Secondary Education Chapter 12 My Missing Pieces
- 3 years ago
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Hampton Coliseum
Hampton Virginia
Paul David was walking to his car in the massive parking lot adjacent to the Coliseum glad to be away from his client. As an executive insurance representative, Paul's clientele were large venues like the Coliseum. Like all clients, some could be quite enjoyable and some could be like the Coliseum's Mr. Goldfield, a real prick and anal to boot. After a day of meetings with the pricks of the world, Paul wanted nothing more than to get home and sip his malt scotch while listening to classic music; Mozart was his current favorite but eventually Paul was sure he would get around to most of the other greats.
As Paul went to unlock his Audi's driver side door he did not notice the limousine pulling up behind his car because he was thinking about how much more he was drinking since Phillip went away to that private school. He missed his son, he missed his son's companionship but he also feared for his son.
A deep voice intruded on Paul's thoughts, "Mr. David?"
Startled, Paul jerked at the voice behind him only to throw himself against the open door jam of his Audi as the size of the man whom the voice belonged to startled him, "Y-yes?"
The giant man ignored Paul's trembling, "Professor Xavier asks you to join him for a moment of your time."
Looking past the mountain of a man in front of him, Paul saw the limousine with a rear window down but the darkness withheld its passengers, "Prof-Professor Xavier?"
Turning his large body, Peter Rasputin swept her left arm towards the awaiting vehicle, "Yes, Professor Xavier is in the car."
Paul was surprised at the massive man's answer, "Here?!?" Peter just nodded before walking back toward the driver's door to wait.
Paul didn't move until his heart quit beating to the bass drum and then followed Peter to the limousine. The door opened and a young lady with long brown hair stepped out to hold the door open for him. The lady, a girl really, not much older than Phillip, was dressed similar to the chauffeur, but not in typical chauffeur garb, both wore black turtle-necks and the driver wore gray slacks, while the girl, wore a short and very tight grey skirt that showed off her excellent legs. Paul hesitated before bending down and was relieved when he saw the bald pate of Charles Xavier looking at him.
"Mr. David, please forgive the interruption but I was in the area when I received word of something happening to Phillip and deemed it important enough to deliver the message to you in person. Can you please join me for a minute?"
Paul's heart jumped up and grabbed his throat, Phillip, "What happened to Phillip?" Paul asked as he moved into the vacant seat across from the Professor.
"I am afraid to tell you that he has been injured." The Professor held up his hand to sway the single parent of his only offspring, "He is fine but he does need surgery."
"Where is he?"
"He is still in the Bahamas."
Paul sounded incredulous, "The Bahamas?"
"Yes, did Phillip not send you a letter telling you that he was taking an extended field trip to the Bahamas? I personally directed all students that went on this trip to do so."
"What? Yes, but I thought he was just going to be down there for a few weeks?"
The Professor nodded, "Yes, that was the original plan but they asked to extend their stay and I approved of it. Just as I have had the authority to approve all of my students for the trip since as you know I have the power of attorney granting me that authority for all of my charges, including Phillip."
Paul's eyes narrowed, "What happened to Phillip? What injuries?"
"There was an accident; he and another student were horse playing and he fell and hurt himself. The injuries he sustained were not life threatening but were enough for him to require surgery."
Paul's eyes went steely as he eyed the Professor up and down, "Are you lying to me?"
The Professor eyed Paul back before smiling slightly, "Slightly, he was not injured in a fall, but he was with another student and she injured him."
"She? A student?"
"Yes, Sally Blevins is the student's name."
Paul blurted out, "Is she like Phillip?" Only to cover his mouth at the error.
The Professor smiled again, "Yes, she is a mutant, like Phillip. When did you find out that Phillip was a mutant?"
Paul was extremely agitated; he grabbed the back of his right shoulder and looked away from the Professor when he realized that the limousine had moved from the Coliseum's parking lot, "Where are we going? My car?"
"My assistant is following in your car behind us right now. We are taking you to your townhouse so you can pack and then we will drop you off at Norfolk International Airport. Phillip is in transit to a clinic in the Bahamas for his surgery. I have made arrangements for you to fly down there tonight. Now, will you please answer my inquiry about how you knew your son was a mutant?"
Paul looked at his lap and sighed before looking back at the Professor, "His mother was a mutant, she had telekinesis, but she couldn't do much with it, just move silverware and the like."
The Professor probed more to see what else Phillip's father would admit to, "Why were you so fearful about Phillip being found out to be a mutant?"
"How did you? I never said..." Paul looked at Charles Xavier closely and turning to look at the giant man waiting patiently behind the steering wheel and then the young girl with the nice legs driving his car behind them, "You are a mutant..." It wasn't a question.
"That is correct. My school is a school for mutants; to teach them not only how to master the gift that they were born with but also to prepare them to live in today's world as a mutant. But you didn't know that, why are you fearful for your son?"
Paul closed his eyes and let his heart beat slow down before answering. "Because of how his mother died."
Non-pulsed, "I did a background check on Phillip's mother and the police report said that she was pedestrian who was hit by a moving vehicle."
Eyes closed, Paul nodded his head briefly, "She was, but the car wasn't being driven, it was thrown at her."
If the Professor was surprised by this revelation, his face did not show it, "Thrown, by whom? A mutant?"
"No, it was a man in a suit of power armor. He was a co-worker of ours who we thought was a friend, a close friend, but when we revealed to him that Abbie was a mutant he got angry with us and after calling Abbie a few choice names, he left." Paul chuckled before continuing, "He tried to get us fired at work and when that didn't happen, he quit. The next time we saw him he was in a suit of armor that amplified his strength and he threw a car on top of Abbie while we were walking out of our apartment. Abbie saw the car coming and pushed me out of the way with her TK. It had to have been a supreme effort from her to move me because previously the most that she could lift was only about twenty pounds."
Paul wiped a tear from his eye, "I loved my wife so much. She was so ... If the worst thing about her was that she was a mutant then that made her all the more perfect in my eyes."
Charles waited until Paul had wiped his eyes, "And the man in the armor?"
"He looked at me through the slits of his armor and said that he would be back for me and my bastard son and then he left."
"Have you seen him since?"
"No, after the police left, I took Phillip to a friend of Abbie's. We stayed there until the funeral and then I went on bereavement leave. I moved us from that city and we have essentially been on the run ever since."
"If you don't mind, I would like to do a search of my own. One of the promises I made to Phillip was that I did everything that I could to protect the school and its students. I hope you would agree that this falls under that promise. Will you tell me his name?"
Paul hesitated before answering, "Stephen Cameron."
"Thank you. I will let you know if I find anything about the man."
"I would appreciate that. Now, what really happened to Phillip?"
"Like I said, he and another student were together and her mutant ability flared uncontrollably and injured Phillip."
"And just how bad was he injured?"
The Professor remained stoic as he answered, "His penis was cut off."
Magneto Island
One Week Earlier
"Hey Phillip, do you mind if we have a talk?"
Phillip was lying in the sand with his head in Sally's lap as they lounged on the beach and watched Ororo fly free above them in the sky. The two hadn't moved from where Phillip had landed in exhaustion from his first foray into flight earlier in the day. Phillip had been ecstatic about what he was able to accomplish, but that feeling quickly faded and he passed out. When he woke, his head was on Sally's lap as she lightly caressed his hair and Ororo had returned to ride the winds.
Sitting up, Phillip saw most of the Year Two's approaching, "What's up Rusty?" He then acknowledged the rest following behind Rusty, "Tabitha. Amara. Jubilee." Only Doug was missing from the Year Two's. "What can I do for you?"
The Year Two's sat in a semi circle around Phillip and Sally, "We wanted to talk to you about your powers. Well, actually, our powers."
That confused Phillip who looked at Sally only to see her shrug her shoulders back, "If it is about your powers, wouldn't one of the teachers be a better source?"
Jubilee answered before the rest could, "Ya' know, we thought so, but now I think they are holding us back! Even Wolvie."
Phillip's look of confusion deepened and Amara intervened, "They are not holding us back. Rather they are training us at a more sedate pace."
Phillip looked at each present, "So what do you want from me? I have done what my instructors said, same as you guys."
The Year Two's protested and Phillip protested back and an impasse was reached until Sally touched Phillip's shoulder, "Phillip, they are right, you have done much more than what was expected of you."
Phillip turned to look at his roomie, "Like what?"
Sally slightly lowered her head and her bangs fell an inch to partially hide her eyes as she looked up at him. Phillip had to smile since he was rather fond of that look. "Like me, Phillip."
Phillip still disagreed with her, "You? That was all the Professor's and Miss Frost's idea that we get together."
Sally blushed a crimson red and shoved Phillip back into the sand as she laughed, "Not that you cretin. My Slide Field, it was your idea that I work on compressing it and you were the one that said how you thought I would be an ideal swimmer with my Slide Field."
"Exactly!" Rusty boomed, drawing Phillip's attention back to the Year Two's.
"So what do you want from me?"
It was Rusty's turn to shrug, "I don't know, maybe think about our powers and how you would utilize them if you had them."
Phillip looked at each of them, questioning their sincerity. They were all very sincere, including Jubilee. Especially Jubilee.
"Gah! I don't know, I hardly know what your powers are! I mean, the two of you are fire mongers, right? And you two generate explosions?"
Tabitha and Jubilee nodded their heads yes, but both Amara and Rusty were talking at the same time, "No, not like that at all ... my powers come from the earth ... mine from my pores..."
Phillip waved his hands back and forth, "Stop, stop, one at a time. You, Amara, ladies go first."
Amara looked at Rusty who winked at her and then proceeded, "My powers come from the earth. I absorb the heat directly from the earth. In many ways, my power is more telekinetic than pyrokinetic."
"How is that?"
"I am not totally sure, but I don't generate the heat, I redirect it. When I launch a lava blast, I am literally throwing a piece of rock that I have lifted from the ground."
"That doesn't make sense Amara, I have seen your lava blasts and you aren't throwing rocks at someone, fire explodes from you hands. Hot fire; hotter than Rusty's."
Amara nodded, "Yes, my fire is hotter than Rusty but that is because I am absorbing it from the magma miles below us. When we fly in the air and I am not touching Mother Earth, I can't feel my powers. This freaked me out but the Professor said that was normal." Phillip was not swayed, "I don't know how, I just do it that way. I light myself on fire by absorbing the heat from Mother Earth and then I redirect the heat from the earth below me while telekinetically throwing a rock at my target. That rock is my link because I redirect the heat that I absorbed from below to the rock so that when it hits, it hits not as a rock but as an explosion of molten core."
"Can you move rocks without catching them on fire?"
Amara went to answer, opened her mouth only to close it and open it a second and third time, "I don't know, I never tried. When my powers manifested, it was always by absorbing the heat from below first."
When Amara looked away, obvious in deep thought, Phillip looked at Rusty, "What do you mean it comes from your pores? I have only seen you emit it from your hands. Can you cover your body in flames like the Human Torch?"
Rusty looked a little embarrassed, "Well, through my pores may not be the best description, though that is how the Professor described it. No, I can't ignite my body like the Torch. The flames I generate are more of a chemical reaction inside me and like 'Mara, I don't generate the flames psionically per se, I expel them."
"So have you tried to concentrate on expelling them from your body vice hands?"
Rusty looked real embarrassed at that, "Yeah, I have..."
When it didn't look like Rusty was going to answer, "Well? What happened?"
"Nothing came out of my pores, even though the Professor says I expel them down my arms and to my hands."
"And you didn't explode under the contained pressure?" That got most present to chuckle.
"No, it came out elsewhere."
Before Phillip could inquire further Amara put her arm around her lover's shoulder, "Tell him."
"It comes out of three places. My ... my orifices."
Phillip looked at Sally to see if she understood what Rusty was trying to say because he wasn't. Sally was looking on engrossed at what Rusty was sharing; obviously this was something new to her.
"Ora ... you spit out the fire?"
Rusty's freckles had faded as his skin grew a darker and darker red shade, "My mouth, my ass and my ... You know how I ... killed Gloria..."
Phillip ignored Rusty's embarrassment and ticked off what he knew, "You can project a chemical like flame from your hands, your mouth, dick and ass ... Which one is it easier to come out of? Your hands?"
"Oh gawd..." and Rusty buried his head into Amara's bosom.
So Amara answered for him, "No, it is easiest for him to expel it out of his penis."
"His penis?" Was echoed around.
"OH GAWD!" and Amara soothed her lover with soft whispers.
Around Phillip the females started teasing Rusty by suggesting he should change his name from Fire Fist to Fire Dick or Flame Wad.
Phillip started to laugh when a thought flashed his mind, "Hey! Wait a minute." The girls stopped quickly enough and Amara joined the rest of the females in looking at Phillip. "Does that mean when the two of you do it, that he ... he sometimes, you know ... shoot you..."
Now it was Amara's turn to go beet red in embarrassment. Rusty took solace in knowing she was embarrassed and looked up at Phillip. "Well, Rusty, do you?" Rusty nodded.
"And it doesn't hurt her?"
Rusty chuckled at that, "Hurt her, hell she loves it. It makes her cum when I do that."
"What babe, it's true!" And Amara hid her head behind Rusty's shoulder. The girls proceeded to egg Amara and suggested she change her name to Fire Slut.
Phillip chuckled at his fellow classmates briefly before continuing, "So, Amara, are you immune to heat or just Rusty's chemical fire?"
Amara raised her head high and Phillip was reminded of how normally Amara maintained such regal poise, "I am fairly immune to heat in general but I have talked to Miss Frost about Rusty's flame and it's affect on me and her conclusion was that my body finds his flame pleasurable because his fire is generated by a chemical reaction and for whatever reason, my immunity finds it satisfying or maybe because his chemical reaction tickles me in the right spot. I don't know."
Sally found the temerity speak up, "And you orgasm every time he shoots his flame in you?"
Amara was able to answer Sally because it was Sally; she wasn't so sure she could have answered that same question if asked by Jubilee or Tabitha, "Yes. Every time. So long as I can get him hard, he can satisfy me better than Stacy can because not only can he make me cum as often and as hard as Stacy but when he does so there is a nice penis inside me instead of Stacy in my mind." After Amara said that, she recognized it as a faux pas, "Please don't tell Stacy that."
Tabitha laughed, "So that is why you always have a smile on your face!"
Phillip was ready to move on, the girls could talk about each other's personal likes later, "So, you telekinetically move rocks and transfer heat while being mostly immune to heat but can't move anything else telekinetically?" Amara agreed. "You telekinetically throw the rock while transferring heat to it?" Again Amara agreed. Phillip chuckled, "Ever play a game called Doom?"
Of course she had not, but Rusty did, "Oh hell yeah! What are you thinking? The flaming skulls?"
Phillip paused, "Maybe, maybe with her telekinesis she could make her lava blast real accurate but what I was thinking was the rocket jump."
Rusty paused as he considered Phillip's answer and then slowly his smile reached from side to side, "Oh HELL yeah!" Jubilee, the only other person to play Doom, chorused Rusty with her own, "Hell yeah."
Phillip let Rusty explain it to Amara, "Babe, a rocket jump is when you point your rocket launcher at your feet and jump in the air while firing the rocket. The rocket damages you but allows you to jump farther than normal. Much farther than normal."
Amara had trouble following the physics from a computer game, "But why would I want to hurt myself jumping?"
Rusty continued to explain it to her, "Who says you would get injured? You are mostly immune to the heat that you transfer."
"But I am not immune to falling. I broke my leg falling off of a tree when I was younger."
"Right, but why can't your use your heat to slow your descent or maybe summon a rock to ride down. Hell, why don't you see if you can lift a rock while you are on top of it? What is the max weight you can lift?" Phillip countered.
Phillip could see the wheels turning in Amara's beautiful face, "I don't know. I have been concentrating on making sure my temper doesn't cause magma eruptions or anything like that."
Phillip was shocked to hear that the always proper and poised Amara had a temper, "You? Sweet innocent you? Nah, I don't believe that."
Rusty punched Phillip's shoulder lightly, "Trust me, she has one and it isn't pretty," pausing to kiss the cheek of his girl friend, "but she does a hell of a job controlling it."
Jubilee was at the end of her rope of patience, "Okay nerd-boy, speak, what about me?"
Phillip didn't care to be called 'nerd-boy' but strived to ignore her comment as he looked at the young mall-rat with the very cute Asian features and her atrocious swimming get up, "And what do you do exactly Jubilee? I have seen you generate fireworks, lots of light and noise but no real big booms."
Jubilee scowled in frustration, "Tell me about it! I try and I try to make a boom to end all booms, something the big boys would really feel and all I get is a headache and fizzling lights and sounds."
"So you can't concentrate it into a beam and direct it?"
Jubiliee's scowl turned into a grimace, "No! No matter how much I try, just lots of smaller lights and sounds. Not real useful on the battlefield, but I try."
Phillip sat with his left hand blocking his mouth and stumped, he looked to the next girl, "What about you Tabitha?"
Tabitha smiled at Phillip when she saw his eyes dart from Jubilee's head to her expansive chest, the two of which were not the same height but they were close. After everyone had gotten settled, most of the girls had taken to wearing bikinis on the island and the boys had opted for long shorts without a shirt. There were exceptions of course; Ororo and Illyana were normally naked and Teresa wore baggy shorts like the guys. The ever flamboyant Doug had to stand out as well so he wore Speedo's with as much of his butt cheeks hanging out as he could squeeze out of the tight trunks; Rusty and Tabitha would complain to him but he wouldn't listen because he liked the tight, bunched up feeling back there. Everyone had started out wearing the highest suntan lotion for protection but after a couple of weeks and a couple of sunburns, everyone had developed a nice tan so the protection was not needed as much.
Tabitha was wearing a white thong bikini that did nothing to hide her over abundant chest or the rest of the curves on her Californian body this day but she also had khaki shorts on. She was sure that Phillip could care less about her covered crotch as her nipples were hard and quite easily seen through the thin white material of the bikini. She liked this bikini because when she got it wet it became very transparent. Tabitha smirked when Phillip remembered he was in the middle of a conversation and jerked his head to look Tabitha in the eyes.
"Uh ... and you?"
Tabitha winked at Sally who was smirking at Phillip being dazzled, "I said that I create timed bombs, small explosion and some not so small." She adjusted her sitting position as she said this which caused her barely contained breasts to bounce nicely.
Phillip turned back to Jubilee, whose blood red string bikini was made garish by the accessories she had attached to them, Jubilee was definitely a very pretty girl and a hellion in bed he had heard but her beauty was not distracting the way Tabitha, Amara and Jean's were.
"Jubilee, do you know what a flash bang is?"
Waving her hands to her side excitedly, "DOH! I am a walking flash bang!"
Tabitha couldn't let an opening pass, "Yeah, she flashes her pussy and then bends over to get banged!"
Jubilee took no offense in this comment, "Are jealous you walking fun-bag?"
"Jealous of what?"
"The fact that I have real men chasing my pussy and not a queer chasing my ass?"
Tabitha glared at her classmate, "You know that Doug will hear about that."
Jubilee shrugged, "So, when he is anxious for a more androgynous ass, he will still come ask for mine vice your balloon-bod."
"Ouch! Are we going to have a cat-fight soon?" Rusty asked gleefully only to feel an elbow slammed into his chest, "Ouch. Double ouch!" Grabbing Amara's wrist, he pulled her close to kiss her.
Phillip was unsure what to say to the senior classmates, so he followed Sally's lead and said nothing until the bickering died down and Jubilee asked what he meant.
"Well, my understanding of your powers is that they are mainly a distraction, they can do some damage, but generally are harmless because they explode away from people."
Jubilee nodded, "Exactly, I can't aim them worth shit."
"So you can't make one concentrated bang vice multiple ones?"
"I already told you that I couldn't."
Phillip shook his head, "No, you told me you couldn't make a big one, I am talking about a small one that is concentrated."
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IncestEverything suddenly clicked into place for Helen on that afternoon at home, over a period of several months she had been sure that some of her knickers had gone missing only to show up again later on, at first she thought that she was just getting forgetful or that they had fallen behind a drawer or somewhere but now here she could clearly see the truth.Her 14yr son Mark was sat in his room playing on the playstation, clearly unaware that his mother was looking into his room from the doorway...
Dear readers thank you very much for your response to the series of ‘My Hot Mother Malini And Me’. Many of the readers asked me to write actually how it all started between me and Maa. Who seduced whom? Particularly a lady reader had asked to write about this as she is also having an affair with her 19-year son. So readers read and give your opinions as usual to my mail. Thank you, your Abhi. I, Abhi was very gloomy during those days. I turned moody, irritating, after the marriage of my younger...
IncestHi all, This is Vish here from Bangalore. This story is about my first fuck that happened a couple of months ago when I was traveling from Vizag to Bangalore. Before I start this story I would like to convey a note to all those beautiful lonely girls and unsatisfied aunts over there that if you are looking for any sort of enjoyment and looking for a great fucking experience. Trust me you will definitely be more than satisfied with my 6’3 inch dick which is ready to serve your honey spots at any...
The tour was good. Clarrie and I managed to rent a small flat in the heart of Windsor, a stone’s throw from the Castle and the theatre. The first few days we were doing the technical stuff that has to be boringly and painstakingly precise. It’s nothing like rehearsing normally. It’s stop, start, stop, start while the lights, sound, and all the other bits and pieces get checked out. It is, however, a good test of how well we’ve learned the play.The first half of Missing in Action is the set...
Lesbian"Where's the Vicodin, Amy?" "It's right over here." "I know where it is. You know that's not what I'm asking. Where's the Vicodin?" Amy manages the stock at the pharmacy. She makes sure everything is in place and accounted for. Nothing goes out without a prescription. Nothing comes in without being logged. Sometimes older medicines are destroyed. Nothing is out of place. People's lives depend on this. Amy does her job very well. "There are forty-eight Vicodin tablets missing....
Presidential One 2:20 pm Tina looked at the scanners of the ship as American fighters came in from all angles and opened fired on her. With her com open she screamed, "FUCK! I'M UNDER ATTACK!" as she started banking the craft trying to avoid the enemy fighters. The shields sensors screamed out their warnings as they were plastered from thirty different points of attack. Tina reacted quickly and fired her main weapons and blew two Lightning class fighters to shreds. Doing a quick loop,...
Sammy happened to be at his parents’ house on Abby’s birthday. In a few weeks, it would be three years since Abby went missing and still not a clue as to what had happened to her. Her parents still had hope, but it was fading. Sammy was about to leave when Abby’s best friend, Cheryl Baxter showed up; she always stopped by to pay her respects on Abby’s birthday. Cheryl gave Sammy a sarcastic look; she never liked Abby’s brother. He had always given her the creeps, as far back as when she and...
“I’m telling you the blonde in the mask is missing police officer Abbigail Johnson. I’ll bet you the redhead is none other than her best friend that went missing three years after Officer Johnson’s disappearance,” Detective Callaway told his Captain. “You seem pretty sure,” the Captain replied. “I think both of them were abducted and forced into prostitution. They were probably drugged, raped, and then turned out,” the detective said. “You think someone united the two girls and made the...
*If you’re looking for something to get off to quickly, this isn’t it. There are sexy scenes in this story, but they come well earned. So, if you want something with character development and plot, enjoy. Chapter One Jake Connors slowly opened his eyes, still feeling the sickening effects of too much liquor the night before, he hadn’t drank that much since his frat boy years. He cursed under his breath as he gained his bearings. The room eventually quit spinning enough for him to see the sun...
Growing up a lesbian and very introspective about my career possibilities, I knew I didn't want to teach gym, because that was a stereotype that would eventually lead to shame and/or incarceration. Then one night I had an epiphany while watching "The Maltese Falcon"...I would be a private eye, a shamus in forties vernacular. Fresh out of THE Ohio State, armed with a worthless degree, I plopped down borrowed money for an office in Cincinnati, directly across from Skyline chili, causing my...
HumorClad only in brand new heels and lingerie, Beth climbed up onto the edge of the Egyptian cotton bed sheets. Slowly and deliberately, just like she'd been instructed, she began crawling for the pillows with exaggerated wiggles of her hips. Pausing partway across the king-size expanse, she looked back, biting her lip."Is this okay?"Standing a short distance from the foot of the bed in a freshly pressed suit, her husband's jaw was slack. A crystal tumbler containing a finger of bourbon hung from...
Love Stories“What do you mean you haven’t talked to your mother in over a week?” Ash ruminated, “I think it was a week ago Sunday night to let her know we’d gotten here safe and sound on the train. I had barely seen her that weekend, but she was puttering around the house and she said she had a date that evening. Nothing unusual. After that day when I called all I did was leave messages on the answering machine. When I went home on Friday, there were all my messages unplayed. I stayed alone that night...
Eight months I have taken to cross this vast land. I had no conception of the vast land this continent was. Looking at a map of Australia one never realises the vast distances there is between towns, well a few houses clustered together in this land is called a town. Now here I was standing on the escapement looking down at the City of Perth. In the East I was told it was just a hick town, no night-life and the kangaroos run all over the streets. In the distance I could see the outline of tall...
As Ed described it to me later, he put on full emergency power and headed for the pterodactyl. The creature had not yet reached the stricken plane as Ed fired. His shot was true and the pterodactyl missed the plane. He couldn’t tell what the other pilot had seen, so he assumed that the other pilot had not seen his plane. Ed followed the plane to the highway and pulled up close behind it. That was when Ed called me. “Bill, I am right close to the other plane. There is a godawful section of...
Percy was working at his marina helping to maintain the boats when his cell phone rang. A quick glance at the display indicated the caller ID was blank. There was only one individual who would be on the other end. "Hello, Percy here." "We found the missing woman from the slave ring." The voice said. "Is she still alive?" I asked. "She was treated badly. Her mind is gone. We have her in a safe place getting care. We need to know if her husband wants her back." I started to...
Prior: bigbob1200 Missing Mom series Prior: Missing Mom –Hard Labor Ricky kidnapped Jolene and had her at home with his girlfriend Kendra. They abused her with a brutal breeding session. Ricky and Kendra take the bitch to a Poker Party to get money to pay the bills. Abused at the poker party, the next morning Doc Rosen advises rest even as he abuses her himself. Ricky and Kendra] Pimp her out, flush with money they get a delivery of movie equipment. The delivery men and then relatives join...
Laid off.. I could still hear the words ringing in my ears. I just couldn’t believe it. 35 years old, no career, no prospects in site. I don’t know why I thought my husband would be more comforting. It wasn’t in his nature to nurture me, console me, why should this be any different? Once again, I would find my way through this on my own. The weeks turned into months, slowly at first, but soon enough, I was adjusting to being a housewife. No more did I need the rush of the stock market to make...
After reading Mr22000 remarks I went back into the desk top again and found the missing part misfiled. My apologies. Again I am not the author and the original story name is 'F***ly Games.' Again thank you Mr22000 for making me search again! Mom, Dad, and Us Part 2a (the missing part)Lorena thought she had never seen anything so beautiful as her brother and the girl, naked together. She had come back too late to actually watch them screwing in the pool, but she knew they had. The...
The three of us stood off to the side as the fund-raiser went into full swing. Kaylee and I had already made our little speeches and the mayor was included before introducing a pair of local TV celebrities who hosted the gathering for the rest of the evening. With so many local dignitaries present, I knew that I would have to spend some time thanking each one personally for attending. "Glad that's over with." Speaking in front of people had never been an issue; however I have never...
Dr Alan Johnson re-reads the notes that had been passed to him. Subject: Mrs Rebecca Lewis Age: 31 Marital Status: divorced Military status: Captain, National Guard Air Force aircrew Recent deployment: Six-week tour of Middle East Comments: Aircraft shot down. Listed as Missing in Action for eight Weeks. Found by British troops on scheduled sweep. Physical condition poor. Malnourished and sexually and Physically abused. The Doctor put the notes down, trying to imagine what this...
It was a warm summer evening, Percy stood at the edge of the small lake adjacent to his property. He was amongst a small crowd of people. Everyone was somber. Percy looked over the country side. It was green and covered with wild flowers. The birds were finishing their evening songs and getting ready to settle down for the night. The swallows were making those low level runs to snack on the bugs that were emerging from their daytime hiding places. All things considered, it would have been a...
One week or so later, Percy and Dean were talking in Percy's office. "Dad, Jenny and I went down to Foxwoods for a romantic weekend last week. We actually left the room and walked around." "So what do you need, Viagra? That way you won't need to leave the room." "No Dad, we saw the woman whose husband was killed in the lake last summer." "So?" "She was with a young guy. At least 15 years younger than her." prompted Dean. "Maybe it was her son or some other relative," Percy...
Tracy shivered slightly as Clifford ran his tongue delicately over her tummy. She marvelled at just how far Cliff had come in his sexual prowess in the past couple of months. Together with her sister, Stacy, she had introduced Clifford to the joys of teenage sex, and all on a dare. Tracy had dared Stacy to get Cliff, who was then the school nerd, to cum by any means possible. But once the girls had seen how big he was under his boxers they couldn't help themselves, they had fucked...
Dedicated to Mindy and all of the volunteers who make Fictionmania possible! Thanks, as always, to Steve Zink for his editing. No one does it better! (This story gently kids the great movie 'Miss Congeniality', and no copyright infringement is intended.) Missing Congeniality By Eric FBI District Supervisor Harrison looked over his team. They were going to bust up a big time Russian Mafia exchange with the homegrown New York Mafia. Nothing could go wrong, he was sure. He...
Honey, That's Not Me In My Body! Part 2 - The Missing Episode Disney Censors Couldn't Approve Of, And Will Never, Ever, Broadcast. by the Television - TG Writing Team Supreme... Eric, & Caleb Jones (For those who missed it, Part 1 will be rerun in syndication soon... and all essential information from it is recalled and reflected in the 1st part of this story) It should be noted that the release of this fiction is NOT authorized by the Disney Corporation but they still...
The Missing Maid A Tawse Hall Mystery By Lisa Chapter 1 Lisa did not know what to expect but whatever it was this was not it. She did not believe that trains still went to places like Slipperbottom. There seemed to be a station, a small half empty car park and a shop. Apart from a few picture post card cottages there was not much else to see. There may have once been a timetable in the bus stop but not anymore. There was probably something about this in the instructions she had been sent...
Hermione had cried practically non-stop for a week, and even though she was no longer crying in front of Harry, he knew that she still was sometimes, when he wasn’t there to see. Their stop at Godric’s Hollow, and the close encounter with Voldemort, had only been a momentary distraction from her misery. As if Harry didn’t have enough to feel guilty about; he knew how his two friends felt about each other, even if they were both too scared to admit it openly. Harry knew that Ron’s hot temper,...
Coming back with a smile on my face, Rika picked it up almost immediately. "I'm glad to see that you're feeling better, Erin." Her eyes opened wide as I set the container of cookies on her desk. Sitting on the edge, I took one more. Had to watch my girlish figure you know. While munching on the cookies, the two of us discussed a conference I needed to attend next week, most likely taking me out of town. We covered a few more things, before she passed me the list of attendees for the...
It happened when I was 13 yrs old, me and my mom are all alone,,, no relatives no one to support us. Mom used to search for employment and I used to help her out in all kinds of work. What I came to know when I became older was that my mom in her college days was a beauty and had so many guys around her trying for a chance to experience her body which was 37-26-38, 5’5’’ tall whitish complexion more she looks like vijayashanti in telugu movies. She fell in love with a rich boy who promised her...
IncestMy cock was throbbing with excitement. I needed a quick release; but first, I had to retire to the solitude of my room. I crawled back to my room and once inside, I locked it carefully. I quickly began to undress in the darkness. Having stripped of my shorts and vest, I turned on the night lamp. Standing in front of the mirror provided in the door of my cupboard, I looked at my reflection. “Not bad.” I thought, admiring my rigid boner. I didn’t know about the size of the biggest and the...
IncestWelcome to my Earth Day story. It's only a couple of chapters but it is complete and posted here. I realize that not every story is for everyone, but I hope you enjoy reading this one. Chapter 1 Earth Day is a celebration of life on this planet celebrated around the world in over 175 countries. It brings focus to environmental and humanitarian issues on a large scale. For me Earth Day is every day. No, I'm not a big environmentalist. I'm just an everyday Joe who tries to survive in this...
Large, messy, blazing bonfire; Elizabeth and Jack drunken dancing around the fire with a nearly empty bottle of rum each. Collapse next to each other after a spinning, rousing rendition of "A Pirate's Life For Me". Jack: takes a swig, leans back on his elbows and looks at Elizabeth And you're a strange one, you know that Miss Crow? Elizabeth: leans back to get him in focus You're a little peculiar yourself, Captain Sparrow! J waves his hand in front of his face as if to wave the...
The following morning Gerry arrived at the Embassy to find considerable toing and froing. "Some sort of Whitehall flap?" he asked of one of the secretaries as she scurried by. "No idea," she said. "All I know is the Ambassador is in a right state. Oh, and he was looking for you." "I can't have upset the Trade Minister this much," Gerry thought. "And I don't think I've given Suzie any real cause for complaint." He went in search of the Ambassador and found him in Suzie's...
"I can't believe it," Robin said as we turned off the interstate. "I am sorry, but I didn't have a choice," I said looking over at the passenger seat. "Not you, mom," Robin smiled back at me. "Cindy, she hooked up with that guy I was telling you about." "Oh," I replied. "The guy with the tattoos and the piercings?" I shook my head as I remembered the photo Robin had shown me. "Yes," Robin nodded. I looked in the back seat. Jack was fast asleep. Luckily the medication his doctor...
VoyeurOh, hell, they look like they’re having fun, I thought to myself with a sigh, watching a couple make out on-screen during the movie I was watching, while I was curled up on my couch, all alone. But as the scene progressed, and the couple went from kissing to getting hot and heavy, I felt myself growing frustrated too, as a longing and a tingling began to form between my legs and in my lower stomach. Ugh, if Mark doesn’t return from his deployment soon, I might just blow a gasket without him.My...
MasturbationThis story is totally mine, and my first story on this site, an old friend of me requested a story after she told me something which happened for real. She wanted me to write a story about what happened to the panties she left in the toilet cabin. So the first part is real, except the part of the girl in the next cabin. Lea and Anina (names changed) did have sex in the toilet cabin, but no-one else was in the toilet area. Elena is a fictionary person, only to give the main character a...
My Mom died when I was 13 and I was left with my stepdad. My stepdad was a fair man and treated me well. My Mom had had me when she was quite young, only 16. She worked as a stripper and would leave for work wearing very skimpy outfits. My stepdad had met her at the strip club and therefore didn't have a problem with her job. Sometimes before going to work she would model her outfits for him and dance for him which always excited him. I would just watch as they...
I walk round the lounge, restless, annoyed ... where the hell are you? Early night you said ... yeah right, same old story, heard it all before. In the meantime, I'm here, alone, again. I look across at the cold food on the table, wasted, again. Yet another ruined romantic dinner for two.I sigh, pour myself another glass of wine and take a large swallow. Sod the mess, I am not clearing up tonight, I am too pissed off, it can wait till morning.I walk into the bedroom and kick off my heels, oh...
On the first look, it appeared neat and tidy with my things arranged properly in the cabinet. However, as I opened the door of my cupboard, I could immediately sense that something was wrong. My clothes were arranged in a more orderly manner than I could ever do by myself. Someone had rummaged through my belongings and then had tried to arrange things back in order. It had never happened before and I had to blame only myself for this mess. I had been very careless lately. I never believed that...
IncestWhen Sammy went to get Abby’s two black sons, he discovered that the couple that he had left them with had been busted for drugs and in prison. The two boys were living in a foster home. Through one of his old contacts, he was able to find out where they were living. He went and staked out the house to make sure the information was accurate. While Sammy was watching the house, he saw a woman leave. A few minutes later, a school bus stopped in front the house. He saw Nathan and Arthur, along...