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The Maiden Stone By; Malissa Madison Born, 2 July 1959 I'm writing this story to celebrate my birthday today, and share just one more of my fantasies with my fans, who enjoy them. Thank you all so much, and may I be here another year Standing in line at the Airport waiting for the Customs agent to check my bags for contraband I noticed the chip in my nail polish once again. It had fretted me since I'd first seen it that morning getting on the plane. Of course even had I been allowed to pack nail polish I wouldn't have been able to do anything about it, not on the plane. The line moved slowly forward and then it was my turn as I handed over my passport with a friendly smiled. "Anything to declare? Money, valuables, collectables?" I was asked as she punched my information into the computer. "No Ma'am," I answered her, knowing that this was once only in international Airports. That was before 9-11. Here they called it Homeland Security, but most travelers called it just plain Annoying. "Hummm, I'll need you to take your bags and go over there to the table for inspection." Wondering how I managed to be the first one selected I did as I was told, and followed the new Agent now carrying my passport over to a low table. He handed it to another agent who looked at my picture then frowned. As they began poking through my panties and lingerie I asked, "Is there a problem?" "Always be honest Child," said the voice in the back of my mind. "Not sure yet," was the short curious answer as they continued to paw through my bags. "What do we have here?" the male agent held up my bottles of hormones he'd extracted from my purse. The female agent reached over taking them from his hand and read the labels. She flipped to the back of my passport then and looked at the notations there, "Forget it Herb, everything's in order. She has a prescription for these." "But Mattie, the social isn't hers," he said. I jerked awake in a cold sweat. I had to do something about these dreams, had to know why I kept having them. Why sometimes I caught myself feeling jealous of other girls, I mean of girls. Damnit I can't even think straight. "Get a grip, you're supposed to be a boy Daniel, now act like one," I told myself. "Here it is the first day of summer vacation and you can't handle a stupid dream." "Daniel? Are you awake? It's almost noon," my mother called to me. I had to get away, I had to sort it all out. I'd never told anyone about the dreams, how could I? oh sure, "Hey everyone, I'm dreaming about being a pretty girl," yeah right they'd lock me up in a mental ward. No I had to figure this out myself, get away from everything and everyone I knew. Solitude, that's what I needed. I pulled on a pair of cutoffs, then went to the kitchen and fixed myself a bowl of Capt'n Crunch. As I sat down my almost too big cutoffs gapped away from the back of my waist. "Mom, Daniel is wearing my panties again," said my sister. "No I took these out of my drawer to sleep in last night, they can't be your," I stopped realizing they didn't feel like my underwear at all. Damn how fucking drunk was I when I got home from that party? "Sorry I'll go change," I started to get up. "Oh don't bother, like I'd wear them again after you had them on. Geez, sometimes you act just like a girl." "You two stop bickering," Mom said. Daniel if they feel comfortable you might as well wear them today, or until you get your washing done. I told you when you graduate you have to start doing it for yourself." I groaned as she left for work. Then finished my cereal. My two sisters were home from college, and I didn't want to hang around the house all day doing laundry. I decided to grab a shower and go someplace alone to think. I'd grown up without knowing my Dad, it was just my sisters and Mom, so I guess I did sometimes act like a girl. Standing in the shower I shaved my arm pits then washed and conditioned my hair. As I dried off I looked at my face in the mirror, still no sign of whiskers, maybe if I started shaving my face it would grow, I thought. When I turned to grab my cutoffs and a pair of underwear I saw my sisters had been in there while I was showering. "Not fucking funny!" I yelled as I saw what they'd left me to wear. Matching pink bra and panties, a very short denim skirt and a camisole with spaghetti straps. "I'm not wearing this so you better not be in the hall when I open the door." Instead they pushed the door open and wrestled me to the floor. Eve sat on my chest while Lisa forced the panties on over my feet and up my legs. "Come on little sister, you liked to dress up and become Danielle," Eve said. "Yeah when I was five," I retorted. They were stronger than I was, so I gave up. I soon found myself dressed up wearing a pair of Eve's hiking boots that sort of matched the skirt I was now wearing. They'd done my hair and makeup and then left me there in front of the mirror. When I realized I was alone I looked up at myself, Danielle looked back at me blinking. "I'm Sorry," we said to each other. The hiking boots gave me an idea, I'd leave for the summer and hike the mountain trails out west. That would give me peace and solitude to think and figure out why I kept having those dreams. They left me alone as I started my wash, then hurriedly packed my old backpack. I slung it in the corner of my closet then found a pair of jeans and a T-shirt to wear. I was going to the bank and get some spending money for the road. As I headed for the door they said, "Aw, Danielle doesn't want to be pretty. That's ok we'll make sure you're all pretty for Mom when she gets home from work." "Not if I leave before then," I mumbled to myself as I hurried out the door. I stopped at Moms work and told her I'd decided to go hiking to figure out what I was going to do with my life. "How are you going to get there, you don't have a car?" "I checked the Greyhound goes right by the big trail head. And I can call home from the ranger stations when I reach them," I showed her the bus ticket to Browning Montana. "I plan to hike the Rocky mountains while I have a chance Mom. It'll give me time to figure out what I want to do with my life, and I won't have to put up with Eve and Lisa all summer." "Daniel, does this have anything to do with Danielle?" I looked stunned. "I've seen the pictures. And I know you keep saying they force you into it, but there's no way those eyes could sparkle like that if you truly didn't want it." "Mother, Please," I said. "If you feel you have to do this at least take a Cell phone with you in case of emergency," she'd walked over to where they sold the prepaid phones. "Look I'll even buy it and keep putting minutes on it every month until you get back." I gave in knowing she'd be comforted with knowing I wasn't completely out of touch. I bought a pair of hiking poles, good adjustable Swiss Gear brand, along with a Bear Bell because my mother was watching. Next I picked out a second pair of hiking boots and a package of thick socks. A new canteen, and trail rations to fill out the side pouches of my backpack. When I got home both Eve and Lisa were sitting in the living room, "So you're going to just up and go hiking on your own?" eve asked. "Or are you going to take a friend?" asked Lisa. "How do you two know I'm going hiking?" I was suspicious. "Mom called and chewed us out for making you dress up and be Danielle on your first day of summer vacation. She said she had you all set up with a job at Wal-Mart or something." So my mother had told them my plans. "I'd rather get eaten by bears and wild wolves than work at Wal-Mart," I snapped as I headed for my room. I quickly packed my trail rations in my pack, then stuffed the new boots in the top before lifting it to my shoulders. If I didn't let myself get drawn into a debate I'd have plenty of time to make it to the bus station. At the front door they both said, "I'm sorry, we didn't mean to make you run away for the summer." "You're just mad because I won't be here to humiliate in front of your boyfriends." "No, we really are sorry," Lisa said. "At least let me give you a ride to the bus station," offered Eve. "I really do feel bad that you're leaving." They looked genuine, so I took them up on their offer. At the station they sat with me asking me where all I planned to go. Then surprising me Eve said, "I want you to take my camera so you'll have pictures to remember and show off." "And you can even Email some to us from the visitor centers and ranger stations," pointed out Lisa. I should have been more suspicious, they were being too nice. Maybe they really did feel bad about the last time they were home when they forced me to become Danielle and humiliated me in front of their boyfriends. Mother always thought it was just fun and games. She didn't understand, she didn't know about the dreams or anything. "It's just a byproduct of growing up in a house full of girls," she say whenever someone remarked that I walked like a girl. Or did something in a feminine manner, like checking my nails, or giggling. As I was getting on the bus Eve hugged me tight, "Take care, and if my little sister wants to come home just call me, I'll come and get you wherever you are." "Be safe Danielle, I mean Daniel," Lisa said. I forgot about them as I settled back into my seat for the trip out to Montana. The bus was air conditioned and I didn't mind the smell from the bath room or the screaming kids. I just lay back in my seat and dozed off, waking up whenever the bus stopped. Two days later I arrived at Browning Montana, it was still early in the day so I called my Mother and let her know I'd made it, and that it was a four day hike to the next station. I promised to call her when I got there. I filled my canteens with fresh water, all three of them. Then I took out and adjusted one of the hiking poles before shouldering my pack and starting out down the trail. I was happy as I took in all the fresh air and natural beauty around me. Near evening I was looking for a place to set up my canvas lean to, when two girls passed by on Mountain bikes. They stopped to say, "Hi we saw you at the ranger station." We talked for a bit and they said they were going to set up their tent on down the trail. "You know it might not be safe for a girl to camp out alone up here," the older one said. "If you get to feeling you want some company just come on by." I thanked them, deciding not to correct them about my gender. That night I dreamed of dancing barefoot to drums around a fire, wearing a short skirt and halter top. I woke up in a cold sweat even though the night air was chilly. I wanted to take a swim to wash off the grime but there was still a whole days hiking before I reached a stream. I was on the trail long before the sun came up and saw plenty of deer and other wildlife. As I passed the tent with the mountain bikes parked outside I could hear them inside, deep in the throes of passion. I couldn't help it I stopped and listened, growing excited by the moans and squeals until the fell silent. "I wish we could have talked that girl into joining us. She was really cute." "Yeah but with our luck she'd freak out if we wanted to lick her pussy, there was something strange about her." "Who cares? She's cute and lickable." I hurried on before I got caught listening in, near noon I stopped to eat another granola bar. Then took out the camera and took pictures of a Doe with a new born Fawn. When they moved off into the forest I resumed my trek. Reaching the stream I decided to set up my little camp. Then I opened my pack to find some clean clothes. I wanted to wash my current ones in the stream and let them air dry. That was when I realized I should have been more suspicious of my sisters, they had repacked my backpack, there wasn't a stitch of my own clothing left inside. I found three short denim skirts, a Princess T- shirt and two halter tops. My underwear had been replaced with six pairs of cotton panties in soft pastel colors, with matching A Cup bras. At first I was shocked. Then a separate part of me was curious, what would it be like to be Danielle out here hiking in the mountains. Still another part wanted to throw everything away, after all they hadn't done it to be nice. Not my sisters. Oh well I thought, it was just me on the trail. I hadn't heard anyone else all day. The girls from last night obviously had turned around or taken the other fork. I sat and ate another power bar as I thought about my options. Then I picked out one of the skirts, a pair of panties, and one of the halter tops. "In for a penny, in for a pound," I thought to myself as I grabbed the matching bra and wandered to the steam. I jumped in knowing it would be cold. But I wasn't ready for the shock and gasped as I felt everything in my crotch shriveling up. I stripped off in the water and used just the clear stream to rinse out the sweat and dirt of the last four days. Rinsing my long hair I let it flow down my back as I rubbed at the dirt on my legs and arms. Then I climbed out on the bank letting myself air dry as I wrung out my clothes. When I was finished dressing I turned and started up the path to my little camp. Only to stop as I saw the two mountain bikes leaning against my shelter. "Hi, sorry to startle you," giggled the blonde. "Marie and I saw you swimming and decided to join you here tonight if that's ok." "Angel you're being too forward, can't you see how badly we scared her? We should just move on before she thinks we're perverted or something." "No its ok, really. I just didn't hear you is all," I was glad that the cold water had shrunk everything in my panties. And also glad I had been watching the fish in the stream as I'd fastened my bra. It struck me then that I'd thought of them as mine, and I grinned taking the last few steps to my still open pack. Marie was the redhead, and her face and skin was covered in freckles. I took out a short piece of rope to hang up my wet clothes. "Oh Girlfriend's getting kinky," she giggled. Blushing I said, "No I'm going to hang up my wet clothes to dry overnight." "Damned good idea," Angel said behind me and I turned to see her stripping off naked to run and jump into the stream. Marie was in the process of extending a collapsible fishing rod. "Damn now we'll never get the smell out of the fish," she giggled at her own joke then looked at me. "I doubt she's heard that joke before Sis," Angel called as she splashed in the water. Suddenly I realized the one she was referencing and chuckled. "If it smells like a fish," I began. "Eat me like a dish," Angel finished. And we all busted out laughing. After they swam and washed out their clothes, Marie caught three fish, which Angel quickly cooked over the tiny camp stove they had in the cart she was pulling behind her bike. I realized then that these two were more than capable of taking care of themselves. Offering me one of the fish Marie asked, "What's your name Sweetie, you know ours so shouldn't we know yours?" "Danielle," I supplied all to eagerly. Maybe it was the fresh cooked fish. We sat and talked for hours it seemed then Marie asked, "Have you ever been with another girl?" I blushed crimson. "I told you so. I bet she's never been with a guy either," put in Angel. "N, No I haven't. I'm not really sure what I'm looking for. This was supposed to be my get away from it all trip to decide where I want to go with my life," I admitted. "Well we won't tell anyone if you try a little girl on girl action. You might like it?" Oh god I thought they're coming on to me. I blushed and said, "I don't know I never really thought about it before." Marie smacked Angel on her ass and said, "It's your turn to fix the bed. I'll be in, in a minute," she looked at me, "If you change your mind the zipper will be open, just come on in." I lay there fitfully trying to sleep as I listened to them, squeezing my thighs together to contain my straining cock as it tried to unfold in my panties. Around one AM I gave up and put my hand into my panties rubbing until I felt my hot seed squirting in the crack of my ass. Then I heard a giggle, "I think someone likes to listen," It was Angel's voice. "Shut up and get your face back in there bitch," It was punctuated by a smacking sound. I fell asleep to the sounds of hot uninhibited lesbian lust. I woke up the next morning feeling something warm beside me. I almost jumped. But then Marie said, "Don't move or you'll startle it." I looked down to see a spotted skunk curled up behind my back. Worse it was laying on the clothes I'd just washed out the night before. Marie and Angel grabbed sticks and carefully lifted the edges over the top of it. "OK, when I say now you roll away fast and get up." "Now," she yelled and the skunk promptly sprayed my clean clothes as I scampered to safety. After it scampered off I said, "How the heck am I going to get that out of my clothes." "Hey at least it didn't get on you or your pack," Angel pointed out. "You can get new clothes at the Ranger Station's General Store," added Marie. Then she sniffed, "I think you didn't roll fast enough." Sure enough I'd gotten the edge of the spray as it had gone through the small opening in the clothing layers. They stayed ahead of me on the trail all day but at sundown they were farther ahead than I thought. So I just pitched my shelter, only to decide on not using it. at least my spare blanket was in the bottom of my pack. I was awakened by the snorting of a horse. I'd heard the sound often enough in the past to recognize it. thinking it was a ranger I rolled over in my blanket to find two Indians on horseback. "Are you lost little one?" asked the one who sat with the sun at his back. "No, I'm traveling alone. I got surprised by a skunk yesterday," I answered him. "That's obvious," said the woman on the other side, her form silhouetted by the setting full moon. "Go about half a day further down this trail then take the fork to the right. You'll find a large slab of stone submerged in the waters. If you lay on it, it will cleans you. And set things right." "Thank you, I hope it works." "Take nothing but the clothes you are wearing. It is a sacred place to the people of the Crow Nation." "All I have to do is lay on the stone?" "Yes submerge your Naked body in the waters as you lay there. Then close your eyes and think of all that is troubling you." I wished I could see their faces, but I wasn't about to question them. They were offering a solution to part of my problems. The scent of the skunk had only intensified with the sweat of the previous day. I watched as they rode off down a trail I hadn't seen before. A trail that lead off in the opposite direction. I took out my map to look for the trail they'd told me about. But it wasn't there, still I was desperate. That damned skunk had eaten all of my trail rations and I was starving. Maybe there would be a source of food. As I wandered I spotted some coral mushrooms growing everywhere. Thinking I tried to remember. Was it the red or the brown that you didn't want to eat? Well red was always the color of danger, but in mushrooms it was always the opposite. I'd never eaten raw mushrooms before, but I was hungry enough. I picked a handful and took a bite. Musty and tasting a bit of mildewed dirt at first I decided to try to imagine something else. Soon they began to taste good. Before I knew it I was at the little trail that seemed to be opening before me. With a giggle I found myself prancing down to the water's edge, and there it was. The flat stone barely one edge standing out above the water. Looking around I began to strip off my clothes. They, no she had specified Naked, so off came everything. I felt dizzy as I slipped beneath the warm waters to lay face up on the stone. My stomach grumbled, and I thought of the half eaten mushroom I'd left with my clothing. But I was sleepy, and closed my eyes. It was like a dream within a dream. I lay there watching the events of my life. not all of them just the ones that had troubled me. The jealousy of seeing other girls wearing things I dare not think about. The denied thrill of being dressed up as Danielle by my sisters. My mother's seeming acceptance of their games. I wasn't aware of how long I lay there. Feeling my troubles washing away in the warm waters. My heart felt lighter, my mind a bit more clear. "Is she alive?" "Let me see." I felt a sharp poke on my shoulder. "Owww, that hurt," I rolled over on the huge flat stone. My hands covering my breasts, "My breasts?" I thought aloud, what the hell was going on? "Well you are on the Maiden Stone, and only a maiden may lay on it so yes you have breasts," said the older one. her long black hair in braids she held out her hand. "Come on Sister, let me help you up." "Were you eating the dream mushrooms?" asked the other one holding up the half eaten Coral mushroom. "I was hungry," I said in self-defense as the older one helped pull me from the water. When I made to cover myself I stood in shock. "It's gone!" I covered both my breasts and my womanhood. "Of course it's gone, the Maiden Stone is a healing stone. It changes what is wrong with any maiden who eats the dream mushrooms and lays sleeping on it," explained the older one. I quickly dressed in the skirt and halter top with my back to them while I fastened my bra that now fit perfectly "Dove, I think she's more confused. She isn't from these parts." "You're right Turtle, we should take her to Grandmother. She'll know how to explain things. I'm curious to know how she found the stone in the first place." "Maybe Angel and Marie told her," offered Turtle. They lead me along the path that followed the river, and soon we were entering the edges of a small village. One home stood apart from the others in that it was made of Adobe. "Come in children," said a familiar voice before they could knock. The girls lead me inside the dimly lit mud house. "Take a seat and tell me what brings you here." "Grandmother, we found this one sleeping on the Maiden stone," Doe said. "Found it did you Danielle?" I was suddenly in shock, she knew my secret name. "It's not so secret child, it's the name that your heart screams every minute of the day and night." "But, how did you know?" "I've seen you coming for years child, do you not recognize my voice?" "You're the old woman in my dreams," I finally said. "You mean she actually found the Stone?" said the voice of Marie as she entered the room. "Your task is done, go back to Mother earth," The old woman said with a wave of her hand. "And tell her I said thank you." Marie and Angel both dissipated in wisps of smoke. "Grandmother you know it always gives me chills to be around earth spirits," Turtle complained. "Yes I know, which is why you have yet to come into your powers, now go find something fitting for Danielle to eat. I'm sure she is hungry." "Why are we going out of our way for a white girl?" "Turtle, enough. Do not ever Question the ways and will of the Earth Mother," The young girl scampered off. "How did you find the path to the stone?" asked Dove. "A, a woman on a horse told me. She was riding with a man. They woke me up and the woman, I couldn't see her face, told me how to find it," I answered. Dove caught her breath. "And the man?" "He had the sun at his back like the woman had had the Moon at hers." "Father Sun and Mother Moon," confirmed the old woman. "But how did it change me? I mean I was a boy." "Child you have never been a boy. Only a girl hiding within a boy's body. The Maiden Stone set you free. Only a maiden can lay upon that stone. A brave would be washed off in seconds." "But, you mean I'm going to be like this forever?" I asked. "What if I really want to be a boy?" "Then you will not find what you are looking for within the next rising of the full moon." Thinking I said, "My Birthday." "So it is, all you need do is find what it is you're looking for. But I must warn you, if you do not remain a chaste maiden you will not be able to change back later if you want to," But I wasn't really listening, I was a real girl for a month, a whole month. "Now that's a pretty smile," the old woman said. "See didn't I always tell you that you were pretty?" "Yes Grandmother," I wrapped my arms around her hugging her tightly. "Come lets go see what Turtle has found," Dove lead me into the next room where Turtle was busy laying out Sandwiches. "Don't forget to find her something for her feet, those things she is wearing are unfit for young Maiden," called the old woman. "Yes Grandmother, I think she can wear my extra Moccasins," Dove said. "Is she really your Grandmother?" I asked. "She is everyone's Grandmother," I was told. "But for Turtle and I she is our mistress. We have certain gifts, and have been sent to her to learn and become the next Spirit Women of the Tribes," Dove told me. "Turtle will be going back to her tribe in Colorado when she has completed her training." "If you were not a White eyes, you might be picked for Spirit training," said Turtle. "Turtle, you know the Earth Mother chooses who she wants regardless of who their people are," Dove brought me a pair of soft Moccasins and I was surprised at how comfortable they were. After I'd eaten two sandwiches Turtle said, "I guess we should introduce you around. You'll be wanting to know everyone here," she frowned at my Skirt, That will never do, it's too modern for one living under the roof of the Grandmother." Going to a basket in the corner she pulled a soft Doe skin skirt out and held it up to me. "This will fit nicely until your hips finish filling out like Doves. Her mother is half White too," she made a sign of big hips. "At least the first thing the young warriors see isn't a flat chest," retorted Dove. "Both of you outside now," called the old woman. Curious I watched as they filed out, heads down. "I'm too old to be breaking up cat fights, you know what to do." They each grabbed a bucket and filled it from the watering trough as people outside stopped to watch. They sneered at each other as they each took five steps back. The old woman tapped her walking stick on the ground and they each tossed their bucket of water on the other one, drenching each other. "You see Danielle, that is how you deal with unruly young girls. Now you two stand there and wait for Danielle to finish dressing, then show her around." "Got doused again did you Turtle?" asked one young brave. "Who's the stranger?" Turtle made quick sing gestures at him, then the old woman called from in the house, "Two Rocks, leave Turtle alone. Turtle stop talking to him, if he wants to talk to you he can ask my permission first like Coyote did with Dove." "What is this thing you are wearing to bind your breasts," asked the old woman as I was changing. "It's a Bra, it keeps them from sagging when I get old," I answered. With a smile she pulled open her own blouse, "I've never worn one in my life. do I look like I'm sagging? Here, try this," she thrust a soft Doe skin halter top at me. "It's naturally adjustable, and will form to your beautiful young breasts. It also gives the young Warriors something nice to imagine as well as dream about at night." When I was done and had the halter adjusted to her satisfaction she sent me out to Dove and Turtle. "Braid her hair for her she does not know the difference in the types of braids. So please be sure she learns how to braid a Single Young Maidens Style," she winked at me. "Don't worry, you are under my roof, the young men will have to ask my permission before they can court you." I was introduced to everyone and anyone, then we came to another mud hut on the other side of the little village. "He is not home," said a handsome young warrior about nineteen. "He said he had to go see the king stallion about a Mare." "I am Two Bears, and you must be the one he was told about this morning," he said. "I'm Danielle," I answered with a shy smile. "Two Bears," called the old man as he walked around the corner of the hut, a pretty buckskin stallion trotting behind him. "Is the Shadow Maiden here yet? Ahh, welcome Shadow, how are you called?" "D, Danielle, my name is Danielle," I answered. "That is not a name of the people. Here you will be known as Morning Shadow," he smiled seeing that I liked my new name. "Morning Mist here has volunteered to be your mount, since you come to us empty handed and it is our custom to gift each new child with a horse. Though it is unusual that a stallion would choose to be ridden by a Maiden." "I've ridden Stallions before Grandfather. Back where I came from." "Those were not horses of the people child, and you are no ordinary child. I sense a rebirth has happened. Two Bears go inform the council that we meet at dusk. I have much to discuss with the Spirit Woman before the meeting." Turning to me he said, "Let Dove and Turtle teach you our ways, I suspect you have been sent to us by the Spirits for a reason." As we walked through the village the stallion followed close behind, "Has he been broken to ride?" I asked the two other girls. Giggling Turtle said, "None of the tribes horses have been broken. They either choose to be ridden or they don't." Dove whistled and two young mares trotted up as if they'd been waiting. "Here let us go out and introduce you to the herds." They smiled seeing that I needed no assistance in mounting, "We use hand and knee gestures to direct them where we wish them to go, or you can learn the words that the warriors use," Dove told me. As we rode to the herds we passed several young warriors whose job it was to guard the herds against predators. One in particular rode over to us. "Who is this that Morning Mist has chosen? It is unheard of for a maiden to ride a stallion," he was obviously vexed at the notion. Mist responded by laying his ears back and baring his teeth in a threatening gesture. "Easy Mist," I patted his shoulder. "He doesn't know that you chose me or why." "Coyote, this is Morning Shadow, also known as Danielle. Grandmother has taken a keen interest in her. She is to learn our ways by the next full moon." He looked me up and down, "I better inform the others of her presence," he made a loud call which was repeated several times farther and farther off in the distance. Leaning over to him on her horse Dove said, "Remember you're mine. Unless you want to test my magic." "Oh no my Love, I was just wondering which of the braves would be chasing after her tail. I think it will be quite a few, and I'll have to intervene before it's over." They kissed before several riders came galloping across the meadow. I was introduced to everyone. Then there was an outburst from the outer edge. "You are not a warrior, go away and stop carrying that lance." "Lone Wolf, leave it be. The council has granted her permission to take warrior training," Coyote scolded the one who was protesting. "Elk, come and meet Shadow. She is new here." The rest parted to allow the warrior in question to enter the discussion. Though her hair was in warrior braids and she wore the paint of a warrior in training, her breasts gave away the fact that she was a girl in warriors clothing. Her Mare bore the markings of a war trained horse, and she commanded her own space. Without realizing it our horses circled each other as we made eye contact, the ring of onlookers backed away giving us space. Finally she spoke. "Mist would very much like to mount Dew Drop. I think the two will make fine Ponies for the tribe." Without knowing why or how it came to me I answered, "Then we should allow them to dance," I threw my leg up and over as we both slid to the ground. Before I could move she reached forward and gripped my right forearm. "Would you dance with me as well?" I heard Dove and Turtle giggling as I allowed myself to be lead off into the bushes. There was something about this Maiden warrior that captivated me, I couldn't resist. We heard Coyote commanding everyone else to return to their duties, and to give us privacy, as our two horses mated together. She drew me into her arms and I felt her strong muscles. Her hands gentle as they cupped my breasts. I felt myself being guided down to the soft grass. "Will you accept me as a warrior?" she asked. "I will if you accept me as a Maiden," I answered. "You were the one they found on the Maiden Stone. The one who used to be a boy?" "And you are the Warrior who used to be a Maiden," I said with certainty. We sat in the tall grass together, and s/he carefully caressed my arm, gently moving closer to my thigh. I lay back slowly as s/he moved over me those tender lips pressed to mine. A shiver ran through my body as I felt the tender caress of a hand as it glided up pushing my skirt with it. I'd never been with anyone before, I'd always been too afraid. But it was different with Elk, I found myself surrendering without a thought. Willingly giving myself to another person, as the excitement flooded through me. I felt myself growing wet and hot. I let a little moan escape as s/he nibbled at my breasts. I squirmed under my lover as S/he slowly worked down until finally I felt the hot breath panting over my excited clit. "Mmmmmm," S/he moaned as I felt her tongue drive deep into me. "Uuuunnnnnnnnnn, oooooooooohhhhh, yessssssss. Yessssssss," I panted and moaned aloud. My hands entwining around her warrior braids as my hips jerked upward over and over again. Before I could wonder how s/he intended to take me like a warrior I found her legs straddling mine as s/he thrust against me. "Yesssssss, my stallion," I cried out as s/he ground our clits together. I was panting hard holding her tight as she grunted and I felt her juices flowing over me as she too came. We lay there for a long time holding each other. "I've waited for you a long time," s/he told me. As we cuddled s/he slowly helped me put myself back in order, then we returned to the meadow. Seeing my satisfied look Turtle giggled, "Well there's no going back for you now Danielle." I looked at her puzzled, then it hit me, I was no longer a Chaste Maiden. Giggling and blushing I said, "I don't want to go back," I clung to Elk's arm. And then was help up onto Mist's back. "I will come to Grandmother and formally ask to court you," s/he said. then smacked Mist lightly on his rump. "Take her home safe for me." Grandmother was perplexed hearing about the encounter, "Well child I thought sure you might have lasted a full week. But what's done is done. Are you prepared to become one of the people permanently?" I didn't see Elk at the council meeting at sundown. I was getting worried about him/her. A hand touched my shoulder and I looked up into the face of the rising Moon. "Fear not Child, Father sun is granting his wish. It is always a time to celebrate when we can grant wishes and set things right. You will see him again in three days." She glided to the center of the council, "Hear me people of the Crow, I have given to you a Maiden who should be honored and cherished. And Father sun is bringing you a new warrior to care for her as is custom," Without another word she walked through the fire pit and out the other side. It was the longest three days of my life, I busied myself learning to cook and gather herbs and other edibles. Collecting fire wood, and scraping hides, drying fish and meat for the winter. "I don't understand Grandmother why doesn't anyone want me to go to the Warrior Stone? I miss him so much, no one ever made me feel like that before." "Listen to yourself child," she said. "This is something you may not interfere with. Only a Man or boy can go to the warrior stone. Just like only a Maiden can go to the Maiden stone." Something inside me told me when he crossed over from the sacred mountain to the pastures of the people. I sat bolt upright from my sleeping pallet pulling my wrap around dress over my shoulders and tying it in the front as I rushed through the house. Mist was waiting for me at the little gate and I vaulted to his back as he set into motion. He was running out over the meadows, his muscles flexing, as I found myself moving gently gracefully over his vertebrae, the sensation exciting me. I would soon feel another stallion there. My Stallion who would claim me as his own. He came on foot alone across the high meadow. I could hear others behind me riding to see where I was going. Suddenly Dew Drop was pacing alongside us as Mist began to slow. I leaned forward letting myself be launched into his arms with a squeal of delight. We rolled in the tall grass together and I came out on top, straddling his hips. I felt his erectness pressing against me, and I grinned. His hands gripping my waist he lifted me enough that I could feel the end pressing into my womanhood. I bit my lip with a smile as I wiggled and thrust myself downward impaled on his stiff manhood. Everything around us seemed to blur as we made love as man and woman for the first time. Afterward he lifted me to Mist's back then we rode together, hand in hand through the village to the center. Grandmother and Grandfather were there waiting for us. A week later we were wed in front of the entire village, the Warrior who was once a Maiden. And the Maiden who was once a warrior. Together we completed the circle of life. And now seven years later, standing in line at the Airport, I'm returning from winning a fight in Washington to preserve the Sanctity of the Holy Mountains where in both the Maiden Stone and Warrior Stone exist to heal those who were born to the wrong body. Through the glass walls I see my warrior and our two children waiting for me.

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The Midnight Maiden Ch 07

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The Midnight Maiden Ch 10

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The Bloody Maiden

The Jolly Maiden, in spite of her size, tossed and pitched on the rough seas. Sailors scrambled across her deck and through the rigging as they work to adjust the sails as the looming storm rushes to meet them. Across the horizon, the dark clouds seem to boil as they advance across the otherwise blue sky. A flicker of light seems to dance through the clouds, several seconds pass before the rumble of thunder reaches the ship. Captain Glaroon stands at the helm, his stance wide as he adjusts the...

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Ice Maiden

A smoke filled room in 1813. “And how is the ‘Ice Maiden,” Rigsby enquired as I joined him at the fireside in my club. “Still frozen I’ll wager.” Malden laughed. “Damn it man I told you in confidence,” I snapped as my marital woes were laid bare for all and sundry to laugh at. Four weeks wed and she was still virgo intacto with no hint of thawing toward me. “Force the issue you fool,” Malden opined drunkenly. “I should,” Grimshaw added. “Damn you all, I have to live with...

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