Vampyre NightsPart 6 free porn video

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A soft plop sounded as the fragment slid from Lesley hand into the cold water of the low level cistern. Three pieces successfully hidden, two still to find locations for. She had been instructed by Joyce to spread them around to ensure a casual observer could never find more than one piece. It didn't make a lot of sense to Lesley and as was more than typical she had not been let in on the secret. Lesley poked her head outside of the restroom and listened intently before moving on, judging by the quietness of the club the cleaner was still busy downstairs. In minutes the final fragments were shadowed away and Lesley strode confidently down the stairs.

All was quiet as she dropped from the last step, and Lesley shouted cheerily

"Thanks I found my purse," into the unlit cavernous interior.

"I'm off now!"

There was a brief muffled reply; there was something about the retorts timbre that enchanted Lesley. She decided to seek out the speaker, her legs seemed to know which way to go; after a few steps her other senses caught up, the sweetest of smells - so rich she could taste it on her tongue, the most velvet of lips brushing softly against hers. Blindly she felt her being drawn towards something pure, virginally innocent. Her sole intent was corruption of such innocence it was too tempting, too easy.

Joyce stirred in her day-time slumber, her dreams pulled apart from her sisters; Claudia alone saw the dispatching of the remaining peasant girls. For seconds that stretched into years Joyce's mind was blank, until the call came. The call whipped through her rest and transported her soul to a very different bedchamber. At it's centre a dark haired woman reclined, Joyce's mind cowered as the unspoken words rang in her mind.

"Welcome novice into the presence of Erzsébet Bathory, council member of the Wampyr high command. Fear for your immortality, my will rules supreme here."

Joyce felt her body pushed down into a supplicants pose.

"What do you want with me?" Joyce's words froze in the chill air.

"Want with you," Erzsébet cruelly laughed "nothing, from you, everything. You are the most useful of our new recruits, and you are truly privileged. Most vampyres never met one of the true Wampyr, let alone consort with one. However needs drive us, man is close to defeating us, not by power or wisdom but by his fascination with science"

"Defeat us, man is too weak willed, surely?" Joyce asked in astonishment.

"True, but he would not even know of his victory, or need to fight the battle. As always he would stumble forth in stupidity, but he would still win!"

"How, when all we need to do is take of his blood to enslave him?" Joyce questioned the mistress.

"His blood, yes it is both our strength and our weakness. Humans produce intoxicants in their blood when they have pleasure; it is these we feed on not the blood itself. True Wampyr cannot produce the intoxicants themselves and without our regular supply we fade, we can pass on our nature to humans through the bite, or more rarely we can find orphans"

"Orphans?" Joyce furrowed her brow.

"Yes, like you, somewhere in your ancestry a vampyre bit, but did not complete the bite. One of your forebears was strong or wiley enough to escape. The bite was carried through your bloodline to you, an orphan; you do not need the bite. Any contact with a vampyre or its property will turn you"

"So how will man defeat us, there must be many orphans?" Joyce quizzed further

"Many thousands, but soon with his science man will find them, cure them and in the process destroy us. Our touch damages man; if the orphan has no contact with a vampyre by middle age it will perish young. Man will soon have the power to detect this and cure it. If that cure was given to all - Wampyr could not infect humans"

"We would die out!" Joyce interjected her eyes widening.

"Yes, and you are tasked to find and seduce one who can prevent that happening, we need to fight fire with fire, find me an accursed scientist! Do not fail me Wampyr hate is not to be endured"

Abruptly the dream ended, back to welcoming blankness Joyce's soul fled carrying Erzsébet's task wedded to its core. In her sleep Joyce turned her black hair swept across her features, black except for one streak of the purest virginal white.

Maldea wondered at the new feelings her young body produced, oh she had touched herself before, but never with such urgent purpose. Her dark toned hands dipped under her panty band and spread the collecting dew towards the sparse hairs of her smooth mound. Her breath whistled between semi-open lips as her panting deepened. Maldea's mind used her mothers voice to scream at her, to stop the thoughts and the plundering digits, before they sullied her. Desire was stronger than the upbringing, and the body responded faster than the guilt could cope with. Images of soft female flesh hung before her, succulent peach skinned breasts, deep liquid valleys, her wetness played against her fingers as the pleasure surged, Maldea spiralled into her first orgasm of womanhood.

Lesley pursed her lips, and then licked them slowly in appreciation of the impromptu floorshow she had just witnessed. Her boot tip reached out to nudge the girls left foot. She jumped, startled and staring.

"Its alright, that was lovely - would you like to learn more?" Lesley asked in smooth languid voice.

"No, leave me it's wrong, I'm bad - I need confession, I'm..." The girl cried in terror.

"What you need the church can't supply, but I can" Lesley grinned stepping out of her discarded pants.

"Stay away from me I'll scream," threatened the seated girl.

"You will, but you'll have to make me scream first" Lesley laughed throwing her skirt over the girls upturned tear streaked face.

Maldea struggled against the flesh being pressed into her face, trying desperately to avoid contact with the slippery slit. It was hopeless; the lips found hers and pressed savagely down smearing juices in their wake. Another outrage, nimble fingers sought the tender nipples on the under-developed chest. Once more her body started the sweetest of betrayals, her lips opened a fraction and met slick pungent skin, the taste was pure temptation. An inexperienced tongue explored the flavour further and all was lost, lost and found in an instant. The girl worshipped between Lesley's stretched legs feeding her newfound desire. Olive skinned hands plundered the small wet vulva for the second time as Maldea discovered the bud of her polished clitoris.

Mike swung the pickup into East Houston, It was getting late, and he would need to find somewhere to hole up for the night soon. His eyes flicked alone the sidewalk looking for accommodation, 237, nope 251, nope, 269... Lesley! She just appeared before him sauntering away from the street corner doorway. Mike slammed on the brakes and rammed the right tires unceremoniously up the kerbstone. He searched in desperation for her, and flew from the seat to head up Avenue B in desperate pursuit.

"Hey buddy, you can't leave it there I've got a delivery due" An unseen voice challenged.




Chapter Seventeen: Best left alone

Frankie still fought against the lure of the vampyre life, but her resistance was waning. She still berated her lack of willpower when Lesley had initiated the threesome, not that Gina had complained. It was just that the real Gina would have complained, just as the real Frankie would have stopped the errant Lesley. Tears pooled in Frankie's eyes, they were quickly swept away, as must be any other telltale signs of free will. Frankie pulled her emotions in line as the others filed into the lounge. Joyce radiated confidence as she spoke to the group.

"Lesley will soon return from the Meow mix; where she has been laying the bait. Soon our victims will come to us, making our presence harder to detect. It also avoids the risk of us being unable to return here before the dawn launches an obscene sun into the sky. Your task is to entertain our guests, entertain and extract vital information. We are searching for a scientist, or even better a molecular biologist to convert to the cause. Why this is needed you do not need to know, simply contact me, my or sister Claudie with any information. Anyone converting such a contact for personal pleasure will be outcast!"

"What do you mean outcast?" asked an inquisitive Frankie.

"Just that you will be excluded from the house and the roost" Joyce stated.

"But, we'd die!" Gina gasped open mouthed.

"Just so and quite horribly, so no mistakes" Smiled Joyce.

"Frankie could I have a word?" Joyce added "Alone"

Claudie led Gina out of the lounge, her arm slung loosely around the girl's waist. Frankie watched them depart; it still hurt to see Gina with someone else. As the linked figures disappeared Joyce spoke in a hushed but threatening voice.

"Always the one to question, never quite able to hide your impertinence are you Frankie"

"No offence Joyce, I'm just the nosey kind, you know?" Frankie gulped, even towering over Joyce's slight form she still felt small.

"I know, Frankie, I know you had time to build up resistance before you bite was completed. I know you are a rebel, but I will crush you if you oppose my will" Joyce's voice grated with hard-edged hate.

"Oppose you why would..." Frankie's sentence was cut short by a thrusting hand grabbing her throat. As if weightless she was lifted a full six inches from the ground.

"Oppose me and watch Gina die, oppose me and I will make her the outcast. I will force you to watch her flesh stripped by the noon sun, you will see her change right before you into something you can't bear to look at, let alone touch! Do we understand each other?" Joyce looked deeply into the shocked eyes.

"Yes, you're killing me, please" Frankie croaked.

Joyce lessened her grip and returned a shaken Frankie to solid ground.

"Good, it's best to be clear, it saves a lot of bad feeling in the long run," Joyce smiled. "now show me there is no bad feeling Frankie"

Frankie stooped and kissed Joyce, lightly at first, but then with increasing passion. Frankie's hands slid easily down Joyce's back and pulled the twin globes of her ass-cheeks apart. An insistent finger probed against a resistant sphincter, then popped into the pliant depths. Joyce sighed heavily and relaxed back onto the sofa, she looked up into Frankie's adoring eyes and grinned. As the lapping began to spread wetness up her slit Joyce closed her eyes in pleasure.

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When the Frost Was On the PumpkinChapter 4

By the time school let out on Monday, I had pretty well planned out what I wanted June to agree to if she wanted me to reenact the earlier session she'd watched me have with Debbie. I'd had the whole weekend to think about her phone call and to go over in my mind everything she had said to me. I caught up with June on the sidewalk out in front of our school. She had been talking with Sarah Johnson. a stuck up rich kid who thought she was better than everyone else. One of the things I liked...

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Siennas Seduction Part III

Minidevilette© 2012 This is part three in Sienna’s encounter and it would probably be beneficial, although not entirely necessary, to get up to speed by reading the previous two chapters. My abject apologies to people who enjoyed Sienna Pt I & II and posted to let me know of their enthusiasm for more ~ I know it’s been awhile but I’m getting it together again & Pt IV is in the works. I hope this doesn’t disappoint. Survival or surrender? What the hell kind of choice is that? Sienna thought...

3 years ago
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Bhabhi ko pakad k chod dala

I am a 26 yr old guy from Delhi. I have studied many ISS stories so I also want to share one of my real experience. It was the story of the time when I was in 12th standard. It was the time of summers ,one day I was sitting in my garden than suddenly one 25 yr old lady came and ask me about the to let advertisement in the newspaper and I told her that you are in rite house. Now let me tell you about the appearance of that lady, she is about 5’6 little bit chubby types. Nice boobs not much big...

1 year ago
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CuckoldSessions Kayley Gunner Second Appearance

Mistress Kayley is going to set cuckold Fluffy straight. He has the audacity of begging her to fuck him. She lets him know his pathetic little penis is in chastity for a reason and needs a reminder of his place with a good beating. Once his little boy bottom is red she calls for the Men with real Big Cocks. Mazee and Coach enter to a good laugh at the cuckold’s expense, the natural reaction to someone so pathetic. Kayley is quick to shift her attention to the Cocks in front of her and is...

2 years ago
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Lusty game with friend and his wife

On a Saturday evening, I dropped my wife at airport, since wanted to visit her parents. On return, I went to Gym for a solid workout for about one hour. While returning, I thought of having a drink or two at a peaceful bar. After having ordered my drink, I saw my friend walking in. I waved at him and offered him a drink. He asked me as to how I was alone today. I told him the reason. He immediately called his wife and asked whether he could invite me for lunch and dinner on Sunday. After...

3 years ago
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The Evening That Changed Me

The evening i changedThis is pure fiction My usual saturday routine was underway. Drinking alone at my local sports bar. 6 beers in, a stunning women with dark brown hair walks in. Shes wearing a black dress high heels, and a choker. Obviously im checking her out and c cup chest, but in my head i know shed never go for a guy like me, im tall bearded, chubby and have a pony tail... think louise ck but with pony tail. Compared to her looking like seline from underworld... i stood no chance, for...

2 years ago
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My Niece and Her FriendsChapter 13

“If you’re gonna be working on my cock for awhile, you’re gonna need some energy. Are you hungry for some real food, Kid?” I don’t know why, but I started to call her “Kid”. Maybe it had something to do with her calling me “Sir”. Whatever, it just felt natural to call her that. She didn’t seem to mind. “Yes, sir. Now that you mention it, I’m starving actually.” “Okay, you just lay here and relax and let that medicine start working. I’ll go make us something to eat.” I went out to the...

1 year ago
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Tommy and Me

I laid on the couch at Tommy’s house, Tommy and his older brother, Adam, sat on the recliners. Lethal Weapon 2 played on their tv. Once the credits rolled I jumped up and headed to the kitchen. Tommy crawled out of the chair and followed me. I leaned up against the counter, facing him. He leaned on me, our faces almost touched. ‘Hey,’ he whispered, ‘Whats the matter?’ ‘Did Adam have to be here?’ I whispered back. ‘I thought it was just gonna be you and me.’ ‘Hmm, I’m sorry, babe. I didn’t...

2 years ago
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adopted part 5

Margaret stood at the kitchen counter the next morning, smiling as she prepared the tuna salad sandwich that her nephew would take to school. Four more times her hung, horny teen nephew had fucked her the night before, shooting load after load into her wet, juicy pussy. Margaret felt more sexually satisfied than she had been in months. She was naked now, eager to teach her dead sister's son more about sex before he left for the day. No matter how often he satisfied the wet...

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She Loves Me

Just a short story about a nerdy guy getting a girlfriend. Some these things actually happened to me when I was in high school. For instance, the part in the computer lab is all true. Life sucked back then. Anyways, enjoy. All characters starring are 18 and older. ***** High school was lonely. Being the nerd in school wasn’t exactly the coolest thing to be. I got good grades, I got scholarships, but zero dates. It wasn’t for a lack of trying though. I am very outgoing and people say I have a...

2 years ago
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Weed Mother And Gangbang

It was a typical indian summer afternoon after when Rishi’s mother had just finished her daily routine of dusting and cleaning house. Rishi’s mother says ” aaj bahut garmi hai “. Rishi couldnt help but notice that her mother’s whole body is sweaty as pig and her salwar is all wet and could clearly see the outline and shape of her tits fitting inside her bra. He checked her out with full lust in his eyes and said “haan mummy” . Rishis mother name is kaveri.. She is a typical UP mother who would...

3 years ago
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An indecent evening

So what do you do when a work colleague mentions that she likes kinky sex? What do you do when your work colleague mentions that she and her boyfriend have a shared fantasy to have sex in front of an audience? Especially if you’re both drunk at a formal work ‘do’. And the boyfriend is sitting next to you. And you are all staying the night at the hotel. Is it an offer? Are they teasing? Do you really want to watch a bloke shagging a girl you fancy? Especially since you’re supposed to be in love...

1 year ago
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watching my younger brother 2

as we grew up, My brothers, Dan , and Dave were omly allowing me to suck them when they had a case of blue balls. Dan was an object of my desire for many years to come and he and I would get together every once in a while when he was in dire need, or if he was very drunk.One time after dan divorced, I still had not married and he came back home. Dale knew I wanted to suck dan off like crazy so he allowed me to sleep in his bed that night and Dan came home drunk. he thought I was in the bed...

2 years ago
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New Widower Thinks Sex

CHAPTER 1 At least four times Jerry White had lost Melba in the mall and once in the car lot when they’d arranged to meet back at the car but he couldn’t find it. Melba had a spare set of keys so sat alone until Jerry showed up in a police car. The cops told her Jerry had reported his car had been stolen, with his wife sitting in it. Now Jerry had lost Melba for the last time and returned home from her funeral and the afternoon tea that followed in the church hall. His three kids then lined...

3 years ago
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Homemade Love

Homemade Love By Mellissa Lynn My wife, Katie, had known about my transvestite tendencies for some time, and had been fully willing to incorporate them into her own fantasies. We've played out hundreds of scenarios using our imaginations and wardrobes. We've went shopping, to clubs, out for weekend jaunts, and to social events for others like me. Every Halloween we fully swap roles; she becomes a man for the day and I become a woman. Our sex life had been outstanding...

4 years ago
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The Greatest jackoff Show in Town

Introduction: A few years ago I read a story online that made me cum like I never had cum to a story before. I lost track of it and have never been able to find it, but I have not forgotten the story line, even if I have forgotten a lot of the details. I thought I would write my own version of it in homage to the original author. If anybody knows the location of the original, tell me!I sat at my son’s high school graduation with a tear in my eye as many father’s do, but also with an ache in my...

1 year ago
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Her arrival after night out

It wasn't even a weekend night this time. It was a Tuesday and Linda had just gone out for a drink or two after work with some of her work friends.When she finally arrived home there was alot of noise at the front door and I went to help her get insideLinda had left for work that morning in a nice business suit but had arrived home in a rather dishevelled looking summer dress. While one breast was almost visable the other was in plain view as the flimsy material of the wrap around had fallen...

1 year ago
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The Twin Again

5th in a series My life had changed in a few months when myself and my widowed Aunt "T" began a sexual relationship...I has always been attracted to her even as a youngster and she had always had plenty time for me. In the late sixties times were changing and when she overcame her grief over her mate's passing I began to compliment her body and that must have got her to realize maybe her world hadn't ended with my uncle's death. A job in our small town and a co-worker that was was somewhat...

2 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 125 Homeward Bound

Andi was shoving down breakfast as fast as she could to make it to the bus on time. I had been told to bring everything I had brought here with me to the driving school today. When I got to the main building with my backpack I saw two really hot girls in bikini tops wearing very tight running shorts. They had their bags with them as well as their certificates in a clear plastic envelope. A really cute girl came in with her stuff and I saw the look of lust on her face when she saw me. I...

2 years ago
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Dost Ki Biwi Ko Choda

Hello friends. I am back with my new story. Ths is a continuation of my previous story. For new readers, my name is Ravi from Mumbai. In my previous story, me and kawal fucked Priti in her house and we had sent pics to Suresh. Suresh got very horny and he wanted to see his wife Priti get fucked in front of him by both of us. Suresh ne muje baad mein bataya ki hamare chodne ke baad ussi raat suresh ne priti ki chut chaati aut hamare paani ko taste kiya. Suresh ne bataya ki uss raat usne priti ko...

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