Four Easy Pieces free porn video

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Good Morning, I present you with four character sketches, just four character sketches with the potential of story beginnings, for your browsing pleasure. If you like any of them and think they are worthy to make into complete stories, leave me a comment in the review section on which ones you like or don't like. Also it would be helpful to me to say whether you'd like it to be G, R, of X. Remember, if you want to say "these all suck!" then you have to tell me why. One last note: I've just recently posted a new book on Amazon titled "Collected". There's a bunch of free chapters to read to see if you like it. Thanks, Leslie Moore Jaime Jamie lay in bed listening. It was past midnight and down the hall, his roommate Robby was going at it with his girlfriend, Emily. They were both pretty out of it and didn't realize how much noise they were making. He sighed and pulled up his covers. He reached down and slipped off his boxers and his silky panties. Pushing them down and off his body with his feet, he reached over and quietly removed the vibrator and the lube from out of his nightstand. The covers helped muffle any sound as he turned the vibrator on and moved it over the outside of his genitals. Using two fingers, he spread his legs and loosened himself up. A squeeze of lube and he inserted the pink plastic egg deep inside. Pulling his legs up to his chest and pressing on his breasts, he pushed his genitals down between his legs so he could manipulate the vibrator in and out and rub himself at the same time. Jamie closed his eyes and listened as the two of them make love. He concentrated on his own pleasure trying to match their rhythm. In his mind, he saw himself in Emily's place, legs spread and wrapped around Robby's muscular body as the man's thick, strong arms held himself above and against Jamie's breasts. He tried to imagine being taken so completely that he'd be lost in the moment of their passion. He saw himself in a frenzy of head whipping, out of control, madness that would be consummated in a crescendo of the mutual orgasm that make them one. As Emily called out and screamed, Jamie let himself go and felt his body peak, too. His shriveled member had barely moved and only released a tiny bit of clear fluid as he squeezed the smooth area that used to hold his testicles. He sought out his breasts and lovingly kneaded the flesh as he touched his responsive nipples. Using the remote, he turned it off, then squeezed out his vibrator from inside, wiping it with several tissues so not to stain his sheets. He tucked it away in the drawer where he'd retrieve it in the morning to wash carefully. Pulling his panties and his boxers up, he lovingly ran his hands across his widening hips and rounded rear. He was pleased that after eighteen months, his body was finally getting the signals it needed to start transitioning. Four years of an anti-androgen, and eighteen months of female hormones and taken him exactly where he wanted to be. Physically, his body was doing just what the doctor had predicted. Of course, Jamie had to become much more discrete around Robby. He knew his roommate had no clue about what he was doing. Robby was only interested in what affected him directly. Sports, women, partying, the NFL, and working out. Jamie knew he could be read, but just let people assume he was a feminine acting, gay male. He kept his voice mellow and soft. He watched his gestures and mannerisms. He dressed down and bound his breasts. But, knew he resembled a sixteen-year-old girl more than a nineteen year old guy. Back when School Housing paired them together as freshmen, he'd already been on Spiro for two years. It had effectively stopped his testosterone from moving him out of adolescence. No muscles, no body hair, and zero masculine attributes. The drug had done it's job. His new roommate only saw a skinny, young looking guy with long hair. Jamie's counselor had been working with him since his family had been killed in the auto accident. He'd become orphaned in the flash of a second and never got a chance to say goodbye to his mother, father, and older sister. The three of them were coming back on the Turnpike from getting Cynthia from Penn State for Christmas break. During that first year of therapy, all his desires and dreams had been brought up and discussed. He'd been legally adopted by his grandmother who suspected his emotional needs when he asked if he could take his older sister's clothes with him to her house. His grandmother learned very quickly that Jamie had always perceived himself as being female. He wasn't simply a cross dresser. She listened to his therapist and waited for the specialists to confirm his needs and then agreed to help. Jamie knew he'd have to wait until he was eighteen to start Estrogel. Until then, he was happy just not becoming a man. At college, he started with Summer classes and moved into their apartment early. That's when he met Robby for the first time. They were taking the same two Freshman classes. Robby appreciated his skinny roommate when Jaime tutored him with his classes. They became friends. Jamie met Robby's High School sweetheart, Emily. She'd stay over frequently and they became friends, too. Two years later, they had 'the talk'. It was early Saturday morning and Robby had boarded the team bus for a baseball tournament in Virginia Beach. He wouldn't be back until Sunday night. Jamie came in the kitchen to find Emily awake and on her second cup of coffee. Emily gave him a smile. She had already put on a top and shorts. "Morning, cutie. Want to join me in a cup of coffee?" Jamie nodded. "You're up early." "Yeah. Robby forgot to pack before we went to bed. We were too busy last night but you knew that. I'm sorry that I was so noisy." Jamie shrugged. "It's cool. I'm used to it." Emily laughed and pointed to the other chair. "Can we talk?" Jamie sat down and sipped his coffee. He was still in his sleeping boxers and had thrown on an oversized sweatshirt over his tee to hide his upper body. Emily smiled. "So, in the past six months, I've been noticing a lot of changes. I was curious what's happening. My guess is that you're transitioning. It's funny how I always saw you more as a girl than a gay guy." Jamie was caught off guard. "Does Robby know?" Emily giggled. "Nah. He's oblivious to us girls. If it's not about sports. Well, you know. But, he's great in bed. He certainly has the equipment." Jamie had seen his roommate naked occasionally as he'd emerge from their shared bathroom. Jocks were so used to being naked in locker rooms, that Robby treated it as second nature. At first, Jamie was shocked and tried not to stare, trying to be as casual as he could. Jaime smiled when he thought just how different the two of them were. It was a dream sharing a house with a perfect specimen of athletic masculinity who spent most of the time working out and training. Of course, Robby didn't realize the effect he was having. Jaime was completely infatuated with him and only wanted to take his hand and lead him into the bedroom where they would make love together. But, that wasn't going to happen. Just like all the fantasies he'd had growing up. He never shared anything except with his counselor. He was sure Dr Johnson reported everything back to his grandmother. She loved his tenderly, but he was sure she didn't understand. "How'd you know?" Emily moved closer. "You're way too pretty. And it's obvious if you know what to look for. Not too many guys are a perfect size six. But, I want to see you undressed. How about if I go first?' Emily stood up and took off her tee shirt and shorts until she was just in her bra and panties. Jamie hesitated. "I'm not wearing a bra." Emily smiled. "Well, I'm not much on top. Don't be disappointed." She reached around and unclipped her heavily padded bra. "No even an A cup." Jamie stood and pulled the sweat shirt over his head. As he did, his scrunchy came loose and his wavy, brown hair cascaded onto his shoulders. He could feel his nipples reacting to the chill in the kitchen. He shivered as he pulled his tee off, too. Emily was up from her seat and touching both of his breasts. "Oh, my God. They're beautiful. And so big! Are you a B cup?" Jamie felt her warm hands expertly caressing and melted into her arms. He exhaled slowly and moaned. "My doctor thinks I'm going end up a full C. That feels nice." Jamie kissed her cheek. Emily took both her hands from Jamie's breasts and placed them on his shoulders pulling them closer together until their chests were rubbing. Emily started kissing all over his face. As they continued exchanging kisses, Emily took Jamie's hand and slipped it in her panties. "You've got me so hot." Jamie felt her wetness and heard her gasp. Emily tugged at his boxers and pulled them back far enough to reach in and grab Jamie's flaccid member. "C'mon, girl. Let's get you under your sheets. We're just getting started!" Sarah So she squats on her knees facing me. We were lying in bed and had just finished a romp. I had picked up a technical journal. I was falling behind in my reading because I was spending all my time in bed with Sarah. It seemed like that's all we did. She leaned over and kissed my lips. "C'mon, don't start studying. Let's have some more fun." I don't know whether it was her tone or her words, but I looked up from my reading. It really was an interesting article. "Uh, so what's your idea of fun?" She held up two tubes. "This one is glue and this one is solvent. You hold the solvent." "What kind of glue?" "The medical kind, surgical glue. The kind that doctors use instead of stitches, you know, in hospitals." She had an eager look on her face that scared me. "Okay, what are we going to do?" "I want to glue you down and shape the flesh until it looks like my vagina." "Huh! What?" She had my attention. She shrugged. "I had this idea, this vision. And I went over to Vicki's house. She had just what I was looking for. I just want to try it out and see what happens. C'mon. It'll be fun." Vicki was one of Sarah's lovers. She was an EMT and Pre-Med. With Sarah, you have a choice. You accepted her occasional need for a different girlfriend or you get jealous. If you couldn't take it, you simply had to break it off. Sarah is Sarah. She likes herself way too much and doesn't see a reason to change. I kissed her and held up the tube she handed me. "And if this great idea of yours doesn't work, this solvent unglues it?" She smiled. "Uh huh. That's what Vicki said." I was doing a lot of shrugging. "Okay, just remember this is your fun. I can't see where gluing my genitals is going to be fun for me." She sighed. "C'mon. Anybody that chooses to kills their sex drive and destroys their testosterone production isn't really concerned about their little boys, is he?" I had to agree. After all, Sarah was accurately describing me. I had begged my family doctor's okay to have my sex drive tempered, because I believed it was worth it. The Doc convinced my parents. They were still trying hard to understand why their son wanted to be their daughter. I never wanted to go through puberty and come out on the other end as a man. That was never my vision or dream. I nodded. "Sure. If you think it will be fun and as long as the solvent works, you can experiment on me as your rainy day arts and crafts project." She told me to undress. I asked. "All the way naked or just from the waist down?" Stupid question, I thought. I knew the answer as soon as I spoke. Here I was, comfortably back in panties, a bra, and a cotton romper. I'd fixed my hair and put on a touch of makeup. I'd brushed my teeth. "Naked, lover. Any chance to have you naked is fine with me." She sounded empowered. We'd been together for six months and she still found my body interesting. Sarah had all her experience with girls, so I was something new. I was enjoying the relationship, so I eagerly stripped down. Sarah was beautiful. Blonde, soft, and curvy. And she loved sex. Perfect. She momentarily got distracted by my chest or to put it more graphically, my boobs. Back when my doctor had put me on Spiro, he'd also offered to get me estrogen, too. At fifteen, I was interested in swallowing anything. Literally. So, I start swallowing whatever was offered including a lot of guys. After all, that's when I learned how to always have a man at my beck and call. So for about eighteen months, I experimented. I wanted to be soft and smooth. I had this vision of a teen girl's body and face; that's the mark I wanted to hit. After a while, I cut back on the girl juice. I didn't like what it did with my mind, but loved what it did to my skin. I loved my thickened thighs and my rounded backside. I loved my thin frame and skinny upper body. And the sensitivity was incredible. I felt like I was an oven set on high. I had a burning hunger that no fifteen-year- old should have and sometimes worried about my reckless thinking. So, along with my beautifully softening body, I frightened myself a little. The good thing about all that was my boobs. I developed a first class pair that any teen girl would be proud to show off. And along with that came a nice natural pair of B-cup breasts. Growing up, I found my best friend was a tight tee shirt to keep them hidden and in check. High school is a rough place for a trans girl until you're ready to proudly be yourself. Till then, you have to survive. I stripped naked and I could see Sally's smile soften immediately. I knew my body looked good. I always thought of the Sound of Music and looking one of those Von Trapp kids, all that virgin innocence. And I knew that Sally lusted for my body. I was desirable. Pretty. Cute. Delicate. Sweet. I was the trans girl next door. She was starting to fall in love with me. I laughed and kissed her. "Okay, so you need to buy a ticket if all you're going to do is stare." Sally was feeling the lust. But, I still had those bits between my legs that created a distraction, too. She was used to loving other women and what I had still sometimes shocked her. Those times, I wondered why she wanted me. She smiled and pointed to my stuff. "You know how you tuck? I've watched you do it all the time." I nodded. "Well, I want you to tuck." Sally wanted me to push my testicles up inside. She used her hand to help hold them in place. As she touched me, she kissed me on the lips and trembled slightly. I knew this was turning her on. I kissed her back and she moaned that she wanted more. As she touched me between the legs, she looked very closely."You know. Your stuff is so soft and small. Is that from taking Spiro?" I nodded. I reached over and used the palm of my hand to rub her nipples and watched them respond. I ran pressure firmly across her now exposed belly as I pulled her panties down. I used a finger to confirm she was already excited. She pushed my hand away and tried to stay clinical. I kissed both her nipples. "I don't think we should play with Super Glue when making love." Sally now had a firm grip on my stuff. She looked like a little kid holding a live frog for the first time. "Your balls are kinda sponge- like. Weird. I would have thought they'd be heavy and firm." I kissed her hard and whispered. "Take it from me that I'm the exception. To stop all that testosterone, my genitals took a big hit. I've had of guy's balls in my hands and mouth. And all the rest of them out there are large, firm, and heavy." Sally stared at me. "Do you like that? Do you enjoy holding some guy's nuts and his dick?" She made a face. "You like sucking on that stuff?" I smiled. "I love the power." She shook her head. "It just seems so crude and gross." I laughed. "Okay. So we both agree that we are different. Is this where we make love one more time then agree we are too far apart and go our separate ways?" Sally looked horrified. "No. That's not what I meant at all. I like being with you." She kissed me tenderly. I smirked. "Right. And you're holding a tube of glue while playing with my balls." She sighed. "C'mon. I promised this would be fun." She giggled. "For both of us." Sally watched me push my testicles up inside me again. I do that all the time. I tuck everyday except when I sleep. So, my stuff just loves being pushed back up where they came from. Then I watched her spread the skin from my empty sack flat up against me. She looked at me. "Does that hurt? Are you uncomfortable?" I shook my head. I was holding a hand mirror so I could watch. She was saying out loud what she was doing. "See, I'm going to glue this skin up flat to your body. Okay?" I shrugged and watched her hold the skin in place as she applied the glue. She held it firmly with her fingers until everything dried. Then, she grabbed my little guy and pulled it back between my legs. She tugged and stretched it until the head was back so far it almost touched my bottom. I never pulled on myself like that. Usually my penis was content just quietly lying between my legs. I watched. "Now that is really strange." "Should I stop? Is it too much?" I shook my head. "No. I've never given it a tug like that." Sally still had her hand on me. She sighed. "So can I ask a question about it. I get that you don't get hard enough for penetration, and I know you still orgasm. And you drip a little cause I've tasted you." "What's it taste like?" She shook her head. "Not much of anything. How's your stuff compared to men?" "A world of difference. They have is in taste, thickness, and quantity. The whole thing becomes addicting." Sally still held me as she start to apply more glue. I was all glued in place and nothing was moving. "That is so gross, yuck. So your orgasm is different than a man's orgasm." "Uh, huh. I like mine. I have a G-spot back there." I watched her finish gluing the whole length down so that I was stretched and all glued way back between my legs. I prayed that this other tube would be able to undo all of this. It was stretched tight. "Hey, that's a really strange feeling. It doesn't hurt being stretched." Sally had a dreamy smile and a twinkle in her eyes. I was getting worried. Then, she freed all the extra ball sack skin and pulled it around my shaft kinda like wrapping a hot dog in a roll. I looked and couldn't see my cock anymore except for the head way back there. As she glued everything, she pushed it all flat, tight against that space between my scrotum and my bottom. When I used the hand mirror, I got a rush. She'd made it all so neat and careful. My skin formed a neat flat line that looked like a seam. It looked like a vagina. I set the hand mirror down and stood in front of her full length mirror. I looked down at the empty space between my legs. Everything was gone and hidden and the only stuff that was visible looked a little like a girl's opening. I giggled. I kept looking and spreading my legs further. It was all gone! Sally watched me looking at myself. I had really forgotten she was there. I moved over and took her hand and pressed it down between my legs. "So what does it feel like?" I laughed. She carefully touched me with one hand as we closed the gap between us. "I don't want to make this anything painful. I'm wondering about sensitivity. I don't want to make this into something weird. I want you to orgasm." I was holding her tight and gasping. As I felt wave after wave rock through me, I knew she was pinching down on the exposed sensitive head. I don't know whether it was all the fuss, or how warm it felt being close to my body, but it happened. Big time. That's when I decided this could be a fun experiment for the both of us. We tried it out all sorts of ways. It seemed to be an improvement. Maybe it was the confinement or it was all mental, but it worked. For the rest of the day, neither of us wore panties. We couldn't keep our hands off each other. The strange confinement was an incredible turn on. The glue was waterproof and a shower together was amazing. As we lying in bed, Sally spoke without looking at me. "You know, it's pretty realistic looking. You could have a straight dude do you in your bottom, just by telling him it's your time of the month. Unless you're under a magnifying glass you wouldn't know." "I'll fill that away, but I have you." I kissed her. "Well, don't you miss some guy doing you?" I shook my head. "No. You press all my buttons and you're much sweeter. I've never loved a guy, but I know I love you." I watched her face and then kissed away her tears. Niki Nicholas knew he was pretty lucky to get the scholarship. He'd turned eighteen at the end of May and moved out of his last foster home and into downtown Philadelphia. Because the University did not have dorms, his Pennsylvania State grant paid for tuition, rent, and a food allowance. He remembered thanking his foster family while he packed two suitcases and three large cardboard boxes full of stuff. "I really appreciate everything you've done for me in the past year, Mrs. Davis. You've been so kind." Gladys Davis smiled. "Well, I'm real sorry Dan couldn't be around to see you off, but you know how he can be. Dan is just stuck in his ways." Nicholas smiled. Dan Davis was a dickhead. More than once he'd said flaming faggot out loud in his presence about something on TV. Then, he'd turn to him as if to say, that includes you. While Nicholas never gave the man cause, Dan just pegged him as gay. There were many moments that Nicholas wanted to just stand up and say, "You've got it wrong, Dan. I'm not gay, I'm transgendered. There's a difference." But, this was a foster family and his last one before he turned legal age. He decided to wait it out. As Mrs. Davis watched him load his boxes in her SUV, she smiled. "Nicholas, for a kid who's moved around as much as you, that's a lot of stuff. It's hard to believe that's all clothes! In the past year, I don't ever think I saw you in anything but a pair of jeans, tee shirts, and hoodies." He shrugged and smiled. She had never seen his secret collection of clothes he'd accumulated over the years. He'd only worn them when no one was home. Mrs. Davis dropped him off at a building with a sign that said University Housing. As she did, she handed him a gift wrapped package. "This is from me, darling. You have a happy life. Open it when you are unpacked and in your new home." After the sweet woman at the housing office checked the files, she helped him find a student rental. She offered him one with an oversized bedroom and its own bathroom. He signed a twelve month lease on his share of an house. "Your house mate will also be checking in early. He's on an athletic scholarship and has to take two Summer classes, too. He'll be down from upstate New York after the Fourth of July. She buzzed security to get him to his new house. Student Security gave him a ride to his new place. The young woman in uniform helped him carry his boxes to the second floor. As she carried boxes in, she was smiling. "This is a nice place and you have your own bathroom, too. Lots of light and plenty of privacy." Nicholas nodded. He couldn't wait to be alone to start unpacking his stash of clothes. "Yeah, I need to find a part time job for spending money. I'm going to start looking today." The student cop looked him over. "Between here and campus is the Fashion Mall. You might find something there. They have a lot of high end stores." Nicholas thanked her and walked her out. She handed him her card. "Is this your first time in Philly?" Nicholas nodded. "Well, if you're into the club scene, we can go out together one night. My girlfriend and I go dancing a lot." Nicholas took a good look at her. She had short hair with frosted tips. She didn't wear makeup but had lots of piercings. He could see that she worked out and had bigger muscles than he did. But, then, most everyone did. Nicholas watched his weight. He stayed slender to enjoy his outfits. "That would be great. I'd really like that. But first I have to find a job." "Well, I'm Lori and I'm sure a pretty boy like you will have no problem finding work. And there's a big gay crowd in Philly, too." Nicholas wanted to say he wasn't gay, but realized this was a whole new world and he could finally be himself if he found the courage. "Thanks, Lori. Maybe I'll call next week." Lori stood on her toes and kissed him on the lips. Nicholas was surprised. But when she wrapped her hand around the back of his neck and her tongue probed his mouth, he was turned on by her pierced tongue. Nicholas couldn't help but stroke her strong back and squeeze her muscles. At that moment, he would have fallen to his knees to worship that hard body. He would have done his best to please her. Lori pulled away. She smiled as she bit his lower lip. "Mmm. You are delicious, Niki. Now, I go both ways but my girlfriend is strictly into chicks. You call or maybe I'll just have to drop by!" When she left, he wandered around the building where he would live. It was divided up into apartments. Each floor had four separate two bedroom apartments like his. Five floors equals forty people. He wondered who else lived there. There was even a place inside to chain up a bike. It all looked cool. Nicholas went back to his apartment. He carefully locked the door. He'd share a small kitchen and a large living room with his roommate. The place came furnished. He walked around looking at everything. Then, Nicholas locked his suite. The first thing he did was unpack his clothes and start hanging them up to steam out the wrinkles. He was pleased to see his dresser had lots of drawers. He almost cried with joy when he realized he would have plenty of space to pull out all of his special clothing. He started unpacking and got an idea. He decided to shower and then dress. He could unpack all of his clothing and put them away while he was Niki! But, first, he wanted to open Mrs. Davis' present. As he unwrapped the large box, there was a letter written on her stationary. As he took it out of the envelope, a card fell out. He held the card in his hand as he read. Dear Niki, Yes, my precious sweet girl, I knew all about you. It was so easy for me to see the young lady inside you. I'd so wished we could have celebrated that young woman, but sadly that was not to be with my Dan living here. I love him but he is a wall. He disowned his own child when he came out as gay and to this day, I am Mitchell's only parent. I love my boy and am thrilled that he and his husband have given me two wonderful grandchildren who I visit often. But, Niki, I read your file and noted that your counselor had put you on two prescriptions, an antidepressant and a testosterone blocker. I am so proud that you and your counselor have continued to work together and I know you will bloom during college. I hope we will stay friends and get together often for lunch and to talk. After all, you will always be my daughter. With tears flowing down his face, he looked at the box. It was a complete, very upscale makeup kit. He just looked at everything and cried harder. She had this kit custom designed just for Niki's colors, too. He looked at the card. It was a five hundred dollar makeover from her salon. Oh, my God! She was so wonderful! He dug through his stuff and got out two towels, a pink razor with a fresh blade, body wash, conditioner, shampoo, and moisturizer. He just hoped there'd be enough hot water. After Niki conditioned his long, wavy hair, he washed with a fragrant body wash. Then, he carefully shaved his long legs and his armpits. He didn't have much hair on his body so it was easy. He used shampoo on his hair and then stood in the shower daydreaming about finding the right guy who would want him to be his girlfriend. Finally, he turned off the shower and dried himself. He lovingly caressed his body with a scented moisturizer. Wearing one towel still wrapped around his hair, he padded out from the steamy bathroom. He walked on his tiptoes until he dug out his pink fluffy bedroom slippers. Somewhere in his travels, he'd rescued a fluffy pink shorty bathrobe destined to be discarded. And after washing and a little repair with needle and thread, Niki had a perfectly functional robe. After slipping on his robe, he pulled out his favorite sexy pink thong. Sliding up his smooth legs, he carefully tucked himself up and between his legs. He needed to tend to his hair. Happily, he didn't have to tuck it down into a sad man's pony tail. Instead, he back brushed it until it was gently waving around his face. As he started putting on his makeup, Niki was thinking about a pretty outfit to start job hunting. Maddy James Madison Rogers was upset. Sally was supposed to fly away tomorrow for a long weekend to see her parents. But, on Thursday night, she came home from the office and announced, "My plans have changed. Instead of flying out to Houston, mom and dad decided to rearranged their schedule. They're flying everyone into Palm Springs instead." James made a noise and got up from the sofa. Picking up his cocktail, he downed it in one swallow. He turned to Sally and shook his head. "Oh, lord. The plagues are circling and gathering in right here in California." Smoothing his dress, he stared down at her. "With that horrific news, I'm having a second drink. Would you like one, dear?" Sally looked at the dregs of the red liquid in his martini glass. "Sure, I'll drink with you. But, make mine bourbon. Cosmo's just aren't my drink." As he walked away, he snickered. "Sure, bourbon rocks for the lady who enjoys being on top." As Sally watched him make his cocktail, she admired his outfit. He was wearing a deep green silk sheath that flowed over his long, lithe body. Watching him grasp the shaker full of liquor, she admired how lovely his arms looked. They were so firm and delicate. She was momentarily jealous that he was much prettier than she had ever been. "Is that a new dress? Have I seen that before?" James stopped, looked up, and stared at her. He sighed dramatically and shook his head feeling his long hair brush his neck. "I've worn it at least a half a dozen times." He picked up a heavy cut glass tumbler and filled it with ice, then poured the whiskey over the cubes. He set the glass on a round serving tray and picked it up. Walking back over, he smiled, bent at the waist, and held out the tray like a cocktail hostess. He purposely was giving her a glimpse of his lacey bra covered breasts. Letting his hips sway provocatively, he spoke as his stilettos clicked on the hardwood. "You know, Sal, I don't think you notice I exist. And, I'm not going to Palm Springs." He turned his back to her. Sally laughed at the way her wife dramatically announced his decision. "Madison, you sound like a petulant child that needs discipling." James Madison turned his head and smiled. "Well, if you want to spank me, you need to be extra nice." He bent over and purposely rocked his hips making his butt shake. Sally sighed and took a deep breath. "Maddy, this visit is not my cup of tea either. When I heard that the entire clan would be gathering out at Bart's in the desert, I wanted to throw up." She took a sip, and watched him. Sally loved when he wore stilettos. He had such beautiful legs. As he walked away, she talked at his back. "And of course, they'll expect everyone for dinner on Sunday afternoon." Sally knew the news would send him into a snit. In a perverse way, she liked it when he was miffed. James walked over to the ice maker to fill another bucket with cubes. "I was looking forward to a quiet weekend alone. I need to catch up on my business. With you on the plane flying East, I could dedicate myself to debugging my billing program. And you know, I can't read lines of code when I'm distracted. And you are a big distraction, my dear." James stared at her. "And anyway, I don't like your brothers. No, to be truthful, Sal, I don't like any of the Johnsons. Those rough and tumble old fashion conservatives are mean spirited elitists. We don't share the same values." Sally downed her drink and held up the glass indicating she wanted a refill. She could tell it was going to be an explosive evening and figured she might as well lubricate her nerves. "Madison, I'm not that keen on going either. You know what happens. The men sit down to drink and watch TV and I'm herded off with the women. What am I going to talk about stuck in the kitchen with the ladies? It'll be like spending the day with the Stepford wives. They're all just wind-up robots who lack brains and opinions. My brothers all got married to beautiful, empty headed blondes with vigorous reproductive systems." Sally waved her hand. "I don't feel like spending my afternoon talking about makeup and fashion. I don't want sit with my sister-in-laws taking dirt about their hairdresser or society enemies." James was still complaining. "Right. And I'd get to macho it up watching some sporting event while all your brothers yell and shout. And if I don't asphyxiate from the cigar smoke, I'll drown as the whole room fills with testosterone." Sally laughed. "Well, they've only met you once a couple years ago. They approved of you at that Christmas gathering." James stopped and looked at her. "Yep, I remember. They were so shocked that you brought a guy home. I think they would have settled on any male. I shudder when I remember how much I had to butch it up." Sally grinned. "You were so wonderful doing all of that just to please me. And, remember that I went out of my way to thank you." James smiled and held up his arm. "I remember. It's still the most beautiful diamond tennis bracelet a boy could ever want." Sally mused and smiled. "Yeah, I remember that moment. You were a real shocker. Mom was so sure her daughter would end up living with another lesbian and five cats." James crossed his arms over his small bosom. He was wearing a slightly padded bra because the dress demanded more than his A-cup. He loved the feeling of squeezing his breasts together and the way they touched his crossed arms. "You know, Sal. Your family still resents me because I never showed an interest in working with them and the family business. All your brothers live and breathe the Johnson family empire." Sally nodded. "It's all true. Even before I came out as queer, I felt different than the rest of our crazy Texas clan. My goal was to get away and stay away. But, when Bart bought the place out at Palm Springs, things changed. It was their way of saying they wanted me back in the picture with or without you, dear. James leaned back against the bar. "Without me is fine. Tell them the truth. Say I'm working a multi-million dollar software program and need to finish up. Tell them I have a deadline." He raised his hand with a theatrical wave goodbye. Sally nodded. "I hear you. My grandfather understood hard work. Granddad Ezra would repect your ethic." *****James made a face. "Sal, please, not again. I've heard the story so many times, I can tell it myself. How he grew successful providing beef to the metropolitan centers of South Texas and how he leased more land. And when oil was discovered under his land leases, he made millions. Yada, yada, yada. And when the country's energy demand grew, he rocketed to the top. Diversifying into transportation, going from trucking to shipping. And now, the whole family works to oversee Ezra Johnson's multi-billion dollar family dynasty." Sal stood up and walked over. She looked into his eyes. She wrapped her arm around his tiny waist and pulled him in. She gently caressed the back of his neck and kissed him. James moved into her arms. He greedily opened his mouth to receive in her tongue and sucked. After a minute, she had him breathing heavily. He broke off the kiss and looked her in the eyes. "Damn you, Sal. In the midst of all this arguing, I still love you so much. You're all that I can think about." He had tears forming in his eyes. "Thank God, I wore waterproof mascara. I've been so crazy! Since they increased my estrogen dosage I'm getting so horny!" She grabbed his hand and pulled him along. James grinned as she gripped him firmly. He feinted surprise."Where are we going, Sal?" "The bedroom, Madison. First, you're getting a good spanking and then we're going to make love." James sighed. "Yes."

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easy street

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It isn't easy being easy. I don't care what you hear about the up side of spending a lot of down time on your backside. For women, it's a problem. For young girls, it can be a disaster. I know. I've been there. I've done that. I have the stretch marks to prove it. Let me jump back to the beginning. Or at least, the first I remember of the beginning. My earliest memory of the trade offs that are expected of girls was about the same time my older brother must have been going through the...

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"I can't believe it," Robin said as we turned off the interstate. "I am sorry, but I didn't have a choice," I said looking over at the passenger seat. "Not you, mom," Robin smiled back at me. "Cindy, she hooked up with that guy I was telling you about." "Oh," I replied. "The guy with the tattoos and the piercings?" I shook my head as I remembered the photo Robin had shown me. "Yes," Robin nodded. I looked in the back seat. Jack was fast asleep. Luckily the medication his doctor...

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Guys Are So Easy

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Itrsquos not easy being a wanker

Obviously wanking is easy, and if I’ve got in view some girlie loveliness, spunking in my pants is easy too (not so much these days). The problem was always, finding views of loveliness. And when you do, finding ways to watch till ecstasy overcums you, without others noticing. I’ve always wanked on fully-dressed girls, at school, work, hanging out my window, looking through my fence, out on the street in my wank-mac. I don’t need to see much which means I’ve never had to spy on girls like other...

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It Isnt Easy Being a Panty Boy

This is another fantasy piece with bits of my past in it (no I won’t tell which parts). Hope you enjoy, this is a FETISH story about cross dressing in panties so if that is not for you keep searching.“It isn’t easy being a panty boy,” I thought to myself as Ann, my coworker in my office cube said, “are you wearing blue silky panties Larry?” I immediately realized my shirt had pulled out of my trousers as I bent to add paper to the printer. I didn’t answer her question but I am sure my red face...

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A Fresh StartChapter 139 Picking Up The Pieces

Wednesday, September 12, 2001 I woke Wednesday morning when Stormy whined to go outside. It was cool, but I wandered out in my bare feet with her, with a Secret Service agent hovering nearby. After she did her thing, I took her back inside and unhooked her leash, and she thundered back up the stairs. I followed. The girls were back in their room and Marilyn was stirring awake. I went on into the bathroom and stripped yesterday’s clothes off and took a quick shower. “Good morning,” I heard...

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Wild easy family By Harris Kathy

By: Harris Kathy Kathy Harris Wild easy family CHAPTER ONE "Good night, all, I'm going to bed," teenaged Julie Shelton said to her parents and brother as she rose from the couch where she had been watching the evening's television programs. "You're going to bed awfully early!" Carly Shelton said warmly as she returned her daughter's goodnight kiss. "Yeah, I know," Julie said with a smile, moving toward her father. "So, what's up? You're not feeling sick or anything,...

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The CatalystChapter 29 Keeping a Secret Aint Easy

[Sam gave her a hug, “Thanks kiddo. I may just have another surprise for everyone on Monday!” He grinned at Bob and I caught Bob winking back at him.] I was curious, but Bob quickly flashed, “Let it go...” and winked at me. Linda’s abilities were becoming so good, she caught it. She flashed back, “Let WHAT go, Baby?” Bob just grinned and zipped his lips. Sam chuckled, “Man, I wish I could do that communication thing.” Becky looked lost, “What’s that?” Jamie chuckled, “It’s just a little...

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Foursome With My Conservative Girlfriend 8211 Part 1

Hello iss readers hope you were happy with my first experience which I shared in the previous story ‘foursome with my conservative girlfriend’. Pradeep myself with a usual and average looks getting to fuck two hot girls at the same time was surely a bliss…. Priya my girlfriend with the goddess body which made each every guy horny was truly the best any man could get but been a guy when I get a chance to fuck another girl how would I refuse….. As I said at the end of my previous story that...

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We moved to New Zealand last year and have not seen our friends Helen and Pablo since we left they moved to Spain soon after we left and we were looking forward to a visit. We are good friends back in England. Helen has been Joanne's best friend for years and both Joanne and Helen met Pablo and I within a few months, Joanne was talking to Helen on the phone just before we had sex the first time and as we all know women tell each other everything and I know Helen had a stroke by stroke account...

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I DreamedChapter 6 Picking Up the Pieces

I had a dream my life would be So different from this hell I'm living – I Dreamed a Dream, Les Misérables Spring 2004 – Brownwood Zach stared at his mother with an odd sense of déjà vu. The previous months had found his life returning back to normal. Shannon had turned four and Ginny and Hector had their baby, a little boy named Phillip Miguel Chavez. Mother and baby were doing well. Zach and Allie were working on restoring their relationship and setting boundaries they could both live...

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XSFGCChapter 27 Missing Pieces

Hampton Coliseum Hampton Virginia Paul David was walking to his car in the massive parking lot adjacent to the Coliseum glad to be away from his client. As an executive insurance representative, Paul's clientele were large venues like the Coliseum. Like all clients, some could be quite enjoyable and some could be like the Coliseum's Mr. Goldfield, a real prick and anal to boot. After a day of meetings with the pricks of the world, Paul wanted nothing more than to get home and sip his malt...

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And the Livin is Easy

I stamped on the brakes and skewed across the road leaving black rubber scorch marks on the tar. She was my pride and joy and I was alarmed I was going to hit the ditch and career into it. But luck was on my side. We screeched to a standstill over the grass verge and onto the brink of the empty ditch.It was mid-summer and, after a blistering month, the ground was bone dry and the grass yellow brown. I guess if it was raining or just wet then I’d have gone that extra couple of feet and ended up...

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Easy Edie

As she lay beside the snoring whoever-he-is, she fingered her wet pussy. He was the third one today, and the sixth different male organ in the last week who got her vagina wet with semen, some of them unloading in there on more than one enjoyable occasion. The next morning, after a quick screw with and dismissal of her first-name-only guy, she drew herself a hot sudsy bath and sat soaking, sipping on coffee. Nothing was planned so she just took some time to look inside herself more than she...

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Peaceful Easy Feelin

'Just what the fuck am I doing here and how much longer can it last?' I asked myself. There I was, on the patio of a massive and very flash villa on the coast of an unbelievably beautiful (and bloody hot) Caribbean island. Not just any old Caribbean island either; this place was a private island. Only people who owned one of the villas — or could afford to hire one for a week or so — their staff and guests were allowed to step foot on the hallowed soil. The sort of place that the likes of...

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Four Feet

Hi, BDSM Library readers! Please email me your comments and suggestions for this story, on [email protected], I would be truly delighted to receive any kind of comments on any little aspect of my writing, and hey, I can even serve you with better stories if you do. In fact, I suggest opening up a little notepad window, and typing down everything you like/hate as you read J Also, you can support the author of these stories, an amateur Indian writer named Suhas Kaushik (me!), by going over...

3 years ago
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Foursome With My Conservative Girlfriend

Myself being a long time follower of Indian Sex stories had read lot of stories and had lot of fantasies about my sexual life as all of you reading this story right now. As I said I had lot of fantasies after reading iss, the biggest one I had was to swap my girlfriend and I implemented one in my real life which just took place last week at my friend’s house. Let me start the story with character description as its true incident I don’t want to mention our real names (names are been changed for...

1 year ago
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Foursome Incest Including Wife SisterInLaw And Brother

Hi, dear ISS readers, after a long time I am coming up with this story, which as usual will be very interesting incest story. Those who had read my earlier stories will see the continuation. As I was continuing the threesome incest with my Sister in law Vani and my brother, my brother came with the idea of including my wife in to our relationship. Vani too insisted me to make my wife also join us to make a four some group. I was excited with this idea and promised them that I shall at any cost...

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Foursome Sex With Two Hot Girls In Goa

Hello everyone, I am Sahil once again with another story. I am from Pune working for a reputed leading company in Viman Nagar. I am 25 years old with little muscular body after consistent workouts and also a 6-inch dark dick. So, this story is about a foursome sex I had in Goa. In the month of December with chilly atmosphere in the night and sunny in the day, I went with my friend named Tanya (name changed) for a 4 days vacation. We both needed a break from office work from home situation...

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The four boys all arrived at their final destination at the same time. And while it took some effort to organize, there was complete agreement and unbridled enthusiasm when they all learned what the scope of the gathering would entail. Each face lit up with anticipation when Chris Griffin extended the invitation to three of his best buddies. Steve Smith, “Snot” Schmuley and Neil Goldman practically fell over when Chris described what they’d be doing and “who” they’d be doing it with. So...

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Four Into One Will Go

Tied firmly to a chair, Vince Reason, his gut still aching from the fist that had floored him, could not work out how his plan had gone so terribly wrong as four big guys in different coloured masks pawed and slobbered over his woman, Carrie, who lay sprawled naked on the bed. Black hands were mauling her tits, as she sucked on a massive black cock, and a well-endowed white man was fucking her like crazy. Trouble was, she seemed to be enjoying it. And these men were all strangers, not at all...

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It Aint Easy

The steady beep-beep-beep of the heart monitor was somehow soothing, sort of like elevator music, something that’s always there, but which you don’t notice unless it’s not there. I knew that as long as I heard that constant noise, things were all right. I was sitting in a chair in the intensive-care unit next to the prostrate form of my husband, who was just an hour or so out of open-heart surgery. At that moment, my emotions were just about wrung out. I had cried, I had prayed, I had raged...

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Being a Farm Girl isn8217t easy

Especially if you’re me. I’m Mandy, and I’m from a big farm right smack dab in the Middle of Nowhere, Kansas. You may have heard of it. This life of mine isn’t easy because I am responsible for a number of animals including: cows, bulls, sheep, horses, pigs, goats, donkeys, chickens, and a Husky. I feed them, give them water, milk the cows and goats, and clean their living areas. Not to mention the fact that I’m only fifteen.** My average day consists of my mother...

2 years ago
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Pulling at the Red Thread of Fate Chapter 5 The Only Easy Day is Yesterday

Pulling at the Red Thread of Fate - Chapter 5 - The Only Easy Day is Yesterday I could feel the tension on the field as we broke our huddle and lined up. 30 seconds on the clock, 4th down, 50 yards to go. The defence slipped back to zone coverage - it didn't take a genius to know that we had to make a passing play. The Brightman Academy Tigers, or the Brightman Bastards as we "affectionately" called them, lined up to meet us. I could tell by the look on their DB's face that...

3 years ago
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It Aint Easy

The steady beep-beep-beep of the heart monitor was somehow soothing, sort of like elevator music, something that's always there, but which you don't notice unless it's not there. I knew that as long as I heard that constant noise, things were all right. I was sitting in a chair in the intensive-care unit next to the prostrate form of my husband, who was just an hour or so out of open-heart surgery. At that moment, my emotions were just about wrung out. I had cried, I had prayed, I had...

4 years ago
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Easy for You to Say

He slipped or was distracted or something, because I should never have been able to get by him that easy. The quarterback was dropping back and looking to his left when I hit him. The ball came loose, I was able to cover it and suddenly there we were on their twenty-three-yard line, down 23 to 21 and with less than two minutes on the clock. As I moved off the field, I passed Brad Thomas, our quarterback, heading for the ball with the rest of the offense. “Jesus, Denton; I ought to let you have...

4 years ago
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A Little Too Easy

I can tell you what wasn't a surprise: the size of her fat little cunt. Katie had worn spandex often enough for me to develop a pretty good image of how that prominent cameltoe would appear when exposed. I had been right; her sparsely-haired vulva was the very image of that overused but nonetheless apt metaphor, a succulent peach. Her breasts, now bared, were the sweet muffins I had imagined them to be. Granted, her impudent pink nipples were much larger than I had noticed before, steepling...

3 years ago
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Easy Catch Almost Too Easy

Copyright© 2003 I'd rather have fingers than toes, I'd rather have ears than a nose, And a happy erection Brought just to perfection Makes me terribly sad when it goes. The reason James did it was not for profit or for fame - he did it out of laziness and power. Besides it had worked in the past, with other girls that he had seen a weakness, a potential for himself, within. James had used this ability of his, to ensnare and then enslave a woman until he tired of her. It...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 369 Returning Home Part One It Wasnt Easy

Saturday, June 9, 2007 After my one and a half hours sleep, I extracted myself from my tightly clinging wives and went for an enjoyable walk in the woods. Partly to make sure we were alone, but mostly just for the pleasure of it. We were in a very natural area so surrounded by lots of good quality flora and fauna. I'd learned a great deal about Oregon's natural life as a result of Ron and Ava's mini-National Park on the west side of our property. Where I was now was higher and with a much...

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Mayhem in a PillChapter 35 Simple Ainrsquot Easy

“Yeah. It’s confirmed. The sarge couldn’t match this guy to any records in the lab directories.” The unit soldier was waiting on additional orders from the sergeant and also going over other pictures of the man they saw hopping the fence and going into George’s garage through the back door. He had called the sergeant and informed him of someone jumping the fence who was welcomed by the three in the house. He had also emailed the clearest pics they got of the man while he was looking around...

3 years ago
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Two DiariesChapter 7 Nothing Is Ever Easy

Amanda’s diary: Dear diary, Mum and Dad sat with me for breakfast. They usually were so busy they didn’t have the time, and they couldn’t stay for long. For that matter, I had to catch the bus, too. Still, we managed to exchange a few words and they said they wanted to have a serious talk with me in the evening. “Nothing bad”, said Dad. “Your mother reminded me you really are growing up, and it’s time we revise the way we do things. Also, she told me yesterday night that you’re in love...

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