IntendedChapter 4: Leading Off With A Risky Gambit free porn video

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"I believe this would be an ideal location," Jakal proposed, pointing at the suggested path across the waterway.

"How deep is the water?" Sala asked nervously. After her last experience crossing the great river when they left their camp, she was not particularly eager to repeat it.

When her companion first revealed they would have to cross the river again in order to reach the Fox Clan's Camp, the woman found herself more than a little agitated. Why did she go through all that fear creeping her way across the turbid, rushing water, hanging on for dear life to a log, only to have to do it all over again?

The Tracker explained the first time had been a maneuver to throw their pursuer off their trail, or at least delay him. Despite the fact neither of them heard nor saw any indication they were being followed, the man insisted on maintaining a fast pace from dawn till dusk. When they were alone with the moon and stars he kept up his guard, scanning the darkness beyond the campfire for signs of an intruder. His tension even extended to the furs, where he was unable let go long enough to share bodies with Sala after they retired for the night.

Jakal told her about the dream he had that chilly morning two days ago when they abruptly departed from the haven they occupied for five unforgettable days; he was absolutely convinced it was a warning from the Spirits to make haste because another now pursued them both. His primary concern was reaching the settlement; once they were mates, it mattered less if they were found.

Although the woman worried about him, she said nothing and followed his lead without question. She trusted him and recalled that his instincts eventually led him to her. But she drew the line when he informed her they would need to cross the river again, insisting they find a place where it was shallower or otherwise easier to pass. She would not repeat their first crossing; they had to find another way.

With his companion's parameters in mind, the Tracker kept a watchful eye for places which might prove promising. Unfortunately, Sala was not enthusiastic about any of the options he had presented so far. He indulged her, understanding her anxiety; he also felt a little guilty because his strategizing had served as the catalyst for her new fear.

Still, it grew increasingly imperative they cross soon. They could not afford to lose time on unnecessary detours. Jakal could not rid himself of the fear they were being followed and knew he could not rest until he and Sala were joined.

As much as he sympathized with his woman's phobia, he recognized now was the time to take action.

The water actually appeared significantly shallower here, he thought. The river was wider, but less deep. He turned to her. "Wait here. I will measure it with my walking stick."

Taking off his foot coverings and leggings, Jakal waded out into the river. Sala watched as the water grew deeper with his every step until he was up to his waist a little more than halfway to the other side. Reaching forward with his walking stick, they both watched as the top of it disappeared underneath the surface.

A sickness rose from the pit of the woman's stomach and her heart began to pound as she broke out in a cold sweat. No, no, we cannot do it here. It is too deep. We, I will be swept away, she panicked, her breath growing quick and shallow.

As he approached Jakal saw that she was overtaken by another bout of panicked fear. Realizing they would be going nowhere until they quieted her anxiety, he embraced her though his body was dripping wet.

"Calm breathing, my sweet woman," he crooned, running his large hands the length of her back as her heart thumped against his bare chest.

At last her pulse began to slow and she took her first deep, albeit jagged, breath.

When he believed she had regained control Jakal asked, "What caused your fear, Sala?"

A shudder rocked through her body and the man held her, waiting.

"When you put your stick in the water, it disappeared under the surface ... It, it is too deep. We, we might get swept away."

"The river moves slowly here," he reassured her. "When we reach the deeper water close to the other side, I want you to hold onto me and I will bring us both the rest of the way. It is not as far a distance as you think."

"I ... do not know, Jakal. Can we not find another way?"

"We must cross sometime, and this great river stretches beyond anything we can see. I truly believe this place is the best location to go back over to the other side."


"Sala, have I ever lied to you?"

It was not what she expected to hear. "No," she answered honestly.

"Do you trust me?"

She nodded.

"I need you to do something for me. I need you to trust me when I say that the river runs slowly here, and that I will make sure we both reach the other side safely. I promise you this." He lifted her chin and gazed into her dark brown eyes. "Will you trust me with your life, Sala?"

Though she was still afraid, Jakal's question reminded her of what she had asked of him only a few nights before. She knew there was only one answer.

She took a full, shaky breath and nodded. "Yes, Jakal," she almost whispered, "I trust you with my life. Let us cross here."

The next morning they arose early as always. This day, however, they anticipated their arrival at the Fox Clan's Camp. They had made good progress the first two days, and the Tracker estimated they would reach the settlement before the sun dropped from the sky.

Both looked forward to visiting with their people, but they were also nervous about what would happen once they revealed their intentions. Still, Sala felt more at ease with the idea of being at this Camp than their own. At least here no one was out to do her harm.

The day grew long. The couple began to wonder if their earlier estimates had been too ambitious. Then, in the distance, Jakal spied smoke rising into the air. Campfire. Filled with new energy the pair quickened their pace, narrowing the distance between themselves and the smoke. Finally the dwellings and huts of the Camp stretched out before them.

The residents saw the approaching visitors at about the same moment the travelers first laid eyes on their destination. Sala and Jakal saw tiny figures rushing around, running back and forth, more appearing, all of them watching their approach.

Before they reached the settlement two men walked down the hill toward them. When the men saw the familiar appearance and clothing of their own people, they visibly relaxed.

Smiling widely, one of them waved and shouted out, "Welcome Sister and Brother. It is good to see you this day."

The couple returned their smile. "Thank you Brothers," Jakal called back. "It is also good to see you this day."

The four individuals met in the middle, grasping forearms with both hands as they greeted each other.

The large man who called out to them spoke first. "I am Tejed, Leader of Fox Clan." He gestured toward the man at his right. "This is Rilom, our Lead Trader."

Tejed must have seen the puzzled looks which crossed their faces when he introduced his companion, for he smiled and said, "As a Trader, Rilom is highly skilled in making first contact with strangers; he also speaks many languages. We did not realize you were of our people until only a few moments ago."

Impressed by the Clan Leader's ability to interpret their reaction, they smiled broadly. Internally, they made a note to be cautious about speaking untruths to this man; he was clearly highly perceptive.

"I am afraid you knew my thoughts," Jakal admitted.

"And mine. I am Sala, and my companion is Jakal."

"From which Camp do you come?" Tejed inquired.

"Wolf Clan," the Tracker answered.

"Ah, Keta's people. She is a strong Leader. You are fortunate to live in her Camp."

The man and woman smiled and nodded. They did not say anything else for fear he would uncover more than they wished to say.

"Come, Sala and Jakal," the barrel-chested Clan Leader beckoned. "You must be hungry for food, and we are hungry for new stories. Sadly, it is not often that we receive visitors, and it is even rarer when one of those visitors is a Light-Eyed One. We hope you will stay as long as you can."

"Thank you for your welcome, Tejed," Sala replied. "It would be an honor to share food and stories with you."

After Tejed and his companion turned around to lead the young couple up the hill to their Camp, the woman glanced at her partner. They locked eyes for a moment, sharing the same thought. Jakal smiled at her encouragingly; when it came time to tell stories he would begin, and she would follow his lead.

As they expected, the people of Fox Clan were highly enthusiastic to receive visitors from one of the more distant Camps. They were even more enthusiastic that one of them was a Light-Eye. Sala observed the tension in her companion's muscles as they crowded around the pair, touching Jakal as if his luck would rub off onto them.

The Camp's Leader also noticed his guest's discomfort. In a booming voice he shouted, "Please, my people, allow our Sister and Brother to pass. They are tired and hungry. Let us show our friends from Wolf Clan how Fox Clan treats its honored guests."

Almost immediately the crowd parted; nevertheless, it did not stop the residents from staring at the Light-Eyed One as he walked with Sala and Tejed toward the Gathering Place.

After they had eaten their fill, the Clan Leader asked the question that was on everyone's mind. "So tell us, Sala and Jakal, what brings two people from Wolf Clan so far away from home that they would end up here?"

Sitting cross-legged, Jakal settled comfortably into the soft pile of furs while the others waited expectantly.

"I am a Tracker for our Clan," he began, "and as you know one of the duties of a Tracker is to find those lost or injured." Motioning to the woman beside him, he continued. "Sala became separated from us and grew ... disoriented, wandering in the wrong direction. I went out to find her."

"It took me many days to find her as she had wandered far; the others had not noticed she was missing for some time because they were focused on other things. This is a very busy time of year for all our people, stockpiling food, making repairs to tools and dwellings and other tasks in preparation for the upcoming winter. I think they took for granted she was there; just because they themselves had not seen her did not mean she was missing.

"I had been out on another excursion and when I arrived everyone was panicking because at last they realized she was gone. By the time I set out after her, she had been separated from the rest of the Clan for more than a day."

A collective gasp filled the space. Tejed nodded. His instincts told him something was a little off, but he could not quite figure out what it was. "Please continue."

Jakal took Sala's hand. "Sala is my Intended, so you can imagine I was very motivated to find her. It was such a relief to know she was safe that we spent the next several days together sharing furs." A twitter of knowing giggles and pleased grunts flowed through the crowd.

"During one of those nights, we had a sacred vision, a shared dream, and it brought us closely together, even closer than we had been before. The Spirits spoke to us.

"When I finally found Sala, we were much closer to your Camp than our own." The Tracker paused for dramatic effect, noticing the people of Fox Clan were rapt listeners as his tale unfolded.

"After the Spirits whispered the same message in both our ears, we sensed strongly they must have revealed what they did, when they did, for an important reason. We both felt a great urgency to follow their counsel. That is why we are here. We believe the Spirits led us to Fox Camp because they wanted us joined as quickly as possible."

Gasps and excited whispers swept the room. Not only did they have visitors, one of whom was a Light-Eye, these visitors were now asking to be joined at their Camp.

A new voice, powerful and feminine, addressed the storyteller. "And why do you suppose the Great Spirits felt it important you be mated straight away instead of waiting a few more days to return your own Camp?"

Jakal and Sala looked up into the eyes of the Spiritwalker, an old woman whose white hair was plaited and twisted behind her head, the mass of braids held together by thin lengths of wood stuck in at different angles. She was both slight of size and strong of bearing, and her nearly black eyes seemed to penetrate into their spirits as she studied them carefully.

Forcing himself to keep steady, the young man replied, "We are not certain, Spiritwalker, but the feeling we sensed was that of impending challenges, even danger. We believe the Spirits see us as stronger together, and that the sacred bond will strengthen us when we face these obstacles, whatever they may be.

"Perhaps we could have waited until we returned to our Camp to be joined, Spiritwalker, but what if some unknown danger fell upon us along the way? Perhaps this is why they revealed their wisdom to us so close to your Camp. They may have thought it safer to travel the shorter distance to your settlement than the longer distance to our own."

The old woman looked him in the eye, her gaze unwavering. He tells true things but not necessarily the truth, she thought to herself.

The Spiritwalker turned her attention to Sala. "You have remained silent, young Intended of the Light-Eyed One. Have you anything to add to his story?"

"Jakal's words are my own, Spiritwalker. We truly believe the Spirits guided us here for an important purpose. But even if we somehow misinterpreted the Spirits' message to us both, we have come far, and our feelings for each other run deep. Will you assist Jakal and I by joining us in the sacred bond?"

She is like her Intended, the old woman thought. Something is missing from this story, something important. I will have to question them further, in private. Whatever their full motives may be, they clearly care for each other. What does it hurt to perform the ceremony? It will be notable for our Clan to host the joining of a Light-Eyed One. Besides, my people could use a reason to celebrate; they have been working hard this summer.

"Very well, young visitors from Wolf Clan. You will have your joining here. I will need time to prepare," the Spiritwalker responded at last.

Raising her voice so the entire group could hear, she announced, "People of Fox Clan, the day after this one we will celebrate the joining of Sala and Jakal in the sacred bond. The ceremony will take place on the hill outside the Gathering Place, just before the sun drops from the sky. The celebration which follows will take place here. Please make the necessary arrangements for an event of this nature."

That was the signal for the crowd to disperse. Giving the couple one last glance, the old spiritual leader left to return to her dwelling. She had much to do.

Sala and Jakal were left alone with Tejed on the pile of furs.

"At our Camp, visitors sleep in the Gathering Place, on this very platform. It is acceptable to you, my friends?" the burly Leader asked.

The woman reached down to feel the silky pelts beneath them. "After many days of sleeping outside, we welcome being inside on such a luxurious sleeping place. This will be wonderful; thank you."

The older man returned her smile and felt his manhood twitch. She is quite attractive, he observed. The Light-Eye seems to have chosen well.

He stood up. "Come, my friends. Will you join me in my dwelling for a special beverage? You can meet my mate, Affa, and start the celebration a little early. What say you?"

Jakal looked at Sala and then smiled broadly at the Clan Leader. "We accept your offer, Tejed. Thank you."

The young couple stumbled into the wide open space of the Gathering Place, leaning into each other for support. It was so strange to have the enormous room entirely to themselves, but they intended to make good use of it. They laughed, giddy from drink and the knowledge that by this time the day after this one, they would be mates.

Sala wrapped her arms around Jakal's neck and pulled him close. As she kissed him feverishly he slid his arms around her back, but it did not take long for him to stray downward. Sliding his hands over her smoothly curved backside he squeezed lightly, enjoying the feel of her pliant flesh.

Seeking contact with her silky skin he took hold of her tunic and lifted it up and over her head. She stood before him naked, breath heavy with anticipation. The fire cast a faint light against her rounded form, emphasizing the femininity of her well-proportioned body.

Jakal slipped his hands back to her bottom and once again took handfuls of her luscious curves within his grasp. "Woman, your soft body is exquisite," he moaned.

He moved his hands to the waist of his leggings, but Sala stopped him with her own hands. "Let me remove them for you," she offered, her voice low. Slowly she untied the thong and skimmed his skin with the supple leather as she freed him of his clothing.

As she squatted, the woman's eyes fixated on his jutting member. Despite knowing that he generally preferred to release joined with her body, she so enjoyed orally pleasuring him that she could not resist a taste of his manhood filling her mouth.

Sala pulled back his foreskin to reveal the bursting head, first blowing on it lightly with her hot breath. Jakal shivered as the stream of warm air stimulated the most sensitive area of his organ. With a satisfied smile she eagerly drew him into her mouth, focusing her efforts on the leaking tip.

After a time she brought him deeper and deeper inside, exploring his full length with her tongue. Using only her lips to hold him within her, she reached around to his muscular buttocks, feeling their strength as she grasped them with her hands. She pictured how his backside must look as he pumped in and out of her and she groaned, blazing with arousal.

Her vocalization vibrated against his shaft. "Ahhh," he groaned. "Ohhh, Sala..."

Turning her attention back to his stiff tool, Sala pulled back, licking and suckling him with enthusiasm. Feeling his body quake on the verge of reaching the pinnacle, she disengaged herself from his member, but not without giving the shuddering tip one last circling with her tongue.

"You brought me so close to the edge, I was not sure I could pull away from it," Jakal confessed before kissing her passionately, exploring her mouth with his searching tongue while his hands slid up to her supple breasts.

He felt her trembling under his fingers, arching her back, pressing herself into his cupped hands as he teased her tight nipples. Responding to her silent plea, he continued fondling her breasts and lowered his head to nibble the line from her neck to her shoulder.

Moving up to the platform, he drew the woman up to follow him and coaxed her onto her back atop the furs. Gently parting her legs, his manhood surged with excitement when found her burning for him, her juices wetting her thighs. Deciding to take a detour, he slid down between her legs, licking her inner thighs clean as she shivered and moaned with pleasure.

"Ohhh yesss," she sighed, kneading her aching nipples.

Jakal redirected his attention to her pouting folds, drawing them into his mouth and enjoying the delicate feel and unique taste of the woman who writhed under him. By the time he reached her erect node, she was already on the brink. Surrounding it with his lips, he slipped two fingers into her steamy opening. He suckled her nub for only a brief moment before she cried out, body jumping and jerking.

Sliding himself up along her soft curves, he kissed Sala, enjoying her moans as she tasted herself on his lips and tongue.

She shifted under him, spreading her bent legs wide apart. "Join with my body, my brave protector."

With a groan he entered her slippery canal. As he thrust in and out of her with long fluid strokes, the woman wrapped her legs around his body, holding him close while they climbed to the top together. Just before they jumped off the edge, Jakal kissed her fiercely, locking his mouth over hers. Pushing and grinding their throbbing bodies together, their lips shared the cries of their release.

Lying side by side, Sala snuggled against the man's warm body, nestled under his arm fast asleep. Thinking about the upcoming ceremony, Jakal could not sleep despite his fatigue.

Even though he probably would not have considered joining with Sala so quickly under different circumstances, he was not unhappy to become her mate.

She was the first woman he had shared bodies with who he was certain wanted to be with him because of himself and not because he was a Light-Eye. He knew many men envied his abundance of willing partners but the truth was, no matter how many women with whom he shared pleasures of the body, he frequently felt lonely and isolated.

He could not bear the thought of making a sacred bond with anyone who did not know him, who could not see beyond his surface. This was why he could not bring himself to join with another before now. It had been suggested to him, directly asked of him on many occasions, but he always found excuses for saying no.

Jakal surprised even himself when he thought of the idea of joining with Sala in order to prevent the Spiritwalker from claiming her against her will. What surprised him even more was how much he desired the pairing. They had not known each other long enough ... at least, not in the way they knew each other now. They reacquainted themselves with one another under unusual circumstances. Much of their bond originated from their sexual compatibility. It did not seem as though it should work.

Somehow it did; somehow, with Sala it seemed right. Perhaps it was the sacred journey they took together, he thought. Perhaps by seeing each other's spirit so clearly they learned who the other was at their very core. He knew he was drawn to what he had seen, and that she had been similarly drawn to him. In her company he could be himself. With her, he no longer felt alone.

The next morning, the Camp buzzed with fast-paced activities as the Fox Clan prepared for an unexpected joining. The circumstances were unusual enough to generate enough stories and speculation to last for many moon cycles.

On the day a couple made a sacred bond, it was not considered appropriate to solicit either party for pleasures of the body. It did not mean, however, that the newly joined could not ask another to join them in their furs; the request simply had to originate from them. This being known, women and men alike preened and posed in an effort to be noticed, just in case the visitors wished to bring a third into their shared pleasures.

It was something Sala had seen many times before at her own Camp, though obviously she had never been the object of such attention before. Normally she would have found their displays somewhat irritating, as she so often did at home. But here it did not particularly bother her, and she did not know why. It may have been because she did not know these people as well as those in her own Clan. Or perhaps her magnanimousness came from greatly appreciating their willingness and enthusiasm to host her and Jakal's bonding ceremony.

In the dwelling of a young woman, Sala was choosing from a selection of garments for the joining. Because the betrothed did not have anything to wear beyond their traveling clothes, the people of Fox Clan generously offered their own formal garments for the couple's use that day.

Holding up an elaborately beaded chemise in front of the Intended's body, Yima commented, "This would look quite attractive on you. If we added this belt," she added, picking up the item, "I believe it would emphasize your curves nicely."

"This one would also be very flattering," the young woman continued.

This had been going on for too long. She seemed to think nearly every garment could potentially be "just right" for her, Sala thought.

Trying to mask her impatience, she spoke at last. "Yima, I am honored and humbled by your people's generosity. Perhaps if I tried on the pieces we will know for sure which ones best flatter and that will help narrow the selection."

The member of Fox Clan nodded.

Sala pulled the shift up and over her head. Standing naked before the other young woman, she gestured toward an outfit. "Let us try this one first."

Though she did not really need the help, Yima assisted her in putting on and adjusting the clothing. The wide neckline on this garment plunged deeply, halfway to her navel; it covered Sala's breasts when she stood still, but would most likely barely do so as she moved around. The intricate beading along the sleeves, neck and bottom of the tunic emphasized its line and shape.

After both agreeing this would be a contender, the woman slipped off the item and placed it carefully to the side. Yima picked up the next garment and helped Sala put it on and arrange it. As the Intended dressed and undressed repeatedly, she began to feel her assistant's gaze lingering on her body, though otherwise she projected a pensive demeanor reflective of the weight of their task.

When she pulled off the latest outfit, Sala felt Yima's fingers tentatively stroking one of her hard nipples. A shock streaked through her body at the sensation of the woman's soft fingertips exploring one of her most sensitive places. Fighting the impulse to press her breast into the female's hand as a surge of wetness formed between her legs, the Intended instead withdrew from the other's touch.

The scent of Sala's arousal drifting into both their nostrils, the young member of Fox Clan lowered her eyes in contrition. "I am sorry, Sala. That was inappropriate, especially on this day."

"Think nothing of it, Yima," she replied reassuringly, surprised to feel her womanhood pulsing from the brief contact.

"It is just..." the woman continued hesitantly, "you are very beautiful and after seeing your nakedness over and over I finally had to touch you."

"I understand," Sala told her, trying to keep her voice steady.

"Perhaps the day after this one, if it is agreeable to you, we could pleasure each other," she suggested. "I smell from your body that you are receptive to my touch. Perhaps you will be receptive to my tongue as well."

Sala groaned in spite of herself. "We will most likely be leaving the day after this one," she informed her in a high-pitched voice as she desperately fought for control.

"I know it is wrong to ask," Yima pressed on softly, "and I hope you will forgive me for doing so on this day, but since you say you are leaving so soon there may not be another opportunity. If you ask it of me, it would be my pleasure to pleasure you. If you wish to part your legs I can bring you release right now."

Her quiet but persistent seduction made Sala's body throb. She felt a powerful urge to do as she requested, to open her legs and allow the young female to take her to the end with her nimble fingers and probing tongue.

For a woman to bring another to her peak was not considered wrong or particularly unordinary; among their people individuals could share bodies with whomever they wished. Sala had never experienced such a communion, but she was not necessarily opposed to it. Now with the woman in front of her, she was presented with her first opportunity.

Yima watched the Intended standing frozen, uncertain what to do, a hair's breadth away from either choice. Since she seemed to be taking so long to make a decision, she suspected Sala had not shared pleasures with a female before; perhaps she was afraid of taking the next step. Deciding to see if she could help persuade her, she reached out her hand and slipped it between her companion's legs.

Both of them moaned from the contact. Sala's legs shook as the other woman's fingers explored her aching sex, her caresses sending a jolt through her that tingled up her spine and out through her limbs.

"Your womanhood burns for release," Yima whispered, gently fondling her wet flesh.

The woman of Wolf Clan groaned wordlessly. Noticing that this time she did not move away from her touch, Yima kneeled and softly placed her hands on Sala's thighs. Nudging them apart, revealing her quivering folds, she slid a finger inside her and, liking what she felt, added another.

Slowly stroking her digits in and out of Sala's slick tunnel, she continued, "Your entrance is so hot, so wet, your lips so swollen. Listen to the sound your womanhood makes as my fingers join with you. Feel how it grips them within your depths? I do not know why you would hesitate when your body so clearly aches for my touch."

Her guest shuddered with arousal, whimpering.

"Sala, your fragrance fills my nostrils; we both can feel and hear the strength of your body's need. May I provide you the pleasure it so desires?" Yima persisted, fingers gliding in and out of the other female's trembling body.

Same as Intended
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Abigail Bright sat on her unmade, queen size, bed, holding her head in both of her hands. She was quavering horribly. Her breath sawed in and out of her, while her heart rampaged painfully in her chest. She suddenly slapped herself as hard as she could, and repeating the dose, struggled not to cry."What's wrong with me?" she moaned, "Oh, God, what's wrong with me? For heaven's sake, he's my own damn son!"She shuddered when she looked down at herself and recalled she was only wearing a sports...

5 years ago
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The Dark Ladys Gambit

Sylvanas Windrunner, banshee queen of the Forsaken and once the ranger- general of Silvermoon strode down the moist corridor in the bowels of the Undercity. Her high heels clacked loudly as she stepped on the grimy flagstones and her long cape fluttered behind her. Despite her armor being designed for mobility and leaving her midriff and cleavage exposed, the undead high elf showed no discomfort at the clammy air in the catacombs. Undeath had dulled all sensations to a degree, which...

3 years ago
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Shadowsblade Queens Gambit

Monday March 19, 3:00 pm Poe cottage Well it's time, after my door gets closed and I run down the hallway to Poe's front door to port off to Shuster hall for a very stupid MID-MCO interview. Better known to most students, as 'the grilling!' Mr. Reilly, had one of his legal personal run me through a whole slue of laws on this last night and e-mailed me even more on the subject. I studied that info hard, as I wanted to know all these new laws that could get me more than jailed, I...

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A Desperate Gambit

Megan and Fiona return home, giggling a little and basking in the joy of being part of Miss Caitlin’s group. Caitlin had set a couple of new rules with the induction of Fiona (the two not allowed to directly to play with each other, but are permitted to watch and be pleasured together) and has also left instructions for Becky to take on Fiona as part of her mentoring duties. A twinge of disappointment courses through Megan but Becky is hardly a disappointment, the gorgeous blonde is always a...

4 years ago
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Bayonettas Abuse Chapter 6 Jeannes Gambit

Beams of warm light streamed through the open shades as James lounged on the water bed, a smirk on his face as he surfed through the channels. It was the early afternoon of a crisp autumn day, the leaves outside exploding in bursts of red, orange and yellow; the air filled with the sweet scent of fall. Bayonetta had left the night before and would be gone at least a couple more days, off on another lengthy assignment. She left him in her studio dungeon with a small stash of food and...

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Aidens Gambit

Aiden's attention shifted from the burgeoning suitcase at his feet to his cellphone. It wasn't difficult to find an excuse to take a break from packing, and the bright trill of his phone signaled that the message was from Sarah. 'I'm scared. What if I hate it there??' He rolled his eyes and typed back a brief reply, 'You won't. And if you do, we're only three hours away from this shitty small town. Stop being so anxious.' He was usually far more patient with her, but he had to pack, and there...

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Handmaidens Gambit

His name was Juan Cerveza de la Noche. At different points in his life, he was an elite soldier for his king, a mercenary, a pirate, and most recently, a bodyguard. This night, he was a fugitive. Had a soul asked him what his crime was, he would have smiled and said, "My crime? She was passion." Namely, Lord Redlen of Sudhoff wanted to kill him for the untimely deflowering of his daughter. Juan crouched amid the pews of the ruined chapel. He moved like a fox, slinking between the long,...

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The Handyman Gambit

June was giggling on the phone in the next room. 'She must be talking to Betty, ' I thought. Betty is my wife's best friend. They make a rather odd pair, actually; in many ways they are about as unlike each other as you could imagine. My June is quiet, almost mousy, while Betty is outgoing and loud. June is a number of years on the far side of fifty (she won't let me say how many), and Betty is probably about the same number of years in front of that milestone (though that's just a guess...

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The Professors Gambit

For a college professor, a Friday afternoon is usually very dull but I'm going to turn that idea on its head. Screwing up will cost me my career and land me in prison. However, if everything goes according to plan I'll have the most gorgeous coed on campus begging me to fuck her before the end of the day. Pussy is the most powerful force on earth; let no one tell you different. For fame, money, power and status a man may be willing to do many things. He still has his limits and his pride,...

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Annas Gambit

People looking at Anna and Mark Menendez nowadays see them as a successful couple; both in their relationship and business life. Married for ten years they have managed to grow ever closer in that time. To Mark, Anna is more beautiful at forty than she was at twenty when they married. Despite the years her figure is as firm as in her youth. Her red hair had no hint of grey, and her eyes still sparkle with mirth and innocence. Mark, her husband is more distinguished over the years. Together...

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Bayonettas AbuseChapter 7 Jeannes Gambit

Beams of warm light streamed through the open shades as James lounged on the water bed, a smirk on his face as he surfed through the channels. It was the early afternoon of a crisp autumn day, the leaves outside exploding in bursts of red, orange and yellow; the air filled with the sweet scent of fall. Bayonetta had left the night before and would be gone at least a couple more days, off on another lengthy assignment. She left him in her studio dungeon with a small stash of food and just...

2 years ago
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The Play Room Chapter 1 Opening Gambits

Karen and Kirk were so alike that they had at least one class in common every semester. Both being somewhat nerdy, this was a help and a hindrance at the same time. A help because once they did start speaking to one another in passing, they had a lot in common to discuss. A hindrance, because Junior year was almost over by the time they could speak to each other without being overcome by shyness. They were both good with computers and were voracious readers. They both wore glasses, and loved...

First Time
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Risky Stuff With Mausi

Hey, all the readers. I am back again with some new experience with my mausi. I am Vatsal from Gujarat. Thanks for your valuable feedback on my previous sex story. You can reach me on everyone is welcome. After that first-time incest experience with mausi, I was having a little bit of good sex life. We both used to have fun whenever we used to get time. But my mind and heart were demanding something different out of our routine sex. It was a time of summer vacation. I was obviously at my...

4 years ago
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Risky Affair In College Library With Hot Classmate

This is an incident that happened to me 1 year ago when I was in college. Her name is Reshmi. Let me begin the story by describing her appearance. Her skin was milky white. She was so hot in physical appearance that every boy in our batch could feel their erect penis bulging in their jeans just by looking at her. She was a perfect 38-28-36. And she used to wear revealing and short dress. Together with her curly brownish hair, you would never believe she is not an actress. With great difficulty,...

2 years ago
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The Risky Public Threesome With Mum

It was a bank hoilday weekend and me and mum was traveling up to her sisters. We had gone about 100miles before we stopped off at a service station to get some food. We'd gone into the station and had our break and decided to cut it short as we wanted to get going before the rush hour traffic had come round. I'd always looked at mum and thought she was looking well for her age, size 12 34dd small brown hair brown eyes and slimish. Id always been teased she was a milf. So on this day it was no...

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risky toolshed sex with the chavs

well last night i was watching football when i get a knock at the window. its the chav crew. its jason, nicky and jamie. anyway they want to come in. the house was empty so i let them in They want a shag off me so i said ok, anyway the car comes up the drive its the family so i quicky get them out of the house through the window. anyway as i do that jamie and nicky leg it over the wall. jason however just hides. i go to door open it and then go see family into house. i say im just getting a...

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Getting Frisky In A Risky Situation 8211 Part 1

Hello readers and love enthusiasts, this is me Simple Guy back with another one of my true stories. This incident dates back a few years when I was still in college. Back then, I was dating my then-girlfriend Surbhi. Surbhi was a lovely girl, very homely but adventurous at the same time and surprisingly, despite her strict upbringing, was always up for one thing which I enjoyed the most – public affection. Surbhi was my age, and had the body type I relish – curvy and firm. She was about 5’6’’...

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Hot Risky Unprotected Sex And The Cumslut Nurse

Introduction: This is my second story. Part 1: Is absolutely 100% true down to every word of dialog (as I remember it.) Other than minor descriptive embellishments, its true. It was just a really hot erotic experience that still turns me on when I think about it. Part 2: Is fiction. Its inspired by a real event and a real woman (a hot nurse.) But what I did with that nurse was a fantasy I had after meeting her. I know its a bit odd to mix non-fiction and fiction, but the stories are related...

4 years ago
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Risky Business Chapter 2

I couldn't keep it up. I was so hot and bothered all the time that I could scarcely get my work done. Several times as I futilely tried to concentrate on the computer screen I noticed a musky scent wafting through the air of my cubicle and nearly panicked at the thought of my co-workers catching a whiff. And was my husband getting suspicious that something was up? Surely the way I ambushed him every night on the way in the door, ripped his clothes off, then screwed him silly on the couch struck...

Office Sex
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Risky Business Chapter 2

I couldn't keep it up. I was so hot and bothered all the time that I could scarcely get my work done. Several times as I futilely tried to concentrate on the computer screen I noticed a musky scent wafting through the air of my cubicle and nearly panicked at the thought of my co-workers catching a whiff. And was my husband getting suspicious that something was up? Surely the way I ambushed him every night on the way in the door, ripped his clothes off, then screwed him silly on the couch struck...

Office Sex
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You are Ellie, you are 5" 7 have wavy red hair that goes just past your shoulders, that highlight your emerald coloured eyes, a cute button nose with freckles either side, Perky C cup breasts, you are 18 have just finished High School, and thanks to her wealthy family, and the good grades, you are set to go to one of the best Colleges in America, hell possibly the world if you begged enough. You've never really had to worry too much at School, you had the looks, the money and brains, much to...

4 years ago
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Roleplay that was risky

THIS STORY IS PURE FICTION ENJOYI have been married to my wife Trish for 10 years and we have always enjoyed our sex, when we first got married we had sex every day,You see Trish has always been a bit of a tease and loves to show off her perfect body and always wore low tops or made sure she had buttons undone when wearing a blouse,She use to get turned on so quick if she thought a man was lusting after her,She also had great legs and loved wearing high heels to show them off,I always said...

2 years ago
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Sexual Encounters Between Aunty Me 8211 Pt 2 Risky Foreplay

This incident happened when Megha Aunty dropped in our home one day – under the pretext of catching up with my mom of course. But I knew better – as you’ll find out in the story below. I was doing an assignment for my undergrad degree on my laptop when I heard a familiar voice downstairs. I kind of freaked out when I realized it was Megha aunty. Quickly, I listened as best as I could, my head against the window. “Nice of you to drop in”, I heard mom say, “Come in, come in!” “Ya, I was on my...

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Risky Affair Of Aunty 8211 Part 2

It is continuation of previous story, “Risky affair of aunty – Part 1” It was 12:45 on the clock when aunty and milkmen entered her house. Her In-laws were watching TV. and taking care of their grand-daughter. Her MIL had a lack of sight and her FIL was deaf. As soon as they entered the house, her FIL asked her about this two men. To which she replied that he was our milkman and he was here for his payment. Then, she took them to her bedroom and her In-Laws became busy. Both milkmen relaxed on...

2 years ago
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My risky self bondage escapade

Hi, I’m Ashleigh, and Basically I’m someone who loves the idea of being caught, or doing this stuff right next to someplace where it’s little expected. So it should surprise no one that I began my little adventure in a risky way: I packed up all of my stuff into a bag and drove in to work. Now, keep in mind, my bag had in it handcuffs, leather cuffs, a harness?ballgag, tape, clover clamp sets (plural), an?estim?box (with matching dildo, plug and pads), a riding crop and a vibrator?in addition...

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Risky and Risqu

RISK FOR TWO Being Claire’s little brother poses innumerable difficulties, not the least being that every September I get her teacher from the year before. “Oh, James. Claire’s brother! You look just like her. Such an excellent student.” I look like her? For my sister and me, the Risk game-board is where we’d inflict on one another every backstab, assault and annihilation possible. Siblings have years of injustice to avenge, and fourteen years equals a lot of injustices. As the game-maker...

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Jordan and Sams Risky Month

"Come on! It'll only be a month; what's the worst that could happen?" Sam asked her best friend, Jordan. A late night in early January, the two were sitting across from each other on the floor of Jordan's bedroom. There was only a couple of days left before their Christmas break would be over and they'd be going back to school. "Uh, that one of, or even both of us, gets pregnant!" Jordan replied, surprised that Samantha would suggest such a thing. "It's just for a month, and I've been reading...

2 years ago
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Risky fucking of cousin8217s hot and sleeping wife Varsha

Hi readers, my name is Vishnu and I am 23. This happened yesterday and I am so excited to share this with you all. I had a wedding of my cousin and for that wedding, my cousin brother from Bangalore arrived here in Kochi. Usually, when we come to stay, he will be alone but this time, he had his wife with him. Usually, he doesn’t bring her often as she was a teacher and she was always busy. My brother was 27 and his wife was only 24. So, we all gathered at our cousin sister’s house. I talked...

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Der verlorene Koffer Eine pikante Wette Episode 2

Der verlorene Koffer Eine pikante Wette - Episode 2 © 2002 / 2017 Lydia Lighthouse Es war kein Geheimnis: Ich flog nicht gerne. Das hie? zwar nicht, dass ich mich beim Anblick eines Flugzeuges mit diversen Panikattacken l?cherlich machte, aber aus irgendeinem Grund hatte ich eine Abneigung gegen das Fliegen entwickelt - oder besser gesagt, gegen gro?e Passagiermaschinen. Kleine Sportflugzeuge hingegen machten mir nicht das Geringste aus. Wenn man sich dem kleinen Flieger auf die Sei...

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Mrs Hoffman

A DN sister “gas” story.A nurse collected the last patient, this time a young schoolgirl, her mum was told to wait for her and as the nurse led her away, I heard her tell her there was nothing to be scared about, and that they had some special black chewing gum for her that she had to bite not chew. An euphemism for the prop no doubt. I’d be next. I thought back to how I’d got myself into the predicament of being in a waiting room queue for gas extractions. I’d applied for a Dental nurse job at...

4 years ago
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“Did he have an erection for you in he showers? Did you have an erection for him? Did he proposition you? I want to know.” “Yes, to all your questions Sarah, he wants to have both of us,” I reply. “He had his hand on my erection when he told me he and I had the most impressive cocks in the gym.” “Are you happy to share him with me?,” Sarah asked that night as we pleasured each other with our tongues. “Yes, he expects some of his friends to share us also,” I tell Sarah. “Let’s set a target...

2 years ago
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wife ask me to jerkoff for Gina

As you now may know I love to jerkoff and do it every day, sometimes twice even if I fuck my wife. She has gotten use to me playing with my cock all the time. I jerked off for her on our very first date when she was having  her period.I use to hide it from her  like in the shower, the bathroom, behind the garage, but she caught me a few times and just smiles and says have fun.  Gradually she started to like for me to jerk off for her usually when she's fully clothed. She would tell me how hot...

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TV adventures with Uncle Geoff

Geoff called round and said he'd like to see me in stockings and suspenders next time. I told him I didn't have any of my own, and my mum only wore tights, so I couldn't borrow any either. "Don't worry" he said with a wink, "I'm going to buy you some".A couple of days later I found a note from Geoff pushed through the letterbox: "Tonight at mine, 9pm".I waited till mum went out to play darts then quickly raided the laundry basket in the bathroom. I could smell her Lentheric body spray in the...

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The Incomplete Story of Ashley and Geoff

Cliff had been single his entire life. Married women were particularly attracted to him. He had many affairs and most of those affairs had ended with the husband and wife divorcing. It was obvious that married couples were having problems and some women were just seeking something they were not getting at home. Cliff was not looking for married women on purpose; many of the women did not tell him they were married until he figured it out.Ashley and her husband, Geoff, were hoping Cliff would...

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‘Kaitlyn?’ Recognizing a familiar voice behind me, I turned around. ‘Susanne! What are you doing here?’ She was a friend of my parents’, and I had gone to school with her kids. But what she was doing here, in the hallway outside my dorm room, I had no idea. ‘I’m here to help Geoffrey move in – right down the hall from you, it looks like!’ It was a challenge, but I managed to contain my honest reaction (which I’ll share with you in a moment) and simply replied, ‘Oh, great. Well, I have to...

4 years ago
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Am Anfang war das Licht und die Hoffnung German

Am Anfang war das Licht und die Hoffnung von Rainer Drzyzga 2005 Die Geschichte einer Liebe Der Blumenstrauß in meiner Hand ist wirklich sehr schön.Gerd hat mich gefragt. Er kniet vor mir, und erwartet eine Antwort. Bis dasder Tod euch scheidet, wird der Pfaffe sagen. Was heißt das denn. Fürden Rest meines Lebens soll ich mit diesem Mann zusammen leben. Was fürein leben? Eine schöne Hochzeit wird das werden. Prunk und Pracht wirdaufgefahren werden. Und dann wird ausgeblendet. The day after:...

2 years ago
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Risky Sex With My Girlfriend8217s Horny Aunt

Hello friends, this story is based on a real-life incident that happened to me. It was an incident that changed my life completely. Let me tell you about my girlfriend’s aunt. Let’s call her ‘M’. She is 5’8″, fair and her figure is 34-30-38. Her ass is so huge if I slap it on Christmas, it’ll keep shaking till the new year! :P Now, coming to the story. This was around December during the English holidays. I and my gf were in a live-in relationship as we have been together for 5 years. As it was...

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Geoff And Melanie Married Siblings

SOUTH BEACH 2006 I'd met Geoff and Melanie Snider some seven or eight years ago. The fall of 1998 I think. They'd come into my photography studio with their two young daughters wanting some family pictures on a sunny, humid Miami Beach October day. They looked like a nice family. The parents had looked about twenty-eight to thirty, around my age, although I remember thinking at the time that the wife might have been a year or two older. The little girls, just nine and eight, were adorable;...

3 years ago
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A Series of Risky Events

I'm a little in disbelief today. I read the Snapchat message a dozen times, each time thinking it can't be right. How? How could it be real, I was having the time of my life. As a recently divorced man, I was just starting to live after years in a dead bedroom. The ride, as short as it was, was a beautiful and amazing roller coaster. The exhilaration and youth I felt while pleasuring these women will be something I always remember fondly. Last September I decided to get a vasectomy. I already...

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A Risky Night Out

"Bella, look...damn, babe. I have no words." I smile proudly as she closes the door and looks me up and down. I had on my tightest red dress, my blonde hair curled softly and my make up done lightly, with heels. "You like? I got it for our surprise date night. If you're up for it?" She smiles and sets down her work bag. She walks over to me and pulls me in closer to her, wrapping her arms around my waist. My arms wrap loosely behind her neck. She looks into my eyes and...

3 years ago
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Risky Public Play in New York

Paula is a small town girl from upstate New York. Like so many she moved to the city soon after high school with a girlfriend to find employment and ‘just maybe’ be discovered for acting on Broadway. She was the perfect daughter in a perfect middle class family. She had earned all ‘A’s’ and been the star in all her high school plays. Now, she is beautiful, shy, very courteous, is talented, is an excellent secretary, is struggling to survive and is depressed. Three times ‘wonderful,’ insightful...

3 years ago
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Hot risky and spontaneous

Hello all, I hope that you all enjoyed Summer. My boys are back in school and I’m back at massage parlor. I have a story that occured this past Tuesday, so get hard, sit back and enjoy. Every weekend morning, I wake up and do same thing. I make lunch for my boys to bring to school, kiss them and send them off to bus stop. The rest of the day, until 3:15PM. is mine. This past Tuesday, I awoke extremely horny, so after my boys left, I pulled out a vibrator and masturbated to a shaking orgasm. The...

4 years ago
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Risky Maneuver to Satisfy Teenage Lust

My girlfriend and I had been dating and fucking for just a few months. We mutually lost our virginity to each other and our youthful passion led to some interesting situations. Lynn had a great body, which was topped off by huge tits, that were larger than most of the girls in High School. I was a skinny little runt that was nice to her and made her laugh. I was lucky to have her. Lynn and I were lying on the couch in her parent’s living room, watching a boring TV show. She had on a pair of...

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Risky Business Chapter 1

Technically, Ryan wasn’t a co-worker. We just worked for the same company in the same building on the same floor. All of the women in the office talked about him and how good looking he was and I obviously agreed, though I never thought that flashing a smile here and there or having quick coquettish conversations would lead to anything. Eventually, though, he asked me to lunch and we got along so famously that I agreed to meet for a quick glass of wine after work and before you knew it those...

Office Sex
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Risky Business Chapter 1

Technically, Ryan wasn’t a co-worker. We just worked for the same company in the same building on the same floor. All of the women in the office talked about him and how good looking he was and I obviously agreed, though I never thought that flashing a smile here and there or having quick coquettish conversations would lead to anything. Eventually, though, he asked me to lunch and we got along so famously that I agreed to meet for a quick glass of wine after work and before you knew it those...

Office Sex
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Risky business

Eva knew she was risking everything by walking through the heavy, oak door in front of her. She had received her instructions earlier that day and against her better judgment had confirmed she would arrive as instructed. The information Brad had sent her read:Shower an hour before you leave. Ensure all pubic hair is shaved and no hair is present on your legs, underarms, pubic area and arse. Moisturise with baby oil, everywhere, twice.Wear the underwear posted through your door yesterday...

4 years ago
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Risky Business

"Okay, well I look forwards to seeing you both tomorrow. As a business, we really like what we have seen so far and I have every faith that it won’t be a wasted journey for you both – everything looks highly promising."They were the exact words that both Jack and Alexa had wanted to hear – the long journey through Cumbria had been largely uneventful and as they sat in silence on the train, it was obvious that an air of nervous tension had begun to set in."Wow, I can’t lie, Alexa, I was starting...

Office Sex
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Risky Bet

In a quiet part of town, there is a place where someone can go and gamble where the rules are different. It might be very well known, or it's existence and rules might be arcane and secret. It might be a sprawling casino, a hole in the wall gambling den, a race track, or perhaps something else. All that remains constant is one simple fact. When someone goes to this place, money is not all they can gamble for.


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