Vampyre Bets free porn video

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Vampyre Bets The road was long; moving from New York to Kansas took forever. White lines painted on the road in intervals seemed to be forming into one long never ending line. "When will the monotony end?" I wondered aloud. No one heard me, I was alone. I had been alone for sometime now. I lost my girlfriend to the worst thing you can. I lost her to myself and my own uncaring ways. She tried to liven things up but I wasn't in the mood, hell I wasn't in the mood for nearly a year. I acted surprised when she broke the wedding off, I wasn't surprised. She had been so caring so wonderful trying to act out my fantasies dressing up like The Princess from that space wars movie, buying toys; anything to get my attention nothing worked. A loud horn broke my self pity. Where was my long white line? Why is that truck in front of me? I quickly swerved so did the other truck thankfully both of us chose opposite directions. I was grateful that my exit was only a few miles more, then a few miles on the back country road along the beautiful crystal waters of Lake Cheeramokwee. Unpacking was horribly boring so I decided I'd head into town to see what the local ladies were like in my new home town, I had come out here before looking for solace and found a place they were giving away on the lake 10 acres, my only neighbor was an Indian kid who lived on BLM land just inside the forest north of my house, other than that I was alone for miles on all sides. The only catch was they had another buyer and if I didn't take it, it would be gone. Pulling up to the local tavern I notice quite a few people hanging around outside. I stepped out of the car; I was a very good looking guy and expected the local female population to notice me immediately. I stood roughly 6' 2", 200lbs, wide muscular shoulders well defined from my years as a fire fighter in NYC. I had long hair that I'd been letting grow, dirty blonde settling just around the bottom of my neck. I had deeply blue eyes, nearly matching the color of the lake. I was well tanned and wearing extremely little something told me my blue mesh shirt might not go over here as well as I'd believed. Inside was shuffled, they were doing an odd dance, I'd seen this some places around town in NY line dancing hadn't that died out years ago? I headed to the bar to grab a drink. It ended up being a beer not a Manhattan. Four hours, no luck, I decided to head home for some well earned sleep. The hot water poured over me, probably the best shower I've had in weeks. I put on my workout clothes and headed to the large open yard, facing the lake I removed my shirt and let my muscles and well toned hairless chest feel the cool fall breeze. My nipples stiffened slightly I picked up my shinai blade and began practicing the martial art of Kendo. Rustling in the trees sparked interest, I turned to see the native boy I'd been warned lived in the trailer over there in the woods. He approached cautiously watching my blade carefully judging whether or not I was a threat. He was a good looking kid 5' 11", 170 lbs, long black hair tied in a ponytail high on his head. His skin was dark, almost olive with a pale reddish tinge I had expected. He was muscular and toned his shirt half covered his bare chest. He wore some kind of animal hide vest, perry ellish pants and a pair of CAT work boots. Not what I had expected. "Hello sir, I'm your neighbor Joshua Walking Bear," he said confidently as he held his palm up and outward in a wave and continued walking towards me. I nodded and placed my blade near its companion on the ground. He must only be 16 or 17 I remarked to myself as I stood facing him hands clasped behind my back feet at open stance. "Hello Joshua Walking Bear, My name's Markus Tulon, I guess we're neighbors now." He was intrigued with my Shinai and asked if we could spar, I agreed and a friendship began to form. Over the next few months we learned more and more of each other. He was an outsider and one of the very few left of his tribe that lived in this area. His parents had died in an accident he preferred not to talk about and he decided to live in their home, which is why he hadn't left with everyone else a few years ago. Josh had taken to coming over and practicing with me every morning. I had become accustomed to his presence and felt almost like his older brother. He had become quite adept with my spare shinai so I ordered him one of his own, one that would match his length instead of mine. I was acting quite somber the morning it arrived as to throw Josh off. This is where things take a turn into the twilight zone. Josh arrived as usual at 730 hours ready for his workout; I however was in my bathrobe drinking some hot Earl Grey Tea. He queried as to why I wasn't ready but I gave no answer and he began to worry as he was sometimes taken to do. "Are you alright Markus? Was it your date with Debbi? Did you get a call from your parents?" his line of questioning went on for several hours as I did odd jobs around the house and watched TV, played on the computer, He wouldn't leave me alone. I figured I'd let it go on until around 1, which was when he had to head to work. "You know Markus, I haven't told you but, I have to pay any debt I have. Any bet I make must be completed in full no matter how odd." I nodded at that. "Yeah, you're a good kid I'd expect nothing less of you man." He glared at me. "No you don't understand Markus and I'm no kid." I was spooked for a second, I was worried he might try to hurt me or he was a little off and might try and hurt himself. "Yeah Josh, what the hell are you talking about?" He sighed and looked at me deeply, so deeply I felt him penetrating my thoughts. I brushed the feelings aside and stood. "Don't you need to get ready for work Josh?" "Alright Markus, You don't believe me, well you are my friend and I will do anything to make you happy." He cleared his throat and began again. "I bet your deepest, darkest, wildest Fantasy that I can beat you with that new Shinai you got for me." I was thrown a back how'd he know I got him that blade? "If I win you wash my car for a month, if you win I will give you your desire, deal?" I nodded; if it made him feel better we'd get a little practice in. I gave him the new blade, it fit him perfectly. We fought for nearly 20 minutes, this was the longest by far of any sparring match we'd had up until now. He nearly disarmed me twice. There it was my opening, He swung high and I slashed across his chest, the match was over. He gleamed. "I almost had you Markus." I nodded, took his blade and began to walk to the house. Somewhere during our bout, the sky had turned a dark charcoal color and the lake echoed the skies discontent. As I reached the front porch Joshua fell to his knees in agony. I ran to his side, he fell to the ground. The skies opened and it began to rain. I tried to pick Josh up and move him inside but I couldn't lift him. He was heavier than anything I had ever lifted before. Lucid from a moment of pain he peered unto my face mouthing the words. "Interesting fantasy." I took in his look checked his pulse and respiratory rate, then bolted for the house to call an ambulance. The phone was dead, as well as the cell phone. I ran back outside with a blanket, his hands were covered in puddles of water; it had never rained this hard in NYC. None of my training could help, I was helpless. I was going to loose my friend and there was nothing I could do about it. His skin began to loose hue. How hard had I hit him? Was he bleeding internally? I wondered to myself not wanting to bother him. His pulse became steady and his skin had all but gone white in a matter of minutes, I had never seen anything like it. His respiratory rate became slower and slower until finally he stopped breathing. A tear rolled down my face, I fiddled with the cordless phone still no luck, CPR produced no results. Josh was dead. I still couldn't lift him so I decided to go inside and get my camera for some pictures just in case for whatever reasons. As I began to leave his side his body burst to his knees he was screaming in a high pitched voice the pain must have been excruciating. He began to tear his clothes off. I tried calming him down to no effect, I tried taking his pulse, nothing, he wasn't breathing, what the hell was going on? I didn't know, I sat on the cold wet grass and watched in dismay. He tore his vest off followed by his pants and underwear, ripping them with his hands off his body tearing them from the seams and leaving horrible marks where they had pressured the skin. His skin became even more bleached; his normally long black hair became longer. I noted the changes slowly his fingers had become slimmer and his nails had grown long with a nice luscious black coat that same with the toes, I stared in awe. His face softened as he fell back to the ground, his waist cinched in and his hips flared out. I could hear the bone mashing over the sounds of his screams. His lips became pouty and puffy and turned a solid and permanently stained color of dark red. I then realized he was turning into a woman, in sheer horror, fear and shock I began watching more intently. He was right, he had made good on our bet, he was turning into a woman, for me. Would he remain Josh mentally? So many questions, I would have to wait for answers. His breasts expanded with rosy color areoles and nipples to match the white skin and to contrast the dark colors of hair nails and lack of blood flow. The new Josh began to levitate. Levitating to mid-chest level on me. Josh then turned upright eye to eye, roughly 5'9" now, Joshua Walking Bear was now the most gorgeous creature I'd ever seen. Pale complexion, dark nails, hair and eyes. Pert pink nipples atop perfectly pear shaped handful breasts. Shapely hips and luscious creamy legs. When I looked again at the face the dark red pouting lips nearly made me orgasm. Josh was unconscious and clothing began to form on his body, well if you can call it clothing. Black fish net stockings worked their way up his thighs followed by a garter belt and crotchless panties. A black bustier followed by black mid-thigh leather boots. Diamond shaped diamond earrings encased in silver adorned her ears followed by 4 silver hoops on each side, Her nose, lower lip and tongue were also pierced and had one stud each. The finishing touch to her attire was a pair of black lace gloves elbow high with openings for each finger to protrude. Her eyes opened staring directly into mine. Horror filled my being. "Markus I never had any idea you had such an imagination." Her voice was soft, sexy and demanding the sultry overtones kept me entranced. "Joshua?" I eked out She laughed wickedly, "Apparently not anymore." She tossed her hair behind her but it was so full and thick it partially covered the right side of her face and cascaded over her shoulder and breasts. Settling to the ground she opened her mouth and bared what appeared to be, Fangs? I took a step back. "Oh come now Markus." she said so sexily I almost fell to the ground "I'm so hungry, after all I've never eaten anything." she paused. "Or anyone." Another wicked laugh and an even more wicked grin spread across her face. Lunging for me and bearing her fangs I knew she had become a vampire, how was this fulfilling my fantasy? Screw this. I scanned the yard and found what I was looking for. A bold charge and side step sent me to where I needed to be, in possession of my Shinai Blade. Joshua spun on her heal facing me once again; my bravado would be the death of me. I broke the top half of my blade making a nice sharp wooden stake. She charged me, Pouncing on top of me holding me with strength the likes I've never felt. Her soft legs held my lower body down. Her hands holding my arms. She smiled softly and whispered in my ear. "You know you want it Markus, beg me for it." Releasing my arms she straddled me and began to undo my belt. My hands free, I lifted the blade and plunged it into her heart. The screaming was intense. I had done it, I had killed my only friend, granted he was trying to eat me. The screaming stopped but what happened next filled me with more fear than I had until then. Laughing, she was laughing a wicked and evil laugh. "Honey it's your fantasy." she stopped to pull the blade out. "You've made me invulnerable to anything." she said while brushing my cheek with the back of her hand. Staring into my eyes she grabbed my head and turned it to the side. "I'm sorry Markus I can't help myself." In that instance I realized she wasn't in control and I took the opportunity to slide between her legs and run for the house. This was a mistake. Clearly she was the winner in the speed category as well as the strength category. As I reached the porch I felt the back of a fist connecting with my jaw. Again I was on the ground. This time in a corner with no escape. Grinning, as she always seemed to with those beautiful eyes and the pouting mouth wickedly she lowered herself to me and quickly bit my neck. Blood gushed into her mouth, she stopped short of killing me. "I'm not sorry now Markus, THE POWER is AMAZING." she was nearly screaming. I could only look at her, to drained to fight. "Markus, ask and I will give you what you want." I nodded to her, I didn't want to die, I could live as a vampire the things I could see, do, and accomplish. Joshua began to unbuckle my belt again, stripping me of all my clothes and lying me on the porch she leaned over and extended her tongue. After touching the tip of my penis she commented. "Not as bad as I thought it was going to be Markus, I hope you enjoy it as well." She rested my penis on her lower lip licking the underside of it until it began to engorge with what blood I had left, at 7 inches fully erect she began to close her mouth around it and move her neck beginning to give me her first blow job ever. I looked down and Joshua smiled at me as his new body and mind was enraptured with its new duties and desires. I could feel the moist gloss that was on her lips I was almost ready to come when Joshua stopped. Standing over me she bit her wrist and fed me some of her blood, pain immediately racked my body but was suddenly lessened when Joshua lowered herself onto my throbbing penis. A groan emerged from her lips and mine as she began to rock forward, she removed her top and I began to play with her nipples, she moaned. I became disgusted as I realized this was Joshua. I slowed my rhythm and began to stop my ministrations when she leaned over and kissed me passionately, my hands found their way back to her breasts and as a man inside a woman who was once my best friend there was something so erotic I couldn't hope to stop. I played with her nipples suckling them licking the tips. She had her hands on my chest using it to push and pull to rock back and forth on my manhood. I grabbed her ass squeezing and caressing. I began to turn white, my skin loosing its tanned color. My muscles lost tone my hair began to darken. Joshua's orgasm was closing in as was mine every step closer we got every moan every yes every shout to continue fucking her made me loose another thread of my humanity. My nails had grown long as had my hair. My arms were feminine, it was to late, I realized I was going to be a woman now and I didn't care all I cared about was making my best friend Joshua have the first massive orgasm of his female life. Her moans grew more demanding, I knew it was happening, she was coming. She vocalized, "Oh my father, oh father! God yes! Uhf... I'm coming Markus I'm coming." and with that I exploded deep inside her, my penis lost its erect stature and slid into my body followed by my testicles leaving a smooth flat area with NO genitalia. I stood up, a white androgynous vampire. "What happened Joshua." I said with a rather monotone voice. She grinned, "I took away your human life, only father can give you a new life, you must see him. It's part of your fantasy, come, he's inside." I was cold, I wasn't sure at this point if anything was real but Joshua lead me by my now slim arm into my house, which no longer resembled my house except for the layout. We walked into what was once the master bedroom. There was leather whips, chains, tables with cuffs and in the center of the room where I was being led was a large circular object. "Markus stand on the platform." I did as I was told and stood on the cold steel platform, Joshua secured my legs spread eagled to the altar. Followed by my wrists, soft velvet cuffs secured my legs and arms. I had no pulse, I wasn't breathing and I had a hunger for something I couldn't quite place. Joshua left the room. Now on top of everything I was alone. If I was alone though, why didn't I feel like it. "Hello Markus." a deep and handsome voice sounded from somewhere behind me. I gasped, fear again held me in its grip. "Father?" I stuttered. "Yes Markus, are you ready to become my offspring?" his voice was firm, there was no echo, I couldn't even tell if it was out loud or in my head. "I'm afraid father." the shake in my voice was audible for all to hear. "I understand child, but you are among family, you are... safe." The altar I was on began to turn, I was no longer right side up, but upside down. From the shadows a figure came into view. He had white hair was clean shaven and had crystal blue eyes that penetrated me in ways I can't explain. I was his, I belonged to him and I knew it, I wanted it, I was happy. He nodded, "Ah, so you are ready my child?" It was at this moment I noticed he was entirely naked, Joshua returned to the room at father's beckoning. She reached for his penis taking the head of it into her hands she lapped the tip immediately making it solid, he grimaced and kissed Joshua full on the lips. "Now my daughter." he said as he patted her on the head she took her thumbnail and made a small puncture wound in the head and another on the shaft. He turned to me and walked within range of my being. I was disgusted and aroused at the same time. His large member stood at the entrance to my plain looking mouth. He firmly grasped my waist; rested his face, his cheek on my flat sexless crotch and proceeded to slowly insert his penis into my mouth. I could feel his breath, hot and heavy on my thighs, his stomach and chest pressing against my chest and torso. As his penis passed my lips, his blood stained my mouth, a red that was the exact same color as Joshua's, my lips began to inflate, become full round meant for only two purposes. Feeding and pleasing Father. His blood began to fuel me; I was becoming alive once again. My tongue found the tip of his penis and flicked and rolled it, sliding down his shaft, I could feel myself pursing my lips and moving my head in motion with his gyration, he was closing in on orgasm I couldn't wait for him to finish. Alas he did not, he stopped short of coming. "Child what enthusiasm, you will definitely be my daughter and not my son." he gasped for breath. I realized what I had done, I understood what he was saying and I vomited and nearly passed out. A loud rumbling filled him and a laugh burst from him. His penis painfully erect he lowered the altar horizontally he crawled between my legs, positioning his penis near my sexless crotch. As he pushed forward I cried for him to stop. "Father please I don't want to be a woman, Father please." but the cries fell on deaf ears. The tip of his penis pushed into soft skin forming a slit that would have been immediately recognizable to any man in the room, I continued to beg him to stop until his testicles touched my body, suddenly an energy struck through my body. My hips gnashed spreading, reworking themselves, my breasts grew my stomach pouched in that all to feminine way. My vagina finished forming, the hair from Fathers crotch rubbed against my new clit causing me to gyrate my hips, trying to GRIND into him. He began to tease my nipples with his tongue, he slid a finger in my ass and traced the insides. He removed the finger and held my ass cheek firmly. Joshua then entered the room and removed my cuffs. I shot up grabbing my breasts pulling at the nipples they felt so good, my body was betraying my mind, or had my mind already betrayed my body, I didn't care this was wonderful I wrapped my legs around father and my arms around his neck, I passionately kissed him, our tongues intertwining. He leaned down and bit my neck. What an amazing sexual feeling, I returned the favor and bit his chest drawing blood. He roared violently. I pushed him back onto the ground and straddled him and began pumping hard the way Joshua had done to me. I was close to orgasm. "Father make me a woman." I cried as my orgasm struck followed closely by a second and then father came inside me. We fell on top of each other breathless motionless and then Joshua chained me to the wall. "You may be happy now sister, but it won't last long, you must be broken of your ways and we must do it quickly I'm tired of being trapped in your fantasy." Joshua was right, a few hours later I was disgusted with myself again, I wanted to be a man again, to have my manhood returned. "Joshua, you finished the bet man, its paid in full, let's get back to life." I said in a voice the oozed so much sex I actually became wet. She grinned that damned grin and stood me up then set me down in a white metal chair. It was very cold, my pussy was wet, I wanted her so badly but I was going to resist until Josh changed us back. I had already been defiled, I had already been mentally and physically abused, at least in my mind I hadn't enjoyed any of it not matter how much I enjoyed all of it. "Markus, hrm... now Markie? No no Mary, that's very good, Mary you are a woman, spread your legs and I'll show you." she straddled me and kissed me a kiss I didn't return, she tried to open my legs but I held them fast. "FINE!" she screamed, rubbing her own breasts and caressing the shapely body she had. "Stand and look!" She stood me up and faced me towards a mirror, I was gorgeous absolutely gorgeous. 5'10" 117 lbs White skin, Rosy nipples atop plump round bosom, Black hair with a red tinge that framed my face and fell well down my back, My legs were shapely and creamy, Joshua and I were clearly sisters. My mouth and hers both spoke of sex and oral copulation full and red desirous lips. Joshua kissed my neck, I stood fast. Just put her hands on my hips and ran them down around my ass and back up to my breasts, a moan escaped my lips. "You are a woman, do men get aroused in this fashion? Do men look like that?" she motioned to the mirror. "Besides, you are faster and stronger than any man on this planet." She was right I was. She kissed my neck again, this time I pushed her away with my chained hand, she in turn held my hands at my side, I wasn't putting up much of a fight as she came between me and the mirror placing a kiss directly on my nipple moving down my stomach and finally pushing me back into the chair she fell to her knees and with a little force parted my legs. "And men certainly don't have cunts do they?" She smirked and inserted two fingers. I was lost, my mind faded. I was still myself but I was also a woman who was being eaten out by a beautiful woman. My moans grew louder and as they did my carnal instincts grew stronger. My hips bucked and I came all over Joshua's face and the metal chair. I had surrendered; I was now... a Vampyress.

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Billy and Betsy

It was about ten on a Saturday morning, the time when a fourteen-year-old boy begins to think about waking up. He’d been up once to pee and crashed again. His parents were gone somewhere for the day so it was very quiet. He was enjoying a not-uncommon sexual dream. This time a naked body, hopefully female, was spooned up behind him and her hand was holding his morning wood and rubbing it gently. What was different about this one was the voice whispering in his ear, “Billy, I want you to fuck...

1 year ago
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Her name was Betsy

Well let me tell you a little bit about her. Her name is Betsy, she is about 5'5, with long brown hair, beautiful brown eyes and a smile that could stop you in your tracks. Her body is amazing. She has what I guess to about 34DD breasts, a nice toned stomach and the cutest ass I've ever seen. It all starts one day when I get a phone call from a man by the name of John. He calls me up asking me to come over and help him fix his boat. He says he will pay me five hundred if I can get it...

2 years ago
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Finding Betsy

Dear Reader, This story is part of Ruthie's Foursome, in which Jack of All Trades, DrSpin, Mr. Slot and I, all of whom have the privilege of sharing Ruthie as our editor, each wrote stories using a common theme. I hope you'll read and enjoy all four. My thanks, as always, to Ruthie for her editing and assistance. E.Z. "Are you all right?" I asked, extending a hand to help her. "Yeah. Thanks," she said, looking around for the street toughs I drove off. She brushed off her clothes....

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Roberta and Patricks Bet

Chapter One My arms encircled Patrick’s shoulders from behind, and my nose nuzzled into the side of his neck. I left a kiss on his cheek as I pulled back and said, “Happy birthday, sweet thing.” Patrick was sitting at the breakfast table finishing a bowl of cereal. Our two young ones were already off to school. Morning sunlight spilled across the table, a red and rippled patch of it on the opposite side of Patrick’s juice glass, a deep shadow on the opposite side of his coffee mug. He turned...

1 year ago
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Roberta and Patricks Bet

Chapter One My arms encircled Patrick’s shoulders from behind, and my nose nuzzled into the side of his neck. I left a kiss on his cheek as I pulled back and said, “Happy birthday, sweet thing.” Patrick was sitting at the breakfast table finishing a bowl of cereal. Our two young ones were already off to school. Morning sunlight spilled across the table, a red and rippled patch of it on the opposite side of Patrick’s juice glass, a deep shadow on the opposite side of his coffee mug. He turned...

4 years ago
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Chris Marrs All For Bet

Chris Marr’s all for Bet“Unghhhhhh! Unghhhh Ohhhh! Yes! Ohhhhh.”Bet held her husband close, her breath short, and felt his breath in her ear as he grunted his cumming. He went limp and lay, a dead weight, on her hot body.“Oh, that was beautiful, Baby,” he panted at last. “Still got the old oomph, Eh?”“Mmmm,” she said feeling the early tinglings of her own orgasm fade into the distance. “Can you just roll off me, love?”“Why?”“I got to go outside.”“Oh, dear. Old bladder not what it...

3 years ago
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Lets Make A Bet

Let's make a bet By: Phoebos Edited by Marie7342231 This is my second story. I am trying to apply new ideas and think outside of the box. Any comments, suggestions, or if you would like to reach me for any reason you can email me at [email protected] My sister and I have a very special ability. We can enforce the condition of a bet on each other no matter what it is. Don't ask me how we got this power. All I know is that the two of us are the only ones who seem to be able...

2 years ago
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I Bet

Another story featuring the antagonist from my earlier story, "A Friendly Game of Pool". This story has taken a while to put together, and I'm still not sure if it really is finished. I'd like to continue the story in the future. Please let me know what you think with a comment. There are going to be some editing/grammar mistakes, I know. This is the fourth version of the story, so I think it's the most concise. "I Bet" by...

4 years ago
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IPL Betting

Hi all and this is Manu from Bangalore and the story is about me and my online friend, it happened on 2nd season of IPL and I met her on one of the social network site around 2008, we used to fight on the community forums, that leads to friend request, den to chat daily, finally call and her Mobile no, daily we used to chat, talk, SMS a lot. She was 18 by that time and our daily talk started with casual talking, slowly moved on romance den finally on sex. She was not much aware of the sex,...

1 year ago
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The Super Bet

Chapter 1 "Well, it looks like we got ourselves a Super Bowl!" Tom said to me, as we sat in my living room. Tom was Tom Jacobsen, my next-door neighbor. We were watching the final minutes of the NFC Championship game, as the Carolina Panthers were closing out their impressive victory over the Philadelphia Eagles. The Panthers played in Charlotte, which is where I lived. So, the city was going to go nuts at the Panthers being in the Bowl-and Tom had been a Panthers fan since the team had...

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“You’d really do that?” Todd asked. “You’d give me a blow job if our basketball team wins tonight? And if we lose I will give you $50 right?”“Sure will, if you win that is. A bet is a bet, isn’t it?” Replied Angie. “Fact is I would be willing to give the team a blowjob if they could ever win a game” Angie added. “If you can pull it off tonight I’ll be ready to suck any cock that helps win the game. Oh, and be ready to pay up. Cause a bet is a bet. And I have a feeling I am going to win...

2 years ago
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The Bet

“You’d really do that?” Todd asked. “You’d give me a blow job if our basketball team wins tonight? And if we lose I will give you $50 right?” “Sure will, if you win that is. A bet is a bet, isn’t it?” Replied Angie. “Fact is I would be willing to give the team a blowjob if they could ever win a game” Angie added. “If you can pull it off tonight I’ll be ready to suck any cock that helps win the game. Oh, and be ready to pay up. Cause a bet is a bet. And I have a feeling I am going to...

2 years ago
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Ashley Part I The Bet

Introduction    I have been an anonymous reader of stories on this site for a long time and have really wanted to try and be a contributor.   But I’m afraid my imagination isn’t as developed as many of the really good writers here.   So for the past few months I’m very writing a story that is pretty much autobiographical.   It probably isn’t as good or as adult as most entries here.   But it has the benefit of having taken place.   A couple of other notes…   First, since it was so long I...

3 years ago
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Ashley Part I The Bet

Introduction    I have been an anonymous reader of stories on this site for a long time and have really wanted to try and be a contributor.   But I’m afraid my imagination isn’t as developed as many of the really good writers here.   So for the past few months I’m very writing a story that is pretty much autobiographical.   It probably isn’t as good or as adult as most entries here.   But it has the benefit of having taken place.   A couple of other notes…   First, since it...

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Crazy Betby Scorpio00155 ([email protected])***Two older women who might be called cougars, make a bet that could be called perverted. Wendy bets her friend Linda that she can seduce Linda's son before Linda can. Linda tries to prove her wrong. (MF, inc)*** "You are fucking crazy!" I said in disbelief as I stared at my best friend Wendy through wide eyes."Well you've always known I was nuts Linda," she grinned back at me "but are you on or not?""Jezzus!" I blurted. "Let me get this...

3 years ago
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Book Club Part Three The Bet

My name is Rita. Holly and I have been friends for ten years. Like the others in the book club, we are both recent empty nesters in our mid-forties. Holly and I are good friends but have very different personalities. Holly is very outgoing and very adventurous. I would be what most would call a follower. I am quiet and shy.Just like several others in the club Holly and I would get together and discuss the books before the monthly club meeting.“What did you think Rita, did you get a little...

Wife Lovers
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Two older women who might be called cougars, make a bet that could be called perverted. Wendy bets her friend Linda that she can seduce Linda's son before Linda can. Linda tries to prove her wrong. (MF, inc)*** "You are fucking crazy!" I said in disbelief as I stared at my best friend Wendy through wide eyes."Well you've always known I was nuts Linda," she grinned back at me "but are you on or not?""Jezzus!" I blurted. "Let me get this straight, you're betting that you can seduce my son before...

2 years ago
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You Bet

“You’re an idiot,” Karen said, shaking her head and looking away from her husband. “How in the hell is going to a horse race a date night?” “It’ll be great!” Greg said excitedly. “You can get dressed up, they have good food, it’s just like going out to dinner but with something extra!” “Yeah, something extra. You gambling away all our money. Again.” It stung but was true; Greg loved to gamble but was quite bad at it. Poker, slots, sports, any time money could be wagered Greg was there to do...

2 years ago
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Losing your wife to a bet

Jeff had worked at the local pizza joint for a few years and had made a few friends. He had grown closest to Billy who was into gambling. Billy introduced Jeff to poker, craps and all sorts of table games. Billy had hosted a few trips to Vegas and eventually Jeff was a fan gambling but preferred table games. Jeff was too scared to make any major bets at the casinos, but when he played with Billy we was never too scared to double or nothing. He didnt feel the pressure of reality when playing...

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The Football Bet

“Hurry up,” Johnny shouted up at me.“I am going as fast as I can,” I shouted down the stairs. “What's the big deal?”One of his co-workers was coming to our apartment to watch a football game. I didn't see the big deal.“He's always on time,” Johnny said.As he looked himself in the mirror for the three-hundredth time, I came down the stairs. Staring at him, I shook my head at him.“Come here,” I said. I always had to straighten his hair, it was always a mess.“You're wearing that?” he asked.“Yeah,”...

1 year ago
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The Bet

It all started with a bet. It was no secret between Stacy and I about my little kink. We had talked about it in the past, especially in bed after a long, hard session. No matter how much I tried, I kept coming back to the same fantasy. I wanted to watch. I know, I know it's weird, I was even a little weirded out by it, but there was no denying how much it turned me on or how much it turned her on...  Stacy was gorgeous. Young, hot, nice tits and the best ass on the planet. Despite all this she...

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The Bet

The Bet By RogerGirl Lainey and Ken entered the party and looked around. To the partygoers, they appeared as a hot couple of twenty-one year olds. Lainey was wearing a short tight minidress that showed off her long legs, firm ass, thin waist, and a generous amount of cleavage. Her face was expertly made up and her brown hair was long and styled to accentuate her features and frame her face. She was wearing a pair of six inch open toed heels and she was carrying a small purse in her...

2 years ago
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A Bet Is A Bet

A BET IS A BET by Throne Darren and I had been pals since grade school. We had even remained buddies after he revealed his penchant for crossdressing. I wasn't thrilled about it, but he didn't dress that way when we were together, so it was acceptable. I had a good job in accounts analyzing. He had gotten into the costume department of a major movie studio. I'll admit that, because I'm such a movie buff, I was jealous of his opportunities to meet major stars. He never made a big...

1 year ago
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Im just Not Gay Ill take the Bet

"How about that guy?"My girlfriend was pointing at a guy walking up to the door of the rest area. I'd lost a bet, and she takes paying off bets very seriously. I'd bet her that she couldn't get me off by giving me a blowjob in less than 10 minutes. I was so sure I'd win. See...she'd given me lots of blowjobs. And don't get me wrong, they all felt great! But I'd never come from one unless I sort of 'helped'. That is, if I thought about certain extra-kinky fantasies, or if I talked dirty to her,...

4 years ago
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The Bet

Jasmine becomes a slave part 1 Chapter 1 The betRacheal was going to the B&D party at Shelia’s that Monday night and was picking out her outfit.  She selected the black leather cat suit that hugged her body and while it covered her, it allowed everyone to know she had a hot body.  Shelia was a fellow Domme and was the area’s leading supplier of fetish gear, from clothes to dungeon items and all of her parties were events not to be missed as she loved to demonstrate new items on her slaves.  As...

2 years ago
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Lost Bet

Kelle was fucked! Figuratively not literally. She had lost a bet. A huge bet. She had been out of the police academy for only six weeks and Kelle was desperate to fit in. Therefore, when a group of officers, all men, had invited her for drinks after shift, she had jumped at the chance. Now she regretted it. Big time! After far too many drinks, they had suggested a game. It was a simple dice game that every bar used to have. In addition, Kelle was good at it, or she thought she was. After a few...

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First Lesbian The Bet

My husband is the one who got me started. Though I would never admit to anyone other than my husband that I read these stories and that they excite me, I never dreamed that I would be writing one.Truthfully the only reason that this whole thing happened and I am now documenting it, is because of my loosing a bet with my husband.Without giving too much of myself away, I will tell you that I have been with my husband for 24 years, I am 48 years old, and we have 2 grown sons, 18 and 20 years...

2 years ago
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The Bet

The Bet Prologue The envelope was unexciting. At first glance, the plain white exterior looked like it might be from the bank, or a sales company. Most likely it was just a bill, demanding money as such things do. On a closer inspection, however, the multitude of stamps on the front would reveal that this envelope had flown across the Atlantic from England. It definitely wasn’t a bill. The young woman who picked it up from the mailbox casually flicked her hair out of her eyes as she glanced at...

3 years ago
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You Bet

YOU BET by Throne and C.C. Cecil's wife Bette came home in a state of amused agitation. She looked down at him from her superior height, over the hills of her watermelon boobs, and said, "Ceece, you won't believe what happened with Dara and me. She made this crazy dare and I took her up on it. And then I got her back with one of my own. Here's what's going on." He was more interested in the slim chance of going to bed with her. It had been way too long, at least since she had...

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The Bet

The Bet By Cassandra Morgan Hers was the perfect face. The dancing eyes. The plump, but not obscene, lips. The way the bangs of her blonde hair danced on her forehead. The white teeth. The dimples. Above all else, that heart-capturing smile Lauren Howard stood in the living room of the Kempers, still as beautiful as the day we were married. When she was around, no one noticed the other women in the room. There was just Lauren. She was the star of the show, the one whose eyes you...

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Lillians Bet

She's sitting at her favorite table by the front window, her back to the wall, so she has a clear view of the room. She is carefully nibbling an almond croissant with her coffee, reading a book. She is probably around thirty, but presents herself as older. She has quite a pretty face made dour by the absence of any make-up. Her hair is a nice medium brown with some natural red toning, pulled tightly back in a workday bun. Her only jewelry is a thin gold chain around a first-class neck. Her...

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The Bet

At school, I was on the wrestling squad. I wasn’t exactly stocky, but well-built. Apart from wrestling, I also dabbled in martial arts and boxing. The latter was not my forte and didn’t come to me naturally, because my foot and hand speed were never quite up to scratch. But when it came to grappling, I was able to hold my own.I was also not the greatest student and settled for a trade after leaving high school. I chose the electrical route. Two years after school, I had completed my trade and I...

Gay Male
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Bet you cant make me Gay Bets a Bet

"It's time to wake up now."With just those six words, I regained the ability to open my eyes. Regained? I guess that's not the right word. I'd only just dozed off—nothing more."Well, how do you feel?" The hypnotist grinned at me. I didn't see why he was grinning, though. He was a friend of mine. His name was Kyle and he liked to think he was a master when it came to hypnosis. I guess in a sense he was. I did get into a trance, after all—well, I did if that's what you call falling asleep from...

3 years ago
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My wife loses a bet

It all started as a simply little bet. It was one of those bets where we were both 100% sure that we were right. Sound familiar? First the bet was for $5, then she upped it to $20 and I upped it to $50. That’s when things got interesting. She said “I know you’re wrong but if you win, I’ll do anything you want me to do, but if I win, you have to do anything I want you to do - anything at all!”This did not intimidate me in the slightest as I was so sure I was right. “OK, I’ll take that bet.”Less...

1 year ago
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A Bets a Bet

Kalie was already pissed at David, they had argued earlier in the day about coming out tonight. The two had been dating since their sophomore year of high school and had been nearly inseparable since. It was now the start of their second semester at college, they had gone to the same school in Colorado. The two were from Nebraska and the school had been a compromise, Kalie wanted to get out away from home but David wanted to be near his parents. Now they were a short drive away but at least...

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Bikini Beach The Bet

Bikini Beach: The Bet By Julie Butch sat at the bar of his favorite club, looking around for any likely targets. He was a predator, although he didn't think of himself in that light. He stood 6'3" and weighed around 225. He thought of himself as being 'buff'. He worked out regularly because he liked the high he got off of the endorphins that the body produced during an extended workout. It was almost as good as sex. He never had any problems finding a sexual partner. One of...

4 years ago
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Class Reunion the Bet

Thanks to my assortment of Editors, including Dragonsweb, Jacques Noir, RastaDevil, The Old Fart & WanderingScot and other advance readers that prefer to maintain deniability I really hadn't wanted to attend my ten year High School class reunion, but my fiancée Amber talked me into it. While I had stayed in pretty good contact with most of my old school friends and had visited home fairly often over the years, Amber had never met any of them and the timing of the reunion seemed ideal for...

2 years ago
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A Bets a Bet

Kalie was already pissed at David, they had argued earlier in the day about coming out tonight. The two had been dating since their sophomore year of high school and had been nearly inseparable since. It was now the start of their second semester at college, they had gone to the same school in Colorado. The two were from Nebraska and the school had been a compromise, Kalie wanted to get out away from home but David wanted to be near his parents. Now they were a short drive away but at least...

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Deadwood Deadmans hand Losing a bet

We pulled into Deadwood about 3 o’clock in the afternoon. While Sturgis wasn’t that much farther, Laurie’s hands gripping my waist was making me edgy and I knew I needed to stop and blow off some much built up steam. After we checked into the hotel, Laurie jumped in the shower and I took the opportunity to run over to the local grocery store. I strolled through the store quickly, grabbing a bottle of white zinfandel and a couple of the disposable enemas. I had plans for Laurie, even though she...

1 year ago
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The Big Game Bet

I was bored, watching a bad porn movie on cable TV when the phone rang. "Hello." "Whatcha doing, playing with yourself again," my step-daughter Teresa asked me. "Funny," I answered. "Isn't that what you do most of the day?" Teresa was 20, a cute, top-heavy bottle-blonde with several piercings and tattoos and one of those tongue studs, and she worked as a repair dispatcher for the cable TV company. Thanks to her connections I got great service and the fastest Internet service possible, and at a...


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