Vampyre NightsPart 6
- 2 years ago
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The soft thud of the chill out album pulsed incessantly in the cushion-strewn basement. As lips met, hands explored willing flesh, stroking tenderly under crumpled garments, and the room was pervaded by the sweet scent of female desire. The roost members were unhurried in their mutual lust, stopping short of the heights they normally explored together. This was a planned restraint Joyce wanted the room to be welcoming, but all of the roost needed clear minded when their invited guest arrived.
Vampyre lust when fully developed clouded the mind with unearthly passions and dimmed reality to a pale shadow. This would not do the girls needed their wits about them; this was to be their first pack attack. Even so the wet succulent skin rubbing against hers was so tempting that Joyce almost peaked, it would have been too soon. Struggling with her desire she withdrew from the huddle formed by Gina, Frankie, Claudie and the most desirable of all Lesley.
Joyce watched the sensuous display enacted before her and sighed; it was so tempting to go back into the throng and loose her body to the alien passion. She could clearly see Gina's erect nipples poking out savagely from between Frankie's fingers as Claudie dropped her velvet lips alternately to their hard tips, sucking them deeply between her white teeth. As her mouth moved between the buds a sliver trail of glistening saliva ran down the generous mounds towards the undulating stomach. Lesley loving caressed the tanned skin of Gina's well-defined abdomen; occasionally letting her fingers dip to skim the dense patch of damp curls nestled snugly within the twitching thighs.
It was no good the desire was too strong, Joyce took two steps towards her impassioned roost mates; her journey was interrupted by a loud knocking from the door upstairs. Startled back from the brink of mutual lust she turned and flowed up the stairwell to greet her guests. She opened the door on the stimulating sight of Sherry and Trish locked in a deep embrace. Joyce could see the wet tongues probing against one another, as Trish bucked against the busy hand wedged between her black thighs. They broke their embrace and turned to look at Joyce, she was the epitome of seduction from the tip of her dark locks to the tips of her elegantly turned toes.
"I had this feeling we'd meet again," Sherry whispered in barely disguised appreciation.
"Welcome all is ready, I even have a floor show to titillate you even further" Joyce smoldered to the pair of them.
Joyce then turned and swayed away towards the closest door in the hallway, she opened it and a warm waft of sexual desire washed its way over the newcomers. Without hesitation they entered the front door and swung it shut behind them.
Mike saw the women disappear into the house as he rounded the corner, and 50 yards ahead of him the girl paused briefly before walking up to the closed door. In desperation she scrabbled at the closed door with her fingers. It opened and her slight form slipped inside the house with cautious intent. Mike grinned, he even chuckled quietly ignoring the pain from his punctured foot as he sneaked forwards; anywhere she could get into he could. Street lamps briefly illuminated his pale face as he passed them, gone was the confidence, and the healthy tan. His bouncy blond hair now hung lank against his forehead. His expression was more akin to the obsessive than the hunter, but he was sure of one thing. This was journeys end.
Maldea shut the door firmly behind her back and leant heavily on it, a reassuring click sounded as the Yale lock secured the door. She had been lucky; Sherry had been too driven by her moist cunt to bother with such simple security. Her small breasts heaved up and down, she was deeply afraid. Yet something told her it was right to be here, it was her right, her destiny. Slowly she crept forwards in the darkened hallway, her hormones rushing into overdrive as her senses reeled form the sexual aura pervading the hall. She had to steady herself and willed the gasp to muted silence as her eyes feasted on the writhing bodies. She couldn't see them clearly they were just visible through the door that had been left carelessly ajar. Her pupils widened to accept the degradation flooding into them, flooding in sympathy with the urine streaming from the standing girl onto the orgy of women beneath her. Maldea instantly recognized the pissing woman, but then again how could she ever forget her.
Maldea's lips opened and the tongue slid forth as if to taste the golden spray, her hands moved with a will of their own to her small tits and hungry slit. She was mesmerized by, and at the same time drawn towards the perverted act. As she moved onto the top off the stairwell she noticed the others, the spell was broken by fear of discovery and she stopped in her tracks. She had little to fear however the three standing women were transfixed by the spectacle at their feet.
The centre one of the three was considerably shorter than the blond on her right or the plumper black girl to her left, however she seemed to be orchestrating things, one hand busily fondled the blonds ass while the other delved between the ample cheeks of the black beauty. Lust rose from Maldea's virgin clit, the burning passion played games with her mind and drove it wild with wanton seduction. Her masturbation took on a ritualistic air, she was a woman and she would come like a woman not like some timid child.
Mike steadied himself on the doorstep and pressed his shoulder into the creaking door with all his weight and might. The door was immovable; it stood in splendid resolution rejecting his advances even when frustration added ferocity to the attempt. It refused to budge one inch, Mike stood back cursing softly, as the sweat collected on his damp locks before falling unnoticed to the step. There must be another way in, he was resourceful - he would find it and rescue Lesley. Feeling along the sidewall of the house Mike blindly made his way through the dark passage and into the back garden. Mike surveyed the shadowy rear of the property, it all looked secure.
Hang on - the back door looked damaged, cautiously Mike padded painfully forward. A sheet of ply had replaced the glass in the wooden framed door, now if this was just nailed he could push it out. Still anguished by his earlier failure Mike pushed with all his strength against the wood. This time his effort met with splendid if somewhat sudden success. The ply board flew clattering to the kitchen floor; unfortunately Mike's own momentum added to his precarious balance and launched him headlong through the now empty frame. His body cleared the hole with ease, as did his legs, it was only his feet that slammed into the solid wood. Mike's involuntary scream could have woken the dead, and in fact it did.
Chapter 20: Caught In The ActThe resounding crash from the back of the house even startled Maldea back to reality, her fingers still frantically skimmed the straining flesh bud at the apex of her tiny slit, but her eyes shot an uncertain glance towards the sound. The next thing Maldea knew strong hands grasped her firmly and lifted her from a squatting position to her feet.
"Take care of the little bird Claudie" Joyce commanded as she rushed past the girl.
Lesley who had the strangest feeling as she fled overtook Joyce. Lesley couldn't help but think that someone needed her protection. She must get there first. Indeed she did and what she saw drained the color from her face. Mike was sprawled across the kitchen floor with blood gushing from between his hands; he mewled like an injured animal as a crimson stream pulsed from his tightly clasped foot. There was so much blood it would drive them crazy! Defensively Lesley spun on her bare foot and spread her legs wide. She positioned herself between the rest of the roost and Mike's pathetic form.
Meanwhile in the basement Maldea was coming like a woman, screaming her orgasm into the depths of Trish's slick vulva. Her childish abdomen was swollen and undulating in time to the pummeling of Sherry's fist in her once tight vagina, small vestiges of hymen flapped uselessly against the flexing wrist. Her own fingers were grappling in the depths of Claudie's overflowing slit. Maldea felt Sherry's fist tremble and go rigid inside her, through barely opened eyes she could she the blond convulsing in pleasure.
Claudie must be one hell of a lover to make a girl come like that by just holding her breasts. Sherry collapsed in a heap and her hand relaxed motionless within Maldea's stretched opening. Maldea reached another peak just as Trish's large clit found and then ground against the teenagers nose. Maldea thought she would drown in the woman's juices, as a sudden gush covered her face in forbidden secretions. Trish tumbled from her mounted position on Maldea's face, and Maldea saw Claudie clearly at last; her final scream was one of terror rather than passion. Then the hands found her.
"Ah so its finally decision time" Joyce spoke coldly as she eyed Lesley with uncertainty.
"Leave him alone" Lesley warned.
"Wrong decision girl," Frankie spoke low "I've waited for this"
Frankie made a deranged grab for Lesley's neck, Lesley evaded it with ease but in so doing she gave room for Gina to slip past her. Gina pounced on Mike's fallen body, causing Lesley to spin and grip the vampyre firmly by the hair. Lesley pulled lush clumps free as she wrestled to get the lethal Gina away from Mike.
"Leave him bitch, leave him alone..." Lesley left her sentence unfinished as her voice gurgled incoherently.
"Time to join us" Joyce crowed in victory.
Joyce's hands were firmly planted on Lesley's breasts, and their blood exchanged through the umbilici that attached Joyce to Lesley's exploding nipples. The alien blood coursed through the girl's body rampaging towards the vulnerable brain tissues. Once found the cells were transformed and the nerve impulses raced to every fiber of Lesley's body. Lesley came in a shower of red-hot orgasms each new one building before the last had time to subside. She lost control and released Gina; tufts of hair fell from her hands, and Lesley slumped to her knees. She felt the need, the desperation - she must feed - NOW! Her hands raked at the shirt on Mike's chest - shredding it in seconds. Her hunger was so intense that the serrated tubes leapt from her palms a good six inches to latch onto Mike's unwilling nipples. He turned to her in desperation.
"Lesley no, Please no!" Mike's voice cracked along the edges of insanity.
Mike stared directly into Lesley's wide-open slit; it seemed to wink seductively at him. The unexpected stream of hot piss hit him between the eyes, stinging and blinding them. Mike fought hard but he was trapped, and then he felt another set of tube teeth bite his stomach. Someone ripped open his trousers; and white volcanic agony hit him as his testicles were punctured, his unruly cock extended inappropriately and a final set of tubes latched onto his swollen glans. His penis spurted semen uselessly high into the kitchen that had become his torture chamber. Mike came profusely, as was fitting for any mans final ejaculation. Even long after all signs of life were gone the roost feasted on Mike and drained every drop of liquid desire he contained.
Sitting at home Joyce felt more than a little foolish, Claudia would be rushed off her feet, and taking the brunt of the crews reaction to suddenly finding that they only digging they would do this week was in their own gardens. All because of what! She couldn't really think about it logically, because of a passing infatuation with Claudia's nether regions! It was laughable they had shared tents over the years on various digs, showered together in the jungle, with never a second glance, but...
Slowly, agonizingly Joyce's mind fought its way back to the surface, to sanity, but also to harshest of realities. She had to do something, the authorities should be informed; the consequences appalled her, the interviews, the Media and even - prison! No, she couldn't cope with that, it maybe right, but it was also impossible. Joyce's mind raced, she looked around the room for guidance, and realized how long she had sat in confused sobbing lethargy. No sunlight came in through the open...
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Hi incest lovers.I m a incest lover too. My name is Pradnya I am 18 years old and with figure 32 28 32 seeing which many people turn their head to see my assets.I m not a slut so i will not do sex with any stranger but if any1 interested in sex chatting mail me on Coming to the story this story is between me and my cousin elder brother his name is Ritesh doing his engineering and is 21 years old with average body. I m in college doing my 12th std. Me and ritesh were not so close but use to...
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IncestThe old rundown cabin seemed to,hold a charm of its own though no one lived there any more. The small grave yard just metres away prove testament to the humans who had tried to farm the arid hostile land and failed, the grave markers fallen to disrepair, the writings faded with time, the ancient mission church not over a mile away also littered with graves and fallen down gravevstones, some still bearing names and descriptions of people long forgotten. One ancient stone crypt stood like a...
You little cocksucker Having worked through the jealous phase of my personality years ago I always had that deeply buried fantasy about my wife taking on some additional duties besides just fucking me. But being the prude she is I am sure she would never hear of what my plans would be. I have tried a few times to bring up little things like, "I would love to see you suck somebody else’s dick", while she was in the middle of multiple orgasms but it was always shut down with, "What did you say?"...
Wife LoversI Could See Her Panties Whenever Mom’s friend Rachael would come over for a visit she would always sit so that I could see her panties. I certainly didn’t mind at all. I liked seeing her panties, I always got an erection, and I always jerked off afterwards to the most wonderful thoughts of her panty-covered pussy. So one day Rachael came over for a visit. I was out in the driveway shooting hoops when she drove in. I rushed over to open her door for her and to watch her get out of...
I let my hands drift aimlessly across each of their sexy backs, down to their sweet asses, lightly, but firmly cupping each one bringing their warm soft cunny’s lightly brushing the outside of each of my thighs. Sally started moving slightly first, bringing her leg up to allow her cunt to brush my leg more forcefully. I looked down at Alex, after hearing her moan softly, and she was bringing her hand up to caress my throbbing dick. She wrapped her hand around it, and started stroking slowly,...
Ah, blowjobs! No porn is good porn unless there's a sizzling scene of cock-gorging somewhere along the way. Blowjobs are the beginning and the end of almost all porn, and the reason for that is simple. Nothing beats the view of moist lips going up and down a shaft while the hoe's eyes stay fixed on the man of her wet dreams. The dick-gobbling ordeal has mesmerized the masses for years, so it's no wonder that one of the industry's biggest websites decided to devote one of its categories to...
Premium Blowjob Porn SitesSeveral weeks had passed since the tension-filled conversation with Cindy. Alexi hoped that her headstrong young friend would take her advice to steer clear of the Church of the Spirit crowd, but she hadn't been able to keep much in touch. Partly it was work. The day after her talk with Cindy, both of the Meador twins had their triplets on the very SAME DAY. Sally Mae and Ruthie Joe, the girls who normally helped Alexi at the clinic, were both out that day with morning sickness and Alexi...
Rain had been pouring down for nearly 30 minutes nowThe thunder rolled through over the mountains as lightening flashed throughout the sky, it was a lightening parade.With each close blast the lights flickered off and on.Normally these storms were in our monsoon season and not this deep into the later months, but this was sure pounding usI had turned off the lights and lit candles all through the living room and kitchen.I had just sat down in the plush covered wicker chair I had just bought...
Clowns are super spooky, especially when they hide out and wait for cute blonde girls to come by so they can snatch them up. So, IT is no surprise that pig tailed sweetie Anna Mae has nightmares after watching a scary movie starring one of these circus freaks. To comfort her, Annas man wraps his arms around her and whips out his extra large boner to stuff her muff with. He takes a deep dive in her love tunnel, stroking hard as her cooch gets soaking wet. Anna begs for more as he plows her, and...
xmoviesforyou“Hello Dev, this is Alisha,” she said as the call got connected. Dev knew Alisha was ‘Maleficent,’ but he never disclosed anything. He had different plans for her. Alisha was almost weeping as she told Dev what happened. Her life had turned upside down. The cops, media, and those deadly gangsters were searching for Maleficent, aka Alisha, and most of them wanted her dead. Alisha knew asking Dev would be a huge risk. But she took lesser of the two evil. Dev was one of the topmost cops in the...
You're Jessica Aileen. A nineteen year woman living in Manhattan. Ever since the eighth grade, you've lived as the most sought after woman. Growing up, you'd always find men looking at your large, triple D cup breasts and drooling over your perfect body. They'd often ask if they were real, since the rest of your body is pretty slim, especially compared to your bust. But, you know they're perfectly real. Long brown hair, beautiful face, a nice plump ass and bright blue eyes doesn't help either....
Mind ControlWhen Filthy Rich complains about how crappy Michelle Anthony’s mother is at taking care of the house chores, Michelle offers to take over and says that she’d do anything to show her appreciation. The next day, Filthy tells his stepdaughter that her mom has moved out because she was cheating on him with his best friend and he feels lousy about himself now. Lucky for him, Michelle is such a devoted stepdaughter that she stays by his side and gives him comfort in the naughtiest way possible. With...
xmoviesforyouBeing a holiday weekend for us we’d not set any alarm clocks. I’m mightily upset when I’m woken up at 8:15 a.m. by the telephone ringing. I get up and answer it in the study. It’s Marie’s mother giving me the hotel phone number and their room number. Also wanting to know how things are going, I tell her all’s well. She asks if Marie is on hand, and I say she’s still asleep in her room. She replies, “Oh, not in your bed huh, I suppose she’s not yet convinced you to make her a woman?” Gulping...