warrior murmured. ‘How appropriate.’ She took her hands and folded them into her arms being careful to place the knife below her elbow, but still hold it tightly.

‘If you have no intention of cutting off my head, I would appreciate it if you put my knife back, Ms…’

‘I never said I wasn’t going to decapitate you.’ As a show she twisted the handle of the weapon loosely. Rhys only nodded. If she were going to do it, she would have done it by now, he was sure.

‘And don’t try to be cute, you don’t need my name. We aren’t friends.’

Rhys could only nod once again. She was so defensive all of the time. What had happened to her to make her that way?

‘If you don’t mind me asking. Why do you do it?’ He used his chin to point to the knife. She looked at it then back up at him.

‘Hold knives?’ She asked.

‘Kill,’ he corrected. ‘You kill our kind for sport, do you not? The way other humans hunt dear or bear, you and your friends just pick a night for it and go.’ The huntress’s confused face turned to anger.

‘We don’t do it for sport. We do it keep you fuckers under control. So th—’

‘So you are self-employed vampiric population control.’

She thought for a second, turning her eyes to the ceiling then back down to him. ‘Unless we have someone that wants us to do a hit for them, then yeah. We’re population control.’

Rhys nodded. She was very much beautiful, but her beliefs worried him, reminded him of a time he sadly had no choice but to live through.

‘You know, I knew of some people a few decades ago who felt the same way you feel. They believed what they were doing was for the good of everyone and they themselves also called it population control.’

The huntress smiled. ‘Well, aren’t you just every vamp hunters best friend. How many vamps did they kill?’

‘None. They did not kill vampires.’

Her forehead creased in a mix of suspicion and confusion.

‘They killed minorities and homosexuals.’ A silence passed betwe
en them. Like a cloud of smoke exiting a house through an open window, Rhys was instantly shut off from her emotions. He hadn’t had to send himself far to find her, but now he found himself almost leaning forward to try and pick up something. Anything.

‘That’s different.’ She whispered. Rhys could almost swear he had touched her in some strange emotional way.

‘How so?’ He countered.

‘Those people were innocent men, women and children.’ Her voice was more forceful. Vaguely he could pick up anger radiating off of her.

‘And you think that because we need blood to survive, we all deserve to die?’

She did not answer.

Rhys wasn’t sure if she even could.

She was fighting against something in her head. He saw it in the icy look she gave him.

Once again, he fought the urge to dive into her mind and retrieve what she was seeing, thinking. Rhys wanted to believe that he would know her long enough for her to tell him when she was ready.

If she ever got there.

If they ever got there.

She glanced down at the knife and clutched it tightly in her fist. He watched her knuckles turn snow white then return to a slight pink as she released it.

Unexpectedly and almost painfully, on the tail end of scream that he was sure only he heard, a scene scorched in front Rhys’ eyes, blinding him to the real world as it played.

A tall blond man and his wife sat on the floor of a warehouse, hands intertwined, shaking and holding on for dear life. Not because they were scared. No, because they were so damn excited. The female, a short skinny woman with fried, bleached blonde hair bounced up and down on her legs and gave an excited squeal.

Around them, a long-haired man with a patchy beard paced, analyzing, determining what he was going to do with them. In the far corner, two girls sat huddled together, both shaking the way the adults in the middle of the large empty hanger did, but for different reasons.

They were cold.

And terrified.

Patchy Beard knelt down in front of the couple and stroked a few soft blond hairs out of the husbands face. He glanced at the man’s wife in fleeting interest before turning back to him. ‘You will be first,’ he whispered. The youngest girl in the corner turned into her sister’s chest. She didn’t watch as the man, and that’s what she had sworn he was the entire time despite the waves of evil, darkness and pain that she and her sister could literally feel radiating off of him, opened his mouth, baring his teeth.


Not teeth.

Fangs. He had fangs. She could see them from where she was, so sharp and thin, like the needles the doctor used when that stray dog bit her hand after she gave him her lunch. It would be a struggle to see them had it not been for the dim light that glinted off of them, like small, terrifying needles.

He used the hair in his hand to yank father’s head to the side and pierce his neck with a soft yet sickening crunch.

The scenes playing in front of his eyes ended as lightening fast as they began, leaving Rhys feeling empty, his chest burning. Had her parent’s been vampires? Were they turned right in front of her and her sister? It took everything in him not to ask the questions out loud.

‘Yes,’ she finally said, answering the question that had been asked only seconds before. And just that fast, the conversation was over. Her emotions went back under lock and key, and she folded her arms into one another again, knife pointed downwards.

‘I need to call my friends.’ She said the words slowly, as if she expected him to not allow her a phone call.

‘Certainly,’ he said, giving her a slight bow before rising up from his seat. ‘You are no prisoner here.’ Rhys walked around the couch, into his kitchen and reached into a drawer on the island. He pulled a cell phone from it and placed it on the black marble countertop. When she did not make a move for it, he slid it across, closer to her. She reached for it and flipped it open.

‘Christ,’ she murmured.

‘Somebody miss you?’ Rhys asked. She glanced at him and placed the butcher knife down. Rhys did not move. She could easily pick up her knife and toss it into his forehead if she decided to do so.

‘Yeah, about 47 times.’ She pressed a few buttons and placed the phone to her ear. She glanced at him again, looking to see if he made a move to stop her from dialing.

He made sure to tell her, through his body language, that he wouldn’t.

She dialed.

Through the silence of the room, he could hear the line on the other end ring.

When he thought nobody would answer, a quiet voice interrupted a ring.

‘Holy shit. Where have you been?’

It was a female. Her voice was barely above a whisper, and he could hear the exhaustion decorating her words. As if noticing the concentration on his face, she glanced at him, then down at her feet.

‘I got caught up in something. 47 calls? Really?’

The woman on the other end sighed. That sigh said so much. She was beyond exhausted. Rhys could hear it as if she were right next to him.

‘Caleb is in the hospital again.’

She sat up. ‘She was just there 2 weeks ago.’

‘I know, I know. When we came back last night, I heard her in her room saying something. I went in and woke her up. She took one look at me and started screaming. I couldn’t get her to calm down. We called Doc Mackenzie, and he told us to bring her in.’ The woman on the other end swallowed a sob. ‘She screamed all the way to the hospital. As soon as we got there, they sedated her, but they have her strapped to a gurney. I don’t know how long they’re gonna keep her this time.’

The blonde warrior looked frazzled, suddenly, and ran her fingers through her hair in a gesture that was almost reminiscent of nervousness. ‘Have you been there all day?’

‘Yeah, Regan and Carmen and I. We all tried to get in touch with you, the next step was calling the damn cops.’

‘I know, I’m sorry. I’ll be there in ten minutes, ‘kay?’


The line on the other side went dead, and She flipped her phone closed.

‘I gotta go.’ She stated. Rhys nodded. He pointed to the door, which was on the other end of kitchen down another a second long hallway that was similar to the one she had entered through. Out of kindness he made his way to the door along with her, but when she saw him move she stopped.

Perhaps you should not walk her to the door? Despite his polite upbringing, he fought against it and allowed her to walk there by herself.

A thought ran through his head, as he heard his front door open, and using the speed known to his kind, he ran into one of his spare rooms and retrieved two items off the bed. She was halfway out the door before he returned and stopped her, with a touch of his hand.

She whirled around quickly, ready for a fight, fists up.

‘You forgot these.’ Cautiously, he allowed his hand to hover over her balled up fists. When they uncurled, he allowed her gun and a spare clip to fall into them heavily. She stood outside his door simply staring at them. He could not hear her thoughts, had chosen not to, but her creased eyebrows told him everything.

‘You are already halfway out the door, why would you take the time to shoot me now?’ he reasoned. Small yet strong fingers, curled around the butt of the gun and her other hand worked to place the ammo in her back pocket, then the gun into the tight waist band in the back of the jeans. The weapon seemed obnoxious hanging there, and Rhys knew that there was no way the hospital would allow her anywhere near her friend with a weapon out in the open like that, but she didn’t seem to mind.

She glanced at him one more time before turning to walk away. ‘The name’s Sage.’ Her voice echoed within the hallway, and floated back to Rhys, bringing a smile to his face, slowly.

‘Sage.’ He said the name quietly to himself. ‘One wh
o shows profound wisdom.’ Rhys chuckled, leaning against the doorframe. ‘I was way off.’

He watched as she disappeared around the corner of the hall, leaving the smell of ocean behind her.


Victoria Van Hoyt was accustomed to waking up feeling as if a train had hit her. In fact, she welcomed it. Such feelings had become a luxury to her, and she had learned to do whatever it took to get herself as hammered as possible, so that when she woke up the next morning, she was actually certain that she had, in fact, woken up.

It was a sadistic idea, she knew. But it helped.

Without opening her eyes, she kicked her legs out from under the blanket and tossed them over the side of the bed. Sage had most likely put her there, in bed, blanket and all. But God, what had happened? She didn’t remember drinking herself into oblivion and the cops had taken her coke so why did she feel…


The night before was fuzzy, but not fuzzy enough. She remembered running with her sister away from them. They had chased them all the way through the warehouses district until one had caught up to her. What she remembered after that came in fragments.

A conversation between her sister and her.

A vampire that had held her at fang point.

Sage shooting him dead in the face with a gun.

A big ass gun.

And how awesome had her big sis looked? Handling the gun like a pro, keeping her cool like a negotiator. Sage had killed the vampire without even blinking. Her green eyes had been calm and calculating. Vicky was almost jealous.

She looked around her messy room. Clothes and beer bottles everywhere. This is what had become of her life, living in a pigsty with her two accidents .She hadn’t wanted this.

Any of this.

She’d wanted excitement. Fun. Everything that Sage was doing. She woke up every night and killed vampires and werewolves and fairies. Vic was still having a hard time digesting that those things were even real.

And Sage had done a great job of hiding it from her. Making her think that she worked at an office desk. Pshh. It almost annoyed her how dumb her older sister thought she was. There was no way that the five girls she lived with were as boring as she made them out to be. Sure, she had had ideas of what they did. She imagined them to be secret agents or members of the Secret Service. She even imagined them to be strippers at one point, because they were so damn secretive about their life at night.

But that had changed the night Vicky visited her sis in her new home. Being orphans, they had moved around a lot. But after Vicky grew up and had her boys, they separated, no longer needing each other for emotional support, Vicky cause she had her men, and Sage because she had the girls. But Sage’s new home had been like nothing they had ever been able to afford, both together and separate. It had been huge, a borderline mansion. Vicky had no idea what they’d needed all the rooms for until she’d gone into one.

‘This place is a fucking armory,’ she remembered saying. And it had been. The walls were soundproof, reinforced and the door had been made of metal. Like a bank safe. There had been no furniture in the room. No lamps or desks. The only light in the room came from behind the reinforced glass where all of the weapons hung. Weapons that even Vicky had never seen before.

And Sage had been livid when she found her sister wandering around upstairs.

‘The fuck are you doing up here?’ She’d yelled.

Vicky had replied just as loud, ‘Well, I’m sorry, there was no baby gate to stop me from coming up. What is this, Sage?’

And Carmen had taken that second to walk into the room, smooth like a glass of red wine and beautiful the way poisonous flowers could be. ‘It is my family collection,’ her rich accent seemed to drip from her mouth, a lovely sound on Vicky’s ears. ‘You know mi familia es very old. We have collected for generations. Because I am the oldest, I was chosen to pass it on to my little ones.’

Vicky remembered wanting to argue the fact of how dangerous it was having those type of weapons in a home, but a part of her, a big part, seemed to take Carmondy at her word. At that moment, it seemed that anything the girl said, could be gospel. Was gospel. It had all made sense, and Vicky had walked out of the room after a shrug not missing the glare Carmen gave to her older sister, but not thinking anything of it.

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Her Toy 4

4. I sit back at the edge of the bed for a moment and take a deep hot breath of smoke before exhaling and leaning my head back. Heady from the lust in the air and that smell. That gorgeous mix of pussy and perfume and smoke as you look up into my eyes and hand me the leash to your collar. You play the end of it in idle little slaps against my open palm and whisper wetly into my ear. “Show me my place baby, show us who’s boss” Unceremoniously I pull you down to your knees in front of...

4 years ago
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Summer camping trip pt 1

My name is Roger, but it's only a pen name for this site so don't go by that. I'm going to tell you about a time when a couple of friends of mine went on a camping trip for a week during the summer. They're names were: John, Jack, Joe and Mike. It all started on a saturday... We were just sitting around in the basement where we have a TV and a couch, when Mike said, " why don't we go out and do something adventurous, like camping or a road trip." We all agreed and I...

2 years ago
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Weekend Away Part 1

Chapter One Tonight a man is taking me out, a real man, tall, broad, muscular and just what I need to give me that combination of feeling vulnerable and feeling safe that really sends me. At least, that's what I'm hoping, see, I haven't really met him yet, not properly. We're meeting later, at a party at the flat of a friend of his. He, Scott, that's his name, did offer to pick me up at my hotel but I told him that I would meet him there. Independent girl I am, on my own in a...

1 year ago
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sissys life

INTRODUCTION: (sorry the way it was originally seemed unclear) Sissies, they're all over the world, and beyond. Discover their origins, their fears, their lusts.

4 years ago
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A Home Away From The Home I Knew

I pondered what such a fall felt like and how gravity pulls everything down to its eventual resting place. A younger girl wandered over to where I sat and had the faintest remnants of an upturned mouth that faded when her eyes rested on me. "Come over with us and play!" she begged energetically taking my hand and pulling my arm upwards toward her. My legs shuffled as I stood finally granting me the ability to walk alongside this blond haired girl of sixteen years old. She's wearing a white...

1 year ago
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PornWorld Coco Lovelock Bratty Teenage Slut Coco Lovecock Slammed by Older Neighborhood Stud

It’s spring break and bratty teenage slut Coco Lovecock is home, alone, and bored. Since she doesn’t have anything better to do, she heads over to spy on her stud neighbor who’s often tanning out by the pool. He quickly catches her and calls her over to see what she was doing spying on him. From there, the older stud takes Coco into his pad pulls his cock out, and starts slamming her. After banging the young slut in all positions in all places in his house he empties his load into her mouth.

3 years ago
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My Story So Far

MY STORY SO FAR... By Melissa Justine It all began on Halloween two years ago. My girlfriend Claire and I were invited to a Halloween Party that had a current affairs theme. Claire thought that maybe we should go as John McCain and Sarah Palin for a laugh. I told her that I would go as anything she wanted but I thought to myself that the costumes would be weak because Claire was a (how should I put this delicately) bigger girl. She had gained a lot of weight over the course of...

2 years ago
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Laura By B.L.H. "Josh, stop playing with your toys for a few moments and come over here." a feminine voice boomed off in the distance. It was my mother. "You shouldn't be playing with toys when you're 17 years old anyways!" she demanded, "Now come here!" I lifted myself from the floor away from my G.I. Joe toys and waked into my kitchen where my mother stood. "Can you run next door real quick and get me some butter from the Smiths please?"...

3 years ago
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mums new friend

6:26 pm, October 24 dggmmmm now your asking, my mum used to have a friend. the first time i ever went in to town to a night club i was about 17.near the end of the night when i had worked up the courage to dance, i bumped into my mums friend becky (becky had the biggest tits i had ever seen, this was after her reduction, so she always caught my attention aswell as been quiete laidback and open), so out of politeness i offered to buy her a drink.while i was at the bar my 2 friends said they were...

2 years ago
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The Queen and the Soother Part 2

The search for a husband continued. Widely-traveled, Geoffrey promised more exotic pleasures. Would he just be a plaything for the queen’s amusement, or could he become a true partner?The queen hid the bon vivant in the head cook’s quarters. The chef didn’t mind relinquishing his room for a few days in exchange for some new recipes. People from Sybarisia were known for their love of food and Geoffrey had a well-deserved reputation in that regard.He had prepared quite a lunch for Jeena. She...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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My Cousins Wedding

I was short and skinny, but with the beginnings of some muscle, since I had recently started working out. I had curly black hair that was absolutely impossible to control. Joey was a little taller than me, and was built nearly the same as me. He had smooth, dark skin and soft, dirty blonde hair. We did pretty much everything together – we hung out, played and watched sports, and worked out together. The Tuesday of “wedding week,” we had gone out with the bridesmaids and gotten way beyond...

1 year ago
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SissyPeter PantiesStealer

Fifteen year-old Peter L’Effete arrived at his new school in late spring because his parents moved to the area in May. So, although he was not a freshman, he was still a ‘newbie’ and liable to the kind of pranks and hazing given to first year kids. It was obvious from the start that Peter crouched low on the macho-pecking order. Not only did he seem shy and soft-spoken, he also was polite and demur like a girl, not brash and imposing like a normal boy his age. Behind his back, some of the...

4 years ago
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Milking daddy dry Literally Part 1

The reason I say I like to think of myself as your average working, family man is because there is something that stands me out from most other fathers. I have begun to lust over my teenage daughter. It's not that I don't love my wife. I do lover her, very much so. It is just that it is hard to ignore that she is getting on abit. Sandra being 49, her sex drive is slowly decreasing. So I can't help my eyes beginning to wonder after a couple of weeks of no sex because she 'can't be...

1 year ago
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Old Friends Mom

Note : This story is completely fictional! Vick was arriving home after an unusually good day of work. He parked his Porsche in the driveway of his million-dollar home as it beeped the sound of the automatic door lock. He got in the house and wanted to just hang out with some friends tonight. He ordered a few pizzas and got some beer and vodka from the basement. He called his childhood friend Tom and told him to bring the parents by and they’d have some fun. Vick had always wanted ass from...

3 years ago
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Aggy Book 1Chapter 32

And so it came to pass. Several weeks later, a com was passed to McCock at "The Green Man" as he arrived on a break from GmBH. The Flock had been working extremely long hours. They were beginning to suffer the effects and tempers were becoming thinned and responses sometimes were abrupt. McCock was on the verge of ceasing all work except just for emergency repairs in the main dock to keep business open. There had been a steady stream of repairs to hulls and more recently repairs and...

2 years ago
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First time watersports anal fingering and good ol

I’m not sure if it was the booze, or us talking during dinner about how things had got maybe a little “routine”, but after my wife and I got back from our anniversary dinner and drinks, we ended up having some of the hottest sex we had had in a long time. She even broke new ground and we did something neither of us had before. I walk in to the bathroom wearing my robe to brush my teeth and maybe jump in for a quick shower before bed, and I notice my wife’s already in there, sitting on the...

4 years ago
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My Best Friend Gifted Me Indian Sex Stories Cute Writer On My Birthday

Hello everyone :) Raj here back with another hot episode, I’m posting this story on behalf of Divya and thank you readers for your feedback , keep writing to me at your feedbacks inspire me to write more experiences so keep the loving coming , so here we go   Hi I’m Divya 21yo from Bangalore, I’m in my final year graduation, I stay here with my roommate Shilpa, both of us are basically from Gujarat and we are childhood friends , my stats are 32 28 34 I’m slightly heavier on my base and Shilpa...

1 year ago
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For Me

Sheba baby, Sheba baby come along with me and let me taste a little bit of your ecstasy. Sweet lemon, foxy brown tell me what you know. Let me make you feel a bit of my chocolate flow. I’ll wash and rub your feet and gently rub your toes and massage you in ways that you’ve never known. I’ll rub your body good, I’ll rub your body right to let your mind unwind without your body being tight. I’ll start with the steam and run a tub for you of hot water and baby oil and serve you passion fruit while...

2 years ago
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me and Makinzie

Introduction: This is a true story of my first time I was a 14 year old boy i wasent athletic but not fat and i hade a good reputation with the ladies. My dick was 5 and a half inches and i was 57inches tall with brown hair and hazel eyes. I was on facebook like always talking to makinzie. (me)Hey babe what you doing. (Makinzie)Not much Im really bored. (me)Well thats no good what if i was to comover and give you some excitement. (Makinzie)Yea right its like 12:30. (me)Is that a...

2 years ago
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Suprise mmf

We had a few fuck sessions a few times at this motel before. I paid for the room and waited for her to show up with a freshly shaved throbbing cock, balls and ass. I was surprised when she showed up with another dude. We had discussed possible mmf, mmff & mff fantasies before, my cock throbbed even more considering what might take place. I sat on the bed as they came in and settled in. She looked hot in a short skirt & what I was sure was stockings. I couldn't wait to find out.He...

1 year ago
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Bullied by a bitch

"Okay, now stand on one food and shout: I am a stork." You clench your teeth and stare at the stupid girl. You won´t do it! "Stand on one food and shout: I am a stork, you moron or I will tell daddy everything," she says and pouts. The damn little brat is getting on your nerve. Her name is Samantha, she looks like an angle, 18 years old, with long blond braids, a face like a supermodel and an elegant figure a ballerina would envy her for. Unfortunately, her look is all she has in common with an...

Mind Control
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An Uneven Romance

I couldn’t believe I’d gotten her home with me. We’d met in a bar when I was drinking with my friends, I spotted her early in the night but didn’t have the courage to talk to her. She looked perfect. She was slim, with long red hair that came down to a tight, round ass. When she turned around, I saw she had a truly beautiful face but there was a sexy, dangerous look in her eyes that scared me. Incredibly, she came up to me when I was ordering drinks. “I saw you looking at me cutie, do you want...

2 years ago
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GingerChapter 8

Roberta woke us all up, telling the kids it was time to get ready for dinner. It would be time to get the kids out of jeans and into something fancier. I begged Ginger to wear the dress she had removed when we laid down. I went into my own room and put on grey slacks and a plain grey shirt. I had a blazer to wear over it. I packed a bag to stay in the motel tonight as Roberta and Robin were staying in my room here at the house and Randy and Wendy were staying in Ginger's. Ada was staying at...

2 years ago
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The Seeingeye Dog and the Shy StudentChapter 7

Patricia felt a change in her eyes as soon as she woke up the next morning. Strangely, she began to notice shadows and could discern movement after years of only seeing the same boring blackness for many years. The blurry outline right next to her bed proved to be her trusty seeing eye dog with his wonderful long wet tongue and his instinctive nature that always knew when she was in need of something hard up in her private parts. She patted Sampson’s furry head with both of her hands and...

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My new girl friend

I met a new friend the other day and invited her over for the weekend . Well she spent the weekend, we went swimming in the pool, she was a little taken back that I went in naked and after a bit she took off her suit, she had breasts just a bit bigger than mine, her nipples were light pink and not as big, she was shaved but had an assume landing strip. I asked her if she had ever had sex with a girl and she replied I have never had sex with a woman but have always wanted to. I moved over to her...

3 years ago
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Lifelong Exhibitionist

My mates and I, plus the girls our age from our neighbourhood used to cycle to school every day. We lived about 3 miles from the schools in town. We would all meet in the mornings and cycle together. It was a nice thing to do. We'd chat on the way to school and have a laugh. Schools in Ireland require the students to wear uniforms and us boys used to try and cycle behind the girls on the way to school in the morning. The sight of their asses rocking side to side on their saddles and, in...

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Navratri Ki Desi Chudai Stories 8211 1

“Gujarat me navratri ke kuch mahine bad garbhapat ki sankhya me badotari hoti hai” Gujarat rajya ke baal aur mahila vikas mantri ke is bayan ne pure India me bawal khada kar diya. Kyonki yah bayan Gujarat rajya ke mantri ne diya tha isliye iska akhbarone kuch jyada hi prachar kar dala. Pura Gujarat Navratri ke tayyario me jut gaya tha. Gujarat hi kyo sara India navratri ke swagat ke liye tayyar ho raha tha. Pure bharat me navratri alag alag dhang se manai jati hai. West bangal me devi durga...

2 years ago
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Catch My Breath

My alarm filled my ears with the music of a radio station. I fell to the floor, my foot having caught in the comforter when I tried getting out. "I'm up!" I yelled, then blushing when I realized I was alone. I hurried to the bathroom and brushed my teeth, returning to my room to change. I grabbed my orange collared shirt and jeans I had ironed and put them on. I returned to the bathroom and put on my contacts, leaving my eyes their natural color, hazel. I put my jacket on and headed to...

1 year ago
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Living Beyond the Dream

Living Beyond the Dream By: Malissa Madison My sister had finally arrived. It was like looking at myself ten years from now, or like looking at Missy. I was searching for words to convey how I felt but nothing seemed appropriate. "Malissa, are you ok?" she finally asked. "Uhh, yeah, I'm fine. This is just, well everything is happening so fast." "It usually does in battle," she commented. "Thankfully this one is staying peaceful. That's why we're moving so fast, before the...

3 years ago
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Camryn C09

A week passed. Corey laid in a coma under the bright nauseating glow of the hospital’s fluorescent lights. The driver of that fucking car was just released from the hospital. She finally regained sight in her right eye. Besides two chipped teeth, she walked away well, she walked away. Fuck her. She would probably be given a leniency because of me. She would be pitied to an extent. If I knew they were going to count my assault as part of her punishment, I would have made her look...

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The Object Of Our Holidays Desire Part 1

The sun shining through the open windows of our temporary house of sin wakes me. I lick my lips as my throat is dry and the taste on my lips is enticing and intoxicating, I feel myself get hard in the blink of an eye as images of last night race through my mind. Lying naked on your stomach next to me I roll over and press up against your thigh, the initial intention to roll you over. I push your knees up to your breasts and pull you up by the buttocks and plunge my rock hard cock inside...

2 years ago
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Living Next Door to Heaven 249 Danielle

I drove to campus Sunday at noon to pick up Courtney and Jennifer. The hack-a-thon was over. They looked like hell. Courtney looked particularly sour. "Oh, dear," I said. "Didn't you win the Easter egg hunt?" "Yes, I did." She folded her arms and leaned back in the seat. I looked at Jennifer and she shrugged. "We'll talk about it later," Courtney sighed. "First I need a nap." For the most part, we spent Sunday afternoon catching up on the studying we didn't do on Saturday....

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in the shower

We agreed that I go first and you got here in a moment, we go to my place and I hope it do not take to arrive, I open the door and you're there, you smiled and I kiss, I grab her by the waist and back you I'll walk into a room, that's where I start to take off your clothes, you want to help but I ask you not to do, I want to take it off me, you let take you, I start lifting the shirt you're wearing and I'll take it off slowly I'm your trouser button and unbutton, you feel a little embarrassed...

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tequila on the beach

We’re in Mexico. We’ve spent the day lounging on a deserted beach soaking up the sun and then danced the night away learning the flamenco and the salsa with the locals in this tiny bar. The sweat pouring off of us as we take body shots of the finest tequila. It’s been an idyllic night as we leave the bar reliving the events, we’ve drunk just enough to be completely relaxed and at ease with each other. The cool night air on our sun kissed skin and the surf on our feet feel like heaven after the...

4 years ago
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Oh Canada MChapter 3

Relatively Early in 1972, George Foster looked at his conclusion sitting in the typewriter: It would be easy to see the Hare at Fort Good Hope as assimilated, and their cousins at Colville as living “the original Indian lifestyle.” Indeed, the Hare at Colville Lake frequently make that comparison. But that is only relatively true. Most of the residents of Colville have traveled by airplane; most of the residents of Fort Good Hope have traveled by dogsled. He felt he’d said everything...

3 years ago
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My Best Friends Brother

Summer vacation had finally arrived and I was glad to visit my best friend Melanie. We grew up only two blocks away, so when we visit our parents when we get home from college, we mainly hang out with each other. One day over break Melanie invited me over to hang out with her and her older brother, Jake, who was also home from college. Him being only two years older, we would hang out with him a lot. ‘Who wants to go in the pool?’ Melanie asked. ‘I do!’ I squealed in excitement since they had...

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