The Maiden and the Minotaur Part 3
- 4 years ago
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The Lottery had taken place and the name had been drawn. Only in this Lottery, if your name was drawn you were far from the winner. Ariadne, the youngest daughter of Aegidios, a simple shopkeeper in the village was the name drawn this time.
The town drew the name of a virgin girl every three months in this Lottery. You see, this was Pelatrea, and this town was cursed.
Long long ago, there was a young woman in the town, an extremely lovely woman, who caught the eye of Zeus, the most powerful of all the Greek gods. He came to earth one day in the form of a young man and seduced this beautiful woman and she became with child.
Hera, Zeus's wife was, of course, furious with her husband's infidelity and cursed the woman and the town in which she lived. The curse was that the child, when born, would be a Minotaur - a creature with the head and lower legs of a bull and the body of a man. And so it was that when it came time for the woman to give birth, the curse revealed itself to everyone's horror.
A local seer was called on to explain why this child was born so and it was decided that this child and her mother should be banished. A labyrinth was constructed a few miles away from the city at the top of a nearby mountain. This labyrinth was where the Minotaur and its mother would live for the rest of their lives.
The villagers of Pelatrea were told that because of this woman's indiscretion, they too would share in the curse and the lottery was set up to decide who would be sacrificed to the Minotaur.
Every three months each eligible girl over the age of sixteen who was still a virgin was required to put her name in the Lottery and one name would be drawn. Anyone who tried to hide their daughter or cheat the Lottery in any way risked the terrible wrath of Hera herself - something no one wanted!
That was a great many years ago and everyone who lived in Pelatrea at that time was long dead. It was assumed that the woman died not long after being banished to the labyrinth, however, no one knew for sure because no one had ever come back from the labyrinth. The Minotaur though, being sired by Zeus, was immortal.
Now it was Ariadne's turn. For the last two years, she had been able to beat the Lottery. She had seen nine young women of the village called to be sacrificed. Some went bravely, most went crying, and a couple went screaming for help. She was certain that all of them screamed for help at one point or another.
Like others before her, once Ariadne's name was called out, she was allowed some time to say goodbye to her family before being whisked away to be prepared. She was taken to the mayor's house and given a very nice room to stay until the following day. Guards were posted at the door and outside just in case she decided to try to escape and she was fed a sumptuous meal.
The next morning, several women came to prepare her for the Minotaur. The women went about their work saddened that once again they had to prepare an innocent girl for who knew what horrors would befall her in the labyrinth. They barely spoke at all except to give directions - it was just easier for everyone that way. Ariadne was going to certain death and there was nothing anyone could do about it.
The women disrobed her, gathering her clothes to return them to the family. She was washed thoroughly with luxurious sponges until she was squeaky clean. Then she was shaved completely until she was smooth everywhere and soothing creme rubbed into the skin where she was shaved to soothe it. Her long brown hair was washed and brushed until it shone. Then the women began preparing her for the sacrifice. Her nails were painted red, her face powdered and her lips were colored to match her nails. Her eyelids were colored and her eyelashes darkened.
Once she had been washed, perfumed, and her makeup applied, she was given a floor-length, flowing gown, made of a very sheer material - so sheer as to hardly be worth the trouble of putting on! Her feet were adorned with simple sandals, the straps of which wrapped around her ankles and up her calves.
When all the preparations were done, Ariadne was taken to the village priest for a simple ceremony to bless her and offer her to Hera for her approval. Once the village priest saw her and found her worthy of the sacrifice, and the blessing ceremony was over, Ariadne was taken up the long road to the top of the mountain and the labyrinth.
Ariadne was carried on the ceremonial litter - a fancy chair supported by two long poles and carried by some of the village men because they wanted her to be fresh and pristine for the Minotaur. Several of the village people - her friends, family, and others, followed behind her as far as they could. But once at the top of the mountain, she said her final goodbye to her father and two men led her to the labyrinth entrance.
From the outside, the labyrinth looked like a huge stone building with walls roughly twenty feet tall. But the curious thing was that there was no door or windows anywhere to be seen! The only exterior landmark on the whole building was a set of stone stairs going up the side of the building.
The men escorted Ariadne up the stairs and over to a grated hole. One man slid the two massive bolt latches holding the grate closed and lifted the heavy hinged grate. They lowered Ariadne on what looked like a swing with a wooden seat. She stood on the seat and held onto the ropes as the men lowered her until she could step off. The swing was then raised back up and the grate replaced and locked. Ariadne knew now why no one ever returned from the labyrinth - there was no way out!
With a blank stone wall behind her there was only one direction she could go from here, so she began to slowly walk down the hallway. As she got further from the hole she was dropped through, it quickly became very dark. She walked slowly along the hall, carefully running her fingers along the wall so she could feel for any openings.
The floor of the labyrinth was soft and sandy and the air was warm and only slightly humid - not dank and moldy like she expected it to be. Were there more light it might even be slightly pleasant! The air smelled of a faint ocean smell and a musky animal smell she could only surmise as the Minotaur.
That was when fear began to creep in. Ariadne was walking down an almost pitch black hallway with no idea where it might lead and knowing that there was some terrible unknown beast lurking around someplace! How long would it be before she confronted it? Would she even see it coming? If it was this dark now, how would she possibly have a chance against the beast?
She had heard the stories about the Minotaur, and although no one knew exactly what it looked like, rumors and speculation had made it into a terrible, horrific carnivorous nightmare that preyed on the flesh of anyone unlucky enough to be trapped in here with it.
Slowly Ariadne made her way down the hallway. Then she came to an intersection of two hallways. One to the right and one to the left. The right-hand one felt as if it was going slightly downhill, deeper into the labyrinth. The left one smelled of... the sea? Could it be?
Her hopes raised slightly as she took the left-hand hallway and continued slowly walking in the darkness. The hall turned to the right and then a little further on to the left. It was then that she noticed the walls were getting a bit lighter - somewhere at the end of this hallway was light! She moved carefully but quicker now and as she got closer it got easier to walk. Then she saw it - an opening in the wall. She ran toward it and what she hoped would be freedom.
But her hopes were dashed only feet away when she got to the opening. There in front of her was a short platform overlooking a sheer cliff of no less than three hundred feet. The ocean was indeed down below her, but directly below her were terrible jagged rocks. She looked out at the beautiful Mediterranean Sea.
Out in the distance, almost too far away to make out, was a sailing ship. She looked down at the waves throwing themselves onto the vicious rocky shore. Then it occurred to her. This WAS the way out! But it was a way out by suicide. These were her choices now - to face the Minotaur and who knows what horrors, or to end it quickly on the rocks below. She wondered how many girls had given their broken and battered bodies to the sea over the years.
Ariadne turned around. She wasn't ready for such a gruesome fate. Not yet at least. She would keep it in mind should she need it, but she wasn't ready at this time.
She began walking knowing that she was walking deeper into the labyrinth. The hallway got darker again like before and once more she was forced to walk with one hand trailing on the wall. A few minutes into the hallway, Ariadne began hearing faint animal noises.
Logically she knew it must be the Minotaur, the monster of the Labyrinth, half man, and half beast and the nightmare of the village children. But strangely, Ariadne felt sorry for the creature. It sounded so mournful, so lonesome. Being condemned to these dark empty hallways for all time must be a terrible punishment. And for something that wasn't even it's fault! And now, Ariadne was going right towards it. She was at once curious and terrified of what she might find.
The hallway branched and branched again. At each intersection, she chose randomly which direction to go, not knowing where she was going or what she would find. With her right hand trailing along the wall and her feet carefully half-walking, half-shuffling along the sandy floor, she used her left hand to feel in front of her. The sounds of the ocean had faded away now and all she heard was her own breathing and the pounding of her heart. Every so often she heard the faint sorrowful wail of what she could only think was the Minotaur.
As she walked on, she began to reflect on her life and the people in it. She missed her mother who had died many years ago - she wished she could have said goodbye to her today. She pictured the face of her father, sad and heartbroken that his only daughter was being sacrificed to the beast in the labyrinth. She thought of her friends and all that she had thought her life would be; now all those thoughts were as far away as home itself.
Ariadne walked steadily down the tunnel without any particular direction and without realizing that she had followed the twists and turns of the hallways past several more branching tunnels, taking her ever deeper into the labyrinth.
Suddenly she was startled by a slight rustling sound, a movement in the tunnel just in front of her. She stopped, and her breath caught, and then sighed and leaned against the wall in relief when she recognized the slight sounds of a rat just looking for a scrap of food.
After walking for what seemed like hours to her but were in reality only about twenty minutes, she heard the Minotaur bellow again. This time, however, it sounded much closer and louder. Ariadne stopped, trembling with fear, her heart pounding in her chest. She was tired... weary from the darkness, the endless walking and the fear around every corner.
Ariadne just wanted to stop, to go to sleep like this was all a bad dream and she would wake up in her own bed with her fathers kind smile and soft face. She sank down on the floor in the hallway and began to cry, her tears trickling unabated down her soft powdered cheeks. She was tired, and she was terrified. She was also hungry and thirsty.
She had not been given any food, figuring she wouldn't live long anyway once she met the monster, and food was a precious commodity in Pelatrea. If she was to survive down here, she would need to find food and water somehow. That's if the Minotaur, or something else, didn't get her first.
She shivered. It was somewhat cooler now that she was deeper in the labyrinth. She pulled out her cloak, the only comfort she was allowed to bring, and swathed herself in its warm woolen pleasure. Then realizing that just sitting here feeling sorry for herself wasn't going to get her anywhere, bravely stood up, dusted herself off and started out again down the tunnel, continuing her trek.
Even though it was pitch black where she was, her eyes picked up a faint glow reflected off the walls up ahead of her. It wasn't very bright at first and she thought it might just be her mind playing tricks on her. Like a mirage in the desert, she thought it might be her own hopefulness that made her "see" the improving light conditions. But as she walked the light steadily got brighter and brighter.
Ahead of her, down the hallway, she could hear a snuffling noise, like something was noisily eating. She came to an opening and there was a faint flickering glow spilling out. She cautiously peered around it, careful not to make a sound. And there in the room, Ariadne saw the Minotaur for the first time.
He had his back to her, tending to his dinner cooking in the fireplace and hadn't noticed her yet. Ariadne was shocked at the size of the beast. With the body of a pro wrestler, bulging rippling black muscles, he was at least eight feet tall and seemed entirely human - that is, until you saw his head. She could only see the silhouette of the back of it, but she could make out that it was shaggy, covered in a thick black hair, with two curling horns jutting out either side above the long pointed ears.
Without thinking she gasped, and then instantly covered her mouth, mentally kicking herself for being so careless. The Minotaur stopped what he was doing and cocked his head, listening intently. He turned on what she now saw were hairy legs ending in giant cloven hooves, and stared into the darkness where she was hiding around the corner.
When she realized the Minotaur hadn't seen her, she peeked around again and recoiled in shock. He had the face and head of a bull, with a long bovine jaw and fur over his face. Both of his eyes were set at the front but looked curious rather than angry or aggressive. He made a funny snorting noise as if sniffing the air trying to figure out what was there in the darkness.
In his huge human hands, he was holding a big platter. Ariadne assumed it was what he was going to have for dinner. But instead of some bloody chunk of some kind of meat (human, perhaps?), it looked like just vegetables.
Ariadne stood there watching the beast for a few moments as it tried to figure out what was out there in the dark hall. It made no move to either step forward nor retreat, it just stood where it was straining its eyes with its ears cocked forward listening and to try to determine what was going on.
I may as well get it over with, Ariadne thought to herself. She knew that if she made any movement at all the beast would hear her and with his sense of smell he was bound to smell her perfume at any moment. She stood up straight and stepped into the room, the lair of the Minotaur.
The light coming from a hearth against one wall, along with a couple oil lamps on the walls provided enough illumination to move around the room comfortably. It was a warm room, also thanks to the fireplace, and not too stuffy, with an area against one wall that appeared to be a sleeping area, with a roughly hewn wooden bed covered with various furs. There was also a rough wooden table and chair and a second chair close to the fireplace.
The surprised Minotaur stood upright with its mouth slightly open, staring at her. No one had ever ventured this far into the labyrinth before and certainly, no one had come into its lair like this. It flabbergasted the Minotaur for a moment.
The beast slowly set the platter down on the table and brushed his hands off on his hairy legs as he slowly moved around the table. Then, with nothing between himself and this intruder, he strode towards her, covering the twenty-five feet across the room in three quick bounds. He reached out one of his large, powerful hands, grabbing her by the upper arm, and then his other hand caught her other arm.
Ariadne shrieked and struggled but the beast didn't release her. Instead, it brought her over closer to the fireplace to get a better look at her. She twisted and struggled, trying to break free of the creature's grip; however, its strong hands held her firmly but gently.
Eventually, she tired of this useless attempt to free herself and relaxed a bit. It dawned on her that her fighting would amount to nothing as she was trapped in the labyrinth with the beast and at any time it could simply kill her if it wanted. In addition, her fighting so may just give it excuse to do that very thing!
The Minotaur gradually relaxed its grip on her as well and finally let go of her completely. It studied her for a bit and the Ariadne noticed something strange. The creature's face softened and its eyes looked almost... kind.
She swallowed. "Hello, my name is Ariadne. Can you talk?" she said softly and calmly. She didn't want to sound afraid because she knew the bulls back home could sense fear and it made them nervous and skittish too.
The Minotaur shook it's head at her mournfully, then opened it's mouth and pointed to a long, thick cow's tongue. "NNNnah tlk" the beast replied.
"Oh, I'm sorry." she thought for a moment, "But you do understand me?'" she asked. The beast nodded affirmatively.
"Oh good," she said with a little smile. She hadn't really expected the beast to be intelligent. What should she say now? Hi, I've been picked to be your virgin sacrifice? I am here for your ravishment? For your dinner?
Dinner. That reminded her she hadn't eaten anything since last night. "Please... I am terribly hungry. I haven't eaten all day. The Minotaur's brown eyes, very expressive eyes really, looked as if it wanted to apologize for not being a good host. It turned and picked up the tray to offer her some of its dinner.
That's when the room started to spin and go dark and she fainted dead away...
Book Eight: Labyrinth of Love Chapter Eight: Impaled by the Minotaur By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Note: Thanks to B0b for beta reading this. Acolyte Sophia – The Labyrinth, the Island of Yalut The words of the Minotaur echoed down the hallway out of the darkness of the large room before us. The source of the foul stench pervading the Labyrinth flowed with it. In the glow of my pink, ethereal light bobbing beside me, I spotted a skeletal arm stretched out of the large room,...
Note: Thanks to b0b for beta reading this! Acolyte Sophia – The Labyrinth, the Island of Yalut The words of the Minotaur echoed down the hallway out of the darkness of the large room before us. The source of the foul stench pervading the Labyrinth flowed with it. In the glow of my pink, ethereal light bobbing beside me, I spotted a skeletal arm stretched out of the large room, fingers twisted in agony, one of the beast’s victims. My heart hammered fast. We were at the heart of the...
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United States: Present Day The Milk Maiden knew from the beginning who her first target would be: Lara Croft. The Milk Maiden knew just how much Lara Croft cared about looks. How couldn't she? Croft had just won Sexiest Woman Alive. Lara was quite deserving of the award too. Her breasts were the best that The Milk Maiden had ever seen. Perky beyond all belief. Lara also made sure to keep very good care of her assets. Lara used specially made lotions and creams to keep her breasts at their...
BDSMThe sudden shift in time and position was immediately disorienting. One second, she was on the first floor of the Radley house, the world spinning around her. The next, she was running along a busted bridge, her legs not quite right beneath her. She tripped, colliding with someone else on the bridge, and they tumbled off together. Once she hit the cold water, her synapses fired all at once, restarting her brain and giving her full control. “Beth!” A hand swung out, grabbing her wrist, but...
This is based on a true story, A few years ago I was working at a company in Central London as an IT contractor. One of the best things about my job is that you get to meet everyone in the company. Its also a great opportunity to check out the talent in the company and its fun when the women flirt back or flash some cleavage or thigh as you chat with them.while you are fixing their PC or recovering some files for them. In this particular company there were lots of great women but one in...
"You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind; a journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of the imagination. Next stop: THE TWILIGHT ZONE." - Rod Serling *** The Indian Maiden - A TWILIGHT ZONE story By Anon Allsop An ancient, blind Indian woman is asked to provide a squaw for a brash, handsome warrior prince. She agrees and summons one through the spirits. Here on this sacred land, drums pound the beat,...
Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn’t write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Kurtis – Nemberon Plains I pulled out of the moon maiden’s pussy and stared down at the newest member of my harem. “What’s your name?” “Diane,” she said, her...
A drop of sweat stung my right eye, and I blinked to clear it. I dared not do anything more as I stared at the three men a few paces away. I held my sword in the high guard position, and a drop of blood fell from the tip. The blood’s donor lay near my feet, where he’d collapsed after I’d stabbed him through the throat. The leader, a burly human, bared his mouthful of rotten teeth at me. “It would have been easier for you if you had just given up. Now, we will make you pay for my friend’s...
Randi's Vacation Randi woke up to his alarm and quickly silenced it. A quick glance to his left confirmed the Denise was already up. She almost always got up before him preferring some extra time between getting ready for work and needing to walk out the door. He preferred to have enough time to get ready, eat and go. He walked to the bathroom which was right in the master bedroom. The condo they bought was a bit extravagant but provided plenty of room and they could afford it on...
Hum dono abhi bhi nange hi thay. Chalte chalte usne paad maari. Uski gaand mein abhi bhi haddi akti hui thi. Nadi kinare, jhadiyon ke bich usko bithaya. “Hug le saali madarchod. Kab se paad rahi jai bhosdiki.” Woh hugne lagi. Uski gaand se haddi nikal gayi. Uski garam moot ki dhaar mere pairo pe giri. “Saali maderjaat! Mere pairon pe mootegi. Saali raand muh khol,” main uske muh mein mootne laga. Lavda uske gale mein ghus kar mootne laga. Maine apni tange faila di aur wahi khade khade hugne...
Vanakam friends, indru kathaiyil ilamaiyaana kathaliyai pirantha naal andru avaluku parisaaga sunni kanjai kodutha kathaiyai ungalidam pagirugiren. Enathu peyar Praveen vayathu 22 aagugirathu. Enaku oru kathali irukiraal aval vayathu 19 thaan aagugirathu aanalum intha vayatilum miga sexiyaaga irupaal. Naan muthal muthalil avalai chuditharil paarthen, aval palli padikum pozhuthu avaluku mulai perithaaga irukathathu pola irukum. Naan appozhuthu suma sight adipen, aanal enaku appozhuthu theriya...
‘She was a goodly woman and respected by most. She lived alone on the boundary between the McVörss and the Claire’s. People would come to her for curing potions and such. Then the fields closest to her cottage began to fallow. The harvest began to shrink. Whispers from both clan of witchcraft started. Both Laird’s tried to protect her, but fear does strange things to people. The fire began in the small barn and quickly spread to her cottage. One Laird risked his life to save the old woman, the...
Mera naam Rudra hai. Ek number ka harami aur besharam. Mera dimaag mere lavde mein hai, jo saala har waqt chudai ke liye uchalte rehta hai. Kasarati badan jo ghanto tak lavde ka saath deta hai. Waise toh bachpan se hi kaafi chudai ki hai. Lekin yeh wali sabse achi wali, ya yeh kahu ki sab se gandi wali hai. Main tab 30 saal ka tha. Shaadi hui nahi thi. Ghar mein rehta hi nahi tha. Naukri hi aisi thi ke sheher-sheher gaon-gaon bhatakna padta tha. Peshe se ek civil engineer, jiski degree paiso se...
Andrea Standing (part 2 of Andrea's Stand) A note at the beginning. One of the problems with writing a serial story is that the author feels a need to recap what happened in the prior portions. Please go back and read part 1, "Andrew Running". It will make this a better story. Briefly Andrew at 19, abused by his father, runs away to a distant relative, Aunt Clara. Andrew goes along with a joke played by Clara's lover Marnie, and ends up as Andrea working in Marnie's luxury used car...
Below a new set of real life stories about a beautiful hot Brazilian women Fernanda, nick name Peituda Safada.You can meet her at the strip-club Rota96 in Curitiba Brazil!Fernanda & Paulla entertaining a guy.I had sex 2 days ago with together another dancer from the club:An american guy wants see how 2 girls do lesbian sex.He orders us to put out all clothes, only we must wear our shoesAfter that we must kissing. He wants see how our tongue goes deep in each other mouth .We must play by...
Flashback - 11 months earlier (Author's notes - the intro takes place 'right after' Andersonville 6) There were fifteen men and women crowded into the small conference area. As Colonel Myers surveyed the room, he noticed most of them, the programmers anyway, were about half his age. Barry shook his head; he was getting old. His goal was to make general before he retired, and the Andersonville project had seemed like the best way to increase his chances. The problem was, he had...
There was a 70 year old grandma that moved in right next to my apartment, I was 18 at the time and my grandpa was 74. I lived with my grandpa at the time. The old grandma would come to talk to my grandpa each day, she would keep teasing him, she would flirt with him, she tried to seduce him. My grandpa ignored her at first but then he started flirting with her after a couple days. I once came out of my apartment only to see her sucking his dick outside on the porch while he was touching her...
THE YOUTH WHO BECAME A MAIDEN (From an Indian Folktale) by Christopher Leeson [email protected] The vampire, held firmly by King Trivikramasena, who had seized him at his grave, sought to distract his brave captor by telling him another story: In the land of Nepalese city of Sivapura there was, once upon a time, a king Yasahketu, who was justly called the Pennant-of-Honor. This ruler had placed the burdens of...
The naked maiden’s holes were thoroughly lubed with lard. It helped, she was told. But her father never said sex with an ancient dragon was painless, even if he must have known that is what she wanted to hear most of all. Not many girls in the history of the realm could say they ever had sex with a dragon. Fewer still lost their virginity to one. The responsibility fell onto her shoulders earlier than her predecessors. Young Greta pondered vows of celibacy to put an end to the family curse...
This week’s show begins with that same old rusty bedstead, and that same old dirty mattress. Pausing to take in the magnificent filthiness of it, then pulling back to reveal the bare concrete floor around it, and to take in the harsh lighting. And then we hear our guest of the week approaching, quick little footsteps ... Light clicks on the studio floor. We pan round to see what we’ve got this week and see a slight, pale, small-boobed lady walking in quick, short strides ... She’s not is a...
Saffron sat quietly with her workmates in a downtown bar one Friday evening as they toasted the promotion Frank had secured at work earlier that day. She was glad to be included in the party as she never really felt part of the team since she moved from Denver to take the job over six months ago. This was the first time she had ever been asked along on a night out. Sometimes she felt her coworkers never noticed she was there. Saffron listened politely, too reserved and shy to chip in...
***************************** Copyright jeanne_d_artois June 2010 The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work. This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary, the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons. ***************************** The laundry of my ancestors’ house is now my workshop. I’m a potter and good enough at my trade to make a reasonable living from it. The...
It has been a few weeks since Emmy had her way with me at her house. We have a peculiar relationship. We are like the best of friends when out having a drink, as we are now, and then when it comes to sex it is like she turns into a whole other woman and just becomes this wild volcano, erupting lava flow after lava flow of controlling sexual domination. There is no stopping it when you are caught in its path and yet I can’t help but to stand at the bottom of that mountain and gaze up adoringly...
FetishJoe's Maiden Voyage By Jennifer White Joey was 18 years old, and just out of high school. He was too poor to attend college, but not good enough of a student to get scholarships. He hadn't played any sports, so he didn't have a chance for an athletic scholarship either. As with most areas of the country these days, there were jobs to be found, but they were low paying, doing things that he would rather not do. He was depressed about the whole scene. His girlfriend had dumped him...
Maiden of Rome by ShannonQ A noble Roman Tribune is captured in a battle with the Germanic tribes. He is given to a witch and eventually turned into a woman. She is given the name of Penelope. She is sent back to Rome. What will her family do? What will her father say? What is her future in the greatest Empire on earth? Rated R ONE The rains intensified as the XVII...
Maiden KissesA Duet Spiritual Romantic Poem and Erotic Psalm of KissingJohn, “Big John” GallivanWarrior Poet/Erotic Psalmist“Viking Gladiator”AndChristine Elaine HarrisRomantic Psalmist/Spiritual Poetess“Spiritual Poetess”www.eroticpsalms.comI am th[/b]e Viking Gladiator, the warrior poet, the erotic psalmist,And no declaration is more divine and profound than this:To be enchanted by a lovely maiden with seductive girly kisses,Is so incredible beyond leaps and bounds.For being tremendously...
He watched them as they sat sipping their colorful drinks and flirting with male guests and hotel employees alike at the Garden Cloud Lounge. They were undoubtedly four sisters, all in their late twenties and thirties, and attractive. They were obviously American, and they laughed as they tried what little Spanish they knew on the young waiters. He had seen groups like this many times. Their often affluent husbands allowed them to have "Girl's Time Off" now and then. It worked out on both...
~ Pirates and Maidens by Pamela (c) 2002 Pamela ([email protected]) Miss Gilliam surveyed her sixth grade class. They were truly her favorite class among all those she had taught since she began teaching ten years earlier. What a nice bunch of kids, well, except for that awful Mary Lou Bogart who not only was unattractive, but was a downright tomboy. Many an anecdote about Mary Lou played out in the teachers lounge about her belligerent attitude, since she had...