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Prologue To Hell

Time is a linear sort of thing, but it’s not smooth or level. Like a meandering river it has peaks and valleys. If one looks close enough it has something else that makes it amazing. It has bubbles, or rather it seems to be made up of bubbles. Large, small, nestled against and within one another, they cluster together like so many random thoughts to form a path. Bubbles have membranes and membranes allow for the passage of things, ideas, beliefs or events. Back up a bit and look at the larger picture once more and you’ll see puddles in time, where fat clusters of bubbles move sluggishly and gather like some great pile of eternal foam.

It is in one of these puddles, like a puddle by the sea, that these events transpire. It is a single bubble, into which ideas and culture from its neighbors have seeped. It is a vast and ancient puddle. There are many social and economic seepages. There are time seepages as well, so that within this single, solitary bubble you find many things from different times and places.

Indoor plumbing co-exists easily with magic and mystical creatures. There are dragons, vampires, elves, pixies, and men. The potential of combinations between these are infinite. You have names and persona’s from other bubbles in this puddle, diluted or muted by their passing through the membranes, so that they are familiar and yet they are unique unto this bubble of time. The social class system seems to have fared better, perhaps because humans are so adaptable and mutable that no matter the number of membranes they slid through they retain their sense of self, or place. Whatever the cause, social classes endure in this bubble. They give structure to its shimmering exterior.

All bubbles seem to look alike, but as they are all along the slipstream of time they must be different, or else they are not separate things. This bubble, the one we are focused on, the one in the vast, sluggish puddle in the river of time, is known only as Nexus. Within Nexus there are vast cities, rolling plains, tiny hamlets, soaring mountains and far more. It is vast and in many ways still unexplored.

There are other points in Nexus. Points that time has been gentler upon, where it has flowed through slowly, gently, shaping without corroding. In those places great stories unfold. Stories and lives. Hopes and dreams of inhabitants. Some are just human, common, uncommon, fragile and mortal, upon which time feeds. Commoner or noble, it makes no difference to time. Others are more resilient. Dragons, long ago blended with humans, like a lazy eddy of seepage, making both more than the individual parts that had combined. Dragons that appeared human, but with a thought could assume their original form. Dragons that evolved because of the human strain, to have a third form, a form of the soul if you will. Vampires, some retaining the attributes from other bubbles and places, some forming new, to adapt to this new bubble. All valid, all possible.

Even names can cross these time membranes, names from history, from literature, great names, minor names. Names familiar in works of fiction in other bubbles, become something different as they blend with what is now in this bubble.

Within our bubble there is a city. Within the city is a social-economic structure that is both Victorian and modern, nobility and clever indoor plumbing. References to writers and beings that have both been and yet will be. The city is called Midraven, a moderate-sized, sprawling city built predominantly of brick, granite and wood. The majority of its inhabitants are involved in finance and politics and it is considered noteworthy for its massive carved gates and lush public gardens. It houses all manner of peoples. No one looks at anyone too closely. Neighbors don’t always know what each other is about. It is a good place to hide, to vanish, or to re-make oneself. It is a good place to have an extended life span. It is a good place to start.

Chapter 1, A Quiet Evening

Considered by many in the area to be one of the most eligible bachelors, Viscount Nickodemus Bedlam II opted to not play the social butterfly this night, but instead to spend the evening at his townhouse reading. This in and of itself was unusual for Viscount Bedlam. Being more a creature of the night then many in the area, as vampires kind of tend to be, he was often seen at parties, balls and operas throughout the city. His presence had in fact become an expected sight, but not tonight. He didn’t really care if the politely declined invitations caused sad sighs or annoyance, he was his own person and point blank, he wasn’t in the mood to be sociable tonight. All of this is how he came to be settled in his library, dressed in a loose cream shirt and dark green pants, his hair down instead of up in its customary ponytail, a brandy in one hand and his nose stuck in a good book. Not for the last time would he be grateful to be more than a common, garden-variety vampire. As he’d not been born human, but rather a dragon/ gypsy blend, he’d never fully lost the ability to at least drink things other than blood. In a city that had a significant vampire population, it made him both loathed and respected. The first he didn’t give a damn about, and the second he exploited to the hilt whenever he needed to.

The library was one of the many rooms in what he called his ‘townhouse’ where there was no sign of his darker inclinations. The floor was a rich teak, interspersed with exotic hand woven rugs in greens and creams. The walls, what could be seen of them, were a warm cream color, which accented the rich oak of the bookcases and had well spaced copper wall sconces with green candles. There was an elaborate bar tucked in one corner, a massive green marble fireplace in the center of the wall next to it, and elegant leather chairs with matching tables before the fireplace. At the far end of the room were more soaring book cases, and a heavy oak desk that was almost large enough for a small child to sleep on. There were also several tables for research. The back wall was hung with velvet drapes that blocked any and all light from the French doors that lead out to a balcony.

Sipping now and again from the snifter, and turning the pages one-handed, using his strikingly long crimson nails to flick the pages, he heard the distant pounding on his front door. He never glanced up, but he did pause in his reading. Bloody hell, he thought taking a sip, now what? He gave a soft snort of annoyance, hoping feverently that it was just some page sent to harangue him for not being at such-and-such’s party. He started to put the book down and go deal with the incessant pounding on his door, however the sound of Phillips brisk steps reassured him that everything was under control. His Chamberlain was extraordinary at chasing off people when Nick didn’t want to see them. As he knew he’d made the instructions quite clear earlier when he’d awoken regarding guests and social engagements, mainly there were to be none, he went back to his book without a second thought.

Less than a week before Scythe Arkenlight had stood in her tower, jotting a last few notes in her book when she became aware of time. Aware of in the sense that much had passed. It was easy for her to lose track of it, here in her tower, overlooking the small hamlet, whose name she’d forgotten now. Her experiments kept her amused, at least while they lasted. Scythe pushed a stray strand of her red hair off her face with an exasperated sigh. Eyes the color of dried blood looked over at the remains of her last subject, then back to her book of notes. If I don’t take these to Tala now, she thought grimly, she’ll come looking for me and them and she’ll bibble and blather at me for months, all with that horrid green crayon. Scythe knew her twin too well, as she should.

Despite her appearance, Scythe and her siblings weren’t exactly human. Scythe’s family was human in form for the most part, but the Arkenlight clan is not real
ly what they seem. Some would call them demigods, derived and born of a far older race, with extraordinary powers that most see and perceive as godlike. These powers are derived and based on each individual member’s soul, and come to the forefront of their persona’s only with maturity. In short, their souls are the souls of a god, tremendous power, but due to its need of a body, they are not quite gods.

With another sigh, she started to gather a few things, when another thought occurred to her. Setting the book down, she walked swiftly over to the wall of her tower. The wall was covered almost floor to ceiling with small holes. They were an inch to an inch and a half in diameter and lay flush against the dark stone. She tapped her finger nail against her teeth as she scanned the wall, finally reaching to a hole above and to her right, extracting a small scroll. Walking back to the desk, her velvet gown making only the softest of whispers, she unrolled the scroll. I thought so, she thought, rolling the scroll back up with a smile. Looks like I’m going to kill two birds with one stone. Deliver my notes, thus keeping Tala from being an annoyance and see if this Lord Nickodemus Bedlam fellow will part with a book. Tossing the scroll on the table, she picked up her book of notes and a cloak. With a purposeful step she headed toward the door of her tower, giving her latest victim a gentle pat on the shoulder, or what had been a shoulder, as she went by, ‘You just wait here for me, I’ll be back my dear.’

With light steps she made her way to the bottom of her tower and once outside paused to look up. It’s dark gray stones seemed to almost shimmer in the pale moonlight as she pulled the door shut. She had no real concerns as to the locals trying to get into her tower, but one could never be too careful, which is why she grimly locked the massive door before beginning the walk into the hamlet to secure transportation to Midraven.

Almost a week later she stepped from the carriage and shook out her cloak before looking around. The driver had said that the house she sought would be just up the road, but had refused to take her any further, saying that no sane person drove a carriage anywhere near that road after dark unless they had dark business. He’d been adamant and no amount of threatening would budge him. Scythe gave a annoyed sniff and began walking, her shoes making a brisk tapping on the stones of the road. The only other sounds were the soft guttering of the torches that lined the road. The silent facades of the granite and brick houses the only obvious witnesses to her trek. She’d been given a clear description of Lord Bedlam’s residence, the only black marble facade on the street, with a copper dragon door knocker, couldn’t miss it she’d been informed. She was still vexed with the carriage driver, but as she reached the middle of the long block, her vexation faded, replaced with something like relief. There, bold as you please, was the facade and the door knocker. She hastened through the black iron gate that surrounded the grounds and up the four steps to the door.

Taking a deep breath, she took hold of the knocker and banged it sharply, then crossed her arms and waited. ‘Someone had better answer this thing but quick.’ she muttered, even as she began tapping her foot impatiently. She was tired of waiting, of stupid people, of the necessity of having to even make this trip.

There was the sound of brisk footsteps, and then the door was opened by a middle-age man in livery of black and copper. ‘May I help you?’

Her eyes drifted up and down him, with disdain and scorn flashing in her dried blood colored eyes, ‘Hmmmm, yes you will help me, I seek the Lord of this Manor, Nickodemus Bedlam. I will speak with him.’

Phillip drew himself upright and matched her look with one that bordered on pure snobbery. ‘Indeed madam… and whom might I tell him is insisting on seeing him at this hour?’ His eyes flickered up and down her with hauteur. This woman, whoever she is, certainly seems to think much of herself, he thought, despite her appearance. Looks me up and down like I was a bit of lint. He’d been given strict instructions regarding visitors and guests this eve, there were to be none. He was about to close the door when she answered him.

Scythe raised an eyebrow sharply. ‘A friend of a guest, now go and fetch your Lord and fetch him quickly if you wish to keep that tongue,’ came the chilled, sharp reply, her head cocked to the side as her eyes met his.

His nostrils flared at her impudent tone, not phased by her look. If she takes that tone with the Viscount she may find that sitting or anything else for that matter will be uncomfortable at least. Be interesting to see her match arrogant looks with the Viscount though. I’d wager the rest of my salary she’d lose. That man could freeze Satan himself with his glare, he thought with amusement. ‘Hardly the manners of any whom Viscount Bedlam would care to associate with… however…’, he opened the door further to allow her to step inside, ‘if madam would be so good as to wait here I shall see if the Viscount is receiving this eve.’ His tone was firmly polite. This was not the first, nor the last time he’d had to deal with strange women on his master’s doorstep at odd hours, so he’d learned the best way to handle them, and his master. However, this might be a bit tricky tonight.

She stepped in, shooting him another glance, and lowered the hood of her cloak, shaking out her red hair briefly before smoothing it back into place, her pale complexion in stark contrast to the black of her garments. ‘Yes, go fetch, little doggy.’ ,she dismissed him with a half-wave and began studying the entryway. Beneath her feet was a polished gray and black marble floor that softly reflected the dim light from the scattered copper wall sconces holding deep green candles. As her eyes drifted up, they could not help but be captivated by the dramatic double stairway, ornately carved in black cast and wrought iron, studded with copper rosettes. The walls were pale as well, and heavy deep green velvet curtains interspersed themselves along them. The decor was sparse, but expensive. Vases on ebony tables, along with several small statues in erotic positions gave the entry hall both a noble and yet somehow sinister air.

With a faint sniff of disdain, Phillip turned on his heel briskly, moved across the broad entryway to a pair of sliding oak doors at the far end and eased one open. He knew his orders, but this woman, whoever she was, might actually intrigue the Viscount, if he handled it just right. She might give him someone to snarl at besides the staff. In any event, her arrogance and rudeness have earned her at least this little treat. ‘My Lord, I know you said that there were to be no disturbances, however this one might require your attention.’ He kept his voice low as he always did.

Nick never looked up, but turned a page, ‘Are they wielding a stake Phillip?’

‘No, My Lord. She is not.’

‘She?’ Nick looked up, raising a brow. ‘Did She give a name?’

‘No, My Lord.’

‘Then you are disturbing me for…?’ Nick’s eyes glittered dangerously as he regarded his Chamberlain.

‘Because, My Lord, she has the bearing of nobility, the dress of nobility and the mouth of a rather crass tart and is most insistent that she speak with you. I thought that perhaps, with your skill in adjusting manners, she might benefit from your elegant wisdom.’ Phillip paused, seeing the dangerous glint in Nick’s eye. Think quick here Phillip or you’re the one to get snarled at. He took a deep breath and threw out the one thing he knew would get Nick’s attention. ‘She also mentioned an interest in a guest of yours, whom I would venture a guess to be the Lady Tala.’ Phillip managed to keep a straight face through his explanation, however his pale blue eyes sparkled with mirth. This should be interesting indeed.

Nick regarded Phillip levelly, then nodded. ‘If you have made an error in judgment Phillip,
your life is forfeit.’ He marked his page with a finger and stood. ‘I will deal with her. Secure the front door and go.’

Phillip gave a silent gulp at the warning and nodded. Point taken My Lord, he thought as he turned briskly to do as he’d been told. He never doubted the Viscount was not only capable of carrying out the threat, but that he’d delight in it taking a very long time to accomplish it.

Early on in his service he’d witnessed what happened to those who failed the Viscount. One of the serving girls had failed to follow the Viscount’s orders regarding table settings. The wrong napkin rings had been used. The Viscount had never raised his voice, but he’d talked to the girl. Softly, calmly, he’d talked to her, until she came within easy reach of him. Then, without blinking he’d grabbed her and snapped her neck before turning and walking out of the dining room. Phillip had changed the offending napkin rings and never forgot the ease or lethal calmness that the Viscount had exhibited in exacting punishment.

Scythe couldn’t hear what was being said, merely the exchange of murmured words at the far doorway. After a moment of this the man gave a curt nod, turned and came back past her. There was a soft snick as the front doors behind her locked and then the man seemed to vanish.

It was only a moment later when the doors at the far end of the entry hall slid open completely and Nick stood in the center of them, brandy snifter in one hand, and a book in the other. ‘So, I hear that an unknown crass mouthed tart wishes to speak with me?’ his tone quiet yet slightly amused as he regarded her from his end of the entryway. Even though he’d been explicit in his orders, he could allow a bit of fluctuation when Phillip described visitors as he had this one. Clever man to catch his curiosity. She does indeed have the bearing of some sort of nobility, he thought. Something set Phillip’s teeth on edge about her though.

Her eyes drifted up to him casually, though she hid a tight little smile, ‘Lord Bedlam I presume, and I would watch what you say, many men have lost their tongues for less than that. However, yes I will speak with you, on two matters, one involving a guest of yours and the other some books, that are in your possession.’ As she spoke she unclasped her cloak and draped it over her forearm. Okay, nobody said anything about him being yummy, she thought. From the way the carriage driver went on I expected the man to look like some sort of warped troll, or at the very least classic Nosferatu. Beneath the cloak, she was dressed in a velvety black gown, the front of which was cut in such a way as to subtly accent the fullness of her bosom. The waist was snug and barely flared over her hips. The skirt was slit up one side to give a flash of smooth leg as she moved.

‘Indeed.’ One eyebrow raised as his mouth twisted into a sardonic half smile, ‘Well then dear…. lady..’, his tone showing his doubt in using that particular word for her, ‘pray, won’t you come sit and explain?’ He gave an almost mocking little bow while extending his arm in a sweeping motion, inviting her into the room. If she’s got the guts to show up at this hour, dressed like that and being sassy to boot, I think I want to know why, he thought as he made the mocking bow. ‘Oh, for the record madam, it’s Viscount.’ he added in a dry tone. Best nip that little issue in the bud. He’d more than earned the bloody title and he had come to actually delight in the sound of it, not to mention the emotions it tended to arouse in common folks.

She sniffed quietly and made her way into the room, shooting him a flat glance complete with bleak smile. She walked across the room with nary a sound but the swish of her dress, and set her cloak over the back of a chair as she examined the room. The room of a spoiled noble all right, lovely. Bet Tala made him crazy with her babble and questions. She could feel his eyes following her every move.

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Soul Mates 5: Wearing a T-Shirt, Then a Push-up Bra By Ron Dow75 Taylor Estes was being swept down the river by the flood current! It was all he could do to keep his head above the surge. He lost the fight. He felt the warmth of hypothermia overtaking him. He found his way to the surface. The worst of the storm was over; instead of the wave, there were now swells. They were all about him; two rose and slowly fell by his ears; two were over his chest. A small one was over his......

5 years ago
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Soul Provider

Beware the lady with the cheshire cat grin because something's going to disappear! "Hurry up before all the good ones are gone!" Kassandra gave a final tug on the black dress she had just placed on her mannequin and stood back to admire her work. "Kassie, enough already, she looks like she's going to a funeral," Persephone giggled. "You spend waaaay too much time on your mannequin." "Yeah Kass, you'll just be changing it again tomorrow," exclaimed Appollonia. "We really need to...

3 years ago
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Harry Potter and the Shadows of EvilChapter 3 Neville

"Expecto Patronum" Neville shouted the words firmly into the air, images of his mother and father prior to their unfortunate injuries fixed firmly in his mind. Despite his best efforts, only a flash of white light and a shower of sparks shot weakly from the end of his wand. Although he had certainly grown more confident in his ability to wield magic over this past year, this particular spell continued to elude him, somewhat to his embarrassment. He tried again, but yielded the same...

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Soul SearchChapter 8 Collections

The sextet of gospel singers had just finished singing a stirring rendition of "Are you walking with Jesus?" ... then for exactly two seconds all lighting was extinguished, plunging the entire area into total darkness. After the two seconds of pitch blackness, colored floodlights came on one at a time, illuminating three foot diameter circles in radiant reds, blues and greens. The reverend Earnest Bishop bound from behind floor to ceiling dark purple velvet drapes onto the makeshift dais,...

2 years ago
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Soul Brother Goes Corporate

What makes a man a man? That’s a question I hear often in the Black community. I was born in the City of Boston, Massachusetts, to Haitian immigrant parents. Jacques Etienne is the name. I’m twenty two years old, and recently graduated from Northeastern University with my MBA. I previously acquired my bachelor’s degree in accounting from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. Black, male and educated. That’s me. I’m the brother you never hear about. The one who doesn’t walk around with his...

4 years ago
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Soul Man

“Hey Alice!” Heather, the new editor shouted across the office, “You like that singer… Hank Brooklyn, don’t you?” I looked up from my PC smiled and nodded in her direction. “You can have this if you want,” she continued shouting, “It’s just come in the post.” Heather was waving a CD and what looked like a T-Shirt in the air for me and everyone else to see. I saved my article on a new gardening centre and walked to the other end of the local newspaper office that I worked...

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Soul Weekend

This is an embellished true story of mine. A few months after that fateful party I was going through some major changes in my life. I could not stop thinking about her, the feel of skin, her thighs around my head and the taste of her body. I began seeing people around me, those I had known for years completely differently. My school boy crush was now long dead and any thought of trying to get a date with him was forgotten about. The problem then became who was I to crush on next? This dilema...

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Soul Mates 23 Whos Home

Chapter 02 explains Nicole's empathy power, and some of Taylor's astral power works. How that works exactly will depend on how the vote comes out. Chapter 03 begins laying out the ground rules for their life together. Soul Mates 2-3: Who's Home? By Ron Dow75 2: Nastasia, Buddy, and Stacy The astral body of Nicole hugged the astral body of her Mom, "You can see me; and best of all, you can hear me!" The confused ghost woman returned the affection. 'Yes, I can. Now, can...

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Soul Mates 89 Just Remember Who This Body Belongs To

Soul Mates 8-9: Just Remember Who This Body Belongs To! By Ron Dow75 8: Not Even a Pinocchio She had the perfect girl-next-door body, well proportioned, 5 feet 5, 34C-23-33, and her face was very pretty without being dramatically beautiful, hair dark brown, eyes light brown. And that body was being held by the strong but gentle hands of one of the handsomest boys around. There, out where everybody driving into the Wellington High parking lot could see. The problem was...

2 years ago
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Soul MatesChapter 4

Tuesday morning I wake up at my regular time and head out on my mountain run to think. Friday is our last basket ball game of the season and even if we wjn the game there are no playoffs or tournaments. The season is over after Friday, however track practices starts in two weeks and I need to be in the best shape possible. The most important thing I need to think about is Emily and her dad. I now know the connection and why their stories are similar. Watching over me? Leading my church? Soul...

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Soul MatesChapter 7

Four years ago... “Get up!” Eve and I look up to see our new foster mother glaring at us. Mrs. James is a short fat lady and her husband is a tall and skinny guy. We are in another foster home. It is a small home with a basement. We are in a small basement room with no windows. The James’ keep us locked in this room at night. There are many other foster kids here in the house as well. “You, go upstairs and wait for the other children, eat and go to school,” Mrs. James orders pointing at...

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Soul MatesChapter 9

Monday Morning, Cindy and I get off the bus and head into school. The rest of the weekend went without incident. Cindy told mom, dad and I what happened Saturday night. Apparently, Megan’s boyfriend disappeared. Megan went looking for him and found him in Amy’s room with Amy having sex. Megan ran out into the front yard and started crying. After getting dressed, Greg followed her out, where she started yelling at him. Apparently, someone had called the police, because they pulled up as Greg...

4 years ago
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You're psyching yourself up outside The Names Office, pacing back and forth. Your 22nd birthday just passed and you told no one you had decided to go and find out whether you have a soulmate or not. Hell you never thought of coming here either. Having a soulmate was never a big deal for you. Sure your parents are soulmates and a couple of your friends has found their soulmates. But it never really dawned on you until you were at your birthday party and the topic of soulmates came up....

3 years ago
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Rise of Evil

The land of Aegius is built as the overworld for many, many other dimensions connecting to it. Some good, some bad, some on the fence, some not caring at all about flimsy things as morality. All the races that find themselves on Aegius come from these other realms, but only a few now reside openly in the pristine overworld...thus showing their dominance. Those that reside in Aegius comfortably are the winners of many battles and made this world their own for many generations, erecting vast...

2 years ago
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Rocketman Axis of Evil

Rocketmen: Axis of Evil First off, although this could also be categorized in the Fan Fiction section of CHYOO but I decided to place it here to make it easier to find for enthusiasts of the genre. It's a fun bit of scifi with an obvious Flash Gordon 50's retro feel to it. Rocketmen is a relatively new game that has a bit of a story to it, and so far there are a few mini cartoons to go with the story, for the most part, at least with my thread entries, I will be following the story in the...

4 years ago
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Mom See No Evil Hear No Evil

My mom Tina loves me in her eyes I could do nothing wrong. I have just turned 18 and am about to go to college this fall so she wanted to spend all summer with me. The plan as it stands is for us just to chill at home for the first week or so – unwind from all the rush of my exams and for her, her work and then we would just do what ever felt like doing. We were most probably going to go on holiday to Europe or visit a relative or something. A little about my background: I am an only child...

2 years ago
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A Daughter of Evil

A Daughter to Evil. by Grimbo Mark woke up and looked over at his clock. 6:00 pm. He had to be at work by 8:00 pm, and needed to get out of the bed. He looked up at the ceiling that was peeling only a bit less than the walls of the dumpy apartment he called home. At least "home" was close to the corner he had staked out as his. Pulling the covers to the side, Mark lifted himself up and out of the bed, then headed into the bathroom. A quick look in the mirror revealed that the...

2 years ago
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Upon Reflection Ch 02 Beyond Good and Evil

The next week passed uneventfully. Maddie was still reeling from her breakup, and couldn't bear to see how Darren and Amber were all over each other in public, though she felt that her blackout the previous week in Cassandra's room in the basement had somehow helped, as though Darren had been less important to her after looking in that mirror. And, all the while, in the back of her mind was a constant reminder of how eager she was to go back to Cassandra's room, even with how off-putting her...

Mind Control
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Gray Shades of Evil

Prologue: Three Months Before The road was desert dusty; any driver would have known the end of it was off the paved path. The truck contributing to the dust had seen better years, and had a few worse ones yet to go. The driver was paying more attention to the bottle of beer the passenger was swilling than the road. The driver and passenger's skin was darkened with the passage of days in the sun. Their happiness at a stolen hour with their patron's truck described life in simple pleasures:...

4 years ago
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Soul BelongingsChapter 3 Attraction

Lightning flashed brightly out the window immediately followed by a booming clap of thunder as the lights flickered briefly. Roger, Miranda, and Julie all jumped in unison at the interruption which jarringly brought them back to the present. Julie's story had seemed to have cast a spell on all three of them, Roger and Miranda had become just as entranced in listening to it as Julie had been in telling it. The lightning and thunder had broken them all out of that spell. Miranda seemed...

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Amy 10 Amy and the Blue Devils

Amy 10: Amy and the Blue Devils by Amy Komori The original characters and plot of this story are the property of the author. No infringement of pre-existing copyright is intended. This story is copyright (c) 2010 Amy Komori. All rights reserved. Chapter One: In the Valley of the Shadow of Heidi The rest of the day was just one long smear of confusion. I couldn't concentrate and mostly just replayed my confrontation with Heidi while staring at blank pages in my spiral-bound...

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Soul to the Highest Bidder Ch 04

I awoke to a faint clanking noise. It was my maid — Melanie, I think — taking the tray off my desk. She smiled apologetically for waking me. I just smile and told her that I was happy to wake up. I had had such a wonderful sleep. My weary bones and sore muscles were refreshed and aching to move. I wanted to walk, everywhere. I couldn’t help but romanticize the idea of just endlessly walking around and exploring this country, but, winter might pose a bit of a problem with that. Melanie left my...

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Soul Mates Part 2 Horny Urges

I was no virgin. No amateur at this. I knew what I was doing. I may only be young but I knew damn well what to do. Knew how to pleasure myself and turn others on in the process. I looked into Joe’s eyes, saw lust and pleasure. He’d already cum twice, yet he still had a boner and was going for it again. I knew instantly he wouldn’t mind. So I laid back down and shoved the brush into myself. Pleasure and pain hit me simultaneously. I began to thrust the handle of the brush into...

3 years ago
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Soul of Desires

It had been a while since I had seen you and the eagerness grew as did my passion and desires for you. We had made plans to meet and quench this fire that burned inside of me. You had mentioned that you too had been thinking of me and wanting to have me once more. I wanted you so badly that I did not care where or when as long as we could be together again and make love with the heat and passion that burned inside my soul. The weather was getting chilly so our normal spot was out of the...

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Soul Mates

She rolled over stretching her arms out as the sun peaked through the blinds casting warm light over the bed. She opened her eyes and smiled as she saw him lying there beside her. Her eyes studied every curve of his face, the fullness of his sexy lips and his long lashes that lay rested against his face. She cuddled up to him taking in his smell, feeling the warmth of his body. She was amazed how something as simple as the smell of him and the touch of his skin could make her feel more safe and...

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Soul to Soul

‘Oh, how nice to see you here,’ said a female voice. I looked round in surprise to see a woman apparently pinned against the wall by a leering young guy dressed like a derelict gypsy. I was at an art preview and had I been wandering around somewhat apathetically with a glass of lousy champagne in my hand. I was only there because a friend of mine, Ted, was exhibiting, and the works on display were of about the same quality as the champagne. I was wondering what I could say to him that...

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Soul Caliber XXX

Smirking at the title, you decide to play the latest Soul Caliber game. As the system boots, you take a moment to wonder at how drawn out this series has become. 30 games without a reboot! Your grandparents played the original when they were younger than you! Of course, the basic premise never really deviated much. Beat the crap out of a friend and gloat afterwards. But you'd heard these last few were really making use of current tech, acting more like simulations than simple fighting games....

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soul chain manga continuation anyone

now I know that this would not be expected and this story is adult level content so if you are a minor in your nationality then please leave as I, nor anyone else would like to be sue because you ignored this warning/disclaimer. Now as for the disclaimer: I nor any author in this interactive have any proprietary rights to the manga soul chain and its affiliated companies, publisher, author. now any characters that I, or any author, posting a chapter in this interactive are their's, if they are...

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Soul Jar

The soul jar was a weapon of war. With its power, one could raise an army simply by taking the will of thousands of people, and telling them to follow your every command. One can return wills with it, but without any form of consequence or punishment from the people under his or her influence. One day, a noble thief stole it, took it to a mountaintop, and flung it as far as he could. Now, over a decade later, you find it after killing a mountain goat for food.

Mind Control
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Soul Calibur

You wake up in a forest, the last thing you remember is playing Soul Calibur 4 when there was this flash of light. "Where am I ?" You get up and look around seeing nothing but trees. You decide to walk through the forest to see if you can find out were you are. As you are walking you come across a pond and look down to see your reflection.

4 years ago
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Soul Mates 4 This Is Mr Right

Soul Mates 4: This Is Mr. Right? By Ron Dow75 Out in the second story roofed porch that ran around the riverside Duchamps' house: The ghost of Taylor Estes (wearing just a bathrobe) cried in frustration at the girl sitting in front of him, "How can I have empathy for a vampire!" "Vampire?" Nicole Getty asked. She was pretty brunette in an oxford shirt, and a short denim skirt with quilt details of butterflies made from heart-shapes. Her bare legs were crossed, now. 'You...

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Soul Mates 67 A Black Top Mood

Soul Mates 6-7: A Black Top Mood By Ron Dow75 6) The Push-up Bra, Funk, and Wagnell In the driver's seat, Nicole's mom said, "Don't slouch." The seventeen-year-old in the white windbreaker with the rainbow up the middle of the front and down the sleeves next to her, hunched over with a shoulder and hEr hands against the safety strap, grumped, "I'm not slouching. I'm protecting these..." and made the minimum head dip to the things shE wished shE didn't have to refer...

2 years ago
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Soul Taker

Subtitle: The Strange Duet Part II Her door tended to slam so I put my hand out to guide it to a silent closing. "Who the fuck are you?!? And what were you doing in my girlfriend's apartment?" For easily the hundredth time, I wished she had fallen for someone lower in the instep and vocal range. I rested my forehead against the door; the music from the other side was almost out of my reach. "Answer my question, asshole! What the fuck were you doing in there?" I turned until the...

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