Soul Mates
- 2 years ago
- 32
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As we toasted marshmallows to make s’mores, it was only natural that we told each other ghost stories—some from when we were kids, some we had heard over the years. The random unexpected events in those spooky tales were not unlike what had led us to that campfire.
I had met Julia some twenty years earlier when she was sleeping with a friend of mine. By the time they broke up, I had moved to another part of the country, but we had kept in touch ever since. Although we enjoyed each other’s company, we had never both been unattached and nearby at the same time.
This trip was caused by her latest break-up. She had been living with Jason in Montana near the Canadian border and was ready to get back to civilization. I rented a truck to help her move to San Francisco, which is where I had been for a few years. We loaded the truck and her car with her stuff and hit the road.
We were still an hour from the interstate when the truck stalled. The mechanic from the closest town concluded it was the electronic ignition module. It was Friday and the soonest he could get the part was Monday.
As the truck was towed to the town, Julia suggested that we head into the national forest. We could find a place to stay for the weekend and do a little hiking and canoeing.
The “motel” consisted of a collection of small cabins around a building with shared toilets and showers. There was no restaurant and not much of a store, but Jake the owner sold us some hot dogs as well as the graham crackers, chocolate and marshmallows we were enjoying for dessert.
Besides the ghost stories, we used the time to catch up with each other. As the flames died, we made plans for the next day before adjourning to our separate cabins.
The cold woke me up. Somehow, the bedcovers were gone. I felt a cool soft weight on me. Opening my eyes, I looked up into a face, barely visible in the dark, as if illuminated by moonlight.
I could hardly move. As sleep cleared from my brain, I was able to see that a naked young woman was lying on top of me. Her firm breasts pressed against my chest, not hard enough to account for my immobility. Her long hair tickled my cheeks as dark eyes looked down at me with a smile that could have been a grin or a grimace.
From her movements, I realized she was riding my hard cock and it easily slid in and out of her. That the grip of her cunt was cool only slightly reduced her effect on me. My hands stroked the contour of her back down to her tight butt. From the infeasible glow of her body in the dark cabin, I decided that I must be dreaming and gave in to the growing excitement.
It is hard to judge time in a dream, but things progressed. The delightful pressure built in me as her motion increased in speed and intensity. Her mouth slowly morphed from a smile into an open “O” as she drove me to the edge.
She lowered her head to my shoulder and a loud moan pulsed in my ears; my dopamine-drenched brain recognized my own voice. My body spasmed as my orgasm exploded. She bounced and squirmed as I pumped again and again. The waves of pleasure didn’t stop—at least the last thing I remembered was how impossibly long they continued.
The next thing I knew, I was again waking up; this time it seemed more normal. There was noise, and sunlight leaked through the shades helping me remember where I was. The warm quilt was all that weighed me down. The sound was a banging on the door and a frantic voice calling my name.
“I’m coming!” I called as I got out of bed, discovering my underwear on the floor. Remembering the dream, I expected to find semen residue on my boxers or the sheets, but saw nothing. Urged on by the resumed pounding on the door, I dressed quickly. When I guided my balls into my jeans, they did tingle as if they had been emptied recently. Pulling on a shirt, I opened the door and my friend burst inside.
“Someone… attacked me… last night,” she screamed, hyperventilating. Startled, I took her in my arms to comfort her and guided her to sit next to me on the bed.
“What happened?” I asked when she caught her breath.
“I woke up and he was on me. I couldn’t push him off,” she sobbed. “I yelled but no one heard me.”
Holding her close with my arm around her back, I felt her shudder as she recalled the details. “He felt cold. Even though there was no light, I could see his leering face and his naked body.”
Julia’s eyes flashed as she replayed the events.
“I don’t know how long it was. He went faster and faster,” her voice rose with intensity. “Suddenly he slowed, I think he was cumming, but he made no sound.”
“Then I heard a moan,” she struggled to continue. She held me tightly, tears filling her eyes. “It was me.” Her voice became a raspy whisper. “I was cumming.”
If it hadn’t been for my night, I would have been just as upset as she was. I didn’t want to immediately discount her story, so I waited for her to finish.
“The next thing I knew, it was morning. I was naked, my underwear and pajamas were on the floor. I jumped out of bed and checked the door. It was locked and the chain was hooked. I don’t know how he got in or what he did to me. It was so horrible!” She was full-on crying now, and I stroked her hair as she released her emotions.
“I’m here, Julia,” I said. “You’re safe now.”
“We have to report it,” she said when she was back in control of herself. “We have to get that guy.”
“Absolutely,” I said, wanting to be supportive. “But before we do…,” the words caused her to stiffen in my arms.
“I think I should tell you what happened to me last night,” I said. Her eyes, red and wet with tears, began to turn angry.
I summarized what had happened to me, omitting any detail that made it seem pleasant—no sound, the cold body on me, the eerie illumination, being unable to move.
“Like you, the only sound I heard was my groan when I climaxed,” I said. “The next thing I knew, you woke me up knocking on my door.” Julia had moved away from me and pushed my arm off her.
“Julia, I’m not denying what happened to you,” I tried to reassure her. “Men commonly have wet dreams like that, so it isn’t as upsetting to us. Our ghost stories may have inspired it and it has left me with a creepy feeling, but I think that’s all that happened to me.”
“Is it possible that that’s also what happened to you?” I pleaded.
She was not ready to concede. A little less frantic and in the light of day, her expression changed from angry to uncertain.
“Let’s take a look at your cabin,” I suggested.
We checked the door lock and chain and they seemed sturdy. “You hooked the chain before you went to bed, and it was hooked when you woke up,” I confirmed to her nods. Both windows were locked and had cobwebs and dust that would have shown any entry. We moved the rug, looked under the bed and scanned the walls and ceiling for any possible entrance.
“It seemed so real,” she said.
“I don’t doubt a word of what you said,” I tried to be as empathetic as I could, “but isn’t it possible it was a dream?”
“Whatever happened, it was terrifying and I don’t want to be alone for a second until we get out of here,” she said.
Since we didn’t want to live on hot dogs and s’mores all weekend, we had planned to get more provisions that morning. We looked for Jake in the registration cabin to find out the nearest grocery store.
“How was your evening?” he asked, a little apprehension tingeing his cliché greeting.
I stopped Julia before she could launch into her story. “Actually, I had an unusual dream,” I said. The change in his demeanor told me something was up, and I could see Julia coming to a boil.
“Let me show you something,” he said, taking a framed picture off the wall and holding it out to us.
“That’s him!” Julia screeched, and I was glad there were no weapons within her reach. The faded old black and white photograph showed a couple, bride and groom. The woman certainly looked like the one I had encountered.
“Some people say they have seen these two around here,” Jake explained. “This was taken a long time ago.” Indeed, scrawled at the bottom of the picture was October 31, 1919.
“It’s a tragic story. He had survived the war and she had survived the flu epidemic. They came up here for their honeymoon. Their cabin caught fire and they both died. No smoke detectors or sprinklers back then. Our cabins look rustic but they meet all regulations today,” Jake added.
“It’s usually late in the season like now that people report seeing one or the other or both of them. I think it’s the early sunset, not as many people around, Halloween, who knows? I think people spook themselves.” He sounded like he had said these words many times.
“But I had never seen him before, and that’s definitely him!” Julia blurted out, not ready to accept this explanation.
“Maybe you saw the picture on the wall when you checked in,” he offered. “My grandfather was here when it happened, and he saved the picture. All I know is people have been claiming to see them for years. Last year, some ghost hunters came with a bunch of gizmos looking for them, but they never got any evidence. I can’t say one way or the other. I’ve owned this place for 30 years and I’ve never seen them.”
“In any case, I want to get away from here right now,” Julia was shaking her head slowly, trying to make sense of it all. We got the directions and headed to the store. In the car, we discussed the situation.
“We could look for another place to stay if you want,” I said.
“Rationally, I have to conclude that it didn’t happen,” she said slowly, “I don’t believe in ghosts, so I have to accept your dream explanation.”
I let her ruminate on it while we picked up some things we needed for the next two days. There was a coffee shop next to the store, so we had some breakfast and managed to talk about other things for a while.
“Okay, we can stay,” she said as we drove back to the motel. “It was just so strange and upsetting. I don’t want you to think I’ve gone wacky after living out in the middle of nowhere for so long.”
We drove in silence for a few more miles before she asked, “Do you get those wet dreams when you’re horny?”
“It’s usually when I haven’t ejaculated in a while,” I said. Being in a dry spell with women, I had, in fact, jacked off before I left on the trip. I wasn’t going to admit that I was thinking of Julia as I did.
“Well I haven’t had an orgasm in a while,” she mused. “Things were over with Jason for months, and I have been busy planning the move.”
“I’ve had erotic dreams before,” she confessed, “but this felt so realistic and frightening. She paused before adding, “and the orgasm was so….” She didn’t supply a word, but I knew what she meant.
We stashed our provisions and spent the afternoon on a pleasant hike. Putting the troubling night behind us, we enjoyed the crisp fall air and the companionship, joking and reminding ourselves of people and stories from our past.
We shared some decent backpacking meals and a bottle of wine around the fire that night.
“Would you think it’s silly if I want to sleep with you tonight?” she asked. She preempted my wisecrack, continuing “I mean sleep, not have sex!”
“I knew what you meant,” I laughed. “Don’t worry! I’ll hang a blanket in the middle of the bed like in an old movie. I have my reputation to protect!”
She didn’t insist on that. With me in a t-shirt and sweat pants and her in flannel pajamas, we weren’t going to be tempted. I waited for her to fall asleep before nodding off myself.
It didn’t take long for me to figure out what was going on this time. I opened my eyes to the same sight of a ghostly woman lying on me. The bedding and my clothes were gone. Straining my eyes, I saw Julia next to me in the same state.
Her body was illuminated by the glow of the man on top of her. I had never seen her naked, and my spank bank image of her was twenty years out of date. Strong arm and thigh muscles flexed as she strained, showing she was in good shape. Her full breasts were flattened by the glowing chest on top of her and they jiggled as he moved against her.
My crude voyeurism was slapped out of my mind when our eyes met and the look of terror on Julia’s face stabbed at my heart. I could see her screaming but heard no sound. She tried to push and hit and gouge the eyes of her attacker, but he didn’t react to anything she did. I did the same to mine, my blows landing silently, my shoves only pushing me into the mattress.
I reached my hand out to Julia, taking hers; her grip was hard enough to break bones. I wanted her to know we would get through this together. Her look of fear and revulsion made me worry she would blame me for making her stay another night.
As I struggled, I tried squirming out from underneath my assailant. She maintained her perch, but I managed to move an inch or two closer to Julia. That small success encouraged me and I reached across with my right arm to pull on Julia’s arm. Maybe we could pull ourselves out from under them.
Sensing some movement, Julia got the idea and reached across with her left arm. Grabbing each other as best we could, we pulled. The glowing couple moved with us as we writhed closer together.
Shoulders almost touching, I reached across to Julia’s neck to get a better grip and she did the same to mine. Silently, I mouthed “One… two… three!” and we both pulled with all our might.
I wish I had thought of this plan, and in future retellings of this story I will say I did, but it just happened.
As we pulled, our bodies began to rotate. Defying more laws of physics, my apparition leaned to maintain her relative position and her purchase on my cock; Julia’s did the same. We pulled harder, encouraged by the thought that we might escape from under them. The two seemed completely unaware as their bodies passed through each other.
There was a moment of worry when I realized that his body was about to touch me and hers was about to touch Julia, but there was nothing to do but continue.
His contact was cool, but it wasn’t solid like hers. His arm passed right into mine. The same was happening to Julia. I shook my head in resignation. What else could we do?
A chill filled more and more of my body as I felt him overlap me. But I noticed another change. Maybe it was just relative to the infringing cold, but my ghost’s right breast began to feel warm on my chest as it merged with Julia’s chest.
The last degrees of rotation went quickly as we grabbed each other’s hips. Not only did I feel cold, but I realized that I was feeling Julia’s body, not the ghost’s. Her large soft breasts warmed my chest, and my hand gripped her full ass. The couple was superimposed on us and provided the glow that let me see Julia’s face—alternately confused, fearful, and angry.
It seemed so natural to be holding her that I almost forgot our predicament. I was reminded when I noticed that my movements had become more active. Not just responding to the phantom woman, I was also being moved by the man.
Julia’s left leg bent and lifted over my right to open herself to me. As my hips thrust forward, it was a warm pussy that enveloped my cold cock. She met my thrusts, her left hand on my ass, urging me deeper.
I tried to express my helplessness to her, shaking my head, not wanting her to think of me as attacking her. Perhaps driven by the woman who controlled her body, she moved to kiss me. Her breath and lips were hot on mine, and I returned the kiss with unbidden ardor.
However long it had been since we awoke to this dream, despite the distractions and exertions, the continuous stimulation was about to bear fruit. Whether natural or supernatural, waking or dreaming, my body tingled everywhere it touched warm soft flesh. With a mind of their own, my hips drove my cock into her again and again.
I felt the tension in her body as she clutched me tightly. Her mouth went slack and her thigh twitched against my leg. Suddenly the chill within my body was displaced by heat and the room was lit by the glow of the spirits that had invaded our bodies. Like the night before, the ecstasy was intense and seemed to go on forever. After long ecstatic minutes, the pleasure and the light slowly dimmed.
Although I was not directing it, the passionate way I kissed and stroked Julia was not far from what I would do with a lover, and her forced response seemed sincere. My mind was torn, trying to resist being compelled to do something I could only have wished to do. After the strange, intense battle and tsunami of euphoria, I expected things to conclude and allow us to escape this insane situation. Before I was able to have two consecutive rational thoughts, however, Julia was rolling onto her back and pulling me on top of her.
It had been a long time since I had been able to perform again so soon after climaxing. I don’t know if I was still hard or hard again, but Julia’s hand gripped a steel pole when she reached down between us. If it had been up to me, I surely would have interrupted to taste her pussy, but she spread her legs and pushed my cockhead against her opening.
Julia looked up at me with hungry eyes. I needed no sound to hear her mouth say “Fuck me” over and over. Both vigor and endurance exceeded my normal standards, but I took her on a rollercoaster ride of fast, slow, deep, teasing, pounding, and grinding fuckmanship. She responded in kind, hips, legs, hands, and arms encouraging, demanding, guiding and answering my incursions.
As we reached the summit, her hands slowed me, keeping us on the edge, drawing out the anticipation, until at last the slightest movement contorted her mouth and I felt her cunt contract around my dick. That triggered my eruption. The sudden brightening reminded me of the reality—or unreality—of our situation. Motionless, welded together, we bathed in the exhilaration.
The darkness and our breathing had barely returned to normal when I rolled off Julia, only to find her completing the maneuver and ending up astride me. Once more I had to accept the implausibility of my erection as I was mounted, this time by my friend, yet certainly with the inspiration and augmentation of someone or something else.
It was much like last night, but with Julia’s large, pillowy breasts dangling over me rather than the ghost’s small firm ones. My hands cradled and massaged them, then roamed her body, ending on her soft ass.
The face that looked down at me was Julia’s, but it portrayed unexpected desire. The smile encouraged me, and I bucked up against her hot, moist pussy. As we got closer, she leaned forward, her hips bouncing as the spirit’s had last night. My still rigid penis gave her something to grind her clit against as she took advantage of its surprising abilities.
My guilt about what I was being forced to do was overwhelmed by her apparent pleasure and my certain gratification. Reaching my peak, my light shone as the hot liquid spurted out of me from whatever reservoir my body had found. She waited until my light began to dim before she triggered her own ecstasy, her joyful face bathed in saintly incandescence. As her light faded, the feel of her warm, soft, quivering body on top of me was the last thing I remembered.
In the morning, I woke first. Julia was on the other side of the bed as we had started the night. Slipping out from under the quilt, I discovered my t-shirt, boxers and sweat pants on the floor. Her underwear and pajamas were on the floor as well. I quickly put on jeans and a shirt, then sat on the chair and waited for her to wake up.
When she stirred, it took her a moment to open her eyes and remember where she was. “What the fuck!” she screamed as I assumed the memory of the night came back to her.
“Good morning, Julia,” I said as sweetly as I could. She looked at me in horror and embarrassment, reflexively pulling the bedspread up to her nose.
“You! Fuck you! How could you! Asshole! How did you! Shit!” she ranted. I let her blow off steam, blushing and looking sadder and more ashamed than I ever had.
“I’m sorry,” I said when she took a breath.
“You’re sorry?” she yelled, then repeated her litany of insults and curses.
“Should I stay here, or should I go so you can get dressed?” I suggested when she temporarily ran out of expletives.
She had been too agitated to notice that her nightwear had been removed, and the sudden realization triggered another minute of vocal rage.
“Get out! Get the fuck out!” she ended. As I rose to leave, she reconsidered, “No, wait.” She shook her head, mumbling to herself. Halfway to the door, I waited patiently as she looked at me, looked around the room, stared at the bed, and lifted the quilt to glance at herself. Anger had cooled to befuddlement.
“If you don’t want to be alone, I’ll blindfold myself,” I said, picking up my sweatpants. I sat down and wrapped them around my head, facing the wall as well.
“Okay,” she said quietly. I heard her moving about, opening her suitcase, apparently getting dressed. She talked to herself as she did, but not distinctly enough for me to know what she was saying. Then she was silent. The minutes dragged on.
“Alright, I’m dressed,” she said finally.
Uncovering my head, I saw her sitting at the foot of the bed. We just looked at each other for a while.
“Julia, I have known you—and cared about you—almost half my life,” I began. She seemed willing to listen, so I continued. “Whatever happened or seemed to happen last night, you know in your heart I would never do anything to hurt you.”
“It wasn’t real. Let me show you,” I said, standing up. Julia reacted, moving to the door as if to escape. I kept my distance, going to my side of the bed to pull back the bedclothes.
“Look at these sheets. Feel them. Smell them. Do they have any trace of the lovemaking we supposedly did last night?” I knew it hadn’t felt like lovemaking to her, but I was trying to lessen the trauma.
“I assume that somehow you had the same dream I did. Remember us both fighting them on top of us? Trying to pull ourselves free? Then somehow merging them into each other?” I prompted. Her eyes grew wide and teary at the memory.
“I came three times and my penis stayed as hard as a statue’s the whole time,” I said. Posing like Michelangelo’s David, I continued, “Is there any way this forty-something body did that? Even at my fittest and horniest, I was never that much of a stud.”
I knew I had hit home when I saw her hand move toward her crotch. She didn’t have to touch herself to realize that her genitals would be at least a little sore from that workout if it had been real. Frowning, she shook her head, trying to make sense of the nonsensical.
Balling her fists at her sides like a kid throwing a tantrum, she bellowed a long “Aargh!” in frustration; I hoped no one else heard it. With that catharsis, she came over and hugged me, saying, “I sorry.”
“I understand,” I reassured her. “It was horrible for me, too. Maybe not the same way, but I knew I was causing you pain, and I never want to do that.”
I had been coming up with a plan for that night. “Tonight, we’ll sleep in shifts. If either sees anything happening, we’ll wake the other person. I’m a night owl, so you can sleep first. The truck should be ready at noon and we’ll get the hell out of Montana!”
The sun was warm as we paddled and drifted down the river in our rented canoe. Out in nature, the sounds of wildlife and the flowing water settled us both. I let Julia broach the subject of the night before.
“Does it actually say ‘Thank you’?” she asked.
“Yes,” I laughed. Whatever these dreams were, they had all the details right. I had never told Julia about it. How could she have known?
“When I was with Madison,” I explained, “we both got tattoos just above our pubes. Hers said ‘Please’ and I got ‘Thank you’. Although we were drunk when we got them, in the fifteen years since it has served me well!” It was so good to hear Julia laugh.
That night, I watched her sleep, planning to wake her at four, playing a game on my phone to keep me awake. It was almost that time when I saw the glow appear in the room. The spectral couple stood at the foot of the bed, embracing lovingly. I shook Julia gently to wake her. She sat straight up, blinking her eyes as she stared at the shimmering pair. Jumping out of bed, she stood next to me.
We watched as they slowly turned in a silent dance, their naked bodies in the full flower of youthful sensuality. There was no aggression like we had experienced. I reached back to unlock the door in case we decided to escape, but Julia couldn’t take her eyes off them either.
After a few minutes, the newlyweds moved onto the bed. She got on her hands and knees and he knelt behind her, his hard cock sticking straight out. He moved into her and they fucked, slowly at first, then faster and harder. She lowered her head to the bed, taking him fully as he grabbed her hips. We could see but not hear the impacts on her ass.
“He’s really giving it to her,” Julia whispered.
“She seems to love it,” I replied.
They began to brighten. He flashed first, but she joined him moments later, the light almost filling the room. It lasted a minute, then he collapsed on top of her and they rolled to their sides, spooning. Julia and I watched as the glow diminished back to when they first appeared, then faded until the room was completely dark.
“That was… beautiful,” she said after a search for the right word.
Their final appearance seemed to change both our interpretations of the dreams we had shared.
As planned, she let me sleep for a few hours before we packed, retrieved the truck, and got back on the road. Driving separately, we kept each other company with our hands-free cell phones while the miles slipped by. Neither of us had ever believed in ghosts, but from what we had heard, spirits linger because of unfinished business. For these two, we decided that they must have died before they could consummate their marriage. By merging with them, we had allowed them to do that.
I helped her find an apartment in the Bay Area. It took a few months to put that strange confounding adventure behind us, but we refreshed the camaraderie that had sustained us over the years and across the miles. With the traumatic intimacy buried, a genuine romance blossomed. Eventually, we relived scenes from that hallucination, but under our control—and not all on the same night!
It was our fifth anniversary of that weekend, and we decided to return to that cabin motel. When we checked in, Jake recognized us.
“I remember you two. Your truck broke down, right? And you saw the ghosts,” he said, pointing at the picture on the wall. “You know, I haven’t heard a complaint about them ever since.”
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will always help By Gail Holmes The lad’s sat around the table in the local café watching as the talent pasted by the large front window, they’d all been mates since school, now they had other things to talk about, needless-to-say, as with most guy’s it was women or girls in their case. There were four of them in all, Stuart being the eldest, he was quite thick set, always worked out, his main hobby if you could call it that was rugby, he was a scrumhalf, not...
Soul Mates -------------- (c) Darkside Oct 2000 WARNING: This story contains acts of graphic violence and acts of a sexual nature. Do not read if you are at all offended by such material, delete it from your disk now and read no further. This story should not be read by anyone under the age of eighteen so if this is you please do not proceed. After six years of planning and writing, the Fury saga is now complete. If you wondered why there's been no new Darkside stories for 16...
Introduction Major Characters Chrono 'Hei' Yaiba: Age 18, average build. Half grim reaper, half incubus, he is the hero of our story. He has 'soul lust', a symptom like that of blood lust, except that it is sexual in nature. Activates when he succumbs to anything. In soul lust mode, he is known as 'Hei', and is nearly invincible, and is able to 'soul steal' anyone, which is the submitting of the creature completely to Chrono's will mostly through sexual means. However, 'Hei' turns back to...
FantasySay what you like about Hell, the place is certainly toasty. Sure, it gets lonely with just Mum, Dad and me rattling around the caves, but it beats the surface. I find the world so cold. Bitter. Hateful. Guess Dad would be pretty crap at his job if it was anything else, but right now, stuck on the living room sofa amid one of our father-son 'chats', even the surface seems appealing.Dad has the remote in his hand, eagerly flicking through the channels. "This one?"I roll my eyes to the screen...
SupernaturalShe moved through the woods silently. The scent of a single human filled her nostrils, her blood lust building within her. Easy prey, she thought to herself. She lamented the fact that despite having two species to pick from, no one male or female was worthy of her.She was an immortal creature, a union of Wolf and Human. She wasn’t pure by any means; there had been plenty that had provided distraction and pleasure. But that’s all they were, distractions. None could ever be lasting. She craved...
Supernatural?Kelly, are you sure you want to do this?? Sarah asked me for the fourth time.?Yes,? I replied for the fourth time.?OK. Take your clothes off and stand in the circle.?I stripped off my clothes and kicked them into a corner. I stood in the center of the pentagram on the floor and gazed into the full-length mirror hung on the wall. I had short red hair, C-cup breasts, very pale skin, and a thin frame. I tried to capture the image of my naked body in my mind.After all, I wasn’t going to see it...
I went to a festival a few years with my 24 year old ex gf and a gang of her girl mates some of which were hot and I had fantasised about seeing them naked for years; as ever there were also a couple of less attractive ones, but in the main they were hot. I had been on a villa holiday with this gang the summer before and the majority of the girls sunbathed topless. I had had many wanks thinking about their hot young bodies and trying to work out how to see the rest.We turned up at the...
Tuesday morning I wake up at three in the morning. Another nightmare. I was being chased by someone. He had an eerie familiar voice as he told me that I will lead my church. Before he could tackle me, I woke up in a cold sweat. I stop thinking about the nightmare and think about my identical twin sister. I miss her so much. We went through so much, and now we are separated by reasons unknown. I am thankful for mom getting us back together. I am still wondering about where my sister and I...
Six years ago... Eve and I wake up to another Saturday night party. We are in another foster home. The Carters are an older couple with two teenage daughters. Carissa is 19 and attends the local college and Jenny is 17 and a senior in high school. The Carters work the night shift on the weekends, which leaves the girls home to throw parties. The music is loud, which makes it hard to sleep. The door slams open as Eve and I see a guy and girl standing in the doorway and turn on the...
96 AVIS AND HER DADS MATES. I had just started courses at our local collage and was still living at home when one day I came home to find my father sitting on my bed. "Dad" I started, "Is there something wrong?" I asked. He replied there wasn't and told me to "Come here". I moved over next to him and he took hold of my arms, pulled me next to him, "Kiss me" he demanded. I was taken aback a bit, despite the fact that I had been having sex with him since the day I saw him with mom, "Kiss me you...
Me and my mate's.When we started to have to work for a living me and my best friend's Mike and Ben used to all meet up at my flat(me being the only one with a place of my own) we would play poker and watch porn and some time's even jerk off together as we watched. On this one occasion I was wearing a pair of panties something I had started to do when alone, Mike and Ben were watching the porn and Mike started to stroke his cock, being forgetful and feeling horny I dropped my jean's and as they...
Class MatesAfter our first orgy in July, we had our first threesome in august.It was Lucy's last day in College and she was going for a drink at dinner time with the rest of her class, she had told me that she wouldn't be back until the afternoon, she finally came home just after six absolutely sozzled, with her was one of her classmates Alan.I was a bit put out to say the least not because of Alan, but because she was so late, anyway I calmed down a bit and made them both a brew. Lucy got me...
Andersonville 7 -- Soul Mates by Kelly Davidson This story dedicated to all the writers of TG Fiction. Fade in... There I was, in the file room working hard to make sense of the mess I had gotten myself into. I had accidentally misplaced a file and suddenly everything seemed to be out of whack, causing me a great deal of frustration. As a private investigator I was never good at filing, that had always been Al's job. Now, unfortunately, the job was mine and asking myself how...
Soul Mates 5: Wearing a T-Shirt, Then a Push-up Bra By Ron Dow75 Taylor Estes was being swept down the river by the flood current! It was all he could do to keep his head above the surge. He lost the fight. He felt the warmth of hypothermia overtaking him. He found his way to the surface. The worst of the storm was over; instead of the wave, there were now swells. They were all about him; two rose and slowly fell by his ears; two were over his chest. A small one was over his......
HumorBeware the lady with the cheshire cat grin because something's going to disappear! "Hurry up before all the good ones are gone!" Kassandra gave a final tug on the black dress she had just placed on her mannequin and stood back to admire her work. "Kassie, enough already, she looks like she's going to a funeral," Persephone giggled. "You spend waaaay too much time on your mannequin." "Yeah Kass, you'll just be changing it again tomorrow," exclaimed Appollonia. "We really need to...
Prologue To Hell Time is a linear sort of thing, but it’s not smooth or level. Like a meandering river it has peaks and valleys. If one looks close enough it has something else that makes it amazing. It has bubbles, or rather it seems to be made up of bubbles. Large, small, nestled against and within one another, they cluster together like so many random thoughts to form a path. Bubbles have membranes and membranes allow for the passage of things, ideas, beliefs or events. Back up a bit and...
The sextet of gospel singers had just finished singing a stirring rendition of "Are you walking with Jesus?" ... then for exactly two seconds all lighting was extinguished, plunging the entire area into total darkness. After the two seconds of pitch blackness, colored floodlights came on one at a time, illuminating three foot diameter circles in radiant reds, blues and greens. The reverend Earnest Bishop bound from behind floor to ceiling dark purple velvet drapes onto the makeshift dais,...
What makes a man a man? That’s a question I hear often in the Black community. I was born in the City of Boston, Massachusetts, to Haitian immigrant parents. Jacques Etienne is the name. I’m twenty two years old, and recently graduated from Northeastern University with my MBA. I previously acquired my bachelor’s degree in accounting from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. Black, male and educated. That’s me. I’m the brother you never hear about. The one who doesn’t walk around with his...
“Hey Alice!” Heather, the new editor shouted across the office, “You like that singer… Hank Brooklyn, don’t you?” I looked up from my PC smiled and nodded in her direction. “You can have this if you want,” she continued shouting, “It’s just come in the post.” Heather was waving a CD and what looked like a T-Shirt in the air for me and everyone else to see. I saved my article on a new gardening centre and walked to the other end of the local newspaper office that I worked...
This is an embellished true story of mine. A few months after that fateful party I was going through some major changes in my life. I could not stop thinking about her, the feel of skin, her thighs around my head and the taste of her body. I began seeing people around me, those I had known for years completely differently. My school boy crush was now long dead and any thought of trying to get a date with him was forgotten about. The problem then became who was I to crush on next? This dilema...
Chapter 02 explains Nicole's empathy power, and some of Taylor's astral power works. How that works exactly will depend on how the vote comes out. Chapter 03 begins laying out the ground rules for their life together. Soul Mates 2-3: Who's Home? By Ron Dow75 2: Nastasia, Buddy, and Stacy The astral body of Nicole hugged the astral body of her Mom, "You can see me; and best of all, you can hear me!" The confused ghost woman returned the affection. 'Yes, I can. Now, can...
HumorSoul Mates 8-9: Just Remember Who This Body Belongs To! By Ron Dow75 8: Not Even a Pinocchio She had the perfect girl-next-door body, well proportioned, 5 feet 5, 34C-23-33, and her face was very pretty without being dramatically beautiful, hair dark brown, eyes light brown. And that body was being held by the strong but gentle hands of one of the handsomest boys around. There, out where everybody driving into the Wellington High parking lot could see. The problem was...
HumorTuesday morning I wake up at my regular time and head out on my mountain run to think. Friday is our last basket ball game of the season and even if we wjn the game there are no playoffs or tournaments. The season is over after Friday, however track practices starts in two weeks and I need to be in the best shape possible. The most important thing I need to think about is Emily and her dad. I now know the connection and why their stories are similar. Watching over me? Leading my church? Soul...
Four years ago... “Get up!” Eve and I look up to see our new foster mother glaring at us. Mrs. James is a short fat lady and her husband is a tall and skinny guy. We are in another foster home. It is a small home with a basement. We are in a small basement room with no windows. The James’ keep us locked in this room at night. There are many other foster kids here in the house as well. “You, go upstairs and wait for the other children, eat and go to school,” Mrs. James orders pointing at...
Monday Morning, Cindy and I get off the bus and head into school. The rest of the weekend went without incident. Cindy told mom, dad and I what happened Saturday night. Apparently, Megan’s boyfriend disappeared. Megan went looking for him and found him in Amy’s room with Amy having sex. Megan ran out into the front yard and started crying. After getting dressed, Greg followed her out, where she started yelling at him. Apparently, someone had called the police, because they pulled up as Greg...
You're psyching yourself up outside The Names Office, pacing back and forth. Your 22nd birthday just passed and you told no one you had decided to go and find out whether you have a soulmate or not. Hell you never thought of coming here either. Having a soulmate was never a big deal for you. Sure your parents are soulmates and a couple of your friends has found their soulmates. But it never really dawned on you until you were at your birthday party and the topic of soulmates came up....
RomanceBrian watched patiently as his roommate got ready to walk out the door, heading off to work once more. It was the middle of the week and Diane had worked 10 hours overtime already and she was in no mood to go back. Her heels clanked on the floor as she hurried out the door and off to grind. He wasnt glad that she was so stressed about work, but he was glad she wasnt spending so much time with him. Their relationship was pure friendship and neither of them had ever thought of making it more...
Lightning flashed brightly out the window immediately followed by a booming clap of thunder as the lights flickered briefly. Roger, Miranda, and Julie all jumped in unison at the interruption which jarringly brought them back to the present. Julie's story had seemed to have cast a spell on all three of them, Roger and Miranda had become just as entranced in listening to it as Julie had been in telling it. The lightning and thunder had broken them all out of that spell. Miranda seemed...
19 year old Ash Ketchem found himself in a white room filled with legendary pokemon. He knew something was up. He didn't know if he wanted to be a part of it. 'Ash, my chosen one.' Ash turned around to see Arceus, the creator of all Pokemon. "Arceus!" Ash quickly exclaimed, falling to the floor, bowing. 'There is no need, Ashura. Please, get up.' Ash quickly got up. "Ummm... why did you bring me here?" Ash inquired, suddenly noticing a blush from some of the Pokemon behind Arceus. 'You've saved...
CASE OF THE MISSING INMATES It just another sunny warm day in the great state of NEWYORK. Olivia Stalling and her partner Officer Stacy Mack had just startedon their way upstate to pick up two inmates for and up coming trial hearing.They were to bring the two lady inmates back for the trial. The prisonwhere they were housed was a maximum security facility where only the hardestoffenders were kept such were Mary Cross and Cindy Banks both in for brutalsex crimes and each in for 25years. They...
Barber College Specializing In Women Intimates When I entered Barber College I had women in mind. Mom knew a lot of women through her Country Club, Bridge Club, and her Tennis Club so I would have an unlimited supply of subjects to practice on. As classes started and I progressed, Mom was able to get several women to volunteer to let me wash their hair, blow dry it, and style it for them. Some let me practice dying their hair and others allowed me to put in high lights. I got to...
It is difficult and nerve wracking as a real estate developer to try to anticipate all the local zoning changes that could potentially impact a development project. After a long career of being honest in all my business dealings with others, I found myself in a bad situation. I had invested millions in property to build a new shopping center near Newburgh, New York, and learned that the city council was considering changing the zoning. The change they were proposing would cost me millions in...
AnalI awoke to a faint clanking noise. It was my maid — Melanie, I think — taking the tray off my desk. She smiled apologetically for waking me. I just smile and told her that I was happy to wake up. I had had such a wonderful sleep. My weary bones and sore muscles were refreshed and aching to move. I wanted to walk, everywhere. I couldn’t help but romanticize the idea of just endlessly walking around and exploring this country, but, winter might pose a bit of a problem with that. Melanie left my...
I was no virgin. No amateur at this. I knew what I was doing. I may only be young but I knew damn well what to do. Knew how to pleasure myself and turn others on in the process. I looked into Joe’s eyes, saw lust and pleasure. He’d already cum twice, yet he still had a boner and was going for it again. I knew instantly he wouldn’t mind. So I laid back down and shoved the brush into myself. Pleasure and pain hit me simultaneously. I began to thrust the handle of the brush into...
It had been a while since I had seen you and the eagerness grew as did my passion and desires for you. We had made plans to meet and quench this fire that burned inside of me. You had mentioned that you too had been thinking of me and wanting to have me once more. I wanted you so badly that I did not care where or when as long as we could be together again and make love with the heat and passion that burned inside my soul. The weather was getting chilly so our normal spot was out of the...
‘Oh, how nice to see you here,’ said a female voice. I looked round in surprise to see a woman apparently pinned against the wall by a leering young guy dressed like a derelict gypsy. I was at an art preview and had I been wandering around somewhat apathetically with a glass of lousy champagne in my hand. I was only there because a friend of mine, Ted, was exhibiting, and the works on display were of about the same quality as the champagne. I was wondering what I could say to him that...
Smirking at the title, you decide to play the latest Soul Caliber game. As the system boots, you take a moment to wonder at how drawn out this series has become. 30 games without a reboot! Your grandparents played the original when they were younger than you! Of course, the basic premise never really deviated much. Beat the crap out of a friend and gloat afterwards. But you'd heard these last few were really making use of current tech, acting more like simulations than simple fighting games....
now I know that this would not be expected and this story is adult level content so if you are a minor in your nationality then please leave as I, nor anyone else would like to be sue because you ignored this warning/disclaimer. Now as for the disclaimer: I nor any author in this interactive have any proprietary rights to the manga soul chain and its affiliated companies, publisher, author. now any characters that I, or any author, posting a chapter in this interactive are their's, if they are...
The soul jar was a weapon of war. With its power, one could raise an army simply by taking the will of thousands of people, and telling them to follow your every command. One can return wills with it, but without any form of consequence or punishment from the people under his or her influence. One day, a noble thief stole it, took it to a mountaintop, and flung it as far as he could. Now, over a decade later, you find it after killing a mountain goat for food.
Mind ControlYou wake up in a forest, the last thing you remember is playing Soul Calibur 4 when there was this flash of light. "Where am I ?" You get up and look around seeing nothing but trees. You decide to walk through the forest to see if you can find out were you are. As you are walking you come across a pond and look down to see your reflection.
Soul Mates 4: This Is Mr. Right? By Ron Dow75 Out in the second story roofed porch that ran around the riverside Duchamps' house: The ghost of Taylor Estes (wearing just a bathrobe) cried in frustration at the girl sitting in front of him, "How can I have empathy for a vampire!" "Vampire?" Nicole Getty asked. She was pretty brunette in an oxford shirt, and a short denim skirt with quilt details of butterflies made from heart-shapes. Her bare legs were crossed, now. 'You...
HumorSoul Mates 6-7: A Black Top Mood By Ron Dow75 6) The Push-up Bra, Funk, and Wagnell In the driver's seat, Nicole's mom said, "Don't slouch." The seventeen-year-old in the white windbreaker with the rainbow up the middle of the front and down the sleeves next to her, hunched over with a shoulder and hEr hands against the safety strap, grumped, "I'm not slouching. I'm protecting these..." and made the minimum head dip to the things shE wished shE didn't have to refer...
HumorSubtitle: The Strange Duet Part II Her door tended to slam so I put my hand out to guide it to a silent closing. "Who the fuck are you?!? And what were you doing in my girlfriend's apartment?" For easily the hundredth time, I wished she had fallen for someone lower in the instep and vocal range. I rested my forehead against the door; the music from the other side was almost out of my reach. "Answer my question, asshole! What the fuck were you doing in there?" I turned until the...
The weather had turned as solemn as Karen's and Elisabeth's mood during the drive to Magnesia Springs. The sun disappeared behind dark ominous clouds giving the world a gray dull appearance that took the warmth out of the land and out of the heart. A light mist began to fall, and Karen switched on the wiper blades. She glanced into the rear view mirror and saw the big white Cadillac following several car lengths behind. She became aware of her breathing and was surprised at how nervous she...
After an hour drive, I’m taken out of the van and led into a large building and into a large reception area. I’m told to sit down and wait, while one of the guys that dragged me away from my life sits beside me. After a while, an older lady, that I have seen before walks out of the office and tells me to come inside. I walk in the office and sit down. I see an Asian lady standing on the other side of the office. She is short around 5’5”, 120 pounds, B cups, and long black hair. She is...
I see Jacob smile through the rearview mirror. He is silent and doesn’t introduce me to anyone. I cringe as he turns into my neighborhood and the driveway to my house. Wait! How does he know where I live? “Not now Joseph, but soon,” Jacob says. I get out of the car as Jacob gets out also. “We have to follow what is written in the gospel. When it is time, I will let you know. In the mean time I will watch over you while my daughter awaits her soul mate and to be by your side.” We are half way...