Soul BelongingsChapter 4: Vows free porn video

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Roger awoke cuddled up to Julie with his head on her bosom, as he opened his eyes he saw Miranda in the exact same position on the other side of Julie. Miranda and Julie still had their eyes closed and were breathing evenly so Roger assumed they were still asleep. His head was pounding and he figured he had a mild hangover from the beer he drank the night before. As his thoughts became more clear the full ramifications of what occurred the previous night hit him.

He didn't regret what happened for an instant, the love he held for Julie and Miranda was just as strong, if not stronger, than it was at the height of their passion last night, his heart swelled just for thinking of them, but he felt some guilt that due to the influence of the alcohol and pot, Miranda or Julie might awaken with some doubt as to whether they did the right thing. As if he was broadcasting his thoughts out loud and they had awoken her, Miranda's eyes popped open; her beautiful sky blue eyes. Roger gazed into them and could see the love she regarded him with, the happiness they held, and knew Miranda didn't think last night was a mistake.

"Good morning," Roger whispered.

"Good morning." Miranda replied with a sleepy smile. "Or should we say good afternoon?" She said focusing on something behind Roger. He twisted his head around and saw by the clock on the night stand that it was indeed well past noon.

He turned back to Miranda and shrugged sheepishly. "Well, we are on vacation..." Roger said. Both he and Miranda had a fit of soft giggles.

"How are you? Is everything... okay?" Roger asked after he sobered his expression. He was seeking reassurance that the impression he got of her feelings was the correct one.

"I'm wonderful," Miranda said dreamily, "and everything is... wonderful." She said confirming that she did not think last night was a mistake. Miranda reached her hand over Julie's stomach and grasped his. Roger brought her hand up to his mouth and kissed it tenderly.

"I love you." Roger said.

"I love you," Miranda replied.

Another thought occurred to Roger, and while it wasn't exactly a troubling one at the moment, it could render complications. "Miranda," he began, "I... we didn't use protection last night... I mean we all were carried away in the moment, is there any chance... I mean are you... ?" Roger stumbled to find a way to delicately ask the question.

"Am I on the pill?" Miranda supplied for him mercifully. Roger nodded implying that was what he was trying to ask. "Yes, I'm on the pill." Miranda informed him. Roger sighed in relief. Miranda's look turned questionable, almost hurt. Roger hastened to explain himself, the last thing he ever wanted to do was hurt her.

"It's not that I wouldn't be thrilled to have a child with you," he said sincerely, "but there are just so many things to consider, where we are in our life, are we ready to become parents, and most of all the risk factor because we are related." Miranda nodded in understanding, but now there was some lingering doubt in her expression, like maybe she thought Roger was having doubts about their being together. Roger tried to clarify his position in no uncertain terms.

"In the past I've always used a condom whenever I've been with someone," he said, "but last night it didn't even occur to me and I think it was because I was pervaded by the thought that... that..." Roger paused, knowing he was about to lay bare his feelings and took a second for composure.

"That what?" Julie asked. Both Roger and Miranda looked up and saw that Julie was awake and intently listening to what Roger was saying.

Roger smiled at both her and Miranda. To lend force and credence to the words he was about to say, he summoned up the love he held for these two women from that bottomless well inside him and finished what he was saying, "That I had found what I had been searching for, that I was totally in love, that I would never want anyone else, that I was with the only women I would ever want to be with for the rest of my life."

Miranda and Julie were silent for a moment and then Miranda let out an emotional "Ohhhhhhhh!" and reached over to kiss him. After kissing his sister Roger looked at Julie and saw moisture glistening in the corners of her engaging eyes. He and Miranda put their heads together with Julie's and showered each other with kisses and reiterated their love for each other.

After a few minutes Roger reluctantly had to break from the embrace, since he had awakened he had felt pressure in his bladder and it had only been building up and now it really needed to be alleviated. He threw the covers aside and climbed out of the large bed, not bothering to put any clothes on. He rushed over to the master bathroom and once in position over the toilet he released a strong steady stream of urine from his cock into the receptacle, the sound water splashing water resonated in his ears. The feeling of relief was immediate; Roger closed his eyes and tilted his head back to enjoy the feeling.

Roger opened his eyes and stared out the bathroom window that overlooked the beach, and in the distance, the blue-green ocean. The rain had stopped, but the sky was still overcast and it looked like it could start up again at any time. He turned his attention back to the task at hand, his bladder had finally completely emptied itself and after shaking the last few drops of urine off his cock he flushed the toilet.

Enjoying the unencumbered and relaxed feeling of being free from the pressure in his bladder, Roger turned towards the sink to wash his hands, as he did so he noticed that he hadn't even cared to close the bathroom door and Miranda and Julie were sitting on the edge of the bed watching him. He froze looking back at them. They both had broad smiles on their faces. Roger realized they had been watching him as he had relieved himself, but instead of being embarrassed he felt rather turned on. He knew there was nothing to be embarrassed about with these women, nothing he couldn't share with them, and the idea that with them, he could share the most private parts of himself was quite exciting.

"There's nothing more arousing than watching a man's cock grow hard." Julie said. Miranda nodded in agreement and licked her lips. Roger looked down and sure enough his manhood was standing at attention. Desire ignited in him once again, he was ready for another round of lovemaking. Looking around the bathroom, he noticed the large and elaborate shower stall.

"I feel like taking a nice, long, hot shower," Roger said. "Anyone like to join me?"

"You're an idea man, Roger, I like that!" Julie said as she slid off the bed, Miranda followed her and they both joined him in the bathroom. Roger opened the glass door to the shower allowing the women to go in ahead of him. He took in the mouth watering visions of their rear ends, and his cock gave a twinge of anticipation. Roger went into the shower after them and shut the door. Julie had all ready turned on the water and the air was getting warm and steamy. Roger had a feeling this was going to be a pretty fun day.

For most of the next two weeks the weather stayed cloudy and wet due to the remnants of a hurricane that had parked itself several hundred miles off shore and was stubbornly refusing to completely dissipate. Roger, Miranda, and Julie could have cared less, even if the weather had been idyllic, they would have spent most of their time inside.

They couldn't keep their hands off one another. They stayed naked at all times in the house and they made love constantly and in every room of the house, including the closets and bathrooms. They only slept when they were completely exhausted. Sometimes Roger would fall asleep and wake up to see Miranda eating Julie's pussy or vice versa which would automatically get him hard and ready to join the action. Sometimes Miranda or Julie would fall asleep and he would have one on one intercourse with whoever was awake. Quite a few times Roger woke up to find Miranda or Julie riding his cock. They said they couldn't resist taking his boner and sliding it into their pining cunts when they watched him get a hard-on in his sleep. Roger didn't have a problem with this; in fact, he saw waking up with a pussy wrapped snuggly around his cock as the best possible way to wake up.

A couple of nights when it got rather windy outside, they lost power for a few hours. That's when they would cuddle in bed together under the blankets and just explore one another's body in complete darkness. Hours of just touching and feeling one another, learning all the special places which could send them to pure paradise, Roger came to be as familiar with Julie's and Miranda's bodies as he was with his own.

On the last night before they had to leave the beach house, Roger, Miranda, and Julie were all lying in bed holding one another and trading soft kisses. After two weeks of almost nonstop lovemaking, after fucking in every position the three of them could possible conceive of, a peaceful fulfillment had befallen over them all. All they craved at the moment was to feel one another's naked bodies in gentle contact with each other, to bask in one another's presence.

"So, where do we go from here?" Miranda asked in a contemplative voice. Roger had been thinking the very same question, and by the look of consideration on Julie's face she was too.

"All I know is, I love you both unequivocally, and I don't want this to end. I want it to last forever." Roger said.

"Me too," said Miranda.

"Me too," said Julie.

Roger chuckled to himself. Before this vacation, he had always envisioned that there could be only one woman for him. Love was always his ultimate goal. He wanted to love the woman he was with, and he wanted her to love him, he didn't feel the relationship was worthwhile otherwise. He didn't often contemplate being in a three-way relationship, but when he did, it had never sounded like something he would want; he always felt that love would make things awkward. He wanted to let his lover know she was the most important person in his life and he wanted to feel he was the most important person in hers. How could he feel that if there were three or more people in the relationship? The intimacy would be lost, the feeling of specialness diluted. He had felt there had to be an equality of love and trust in a relationship, and he had always imagined that with three people, that equality could never be balanced right, and that would cause friction and insecurity. Someone could wonder if they weren't loved as much as the other person, maybe they weren't loved at all by one of the persons in the group, only tolerated because the other person in the relationship loved them. They may wonder why another person was needed, were they not good enough, or maybe they would wonder if they were seen as an interloper in the relationship. He could see how easily resentment and jealousy could develop. There would always be the thought in the back of someone's mind of who loved whom the most. Roger knew there were a lot of men out there who dreamed of having a ménage a trois with two women, and that was fine if that's what they wanted, but he had always held the position that it wasn't for him.

But now Roger's attitude had changed. By a quirk of fate, they had all fallen in love together on the same night. Sure, Roger had loved Miranda all his life, but it took Julie to make it possible for him to accept his feelings for her and comprehend that Miranda felt the same about him. He had been attracted to Julie from the moment he saw her, and by the time she had shared the story of the relationship between her and her father, both he and Miranda had fallen in love with her. Miranda's and Roger's feelings for each other reminded Julie of the love she shared with her father which enabled her to open up to them and after being received so warmly, she couldn't help falling deeply in love with both of them.

A bond was forged between the three of them that first night, and Roger had no doubt whatsoever that he loved each woman just as much as the other, and that they loved him and each other the same. He had found not one woman but two women that he loved equally, yet distinctly, and there was no dilution of love or sacrifice of intimacy. The circumstances had just fallen perfectly, like lightning striking in two places at once, each area struck burned just as fiercely. They were a unit complete; they had each other and knew they would never need anyone else. Between them they had enough love to last for lifetimes. Roger knew how fortunate he was, he knew that many people never found that one person to spend their life with, let alone two, and he vowed to never take for granted how remarkable his life was.

"Why are you laughing?" Julie asked.

"I was just thinking how amazing this all is, that never in my wildest dreams would I envision this happening, and never in my wildest dreams would I have thought I could be so happy. It's made me giddy." Roger said. Julie smiled and kissed Roger.

"Listen," Julie said, "Just because we have to leave the beach house tomorrow doesn't mean we have to split up. I live all alone in my house and I would love it if you two came and spent the rest of the summer with me there. At the end of the season, we can then decide where to go from there."

"As far as I'm concerned, there is only one place I want to go," Miranda said, "and that's where ever you two are. You are the only ones I ever want to be with for the rest of my life. I love you so much; I know I could never love anyone like I love either of you."

"I feel the same way. I only want to be with the two of you for the rest of my life." Roger said intently.

"I love you both, my darlings, I feel the same." Julie said.

Thinking back on their first night together, and the story Julie had shared with them, Roger knew just what he had to do. He took Julie's hand and Miranda's hand and brought them together covering them with his own hands.

"I pledge to both of you my soul forever." Roger began and it was as if he had called up the soul of Julie's father and he was whispering to him an echo of the words he had said to his daughter nearly twenty years ago. Roger felt in a spiritual way he was honoring the man who had first claimed Julie's soul and in a way was getting his blessing for this union. Roger continued as the words came unbidden, "I submit that the love we have, the bond we share, is just as strong, if not stronger, than any union of marriage could possibly be. Whatever may happen in the future, to me this night I will always regard as the night we were married in our hearts, the night three souls that had been isolated recognized they had merged together in harmony. I will love you both for the rest of my life. You are my soul mates. My soul belongs to both of you."

Tears streamed down Julie's and Miranda's faces, Roger wasn't surprised to feel that he had tears of his own. Julie, her body trembling, stared emotively at Roger and Miranda. "I pledge to both of you my soul forever and that I will love you for the rest of my life." She began, "In you I've found strength, friendship, shelter from the harshness of the world, and most importantly love. I pledge to you my heart and soul. You are my soul mates. My soul belongs to both of you."

Miranda was completely choked up and crying copiously. She steadied herself and after swallowing a couple times she found her voice, "I pledge to both of you my soul forever." She said, "To the people who I love most in the world now and for always. There are no two people I would ever want at my sides more than you. This is our wedding night and you are my soul mates. My soul belongs to both of you."

There was a lot of hugging, a lot of kissing, and a lot of crying. Roger now knew that his life up until this point had only been in an embryonic state; tonight was the night his life truly began. Roger, Julie, and Miranda celebrated the union that was just formed as the triumvirate made passionate yet tender love to one another all night long.


Roger opened his eyes and sighed contentedly as he stretched his arms. Reposed in the lounge chair on the back deck of the beach house, he had just woken up from a restful nap. He ran his hand through his short gray hair as he breathed in the saltwater air, and gazed to the horizon at the azure sky and the large orange globe of the sun that was gently beginning to set into the teal waters of the vast ocean. Music played softly in the background. The beauty and serenity of the view was mesmerizing. The weather had been picturesque today, not like it had been back on that fateful day, but when he thought back on it, that day was still the one he claimed as the best day of his life. He couldn't believe it had been forty years to the date that he, Miranda, and Julie pledged their souls to each other at this very beach house. So much had happened over the years that they seemed to have traveled by as briskly as an autumn breeze. He was the image of reflection as he looked back on those years.

Roger and Miranda returned to college and Julie to her work as a graphic designer at the end of their first summer together. It was difficult during those times they had to be separated. At least during Roger's senior year, he and Miranda were on the same campus, they didn't get to spend that much time together at school because they had to concentrate on their studies, but it was comforting to know each was nearby. It was hardest on Julie because she didn't get to see either of them every day, but her absence was sorely missed by Roger and Miranda as well. At least Julie didn't live that far away from campus, she was roughly a four hour drive from school and every weekend they would spend together as Miranda and Roger would drive up to her house. When Roger went off to law school it was torture for all three of them. Sometimes he couldn't even make their weekend get-togethers he was so bogged down in studies and Miranda and Julie had to abide without him. However, no matter where any of them were, they always felt their bond to each other, and that helped them bear the hardship of the times they had to be apart.

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Soul Mates 89 Just Remember Who This Body Belongs To

Soul Mates 8-9: Just Remember Who This Body Belongs To! By Ron Dow75 8: Not Even a Pinocchio She had the perfect girl-next-door body, well proportioned, 5 feet 5, 34C-23-33, and her face was very pretty without being dramatically beautiful, hair dark brown, eyes light brown. And that body was being held by the strong but gentle hands of one of the handsomest boys around. There, out where everybody driving into the Wellington High parking lot could see. The problem was...

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Soul MatesChapter 4

Tuesday morning I wake up at my regular time and head out on my mountain run to think. Friday is our last basket ball game of the season and even if we wjn the game there are no playoffs or tournaments. The season is over after Friday, however track practices starts in two weeks and I need to be in the best shape possible. The most important thing I need to think about is Emily and her dad. I now know the connection and why their stories are similar. Watching over me? Leading my church? Soul...

2 years ago
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Soul MatesChapter 7

Four years ago... “Get up!” Eve and I look up to see our new foster mother glaring at us. Mrs. James is a short fat lady and her husband is a tall and skinny guy. We are in another foster home. It is a small home with a basement. We are in a small basement room with no windows. The James’ keep us locked in this room at night. There are many other foster kids here in the house as well. “You, go upstairs and wait for the other children, eat and go to school,” Mrs. James orders pointing at...

1 year ago
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Soul MatesChapter 9

Monday Morning, Cindy and I get off the bus and head into school. The rest of the weekend went without incident. Cindy told mom, dad and I what happened Saturday night. Apparently, Megan’s boyfriend disappeared. Megan went looking for him and found him in Amy’s room with Amy having sex. Megan ran out into the front yard and started crying. After getting dressed, Greg followed her out, where she started yelling at him. Apparently, someone had called the police, because they pulled up as Greg...

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You're psyching yourself up outside The Names Office, pacing back and forth. Your 22nd birthday just passed and you told no one you had decided to go and find out whether you have a soulmate or not. Hell you never thought of coming here either. Having a soulmate was never a big deal for you. Sure your parents are soulmates and a couple of your friends has found their soulmates. But it never really dawned on you until you were at your birthday party and the topic of soulmates came up....

4 years ago
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Soul BelongingsChapter 3 Attraction

Lightning flashed brightly out the window immediately followed by a booming clap of thunder as the lights flickered briefly. Roger, Miranda, and Julie all jumped in unison at the interruption which jarringly brought them back to the present. Julie's story had seemed to have cast a spell on all three of them, Roger and Miranda had become just as entranced in listening to it as Julie had been in telling it. The lightning and thunder had broken them all out of that spell. Miranda seemed...

4 years ago
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Soul to the Highest Bidder Ch 04

I awoke to a faint clanking noise. It was my maid — Melanie, I think — taking the tray off my desk. She smiled apologetically for waking me. I just smile and told her that I was happy to wake up. I had had such a wonderful sleep. My weary bones and sore muscles were refreshed and aching to move. I wanted to walk, everywhere. I couldn’t help but romanticize the idea of just endlessly walking around and exploring this country, but, winter might pose a bit of a problem with that. Melanie left my...

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Soul Mates Part 2 Horny Urges

I was no virgin. No amateur at this. I knew what I was doing. I may only be young but I knew damn well what to do. Knew how to pleasure myself and turn others on in the process. I looked into Joe’s eyes, saw lust and pleasure. He’d already cum twice, yet he still had a boner and was going for it again. I knew instantly he wouldn’t mind. So I laid back down and shoved the brush into myself. Pleasure and pain hit me simultaneously. I began to thrust the handle of the brush into...

2 years ago
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Soul of Desires

It had been a while since I had seen you and the eagerness grew as did my passion and desires for you. We had made plans to meet and quench this fire that burned inside of me. You had mentioned that you too had been thinking of me and wanting to have me once more. I wanted you so badly that I did not care where or when as long as we could be together again and make love with the heat and passion that burned inside my soul. The weather was getting chilly so our normal spot was out of the...

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Soul Mates

She rolled over stretching her arms out as the sun peaked through the blinds casting warm light over the bed. She opened her eyes and smiled as she saw him lying there beside her. Her eyes studied every curve of his face, the fullness of his sexy lips and his long lashes that lay rested against his face. She cuddled up to him taking in his smell, feeling the warmth of his body. She was amazed how something as simple as the smell of him and the touch of his skin could make her feel more safe and...

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Soul to Soul

‘Oh, how nice to see you here,’ said a female voice. I looked round in surprise to see a woman apparently pinned against the wall by a leering young guy dressed like a derelict gypsy. I was at an art preview and had I been wandering around somewhat apathetically with a glass of lousy champagne in my hand. I was only there because a friend of mine, Ted, was exhibiting, and the works on display were of about the same quality as the champagne. I was wondering what I could say to him that...

3 years ago
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Soul Caliber XXX

Smirking at the title, you decide to play the latest Soul Caliber game. As the system boots, you take a moment to wonder at how drawn out this series has become. 30 games without a reboot! Your grandparents played the original when they were younger than you! Of course, the basic premise never really deviated much. Beat the crap out of a friend and gloat afterwards. But you'd heard these last few were really making use of current tech, acting more like simulations than simple fighting games....

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soul chain manga continuation anyone

now I know that this would not be expected and this story is adult level content so if you are a minor in your nationality then please leave as I, nor anyone else would like to be sue because you ignored this warning/disclaimer. Now as for the disclaimer: I nor any author in this interactive have any proprietary rights to the manga soul chain and its affiliated companies, publisher, author. now any characters that I, or any author, posting a chapter in this interactive are their's, if they are...

4 years ago
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Soul Jar

The soul jar was a weapon of war. With its power, one could raise an army simply by taking the will of thousands of people, and telling them to follow your every command. One can return wills with it, but without any form of consequence or punishment from the people under his or her influence. One day, a noble thief stole it, took it to a mountaintop, and flung it as far as he could. Now, over a decade later, you find it after killing a mountain goat for food.

Mind Control
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Soul Calibur

You wake up in a forest, the last thing you remember is playing Soul Calibur 4 when there was this flash of light. "Where am I ?" You get up and look around seeing nothing but trees. You decide to walk through the forest to see if you can find out were you are. As you are walking you come across a pond and look down to see your reflection.

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Soul Mates 4 This Is Mr Right

Soul Mates 4: This Is Mr. Right? By Ron Dow75 Out in the second story roofed porch that ran around the riverside Duchamps' house: The ghost of Taylor Estes (wearing just a bathrobe) cried in frustration at the girl sitting in front of him, "How can I have empathy for a vampire!" "Vampire?" Nicole Getty asked. She was pretty brunette in an oxford shirt, and a short denim skirt with quilt details of butterflies made from heart-shapes. Her bare legs were crossed, now. 'You...

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Soul Mates 67 A Black Top Mood

Soul Mates 6-7: A Black Top Mood By Ron Dow75 6) The Push-up Bra, Funk, and Wagnell In the driver's seat, Nicole's mom said, "Don't slouch." The seventeen-year-old in the white windbreaker with the rainbow up the middle of the front and down the sleeves next to her, hunched over with a shoulder and hEr hands against the safety strap, grumped, "I'm not slouching. I'm protecting these..." and made the minimum head dip to the things shE wished shE didn't have to refer...

2 years ago
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Soul Taker

Subtitle: The Strange Duet Part II Her door tended to slam so I put my hand out to guide it to a silent closing. "Who the fuck are you?!? And what were you doing in my girlfriend's apartment?" For easily the hundredth time, I wished she had fallen for someone lower in the instep and vocal range. I rested my forehead against the door; the music from the other side was almost out of my reach. "Answer my question, asshole! What the fuck were you doing in there?" I turned until the...

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Soul SearchChapter 14 Confrontation and new life

The weather had turned as solemn as Karen's and Elisabeth's mood during the drive to Magnesia Springs. The sun disappeared behind dark ominous clouds giving the world a gray dull appearance that took the warmth out of the land and out of the heart. A light mist began to fall, and Karen switched on the wiper blades. She glanced into the rear view mirror and saw the big white Cadillac following several car lengths behind. She became aware of her breathing and was surprised at how nervous she...

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Soul MatesChapter 2

After an hour drive, I’m taken out of the van and led into a large building and into a large reception area. I’m told to sit down and wait, while one of the guys that dragged me away from my life sits beside me. After a while, an older lady, that I have seen before walks out of the office and tells me to come inside. I walk in the office and sit down. I see an Asian lady standing on the other side of the office. She is short around 5’5”, 120 pounds, B cups, and long black hair. She is...

1 year ago
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Soul MatesChapter 5

I see Jacob smile through the rearview mirror. He is silent and doesn’t introduce me to anyone. I cringe as he turns into my neighborhood and the driveway to my house. Wait! How does he know where I live? “Not now Joseph, but soon,” Jacob says. I get out of the car as Jacob gets out also. “We have to follow what is written in the gospel. When it is time, I will let you know. In the mean time I will watch over you while my daughter awaits her soul mate and to be by your side.” We are half way...

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SoulStar Pt 01

Something was coming, she could feel it. Ariel Starr stood up, scared yet ready to confront whatever it was waiting outside for her. The loud bang at the door made her heart jump. She had no idea what was going on outside and the yelling she had heard downstairs had her nearly paralyzed with anxiety. J-Mac, her new boss and famous rap sensation had simply put the gun on the magnificent CEO desk, then told her to use it if necessary, before locking her inside the state of the art studio. ...

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SoulStar The Beginning

* Eric Soul can’t wait to marry his fiancee, a talented R&B singer from Brooklyn. But when she mysteriously vanishes, Eric has absolutely no time to lose, before she falls into the arms of another, forever. * In the master bedroom of a high-rise condo, an explosive allegation had been revealed to Ariel Starr, a gorgeous, rising star of an R & B singer, recently signed to Hype Entertainment. Up until this moment, she had had it all- talent, world-class beauty, support and a loving fiancée. One...

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by: Discreet Lover Copyright 2012 Her soft lips touched mine as we kissed. The smell of her perfume filled my nose as we embraced. It always amazed me just how well she fit against me. She must've been placed on this earth just for me. All too soon the hug ended and she pulled away. Her pretty face was lite up with a bright smile as she chatted about her day. How she had aced a test she had been certain she'd fail. How her coach had made them run suicides because the team couldn't...

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by: Discreet Lover Copyright 2012 Her soft lips touched mine as we kissed. The smell of her perfume filled my nose as we embraced. It always amazed me just how well she fit against me. She must've been placed on this earth just for me. All too soon the hug ended and she pulled away. Her pretty face was lite up with a bright smile as she chatted about her day. How she had aced a test she had been certain she'd fail. How her coach had made them run suicides because the team couldn't...

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The year was 1406, and Trenian was in the throes of making love to the beautiful Esmerelda. Trenian never thought he, the second son of a poor farmer, would have such a beautiful, rich woman as a lover and potential wife. He had instantly been attracted to her, he loved the way her brown-gold curls cascaded down her head and the way her green eyes pierced his soul. The way her slender body looked in her extravagant dress was enough to send Trenian back to the barn to jerk off in the company of...

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The year was 1406, and Trenian was in the throes of making love to the beautiful Esmerelda. Trenian never thought he, the second son of a poor farmer, would have such a beautiful, rich woman as a lover and potential wife. He had instantly been attracted to her, he loved the way her brown-gold curls cascaded down her head and the way her green eyes pierced his soul. The way her slender body looked in her extravagant dress was enough to send Trenian back to the barn to jerk off in the company of...

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The year was 1406, and Trenian was in the throes of making love to the beautiful Esmerelda. Trenian never thought he, the second son of a poor farmer, would have such a beautiful, rich woman as a lover and potential wife. He had instantly been attracted to her, he loved the way her brown-gold curls cascaded down her head and the way her green eyes pierced his soul. The way her slender body looked in her extravagant dress was enough to send Trenian back to the barn to jerk off in the company...

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soulmate stone

It was a slightly cloudy day as i walked along the sidewalk on my way home after another slow 8 hour work day. My name is harley walker , I'm a 25 years old other and been single for the last 10 years. After getting home, having shower and getting charged into some comfortable clothes, i sat down to watch my favorite show. As the show starts i spot the heart shaped dark green stone i brought home from a camping trip with my friends. It was my long time friend sam that found it and give it to my...

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SOULMATESChapter 1While paging through blogs on my favorite BDSM website, I came across one by a man, who claimed to have a slow-witted wife that he’d ?bought? 3 years earlier, and how much he enjoyed making her life miserable.  Since he had mentioned his county and state, I knew we couldn’t be more than 25 or 30 miles apart.  Fascinated with the idea of mixing things up, I wrote him immediately, and pulled no punches.?Hi, A.P.  I read your blog with great interest.  I am currently the...

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