Shadowsblade: Some Things Should Not Be...Taken free porn video

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Shadowsblade a Whateley Tale: Written by Shadowsblade Created for war and forged in pain, dealing with demons within and without. To all my readers, thanks for your posts. I do read each one and some of the ones posted recently, they added to my ideas on where to go in long term plot ideas! So keep posting and thinking out there! Copyright © 2016 by Shadowsblade All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the Author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. ------------------------------------------------------ Shadowsblade: Some things should not be...Taken When our small group ported back to Australia, the producers asked us to land at the main studio this time instead of the location in New Zealand. The main reason for the change, was because most of the filming was done for the most part on all exterior shooting that I was part of and now we Drow would spend almost all of the coming weeks on a soundstages inside the studio lot. On that first day back, I had to layout what I wanted in my trailer once again to a new PA and that was boring as heck to get her up to speed. She had none of the notes from the last one! I was really mad about the simple stuff, like the carpet being made of natural fibers instead of the nylon we found in the townhome and I really needed that natural fiber carpet so it does not cause a rash on my feet. Since the local studio ran this housing complex, they were not aware of my special needs. Where as the location trailer I used, was fully outfitted by our film company and they understood my needs! So the local studio sent over a large team to change out the carpet while we all had a meal and a short break enjoying the city. But after that mess was all done, our small group was shown a very nice townhouse that was within a very short walking distance of the studios and I loved that small detail. Walking to work via the small shopping zone, plus small mall would make the day or night seem much more calm to me. During the first one of those short walks during my first week back at work, I had found at least five good places to eat and one great place that had all natural clothing made by the locals around here. That last store made my year, the lady that owned it was very nice to us Drow and she understood what I really needed in clothing, plus she kept it very quiet that I was a Sidhe! Most of my working time was spent on set, either day or night. The director kept up a very fast schedule to make sure he had enough of us twins on film to cut into the movie's plot and some extra shots were added during the weeks we filmed in New Zealand. At night, most of my time was spent doing the hard EFX work that was required to complete our project, including close ups and most of the fighting with the stunt players. The days were left for acting directly with the other actors, or EFX that had them appearing in the shot with us and lastly the fighting scenes we all showed in. Tuesday July 31, 3:25 PM Our large townhome, near Gold Coast studios Australia We had been let off set early today! They had to reset the stage for another shot and that meant the whole stage was being cleared out, to make room for a new set to take it's place in a few days time. But my night schedule was still the same, with two days time only? Twelve hours or so more or less per day of us Drow getting to see the city around us, you have to take time off when you can get it!...Even half days! I had just stepped out of the shower, when the twin me combing her hair out by the sink sniffed the air. The scent of a strange human filled her nose, all coming from the bedroom behind the bath's door. But that was normal during the weekdays, as we had staffers that would come in and clean the home for us, plus other small chores. Both of the Pixies, were busy having too much fun bathing in one of the bathrooms sinks to really notice what I had just smelled. Our group did not worry much here at the townhouse because of the tight security around this complex that housed us and a few other important actors. "If you are cleaning up my room, I will be done in about twenty minutes and then we are leaving?" I questioned the smell and the sounds of a heart beating faster in the next room. We stood silently waiting for some kind of reply? But all my ears picked up was my dresser drawers being slid open, "Ahh the clothes on the bed...are what we will be wearing, so please leave them alone and collect the washing from the bin or clean the rest of the house?" I asked again. Now I heard someone moving towards my door, the sent was much stronger now that the steam from my showering that filled bathroom was now gone. The new scent was defiantly human and male, that I was sure of now! With a man being so close to my bath, plus both of us not exactly dressed right now! I sent the Pixies out to see who was there with a thought ~"Violet...go see who that is!"~ ~"Done sister!"~ she mentally told me from the sink, where she was bathing with her sister. Both Violet and Lilac, shot out of the sink and their armor came out of nowhere to cover them both up just as magic invisibility made them vanish from sight. We Drow could still see them, but as they flew towards the creaked open a crack and a hand came into the room holding a small camera. The room filled with a dozen very quick nearly blinding flashes as the camera took pictures. The Pixies were on him instantly for that, they both knew what a camera was and what it could mean to us all. Pictures taken out of context, or used as bribery material by someone! Two crazed Pixies flew all over the man dressed in a cleaning uniform, both started sticking his body hard with spears and he started to scream in pain...then ran for the door out. We Drow were running very close right behind him and not exactly dressed for the occasion! He stumbled over the corner of the bed for a second, but stood up quickly and since he had a huge lead on both of us twins he made it to the bedroom door and slammed it in our face. Too bad that did not work! Rehanna ported into the living room right in front of him as he spun from shutting the door and slammed a hand heel hard into his face, breaking his nose in a nasty crunch of bone. Now broken, it started to bleed a river of blood as he cupped both hands over it. "You did not have to do that you bloody bitch!" he tried to shout out over the growing blood flow and his now funny sounding voice. Rehanna grabbed his throat in one hand, then slammed to the wall while Rohanna opened the bedroom door, "Sure I did human, I have to tenderize the meat before I feed it to something hungry!" As Rehanna held him still, Rohanna yelled into his face, " we are both naked, just like you wanted. So try to do something before you get killed today!" "Get off me you two basket case sheilas!" he gasped out. "Ohh vith nindol, udos elgg ukta" Rehanna hissed out in Drow at the room, as she held his neck in a vice like grip. (Ohh fuck this, we kill him!) "Ori'gato's lar Bill ust, vel'uss zhaun ka jaluss zhaun uk zhah ghil?" Rohanna the ever so slightly calmer Drow said back to her twin and the ancient Drow spirit that seemed to make a home within that body. (Let's call Bill first, who knows if anyone knows he is here?) " quick about it, I am not holding onto him all day!" Rehanna warned. "Then tie the bastard up and lay him on the tile floor, so the blood is easy to clean up if we have to get rid of him!" Rohanna said back in a hiss of english so the man knew where he now stood...on deaths very door! "Jora, ula!" Rehanna barked back then leaned over to grab a lamp sitting on the table nearest her. Next she slammed the man to the floor, by rolling him over her back, then yanked the power cord from both the lamp in her hand and the wall. Now she quickly tied the man up, his hands frist and used a new lamp cord on both of his legs from his ankles to his knees! (Rats, fine!) Rohanna walked back into their bedroom, grabbed some fresh clothes to wear and tossed half of them the twins way who was still standing naked in the living room. Rehanna hissed "Thanks!" as the clothes flew allover her. Afterward, Rohanna picked up her phone while busily dressing herself and called Bill. Across the small town Bill's phone rang and buzzed in his pocket. He pulled it out, then looked at who was calling, "Ohh it's Ro dear, she must be ready to go out and eat a bit or maybe she needs the car?" he told Jineen next to him. "But honey, she said that she would leave us alone for the afternoon and eat a late dinner before hitting the studios again?" she questioned the reason for the call. When Bill answered the phone, he did not even get a word in before the yelling of a teen Drow filled the air, "Bill a guy snuck into the house...took pictures of us naked in the shower...he tried to run...we got him all tied up...what to do with him!" was rattled off at him in a nonstop stream of rage. "A man is in the house and he took pictures!" Bill shouted back, Jineen standing by him leaned closer to hear the call too! "Yes, he got in while we were in the shower, then took pictures of us! I want to chop him up and drop him off at the reef offshore...please get back here...before I lose it and..." the Drow cried trying hard to fight her growing anger down and NOT do the wrong thing today! When the tied up human heard that cry, he struggled with is bindings and tried very hard to break free as he started to yell out, "Help get me out of here, before these Bloody cunt crazy sheilas kill me!" Rehanna kicked him in the ribs to quiet him. Rehanna then quickly stuffed a lose sock of her's into his mouth that was conveniently laying on the living room floor and when he would not quiet down..."Shut it human, or die!" she hissed down at him. The man laying there instantly believed the threat and stopped his thrashing about. Bill heard the shouting and knew he had to try to help and rather calmly said to Rohanna, "We will be right there, don't do anything till we get there?" Bill got a squeaked "Yes." from the Drow as she hung up Jineen started to run off for the car even before Bill did, "That man must have seen the car was gone, knocked on the door while Ro was in the shower and entered when she did not answer...thinking no one was there. But why the pictures?" she asked Bill just as they both arrived at the small rental car and started to get in. "He is a perv, photog or nut...that wanted photos of the girls and we will have to find out which one!" he said as the car started, then both rear tires squealed as he spun them to smoke. A few minutes later, Bill drove the car into the townhome's drive and skidded to a stop. His tire smoke gained the full attention of the complex's gate guard and the guard started to make some quick calls. Jineen was out of the car instantly, she opened the homes front door and found both Drow pacing the room like crazed, penned in animals. Both muttered under their breath in Drow, that was not a good sign at all from the twins...the glowing red eyes from both teens told Jineen it was worse...much worse! Jineen hugged the closest one, "Honey we are here now and we can fix this!" she comforted the girls. Bill was in the door next, he saw the man laying on the floor and hissed at the man as he closed the door then locked it, "So this is the asshole!" "Yes Bill, he did this!" one twin that Bill was now calling Rohanna more often, as she shoved a camera at him. Over the last months the twin Drows seemed to take on separate personalities most of the time, Bill could tell one from the other by style of dress or bearing. Rohanna was more human like and took thing calmly, while Rehanna was defiantly the DROW part of the twins with just enough human in the mix to keep her from being overly viscous. Bill's anger rose as he flipped through the pictures on the camera's memory of the girls in the bath and after those pictures was dozens of the girls outside on the street beyond the house. Some even showed the groups, coming and goings from the house during the day...this man was 'casing' the house for when they were not home for sometime! Bill hunkered himself down lower to stare the man in the face, as Bill flicked through the images again for the man, "Well what was this all for!" he demanded an answer as he took the gag out of the man's mouth. "Help!" he yelled out and Bill instantly clamped a strong hand over his mouth to silence him again. "Bill I placed a silence spell on the house, you could shoot him with a shotgun all day and no one outside would even hear a peep!" one Drow grinned over at Bill and that one was defiantly Rehanna of course! "Good, I know your spells are 100% perfect!" that is when Bill removed his hand again from the man's mouth, "Yell all you want to...Drow magic keeps all the sound inside this one will hear you outside at all!" "Hey bloke, I was just here to get some pics for the papers and I was not pinching your things?" "Pinching?" Bill questioned. "Stealing...mate!...I was not stealing!" the man barked an explanation. "And the pictures, explain that part...NOW!" Bill growled down at him. "I saw the opportunity to get ripper pics of them and took it!" he smiled. Bill saw that smile and slugged him in the side, "That was a very bad you took pics of underage girls and hoped to have them all published for money?" "Yep mate, they would have blurred out the naughty bits!" Jineen lost it, she was now that mother bear protecting her two new cubs and this woman had raised 'only she knew' how many children over the long decades! Jineen leapt to the man's side and quickly kicked him in the side four times, till Bill stopped her. Jineen stared down at the man her rage, as Bill held her back from harming him even more "That was just the start!" she screamed. Rohanna laughed at the blows, then Rehanna smiled her appraisal of the kicks that broke at least one rib..."Jineen when you kick him, go straight on at his side with your foot and lift the toe a bit to put more foot pad into the blows." "Ohh thanks!" she said as she slipped from Bills arms and kicked the prone man five more times, "Ohh that is much better...thanks!" "Enough of that, we have to decide what to do with him?" Bill questioned the group. "Kill him," Rehanna answered quickly, too quickly. "I take him somewhere, chop him up like I said and drop him near the reef for the sharks to eat!" Rohanna smiled next, her plan for the mans demise. Bill shook his head, since he started to notice the twins growing different, Rohanna was the calm one most of the time and Rehanna was just pure Drow...just tamed a little bit! "Well that is defiantly out! So what we are going to do, is get the guards in here and turn him over to the cops!" Bill shouted at the room. "Ohh no, do not turn me over to a coppa, we can make a deal bloke!" the man asked as he squirmed on the floor. "If we are doing that, I want him stripped incase he is hiding more pics of us!" Rohanna demanded and pulled out a dagger to cut the mans clothes off. "Just wait, let me go through his pockets first and then we can get nasty if I find something more?" Bill told the teens. As Bill slowly went through each of the mans pockets in turn, that is when Jineen spotted a duffle bag on the chair next to her, "Who's bag is this?" she questioned after never having seen the bag before just now. "Not ours?" the twins said in stereo. Bill shook his head at the stereo Drow and sighed as he pulled out the mans pockets. "Then it must be his!" Jineen barked and the man nodded back, "well lets see what all is in here shall we?" she said next and zipped the bag open, as Rehanna joined by her side to see. Bill pulled out the last pocket on the man's jeans and a necklace with a gold medallion fell out, "Well what is this?" he questioned the man, as she picked it up. Rohanna standing over them both saw it next and growled out, "That was from SARA you thief!" and she kicked at him. Bill grabbed the raging Drow to slow her down, Jineen saw what was coming next and wrapped her arms around the twin next to her. Only the Drows wish not to harm their friends stopped them both from acting out. Bill yelled at the Drow in his arms, "Stop it...stop it now! We don't need that right we?" "But that was from Sara! Before she was taken..." "Sara at school?" Bill made sure. "Yes, from her and her's her...mark." Rohanna admitted. "Fuck!...This is from Gothmog?" he had to ask next, as Bill studied the small disk of golden metal and the strange symbols that covered it. "Yes." "Would he know it was taken from you honey?" Jineen asked next, knowing this could get worse. "Right when this THIEF left the building and maybe he even knows right now?" the teen Drow admitted again. "That is not good!" Bill barked out. Bill leaned back down to the prone man, "Why did you take this?" he asked, as his hand swung it in the man's face. "It looked special and might fetch a few on the net because she is famous to some fans out there?" the man tried not to smile as he spoke. "Do you have any idea what this is or who gave it to her?" Bill hissed out. "Nope...I don't bloke?" Bill sighed out slowly now, "This was a gift from a...." Jineen shushed him, "BILL!...No, that is a bad idea telling him who gave that necklace to Ro as a gift?" "Yes Jineen you are right?" then he looked down at the man again, "Lets just say this..." Bill dangled the necklace in the man's face, "you were about to tug on superman's cape and steal from a true friend of his. That would have made him very mad and him killing you would have been him, being kind to you!" Bill warned. Bill then handed the necklace back to one of the Drows, "Better to wear that from now on, while we are here in Aussieland..." he laughed. "Okay..." the twin said as she placed the gift necklace back around her neck, "But what to do with this guy?" Jineen barked back at all three from her searching the mans duffle bag, "Ohh I would just do what Rohanna said...kill the guy!" and she slowly pulled out of the bag the reason for her anger. Several video and sound remote listening devices fell into her lap. Bill stands up like a shot, "Let me see one of those honey!" "Hey mate...I did not plant any of those here yet!" the prone man said with a cracked friendly smile. "LIAR!" Rohanna shouted out as she kicked his side again and several ribs crunched from the savage blow. "So he lied about that!?" Bill told the twin and she nodded back. "I did not lie mate, get this basket case sheila off me!" he moaned in pain. "What you don't know 'mate'!" Bill grinned down at the man, "She can tell when a person lies One hundred percent of the time, that power has never failed her on a human." Bill boasted. "Ohh get out, mate and untie me!" "No!" Bill said as he glanced Rohanna's way, "But Ro?...Look for any of the bugs please?" "Got it!" she chirped and waved her hand in a pattern to create a spell that Bill had seen done once before in his office up at ARC. After the spell did it's work, both twins searched over the townhome and within ten minutes both had made a nice pile of bugs that they had found. "All done!" Rohanna said to Bill, "He left us five of each kind, three of both audio and video were in MY ROOM! I even found one in yours too, why I don't get...maybe he was being thorough?" "Now we can call the complexes guards and have them take him over to the cops!" Bill warned. Jineen nodded to her husband as she walked to the front door and just outside the front porch area she found that three guards were already standing there waiting for someone to come out and their radios chattered the more guards were on the way. "Hello gents, we need your assistance with a burglar?" Jineen asked the small group. "Yep! I told ya something was wrong for that American to come ripping home so fast." one man said as the group stepped past the now open porch gate. After Jineen lead the men inside the home, she waved her hand at the prone body on the floor, "This one snuck past all of you and took pics of a very naked set of teens taking a shower...AFTER he bugged the house AND he stole a very personal item too!" she shouted at them. "Ohhh mate you are in so much trouble!" One guard said to the prone man, then he asked Bill "But Mister Varney we will need the camera he used for this for our evidence of the crimes?" "I will show all of the pictures he took to a cop, a detective...once and show them only once then it gets all erased forever" Bill insisted. "Fine by me, but it's up to the coppas Sir?" the lead guard said back as he took the photog's shoulder in his hands to pull him up to his feet. "Take your finger out of your arse and untie me!" the thief shouted at the guard. "Okay mate, but I will replace them with handcuffs and they stay on till the police get here mate!" the guard barked back and went about his work at changing out the electrical cords for shinny handcuffs. Bill stopped the men carrying away the bound man, "Before they get here, I want him searched down to his skin for anything else that he took from us!" Rehanna flipped a long dagger from nothing, "I will gladly cut off his clothes for ya!" she grinned and took a half step towards the man. "Keep the ankle-biter off me mate!" "Ankle-biter?" Jineen had to ask the meaning of that remark. "He means kid Miss and he is right...we can't have a lady do that to him?" the lead guard said. "Well then, we will leave the room and you guys can do it!" Jineen said and spun both Drow towards their bedroom. Bill smiled to the man as he snapped the blade on his pocket knife open, "Hold very still or I WILL cut you bad!" he warned with a big grin! Bill worked his way from the mans top to his bottom and found during his search a small hard drive that could receive a signal from the camera the man used. Bill plugged the hard drive into the mans laptop and when the drive opened he found copies of all the pics the camera was holding on it! Bill angrily shook the tiny hard drive in the man's face, "So what was this for?" "Sometimes mate, they get my camera when I have to make a run for it and that is my back up!" Bill dropped the small black case to the floor and stepped on it, "Well that should fix that!" he smiled as the small box crunched under his boot. "Hey that thing cost me more than a thousand!" the man cried out. "Well it was that or yet another felony for transmitting pics of a minor?" One guard laughed at the bound man. The next part took over an hour, but the local police showed up and after they started to take their photos of everything. They called the Australian Federal Police after finding out just who this was about and what the criminal did! Bill was pulled aside by one federal officer and they agreed on one thing, he would get to see the pics once, no copies made. Then Bill would personally burn every item by himself. Bill was very sure that the long call from ARC the lead detective had taken, that is what made him agree to Bill's terms so quickly! Just after they all left with the man all wrapped in a yellow plastic sheet that most cops kept in their car, Bill set out to finish this mess off for the day. He found a heavy metal bucket next to the dumpster, the barrowed some oil and gasoline from the neighbors that had motorbike that they rode on weekends. He placed that bucket on the porch, then with one of Rohanna's daggers he punched holes into the hard drives, laptop, the camera and all the spy gear. Next he filled the bucket with some light oil plus some of the gas and lit it. Lastly he dropped each item in the flames one at a time. When he was done, water filled the bucket to cool it off and he placed the whole thing in the scrap bin of the complex. "Well that is taken care of now, after I shower up to get that stink off me. We all can go eat!" he grinned to us three waiting in the kitchen for him to finish up. "You both go, I am leaving now to get something to eat and maybe walk some to get my mind off of this?" Rohanna and Rehanna offered in stereo as both walked out of the house, while putting on a baseball caps and shouldering backpacks. "Fine honey, just call us if you need something?" Jineen said to the closing door. "Why did you let her go?" Bill asked his wife. "She needed some time alone, this guy surely caused her some mental issues and she has to deal with it all. Then she seems calm and not wanting to go skin the man right now at least, so why bother her?" "For now, she is calm. But I will ask her not to even consider that option later on tonight." Bill said while stripping to take his shower. Just outside the house Both twins pulled out their illusion necklaces and placed them around their necks as they both walked towards the complex's gates. The Drows changed into blonde girls when the necklaces bound spells did their work. At the gate, one guard leaned out of his shack's window towards the two teens walking slowly by, "Sorry ladies, that will not happen again. The boss doubled the guard and makes sure everyone runs a ID check no matter what before admitting anyone." "A little late!" I growled back, yet both of us kept right on walking. Past the complexes gates the small business district laid out before us, I had to think about what to do first and a rumble from my stomach made my first stop Drow need to eat before moving on. Since my hunger seemed to be a large one at this time, we aimed for eating at the nice pizza shop we found a few weeks back. A short walk later, we entered the small mom and pop shop, the older gent smiled to us from behind his counter, "So how hungry are the twins today?" "Real hungry!" Rohanna said. "And pissed off!" Rehanna added making sure the old wooden door closed fully behind her. "Well dear, lets fix that right up!" the older man smiled and started to toss dough to make a pizza with. Later both teens were trying hard to relax nestled in the large wooden lounge chairs set out on the wide sidewalk, those large chairs made what this place a great place to eat, relax and watch the people walk on the wide paths of the shopping area around the eatery. The shop's door swung open as the twins watched the shoppers stroll by and both owners of the pizzeria came out to serve the hot meal to the twins. An older lady refilled two large glasses on the table with more orange soda, while she dropped a large tray of appetizers next to them and the older gent added two large pizzas to the table made for four diners. The owner stood back up from his job of adding the pizzas to the table with a smile, "There you go, that should fix you both up and should I go ask Jones next door to get some sundaes ready for dessert?" "Ohh ya!" Rohanna sighed as she took a bite from a large chesses pizza slice she just took from the table. "Yes please." Rehanna added in while pulling some warm nachos free of their gooey cheese and toppings. "I bet you want that small size, all chocolate sundae you ask for sometimes too?" the older lady had to ask. "Yes, add that too...we love those." Rohanna added in for the hiding Pixies, that shouted mentally their shared glee at having the hot treat. After the large meal was cleaned from the table, three sundaes arrived from right next door and the soda was refilled again. When the two large dishes of ice cream were clean and the Pixies had snuck their treat when passerby's could not spot them. Both twins rose to pay the check and to leave a large tip for the owners. Service like this needed rewards, the older couple made the twins feel welcome here. With that hunger left behind them, the twins slowly strolled down the streets of the business area and window shopped, when they spotted a small walkway that they had passed by many times because of the candy shop next to it, they walked down this walkway for a change and it led out to a street that they had never seen before. Half way down the new block, a large open store filled that one side of the street and it's buzzing, beep sounds of the arcade in it lured the twins right inside. Rohanna put a hundred aussy dollar note into a change machine to get tokens for the place and both split up to play some of the games. It hit Rohanna very funny that she seemed to like the older games that she had missed over the decades and the newer ones held no real attraction for her. Rehanna was spending her time at multi-ball pinball machine, something she had never seen before and the addition of four more balls to the playing field added that extra challenge she needed! Both drifted away from those machines when they became boring and found the Skee-ball machines, "I remember these!" Rohanna added as she dropped tokens into one. The teens started to play the game and very quickly after finding each balls 'sweet-spot' they all landed in the top scoring ring, one after another! When the long string of prize tickets covered the floor, one of the attendants came over to see what was going on and after watching both twins play the game for awhile, he had to interrupt their game. "Ahh girls, are you mutants or something?" the thin boy asked. "Nope!" Both said in stereo and did not lie...Drows are normal for nature in their minds. "Ohh okay, but at this rate you might as well choose a prize or two or a dozen. Because we don't really have high ticket items here?" he apologized. "If you say so?" Rohanna said as she ripped the long stream of prize tickets off the game and both teens followed the boy back to towards his counter where the prizes were kept. Rehanna spotted a nice skull cell phone case and pointed it out, "Hey that one might fit?" she asked and took out a bunny phone. The arcade attendant tried to put the phone in the case, but found it was too thin and the screen was a little too big? "Where did you get this one, I have never seen a bunny logo on a phone?" he asked very puzzled at the phone and its very advanced looks. "Custom, we test them for a friend and give her our input back." Rohanna said and tried to give the boy as little information on the phone as she could. "Sounds cool, but if you like skull stuff I have this case of neat stuff over here?" he pointed out the last glass display case with more 'punk' styled things in it to the twins. An hour later, both twins walked into the studio gates, one was wearing a new black skull punisher logo-ed hat and it was all cotton. Then add both backpacks were now adorned in various skull trinkets as well. Inside one back pack was a new set of cotton pillows for the Pixies to lay out on, that was the hardest find of the cheap items in the arcades prize display! Tuesday August 7, 1:25 PM Our large townhome, near Gold Coast studios Australia Both twins are busy packing most of their things for the trip home, because this is the last few days of shooting the film here in Australia for now and they might do pick-up shots in the coming months or re-shoots for some of the EFX work. When Rohanna finishes her packing, she walks down stairs and spots Bill and Jineen talking again as silently as they can, "What are they up too, I have to wonder?" she thinks silently, "they have been acting very strangely for the last two days?" Rohanna interrupts them by chirping out before she lands on the bottom step with a pounce, "Hey you two, none of that here! We have to get going you two love birds..." "Yep you caught us again...Ro?" Bill tries to smile and so does Jineen. When I spot that both of them are lying to me right now, I let it go. "They have to keep some personal secrets from me, but this is starting to bug me?" I think as I go over to the kitchen to grab a small snack. "But Ro, that shop called and that Duster or dusters you ordered came in last night and we might as well go pick them up with most of today being off?" Jineen asked me as she grabbed a soda from the fridge, that I still held open while I looked for what snack looked good right now. "We could do that, that store had those nice wool sweaters that I liked too. So I will grab a few of those at the same time." I grinned back to her. Rehanna hit the last stair and added in her wants, "We need to go to that one place that sells motorbike parts for a few things too!" Bill shook his head at the Drows, "Both of you seem to be separating even faster now to me...Each one has her own viewpoint on life?" "Bill we are still the same person?" Stereo Drow asked. "Yes in a way I am sure? But Jineen and I have been talking it over for weeks, since you both left Whateley. We both noticed that one of you acts more human at times and seems to be more 'teen' like?" Bill does air quotes, for a short giggle from Jineen, "and the other seems to lean towards all the Drow decisions for the most part. I am sure you have noticed it by now too?" "Well are still one. Just..." I tried to finish, but that small lie stopped me cold, "We are separating a lot faster than I though we would?" the one Bill had named over the weeks Rohanna gave. "But Bill, we are still linked in every thought, just we talk that one thought out to each says human things and the other all the Drow stuff?" Rehanna added next. "Well lets just see what happens and it happens! But for now, get your stuff...your shoes on and lets get the shopping over with. But I have to ask, why the duster or rain coats and the darn wool sweaters! Both of you never get cold or wet?" "We like the look" both said in stereo Then Rohanna added in, "And wearing a rain coat at times will help us blend in, instead of being strangely dry all the time?" "Now that makes more sense!" Bill laughed. As the group loaded up into the small car the studio provided to go shopping across town. The photog that broke into the groups townhome and tried to steal Rohanna's necklace, PLUS get photos of her nude. He was being lead out of his cell, then down the main aisle of the block to the exit. "What gives, where are we going?" he asked the guard. "Not we...just you. Someone posted your bail and your attorney of record is here to pick you up mate!" the guard snarled at the bug of a man he was shoving towards the locked gate. "RIPPER! So Paterson my barrister is here?" he yelled in joy. "Nope, a new one was paid for...all just for you!" the guard said as he shoved him through the now open gate. The guard on the other side barked out at seeing him, "Who is letting this child porn bloke out!" "He found a friend somehow and they paid a Barrister to get him out...then his bail mate!" the first guard growled in anger. "Someone paid that Five hundred K! For me?" The photog asked very surprised that someone he knew...anyone he knew had that kind of money to spend. "Yes and hired a thou per hour Barrister for ya too!" "Ohh well then, take your finger out of your arse and get me out of here!" he shouted. The second guard hit the smaller man in the face, then smiled "Whoops you fell again mate...see how that happens when you bark at me!" A few minutes later, a lawyer in a dark suit with three assistants was talking to his new client in a room leading to the prison exit of the main courts building, "So is this new, very fresh face bruising a result of the guards hitting you sir?" "Ohh ya they just hit me right now before you showed up!" "Well we will bring that out in court next week!" the lawyer huffed out in feigned anger. "YEA that's right, we will sue!" the photog yelled out a threat. "That is for later. But now sir, lets get you home and during the ride you can meet your new friend that just loves your work! He is waiting to meet you outside and wants to thank you personally for what you have done so far." The photog follows the lawyer out of the building, along with the three legal assistants close behind them both. Just outside, waiting in the red zone is four vehicles. One immaculately well maintained Mercedes limo, a huge older 600 model and a very rare model it was...last made in the 80's. This limo was mostly seen in public being used by heads of state or dictators! Just in front and behind it were the other three, all black stretch SUV's that were hardly ever seen in Australia. "Who is this new friend of mine...he is loaded!" the photog whistled at the extreme show of wealth before him. "He is a very important Prince of his kind sir." the lawyer informed him. "Prince, of where, what nation?" he had to ask for more! "Well his nation is secret, but he might tell you all about it inside the car sir?" the lawyer said as he opened the black tinted door of the smooth black painted limo. The photog leaned into the held open door and saw a large man in an impeccable clean white suit sitting in the back with a lady sexually snuggling up next to him, that lady was so beautiful it took a man's breath away instantly! She was wrapped up in a red silk dress that was just 'painted' on, one that barely covered her at all and she was wrapped around the mans side in such a sexual way, it made the photog's lust grow for her! "Well get in the seat sir and we are off?" the lawyer smiled. "Yep I can get used to this!" the photog said as he slid into the expensive leather seat across from the man and his woman. The lawyer closed the door, then went to his own SUV to be with his staff. "Welcome...I followed your work closely so far, the breaking into the Drow teens home was a good try?" the man in white said slowly, as he puffed on a sweet smelling cigar. "The name is Johnny Sir and yours? So I know who to thank for all of this kindness!" "Gothmog and you might not be 'thanking' me in minute!" the man in white laughed at him, a laugh that was sounding so sinister it made Johnny shake in fear and the sound of the door locking made that fear grow even more deeper right now. "Ahh I don't know what this is all about mate, but just let me out and call it even?" Johnny tried to bargain for his life he was certain. "Not going to happen, you tried to take that necklace of her's and succeeded in taking pictures of nude under age twin girls...That was a mistake...boy." the mans voice boomed at Johnny. "Gothmog...was it?" he trembled in fear as the lady licked her lips at him like she was sizing Johnny up like a fine steak! "That is my name...human." the man in white smiled back at him a very dark way and the 'human' part of his statement sent a cold shiver over Johnny's body right now. "Was this guy NOT A HUMAN!" he thought in horror! "What are you going to do to me or with me?" Johnny asked in squeaky tone that was ever growing from his fright. "I am not going to do anything with you just yet, maybe in a few hundred years I will get back to you? But for now...darling...would be so kind as to show this man the error of his ways for me...during the rest of this century?" "Yes my lord, I do your bidding." she sang out in a tone of voice that made Johnny's skin crawl and yet he wanted to so 'bed' this girl very badly right now! "Ahh I am sorry...sir?" he gulped. "Too late...I gave that necklace to her as a gift to show I cared for her...those twins...and I owe them so very much for what they have done for my family!" Gothmog howled at Johnny in anger. The lady leaned towards him, her scent made Johnny lean towards her. As she leaned closer and closer, her mouth opened and opened...wider and wider still! Johnny was mesmerized by her, infatuated by her even when he saw row after row of sharp blade like teeth in her mouth, dozens of rows...he leaned closer to her still, to be with her! Johnny SCREAMED! As the limo pulled away from the curb, the thick well made doors of the Mercedes held that frightening scream inside and all that was heard outside the metal door was a whisper on the winds of Johnny's Final sounds. Back in the shopping section of the city laying nearby the studios. Both Drow were busy admiring how good the long dusters looked in their tall bodies, "Look at this, covers up all that I want and looks good to me!" "A little plain, considering what you usually choose? No skulls or pink death kitties on this one?" Bill mused at both, while looking at the coat's large pockets for himself. "Well now that you mention it, I wonder if I can get skull patches this big?" One smiled evilly at him and Bill instantly regretted the suggetion as Jineen laughed at his pain. Thursday August 9, 6:25 PM Gold Coast studios Australia Most the cast and crew of the film was at this party for the end of major shooting. From here on, the first unit and the EFX second unit would be doing some more work. But most of that shooting was very dangerous work that only stunt players did. There might be some pick-up shoots or re- shoots in the future. But this was the last day or so for the main cast to be together. Us Drow mingled into the crowd and tried to keep ourselves split to let everyone see us and meet with all the friends we have made during the long filming. Rohanna sticks with Art and his wife for the most part, as they mingle about. Rehanna leans towards the crew, because she loves the jobs they do and likes to see how things work! "So what are you two going to get into this next week?" Peter Martin the director of the movie asked as he came walking up to the pack of close friends. "Us, we are going to Paris!" Art's wife Linda laughed, even though she knew Peter was really asking Rohanna. "Not you, I know Art is going over there. Because I paid for the airfare and I know his credit cards are on fire right now waiting for you to hit the streets!" Peter laughed with her. "Well Ro tell the man?" Linda laughed as she nudged the teen next to her. "Peter, school starts in a few weeks and who knows what trouble I might get into till then?" the teen grinned in a most evil way. "Ohh no...none of that! I know darn well why you are smiling, that darn Isle of Mann TT classic and amateur race is in a few weeks...and there is no way you should go to that!" Art said more than mad, but with a hint of protectiveness in his voice. Just like he was chewing out one of his own kids. "Isle of mann..." Peter asked very confused at the name. "Did I hear Isle of Mann!" Westly Seagal said more than happy just as he walked up with a beautiful girl wrapped around his that no one had seen before today! "Yes West, what is that or that place or the race?" Peter asked the newcomer. "Well Pete, its a race on a small island laying between England and Ireland. Thirty seven miles of twisting mountain roads in both a small town and countryside all run on motorbikes at the bleeding edge of control...going over two hundred miles an hour on the track is normal!" "West, please don't leave out the parts where almost all the racing done in the small village, is right next to trees and stone walls. That very dangerous part that has killed dozens of good riders." Art huffed out the short facts about the dangerous race. "I am sure if Rohanna says she can do it...she can? She has proved that she can do many things on this film...some...that others would never try? Besides Art, the lady is a mutant or Sidhe and she will heal from anything that track can toss at her!" "That is what worries me, she might get hurt bad!" Art insisted. "Art, I have done more dangerous things than racing on a track since this happened to me?" Rohanna said while waving a hand over her body, "and I will do even more dangerous things in the future I am sure, so me having my idea of fun? That is me living life on the edge, just like always!" "Wait till Bill hears you have those kind of plans for the rest of your summer off!" Linda warned of her intentions of telling Bill. Across the wide soundstage building, Rehanna spotted both Bill and Jineen having a very heated discussion. One that had both of them very upset. Rehanna could not make out what was said over the huge din of both the people there and the large band playing. When they stopped to hugout the whole issue, Rehanna made her way over to both of them, "What was that all about, I can see both of you are very upset and for the last three have been leaving us 'kids' out of it! SO GIVE RIGHT NOW!" "This is personal Rohanna.." Bill started. "I am Rehanna, not Rohanna...and anything that has you both this upset is my issue too. I...we need both of you...and need you around! So if this life or death bad...we Drow need to know right now damn it!" Rehanna demanded. "It's personal Rehanna." Bill said, short and to the point. "We will talk about this tomorrow in your house...back home, if it's that private." Rehanna stated and then left very quickly...too quickly! The large party went on for several more hours, both twins were introduced to producers that might want to use them in the future depending on how this film is received by the public. But Peter laughed all of that off, "They love this picture, I am getting free advertising and that visitor that Rohanna and Rehanna had this week proves they will risk anything for pictures of them!" Both twins said in stereo and very angry at the small fact, "That kind of free press is something I don't need more of...especially nude pics of us around!" "Well he did not get away and Bill here," Peter nudged the man just walking up with his new wife, "he made sure that those were destroyed on the spot...But did any of you hear?" "Hear what Peter?" Jineen asked quickly. "That Johnny photographer was baled out for five hundred thou and disappeared the same day! He was to call in each and every day! But strangely missed all of his call in's after he was walked out by a rather new and EXPINSIVE attorney, some say he was met by a string of limos outside the jail too?" "Who would want him dead and pay that much to get at him?" Westly wondered out loud. Bill instantly glared at both teens and through clinched teeth asked almost silently, "Did you do that?" Both Drow shook their heads to Bill's question instantly and were offended at the same time. If they wanted him dead, why pay for an attorney and bail to get at him? Just port in at night, skin the man in his cell or port off with him and do worse, but more fun things to him! "Well in any case...ladies he is gone and even if he comes back? The locals want him real bad, so badly they will hunt him down! I insisted that they do, or I film any sequels to this movie in England or America!" Peter laughed at his threat and the power it held over the local government. "Sequels?" Rohanna had to ask, "I thought this one was long enough!" "No, I was thinking to do the whole book series and this is only part one of eight!" he laughed again. "Oy-vey! That is going to hurt my class time a lot!" she rolled her eyes at the facts. "But the pay is great!" Westly add in the large fact that it was. "I will have to think about it in any case?" Rehanna said quickly. Friday August 10, 6:45 AM Our large townhome, near Gold Coast studios Australia "Yarp! We are all packed and ready to go!" Bill joked, but Rohanna was having none of it right now. She had caught both of them talking again just last night and she was very mad at both of them right now. "So I trust them both with my life, I have done so many times already and here they go having their first issue where I can or might help them? AND they don't trust me!" Rohanna thought to herself as she got the last of her things ready to travel. "I am ready..." Rehanna said short and curt! "So if we are ready to go then?" Rohanna said shouldering her only bag for the trip, all the others were inside her personal storage already. "Ready!" both Bill and Jineen said, then picked up their last bag. Rohanna stood in-between both of them and Rehanna stood next to Bill. Both Drows touched a shoulder, then each other and the four ported away when Rohanna asked "Ready!" Thursday, August 9, 2007 4:45:00 PM Dunwich, New Hampshire Bill and Jineen's Townhouse All four ported into the center of the living room in a pop, Rohanna checked her surroundings without even moving an inch. Her senses reached out in a second, while her eyes and ears searched for trouble, lessons drilled into her over centuries. One must never assume all is safe or where you ported to or wanted to port to is where you end up at! Rehanna sighed when all her checks came up safe, "Well that trip is over and we are home for now!" Then both Drow silently ran upstairs to drop off their bags and pull the remaining ones from their personal storage. The next plan was refilling all the dressers, closet and other places she had with the twins clothing needs for the next few weeks. Bill followed Jineen up to the main bedroom and found exactly what they expected in the room. All their bags set in even rows on the floor, dived by who owned what and who had their things where. Rohanna and Rehanna had set off hours earlier and last night to do this short chore...but came back very mad when they caught the couple talking in secret once again! "Think she is still mad at us honey?" Jineen asked not sure of all the small clues the teens had to their mindset. "Ohh ya, you can just make out the red tint ring around each eye. Both of them are fuming at a very slow burn!" Bill said as he opened his bags. "Should we tell them?" "Tell them and have them go off...." Bill started, but never finished. The door swung open and both teens flew into the room, "And go off and do what?" "Hey get out!" Bill shouted at both invading teens. "You have a secret and that is a big one that is bugging you. SO out with it now!" Rehanna demanded from the open door and Rohanna was leaning up against the wall the of the short hallway to the main bedroom next to her. "That is our business both of you!" he shouted once more. "Well if you can't tell us...." Rehanna started. "...Then how can we trust you both?" Rohanna finished with a slow sigh. "It's not that honey?" Jineen tried to say. "But it is...." Rehanna said. " don't trust us in this one thing and after all this time?" Rohanna finished. "This is our issue, we will deal with it ourselves!" Bill said more than angry that both teens were not listening to his orders. "Well more trust between us at all. It's good that our bags are not unpacked and we will going over to Whateley to stay from now on." Rehanna started again "Yes we will and Bill please call Mr. Reilly for us? So you can tell him that you are not taking care of us anymore and it is done...." Rohanna finished with a sad sigh. "This is not one of your or white choices Rohanna!" Bill barked. "Well then you tell me the gray of me not caring or my caring about you? I see none, it's all or nothing with me Bill. You know that by now?" she asked for his explanation on the matter and waited at the door with her back already turned toward the Drow's room and the waiting bags. Jineen could instantly see that Rohanna was not going to ever budge an inch in her choice, they as a couple trusted her with this or she left for good and she could see her reasoning behind it. This Drow did not have time in her life for 'maybes' and trusting Bill or her was betting Rohanna's' life for a very long time. "Bill tell her, or I will!" Jineen suddenly snapped at her husband. "Honey?" Bill asked wondering why his wife was not standing by his decision, then realize his Jineen had lived a very long life and knew for more than he ever could. "Tell!" Jineen warned once more and the fiery redhead of this Irish lass was showing now. "Fine...honey?" Bill gave in and started talking. He sat both teens on the large bed, then started pacing around the room as he spoke. Alex, Bill's very much younger brother had got himself into trouble, very deep trouble and ended up owing money to the leader of gang he was in. Then add one of his very close biddies...his cousin, one he had been friends with since they were toddlers. He had opened his big mouth bragging that " BIG brother Bill" worked up at ARC and might be able to get 'those way cool' weapons that hurt mutants and blow up tanks! Bill's dad Paul, was trying to pay the debt off from the leader, but the leader added a insane level of interest per-day that made that impossible and now the only way out was Bill getting what the crazy man wanted from ARC or Alex dead, plus the added threat hanging over the family for years. Rohanna laid back onto the bed and sighed as she covered her face with both hands, "What does he want Bill?" "This nut wants top of the line military grade weapons, the ones you don't want on the streets and can get...or will get traced back when the army goes to find this gang leader!" "Let me guess, those plasma rifles and power armor that my friends at Whateley make in their sleep?" Rehanna laughed from the beds corner. "Yep, he wants the Ex 40 armor at work...and a few other 'toys'?" Bill sighed. "That is nuts, I am sure one of them weighs like three tons and barely fits inside a large van? What do they think you are going to do...sneak it out in a bag lunch?" Rohanna sassed. "That is the problem, this moron wants are totally unrealistic?" "I'll say, that armor is not on the black market I bet! And if it was, it would cost tens of millions? I could buy it, but finding it for sale is the real issue!" Rehanna said as she stood up and walked to the rooms small wet bar to get some water for all of them. "So any ideas?" Jineen asked as Rehanna handed out water bottles for all of them. "I could do a deal with him..." Rohanna started. "Ohh no none of that selling what you do to cover this!" Bill warned. Jineen asked being a little naive on the matter, "Sell what Bill?" "Sell her skills at killing...she would murder for him to get Alex back!" "It's an idea, he gets what he wants out of the deal. Death, destruction and whatever? I limit the damage to what I want to do and stop it when I want to within the agreement." Rohanna shrugged like the idea was that easy to her. "NO fucking NO, I will not let you do that to yourself! That would be like you going back to your old ways and you said you did not want to do that anymore?" "I said I did not want to be forced by royals, this is for Alex and you my mind that is a small trade?" Rohanna said just before she gulped some of the cold water down to quench her suddenly dry throat.. "No we will get what info we need out of my nephew Bruce Varney, the moron kid that kind of started all of this mess and see from there." Bill said flatly. "So we are calling the cops or FBI then?" Jineen asked, even though she knew they could not. Calling them would get Alex killed in a day at best! "I can try looking for him?" Rohanna asked. "That might work, but you know nothing about the Tampa area or the gangs dealing around the city Ro?" Bill added next with a sigh of defeat. "Then we get Bruce to show me the lay of the land or else?" Rehanna added in the now trademark Drow tone of voice that made you go cold when you heard it. "Rehanna, he's family!" Bill shouted. "Not yours, just related?" Rehanna grinned the small fact that in her mind this kid has limited protection at best. "But he is still a kid?" Jineen said shocked at what Rehanna implied. "Act like an adult during your teen can get punished like one? Even your human justice system crosses that thin line all the time?" "Man that only seeing in black and white? That really shows how screwed up the system in the US has gotten over the last hundred years!" Bill shook his head at the logical facts she had just pointed out. "Where do we start then Rohanna?" Jineen asked for her man who was still thinking as he paced across the bedroom. "Lets bring in a very trusted expert on finding people in to this mess, shall we?" As Jineen nodded, Rohanna pulled out her phone and slid a finger across it to turn it on, then paused for a second while the phone read my heart beat. That strange heart beat of mine is the only thing that will unlock the phone for use. The phone's display rises out of the screen into a nice holo-display of it's main features. I tap the space where 'internet' is floating and the world net is now alive on the phone. I say softly to it, "The cat's in the cradle...come here pussy cat, I know you can hear me?" Jineen looks at me like I am nuts, but Bill knows who I am talking to. A anime cats head comes onto the holo-display and searches around the room for one quick pass, "So by the ping of the phone you are at home, Jineen and Bill are there? So what's up girl!" the phone purrs to me. "I have a favor to ask of you and Blue?" "Ohh posh, favors? You know darn well we don't do those with you, Drow have a free tab with this cat!" "We need to find Bill's brother, some gang thug kidnapped him and wants something that Bill might be able to get up at ARC?" I tell her. "Well plug in the phone to a power line and lets get that info for you! We have family to find?" the cat face grins to me. While I hunt for the power cord of the phone in my pack, Bill tells Cyberkitty the whole back story on our search, the who's, the what's and the where's. I plug the phone into the wall socket fully knowing why I am doing this, a Bunny phone maybe cutting edge tech and it has a HUGE battery life. But what Paige or Cyberkitty is going to do will cost power and then she will use the power coming from the wall as a extra connection to the internet...Yes you can go on the net via the wall plug! That is normal tech from over ten years ago, but no one really marketed it well and it died off! After Bill is done, the Holo-image purrs to him, "Got it all big guy and I will take a second!" "While you are doing that, any word?" Rohanna sadly asked the image that suddenly turned from a anime cat to a fierce one of a panther as it shouted back, "NO and you know darn well I would call you in a second or less if I found him!" it hissed back at her. "Sorry, had to ask?" Rehanna said slowly back. "Sorry I hissed at you, but I am still looking and others are too?" the now calmer and cuter cat said. Bill and Jineen knew who the two were talking about, Sara's kidnapper that has been missing for months. That kid was being hunted by the church of Kellith, ARC, some staff at Whateley and the kids that knew her! How no one found him yet was interesting to say the least? "Well Ro this gang leader is hiding the right way, he uses all couriers to communicate to his 'clubs' and his dealer network. That makes it real had to track him, the local cops and FBI have been tracking him. But never got near him so far? I will work on it from my end and keep you in the loop!" the cat face smiled then vanished with a cartoony pop. "Well that is done, now we need to talk to this nephew Bruce of yours and see what he knows?" Rohanna told Bill her plans. "We will call him right now." Bill says but never gets his phone out of his pocket, Rohanna taps his shoulder as she says, "we go and see him right now!" and all three vanish. Almost 1500 miles away to the south. Bill suddenly finds himself standing in his parents backyard in Tampa Florida. He spins about in confusion and then rips into the Drows standing next to him, "Why port to here...why now?" "Got to start somewhere, some time and right here and now is good, plus seeing Bruce in person gets a message across that I wish to make much FASTER!" she glares at Bill. "Shit!" Bill shouts as both Drow walk away from him, then over to the back door of the nice home and knock. "WAIT Ro, you will scare dad shitless and he will blast you!" he warns. Sure enough after the door opens, a rifle barrel comes out at her face, and she smiles her trademark fang filled grin to Bill's dad, "Hi Mr. Varney, we have to talk and any brownies ready?" she jests with the frightened man. As the light mounted under the barrel of the rifle washes over the closest Drow, Paul Varney squints at the teens, "Rohanna, what are you doing here at this time of night and before calling to come over?" "DAD! We are here about Alex?" Bill says as he walks up behind the twins. "You told her about this mess?" his dad says more than angry with his eldest son right now. "Well who can hide things like this from a Drow that we live with?" he explains, "Besides who else has the skills to get Alex back and in one piece?" he sighs the logical fact. Paul waves us twins into his house as he opens the door for us, "Well get on in here...Bill next time you call ...SON!" he demanded, but Bill said nothing to correct his father for now. After all three of us were in the kitchen, Paul put his rifle up inside a secret hidden box mounted inside the wood panel lined wall, "Nice spot Sir, even I would have had a hard time finding that one!" I admitted that it blended in and the hidden door used a magnet as a lock, thus hiding the stored rifle even more! "I have a few of those all over the house, most are steel lined and fire restraint and the big one is in the basement under the frame of the house. No one will ever move that one, I had it built, welded in place and it weighs three tons!" "What do you have in that beast?" I had to ask. "Dad collected guns, so did grandpa and we were left his collection after he died" Bill added taking a seat at the small breakfast table his father sat at. Paul yelled out after we all sat, "JANET, we have visitors?" he warned her and she came into the room very quickly. "Ohhh...who?" she said just before entering the door, then gasped, "Bill honey why are you here?" Janet lied the small fact...she knew why, but did not want to say it in front of us Drow! "Hi mom, might as well drop the act. Rohanna knows, besides you can't lie in front of her...she will know instantly you are lying to her or near her?" he sighs and I nod back to his question. "So since you are here, what do you want for a snack and I know the Pixies have to be hungry?" she smiled over to Violet and Lilac both hovering near me. Janet opened her big wooden snack box on the kitchen counter and inside were brownies, plus a host of other baked treats! The two winged menaces to sweets, dove at the chocolate goodness squealing, "Brownies!" and there was nothing but silence from them as they happily munched away. "Mrs. Varney, I'll take a cherry cup cake?" then the twin Rehanna seconded that choice, "Me too, I love those!" She placed four of the baked treats on a paper plate before us, then added a tall pitcher of orange juice to the table with glasses for all. "Here ya go, Florida in a cup!" she beamed at us. "Well dad, call Bruce and have him come over before we have to go get him?" Bill told his dad. "What if he does not come here?" he asked incase the teen boy would not show up because everyone was mad at him. "Then I have friend trace his phone and we go get him the hard way?" Rehanna said after draining a cool glass of juice. Paul made his call on speaker phone, as it rang we waited and then the teen answered not sure of what to say it seemed, "Uncle Paul, why a call tonight?" "Bruce...son, come over to my place we have to talk?" Paul asked the teen. "Ahh nope, I don't feel like getting yelled at anymore!" "Bruce...Bill here. Come over now please, I am here too and we need to talk now?" he almost begged, but kept a stern voice! "Ohh nope...I am not going to get yelled at in stereo now!" Since Bruce was not seeming to what to join us, I turned on my bunny phone and a

Same as Shadowsblade: Some things should not be...Taken Videos

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Shadowsblade School is a pain in the back

Poe cottage---my room The first rays of sunlight just shoot into my window and my eyes snap open with them hitting my face. My legs then spring me to standing up and the meditation mat I was just sitting on gets kicked back under the bed. 'Great it's finally Saturday, that ride I have been waiting for is here now!' are the only thoughts running through my brain. After I had run down the hall, got a quick shower then came back to my room. I was dwelling over what to wear today!...

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Shadowsblade a Whateley Tale: Written by Shadowsblade Created for war and forged in pain, dealing with demons within and without. To all my readers, thanks for your posts. I do read each one and some of the ones posted recently, they added to my ideas on where to go in long term plot ideas! So keep posting and thinking out there! Copyright © 2016 by Shadowsblade All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by...

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Shadowsblade chapter 1 part 2

Note: This story is set in Maggie Finson's Whateley Academy Universe This is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity. Canon stories may be found at This is a edited version of the last post --cut in half so its not so big -- with added content This is part #2 and to the authors of this universe --I just barrowed your characters and I hope...

5 years ago
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Shadowsblade Weekend shopping

Shadowsblade is back! Created for war and forged in pain, dealing with demons within and without. In this part! she goes shopping, but not all is well and bloody Boston is the place! -------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday February 17 5:20 am Whateley Academy - Poe cottage I walk out of Doyle, to greet the sun coming up and a great day to come! I now feel totally relaxed now. I got that wreck something out of my system! With a...

3 years ago
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Shadowsblade Queens Gambit

Monday March 19, 3:00 pm Poe cottage Well it's time, after my door gets closed and I run down the hallway to Poe's front door to port off to Shuster hall for a very stupid MID-MCO interview. Better known to most students, as 'the grilling!' Mr. Reilly, had one of his legal personal run me through a whole slue of laws on this last night and e-mailed me even more on the subject. I studied that info hard, as I wanted to know all these new laws that could get me more than jailed, I...

3 years ago
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Note: This story is set in Maggie Finson's Whateley Academy Universe This is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity. Canon stories may be found at This is a edited version of the last post --cut in half so its not so big -- with added content part 2 of this will be added later this week if this works right "lets hope this works out better"...

3 years ago
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Shadowsblade first day

Note: This story is set in Maggie Finson's Whateley Academy Universe This is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity. Canon stories may be found at This is Shadowsblade's first day at Whateley meeting new students and getting all set-up for her time at the academy to come. and to the authors of this universe --I just barrowed your...

2 years ago
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Shadowsblade frist week part 1

This part deals with Rohanna's first week at the Academy Thanks to all who left cool reviews and stayed to see how I developed the character and those around her. Just for info please look into these other 2 authors here at Fictionmania Branek and his character --Mel and Nuuan and his character --kelly as both will be teaming up with Rohanna the Drow in 2007 school year as a team written effort. I will add soon to my characters another Vantier to be seen here real soon ...

2 years ago
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shadowsblade first week part 2

this part deals with Rohanna's first week at the Academy thanks to all who left cool reviews and stayed to see how I developed the character and those around her. Just for info please look into these other 2 authors here at fictionmania Branek and his character --Mel and Nuuan and his character --kelly as both will be teaming up with Rohanna the Drow in 2007 school year as a team written effort. I will add soon to my characters another Vantier to be seen here real...

2 years ago
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Shadowsblade Betrayal and forgiveness

Created for war and forged in pain, dealing with demons within and without! In this part: Rohanna is betrayed and hurt by a person close to her.....but at its end....redemption and forgiveness ---------------------------------------------------------------- As I sat in my room pondering on staying here at Whateley OR if I was going to leave Whateley, OR worse! me jailed or stuck in ARC! Sunday February 18 4:45 am Outskirts of Boston A small chancery of the church A small...

2 years ago
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Shadowsblade Fighting the calm before the storms to come

Saturday February 24 11:10 pm Arkham Research Consortium My port from Nikki's house ends at the rather long and beautiful access road leading to ARC. I had just barely seen this spot, from the first days after my change from the complex's cafeteria we all ate in one night. I at that time thought to escape into the woods and leave all this behind. But my trust in Sara at the time was so great, that at her slight instance....I did not leave. Perhaps in the light of what has happened...

4 years ago
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Shadowsblade Ride to the light

Thursday, March 1 4:55 am The Grove---the campus access road Tee-Kay gasps out "Ohhh shit we killed her!" at seeing the sight of the girl smashing into the rock and laying so still. Nitro walks slowly over to the still form and gives it a nudge with his shoe "You okay Rohanna?" he asks unsure if he should even touch her. He hears nothing coming form the still body, not even breathing and that scares him badly! He kneels down at the group of large rocks, rolls the still elf over...

4 years ago
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Shadowsblade Pixie partner

Saturday, March 10 7:05 am Doyle medical center--intensive care center My eyes scrape open in pain, to see a blurry sight before me and when they clear up a little better. I notice a small form sitting on my rising and falling chest, "Hey little one? What happened?" I croak out very tired and in deep pain from my wounds. Violet's small face shoots up, to gaze at me and she starts to cry to me, "You got hurt again and it's my fault!" "No," I groan again, to her small tear covered...

3 years ago
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Shadowsblade Dead Ringer part 2

Sunday April 16, 12:05 am Abandoned lab hallway With some effort, Sara slid the stone out of it's place a few inches and then it started to slide on it's own. When the stone had slid enough distance so that she could see it was being pulled out by two of her father's huge assistants. Once it was clear of the doorway, they shoved it aside and stepped out of her way with a bow of respect. "Mistress?" both asked. Gothmog smiled at her, as he leaned in a almost human like way against...

3 years ago
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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 8 Chapter 8 Impaled by the Minotaur

Book Eight: Labyrinth of Love Chapter Eight: Impaled by the Minotaur By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Note: Thanks to B0b for beta reading this. Acolyte Sophia – The Labyrinth, the Island of Yalut The words of the Minotaur echoed down the hallway out of the darkness of the large room before us. The source of the foul stench pervading the Labyrinth flowed with it. In the glow of my pink, ethereal light bobbing beside me, I spotted a skeletal arm stretched out of the large room,...

2 years ago
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Mysterious Hypnotic Spiral Hypnotizes Mom

Susanne Butler was settling in for the night in her house, she was Caucasian, she was 62-years-old, she was 5'8, shoulder length long blonde hair, blue eyes, she was wearing underwear, a long satin silk nightgown, she was also a loving divorcee mother to her 18-year-old teenage Daughter named Katherine, she's also Caucasian, she's 5'7, brunette hair, hazel eyes, her 16-year-old son named Peter, he was also Caucasian, he was 5'9, brown hair, brown eyes, her 3-year-old Toddler son named Mark, and...

Mind Control
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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 8 Labyrinth of LoveChapter 8 Impaled by the Minotaur

Note: Thanks to b0b for beta reading this! Acolyte Sophia – The Labyrinth, the Island of Yalut The words of the Minotaur echoed down the hallway out of the darkness of the large room before us. The source of the foul stench pervading the Labyrinth flowed with it. In the glow of my pink, ethereal light bobbing beside me, I spotted a skeletal arm stretched out of the large room, fingers twisted in agony, one of the beast’s victims. My heart hammered fast. We were at the heart of the...

2 years ago
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The Minotaur

The MinotaurI polished the story a bit and finally finished it. This was written as a present to a very special (in a good way) girl here on xhamster. You know who you are. Enjoy ;-)Setting: Warhammer Fantasy, Dark Elf Kingdom of Naggaroth...Part 1: The AmbushThe coach was rumbling along the road going from the city of Ghrond, the northern seat of Morathi's cabal of Sorceresses, to one of the Witch King's Watchtowers in the far north, guarding the Dark Elf kingdom of Naggaroth from incursions...

4 years ago
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The Maiden and the Minotaur Part 3

The Minotaur got up off the bed, leaving the dazed Ariadne laying there, cum still oozing from her abused slit, too weak and wobbly to get up. He moved over to his chair by the fireplace, but looked over at her from time to time to check on her.Gradually, Ariadne came to her senses. Her moaning diminished and her breathing and heart rate slowed. She stirred, catching his attention and he watched, interested, as she rose to a sitting position. When she felt strong enough, she slipped off the bed...

Monster Sex
4 years ago
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The Maiden and the Minotaur Part 2

Ariadne felt the odd sensation of being whisked through the air. In her dazed semi-conscious state, she heard a thunderous beating. She could hear it through the soft fur under her ear. Pounding... rhythmic... strangely soothing. As she began to return to consciousness, she slowly opened her eyes. She was being cradled in the strong powerful human arms of the Minotaur. Carried across the room towards the bed she first noticed in the room. She could smell its musky animal scent strongly now - it...

Monster Sex
4 years ago
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The Maiden and the Minotaur Part 1

The Lottery had taken place and the name had been drawn. Only in this Lottery, if your name was drawn you were far from the winner. Ariadne, the youngest daughter of Aegidios, a simple shopkeeper in the village was the name drawn this time.The town drew the name of a virgin girl every three months in this Lottery. You see, this was Pelatrea, and this town was cursed.Long long ago, there was a young woman in the town, an extremely lovely woman, who caught the eye of Zeus, the most powerful of...

Monster Sex
3 years ago
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Son of the Minotaur Ch 01

Some things are just so weird that they have to be written down. Normally I wouldn’t bother, but this is too weird. We actually call this a ‘true lie’ in my circle of friends, something that while true it sounds like a lie anyway. Well, here’s my true lie. Guessing from the fact that this is an erotic story archive you are reading this from, yes this is about sex. First, let me tell you a little about myself. My name is Joe, simple and easy. I am a very hairy man, always have been from the...

3 years ago
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The Winsome Widow Part 2

Chapter 5 - Riley The months that followed were a misery for me; I loved Evan, and I was sure he loved me, but I couldn’t reconcile that against the secrecy of his God-damned club. There was something going on at that terrace in Potts Point, something sexual, I was sure, and I felt that Evan had in some way been cheating on me, all the while giving me the best sex I would ever experience. I felt jilted and wronged and completely justified in my actions; but I also felt petty and small and...

4 years ago
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The Maiden and the Minotaur Part 4

The next day, Ariadne got ready to go back to the village to talk to them and tell them about the ending the Lottery. Erinyes lit the torch again and showed her the way to the old door. After winding their way through the maze of the Labyrinth they reached the door. The Minotaur studied it for a couple minutes testing the chains that held it secure. Then he hooked on horn under a point in the chain and with a mighty twisting pull the chain broke! Then he repeated the same thing to the second....

Monster Sex
4 years ago
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My Minotaur Part X

(Story resubmitted with objectionable content removed) My story draws near its close, dear reader, and I shall do my utmost to do these final moments justice in their detail. The first thing I shall say is that Oluth was clearly born for the mantel of leadership. While I’d thought him to be little more than a beast when we first met, I had since come to recognize what a being of great power, intelligence, and patience he truly is. Even then, it was not until after the business with Aryth I...

4 years ago
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My Minotaur Part X

(Story resubmitted with objectionable content removed) My story draws near its close, dear reader, and I shall do my utmost to do these final moments justice in their detail. The first thing I shall say is that Oluth was clearly born for the mantel of leadership. While I’d thought him to be little more than a beast when we first met, I had since come to recognize what a being of great power, intelligence, and patience he truly is. Even then, it was not until after the business with Aryth I...

2 years ago
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Demon and Demeanour Book 4 of Poachers ProgressChapter 10 Somerset and cider

“It is a pleasure to finally meet you, Colonel Greenaway. I am Ivan Crossley, Senior Magistrate and deputy Lord Lieutenant of the County of Somerset. Welcome to Taunton.” He rose from his desk and held out his hand. I had no idea I would be shaking the hand of Sir Boris Crossley’s brother, and brother-in-law of John Stafford, when I had left Coleman Hawkins in charge of seeing the regiment into their billets while I made myself known to the ‘civil authorities’ in the great hall of Taunton...

2 years ago
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From Twosome To Threesome

Hello, friends this is the story of how I fucked a women and surprisingly while fucking her son comes in the middle. Do mail me n give feed backs at One day I was checking my mails and I got a mail from a women named akansha . Then we had a chat for few days then we exchanged our no.S She said her husband is in merchant navy and is not able to satisfy as most of the time hes away. She said she need sex. Well lemme describe you about her Name: akansha Stats: 36d 34 40 yeah she had a very big...

2 years ago
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Foursomes and MoresomesChapter 1

A noise startled me. I jerked awake, blinking the sleep from my eyes. The TV was on. Bryan was nestled in the crook of one arm, Gabrielle in the other. Their eyes were glazed over; both sleepily watched the race. Her twin sister Gwendollyn was quietly playing with a family of Potato Heads on the coffee table. "Enjoying your little nap?" Katie kissed me, then picked up our son. He lazily snuggled up to his Momma. Now that she had me all to herself, Gabi cuddled a little closer. I just...

3 years ago
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Foursomes and MoresomesChapter 2

"Have you seen Mimi and Geoff's latest video?" Leah asked as I lathered up her hair. "No," I replied. "When was it posted?" "Tuesday." She tilted her head back as my hands massaged her scalp. "They sent us an email ... wanting to know if we would come down and see them next month." The warm water cascaded over our bodies. There were jets coming from all directions, one of the luxuries we had built into this house. In each of the master suites, we had a stand-up shower large...

4 years ago
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Foursomes and MoresomesChapter 3

That night, after putting the kids to bed, the four of us sat around the coffee table in the living room. Each of us had a copy of Mimi and Geoff's email. "So what do we do?" I asked. "I say we do it." Since our trip to Georgia, Katie was the most gung-ho about this new adventure. "To what end?" Melinda asked skeptically. She has been the most reserved. I think she didn't want anything to mess us the chemistry we had formed over the years. Extra-marital activity will do that, you...

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Foursomes and MoresomesChapter 4

The girls banished me from the house. Usually, I'm in charge of running the day-to-day things and keeping everything straight. It's all part of being the one of us who stays home. However, with company coming, the girls all went on a cleaning tear, because apparently I didn't do it right. Mimi and Geoff had originally invited us to come visit them, but the girls wanted to do it on their own terms and in a place that was familiar to them. So we invited our friends up to visit us for a...

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Foursomes and MoresomesChapter 6

I think Mimi and Geoff expected us to jump them right away. While we are just as anxious to be getting started, the first thing we did was give them a tour of our "adult" playroom. Their eyes were wide at the scope and variety of activities we could engage in. We pointed out the various contraptions we had and gave them a quick—but clinical—safety briefing for some of the devices, such as the hydraulic bondage rack and the pedestal-mounted Sybian. Of paramount interest was the rack of TV...

4 years ago
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Foursomes and MoresomesChapter 7

Very quickly, I retreated from the bed. I pulled on a t-shirt and a pair of pajama shorts, then covered myself in a terrycloth robe. When I got upstairs, Gabi had settled down. She had a life-sized Elmo doll clutched in her little arms. Gwen was in the next bed over, snoring softly. As silently as I could, I stroked Gabi's hair, wishing I could will away the bad dreams that still haunted her. After a few moments, I went back downstairs, all libidinous thoughts pushed aside. Stopping in the...

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Foursomes and MoresomesChapter 8

I woke up first. The sun's first rays were hardly over the horizon. Melinda was curled up behind me. Usually she beats the rest of us out of bed, but when she's pregnant, she tends to sleep a little longer; I can't explain it, it just happens. Leah lay with her head on my shoulder. Her breath was warm against my skin. Katie was curled up in a ball, one hand resting on Leah's naked hip, her cheek pressed against our wife's shoulder. With practised efficiency, I extracted myself from the...

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Foursomes and MoresomesChapter 10

"So what's for dinner?" I yawned lazily. "Probably pizza," Katie replied absently. I was still in bed. Melinda and Yesmine had gotten up a little while before to take a shower, and Red wanted some cuddle time. "I'll tell you what," I started. "Melinda, Mimi and I will take the kids out for dinner and you, Leah and Geoff can have some 'alone time'." My wife perked right up at my suggestion. I could tell she wanted another go at her new male slave and I knew Leah was always up...

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Foursomes and MoresomesChapter 11

Picture in your mind the perfect way to wake up. For each of us, it's different. Some people would like to watch the sun rise in the solitude and cold mountain air of the Grand Tetons. Others want to hear waves crashing on the shore. One of my favourites is to come out of that sleepy haze with a warm, wet sensation of someone's lips or pussy wrapped around my morning wood. Yet even that took second place to the Monday morning I woke up in bed with my five best friends. We were a tangle...

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Foursomes and MoresomesChapter 12

"You look very handsome," Melinda straightened my collar. I fidgeted uncomfortably. Who the hell thought hanging something around your neck was indicative of dressing up? If I find out, I'm going to throttle the bastard. With a goddam necktie. The girls were still dressed casually. The kids were down in the basement playing. While the four of us were napping and making love, Mimi had disappeared. Well not actually disappeared, but she had taken off in Leah's new hybrid Lexus sedan. It...

3 years ago
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Foursomes and MoresomesEpilogue

"Sweetheart? Wake up ... you want to see this." It took me a second to blink away the haze as someone tugged on my shoulder. The bedroom was still dark. Leah was curled up on one side, Mimi on the other. I slipped out from between my lovers and followed Melinda to the monitors on the other side of the room. She backed up the video feed to show me something that had happened a few moments before. She pulled a robe around her shoulders to ward away the morning's chill. Through the...

4 years ago
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The Winsome Widow Part 3

Chapter 7 – Evelyn “Aleeeeeeeeex.” I looked around, startled from my contemplation of the idol by the voice, a female voice, whispering my name; soft, sweet and enticing. “Aleeeeeeeeex. Come to me.” Breathy and sexy, it seemed directionless; all I knew for sure was that it wasn’t any of the men around the table calling me; they couldn’t even hear it; they all remained absorbed in Johanssen’s narrative. He had closed out his Bridge night adventure with Evelyn and was now explaining how Adley...

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The Winsome WidowChapter 6 Johanssen

If the transient sexual prowess of its members was a mystery, then the library itself was the enigma wrapped in the riddle wrapped in the mystery that was The Winsome Widow gentlemen's club. I was initially charmed by the high shelves stacked with bound volumes; there were no windows and all four walls were completely covered floor to ceiling with bookshelves and a wheeled ladder attached to each wall. In the centre of the room were two Chesterfield sofas and two sumptuous matching armchairs...

2 years ago
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Beasts Chapter Four Minotaur

"It is still two days to my home lands." he told her, "I am fine living on the lands but Tempest you are a carnivore." she nodded. for the last 5 days she had only been eating what they had been able to find. she had stashed the oranges from a tree the day before. her stomach growled, she knelt down digging through her bag yet again, hoping to find a piece of dried meat that have perhaps gotten lost but found nothing. Brick moved to her side and knelt beside her, "drink." he told her...

2 years ago
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Dancing with the Hypnotist

‘I am now going to place my penis in your mouth.’ Annabel was appalled but she could not move so much as a muscle without his command. She had watched as the man had quietly undressed, neatly folding his clothes on the chair, and been so relieved to see his penis flaccid. She had thought he intended her for sex but the physical evidence showed otherwise: how wrong she had been! ‘You need to open your mouth, yes, that is just right.’ He had come closer and closer to her, his hand reaching...

1 year ago
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Oldje 3Some

There's a first time for everything! This is THE first time in my fucking life that I opened the list of male models the moment I loaded an xxx homepage. Boris looks like a Russian Duma member who has a thing for crack whores, David used to see cannelloni as a kid on the streets before he joined the mob, and Felix's childhood dream was to get the role of Ron Weasley, but his acting skills proved to be more suitable for What a colorful collection of old farts! is...

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2 years ago
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Hypnotism Doesnt Work

Michelle Williams was a smoking hot 22 year old legal secretary. She was tall, blonde and had a killer, voluptuous body that drove men wild. The busty blonde still lived at home with her father and stepmother, as well as her young 18 year old stepbrother Hugh. Michelle was currently single, but never had too much trouble getting guys, most of them easily drawn to her curvaceous body and open sexual nature. Where Michelle was popular and outgoing, her Hugh stepbrother was the exact opposite....

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A Cuckold Story Part 1 The Hypnotism Show

I have been told that under hypnotism, you cannot be forced to do what you don't want to do. You can only do what you yourself consent to do. And that was what I've believed all along too. Then what the hell was happening?I was going out for a fun night with my wife of 3 years, Marisa, a brunette beauty, 5 foot 5 inches tall with nicely shaped C cup breasts and a gorgeous body to die for. She was wearing a sexy red dress while I was in my typical jeans and T-shirt.It was a Tuesday night, but...

4 years ago
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Lady Grace the Story of Ben and LaraChapter 7 Fulsome Nights

Fulsome was an ugly city, Lara thought to herself as she waited in a long, exhaust filled line to enter it. It was essentially owned by a corporate conglomerate, and they dictated its civic budget as they saw fit. Evidently, their view of public spending did not include beautification or anything beyond basic sanitation. It was surrounded by sixty foot concrete walls that were stained by rust and soot, and the occasional spire of a high rise or smoke stack that poked into view looked equally...

2 years ago
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Childbirth Hypnotherapy

I was feeling much better. I usually don’t take sick days, I’m the kind of girl who shows up completely trashed sneezing and coughing, determined to make at least one coworker sick in exchange for a sick day. This one destroyed me. I couldn’t move, I was shivering, the coughs actually hurt, the medicine did nothing. I was getting older. I was twenty-nine. I know, that’s not old, but it’s the little things at first, those tiny little things you don’t notice, or at least that you shouldn’t...

3 years ago
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My Minotaur Part IX

Without Valsivale, our journey had grown much more dire. We were forced to march long hours during the day, and barely slept at night. As we traveled North the weather grew cold and my flesh felt somehow too thin to protect me any longer. But Oluth was a beast possessed! He set a fast stride and at night fucked one or more of us to sleep with a newfound vigor. It was a good thing we moved quickly, I hated to admit. There were days when we could hear the great mob in pursuit of us, the legion...

2 years ago
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My Minotaur Part IX

Without Valsivale, our journey had grown much more dire. We were forced to march long hours during the day, and barely slept at night. As we traveled North the weather grew cold and my flesh felt somehow too thin to protect me any longer. But Oluth was a beast possessed! He set a fast stride and at night fucked one or more of us to sleep with a newfound vigor. It was a good thing we moved quickly, I hated to admit. There were days when we could hear the great mob in pursuit of us, the legion...

2 years ago
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The Bank Notary

I got out of my Jeep and headed inside. The marine layer was still thick this morning, clinging onto that June Gloom mantra. I stepped inside and was greeted by a young gentleman. I let him know I needed the services of a notary. "No problem sir, our notary is with another customer at the moment. You can just have a seat here. Can I get you a bottle of water?" He asked. I accepted and took a seat in one of the awkwardly uncomfortable chairs. He soon returned with the water as I...

4 years ago
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The Hypnotist

I had known this amazing hypnotist for years. In fact, I am 46 and have moved 46 times. Every town I moved to, he was the Hypnotist when there was going to be that kind of show at one of the clubs or the bars. We had become pretty good friends and I say he was amazing because I have a Bachelor Degree of Science in Mental Health and while training,Hypnotism was a much debated topic in almost every class and I had learned quite a bit of it. I will call this guy Newton. Newton to my...

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The Winsome Widow Part 1

“It is the tale, not he who tells it”Stephen KingChapter 1 - Barrow In one of the secluded laneways off Macleay St in Potts Point, Sydney, sits a set of five handsome two-story Victorian brick terraces; each with a brass plaque beside the door identifying the surgeon or barrister who practices within. The westernmost of the group has no name on its plaque; just a relief impression of a woman in profile, not unlike the obverse side of a coin; one from a realm blessed with a most beautiful and...

3 years ago
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When Twosomess Better than Threesome moms

"You ready?" she asked."Yes" I said simply.She opened her robe to expose her voluptuous naked body. Her face was round, we a slight double chin, full red lips, a small nose and plump cheeks with dimples when she smiled. Her eyes, rather large and green and tiny wrinkles around her mouth, on her forehead made her look, both mature and sexy. But I was staring her humongous tits. Size 48KK, those large natural monsters rested heavily on her chest and belly. Her waist had a single roll of fat that...

4 years ago
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The Minotaur and the Jewel Thief

The billionaire was in the middle east. He was a greedy and bulky man who honestly wouldn't notice if a golden necklace went missing, one encrusted with jewels, rubys, diamonds, and her favorite, sapphires. Wearing a skin tight, black, latex suit. She had a master escape plan, however, if an alarm sounded she had another. A dirtier, more complex one, but another non the less. Her latex suit was snug but fit comfortably. It squeezed her tits quite a bit, but that just made them pop more, the...

3 years ago
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Beasts Chapter two Minotaur

"Yes father." She looked back down at the book before her trying to concentrate but her mind kept moving to the battle from the night before. The Minotaur that her father held for sport. Though she hated watching beast kind fight and kill for show she had become enthralled by him immediately. The raw power he held, the way even under a cloth his manhood swung. How even that appeared to have been a mighty weapon of it’s own. Her legs pressed together at the thought of such a brutish male...

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