Vampyre NightsPart 6
- 2 years ago
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Sister Agnes directed Maldea to the most comfortable of the chairs before settling herself down behind her desk. Agnes smiled generously and spoke in conspiratorial tone.
"So now we are alone Maldea, tell me of your terrible sin" Agnes smiled attempting to lighten the atmosphere, and relax the concerned girl.
"I'm not sure you will understand..." Maldea's voice tailed off in embarrassment.
"I think I know what's worrying you Maldea, we all have desires" The sister calmly replied.
"It's not my desires that are the problem, I make other people desire me. I like it but it's wrong, I am evil!" Maldea explained.
Sister Agnes face crumpled with concern.
"Other people desire you? But you are far too young, who are these monsters?" Agnes asked her voice quavered with thinly disguised contempt.
"No you don't understand I make them do it!" Maldea sighed as tears erupted and streamed from her moist brown eyes.
"You do not cause other peoples desire Maldea, YOU ARE AN INNOCENT!" Agnes stood as her distress and temper flared in response to the girl's apparent self-guilt.
Maldea however was not concentrating on these words, just the one word exploding within her head. Mika's clear and seductive voice repeated the three letters over, and over.
"NOW!" Maldea's mind screamed
Maldea froze, realizing the implications of her direct order. She gazed in confusion and her mouth opened slightly, her parted lips gave her a vacant expression a thin line of spittle ran down her chin. Her mind reeled in turmoil, trying desperately to avoid responding to the insistent directive. Maldea felt her willpower slipping slowly, and then rushing away from her.
Sister Agnes waited for a reply, but none was forthcoming. Agnes looked more closely at the girl and noticed the dream-like eyes first. Was this a trance, or a fit she wondered? As she leapt from her chair to rush to the stricken girl's aid, the first waves of thick, cloying desire washed over her. Agnes ignored the slickness of her thighs, and the rub of her stud-like nipples on her habit. The sister's adrenalin rush pushed the strong sexual impulses to the back of her mind, for the moment.
"Maldea, are you alright?" Agnes asked urgently "Answer me, Maldea"
Maldea sat statue-like, seemingly unable to respond. Agnes gripped the girl's hand trying to shake her free from whatever held her.
"Maldea, MALDEA!" Agnes pleaded for a response.
Maldea said not a word but merely looked downwards towards her captive hand. As she watched the nun's grip lightened, and the sister's supple fingers started a slowly rotating massage of Maldea's cupped palm. The girl concentrated her gaze on the circling fingers and smiled.
Agnes was reassured, Maldea's smile was a positive response, and it looked as if the seizure was ending. Without any warning electric jolts of pure pleasure burst from Agnes's fingers and rippled up her trembling arm. The sister's right hand pulsed with orgasmic delight, and circles of depravity flowed across the young nun's frame. Agnes's mind was aflame, but still her moral code held fast. The desire for release could not overcome her disgust at turning her youthful charge into a complicit lover. The confused nun stood, and with feet of clay walked away from the girl to the seclusion of her chair, hidden by the sanctuary of her cluttered desk she slumped to recover.
Gradually her head cleared, her heart calmed and her discipline returned. She turned to glare at Maldea.
"Leave this girl demon, I cast you out in the name of Christ our lord" Agnes's clutched her crucifix with grim determination.
Maldea just smiled and concentrated on the small form splayed on the revered cross in the sisters shaking hands. Confusion crossed the nuns face, then more certainty - she could feel the power emanating from the holy relic in her grasp. The figure of Christ was moving, gyrating against her hand, such power - this was indeed a special day.
"Look at you savior" Maldea teased.
Agnes glanced at the wooden cross, her eyes widened with amazement the figure of Christ was no longer pewter! A miniature human squirmed in her fist; she relaxed her fingers to see his divine form more clearly. What she saw fragmented her faith, for the image of god writhed in her hand, sporting a full and brash erection, the sudden release of pressure sparked a miniature eruption from the tip of the stretched organ.
The white spunk jetted arching high into the air before hitting her skin and immediately soaking in to the moist palm. Agnes instantly convulsed in pleasure, her hands flew from the cross to the tattered hem of her habit. She drew the heavy cloth away from her body, before plunging her lustful hands deep in to her neglected slit. Through the haze of unearthly desire she saw Maldea approach her, the girl dipped her face to the juncture of the nuns thighs and ran her tongue along the vibrating lips. Sister Agnes knew at once she was lost, as she was drawn willingly into the darkly sensual world her pupil inhabited.
Chapter Twenty-Six: Sister Of No MercyAgnes stood in the street and hesitated before the door of the house, why she was here she couldn't really say. What the school were doing about her classes she didn't really care. All she knew was something had happened and this was the place she had to be. It was wrong, but it felt so right - finally she raised her hand and tapped lightly on the door. No one came, but the door swung open inviting her in. Once inside she felt drawn towards the first door in the hallway, as she opened it and stepped down the first few steps the front door swung snuggly shut.
Jeff stood watching, and idly scratching his head - this took the biscuit; even nuns were going to the house now, and his bet was whatever that place was - it wasn't a convent! He hesitated to break into the place with a sister present; maybe she'd been called on to exorcise the place. No he'd just watch, watch and wait until he could make sense of the weird goings on. Hell this was more fun than the pool hall any day!
As Agnes stepped from the final step onto the unkempt floor of the basement, she felt uneasy - something was here something intrinsically evil. Then she saw it - as her eyes became more accustomed to the dark she saw the spirit, in the form of a woman it stood observing her from the far side of the room. Against every fiber of her soul the nun felt drawn to the apparition, as she got closer she could see Mika's extreme beauty, and the vast obscenity that crawled beneath the smooth white skin.
Agnes stopped two paces short of the powerful figure; Mika immediately closed the gap between them and nuzzled her face into the warmth of the young nun's neck. Mika bit and savored the corruption of every blood cell that pulsed from the vein into her waiting mouth.
Agnes was in ecstasy; her libido soared on wings of impure lust as all the goodness was sucked from her. Not just blood flowed from her to Mika - all of Agnes's beliefs and morals were sucked dry, leaving just the empty husk of her darkest desires intact within her transformed breast. The very fabric of her habit changed, it darkened until it seemed to draw all the dim light in the room in to the black hole of its weave. All light, all hope was gone to look on Agnes was to look on pure despair. Her thirst for debasement temporarily slaked Mika stood back to admire her handiwork. Agnes smiled a terrible smile and spoke.
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This is the follow up to “Tattoo Trade” as written by Erin.I lay here exhausted, my head spinning, my pussy, mouth and ass sore and I have semen leaking from me. I’m quickly writing what has transpired before I make my drive back home to my husband. I hope you enjoy.I made the long drive back to see Brian, my tattoo artist, to get the touch-up and additional detail work done that he and I discussed last time. Also as per his request, I scheduled my appointment for his last of the day so that I...
Wes had worked himself up into a fine state of readiness by the time he heard Helen's key in the lock. He stood in the middle of the living room and grinned as his prudish wife came in. "I suppose you've been out to that awful bar again!" Helen snorted, walking up to Wes and wrinkling her nose in disgust. "I can smell liquor and I don't like it!" Before Helen could say another word, Wes took the bull by the horns. He grabbed his wife in a tight embrace, almost knocking her off her...
I’d been in the job about two months. Starting any new job is hard but trust me, starting life as a doctor is even harder. I’d only finished medical school in July but there’s no settling in period, especially not when you work on a busy surgical firm. Those first few weeks were hell, you’re dropped in at the deep end and you’re on your own, you either sink or swim, I was barely treading water. What didn’t help was the fact that my registrar was such a hard-ass. The day I met Miss Joanna...
Hi dosto, I’m akshay rajput. Sach kahu to indian sex stories dot net site pe aur kai sites pe sex stories padh chuka hu, kuch exite karti hai, kuch jhuth lagti hai. Par kisi se shikayat nahi mujhe . Sab apni kahani likhte hai. Its my first story, but koi galti nahi hogi vada karta hun. Aur advance me sabse mafi chahta hun, kyu ki me ek writer feelings wala ladka hun. Ooper se sach bolne ka adi hoon. Meri language ke liye mujhe maaf kijiega.. So story begins jab me 19 saal ka tha, aur apne...
Shower Sex By Blueheatt him&hellip, ____We laid in bed talking naked. She asked me to tell her one of my hot stories. She loved them, and they got her hot. She rated them by hot, hotter and hottest. I rated them by wet, wetter and wettest, because she was my hot story indicator. I noticed a pattern, any story with two women licking, fucking and having any kind of sex, she got the wettest. I wondered if she had a hidden desire to have sex with a woman again. I knew she had been with a woman...
It didn’t take long for me to become disoriented. Even if I’d been familiar with the house, blindfolded as I was, I’d have become lost very quickly. Without my sight, though, I had no idea of my surroundings. All I knew is that Laura still had the other end of my leash and Ally was behind me, running her hand over my ass, reminding me of my status as a sexual plaything. She wasn’t the only one who took liberties touching me, I should add. I’m not sure if they were encouraging it or not, but...