Soul Catcher
- 3 years ago
- 27
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Tuesday morning I wake up at three in the morning. Another nightmare. I was being chased by someone. He had an eerie familiar voice as he told me that I will lead my church. Before he could tackle me, I woke up in a cold sweat.
I stop thinking about the nightmare and think about my identical twin sister. I miss her so much. We went through so much, and now we are separated by reasons unknown. I am thankful for mom getting us back together. I am still wondering about where my sister and I came from.
Six years ago ... Eve and I were sent to a foster home that was a small house in an older neighborhood. Our new foster parent’s name was Mr. and Mrs. Tucker. They looked young. Maybe twenty-one or twenty-two. Mrs. Tucker was small a little taller than me as an eight year old. Mr. Tucker was huge. He looked like a football player with muscles everywhere. I began to notice that the foster parents were always poor. Eve and I were shown our room so we could unpack.
We finished unpacking as Mrs. Tucker came and told us to take a bath before dinner. I loved taking baths with Eve. We always washed each other and relaxed. After our bath we got out dried ourselves off as the door opened and we are looking at Mr. and Mrs. Tucker with no clothes on.
“Are you ready for dinner,” Mrs. Tucker asks.
“We don’t wear clothes in this house,” Mr. Tucker says noticing the looks on our face.
I get the nightmare out of my mind and think about what happened yesterday. The guy in the cowboy suit that was stalking me at the other school. The creepy voice isn’t what I hear in my nightmares, but it is eerily familiar.
I put it out of my mind as I think about my life now. I finally have a family that cares about me. Mom and I are close. She is always praising me for helping around the house. She keeps telling me to teach Wayne and Cindy to help out.
Dad is teaching me Kung fu and has also been teaching me how to read, write, and speak Chinese. He tells me that I am learning Kung fu and Chinese very fast and says that his other children never wanted to learn Kung fu or the Chinese language. I can tell that he is very proud of his Chinese culture and I love to listen to his stories. I told him that I would love it if he took me there someday and I saw a smile on his face when I said it.
Wayne and I have become great friends and I am going to miss him when he leaves for France to go to College.
Cindy is a great sister, however she is running my social life. She tells me if I don’t date Amy then I need to date Shawna. She also tells me that I will date whom she tells me to date. She is worse than Eve. If I did want to date, I think I can pick the girl myself. I am no prize and can’t afford to be picky, but let me handle my life.
Amy is a social butterfly, is always chasing boys, and only wants me as a side dish. Big salami smothered in underwear. I don’t know who is the bigger slut, Cindy or Any. I hope Kevin doesn’t find out that Cindy has side dishes.
I would date Shawna, but she is too clingy. I like her as a friend, but she is too insecure about her weight, yes look who is talking. Yes, she is overweight, but she has a great personality and is fun to be around. She will make some guy very happy.
I finally fall asleep and wake up at 5am for my morning mountain run.
I love my morning mountain runs. It gives me time to think and get into my Zen. Ever since Dad has been teaching me Kung fu and Buddhism, my life has changed. I stopped stuttering and I am building confidence in myself. I can also tell that I am getting physically fit. I am not a mass of muscles like the football jocks, but my body is hard and firm.
After my shower, I am dressed and walk out of my room to see Cindy walking out of her room on her way to the bathroom. She really needs to stop walking around the house naked.
“Cindy, mom and dad told you to stop walking around naked,” I chastise her.
“Oh, you love staring at your naked sister you pervert,” she says as she sticks her finger in her pussy and then in my mouth.
I call her a nasty bitch then walk away. She’s my sister! Well is she really? What am I talking about? I just had sex with my twin sister, which will never happen again? I need to get my head out of the gutter. Maybe I do need a girl friend to get my mind off of Eve and Cindy.
I tromp downstairs to make my lunch and see Mom and Dad drinking coffee and reading the newspaper. I get into the refrigerator and grab some things for a sandwich. I love ham and cheese with the hot mustard. I love spicy foods after moving here.
“Joe we need to talk.” mom says as she pats the seat between her and Dad.
What is it when someone says ‘we need to talk’ that sends shivers up my spine. I sit down and try to give my innocent look. I don’t think I did anything wrong. I’ve never been a son before, but I have tried my best to help around the house and keep my grades up.
“Joe we want you to eat in the lunchroom today. You need to be more social and make more friends. The track and field coach called and wants me to make sure that you try out for track. I am proud of you for not stuttering anymore, but your next step is to come out of your shell and make friends,” mom says and I look at Dad for help as he shrugs. Thanks for the help DAD!
Ok, so maybe she’s right. Maybe I should make friends. I wish I could be like Eve. She talks to everyone and everyone loves her. That’s what I need, more friends.
“Ok, I’ll eat in the school lunchroom,” I agree.
We pile into Wayne’s car and head to school. I am glad when we finally get there, because Cindy talks constantly. I love my new sister, but she can be annoying at times. No, all the time.
I get my stuff out of my locker for my first class. I shut the door to my locker and I am getting an eerie feeling. I look down the hall and am shocked when I see the guy in the black suit and cowboy hat. He smiles, waves and walks away.
I walk into my first class as the teacher is taking roll as we walk through the door. I sit in the back at my usual spot and zone out till class starts. I notice everyone sits in their cliques. The jocks, rich kids, nerds and the stoners all sit together. As I am sitting there waiting for class to start, I get another shock as Emily walks through the door. She doesn’t see me, because I am sitting in the back of the classroom. The shock on my face was not noticed by anyone, thank god.
What the heck. First, the guy in the cowboy suit and now Emily are at my new school. She is still the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. She still wears her long beautiful red hair in braids and her long conservative dress. I really had a big crush on her, but was turned off by the fact that she was kind of Looney toons. Telling me that we are soul mates and we are to be married.
Class starts and I try to pay attention and when it ends, I run out to my next class trying to avoid Emily.
It is lunchtime and I find out that Emily is in all of my morning classes. I have been able to avoid her so far. I walk into the lunchroom and stand in line. I promised mom I would eat in the lunchroom and make friends. I decided on a hamburger and French fries since everything else looks gross. I walk to a table in the far corner and sit down. I look around and see Cindy and Amy at a table with the cheerleaders and jocks.
“Hey, can I sit here?”
I look up and see a guy with black hair, 6’ 4” looking about 200 pounds. I remember seeing him at school, but never paid attention to him.
“Uhm ... Sure.”
“Damian,” he says holding out his hand
I shake his hand. “Joe,” I counter.
He sits down with two trays, one with the slop and one with a hamburger and French fries. I look at him confused.
“I’m a growing boy,” Damian says.
I start to eat when I see a girl sit beside him. I stop eating and I stare at her. She is beautiful in a geeky sort of way. Long black hair, big blue eyes, 5’, and maybe 80 pounds skinny with little to no boobs. She is wearing jeans and a sweat-shirt and she has on big black horned rimmed glasses that give her the sexy librarian look. I can tell she has an acne problem and wears braces, I can tell that people probably don’t find her attractive, but I am attracted to her.
As I am staring at her, we both realize that we are staring at each other and we both look down.
“Meagan, stop being so shy. Joe, this is Meagan, my younger sister.”
“H-h-h-hi.” Fuck I just ruined it.
“H-h-h-hi,” Meagan says back.
“This is fucking hilarious,” Damian says laughing. “There you go Meagan, I got you to meet him the rest is on you.”
Meagan and I look at each other and smile.
I am awestruck. She isn’t like most girls I’ve seen. She might seem homely to other people, but she is a goddess to me.
“I’ll leave you two love birds alone. Oh, my dad wanted me to tell you that track tryouts have been changed to today after school,” Damien says as he gets up with his two plates and joins the jocks at their table.
Meagan and I sit in silence as I take a bite out of my hamburger and she takes a bite from the slop on her plate. It looks almost like spaghetti, but I can’t tell. She grimaces and spits it back out on her plate and pushes her plate away. I slide my plate to her and tell her to eat mine.
“No, I can’t, you need to eat for track tryouts,” she says in a squeaky voice.
I get up, walk to the other side of the table, and sit beside her. I cut the hamburger in half and we eat. She smiles at me while we eat.
“Why haven’t I seen you around,” I ask between bites of my hamburger and I shove another frie in my mouth. I admit I have seen her brother, but I never noticed Meagan.
“I’m in three of your classes. You just haven’t noticed me,” she counters.
We talk about nothing and enjoy each other’s company. She is so sweet and shy. Before we know it the bell rings. I look down at the plate and there is one French frie left. She tries to snatch it, but I beat her to it as she giggles. I hold it up and put it in her mouth as she smiles. I hear someone clear their throat and see Emily and Shawna walk by giving me the evil eye. So much for trying to stay incognito.
After school, I head to the gym for track tryouts. Coach Taylor, who I found out at lunch is Damien and Meagan’s dad and also the basketball coach, which Damien plays. The gym is set up for the high jump and long jump, because it is still cold outside. The tryouts are for both boys and girls, so everyone is split up. It looks like there are more girls than guys as the coaches line us up on the track and tell us to run as fast as we can until they say stop.
Coach Taylor says go and we are off. I am used to running the mountain trail and my kung fu training has given me my endurance. I run as fast as I can and go into my Zen. I don’t know how long went by when I hear a whistle. I see Coach Taylor look at me with wide eyes and some of the other coaches huddled together talking and pointing at me.
I heard later that I lapped everyone twice and came close to the school record.
We were ushered off of the indoor track and down to the main floor to the high jump and long jump. We were told that the boys would line up on the high jump and the girls on the long jump.
As we are waiting, Coach Taylor tells us that the tryouts do not include every event, because of the weather outside.
“Today I am judging you on speed and endurance. If you make the team I will choose the events, you train for.” Coach Taylor says.
I am last in line for the high jump. I have never done this before and have no idea how to do it. I watch the first guys jump as they crash and burn. Then there were those that knew what they were doing. I saw how they took it at an angle and arched their back with their legs last.
By the time, it was my turn I figured I could do it. I looked at the height and it looked easy. Then it happened.
“You can do it Joe,” I heard the squeaky familiar voice, as I look up and see Meagan and Damien watching from the bleachers.
That is not good when you are doing something that you have never done before. A hot girl that you are trying to impress is watching. If I make it, I win her heart. If I crash and burn, she walks and I have no chance of winning her heart. Oh, the pressures of life.
I line up, run toward the bar, and tried to do what everyone else did. I say tried, because as I jumped, I came down on the pole and heard a crunch and it wasn’t the pole. As I lay there in pain, grabbing myself, I hope that Meagan never wants kids. Heck, she will probably never talk to me again after that fiasco.
I am finally able to walk as Coach Taylor pulls me aside. “Go have a seat. Not everyone is meant for the high jump.”
“Coach, give me some pointers, and let me try again,” I plead.
As we watch the guys jump again, he explains what they are doing right and what they are doing wrong. As I am watching, I get it and join the line for my turn.
When it is my turn, they lower the bar and I shake my head for them to raise it back up. I look to the bleachers and see Meagan blow me a kiss. I think about what dad has been teaching me and how I can do anything if I want it bad enough.
I get into Zen and think about everything dad has taught me about Kung fu. Concentration, focus and the mind. The next thing I know I am on the mat as I hear cheers from everyone and I look up and I see the pole is still there. I later found out that I cleared it by a foot.
After the high jump, we lined up for the long jump. I was told that this event is usually done outside in the sand pit. I think I actually did pretty well. We wrapped it up with some sprints down the indoor track. After we finished, Coach Taylor told us that the list of who made the team will be posted on the gym bulletin board at lunch tomorrow.
After tryouts, I stayed in my gym clothes, because I was going to practice kung fu when I get home. Dad has me practice after school until he gets home, then he teaches me something else until dinner is ready then after dinner, I study.
Last week he taught me how to make my body like steel. The first punch he put in my gut obviously it didn’t work, and I didn’t appreciate my ex-Dad laughing at me, which made me a fast learner. Who wants an old man laughing at you.
I grabbed my clothes and went to the front of the school where Mom was waiting and hopped in the car and we drove off.
“How were track tryouts,” mom asked looking at me with a smile on her face.
She is so beautiful. I love it when she smiles at me. I am lucky to have her as my mother. I feel loved and at home with her. I would probably be in another dead-end foster home if it wasn’t for her.
“Let me put it this way,” I say giving her a concerned look. “I hope you don’t expect any grand kids from me.”
She gives me the look as I explain how I injured the man-bag. She almost runs off the road laughing so hard as I decide it’s time to run away from home.
We get home and I go down to the basement. I’m surprised when I enter the basement, because dad is usually home by now. I take off my shoes and socks, walk on the mat, and see a spear coming towards me as I hit the ground and almost piss myself.
“What the hell, Dad?”
“You focus. You never walk into a room without focusing,” dad chastises me.
“But this is where I train,” I say in my defense as Dad shakes his head and throws another spear at me.
Dad walks to the other end of the basement, where I see a pile of spears. He picks one up and throws it to the other end as it sticks into the wall. He then puts one into my hand and explains the technique of throwing I throw it as it sticks into the other side of the wall beside the spear he had thrown.
“Good,” he says as he walks down and brings the two spears back. Now try again ten times.
I grab one of the ten spears as Dad walks to the other end of the room and stands against the wall as he points at his chest.
“:Now!” He screams and I throw a screamer at him as he grabs it out of mid-air. “Again!”
I throw nine more spears as he catches all of them. He brings them back and tells me to stand where he was. I do as I am told and stand there to await my ultimate death.
Dad throws it directly at my head as I duck and look at Dad, who is pissed.
“Focus! Zen! You are a praying mantis,” as he throws another spear at my head. I look and see it in slow motion as I am focused. I catch it in mid-air as Dad smiles and throws another at me and I catch it.
He throws at me for another hour as I catch every spear he throws at me, then we head upstairs for dinner. I love it when Dad tries to kill me.
I wake up the next morning at five and do my mountain run. I think about Emily and why she suddenly ended up here at my school. I think she is very beautiful, but a few things concern me. She wears conservative clothes, that don’t look like what everyone else wears. Her clothes covers her whole body. The top goes to her neck, her sleeves go to her wrist and the dress all the way to her ankles. What really scares me is her possessiveness, when she said I was her soul mate.
I finish my mountain run and take a shower. I finish my shower, brush my teeth and my hair. I stare at myself in the mirror and notice how much I have changed. My red hair is still long and is down to my shoulders. Mom and Dad hasn’t made me cut it, but made me get a trim. My body is no longer bony. I am not a muscle man, but my body is toned and hard, because of Dads training. The door slams open as Cindy walks in naked as usual.
“Stop pounding your pud, so that I can take a shower,” she says as she grabs my ass. I roll my eyes and leave.
At lunch, I go to the lunch room and stand in line. I look at everything and decide on a hamburger and tater tots. I find a table in the corner. Cindy told me I should start sitting at the jock table with her, Amy and the jocks, but I don’t need the drama. As I am walking by the jock table, I see Emily sitting there between Amy and Cindy. That can’t be good.
I sit down at an empty table, when two girls sit down in front of me. Then Meagan sits beside me as she kisses me on the cheek, which surprises me.
“This is my boyfriend,” Meagan says as I choke on a tater tot. Meagan is patting me on the back, what it is about women that assume something. What did I do to make Meagan assume I am her boyfriend. “Sorry, I meant my new friend,” she says as I sigh in relief.
Not that I wouldn’t kill to be her boyfriend. She is beautiful and sweet. I want to go through the process of making her my girlfriend. I look at her and give her a smile.
“But I want you to go on a date with me on Saturday,” I ask as her eyes light up and she blushes. “Can I take that as a yes.” I ask and get a nod and a smile from Meagan.
Meagan introduces me to her friends.
Karen is chubby, but has a beautiful face, with curves in all of the right places. Sheila is an albino. Her skin is shiny white with white hair and is skinny and frail looking.
I really like everyone as we chat like we have been friends forever. We all promise to hang out as much as possible.
Mom was right I need to get out and make friends.
“Hurry up and finish eating, so we can see if you made the track team,” Meagan says.
“I can find out on my way to gym class,” I say looking at her with an eyebrow arched. “And you already know since your dad is the coach.” Meagan’s face goes red as everyone laughs.
“Fine, I just wanted to be there with you when you found out,” she says pouting,
Wow, she looks sexy even when she pouts. I grab my and her tray and put it away as she follows. I grab her hand and we walk to the gym. I look on the bulletin board and see my name.
Joseph Wang: one mile run, two mile run, 120 yard hurdles, cross country and high jump.
Wow, I actually made the team. I finally see my life coming together. I have a family. I get to see Eve once a month and now I’ve accomplished something. I made the High School track team and official practice starts in March after basketball season. I look down at Meagan.
“Congratulations.” Meagan says as she smiles and heads to her class
I watch her walk away in tight jeans and notice her ass for the first time. Yes, she is skinny, but she has the cutest little butt. I have to look away, because it doesn’t look good to dress for gym while aroused. If you know what I mean.
Today at gym, Coach Taylor broke us off into two teams to play basketball. The only time I’ve played basketball, was at one of my foster homes. The house had a basketball hoop over the garage and the father taught his son and me the basics of dribbling and shooting. After a couple months when he saw that, his son wasn’t any good and I was a quick leaner he stopped.
When we started to play, I heard some kids on my team complain that four of the opposing team members were freshman on the JV team. We started the game with the tip-off. We had green tank tops and the opposing team had red. The centers went out, the opposing team member was 6’ and our team member was 5’5” and chubby. It was apparent that the teams were rigged as the opposing center tipped it off to his team mate and they were up by two,
I was elected as the guard and took the ball down the court. I am not a basketball player, however I love watching it, and I always wanted to play on a team. I get just above the 3-point line and all of my team mates are covered and I shoot the ball for three points. The opposing team throws it in and I follow the guard down the court. The four players know what they are doing, and my team is running around like chickens with their heads cut off. I see the pass and intercept it to dribble down for the score.
We ended up winning 10-12 with all of the scores being mine.
As we are walking to the shower, I notice Coach Taylor talking to another coach as he is pointing at me. I feel someone push me into the wall as I hear laughter. Dad would be pissed at me, because I let my guard down.
I get to my wall locker and I hear Coach Taylor tell me to shower and get into his office.
I finished my shower, dress and walk to Coach Taylor’s office. I knock on his door and enter.
“Have a seat,” Coach Taylor says. I sit and stare at him as he continues. “I asked you to try out for the track team, because I lost all of my seniors last year. I am being patient and listening as he continues. “That is also true to basketball. This is a big school and we should have a lot of students to try out for sports, but we don’t. You saw how many students tried out for track. The basketball team is the same way. With as many students in this school, I should have a freshman. JV and varsity team this year, but I only have enough for a JV and varsity team.
“I want to build my sophomore and freshman teams this year to build a winning team for the future. YOU are a great athlete, and I want to train you and make you better. I want this school to be winning all sports, not just football.”
“What do you want from me Coach,” I ask.
“The basketball season is almost over, but I want you to play on JV, so that I can groom you for the next years so that I can have a winning team. I am not guaranteeing you allot of playing this year, but I want you to practice and learn for next year.”
“Ok,” I say wondering if I am that good.
Coach Taylor hands me a hall pass and says, “I have seen allot of athletes in my years of coaching and you show great potential. I look forward to teaching you.”
After school, I tell Wayne that I have basketball practice and will ride home with Cindy and her boyfriend.
During practice, I see that Coach Taylor is right. There are only 15 players for both JV and varsity teams. For the season, the varsity is at 4-0 loss for our conference. We need to win the next three of three games to maybe have a chance at the playoffs as an underdog.
I immediately notice that my presence isn’t welcome from the other players as soon as I walked on the court. The only one that welcomed me was Damian, Meagan’s brother who is a sophomore on the varsity team.
We split into sides and started running drills. It was fun except no one would pass me the ball except Damian. I didn’t care since Coach Taylor said that I wouldn’t get allot of playing time.
After practice, I shower, get dress, and head out to catch my ride. I am heading out and I decide to take the shortcut between the gym and the side of the school to the parking lot. Before I pass the shed that is by a side door that leads from the side of the gym. It suddenly slams open as I hear a scream from a female voice.
I duck behind the shed and wait to see what is going on.
“Detention is going to be fun today,” I hear someone say.
“We can fuck her in the shed,” I heard someone else say.
“No! Let me go, I hear a familiar female voice say.”
I step out from the back of the shed to see four guys that I know are into drugs, violence and always in trouble. One was carrying a duffle bag of equipment. I am guessing that they were supposed to clean out the gym for their detention duties.
What surprised me was two of the guys had Emily. What surprised me more was that she was wearing a tight blouse. A skirt that was thigh high, and high heels. She basically dressed the way Cindy, Amy and the cheerleaders dress. I could definitely see Cindy and Amy’s hand in this
I was so shocked that I almost missed the guy charging me. I step to the side, drop, and do a leg sweep dropping the guy face first into the concrete. I think I heard something crunch. I am now on my feet as one of the guys grabs a baseball bat out of the duffel bag.
“Knock the fucker’s head off Tommy,” one of the two guys that are holding Emily says.
Tommy runs up to me and swings the bat, aiming for my head. I grab the bat with my left hand, swing my right foot on his arm, and swing around striking my left foot on the left side of his head and I am now standing in front of a knocked out Tommy, and I am now holding the bat. What took forever in my mind to execute was actually a split second. I’m going to discuss this with dad to make sure I did everything right and if there is anything, I can do to improve.
Both the guys have released Emily as both of them are looking at me with their mouths hanging open. I drop the bat as the two guys run off and Emily runs into the back door of the school. I also decide that it is best to leave also and run in the back door of the school.
I walk in the same door Emily did and walk down the hallway and I make my way to the front entrance. I round a corner and bump into Emily coming out of the girl’s bathroom wearing a conservative dress that she always wears. The only thing that comes to mind is that her parents make her wear that long dress. It was ok in the small southern town school, but at this school, I am sure she is teased constantly.
She grabs my arm and pulls me into the girl’s bathroom. I look around surprised that I am standing in the girl’s bathroom. Why doesn’t it smell like the boys bathroom? Do they keep the girl’s bathroom cleaner than the boys do?
“What the hell, Emily,” I say. Referring to what she was wearing and being with the boys in the gym.
“You are the prophet!” She informs me. “The prophet in the scriptures is fearless. He will run the church and will have many wives and children. I will be your first wife, because I am your soul mate. You can’t deny us Joseph, our story is already written, and it will come to be. Go have your fun and remember, when it is time the church will come and get you so that we can fulfill our destiny.”
Where did I hear that before? Oh yeah that guy that stalks me. Are they connected? I know Emily seems crazy, no Emily is crazy, and so is the stalker. Are they connected? Before I can answer that, Emily drops to her knees, unzips my zipper, and pulls my already hard cock out.
“See we are soul mates and you do love me.” I look down confused. “This is my present to you until we are married and you put babies in me.”
She puts her mouth around my cock and starts doing what I am assuming is a blow job. She definitely is nothing like Eve.
“Teeth!” I scream in pain.
I appreciate the effort and I can tell this is her first time. Eventually she gets it as I warn her of what is getting ready to happen. She doesn’t back off as I explode. She gags, but swallows as much as she can.
I am out of breath as Emily stands up and kisses me.
“You go have fun until you are called to the church and it is time to fulfill the gospel.” She says as she leaves me in the girl’s bathroom with my dick hanging out.
At dinner that night, I am grilled by Cindy. “Why do you sit at the nerd table and not our table?”
“The people at that table are my friends and I am going to take Meagan on a date Saturday.” I watch Cindy grimace as I continue. “I really like Meagan and her friends and feel like I am also a nerd.” I say wanting to let her know that I really don’t care for her stuck-up jock friends.
“Since you are on the track and basketball team that makes you a jock too. What is up with you not wanting Shawna? She has a crush on you and my boyfriend says that he wants you to be her boyfriend,” Cindy counters. Just another example of her running my social life.
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Six years ago... Eve and I wake up to another Saturday night party. We are in another foster home. The Carters are an older couple with two teenage daughters. Carissa is 19 and attends the local college and Jenny is 17 and a senior in high school. The Carters work the night shift on the weekends, which leaves the girls home to throw parties. The music is loud, which makes it hard to sleep. The door slams open as Eve and I see a guy and girl standing in the doorway and turn on the...
*Letters * mean they're stressed. LetTers mean their tone of voice is raised. _Letters _ mean they're accented but not stressed. Soul Mated 01) A Life for a Life --But This Isn't the Kind of Life I Want!! By Ron Dow75 [email protected] . The bathroom was hazy from the steam from the Jacuzzi and the aromatherapy candles. . A longhaired brunet has her head resting back, letting the jets and the bubble bath ease her...
Soul Mates 5: Wearing a T-Shirt, Then a Push-up Bra By Ron Dow75 Taylor Estes was being swept down the river by the flood current! It was all he could do to keep his head above the surge. He lost the fight. He felt the warmth of hypothermia overtaking him. He found his way to the surface. The worst of the storm was over; instead of the wave, there were now swells. They were all about him; two rose and slowly fell by his ears; two were over his chest. A small one was over his......
HumorBeware the lady with the cheshire cat grin because something's going to disappear! "Hurry up before all the good ones are gone!" Kassandra gave a final tug on the black dress she had just placed on her mannequin and stood back to admire her work. "Kassie, enough already, she looks like she's going to a funeral," Persephone giggled. "You spend waaaay too much time on your mannequin." "Yeah Kass, you'll just be changing it again tomorrow," exclaimed Appollonia. "We really need to...
Prologue To Hell Time is a linear sort of thing, but it’s not smooth or level. Like a meandering river it has peaks and valleys. If one looks close enough it has something else that makes it amazing. It has bubbles, or rather it seems to be made up of bubbles. Large, small, nestled against and within one another, they cluster together like so many random thoughts to form a path. Bubbles have membranes and membranes allow for the passage of things, ideas, beliefs or events. Back up a bit and...
The sextet of gospel singers had just finished singing a stirring rendition of "Are you walking with Jesus?" ... then for exactly two seconds all lighting was extinguished, plunging the entire area into total darkness. After the two seconds of pitch blackness, colored floodlights came on one at a time, illuminating three foot diameter circles in radiant reds, blues and greens. The reverend Earnest Bishop bound from behind floor to ceiling dark purple velvet drapes onto the makeshift dais,...
What makes a man a man? That’s a question I hear often in the Black community. I was born in the City of Boston, Massachusetts, to Haitian immigrant parents. Jacques Etienne is the name. I’m twenty two years old, and recently graduated from Northeastern University with my MBA. I previously acquired my bachelor’s degree in accounting from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. Black, male and educated. That’s me. I’m the brother you never hear about. The one who doesn’t walk around with his...
“Hey Alice!” Heather, the new editor shouted across the office, “You like that singer… Hank Brooklyn, don’t you?” I looked up from my PC smiled and nodded in her direction. “You can have this if you want,” she continued shouting, “It’s just come in the post.” Heather was waving a CD and what looked like a T-Shirt in the air for me and everyone else to see. I saved my article on a new gardening centre and walked to the other end of the local newspaper office that I worked...
This is an embellished true story of mine. A few months after that fateful party I was going through some major changes in my life. I could not stop thinking about her, the feel of skin, her thighs around my head and the taste of her body. I began seeing people around me, those I had known for years completely differently. My school boy crush was now long dead and any thought of trying to get a date with him was forgotten about. The problem then became who was I to crush on next? This dilema...
Chapter 02 explains Nicole's empathy power, and some of Taylor's astral power works. How that works exactly will depend on how the vote comes out. Chapter 03 begins laying out the ground rules for their life together. Soul Mates 2-3: Who's Home? By Ron Dow75 2: Nastasia, Buddy, and Stacy The astral body of Nicole hugged the astral body of her Mom, "You can see me; and best of all, you can hear me!" The confused ghost woman returned the affection. 'Yes, I can. Now, can...
HumorSoul Mates 8-9: Just Remember Who This Body Belongs To! By Ron Dow75 8: Not Even a Pinocchio She had the perfect girl-next-door body, well proportioned, 5 feet 5, 34C-23-33, and her face was very pretty without being dramatically beautiful, hair dark brown, eyes light brown. And that body was being held by the strong but gentle hands of one of the handsomest boys around. There, out where everybody driving into the Wellington High parking lot could see. The problem was...
HumorTuesday morning I wake up at my regular time and head out on my mountain run to think. Friday is our last basket ball game of the season and even if we wjn the game there are no playoffs or tournaments. The season is over after Friday, however track practices starts in two weeks and I need to be in the best shape possible. The most important thing I need to think about is Emily and her dad. I now know the connection and why their stories are similar. Watching over me? Leading my church? Soul...
Four years ago... “Get up!” Eve and I look up to see our new foster mother glaring at us. Mrs. James is a short fat lady and her husband is a tall and skinny guy. We are in another foster home. It is a small home with a basement. We are in a small basement room with no windows. The James’ keep us locked in this room at night. There are many other foster kids here in the house as well. “You, go upstairs and wait for the other children, eat and go to school,” Mrs. James orders pointing at...
Monday Morning, Cindy and I get off the bus and head into school. The rest of the weekend went without incident. Cindy told mom, dad and I what happened Saturday night. Apparently, Megan’s boyfriend disappeared. Megan went looking for him and found him in Amy’s room with Amy having sex. Megan ran out into the front yard and started crying. After getting dressed, Greg followed her out, where she started yelling at him. Apparently, someone had called the police, because they pulled up as Greg...
You're psyching yourself up outside The Names Office, pacing back and forth. Your 22nd birthday just passed and you told no one you had decided to go and find out whether you have a soulmate or not. Hell you never thought of coming here either. Having a soulmate was never a big deal for you. Sure your parents are soulmates and a couple of your friends has found their soulmates. But it never really dawned on you until you were at your birthday party and the topic of soulmates came up....
RomanceLightning flashed brightly out the window immediately followed by a booming clap of thunder as the lights flickered briefly. Roger, Miranda, and Julie all jumped in unison at the interruption which jarringly brought them back to the present. Julie's story had seemed to have cast a spell on all three of them, Roger and Miranda had become just as entranced in listening to it as Julie had been in telling it. The lightning and thunder had broken them all out of that spell. Miranda seemed...
I awoke to a faint clanking noise. It was my maid — Melanie, I think — taking the tray off my desk. She smiled apologetically for waking me. I just smile and told her that I was happy to wake up. I had had such a wonderful sleep. My weary bones and sore muscles were refreshed and aching to move. I wanted to walk, everywhere. I couldn’t help but romanticize the idea of just endlessly walking around and exploring this country, but, winter might pose a bit of a problem with that. Melanie left my...
I was no virgin. No amateur at this. I knew what I was doing. I may only be young but I knew damn well what to do. Knew how to pleasure myself and turn others on in the process. I looked into Joe’s eyes, saw lust and pleasure. He’d already cum twice, yet he still had a boner and was going for it again. I knew instantly he wouldn’t mind. So I laid back down and shoved the brush into myself. Pleasure and pain hit me simultaneously. I began to thrust the handle of the brush into...
It had been a while since I had seen you and the eagerness grew as did my passion and desires for you. We had made plans to meet and quench this fire that burned inside of me. You had mentioned that you too had been thinking of me and wanting to have me once more. I wanted you so badly that I did not care where or when as long as we could be together again and make love with the heat and passion that burned inside my soul. The weather was getting chilly so our normal spot was out of the...
She rolled over stretching her arms out as the sun peaked through the blinds casting warm light over the bed. She opened her eyes and smiled as she saw him lying there beside her. Her eyes studied every curve of his face, the fullness of his sexy lips and his long lashes that lay rested against his face. She cuddled up to him taking in his smell, feeling the warmth of his body. She was amazed how something as simple as the smell of him and the touch of his skin could make her feel more safe and...
‘Oh, how nice to see you here,’ said a female voice. I looked round in surprise to see a woman apparently pinned against the wall by a leering young guy dressed like a derelict gypsy. I was at an art preview and had I been wandering around somewhat apathetically with a glass of lousy champagne in my hand. I was only there because a friend of mine, Ted, was exhibiting, and the works on display were of about the same quality as the champagne. I was wondering what I could say to him that...
Smirking at the title, you decide to play the latest Soul Caliber game. As the system boots, you take a moment to wonder at how drawn out this series has become. 30 games without a reboot! Your grandparents played the original when they were younger than you! Of course, the basic premise never really deviated much. Beat the crap out of a friend and gloat afterwards. But you'd heard these last few were really making use of current tech, acting more like simulations than simple fighting games....
now I know that this would not be expected and this story is adult level content so if you are a minor in your nationality then please leave as I, nor anyone else would like to be sue because you ignored this warning/disclaimer. Now as for the disclaimer: I nor any author in this interactive have any proprietary rights to the manga soul chain and its affiliated companies, publisher, author. now any characters that I, or any author, posting a chapter in this interactive are their's, if they are...
The soul jar was a weapon of war. With its power, one could raise an army simply by taking the will of thousands of people, and telling them to follow your every command. One can return wills with it, but without any form of consequence or punishment from the people under his or her influence. One day, a noble thief stole it, took it to a mountaintop, and flung it as far as he could. Now, over a decade later, you find it after killing a mountain goat for food.
Mind ControlYou wake up in a forest, the last thing you remember is playing Soul Calibur 4 when there was this flash of light. "Where am I ?" You get up and look around seeing nothing but trees. You decide to walk through the forest to see if you can find out were you are. As you are walking you come across a pond and look down to see your reflection.
Soul Mates 4: This Is Mr. Right? By Ron Dow75 Out in the second story roofed porch that ran around the riverside Duchamps' house: The ghost of Taylor Estes (wearing just a bathrobe) cried in frustration at the girl sitting in front of him, "How can I have empathy for a vampire!" "Vampire?" Nicole Getty asked. She was pretty brunette in an oxford shirt, and a short denim skirt with quilt details of butterflies made from heart-shapes. Her bare legs were crossed, now. 'You...
HumorSoul Mates 6-7: A Black Top Mood By Ron Dow75 6) The Push-up Bra, Funk, and Wagnell In the driver's seat, Nicole's mom said, "Don't slouch." The seventeen-year-old in the white windbreaker with the rainbow up the middle of the front and down the sleeves next to her, hunched over with a shoulder and hEr hands against the safety strap, grumped, "I'm not slouching. I'm protecting these..." and made the minimum head dip to the things shE wished shE didn't have to refer...
HumorSubtitle: The Strange Duet Part II Her door tended to slam so I put my hand out to guide it to a silent closing. "Who the fuck are you?!? And what were you doing in my girlfriend's apartment?" For easily the hundredth time, I wished she had fallen for someone lower in the instep and vocal range. I rested my forehead against the door; the music from the other side was almost out of my reach. "Answer my question, asshole! What the fuck were you doing in there?" I turned until the...
The weather had turned as solemn as Karen's and Elisabeth's mood during the drive to Magnesia Springs. The sun disappeared behind dark ominous clouds giving the world a gray dull appearance that took the warmth out of the land and out of the heart. A light mist began to fall, and Karen switched on the wiper blades. She glanced into the rear view mirror and saw the big white Cadillac following several car lengths behind. She became aware of her breathing and was surprised at how nervous she...
After an hour drive, I’m taken out of the van and led into a large building and into a large reception area. I’m told to sit down and wait, while one of the guys that dragged me away from my life sits beside me. After a while, an older lady, that I have seen before walks out of the office and tells me to come inside. I walk in the office and sit down. I see an Asian lady standing on the other side of the office. She is short around 5’5”, 120 pounds, B cups, and long black hair. She is...
I see Jacob smile through the rearview mirror. He is silent and doesn’t introduce me to anyone. I cringe as he turns into my neighborhood and the driveway to my house. Wait! How does he know where I live? “Not now Joseph, but soon,” Jacob says. I get out of the car as Jacob gets out also. “We have to follow what is written in the gospel. When it is time, I will let you know. In the mean time I will watch over you while my daughter awaits her soul mate and to be by your side.” We are half way...
Something was coming, she could feel it. Ariel Starr stood up, scared yet ready to confront whatever it was waiting outside for her. The loud bang at the door made her heart jump. She had no idea what was going on outside and the yelling she had heard downstairs had her nearly paralyzed with anxiety. J-Mac, her new boss and famous rap sensation had simply put the gun on the magnificent CEO desk, then told her to use it if necessary, before locking her inside the state of the art studio. ...
* Eric Soul can’t wait to marry his fiancee, a talented R&B singer from Brooklyn. But when she mysteriously vanishes, Eric has absolutely no time to lose, before she falls into the arms of another, forever. * In the master bedroom of a high-rise condo, an explosive allegation had been revealed to Ariel Starr, a gorgeous, rising star of an R & B singer, recently signed to Hype Entertainment. Up until this moment, she had had it all- talent, world-class beauty, support and a loving fiancée. One...
by: Discreet Lover Copyright 2012 Her soft lips touched mine as we kissed. The smell of her perfume filled my nose as we embraced. It always amazed me just how well she fit against me. She must've been placed on this earth just for me. All too soon the hug ended and she pulled away. Her pretty face was lite up with a bright smile as she chatted about her day. How she had aced a test she had been certain she'd fail. How her coach had made them run suicides because the team couldn't...
by: Discreet Lover Copyright 2012 Her soft lips touched mine as we kissed. The smell of her perfume filled my nose as we embraced. It always amazed me just how well she fit against me. She must've been placed on this earth just for me. All too soon the hug ended and she pulled away. Her pretty face was lite up with a bright smile as she chatted about her day. How she had aced a test she had been certain she'd fail. How her coach had made them run suicides because the team couldn't...
The year was 1406, and Trenian was in the throes of making love to the beautiful Esmerelda. Trenian never thought he, the second son of a poor farmer, would have such a beautiful, rich woman as a lover and potential wife. He had instantly been attracted to her, he loved the way her brown-gold curls cascaded down her head and the way her green eyes pierced his soul. The way her slender body looked in her extravagant dress was enough to send Trenian back to the barn to jerk off in the company of...
The year was 1406, and Trenian was in the throes of making love to the beautiful Esmerelda. Trenian never thought he, the second son of a poor farmer, would have such a beautiful, rich woman as a lover and potential wife. He had instantly been attracted to her, he loved the way her brown-gold curls cascaded down her head and the way her green eyes pierced his soul. The way her slender body looked in her extravagant dress was enough to send Trenian back to the barn to jerk off in the company of...
SupernaturalThe year was 1406, and Trenian was in the throes of making love to the beautiful Esmerelda. Trenian never thought he, the second son of a poor farmer, would have such a beautiful, rich woman as a lover and potential wife. He had instantly been attracted to her, he loved the way her brown-gold curls cascaded down her head and the way her green eyes pierced his soul. The way her slender body looked in her extravagant dress was enough to send Trenian back to the barn to jerk off in the company...
It was a slightly cloudy day as i walked along the sidewalk on my way home after another slow 8 hour work day. My name is harley walker , I'm a 25 years old other and been single for the last 10 years. After getting home, having shower and getting charged into some comfortable clothes, i sat down to watch my favorite show. As the show starts i spot the heart shaped dark green stone i brought home from a camping trip with my friends. It was my long time friend sam that found it and give it to my...
RomanceSOULMATESChapter 1While paging through blogs on my favorite BDSM website, I came across one by a man, who claimed to have a slow-witted wife that he’d ?bought? 3 years earlier, and how much he enjoyed making her life miserable. Since he had mentioned his county and state, I knew we couldn’t be more than 25 or 30 miles apart. Fascinated with the idea of mixing things up, I wrote him immediately, and pulled no punches.?Hi, A.P. I read your blog with great interest. I am currently the...
In the main, brunch proceeded without further incident. Several more of Greg's friends and acquaintances came by to say hello. Greg introduced them to Megan, but she knew that she'd never remember their names. The men all professed to be envious of Greg. One woman, a plump blonde with red cheeks, rhapsodized over Megan's complexion and figure. "Honey," she said, "I wouldn't just kill to look like you. I'd even consider becoming a mass murderer." After the spate of visitors, Greg...
His name was Mark Fagan and he had dreamed of a woman for months, every night he dreamt of the same woman. He had never seen her in his real life but knew she was his soulmate. He did not even know her in any way but felt she was near. He only knew that her first name was Rose, and her beauty was like that of a Rose. He tried to stay in dream land as much as possible so he could be with her. In another part of town She was dreaming of him, she only knew his name was Mark, she had dreamt of him...
I watched, amused, while a huffy, red faced Ms. Whitecliff marched out of Mr. Morrison’s office. She walked with her nose up in the air and with perfect posture, like she had had a poker permanently planted up her ass. Looking completely livid, she turned to me and scathingly declared, ‘I cannot and will not work with that man. I don’t care how much he pays. I will not do it. You will just have to find someone else. Goodbye’ I watched her attempt to slam the door after her, on her way out,...
New York, New York Wednesday morning, and already I was counting down the hours until Friday. I had so many things to do before Friday though, that any enthusiasm for the weekend was quickly and completely squelched. I looked through all the letters, memos and mail that Mr.M had left on my desk before I attacked the phone messages. Before I was able to finish writing down the phone number for a Ms. Whitecliff, the caller of the last message on the machine, I heard Mr. Morrison’s voice hollowly...
Peregrination I awoke to my alarm at 5:45am, on December 21st, and leapt out of my bed with an excited giggle. In ten hours I would be driving to a historic chateau in the French countryside. I quickly showered and ate a small breakfast before attacking my, new, daily beauty routine. Deborah had hammered into me how important my appearance was, now that I was going to be seen, in France, with Mr. Morrison. My new routine included daily grooming (plucking, shaving, etc.), face scrub or peel,...
As we toasted marshmallows to make s’mores, it was only natural that we told each other ghost stories—some from when we were kids, some we had heard over the years. The random unexpected events in those spooky tales were not unlike what had led us to that campfire.I had met Julia some twenty years earlier when she was sleeping with a friend of mine. By the time they broke up, I had moved to another part of the country, but we had kept in touch ever since. Although we enjoyed each other’s...
SupernaturalJoe was a sex god, long, black hair that reaches his shoulders, which I just yearn to run my hands through as I kiss him passionately. He has the most beautiful bright blue eyes, which look almost unnatural. His slight chubbiness just makes my body lust for him more, wanting him to hug and hold me and kiss me, make me feel safe in his arms. MSN pinged and my attention was brought back to the real world (in my mind I was slowly undressing Joe). Ah, Joe had just signed in. It was four...
It was 5:42 which left Kavya two hours to sleep and sweep off this night. She let her body fall on the cold bed and closed her eyes. Soon, everything came back… She was in her room, combing her silky hair while contemplating her exposed body in the mirror. She loved the way her long hair covered her full breasts and deliberately parted her legs to look at her insides. She has never been a shy girl and love wandering au naturel in her room with her windows wide opened. She never mind closing...
A sudden jolt of movement shocked Vicky into wakefulness and she shot upright in the backseat of the car until she realised where she was. The drive had been smooth until that point, but it was very clear that the family had left the world of smooth roads behind them as the ground became increasingly rough. "Morning, princess," her boyfriend Brandon said jokingly from the driver's seat. "Sleep well?" "Shut up," Vicky replied, rubbing her eyes. "How far out are we?" "At least a few hours. The...
Mind ControlIt was 5:42 which left Kavya two hours to sleep and sweep off this night. She let her body fall on the cold bed and closed her eyes. Soon, everything came back... She was in her room, combing her silky hair while contemplating her exposed body in the mirror. She loved the way her long hair covered her full breasts and deliberately parted her legs to look at her insides. She has never been a shy girl and love wandering au naturel in her room with her windows wide opened. She never mind closing...
SupernaturalRoger parked the car in the driveway of the beach house as fat drops of rain came pelting down. The sun, obscured by the overcast sky and down-pouring rain, was setting and what little daylight they had was quickly being diminished. Roger noticed the other car in the driveway and was curious who it belonged to. Sitting next to him his sister Miranda was more interested in the torrent as she eyed the rain with obvious dismay. “Maybe we should wait for it to let up some?” Miranda asked, looking...
I crept slowly to the foot of the bed and pulled the covers up so I could crawl in at her feet. I traveled up her clothed legs until I got to her crotch. I can't explain why wanted to see a penis so bad, but there was something within me that not only wanted it, but needed it. I carefully pulled the fabric open at a seem and then as lightly as I could pulled the patch that covered his groin so I could get at what I sought. I couldn't see it, but when I put my hand in, I felt her....
I have searched the web long and hard looking for incest stories about black people. All the stories I have read involved white people. Don't get me wrong I love incest stories, but I would love to read one about black people. I know it exists between black people, because it happened to me. That's way I decided to tell my story. After I graduated from college I moved to New York City from Florida. I hated Florida. Back home I got no respect. I was what you called a black nerd. I was totally...
I was 15 when my dad died, it was quite sudden, he had a heart attack whilst doing the gardening. I loved my dad more than anything, he was my world and when he died my world ended. Mum was just as devastated as I was, even after 20 years of marriage they still loved each other as much as when they first met. She struggled along without him for a while, but found it hard. She couldn't keep up the payments on the mortgage and pay my school fees, so I would have to leave the grammar school at...