Shadowsblade: Queens Gambit free porn video

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Monday March 19, 3:00 pm Poe cottage Well it's time, after my door gets closed and I run down the hallway to Poe's front door to port off to Shuster hall for a very stupid MID-MCO interview. Better known to most students, as 'the grilling!' Mr. Reilly, had one of his legal personal run me through a whole slue of laws on this last night and e-mailed me even more on the subject. I studied that info hard, as I wanted to know all these new laws that could get me more than jailed, I could end up dead if I did not grab the upper hand here! Heck, I even took time to print out a full copy of the laws in question, a whole five hundred pages, plus! As I hit Poe's entrance to get moving. I spot a new girl already there moving nervously about the entrance, one I have not met personally yet? But I have heard of her already. She is a Native American avatar, then add a real important spirit is in her and one I have encountered at a distance in my very ancient past. When I walk up to her, I spot she is guarded at best and jumpy as heck! She seems to be looking for something? "Hey, do you need any help?" I ask her at a short distance, to give her it seems much needed space. The girl studies me quickly, then gives me that same glassy vacant look I give others, when something in my head is talking to me? She blinks to me and steps back a little from me, when it seems she comes back to the more 'now' "My spirits say not to trust you, your kind hunted humans at one time?" "Yep I did," I admit to her, like it was a normal job and it was! "that is what a Drow does, it obeys orders or dies?" I tell her in my own strange way, I had no choice in the matter. She blinks at me more, then comes back to me "They tell me, that is correct. A slave at best?" "Yes," I almost hiss at her, as my impatience grows. She just stares at me, then takes that one more step back from me. "Hey, calm down. I no longer hunt. I made a oath to protect the students here, so you're safe till you graduate." I grin at her and add a little giggle to break the ice more. "Humm I am told you can't lie, so I should believe you?" "Yep, that's logic for ya. It makes sense! But what do you need? And by the way, I am Rohanna Leigh?" "Kayda," she smiles a little to me, "I need an escort to class in Shuster hall. I was attacked and have to have a student escort. Rosalyn seems to help me the most?" "Ohh I bet Roz helps ya! You're her type and how! But I can help you out with that escort?" "You can, or should I wait?" "Your choice, I am already going there and I am the best at getting you where you need to go unmolested!" I boast to her. "Really, how?" "One, I teleport. Then two, I am sure that only a nut would test me these days! See?" and I show her the 'UV' armband, with a finger under it "I am even tagged as such...This means...Don't mess with, or if you do, you're going to regret it! AND I earned it!" "I am not sure if I should?" "Well I have to get going, then we are in the same cottage? Trust has to start somewhere?" I wink at her. Her eyes glaze over once again and when back she asks me again "Can you promise me not to hurt me, they asked me to insure it?" "Sure, I swear not to hurt you intentionally and only if you do not attack me? Good enough? Because that is the best you can get out of me!" "Okay, thanks!" "Well off we go!" and I port her to Shuster hall, with a touch to her shoulder. When we land, I find she is very steady and not distressed at all by the port. Then I point out the room I am going to for her. "If your class is done in an hour or so? I will be in there or crystal hall for dinner. Have a nice day?" I smile to her. She just waves to me and runs that short distance to the class door, as I watch her back for her. -------------------------------- For almost an hour, I wait my turn in line with other new students this term and when I my time comes. An MCO agent comes into the waiting room and waves over to me to follow him out. My armor snaps onto my body, so I am ready for this interview and picture to come. ~"Violet stay hidden, this human does not need to know about you."~ I warn her for safety. ~"Yes, I will watch over you from across the room and wait for you to leave or he gets stupid!"~ she warns back to me. "Have a seat?" he asks me in a friendly tone, but my eyes spot body language on him that tells me...he does not want to be here around us mutants at all, I am nearly sure! "Thanks," I say to him in my best neutral tone of voice, from my time getting punished by the royals or their lackeys. "Well I have to start recording all of this for the record. As per MCO and TSA regs." he states to me, blandly. Then my way of telling if a person is lying to me, it just screams back to me! "Ahh as far as I was told and read? No you don't, I am a minor, then add this is protected as such and US, plus international rules, they all say this is a private conversation." I smile at him, a grin of my very pointy fangs. "Who told you that, or where did you read it?" he glares at me, in what seems to be his deepening anger at me questioning him and that badge of authority he wears. I pull that bound printout from my storage with a wave, as I state to him "Mr. Reilly, my guardian told me, via a lawyer of his on retainer." Then the bound book falls from my hand to land with a thud on the small table, "Look up page three hundred ten, that covers most of it?" "This interview is not protected under those laws?" "Then read the book before you and learn the law? Till then, I say nothing and ask for my guardian or appointed lawyer to be present?" "That will not be needed at all, lets start now please?" "Well thanks for the manners, a little late?" I wink at him, to unravel him even more, "But thanks, then please turn off the recorder and put it away? Or I have to leave and we do this with a audience of lawyers later on?" He just stares at the tome on his table, shoves it aside, as his other hand grabs his recorder off the table and drops it in a bag at his feet "Fine, lets start?" My hand lands on his 'silence generator' and I am about to flick it on, when I just have to ask him "Should we use your very limited device or I use my way instead?" "What would that be?" "Magic of course, what else would a true Sidhe use?" "No, just turn mine on!" he spits at me, "I don't trust magic?" "Humm too bad, it's real fun!" I give him a cheesy grin as I turn on the device. "Well lets start," he asks me, then pulls out a very large file and drops it between us both, "You have quite the file so far?" "That's nice, I love reading!" "Well you won't read this!" I tap the file, with a finger and it's done. "You meant his one?" My power to read things goes over the file and it's now in my head, "Already read most of it? I will get the rest later on," I grin to him in my strange fang showing way, I did say the truth as my mind is still going over the files, because they are so messed up and unordered at best! "What ever," he waves me off nonchalantly, "But I read here, you're an elf?" he asks and flips a page forward. "No, that's wrong. I am a Drow! Not an elf?" I correct him flatly. "It says here, Elf?" "It's wrong, you humans seem to say that word in description all the time? That anything nearly human in size, with pointy ears, is an 'elf'" I do air quotes gesture to mess with him, "and that is wrong. Elves are shorter by far and nasty most of the time." I correct him again. "Okay, I will make a note on that. But onward, you're a WIZ-mage and a exemplar?" "Okay if you say so? I don't 'peg' others like you all do?" "What do you mean by 'you all'....?" he sneers at me. "Humans." I state to back at him coldly and twist in my chair to find a better spot to sit. He glares at me more than angry at my last comment, but keeps on track "So any family to list on this file?" I almost growl at him, "I don't have to tell you that information by law. You have one on file I am sure, as my guardian?" "I will look that up when I enter in the final card entry. But to move on." He huffs out at my last words, then adds in, "I see a note on here, that you carry weapons on your person most of the time?" "When I need them?" I give him nothing. "So you use them to attack others?" I hold back my truthful answer of 'yes' with a question of my own, "Why is this important? Are you trying to garner evidence to use against me later, in some legal issues?" "Why are you evading standard questions?" "Because you are asking no standard questions and you know it!" "What makes you even think, that you can tell me how to do my job!" "Humm that legal stuff I told you and dropped on the table for you to read?" "That is not what counts here today, that is a set of guidelines!" "Well then, drop dead! AND I will let my guardian do this via his end and go around ya!" He quickly looks down at his file, to find that sheet that tells him who that 'guardian' is and then looks up at me with a jolt of his head to me, after he finds it. "Yep that's him!" I study his face and can spot that little bit of shock now covering it, "Then add all that crap, that got the whole Berlin MCO arrested on top of that! Plus my ARC files and I will still get a MID card soon enough with out you or this little talk!" With a huge sigh out at his loss of this battle of wits, he gives into me "Well we are done here, one last scan and I print your card out." I was told by the lawyer this was normal and to expect it, even though ARC has a dozen scans of me on file! He stands up and waves me to join him at a scanner that looks like a flimsy metal detector. My skull art covered mask, comes out and covers my face. As I am allowed to have a mask, to hide my identity from others and I stand where he wants me to. The scanner does it's 'thing' and I am done. "Any other powers to add to this list." I just stand there and don't answer him. My only defense, till he asks me to tell the truth! "I will take that as a no then?" I just look at him and give him nothing, like I did for all those centuries. "Okay, address of record?" "Same as guardian." He nods to me and looks at the file to remember it, then puts it in the computer of his. "Lastly, codename?" "Shadowsblade." I say more than proud of it. Within a few minutes he hands me a card, that I find is correct for me. Orange, student color, picture of me on front and all the right information on its back. With it in my hand, I grin at him, "I hope to never see you again!" and he better not see me again on a bad day, if he likes his current life! ~"That one would make a fine Nymph of earth maybe?"~ I ask Violet as we leave the room. ~"Makes sense to me, he is lower than dirt!"~ she giggles to me. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Monday March 19, 7:10 pm Poe cottage All laid out on my bed, in just a tee-shirt and sweats. I am studying my books on magic class and my hardest subject in my opinion! Most of my bed is covered by me, the books or loads of snack bags, just full of all kinds of munchies! I take bites from various bags, as I read and make notes. As I study on, a knock is at my door "Come in?" I bark at it and roll over to see who it is? Paige opens my door slowly, with something in her hands I can see, "You decent?" she asks me sheepishly. "What me? I am in a relationship with a lust demon and you ask that!" I giggle to her, as I know Sara is right behind her. Sara pushes the door open and laughs at me "You knew I was there! But Paige has that computer done as promised...finally!" she glares at Paige, as she walks in with it "And it's here!" "Hey don't blame me! I had lots of data to chase down, to keep that Boston video off the net!" she quips back at Sara and goes to place a large box on my desk. "And a good job too! I will reward ya later for that?" Sara purrs sexily to the Were-panther girl, now taking out equipment from that box and placing it on my desk. "Suuuure ya will! But Ro? This is the system I told ya I would do for you," she says to me and shows me a small lunch box with cables, she is just starting to connect to it. "Darn thing looks real small?" I squint at it. "Yep and bleeding edge tech!" she boasts, while climbing under my desk to place it and hook it up to my internet fiber line. "Well now I have something new to learn?" I mumble back at her, while she is under my desk and I watch on as her tail swishes back and forth in a agitated mood. "Hey I will teach ya!" she beams at me from down there. "Okay?" I say not too sure of it? Then I lose the fight to grab that tail for fun! I make a grab for it and give her a gentle tug. Paige instantly reacts to me doing that with a shriek "Hey lay off the Tail!" "But they are so much fun to play with?" I whine to her. She snatches her tail to her side and moves away from my reach "Leave it alone, then I have to show you this?" "Go ahead, I am ready to learn?" She runs down the long list of spec's to what is jammed into that very small box and what it seems to be to me? Is that, she jammed a supercomputer into a case ten times too small and gave me a very high end, thirty two inch flat panel monitor to use it with! "Humm sounds fun?" I drone out, as she finishes the list. "Yep...shoot! I forgot a game to play on it in my being pressed by Sara, to get this computer over to ya tonight!" she glares at Sara for sometime, as she ponders her next move, "I will ask if anyone around here has one to barrow?" Paige is getting up off my floor and the computer is doing a last diagnostic at her whims via her powers over computers. But as she gets up, I have to give her something neat from my old times and that is the only thought in my head now! "Hey Paige? Before you go and find a game to play on this?" I get up and go to my set of drawers. To pull out a small hand sized leather bag from deep within it. "What's that?" she asks me while standing at my door. "This?" and I pull out a smaller round ball from the pouch, the size of a baseball. Then wave it at her. Sara laughs at it "What is that? A cat nip ball?" "In a way?" "Won't work on me! I am not a house cat!" Sara laughs even hard now and falls back on my bed "Ohh yes you are, you're even 'box' trained!" Paige pouts back at me "Hey that is only when I lose control and fully change!" she warns us. "But this does work on Were's and I am sure it's the last one on the planet?" I toss it up into the air and catch it a few times. "I tried a catnip ball one night, after Sara joked me by tossing one at me. The darn things are for cats! I am a panther?" "Ohh but this is a thousand times stronger than that crap!" my hand gives the bag a hard squeeze to crush the contents a little, thus making it smell. Then I wave it below her nose and her eyes glaze over to us. My hand wiggles the small ball back and forth before her face, Paige's eyes never leave that ball! Then I toss it onto my other bed and watch her 'pounce' on it! Sara, just falls over laughing so hard, she has trouble getting enough breath to make sounds any more, She gasps out nearly silent at me "That is too funny!" "It is," I say flatly, as we both watch her pounce and play with that ball on my other bed. "Where did you get that?" Sara questions me between fits of laughing at Paige's antics. "Ohh I have many strange things like that, remember? I was a leader of Were's into combat, so I know them well!" Paige is totally entranced by the ball and it's scent as we talk, she tosses it up and smacks it around like a large cat would in her play. "How long does that last" Sara asks me. "Ohh about an hour, or till she 'OD's' on the scent and falls asleep?" "But she was showing you that new computer?" "Yes, but is this not more fun to watch?" I grin back at her. "Ro, just grab the thing and lets get back to getting this computer all set for ya?" "Okay, I'll fix this." I state then walk over and snatch the ball from Paige. She growls a little at me and I then toss the ball again to get her attention back on it. While she is fully 'set' on the ball, I grab a foot of her's and slip off a shoe. She does not seem to mind at all. As that small ball is her whole world right now. "Sara, come here please? You might want to learn this too, it may help you with Paige on some of her more bad days?" When Sara gets over to me, I pull her hand to me and press one of her fingers on Paige's foot at the side, near the bottom "Feel that small spot, the bone and the tendon?" She nods to me "Yes, what of it?" "Press it hard, then slide up like this?" I show her the move and help her to do it. She does it and Paige, she falls right asleep. "Neat? But she will be out for hours!" "Nope, just shake her awake, once I get the ball back into the bag and she can't smell it inside there!" Once I get the ball collected and put away. Sara gives Paige a playful shove and she wakes up mad as heck at me! Paige jumps across the room and growls in my face "That was not fair! I should...I should!" "What? tear up my sheets? Or maybe zap me?" I grin at her, "But I had to show ya how much fun that ball was?" "But like that, I was busy showing you that new computer?" "Hey, we only lost like twenty minutes and you had fun?" I hand the bag to her, as I smile to her, "Besides the ball is yours, call it a gift!" "Okay, I give. BUT I would not forgive ya! If that thing was not so much fun?" Sara grins at me, her next question, "That foot thing, how long does it last?" "A few hours and it will calm Paige down right away." "What's this?" Paige asks me, more than confused. "I just showed Sara a way to calm you down when you're agitated. Like when you change during certain times of the month or year?" "What, there is something you can do for that? The other Were's never told me any of this?" she asks me even more confused now. "Of course they did not know that, only Drow or some Sidhe know this kind of stuff? The Were's never really needed it that much, back then...but now?" I question myself, "They might need to relearn it, I will show you how to do later on!" "Yep, or I will?" Sara smiled to her, "So Paige, go grab a good game from? Hummm?" Sara ponders a little and looks so cute when she does, "Hank has a good collection of games! Go ask him for one?" Once Paige gets back to my room with a game that Hank gave her in hand, Hank and a few others flow into my room to see that new computer at work. Hank smiles at me as Paige loads that game off it's disk "You'll love this one, It's HellGate London! A new game that you fight demons in!" I nod back to him, "Sounds like my old job?" We all watch on, as Paige plays the first levels of the game on that huge monitor. She kills off demons in a destroyed London and church looking buildings with practiced ease. Then the game moves into sewers, where she just has to jest Sara a little as she plays, "Any on these demons look like family Sara!" As Sara squints at the screen and gets closer to see better. I am having an issue with my fingers. I start rubbing them hard together. They seem 'dirty' to me and I am starting to feel that 'dirt' spreading up my arms just now, as I watch the game play on more. Sara leans over the screen and taps a clawed finger on the monitor, "That one looks like an uncle of mine," she joked, then Paige moves into a church battle and the gore really flows on the game "Now that one there looks like my aunt for sure!" Sara points on the screen and laughs at the game. I watch on, over the rest of the room, then drift off and stand nearer to the back by my door. For some reason, I really want to stay closer to the door and not the game? But that feeling of 'dirty' is really starting to get bad on my arms now, I am scratching at them and trying to 'rub' them clean? After Sara leans back up from looming over Paige, she glances my way and can see I am not looking good? She gives me a playful bump as she asks me "You okay?" "Fine, just fine." I mumble back to her and scratch at my arms even more harshly. Paige comes upon a section 'boss' in the game and most of the other kids in my room howl and root for her to beat it. My eyes never stop watching the screen, I can't seem to look away for too long! And now my shirt feels 'dirty' and 'wet' with something? I just have to peel it off me, so I rush out of the room and down the hallway toward the showers. --------------------------------------- Jade is bouncing down the hallway, looking for 'One-san' or most others call her Billie! When she is nearly shoved aside by Rohanna, who is rushing down the hallway going towards the showers. But what really grabs her attention, is that Rohanna is TEARING her tee- shirt off in strips and patches off her body. Then she does not even stop to pick them up, she just leaves the torn pieces all over the hallway floor? This new act is very strange for Rohanna, who always cleans up after herself and some others! Jade, scans the hallway and finds no one to tell what is going on? But instead of chasing someone down and maybe Rohanna gets hurt! She runs into the showers she just went into, where she finds the teen Drow under a shower and she is scrubbing at her skin like mad! She slowly walks up to Rohanna, who is sitting and leaning against that shower wall with the shower raining water all over her. "What is wrong Ro?" she asks, at near whisper so as not spook her more. The Drow, who is crying like mad looks up to her all wild-eyed "The never comes out? I can never wash it off?" and she goes back to her harsh scrubbing. "Ro? There is no blood, not a drop on ya?" Jade shakes her head to the madness she sees and realizes this is getting bad! "Can't you see it?" Rohanna asks while shoving her hands to Jade to examine them closer. "I don't see any? You know I would never lie to you, just check with that gift of yours?" Rohanna searches over Jade's face, but says yet again "The blood never comes off?" then goes back to washing her arms and hands till the skin starts to bleed. Now Jade is really worried, Rohanna can't lie and yet? She is seeing 'blood' that is not there! Just then, Ayla pokes her head into the showers when she heard a sound that is not normal at all...crying. "What's up!" Ayla asks the room and that makes Jade jump in surprise. As she was fixated on watching Rohanna right then. "Ayla, go grab someone please? Rohanna is issue!" she says, but tries not to say a bad word that might be taken a wrong way right now? "Got it!" she chirps back and she is gone! Jade tries to get a little closer to Rohanna and sits under the water with her, "Rohanna?" she tries to get the Drow's attention on her and not on her arms "I am here for ya, but you know this is getting me all wet!" she jokes to her. The ghostly empty stare she gets back from the Drow, is a bad one and one that does not show Rohanna even cares that Jade is in the room with her. Then she spots Violet, Rohanna's Pixie hovering in the room near both of them. "Hey Violet, what is wrong with her?" "I don't know? She shut me out, an hour ago?" the tiny voice tells her and almost starts crying herself. Just then, most of the kids fly into the room with Sara at the lead and Nikki plus Gwen following close behind her. "What's up Jade?" Sara asks her at a near whisper, as she crawls toward both of them and is trying to look non-threatening to the Drow. Because she knows how fast 'good', can turn to 'bad' with her! "Ro, she is in bad way? She keeps telling me, that there is blood on her and that it will not come off her, no matter how hard she scrubs at it?" "Got it, anything else you have seen?" "She seems like a ghost, just not here?" "I bet she is having a flashback, or something close to that?" Sara suggests. "Rohanna, talk to me please?" Sara's soft voice calls to the Drow only feet away. When the Drow looks up at Sara's face, from her work at scrubbing her arms and hands. The Drow's eyes both go instantly red upon seeing her! Sara mumbles out quickly, back to the room filled with kids "Ohhh SHIT!" she warns too late. Then as Sara tries to scoot back a little and maybe that will make Rohanna less upset? Heavy metal armor flashes allover the Drow's body, as she grabs Jade by the shirt and tosses her to the corner behind her. Next, a large blade comes from nowhere and slices towards Sara's body near her neck! "GET AWAY BEAST!" the Drow screams at her, more in battle cry than a warning! "I MUST PORTECT THE CHILD THIS TIME!" Sara's only save from that swipe, was her vast speed and that saved her from losing yet another head! The room watches on silently, as all that happens and then sees that Drow shove poor Jade back into that corner even harder. Her metal boots clang against the showers marble surface, trying to gain purchase as she hisses out once more at Sara "GET AWY FROM THE CHILD, THERE IS NO MEAL FOR YOU HERE TODAY!" Sara wisely backs out of the room and down the hallway a few feet, but as she does that. Chou sees something strange, but it makes sense to her! "Sara?" Chou asks her fast "Move down the hallway some more for me?" "Why?" "Just do it, darn you!" Sara moves a few more yards down the hallway, as Chou watches the Drow and she notes the blade's position all the time. "Sara, she knows you're there, wall or not. She can see you somehow?" Chou warns her. Just then, Billie finds the madness that is going on in the showers and tries to bust her way past the crowd "Let me save JADE!" she shouts that the group of teens in her way. But before she gets there, Jade yells back at her "One-san, I am fine. Rohanna is just protecting me, from what she feels is dangerous right now?" "But...but?" Billie stutters out in the hallway. "No don't come in here...please? I am fine, she needs some space!" Sara moves back towards the shower room a few yards and if to prove Chou's theory. The Drow skitters on the marble floor again as she yells out again and again "Protect the to protect the kids!" and then doubles her efforts at shielding Jade by shoving her back into that corner even more. That move gains a 'yip' of surprise from Jade and a grunt of a little pain. When that is heard, Billie tries to gain access to the room again, by shoving at the crowd by the door "She's hurting her! Let me in there!" Billie shouts. "Billie, Jade she is fine. Just fine!" Hank shouts to her, as he fills the doorway to keep her out, "Jade is being protected by Rohanna, not being hurt by her. She sees Sara as a threat of some sort now? You can understand it, don't ya?" Chou swaps glances at Sara, then the Drow's blade and for sure they are connected. That blade points without error, right at Sara and Chou points it out to the small group once again. "Yep Sara, you moved and Rohanna 'saw' that, like I said before, wall or not?" "Makes sense, Drow are made to hunt the GOO and a simple wall of this cottage can't stop that!" Aunghadhail tells all from Nikki's body. "Should Sara go outside or something Aung?" Chou questions the old Fae. "That might calm her down more, I can not be sure? But trying it out is a sound plan." "Let's try it?" Hank tells the hallway filled with kids, "It makes sense to me?" "I don't want to leave her like this!" Sara shouts back at the group, as she balls up her fists in anger. "You really don't have a choice in this Sara?" Paige points out to her, "I can see that she is fixated on ya and that is bad...please go. I will stay and keep you in the loop?" Sara dreads this, not being able to help. But the others are right, her past that is shared with Rohanna's. It is affecting the Drow now and has to stop for the time being. So she reluctantly goes out Poe's front doors and walks toward a bench to sit and wait this out. As Sara walks out the door, the ones in the shower room watch on as the Drow makes a swift move. She calls from nowhere, a flat metal square, then slaps onto the wall and then says something in a magical spell. Those in the room with sight that can see all things magical, watch on in surprise as a huge ward spreads all over the walls of Poe and the runes it leave behind glow in magical fire. Aunghadhail, knows this spell well and has not done or seen one since her days. She yells back to the hallway "Warn Sara not to come back into Poe, until I tell her it is safe to do so? This new ward Rohanna just added to the building, it will hurt her for sure!" Now with the ward firmly in place, the Drow seems to relax more and the sword in her right hand sags toward the floor to bang on it's smooth surface. Her head leans down just a little and those close enough to her, can just make out her sigh of relief. Aunghadhail notices this and thinks it is a good time to act on it, She helps Nikki mentally with the next steps. Nikki moves closer to her friend and kneels down to her "Warrior?" she asks calmly, then waits to be 'seen' and the Drow's head snaps up to her. "Your duty is fully done, the threat has left this building and all is safe because of you. Please relent your charge to me and I will promise to watch over the child, just as you have done?" The Drow sees the girl before her for what she is, royalty and with that. She has to obey within her sets of rules that govern her life, 'all is well' as she says? The building is safe, she promised to protect the young and then said her duty is done fully. Nikki watches on, as the Drow's sword falls from her hand and clangs on the floor, then vanishes. Then her metal armor fades away and the Drow slumped to the wall and passes out. Jade now has a rather large Drow on top of her, pressing her to the wall and she tries to push the body off her. Billie sees that it's all over and rushes the room to move Rohanna off Jade and pick her best friend up from the wet floor. Billie shouts at the room filled with Poe kids, in her anger fogged mind, "Maybe she needs to get sent over to Hawthorne, if Ro is this dangerous!" "Billie!" Jade yells back at her, "The other posies did not give up on you and send you there? So why would you say that! I am not hurt one little bit, besides she is Sara's friend and Nikki's!" "Guy's?" Nikki shouts at the group, "Can some of you get her to a bed, while Gwen and I remove this ward Ro left behind, so that Sara can get back into the cottage?" "I got her," Hippolyta the Amazon teen, barks at the kids around her, "then somebody go grab me one of her towels and we can get her dried off?" Ayla runs off and grabs that towel from Ro's room. While 'Hip' gets the Drow lifted over to one of the benches in the shower room. When Ayla gets back with the towels, they strip off the wet clothes from Rohanna and get her all dry. Then 'Hip' carries the Drow back to her room, lays her on the bed and covers her up. While that small effort was being done, across the room two Sidhe teens get a ad-hoc class on Drow style magical wards. While Aunghadhail removes the metal plate from the wall. Once removed from the wall, Aunghadhail studies the small hand sized plate that contained that ward "Nice craftsmanship, this one surly was not made by Rohanna? I am sure it was made by one of the main royal mages of my time!" "So Rohanna carried it around all this time? And it's made to keep GOO's out of a building?" Gwen asks the queen. "Yes child, "she smiles to Gwen, "like most of her possessions, it is that ancient and very powerful indeed. But only toward those of Mythos or their minions." she then hands the plate over to Gwen, "give this to Rohanna, then let us tell Sara it's safe to come back in and care for her." Sara had been given the word by Hank that the ward that Rohanna placed on the cottage was now gone, she sped into the building and to Ro's room. Where she found the Drow laying on her bed and she was passed out. From what she was not sure, but it seemed she was not dreaming yet? As her body did not even twitch one bit, like it usually did when she slept and the nightmares came for her. "Ohh Ro?" she asks the still form on the bed, as she rubs the Drow's back, "What brought this on?" Just from the door was a voice that had a clue to that, "She said something about blood? Then that she could not wash it off, it never came off?" Jade tells her from her leaning in the door and looking in on her friends. As Gwen enters the room, she smiles at Sara and starts to sit across the room as she ass a clue, "Then add to what Jade just said? Ro, said 'must protect the children or child?' Many times over?" "Well that makes this a nearly sure case of that PTSD she has, coming fully to ahead tonight? I just have to figure out, what action or thing was around her that started it?" She sighs to Gwen. Gwen goes to show that metal plate to Sara, but as it gets within a few feet of her. Sara reels back from it with a shriek, "Ekkk what is that darn thing girl, it makes me sick to be near it!" Gwen backs off and studies the plate as Nikki walks into the room "That Sara, my friend. It is a magical ward to keep Mythos out of a building. One that Aung tells me, you should never touch, if you want to keep that hand?" she giggles to her. "I'll take her word on that!" "Yes, you should. But how is she?" "Sleeping I think, but she is so still? She is not moving an inch and that is far from normal for her?" Nikki goes to lay a hand on Rohanna's back for a second, then Aunghadhail speaks up as she sits on the bedside, "That must be her Geas at work, it took far too much time to start working on her? It should have kept her from going that far in to that 'PTSD', the humans call bad memories?" Sara glares at the Queen, as she growls out, "Is this all because of the bloody command book, or that binding and Geas crap yet again Aung?" "No, that should have stopped this? But this maybe a memory that is so bad, that when it came upon her, there was no stopping it?" she questions what happened, with a shake of her head. "Well, I am staying tonight with her, both of you should go now? As I am going into her head and trying to help out with fixing this?" "That should work Sara and when you get time seek me out? We have to talk over things that have happened of late?" the queen asks, as she stands and walks to the door. Then at the door, Nikki takes control back over her body, "Sara, take care. There might be some bad things in there tonight, that got all dragged up by this?" "I will." Once both of them are gone, Sara yanks out that meditation mat from under the bed and sits on it near the sleeping Rohanna. Sara fades off into her dream state and finds that small link she has made with Rohanna's mind. This time instead of the academy's door being there as usual and it waiting for her to knock on it. She finds a vast forest of giant trees, that go on for miles and miles. Sara wanders those vast woods for what seems hours, till she comes on a small castle keep and it's very deep moat. At the bridge over to the keep, she spots a full size Violet with wings still on her, and she is waiting and sulking there under a sign written in Drow maybe? "Violet!" she shouts at the Pixie, "What are you doing here?" "I am waiting to get in? Rohanna locked me out of her mind when Paige was playing that game and I have not felt or heard one thought from her since?" "So you two are linked now somehow?" "Yes, we bonded. Why she let you in this far, I don't know? It took me hours to get here!" "Me too! That might be her testing us both, to see if we would keep going or give up?" "Maybe?" she cries a little harder to her now. "Your not sure, haven't you been here before now?" "Yes, even deeper! But once this started, a wall went up and I got shoved out and blocked!" As they both speak of what has happened, the bridge lowers and a large elf dressed in bright metal armor shimmers from nothing into their view. "You, Violet. You can come in now, but be warned your oath is the same here!" When Violet hears that, she happily runs across the bridge. "Hey shinny dude? Can I come in too?" Sara winks at the elf warrior. The armored elf studies Sara for what seems hours, then speaks slowly "You can come in, but you can be ordered out at anytime by the lord knight or the mage? To stay past that order can bring death!" "You got it, obey the rules or die. Simple black or Aung said." The Elf waves them both in, once across the bridge and inside the walls. Sara notices the troops all around her are training, some are being taught and others are teaching...nearly all of them are Rohanna clones of various ages? The others, Sara is sure that they represent key persons in her long life. Sara has seen this in others minds, representations of their memories acting out the parts of that a play or movie part. On far off platform, Violet spots someone standing there? Who seems to be leading this large group. As she gets closer to see better, Violet finds that person standing there, is 'A' Rohanna that she is sure now is the real one...not a clone one! She rushes over as fast as her wings will carry her, when she finally gets there. Violet wraps the Drow in a deep loving hug. "Why did you lock me out?" she asks. A glassy eyed Drow stares back at her and tells her in cold monotone "Violet, go train with those who fight with" and the Drow turns back to her work, watching the training as it plays on. "What?" she questions Rohanna, very surprised at the non-existent greeting. Then as she asks that question, a Elvin knight ports into view and with an old Elvin mage standing beside him "Pixie?...remember your oath and go now!" the knight orders her. All Violet can do is nod to the lord of this place and fly off to practice as she was told. Sara watches what just happened and runs over to talk to what she also thinks is the real Rohanna among all the clones of her. "Ro!" she shouts up at the Drow standing on the platform, "What happened, talk to me!" "Sara?" The Drow said, as it looked down at her and then recognized her with a smile starting. Then with a tap to her shoulder from the knights blade, that look of recognition and joy fades from her face, "Please let me do my job, I have students to tend too!" "Rohanna, Darn it! Look at me!" she shouts up at her again, but does not get any attention from the Drow at all. Sara runs around to the platforms stairs and leaps up them. At the top, her path to Rohanna is blocked by the knight and the mage. Both stand in her way, faceless Elves behind a helmet or mages facemask watch her every move. "Get out of my way!" she shouts at both of them. "We rule here and we rule her! You have no dealings with her now!" the knight tells her coldly. Then the mage speaks it's turn "Leave or stay, your choice GOO! You are only here because of a very small oath and with it's near nonexistence, you have no power or say here." Sara sees instantly what both of them are, one is the oath she took in life...the knight. The's that damned BOOK! The one that holds Rohanna back! "I get it now, if I can fight my way past both of you? I win her freedom back!" "A Drow that never had any freedom in life!" the mage laughs at her wildly, "NO Drow has tasted freedom...ever! My spells have never failed to act. To either hold one to their path or kill them from straying too far from it!" "Well that changes today!" Sara shouts out at both and she gets ready for a fight. "I hope that you have time?" "What?" Sara questions that statement promptly! "Time my dear GOO, you don't have it on your side and I do!" the mage states to her yet again. Then a gallows forms under Rohanna, with a wave of the mages hand and the knight goes to stand guard at its stairs. The mage 'pops' up to the higher platform and drops the noose around Rohanna's neck. The Drow does not even struggle, all she does is glance at Sara with eyes that just say to me? Or runaway! "Ohh I will get to you both, before you can kill her!" "Too late, that death starts now. We always hold the line till death!" the knight says to Sara in cold words. Right then, Rohanna drops through the platform and starts to choke at the ropes end. "Leave now and she lives! Or fight us as she dies and maybe you can win before she dies!" the knight makes it's challenge known to her. Sara leaps at the knight and is met by it's blade with ease. The blade slices her side badly and the wound flows out her black blood. "If that is your best, this Drow dies today!" the knight shouts at her, as she reels back in pain. Sara can see Rohanna dancing at that ropes end...gasping, but is this real or not? No time to chance it, she has to act and these spells, plus Geas are far too strong for now! "I am going, let her go!" "Leave and we free her. Or wait and she dies!" "I am going...I am going!" she shouts back at both and fades away back to the real world. When Sara's eye snap open to Rohanna's room, she can hear the Drow thrashing around in her bed gasping for breath! She leaps to her feet and can see that Ro, has both hands on her neck desperately trying to tear a rope away from it, that is not really there! Sara screams down at the Drow, hoping the spell inside her listens to her plea, "I left...leave her alone! I am out here...gone...let her live!" Rohanna gasps out once more, then rolls off the bed to the hard floor and seems to wake up fully now. ------------------------------------------------------ "What was that!" I gasp out at Sara, who I find suddenly in my room and all the others strangely gone? Sara hugs me close, so very close. Like she almost lost me? "I tried to help you and you're right. The book's spells that bind you are too tough, I will have to get from somewhere? ANYWHERE!" "That dream was you? You were really there, it was not me dreaming of old times?" "No, I went into your head and tried to help out with why you went crazy?" she looks into my eyes slowly, "and why you crawled into the showers to wash blood off you?" she asks me and tells me what happened to me at the same time. Then that nightmare gone mad, fills my mind again and I shove her away from me a little. So I can look over my hands and arms. I find no blood on them this time, unlike most of the times this nightmare struck me in the past. That dream was so bad, it took days or an order to make them vanish from my head! But the memories of why 'that' nightmare, they fill my head and with them coming back. I scramble to my bed and cower in it's corner near the window...that safe window to outside, us Drows always hated enclosed spaces, the forest is where we belong! As I curl up even more into a tighter ball, Sara rushes over to my side, "Hey it's all safe here, are you okay?" "The blood, this time it's all gone?" I ask her, while look at every inch of both of my outstretched arms. "It was never there? Where do you think it comes from?" she asks me in a soft voice, while slowly trying to sit next to me. "The kids, I walked through a lake of their blood." I say back to her, without any emotion hanging on any of my words. "What kids? Please tell me and maybe this one burden I might be able to take from you, when you share it with me?" "We were guarding a bunch of children, waiting till we could get them all away from the coming battle. Just waiting for a mage to make a safe gate to use? Then one of the royals, he told us to go out and save someone he knew. All the Drow, we knew, just knew it was a trap to get us away from that temple." I stop and think of all those children, the young faces, the faces that trusted us and that they depended on us for protection! "Please keep going?" "We left, orders you know and can't refuse that!" I bark, "Well we got to where this 'one' person was to meet us and nothing at all. Like I said...trap!" I start sobbing to her. "Ro, go on if ya can?" "Okay...Then we ran back as fast as we could! I could not port, it was not safe for that. The...others" I look down from her as I almost stop and stare at my sheets, "They blocked that." "Other's?" she questions me. "Do you want me to say it?" my eyes ask her not too? "I understand...the GOO, like me?" I nod to her, yes..."But, we ran back and found that royal gone. He had fled with his few guards, he could have held out till we got back! But he ran instead, to save his own life and we made sure he paid for that cowardice later!" I growl at her now. "I bet, that law of saving kids seems to be the top one of your kind?" "It is! There is none higher, I can pass by any oath for it, as I choose to!" Sara places that small statement in her mind, never cross that line with Rohanna around or death will come fast to anyone who violates it, is her bet! As I think of the next thing to come in this memory or nightmare! I stay really silent. Sara smiles again to me, as she softly encourages me to go on, "So I guess you stopped and this is the real bad part?" "Yes it is...We entered that temple and found all the children, we had left behind...dead. They painted the walls and ceiling with them. The stone floor was covered in several deep inches of their blood. We went nuts for hours and tried to find them to no avail. Then we all came back to the temple, to bury the dead correctly and that is why I was covered in blood...their never washes out!" And I rub my hands again, thinking of that feeling and this time I don't see any blood on me? But I know deep down, it's still there! "So your Geas pulled at you and sealed you off from that memory. At least till you could deal with it? That is why Violet said that she got shut out, you had no choice in the matter?" I glance up to Violet sitting in her usual spot, she is waiting for me to say it "Yes, it did. Sorry my Violet! I could not stop that?" I apologize to her. "I know...I can see that now. At the time, I did not understand what I was seeing. But next time, please tell me and we as a TEAM will deal with it!" she almost schools me on the subject. All I could do was nod back to her my agreement. "Well, it's all over lets rest and go to class tomorrow?" Sara suggests to me. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday March 20, 5:10 am Poe cottage When morning comes, I wake to a very mad Sara and she is pacing my room back and forth cursing all the time in old languages. Most of what she says I know the translation, so I know what she is saying now "Why are you mad at Aung?" I ask her on one of her rounds around my room, as she passes by my bed. "You told Aunghadhail that witch, to tell me about what Caitlin is to you and why you went nuts that first day meeting her? So I am mad now!" she growls out at me. "Now you understand just a little more, of why I hate her so much!" "Yes I do, but lets get ready for class?" she suggests to me, but this time there is no real smile from her? ---------------------------------------------- Across the nation at that same time A boy pulls a small laptop from a hiding place, then inserts a memory stick in it, he had pulled from yet another hiding spot and starts looking at it's files yet again. This laptop is the one, his dad showed him one day and it was to be taken by him 'just in case' in any disaster! This small laptop, was what his dad called a...'rock' had no internet connection and could only read data, never write it! Then add to that, the case on the small laptop was so strong, you could bash it on ground and not damage it. Even the memory stick was hardened to damage, then it was 'read' only, no data could be put on it or erased from it. As the computer warms up and loads it's programs. He thinks back to nearly a month ago, that terrible night, when his mom woke him and his sister. To tell them both, as she hugged them close, was dead...and mom then lied to them both. He was very sure of this, Mom told them both...'your father committed suicide' and that was that! Then the rush of cops all night, doing their thing, asking questions over and over. When they left, mom had them pack as fast as they could and they left the house. She found a good hotel to stay at and paid for the room with one of the many dead end credit cards dad had. From there, she arranged the house to be sold and she rented this townhouse they now lived in Colorado, over two thousand miles from their old home! The day to day life, mom had them in now was basic. No going out without her, no phones without her there, keep your bags packed incase we have to go! Heck all three of them, kept one bag packed in the car no matter where they went! Mom only used the 'burn' cell phones, his dad had packed in his 'run' box and the rest of that box had the 'other' needs in it. Money, way over two hundred k! In cash and gold. Several debit-credit cards, under dozens of names, that held who knows how much money? Papers that ID'ed the whole family, under what he could see when mom opened that box, at least ten different names! Then a list of contacts, that could be depended on and he plus his sister, were given a copy of that list. A very short list indeed! But what troubled him most, was that sealed letter she gave them both, in it was a copy of a sheet of paper that she always had on her. On it was three hand drawn symbols and the next page was a address and phone number. She told them both, if it all goes nuts and mom is gone. Call the number or write a letter with this on it and hope! might come to them? What 'help?' that was coming, she never said that part? Now the computer was up and running and he opened that file that so intrigued him. He had found this file, along with others on this one memory stick. His dad had others in that 'stash'...most were records of money going back and forth. One was instructions on what certain files were what...from his dad, in case he was not there and who or what might want them as a bargaining chip! But this one, covered his dads last real assignments. It had grabbed his attention in a strange way and he found once he read them, looked at the pictures in them. He was obsessed with that very last file in a strange way! Both files were on Elves! The first one was a kid that got changed into a elf, that had the power to control computers and that was cool! She was cute and pretty looking! But not his type in many ways? She disappeared and was thought to have been hidden in a school in the north-east? The next file, was the one he obsessed on, she was a Drow and tall, very tall for an elf at six foot! Her face just grabbed him, like he had seen it somewhere long ago? He pondered on that thought many times...where did he meet her, he was sure that he had met her somewhere! Her face was lovely, But her body was to die for! She had a fit body and skin of a strange, but beautiful to him purple-black color. The voice she had, it snatched him in it's melody and held him in it's sway! Even when she spoke in her own ancient language, he thought he was sure, he knew what she just said and ment on some level, but the words...they passed by him on a higher level? He leaned toward the screen and hit the play button on the video files. From there on, he was in a deep trance of watching her! Her cute laugh when she fought in some sim, her talking to others, her moves...the way her body moved! God he wanted to meet her sooo bad! As he hit that play button for the tenth time today and that file ran on. His mom opened his door suddenly...she was supposed to be shopping with his sister for hours! He glanced at the clock when he spun to her, indeed two hours plus had passed since they left and he missed it all and now mom was mad at him for missing chores! His mom yelled at him "You did not clean the kitchen or the living room!" Then she suddenly stopped yelling and ran to over him when she saw the computer. She stanched it from his hands, as he laid on the bed and yelled once more at him. "Where did you get this!?" she barked at him. "Dad told me to grab this" he gulped out, "If he died suddenly?" His mom looked over the files and a very shocked look comes over her face when she sees that last one "Are there any others!" "Just these mom, most are just files and one is from dad on who or what they might be bargained for?" "Why would your father give you this instead of me?" "One mom, you can't run a computer to save your life?" she nods back to him, that's a fact...she can't! "The other he told me, there was a chance that both of you would be dead and both of us kids would be on our own?" he shrugs to her. His mom, then opens that file he paused and watches the whole thing. She knows this girl by the voice and now she can by her body moves too! Each one of her moves, smooth and with purpose, no wasted motion. She was there that night her husband died, then she helped save her and the kids! The last video of the training fight in some sim, it was the last clue. As the girl that was shown in it, she wore that same 'skull face' mask on her head as the one that night! Then she struggles for sometime getting the other files to open and finds most of it medical files. The others are opinions on what powers this elf might have and that is one long list of powers and skills! One grabs her attention and she shows the screen to her son very mad "So is this why you look at this...all the nude pic's of her!" "No maww I look at the videos of her, her talking and moving when she fights. They just grab me hard is all?" he whines to her, but she can tell he is saying the truth this time! "So you are infatuated by her?" "I guess?" he says more than embarrassed, but then perks up to her, "I would love to meet her!" he beams back her happy as heck. She sits down next to her son and gives him a hug of death. "I have something to tell you and you have to promise me not to tell your sister this?" "What, is this that bad?" "I am sure your know by now, as you're too smart to fool for long and so is your sister. That your dad did not kill himself, his job did! His work followed him home that night, after he was fired from the CIA." "Yes mom, I got that easy. But the agency killed him?" "Yes, he embarrassed them one to many times with failure, so they had to shut him up forever." "That had to be...because of her," he opened a file to the first elf, "She can make a computer do anything! Then the other one with powers just like her, dad lost track of months ago, she could make them do anything like magic! Her mutant power was just that!" the boy realized that in both cases, a nation would kill to keep that, or kill to keep that power over all computers from others. "I am sure you are right, you and your father are one in the same. You both can think outside of the box and do it so well!" She started to cry thinking of the place he left them in...deadly trouble! "Mom it will get better!" he tells her, knowing it must...somehow? "But that night, when 'they' came for your dad. She came too, she was there for his hunting that other elf and I am sure that other mutant too! She wanted him dead, but the CIA interrupted her and they did the deed instead...she watched them," his mom stops almost crying, "She watched them make your dad kill himself!" "Ohh man she did, that is bad?" he thinks she could have saved dad, but dad did do this to himself and when he failed, it got him killed. "She is not all bad? The men that came night, they wanted to kill us all, but she stopped them and killed them all in horrible ways. She has a rule, one she told never hurt kids!" "So she saved us?" "Yes she did, she saved us and cleaned up the mess. That letter I gave both of you?" "The sealed one with the weird writing in it?" "That's the one," his mom nods to him, "it was from her. I begged her to help us get away, but she does not have the resources to do that. But she gave me one last chance, if all failed us?" then her head slumps, to stare at the floor in her stress of telling the boy all this and then she thinks of that last warning the girl gave her! "Mom, there is something else about this? I can tell your holding back something more?" "Yes, there is more." she says to him way to simply for it 'not' to matter! "MOM!" he shouts at her, "Please tell me?" he shoots to standing up and gazes down at her. As what ever this is starting to scare him! "That girl came back after the cops came, she snuck in somehow? She told me that the men wanted you and your sister dead...because you have a very high chance of mutating? So they being H1 types, wanted you dead and clean the plate so to speak?" The boy just has to fall back onto his bed, to sit and think this over "I might be a mutant, Someday?" "Maybe? No mater what happens, I will still love ya!" she then grabs him and hugs him so hard he can't breath well, but he does not stop his mom from that love he feels now. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday, March 22 7:05 am Poe cottage All night, heck most of it? I had done my learning time with Aunghadhail and I even learned a few new spells during tonight! When I ported to my room, I knew I might be late to class. So I undressed fast as I could, grabbed my stuff and off to the showers! Hours later, I just finished up on of my martial arts classes and was headed toward today's magic class with all the other Sidhe! This was the one class I truly loved being in, all of us Sidhe, all in the same class and in the same group! For the last few hours, all of us were busy 'arguing' or deciding what to do as a group project? A spell scroll, my choice! A potion, Gwen's want! Or a enchanted magic item, but each one of us has to turn one in and I am banned from that choice. This was Bree and Rhia's choice, as they wanted a invisibility charm of some sort? Belphoebe, she did not care one way or the other what we did, as long as she was included! Well since I seemed to be on the side of a losing choice, on what we were going to do as a project and I could not do that choice as a team or personal project. As making a enchanted item was 'out' for me, as I did them so quick! I decided to get up and ask Mrs. Grimes or Belle, who was filling in for an absent Nikki. What in the heck I should do? I snatch our long list of what to do, off the lab table and glare at Gwen as she sits perched on her stool "All your fault, you just have to be strange...all of you!" Gwen giggles at me her answer "Not my fault, I wanted the potion option?" "Well talk to them?" I point at the far end of the table, with Rhia sitting beside a leaning Bree, who both stick tongues at me in protest. "Traako!" I bark out at the room in anger. (shit!) "What did she say?" Belphoebe asks the rest of the now giggling girls table. "She said Belph...One of the first words you learn in Elvin from Ro?" Gwen smiles to her. "What?" she squints back at Gwen. "Ca-ca or shit!" she laughs back to her, "You will learn to cuss in Elvin, long before anything else at this table?" My head shakes at what Gwen said, she is right I have to 'cuss' a little less these days? As I cross that room with my list, a pain hits me deep in the chest! My very soul is being attacked I can feel it, it feels like part of me is being shoved out and shredded whole! The pain is worse than that blade was, this pain makes that sword and the burning it did to me feel like a pin prick and it drives right through me! I falter on my next step and as I fall down to one knee, my heavy armor flashes on to my body as a trained reaction to attacks this bad. One of my blades comes to my hand, I stab it into the floor with a loud bang and use the hilt to steady myself from falling, by using it like a cane. That sound of that blade hitting the floor so hard, it drew most of the class to look right at me. Gaea, the pain! It's so bad! I gasp out and nearly scream from it and my eyes are filled with tears from the enormous growing pain. My very spirit is crying from it and being torn to shreds! With the next second, my mind knows why I am hurting...Aunghadhail the old Queen just died her final death...she is gone now! "NO!" I gasp out in pain and shock, "Not that!" As I gasp those few words, I hear Gwen fall from her stool with a squeak of pain and hit the floor with a even more painful moan. She starts wailing to the world like I have never seen her cry, then thank Gaea she passes out. Then Rhia falls to her side and is almost in the same pain. When I spot Bree still standing, but she is gasping for breath and she seems to be better off than the rest of us. Belphoebe spins her head all about looking for an attacker of some sort? And seems not even affected in the least. I grasp onto that new thought for a short second, we are affected today in our pain by how much the Queen is or was part of our lives. Gwen is a direct relative in her way and is in the most pain. I am next, then Rhia. Bree being totally new, is the least affected here anyway? Mrs. Grimes sees us all fall in someway or another? She starts running over to me, as she asks me sternly, "What happened Rohanna?" My body spun from her questions, as in my anger I cursed at her very existence and I left that sword of mine stuck into the floor as a marker of my anger, "Sevir udossa tlu xsa'us rivvil! Udossa Sidhe inbal vharc ulu morfeth yallt!" (Leave us be damned human! Us Sidhe have vengeance to make today!) With a huge push of my will. I get back up to standing and spun back to the lab table of my group "Bree grab Rhia, I got Gwen!" I order the only other Sidhe not laying on the floor right now. "What was that? Bree asks me, as she goes to help Rhia. "You know deep down what that was, she is dead...So lets get moving!" Bree nods back at my order and helps Rhia to stand. "Belphoebe?" I ask the artificial Drow at our table. "Yes Ro, what's going on!" "Did you feel anything just now?" She shakes her head at me "No I did not? What happened to all of you?" "Something happened to Nikki, we felt it. But if you come with us, it could be bad or good for you? But we are going NOW! So choose now, you have no connection to this and can make a choice with no guilt?" "I'll stay, that is best. As Nikki and Aung hate me to say the least." "They do, but I invite you to come as the Sidhe you are now?" "No I will stay here, it's best?" "Fine," I tell her and grab a now still Gwen from the floor. She is unconscious but alive. As I lay her on the table, I glace at Rhia who is in better shape and being steadied by Bree "Rhia? Please call the others on your phone now. We all meet at Poe in five minutes!" I bark an order at her, she nods back to me, a cell phone comes out and she starts working on it. "Rohanna! What is going on?" Mrs. Grimes questions me again with a shout. I just stare at her with growing red eyes of pain to come to those who block my path. Then I hug all the Girls at the table into a group and port to Poe. Once we are there, I place Gwen on the couch in the sunroom and check on her. "The others are on their way Ro?" Rhia tells me, as she grabs a seat. "Thanks, now to get Sara!" and I reach out to her mind ~"Sara? Where are you? I can feel that pain of yours!"~ ~"Nikki she is hurting...Aunghadhail dead!"~ is all Sara gives me, but that was enough I know she is in the class room that is next to mine. When I port to the room, I find several students trying to help her and one is Beltane. Who glares at me, as I shove her aside "What gives Ro!" Beltane shouts back at me. "Go way leave us now!" I bark back to her. The teacher in the room, Circe glares at me from her desk, as she shouts at the class while on the phone "Leave her alone till medial gets her?" I don't even g

Same as Shadowsblade: Queens Gambit Videos

4 years ago
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Shadowsblade Some things should not beTaken

Shadowsblade a Whateley Tale: Written by Shadowsblade Created for war and forged in pain, dealing with demons within and without. To all my readers, thanks for your posts. I do read each one and some of the ones posted recently, they added to my ideas on where to go in long term plot ideas! So keep posting and thinking out there! Copyright © 2016 by Shadowsblade All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by...

2 years ago
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Shadowsblade School is a pain in the back

Poe cottage---my room The first rays of sunlight just shoot into my window and my eyes snap open with them hitting my face. My legs then spring me to standing up and the meditation mat I was just sitting on gets kicked back under the bed. 'Great it's finally Saturday, that ride I have been waiting for is here now!' are the only thoughts running through my brain. After I had run down the hall, got a quick shower then came back to my room. I was dwelling over what to wear today!...

2 years ago
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Shadowsblade Dead Ringer

Shadowsblade a Whateley Tale: Written by Shadowsblade Created for war and forged in pain, dealing with demons within and without. In this chapter...Change This is the chapter some of you have been waiting for! Monday March 26, 6:05 am Poe cottage With Monday's dawn, I helped Nikki down the hallway to the showers and she seems to be feeling better emotionally today. Maybe it was that little jaunt to San Francisco or the lessons on Elvin mother's songs? But I hope it keeps up...

3 years ago
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Shadowsblade Four funerals and a Movie

Shadowsblade a Whateley Tale: Written by Shadowsblade Created for war and forged in pain, dealing with demons within and without. In this part, Rohanna lays parts of her past to rest and more will come in the chapters that follow. This one chapter only contains one of the four funerals that come in her life, so suddenly and all at that same time! I hope that my readers love this part? I seem to have lost some of you with the last 2 postings? for some reason? To all my readers,...

4 years ago
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Shadowsblade Testing finals

Shadowsblade a Whateley Tale: Written by Shadowsblade Created for war and forged in pain, dealing with demons within and without. To all my readers, thanks for your posts. I do read each one and some of the ones posted recently, they added to my ideas on where to go in long term plot ideas! So keep posting and thinking out there! Copyright © 2016 by Shadowsblade All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by...

4 years ago
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Shadowsblade chapter 1 part 2

Note: This story is set in Maggie Finson's Whateley Academy Universe This is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity. Canon stories may be found at This is a edited version of the last post --cut in half so its not so big -- with added content This is part #2 and to the authors of this universe --I just barrowed your characters and I hope...

5 years ago
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Shadowsblade Weekend shopping

Shadowsblade is back! Created for war and forged in pain, dealing with demons within and without. In this part! she goes shopping, but not all is well and bloody Boston is the place! -------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday February 17 5:20 am Whateley Academy - Poe cottage I walk out of Doyle, to greet the sun coming up and a great day to come! I now feel totally relaxed now. I got that wreck something out of my system! With a...

4 years ago
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Witch Chronicles 010 The WarOpening Gambit

Government file 00010: Document classification: Events leading up to the Restoration See also: Diaries of characters of the Restoration: Government file 00001: A TG Witch's Tale Government file 00002: Elizabeth's Story - Elizabeth Government file 00003: Elizabeth's Story - Lynn Events leading up to the Restoration: Government file 00004: I Was A Teenage Sorceress Sec 01 Government file 00005: I Was A Teenage Sorceress Sec 02 Government file 00006: I Was A Teenage...

3 years ago
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Note: This story is set in Maggie Finson's Whateley Academy Universe This is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity. Canon stories may be found at This is a edited version of the last post --cut in half so its not so big -- with added content part 2 of this will be added later this week if this works right "lets hope this works out better"...

3 years ago
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Shadowsblade first day

Note: This story is set in Maggie Finson's Whateley Academy Universe This is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity. Canon stories may be found at This is Shadowsblade's first day at Whateley meeting new students and getting all set-up for her time at the academy to come. and to the authors of this universe --I just barrowed your...

2 years ago
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Shadowsblade frist week part 1

This part deals with Rohanna's first week at the Academy Thanks to all who left cool reviews and stayed to see how I developed the character and those around her. Just for info please look into these other 2 authors here at Fictionmania Branek and his character --Mel and Nuuan and his character --kelly as both will be teaming up with Rohanna the Drow in 2007 school year as a team written effort. I will add soon to my characters another Vantier to be seen here real soon ...

2 years ago
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shadowsblade first week part 2

this part deals with Rohanna's first week at the Academy thanks to all who left cool reviews and stayed to see how I developed the character and those around her. Just for info please look into these other 2 authors here at fictionmania Branek and his character --Mel and Nuuan and his character --kelly as both will be teaming up with Rohanna the Drow in 2007 school year as a team written effort. I will add soon to my characters another Vantier to be seen here real...

2 years ago
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Shadowsblade Betrayal and forgiveness

Created for war and forged in pain, dealing with demons within and without! In this part: Rohanna is betrayed and hurt by a person close to her.....but at its end....redemption and forgiveness ---------------------------------------------------------------- As I sat in my room pondering on staying here at Whateley OR if I was going to leave Whateley, OR worse! me jailed or stuck in ARC! Sunday February 18 4:45 am Outskirts of Boston A small chancery of the church A small...

2 years ago
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Shadowsblade Fighting the calm before the storms to come

Saturday February 24 11:10 pm Arkham Research Consortium My port from Nikki's house ends at the rather long and beautiful access road leading to ARC. I had just barely seen this spot, from the first days after my change from the complex's cafeteria we all ate in one night. I at that time thought to escape into the woods and leave all this behind. But my trust in Sara at the time was so great, that at her slight instance....I did not leave. Perhaps in the light of what has happened...

4 years ago
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Shadowsblade Ride to the light

Thursday, March 1 4:55 am The Grove---the campus access road Tee-Kay gasps out "Ohhh shit we killed her!" at seeing the sight of the girl smashing into the rock and laying so still. Nitro walks slowly over to the still form and gives it a nudge with his shoe "You okay Rohanna?" he asks unsure if he should even touch her. He hears nothing coming form the still body, not even breathing and that scares him badly! He kneels down at the group of large rocks, rolls the still elf over...

4 years ago
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Shadowsblade Pixie partner

Saturday, March 10 7:05 am Doyle medical center--intensive care center My eyes scrape open in pain, to see a blurry sight before me and when they clear up a little better. I notice a small form sitting on my rising and falling chest, "Hey little one? What happened?" I croak out very tired and in deep pain from my wounds. Violet's small face shoots up, to gaze at me and she starts to cry to me, "You got hurt again and it's my fault!" "No," I groan again, to her small tear covered...

3 years ago
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Shadowsblade Dead Ringer part 2

Sunday April 16, 12:05 am Abandoned lab hallway With some effort, Sara slid the stone out of it's place a few inches and then it started to slide on it's own. When the stone had slid enough distance so that she could see it was being pulled out by two of her father's huge assistants. Once it was clear of the doorway, they shoved it aside and stepped out of her way with a bow of respect. "Mistress?" both asked. Gothmog smiled at her, as he leaned in a almost human like way against...

2 years ago
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Council of Quadrant Queens

Council of Quadrant Queens By: Malissa Madison Each Quadrant had hurried to send their Ambassadors to the new Queens, pledging their open support. Sending what they could quickly muster together to reinforce the security for Quill as well as Empress Queen Moshi of Antera and also for Queen Keeli of Draconia. Many pledging money to help pay for the changes they knew would be needed before the Dilithium mines could be reopened by the Anterian's. The Avian...

4 years ago
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This following is an early extract from volume one of my three part saga "Slaves of the Amethyst" . I dedicate it to a lover of games of my acquaintance on xhamster.Whilst Jennifer and Julie were carousing together on the meadow at Woodman’s Bluff Margaret Wilkinson was sipping a fine hundred year old cognac in a comfortable lounge at Mathom Hall. Lady Mathom was reclining languidly in a chair opposite her, her long dark tresses hanging loose over her shoulders, its glossy sheen reflecting the...

4 years ago
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When Drag Queens Came To Visit

WHEN DRAG QUEENS CAME TO VISIT by Throne "But Margo," I said with a note of anxiety in my voice, "I don't understand." "It's very simple, Perry. I invited several young men to our home for the next week. You know I like to interact with people who have different lifestyles. Remember when I went to that retreat with lesbians and straight women? To see what we could teach each other?" "I remember." That had been a nervous three days for me, and my wife seemed somehow different...

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Royal Gambit

Royal Gambit By: Malissa Madison Lars Grendel sat watching the Royal Court, but he wasn't anywhere close to it. That would be foolish in his line of work. Still he was unsure as to whether he wanted to do this job. The contractor was having trouble delivering the down payment, and you never completed a job before you were sure of the full payment Thirty Million Galactic credits was a lot for a politician that no one liked to begin with. But he'd done his...

4 years ago
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For the Queens Pleasure With Audience Watching

I knew for a fact that we were in serious trouble. The second my wife, Lady Margie Florkner mouthed off to the courts and the one person in the room who represented the Queen. It was all innocent enough and basically a misunderstanding but after Queen Witkens had heard the report on what had happened, well, she was out to make an example of my darling wife. The incident happened while Lady Margie and I were in court. It had been a long day things were winding down. Before us stood an everyday...

2 years ago
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Tweak Chapter Five Some Very Happy Queens

Simon and Linda are well on their way to realizing their full potential. They're shivering with excitement knowing that Mistress Melissa intends to put them through their paces in front of everyone at the club. Author's note: Although I'm posting this in serial form, I assure you, dear reader, this humble offering consisting of eight chapters, is complete. "Tweak" By: Simonne Danielle © 2008 - 2010 All Rights Reserved Chapter Five - Some Very Happy...

5 years ago
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The Two Queens 1

The Two Queens Chapter 1 Search for the Traitor Sir Gray Whitestone raised his sword in front of the handsome face of the man ready across the room. Both were tall, strong men, and stripped to the waist as they sparred in the Knight's chamber deep in the heart of King Andrew's Castle. Sir Gray who had hair as thick and dark as a raven's wing, and his opponent, Sir Troy Mayhew was taller and more handsome. "Are you ready this time, Sir Troy? I'd hate to beat you five times in a row....

3 years ago
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The Two Queens 2

The Two Queens Chapter 2 Return to the Kingdom Sir Gray Whitestone still as the Queen and Sir Troy Mayhew made their way back to the Kingdom. Sir Gray was riding in the Queen's carriage pulled by two beautiful black horses. Sir Troy was on his trusted white horse. While on the road Sir Gray realized why women don't travel real well even in a carriage. As a man he would very seldom have to relieve him self. But as the Queen and with her plumbing this was very frustrating to him....

2 years ago
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Snow White and The Seven Chapter Two The Queens Wrath

Snow ran crying through the corridors of the castle, the wall sconces lighting the way. She had never felt so low, so helpless. For the first time, Snow had no self esteem. How could she fake orgasms, she had tried before and been caught immediately. It was so unfair!! Snow took a left, then a right, her eyes blinded by tears of rage and absolute grief, her beautiful face streaked with tears and mascara. Before Snow knew it, she was utterly lost, even having been raised in this castle her...

3 years ago
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Checkmate A Game Of Queens

Things were looking grim. The battle had been raging for almost thirty turns, and the White Army was losing badly. Most of their Pawns were either wiped out or pinned down, the White Knights had been eliminated, and both a Bishop and a Rook had been sacrificed in order to protect the King. Meanwhile, the Black Army had only lost maybe half their Pawns and their Queen. In a clever sacrifical play, the Black Army had deliberately sent a handful of Pawns ahead to be slaughtered, drawing...

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The Two Queens 1

The Two Queens Chapter 1 Search for the Traitor Gray Whitestone raised the wooden sword in front of his handsome face in salute at the man ready across the room. Both were tall, strong men, and stripped to the waist as they sparred in the cold stone chamber deep in the heart of King Andrew's Castle. While Gray had hair as thick and dark as a raven's wing, his opponent, Troy Mayhew wore his fine gold hair close about his handsome face. "Are you ready this time, Sir Troy?" Gray...

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The Two Queens 7

The Two Queens Chapter 7 A Night with the King In shock, Sir Gray immediately runs to the Knight's chambers. He sees Sir Ben who is helping the wounded. "Sir Ben why are back from the Castle?" Sir Ben replies, "Sir Gray we chased Sir Randall back to the Kingdom. Unfortunately he was a day ahead of us. Somehow he planned for us to chase him so he could attack." "Sir Ben do you know where he went?" "I believe he went to the King's chambers. I will go with you," Sir...

4 years ago
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Queens Four of a KindChapter 6 Wild Cards

Abbey 'No, ' I thought. Except for the ten minute breaks every two hours, I have been in a constant state of arousal. "Yeah, lets," exclaimed Trish before looking around embarrassingly at the others over her outbreak. "Yeah, lets," echoed Pam. "I'm game," agreed Maggie. The way Pam and Maggie were looking at me, I almost thought they hoped I would say no. Well I am not going to be the party pooper and since they are treating me as a big girl, I will go along. "Yeah," I...

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The Two Queens 3

The Two Queens Chapter 3 The Ball and a New Woman Late in the afternoon, Sir Gray is sitting in his chambers thinking about all the things that have happened to him over the last two weeks. He wonders if really being Sir Gray the man during the day and the Queen at night was the right decision. The question he asks himself, "Is this the way I want to live the rest of my life?" Of course, he knows that it's too late to turn back because the spell cannot be reversed. He should have...

2 years ago
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Three Queens

THREE QUEENSSusan Dunn entered the small but tidy house she rented and kicked off her heels. It had been another insane Friday at work at the end of a hectic week. As her firm’s highly skilled and prized office manager, she became everyone’s go-to. Staff from both above and below came to her with problems.After a long day Susan was disappointed to hear no sound from the kitchen, and concerned that her housemate and lover Karen Burke seemed to be absent. Karen was almost always home first with...

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Queens Four of a KindChapter 11 Afterthoughts

Foreword I love to hear your comments - [email protected] Part I - Chapters 1-3 dealt with Pam getting help from a hypnotist, Mark, to get back at her older sister Maggie. In order to do so she finds herself on stage with her other sister Abbey as well as Maggie. You'll have to read it to find out exactly what they do. The week after finds all three sisters turned on by how they exposed themselves on stage. They decide to have a private party of strip poker using cameras for the...

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Queens Chair By Blueheatt &hellip,.I was reading a story my daddy wrote and the story was about&hellip,.me&hellip,. &hellip,.My daddy built me a Queens Chair in his tool shed. I loved to spend time with him in the big shed, so he built me a special chair. I would climb up and sit and he always had a cold drink for me. He would come over and tell me how beautiful I was and how he loved me keeping him company. He would come over and stand between my legs and we would kiss and hug each other....

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Dragon Age Queens Fall

Dragon Age- Queen's FallBy lilguy [email protected] teaches Anora a lessonA Commission I did. Not my characters.Drax was a female warrior and Gray Warden. She was the one of the few left. The Dark spawn had wiped out most of them sense she became Gray Warden. Sense then she swore to end their plague and save anyone who got into harms way. It had been a long journey. Many friends were lost and gain.It was coming to the final battle. The Lands meet was coming up and it was time to...

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Queens Four of a KindChapter 3 Afterglow

Monday At Lunch Narrative "Can you believe we did that?" ask Maggie, taking a last bite of her sandwich. "It was so embarrassing ... and yet kind of thrilling." "You were excited about that?" ask Pam. "I mean you showed your ass and I am sure your pussy to the whole audience." "Don't you start getting all prissy on us," chides Abbey. "There was a visible puddle on your chair when we left the bar. Good thing we went right home." "I know, but I just didn't think Maggie was...

2 years ago
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Super Lezzie Queens Michelle and Lori

]Super Lezzie Queens, Michelle And Lori‏"Let's go get some cock, Baby" said Michelle, all painted and dressed as an absolutely flaming drag queen; she flipped up her short miniskirt as she wiggled her naked ass. "Check my pussy, Honey". She bent over, legs spread wide thrusting out her ass, parting her cheeks with long red nails as she pulsed her pussy open and closed, her smooth balls glistening with her dripping pussy juice, her sissy cock dangling. Lori was at the mirror putting on even more...

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Queens Four of a KindChapter 4 A Simple Game of Cards

FOREWORD I had fun writting part I but the whole story orginated around a card game. I couldn't believe how much it took to lead up to it. Part I - Chapters 1-3 dealt with Pam getting help from a hypnotist to get back at her older sister Maggie. In order to do so she finds herself on stage with her other sister Abbey as well as Maggie. You'll have to read it to find out exactly what they do. The week after finds all three sisters turned on by how they exposed themselves on stage. They...

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Queens Four of a KindChapter 8 Brad

Foreword Part II was my whole motivation for writing this story but I ended up keeping it shorter than I intended. This part is has more rough sex in it just to help set the tone of the characters. I love to hear your comments - [email protected] Part I - Chapters 1-3 dealt with Pam getting help from a hypnotist, Mark, to get back at her older sister Maggie. In order to do so she finds herself on stage with her other sister Abbey as well as Maggie. You'll have to read it to find out...

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The Two Queens 4

The Two Queens Chapter 4 Back to One Queen Sir Gray knocks on Sir Troy's door. Sir Troy gets up and answers his door. When he opens the door he sees Miss Greta standing in a large robe. Immediately he notices her fresh white face, beautiful red hair, and lovely green eyes looking up at him. "Miss Greta why are you here?" Sir Troy asks. "It's me Sir Gray you big goof. Please let me in before somebody sees me!" Sir Gray says in Miss Greta's sweet voice. Sir Troy steps aside...

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The Two Queens 6

The Two Queens Chapter 6 Miss Greta's Return On the way back with Sir Troy in the Queen's royal wagon, Sir Gray notices that the sun is beginning to set. As a man, it's taking all of his strength to keep the horses going at full gallop. Sir Gray knows when the sun sets and he and when transforms into Miss Greta there is no way to keep this pace. As the sun begins to set he pulls the reins and makes the horses stop so he can transform. Sir Gray quickly grabs some of Miss Greta's...

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Eric Olafson Midshipman Vol 4Part 64 ERIC AT THE TABLE OF QUEENS AND EMPERORS

I wished I could have stayed with Egill and the others but my mood could not be dampened not with Narth being back and in full health. I was telling him everything that has happened and he told me that he was fully restored and well, but not able to join us on the Devastator just yet. He had to complete his third year at another posting but he was confident we would see each other after we graduated. Elfi elbowed me into the side and made me pay attention to the events around me. “The...

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Queens Four of a KindChapter 7 Exposure

Trish "One last hand?" I ask. "I thought we had to go to six?" wondered Pam. "I thought I would give you a break," answered Mark. "What do you say? "I sure could use the sleep," smiled Abbey. "Why not?" I agreed. What could he possibly have us do now? One last screw with all the ladies. That would be fun. "I am in," agreed a tired Pam. "I'll make it unanimous," added Maggie. "OK," Mark said dealing the card. "In this last hand, public exposure is at...

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The Two Queens 5

The Two Queens Chapter 5 Miss Greta's Quest Later that afternoon Sir Gray meets with all the Knights for the upcoming quest. He reveals a plan for them to scout out the castle grounds looking for the traitors before Sir Gray and Sir Troy arrive. The portion he did not reveal was transforming into Miss Greta to spy. Sir Gray appointed Sir Randall as the lead Knight for the scout expedition party. Sir Gray says to Sir Randall, "Sir Randall, take your men and leave tonight. Sir Troy...

5 years ago
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Size Queens Share

“SQS” read the message on Lana’s phone. The blonde looked up at Sandra Kong with a smile. The techno music at the club was too loud for conversation so the women texted each other instead.“What does that stand for?” typed Lana.“Size queens share,” replied Sandra an instant later.Lana’s phone vibrated again.  A photograph lit up the LCD screen. The man possessed a truly awesome appearance. Nature blessed him with a luxurious mane of jet-black hair that almost reached his waist. Though he wore it...

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A Desperate Gambit

Megan and Fiona return home, giggling a little and basking in the joy of being part of Miss Caitlin’s group. Caitlin had set a couple of new rules with the induction of Fiona (the two not allowed to directly to play with each other, but are permitted to watch and be pleasured together) and has also left instructions for Becky to take on Fiona as part of her mentoring duties. A twinge of disappointment courses through Megan but Becky is hardly a disappointment, the gorgeous blonde is always a...

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Bayonettas Abuse Chapter 07 Jeannes Gambit

Bayonetta had left the night before and would be gone at least a couple more days, off on another lengthy assignment. She left him in her studio dungeon with a small stash of food and just enough amusement to keep James from losing his mind. She had added a treadmill and a set of weights to his accommodations so that he could exercise when he wished, but using either of them wasn't particularly comfortable when bound from neck to toe in latex and chained to a bed. “Femdom... S&M... Femdom......

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Practice And Gambit

The sun was very bright in a perfectly blue sky on the first day of fall. It was cold. The sort of cold that a lot of people call ‘crisp’ like it isn’t just another way of saying cold. Humid air, but cold enough that it feels dry.Classes were still a few days away at St. Xi Feng’s, but they were right around the corner. Ivy was nervous. New schools always meant trouble for her. She swore it wasn’t her fault, but regardless of whether she deserved the blame, trouble did follow her. She had oft...

College Sex
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Practice And Gambit

The sun was very bright in a perfectly blue sky on the first day of fall. It was cold. The sort of cold that a lot of people call ‘crisp’ like it isn’t just another way of saying cold. Humid air, but cold enough that it feels dry.Classes were still a few days away at St. Xi Feng’s, but they were right around the corner. Ivy was nervous. New schools always meant trouble for her. She swore it wasn’t her fault, but regardless of whether she deserved the blame, trouble did follow her. She had oft...

College Sex
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Moms Gambit

Abigail Bright sat on her unmade, queen size, bed, holding her head in both of her hands. She was quavering horribly. Her breath sawed in and out of her, while her heart rampaged painfully in her chest. She suddenly slapped herself as hard as she could, and repeating the dose, struggled not to cry."What's wrong with me?" she moaned, "Oh, God, what's wrong with me? For heaven's sake, he's my own damn son!"She shuddered when she looked down at herself and recalled she was only wearing a sports...

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The Dark Ladys Gambit

Sylvanas Windrunner, banshee queen of the Forsaken and once the ranger- general of Silvermoon strode down the moist corridor in the bowels of the Undercity. Her high heels clacked loudly as she stepped on the grimy flagstones and her long cape fluttered behind her. Despite her armor being designed for mobility and leaving her midriff and cleavage exposed, the undead high elf showed no discomfort at the clammy air in the catacombs. Undeath had dulled all sensations to a degree, which...

3 years ago
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A Desperate Gambit

Megan and Fiona return home, giggling a little and basking in the joy of being part of Miss Caitlin’s group. Caitlin had set a couple of new rules with the induction of Fiona (the two not allowed to directly to play with each other, but are permitted to watch and be pleasured together) and has also left instructions for Becky to take on Fiona as part of her mentoring duties. A twinge of disappointment courses through Megan but Becky is hardly a disappointment, the gorgeous blonde is always a...

4 years ago
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Bayonettas Abuse Chapter 6 Jeannes Gambit

Beams of warm light streamed through the open shades as James lounged on the water bed, a smirk on his face as he surfed through the channels. It was the early afternoon of a crisp autumn day, the leaves outside exploding in bursts of red, orange and yellow; the air filled with the sweet scent of fall. Bayonetta had left the night before and would be gone at least a couple more days, off on another lengthy assignment. She left him in her studio dungeon with a small stash of food and...

3 years ago
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Aidens Gambit

Aiden's attention shifted from the burgeoning suitcase at his feet to his cellphone. It wasn't difficult to find an excuse to take a break from packing, and the bright trill of his phone signaled that the message was from Sarah. 'I'm scared. What if I hate it there??' He rolled his eyes and typed back a brief reply, 'You won't. And if you do, we're only three hours away from this shitty small town. Stop being so anxious.' He was usually far more patient with her, but he had to pack, and there...

2 years ago
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Handmaidens Gambit

His name was Juan Cerveza de la Noche. At different points in his life, he was an elite soldier for his king, a mercenary, a pirate, and most recently, a bodyguard. This night, he was a fugitive. Had a soul asked him what his crime was, he would have smiled and said, "My crime? She was passion." Namely, Lord Redlen of Sudhoff wanted to kill him for the untimely deflowering of his daughter. Juan crouched amid the pews of the ruined chapel. He moved like a fox, slinking between the long,...

2 years ago
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The Handyman Gambit

June was giggling on the phone in the next room. 'She must be talking to Betty, ' I thought. Betty is my wife's best friend. They make a rather odd pair, actually; in many ways they are about as unlike each other as you could imagine. My June is quiet, almost mousy, while Betty is outgoing and loud. June is a number of years on the far side of fifty (she won't let me say how many), and Betty is probably about the same number of years in front of that milestone (though that's just a guess...

4 years ago
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The Professors Gambit

For a college professor, a Friday afternoon is usually very dull but I'm going to turn that idea on its head. Screwing up will cost me my career and land me in prison. However, if everything goes according to plan I'll have the most gorgeous coed on campus begging me to fuck her before the end of the day. Pussy is the most powerful force on earth; let no one tell you different. For fame, money, power and status a man may be willing to do many things. He still has his limits and his pride,...

2 years ago
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Annas Gambit

People looking at Anna and Mark Menendez nowadays see them as a successful couple; both in their relationship and business life. Married for ten years they have managed to grow ever closer in that time. To Mark, Anna is more beautiful at forty than she was at twenty when they married. Despite the years her figure is as firm as in her youth. Her red hair had no hint of grey, and her eyes still sparkle with mirth and innocence. Mark, her husband is more distinguished over the years. Together...

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