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Sitting at the kitchen table and talking over a hot cup of coffee and a muffin, we spoke only of the fun we were going to have today. Because this treat was a gift from Rhoda, she asked me if I would like to go first. I had been anticipating this all week and now I was getting a bit nervous. I had many massages in the past, but today of all days, I was actually shaking and shivering before Pete even arrived. I can’t believe it. I’ve been looking forward to this ‘special’ massage ever since you mentioned massages over the phone a few weeks ago, now I feel cold and shaky. I don’t know if it’s because I’m nervous or just cold with only pj’s and a robe.

“Is it cold in here, or is it just me, Rhodes?”

“It must be you; nervous jitters in anticipation. I’m only wearing a robe and I’m plenty warm.”

“Maybe you should go first and I’ll go take a hot shower and warm up a bit.”

Rhoda had no objections to that and said, “After your shower grab an extra blanket from the hall closet and wrap yourself up to keep warm and come down and watch TV.”

I told her that sounds like a plan. Just then we heard Pete pull in the driveway. I waited to meet Pete before I went to take my shower. All three of us decided to have another cup of coffee to meet and greet and also to discuss how I had been anticipating this ‘special’ massage from Pete.

Pete was an average looking guy; was very soft spoken and it was easy to see why Sis liked him. He made me feel relaxed almost instantly. He already seemed like a member of the family to me. I sat across from Pete with Rhodes on my left. The sun came out from behind a cloud and shone on both Rhoda and I. As I became more comfortable, Pete began asking if I knew what kind of massages he performed. I told him I wasn’t sure, but Rhoda had mentioned that it was very sensual and erotic. Pete began describing some of the techniques.

I looked at Sis with her eyes wide taking this all in. Pete looked at her too, and I noticed he wasn’t just looking at her wide eyes. Her robe had opened while she was drinking her coffee. The sun gleamed onto her open front and I’m sure Pete was getting an eyeful, as if he hadn’t seen it before. I gave an extended look myself. I hadn’t seen Rhoda’s breasts since we were little; I was surprised to see they were still quite firm for an ‘old’ woman. It must be hereditary because mine, a full C cup, although not quite as voluptuous as Rhoda’s, were still fairly firm with only a hint of gravity’s effect.

Pete turned and described some of the things he might try on me, and in doing so, I could feel my nipples tighten. My robe had come open and even though I was dressed, I didn’t want to look him in the face, but I felt his eyes ogling my stiffened nipples pressing against my pink flannel top. I finished my coffee and excused myself to go take a hot shower to warm up; and to cool off.

Pete finished up also and said, “It’s easy to see that you two are sisters. Cindy looks like your twin, Rhoda.”

“She’s actually a few years younger than me”

Pete was thinking to himself while Rhoda was talking and didn’t really hear her. Deep in thought, Pete was doing some fantasizing of his own.

“These two were definitely sisters. Rhoda was ready; Cindy was heading for a hot shower and would be back down before I was finished with Rhoda. Cindy reminds me of the first time I gave Rhoda an erotic massage. As the months went by giving Rhoda her special massages, it eventually occurred to me that Rhoda not only thoroughly enjoys her sensual and sexual pleasures, but also enjoys watching other people receiving pleasure. If Rhoda thought someone might be watching her, she always prodded me and requested something extra, something extra to give her audience. Her orgasms were stronger and longer when she thought she had an audience.

Several times I had caught a glimpse of someone sitting or lying on the sofa through the living room doorway opposite my massage area. Most of the day the living room is dark and it’s hard to see if anyone is in there watching TV. While watching TV it would be easy to get distracted by looking across the hall into the dining room, especially if the person heard moans of pleasure coming from there. If the door was not closed, the living room visitor could get quite an eyeful; actually a bird’s eye full.

The rooms weren’t that far apart. It was as if the person would be sitting at the foot of my table in the dining room. Not much detail could be missed. The sights, sounds and smells wafting across the hallway would paint an everlasting and vivid picture on anyone’s mind. It was a voyeur’s Heaven. Even if you weren’t a voyeur, it would be hard not to at least take a long peak at the proceedings unfolding the other room. From what I’ve learned so far about this family and their friends is that they all have strong sexual needs and are exhibitionists and voyeurs.”

“Pete, Pete are we ready to get started? Rhoda inquired. “You must have been deep in thought.”

“Sorry, Rhoda, I guess I was thinking. I was thinking about the first time I gave you a ‘special’ massage; and how that memorable day turned out.”
“You know, I was thinking about that last night when Cindy and I were talking about today’s sessions,” as Rhoda giggled like a little girl. “Let’s take it one step at a time this morning and see how I feel about it. You never know. Today might also give you everlasting memories.”

“It’s going to be a long day; anything is possible.” Pete remarked.

Pete and Rhoda headed for the massage room; perhaps a pleasant trip down ‘memory lane’.

A nice hot shower is just what I needed get over the shakes and anxiety shivers. It’s been almost an hour and I’m sure Rhoda must be just about done with her massage. All the massages I ever had lasted an hour give or take a few minutes, If they’re not done I’ll just take Rhoda’s advice and grab a blanket from this closet and head down to watch TV while I anticipate my delicious massage.

As I padded down and into the living room I could hear Pete and Rhoda still in the dining room. Not to disturb them I quietly crept to the couch to watch TV. I was just about to turn on the set when I heard some fairly loud moaning of pleasure from Rhoda. I couldn’t help myself; I looked up and only then did I realize the living room doorway was almost directly opposite the dining room. I always remembered the sofa against the other wall, but it appears Rhoda must have moved it to accommodate the new TV.

I only meant to take a quick glance, but being as curious as to why Pete’s massages were so wonderful according to Rhoda; my glance became a frozen stare. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. After an hour, it looked like Rhoda’s massage was just starting. But with some noticeable spots of oils and lotions on her feet, I knew that not to be the case. Rhoda was just turning over and laying face down on the table with her feet facing me.

Neither Pete nor Rhoda realized I was there, eight or ten feet away, having almost the same view as Pete. Sis lay there in her birthday suit as I watched Pete do her back and moving ever so slowly toward her plump round butt. He squeezed and kneaded her flesh while her cushy butt undulated beneath his touch. Rhoda moaned with a sigh of pleasing acceptance. I could almost feel his hands on me. Rocking her hips with his left hand working down her legs to her feet and back up again with his right, I noticed Rhoda had parted her legs slightly. I wasn’t sure if Pete parted them or if Rhoda did it on her own.

It was, to say the least, arousing just to watch Pete’s oiled hands ever so slowly slide up Sis’s legs and inner thighs. As he approached the top of her legs he didn’t stop. He kept going higher until I could see his fingers nudge into Rhoda’s vulva.

“Oh, my God, I thought. This is the kind of massage I’ve always wanted.”

My eyes were cemented on Pete and Rhoda; she let out a soft pleasurable moan and spread her legs wider. Pete pressed into her outer lips as his hand went to the top of her inner thigh. He shifted his hand and slowly slid his fingers up and down her wet labia.
While still rocking her from side to side, Pete played with her lips. Rhoda was squirming and fidgeting and telling Pete how nice it felt.

“I bet it felt nice,” I thought.

Rhoda’s bushy slit was wet and glistening under the relentless attack from Pete’s tender fingers. I could feel myself getting wet on the couch. The more stroking on Rhoda, the more moaning of pleasure, the more I couldn’t stop watching, the more I became wetter. I was getting extremely aroused just from watching. I never felt I would get excited from watching someone get a massage; let alone, my sister. Then it came to me; I remembered how excited I became reading about Vivian and Jessica. I felt like I was now Vivian.

Pete spread her lips apart and began stroking into her hairy slit. His fingers paid special attention to her swollen hooded little bead. She moaned more, and louder. I undid my blanket and reached into my robe and between my legs. I probably should have put my pjs back on after showering, but I figured they would be off quick enough for my massage, so why bother.

Another benefit to not wearing pjs; it’s less inhibiting for my hand to snake its way between my legs. After watching Pete and Rhoda, I was soaking slippery. My hand had no problem splashing playfully between my wet slit. Stroking myself in unison with Pete’s fingers in Rhoda’s wet cunt, I was imagining Pete doing it to me. Oh God, am I coming already? How can Rhoda endure such heavenly torture?

No I have to stop. I took my hand away after one final brush against my clit. I felt a torrent of wetness flowing from my pulsing pussy. My clit was throbbing and my tummy was spasming. I was ready to cum but held off. I was shaking again. I wrapped myself in the blanket and turned to watch the blank TV. The sounds from Rhoda were too much to bear; I told myself, don’t do it, but I had to take one more quick look. She was on her back now and Pete had just started massaging her breasts; first one then the other.

My quick peek became an unrelenting stare as I watched Pete gently grasp each Rhoda’s breasts with both hands and circle clockwise and counterclockwise and softly squeeze up off her erect nipple. Then he stroked her areola with both thumbs and forefinger and pull away from her nipple like tracing the spokes of a wheel. Then back to the stiffened nipple and up and off again. By the time Pete got to Rhoda’s other breast my nipples were stiff and I could feel myself wetting my bathrobe and probably my blanket as well.

I’ve never felt this excited in my whole life. I reached down and in again. I was swollen either still or again. I had to touch myself once more. Thirty seconds, God it felt good, and I had to stop again. What am I doing? I’m supposed to be watching TV and here I am watching a live show, playing with myself on the verge of coming practically in front of my sister and a total stranger. Damn, I didn’t care. I was so hot and wet. Why hadn’t Rhodes told me about this long ago? I would have moved here in a New York minute. Fuck the TV.
I ended my second quick glance and stared at the blank TV screen again. It was quiet for now and I was able to take my mind off things for a few minutes, except I was still tingling between my legs and my robe was wet. Rhoda started again and I could stop the urge. I had to look, but I knew from the previous quick glances this wasn’t going to be a quick ogling either. This was going to be my undoing. I briefly thought of Vivian again from my story last night. I became her again; but shortly I was going to become Jessica

Rhoda was moaning and writhing beneath Pete’s touch. Rhoda said out loud, “Pete that feels so nice. Don’t stop yet!” Thinking out loud to myself again, I had to look. I had to see what Pete was doing that made Rhoda say such things. Just a quick peek I kept saying to myself. I was so curious and aroused by now. As much as I wanted to go back up stairs for fear I might get caught being a voyeur, I couldn’t control my urges. I looked, my mouth opened in awe, I couldn’t turn away.

Pete had moved down past Rhoda’s tummy and his glistening fingers were sliding once more along her labia. Little pinches of labia flesh between his thumb and forefinger pulling the hot slippery flesh in rhythmic steps from her vagina to her clitoris and back again. I could feel him tugging on my lips the same way. Up and down one side then the other. I had never in my entire life seen this much detail of my sister; or this much detail of a dripping pussy. The details of an erotic massage were almost too much o endure. If I was aroused this much from watching, I could only imagine what Rhoda was feeling.

With every stroke up and down her slit, I could see that Pete was nudging her puffed up little nub. Pete began pressing on each side of Rhoda’s labia. It seemed they had swollen even more. I had my hand inside my robe again watching Pete slowly manipulating Rhoda’s engorged clit. I tried to move my fingers the same way. It began feeling really good again. Pete lifted Rhoda’s spread legs and raised her knees up and put a small pillow under her butt. He reached for something on the tray beside the table. A plastic squeeze bottle of what looked like Astroglide and he began covering his right hand with the slippery liquid. I kept my hand between my legs but didn’t dare move it for fear of cumming out loud. I continued to watch and could see Rhoda was wide open and very wet.

I had never known this side of Rhoda. I don’t mean her pussy side; I mean her private life side and her erotic massage sessions. I never dreamt that Sis would ever show her body to any man. This was a whole new Rhoda. I couldn’t stop now as I watched the proceedings unfold. Pete parted Sis’s lips and inserted his slick thumb smoothly into Rhoda’s vagina. With his fingers on her mound and thumb in her, he squeezed lightly as he moved his hand slowly in and out. I was starting to shake in a good way this time as Pete kept moving the position of his thumb like the hands of a clock. I tried to do that to myself, but it was not possible. He would squeeze and slide in and out for a minute at each hour of the clock and then as he got to around the seven o’clock position he took out his thumb and continued with two fingers until he made it all the way around to twelve again.

Rhoda was tensing; she was getting ready. I could see Rhodes shaking and trembling from the intense pleasure she must have been feeling. As Pete continued thrusting and squeezing, I caught glimpses of Rhoda’s immensely swollen clit. I never thought it possible a clit could swell so much. Pete would softly nudge it with each gripping push. I don’t know how she held back for so long. My hand was moving faster. I was breathing fast. I was sure they could hear me, but neither looked my way. Pete was definitely a professional. I’ve never seen a massage like this. I thought he was finished; I was almost finished. I was swollen, but nothing like Sis. My tummy was tingling; no, it was throbbing; my hand was totally wet and slick.

Pete began something different. While his left hand he began to go back to Rhoda’s breasts and fondle her stiff nipples; and then return down over her furry mound to manipulate her clitty; back and forth he repeated this step. While doing this I watched closely. On his last stroke down over her bushy mound with two fingers, he parted her lips sliding down both sides of her bulging nub. Pete didn’t stop there; his fingers inched further to seek out her vagina again. His glistening thick fingers slowly entered as he stretched her hole once more and began wiggling them somehow. Rhoda started with some louder moans of ecstasy as Pete concentrated on her clitoris and vagina.

Whatever Pete was doing, Rhodes surely loved it. My hand was moving like my little toy bunny. Rhoda’s hips came up off the pillow, her toes curled as tight. My legs were stretched apart and straight out from the couch. My back was arching and I could feel my toes tighten. I couldn’t stop. My hand was trembling in the slipperiness, with little vibrations patting my clit. Rhoda started screaming from a gigantic orgasm. I looked up and saw Rhodes ejaculating all over Pete’s hand and arm. I heard of women doing this when they have a strong orgasm but never believe it. Pete had pulled his fingers from Sis’s soaking wet gash.

With his help she put one foot on his shoulder. Her legs were spread while Pete rested the palm of his hand over Sis’s mound and softened clit. Her swollen lips were open and I could see her juicy vagina having multiple contractions. I came all over myself and robe. I hadn’t had an orgasm this hard in ages. I didn’t have a gusher but I did get pretty wet. I also couldn’t believe that they didn’t hear me. I guess Rhoda’s bellowing had muted my paltry screams.

I was just about to get up and return to my room so I wouldn’t get caught, but my legs were too weak. I couldn’t stand just yet. I sat back for a minute hoping they wouldn’t see me in this condition. I sank back into the sofa cushions and took one last peek. Pete had moved to the side of the table to give Rhoda a soothing connecting rub. He certainly didn’t hide the fact that he had gotten a bit excited doing my sister. He had a huge bulge in his pants. Rhoda reached out and placed her hand on him and thanked him for another great massage.

I was still tingling and wet for more. I wanted my massage more than ever after this show. I wanted that big bulge Pete was hiding. While she was thanking Pete and giving him a little mini massage of thanks, it was time for me to split. I pried myself off the sofa and hobbled upstairs and flopped on the bed.
Exhausted from watching TV, I just laid there and waited for Rhoda to come up and tell me it’s time for my massage.This erotic massage session was like nothing I ever imagined; I couldn’t believe Sis was hiding this from me all this time. Maybe she thought I wouldn’t be interested; or maybe she just thought there were plenty of places like this in New Jersey. I had never seen my sister cum. I had never seen any other woman cum. I’ve never felt myself cum like that in my life.

I must be a voyeur and never knew it. I just couldn’t turn my eyes away from Rhoda’s special massage. Watching had been the cause for my excitement. All kinds of thoughts of me being some type of pervert were going through my mind. After watching Pete’s glistening hands pleasuring my sister and thinking of my turn next, I realized I was still pinching my left nipple and lightly dancing with my fingers on my tummy. I still can’t believe what I just did; masturbated while watching my sister receive a massage. Well, after all it was a very special massage.

This week was turning out to be the best vacation ever. I closed my eyes and waited for Rhoda to call me down for my journey to ‘Ecstasyland’.


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Morning Wood

Her eyes flutter open, adjusting for a moment as she looks out into the dark room. She lies there for a minute to get her bearings, aware of faint light from outside just beginning to brighten up the windows. She cranes her neck to look at the clock – yeah, it's early. Dawn must just be breaking.She's in bed with her lover behind her, but turned away from him, feeling his skin on her back and butt. She replays the events of last night, which culminated in not just sex, but quite the adventurous...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Castaway Vons HavenChapter 14

The next day I surprised my wives with the special four wheel carriage I had made for the estate. The carriage was equipped with the wolf cart's design features but with larger wheels and a set of retractable canvas covers to protect against the weather. Two horses with improved harnesses could pull the light wagon with six passengers easily on the rut covered country road. The improved leaf spring suspension and larger wheels smoothed the roughness to an almost comfortable outing. Hajin on...

4 years ago
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Magdas Journey Part II

Magda woke from a deep sleep and was still drowsy as it slowly came back to her that she was in bed with her new lover, except he wasn’t beside her.“Good morning sleepy head, have some coffee.”The coffee was fresh ground and quite strong and very tasty. Magda drunk it with pleasure but was somewhat distracted by Alasdair gently stroking her body. At first whilst sensual it wasn’t sexual however having given her a chance to drink the fragrant beverage Alasdair then moved his caresses to her...

4 years ago
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Emily and Tiffany Annes Hot Bath

Anyway, the bath was drawn, bubbles added, candles lit. We both climbed into the tub, which was so big I could float in it without touching the sides. "With a tub so big, what, are you trying to get away from me?" Tiffany Anne asked jokingly. "Mmmmmmmmm, not at all babe," I purred, as I happily slid closer to her. "I want you,………. I need you, ……….I need this, sooooo bad," I moaned, as we gently kissed. My hand was softly playing with her breast and nipple under the...

3 years ago
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Big Little Brother ch 1

Andrea was born a twin, about 5 minutes before her brother was. She weighed about 6 pounds, and he weighed only three. He died about 15 minutes after entering the world. Their mother had another, perfectly healthy, 8 pound boy almost 9 months to the day later by a different father, then passed away two years after that, leaving the two children to be raised by their maternal grandmother, their only known relative. Both men who had fathered them left the very same day they were told of the...

1 year ago
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Pervy For Preggos

Ryan was in blind date hell. It had begun that afternoon, when his best mate, Malc had called him up at work. “Alright, Ry?” he had begun breezily. “Looking forward to tonight?” “A date with Sue’s mate, the 22 year old nymphomaniac ex-beauty queen? Yeah, I’m looking forward.” “Ah… yeah… about Lisa…” “She hasn’t backed out has she?” “No, mate, no. She’s really keen.” “So what’s the problem? She isn’t a bloke is she?” “Nope. I can pretty much guarantee that she’s not that.” “So, what?” “You...

4 years ago
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First time with dad Pt 5

I looked up again at dad who was still stroking himself although all the cum seemed to have gone and he asked me if it was as nice as it seemed.I told him that it felt a thousand times better that what it must have looked like and asked him if he enjoyed cumming as much as I did sharing it with him, he just replied, “Ohhhh, a thousand times more”.Whilst we were talking, I couldn’t take my eyes off his beautiful cock, standing so hard and straight out from his body. I put my arm out to try and...

3 years ago
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The Downtown Damsel

His body was hungry for weeks. Cold air, frigid women and the restless stirring in his blood was draining his vitality. Finally one day his jaw unclenched when he saw her. A warm, thick head of chocolate hair overtook his senses. That hair was the perfect answer to the chill, he thought. It splashed lovingly across the owner’s supple cheeks as she turned her head this way and that. He wanted to feel it run between his fingers and over his bare skin. As he arrived at the intersection her face...

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The Neighborhood MILF Dixie

I’m sure everyone has that one friend that’s just a little bit more out there than everybody else. Someone that makes you laugh at their own expense, someone willing to try new things before everyone else, and doing this without caring what anybody else thinks. In our group of friends, that would be Dixie. The personable brunette is one of the funniest girls I’ve ever known, and she always seems to be the center of attention, with her ability to make everyone around laugh or at least have some...

3 years ago
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A nice downblouse and other P very good these videos i too had a nice situation for an accident of this kind, at home, with my sister. It was a summer's evening, July i remember well :-P, i'm heading toward the lunch-room for the dinner, my sister is sitting at the table and she wears a tunic for the house and i see her from behind and, given...

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A Bunnie To Play With Chapter 15 Graduation

Thursday - once I had been able to extricate my sore body from the bed - had been quite hectic. I spent a good part of the afternoon shopping, and it took me quite a while to find shops that had the kind of clothing I was looking for - flimsy, lewd and in crying colors. I had almost given up hope when I stumbled into a costume shop as a last resort. The sales girl crossed her arms when she saw me, and when I noticed the short, dirty blonde, tight curls, I realized that I had seen her once or...

2 years ago
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Taking Charge

It was Tuesday afternoon. My husband worked late every Tuesday but I got off early and that gave me some free time. Actually, it wasn't really free time.   Let me back up and explain the situation. I'm Sadie and I’ve been married to Dan for sixteen years. I will add that some of those have been long years. Our marriage had been fun, sexy, and exciting - until Dan became boring, very lazy and - how should I put it? - hmm, sissified. I have no idea where the man in him went.  In time, I was doing...

2 years ago
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DoceoChapter 14 Thanksgiving

The appearance of Tess/Beth was so completely unexpected that I felt my body going into shock. Why would a fellow Docent lie about her name and age, then claim to be a client? As she walked towards me I couldn't decide whether to be pissed off about being duped or relieved that I'd almost called out the correct name. A lot had happened in the three months since our fateful date, yet I could still remember the way she bashfully shook my hand when we first met and then eagerly absorbed...

2 years ago
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BSC07 the First Lifestyle NudistsChapter 11 Can I Take My Skirt Off

After the stream Tom found himself wandering back down to the rec-room. Here he had a few solo games of pool, played around with the dart boards and had several short-lived video games on the slot machines around the walls. Also, the whole time he never saw another single person come in or go out. The resort really was quite deserted. Tom’s parents were still lounging by the swimming pool so Tom decided he would have a quick dip himself then finish the day off with a quiet session in the...

3 years ago
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The Swinging Door Ch 02

Editor: WhiteWave48 Famous Lovers on Display Together in the car, they made a very interesting trio – Jenny as Sheherazade, Marti and Rick. At first Jenny thought that her friends were dressed as Tarzan and Jane, but it turned out that Rick was Conan the Barbarian – think: John Candy rather than Arnold – and Marti was… well… Conette the Cave Girl? She did look hot, whoever she was, in that leopard skin outfit. The girls had a few more drinks in the car as they drove on, and everybody was in a...

3 years ago
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The Ultimate PlayboyChapter 1

For the first teenaged years of my life, I was nothing special. Just your average American male. Height, weight, race, hair color, athletic ability... none of it important. Except for one thing... No, my penis size was fairly normal. Actually, at the time, it was pretty small. You see, that one important thing was that I hit puberty fairly late. Most guys start growing hair on their balls like in Junior High at least. But I was a couple of years behind; and a couple of years behind puts a...

2 years ago
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Huge 4 Chris and the Cheerleaders

Heather must have looked at her watch a hundred times that day. She couldn't keep her mind on her work. She hadn't been this distracted since... well, she was too distracted to think about it. She looked at her watch for the hundred and first time. What was her son, Chris, doing right now? Let's see, he would be leaving his last class and going to basketball practice. He'd be putting on those shorts that showed his long, thickly muscled legs. He'd be wearing a tank top that revealed the...

2 years ago
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Explored Mami8217s Pussy On Visit To Nani Ghar

Hi friends, this is Rahul. When I was 22 years old, I had sex with my mami (mom’s brother’s wife). She was very short in height, fair, and had a slim figure. One day, I and mom visited our Nani ghar to stay for our vacation. That day passed nicely. The next morning I woke up and went to the bathroom for brushing my teeth. I saw the door was open but someone was inside. And as I entered, I could hear the water sounds. There was a washbasin inside the bathroom. I went it and saw mami washing...

4 years ago
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Wolf WorldChapter 9 Council of Warriors

"Sounds like a pack of tigers, cheerin' on a cat fight," Charley chuckled, but he couldn't help wincing at a particularly loud yowl from the council building. They had been escorted here by a file of grimly alert warriors soon after daybreak. The small cottage they waited in was close by where the council met, and Phil strained to hear what was being decided. "Can you understand what they are saying?" Luana peered out a window, looking fetching indeed in the furry kilt she had...

2 years ago
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Naanu Num Aunty Tullu

By : Vijju123654 Hi friends my name is vijay am from Bangalore, Am finished my MBA, This is the incest story which take place between me and my aunt Shoba. Basically am looking average with 5.7Height and 64 Weight. But my Aunty is looking soo cool and georgous, She is black in complexion. But even though I like her very much. This incident took place during festival in our home. After finishing festival my aunt decided to stay in our home only for 1month. In the mean while my dad gone for...

3 years ago
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Kate 9 continued

I told Kate I was worried about bumping into friends, Its nearly dark no one will notice you she laughedDeep down I wanted to try it!She opened the door come on she saidI stepped onto the path Kate closed the door, we walked out of our garden onto the streetThe amber street lights had just come on, Kate said we will go through the park to get her flags she also wanted a bottle of wineAs we was walking she said slow down She linked arms with me walk the same speed as me she saidI timed my...

1 year ago
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Sweet Sex With My Wife

My wife and I were lying on the bed one Friday night, I was laying on my back and my head is on my chest, and I was stroking her cheek ever so softly. We're watching a movie, but she's barely aware of it, enjoying the gentle, tender touch of my fingers brushing her cheek lightly. I noticed that she's stirred deep inside, emotionally first, thinking how amazing I am, how lucky she is, how good it feels to be mine. There is another stirring deep inside her body, wanting to be close to me, to...

2 years ago
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Sarah and The babysitter

Grandpa always said I was too mature for my age but I didn’t know what he meant by that. He was a handsome man with gray hair in his sixties and I got a little bit jealous when I saw women hitting on him, as he was my best friend. One day coming home from school with my friend Jillian who was my occasional babysitter and who was 16. She asked me if I had ever seen him naked. I giggled, -No! I wouldn’t want to see him all sagging. She giggled too and whispered, -I would love to see...

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Val Smyth And The Young Waiter

Valerie Smyth was a fifty-seven-year-old divorcee who owned and ran a medium-sized restaurant and she was hands-on in as much as she spent almost every night working on the premises.She owned a smart cottage, in which she lived alone, on the edge of town but also had a flat above the restaurant and that was where she spent her nights more often than not.She was busy one night and had just taken some empty glasses back to the bar, she helped out with most things, when a female friend of hers,...

1 year ago
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Be Weary Of Holiday Jobs

I guess I am the only man who truly understands how a woman feels after being raped. I am a victim myself. No, not raped by members of the opposite sex, but by one of my own species. I am Frank. I am of average height but slightly slender for a guy. The family I grow up in is not very wealthy, but well above average. My parents run their own business and have been doing reasonably well. I am fortunate enough to have the chance to follow my elder brother's and 2 sisters' footsteps in...

1 year ago
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Waitress at sex party

Last week I was having a girly night out down at the local pub, when I got chatting to one of the girls who asked me if I would be interested in being a waitress at party. Now as I am a very high maintenance girl, always broke and in need of money bordering on the verge of desperation, I said that I was up for it. She would be working with me as well. Apparently the wages were very good with lots of tips to be had. On hearing this I couldn't wait to get started.On the evening in question, Jenny...

2 years ago
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Spring Break

Jason stood back and watched the group of girls enter the hotel bar. Spring break was in full swing and the hotel was filled with young, beautiful, scantily clad females and boisterous, horny young men. At thirty-three Jason remembered clearly the excitement, the complete casting off of inhibition that transpired with spring break. Though it was a waste of his time and he resented it, Jason Kourkoulis had been dispatched from his home in South Beach to keep an eye on his half sister while she...

4 years ago
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Some Kind of HeroChapter 50

"Think of it as taking a step back from a rattlesnake you encounter on the trail," Bud suggested. "You keep your awareness focused on the snake, but you move back from it." "Step back where? There's nothing there, nowhere to go." I asked, confused. "okay, okay, okay," he rushed. "Try another tack. "You're focusing through binoculars. You have a particular building in your sight. Now zoom out so you see more and more of the city, while still remaining centered on the...

1 year ago
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My Mighty MIL

Hi Readers, My name is Drap (Not original) and I’m 25 years old. I have been reading ISS stories from many days. Mainly I’m interested in reading Incest stories and this is my first real story. Okay, I will directly take you in to the story without any further delay. My Sister name is Anshu who is 5 years younger than me. I was made to join in Boarding school at my class 5. Since 11 years I am habituated to masturbate but I was not aware of that act. I used to rub my penis during sleep which...

1 year ago
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Hunger Is Only Skin DeepChapter 2

Sasha finishes up long after the school day has ended. Those student papers she never got to has tied her up. Normally she would just say screw it and leave as soon as the students did, but Jonathan had called her and told her she’d be running late because of the homicide. By the time she finishes it is nearly dark outside. She puts away the papers, cleans up the desk, and this brings a smile to her face. Earlier in the day she had barely gotten both her desk and floor cleaned up before the...

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With The Duo In Train

Hello ISS readers this is a real incident that happened to me, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Please comment about the story on I was returning to my college in Allahabad. Due to planning at the eleventh hour I haven’t made reservation in any train. So I boarded a passenger train from Bareilly junction. The train seemed to be negative choice as it was deserted inside, only a fistful passengers could be seen. But since there was no other option I sat in the most occupied compartment. Believe me...

Gay Male
1 year ago
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Amorous Agents

This story is a continuation story with characters from the Shadows of Resentment series. All characters are over 18. It is self-edited. Please vote and comment. ***** Keith was sick of the bureaucratic nonsense he had to put up with from the leaders in Washington. They really did not understand. It was not the job of his office to find lost pets or mistresses that ran away. He was an investigator. Standing at five feet ten inches tall, Keith ran his fingers through his thinning black...

2 years ago
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Not Too NiceChapter 7

Inside the cabin were five people. I saw two women in their late thirties, two teenaged girls probably in their late teens, and a young girl. "Who are you?" One of the older women said, "I am Captain Capehart's wife. This is Mrs. Runyon, wife of the owner of this ship with her daughters." I said, "You are now the prisoners of the crew of the Temptress and I am Captain and rule this island." The two wives paled at that statement. Capehart's wife said, "What will happen to us?" I...

4 years ago
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BodyGuards III Cyber AssaultChapter 12

"Are you sure you want to go in person, Dad?" Stephanie's concern was evident, even over the phone connection. "Can't you just teleconference?" "I have to, Steph," Steve Hastings replied. "They've got to know I'm sincere, and the only way I can show that is by being there in the flesh. I'll take Mei and Wei and Sun and Jun with me, and Mei thinks we should bring her girlfriend, too. It's probably a good idea. She knew most of the players in Hsu's organization, so she should be...

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