Handmaiden's Gambit free porn video

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His name was Juan Cerveza de la Noche.

At different points in his life, he was an elite soldier for his king, a mercenary, a pirate, and most recently, a bodyguard.

This night, he was a fugitive. Had a soul asked him what his crime was, he would have smiled and said, "My crime? She was passion."

Namely, Lord Redlen of Sudhoff wanted to kill him for the untimely deflowering of his daughter.

Juan crouched amid the pews of the ruined chapel. He moved like a fox, slinking between the long, low, high-backed benches as Lord Redlen and his henchmen sought for him.

"Come out, you cur!" yelled Redlen as he again heard scuttering noises among the benches, and his men were forced to change tack to try to bracket the elusive Rojando.

"I do not think you will be kindly disposed to me, should I acquiesce," came the reply, echoing off the ancient granite walls.

The henchmen, four of the lord's finest and most loyal of guards, changed direction again, based upon the nobleman's hand gestures. "You haven't a chance, Rojando," said Redlen, "We will catch you and string you up by your balls!"

"Hence why I will not be coming out," came the response, his thick Rojando accent giving the words a softness and richness that was notably lacking in the Southron language.

One of the henchmen dove over a bench, yelling with rage as he thought he caught sight of the slender, dark-haired man they had chased from the manor house, some three miles up the road.

"I do not know what you think you were jumping upon," said Juan, in a whisper to the henchman, "but it was not me."

The henchman looked up just in time to see the pommel of a rapier coming toward his head. Then there was a sudden flash, followed by darkness.

With an agility possessed by one who was used to being pursued, Juan slipped under the pew to his left and popped up three rows over. He poked his head up over the level of the high backs, to see where his opponents were now, and in the dimness of the night, with only moonlight pouring in through shattered stained glass, saw movement.

Just in time, he ducked as a crossbow bolt whizzed over his head, nearly parting his well-oiled hair. "That is very unsporting," he said, "to be using ranged weapons upon me." He pronounced ranged as 'rain-jed'."

"It will be unsporting when I castrate you, filthy bastard," said Redlen, ordering his men, again with hand gestures toward where the head had briefly popped up.

There was a moment of silence, then Juan said from among the pews, "You seem to have a fascination with that portion of my anatomy, is there something I should know?"

One of the henchmen gave out a brief snort before catching himself and the enraged expression upon Redlen's face.

The lord of Sudhoff howled in frustration and smashed the long wooden bench before him with his greatsword, cleaving it in two. Wood chips flew about and the noise of it echoed from the rafters and walls of the old chapel. "You should know that I am going to kill you!" he screamed.

"Why did you not say so?" said a very mild voice from behind Redlen. He felt a prick of steel against the back of his neck. "I do not recommend you turning around, this sword is very sharp."

The remaining three of Lord Redlen's men gaped at the reappearance of the elusive Rojando directly behind their master and employer. "Please to tell your men to throw their swords away from them."

"Do what he says," growled Redlen, sweat beading on his brow. Redlen was not a young man, but had many years left in him, and a sudden and abiding desire overcame him to see most of them through.

"It would also be a very nice gesture on your part to toss away that great cleaver you carry, milord," said Juan in a soft lilt.

With a clumsy jerk the din of steel on granite was joined by a louder clang of his massive two-handed weapon. "You will be hanged for this," he muttered.

"And that is worse how?" asked the Rojando.

Redlen felt the point leave his neck and started to spin about, his great fist knotting into a large ball of bone and meat and spinning about to clobber the offensive man.

When his eyes came about, all he saw was teeth and claws as the cat struck him in the head. With a sound like a demon from the pits, the cat began trying to take evasive measures in mid-flight. This, of course, meant that when he hit the nobleman's face, he was already flailing those clawed feet.

Lord Redlen screamed as he fought to remove the cat from his head. A goal that they both shared, even if they worked at cross purpose to achieve it. By the time he managed to hurl the cat from him and searched the dark floor of the church for his sword, he and his men heard the galloping of hooves and knew that their horses had just been stolen.

"I want that son of a bitch dead!" yelled Redlen, grabbing one guard by the tunic and shoving him away from himself.

"I had no idea daddy, what that horrid man was doing to me," said Elke, lord Redlen's daughter, sobbing and sitting upon a couch. "He simply told me it would feel good."

"He took advantage of your innocence," said Redlen, glaring out the window. "You could not have known what a bastard like him was about."

She sobbed again into her handkerchief and fell upon her face, crying into the cushions of the couch.

"Go to bed, dear, and I will have a priest come to bless you on the morrow," said Redlen.

Elke gave a shuddering sigh and left the chamber, the door silently closed behind her as her handmaiden followed her flight.

Upon the door shutting, the young woman's whole demeanor changed, and she stood upright. She turned to smile at her handmaiden, Trinna. "By the One, it was as good as you said it would be!" said Elke, taking Trinna's hands. "It was like my whole body was tensed like a bow."

Trinna giggled along with the young noblewoman. "Yes, milady, I would never have recommended Juan's company if he were not skilled."

"Skilled doesn't come close to describing it, my good woman," Elke sighed, throwing herself upon her massive bed. "Had I known what it felt like, I would have given myself to a man long ago."

"Now, milady, not all men are as talented as Juan, don't go thinking they are,"cautioned the handmaiden.

Elke's head lifted from the feather mattress. "How do I know when they are?" she asked, eyeing her best friend dubiously.

"Their kiss," said Trinna.

"Just that?" asked Elke. "I like kissing."

"Yes, I've seen you with young Lord Hohenseim," said Trinna conspiratorially.

The noblewoman's face grew alarmed. "I thought we were being discreet," she said.

"You were, milady, but it is my business to keep up with you and your activities," said the handmaiden, still smiling.

Elke's head fell back onto the mattress. "I wish to see him again," she sighed out.

"I will let him know," replied Trinna. "Though I daresay you will have to meet him somewhere other than here, after this night."

"For pleasure such as that, I would happily wallow in mud," said Elke.

Trinna giggled again. "I don't think you will have to sink that low for another meeting."

"Who said anything about sinking low? I like mud," replied Elke, laughing and looking up at the canopy on her bed. "At midnight, you are relieved are you not?"

"Yes, milady," said Trinna.

"Will you go to — him?" asked the young noblewoman.

The handmaiden thought a short moment. "Would that bother you, Elke? I ask as a friend," she said.

Elke turned and raised her head up on one elbow. "Why would that bother me? I have received pleasure this night, and that will not be lessened by your receiving the same."

"Then, I say, yes, I planned to meet him this night, after midnight," replied Trinna.

The noblewoman smiled. "I envy you that, dear Trinna. That you are free to see whom you will, when you wish." she paused a long moment, "and bed them!" She broke into peals of laughter again.

Trinna smiled at Elke, running her fingers through her own chestnut hair. "I suppose nobility and peasantry are both two-edged swords," she said sagely.

"That they are, my dear friend," said Elke, a sober expression coming to her mirthful face.

"She said she wishes to see me again?" asked Juan, sitting upon the bed and watching the lovely Trinna remove her tight corset.

Trinna smiled over her shoulder at him. "Yes, she's very taken with your — skills," she said. Pulling the corset off, and releasing her large, round breasts. She turned about, now only wearing a sheer cotton slip.

Juan's eyes widened as he took in her well-rounded breasts, and their dark, large nipples. "You are magnificent, woman," said Juan, folding his arms around her waist as he sat and nuzzling into her bosem.

She stroked his neck and murmured, "I will bring her here to you tomorrow night."

Juan's hands slid up the outsides of Trinna's long thighs and then gripped her rump. "I would rather have you here, again," he said.

"I will have to come, also, but I doubt the lady will wish to share you," said Trinna, kissing the top of his head.

Juan looked up at her, his eyes nearly pure black in the center. "Why did you offer to get us together, I wonder?"

"Milady seemed very depressed that she would loose her innocence to some old man who would just hump her and then fall asleep atop her," she replied. "Now, even if married off to some fossil, she has known the affection of a man who knows how to give it. Besides, a treasure like your lovemaking should be shared, not hoarded away for only one person to enjoy."

She untied the cord holding her slip in place and Juan pulled his hands from beneath it. It fell to the floor in a white puddle of cloth and she stepped forward and straddled his already nude form. "Can you perform again, so soon after the session with milady?" she asked.

He grinned at her and pulled her into his belly, forcing his erection between them. "Do noblemen hate to hear of their daughters' deflowering?"

Trinna giggled and reached down to stroke the spike of hard flesh between them. She looked into his handsome face, with his wide smile and dark, mysterious eyes. "Yes," she whispered as she lifted her body and impaled herself upon his cock.

Trinna stood quietly in the shadows of an alley, several blocks from the inn where Juan was staying. A short, fat man approached her. "Will she be coming?" he asked, peering at her with cold eyes.

"Yes, she will be out of the way on the night of the morrow," Trinna said, her eyes darting up and down the darkened street.

He chuckled. "Warming the bed of that idiot Rojando, no doubt," he murmured. "Very good, we don't want her getting caught in the mess, do we?"

The handmaiden, who dearly loved her mistress, shook her head. "No, I don't want her involved."

The short man reached into his tunic and pulled forth a small pouch. "For making our odious task easier, Trinna," he said, holding it out.

She cautiously took hold of the pouch, noting its rather substantial weight. It disappeared into the folds of her long dress. "I feel ashamed for what I have done," she whispered.

"Why would you feel that way?" a wide smile came to the man's lips, a smile that made him seem even more greasy than he already did. "You're saving your mistress' life, out of devotion to her. I'd say that was a admirable thing to do. Anyone with a whit of decency would say the same."

Trinna nodded slowly, and took another glance up the street. "I should go rest, I've a busy day on the morrow."

The man, she did not know his name, nodded. "It'd be prudent to have your wits about you," he said.

Juan Cerveza stood in front of the merchant, eyeing the potion dubiously. "Completely invisible?" he asked.

"Indeed, sir, totally," said the Ghantian, holding up the tiny vial of faintly glowing red liquid. "And for only ten marks, it's a bargain."

"I am sure it is such a bargain, if it truly works," said Juan, puckering his lips as he thought. "It would surely afford me a moment to gather my wits after inadvertent discovery."

"I'll even add a little holder so that you can wear it about your neck to prevent losing it," said the merchant, very hopeful of a sale.

Juan nodded. "That would be very nice," he said. "I will take it, but it had better be a working potion."

"I guarantee it," said the merchant, sounding offended.

Juan handed over the requisite ten silver coins, stamped with the face of some unknown nobleman and a dragon rampant on the back.

A few moments later, the merchant handed him the vial, entwined with copper wire and hanging from a short leather loop. He slipped it over his head and gave the merchant what he thought was his most threatening look. "It will work?"

"It will," confirmed the merchant, smiling broadly.

Juan sauntered off down the street, grinning to himself. He liked magical baubles, and owned several. Prized among them was his sword, which he knew brought him good luck, for since he had acquired it, he had never been stabbed.

That he had never been stabbed before that bore little weight in his thoughts. Generally speaking, weighty thoughts were a foreign concept to the Rojando. His theory was that those belonged to philosophers and, perhaps, wizards.

He struck a tinderstick upon the wall and lit his pipe. "This will be a night to remember, I can feel it," he said to no one in particular, flicking the tinderstick over his shoulder.

He was almost two blocks away when the alchemist merchant's stall went up in a pyrotechnic display that impressed folks around Sudhoff immensely. The merchant himself, being a man of quick wit, had managed to run and dive into a nearby trough, but his stall was still raining down in burning hunks as he came up for air.

"I can't believe I am going to slip away from the manor and have a tryst with Juan," said Elke as Trinna scrubbed her hair. She sat in an ornate tub, rose petals floated on the surface of the water, which rose up to her chest. "You are certain you don't mind sharing him?"

Trinna giggled and ladled another cup of water through her mistress' long, auburn hair. "Not at all, milady," she said. Trinna herself was clad only in a loose-fitting slip, so as to not wet her clothes.

"Please, we share a lover, you can use my right name, Trinna," said Elke, looking over her shoulder at her handmaiden. "Besides, we've been friends for three years now."

"Of course, Elke," said Trinna, taking up the rag and beginning to scrub Elke's back. "But I am still subject of your father and in your employ."

The noblewoman smiled up at her. "Then let me bathe you," she said.

"What?" asked Trinna, her eyes widening to saucers.

"I wish to give you a bath, you've done it for me enough times," repeated Elke.

The handmaiden blinked a few times. "It's not proper, Elke. I'm your servant."

Elke got a look of good-humored haughtiness on her face. "Then do as I ask, and let me bathe you." She rose from the water, the soapy bubbles sliding off her smooth skin in a cascade of sweet-smelling water. Elke turned to Trinna. "Now, into the tub."

Trinna hesitated a moment, but then smiled and stood herself. "I don't expect you to do all of the bathing duties upon me, Elke."

Elke got a look of shock on her oval face. "But I will," she said. "Even the shaving."

Trinna slid her slip down her thighs. "Seriously, I don't think... "

"You think I cannot handle a razor?" asked Elke, smiling. "Fearful that I will cut your privates?"

Trinna's eyes crew wider. "Well, to tell the truth, yes."

The young noblewoman smiled. "Since I was fifteen, you've shaven my privates, but I did do it myself before that."

"I had wondered, mila — Elke," said Trinna. The tall, slim handmaiden stepped into the tub and sat down. Elke knelt beside the tub, ladling water into the other woman's brown hair.

"I've wanted to wash your hair a long while, Trinna, it's so thick and pretty," she said, stroking the long tresses as the water flowed through the dense strands.

Trinna smiled in pleasure as the warm water sluiced over her scalp, followed by the gentle scratching of Elke's long-nailed fingers. The scent of the rosewater pervaded the air and relaxed the young handmaiden more.

"Elke, that feels wondrous," she said, smiling and giving out a soft moan.

"Good," replied the young noblewoman. "That is how it feels every time you wash my hair."

It took a long while for Elke to bathe Trinna, as she was rather unskilled in the art, and she seemed to be enjoying the process. When the matter of cleaning of private areas came up, she did not hesitate, and scrubbed and rinsed with a rather professional expression upon her face. "You have such smooth skin, Trinna, I am a bit envious," she said as she ran a soapy rag over the handmaiden's long thighs.

Trinna barked out a laugh. "Envious? Why?" she asked. "Your skin is smoother by far." One hand moved from Trinna to Elke's stomach and stroked her slender fingertips down the taut skin. "You've beautiful skin. So fair."

"I like the color of yours, to be truthful," said Elke, scrubbing the slightly olive toned skin. "You are clean, Trinna."

Trinna stepped from the tub and grabbed a large towel from a hook. "No, stop that," said Elke, playfully, snatching the towel. "My job," she added, playfully glaring at the taller servant.

The handmaiden stood passively as the noblewoman toweled her dry, gently rubbing the smooth, tanned skin and leaving only the soft, freshly-washed texture behind.

"Now, lie upon the table," said Elke, pointing to the long table near the tub. Elke did as told, lying down gingerly. The young noblewoman walked up beside her and sat a steaming bowl of water next to Trinna's hip. She also held a large flask of oil. The oil she poured onto Trinna's delicate pubic mound soaking the tight, dark curls.

She squirmed as it crept between her thighs and slid up the crack of her backside. "Relax," said Elke, placing one slender hand upon Trinna's thigh, urging it to move away from it's partner.

With only a bit of hesitation, Trinna spread her legs apart, as she made Elke do on nearly countless ocassions. She flushed slightly as she thought of how exposed she was right now to her mistress. Elke rubbed the pubic mound gently, kneading the oils into the hairs and softening the skin beneath.

"You have some growing down the sides and toward your backside, dear," said Elke, matter-of-factly. Trinna knew this was her cue to spread her legs farther, until her knees were bent and her calves hung down from the table on either side. "Very good."

The handmaiden gasped at the touch of cold steel at the top of her pubic hair, and felt the blade slide silky smooth over the skin. She would have to compliment the steward of the house on his job in keeping implements admirably sharp in the household.

Every moment or two, Elke would stop and rinse off the blade in the bowl of water, but slowly, inexorably, she shaved off all the hairs in the main patch, leaving baby-smooth skin behind. She then stopped, a quizzical look upon her face. "You don't mind me — well — doing what you do to get the sides?"

"No, Elke," said Trinna, smiling, "I've far more experience with fingers in there than you, and you don't mind me doing it."

Elke slowly slid two fingers past the softly-folded lips of Trinna's entrance, only an inch or so, then curled them to pull the skin beside her entrance taut and smooth. The handmaiden inhaled sharply as the blade slid just up to her labia, then lifted, only to start at the junction of her thigh again.

The noblewoman smiled. "See, I've not cut you, Trinna," said Elke, turning her hand about and lifting the other side of Trinna's soft skin taut.

Trinna sighed. "No, you've not hurt me, at all, Elke," she said. The noblewoman looked at her a moment, noting the half-lidded eyes and faint smile.

"Are you enjoying this?" asked Elke finally.

Trinna sighed. "I confess that I do, mi — Elke," she said.

Elke leaned very close to her and whispered into the cup of her ear, "I enjoy it when you do it, as well."

A deep blush suffused the handmaiden's features as the noblewoman leaned back and slid her fingers gently from Trinna's entrance. "You need to lift your legs and hold them up for me," she said.

Trinna, again, did as she was told, pulling her knees to her shoulders and grabbing them with her hands. Elke leaned in and gently shaved the patch of skin between entry and anus, then a few stray strands around the handmaiden's backside. Trinna gasped as the blade slipped gently and slid over her sphincter.

"No cut, promise," said Elke, grinning. Then she leaned back, smiling broadly. "All done."

The handmaiden lifted her head and shoulders and looked down at her now smooth pubic mound, then rand a experimental hand between her thighs, and felt nothing but very smooth skin and the delicate folds of her entrance. Elke had done a splendid job of it, she decided. Elke gently moved her hand out from between her thighs. "Not yet, though, one more step," she chided.

Trinna smiled and leaned back, again spreading her thighs apart. Elke moved inward with a soft rag which was soaked with oils and essences. She rubbed it over the handmaiden's pubic mound and then between her legs, over her opening. There was a rapid cooling sensation as these special oils soaked into the skin, causing Trinna to gasp again.

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I had originally planned on writing a different Legacy story next, but my muse kept turning to this one so I wrote it out of the order I'd previously intended. This is the twenty-first story in my Legacy Universe, but like the others, it can be read on its own. A complete list of the Legacy stories will be provided at the end of the story as well as the order in which they were written. Harbinger By Morpheus The burning sun beat down on me, baking me alive and making me...

4 years ago
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Karlas Brainwashing Room

Please, read the prequels if you like this Story: PREQUEL - Karla’s Descent to Hell – The beginning YOU CAN READ PREVIOUSLY Chapter 1 of 3: www.sexstories.com/story/103802/karla_rsquo_s_descent_to_hell_-_the_beginning_-_1_of_3 YOU CAN READ PREVIOUSLY Chapter 2 of 3: www.sexstories.com/story/103814/karla_rsquo_s_descent_to_hell_ndash_the_beginning_ndash_2_of_3 YOU CAN READ PREVIOUSLY Chapter 3 of 3 www.sexstories.com/story/103832/ ============================== My name is Karla,...

1 year ago
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The College Adventure

A bit different: This is meant to be a catalogue of college experiences, embellished a bit, and made entertaining. I (the author) will start, anyone is welcome to add their own stories though. Hopefully this isn’t too boring, although it’s only my second story.

2 years ago
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The Road or an RathadChapter 6

When I awoke it was morning. A quick glance at the hands I held in front of my face confirmed I was much older than four years old. I hauled ass to the bathroom and examined my face closely in the mirror. An almost eighteen-year-old Sean Taggart looked back at me and I breathed a sigh of relief. My recall of what had happened during my dream was very detailed and the reason I had panicked and run for the bathroom mirror was that I had remained with Charles and Grandma for two years! It...

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Thats a Good Slut

You look at yourself in the hotel mirror, hardly believing that you’ve been able to arrange a night in the big city sans your husband, but here you are, dressed in your slinkiest lingerie, wet to the extent that you're about to leak. He's going to be at the door any minute and you haven’t even laid eyes on him yet; the cop. Sure, you’ve seen a picture, but they never tell the whole story. You’ve talked on-line and on the phone, his voice is sexy as hell, so is what he said he was going to do....

Straight Sex
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Researcher8217s delight

It was a mid summer night, very humid and sticky. Vivek was busy giving finishing touches to his thesis paper. The topic of his paper was “Life styles of unknown tribes”. He had studied lifestyles of so many tribes in India who were till date not known to the world. Anuradha was supposed to be his assistant in the project. Both of them knew that they were madly in love with each other. Anuradha accepted the job of assisting him just to have his company for longer time. “So Anuradha? Prof has...

1 year ago
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Set after Splinter Of The Minds Eye, but before The Empire Strikes Back. Leia looked up in surprise as a large, bound and gagged, bundle of brown fur was thrown roughly into the cell. She sighed wearily and stood up. It had been bad enough to have been captured so easily, but then, she mused, being naked, even in front of completely non-human aliens, always put one at a disadvantage. She had been bathing on the edge of the lake, afraid to go particularly deep because she could not swim very...

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House Call

"Jesus Christ, this rain is gonna drive me insane," Officer Frank Matthews muttered to the steering wheel. "I tell you, Johnny, if the weatherman says we're going to have a sunny day one more time, and it keeps on rainin like it has been, I'm gonna go down there to the TV station and personally shove an umbrella up his ass." "You do that," Dr. John McClendon said absently from the passenger seat. He was rummaging through his medical bag, trying to find something. Matthews didn't...

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Woman Partner Chapter 29 The End

Author's Name: Lee Anne Montgomery ([email protected]) Story Title: Woman Partner (Chapter 29, The End?) ********************************************************************* This work is copyrighted to the author © 2003. Please do not remove the author information or make any changes to this story. You may post freely to non-commercial "free" sites, or in the "free" area of commercial sites. Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to, and hope that I receive,...

2 years ago
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The Taking Of My Wife Part 5 A trap is set

After that fateful night in Bangkok, where my wife cheated on me for the first time with a French model, we returned to our small town in Northern Thailand. Our life returned to normal, although my feelings about that night tormented me. I would get extremely aroused thinking about Viki being seduced by him in the nightclub and then being tricked into going to his villa where she was fucked all night. I could remember every detail and often masturbated to the memory.But at other times I would...

3 years ago
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CSI The Hot TubChapter 2

We saw Mr. and Mrs. Smith come into the building. We asked them both to come with us and placed them into separate rooms. Bobbie and I both went into the room with Carly. Bobbie was going to do the talking since she had talked to her previously. First Bobbie read Carly her rights. We wanted to make sure that she knew that they could have an attorney present. She said she didn't have anything to hide. "Why am I here? I've told you all I know. I told you about the affair and everything....

1 year ago
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Shes more than meets the eye Ch 1

It was Saturday night, and Damien had just resigned himself to closing out another week-long bout of boredom, alone. His life lacked any kind of excitement. One day blended into the next seamlessly. Nothing fun or even remotely interesting ever seemed to happen around him. The problem, he reckoned, lay within him. He saw nothing special or exciting about himself. He was just about as middle-of-the-road as you could get. Medium height, medium weight, mousy brown hair, average looks, average...

First Time
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From Rich Girl To A Cheep Slut

Hi friends this is my second story which is narrated by a girl who is 18 year old so let’s hear it… Hi my name is Trisha I live in Delhi I am 18 year old sexy girl, I study in class 12th I look too hot I have a slim figure with a little heavy Brest whenever I move out every one stars at my boobs which comes out of my body. I like when people stars me and lots of boys ask me out. I go school in a van and I have a habit of sitting in the front seat and my driver is a 22 year old guy with muscular...

2 years ago
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cheerleader lovers chpt3

I woke to the sound of grunting or moaning that stirred me out of my nakedslumber. sleeping with Jessi naked was truly incredible and left me in sucha state of bliss that it took me a while to take in my surroundings. Iturned to look over on the sofa chair and saw my naked lover in the heat ofa very passionate orgasm. She was watching TV and was using some type ofdildo or vibrator. I couldn't see it much since it was plunging into thevery wet ruby red folds of Jessi's sex. Not that my pussy...

3 years ago
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Ellens Men Next Door

Ellen was preparing herself a light lunch when her husband called on the kitchen phone. Dick called to suggest that Ellen go and invite Walt and Betty's son, Jack, to dinner. Betty and Walt were her and her husband’s best friends, and next door neighbors. The women have been close since they were pregnant with their first children together; that was eighteen years ago. Just last month both families celebrated Jack and Michelle, Ellen’s daughter, graduating from the Chicago Predatory Academy. In...

1 year ago
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My First Sex Fight

My name is Megan, I said to the guy with the mic, guys cheered I heard some perverted yelling but I ignored it. I was naked in a room full of rednecks and it was too be expected. I am not bad looking either. 5 7, 115 pounds blonde, my bra size was 32C. The person I was going to fight was a little bigger than me, I don’t know her weight but her tits where smaller than mine which I through was a confidence builder. I get on my knees in to show I was ready. The girl across from me got in...

1 year ago
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Shes A Very Kinky Girl

As Mike began to lick the length of her cum-filled slit, Abbey laid her head and shoulders back contentedly against the wall. She soon found the profound need to come again and wanted to assist her new lover’s efforts. Thankfully the wall she was leaning on had semi-gloss paint and her nude, glistening body found it easy to slide on its surface. As she bent her knees and then extended them, her body traveled up and down on Mike’s finger in her ass and tongue on her love groove. It wasn’t but...

4 years ago
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Blessings of a Curse 2015 Usa EditionChapter 8

When the Projection came from Xervia, they had been ready to go for over an hour, and had spent the time examining a scaled model Illusion of Hilia provided by Equemev from her Reading of Silaran, who had Translocated there for a moment to memorize the view from the top of the lip of the volcano. At the moment the Projection reached them, they were planning the locations of barracks and other facilities. An Illusion appeared on the lawn beside them, twenty feet wide and eight feet deep,...

2 years ago
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Real story

My first experiance which I never thoughtOnce I was stuck in flood in mumbai 26 july, I have take one safe place which was top of school building, No body was their, I was seeing the water flow from the school galari, One man was crying for help and he was almost tired I helped him now we both was there alone. I saw he was not consius now. I tried to make him awake but either is was in deep sleep or may be real unconsius due to dringking flood/rain water. Now I want to give him some first...

4 years ago
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The Road To Watching

What started me on the journey toward wanting to watch my wife with another man was an advertisement in a magazine. It was in "Argosy" a man's magazine that is no longer around. God, I don't even want to dwell on how long ago that was, but the memory of that ad still stands clear in my mind. "Become an ordained minister. Start your own church and reap the spiritual benefits of bringing The Word to your congregation. You will also be eligible for the tax benefits that all religious...

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Uncle and niece

Hello! All ISS fans. As it seems that I have endless stories for u! Are u enjoying them or not? There is another fucking and sucking story for u. As you all are aware of me that I am Abhishek, 18 male living in east Delhi. The story is not real. It does not match to any living being present on earth. It is made by me only for your enjoyment .if anybody having any questions, comments or anything to say about the story can freely mail me on or enjoy it dudes and babes. The story starts from...

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Cum in my ass baby let me hear you and feel you cum inside me

She raised her hands over her head and stretched lazily like a cat that had been lying in the sun for hours. Opening her eyes, she was greeted with a smile. “Morning, sleepy head,” he said softly, as he reached out and brushed back the hair from her cheek. “Mmmmmmm, morning to you too,” she said, stretching again and trying to wake up. “How long have you been up?” She touched his cleanly shaven cheek with her fingertips, tracing an invisible line down...

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From a Womans POV

When I told Sarah that I would get it in the neck from my boss on Monday, she replied, "That's not the only place you'll be getting it!" ... I can't say she was wrong.My name is Louise and I hold a very powerful and responsible position to the public. Trouble is, though, that my boss is even more powerful.When I went into his office at 9.01 am that Monday, it wasn't just my boss that was in the room. The under-secretary was there pouring himself a coffee; but that didn't stop Mr P from giving...

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Tea For Two Families part 6

Part Six Beth paused at the rec room door, one hand in the patch pocket of her yellow house dress, the other gripping the door frame. Sandy was asleep on the couch, the navy and white caftan pulled over his knees, a story book lying open on the floor. Freddie sat in front of the game console, playing her favorite maze game where magic wands turned witches and ogres into treasures, and sweets and helpful magic creatures. Beth ambled softly to the couch, tucking the caftan under...

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Sleeping With Anu Chachi 8211 Part II

Hi friends this Sunny again 25 year old location: secret. I would love to continue sharing about what happened later between me and Anu Chachi after our first encounter. I woke up next morning around 8 AM. I looked towards my left those whether Anu Chachi is there but saw only Rinku who was still deep sleep. Anu Chachi had already left. She usually wakes up around 6 AM every morning just like my mother as they had a lot of morning chores to take care of. I sat in my bed and the last night...

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Sara the Suit

Sara saw her Dad leave the house from her bedroom window. She waited until he was in his car and driving away from the house before she went to his room. His birthday was coming up and she wasn't sure of his clothing size, so wanted to sneak into his room to find out. She didn't have much money from the little bit of babysitting she did on non-school nights, but it was enough to buy something nice for him. She wasn't sure if she had enough for a shirt and some shorts, so she wanted...

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Prick Van WinkleChapter 33

Bob left Martha's bed, trying not to wake her up. For whatever reason he had been able to go for a long time with her the night before, and their lovemaking had lasted long past her normal bedtime. He loved looking at all his daughters as they lay naked in bed. He wondered if that was how they had felt as they watched him lying naked in bed all those years. He hoped so. It was a good feeling, and the trouble they'd gone to, to care for him all those years needed to be repaid somehow. He...

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Panties at the rest room 2

A male voice anwered "Hello"I didnt know if it was the same person that I had seen earlier in the day so I said"Excuse me but did we meet earlier today?""Meet where? Ive meet loads of people today" the voice replied"Ummmm in the toilets in town""Ahh yes the little Sissy that came all over my stockings, how are you doing" he said"I'm fine" I said "but I'm not a sissy, there's just something I would like to talk to you about""Are you still wearing my stockings?" he said"Err well yes, but..""Then...

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A True Indian Wife

My name is Hiral, I am 28 years old and a typical Indian wife. I am extremely loyal to my husband who is 30 years old. I am a chartered accountant working for one of the biggest firms in Mumbai. My husband is a lawyer with a chartered accountant degree and works for a law firm in Mumbai. Being an Indian wife I realize that my well-rounded figure, cute features, and short height make me still look like a college girl when my husband is fucking me. But these are not enough to satisfy my...

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Sis and Her boyfriend at Picnic

Hi, this is Niki, Neo’s sister. I am sure you must be looking for me after my brother posted stories about me and him, and me and my boyfriend. This one is another with my boyfriend. Let me introduce myself in physical sense. I am 17 now, slim, 5 feet 4 inch, fair, step cut hairs and….30-26-30 figure. Generally like to wear skirts, jeans, tshirt and traditional indian wear. Just entered in college few months back and enoying the college life and its freedom to fullest. This story is at the time...

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the work closet experience

Ok another story about my job, but this one is a fictional one, a story that could have been and still might happen. One of the things I do at my job is putting away stock, and organizing the stock closets. Recently due to overcrowding of supplies, we gained another closet. It was closed for sometime due to water damage and the repairs. So one day, my boss lady and I went in to start cleaning up the dust and move the stock around. The room once was a security room, and so it had one key, the...

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Bad girl returns with the chav lads

Hi My computer fucked up so have not been online for ages. Sorry about this. Will be on msn again too. Anyway I am back and here is another true story about me and this chav crew I go with. I went to Jason house as well I wanted some sex and a cool time. Anyway when I got there all the other lads were there so Jamie 19, Mickey 18, Nicky 18 and Cris 18. They were on their way to get me as they had not seen me for a few days so were getting the urge for a shag and wanted to just chill out with me...

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Sex Accident With A School Virgin

Hi. I am 21 years old and this sex story happened 3 years back when I had just finished my 12th grade. I used to live in an apartment with only 3 floors and about 7-8 flats on each floor. It was filled with a lot of children with different age groups and used to always play in the flats. I used to play very occasionally, and since I had just completed my 12th boards, I decided to relax and play one day with the building mates. There was a party being held on our flat’s terrace for some...

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Pussy is Pussy

On this particular night, I had bought a small flashlight from the store because I had watched Batman and they had shown how to make a Bat flashlight. I had been watching TV for about an hour and my sister had her foot on my crotch again, when my dick got hard she reached down on put her hand on it and do her usual hand rubbing. I didn’t say a word other than to enjoy it as usual. Before I was about to explode for the first time, she stopped. I didn’t know why but I was really disappointed,...

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Sisoban OmalloryChapter 15

Our engagement announcement made a lot of papers, thanks in part to Chelsea and in part because of our fame. We received a lot of congratulatory notes and calls. We also received some notes that disturbed us. J.J. Callen sent Sissy a long, impassioned email about how he knew she was his soulmate and she was making a huge mistake, asking if I was holding her against her will and offering to come and rescue her. It was really creepy to read. She saved it, forwarding it to her publishing house...

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Saving Leslie Pt 06

Another new chapter. This is a little lighter than the previous ones. As Senior819 pointed out, Leslie needs a friend to rely on. Someone to keep her grounded. Maybe she has that friend, maybe she’ll find them. From personal experience, I was that friend. I can go into greater detail on this if desired, however: This story is a mismatch of my memory, my ideas, and some more reality. Everyone is over 18, etc. Comments and feedback are of course welcome. *** ‘More?’ ‘Please.’ Leslie...

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BFFs Aubrey Rose Kiley Jay Christmas Party

Our boy Sean is excited to be the Santa Claus at this years office Christmas party! He gets all dressed up and is on his way. As he knocks on the door, he is not greeted by his bosses wife. He is greeted by 3 hot room mates in sexy lingerie. Could this be a Christmas miracle? It wasnt. He went to the wrong address and wrong house. Fuck. Luckily, these girls were super thrilled to see santa. It turns out they were in the middle of their Christmas card shoot, and a Santa was the one prop they...

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Batavia bang for four 1 Ashtyn

Batavia is a bar for foreigners in old town Amsterdam, frequented by me and three tasty foxy friendsBooby black-haired beauties almost my height are the two tall sexy s!sters: Sasha and naughty NataliaBlonde baby beauty awesome Ashtyn is still a teen, she looks as lovely as in my dirtiest dear dreams!B-size breasts as far as I can see, and a shy smile she only shows to me while we chat with some beersBecause both Natalia and I are regular custumers who got friends of the barkeeper team, we can...

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Weekend Overtime

With todays new competitiveness in business more and more hard work is going into our work weeks. Often I find myself working weekends in order to satisfy the need for addition work efforts. Recently however I was delighted by a turn of events which made this weekend requirement easier to take. Our company like most has be undergoing constant reorganization in an attempt to become more effective and with this comes the inevitable procession of changes in upper management. In addition the...

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The Selection Part One

A Novel By: S. Stevenson The Selection Part One The Meeting Having picked up her luggage, Angel walked out of the terminal and into the bright sunlight. Allowing a short time for her eyes to adjust to the brightness, she finds a man, a short but pleasantly dress man, standing with a sigh with her name on it. As she walks toward the man she smiles, sticks out her hand and says, “I am Angel.” With a broad smile the little man introduces himself by simply stating, “I am Mike, your...

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