Maiden Of Rome free porn video

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Maiden of Rome by ShannonQ A noble Roman Tribune is captured in a battle with the Germanic tribes. He is given to a witch and eventually turned into a woman. She is given the name of Penelope. She is sent back to Rome. What will her family do? What will her father say? What is her future in the greatest Empire on earth? Rated R ONE The rains intensified as the XVII Legion made its way into the depths of the Teutoberg Forest. Tribune Drusus Marcellus rode his horse down the narrow path with his men using their soaked leather shields as prevention against the cold wet elements. Along with the XVIII and XIX Legions being strung out in single file through the darkened thick woods, Drusus felt this was a bad omen. In an area like this, there was no means for a Legion to form a phalanx. They were exposed. Arminius, a German chief who was friendly with Rome, had sent a message that one of his large settlements were destroyed by wild tribes and was threatening another. He pleaded with General Quinctilius Varus to send help immediately. This was their third day on the march and it had rained from the very beginning. They had crossed the Weser River which was the boundary between the Empire and this unknown wilderness. "Keep moving lads," he shouted to his troops. "Come on, don't lag." 'Easy for me to say,' he thought. 'I'm on my horse and these poor men are barely making it on foot.' Drusus was the son of a nobleman and Senator Julius Marcellus, friend to Augustus the Emperor of Rome. Knowing that his Uncle Julius had been assassinated, Augustus took the title of "Father of the Empire". His father fought at Augustus' side that defeated both Marc Antony and Cleopatra in the great sea battle of Actium. Both Antony and Cleopatra commited suicide which left Augustus the sole ruler of Rome. Many times he was at court with his father to meet the Emperor. As Drusus grew into manhood, he was tall but wiry thin. He was trained on Mars Hill to become a great swordsman as well as an archer. Augustus bestowed upon him the rank of Tribune and sent him north to the XVII Legion. He distinguished himself many times in battle suffering a few wounds in the process. What endeared him to his soldiers was that if they had no tent to sleep under, neither did Drusus. He would do like the rest. Take his cloak and blanket to sleep under the stars, or in rain, or in snow. He ate what they ate. He drank the same wine or ale they did. Thus he gained the loyalty of his men and some other tribune's. Another thing that made his men like him so well was he forgave all debts from them when they played dice. Drusus didn't want or need their money. He just gambled for the fun of it. When the game was over, he returned all the coins he had won but allowed his men to keep what they won from him. "All right men, take a fifteen minute rest," Drusus called out. He dismounted to let his horse drink from a nearby pond. He took a drink of water himself then went into the trees to relieve himself. The last thing he remembered was shouting, skirmishing then blackness. *** Drusus awoke with a painful head injury. His helmet had been crushed on one side of his head and he heard laughter. He opened his eyes to see he was bound by ropes as well as a few other men in Roman warrior armor. He laid there with his eyes closed due to the severe agony. He listened to some German chieftans talking and laughing but had no knowledge what tongue they were speaking in. Whatever it was, they were a joyous bunch quickly becoming drunk from the ale they were consuming. He tried to move his hands but they were tightly bound. "What happened?" he whispered to another tribune. "They got us all," the man answered. "What does that mean?" "They slaughtered almost everyone in our three legions. They attacked us all up and down our line. We had no room to manuveur or set up any defense. Rome is ruined," he groaned. "There's no one between us and Rome. All they have to do is just march down the peninsula and take it over. I pity my wife and children." "Augustus won't let that happen," Drusus returned even though he felt he was talking in a fog. "He'll think of something. Tell me, were there any men who made it back across the river?" "I don't think so," the man said. "It is a complete ruin for us. They took Varus off and beheaded him. They've got it in a jar over there to send to Rome." In truth Varus had fallen on his sword committing suicide. If there was a head in the jar, it wasn't Varus'. Seconds later Arminius entered the tent. All of his troops rose and voiced their praise of him. He walked by Drusus paying him no mind. He was out of Drusus' sight when he sat in the seat of honor reserved for all brave German chieftains. "Bring the prisoners forward," he commanded in Latin. Drusus was pulled to his feet. He thought that he was coming around until he was yanked up. His knees buckled and he had to be held firmly by the armpits. Arminius walked down the dozen or so prisoners. After checking them, he ordered, "Crucify all of them." He turned his back and sat down again. He watched his men pulling each Roman out to go to their death. "Wait!" he shouted. "That one. The one who can't walk on his own. Bring him back." Drusus was wondering what was happening. He felt being tugged backwards and stood before the German leader. The room was still spinning. His eyes rolled to the back of his head. All he wanted at that moment was to lie down somewhere quiet and rest. Perhaps a good night's sleep would cure what ailed him. He managed to get his eyes to focus upon Arminius who stood in front of him contemplating something as his hand rubbed his black beard. Then he broke into a big grin. "I've got it!" Arminius bellowed then laughed. He staggered back to his seat as the laughter grew intense. Everyone in the big tent were laughing too but had no idea from what. "Lets send this one to Dagmar." Everyone roared! "Put a blindfold on him and send him to her. Let her have her way with him." "Maybe she can turn him into a goat," one shouted. "Or a toad," another followed. "Or a bear," came a third observation. "I haven't had bear meet since last spring." Arminius raised his hand to stop the mockery. "Let Dagmar figure it out. I think she'll have something clever in mind. Take him to her." *** All Drusus remembered was being dragged out into the cold of the forest and tossed into the back of a wagon. He did notice that the rains had stopped. He heard someone tell the driver something he could not understand. The wagon moved as he managed to struggled under a canvas covering in the straw. It was then he closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep. He dreamed of his family. His mother Julia, his sister Vipsania, his younger brother Gaius and his betrothed Vinia. It was a pleasant image as he pictured Vinia in her white robe checking carts for fresh vegetables as he went along with her shopping. He held the small leather sack as she bartered the vendors down to what she felt was a fair price. Later they'd strip down in her parents' bath as they lay nude side by side. He loved washing her beautiful blonde hair then playfully clean her breasts paying careful attention to her big nipples. She loved straddling him and impale herself on to his penis in the water. He was so much in love with her. She came from a noble family, too. After the long bath, they called for the slaves to bring them towels and stood facing each other as the girls in servitude dried them. They would separate briefly to clothe themselves then return to embrace. At dinner at her father's estate they'd lay side-by-side together oblivious to all dining with them. She fed him little delicacies with her hand then he'd scoop some honey onto his finger and placed it at her lips. Vinia would take the finger into her mouth letting her tongue play with that digit until the honey was all cleaned off. She'd look at him seductively as she did this act. Her parents watched her and smiled that she had captured the heart of such a great nobleman. Drusus was shaken awake by the driver. He handed him a skin of wine and some meat from a wild boar. He ate hungrily wondering what these barbarians were going to do with him. Drusus stepped into the woods to relieve himself both ways taking some leaves to wipe the remnants of his bowel movement. Then he climbed back into the wagon and it started moving at a snail's pace once more. The pain in his head had subsided somewhat but it was still there. Reminding him of what had happened. He refused to believe that all three Legions were lost. It couldn't be. These were good men. Excellent warriors. Well trained and ready for any kind of battle that came their way. He felt that he was the few that were captured and now he was being sent into the interior of this savage nation. On the fourth day, they arrived at a small hut with a thatched roof with smoke flowing from the center. The driver motioned him to get out. As soon as Drusus was on foot, the driver turned the cart around. He motioned him to the door then left. He watched the man in the cart pulled by two oxen until he disappeared around a bend. Then he turned to the shelter to study it. The only thing about it that caught his eye was the strong wooden door. He walked over and knocked. TWO The door opened and a young beautiful woman with blonde hair, blue eyes and a trim shape answered. She wore a sky blue neck to toe dress with a leather belt at her waist. Drusus' mouth dropped. She had enormous nipples tenting out from her thin gown. "You must be the Roman," she said in perfect Latin. "I'm Dagmar." "I'm Drusus Marcellus." He looked at the lovely woman. He estimated her age to be no more than twenty-two, twenty-three at the most. "I was brought to you." "Yes, I am aware of you staying with me, Drusus. Arminius sent a messenger for me to take special care of you. Come in. You are welcome here, you must be hungry and thirsty." "I am," he admitted stepping inside. He looked about the one room hut. It was somewhat larger than what it appeared from the outside. A fire was burning in an iron stove with a pot of something good cooking on top of it. A large bed in a corner, some crude furniture including a rectangular table with four chairs. It looked used but everything in this place was so clean. In another corner there were metal cannisters galore on another large table with several wooden bowls and goblets. "Sit down," she told him. "I'll get you some stew." He sat down and watched her. Her hair was long, down to the base of her spine. She moved with the grace of a dancer. Her ass swayed with each step she took. She put three ladles of food into the bowl and placed it before him with some black bread. He dug right away feeling his stomach demanding to be filled. Dagmar poured two glasses of wine and sat down across from him. "Aren't you eating?" he asked. "I've already had my morning meal," she replied. She studied him as he put spoon after spoon into his mouth. "I see that they didn't do anything with your wound." She got up and brought some kind of a salve. She rubbed it in. It felt quite tender but he was a Tribune of Rome and was trained to endure pain. Her touch was light and gentle. He took a large swallow of wine. It tasted on the bitter side but he had worse from the merchants in Gaul. He reckoned that the grapes weren't as good as what grew back in the vineyards of Italia. She finished her medical treatment, washed her hands, returned to sit oppositee of him. "That is a nasty wound you have there. I think you'll have to rest after your meal," Dagmar advised. "Where is your husband?" he asked. "I don't have a husband. I was banished from my village several years ago and have lived here alone since I was fourteen," she smiled. "Why were you banished?" "I was accused of practicing witchcraft and other magical things." "Were you?" "Yes!" "So you are some kind of a sorceress?" "Not exactly. I prefer being known as an enchantress. It doesn't sound as bad. I do dabble in the arts of witchcraft," Dagmar confessed. "How long have you been practicing your.....uh......practicing your art?" "Since I was a small girl," she smiled prettily. "What kind of things can you do?" Drusus asked, all of a sudden feeling weary. He thought with wound, being held captive and the trip here was a little too much for him. "Lots of things," Dagmar got up and came around to him. She helped lift him to his feet and assisted him to the bed. She relieved him of his breastplate armor and removed his clothing. Drusus was unaware of what she was doing as his eyes drooped. He felt her swing his legs onto the bed and cover him. He was content for the moment. His belly was full, the hut was warm and the bed was soft. He quickly drifted off to sleep. *** He dreamed of Vinia again. He seldom dreamt of her even though he was in love with her. They were at his father's villa at Ostia. The sun was warm, the air was fresh off of the sea, and they lay on several blankets in the sand not far from the splashing waves. He had a very hard erection as he played with her breasts. She was on her back while he rested on his elbow with the other hand caressing his betrothed's teat. Vinia let out a moan of pleasure as he saw a few drops of her wetness flow down the sides of her inner thighs. "Take me," she whispered. He mounted her. Usually he rubbed his erection along her engorged lips but this time she was desparate. She grabbed his hard penis and placed it inside her. Vinia locked her legs around the back of his thighs so he couldn't pulled out. Drusus started slow. He didn't want her urgency to make it quicker than he wanted it to. He liked performing this act of love for as long as he could hold back. His secret for prolonging this was to think of the drills of his men on Mars Hill. It was the training grounds for troops to practice all their war skills with wooden swords and blunt wooden spears. No one was ever killed but there were injuries, bruises, bumps, an ocassional broken bone, and blood. It was the precursor of a real battle against the enemies of Rome. Vinia's long nails dug into his back bringing him back to the present. He felt her climax building and most times he pulled back to make her beg for him to finish. Only this time she had the advantage and as he felt her stiffen and grunt, he went over the edge and both came at the same time. They were both tired but happy. Drusus and Vinia did this in his dreams at least four times until they were utterly satisfied. She lay in his arms with a nail circling his nipple playfully. Vinia loved to do this to him because his skin was so sensitive after having sex that he could barely contain himself. His hand ran through her long blonde hair as they kissed frequently. When the sun started setting, they dressed and went inside for a warm bath and maybe another tryst. Drusus awoke. He was back in the hut with a nude Dagmar sleeping at his side. She had a hand on his chest and used his shoulder as a pillow. He reached down to touch his penis and it was caked like he had many times with Vinia when they made love and couldn't wash right away. He blinked several times trying to bring his mind back to the present. While he was out, she had sex with him. He looked into the resting face of the beautiful young girl and wondered it were true or not. "Yes I had sex with you," Dagmar said without opening her eyes. "For a Roman your manhood is quite large." "Why?" Drusus asked, puzzled. Then he regretted saying it as soon as it was out of his mouth. 'She was horny and I was the only male around,' he thought. "You are under my charge," she told him without opening her eyes. "Arminius told me I am free to do with you as I choose. Besides, I am going to do things for you that you might have wished for but never let anyone know." "What is that?" "It's a surprise. You will be with me indefinately until the time I deem right for you to return to Rome." "I'm going back?" Drusus asked hopefully. "Yes, but only when I feel it is time." "When will that be?" "As I said before, when I feel you are ready. Now get on top of me. I want to feel you inside of me again." "I don't think I can get hard again," he begged off. Dagmar reached down with two slender fingers playing with his balls. Ten seconds later he was hard once more. She slid under him and guided his rod into her nest. Once inside, he felt chills he never had before. With his penis in her, he felt that he could conquer the world. He went slowly like he had with Vinia. Dagmar let him take over but cast a spell for him to remain hard until she would cum. Like Drusus, Dagmar didn't like to hurry something like this. After spending hours making love, both got up and dressed. Dagmar fed Drusus giving him the same wine as before. Then she grabbed a basket for them to find some berries to pick before the cold weather set in. They trudged through a muddy path for several minutes. Dagmar knew exactly where to find them. Most were already dead or on the ground but it took them several hours to pick the rest from four bushes. Drusus received many scratches on his arms from the thorns while reaching in to get the fruit. Dagmar did not receive any as her fair skin remained scratchless. "You'll get used to it," she smiled taking him by the arm as they made their way back to the hut. "I make my wine out of these." "I was wondering why it tasted so different," Drusus said feeling a tingling feeling to his arm where she held it. "It's not as sweet as the wines we have at home." "Mine helps a person to relax more and dream of wonderful things," she pressed a teat to his arm. Drusus felt the softness of her breast as they walked along. She cast a spell for him to have an enormous erection. Suddenly he felt his penis harden like it never had before. She also erased his memories of Rome and Vinia for the time being. "Isn't this a beautiful country?" she asked. "Yes it is. I think I could stay here forever." "I can see about that!" she exclaimed as they reached the clearing of the hut. *** Meanwhile back in Rome Augustus had received news of the Teutoburg disaster. It was unbelievable. A Tribune named Cassius Caecina had formed several hundred men and fought their way back to the bridges of the Weser River. He formed a defense over the one bridge while he had all the others burned. He managed with a valiant effort to keep the Germanic barbarians at bay while reinforcements from several miles away came to their aid doubling the Roman remnants number. Once the Germans retreated, he sent an urgent message to Rome to tell of the ambush that destroyed all three Legions. Augustus was in shock. He immediately sent his wife's son Tiberius north to takeover the the situation. Tiberius forced marched the men the six hundred miles to the Weser. When he arrived he took charge. He awarded Caecina a promotion for his bravery and cunning. He sent a message back to Augustus that the Legions were lost in the ambush but the border was still well protected with auxilaries from Gaul swelling its ranks. Tiberius took the gamble to shore up the defense along the river while hoping that the people of Gaul wouldn't revolt. They were almost as bad as the German savages themselves. Rome breathed a collected sigh of relief that the emergency had abated. Now anger and blame was being discussed. Varus' family was disgraced. Augustus was criticized in whispers and in talk of people who were still for the Republic. The Emperor called for new recruits to report to Mars Hill to begin training in order to replace the three Legions that were lost. THREE Dagmar continued her intimacy with the Roman. She liked the man. He never complained about his captivity. However how many captives had such a beautiful woman for a jailer? She fed him well, gave him berry wine, was an intelligent conversationalist, and was a tigress in bed. Miraculously all the scars he had taken in his life as a soldier disappeared. The ointment she put on the side of his head cured him completely. He no longer felt the aches and pains that plagued him in his hard life as a Roman warrior. It was if he passed over to the after life. Dagmar asked about Rome and he explained his life back there. The spell cast weeks before wore off and he began to think of Vinia again. He told of the games at the arena, the part of the city that was all marble, the part where there was squalor and the various people migrating there for trade or permanent residence. She sat listening to him as he explained the classes of diverse people. Over the ensuing months he woke up in the morning with a few irritating pains to his nipples. He also noticed two things. First, he didn't have to shave any longer and second, all the hair on his body gradually fell out and his skin was much smoother. It didn't bother him due to the fact that his manhood was larger in length and in girth and he pleased Dagmar every night in bed. Drusus felt more manly because the way she screamed when her orgasm hit. Fortunately they were in the deep forest and no one could hear her squeals of passionate delight. One morning when he was sitting watching her cut vegetables for stew, he noticed for the first time that they never had any visitors. In fact, no one even passed their way since his arrival. "Don't you have family?" "They disowned me when I was castout of my village," she said without looking up. "Do you miss them?" "No, I don't." "Why is that?" She gently placed her cutting knife on the table and wiped her hands with a rag. She looked him in the eye. "They never came to help me when I was accused of being a witch. Not once did any of my family aid me in any way. Why should I care about them? I wouldn't doubt if that bitch called my mother betrayed me to the tribal leaders." "That is why they cast you out of their village?" "No, they were going to burn me alive," Dagmar said. "I cast a spell upon them to let me leave the village of my birth with the promise never to return. The people who wanted me to burn were silenced by me with a wave of my hand. I then could concentrate upon the village leaders for them to exile me. So I was allowed to gather my things and come here. This was abandoned long ago but I made the repairs, fixed things the best I could, and made a nice place for myself. I like being alone." "Why are you keeping me here?" he asked. "I'm keeping you for your own safety. Besides, I like our relationship although I see it is destined not to last too much longer. I have sent Arminius a message to bring someone here to take you away after this winter is over. You will be sent back to Rome." "Do you think Arminius will allow this?" "He has no choice," she resumed cutting the vegetables for the stew. "When he puts someone into my charge, I have the say so whether to kill, punish, or to be benevolent toward that person in my charge. When I am finished with that person, Arminius must do as I say or I can make trouble for him." "What kind of trouble?" "A painful death for one example," Dagmar smiled. "Or I can inflict him with a very painful, agonizing illness, or perhaps make his mind to be senile." "Have you ever given anyone a death like that?" Dagmar's smile grew wider, "More than you can count." *** As the icy winds swept about the Dagmar's hut, Drusus noticed more changes in him. He was growing breasts. His strong hands became more delicate with long fingers, his legs and hips were shaped like that of a woman. His stomach was flat. He asked if she was responsible for this change. Her only answer was to reach under the robe he wore and squeeze his manhood to a rock hard erection as her other hand cupped his balls massaging them gently. He felt her mind probe into his telling him that she needed for him to perform sexual acts upon her. He forgot what he was becoming and laid on his back as she straddled him covering his mind in a foggy bliss. His voice changed into that of a woman as Dagmar did her magic with her hips and inner muscles squeezing his erection until the both of them orgasmed. When it was over, she lay beside him and cooed how wonderful a lover he had become. By then the new image of his body had left his thoughts and pleasing Dagmar was his only priority. It all seemed like a dream to him. By late winter he had become a female in everyway except his penis and testicles. She gave him the name of Penelope which was the name a young girl from her village which she liked very much. The man Drusus had disappeared. In his place was a girl who was almost six feet tall, slim with a magnificent body, and long red hair with emerald green eyes. Dagmar cast a spell for Penelope to accept this change. This was a permanent enchantment which he would carry the memory of Drusus but act and think as Penelope. She never questioned her change. It would last for the rest of her life. As the first days of spring came, they made love for the last time. Penelope fell into a deep sleep afterwards. She had been given a large wooden cup of a strange potion that tasted like the sweetest wines back in Rome. When she awoke, her penis was gone. She was now a fully functioning female. Able to have children and all. Dagmar gave her one last charm that she wouldn't remember she was Drusus until she set foot in Rome once more. The change was complete. She looked, acted and thought as a noble woman of Rome. The next day, an escort from Arminius showed up at the hut with a beautiful white mare for Penelope to ride. She wore a white woman's robe and sandals for a female. Dagmar kissed her passionately then slapped her gently on her well formed rear and sent her outside. As soon as Penelope rounded the bend in the road, she totally forgot about Dagmar and the hut. She covered herself with a purple cloak that was familiar to Rome as she was led to the Weser River. Dagmar forbade the men from even thinking of her in a sexual manner. When she closed the door to her hut, she turned back to what she really was. An old woman, tired beyond her years, no teeth in her mouth, obese and walking with a waddle. She would remain this way until another one was sent to her. She loved Drusus but his stay any longer would be met with consequences. She couldn't stay youthful for too much longer even though she had the power to do so. She sighed and went over to the table full of cannisters and began making potions for the next one. FOUR The Roman guards were shocked to see a remarkably beautiful redheaded maiden ride out of the edge of the forest to cross the bridge into Roman territory all alone. She looked to be unharmed. She was taken to the new commander of the new Legions. His name was Germanicus. Brother of Tiberius and related to Augustus by marriage of his mother Livia to the Emperor. Germanicus was an intelligent general with a good heart. He patiently listened to Penelope as she wove her tale about being a captive to all the barbarians and let go on the whim of Arminius. "Did they harm you in any way," Germanicus asked. "No, they treated me kindly," Penelope answered. "No one forced themselves upon you sexually?" "No, it was forbidden by Arminius. He said he would crucify the man who touched me." "I see, you know Arminius is an enemy of ours!" "Yes, I know but I was treated with the utmost of respect while in captivity. I was given the choicest of foods and drink. I even had a servant girl to take care of my needs. He allowed me the privilege of being handled with the highest of regard." All of what she told him was put into her mind by Dagmar whom she did not remember. "What do you wish now?" "I would like to return to Rome. I have family there." "What family do you have?" Germanicus took in the loveliness of this young maiden. He himself was married to a beautiful woman. Her name was Antonia. "Julius Marcellus, I am his adopted daughter." "Julius! I know him well. I never knew he had a daughter." "He adopted me when I was very young," Penelope said. "There's a group of soldiers I'm sending back to Rome for additional training. They are quite raw as far as combat is concerned. Plus a few women will be accompanying them so I'll set up a place for you in one of the wagons or you can ride your horse." "I think I would like to ride but I may switch from horse to wagon." "Until then, you'll be my guest. You will stay with my sister Drusilla until it's time for you to leave," he smiled, standing up. "Thank you, Germanicus. You are so kind," Penelope stood and bowed to him. *** Germanicus gave Penelope a leather pouch containing fifty pieces of gold claiming that's what he owed Julius Marcellus after losing a wager with him on what gladiator would win at the games. Penelope thanked him for his kindness and hospitality as the caravan moved south. She was riding her mare Diana as she moved into the middle of the pack to start their journey south to Rome. Germanicus ordered two young soldiers to keep an eye on her and to provide protection in case she needed it. They made thirty miles a day on the Appian Way. On days when it rained, Penelope tied Diana to a canvas covered wagon and rode in it to keep dry. She noticed that the two young men always were close by. At first she thought it was her youthful beauty that they stuck so near her. That may have been the case but one confessed that Germanicus had commanded them to see to her safety. So when they stopped at a town or city to buy some treats, she bought them some too. Both men were fond of wine and citrus products thus Penelope purchased mostly that. She also bought a beautiful glimmering emerald green gown to wear when she would meet her father. Plus changes of womens robes as well. Mostly in white but also some in other colors. It took them seventeen days to make the trip. More if the commander didn't push his men. None of them wanted to return to Mars Hill for extra training. All of the memories of being Drusus Marcellus flooded back into Penelope's brain as they stepped into the city of Rome. The only thing that was left out was Dagmar. She had cast a charm upon Penelope that she never existed. Suddenly confused, Penelope wandered the city with her belongings tied to Diana's back. Many men stared at her. Men who were thieves, murderers, and even rapists. She was in the market place trying to work up the courage to return home and confront her father. By midday Penelope felt she had put this off long enough. She was tired from the journey, hungry, and wanted some good wine to drink. The sooner she got this over with the better, so she mounted Diana and rode to the Marcellus house. *** A familiar face answered the door. It was Esther the Jewish slave. She looked much older and more tired than when he left two years ago to join the XVII Legion. "Yes?" Esther looked up at the redheaded beauty. "I would like to see Senator Marcellus," Penelope announced herself. "He's not at home for the moment," Esther started to close the door but Penelope being stronger than the old woman prevented this. She walked in and saw all the surroundings exactly the same. Her mother Julia did her best to keep an orderly home. Esther was quite put out by this intrusion by this tall waif. "Is Julia home?" she asked. "No, she died several months ago." Penelope fainted at the news. *** When Penelope became conscious again, she was lying on a sofa with a cold rag on her head. Esther saw her eyes open. She took the cloth, dipped it into cold water, and put it on the young woman's head. Penelope sat upright. She instantly recalled Esther's words that her mother was dead. Esther handed her a silver goblet of wine. Penelope took a long drink feeling the warmth go down her throat and nestle in her empty stomach. "What did she die of?" "A broken heart. Her son Drusus was killed almost eight months ago by those Germanic beasts," Esther answered. "The news shocked us all. He was her favorite. She went into a seizure almost immediately. She was put to bed and nursed by me but she died on the third day." By now the woman was crying. Penelope cried too. She often thought of her mother as the backbone of this family. Both cried for a long time until Penelope had no more tears to shed. She looked at the beloved servant and decided to confess all to her. "Esther, I am Drusus, or I was him." The elderly woman gazed up at the girl with tears still running down her face. She let out a bitter laugh. "Don't even joke that way." "I can prove it," Penelope said, still bearing a heavy heart for her mother. "How?" the woman looked angry at her. "Remember when I was a boy of six, I caught you and Saul in the stable? Both of you were naked and didn't notice me watching until after the two of you finished the act? You were new here and you begged me not to tell anyone what you had done?" Esther's jaw dropped and her eyes were like saucers, "Who told you?" "No one told me anything. And as you recall, I never told anyone either. I may be a woman here," she pointed to her body. "But I'm Drusus up here," she put a finger at her temple. "Someone made me into a woman." "Who?" "I honestly do not remember. I know that I was injured in battle then was taken to the tent Arminius stayed in. All the others taken by him were crucified. I don't know why he spared me but over a short period of time I was turned into a woman. The foods I had tasted funny and the wine given to me was very bitter. I think I was given a potion of some kind. It must have been an evil magic or something." "I can't believe you!" "How about me saving a puppy and I gave it to you? I think I was six at that time, too." Again Esther's mouth dropped. "Drusus is dead," she stated. "Yes, he is gone, but he is not dead. I am a woman now. I was to marry Vinia when I returned. How is she?" "Vinia married Marcus Cadellus last week. She is spending time with her new husband at her villa in Ostia." Esther gave her the news. "Not that it matters anymore but I loved her very much," Penelope's eyes started to water up. She took a hand to wipe the tears away. "How are my brother Gaius and my sister Vipsania?" "They are well. Vipsania is betrothed and Gaius is in Gaul under the command of Germanicus." "I met Germanicus. I told him that I was Julius's adopted daughter. I hated to lie to him but if I told him that I was Drusus Marcellus he would think that I had gone mad." Esther stared at Penelope. She wanted to believe her but the girl just might be one of those prostitutes that the master frequented even when his wife was alive. "Esther, may I have something to eat, I'm famished." "Of course, follow me to the kitchen," Esther stood up. Penelope was close behind the older woman as she veered to the right once past the entrance of the portico. "Esther, you're taking me in the wrong direction." The woman turned and gave her a slight smile, "I was testing you." "Did I pass?" Penelope smiled sweetly. "For now." "I think we won't tell anyone about what we talked about until I have told my father what happened to me," Penelope petitioned. "No, this is something I cannot believe myself," Esther replied. It was good to eat in this house once more. Penelope's thoughts were on her mother. She was a strong woman and a big influence in life when she was Drusus. She ate lamb and vegetables with wine. She was inwardly distraught at the death of her mother and now had to convince her father that she was no longer his son but his daughter. 'I hope he believes me,' she reflected how stubborn a man he was when he wanted to be. He was Augustus' chief ally in the Senate and brought forth the laws the Emperor wished. It was always for the good of the Empire. His father looked upon Drusus with favor knowing he would be a great man of Rome. Now he would be confronted with Penelope. *** It was late in the evening when Julius returned home. Penelope was in his study as she awaited his arrival. The very first thing Julius did when he came home was to check this room to make sure all was in order. Messages that were sent to him by runners always was placed upon his table for immediate reading. He was shocked when he saw this lovely young woman in a beautiful emerald green gown sitting there with her hands folded in her lap. She sat erect and with poise. "Esther told me that I had a guest awaiting me." "Hello Father," she said softly. "Who in the hell are you?" an angry look formed on his face. "I was Drusus, but now I am Penelope." "GET OUT! he demanded. "Not until you hear me out," she said stubbornly. "I am not listening to any shit you may have to say." Penelope reached behind her and tossed him a wooden sword. She took one into her hand. "You taught me well, Father. Lets see if I can still beat you." "What is this?" he looked at the sword in his hand and then to her. She had taken the hood from her head showing her flaming red hair and held the sword up to him. "You were the one who made me a master swordsman, let us see if I am still as good as what I was when I was Drusus." "I'm not playing games," he sneered about to toss the wooden weapon to the floor. She took her position and was ready to strike. "I'm not playing, Father. I am deadly serious. Ready?" Julius looked at the girl with amusement. "Ready." He struck first, she blocked it then took the offense. She struck his blade many times, surprising him. They weren't as hard as Drusus' but she was fast. They exchanged blows for a few minutes then she pirouetted and landed a solid slice to his side. Julius was staggered. He felt the pain up and down his right side from his shoulder to his leg. "You taught me that move, Father. It got me out of many dangerous situations when I was in battle for the XVII Legion against those barbarians," Penelope threw the sword aside, almost exhausted. She sat down and used her hood to wipe the sweat off of her forehead while watching her father recover from the slamming cut she delivered. "It is a good move. You saw it at the games by Theodus the gladiator. You told me that." Julius sat down in his chair feeling as if she had broken a rib of his. "Did Drusus teach you that?" "No, I learned it from you." "Nonsense," he gasped, still hurting. "Do you remember punishing me for stealing that eagle's egg from its nest? You were so angry with me that I had killed the chick that was forming in that egg. I wasn't allowed to go to the games for a month. I really upset you." Julius stared at the woman. "The only ones who knew of this was your mother and me." "And me," she corrected. "How about the time I ran away from home because at ten I thought that I was ready to be a Tribune? You found me on Mars Hill and lashed me all the way home with your whip. "You could have been Drusus' lover up in Gaul and he told you these things." "Not likely, I was in love with Vinia. She was the only girl I ever wanted." "How did you turn into a woman?" "Some kind of witchcraft. I don't recall too much. I was given drugged wine and I think the food had some kind of potion in it too. Arminius liked to play his little games with his captives. He crucified all the others but kept me for some reason. When he was in Rome, he was taught too well. He knew that what he learned could be used against us. Varus sent us on a fool's mission. There was no way we could put up a defense with how narrow the path was. We didn't have room or the time to form up. Did anyone else besides me survive?" "Are you really Drusus?" "Yes I am. As a child I sat on your lap right where you are sitting now and you tutored me in math, worship of the gods, and many other things. Then one day you said I was too old to sit on your leg and you made me sit just about here when you gave me your little lectures on how we Romans should be honorable for the sake of Rome." "You are very convincing," Julius said. "But Drusus is dead. I have no son other than Gaius. I sacrifice to the gods that nothing will happen to him." "I am sorry to be a disappointment to you, Father. If you want me to leave I will do so in the morning. Perhaps I can make myself available to run someone's household. I am willing to go into servitude if I must, but I will always think of you as my family and no matter what, I will always love you, Father." "You can stay until I sort this all out. By the way, is that white mare yours?" "Yes, she is Father. When Arminius released me, he gave her to me. I don't know why he permitted me to go, but he did. I think that servant girl that was given to see after my comfort was really a witch. She slowly turned me into what you see today." "It's been a long day for me. I guess you know where your room is." "Yes." "You can stay there until further notice." "Thank you, Father," she crossed the room to give him a hug and a kiss on the cheek. FIVE Two months later, Julius was convinced that this was indeed his son turned into a very young and beautiful woman. She knew too many things about Drusus' life. Things that his son would never reveal to anyone else. The time when he was thirteen and was found sleeping with Vipsania. Both were naked and after an exhaustive interrigation, they were convinced that they did not have intercourse. Their mother examined her daughter's vagina to make sure nothing was done. He was punished again. His excuse was that she wanted to see what he looked like nude. They showed each other and in the course of the cool afternoon laid next to each other talking until both fell asleep. Drusus and Vipsania did not commit incest but they were beaten just the same. Julius whipped his son while Julia spanked her eleven year old daughter with a hair brush. That incident never went beyond the four of them. All were haunted by it. Drusus and Vipsania for being caught in a compromising situation while Julius and Julia afraid of this getting out and dishonoring the family. It was one more bit of evidence that she just might really be Drusus. By agreement, Julius would adopt Penelope as his daughter under Roman Law with the understanding that she was fathered by him many years ago when he was governor of Spain. The mutual accord between the two also would allow Drusus to rest in peace and not be brought up again unless under extreme emergency. *** Now that Julius had a lovely daughter, young men from noble families and of the Senate or both flocked to the Marcellus house to meet and court her. Penelope slowly began to be attracted with some of these men. Whatever the witch gave her, made Penelope not to like women sexually as she had as Drusus. She preferred males. However she remained chaste. One afternoon Vinia visited her wanting to meet Julius' new daughter. As Drusus, he couldn't keep his hands off of her. Now as Penelope, she had no attraction for her. Plus she didn't even like the woman. She saw too many flaws in her character that she did not notice when she was Drusus. Penelope thought that Vinia was already having affairs with males other than her husband. She even dropped hints to her about it. She told her that she had friends who would not kiss and tell. Penelope guessed that Cupid must had struck Drusus with a wayward arrow because he was blind to all of this going on right in front of him. Now Penelope's female intuition discerned that Vinia was a slut whether she came from a noble family or not. That night she lay in her bed thinking of Vinia and how unfaithful she was to Drusus and now to her own new husband. Men of noble families slept around but with the prostitutes and not members of other families. As Drusus, he had visited a young Jewish girl because she was so likeable and obliging in whatever fantasy he desired knowing that he wouldn't hurt her. And he didn't. Boys will be boys was the male philosopy in the noble clans of Rome. Even Augustus himself had sown his first seed into a whore when he was a teen then named Octavius. Certain girls were set aside only to service nobles in those houses down by the Tiber River. Thinking these thoughts, Penelope slowly fell to sleep in the heat and humidity of the city that night. Esther began thinking that Penelope indeed was Drusus, but in reincarnation. She had the mind of a man but the heart, soul and body of a woman. She knew so much about this family that it was uncanny. The mention of Julia and Penelope would fall into tears and depression. She remembered how Drusus adored his mother. Ready to do anything she asked of him without wavering. And the little mannerisms that he had showed on her. Always cupping her hand over her mouth when yawning like he had done so as not to show his boredom. Plus Penelope continued to keep up with her sword play every morning. She was lighter thus quicker than Drusus was but no where near the strength of the man. The iron sword she used tired her out quickly but as time passed, her endurance increased. "How does it feel to be Julius' daughter?" Maximus Lepidus asked her one night at dinner. Julius had invited twelve or so friends and guests. "Now that it is official, I feel wonderful," she replied, reclining about two feet from him. "I love being part of this family." "I can imagine. Your beauty really brightens up this house," he smiled. "Why thank you, Maximus," Vipsania sneered. " I apologize," Maximus quickly recovered. "I should have said the two of you." "That's better," Vipsania's frown turned into a smile. Though she was bethroved to a man named Cassius, she sat by him pretending to be the center of the dinner party. Vipsania was vain but she held no jealousy toward Penelope. Only she would not permit the redhead into her circle of friends. She would have to form her own, she reasoned. Besides, Penelope wouldn't fit in with her group. "My sister is very beautiful," Penelope added gazing at the pretty girl with long dark hair and blue eyes. Like she had when she was Drusus. Vipsania smiled. "And you too, sister," Vipsania replied with just a bit of sarcasm in her voice that the males didn't pickup on but Penelope and the other women did. "Do you go to the games?" Maximus asked. "No, I don't," she said. "Father's been too busy and I would never go alone." "Perhaps I can take you," he jumped at the chance. "Perhaps," Penelope shrugged. She wanted to go with him but was playing hard to get but only up to a point. If he asked again, she would agree. "Augustus still wants his eagles back," Julius changed the subject. "He won't rest until they are recovered. And quite frankly, he is prepared to reward anyone who discovers where they are." "If they are in the German territory, you can forget it," Tersus replied. He was Julius' best friend and ally in the Senate. Penelope knew exactly where they were at and she would tell her father that later. After everyone had gone home or in the morning. They were laying outside the tent of Arminius just gathering dirt. Suddenly her mind kicked into Drusus' thoughts. A small raiding party of less than one hundred men going through the Teutoberg Forest at night and resting by day could make that distance in six days total. Three in and three out. They just had to escape being seen. "Will you go to the games with me next week," Maximus asked for a second time. "Yes, I think I will," Penelope smiled, still thinking of the eagles to be recovered. She had the know how to plan and carry out the raid but she lacked the strength needed. All she could do is tell her father and let Germanicus do it. "That's wonderful. Perhaps your father can get us seats near the Emperor's box." "I'll do better than that. I can get you into the box itself. You take my daughter as my guest and take my seats. You will be sitting in back of Augustus himself." "Father, you don't have to do that for us," Penelope said. "I think your father is right," Maximus cut in. "That is very generous of you, sir." "Think nothing of it. If it gets to be too much for Penelope, you'll have to excuse yourself and take her out. I'm sure the Emperor will allow you his private passageway if Penelope becomes too ill watching them." "I'm sure I won't become ill, Father," Penelope smiled. "I vomited my guts out," Vipsania said. "Seeing those legs and arms sliced off and all that blood being spilled, I'll never go back." "If I do get ill, I'm sure that Maximus Lepidus will see me home." *** Penelope rose from her seat to salute the Emperor and his wife Livia as they made their way into the Imperial box. He graciously greeted everyone. Even his nephew Claudius who was somewhat strange. The teen aged boy limped badly and stuttered over his words. The family, except Augustus, frowned at him. Penelope felt sorry for the lad knowing he was the son of Germanicus. After Augustus and Livia sat, everyone did the same. The Emperor signalled a man to announce for the games to begin. As Drusus, Penelope had come to these games often with his father. She noticed that Augustus was getting older. Tiberius was up in Gaul making sure that the conquerers were on their best behavior. The first of the games was men against lions. Twelve men and twenty-four big cats all females which were much deadlier than the males. It looked to her that the keeper hadn't fed them for about three to four days. One lion took down a gladiator and made short work of him. She grabbed his carcass and dragged the dead man to a corner to feast upon him. Eventually the lions won but several were killed. The lions were herded back to their pens but not after threatening a few of the keepers before returning to the underground caverns. Some dragging their food with them. The next game was gladiator against gladiator. It was bloody. After two men fought to their exhaustion, one gained the upper hand and looked to the Emperor for thumbs up or down. Augustus leaned toward Penelope with a smile. "What do you think, my dear?" he asked her. "Oh, thumbs up....definately," she replied. Augustus gave the thumbs up and the victor pulled his opponent to his feet. They both bowed, saluted the Emperor and walked off still friends. "You're very merciful," Maximus whispered in her ear. "Is that bad?" she asked. "No, not at all. I finding it a wonderful part of your character." Penelope smiled. She felt him slide his arm about her waist and it felt enjoyable. Maybe that witch turned her mind and body to desire men. Claudius fainted and had to be toted out by two of the Praetorian Guard who were there to protect Caesar. Penelope was too wrapped up in feeling his strong arm about her tiny waist to really care about Claudius' fainting spell. Livia glared at her. Penelope felt intimidated by the Empress. She turned and whispered in Maximus' ear, "I'd like to go now." "Of course," he helped her out of her seat. "Thank you so much for receiving me as your guest," she told Augustus and Livia. The bitter woman gave her a slight smile and nod while the Emperor gushed all over her. He invited her back for another time which Penelope gratefully accepted. Maximus escorted her out the way they dragged Claudius off. Once in the passageway alone, he turned her around and kissed her. Shocked, she had her eyes wide open in surprise. She felt his tongue in her mouth. With the initial temors in her body abating, she put her arms around his neck and returned the kiss while the massive crowd were shouting about something going on. The kiss lasted until she started feeling her head spin then gently pushed him away. "I had to kiss you," he said contritely. "Don't apologize," she smiled as they continued to make their way to the exit. "It was a very nice kiss. Perhaps there might be more where that came from?" "I have tens of thousands of those awaiting your lips." "Lets not keep count. One at a time will do." *** At home, they picked up where they left off. She felt his hardness poke against her. Being of the same height, his manhood was right at the lips of her sopping wet sex. The thing of two men doing this disgusted her immensely. But she was no longer a man even though she possessed Drusus' memories. Of making love to Vinia. To that witch. Then it came back to her. Dagmar! Dagmar had turned him into a woman. A woman of passion for life and hopefully love. It was her. The kiss from Maximus brought it all back to her. She came to the conclusion that Maximus might be the man she would spend the rest of her life with. Be his wife. Bear his children. Live in love and comfort making him happy and content. She pressed her open mouth against his with equal passion. Now she was the aggressor. She grabbed his manhood and squeezed while he kneaded her breast. In a matter of moments, he shot his warm seed staining his robe. "What happened Maximus?" she smiled coyly. "You damn near tore my penis off." "Did I? I thought you liked it." "I did. I loved you doing that. Only one thing would be better." he said. "And what is that?" her smiled broadened knowing full well what he was going to say to her. "Penelope, I want you. I want you now." "And I want you, Maximus. However I think we should be married first." "You will marry me?" he looked astounded. Penelope nodded and then kissed him lightly on the lips. "Go now. I am tired and I wish to lay down for a while before Father gets home." After Maximus left, she walked to her room, closed the door and took off her robe. She saw the glistening wetness of her pubic area. She lay on the bed and for the first time she began to masturbate. She plunged one, then two, and finally three fingers into her sex. She didn't stop twisting them until she felt a pleasureable and intense orgasm run all over her. Smiling, Penelope pulled the extra blanket from the foot of her bed and draped it over her. She soon fell asleep. SIX After a talk with her father and sister, Penelope married Maximus. He was of a noble lineage so Julius did not object. Augustus insisted that they be united in the Emperor's palace since Julius was such a good friend for years, an ally in the Senate, and fought at his side during the wars to bring stability to the Empire. Penelope felt reluctant due to Livia's dislike of her but she found the woman to be gracious to her on her wedding day. She even gave the bride a jeweled broach that took her breath away. Augustus gave them a little estate in Ostia to call their own. Then there were other gifts plus a very sumptuous feast in their honor. If Livia disliked the bride, she didn't show it. She went overboard to make this day for Penelope to remember. That night Maximus took her virginity away from her. How many times they made love Penelope stopped counting at six. Plus at his urging, both gave each other oral sex which the bride liked. They slept into the afternoon then arose to go to his parent's house for another feast. Both again received gifts from other friends and relatives on Maximus' side. Penelope was extremely happy. She loved her husband and wanted more than anything to please him. After a week of feasts and receiving of gifts, they went to Ostia to start their new life together. Maximus' father Virgil gave them three slaves from Egypt and Greece. All were women. Thinking that Penelope might be Greek, a girl called Mary sought her favor to be head of the household. Maximus decided to make Calla, the Egyptian the one instead. Mary was furious with him and tried to run away, but was caught, beaten, and brought back with a brand on her arm signifying that she was an escapee. Penelope felt sorry for the girl but her bitterness extended to her as well. "We treat our slaves as treasures," Maximus told his wife one night after they had made love. "However, when one runs away like Mary did, she must be punished like a child who disobeys its father." "I know but branding is so cruel," Penelope argued. "Isn't there something else we can do so it doesn't have to happen again?" "They just have to be obedient, that's all." Penelope didn't agree with him but she kept it to herself. She was going to single out Mary to take care of her mistress so the hurt might gradually fade away. She recalled how all the slaves her father and mother had with no problems. Show gratitude and kindness would win her over like her father's household. *** The first time Penelope met Sejanus she had the intuition that this man was pure evil. Somehow he wormed his way into the graces of Tiberius. Her father didn't like him either. Maximus turned a blind eye to him and allowed the man into the house for feasts and to get just plain drunk on the expensive wine Maximus had acquired. Everytime Sejanus entered the door, she greet him politely then told her husband that she had an awful headache and retired to their room. Often she took Mary with her. The girl knew how to play chess and Penelope wanted to learn the game because Maximus liked playing it. "Really Mary, you should be grateful that you have someone as me to like you," she would tell the bitter girl. "I know that being a slave must be degrading to you but it could be a lot worse for you." "In what manner?" Mary asked. "Well for one thing, you have safety within these walls. A girl as pretty as you are would be an easy victim to some very wicked men," Penelope advised. The fact that Sejanus was downstairs drinking their fine wine came to her mind. "I was free back in my home country," She debated Penelope. Mary had grown slowly into her liking of the woman but she could not forgive Maximus for branding her with a hot iron. He wanted to do it on her forehead but Penelope pleaded for the inner arm instead. Being newlyweds, Maximus assented to his wife's wishes. "Uh....Mistress, that's a bad move. You should push your pawn forward and not expose your queen." "Thank you," Penelope moved her knight back to its place and pushed the pawn. "I know you must be unhappy. I was in the same position you are when I was a prisoner of Arminius but I kept quiet and waited until my time. "Yes, but you were released. I won't ever be." "If a man wants you bad enough, he could always buy you," Penelope advised. "I am not a woman who wants a man," Mary confessed. "I had a female lover back in Greece when I was gathered up in a sweep by your soldiers and brought here to Rome to be auctioned off like a horse or some kind of other animal." "Then you are a lesbian?" Penelope asked. "Yes!" Mary said then made a move on the board. "What would it take to make you happy?" Penelope inquired. "I would like a woman like me," she didn't meet the redhead's eyes. "A woman who is like you?" Mary nodded shyly. "Give me a few days and let me see what I can do," Penelope said. She knew of a young woman in Vinia's house who was like Mary. No preference for men. Perhaps she could buy Isa a Spanish beauty for Mary. "If I do get you a woman like yourself, you must be very very discrete if you two get along. No little trysts during the day. Save yourselves for at night." "Yes Mistress," Mary said humbly. "Why don't you teach me the next time my husband's friends come over, I'm a bit tired and I really do have a headache. I think I want to rest now." "Yes Mistress," Mary put the pieces away and took them and the board with her. *** Penelope arose the next morning while Maximus slept it off. He came to bed late and tried to prod his wife to make love but passed out shortly after she refused him. She loved her husband but she knew in the first few months of their marriage that Maximus couldn't get it up when full of wine. She dressed, ate a light breakfast, and took one of Maximus' guards to escort her to the house of Cadellus to see if she could purchase Isa from Vinia. She was well received and invited in. "So why the honor?" Vinia said, pouring Penelope a mixture of several citrus juices. It was a refreshing drink for the morning. "No honor, you visited me not long ago and I am returning the favor. Besides I do have some business to conduct with you." "What kind of business," Vinia sat next to her. Penelope felt uncomfortable at how close the two women were seated but didn't make any effort to move away. "I was wondering if I can buy a certain slave of yours!" "Who would that be?" "The Spanish girl, Isa." "Oh her," Vinia snorted. "She's lazy and everything she is told to do she takes so long in doing so. I'll give her to you. She angers me so." "Maybe I can give her an incentive to work harder in my house." "Short of beating her?" Vinia got up and walked to another chair to sit in. Penelope silently gave thanks to the gods for the separation. "I wouldn't have to beat her. I wouldn't hurt any of my slaves but we have a stubborn girl named Mary and she's from Greece. She's a lesbian and so is Isa. I think the both can be happy together and happy slaves are productive slaves." Penelope told Vinia. She still didn't like her. She recalled when she was Drusus how crazy he was about her. 'She can be charming to men,' she thought. Vinia clapped her hands. An elderly woman came forth. "Tell Isa to pack her things, she's going to another home," she ordered her. "Very good, Mistress," the woman went straight away to find Isa. "Thank you," Penelope smiled. "You're taking her off my hands," Vinia returned the smile. "Besides, Marcus was getting tired of her. Many times we had to track her down to get her to do her work. I am glad and now she's your problem." "I'm sure Mary will make her obey and not give us any regrets for getting her." "I wish only the best," Vinia poured some more juice into their cups. "Tell me, do you often think of Drusus?" Penelope asked. "Yes, I do. I love Marcus, understand? But Drusus was the one man I thought I could be extremely happy with. We were so drawn to each other." "I know what you mean," Penelope smiled. "I feel that way toward Maximus." "Yes, I can see that. He is so handsome. I don't know why I didn't try to get him for myself but by then Marcus proposed and he is so rich. My parents about forced me to say yes. I don't regret it." "A woman is always content if she has a husband that she truly loves." Just then Isa stepped in the room with a bundle. She was a tall, beautiful woman. Not as tall as Penelope, but she could see that Mary and Isa could get along nicely. At the door Penelope thanked Vinia again and they hurried home so the guard could escort her husband to whatever he had on his agenda that day. SEVEN Germanicus was dead! His horse stumbled and fell crushing his leg against a sharp rock. Antonia and her children were at his side as he slipped away. He refused to have his leg removed and it turned gangrene. He developed a fever and it was fatal. One of the most promising generals in the Empire was gone. Tiberius made a mad rush north stopping only to change horses to get there before his brother died. He made it just moments before the end. What he said to Tiberius was incoherent and he understood nothing. Maximus and Penelope were hosting a party when the news came to them. Augustus was devastated. He had secretly thought of Germanicus as a possible successor to take his place for when he retired or died. The series of men he had

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Aurelias Torture and Exection A Tale from Rome

Preface: This fictional story takes place in Roman times (~ 400 BCE) when all emperors, senators and magistrates had to do in order to keep the masses in control was to offer them blood and entertainment in the colosseos. Aurelia is a Roman noblewoman who made enemies out of the wrong people. After her capture, she is sentenced to be executed in the arena for the pleasure of the common people, and in the process, making it a prolonged, degrading, and utterly humiliating and painful one....

2 years ago
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When In Rome

It all happened in Rome. I was on a holiday of self-exploration, and it was the first time I had truly travelled alone. I had never been away from home and my family for so long. It gave me a sense of freedom I hadn’t experienced prior to this.I had spent a few days doing the typical tourist obligations; the museums, the long walks even a church or two. It took a week or so of being with myself with nobody watching me (as I usually and have always felt) to realise that I was my own person. I...

First Time
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Queen of Rome

The first time I saw the city of Rome I was chain to a cart as it was pulled through the streets. I couldn't believe how large the city was. The colors, smells, and sounds took my breath away. And so many people. All looking and pointing at us as we were taken to our fate. And what was to be our fate you may ask; to serve the city and it's people as slaves. I would not let them shame me, I thought. You may wonder how I can to be here chained and far from my land and home. I was born in...

4 years ago
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When in Rome

I was a couple of years out of college, working a job that I had little enthusiasm for, when my dad called me up and asked me if I wanted to go with him on a business trip. It was no ordinary business trip, it was a week in Rome and, if I could come, he would book us in Rome for the weekends on both ends giving us extra time there. Well, I did have vacation time and jumped at the chance to go. My parents were divorced when I was in college, I knew a few of the details, it's hard to keep...

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When In Rome

Authors Notes[b] When In Rome isnt exactly a series of erotic stories. When its completed, it will (hopefully) read more like a novel. Plot, subplots and all. There will be (on average) three separate scenes from three separate Point(s) of View (POV) per chapter. While every chapter will have sex in one form or another, every scene will not. If you want to skip through and only read the sexy bits, every chapter will be headed by listing which scene(s) in that chapter include sex. Chapter one...

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Maiden Magdalena Foreer His Lady

The maiden’s horse galloped through tall green grass withal speed and finesse en route to the Prince’s castle. Aloof bareback, her dress flowed carelessly in the wind as her horse pressed the green blades withal his clod hooves. Withal the sun’s rays at her back, the maiden trod heavy on her way thither. Since that merry day when she watched him from her room window frolic withal seers of the village where she doth reside, the maiden was awestruck withal his dapperness. She had all intendments...

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Maiden Magdalena Foreer His Lady

The maiden's horse galloped through tall green grass withal speed and finesse en route to the Prince's castle. Aloof bareback, her dress flowed carelessly in the wind as her horse pressed the green blades withal his clod hooves. Withal the sun's rays at her back, the maiden trod heavy on her way thither. Since that merry day when she watched him from her room window frolic withal seers of the village where she doth reside, the maiden was awestruck withal his dapperness. She had all intendments...

Love Stories
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As is well known, Rome is a major center for art, architecture and engineering. the last time we were there there was no exception to bring something. We visited a place with many sculptures. There was also a young group of Asians (which is a lot of everything in Europe). A girl was standing looking at a sculpture of two ancestors who were, quite enough, naked. She started talking to my boyfriend and she told her name Maiko, was 18 years a week ago and was on tour with uneversitete she went to...

4 years ago
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A sexy weekend in Rome

Ian smiled at the waitress gratefully as he took a drink from the tray she was holding as she passed. For just a moment, he was left alone in the huge function room at the hotel where he was staying in Rome. It was the third and final day of a series of meetings he had been attending in an attempt to engineer the takeover of an Italian company by his own employers. The meetings had been successful, so this function was turning into a bit of a celebration.But Ian wasn't enjoying it a bit. All he...

2 years ago
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When in Rome

To celebrate our twentieth wedding anniversary my wife Susie and I decided to return to Italy which we had first visited ten years earlier. The twins were seventeen years old now and quite capable of looking after themselves, although we did impress on them that we expected the house to look spotless when we got back, and issued a stern warning about what would happen if they had raided my store of single malts. We also had a quiet word with my parents just to keep a discreet eye on things.We...

Group Sex
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Dont Sleep on the Subway Book ThreeChapter 41 Jun 1944 Allies Enter Rome

“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.” ― Ronald Reagan The long, hard slog up the boot of the Italian countryside was hard on both men and equipment. Eventually, the allies found...

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Maiden Goddess

Where is my cock Maiden the Goddess roars through the mansion. Her heels click, clack on the hard wood floors. The men and women in their various cages and rooms shiver with both excitement and a pang of fear. The leather clad warrior goddess, just back from the Bondage Ball Hollywood has had a night of fun and games and is ready to play. She has hundreds of rooms with hundreds of slaves, but she wants if only she can remember where she has stored him. Frustrated she retires to her...

4 years ago
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The year is 51BC, Julius Caesar just finished conquering Gaul and Rome is being flooded with gold, slaves and other spoils of war. You are the son of a member of the lower nobility, although your father has a seat in the senate your family does not hold much influence in roman politics. It does however have a few businesses, mainly brothels, and with the large amount of slaves coming into the city, your father decides to open a new one in the city of Ostia the harbour city of Rome. Your father...

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TransAtlantic part 1 Departure from Rome

TRANS-ATLANTIC part 1 DEPARTURE FROM ROME Jack Masterson arrived at the cruise terminal in the port of Civitavecchia, near Rome, Italy. He was a travel writer who owned and operated a travel website that reviews luxury resorts, hotels, cruise ships and destinations. He'd been in Europe for a month; traveling and posting articles on his site about his adventures. Tonight he began his trip home to the United States, but he wasn't flying. A Trans-Atlantic cruise on the Holland...

3 years ago
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When in Rome

I woke up, and felt my hard cock rubbing against your ass as you snuggled against me. I couldn’t quite believe I was actually here, in Rome, lying in your bed. I had flown in from Canada the day before, and had arrived in time to share a wonderful dinner at your favourite restaurant. Then, we spent the evening wandering around the city, as you showed me some of the places you enjoyed. Finally, we made our way back to your apartment, where we got ready for bed. It was a little weird at first. We...

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When in Rome

I woke up, and felt my hard cock rubbing against your ass as you snuggled against me. I couldn’t quite believe I was actually here, in Rome, lying in your bed. I had flown in from Canada the day before, and had arrived in time to share a wonderful dinner at your favourite restaurant. Then, we spent the evening wandering around the city, as you showed me some of the places you enjoyed. Finally, we made our way back to your apartment, where we got ready for bed. It was a little weird at first. We...

Straight Sex
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Maiden Kisses A Poem of Foreplay

Maiden KissesA Duet Spiritual Romantic Poem and Erotic Psalm of KissingJohn, “Big John” GallivanWarrior Poet/Erotic Psalmist“Viking Gladiator”AndChristine Elaine HarrisRomantic Psalmist/Spiritual Poetess“Spiritual Poetess”www.eroticpsalms.comI am th[/b]e Viking Gladiator, the warrior poet, the erotic psalmist,And no declaration is more divine and profound than this:To be enchanted by a lovely maiden with seductive girly kisses,Is so incredible beyond leaps and bounds.For being tremendously...

5 years ago
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Maiden by Decree Chapter 1

Maiden by Decree By Maggie Finson Chapter One A Really Bad Mistake or, Is this Knight nearsighted or what? Derek reached the tournament grounds and followed his sister, Ilene, into a tier of rough wooden benches with a heartfelt sigh of relief. At fifteen years of age, the young man was still willowy with few visible signs that he was ever going to mature into a well muscled...

3 years ago
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Maiden Lane

An Anniversary to Remember The harvest had given way to the last month of winter in San Francisco. A young couple walked along the old pier, a pier which is simply called the Muni pier by most locals. The fisherman cast out by the rocks which contour the shoreline area. The seagulls, wheeling and crying calling out to one another as they dove, wings skimming the surface above the foam in search of food. The chill of winter glistened with salt spray over the Pacific Ocean. “Excuse me, would you...

4 years ago
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Maiden Voyage

Maiden Voyage (Part One) K. Moore "Of course, we limit our cruise ship passengers to 100...50 of each sex," the sexy travel agent continued. I was sitting in an overdone office filled with oversized posters of exotic places, wondering just exactly what I had signed on for. It had begun when I became interested in a brochure I had seen stuck in one of my fancier TV/TS magazines. It was one of those things that fall out of...

5 years ago
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Maiden of Rome 2

Maiden of Rome II By ShannonQ It is seven years after leaving Rome for Spain. Maximus, Penelope, and Attia are enjoying their sunset years as Tiberius dies and the new Emperor Caligula is reeking havoc on the people in the capitol of the Empire. Rated R In part one Druses Marcellus was a Tribune in the XVII Legion which was attacked by the Germans under Arminius the chief of the central tribes. This was the battle of the Teutoburg Forest when...

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Maiden by Decree Chapters 13 14

Maiden by Decree Chapter 13 What? Or: Oh, no Frigging Way! I'm not going to Do It! Oh, well, I suppose that pretty well tells you all what the character reactions to living through this chapter were. They're currently on strike and close to being in open revolt here. Sigh. Come to think of it, with all the problems our heroines, heroes, and villains are coping...

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Maiden by Decree Chapter 15

Maiden by Decree Chapter Fifteen By Maggie Finson Chalmnessa or, So This is Where You Grew Up ... "What were you thinking?" Garret asked almost plaintively once he had gotten Deirdre back to her cabin and in relative private. "Risking yourself in a shipboard battle? You could have been captured, or worse, killed!" "It seemed like the thing to do at the time?" she...

2 years ago
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Maiden Voyage

Maiden Voyage Jennifer ronald Janet L. Stickney [email protected] Starting at a young age, I had always liked to dress up as a girl. Then, as time went on and I could no longer stand the pain, I began to go out. My first foray out of the house as a girl came when I was 14. Nervous and edgy, I managed to walk around the block and make it home without any complications. When my sister went to college, she left behind a lot of her older clothes, most of which fit me. Wearing these...

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Maiden Maid

Author: Powerone Title: Maiden Maid Part: Chapter 8- New Girls from the Orphanage Summary: This is the story of orphans that become of age in 1933 and whatthey are forced to do to survive the Great Depression. Keywords: M+F, nc, anal, reluc, humil, oral Copyright 2002, 2003 and 2004 by Powerone. The author can be contacted [email protected]. This is the story of orphans that become of age in 1933 and what they areforced to do to survive the Great Depression. Sara is an 18-year-old...

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Maiden of the Sea

His lighthouse sat upon the highest point of cliff and he tended it alone, with no one anywhere near him. The nearest farm was a day's walk east, and the nearest village another day further. The beach near him continued up the side of the cliff and led to his home beside the lighthouse. He like this life, despite its lonely nature, with all the beach he could want to walk, and all the breaking surf to trudge through, and the deepest ocean in which to swim. Blowing bubbles with his nose,...

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Maiden of RomeChapter 4

The Roman guards were shocked to see a remarkably beautiful redheaded maiden ride out of the edge of the forest to cross the bridge into Roman territory all alone. She looked to be unharmed. She was taken to the new commander of the new Legions. His name was Germanicus. Brother of Tiberius and related to Augustus by marriage of his mother Livia to the Emperor. Germanicus was an intelligent general with a good heart. He patiently listened to Penelope as she wove her tale about being a captive...

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A Slavegirl of Rome

And then she heard her name called, and two brawny handlers, slaves themselves, lumbering hulks of muscle and bone, dwarfing her between them, hauled her up on the platform, holding her by her arms. They had seen everything in the world, and done most that was bad in it .They had been the ones that had pulled her up from the dungeon she had spent the night in solitary confinement, groping her roughly in the dark passages, but careful not to touch her pussy, a virgin so seldom offered for sale...

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The Devils Pact Chapter 53 The Fall of Rome

Introduction: Chase plans the downfall of her parents and their Theocracy. The Devils Pact by mypenname3000 edited by Master Ken Copyright 2013, 2014 Chapter Fifty-Three: The Fall of Rome Visit my blog at My name is Chasity Alberta Glassner, the Tyrants daughter. I write these words down so my motivations will not be lost to time, and so there will be no confusion, speculation, or misunderstanding about my actions. Excerpt from The Tyrants Daughter: An Autobiography by...

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Rome by The idea of this story was taken froma Paper back " those who are about to die salute you " in which the storywas told, authenticated by recorded roman text, of the Roman circus. I have taken it one step further and toldthe story in its own right Yes, a woman citizen was put to death,first having been raped in the arena by a jackass and earlier a blond teenagerhad been raped by a bull just as described, all for votes. What I have done is take a senators wifeand upgrade the...

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Nozzer in Rome

“Oi Nozzer, what you at mate?” Mark Anthony shouted above the clamour of a busy Rome morning. “Off down the Colloseum Tone,” Nostradamous replied, “They got some new Gaulish Mead and a new batch of Angle slaves.” “Sounds good, I’ll tell Julie,” Mark Anthony replied. “Call me Julie again and your head will join those of the Huns on the spikes above the city gates,” Julius Ceasar chipped in. “All right keep your crown on,” Mark Anthony replied, “Do you reckon they got any virgins...

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Apex from Rome

(Every character in this story is 18+) It has been almost 3 months since he woke up in some kind of laboratory. He found out where he was after seeing the small grey-black creatures that were moving around, while not looking like anything on Earth, yet he knew what they were. G-Gnomes. Even while he is still in some kind of huge Glass Pod, it clicked where he was somehow in the DC universe. In his reflections, he could see that he had red eyes gloving his power and blue hair that is to his...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 8 NIKAChapter 15 When in Rome

September 26, 1994, Munich, Germany “«Guten Morgen. Mein Name ist Steve Adams. Ich bin von NIKA Consulting. Ich habe einen Termin mit Herrn Schultz.»” “«Guten Morgen, Herr Adams. “Er erwartet Sie. Bitte gehen Sie durch diese Tür. Das erste Zimmer auf der rechten Seite»” She indicated a door and I walked through it, then walked into the main conference room. My German was just good enough to get past the receptionist, but I wasn’t going to be able to carry on a full conversation. I decided...

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The Count of Monte CristoChapter 36 The Carnival at Rome

When Franz recovered his senses, he saw Albert drinking a glass of water, of which, to judge from his pallor, he stood in great need; and the count, who was assuming his masquerade costume. He glanced mechanically towards the square--the scene was wholly changed; scaffold, executioners, victims, all had disappeared; only the people remained, full of noise and excitement. The bell of Monte Citorio, which only sounds on the pope's decease and the opening of the Carnival, was ringing a joyous...

1 year ago
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When in Rome

So it's called when in Rome cos I couldn't think of a name and that's where I was when I started this idea, this idea is going to be a series of separate storys happening to the same people (mostly) the idea being that the story could go anywhere any time, with lots of collaboration from different people with different kinks. These stories will be about a range of things including but not limited to: Swinging ,cuckold ,Anal ,incest ,Rough sex ,Cute romance ,Orgys ,BDSM , futa, maybe some...

2 years ago
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Maiden by Decree Chapter 5

Maiden by Decree By Maggie Finson Chapter Five A Small Gathering and Some Revelations Or: I May be Tipsy, but I?m NOT Stupid Ilene and Katrina were waiting for Deirdre in the chambers assigned to the new lady with pleased smiles on their faces. Deirdre ignored those for a while as she ? another jolt, but a description of gender that the youth would have...

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Maiden Voyage of the Amethyst Dream

Man: As I drive along Shoreline Drive, enjoying the cool breeze off the bay, I am a bit nervous. Thinking of her waiting for me at the hotel, I am hopeful that she will enjoy the evening I have planned for the two of us. It has been so exciting these past few weeks since I first met her and I really want tonight to be something special. I pray that all of my preparation and planning will make the impression on her that I desire. As I slow the car to turn into the hotel parking lot, I am...

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Maiden Fair Mf TG cons rom

Maiden Fair by SpectreOfHell When Wallace rang the bell of apartment 19G, he was alarmed to notice that his hand was shaking. He heard the patter of unshod feet running across the carpet, and the door opened before he had a chance to compose himself. June saw him and a smile exploded onto her young face. It was the kind of smile that made a man’s heart soar and melt at the same time, and Wallace grinned stupidly at her, momentarily unable to remember why he was there. ‘Wally,’ she said...

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Maiden Voyage

Maiden Voyage By Brian [email protected] It's a horrible thing never to know where you came from. Not to know who your parents were, not to know what city you were born in, not to know your own birthday. If you've had any sort of childhood whatsoever, then I envy you. As you may have guessed, I was born an orphan. Dropped off at some Atlanta welfare society. No name, no past. 'Infant Doe.' Malnourished. About two months old. Traces of heroin in my system. Things went downhill...

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Maiden by Decree Chapter 2

Maiden by Decree By Maggie Finson Chapter Two A Proposition or "You want me to do WHAT?!!" "But I can't. More, I have no desire or inclination, or even the proper anatomy for this," Derek nearly exploded in the faces of the ladies sent to supervise his makeover into a decently attired and mannered lady companion to a knight of the realm. "Read my lips. I. AM. NOT....

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Maiden by Decree Chapter 3

Maiden by Decree By Maggie Finson Chapter Three Looking the Part Or: How am I supposed to move around in this stuff? Deirdre twitched at his long, encumbering skirts for a moment to rearrange them into a more comfortable fit as they settled into place with a soft, feminine hiss of silk and satin. After that he gave his bodice a little tug to straighten it and move the scratchy, tickling...

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Maiden by Decree Chapter 4

Maiden by Decree By Maggie Finson Chapter Four A Potential Sister-in-Law, Others, and a Royal Decree Or: What was I Thinking of When I agreed to this?!! He was almost used to being on horseback when they reached the palace gates and were ushered inside by respectful grooms, one of which helped him dismount. The man's hands on his waist as Deirdre was easily...

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Maiden by Decree Chapter 6

Maiden by Decree By Maggie Finson Chapter Six On Learning to be a Lady Or: I'm stuck with it, and a deal is a deal Deirdre awakened without a great deal of disorientation but a lot of trepidation as she felt the smoothness of silk both clothing and covering her. Events of the previous few days were so completely burnt into her memories that the...

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Maiden by Decree Chapter 7

Maiden by Decree By Maggie Finson Chapter Seven False Smiles Or: That dirty, double dealing, two faced, four flushing... "OWW!!! That was my leg!" "If you'd hold still and stop fidgeting..." Katrina muttered through a mouthfull of pins. "You wouldn't get stuck while I get this hem pinned up. I'll never get this Gown properly fitted if you insist on...

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Maiden by Decree Chapter 8

Maiden by Decree By Maggie Finson Chapter 8 Life in the Palace Or How Am I supposed to Remember all this stuff?!! "Sheesh!" Deirdre protested. "I had to learn needlepoint, knitting, and fortunately I already knew how to sew. Then there was meeting a bunch of fluttery little ladies who are supposed to be the cream of the nation and remember all...

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Maiden By Decree Chapter 9

Maiden by Decree By Maggie Finson Chapter Nine The Royal Grand Ball Or "The Things I do just to Keep People Happy." "So how am I supposed to act tonight?" Deirdre nervously questioned Jessica resplendent in her gold gown, as the pair waited for their men to arrive. "Just be yourself, dear," the other answered with a shrug then rearranged the...

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Maiden By Decree Chapter 10

Maiden by Decree By Maggie Finson Chapter Ten How Much Longer Do I Put Up With This? Or: Does Gritting my Teeth Count as a Smile? Cedric King of Jhalmar chuckled quietly between formal presentations as he observed Deirdre's dance with Laddin, and her 'clumsiness' during that dance. "What has you amused tonight, dear?" Evaine, his wife and...

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Maiden By Decree Chapter 11

Maiden by Decree Chapter 11 Reconciliation Or: I Didn't buy Into This But I Seem to be Stuck with it "I'm really worried about her." Garret looked towards the door to Deirdre's bedchambers - thankfully quiet now, but that was worrisome, too. "She was doing so well for a while, then suddenly went berserk." "It isn't your fault, brother." Jessica tried to reassure him. "You had no more control over what...

2 years ago
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Maiden by Decree Chapter 12

Maiden by Decree Chapter 12 Assassins Lurk Or: Pardon Me. Did You Drop This Poisoned Dagger? By Maggie Finson Dierdre glared at both Garret and Jessica then realized she was still standing in front of them without clothing. Snatching her robe up and hastily wrapping it around herself, she slowly and deliberately walked across the room to pour herself a large goblet of...

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Maiden by Decree Chapter 16

Maiden By Decree Chapter 15 Kidnapped Or: You Guys Are in SOOO Much Trouble! By Maggie Finson "They have safely arrived in Serai," Roric told his co-conspirators with the displeasure he felt about that clear in his posture and voice. "Your pirates, Lord Jentis, failed miserably." Jentis, a representative, though covert, from Cardasia...

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Maiden by Decree Chapter 17

Maiden by Decree Chapter 17 Captivity Or: I Really Need to Find a Better Class of Kidnappers "Tell me how this happened." Garret surveyed the splattered gore, and disheveled bed then turned to Chalmnessa's Guard Captain with a look that would have cracked granite. "How did anyone, let alone more than one person, get in here to do this without being spotted before they reached this point or when they were...

4 years ago
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Maiden Naked Experience 8211 Part II

Hello friends, I am continuing my fantasy of Maiden Naked Experience, Please read that part before getting in to this. I started running naked towards the building; it was a cool breeze making me go crazy even at that high tension period. My ass wants me to push it back to feel the curve by myself. I approached the gate and there was a light in the cellar. It was 1 am in the night and I can see somebody sleeping on the floor in the cellar. I am totally afraid now as he was facing towards the...

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