A Soul To Rescue Ch. 01: Missing free porn video

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*If you’re looking for something to get off to quickly, this isn’t it. There are sexy scenes in this story, but they come well earned. So, if you want something with character development and plot, enjoy.

Chapter One

Jake Connors slowly opened his eyes, still feeling the sickening effects of too much liquor the night before, he hadn’t drank that much since his frat boy years. He cursed under his breath as he gained his bearings. The room eventually quit spinning enough for him to see the sun peeking through the slits of the bamboo blinds hanging in the west window.

Dammit, he’d slept all day and missed his noontime workout … again. Rachel, the pretty redhead from accounting at the department, would surely think he did it on purpose this time. He huffed a sigh of frustration, throwing his tattooed forearm across his eyes. Rachel was a sweet girl, for sure. The kind his mother would be proud for him to bring home. But she came with baggage he wasn’t sure he was ready for — namely a cute little kid with the same red curls as his mama.

Jake was still taking risks and living dangerously. He still stayed out all night from time to time and woke up next to regrets in the morning. Rachel needed stable and steady, and Jake wanted that, too. Just not yet. Not in this decade. And maybe not the next. Really, he was doing her a favor by standing her up, showing her exactly what she could expect if she went on with her little office crush, if he gave in to her subtle flirts and took her to dinner and beyond. She was too good for him and he knew it. She was too sweet to be another regret in the morning. She deserved so much more — her kid deserved so much more.

A loud bang echoed across his closed bedroom door, causing him to nearly jump out of his skin.

‘POLICE! OPEN UP!’ an exaggeratedly deep male voice boomed followed by a laugh. Not even a second later, and Jake’s younger brother Paul threw the door opened. ‘Did I scare ya this time?’ He asked with a proud smile on his face.

‘Only ‘cuz I thought I’d locked the house up,’ Jake answered, annoyed.

Paul sat down on the bed next to his brother with a big goofy grin on his face, holding up a key. ‘You gave me a key, remember? Last Christmas, when you went out of town for that thing.’

‘And this is why I’ve been asking for it back for the last seven months.’ Jake slid out of bed, dressed only in a pair of royal blue boxer briefs and a multitude of tattoos covering his body. He sauntered over to his dresser and pulled out a pair of basketball shorts and left the room, Paul right on his heels.

‘Any word from Devon?’ Jake asked as they entered the kitchen. He started a pot of coffee and turned for the fridge to see what sort of leftovers were still edible.

Paul’s smile faded as a he took a seat in one of the mismatched chairs of the dining room. Jake must have felt his brother’s mood suddenly change because he gave up on the hunt for food, and turned to look at Paul. He was a good looking guy of twenty-two. Medium brown hair, hanging shaggy around his ears and neck, and swept off his brow. He had the same strong cheeks and chin of their father, but their mother’s emerald green eyes.

‘No,’ Paul said somberly. ‘It’s been three weeks, Jake. Where the hell could she be?’

‘That’s the million dollar question, isn’t it?’

The percolator let off a burst of steam and then began to drain the black liquid into the waiting pot. Jake grabbed a mug from the dish drainer by the sink and waited for his daily dose of caffeine.

‘Hannah’s family heard within the week. Why the hell haven’t we heard anything?’

‘I’d go the rest of my life not hearing from her if it meant not getting the news the Hamiltons got!’ Jake shot back. ‘Nobody deserves that.’

Paul shot forward in the chair, wildly gesturing with his hands. ‘But have ya’ll even checked the guy out? Could he have Devon?’

‘What the hell, Paul?’ Jake said, slamming the pot back into coffeemaker, exasperated with his brother’s lack of confidence in the department. ‘Of course we’ve looked into it! Of course we’ve checked him out. Hannah’s sleeping in her own bed tonight because of three brave officers that went in and took him down!’ He downed the hot drink without even thinking about the temperature. ‘And before you ask,’ he said, wiping his lower lip with the back of his hand, ‘yes, we looked for Devon, too. She wasn’t there. Nothing pointed to her ever being there. Even Hannah said she and Devon had separated before the incident.’

‘I don’t know. If you ask me, it just seems a little more than coincidental that two girls — best friends, mind you — go missing on the same night while they were visiting another city. What if the douchebag had been watching them all night? What if he took Devon first and then Hannah? Or Hannah and then Devon? What if someone else took Devon? What if –‘

‘I get it, Paul! I get it! All questions we’ve been asking ourselves. All questions that have no answers… yet. But, we’re looking. We’ll always keep looking. We’ll find her.’

Paul’s cell phone beeped from a text and he quickly pulled it out to check it. A quick glance had another frown on his face. ‘Well, that sucks,’ he said and slid the phone back into his jeans pocket. ‘Date just canceled on me.’

‘The blonde from the club the other night?’

‘No, she only wanted a one-nighter. This one was a redhead.’ Paul shrugged and just like that, he seemed to be over it, but something began to sizzle in the back of Jake’s mind. Something he’d have to work on a little later if he was to get a workout and shower in before getting to work on time.

Hopefully Rachel would be working a little late and he could catch her to apologize — and to arrange a date… with Paul.


The downtown street in front of the police department was crowded with the combination of people getting off work and the night-lifers descending on the plethora of hotspots the city had to offer. Jake made his way up the steps and pulled the door open just in time for a mob of people to come out. It was his usual routine, telling the departing officers bye as they bid him well wishes for the night ahead. And as luck would have it, Rachel was the last one through the door. She looked tired and stress, and in desperate need for a break, for a night of fun.

And she walked right past him without so much as a ‘howyado’ or even a glare. It was as if she didn’t even see him. Didn’t even see the door he was holding open for her.

‘Rachel!’ he called as she started for the steps. But when she didn’t stop and turn around, he called again, ‘Rachel!’ He quickstepped towards her and touched her elbow to get her attention. She stopped and turned to face him, surprised to see him there.

‘Oh! Jake! Hey. Sorry. I’m lost in my own world today. Rough night with the baby and all. Hey! Sorry for standing you up today. It completely slipped my mind until after my lunch hour had passed and then I meant to send you a message and –‘

‘Rachel,’ Jake started placing a comforting hand on her forearm, ‘it’s okay. I was actually counting on being the one to apologize. I stood you up, too. I figured you were pissed off with me, but I had to make it right. So, I’m sorry too.’

She gave a relieved smile and huff, bowing her head to keep Jake from seeing the blush rising in her cheeks.

‘Hey! So, I was going to ask if you have plans for tonight?’

Her blush deepened, her décolletage turning nearly purple. ‘No,’ she said, drawing the word out in a cute Southern accent. ‘But don’t you work tonight?’

It was Jake’s turn to blush. ‘Yes, but I have a brother, Paul. Good-looking, no bucked teeth or lazy eye or anything. Looking for a good, sweet girl. Whaddya say?’

‘I… I…can’t,’ she said after some time of thinking about it. ‘I’d love to,’ she added quickly, ‘but with the baby and all… not having a babysitter…’

‘Well, as it happens, I know a great lady. She’s sweet and motherly, well, grandmotherly now, actually,’ he said, floundering, ‘um, she’s my stepmom actually. So, she would love to see Paul on a date with a good girl. I’m sure she would love to keep the kid for a while. Want me to call her? Want me to call Paul?’ Jake knew he was rambling but knew of no way to stop it. ‘His date canceled on him tonight. Nothing serious,’ he quickly added when he saw Rachel’s eyes grow big with that last bit of news. ‘Some girl he’d met, well hell, I don’t even know where he met her. He just hated to have to cancel the reservations, so he needs a fill in. Not that that’s the only thing you could be. Not that that he’s looking to get married tomorrow. Oh, God, make me shut up now.’

Rachel laughed and smiled again. ‘Sure. If both of them are up for it, I’ll fill in for him. And, who knows, maybe we’ll get married tonight.’

‘Great!’ Jake pulled his cell out of his pocket to call his brother first and then his stepmother. ‘Not to the marriage part, that wouldn’t be great. Not that I wouldn’t be okay with you marrying him, that’s not it either.’

Thank God Paul answered on the second ring, saving Jake from further embarrassing ramblings. And after a quick summary, Paul was on board. One more call, and the babysitter was squared away, now all Jake had to do was survive the night and hear all about it in the morning.


The night dragged on for Jake, especially with his partner having the night off. His mind kept slipping back to Devon and the last night he saw her. She was a beautiful girl, average height, long blonde hair falling in waves nearly to her ass. Her eyes were a creamy chocolate, warm and inviting, and her laugh was intoxicating.

She and her best friend had been talking for several weeks about a trip to Atlanta, a girl’s weekend away, and finally they’d figured out the perfect time to do it and gone down on a Friday. The two girls had stopped by his place on their way out of town to drop Sunny, Devon’s ragdoll cat, off.

She’d called him that night to check on the cat and then again early in the afternoon on that Saturday. And then, nothing. From either girl. For over a week. Jake and three of his four brothers had gone down to Atlanta first thing Monday morning to find the girls and drag them home by their ponytails, but they’d returned to Nashville empty-handed and ready to burn the world to the ground.

A few days later, the Hamiltons received a call from Hannah and multiple police departments rushed in to rescue her. The scene was straight out of a parent’s nightmare — their child kidnapped and nearly sold into the ever growing sex trade industry. Another girl who had been kidnapped managed to steal a phone from a customer and brought it back with her, allowing a dazed and hungover Hannah to make the call to her parents.

Both girls had been severely punished by the bastards that kept them locked up, but the news was right when they called it an act of courage. Hannah had saved several other girls that day.

All of them were filthy and bruised, but their deepest cuts weren’t physical. Hannah would need help for years.

Not for the first time, he felt sick to his stomach about it all. He’d watched Hannah and Devon as they grew up, seen them change from girls to young women before they blossomed into the knockouts they are now.

He’d been on the first flight out from Nashville when the department got the call about Hannah. He and his supervising officer had gotten there hardly an hour after Hannah had made it to the police station in Atlanta. His was the first familiar face she’d seen and after a proper hug, Hannah’s world crashed for the second time in a week when Jake told her Devon had gone missing that same day.

Hannah told him everything she knew. How she and Devon had split up a few hours earlier for Hannah to get a massage while Devon went shopping. They had plans to meet up for dinner and then go to a honky-tonk outside of Atlanta, but Hannah never made it to her massage. Instead, she had been taken from the hallway of the hotel they were staying in, pulled into another room and quickly drugged to keep her from fighting. After that, her memory was hazy at best, with choppy scenes of travelling in the back of a dark box truck, a small house she caught a glimpse of just before she was blindfolded again, hazy memories of being stepped on as girls were brought to and taken from the small bedroom she’d been put in, begging for water, and having to squat in the corner to use the bathroom.

It had been the monsters’ mistake of not blindfolding her quickly enough that had saved the girls. Hannah had been able to give her parents enough of a description of the front of the house to point police in the right direction. Her father had taught her well. The man was retired CIA and he’d raised her to take in the tiniest details of her surroundings and commit them to memory as quickly as possible.

But, Devon wasn’t there. Hannah knew that for certain. And when the cops had questioned the guy staying at the house, he hadn’t seen a girl matching Devon’s description. For the second time, Jake had left Atlanta with more questions than answers and a twitchy finger, ready to detonate any bomb, to level any city to find his sister.

She was too young to be out there on her own, and while some told him she could have just decided to run away on her own, in his gut, he knew that Paul was right — it was more than a coincident. Besides, Devon may have a wild streak a country mile wide, but running away wasn’t her style. Not with her first year of college starting soon.

His phone beeped at him several hours into his shift and he looked at it. It was a cartoon of a thumbs up from Paul followed by a picture of him holding Rachel’s sleeping baby. They must have hit it off. For that he was grateful. Just as he stuck the phone back into the cup holder it beeped again and at the same, a call came across the radio of a domestic disturbance.

Forgetting the phone, he radioed back that he would respond to the call and hit his lights to race through the city streets.

When he arrived on the scene, two other cars were already there and a man in handcuffs was being led to a cruiser. A toddler sat on the porch crying while a female office patted down the child’s mother before placing her in custody as well.

‘Someone pick up my baby! Please! Someone pick up my baby!’ the mother hollered. ‘My baby need to be held! Don’t leave ‘er sitting there by ‘erself. Please!’

Jake climbed the front porch steps and picked up the child, not for the mother’s sake, but for the sake of the little girl watching the scene before her. He took her back to his car, popped the trunk and pulled out a white teddy bear, dressed in a purple princess dress. She took the bear and rested her sleepy head on his shoulder. He then pulled out a small blanket and covered her up. She sniffled against him a few times and instinctively, he began to bounce and sway with her. Before long, she was asleep, the events of the night exhausting her.

When it came time to pass the kid off to a social worker, he hated letting go, but his arms were growing tired and sweat was soaking both him and the girl, so he quickly whispered, ‘Good luck, sweetheart,’ in her ear and let the older woman take her, almost instantly, his arms missed her. He slowly walked back to his car and left the scene, sending up a quick prayer for the little girl, praying that their paths would cross again.

It was almost an hour after leaving the house and the baby girl behind, that he remembered he’d missed a message. It was another hour before he ever got a chance to look at it. And when he did, he was glad he was sitting at his desk at the department. He nearly choked on the burger he was eating.

It was sent from Devon’s phone.

A phone that had been off for weeks.

The text wasn’t long or prolific. In fact, it was sh

Two words.

Call me.

That was all it said.

And as much as he wanted to, as much as he prayed it was Devon who had sent that message, Jake knew any contact with her was part of an investigation, so he jumped up from his desk, nearly knocking his chair to the ground and ran through the department to the elevator. He hit the button to go up several times, but when that proved to be taking too long, he settled for the stairs, taking two, sometimes three, at a time up to the next floor to his supervisor’s office.

‘Devon just texted me!’ he said, out of breath and gasping for air. He leaned over onto the superior officer’s desk, stretching out the phone for his supervisor to see.

‘Almost three hours ago. Have you called her?’

‘I didn’t have a chance to check it before now.’ He’d regained his composure, taking steady deep breaths to calm his racing heart.

The officer took the phone from Jake and plugged a cord into it, then, he called up two detectives. Once everyone was situated, Jake called his sister, and for the first time in weeks, it rang.

‘Hello?’ A deep, distorted voice answered.

‘Who’s this?’ Jake asked, trying to keep composure.

‘The better question would be, who are you?’

Jake looked to the detectives across from him. They nodded, indicating to him to give his real identity. ‘My name is Jake Connors. I received a message telling me to call you… to call Devon. Is she there?’

‘She’s…. unable to speak right now.’ The voice said in a slow manner, making sure to articulate each syllable.

‘I… I just… I just need to know. Is she okay? Is she alive?’

‘That’s entirely up to you, Jake Connors.’

His nerves caused his stomach to flip and he’d wished he’d decided to skip the burger. A light sheen of sweat broke out on his palms and face. ‘H,h,how is it up to me? What do you want?’

‘What do I want?’ The voice laughed, taunting Jake, pushing him to his breaking point. ‘Nothing you can give me.’

‘How, how is it up to me, then?’ His nerves were solidifying and hardening into a pissed off anger. If the bastard was in front of him, he’d have drawn his weapon and fired, emptying the clip into the son-of-a-bitch.

‘Your last little adventure got a little too close for my taste. Stay the hell away and I’ll let her live. Come that close to me again, and she’ll be dead before you get through the door.’

And then the call was ended.

Jake racked his brain for what the caller meant about an adventure getting too close. Immediately the detectives started tearing the call apart for any clues. They asked Jake a thousand questions, but nothing was coming to mind. What adventure was the coward talking about? Where had Jake gone? What had he done? Each question came up with the same miserable answer, nothing.

His supervising officer sent him home an hour before his normal end of shift, seeing that he was going to be useless for the remainder of the night.

He went straight home and took a shower, washing the dust and grime and sweat away, as well as the tension and stress in his shoulders. The whole while trying to search his memory for the slightest bit of a clue. Eventually, hours later than usual, he climbed in to bed to sleep, Sunny already on the pillow beside his.

The cat hardly stirred as Jake got comfortable, but eventually snuggled up close to him, curled into the curve of his neck and began a deep soothing purr, lulling Jake into sleep.


Several hours later, Jake awoke with a start. It all came rushing back to him. He knew exactly where Devon was. His gut told him he was right, and he’d learned years ago to trust his gut. A quick call to his partner telling him his plans, and Jake was headed for the woods in Georgia. And this time, he wouldn’t return without Devon.

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At nine the next morning, Detective Springer came to Camelot to talk with me about a case he had been assigned. It turned out that there were an inordinate number of missing girls and young women in the area. In each and every instance the girls disappeared without a single trace. Advertisements had produced a flurry of leads but Detective Springer's team had checked out every one and came up totally empty. There were no leads which did not end up in a dead end. They tried everything they...

3 years ago
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Soul Catcher

The Soul Catcher by Maggie O'Malley Three young women stood in front of the rundown house. It was just one of the slums that lined the street. Evening had come, and the streetlamp glared across broken children's toys and overflowing trashcans that littered the sidewalk. The street was empty of traffic, but the sounds of nightlife filled the air, and the girls knew they were not alone. They could hear dogs barking out a warning from a nearby house. Rats squealed and squirmed...

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Somali Pirates and Their Prey Chapter two Prelude to The Rescue and Quest for Sparkling Riches

Chapter two: Prelude to The Rescue and Quest for Sparkling Riches! This is a continuing story A young English woman in her last year of college is recruited along with other young women into a clandestine naval intelligence program that promises technical challenges travel and adventure! This part is about those than are about to be kidnapped! These new female Royal Navy Officers and there clandestine assignment as naval oceanographers, off the coast of Somali. Are with the blessings...

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Penny May I Rescue you from Hell

P.S. I am so fearful of rejection here that I have denied anonymous votes. Sorry. Penny, May I Rescue you from Hell? (Part one) Pennies from Hell I gave my taxi driver an extra twenty bucks to drive me to the street he called “Hooker Hell”. According to this capable-looking man, if the pimps didn’t have guns, then they at least had switchblade knives and they weren’t the least bit hesitant to cut off dicks and balls. “Furthermore,” he had added. “There won’t be a cop in...

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The Rescue Mission

By Submissive Romanticedited by Michael-Leonard Chapter 1 I grew up in the Valley of the Sun, Phoenix, Arizona to be more precise. My mother, father, an older brother and me, we lived at what was then the most northern part of Phoenix, in a small house on a very large tract of desert land. My childhood was anything but normal. You see my dad was a drunk, an abusive drunk at that. As soon as my brother turned eighteen, he left the house and joined the Marines. After serving for four years, he...

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Rescue Me

Dear reader, this story tells of the love between an able bodied girl and a disabled man. I did a little bit of research to see if these events could actually happen and I have concluded that they could… If for some reason my research has led me to improper conclusions, I hope that I won’t offend anyone with the story that follows. * I met my husband Ben back in college. I had known him since freshman year and we were the best of friends. We did not get together until senior year because I...

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Rescue My Wife From Her Affair Part 3

Hello readers, hope you enjoyed my previous stories “Rescue wife from her affair part one and two”. Those who are all not yet finished yet, go and read it. After fuck with maid rasaathi, I went to our room and have some hot drinks. Due to tired and drunken position I fell in bed. I woke up at evening 4o clock only. Some of my friends went. I ask my friends that when are they leaving? They told waiting for me only; they need to reach their home before 6. I ask them to go, don’t wait for me....

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Operation Rescue

Been a long time since I felt like writing. The subject is controversial - please heed my notes below. Operation Rescue A pro-life couple laments that they can't do more to prevent abortions. However, since he directs a lab doing biomedical research, the husband looks for ways to help. ****** Author's Notes: The subject of this story includes the debate around abortion. I recognize that not all will share my particular views on the subject, and I do not intend to demean those...

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My Twin to The Rescue Part 4

My Twin to the Rescue Part 4 Ken stood at the entrance to the dining area and looked around. He was waiting to be seated. As he stood there, he became aware of just how many women present had a name tag similar to his; each one bearing the woman's name. Finally the head waiter approached and said, "Miss Brown, if you will follow me." And with that, he led Ken to a table near the middle of the room. There were already three others sitting there as Ken sat down, smoothing his dress...

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Operation Rescue the New CoEd Chapters 1112

Operation Rescue: The New Co-Ed Chapter 11 - Blue [email protected] A young man gets in trouble and loses his scholarship. It looks like his dream of college to escape a poor future is doomed - until he sees an ad recruiting 'surrogates'. Tommi has to deal with postpartum depression, no friends around, and summer school class load. Thanks to Ellie Dauber and Brenda Hamilton for their generous help in editing and ensuring storyline consistency. Any errors that remain are solely...

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Operation Rescue the New CoEd Chapter 26

Operation Rescue: The New Co-Ed By ElrodW A young man gets in trouble and loses his scholarship. It looks like his dream of college to escape a poor future is doomed - until he sees an ad recruiting "surrogates". His life is about to change in ways that he could have never imagined. Chapter 26 - Sisters The second year is almost over, and summer plans are being revealed. Sara and Tommi still have some serious issues to confront as they try to mend their relationship. The...

2 years ago
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Operation Rescue Brother

Operation Rescue Brother Written by Dauphin http://dauphinsworld.activeboard.com/ [email protected] It was my thirteenth birthday. The house was full of police, both with uniforms and detectives. Out in the road, there were so many news trucks, all filming our house for the news. My little brother Thomas was gone. It was my fault. We were playing in the front yard. We were playing soldiers, and I was mad at him because he never fell down when I shot him. Explaining to an...

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Wolfs Bane Rescue beyong the Rim

Rescue Beyond the Rim By: Malissa Madison Wolfs Bane; LSF Lydia Shore, Col, Commander Torri Sharr, driver Wraith; TM III Lorrna Shaye, Commander Goth; Frill Layella Dellorre, Primary Driver Terror; LSF Mark IV Troika Deirri, Commander, Lycan Sanissa Demure, Co- Commander, Driver (Cord Demure's younger Sister) Grief; TM IV Tarra Demure, Commander (Reno's Older Sister) Genie Fall, Primary Driver MTS-1, DLS 1.2-T FJ-123, FJ-124, FJ-125,...

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The Rescue

1The Rescueby ariel emms (if you enjoy this story, please feel free to let me know)Why didn’t this one stop talking and get on with it, she thought to herself.  If it were over she could go back into her shell.  She had hardly emerged now - she barely could anymore - and she wanted back in.EMMS RUNNING FILE - DAY 1:From: Manager of Acquisitions To: Manager of MarketingBought this one at the latest auction - valuable acquisition, good price.  I’ve always said it pays to talk to the merchandise...

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Rescue Climber

I swung from one hand and reached up and over to catch the narrow ledge. I looked up at the overhang and the stranded climber hanging from his harness. I did not bother looking down since it was over two thousand meters to the base of the cliff. I pulled up and shifted as I swung and reached and shoved my hand into a crack. Slowly I worked my way to the climber and hung from one hand and clipped a follow me rope to his harness. I continued to move out and up and finally caught the edge and...

2 years ago
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The Rescue of HMS BeverlyChapter 7 The Order of the Birch

I cycled the airlock and asked Sally, "How did you program the Zeus' docking maneuver from the Beverly's console?" "Oh, when I found out about the fissure, I told Mother about the problem, I would have beeped you but you were dealing with Robin, and I judged I could handle the situation myself. I explained to mother the urgency of getting the data from the Beverly and Mother tied in and practically yanked the core out of the Beverly. I told Mother that the fissure developing on the...

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BondingChapter 6 Rescue

It was barely light when they broke camp. Mist clung to the ground but the visibility was over 100 metres and both guessed it would improve when it became lighter. Bob phoned the hotel as soon as they reached the shoulder. "Only three arrived back here Sir," the receptionist replied. "Should I inform Mountain Rescue?" "Ask them to stand by. They might have reached the hut and be safe. We'll be there in half an hour or so." Bob held the small aerial and slowly swept it in an arc. "No...

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The Destroyers Book 3 Civil WarChapter 12 The Rescue Fleet

Onboard the Ex-Crytherian mining freighter Hathor, William Odessa led his party of former escapees down the narrow hallway he had found. The air smelled of stale sweat and death, water dripped from one of the overhead pipes in at least a dozen places. One of the electrical panels buzzed as if it had a short and they stayed away from it. Looking at the map he had made, he knew they were getting close as they turned the corner. Up ahead, he could see the bulkhead door. Going up to it, he...

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Anitas RescueChapter 7 Rescue

Atlantic Ocean June 1985 The strangest things could get you behind schedule, Tony mused, but feminine hygiene products? In any event that was what had Kalliste cruising up the Virginia coast just after dark this evening. "Cap'n Tony!" It was a shriek, not Tina's normal good natured banter while on Kalliste. "Signal flare at two o-clock!" Tony immediately looked up from where he had been paying too much attention, Rebecca sitting in his lap, and caught the dying seconds of a yellow...

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Eden RescueChapter 8

The jubilation at the headquarters of the informal "Eden Rescue" group put together by Toshimura and others was intense. In one two-day explosion Meiersdottir had brought the Edenites' plight to worldwide attention, initiated a tremendous upwelling of support for the rescuers' goal and completely defused SES opposition. It was beyond what any of them might have imagined possible, especially in so brief a span. But they had little leisure to enjoy their triumph. There was work to be done,...

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Eden RescueChapter 9

It was a truly massive undertaking, perhaps the largest that humankind had ever attempted and certainly the most complex. Basically it fell into two broad subdivisions. The first, and the most spectacular in scale, was the building of the ark itself. No existing spacecraft offered anything even close to the capacity that would be needed, as Meiersdottir and Eden Rescue came to envision the project. They wanted to save not only the intelligent native population in enough numbers to assure...

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Soul Cakes

In the little village in which I grew up, the whole idea of making soul cakes to give out to the poor on All Saints Eve was a bit … well … strange. Apart from the Mays (who owned both Manor Farm and the stone quarry) we residents of Lower Steadlea were all as poor as each other. Nevertheless, sometime during the last few days of each October our cottage was always filled with the heady aroma of allspice, nutmeg, cinnamon, and ginger as my mother demonstrated her skill as the village’s...

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Soul BelongingsChapter 4 Vows

Roger awoke cuddled up to Julie with his head on her bosom, as he opened his eyes he saw Miranda in the exact same position on the other side of Julie. Miranda and Julie still had their eyes closed and were breathing evenly so Roger assumed they were still asleep. His head was pounding and he figured he had a mild hangover from the beer he drank the night before. As his thoughts became more clear the full ramifications of what occurred the previous night hit him. He didn't regret what...

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Sexcraft Chronicles Book 1 Carolines Quest Chapter 1 Rescue

There will be gay sex and lesbian sex eventually, but mostly straight stuff. Also, there will be incest even though the relatives in this story have never met each other. It’s kind of like a love story at the same time but not really. I can’t quite explain it properly, so your best bet at understanding my ramblings is to just read the chapter and review. That way, I’ll know what to edit and change for the next story. Suggestions for sex scenes are accepted, but do send them to me via PM...

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Rescue At Sea

Mike lowered his binoculars and pushed the throttle forward to its maximum. It would be an exaggeration to say that his elderly cabin cruiser surged ahead. A large cloud of black smoke and a series of backfires belched from the exhaust, the ancient hull vibrated and slowly the revs increased.The inappropriately named “Queen of the Waves” lurched and protested as the speed built up to 15 knots.Through his binoculars Mike had seen hundreds of gannets diving into the water. He knew what that...

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The Rescue of HMS BeverlyChapter 8 The End of the Beverly and Birthday Spankings

Now that the rescues were complete I went to the bridge. Sally was in the pilot's seat with the widest smile I have seen in a decade. She was flying the ship herself. She clicked the autopilot on when she saw me. She said, "Hello Sir, I have been waiting for over three centuries to get a chance to pilot a ship manually for real. I know every ship system. I have a pilot's license and have piloted many ships, though never off automatic, except while training". I said, "You'll have plenty...

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Amity 5 CataclysmChapter 26 Rescue

I decided it was safe to blink to the beach. I contacted Mia and told her to head there. I also contacted the Hoppers and asked them to coordinate with Mia and follow her. I felt a sudden urgency but didn’t know the reason. So I blinked to the beach. I arrived with little fanfare. Blaine believed they had collected the magical items that the people on the ship had worn. I closed my eyes and sent out my senses to locate the items. I got a ping, turned, and headed in the direction. Once in...

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Soul lust

Introduction Major Characters Chrono 'Hei' Yaiba: Age 18, average build. Half grim reaper, half incubus, he is the hero of our story. He has 'soul lust', a symptom like that of blood lust, except that it is sexual in nature. Activates when he succumbs to anything. In soul lust mode, he is known as 'Hei', and is nearly invincible, and is able to 'soul steal' anyone, which is the submitting of the creature completely to Chrono's will mostly through sexual means. However, 'Hei' turns back to...

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Rescue Me Ch 02

Dear Readers, Thank you for all your comments. I have edited Part 1 to take into consideration some of the errors you pointed out… Sorry for the confusion about the first name… I was getting ahead of myself. Ben is the man in the story and the girl who had remained nameless in the first part of the story is Sam (Samantha) the narrator. Again, I hope that no one will be offended about the love that develops between a disabled man and an able bodied woman. Please let me know if you think that...

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A Soul to Rescue Ch 02 Waiting

Chapter 2: Waiting Rain beat down on the tin roof above Devon Connors’ head, save for a few spots where no roof existed. Thankfully, she’d been shoved into the only spot in the room that didn’t have a hole in the ceiling, a dark corner behind the door. In all honesty, it was the first time she’d been thankful for that dry little corner. She’d envied the girls that had holes above their heads for nights now. At least, she thought, they could look up and see the clouds or blue sky during the day...

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Rescue the Captured Superheroes

PLEASE ACTIVATE GAME MODE! CURRENTLY UNDER CONSTRUCTION! In the eternal battle between good and evil, there will always be superheroes fighting supervillains. On the side of justice are the men who have been endowed with enhanced strength, durability, intelligence, and supernatural abilities. These righteous heroes use their powers to protect the weak and helpless, and to right wrongs caused by the evil villains who seek to exploit and ruin others for their own personal benefit and power....

1 year ago
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The Rescue of HMS BeverlyChapter 19 Starbase 3092

A starbase is a beautiful thing from the outside. Inside lies the problem. There are a lot of dangerous places in the FoM, none more notorious than a starbase. A star base serves as a center of commerce for the star systems it protected. Starbase 3092 protected a section of the galaxy that had 219 inhabited star systems. Each star system had an area of the base that it considered its own. That area was governed by that system's laws. This meant that an outsider could easily get into deadly...

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Anitas RescueChapter 9 Runaway

Tony read the local paper while sitting on the back deck early the next morning. The front page headline read: Rock 'n' Rescue Teenage Rock Band Rescues Four on the High Seas By Beatrice Wallace Bea had been, at least, factual. She was perhaps a bit more dramatic than he would have liked. The article included the concert in Savannah with an excerpt from the paper there. The cruise to Cape May, the Gilchrist festival, and the Teen Beat article were also covered. It was pretty much what she...

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The RescueChapter 3 The Merediths

As the pair rejoined the gaping people yammering on the bow, he commented to Robby, “Listen, when the Coast Guard asks where you were when all this started, you were asleep in your cabin. Alone, get it. Let’s not get things complicated, huh?” Robby nodded in compliance. “Yeah, sure. I’ll tell Phoebe, too.” They walked up to the rest of the group, staring at the burning debris and all trying to talk at once. Captain Jimmy boomed out, “Okay, everyone inside! Let’s get settled.” The Jensons...

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Soul Searching

Say what you like about Hell, the place is certainly toasty. Sure, it gets lonely with just Mum, Dad and me rattling around the caves, but it beats the surface. I find the world so cold. Bitter. Hateful. Guess Dad would be pretty crap at his job if it was anything else, but right now, stuck on the living room sofa amid one of our father-son 'chats', even the surface seems appealing.Dad has the remote in his hand, eagerly flicking through the channels. "This one?"I roll my eyes to the screen...


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